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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1867)
Voi::; i.-comLuii:ditoil - - ,-t . ' t . 4 If f 1 J " J . v-crillons for November. The fc!lGtvir, girirg the number cf f""' -f !.:." entered stllie p'are? ti"r'?dtfte ccr.Jeu.e frcra ih Wajhirj- c At La Crcr?, S.TCO acres. . . Jvy licp City, Ka., 1 1,200 acre. Ai St. Fetcrv?Ii:;ri., G 2C0 acres. t a Detroit, Micb., 7.G01 teres. . , At ; r?rrj:t!e, Mich., 9,712 tcrri. "Al Ycpl-a, K?., 7,-Ml.r.crct. ' ', At lcv. City, lo'ia, 5".100 acret. ' At St. Crci'x, Wis., o.OOS acres. At'Ie, Mo., 6,2o3 ecrcs. ' -' rrc:3the Nebraska City News ;ve "cirri '.Lit ths entries rr.e,de in that city fcr tha Chsc LanJ District dirirg" the month cf aCutc-iiitcr were. - 1'.caJ en'.rie?: 2,551 acres. A.'Ccl. Scti i, , G CS2 acres. 773 acres. Lsr.d Warrant!, UUU 111 c . .Tctal, 10,093 acres. l Ixir.'ts fct the cce in' this ciiy for "the Nemaha Lar.d Dutrict during KoreVnter trerc fr ; , .' ' A. Cel. Scrip, . 1 .p r ! "Tsrranti, o, . Total, - ia;-i3i acre . 6. SCO ,. 960 .. . . 600 .' 17,746 acres. . . . , i. January 3 J. 1SQ7.; .. .Ma. J!rrrcR : Vullyoa te kind enough to gire putlicity ta ths fcllcwbg letter, that f ences ictemted osy know letter L;-.t la trf: . . Tr if cf Jn. Gtn. Vand OJJlct, ) December 13ih, 16Gti;r ifr-rrt t J Jamison, Ki..) ? , w i , Ktceivtr, 13rotDTiIIe. Keb.Sir ula rrly to ycurlcttr cf the 1st inst., I 'l.aro to Vste'thst tie Pntidect arpcint u T. W. Bedford tote Register cf the U. .5. Ltrd Office ttBrott&vHle, 'Ke triils, ly Ccr.r.usiicn Hated the oihday cf t'ovtcler, ultin?, scd he crjy can be rrrc jnizei ct Register, after he jb&31 hare exbibitid his cCicial bonds duly' executed 2;;rcrii to the late Il'ejister;'Char. C3 ti. i;rtey. " " ' Verc"ieirctful!y, - ;' ! ' .vr - Jo. S. WiLfci, Cccrnjuioner. ej;Oa the merLincf the 1st of .Dece.-a-ter, 16CG, Jlr. . 13t-dfcrd 'Exhibited his cfUciel bends duly executed and approv fd.'.1 'I ut'tjas refused posiession cf the Ibiks' ariJ papr by "late Register, 'Csr.'r'sG. Dcriey, Mr. Idford'has Ld (ctica tf the icceptecca cf his tcr.ds by the Department, end aUa re ceirefcis Ccmrriidon. . i Reipe ctfol'y, . , . . j , , S. R. JAMISON, Receirer. Yef, ue kitdly ive 'publicity to the atcre, and ' withhold our ccndol rr.ce frcrrt tf;o "eo-called' cfacial and his tfriecdi j: triU!;ti3n.; - Our cpir.ion, or public cpinica ia this District,' could not ,1-9 twanged W a. wilderness cf. Wilrcn's: .cr.J , wo ,.unhee itatingly , itate that ,Mr. rprr'y's : rcsliifn is endorfed by. three ,to cr.3 c! the settler's in this District," and Vy the half million loyal majority who sIMy' rollcy" hit Faih -v ;ri TI.2 rxciiJeni 'appointed T.;Vf. Bed fcrd U It Recisier.'-Thlrihtuli teach 'I 1 1 rhh an ciT;ce, until confirmed by the Sen. .-tie. Ihd.'to bs" tsktu .car advice m:ch ;t:::'.::a c!, tpirit t,d postaj ttarops t-:!i hsra tce t,.vedo him. and lis :f;':i :. ,:.4,T? iot c:'c:t h te dcrOthe rtl," end until it is decided by. the con f r ' r?w?r Chsrles G. Dortey will ;f"".:r:J as Rejter ly "the r:::!?' ,c-e cf whom the President i Ve ere further tatitSed that Bedford r-i'; : .1 i"c::..rn:ed,'ts.J, this indecent Vu.-'iOiviith'm into the pcihioa proves Li: vc-lness isfcre a, loyal Senate ii di!y apprccbud iyhis fritsdt. .' Durirj the recent tanrasj fcr State Or-triztticn, cne cf the main argurne nt? t r::,- the f nerds cf State used tvas that th'a'inllience cf "cur te'rreientaticn tnCrrrcis would te tuGcient to'give .!a 'l:nhi t frir shire cf; Ccrcrctrjent .tier f n ;h"j p!:irs4 v ' heretofore :3 !irr j fcr thelnef;tcf Kan- jc;;.i;;I:!: a :d T i t farrj era, even' f:r 'pci'j' tiirrci'y Wttt and elated districts cf j. .. i.-s ens cr izs r'.-:::t.!-vr! hith his cored Ktn- ers tier j to rn-ch nore rapidly h popu- hti:n and v?c.!-Ji thiaNthrashs; by j-iv. j:7 to her an irr.meie hc.r.e tpeculatirg c;- ':! I;r,hr erkullural -prc'-'e 1 ':,' l :v2 net had f;r nntit cf in - T '.".a. v,-? h.Y3 re . : ; - tl.-!, ?' ' t. .. ' ', ' . W' " . . .: . ; r '4,'. . t . .', . - i Ser rtcrs Tipton ted Thayer, thi3 irjm tica toward NehrasLa will focn ceass. They tare alreaiy received assurances from th1? proper deprtrrr.t to the effect that the "Quarterasuiu vi" . :5Ki:-' our regies whatever r urjpl3 ;vo hj hare." As Gen. GrcM Lse i . gn-Ged his inten tion to prosecute with great vigor in the Sy risg the war f gaintt the hostile Indi ans cn the Plains, this will probably be a nth "'ti-gar plum to Iebrat.a, end the influence that gained it will not be forgotten. Our friend, C. N. II., informs us of a very interesting Sabbath School Festi al held iu Tecumseh, Jchn6n county, Neb., cn Christmas Ere. Rer. Folden cf the 31. E. Church, opened with a short, appropriate address, after which the ichool children pent o, time in dec lamatioii. singing, (assisted by the glee club,) and dtuverirg dialogues. To con clude, Santa Claus eniered, and frota a huge - Christmas Tre cf.' narvelously rafid growth, distributed araongthe cl.ilJren a large lot cf beautiful presents. The ccccaaion was very plea;anl and in teresting, and long to be remembered.' Christmas night Birens Si Go's new Grist Miil 'was dedicated by the young folks baring in it a splendid dance. Verily, Tecumseh and Johnson coun ty are up with the times and progressing. hope cur present obliging correspon ..cjjt trill keep U3 posted, as well on every day as on festive occasions. - ".',"" Gen. Samuel It. Curtis. :Gorernment Commi?roner -the U. P. R. R., died, suddenly in Council Bluffs, at 10 o'clock oa the morning cf the 26th ult. : He was in apparantly excellent 'health on 1 Omaha -i in a carriage in the morning with' his tfocitte Com misstoners, but on crossing: the river and rer.chirg the Iowa side he was discover ed in a fainting condition; he was imme diately conveyed to the residence of Col. Nctt, where all was done to restore 'eon tcicusne ss that could be, but without avail, and the hero cf Pea Ridge passed away. Terrible Slaughter bj Infilaas. ; A special dispatch to the Omaha Her ald tays z. . ; (i, , :',( ..K -. . ; r Information Lis been receired at De partment headquarters that a severe bat tle had occurred, ooihe 21st. near Fort Phil. Kearceyj cn the route to Montana ia wbichj a .detachment ofjroops from that fort, .consisting cf Si. men and 3 cincers were attacked b,y;a body or! about 3,000 hostile Indians. The fight was cf unprecedented severity and deiperation. All the officers and men engaged were killed. The Indian loss is reported to have greatly exceeded the number cf troops ergageJ, as it must have from the desperate character of the fight. Brevet Lt.' Col, W. J. Fettman, of the ISth Infantry, in command cf the : de tachment, and Capt. F. H. Brown and Lt, G. Grurcmond, of . the same regi ment, were the officers killed." "Sufiicient reinforcements ' have gone forward to insure the safety cf the posts alori the line." ' ; -T " "; 1 KoUce lo Settlers-, Land : Ofict. Brownvilh, Neb.,) Dec. 6th, 1566. Enttoa Acrsa-mna :;Sir, I vrish to give n ctice through the columns cf your paperthat, under the present circuo stances, anduntil the Receiver cf the Land Oflice will act in conjunction with me inthe. busirees cf the efnee, parties desiring to make entries can make their applications in due f crm. and they . will be filed by me : and, when the business of the efnee is resumed,1 Will be respected tad acted upon and :the: rights cf parties who make such applications can be in no wiss prejudiced by the refusal of the Re eiter to act. Cnas. G. Dobiet, : '" v.t. ' . ...-.! iVRegister.-i - i - : : ' i . ,.-!. Tlic HepulJlIcan Vallej. . . ; . -.The following, cocp.munication -written at , cur request may be relied, on in erery rerptct, as its author, while an cficer in the 1st Nebraska, was fcr some time stationed in this ValUy, andhad oc casion to -explore it thorocghly : Vr, Editor : ' Having travelled somewhat extensive ly ia thi Valley ' cf the' Republican, I wiih to draw the attention cf your rea ders to it. ' ; ' ' ' II This river rises ia Colorade, crosses the north west eprcercf Kansas,and c li ters ilulraska in rarga SO.Xvest cf i tbe sixth principal.-.JIeridian, Jt.theafiows east ticrih east, end in ranges 2.i and 25, or at the 100 degree cf Longitude.i-is twenty miles north cf the Kansas line. Then nearly south east to range 18, where it is six' miles from .the Kansas line. TLea nearly ' east to range 6, where it're-enlsrs' Kansas, and -flows scu.h cut, to its junctica with the an:o ky Hill Fork at Fort Riley" ' '- It will thus be seen, that it has a course cf cne hundred and fifty miles from west to east in Nebraska The soil cf this. region is asftrtile as any. in. the. west. DiiTerent kind cf roc; is q pale yellow; nnd must be . excellent fcrb'iiliing purpotes. -There sre reat bodies cf chalk, also, bituminous shale, cr tlite, end it is reasonable to suppose that thzrs i ccsl ia abundance." ' There is rr.cra ti nier in this Valley, thin there ii cz th 3 Valley tf txy cthsr rirf r in Nclrazks. On the bottom lands ihe principal growth is Cottonwood. It is in fact, "the Valley where the Cottonwood grows." On thi r.ccond br.tom, cn tha c land, oh thMriU:: :H3 -. his'-rier, there V ar is ljrr 0 kt Ash, Elm. ; r.d he: vari eties cf limber. Of fi -iu, the: 3 arc Grapef; Plums end. Che:. ie3. The rirer is about cne hundred and fifty yards wide. The banks tan or twelre feet high. The bottoms are from two to four miles "wide. There is a sec ond bcttomr or ihelf, .about . twenty or thirty' feet higher than the ro'ainjbottorn." This shelf, in some places extendi, fcr milesalmost as level as a floor. On the north side thera'aro no I?igQa tributaries east, of Whita-Maa?' Fork, thoJgh-iherg are small ktrcoms emptying into the rirer every, two .or three miles. On the .south 'side.'.Beaver creek jtiina the rivet in range ID; and ' Prairie Dog creek in range 17, ' ' ' M . ThRre is no other stream of any ;iiie joins it in Nebraska, as- Vhite Rock creek (in Kansas,) flows paralel" with,: and about ten miles distant from the Re publican, which it also empties into at the lower end of the; great -bend.1 ' r M-: : The old maps and geographies' rep resented this country as a vast desert. Many late writers call it a place 'where rain seldom falls. In July 1SG5, I wai in 'the Republican Valley twelve days.' It rained "three times during that period: The last lime for two days. ' ' ' ' . "In August, same 'year, I trareled south from Plum creek, and on : the tal ble land, between the Platte and RepuB lican rivers.'pdssed several ponds', some some of them acres in extent,' caused by late rains. "When I returned, four weeks later, they 'were dried up,' there having been no heavy rains .during that'' month'. .The ".Republican Valley,' is ' sparsely settled up to the'great bend. Above lhat there are ho settlements as yet.' 'u 1 " The', land is surveyed in 'sections to include raDge 16, and ' in townships 'to include range 21, and is 'open for set tlement . under ' the' pre-emption" and homestead laws. , r I do not.Velieve that game is of bene rlttQ a new Country, so many, men ma king a precarious living by hunting, in stead of cultivating the 'ceil , still I mus'l stale," that ihere are great quantities of game there. ' There being nh abundance of Elk, Antelope, Turkeys &.cl, 'andT Vl ceriain seasons' of the year, Buffalo 1 Of fur tearing animalstthe principal is the Bear ;::;vtv .;7s The streams abound with fish ;of vari ous kinds -; , .;: ; r.; - -; ; Here is a region of Country, that has soil, Rock, - Timber, water, Fruit and Game. Thedand can .be had for almost nothing, 814 forlGO acres :r ; -, ; There ii no doubt but ; that in n; few years it, will; be densley. populated .by vrealthy communities, who will draw their wealth from'the natural produc lions of the land. ' : i , -, . But, it will be asked, is it safe to set tle thre ? . Will cot the Indians murder the - set tlers?; , '?:: 11 ; . ; : . . I believe it is as safe to settle .there, as at any other place nn the frontier. I further believp, that if proper represen tations were made. a hfacqua.rters,that a Military Post would 1 e . est'jlifhed ,.in Valley, to protect tl e sittlers. This Val Uy will be settled, danger or no danger, and those, who go first, will havej.ghoice of.Iand4; , " . - w - ' : : W;A.-P , . NEW ADYERTISEME NTS. ThTIlLLEllOUSE for Sale The RrcvnTme IToBfe-iTid Several Loti'o the City or Brow nrilie, JNebrasKa, win oe eoia & pn vita sale on reasonable terms. Possession given as aoon ai sold, for farther, particulars inquire ff A. Soboenheit in Fall City or E. W. Thomas la Erownrilie. fc. w. i nomas. : 14-tf ; y . .: ' : Trustee. 5 Esiata of W..l Breiimeyer, Vectaitd - Notici is hereby girea tfcat the Probate Court of v.-r .V, rnontv. Nebrnka, TcrritorT. has arroin- ted the 14.h day of May and the lOtti day of June A. D. 1857 aa thunie lor examining ana anowiojr claims against the estate of Frederick Wiljiam Drilroyer,late cf sua 01 .-senaQa, flcceawa oTamir.&Lion will take Lhoe before the said eourt at tbe' court ' rotm in Rrownrille, in said Ctiury rf Nemaha. ; AH, persons haviu claims jgicet Mid titate are reqnirea. to Hie toe same ill. th Jml.a f,f di.l porL nn f,r 4h ISth day of Jim, A. P. 1S6?,- they will be foreTer barred. .- U. i. tAilnu iULU, - . ' "Probate Judrje. J C Diusra, Executor. 14-5t 9,00. Estate of Arch Handlty. deceased ; r A rVk'nm. Il 3W Cittern. : ' " Notke is hereby given that the Probate Court of Neiaaba Coanty, .Nebraska Tern lory, nas appoin ted the. I4tb dcy of January 1337, at . tea o'cloek A, SI. as the tiisa.anl the probate court room" in Drovntille in J4 County a the place for, ejam toing and allowing theCol aorount of Calaway Milisape at Administrator cf the estate cf Archi bikll Uixdley, deceased- , Grp. W. FilBBROTHIT, . n f ;142iS3,50 a Probate Judge. ' iVft j.a.WlLUAK'S Advertlsirj Anency. 8? r.v.imhr fltraota. Saint tnl. Mr. DK,HENRrS Vorlds :Jpnic;'aiid;' v : ." i l Blood' Purifier, io ROOT & PLANT ' PILLS, Are tbe greatest Prereptire and Caratire Ilease held Remediea of te ne, and ara wonderfully ef ficacious in eurirg Dy-peptia and Coryamptire SynjptoRiJ, General Debility, Larguor, Uilious D eae, affections cf the Lirer, Stomach. Bowels and Kidaeys, fena.le CoaepUiLU, Scrofulous'' Affec tions, ard alj di?eaes arising frosa impure blood, and a rure preventire cf teTtracd Agie, Chol era, Yellow lerer, Bilious Ferer, Ac. ISeecircular aroccd each bottle and box. Pre rred on'y by tho Graftcn lledicina Co., St. Louis, lllr-curl. Sold by - DR. A. S. HOLLADAY, . BrtrwarilieV Neb." SJLE OF REAL ESTATE Naccj Treel, Ciroliro Eradlaj, Thoiraj Ross, V.r:-ira Ros.r b?.i. Rn?3, Joseph Uo, t'amael r James K- J-a Rcm, and George Rossjou ,11 take notice , i n por?unce of an orir gran lei by the Pre' -.te Cctxrt cf 'cmah U-un've-. It: k Territo 7, o? the 24th daj of Decc- r,i I). 1558, 1 will cr for -tie at public ane- .n on Ti 3 9th dry of February, A. D. ,tv7, at,' ne o'clocT. if. L, of rail dty, upon the : ri m. .be ftt'" - :n c'"-real t Noi; "..'est .....artercf the South W;5 qn.:r ter, of Section Thirtj-tbrae (j5S) Township four (4,ofRan?9 asventflen( 17 "situated in cmaha County, Nvbrasiv-TerriMry, also, five acres tjrn fcered land situated ia Richardson County, ia said Territory. end described a fotloTj: commencing at lie South. West eoraer tS the North East quarter of the South West quarter of Section Ninefown rhp 3,cf Rai;e J j-unoinj Ea.t. 20 rodi, thence North 0 rt-di. th'enoe VTet 20 rtfds.'tlienca Souta 40 rod to the place of beojinninx- - A. J- RlTVEIi, Administrator cfthe Estate fif Satnuel R .Are. Brownville, Jan., 4ih 1S67 14 4t S13.50 i iGET-.THE. BEST' . . .MRS. : OHi'LDRENi": Is now truly ekaStP'Ieljed a ,suprir preparation for all dut-ales incident ti inf4nti and children. EYERV BODY SPEAKS r fcirvJ of eommendatton of its truly won derful effect j and taedicinal virtues, and are 'de lighted rrith its U33. .': ? , ' .-. t. 1ST Tnce, Only 25 cents per B jUle.Ej Sold bya:i d3!lerjin;m!jdleinj. .Praptral only by the Grafton Medicine Camp.ny, St. Loui?, Mo. Sold byDr.; ArS. HOLLADAY Jan. Is!. - 6m ' - Brownville. Neb. iTEIIT LIIC A EO OFIKG The New. Yci k Mica . RooCrs,iCutnpnpr (E.t-ib-lu'hed 1S51,) are rninofHcturing under Letters' Piit ent Tho Es'it Article of diaposif ion RooSi- Ever oCared to tha Pubiii. It is itdaptai. to fTcry. style of Koof,s',ccp or flat, and can ba readily apphel by any .end. -.;' - ' ' 'f The U.. S. Goverriaont, a.ftor a tljorotish test of its utility ,tvo adopted its use in the Nary arda oni upon Public Building. ' 1 ' "7 -; '"'" The Roofing ispat up Lo rolls, and. has oa!y,to be nail:d to the Roof to niake a DurableFireandWafer-Prpof Covering W p articnlarfy reeoossiead Itl uia'upoa ' SI il Huildln, Stores, Churches. Fac tories. Itlachliic-Shops, Stcani-boat-Decks, &v MICA ROOFING-PAINT For coating TIN, IRtoY'er : SfllNGLE K0l)F3. It formis :j'J i; ''-' ' Body equal to Jhwe coats of Ordinary Paint. No Roof can rust nnder- it, aei'X)ld 'Leky Roofs may be made peraaaentlyiratei.pruof and durable by itr use. .. .. , . - 1. . .., 7 The Paint requires fib Mixing, bnt is ready to' be applied with the ordinary paint brtisb; Prico $l per galon, which will cover two hundred aquaro i-c-'.i i .-.-..-j rr : i -i -i-... ... Alio manufactu.rer8 o0.r r i ., ; . A : , ulacil i-usxaicrAiixisii -- TARUED FELT AND ROOFING PITCH. Discount te the Trade. Citeulars aai PriceListt famished. Rights fcr counties sold at low rites. Address. . THEMICA.ROOFINCCo. :v::;-t-4;i9-Br6aXTay:.fe'xV. y6"rk.: JTrand Ilampbreys, CI Royaf "St.""Ni 0: A Seo field. Williams & Co.Atts'Uita. Oa.'1 -Bald win II- Voods, Montgomery, Ala. Thomas S. Co&teg- tvale'gh. .a . C ---1 .Au : A u cRer, . u ;c a mona U Tenrp Wilson, PeterMurg V., Ag-'nU, Jan ary, 1st. I SSdk y ! i . i J 'j i i 1. a - m.- m. : BROB 3? E G T.U S .1 si or ppflsiipstp DAILY AND i WEEKLY, i Tbis f pHs unirersifly rccognixed as the " Leading Organ of the Re " publican Party.' ;' ..... ...... r nest, 3Iost Enterprf siusr.aad Mpst Vyidely Circulated IVciTspaper i!rilebrasUa,u ' ' l'M;,i , I ;; , ; The Repnblhan Prty of Nsbrasi'i eonstitute-three-firths of its Toting and, f ally feur-fifth of iu newspapt-r-roading population. . Ot this largely dominftut party the iieroDltCA tho only llt-pub-livan journal published at the Capiial U the rcc- ogaiied orgm. In this wide field it has no rival aud pv influence or circulatien.,' uj ucreuer tae kepcblican inscribes uuoa iJs fanner the principle of f 'f ..- T ' Ar.d while gbf:ng-thai- great battle throcgh-if God wiU to the.epd, it prvmvse3 hereafter to fa nish alt who rally to iu'supjx.rt ereo a' beltir and more attractive newspaper thanerer beore. -Jn the fullness cf its State CorresH)ndence, tbe completeness of its Fjbcal and Comai .r.Maf liL-p-rts in .ill Statistical Exhibits of the progress of tha Trade.'AgricuIture, Manufactures, 'Ac.,' of tha Su'.e and in every departraaat of tocal sad iiiacnl la-, telligecee, the Republican is wiUiout riril. ' The Propietor of tbe RepeaLiCs. is determine I tc spate no pains or expense to mairrUya- Xho. posi tion tli IvxpcbuC an aa the m at popular aai in fluential journal and the mast ajurastiTa aewip ipas. west of C'cicago. , . Will now bn he complete reportsry of ill the Lo cal and Geaeral.Telegrahic and Commercial published in our Daily, aa well as all iu Original and Selected Literary ilatter, and in ratSm for this effort to Bake tbe Weekly the, Pridp of the vi esters Jouruailam, we ask the nnited ' darts of allvur frepda to obtain for.-ss.-, -t .,'i ?:" f r .:DAILY.; , r. One 1 ear... ; tin v. . . k .. .. .... .... .$ 09 r.i .... . ,w iaree jaoauil , 2 50 -' i : : t'-: i i-. ,i; 'iv.u - . Y: i"1 WEEKLY 'c-r ' 6aeTearM....;.1..;.r;..,;.;y. ?iAl'..Xli Sif Months ........ ........ .......... t. A4ireif, .'. . v. " -. I : " ' u ST A. D. BALCOMD, ' . Republican Block . ' " ' O hi ah a, NtW .... Ianiago and Celibacy, - An ES3iT e? WAK5I5G.' hSTJiVCTlOlS FOR TohXu Mek. Also, and Abuses which permanently pros raU the Vital Powc.-s, with sore means orc Hef. Kent Free of Char-re. in sealed letter envelopes.' Address. Howard Associution, Philadc!!;'.,, i"a January, 1st 1S57.'- ly ' STRA V NOTICE.- - Taken Br bT lh Kub.vriKr. liirir,'. in Iiri.n. . o . ' ".I .tU I reeinct. cn tho I4th da of l)(c""hpp m-.t - r .w,,, VI.O lar roney.'itar xa tho fCireheai. h tkil, 3 yeaxi ti!i U:t iprin- . -' " 'JJtCC'3 G00D2.' ; THE GLOSS STARCH. Is used by Firs lnsi ITcfelr, r.anmlric , id; js beautiful 1 . lisli. makir. tbe ir 3 pft;' crzT the clota, sarir r touch t;me i.ila- L r. ti.H-di dor;e tip r.h tt iieep .c 2 icjnir.coa s uen-y will ji "t." out to soon. Y -irl- A A 1 innn T n?V I fir A VT ! 11 r.iiiitCO U1U llUki JjVi.iV JJlliU 1 v It i Sold by Druggists and Grocers Generally. OUR IMPEKIAL blue IS THE BEST IN 'IHE WOULD!- 1 It if roioljlo inlaid a- wtHns soft water. I'is put up in tho safes", neatest, and inost convenient lorin of any ofiered to the publie. Lit Is Warranted If ot to St-eak the Clothes, ' r , '- y - .; Sold by CtJcer and Dru;i.'i3 gr.era!'y. . i AufcKi wanted everywhere, t whwai ff oiTcr extraordinary induseiuonL. Adiress NEV YORK "STARCH GLOSS CO.. T rNc. 218 Fulun St.; New York January lit ISG5 1 year' " " " ' .: SAL1SE UR Y, BRO. cc CO., - - Extcni7a 'Manufacture' acd ladortcrs of , ... .. ,-. -j w. w V J.J l x SOLID AND KICXEX. - ; ' , :: I SlirNrER V'ARE.; i Ar.crican.'EnslIsir 'Aa?r!ca3 .Walclics, ....... U i ZD SY OUnSEXA E3 ..- , And every descrirtion of, Faniy..'cj odds'. & Yapliec'Kotlons Especially adaptel axd do.'ignntcl for Southern jirl..-Wcstorn! Trade .Circuhrs and full descriptive Prie lrte'ni'-fre.' , ,J - -i.l. Agents wanted everywhere. Addrest, S A Lis BURY,', h RQiSy CO Jan. 1S66 3m Providence. R. I.; STRA'OTICES " Taken np by the nrideTsifrnrS, lifln fine and a Tm!f mi!e f oth of KrownTillc, cn the 1st day of Decf ruber," ISP-6, One red Cow with soma white on left sidcf wifh swallow- foik in tho right ear, and nrder flopc" in Ihs left, fupjvised to be eip;ht years old. Also, One brindle and white - spoiled Cow .wjtb white fjieevcrop eff of theTsft ear. and nil-d-rblt incite Itft, be ei.ljt rears old. j:. 1. : WESLE1" TE-VSY. 'ir. half miles .North West of Lrownville in Nemnha County, Nebraska, on the 3d dy of Deceinber.ISoo One red, Iteer. bash of whtto. ono ye o'i, '11-5 d ' ' - 'ISRAEL COTTON. Taken Up by tbe. 'andersiirnd, lirinr two mifes South V"cst of Rrawnville, Nern ihv Comty, Ne braska, on the first day of December, A. D. lSC. One red and white spotted Cow,' point of the right horn broJfmj off, erop off left ear. and split and underbit in left ear, about 3 years old. Taker p by-tivO-ahdirstgDcd. I'.'irig two Biitce west cf Rrownvi'ln,- On rh $t dy -, if December,; lSGG.onc- heifer.whita air bver except paint of the ears which are a liula black, suppoed to be tbre? yean old ., JJ-5 pd . . ROliL'RT GJUIORE ' Taken np by the nndersicned; living vnr the bend p Honey' Creek,, io Per a Prec iucl ,'c mahr County, Nebraska, cn the 3d day of DectmbT,lS'f One whit Steer, with blue or - dark; sjoti.tji limbs and body, branded with D. bn lelt hip, 4 pears bid neit spring ' ; ' ' ll'J pd 1 TEANK O. inIXK: .4 ltt;; si ' . . '' '. ','' t : Takenupby tha.rnnderrifMied, living. 3 mile North tf BrownviUe, Nemiir tonnty, Nobmskn, on the 5 th day of December, 13Ri1,.'orje Ked llci'er, one year old, markod ; with dewliipii. no i.flier marks or btahds 10-5to:. ,. . . Cotto.v. ' TMkcn ap by the onlersigne 1 living ii raile. Te?t of Rrownville, Ncmilrv O-iunty, hebra k the 27th day f November, I8i5, One dark "red Steer, scmo whie ipi on the U dy,balf crop oa ul lef. ear. two year old lu;t Spring. 20 5t c . : JAilE' W COLEMAN. Taken up by the thdersiROcd, living at Glen Rock, in Nemaha County, .Nebraska, ca tha CO ih day of Norember, 1805 , One ox, white on tbe back and beliey .white face branded on tbe left hip, snppueed to be a mciism brand, seven .years old. ' tae steer will white fuce, ff"bite backrand belTfyjltalaiica; rcd,ab'(ut tbret years old - One white and rod spoeklod hnift;r,threc years old, bo mrk3 or brand3. -Oae red-and pale cow, branded on thelefhhin very dim. aboal sev en years old. One black Cow, with short tail, about three .-years old. ?U$ bn j heircr, wtth white on back.2 years"Jjld. Ouo'brind'e jicifer, nanjrks pf l3nd., cno 'jetf t)d.T Oaa v..liick calf a rd cne red calf last springs calve-u , "10-5ttd' ;' ' JintsDirnop. - , , . r -d -- 1 r -i Taken p-by tbe nndersigned. living' at Hickory Urora 14 1-2 miles west t Brownville, on tbe t'Jth dny of November , ono red Steer, 3 yea's c!J, erop off both cirs, bush cf tail white. - i0 5s pd - : -. .i .; '." . ' p0EG3 OTTZXS .Taken op by the undersigned. - liyinr foue miles North i t Browu illoj NVmaha County, Ncbraski, on the 20lh d;iy of November, la f. one i orrei Colt witji stir in forehciJ,, bole hind, feet white, two years old. ' 10-5t pd ' ' ' " - s H CEATTOJ. ' ' Takeri np by tho undersigned , living five m'li3 south. West of Brownviiloia : Nemnha County Ns braska, on the 20th day of November, 18(56, ono red spotted steer, underslope off each ear.cna year old One red and w hite spotted heifer, 1,0 marks or brand -, about one year old next spring. 10 5tC . . .VILUAX DlSlEr.3. .0!.. j Taken np by tbe underrizr-ed, livjng at Sznfran cifco, in Ncrnaha County, Nebraska, on the 2ith day of November. !"!. one ta!i red sr.f cttlfl trt.r crop off the left car, r.nt Ii t.9 I'xhi ear. heavy k - 1k 1 IJ " i " uuiut,ivuui t jtiiri ui'i. , , Taken op by tha Mnder.-igird livirjg six miles west of Browovillc, near WeJ lie's brid j7,-n the IGth dar of Novetn'ier. ISoo.tna blift' 'row. white under her belly, ear mark;-.' a sp'it in ca:h ear,and a erop efi fcf bath; bmniUd- with J P on the left hip, supposed to be abou" seven yea.ra 11. S A i - ' . ' Taken unbv tbe nr.derxirr.ed. liTinir,. Connty on the 2-5th day'-of October, ISC 5, ore Red steer, rtppoacd:te txitSree ytafs5 old? last ifyrin, with crop of theTijht-esr fccd. a spall e-:rTk of wbitooa the mhtsonlier & ' ' ' rannv rti vv .jji iou iur:, i! i.i'.- -Taken lib JV ihfr', uniirsi L-edl': I one mile East of.-London.; in Nemaha Coutj.Nebraskac on' the 15th. day of NoreuvWrlTD: iISG3.-' One " brindle Heifer, branded with J K. about two years old. N. COLEM AN. ! 1 r T rl" ' ! T ! !''''"".'(' i Taken opcy th nadersifntd. Xiiin t aad a half miica North West of ilrownville. on the 231 totted sad while spotted . Cow., crop rffef let, ear and sws"ow fork in tbe right ear, br'a:.Jed a. caiEODip.asw-ljpcel, about a years ori. One red and white jD itteJ Cow.nn 'frbit ii ear.b ear, about 6 years old. ' ' ' ' : Jsrazl Cotto f, iirownville, hot. 3 IS55 ".,''"' Tsktn t;p by ths nndr?2i-d,.liviDz four rollca xorth Vest x.f Prcwjirille Ncbraika. oa tha 3 1 day fif November Jbiitl :' ' ; toe red asd wbite C-r (ipcklcd sw.vlow ork ia right er, ti-.e yearjujd. v - - r Taken Goby the an3eri?-i--.l. !:?In . South Wfst trom Ar.;nwaii. .vom-xha Count? Ne braska, Ono IrinUo :cer, crop oTca'a ear'brin- a.c lace, o yenrj oifl, . , -" - One red and white ctecr, crop cTeach car, cnl broken eff left hern. 7 yars old. ' Ttea open the Jlta day cf October ' '-' ' '.: ' ' " ' William Eocp-ks" ' Taken sp ty the nnlersignMl, livis? four p;i.a -orth West of Prowcville, Neman Oocafy Xe bra'Va, on tie 2Cd day cf Octcber, - J ;.' One white Cow with red neck and bcad.tbe tuj'j cf tho tail ol. insrked witb underbit in each, rplie ia the loft ear, branded cn beta htraj C D ii - " Urownxile, Ncr. Sd 1SI3 . .T3-u -; - s. n. clatto.v Taken up Vr the .:,Ur-' J. living at I'ieV?- Gr-ve, 11 Eiiie west .f Brovsvilie, cn the S:a uiy cf November : on j rei sti , two yeir ii, "umu tail white. 13-Sti'J Taken up Ip -acr: half in lief a be L..r V Oo' ,':rr, lS-.o, e Kel. c i -:..;te, ba!:' wave!, beCvvs years oi i p ut. 8 5 'znei, living oneanl a .!-e. rn the? 2:Jd d iv r-f ! .r, with white face.bind vi:ebe'.!y, lUfposi to E. SIMPSON, A D " ; " I ST II 0 IIS SiLE. Notice is Ltrely giv a ih Jt p;:rju:int to in order of Saly ninde by tbe Probate Cjurt f Nernhi County, Nebrnka T.r:;'"rv,on the 1 t day cf De cember, A. D. IS.)!, we wiil on Thursday, the 'J7ih day of D.-C' ii.ler. A. D. lSfo, at one 'clock P. M., rn Imn: ot the Post OCice in too Town of Peru.: n Nt-mah-i C. u it r ebraka Territory . ILr for t-.le at pul.-i r au;ti. n, o the highest b"! lor, the Utlr.r ii;., 1 Ks-te b: longirtg to the lifiato uf Samuel ti. I) liiy ili'c -'.jc..S , to-vvit : The ufcividtd ii'.f t! the Wt-ft half cf the Nt.rt'ii Kast c.u.irter, find Lot Ni, ciu f i ) of the North Kat fn.'.::ii!P;it q'Jirterand Lt Nt. two (2 (f Ihe N.-uth Iru-tional .jnrter -f S,'Cti')U No- "ni fl '..ia Tuwntii- No. fix itfi),Ni-rth of U ange" fific.ii (13) Kitst, cor.tainitg lil 1 -1 0U arcs .a!-o, I ho u n .ivi.K'd half of the outh Kat quartert.f Section thirty-f i.x (" ), in Township -oven. Nortn cf ItJKga CfUcn (15) iT.nt, c.uit tij. tug 100-acres, and undivided tali" of tho 5orlh "West fractional qnart-r.'-r Lota nsrr.ber fr."), thre and five (2,3,3,) in S". .ys No. tLirty i-r.i f3t ) in 'lownbaip aivt-ri ),Nortn ct s-.xeen (Id) Lft,conra.:.ir12' i tf North ll;t ! ti j . ore j . t fo u r 1 1 ) 1 quarter, oi Jn ci!-n twen ty-five (25;, in Townsiip ssven (7,Nrtb(f Iicge fifteen (15) i"asticon'aiuing 3.? 2J-100 acre?, al! iu ieinna.i ..oanty,. .c3M.rii natntd triK-b decrioed iernt-.ry. .Tha. !t 1 timbered 1 ir. J an I will bastlJ inl itsofve ar.d ten acres, cr a'.to rffthp.P. t. ti:. , t...n 0 , , t M.'iiCr. ' WILLIAM DAILT : F.MtAli M.D.UI.V. Administrators cf the Estate cf Siaail G. Diily deceased. Dated, DccciiiLcr, 1 st li'o i' .. 10-15 13,50 -.' PR0DATE NOTin:. : To Meiindi Ujj wood, C.'yra K.liay weed. Flcta M. llaywocd and tho next cf.kirs cf F. ar.d Flora. il.1Iaj-.vuod 'f ..I ;uch nttier as are interested in tie Ettuie- of Tnonns ' P Uayvvsod (deceased) ...... , , r T , .' You and eacIi-cTyoa LerLliji r.cti5ed tLattta un dersigned Probata Juigj of Ne.maha County, Ne LrafLa Territory did on t'liclCtii Jay cf December AD 1SC3, in the matter cf the Estato ofThoiauP Haywood t deceased ), mako the following order, that the next of kin of Clara, F and Fi or. "il Hay wood a:d all persons iotereeted in tho Estate "of ThotuasP Haywood (decensed), are required to be and appear, belt re the Probate Court of said Coan ty cf Nemaha, at 10 o'clock A M, on the 14'h day of Janoa.y.lSGT and sapw ciu.e why 'a license should not le granted f.r the sale of to.j iJealty of faid,TLotna P. Haywo 1 f deeeafj). Estate -s;tua trd in faid Cov.'.ty of Nemaha, n prayed for by Mel'moa HaywfK d ar.d Guardian cf said Ular:t F a-:d Fljra JI. Haywood. . j OEO.W.FAniDROTIIEr., Probate Judgo 1 IFTOX, IlSWFTT t CHCKCII Attornys f?r GuaiJian 11-3111,53 ' JSJiUtlFF SALE. .Under and by virt -'e -,f a cei tfri Writ of veclf tion ExpceO-, Y-i-jid ty t'l-rt'lcrk 1 of the District Court ot Nttoal-a C -unt, NtL: ;..-k .i Territory, ; :.J to n directed ,'l wtll t :!-r for uq ut p-'-'.ic au'-ticii Qa ilontiay the 13 1 day r'f JaM.niy, A, p- 1SQ7, at oVU tk in the nft.'rnot.n of Fa'd day, at the door f Ji'.icr.-ou' ll.i.:, ip tu Ci y f Brownviljo. it being th-. '..tea i he l.t term "of aid Diitrict Court bcl 1, te f..lioing d-vortb ed land.1 and tenemects iitnat-; ir. N-v.i:ih County Netr.icka Tertitoiy tow it. La ten 10. tnirdmn li, of the .So. tn Wejt fr icri ) , il quirter, of iSec-li-..Qsix b",in th- Towsibip f.ur I. Nor;li.f iUnge Ettfeii 15,--K"t, a'jKtrtenr .two and one half aerr22 I 2, bounded and dek-rfbed as follows t .it uj--ifuitK forfy-4a r. -Js E- f iw.-it'u -'"i?H.S"8ry)f j-ectin tw-prj wo 2 j, 1:1. XH-".U-i four 4,Noith ol llange tixleen K. East, tnenee fol b wing Hid Section lino forty-Era 45, rods East, Iheneo NVartti t iihi ungla Eighty SU.r.xlj thence IV'est lorty-IJve 3; rol.-v"tbe:).:-3 t?" eth, E.ighty SO rods', to the placi i bogmlng. Oc no in.! h tbt-m l' as iniy be necessary o fa i.-fy it rrfir jn.j'ijf ir.eut hgtefi f.ire Vblair.. il i i t h- I 'irrictT ( . urttl i N qr.jt. Co utity. uiih the iu (:!: th-ritr; ?-.! ano ;( riM ts? e i-t . ::. f iv. r . f ? 7 ; .,,.. uiij n:.i uj or. by tcrioni mts bavlt 'or :: fa'Ut.ii 'i-.l i.-vicj iu" an tire pr?p?y -n iii f i'l-n r. !.' '!!. Tetm oi sale cjh in hand 'v.:- f-.-r;. r. r !.oj n v 2 K-.'i . . i- i . i . . . i Hrowr.vil!e.l)iCf mb r.l-i ISt.-" ii f'i (SucceRsors to McLmffhlin at Swan. . .. . A'emaha.Vaey Bavk MuUdina, , ., , ' WEresptctlulIy ;ui:iomict' to th.v Public that they ha vu now iij jitor'e, a i ew and " Largo ' Stock" of ;.tr and; . To which they invite the attcntior of-purchasers. - YOU. WILL FIND THE BEST Sugars,' Teas, R!o ana Java Cof fc; i'urc Cifier Ylr-cser ana CoaJ Oil at 'tiJw .1 v r Canned' Fruits in rjical varicty -and of the. led quality ; .Catsup , pickles. Mustard, j Worastcshire Sauca and YttUrnn (serve Qecsza 1 ;1 : ' ; - ( Swannnd Erothcr, desiro to oil particular attention to ' their large and varied Stock cf Tobacco, consis'ur-c of Natural Leal and Nectar'.ne arid iihr fivoriie t rauds of Jluj Tobaxo and best qualities rJ Fina cat aid. .'Smoking Tobacco--. : ; ' ; i ' ' : .Vrougrit. and Cut' Nails, . of all .size Spadvs. bbovls..Iiroor:s5,Sewing Ttvin-J and Scoop Sbovel at " " " ': " SWAN & BROS,..- The highest price paia for Dntter. Es,rrini -country produce at V J "BWAN"' &' B no Consult your interst by ex-i min ing BwiYn &'BrtV. Goods JiTid piiecf Qetoxe . buying t-Ist-whtro. -.:: , V-10-n-l lv. .. " ''. -j 3' v - . For Ealc bj Jose: J.;j.;1cV3 on Hie vr orvoli.iir?.! Thew Trees, having been ri-fi frcn se d ia this elioxale. and iarljrii grafted-with .b'.i? varieties by ilr. Vc.-vell an eipcriented nur-erytiiin. make this the be t c'nnee ever cIT-r.-d in thii coun ty. I aia deteru-ictj to clcse but this i:ock, and warn ail to call ?cn. H-8 3a faa JOSErn LOTL53. r iiu ii iili t . South;: ..In: n c.,;. ?t. 1st r.j-t. "f' f a v e r o -.v n n I, ,n : r m 2 v ' -ntftcci 'rvf4.AfV -r r' '. '' - B E D ST BAD'S P'aiiixr.i r;i!.'v. wii-i . r with cut rHnr MATIir.SSKS OF ALL KlXly BUEE iVU Sn Piain a ' d Faney, iLirbla TopAolj. ' - -. - -..'.3 -4iJ .r Parl ,D;o.rl;r4.t, C.'ctre. M.irlw rp, E,.' f;re;ii vurietv. i M-ETALI.C C AS Ft ? C.-eii rarity cf cat ix;r;vl CreftVi'.i.-'v ofsill ?fve-, V ih r !" n e 1)4 f... LOUNGKS, SAFES, WASH -STV JVAAT-NOTS. UPHOL5TRY; ' A r. J eve ryt h ; n.-ia th Fu.-rj. lir.c, which ; they will sell'". Belo' Santorn Price Their Furniture is eotr-.'.ftt in every re--k'.," ir. put up by ft superior woriiia wan b4sil of the c.-tliiJ.;i.u.-t. and cai to relied Theirs j-tho (-risueit a35ortaent cf Fiiniu ever brought ti. t:i;s t -rk't ; and is theonlv, w bcro a : mpkta set et Furniture eats HrB4jr Fair DealinC'Low Prte Ie their rntti, and they can bereiitioj; both rosjictj. June 15tb, lS.-. - i'J'b .-V F0S!" .11 4 5 pjn t ; - V. H-f '? - - trT" A i . S O -n : Ff;K",7", rT''f r " i.. . . -' - ".ITS r i 1 1 ' 7 '"1 -- i. - IN -VAHIETY, Hnf tft. ic.o.ori.coc.r. ?,uti.' E-.H.-BURCHEScK:CO. r - - - . At their Nursery 2 12 miles west Brovnvii!e. Nhraslirt. ' " ' -'jT-tf EEOTaiviLLi notrsS COP.. MAIN AND2XDST3., r V . ' lirpivnyillr, ; c!;r'Ua. n. ' - w Thi'TT'-vuee b." ben r? .' at and rtf jrr.:;';c I u:.ic: t'roj-ristar, who y-irri-.t: pttr-iii!;i il:t?e. it- 1 : t C-' l-tr !j.'- 3 te .! ' n il (