EBRASICA ADVERTISER rCBU-lKK fTTTrMAT IT GEO. tllLli Cl CO,, RATES OFT ADY.-' ,rrtl,rBlQt:.Matn S'tBetweenltfc2d. i T 32 TIM G I 1 is adTanc. - 45 09 mmi idtiii, - 1 i SUM I) ' '':v AY - a.i Work. r' n1 rccJ Job Wor done LIBERTY ii : '.:!'. AND - - t i UNION,- ONE AND INSEf4!lABLE' NOtV AND FOREVER.' KacbaddilioBtl larU . . 'k Bislae cards, ix I lacs er ls, 5t ( rr, I . -Ob elamK, oa jer ; ' .'J J 5 Oae bJf colaica, onrt jttr, - c 0fi fourtS eofulna, tsiTur; - " - t3 ou tliUtli coIoidb, on yer, l W Ooc colania six mBtts, - M H On half coIbsdb six Bioate M U On fourth ciUmn sixBiL.s, Wt On eigitjcuoiamolx nsoitis . II M On colniiQ thre moatbs '- vst On half colims tare aai'is - ' . 11 fttf On forta eolarnn thfka tnonri ) ! tv Cne eighth coluira lUrf 9 siocUi ' ' I Annoniieid2cacuiites7nr . A t Stray sulicea (each tead) ' II Stray salea chi.-ged at tranitfet JTrtiior All trancient advertisement mi it i4i 1 at ranee, yearly adrertssemeati auartenri as All kinds of Job, Book and Card jtrlatlajc, 41' l (be test itjte on skort notice and reason! t trail. " .. . ' -. - . . m J- r" .J VOL. XL BROWNVILLiE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1867. ') NO.li I L -: : ' ' 31? SIN ESS-CARDS. IS. holladAmd. Craduafcd In "ocatcd In Brown tIHc in 1S55. illJimDHlSEOD OBSTETRIOIilSr H. ai o bana complete let 01 Anopuiai i Trnk'fcins -ni Obstetrical instramcnta. nolladav & Co's Drna Store Tiro Doors Katt of Post OJfict. f.S. Srci! attention fiTB to Obittricnd is4'.eaes of women and children. x-t-ij CHARLES HELLMEIt, till? lain St f 2 door below Brownville Ilouse I CUOWVILI.IJ N. T j:uc ktrl iByrlorTtock of Boots and Sbcea U lit tx-'t icktenal ana nbilitj lor ooing CUSTOM WORK yeirir.f: done vith ntatntsx and dispatch FRANZ HELMER, 1 0t 'HT0M1 J DF.rSER'S TIN-SHOP, ItnOU.WILI.'K, iteKKASKA. TAOCX,H. PUG0IE8. PLOWS. CULTI VXTOhS. . BVriitxl wm brt ui,tire, t low rates, j,i4 rri4ted ujiUfacilin. x-ll-fn nn i AMERICAN HOUSE. V Cood Feed and Uvcry Stable ; 1 la ti'Wicctiiin with the Hobs. , L D.- R0BIHSO11. PROPRIETOR. i'lt'&i Sireet, tetttetQ Slain and Water, - IIKOU W ILLi:, A'CRRASKA, t I Mir,.V)iI 1 10 3G ly LOUIS MRU rronsc-SIgn & Ornamental Glazier, Gilder, Grainer, P ApER HANGER etc. All work done in a workman? like manner, and on strickly TERMS. 051 BOOI WIBTOfBBOirSVIIXX HOJI Mi JACOB MAROIIN, ME R C HA. NT 73 A ? Ti1. if "IS? u LxJ tJiVi MAIN STRE FT, ER0V7NV1LLE, NEBRASKA $100 EE WARD For a medicine that will core Coughs; " - ' ' 1 :- ' . InHuen?:af Tickling in the Throat, r. . : : - : : Whoopin Cough, orrelier" . ..LV----- Consumptive Coughs, aa quick as " i ; ; ( COB'S COM JIIMI!' OR ONE MILLION BOTTLES From jbur Tourg' M'for jjanuay.J The Castle-Bnlliler. . - r f r . IT H. W. LONGFXIXOW. - it3 soft and tender lock - A gentle boy, wi A dreamy body, with brown and tender eyes, Acaitl bniklr, with his wooden blocks. And tower tbat touch imaginary tkie. . fearless rider on hirfather' kn . An eager lis tner at the stories told At the Round Table of tbenursery, Of heroes an d adventure? manifold. QT3 o -s bare been sold and cot a sinzle instance of its fail ure is known. We hare, in our possession, any quantity of Certiucatfis, some of them from . E MINENT PAYSICIANS, who hare used it in their prsctioe.aQd giren It the pre-eminence over ever other oompound. It does not dry up a Cough but LOOSENS IT, so as to enable the patient to expcctoiate freely. TWo or three doses Will Invariably Cure Tickling In the Throat A balf bottl has often completely cured the most Stubborn Cough, and yet, though it is so sure and speedy in it operation, it is perfectly barm less, beinz purely ragetable. Itisarery agreea ble to the taste, and may be administered to chil- I Jjqj finding trade fail, as many trades will aren ot any age. . , In a matter-of-fact world like this is. In C3SeS Of CrOUp We Will guar an- Found, that if h would do any business at all, H must m ix bread and cheese wth kisses. NEBRASKA. A tangible reason is now given why uea at lb.uua two tnDre raiuea at Tbe Philidelphia North American ad- the stars didn't shoot last month as adrer- Tocates our admission as a State and Used. The awkward mistake is explain- upwards. ; ine- most curious is i ed ly an astronomer as follows ; .' . ol1 3 ' inscribed, oa the lasids; .' When the mololygistlc temperature of Putcb,'M?eter StuyresanVb his -wife.' the horizon is such as! to. colorocise the How it came in th& sevrer is a prolha impeiient jndentation-of the hemisphere fr philosophers to specuUte c?y . analogy, the cohepion of the borax cur A stehmboat arrived in St. Lcjis with says ; . -"There can be no risk whatever in ad mitting' Nebraska as a State. Her in stutions have bad time to acquire perma nence sipce her (irst settlement was coin mencep!, and she has a solid, basis qf histus become surcharged with 'infinites!- 195 barrels of whiskey, two tuna rneulis There will be ot her towers for thee to build ; There will be other steeds for thae to ride ; There will be other legends, and all filled With greater mar? els and more gl orified. Build on, and make thy castles high and fair, Raising and reaching upward to the skies ; Listen to voices in the upper air Nor lose thy simple faith in mysteries. -. - Bread an3 Cheese and Kisses. t BT ilftlD CKOWQCIJUL. . wealth, jn her prosperous agriculture Along the Missouri river most of the ar alp land has been taken up, and the til iage is everywhere good and the thrift general. From thenpe emigrants Ii3ve mals, which are thereby virtually de- burial cases, and two tuns tombstones. prived of their fissurial disquisitions. This effected, a rapid change is produced in the thoramoumber o; th9 gympastic utus p tleriu-n which causes a convacular found their way to good locations "on the n fiexagonal antipaihes of the terres ' - tributaries of the great river, ana e?pe cially along the Piatt and the route of the Pacific Railroad. Of course. the railroad routes in Nebraska will now become the favorite lines of settlement and emigra tion, but the borders of owa and Kansas have thqs far attracted the great body of the seitlers bepause of the market facil ities thus afforded. This territory has hitherto been retarded in its growth by the incomplete condition of all the Iowa Fine illustration of cause and effect. A Rochester, New York,, despite says that MtvFox, the celebrated bill iard player, is missing. ;; i There is a village ia Pennsylvania, called Lopgracoming. ... , trium aqua versula. Clouds then bee p mass of dcolotomized specule of crer. CuJar light, which can only be seen when -i i rri ! l I . 1 I it is visioie. inis aiun t nappen, mere- fire Qad a ha milljoQ baJes of fore the stars, didn t shqou - - - The world annually consumes about The Cleaveland Herald has the follow ing: ' ." A distressed correspondence in Rav enna sends us the following advertise ment, which he paid for like a gentleman. . tee a cure if taken in season. Nofamily should be without It is within ihe reach of all, it being the cheapest and best medicine extant. ...... IV G. CLARK & CO , Proprietors; KEW HAVEN, CO SN. A. S HOLLADAY & CO., ' and W.H. What a trade did hedriTe ! He began to look tip, McCREERY, Brownviile, Nebraska, As he winked at the young, eager misses ; - I IIT ., 1 railroads, and the fact that Iowa itself we can sympatn.se wim mm. vieave- offered superior inducements . to emi- land is in want of about 1,000 dwelling grants. But the enormous emigration houses and 200 store?, and a few public tn Wanna alreadv ffiven that State a piea lanaiqras : . In June a conversation of Catholic Ush ops is to be held in Rom9. . During a disturbance aa public hoaw in Philadelphia a man hoped dead frcrn excitement. ,-. Seven-eights of tha laachsn ia lie public schools of Massachusetts are 'le? males. . ' - " - , So to it h went, quite disgeste d and sad; flia dnvaa itol tha corn from the oeaaant : Whilst he. in the milkjzwej , found all he'd need million of inhabitants and available land To make hU cheese taste nice and pleasant. . 1 j3' trrowin" so scarce that the tide of em- IDff General Agents. Aug. 23J 66 Lyoji's Periodical Drops. THE GREAT FEMALE REME DY FOR IRREGULARITIES. RICHARD F. BARRET, mum mi hit, EDWABD W. THOMAS, I ATTORNEY d AT LAW, f SQLIC1T0II INDCIIANCERY, ! 0B- turner f jfsia and Plmt Streets. I BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA- " HARSH & CO., .irtc tJORJ TO MAKSd fit 100K, Cf.v;:I News A?;cn(s acil Stationers, I'ovt Odice nulldln?, I llllOWNVIIJ.l NEHHASKA. I II La Lici and ar constantly reoeiring '' iBrp irt f ItooVs, 1'eriodiraia, Stationarj, !hol..rJ(U AlbauM, Scho.l Books; ake Ootfec- ioery.fijri, Tuba -en, and a choice selection of I aa j trriri j.uf tally, to which tkey icrite the Ua. cf tie citiifns of Neruaba eooDly, and t,, ,.ri,.t jttentio Ubufiaesf. and fair ia.irs .u sa.rira sLar of th publi ratroonge. J A.U.X&LSn. li-ly 3.W.UL16S. These Drops are a scientifically "compounded fluid preparation, and better than any Pills, Powders, or KoKUums. Being liquid, tnelr action Is direct and positive, rendering thctn a reliable, speedy and cer tain speciflc for the core of all obstructions and sup pressions or natnr. Tnelr popularity is Indicated by the fact that Ter 100. COO bottle are aneuatly sold and consumed by tbe ladies of the United States, ere- r j one of whom apeak la th strong Urns of prais of their great merits. They are rapidly taking tbe I XiAnii UAIlUAiliO OLliA.au DLU1I 1. erea by aw who know acchtol them, as the surest, sa- e, inost fniaiiiaoie preparation id id woria, ioration now begins to flow in upon Ne- braska over the 'Missouri railroads and For he knew, though they asked for the IfeoaJ and up the Missouri river. The extnordina- jy influence of the Pacific Railroad, as shown in this case, bids fair '.to extend a belt of population clear , through the wil derness, to California, iri a few .years. Jt will give Nebraska two or three hundred - i .. J i, . . : .i i . : ..... ... t laousauu luunuuauts iu a ycai vi vu. It is said there are not lessi than ona Wanted t at Revenna, Ohio, the follow- hundred females now in the hands of tav ages, lately captured from the frontier . 1..A new hotel on the Prentiss corner, cgunties of Texas, anvl pcns.tantly subject That, ia fact, they but cam for th Uh I This was all very well for a honeymoon month, j Then the thinf became really quite'erazing : For th kisses weregiof ing quite stale on thehelf Whilst the Irtad and i eheett trade teat am- 2. Gassworks and lisht streets. ' 1 p. Ffty dwellings suitable for renting. 4- A few public spirited buriness men. For further particulars inquire pf any one hailing frorn the said town of Ilayen- na. ' ' ' ' A Week in the SeTrer& HoosierattheAstor. B. met cn the train an earjy Iloosier who had been to the show-case at New to the grossest outrages: -.: ' '. ; . . : , :.. :i The flirtations of the past few days have. had a tendency to be icy-cool. The oil wells in Southeastern Ken tucky have failed -and the stockholder Have come to grief.' M ''I "'Wendell. Philips wants Fred Dotiglss for Senator from New York.. 7 : ASD. DEAUR IV S A. ROBINSON, 1? 61 fflffiB, 1 7 Man, tntrm lit k. 14 Strfet ! i ' . Vlid Mjrtnut of Oenfsand reus s JiOOTS AND SIIOKS. w a t as nrai ri ra m siiin niariirn r n I J-'t't.tj dt oi short Botic. 18-30 (nnn i ; ATES & BOU'SFIELD, jBRlfili LAYERS j V H J ;PL A S TERERS. 1 r, ".ro"nUIIe, Xcliraska. . "Uk? ""J.traats f..r Iric tlrir, . Il..rtr. ''uLlV' ""Jtlir.gin their line Ptpional attention given to maling Local! one. Office in J. L. Carson's Banking House. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. z-14-ly fr-nn CIBCMJITCIiS. AND ' ' eT IE3 "7vr IH3 Xj lE. "S" 2 2 JOSEPH , SIIUTZ lias just received and will constantly keep on Land a large and well selected stoca ol genuine ar ticles In is line. One Door vest of Grant's Store, Brown ville, Jebraska. rtopAirixie Of Clocks; Vatchesand Jewelry done on the short est Jiotic. WORK WARRANTED. Brownville, Neb.. March 15th. 186$. 10-25-ly for th enrp ftf all female complaints, th removal of an opsipcuons or nature, and the promotion of healta regularity and strength. Explicit directions stating when they ma? be used, and explaining when and why . . . V.n J theyshonld not, nor could not bensed without prodn- sewers of New York might be found cing earns contrary to nature's chosen laws, will be "Wlilnlns" Womet nBri2rham Young, of -Utah," has bedn York, and who had seen the hi-po-dro JJ toniaiinn' StorTo beeU thakm blowing up the women of that f ree-and me, as he called it i . I ' ' I , ..t--- i r xr,i.'!i Before' Taken. j easy territory in 'a ruanuer ai oucts awiuu- '-AJia.yoq fprnaia long iriew iots: V I . ' m : . I I I and uniqve. 7 lie accuses them ot 'wnit- tseu i r t Bin?, ana ne savs tuai luev must euu- r .v.-.--6.....;i oeverai years ago a muc uenuou jcw . , T , o.i.'.' orfT:ii er "stop mat ?ort ot nonsense pr eise wy m uy "" - o I . i ' I .t 1 .iFnonrannF mtn mini. r A an t V mnrl I'm I h r anLla in InnHnn h.ttr. mniU start tor me otner siae oc jouruaa, atiiai4 "aj ua swmuj ucam, uu ajiv. m.m . uvuuvu uivno nuiw Portia. . It is proposed to clotha the Black Crook ballet girls with fun this rvintsf. .... Portsmouth, N. II. is agitated over aa upujually atrocious case of infanticide. Mrs. Charles Kean fell aad 8prnine4 Lnco anA Ko ipIU h mvn fftrtv wivAa opposed to that way of coins down. I J ww a.iav tw ' w 14 vv I m Wt TV nllrllA0 rf fffl 11A T H 1 1" rl h fl fi hPOll I W J I round carefully foldedaround each bottle, with the "10jr " . , . . . nn. nn Bt nnA .f-.u;. fflvprn, and f,IW. lost, entered them, and for three days "c "ieAU3 wc" l"c V C 7 i 7 7 j v ... it- of the feminine Utahyans. He says ed that I was going to . be treated to the in i 827,000 worth of jewelry, spoons, forks, written signature iJopH L. Lvov, without which none are genuine. Prepared by Dr. JOH1T L. LTOlf. 185 Chapel Street, . A New Haven, Conn., whocanbe consulted either per- u6 l"u eonally, or by mail, (enclosing stamp) concerning all was very Successful, picking UD SOme private diseases and female weakness. Price l,6o ' ' . . .... - m m m pernoitie. Soldhyprugguis everywbare C. G. CLARK &CO., aenM Agents for U.S. and Canada 'Olliks Bros. St. Louis. ) Wholesale "UWi Fixch & FrLLER, Chicago. I Agents A. S. flOLLADAY & CO., and W. H- McCREERY. Brownville. Nebraska, General Agents. that the kerpelofthe whole difficulty, the whole " direct occasion of the disagreeable at.d t it- A, i- : . I . ... u... v.-: .v. c. ,l uncearaDie -wuiniass iies id toe laci he beljeved that he might have found mac -me women expect tco mucn or me mnrh mnrp rnnM ha Wp crriVH ont his samls !" He.says that the women, even , , c-u . ,, a ,an his own forty, are &o weak-minded as to original Dlan. which was to visit the weal- w a thy portion of the cityCSogTeat, how- 'Where did you, stop ?" said B., in terrupting him. Mr. Quilp severely denounce Mr. CrowanT3 proposition to 44 era brace th women.' Boston Post. ? " A brothep of ex-President Pierce ij a At the Astor House. I allow you temperance lecturer ia New Hampshire. 5 Dyspepsia Cure. This Great Eemcdy for all Disearesof the " STOMACH, is the discovery of the inventor of Coe's valuable Cough lialsam, while experimenting for bis own neaiib. it cured cramp in Ihe Motnach for him ever, were .the rlifficuhjes and -dangers which he had "encountered that nothing could induce him again to visit "New York underground." . . . Jf is adventure, for a , ti'me, created quite a little sensation, but there were C. F. STEWRT. M. P- OIPPIOB South East corner of Main and First btreets DROlYHTTlaLLi:, KEDRAKKA. Orrici IloCR-TtoOA.i.audlto2 and flto rVSlCiapS CndOTSe and Use It II m.BC tii i.muu Bw Ministers give testimony of its efficacy ! And from all directions e receive tidings of cures which had before yielded to potbing but Chloroform, none venturous enough to attempt a sec- ThA Almuct Hail tpat imnn v frnm t.ri .111 r,nra .f I c ' the country encourage us to believe there is no dis- ond, until last week, when an adventur- ense caused by a disordered stomach it will not., .... c .1 . m speedily cure. . UU3 l'ttll u iuicb, uue a yuuug 7KP.M. Brownville, Nebraska, May 5th, J865 No 34, ly. the ferry on East river, intending to re main for one week, durinsr which time suppose that'the saintly , members of the Mormon Israel can make a heaven on earth for them, and after a woman has entered a Saint's family, and fjods that after all he is not able to make a heaven on earth for her, he tbeffins to "whine" and talk about "tog many wives," and '. 1 a ' the "evils of polygamy, ana sucn like "blasphemous twaddle." Biigham also savs it is his opinion that any woman ... who ever lived would be disappointed in the best "Saint" in Utah, should she marry him and on this point we unre don't ke'c'i me in such a place again. They rung a gong four times after break fast, and then, when I went to eat, there wasn't nary vittles on the table.i' "What was there ?" B. vonlured to in- quire. "Well," said the old man, enumera ting the items cautiously, as if from fear of om ission ."there was a clean plate wrong side up, a knife, a clean towel, a split pcon and a hand bill, and what was worse," added the old man. "the insul- tin nigger up and asked me what I wan- John A Thomas, for '.breaking hi a promise, pays a RJisj, Green, on Mca mouth, N. J., 82,600 ; ' The Maryland State treasury hat about four million svrplus. In Java twenty-eight degrees of rank are indicated by the prasojs. ,? A man who courts a young lady in tha starlight probably expects to get & wifa in a twinkle., ; . j A vagrant says tlje perfection of tha ted. "Vittles," said I, "br?S me your "art preservative of arts" consists ia tai- vittles and I'll help myself !" x-47-ly mvs.in.ln.i)cmeU, i.ery & Fancy: Goods Street one don ... ' " wi ia roil once trc.,ri4 fa 1 Winter Goods l!l"B. v-n--lSlT JAMES . MEDFOttD, ii4f,0BlUl '1. aUliri on l-6m womcopatiiic rimiciA. l.Vf) 3 r d 1 Lie OBSTETRICIAN w Nebraska. '.r.rs L 11 g I nneJ am th sts. perfermed. Dypepiia ! it is sure to cure. Heartburn I One dese will sure. Sick-lleadache I It has cured in hundreds of cases. Eeadacle and Diainet 1 It stops in thirtv minutes. Acidity of the Stomach 1 It corrects at once. Hieing of the Food f It stops immen lately. Dttlreet after eating I 1 One doee will remove. Cholera Jforbu f Kapidilv Yields to a few doses. Bad Breath I Will be changed with half a bottl. It is Perfectly Harmless ! ! . . ' t servedly agree with Bngham. The they proposed siting every portion of . the city where there seemed to be any Goeernor gave all the women warning CHARLES G. DORSBY ATT0EIIEY AT LAW Next Door to Carson's Bank, MAIN STREET Drownxrillo 3J"otio3ls.o, RESTAURANT AND OYSTER SALOON. ii'ii tt jt nncepi r uiifli II is jiecuV Harmless!! . day the? 1 rendezvoused everal times in ' ' A Center SllOt. . .. !. . i m . . ' . .... I . - I I. ...- I w. , f . takes this method of inforainir the rublic that be unpreccaeniea success l-ewingto tneiacunai ,u rriamW. thatrppt nrnfr . Tf, o" PMIafr.i rA T.rr. ro. hasiu8toponcd.onUainstreet,betwecn IstandZnd, ft Cures hv ARsfcf fnrr TYnlUFC . , - il . . . .! . . , -. - : - .,..w .n.crri TftRR-iSaPBTHPU QWlT .CTUPf!VTEM1 -aujca ' uiai uuuuucu iucu livers IUB iOUO.VlUg HCtn BHU iaiSI CCQ iiuuiiitrisjatji a a. .. 1 . , . . , , 1 a Rfttr,rnt and O vRter Saloon. " i "a.rCl?. ?niPy'PeT. x 01 ,ine oags ai . me ier allot t .. uuiiiijiu jl iJua aasj vwiusi vi x nt-mj -vianvj jm-n auu fiimi Ji tut? eaiiit; nine luui tut; jrresiutrui C. G. CLARK, & CO.', Propristors, I avenue. On Wednesday 'mornirjg,;,at a so Vehemently opposes the admission of XXW HAVXX, CONTf. The french standing army will here after contcin one million two hundred thousand soldiers. It i?. expected that king hand-bells whereon are the words "Free Lunch." The Herald'3 Paris ccrrejpcndgncs t. . . U A-'r. f U;. I . ... -r . . . Iit?elfiar TVa nnl art n 11 a t r n r 1 1 fT i e . . mat twu wee tiuui iuc uaie uio oci- lftQUanrt soldiers, it u exnected tnat J t.n - 'o "-,,v uuauur; 01 unain? treasure truvc. i , , I . ' i Man, wprp'nLinpH hft ci.v studied -non against -whiDing' he should call lhe erRpioyment of so large.a force a, a in,rnodern Ppir,tuahsm. 1 1 , . - I . . I carfullv and each dav's work carfully uPon xhem enner 10 Promi3e nev8r 10 peace fstablisnment wil J have an injuri- In Elizabeth N. J., iheyouaypcn ara .....1, a a., o ' whine" more,, or else to leave tne ter- ous efject upoa me prosperity of the Em- assessed one dollar mere ncll tax than tuai&cu QUU IUCU IUC BUitumtt J I .... - . .1 . . - . . . . would even send off all his own wives, started, . After one week two of the party re turned to terra Jirma, but the remaining one, it is feard, has perished. T Krich triat T mlcrht hn w ' rnom In lt , ... ... . t, , from Utah jvith deep interest the story of the week they passed- Each t the married men. and fcgo to heaven alone, sooner than take such a "whining" crew along with him. We shall await tbe next news Also, Cotofectionaries, Canned Fruit, Dried Frait, Spices of all kinds. Tea, Coffee, Sugar Tobacco, Potatoes, sweet Potatoes and everything asnally kept in a retain grocery store. GTMEALS SERVED AT ALL nOtJBS-Sl The latest ''female invention" is the A Missourian Tisiting Chicago, ca wearing of lirtle bags of birdseed where Friday night went to bed, after closing cotton and curled hair have previously his windows and blowing out his gas. been used to give development to the fig- There was a dead BJisspjjriaa ia bed cext ure. It is said to look more ''natural." morning. ; , .' : " - ! : .. r. I- - - .- , ; i ... ... . Bishop Hopkins, who has just . made a ' , The Trioune, says i!je. Home Jcurnit, tour cf the. South, says he did not Ijear baa engaged Mr Dickens to write a novel a disloyal word from a while man during the whele trip. Horseflesh is becoming sucfy a general . r for its weekly edition ptyiflj for H $25,000. - ' . . . - - ', . - . - 7 r . A special car hid to b$ .charterVi to .carry a huge turnip to a Western Eijtor. FRliSH' OYSTEPS x-15-ly Evan "Worthing, Wholesale & Retail Dealer ia Choice Liquors, Wines, Ale, Bear, PITTS BUFFALO TIinASlUXG IIACIIIXE, SEw YORK sCtF R A IUXG REAPER. qUAUEU3IOTf- CR and BUCK. EYE CIjLXA a- TOR. ...... WniTSET'S BLOCK, EOLLADAT & CO, and McCREERT t CO. ' . ' . 10 Geteral Agent.' Also for sale by MARSH & CO. ' - . November 15, 18C6. . ; -, , ; , . , : ; : r.. j . FRENCH HOTEL! - ' . . ...... -1 On lhe European Plan, If yon don Jknov a tpin yerjf wzl), very early hour, and before many people the inchoate States of Colorado and Ne- article of food in Paris, '.mat visitors', in were stirringr Miss Walker was at the braska on account of alleged deficiency order to prevent wajtm, at restaurants, place with a wagcnl On removing the j of population, he strenuously insists upon from bringing them the new viand have loan him ' money .and thea call all hss iron plate, which at each street corner the admission of Florida,' whih has less to gtva a vety distinct -"nays !" houss for your pay, ttnd you wiil proiaWy leads into a small chamber connecting white population than either Colorado or ' j Newly-born child of the Infanta find b,m oat- , : ' : ' C with a sewer, she found her brother, but Nebraska, and'does not repeive one emi- M-ria. Christian d nrhn h v,aan Hiram Powers' has iust executed " a: not Grady. He had started off on anoih- grant where . -iJio8; Stales receive" ten. baplizVd al Madrid with twenty seven Floreope a figure of Eve After thi Wa- fortrs7"te lhe Hn ni?&slrYorjrk' r trip' hlh l.he .!ix." baS, bfi?P There, are more piles of railway built in th(, fim be jQ, fa and lbe h . ter Fall f'CMia.na uaU .v.. , lOQ ln Sintn f all Ina tmnlil spacwus Kerectory.Bath Room and barber's Shop, treasure was plape in '.extr.a bags, and feas no town that can begin" to compare in r - ,; " - '; An insa boy, trying hard to ,721c k DonotbVumo the whole driven to a Broadway, jewel- population, wehh'or trade Svith 'Omaha ThSiafi of Life is the name of a place, denied that ht waa Irish. "I are full. July 1st. 1868. 1 year. , ersf - The rest were taken from the or DenVerl Florida has been in open Pnal lately started in Lontjon, repre- kow what you peir by c0t beisg ah nn A omT-r a t-i. r places on Thursday morning. A watch rebellion against the national govern- senl!DS me takmj interest. Irishman," said the gentleman, v?h was Main Street, Brownvilje ,y. mh lM 10 ly fr.na T.W.Tipton ' O.B.IIeirett J:S.Cbs . TipTori, hevett i ciiuncn BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Wafch 1st, .5. ij. . V ' WHITE LIQUID EHAPaEL. For ImproFirz and e Beantiffine the Complxlon The most raloabJe and cerfett Preparation in ust for sjirinz the skin a beautiful DearMike tbat. thae is only found in youth".. It quickly remores Tan. Freckjpf, iaaples, Blotches, Uoth Patches, Salr lovne . Eruptions .and all impurities of tbe skin. J: S. Church liindly healing the same, leaving the skin white and clear as alabaster. Its ure cannot be detec ted by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation is perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and con sidered by ih Parisian as indispensible to a perfect toilet ' Upwards of S0.000 bottles were sold durinz the past year, a sufficient e-uaraatee of its efficacy. frico only 75 cents. Sent by mail, post-paid, en receiptor anorder.by .-- BtliUlSK.SHUTTS CU, cneaisU. : I-.ffa.: .:: : 255 Rirsr St.Tn-y.NT. , ivas set for Grady, bjjt up to this time of ment, and has only been conquered by Many a man who hasn't money in his writing notnmg nas been heard form him force and compelled to become loyal, pocket hasf it on j:he brain; d fii and it is feard that he has perished. Colqradq rpmaiqed firm and true to the The -result -of the waekV search M Republic throughout the whole war, fgr roughly estipated at .,500,000. ' It nished soJder$ ro thp national armies, must have cost over 3,000,000, but in and djcj her duty manfully, ax also did consequence of the old fashioned tyle. of Nedraska. Yet the President demands setting its bruised j battered, and corroded that Florida shall be again recognized as condition, its value was reduced, about a State, and that Colorado and Nebras-"ohe-half. A little over one bushel (how ka should be refused. If such States as queer it sounds to talk of jewelry by Florida are fit to have Senators in Con ine' bush'el) has been sorted, and "among gress, roost, assuredly . Colorado-and Ne ithasbeen found one diamond ring val-J braska are : also." 4 " General JeCook, our Minister ia the 'Sandwiich Islands, when lat herad from (October 13) had left' Honolulu for a short visit on a ' fnend'a planiatin at Uluyalakua, if anybody1 knows where that is. '- ' about to hire hid ; tut this I do'fcsstv, that you were bora in Ireland.?'- : 'Och ! your fconof, if thatr nil' small blame that. Suppose your eld cat hi! kittens in the oven, wou!d they be !c?vg of bretj l"'' . . , ' ... s s? "Th; boy go the place. . - ' i.: Stop asd Thi.tk! Is It' good policy for any woman. to work weeks and rriomhs Parties of the iiighest respectability in to do the family knitting by fr-.3,"wh'eri Detroit are implicated in swindling a with one of Lamb's KsiTTii- " facatxi young lady of that city out of S10.000.by it can all be done, and much h a he "cciifidence" game. , . ' ' fevr days or hours." " . "