Qlsvcviiscv. I LOCAL ,f Srrr,X .V. t 'r-J f ----- j;YIl.LE. TUUUSPIY.DEC ISC 6. hrW orntc noius. t,r. Mail; daily, except Sucdey. Ai,,IIVl.k, ,iifa jtU.I -. .., night. JodVeune.d.y od Friday, I Arn. J"4? Thursday and Saturday, f j,,,, an i atera Mai 1 do. al ? , p. m. f Uii! t 7:1 j.a. m. r. . w . vv U 4CKXE Y, I. M. .iice itiii' Iff Christmas at r SWAN & BROS.' ' ' '.uicv Tt-iV-M hi tMat variety al - J . I,. .U'.Ut-I- Cw a. a ia : il.ci" MrUUc CastrSf fit . Me FALL & CUS. - i ilLU. liJLL & UU. CD0n. A Iirijt; lot uf Leiuousfor i L wilbu'j,;'. 75cem a dozen of 'the .farmer of this county j'loAitig un ibe 5ifi. J Jjy your Groctrie at Marsh &. Co's, ir motto is hiAall profits an J ijuick tale?. variety of brand of choice Flour ' SWAN & BRO S. J. Griff las bought out Westfall'a ia- m m rtjtin'iLe City Meal Market. Ovtlp.l Lamps aud Whiteridge flint i: CLey5, all sizes, at Marsh & Cos. Quite a Uct litUe snow fell in thisvi- unx last Friday, covering the grouud lie cxfr'.ii w about two mcnes. I ,. - Albert "Towle, cf Beatrice, has our ..mil fr a Clu"b of new subscribers. Mtrrh & Co. furnish any book desired It the pulliiLer's lo west prices. in our orders. Extra Table Rock and Muir's best raod of J'Juur (or sale by J. L. i a; EE & CO. ' For Lice I!ollicy Preseius, in the uij ut cbo.ee hkV, Toilet Article or irmv NwiiotiV. jo iu IV. H. AIcCttEERV S: CO. M'FIl ic.Cj. are gmm; up a few rry ut i nuill MZed UjTtnui, juV. the tli:i fi.r a i.fit H.illjday rretent to a j'out- iaJj. It is fi?ipufiblt to enjoy the cotnii.g 1 1 li i Ja y without .gou( health, and to iuiue aty bodily ailment go to Mc d-trv lor your .Drugs . If ju 'uaiit a goul Newspaper br Majazi&v fcr 1SG7, go to .Marsh & Co's Ur-j'jt and rub-tribe at once ! irit.b-rri'ft, lUismj,-Currants and all tiu.jf Drud Fiuit or Canned Fruiia : SWaN&BRu'S. .; Fi : i ck h l-rs iviil :. m..;.. u "... ' j-v-.-: ,nl I 1 I k r - - , . 1 i'arriMJ, 1 Rt H. Buret, in Peru, .JJrc..4 K Mr..TncMs J. AIctcalf and M.: LeaA. S. Dustis, all of Peru, ' Cloaks, SbawL, Breakfast , .Nubias, Fur Hoods and Capes, CUei ard Hosiery of the latest and .net fiiLiccafele styler in the market, at " HENDERSON'S. Stititj Si Lewis hive a fplendid stock cMNicttr.Uoods and Grocorier, com f rising ertrytiinff nice, desirable or "'OnUe. Ho and see them. iCClare.-rrof. Howland will delirer Lprfnr r. lk.i.l i tai . - v u" incucio-y ana mysiotogy at MiPLhdV IhU, to morrow, Friday mete subjects ate id Intirna-.Oj-conneci ui-htbe healih arj social .'.r wl co one can afford ..tay av.ay. Jcyianaceattlisora Stand. I a. for sale, 10,000 Acresof choice , Timber tract, in lhe Nemaha MD.i-nct. A!30, improved farms. . . JNO. L. CARSON. : . AlU S X Office, Merchant 11. T. -"oa ajij la k i ri 1 ruin 11 1 p crr MAi'i Union Express irT Tan ot vtluatlcs' aDd every erW V CUper lhan arjV company ..J,i "le""""- SmM... Ufloa'cons ana r.ih!n.. -"nil wrirr?Fa are now prepared to dehrer. iu -y;PrirCeIfcbratedMelode; I - . ue.test opportunity eTer yel of. .th mtion. to become psses if cne of Ht verier instrument. CEO.W.HlLLCp. Authorized Jgnts, CMOOL ; Greenbacks anRobticlwaye'Indupen cable to the public welfare, for one sua tains the pecuniary health of the nation, while the other preserves the physical health of the individuals composing' the nation. The cold weather has suspended work on our County building. Work on the High School is still progressing, and, we are notified, that as soon as it is enclosed and comfortable, the Board intend giving a Festival foi the purpose of getting a BelL Goodies for ChrI$tmas.Marsh & Co , have a full stock of the good things for the Hollidays. consisting of Turkeys, Chickens Fresh Oysters, Canned Fruits, Lobsters, Dried Prunes, Cut rents, B.ackbarrys. Citron, Raisens, Nutts, Confectionery, Spices, Extracts, Jellys. Corn Surch.Green Apples, Sweet Cider, &c, &c. They idl low dovm for cash ! '. j. We cannot speak in two high terms of Cot's DrsFArsiA, .CtTai. It js a well tried remedy, and invariably cures. Why will you suffer from Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, and disorders of the stomach and bowels when so good a remndy can be .... . .-.-- obtained so easily. Foi Sole atMcCrtery's and Hollad ay's Drug Stores, and Marsh & Co's JWu Depot. MERCHANT'S- IN ION EXPRESS COAIFAM'. General Express Forward ers and Collection and Transportation Agents. Elmore P. Ross, President, Win. II. Seward, Vice President; Wm. C. Beardsley, Treasurer; J. N. Knapp, Secretary. ;. . - THEO. HIL & CO.. Brownvilie, Agents. The Western Stage Company now makes daily connection by Stage between this place and Rockport. This arrange ment has been effect by the U. S. Ex press Company for the benefit of its pa trors, thus giving them extra facilities for sending and receiving Express matter from the East. The S.age office is at Carson's Bank. We believe that there is an establish ed post route between this place and Rockport, will not our friend. at Wash ington try and.have service prdered on it at ooce ? It is much needed, ' and we hope will receive prompt attention. . . , . , . . A Sample Stocking, and circular of the Lamb Knitting Machine will beeenL by addressing (with stamp) CLARK &LEET, 1 1 X. Fifth' Street, St. iowt, Mo. In passing through St. D;roin, recent ly, we bad the pleasure of stepping into Mr. A. J. Ritter'tt store, and were trully surprised to see" bis Mammoth Stock of Goods. Mr Rnter is an old experienced band at the business ; we found that his Goods have been selected ivith great judgement, adapted to the wants of the community, and marked down so marvel ously low as to defy competition from any quarter. Call and see him or his gen tlemanly Clerk, Peter Fraker. you will always fiud them on hand with a rousing stock of Goods and accommodating. e8 tf Good Cooks. Ladies if ybu would be known as good cooks, and would avoid the mortification of having poor bucut for tea when you have company, use D. B. DrLand & Co.'s Best Chemical Sale rclus, and that only. The potatoe crop " in Ireland, is such a iailore that a fonnne is-feared. This is thtt t-everst blow yot dealt to Feniamsm! Hon. Wm. Marvin, just elected,Sena tor from Florada, h-is sensibly concluded to slay at home until called for. The London Herald statas that the British Cabinet have the Alabama claims under consideration.- Tbe Globe sees in this question, war. Surratt is reported to have made a con fession to the effect that the assassination of Lincoln was planned In Richmond with the knowledge and assent of Jeff. Davis. DvsBODsia Cure. V ssV JL This Great Remedy for all Diseases of the - RTOM A rjTT. is the discovery of the inventor of Coe's raluable i ' fai V at esyii Uouga Ualsam, while experimenting "7 - health. It cured Cramp in the Stcanach for him v. :v. v . 4 w-r .;aM4 r..tvtr. hht Chloroform. The aNost daily testimony from varies parts or the country encourage us to believe there . U 1 no dis ease caused by a ordered stoinch it will not speedily cure. . Pvsicians endorse and . use.it . Ministers eive testitnonv of it efficacy ! And from all directions we reeeite tidirg of eures perfermed. Dypltia ." - - ' . ' 'tis sure to cure. Heartburn! ' ' ; One dose will cure. ScJk-naa'acae - It has cured in hundreds of cases. -iJearfacae and Jjitiine I It stops in thirty minutes. . Acidity 0 tk Stomach ;.- It correots at once. Ititiuj of the Food It stops immediately. Dtitrttt after rating ! Oae dose will remove, " Cholera if orini I . Kapidily yields to a few doses. Will be changed with half a bottle. It is Pcxfectly Hermless!! It. nrprecedrnted success 1 owing to the fact that It Cures br Assisting: a5r TO RE-ASSERT HER SWAY i5 THETEMl Kearjy evry dear ia the raited States sells ii OSE DOLIyAU t'Elt COaTLC. C. G. CLARK, & CO.. Proprietors, ' VIW BAVBM, eOKK. HOLLADAY i CO, ao4 lloCRKERT 0. GcLeral Agents. Also for ade by MARSH CO, - . . November I j, 138 S. ' EOerS. all kinds T6T afmtilcine tht will ccr - t : Coughs J v- - " ; InHusnza, r:r r Tickling in the Thro it', Whooping Cough, or relieve " Consumptive Coughs, as quick as : EQE'S COiM MISflU ! OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES bare been told and not a tingle instance of iti fail ure is known. We bare, in our possession, any Huiuuij 01 riinsamliome or tnemTrom EMINENT PAYSICIANS. who bare nsed it in their practice,and given it the pre-eminence over ever other oompoand. It does not dry up a Cough but LOOSENS: IT, aoas to enable the patient to ezpectoiate freely.' Two or three doses . ., ...... Will Invariably Cure ' Tickling in the Throat! A balf bottle has often completely cured the most Stubborn Cough , and yet, though it is so sure and speedy in its operation, it is psrfeotly harm less, being purely vegetable. It U a very agreea-. blejjto the taste, and may be administered to chil dren tf any age. - o : - In cases of Croup we - will guaran tee a cure if taken in season. Nofamily should be without It Is within lhe reach of all.lt betas the cheapest and Wt medicine extaut. . C. Q, CLARK & CO , Proprietors, : KEW HAVEN, CO XX. . 5 A. S HOLLADAY & CO.. and W.H. McCREERY. Brownnlle, -Nebraska. General Agents. . , -. -4 . FRENCH .HOTEL! jOn the European Plan, Orpbsite" the Citv Hall and Park, (Cor. of Frank fort St. ' - v ' - - NEW YORK. Spacious Refectory .Bath Room and flarber's Shop . Servants not allowee to receive Ptrqui$H. Do not believe Runners or Hackmen who say we are full. July 1st. I860. 1 year. Lyon's Periodical Drops. THE GREAT FEMALE RE ME-; DY FOR IRREGULARITIES. ... -,. i . These Drops are a sclentiflcallr compoended fluid preparation, and better that, any Pills, Powders, or Nostinms. Being liquid, their action la direct and nnsitlr. rendering them a reliable, speedy and cer tain specific for the cure of all obstructions and sup pressions of nature. Tbeir popularity is indicated by the fact that over 100 tOO bcttles are annually sold and consumed by the ladies of the United Slates, eve ry one of whom apeak in the strongest terms of praise of tbeir treat merits. They are rapidly taking the place of every other Female Remedy, and are consid ered by atl who know aaght of them, as the surest sa fest, and most tnfaf liable preparation in the world, for the cure of all female complaints, the removal of all obstructions of natureand the promotion of health regularity and strength. Explicit diiectiona stating when they may be nsed, and explaining when aad w&y tbey abould not. nor could-not be used without .produ cing effects contrary to nature's chosen laws, will be found carefulryfoHeed around each bottle, with me written signature ot OHi L. Lvow, without wbleb none are genuine. ' Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LTOW, I5 Chapel Street New Haven, Conn, who can be consulted either personally,- by mad, (enclosing stamp ) concerning all privato dUtae! and female weakness. Price $l,&o per bottle. -" -- - .. . . Sold by Druggists everywhere , . . . C. G. CLARE &.CO., ' ' Gen'l Agents fonU. S. and Canada Jo'LLlXS Bros. St. lyitiis. ' ' t - Wholesale L ller, Fixch & Fuller, Chicago. ) Agenta A. S. HOLLADAY & CO., and W. H. McCREERY,. Browuville. Nebraska, General Agants. : . ! SUGAR-COATED, s 'purely vegetable. i Free from Mercury gj . . AND ALL miXERAL POISON, pi And are, undoubtedly, the Tfi ( best remedj- extant a iiil'K AD XERVOUS IIEADACHE! y rs " ',.v .v virtue or n pc:at flfttti'ty for the tniK'oiix niembr.'tue f the bowels. tler-by reinoving the causes. Asa S3 LIVER PILL (hoy can have no rival, being com . oel of the niot Powerful Vegetable Extracts which have Hrect action on the SPLEEN AND LIVEB, i . the Jippy effect f which cn le eo ivfter one or two doses. They It r move the Jtttc, Assist Digestion, Cure Vostivencss, : i - . In fact, they - are.- as-their name i.idicuu-, the BLOOD PILL "The Life-Giving Principle." They search out disease and stnkrnt its verv root, leavinx the xvotem in lhe f"ull vigor of health; nre PKKKKVTI.V HARMLESS TO I S FA NTS, OR PERSONS OK TH E MOST PKI.ICATE CONSTirU TIONS, niui are a - - SAFER, SURER AND BETTER t4 t4 o 8 la 3 M ative Pill M lhan bits ever before been available to mankind, and, ting ilii.-kly SU-GAK-l'OATKl,MreesHally atpt ed as a KEM EDY FOR CU 1 LDK EN. and erMoni who have a dread of wallowing itiil Tj,eV ftre. 1U. Vjuestion:liIy. one of otir most hoiixf holii l wiih- PRINCE, WALTON & CO., (Suecessors to Dr. C. W. Roback.) SOI.K PROrRtETORS, ITos. 66. 58, 60 & 53 East Third St, CINCINNATI. O. Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines m- '' EVERYWHERE. '- Pure . w 1 at Elaroh Co'sljf ?T0rnciAL.3 iiff nr ri- f if TlTCn OTHTrr iud ur luz uuntu outlet Passed at the First Session of tio Tlrtx-'-1' Ninth Congress.- O J'l --. PWie JVo, 145 1 An Aftmrking a Grant of lands In alternate sectiosns to aid tn tbe consticn and exteu.ion of (be Iron Moun tain railroad, from Pnot atuob in the State of ACissourl toHe'.ena, in Arkansas. v , Be it enacted ty te Senate and Jlonte of Jlepre tentativct of the Uitited StaUt of America in Coh-t greet assembled, .. That there be and is bereby granted to Use State f Missouri for tbe purpose of aiding; lu tbe construction and exteuTlon or tbe Iron Nountaia - railroad from tbe tbo present terminus at Pilot Knob to a point on the Boundary line of tbe State of Xisseuri, every alternate section of land, designated by odd numbers, for tea sections in width on each side or said road ; but in case it shall apper when tho rente of such rovl is definitely fixed that the United States have sold any sections or parts thereof .granted as aforesaid, or that the right of pre-emption has at tached to the same, then it shall be iuwful for any ageUor agents to be appointed by the Governor o: said State to select, subject to th approval of the Secretary of the Interior, from the laads of th United States nearest to the t ers of sections above specified so much land in. section or parts of sections, to ba selected as aforesiil, asshall be equal to such lands as the United States have sold or otherwise " appropriated or to which the rights of pre-emption have attached, which lands thus aeiected shall be held by the State of Missouri for the use and purposes aloreaaidnd for none i-ther: Provided, That the lands so located shall be with in the Irouton land districtas now established and not more than twenty miles from the line of said road : And provided, farther, That all mineral lands except those containing coal and Iron, and any lands heretofore teseived to the United States by any act of Congress or any other manner by com potent authority for tha purpose of aiding in any object of internal improvement, or for any other purpose whatever; be, and the same are, reserved to the United States from the operation of this act except so far as it may be found necessary to locate the routes of said railroad throjgh the same, in which case the right of way be granted, subject to tbeappproval of tbe President of the United States See. 2. And be it further anaeted, That there, be, and is hereby, granted to the State of Aarkan sas, for tbe purpose of aiding in the construction apd extension of a railroad from the point where the Iron Mountain railroad interjects the southern boundary line 01 Missouri, by the nearcLt and most practicable route, to a point at or near the town of Uelena, on the Missippi river, every alternate sec tion of land, designated by odd numbers, fer ' ten sections in width on each sido of said road : but in case it shall appear wnen the line of said road is definitly fixed, thai the United' ' States hare' 'sold any sections or parts thereof, granted as aforesaid, or that .he right of pre-einptioi has attached to the same,tben it shall be lawful for any agent or agents to be appointed by the Governor of said s'ate, to select subject to tbe approval of tbe secretary 'of the Interior, from the lands of the united states nearest to the tiers of sections above specified so much land, in alternate . sections, designated . as aforesaid, as shall be equal to such lands ' as , the United states have sold or otherwise appropriated, or to which the rights of pre-emption have attached which lands thus selected shall be held by the state of Arkansas for the use and purposes aforesaid, and for nono other ; Provided, That the land so selec ted and located shall in no case be further than twenty miles from the line of road whoa the same shall be located: And providod further .that all Mineral lands, except those containing coal and iron, and any lands heretofore reserved to the net ted states by any act of Congress, or in any object of internal improvement , or for any other purpose whatever, be and the same are , reserved to united states from the operation of this act, except ; so far as it may be found necessary to locate the routes ofsaidrsiU ay through the same,' ia which case the r.ght of wao only shall . be granted subject to the approval of the Pre3;deni of the United states. ' See. 2, And be it enacted, That the sections and Erts of sections ( land which shall romainto the lited .States within tea miles on either side of said road, vnd. the even sections and parts of sec tions oorre?ponding to the odd ones selected within twenty miles 01 tho some, shall not be sold for loss than double the minium price of the public lands when sold, nor shall iiny.of . the said lands becoina subject to. private entry until t!e same ah&it have been first ohored at public sale to the highest bid der at or above the tn.nium prine as aporesald : Provided, That actual bun fide settlors under the pre-emption laws of tbe Uuited States. ina, after the proof ot settlement, improveinao;, and occupa tion as now provided by law, purchase the increas ed minium price : and provided, also, That sellers under tnr provisions ot tne nomesteaa - law, wno comply with the terms and requirements of said act, snail be entitled to patents lor an amount not exceeing eighty aores each, anything in this act to the contrary notwithJtandia j. " Sec. 4. and be it further enacted.. That said railroads shall be, and remain, pablic highways, so far as the same may be constructed uuder this act for the use of thegovernment of the United Stato free of all toll or other caarg-.s upea tne transpor tation of any property or troops of the United stats and at the cost, ia all respects of said railroad com panies; and the said roadc are hereby acquired to beennstructed within tbe term of lire years from and aftor the first day of July, anno Domni eigh teen hundred and sixty-six. , Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the lands hereby granted to 8.1 iy states of Missouri and Arkansassball be disposed of by said states for the purpoce aforesaid only, and in. manner follow ing, namely: Whenever the governor of either of said states shall certify to the secretary of the In terior that any section of ten consocutite miles of either 01 said roads is completed in a good: sub stantial, and workmanlike manner, as a first-cla railroad, and tbe said Secretary saall be satisfied that said state shalrbo satisfied that said state has complied in good faith with this requirement ,tne said- Secretary of the Interior shall issue to the said state patents for all the lands granted and selected as aforesaid: not exceeding ten seotions cer mile, situated opposite to and within a limit of twenty miles of the line os said section of road thus completed, extending along the wbole length of said completed section of ten miles of roid, and nolnrther. And when the rorernor of said state shall eeitify to the secretary of the Interior,, and the secretary shall be satisfied that another section of said road, ten consecutive miles in extent, con necting with the proceeding section or with somo other first-class railroad wuicn may be at tne tinn in successful operation, is completed as aforesaid, the said Secretary of the Interior -stuh usue to the said patents for all tbe lands granted and sit uated opposite to and withid the limits of twenty miles of the line of said completed section of road or roads, and extending tbe length ot said section and no further, and not exceeding ten sections of land per milo for all that part 01 said road thus completed under the provisions of this act and the act to which this is an amendment, ana so, from time ti time, until raid roads and branches are compleeted. And when the governor os said state shall so ccrtifir. and the secretary or . the Intarior shall be satisfied that the weole of any of said roads and branches is completed in a good, sub stantial, and workmanlike manner, as s first-clas railroad . the said secretary of the Interior shall is sue to the said State patents to the remaining lands granted for and on account or said completed fold and branches in this act, situated wihin tbe said limits of twenty miles from the line thereof ,throa -rhout the entirr length of said rond and bracchef Provided, That no land shall be granted or convey ed to said state under the provisions of this act on account of the construction of any railroad or part thereof that has been constructed under' tho pro visions of any other act a, tne date of the passage of this act, and as adopted as a part of the line of railroad provided for in this aot. And provided further, That nothing herein contained shall in terfero with any existing right acquired 'under any law of Congress heretofore enacted making grants of land to the said States of Missouri rod Arkansas to aid in the construction:' of railroads And provided furthervThat should 3id.Sttej or or oitber of them fail to complete the roads herein recited within the time proscribed by . this act, then the Irnds undisputed of, as aforcipr. within the States so failing shall revert . to the LnfteU SUtee Sec. 0. Ana oe it lurtner eoacted.That so soon as the governor of either of the states ! shall file or cause to be filed with the secretary of the Interior mape designating the routes of said roads herein mcntioaed, then it shall be the duty of tho Secretary of the Interior to wi thdraw from market the lands embraced within the provisions of this act. Sec; 7. And be it further emcted. That noth mg contained in uu tt ,uu uo ueiu as vesting i th :!te of Arkansas titlo to the lands herein ,muA far the trust purpose aforesaid, or authori sing said state to matte any uisposi tioa 01 tne same nntl said stato shall be restored in all rpects to its former relation to the national government and be represented in the Coneress ottie united stales Inint.Hl JO T4.1SDO. f J ' Public Resolution, No; 34 Joint Resolution piotesting against Pardons by Eoreign Governments of Persons convictied of in- . . . . r r- . ., . , fameus Offences, on condition of Emisratlon tb the fameus Offences, on condition of Emigration tb th United States. - Whereas it appears from ofncal correspondence that th (-'authorities of B?sle!anf, a canton in Swit xerland. bave recenttyjundertaken to pardon a per son convicted of murder on the condition that ha would emigrate to America, meaning thereby the United States ; and there is reason to believe thai similar pardons of persons convicted of infamous offences bare been granted in other countries: Now tberefpro, ."' !'"..'. V Be it retolved by the Senate and House of Rep retentativet of the United State of America ta Congrett Attembltd, , xrnirt ft2T-W VP -Tha tfco Congress el tho. LVtedSUehurrotests 1gaiaaTseVaU'a'nnmen&Tr itl theoomitv of nations: and hereby requests the Pm idea's of the- United State to causa -a -copy J r this protest to be communicated to the representa tives of the United states. ia loreign eouatrtes.witn instructions toiesentit to the govenmects rpwher ther are accredited respectively ,and to insist that no such sjots shall,r under any circumstances, be "re peated t-. I Approved April 17,1866. ' j. ( Public Resolution,' JVo. 25-) A Resolution for the temporary' hvelief of desti- tue People ia the District of Columbia. . . r I Be it retolved by the Senate and Ilovte of Repre sentative of the United Slater of America tV'W grese aetembled, That the sura of twenty-five thousand dollars be, and thesame is hereby, appropriated I out of ny money" iu the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the temporary relief of the destitute population in the District. of olumbia,to bo expended under the direction of the Commissioner of Preedinens Bureau. Approved, April 17 ,1865. , ; :; PublieResolutioniM-) - Joint Resolution appointing Managers for tho Na tional Asylum forDjBUbled Volunteer soldieis. I Retolved Iy the Senate and Jlomte of Repretcnta tivetoftht b nited Statet of America in Conqrettat- euuUdiJ ' -. . ... : j . That the fellowing persons be, and they art hereby, appointed manaCers of the ' National Asy lum for disabled volunteer soldiers, under tho pro Tiions and conditions of the third section of the Act approved March twenty-three, eighteen hund red and sixey-six; Richard J Oirlesbv. of Illinois. Benjamin F Hutler, of Massachusetts , and Fredor- i lox smith , of ew Hampshire, pf tbe first class, to serve six years; Lewis B Gunkle, of Ohio, Jay Cook of Pennsylvania, and P Joseph Osferhaus, of Mis souri, of the second class, to unre four years; John H Martindale, of New York, Horatio O Stebbins.of California, and George II Walker, of the third class , to serve two years. Approved, April 21, Id66.f r i ' T . , , " Public Resolution No . 27. . Joint Resolution expressive to the Thanks of Con : gress to Major Geueral Winfield S Hancock. ' Retolved by the Setate and Houte of Rejiretenla tivet ot the United St ate t of America in Congrett Alternate ,.v : "j . : That, in ad dition to the thanks heaetofore voted by joint resolution, approvod January twenty-eighth, eightoen hundred and sixt-lour, to Major-General Oeorge O M&tdey Major-General Oliver 0 Howard, and to tbe otficeis and soldi eas of thearmy of the Potomac, for tbe tkill aud heroic valor which at Gettysburg repulsed , defea ted, and drove back bro ken and dispirited the veteran army ef the rebell ion, the gratitute of the American people and the thanks of their representatives in Congress are likewise due, and ar hereby tendered, to Maj r Ueneral Win i fie Id S Hancoek , for his galiaat mer itorious, and conspicuous share in that great and decisive victory. Approved, April 21,1863. . rt -,r Public No.'l9jJi Wl:., An Act concerning certain Lands granted to the State of Nrvada. Be it ep acted by tbe Senate and Hiuse of Represen . tatives of the Uuited Slates of America in Congre: Assembled, ; 1 That the appropriation by the constitution ' of the Stato of Nevada to eduoational purposes of the five hundred theusand acresof land granted to said State by the law of September fourth, eighteen hundred and forty-one. for purposes 'of internal improvement, is hereby approved and confirmed. see. I. Ana Da it mriner enactea. That, land equal in amount ta seventy-two entire sections.' for tho establishment and maintenance of a university in said state, is hereby granted to too stato ef ; Ne vada. .... ... .. . . Soc. 3. And bo it further enacted, That the Srant mad by law of tas s .-condday of July,eih- teeq hundred sad sixty-two,.. t to eacn.state.ot Unl equal to thirty thousand acres of its senators and representaiivos iu wuugm,ia wkuuot to 1111 suite of Nevada, and the diversion of the-: procoeds of these lands in .Nevada from the teaohiqgof agri culture and mechanio arts to that of the theory and practice of mining is allowed and authorized with r . - i- : r J . out causing a lorieiiurj 01 aiii uut. Sec:' 4. And be it further enacted, That the President ol the United Statei, ; by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall be, and he is hereby, autaorisad to appoint, a surveyor gener al for NobaJa, who 'shall locate his office at 4uoh place as tho secretary o. tne interior shall from time to time Qircct, waoso coinjfeusauon snail do three t ionsand dollars per annum, and whose du ties, powers, obligations, responsibilities, and al lowances for clerk hire, rent, fuel and incidental expenses shall be the sama as those of tbe survey or general of Oregod, under the discretion of tha secretary of the Interior, and such instructions as he m iy troai tim to time tnetn . 11 aarjsame to give him. . Aec.a. Aad be it iurtnor enactea, inat tne ex tending the surveys of the publio lands in the state of jVovada, the secretary of tee Interior may, in his discretion vary the lines of the subdivision from a rectangular sorm, to suit the circumstances of tbe oountry; but in all cases laaij valuable for mines of gold, surer , quicksilver, or copper shall be reserved from sale. Sec 6. And bK it further enacted That until the Stato of Nevada shall have received her full quota of lands named in the &tetf second, and third sections or this act, tno public ian is in tne state 01 Nevaad shall not bo subject to entry, sale, or loca tion under any law cf the United stateo, or any srip or warrants issuod in pursuance of nnv such law except the homestead aot. ot May, twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and acts amend atory thereto, and the-acts granting and regula tion pre-emptions, but shall be reserved exclusive ly for entry by the said state for period of two years after such survey shall have been made: Provided, That said state shall seloct said lands in her own name and right, in tracts of not less than forty acres, aud dispose of the same in tracts not exceed ing three hundred and twenty acres, onIX to actu al settlers and bona fide occupants, And provided further, That city and town property shall not bo subject to selection under mis act; Ana provided further, That this section shall not be construed to intcrefsre with or impair tnenznts herciolo-e ac quired under any law of Congress. Approvea,juiy 4, iojj. ' (Public Resolution JVo. 52.) A Resolution tt provide for the Payment of Bounty to certain Indian Regiments . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives., of . the United Steles of V ' - .. 1.1. J Jlmerica in congress asszmuieu That theI3ecretary of War bo, aud be is hereby author leed and required to cause to De paia 10 toe en:istea men of the first, seoond, aud third Indian Bagimenta the bounty of one hnndrel d -liars, under tbe same re- stiictlons aa now determtnet the payment of bounty to other volunteers In the service of the United States ApprOTCd, July 13. 1358 SMMMewses... m public EEsonrriow SO. 61 A Resolution explanatory of, and in addition to , tbe Act of May fifth, eighteen hundred and aixty.four, en titled ' Ab Act granting Lands to aid in the Constric tion of cortain Ratlroada 1 1 Wisconsin." Be it enacted by the Senate and Hocue of Repret entativet of the United Statet of Amjrtca inCon greti Assembled, -, That the woids "in a north-western direction," in the tnird section of the act entitled 'An act granting lands Ut aid in tbe construction of Certain railroads in the State of Wisconsin," ap, roved Kay fifth, eighteen bun dred and s.xty-four shall, withut forfeiture to said Slate, or its assigns, of any rights or beneats under said actjor exemption from any or the conditions or obligations imposed thereby, be construed to author ise tbe location of the line of sold road, in Said third section pro v id for, along and upon the fnilowin route, tbat is to say from the city of Portage, by the way of the city of Ripon, in the county of Fotd du;Lc, and the city ot Beriin, in the crunry of Green Lake, to Ttev en's Point, and thence to Bayneld, and be nee to Su perior, on Lake Sup, lor. Aud tbe Legislature of the said State of Wisconsin, bavin;, in and by an act enti tied "An act to Incorporate the Po tige and Superior Railroad Company, and to execute tbe trust creatsd by aectiou three of the act ot Oongress entitled "An act grading lands to aid in tne constrnc iun of certain railroads in the State of Wescossin,' approved May 6. eighteen hundred and sixty-four,' approved April, ehteen hundred and sixty-six, authorize! and reius red tbe said Portage and Superior Railroad Compan to construct the line of 1 aid In the said third sect ion of the said act of Congress provided forjnpon and along the rocte hereinbefore set-forth, and descr.bed, the Congress of tbe United Stales hereby given its assent to the route of the said railroad, as tbe same is here inbefore described, and set forth, and consoata to the selection and application eftae land granted to Uus State ot Wiscon.-d2 br the third section of the said act of 'Congress hereinberore mentioned, Tor and to the liu of'ibe said railroad, as the same is hereinbefore de fined, and descrioed, in the same manner and with the same effect as if the said railroad was Ircatad ana con ..ructn stnet feffieTtuVS tC! To prescribed lath said thU C""!8: ' il.r.l1',11 ti'.lllX:,..to. give the assent of the Uuited Stated to the disposition made by the Legisiainre or me oiae or wisconsiu ot tbe land grant herein referred to, and ;. thl change of ut lof . 7"cal.DB ""l8 l rM . ted. and not to make any other disposition, change or 1 yr.l .t .,,-,.1,. ' m route for the railroad in aid of which tbe same isgraa alteration of the grant aforesaid. Approved. Jane?l. 1SSS. . - - t I J . - . . , . ;t rp Public- -Not 167. v A ' An Act granting Lands to the State of Oregon te aid in tbe Construction oi a Military &oad from Corvaltis 'to the Acq,uinna Cay. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R ep- resentatives of the United Status of. AmerioA i n Congress Assembled, . . :.-!? That there be. and is hereby, rraoted U tb- State .of I Oregon, to aid la the couatrocUoa of a military waroa T.lnaU & . fT! tt. TTTTfrblT .TT.TTTm A W TP IV iTiiill la .W VU U AVA Ai- IX Ai-fl iaAAa. Uy iX XX. L roaiUMoutta tawa-PL-CarralUi. U .lhe,Aca.TUnua. JjyA ttnw alternate rtloD-tr -MKimjfr-latt imiiKiii.nM nnnihr. , and not more man six miles from said road Provide. Toat the land hweby granted shall be exclasivelr applied sathe constTUtf tioa of said road, and shell fce exclwlvsly applied, ia the construction f said rol i and - Shalt be applied to other pnrpoes whatever : And provided further . That ay aaa'alt lands heretofore reserved to the Unit mA a,.... v- ... r..imrriuH-a uther cotsmtteat antaor iy, be, and the same ary, TeT-erven rrorn Tm-TwrTvroruU)n yi iriWLt . rro"iii i:8Ja ia? orij ti ihi n .Tunt. r far as it miy be necessary to lo cate tnerocte of said, roai tnrougti tbe same, in wblcb case tbe right of way l-rantei,. : : r - : ; , A'se. J. And nett enacted. ybt tbe said lands aereby granted to said State shall he disposed of by tbe legis lature thereof for the porpo.-e atvyesaid, and for no oth ter; and tle said road shall be aud remain a public binhwar for the use of " tbe governm'St of the United States, free from tall or ettj!r charfes tyiM-tbs trans poi tat ion of any property, troopts, f miiie T(ui wa iei bijuu. ... ..... - - ' So-i,-AAbe iteBa4,-TiMit"i JliUW-H,f constructed with suck iradnation ' and bridges as to its regular use as r wagoo roao. and In . such other special manner as the State of Oregon may prescribe. Sec. 4. And beit further enacted. That the lands hereby grrnVed-Wa Sta:hal e dispedt only in the following manner, that is to tay: when the gov ernor of said State shall ce rtlfy to tbe Secretary of the Interior that aal teo Contiguous miles of said road are coopletod, thsu a Quantity of land hereby grtnted co terminous f Bid comptetee pirtloa of saldToad; nyt to exceod thirty sections may os aal, a'id so from time to time tyUil said road is completed; and if said read Is not completed within" tire years, no farther sales ahail be made, arl tbe ?atid retua.n u&sold ahall revert to tbo Uuited Spates. a ( w 1 . m au A PublicNo. 169. --:. -tv , An Act to provide for the Di-psal of certala Lands : ; : T T '.' 5- f therein named. : Be H enacted by the Senate and House of Rcprwrn tativet of the United Statet of Americn in Congresi Attcmbled, That the Commissioner pf the General Land.,0.1!ce e, and he. is hereby authorised to canse to be offered at public auction all the unsold lota ef tbat portion of the public domain known aa ine Port H ward Military Re serve, which Is situated in thecaanty ot Drown, and State of Wisconsin giving not less, than twe months' notice of the rime awl place of such sale, by- adverti sing the same in puch newspapers and for such period of time as he may deem bast. very such lot shall be aold separately to the highest bidJer or .cash. : and wbeu nutpaid for within twenty-roar hour from the tipie of purchase, It shall be liable to be re-wl t cmdar of tbe t!omaiiiUuier of the General Land Office afore said, at such reasonable minimum as may be fixed by tbe Secretary of the Intej iar, and no sale shall be bind ing until approved by tbat officer. . t - Sec. t. - and be it further enacted, That -tt shatt bw the doty of the President to cause patenia to be issned in due form of law for each and every such lot. as soon aa may be arter lee purchase of and payment for the same. .... Ap,roved, Jaiy4,tSS8.. ... v : XPublic-NoAlo An Act to provide for the paymont of the sixth, eighth and eleventh Regiments of Ohio Volunteer Militia of Cincinnati, Bard'a Company of Cavalry, and Paalson's Battery, during th6 time they were in the Service of tbe United States, in 136 J. - - Be it enacted by the Senate and Houte of Rtprttert' taiivt of the UnUtd Statu of America in Congrett Attembled, . Tbat tho officers and men of tlt slsih, eighth, and e"e venth regiments of Ohio volunteer militia, and of Cap. S. w. Bard's company of cavalry, and ot Captain .ugua Paulsen 's battery, or Cincinnati, ordered into tbe ser vice of the United States, at Cincinnati Ohio, on the second day of September, eighteen hundred and sixty twe, notwithstanding any irreml irlty lu their muster iuto tbe service of the Uniied Srate , be paid for the tim ethe officers and men were actually in the service respectively, nt bowevir to exceel the period or SI days. J Appp-ovoJ, Jaly 6, 1SW , . PUBHU No. 17T. An Actr::ing tf Pilots and Pilot Rojnlations. Pe It enacted by the Senate and House M Represeu trtives of the United States of America in Congress Assembled. Thjt no rega!ations or provisions shall be adopted by any State of the united Slates of. America which shall make any discrimination in the rate of pilo'age or talf pilotage between vessels sailing between the ports of oneSta'e and vessels failing between the ports of dif ferent States i er ani discrimination agalut( -vessels propelled' m-while or in part' by ieam, or'-agatast n- tional vessels of the Unitod States, and alt exixttu; re guJations or provisions making any such d.scrioilua- Uon, as harem meutionex, ae'- hereby anaullel aui f it i i 'i: .'. aorited. . Approved, July 13 lSGf rUBLC No. 173 An Act to amend "an act making a gram of Lar.dt io the State or Minnesota 10 aid in the Construction cf the KailacS'l Iroui auj'aui to 4,11c e Snperiorr' approv ed Msy. nft, eighteen bBuoredand Sixty-tour.-; lie it enacted by t'40 Senate and House of Repres entatives of the Lotted states of 4mori& u Con gress Assembled, . That section one of the act entitled "An act making a grant or lands to the State of Minnesota to aid la the construction of the railroad from Saint Paul to Lake Superior," approved. May ttfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, bo aineutied by adding thereto the following provided turther, That lu case it shall appear, when the line of the Lake Superior and MUsippi railroad is deanite!y Tocated, that the quantity of land intended to be granted by the said act in aid of the construction of the said road-thai t by reason of the line thejeof near the bouncry hue or the saia State ot Minnesoto, the said company seal I be emitted U take from other pub lic lands Mt the United Slates within thirty miles of the west I ine of said road 6uch an imouu) of lands as shall make up such dedcloocy: Provided, That the sam shall be taken in alternate odd 'sections as provided for in jaid act. Approved, July 13. 1378. Public No'" 179; An Act to extent to certain Persons tbe Privileie of Admissien, in certain Case, to tbe United States Gov ernment Asylum for the Insane. .. ,. Be it enacted by the Senate and TJouso of Rep resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Tbat civilians employed in the service of the United Spates , id the quartermaster's department and the sub aistence department of the army, who may be er msy oereatter become, insane while tn aucii employment, khall be admitted in nn tbo order of tne Secretary of War. the sam) as belonging to the army and navy, to the benedts of the asylvm for tbe Insane In the Dis ttictof Coiuoma, as now provided by law in reference to soldiers and sailors in the army and navy. Sec. 1. Aud be It further enacted, That the tolliw inj classes of persods. under the following ctrcum t ta ct's sha'l be entitled to ad ui-s'.t i to said asylum on the order on the Secretary or War, If la tho army, er the Secretary ot theXaro If in tho navy, to wit : 7 First. Me" who, while in tee t erviceof tbe United States, in the army or navy, bave been admitted loaaid assium. and have been thereafter discharged there from on tbe supposition thas they had recoyered their reason, and have, within three years after such discha ged, become again insane from causes existing at the time of such dicha.ge, and have no adequate mtan3 of support- Seconds Indigent insane persons, win have been In the same service aud teen Sischarged therefrom on account of disability arising from such insanity,... . Third. Indigent insane persons, wii j hve become insane within three years after discharge from such service from causes which arose during and Mere pro duced by said service. Approved, July J3, IStJ :. " - . PUBUC Xo 183 . An Act to provide for making the Town of Whitehall, Now Turk, a Port of Delivery. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houte nf .Rrp reienlativet oftha United Stottee 0 America us Con grett at templed, That the town of Whitehall, in the State of Xw York which.by existing law is a port through which import, ed merchandise may be exported in bond and for draw back to the adjacent British North American province a bo, and tbe same is hereby, constituted a port of deliv ery with!h the-ol taction district of Caa;iain, and thtt a'deputy colleetur, as now authorixel by law, shall there Ji-ide. who hli receive the same eo npen-ation as is now paid to tbe deputy collector now stationed at that p.rt. Approved, July 13. 186S ,. Public No. 181 An Act te extend tbe Benefits of Section four of an Act making Approprialieti rot the support of tha Army for tbe year en lin? Jare thirtieth, eigh'en hundjelani sixty-six, app.ovei March third, etga.eed hundred and sixty-five. ' Be U t Attend bj the Senate and House of Reprettn tativet of the Untied Statet of America in Congrett Alternated ' ;.- Thkt sectien four of an set entitted "Ai act'rflikinw i cropriaiions aor me auppri or iijp . army fer the year ending Jose thirtieth, eighteen buodicdacd sixty-six' d o cvHsireea as so enut:e io-netoree rK(iiii' pay proper, provide I for therein, all otnceri of volunteers below tbe rank of orizaliar-general wo-, were ln ssr ice on tbe third day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and wboe resignations were presented and accepteder.who were mustered out at .heir ewa re quosV or otherwls e hocorary discharged from the ser vice arter tbe mneth aay . of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-live, i Approved, July U, I3t6. V ' Public Xo. 1S3.) :' ; An Act reatiug to Lands gjanted to tbe Seated M.'hne so:a to Aid in the constructing Railroads. Be it enacted by the Senate and Eoute of Reprtt tntivrs of the United Statet of Atxtricain Crr,.;reti That wueaorer it shall appear Ahxi the Unit sStates nave boiu or ai?poea or any an U. gTanteJ to the Ter ritory o. state of Miauesoi for the vnrpoee of aiding in iuo toasiruciion or tallraads after the d-flaite lo- cation of. tha, tne t road, aad btfr the ' wjthdawalof ' "" '.m InUu 00 landV from any of the lands of .he State, .ubjt to sale being odd nnmbere - luni office. lions, within twenty miles of the line cf tbe pror roaa, a ijuau.iiy 01 tana equal 10 that so told or uispo ed of. and tbe lands o selected shall be submitted for those ao aotd or disposed of by the Tfiited States, and nay b disposed or by said State in? a' respects as if tad aab.tituted lands had been parcel of tbe original grant to the State. Provided, hswjver Tuat n.ithing herein contained ahall bo i construe I a to d!minisj"the bnan titrof land granted hi act.ct ilj Cfih. eiItcftii baud red and sixty-fonr, to the State of M.nues ta to aid la ' the Constroctioa of a railroad froat St. Paul to Lake Superior. Oiz. 2 And be it further eicte.J, That the "IttoT named la the act granting lauds to the Territory of Minneaota to aid in tiw e-ntir ocio of a;rUiu Mil road "fauna St Paul and.. .rum. Sjlut AJUtiicny. ty. the way of Minneapolis, ti a convenient point oijunctioa west cf tbe Misiasitp4 river, to the southern bounda ry of the Territory,' approved March tMrd, eighteen toalred aad fl;ty-ertn, Ut the cons truclioa and coa- - ' --at p:eJlciUjfjA!lr.?a.J.ls hfrTJltteaIJ.'r. sem .years,, I rca- paage 1 1 hi act. : Sec. . And be-lt futher-eict'f Tail all the land heretofore gcaaist ta the Taritory ant Slate" of Min nesota to aid tn tha construction of ratirsads, ahall b.j certified to said State by tfce Secretary of tbe Interim from time to time, whenever any ot Stfdjroads shall ba, iaSnitaly licued.an l s ill bidisoo ed of b sai4 stats', lu tbe taARuer, ao-i npu the eonditlont - prevldsd la tha - particular act granting ibe tame, as m di3ad by . tae inal a uantitr aranted to aid the construction of any road has be iacra.eV-th qtaatLy. aaibirizei te be sold ffcrtf timettim itiUli a nrr era d frxspond, . Irtgiy: And provided farther. That 0n completiei f aov tea mileacf roai, the State may sell one balf the qnantito ef Iahda,wh!5t aal-t S.5xa anthqriryi te dis pose of on'the conab etha ot twenty railed Sec 4 Ant be it further enacted-Tbat ta linia grai teby anyactof oofess-t the Stata". ot !nnoia. toaip ia the contructtoa cf railroad- in Mvi-stt, nL-fr la olace. on K-ruiiiini i- c "uir ,baU ni-fce-Hpoie4 vf aatil.tbe tovl s'lallfre. MRmMtM thrftos'h and eote'minou withinr san : B.ovided, however. That this provision shall aoi x tetd to any lands auth ried tbe-Uksn?t biXI deficiencies. ' - ? ' - T C-. '. .T 8. AadTbrlt further enacted. Tkat ao snaA Af. apv act as conflicts with the prtrvis'ons of this act if terehy repeated- Approredt Jn!y 1J. 13S : Wt c No. ,176 ) AU Act maklnf Appropriatlja for th S ipport nt the Army for the Tear indlnr Th'Ttleth of June ei$bten " hundred and sixty-seven, snl ror other purpoie i Be itentfrfadbe S'nnt nnd FT" Reprt eiuteivtt of V 'netect Statet of America in Conjret amembtetl, r - That th following u-? be. aaJ thla-n- hereby appropriated. onJof any money tn the trnry not oife rl appripria'e 1. 1 the "U-v f I tf tb army fr , th year en tins tM thirtieth of- Jane, el r?itia hail- red and sixty-seven. ror expenses of reemttmg. transportation of rcr arts andcompeniUon toit'iei surgenns for msdiaal at tendance, three htndredttrnwwd d-llar. - Tor pT of Jh army . ten mU Una svea hunIr4 aal twelve thousand "and fl'ty-fwo ffntTaf. For comm-itation of officers subststenc. n mllJIi six hundred and flf-!x-0 thousand flv hundred -eleven dollars an 1 fifty cents. i ' Por eommntatlon of forage for officers' horse. hundred and five thonaul two hundred dollar. For payment In lieu of clothing for efflder'a se-vaats on bandred and tflne'y-oo.e thouar.d aeve; hindr4 and sixty six dollars. For payments ta Disbar aoldiee for cl .Uuaa; Bit drawn, one hundred and fifty thasanddilari. . ;. ' ror snbsiatence lnklnd for rerulars and vo tun tears , -fir million three hundred and.oo t!nesncT six h-ja-i red and twenty five dollars. ror the regular snoolie of lh qn-t-n'ster'a d partmen, consisting of fuel for- the ofiTerSi- -enlist-! men. guard, hnspsUls. storehones, and rfilcars; f forage in kind for the horses, rautev an cm- f th qnarmastera department at the sever I posts anl sta tions and with th armies in th field; iot the hrse of tb several regiments of cavalry, th batti!e ef artillery, and such compante of ibfanlry as may b mounted, and tor ih autbo ixad number ofnesra horses when serving in tee field and at tbe outposts. Including bedding- for aaiuiala; of. straw for soldiars bedding, and f sUtionery. Including blank bk for the eurtermister's dipvtmtnt certifljUe ol dlsaa' ged soldier blank form for Ah pay and qnariem ter'a departments; and for printing of division anJ d partment orders and reports, foar million en hnnd redand thirty-four thousand foar hunlrd and njas'.y nin do'.lara an 1 thirty th-ei cents . For the incidental exjeiMi of the naarterwjj'sr's dspartmcrit, consisfinx of p-ntau cn l:trt and dack -ages receivediand sent by onVers of the army on pubMe service; expense of coarts-mrtlal. millta-y eomaii. slons, and courts of inquiry. Including the additional, compensation of Judge advocites, reorders. member, and witnesses, while on tbat service; under the act r msrch sixteenth, eizh'een hundred and tw., extra pay, to Soldiers employed under the direction th quar termaster's d epartmeut, In the erection of barrack, quarters, storehouses, and hospitals: la the Construc tion 0 roAd. and on other constant labor, for period of not less fian ten days, under the acts oT March 3d e'ghteen huncrrel and nlneten, and Anguit fourth,. Hsh'eea hundred and flrty.four,lncludiBg tlios era, pioyd as clerks at dirisiio anl depsrtmiat hevlqi ar tors; expenses of ex; r ses to and fromthe frontier posti and armies iu the f ' I; of escorts to pnynrter and other disbursing officers and trains where m litary escorts cannot b furnished; eip'n-1- of th Interment of f facer k lied In a t oa ow:diowhen on duty It the field, or at posts on the fronrs, or at other post a and places when ordeted by to 8 xre'sry of War, and of non-coraailssi ce I officers and tolSier; autarisl office furniture, hire of laborers in th qnartermastar. department, Including the hi e of interpreters, spik and guides for the a'm; tompensatloo of clerk t officers of the quartermasters department compeast tion of forage and wsgn masters, .. authiriied bytl. j act of July fifUi,. eighteen, bundrvd ani.tlurty iU for tbo apprehension of deserters, and the expenses In cident to their pursuit and far rUte following expendi tures requred-for the several res Iment of cvalry. the batter ies ot light artltlery, anTsuc:u cempaot, of Infantry as may be mounted, vis : the p-irshas? ti trav elmg forge, blacksmiths' sal shoeing tools, horse and mule shoes and nail.. iron and stsel for shneitv and steel for shoeing, birol veterinary surgens.Bt iciaes for horses and male', pic'ini ropes, trvl f r ph Jug the horses ot the corps named; also, generally, to proper aad authorized expenses for th movements an t operations of an army not ezpiesxly a-signd ts any other dt partment, one million dot lar,. For the pnrchas of cavalry and artillery hor;es,?e cn hundred and thirteen thousand dollars ror tran-pjrtationof otajers' bagjize, fifteen l"i-)t; and dollars. For transportation of the aitay. including the tai gsga of tbe troops when moovlng, either bylaplr water ; of clothing, camp, and garrison eqnipaie. f raw the depots at Philadelphia, Cint innatti, and Xsw Trk to the several posts and army depo's, and from those depots to ibe troops in the field; and of susistence stors from, the places cf purchase an I from tbe place of de livery under contract, to sueh place as the circumstan ces ot tbe service may reqal-Ohetn to be seat; of or dnance, ordnance slor.and s.nall aror, for fonnJar crs aed armories to the arsenals. fl)rti.1:tlrns, font ler pos's, aud army depots; frslghia, wharfage. tolU, anl feniages , for drsyag ana ctrtsge at the several posts; tire of teamster; transportation of funds for the pay and other disbui lg department. ... . ror hire ef commutation quartar for officers on mil itary duty hire ot qjarters tor troops of aioreh us for the saf keeping o mititsry storet; of ground of ammsr cantonmtnts , for the mouructloa of tonpo- rary huts, hospital, and for repairing public builJing at estab'lshel poMs, six hundred and twenty-four thousand and thirty eight dollar For contingencies of the army era hundred thouaaad For the medical and hespltal department, five hund red thousand dol liars. ' For repairs and impr rem?nts at afatmals. inc'udlng new. and additions to pre-nt buildings, and machin ery , toolo, and nx'ures, fi t thou n I dollar. ror purchase ot site and erecilou of mititloi fjt storing gunpowder, two hundred thousand dollars. . For th purchase of und fur cnUrging th Water- velvet aneaal, thirty thousand dnllar 5jc. 2 And bs It furthar enatts I. That th sam of o ha: d e ' aa fo t. -lt tnusand ollars b.rad 1 1 taue s hereby p ropr ated t t a cuoiersintho trjrsnry not wtboi w.s approi t ated' to b disbcr.4 by the Sec etaiy of War in the erection of Ore p-o-f bui diDga at or near S.h lyikill araeaal la tq tai f Pennsylvused to b used as storehouse for govern ment paoperty at that post. . Sec. 3. And bo It enacted that the following aoois be and the same are hereby appropriated, out of any money in th treasury not otperwiie appropriated,fr the supportof the bureau of Itofa-reai. rreedmn anl Abandoned L'.nds for the fiscil y;r commenciag Jaly flrt, ighteen houdral an t lxtyix. namely . . . The saiunes of asmstant cernmlasiouer. 3 hsad- red and forty-seven thousand dollar - For salaries of clerks, eighty two thousand tUl hundred doolars For stati mary aal printing, slx'.y-thrse thousand dollars. ror quarters and fuel, fifteen thousand nine hundred dollars. . ror doffing for distribution, one million pnhusd red and seven' y thousand dollars. . For ommliaary st rcs, three mli'lon o&e hundred and sixty thousand two hundred and fi'ty datraci - Form;dl:al department, five hundred thousane-dtV Por trrnsporlatieu, ooe million three hundred and twenty thousand dal lam rot achool superintendents, tweuty-ous. tbousiud dollars . 1 , r -.'!?. ror repairs and rent cf scheol-hohes and aiyluna , five huuured thou aud dollars. . .. . ... a For telegraphing, el htea thousand dollars. Sec-4, Anl bj it further nactat. That th Quar termaster a department aba 1 ta all cases in obtaining supplies for miltury sarvict, state tn advertisement for bldt for contracts, that a preference tba.'i t given to article of dom. at c produeiw-id moaur, conditions of price aul quality bingoqua!, and tint sncu drefereuce shall be given to srtiuc of Aoiicatt manutacturr, pridoccd un tb paoO: oul, t 1 he ex tent of the evnsu.n)ptuntrequlrcd by U- poaiie service 'here; and in advertising t.r army sspplies the Q iar termastei'' depirtm-nt stall requu all aru.! which are to be need in the Xtate and Tarriv rie f tbe Pacific coast tc be delivered acd Inspected at idiots ilesignated in tbo Stat oa a t-t Tarritrtvs; t ad vertisement for such aupplie thall.be pl:ibd In uewspapcri of the cities of Saa I'xt.o saCaiifoiui and Prtiatd, In Oresou-' J ' ' Sect Aad be it further f nt-UX Tb.il Si-'.Ln seveu teen of an actentitlel "An act to lis, p. y ail emotameaiAuf ertaiacaV:eruOcer4 t.Sjiy. "ap proved July even eeiith, eiiUteen buudred aad s xty two, and a resolution entitled ' A rei-jlutica fc author iso tb Preaident to assign the command ot troops la tbe sam? fie d or department, to officer of tha a n gTd without regard t. seniority," approved. AprU furth,Ugh:eei LauJred axd ixty-twj sU tb same are berty repealed And no officer in tha vo tary or narai aervice soul is Uma or fca, dn cd from Mnnce except u'fau aud ia p ;ruarft j xum seutence of a cjur.-irt.al i that C?ct, Id ouit mutation thereof. . , ; . j Sic. . And r,e it further enact1 That lh sa;rs3 thud nt of t'ao United Stte Miiitarr Academy tuy hereaftc b seiectl, an-a the offi :rs on imy al al laititatiou Ceiill from any arm of the. wri:. f anl th 4 supervision aivlsbarge of the Aeusay s - j o is the War Department under foch offi cr or cUera. aa the Secretary or War may assist ta that duty Sec. 8. And be t further euacted . ha th a'Uw. n.w nula by law to p.Ujs traveling, waisr oruvr wbere tran.-p .rtati hi u 101 f aruui.J -a kiad aha'.l bj lCO easel t ten centa dr m M Approved,, July -13, tSSl ;.; lL'd i0 DISSOLUTION OF COPAETNEPsSUIP The Copartnership heretofore existing between Cbarles Gacd and Jmo1 i!ntai!jV s thw Firm of Charles Caede & Cu.hasr this d y beoa dsoIr cd by mutual eo nsont.. r Ail cUinisagaiast th ollCrtn most tV iasxedi ately presented to Cbas. Caede, who will sea ta their settlement. . - October, 3 1st v. CHARLES GAEDL IT 2 i: I U U i. it fi tlrlrlc lr :j i' it- ; LjJ 1 (I I rV a ar T-sr w r nr 1 w . -eT tf H