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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1866)
3 ! 4 iBBAStU aDVH'USEi.. -:?itATES of advent::::'" ft 4 Ortar(tta liBMr !m) iuitut tl tV - uailUoaal iAMltlM ' - - - - r .- tl Suiaeaa cant, tlx n ar lti, aaa xr, . St Ut.- rwiauiB, a yaar. ' rt ea OH kalf feiBaa.aaytf, . W tin Tur k celcm, eo )Cf, ' " ' 19 tl on tnktu cslbKia 'jim, tl ea On cult-au la bjb - . fa M at bait cultnjs ia k a - - . M a . Ol faartb lona a. aiai.Ua. , . 31 tt On if Lt .eorfoB"!;! aic3-.i:'; J Oni tulnun t!if t t'ki - " a a& a co. xt- m & co - 5 m mm . - i ' j TO". T. 11 y. J. - r Von calf eoiama tart a. '. (I U Ont fna catoeia ta t nj.&i II n One aija b ojjuaja lhrf t J tk II 1 . . -.4. ..ft . - r f',r;;;,;v:..v'j.-',,J-,,Alr',r A 1 1 1 rnc tLt kdertifiJtit f3at ! ia a4 acre. Teaily ctniB d baritriy la aJiaao All kind vij-b. Bool and Car arlatlaf, kt tbt b(t ty t.n kort Lvtica aad rtaaaoakia lraa. LIBERTY, AND UNION, ONE: AND INSEPARABLE'1 NOW' AND''OItEVER." BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, r3 ... " NQ.10. ' 'IP ' - fC. I . 11: ; 1 fl :r-i i iL - ( s. HQi'LADAY, M. D- I (.,'.i lu Alfl lu IWI.l OUSTlCTHTCrJK t 1.r' ''; anHU"-trcl fUM-nl. HttJladaj & Co's Driu Slorc j Itro'Voort put of Post ttjpce. 3iuvt ami d.-ora r.o Ufunilc lloute. " D lOlVKVll.T-F N T .-j-ii -i -f U 4?i e- ti 4 k i v . I..... .fnti7i NZ U ELMER, - N ! ?t 1 9 Pa ..a (t! i;.-i!:i)i:r-i:u stin shop, ii.i.i:. nu: 4SHA. vv ,; . i funrn: now CTTLTT- en AMERICAN HOUSE. A Good .Fred and Llicry Stable L ' D.'fl03iHS0H. PKOFRIETOK. EDWARD W7THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR INWUIIANCKIY, r.rft.r ..r XaiM m-I'!''. lrta. MHUIVNVIM.K. NEBRASKA. Ccarral N-wi Anl. ami Stati(i:ier, Vosi Offlcc IIulliHns. IHIOWSVII.I.I . NlulUCASK A .. ktiU "h ar v."Uuiy ocrivinu fr.-li ..f noW. Stti. rmrT. I'i....-r.l 5 AH.utn', vlil HV;al C'lif'-c ! m .'". Iu'i.k.i, anl fcai,a leli'iB f I ; ;-. cj1. rUT.i..liM h ihr.T inrite'hr a 't n t,.- n'it-n .-f Vfina rnpy. ainl t"iri .- i, -ir,;- at 'n t iiti l Wii nv. ml fair 4. r.'- mi ri a l4r 'h- .ui't o ir.nir. A.I.f.K:i. rif J.W.HLISS liolSIXSON, ?i m mm. Urotvuvlllo tv7oV-raali.A T i' . )n .. .1 ..l ifi .iii llir r ,i , v i. I ...l ...1. I rtn.ut . f ;iit', aii'l I S ANM .SIIOI fi. tT .. ,M ,, a t.ri ti.iCi. a. Ill-Jit tui.i. . A r.cir.5XiKiaD. TJ'A TEKERS. ' ' ' . . ..; iv-. II . -t-rin.;. ' ' " I : r.t !i i I't tli. ir lit,- x-47.y Millinery & faucy Goods - f n I'OH UIUCO .1-1 rXi Tk " W' r-i"atl a. k .. . 1 ialrr D-nmI "IMI. W..." . ' '"cry .mc :ii: .: . BF JAMES MEDFOKD, . ,,.M " 'VNk in ku.i tine l-m BHOWHVILLE HOUSE . COR. MAIN' AXI2XC.STS "rornil!lc. Acbranka. tl. V7. PrnTnbn t-i . . -'opnetor. ... " 'JTSISUB SIREUB 2 iri. . A. W rP If a jr , : SH . jSAito sifrirn. i , n mule ttt at nninn fi i mm waiiuiiiu, ij iToasc-Slgn St Ornamental filtzier, Glider, drainer, PApER HANGER etc. All work done in a workman like manner, and on atrickly TEKMS. 01 W)0 WMTOf 0S0W.NT1LLE ROSE JACOIJ MA!0UN. M K It C T-I A-N T M IV STKE KT. 11 OU VM I F. NEHRA KA Au.'. -J ' 6d ..... RIC1IAKD F. DAIUJET, KH1ML til SiW. AND DEADER IX f'trt-jaiuttt titrr give to ti'tlinj (.section. . Once in J. Ij. Carron'a Sankins; House. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. V - xl4 ly ti -En ClfltlWaTtllS. AND JOSEPH S II UTZ . . IIa juxt i-eceied and will e nftantljr ket- -r Ln la lareaiiil well elcctd at-jik vl gi-uuiiic r- icIcK in line. One Door vest of Grout's Slort, Brou n ville. -Yi brash a. XI. oj?xrlxx c Ol Cl-aks WlJelll Jeflr d..n on tbf gh.-rt-at Nollca. . . WORK WARRANTED. Kh.. MaCU l6iu IS16. . 10 25 Xj C. P. STEWRT. M D. OFFICE .on-h E;.f .-..rnrr ..f Mjin nnl Fir St-e imoivwii.i i:. XKI1KASKA. Orrick Horns -7 c. y a.M.nml I u,2 rd i. 74 r. M l.r..wnilV. Vl.rak.Ma) 5tti. ISfi.S- N..a4.l CHARLIvS G. DOlifcliY ATTORNEY AT LAW Xnt Voorjo Corson sDovh. ' MAIN' STREET XS row nvill o TColorfl sls T W.Tipon O H.Hewett J:S.Chu cli TiPTOH, HEWETT & CHURCH auouucijs at Cam, BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. March 1-r, T,5. 1. RESTAURANT OYSTElfSALOOiN. WILLIAM ROSSELL lakff tbU met bod of infrm'ti,; t baajuatoiM.bedin Vail Urt-t.ti ' nitow.wiMj:, r.jir a Restaurant and Oystc .c that lie t and 2nd. ' A. ... ;ca Alao, Cinfeclionaries Canned Fruit, I 'd Frail, S,.icn of ,11 kinda.-T4, Cfcffce. h''K.r Tt,bro. 1'otatnes. ivm IVt and rerjrinmg ttucallj kepi is a rttaingiocerj tiTMEAI. SERVKH AT ALL IIOCBS FUKSII OYS'IKHS- X 15-lr - ' ' Evan Vorthing:, WLbloalc Si detail Dealer m Choice Liquors, Wines- Ale, Bear Pitts nirrrAi.6TiinA!siiiK ii iciiim:. wwx voit K " 4 kixg ucapcii. qtJAUi:isMO- KU and DICK EVC CUI-TITA- TOK, Main Street. Brown?ill3 ??yniiMA lj-Jilylr.ts . PAID FOR YESTERDAY. The scene opens in a demist room, in ihe-Wrft End of London. Mr. Filey wa. a fabionab!e dentist,' ivith an excet-d-inly.'what is called, gvntSrnimjIj: up fenratice You mighi have tak n Iiim fur h tmrorift, and o miuht I. A car ri;pe drove up to the hnu.e and a lady carefully utiired West End costume, and wine nf those women do I'hjW very capii vatin?. She ii.quir d for Mr. Filey. That qen'lt-iitnn made his bow.- Mr. Filey' Leonid. -I have rome to voo on n ail he. Of cr.e, Mr. Fib y u it:' full of sympathy tn his as peci at all e'en.?. -Yes.' be said. Mit is vrrv fad Yu are jrreat in teeth. Mr. Filey. ' Do you remember me. year ajro ?" Mr. Filey bj:ced to be excused hi forcetfulnes. attributing it to his exten ded practice. . i "Ah ! I waf ihpn younger, Mr Filey I am now. -s itiv iard will have bhown yuu . Lady Spnyir.-' .Mr. Fit' y bi'Wi d 10 the tiile. . 1 have a nephew,-Mr. Fil-y ; the heir to a vast properiy. He baa but one de fect bia let-in J Oh I' the trouble these trf ti hae given u.-! His timidity is .ucii that he will i.ever now aj pr. ach a denttrt's thep I mean house afid we are at our wit's ends what to do with him. D you think that if I coo rived to lure him here. Mr. Fdey, that you could ?o manage a to remore one or iwo of I ihii k you call them grinders vithout his being aware of it ?M x The poj-ttiou was rather stanlin?. but Mt. Filey was an old hat.d, aud an able one. ' ' He raid- bo ed Joubt tbut if he hud ih niin ! lema:) t!itre.' he would ex tinct t! Je-l v'i-.d h rh.KifJ- LrKy ktx w ajijf , ji ing' of it fo ilrlicate.. and udden would be the niuropu atiou-till it was ver. . : -That u ill do.'r aiil the Indy You will eteinaily.obligH bin family. Mr. Fi ley, an deejly fb.lll 1 feel ludt b'.til. io y(U-b lieVe me. I will take the llhef' of pnyii g y i in advance, if you plea May I linw what it will be ?'" , She drv forth her purse and pai I the Miu. Mr. Fiby thought fii to demand .. . Arranjj mei.ts were made thet ' h" youi j.' i: e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;i 1 1 tthoOid cll on the mor row, at 2 o'cltck P MY prei-isly. hl- ry device v.oi o iitaiui his -nHtivii.'s.-in ti e matter I ln telh was prot;.i ed by Mr. Filey, who was forewarn, d thai il yoiit.o ueritlrinan was erctjinc. attl ( mi ijuite in the farhioi. in fact. C' in no: Iv ; so thai, unle.-s you knew it. vmi WfiilJ no: pie-ume him to he heir to a vat estate. Th- s-c-ne clones on Mr. Filey bowing the btdy into hei laniage. Aci the srtind 'ilisp'ays a jwel!erV tie p. U est End. Mshs. Spitchcock & Co. A lady nlighis from a carnag. and elites Shd sires to see Mllll j-Wel iy. A dia e ei w th diamou s fix her ye. Hr-r taste i? pleased I y a b au iiim biac It and a pir of rt-bv ar rmi:s wliicll Ull her complexion, she, think.-. She is as.-urtd that they suii her admira bly She hand hr i-ard Lady Spnggs at present residing 'at Fiby's. Y u l.i ow Mr. Filey, the dentist?" -Veiy well, indeed.'she i, told, aud S r- Simpson, nlso!. by name.' . She then desires ihtiu to make out tliHir bill, and tell her the amount of her jnrihase, hundred p.iund.-. the bi'I amounted to. And , the hopkeep-r wa-nt astonished. But what a country ihi? is. wher wtmen can lavish mouey on gun ciacks a I tell my wife. How ever, the lady snd she would be infinite ly obliged to h u if. within half an uour that was, by 12 o'clock. ptcisely. and not a inoiiKtit lattr they would pack up the things, and dispatch tbem and the bdl I v one of their (Yunff men. to Mr. Filey's, whirre Sit Simpson, her husband, would write out n chtc'f. and' liquidate ihe debt. Some womanV riamarole, I suppose. However, he inquest was rea'tily nrseutet! to.. She dparttd; and the n ne rlo-es wiifi her bmg b ed iu- o th carrpse a serond rime. Act the third. A youojr man cU wih a parcel at 12 'o'clock, pr.cily, that tdterupuii, at Mr. FiltyV. and &.-ks tusee Sir Sairpsoti Springs. Her ladyship is within," say? jase. . tbe The v unrr man say ne wi he w ill do. He i. u.hered iia fie room.' whers he sees i Vim (v ' . 1 ' VelVhelady sffabitwk her ladyship was rueUrt adispers - from the young man. and satJ : I will' take it to show mybufband ia y .,n on ri. lie Will tXi Wlin VOU III nve ... mites and I and vcu tne cnecif. 1 on i a I t t t - 4 will pleae excuse me. I mu-t firt sat isfy him of the neceiiy I have for th art-cles." Of course, the poor fellr'.y.thouirht thi Hlliwa fair and s'raiyhiturwaid. II Miid he would be hapjy to wait.. He took u chair. Well. He waited. The minute hnn'j of the clock went round. He waited on Beforr he had lime to feel nncomfot'able in his mind, the door opened, and a gen- a I I 1 1 - tlemun wuiketi in, wno oowea to mm. aud made his mind quite easy. -I broucht the things," said the young insn, '-and am ivamng- " To see me." said Mr. Filey, adinir inff the stratagem of the lady immensely. To see me. Yes, I'm aware. A beau tiful day today, ir ! Rather sultry May I offer you a glass of wine ?" Of course, the young ra:indtduTi cbjrct Ha! Iia ! You know how ihey ustd to prepare victims for the sacrifice ? Well. They talked. Mr Filey mi id? Pray, take a chair, may I ak you " and the younsr fellow, warmtd by hi? wine, was quite agreeable to everything ' Will you open your mouth, may 1 a-k ?" said Mr. Filey. What for?" says the young fellow, much ampzed. Oh, nothing," says Mr. Filey. 'l merely wish to inspect. The conforma lion of your tongue struck me as peculiar. But pray, al.ow me ?" The pooryu'ung man opened his mouth. Ha! ha! He opeued hi tnou.h. and jiap. d. - "Now draw back yourt9njue;'"i,aid Mr F.b-y. o No doubt the yoongfeUow - thought him a very ecceuiic barcei, but he com pflt-d." ' ' ' ' : ' " '" ; - ; .:. ' 'lu a minute "line oi "Ute "riotJers' was eiz- d caught in a vire, wrem hed.'t w irt eil, pulled. H-avt-ii spare us all the hririhle airoi.y ! The grimier came out at lat. in the midst of a stifi d s.-ream. I'm afraid curses. It came out. and the y-MJiig man was guiby of an assnl on ibe body of ''the dexterous operator. Mr. F.ley went down. Where's the hay? Wh-TeV Sir Sampson Spris ?'' rar- the young man with hi hand 01 Ins ui -u li. . "My dear : r " sajs Mr. Fdey, '"yon r-ally you may be ecee'iprn; ; lut when one is doiiivr you g 'od. sir doing you a seivci '' Sciv-ce," splutters the wretched young lillow ; ' suvice. to pull cut a moth when 1 iiido'i ask you.'' Ask me. sir," says Mr. Filey, "when I tell you your estimable aunt. Ladv Spring.. Hid, ai d ibat ii was pud for yes. lelGiiy " Paid for ypsterday !' bwls the vic tim, starting back. This tooth; sir, was paid for yester day," snys Filey, impressively. -Lady Sprigs my aunt ?" exclaimed he C'ti:iu.-id d youth. -Come, sir," says Mr. Filey ; "I think whatever your obj ction to part with it, you owe me an appology. I will not say in due form. I expect caprice. But re ally such violence !" The young man deliberately asked for Sir. S impson Sprigsrs, or the parcel of jewels which he had brought half an hour ago from the shop of Spitchcock & Co.. whoe servant he distinctly proclaimed himself to be. Bless me !" cried Mr. Filey, "is there some mistake ! Have I really ? on my honor, I , . ; . If you will go up to Sir Sampson Spriggs, and gel that parcel of jewelry immediately" said the yjuog man. Mr. Fil-y s'amd. I won't prosecute you,1 , the young mn added, washing his mouth out with water. You are not the nephew of Sir Samp sonL'a'd Mr, Fil-y. -Don't laugh at a chap, after what you've done to him," growled the young man. There's a mistake," said Mr. Filey. Str SHiiipsvn ts not here. It was an innocent sira'auem. Innocent !" sneers the young man. To jret you o stibmit to the operation. Lady Spritrir- " . ., Will yi ting-for her or not ?' cries ihr jo lope er.'n,,spicioiis youth. Th bell wa run?. Thp ready pane informed them that Lady. Sprigjshad left the hars fhortly after her brief in- tervipy nh he ynimsr man. By deap-es ! the ronfu'mati.wi confiderce. of Mr. FiUy ed. He ncrumpaioed ihe yumm uiuii to Messrs Spochcock's. related his share iri the adventure, aud .made, let us hop, s 'iiieihing like due repiratt m to the poor victim of the cleverest piece of raca!ny I knew of. The test was iu the hands f the police of Louden. ... 1 CrnivenUoiTof llic FrIendi br Eda- y callon. A call fora Ginventbnof the Friends of Education having been issued by the Board -of Education, of Otoe County. a number cf gentleman assembled at the High School Building in this City, on the 23d inst. i. The Convention was organized by electing O. B Hewett, of Nemaha. Pres ideut; aud W. H. Miller, of Otoe Sec retary. In ta!iug the Chair, Mr. Hewett re turned bis tnanks to the Convention, for the honor coufered on him, and express ed a profound sense of the importance of the movement to the educational interest of Nebraska, and his gratification, as a teacher, that the public aUention had been awakened to the subject. On motion of Rev. J. M. Taggart. lion. J. M. ' Wool worth, of Djuglas. was chosen a Vice President of the Conven tion. On motion of A. H. Harvejy Eq., ' . . c Capu S. N. Wise, was chosen a Vice President, of the Convention. Rev. Mr. Taggart being called upon o state the object of -the meetiDg. said, that our Educational system had been spoiled by discontinuing the office of Oi'm'missioner, thus depriving the system of any prr per head ; that the great con fusion caused by the frequent changes of texts buoks used, made a great expense for parents, and materially injured and retarded the pngre?s'cT the childern. It was to remedy ihese evils, and place' education in ihe Territory, on a progres- a 9 t fiver lusi'itit 'tic L'ittwit!ii hau i-tui called. He siated also that this was iu teLdtd 8s a preluninaiy to a (Jrand Maa Convention, a Omaha; in January, to ujgest such changes ni the Sch iul law to ihe Legislature, as would accomplish' 1 he desired end v On motion ut51r Harvey a committee on resolutions was appointed by ibe chair, consisting of. Messrs. 'Harvey, McKen zie and Belts. - Toe C.-m!iitttee retired, and after a tv miuutts cotisultatioti. ratornec aUd r. poited the following ; which on oiotiou ot Rev. Mr. Btts. wa-. liken up ite ii by item, dis cused. amended and adopted. ItetoJved. I hat this Convention deem? it o ihe utmost importance to the inter ests of the Fot.hc Schools of Nebraska. Hint uniformity aud permauency should be required 114. ihe several series of text books, used in the schools; and we lecummenJ to the next Legislature the passaue of such measures as will stcure - . . r i .' . r not onlv the adaption of such uniform se nes but their retention for a period of not less than five years. Resolved, Thai ihe well-being of the common school yiem of Nbraska, de mauds the restoration ol the officers of Territorial (or State) Commissioners .and County Superintendent ; and a provision in the law for the annual, or biennial, assemblage of County Superintendents, with the Commissioner, to discuss all questions connected with the general sen ol system. ... . Rtsolved,. That the friends of education ihroiigt.out the Territory, are hereby requested to meet in Convention, at Omaha, on Monday, the 7th day of Jan uaty next, to consider all matters of in terest to the common schools or Nebras ka. , , ' ResoJt?. That a Committee of five be appointed by this Convention, to prepare a Revision of the present school laws, to be Mibmhted to the Convention, at Omaha, and, when approved by such Convention, to be presented to the Leg islature, for its action thereon, and that they be direct to corrospoud with His Ex cellency, the Governor, aud to request his co operation in carrying out the sug gestions of 'his Convention, in regaro to V . ii f . i j levision it o ir scnooi iaw., so. . indicaud by these Resolutions. During the discussion on the Resolu tions, piried rpeeches were made by Rev J M Taggart, O. B Hewett. E.q Prof. McKenzie. Prof. Brooks, A. F Harvey. E-q . and O. H. Irih; other questions of 'importance wereraised. and discussed, and the warmest interest man ifested. .. .. '... - Th- Convention then proceeded to ap point the Gimmitiee au hinz-d by the last Resolution. . Messrs. Tasfgart. Hew et. Wise. R. T. Beale and Irish were chosen. - - '-' On motion Col. R. W. Furnr.s and Hon. J. M- Woolworth. weie added tn the Committee. , . ; Mr. Iri-h cfiered the following Reso lution, which elicited several ppeeche in i iu favor, after which it unanuncusly adopted. ' . Rtsolvtd, That Committee of three be appointed to report to the Convention to b held at. Om-iha. in January nex. a plan for av permanent organization of Teachers, and the friendi of education in Nebraska, into an Association. On mot inn. Prof. M. ' McKnzie, of Nemaha. Rev. G C. Beits, of Cass and Prof. Brown of Foutenelle, wire choicn such Committee. . On motion, the Secretary was instruc ted to notify absent members of Commit tees of their appointments. On motion tha Convention adjourned, to meet in Omaha, January 7th. 1S67. In further pursuance of the purposes aimed at by the Convention, it will be seen in the above proceedings, that the Convention will hold an adjourned session a. Omaha, on the 7th of January next. It is especially desirable that there should be as large an attendence of the friends of education as possible, and that every section should be well represented. To this end. the co-operation of the Pub lie Press, Boards of Education. Pastor of Churches, and all others interested in the subject, is solicited to aid in extending the notice and securing the attendance of a good delegation, from every County and section in Nebraska. ' ' . The "Editors of all newspapers in the Territory are requested'to1 publish the above, with such notice of encouragement, as ihe occasion may seem to require. O.B HEWETT, PrVt. VV. H. Miller Sec'ry. ' ' r He Couldn't Sec It. From the Toledo Blade. Considerable amusement was created among some of the railroad boys, a few. days - ago. by a circumstance which oc-. curred on one of the night trains into this city.- The affair is supposed to have J?akeJ out through the porter of the sleep ing nr. A h-'y vr'u'i a little boy. aged, perMps, t uri-i ytara, on n jjurney eastAard, ui taUcu a benh iu the sleeping Car. Toward morning the child awoke, and, raising up saw a loan in ihe berth where tie was bleeping, aud becom ing alarmed, called to his mother, :wbo whispered, 'be still, my chijd. it's only pit."- .The. child took another look at the stranger, a.nd then iu au excited tous ex claimed , ; -You ain't. my pa." -:, : Again the woman told the- child to keep still. The m.tu also called the boy by name and iuquired if he did not know his pa. The child replied : You ain't my pi ; he haiu't got whis kers. ... What are you here for Yes, I am your pa." No you ain't ; my pa is in Joliet', ain't he, ma ?" The woman found matters were ap proaching a crisis, and. taking hjld of the child compelled him to lie down, and the man got up. The noise had awaken ed seveial of the passengers, who cast many a sideling, contemptuous glance at the corner where the divided family were situated but they could do nothing wiih the train moving at the rate of twenty-five miles per hour. In due time the train arrived here, and the passen gers, with the exception of the "family" alluded to. changed cars, but the man . . - and woman did not leave until the car had been emptied of its cargo, 2nd iuen they sneaked off up towu to await the de parture of the day train, on which were none of their late fello v-travelers. Good Kctts from Business men and Farmers. For several years, nothing could arouse the Express Companies. The exorbitant charges and their irresponsibility, except where losses were bavy and the losers were ready and able to go to law, have produced wide spread indignation. The plundering of choice fruit has been thaineful. The catalogue ; of grievances is long. , Public meetings, speeches, res olutions, sharp newspaper articles, ' and appeal' to legislatures, did not r utile a feather. Their earnings were - enor mous, and their stock was at a vast pre mium. ' About one year ago, an opposition company was organized., 0&lr $10,000, 0C0 were required to buy them olT and things went on as before ; no they were worse. The complaint this summer in New York. Ohio and. the whole West were sj grevous, aiuL apparently so far from hope of rr med) , that they approach ed despair. . Farmers, frui; growers and shippers ge&erally, ;. tvere deprived of much of that part of . thir. . earnings which should have, been their profits. T&e best informed and most comprehen sive minds aw that, unless they were checked they weald abssrb to ihu:i?lu much of the( welth of th 'country A full nccount of the magnitude of their op erations, of their extent of their' pjtrtr and the oppressions they inflictti, vrouli astonish. " ' " ' . i ' a They have had 'fulIpUy. Thira wu no king, dictator, or law to oppress tien. A short' tiinV ago,' the Merchant's Union' EJp Cor.ipany as organized," with the ceotral idea of no: being bought out ; thought that was the best buiiatia going, exc;pt not .beipg bought eat. At last, the old Compmies were aroassd. A rival was mounting their golden throse. A "Secret Circular" was issued. Their agents were instructed to carry freight at such rates as was supposed would dt prive the Company of business. .. Ne limit was fixed to the deduction. thtt might be made. None, could corapliia ot this. ; But when they add, they j will receive no freight from the Marcttat'a Union nor ship to it, nor indeed. d any business with it whatever, they are, get ting ahead of the times.. It is the tains as to say they will carry no strawberries fur Johu Smuhr because :hey do not like htm. For the same reason a captain er a conductor might reject a passecjer. But they. go further. .VOu? routes;' where there is no competition, old rataa are te remain. They hare been charged with being mcnopolies ; this Secret Circular has served the public by provfag it; - So far, the new compauy i prospereai. It is paying all expenses, aud yet its rates are from 25 to 40 per cent less than the old one..'j Everywhere, the people eee, and ' particularly t .ose f ia ths " West, whose transactions with' tae, Et' ars itnmeose, that, iu'a manner, their lra tion depends upon the coctiauazsa cf this compeUtiocLr : . It is. no object for them to hare gsoix carried for nuthioj;, or evei st" -rsni. uai, fjr a few njjs'.h?.- Taey cji caoose to Intedfor the purpsaa cltf icg hifreafter . '.. ; : - V :. 1 Tne Merchant UaicaiFxpreia Coa pauy carries, goods, package and valua bles, '.uu the main routes: stated below. O'hers will b opened joon. ' Fruta New York to St. PajI by Hudson River or Harieu Railroad yd Xwtv.Yorkr Ceatral , to Buffalo, by LakeShure to Cleavejaad, by Toledo .with trancn to Detroit, theacs by Michigan Central, or by 'Michigia Sjuihiru aud Northern ludiaca then t3 Milwaukee, &c, ; alio from Roae'lo Wa tfeitown, also to Boston by Sioniagtcoi, t Philadelphia by Ddleware aad Raritaa Railroad; also from Cleareland to Cia ciunaii by Columbus, thence to St- Louis by Ohio aud M sissippi,- thence tt Kan sas City by Pacific Karlruad ; also froa Cincinnati to Terre Haute, rta Daytoa, and from Iudianapolu to ail poittaun the eig?u diflereot roads except to JefTersoa ville, ahu from Chicago to St. Louis by Bljomington and Springfield, aud to Rock Island Road. N. Y. Tribune. A London letter iu ihn New York Tri bant has the following : ' , . :Oue meets with many curious things who peers into the old church-registers of England ; but ihe followtog, which & trieud has just placed in my hand, taken from the record office of Wiucaester ca thedral, dated Al D liS2,'i4 ?ceruialy ,UK1U? It is a paid workman' b.i!l, an H 1 hlerd! copy : TUK WOAX SU5C . , . ... . . tf. - Iu suidieriug..' and reparing-Et. Joseph . . ,-":.'":';:vi,.f:i,.;.. Cleaning and ornamectiDg the: Holy Ghost. - - ... 0 0. tJ. . Repairing the Virgin Mary before end behiud, and making a new child. 4- JB. Screwing a uoae on the- devil, .putney la the hair ia hi head .and placiag e new joiut in hi tail. 5. 6. The Cleveland. Oh.o. Herald ralaUs remarkable occurence' which iyx plicS in tuat city. ' It seems that there" was aa oil rtfiuery situated in a ravine -oa the north side 'of. Hill street, which is filled uptojide across the ; gorge. ;tA bout twelve o'clock the man in charge of the works iaw about fifty feet " of . thi ,CQ Lankmeut move rapidly toward the buil dings, ii reached and. crushed, fii liny the raviuw with earth to the . depth of tour or five leel deep deposited (juits level. .. . 'fbe singular feature cf. this a2air is that it was not the Jallinj cf a steep bank, but a vast mass cf earth wsi forced out hprizantally by some unkaowa agen cy, carried some of it seventy-five yards on nearly a level.. Thee wrts sane wa ter with the slide,- but the, grater firt cf the earth trhich rnored wis ret ct?a wet. - r , . CTSubtcrile f?T Ajxths3.