Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 29, 1866, Image 4
"1 V : " ? r? I? Ciftnis.rI Iitatt G.'i 4 TO'BB G I VII IT AWAY! Iic!:el3 - -selling very Fast. Unparallcllecl Success!!! Hvcrr Iczy Ami cm For A lance! ! rIr:uT!;l Mt r ircn:I::m? to be ClAtV. ;:tt 1 Gratis toUic JSoId , res -!'tIiC 'i lclictt for tlic :0RAUD GIFT I.IATIHEE! 1 frontiers in GrceiAsc'.s i50,C3 Jpreni.u a a Ilsu-e and i-t, fiianted ca I.' ry IHl, New Ytrk, with slltbe taoJ - a n . 43.CC3 jrt.'. n,a Tana situated at "onsey, Rock j . . i , 1 tV,., Nw Ytitu, J L'juis from Ntw t, T. r'v, 10 n.',.-s w.a Jr. .a the. ttiuO, -r g 70 acre, iOJ fruit Lejrin . " . ia.'vcr, Lj'.rn-6 in & m. J cruri .if l'-r, lar,;e ?; nr. u!!''i'Z . t . h !ivi t-i r j I ! i : i I uut" , i -!' "fc.-tui i r. 4 h rn- t hoic pnip-' rtj ,t",itd i;S. tc tri at, pttA dwiiiirg c . -: !1f . j I ) U''J Lsra, ilc l aci 1 : t i ij-t ,ry n. rrriii- Lcusa iwtr . .ff t.uJ n.J nicui'itJ lj farta . , . r. 1 en r", , m j nf ctrn trib, iariu iai 't!" '.t,s.t:. ztz--r. it-rM.2 cXca' i . j ; -i, f L.t L-.-r.-, I t-., At .; lnia jcr- fi;t til ;u.ra.:UeJ. ! ,Cf'0 S jrtmiua ia gret-Lbac 10 t 0 25 !';:.( (.Su ir.wajr and Ctiu-Kt-ring 5,1)0 13 Hwr !!ocl.iDci.( Whctler A; Wil- ow' (irovt-r A lUkert and Sin?ri) 2,400 'rii; Amerl??r, Patent ttrcr t i - ) k,uLis,i-i -2,000 I :., fci!Trl'ti.t LeTcr I:ur.tici y. ' 1.5C0 : . - : ,-i t-j ! i tf ri-iu-iMl r::cst Al . kaai, i-u tal FDMriirr?.t bilk Iic-.-e of lat'. faionbIe f. attorns, K.:i (tl vrs, Cetf .-".ilTtr Te .Settti, and oibr f aliaL.a arUvit Ija uuu:cruua U creation, C,1C0 -VOif Prei'drnio each fwekaser -of Tidal " ' Will tite lace on rTo7T.cIfvy r.lnrcli L 31007 rfsl t- 1 Hit ; . Af.tti.,j.y i...uia.NtW xcra, Xt . ' Ii tl:nc place tlic Ticket IlcItU rs Will appoint a Committee of tilsliitcr . estei! pnrllrs to cllsUib- i ,!e!u5i:IrctIand ;i iiiilirthouvaua doS l','Vt. laisuoltli of val- -.t., uac ili?rCiicfty.i'- '.y'lfi Pcs!pc::cr.icnt to take place ch ' crv onileraiiort t:t T-'S!-M.:r' t.Mue ;'.l to duly rcgU- tr, !, at S -ould tl e j artiti not ba able tc attend ',' tie u.'itr :'wtin, V..ty ' bc iifuriccd lj icail of lat.;t lh'j are entitle.! t rrrrr :ts dollae, each. . . LLl i! KAILS. - Tiketi to ( fiC uiJnss for - - $4.50 4 t IS Ti-ketito tee address for fc.W ! r 21 Tk kete tooue adJrcti fiir - -.17,50 - ., X3 1 ukeU t od a I ira- or t 25,25 ; 0 1 icket to cue aUJrt.-e fur ,- - 35.00 41 Tit kti to cuo ad.lreesfor : 43.50 ; , lO Tkkeu to ot,e ndJie Tr Si.VQ -. ; In Try rs, fend tL riu cf e:ich rnbcr,bcr l',.,l O.T.oe Autresi, wi.U the Town, t j uif an 1 tte, in ful'. Mcnt by draft, 1. O. 'arUfr, L-ff ,or in Jiei.'tered Letters, ma be iat at our risk. ACl'XIS active ar.d reliable agrnti watted In ". etery tow tf Hie Cdm, miilt ahen liberal ar , ract'irifc'it will b untile. Ladict are ioritcd to frra clu Bt d et d for ti. kctK, f r all the property iuld be ai 't!ul to tlero at tbe p-u'lfiosn. TLe Left relorrm-e wl!l Le lurtusUed on appli , rati'tn. AIltriun wuhin lieko: or,nn " ; i,B .. adJrcu. mixh full Iihui. County, -t'jji!y wh'.tca to J.J. ADaM-, , , Htnst.rand Agent, v m N:ir ut Mrtct.Ncw Yotk 11:3 Frcca cay of ua It bsroB Its te of tn bonet bu- lcefi lun.fciii.n.aiii we duot not thai tbe li-t atrotl ejelily raacvi tbe nuuiVr rnjiilri-J eTre tin eriy d ftribativa,' , Lutton m'nrnal, August, 11 ll'. J. . ; Xb "j Ua li pl en, RD Snducctnentii aee,u;'Jl. . No t. i ribu t . n :-uanBtee. tu-re pc tal n:ff ti"n i!iti i ti i a uu, end it i no unndrr 4Ke jri,; U.ittoi8 it. LaniciUtH. Y)dtrti 4irf At 1 Ui'3. ' i Xli"r" "rrietori rf a Crent Matinee In New York C v if C.i'tri cnh ar.d other inducemon. r acoura t ' t' ry b-Jy cr.try after a ticket for ' Xorince. .I.vrryb'-ly.r.f e ure, car,n-t win, but V ictcebodf n.a-t,si l il.e lucVy .-ie wi'.i walea fT- St--- (A.rfca (i's.U.) America. Aug. J lb63. - TYi are n-t frtU5 to so cal'ed Gift rnterfTises, Veaue iacy cf thcia are iUn op on false or fii'.s ca p?-o'alion ; lul wbeo. a in the pres et t ioP,, the re ap earf a cmi,d Lt.i. and a hen fchr'-,r t f n.e r"' a-"'b toe te'ym l.ea t f 5 rrn at aaiMi'i rj Indiireuienie, (Te ps.c, w r Jeru-e to i-h U.o Ui.-.uilBlioii (utl T- Sf e can aiJ to thorn t. r.o of $50 COD. or a rlee t lr,n ix f u., bo'i or tbe expenOilure. A f,,rtt t. ) t ;ji w orit ruiiaj ifce kuuipe rr. r ?'t t'eert aefr wi.n ffrls-iT," end a lucVy hit (7 vi'.l rii k up La tie wcr.l Tui t tte cuQsoter . 'ua iuflce ss;e lo "tiy tt.tir luck" nj we kr tie t i.: lixii nr win," tt'e enterprise a;ver " ).rf!ise niuct iMt'.Ti'.TOt listriLuiiio ua- tr tte u; r il -n .f a cbONt a c..niaiilei.-C'Ury 0 : vi is tutt cr.ovESTEi::! a. Co., PIANO FORTE - 7 IAITUFACTURERS, - f pr.r ATT.NTr.arftle ruir.o aVd the trade I ia l,i el to r 2 c .y-nh, w C'cfare. ..- jo ' i'uf. t,i,h fur i'iuu.c and j,u ttT t Ue are urrivu'.'.f i by any bilhertw o Scroti ! i. . i c 'Vi't. . TUey coai -i i a. I the ni iirru iai- !r l'f U j;r al f '.icn.Larp -Jai ircn , if - ... ;.t jf, etc., ! i each in- l .r !-,v i:nz i oUv.' t'.f erj- al tsr: ris- j3 cf Wr. J. li.UaovEfcEi.x, b bi a practical ex ericjrce of crer llarty jcar. in their uaaufac to, Is le!!y warratit 1 in every Kriii u'ar. - rhjGrovcctcca PIAirO FORTS . r c.TtJ U b;5 best ward of u crit at tbe ec!e- 1 orl i't kmr, ' ero were . abibitcj i;i)ra cii t! k! X, kfr . I" I.i..n, 1'. -;, Gr , r, i -r!i-hi. l- . UaHiiare ml Neir 4 -ra ; in i a'jt at t j Au- .cau lot;tute fur ro i re- i. e y-ar, t: (io'ji aod Mlvi k Medals ' u bub cf wlii h c i be ccn at or wi ro-roins. : tl e i-'ruducti . - f imprvrca entt we make a i .!e perfect l'-:. f an! by roanufact J U?ply. wi-.ti a ttri.t: t b i!yteo, are en i t r..r Xynv iQUrtsic at a rrice which Czr ;ri,'?t tre Irm 4lJtJ 4 c'aoaper thaa l?f'ir'i 1 iay-frie. " '."'',5. Net Cii'.t 1 ceat.fasis. r , :. t f trcilir ti.t lice. Jw!y Ut IS.I ae yer R.JtCo. . .-KEROSEN & GASS TZA ANUC0TFEE lMill.r.Sl..GI.UE POTS C1L itl tte C..kti. i, r a fioiilr ? be ' i.'i t r.h Ke ryei, ia, 1 1 u. wt.h le-j j - tr , l ,. at jt. ixrt'.iie tLan l i j I f J t: t et- Li.i ' -.-u;.irfl ly t!.'j C cpiiuy is jtr. ( t ,. j t tri s!l tLat is c'.-iaacd lur it. I '.- rr.i f jr Cim 'sr..I 1 1 () l.'.e t raJ. LA.! I' HEATER CO.. rriT.T. 5-TT.rrT N'-V. Jt';,lit H't laaitai 4l i il ."" V i- U -.oil . -, V ill's i-a cues f : . v ;.' , . f -1 c t J ti grew t'jrca the v C. j - ! ;.'Cihcn t'co ia lrtn 3 5 to 5 weks br tiiri Ur. f v SCVIN (J N K'd I. E S- , - TAUmATUHU CJP1L-V. . -,. ' J.AKI!', the t wor d erf si urr:oTfTT in coJcrn tcitn;e,8Ct!i:jr upn t!:o 1-ior.rd $r& fcair in an a'rnoft oiracfc!outi iinnrier. It h b:cn i:sd by tbe ilcliie of Farts and Lol Jrri with the raoit Cntcritg nitres?, ' 'au:fs of all partr2; r will be registered, r d if entire satis faction is tct given in ere-y instance,. tLe money will be chcerfsHy rrfucded' l'rico by mail, scaled nJ pot;:iiJ, Jl. Diseriniive circular and tea: i mcnia'a m-Ue-1 trsr Addre.s BEKGER SIIUTTS A CO., Chtirif t. No 2-j Kivcr Street. Tn.y, N.Y, Sy'.c A for tbe United States. 31 6ia - T E A U T Y. Auburn . x f " ' - ji llio'dn. Fl ixm. ai d l y , C Si!ken('L'KLSprodued by the ne ! I'nT. l)K i i t it.. JiKH-j'n KKlSEi; LE ;Ci!hVKCX. Ontsapplf " V - Mteon warrantidt.iCiiilyV' J Ihern-'et str.iiht and stisl-born hair of rithorsex iiitt wary ri Delfts or Iw.f y masiv eorl. I!a. been U9 i by the tJ;ieilderX I'atia and tnnden wiili the lunft i j fr , ruTtii. r no injure to the hair. I'r'n e by r " 'A, K.A.& anJ psf j aid 1 I)i-rip!ir. cirfii!.ir m'.I;.'.V'. Addres?, UEII iE!l. SIIUT k CO.. N-v U ver Sireet. Ino N. Y. SJ'.le Agcn'sft r rlio United .S:a?$. rr.EC TO liVEItYEODT ! GUIDE TO HEALTH AIJD BEAUTY Jait rolli.'hcds It tenches bnw to racr ve Tan, Frees. Timplef Dtobci, Moth P.itthes, Saliyw r.tsj. EraptinHtid all iinpnrities ot thcukin ; how to cnauul the fhin learjng it wtnto and c err a r. In barter : b'.w t produce Cie fullrst dere1i raent of tlie feuin!e form (ns rradici d by tDe french, ciu:p ibe I u?t to pro-r' u. l nt d full, o i ll if the form lixsbcVn lost by pad iir rr, lacit g or lLnternity. .er..rin it to more than iui oriinul fulnctSjfirinness.and bti.uty. It teaches how to reduce the lisi of tlic hands wml feet ; proJucecorpulrii-T or the rcrcro: remove supetfluouibiiir , Curet orn, ort-v nd Moles reiit-wyour ago ; cure DnnihiicFs, Catarrh. Dry t-epaia Ntrvous Debility. A ..hi w. ti fascinate and p-iin the lovear:d aceetion of any person you maj choor ti eth:r with c:her ufcfal and valuable iii formation. No yu anj Lady or irerillcinan fhou!U fail t send Ifcer n JJr54 to the oJersigned and re ceive 1 y return tuail a c.ry of thi. valuable work ia scant! enveti pe free of charge. Aididss. LEUGEli, SlITTTSi'cO., Chemisfs. 31 Pa 2S5 Iiivt-r Street Troy, N.Y. KNOW. -THY DESTINY! MADAME E. F.Tuorxtos, the great English Astrob Ul,CUirvoyun, and lVychonictncj.m.wh.i hataf tonisheJ the scientific classes of the Old world has now located heiteif at Hudson, N. Y. J'a,iain Thornton posscs.-c such wonderful powers of sec ond to enable lur to impart, krowkd' of the greatest imx,rt;ince to the Mngle or marrie.1 of either sex. hue in a state of -trance, she ae lineates the very features of the person you aie t ma rry, and by tbe aid of an instrument .f intense power, known as the I sjcboiEolropo, Kuarantccs t produce a life-like picrure of the fi.turc buiband or wife ll tbenppllcant.toetber with date of mar rrire. p?itiooin lif:. leading traits of character &c. i nis l no iiuinoug, as tuousanaj of icstimo nials tan assert. She will so d, h-'n .desired,'' certified certificate, or wri'tcn guarantee, that ibi picture is what it purports tn bo. l)y rnclusiii a small lock of bair.n ml statirg place of birth, dispo-rition ncd cornplciion. and enclosing ascent: and stntnpe' envelope nddreised Ut vt.urseir.Toi will rCs'tivc the picture and dcj-irod i-if-.irioni ion by return uuul. All coiuniui.u iiti..ns s:ht:I i-nnfiden Hal. Address, in cOaCdcnoe, MADAME E. F TAORNTON, I' O. Uox221, Hudson, N.Y, OIIASTELAR7 ViilTE LIDUiD EfiAMEL. ' For ImjTi'Ving und o Ifeauiifyiug the (''inplxii.ii lha most valuable and perictf preparatun int? fvrgivirg thei-kin ubcHiititul pearl-liku that, thai is oo!y f"un.l in yiuth. It quickly removes Tan brci klcs, l'itup!c, Hlotebrs, Moili 1'inehes. Sa lovutc. Ei uiitii arf.and a II iippuriiioj of the skin kindly hesling the saino. Icuviiij, the skin whir- and elcnr as alabaster. Its ut era imc t ui dtlf t eti by the ebet scrutiny, and beinj; o.Toetabl' pio tint linn ia perfectly li'rui'ss. It i the n I -article of the kind uid ly the Frun li, and run sidered t-v the l'arisiarm indtspciisiolc, toa p'rfV- toilet Upwards .f JWl.t lid -buttles wt-ru sk11 during f he f ast year, a euRicwnt puaranit e .Titsi Cn-ac I'riie only 75 rents, rfent by mail, post-jaid, i rccttpt ot an order-ti ? LiiUGEU.siiUTTSi CO., Cbeol-ts. 34-Cd 2S5 Uivtr St. Troy, N.Y. TO CONSUMPTIVE The ndvertiser. ha viij Lcen u-.-t. red to hi-alih i a few we ks by a very simple rcui'-dy, after li.iriir sufTi-red fr several years with ii severe l ing aflce tw.n.iMid 1'iat dread disea-e, Consu'iipti in is sax us to urikc known ii bis fcllow-sulTurers tin means of c-ure. To all who desife . Le will send a eoi.y of. th prcseiiption i-fd free f h;irgc;. with the direc tion fT preparing a ii ! u-ing the same, whib ilcy will Cud a sure eu;e f r Con-oirptiirri. Asilm a. I'.ron-ohitl-', Cough, Cold ,cnd nil Throat and Eung Af fection. The only object of the ioiyei tier in sen ding tho I'rnseription is to benefit th- fHicto I, an-1 rpread irifoini itioti which he eontei ves t-., be inval aable, and he ho'Oj every sufferer ni'.l try his roin ady, as it will cost thcia nothing, and m ty prove s- bltiI!g Parties wishing tho prescription, returt mail, will picast c!dre- I'tr. EDWARD A. WILSON, : i Wii!iomburg, King Co.. New Voik. EltHOHS OF YOUTH A Gentleman who suffered for yoars lria N-rv ous Dtbdity, Premature Decay, and all tho effwi, of youthful indiscretion, will tor the sake of suffer ing humanity, s-nd free to all who need it, the :re cvipeartd direction for tnnkin the iinple reniid by which be was cured. SuB'erera wishing to pn f it by the advertiser's tsperience, can do s bv ad dro.eir.g JOHN D. OGDEN, No 13 Chesnut St., New York. STRANGE, 1JDT..THUE. Every young lady and gentleman ia the United Stato can bear ouetbii:g very much to their ad vantage by return mail i tree of charge),by address ing the undersigned. Tbi-sc having fearsof being bumbuged w ill oblige by not noticirg this card. All otder will llcaae ad ircss their obedient servant TUOS. F. CHAPMAN, 831 Uroadway,Nevr Xork. B- II. P. 23-1 j - . Hannibal & St. .Josepli m OX MISSOURI RIVER. . Tri-wetkly i'atketa (Hannibal and St. Joseph R. II. Line) ieare Omaha, Council Dluff-', Plaits mouth, Nebraska City. Hrownvilie and intermedi ate points for St. Joseph, connecting at St Joseph with triirs on Hannibal and St. Joseph R. li., leav ing Sf Joseph P. M.,arrivin; at QUINCT, CHICAGO A ST. LOUS On and after May lth, daily andcl jse t'K'nfrfia St Joseob to Atchiren. Wesson, Iarci -worth, Wyandotte, Kansas City, La a reoee,Torx-ka. tn., via Platte Country U.K. an I steamer Emilie H. A St. Jo. R. It. Line Leave, St Joseph bZb A. M.. Lea venworth 8.0t a it , Wyanlattc 10.00 a jt Hn.i Citi TH.SO a. v.. Lawrence at 5 00 r U THZyJoil TIC2XTSX0B. TALE by Portir A Deuel, Omaha, 1. Y Hi t hcotk. Coun cil E!uu,K.C. Lewis. Plattsiuouth. E. S.llawlcy. Nebrikka. City. Euj throth tickers and save money. Extensive repairs on the ITanmbai- A St. Jo errit r.n.KOP.rew iron. t'rea and adJitional roll ing stuck enable them t-i oEVr these important chan ges to fci'i'ti le TK AVEJ. BY THIS KOIT1. : C.VT. MFAD.tioneral Su poriat -n J -nt. P. II.Ciii.iT. General! ii kot Ag;ct. II 11. CuVKTK'.CUT, Gen'l Freight Ag?r.. ilnuibnl, Mo, Carr. Rcrrs Foan, Sapcrictcnient Packet Sr. Joseph. Mo. TIIEO. HILL. Ag't. Brownviile. STUAY NOTICE. TriVen cp by ll ? t; -.!er 'jnr li vingabout 3 1-2 miles a-ove lirownvire. in Nemaha County. Ne braskv Territory, on tbe !3:h day of June, $C,Kt One black oi d irk brown Hi.rsa. about Cfteco b."nd ligh, nbi nt. seven year old, rigls bind foot, white up to the pa-turo joint: saddbi "roark on top cf weathers, a fsw wbHc bai.s undej left Eye, IsarjtABe. JACOB ESEWEft. AlVarilkU GOLD LIED A L An. Ioc. PGir,;: OCTOBER 19, 1SG5, - In direct ccjr.peliiion with n!l ths lea ding makers in tbe cfuntry. ORGANS AND r --1 m n ' 1 L .- -; J U L A f T-i ( 1 Mi' , I ki LJ t , . a VsJr m si KJ PELOUBET, PELTON & CO., MANUFACTURERS Re?pccifully invite the attention of ptir cbasera, ihe trade and profession, to the FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS Of their manufacture : PEDAL BA ) ORG Five sizes. Five Octave, one to Thie PinUs cf Keys, Three to Eiht seta of Heeds, ' Prices, 8250 to $600. School Organs, Twelve 5tyls,sin2le and double Reed Rosrwoud and Black Walnut cases, , i Prices, 8130 to $400 '" ' ' ... v . tiiitij Q !E Cj . ii3i Piano style nnd Porial!e, Twelve Va rietifs. from four ;o fix Octavo. Stnrl and Double Reed, Rosewood and Black Wainut Cases. . Prices, 865 to 8250 PELOUBET. PELTON & CO.. 8Jl Broadway, New Yotk. Sep. Istr-5 2j : BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD .BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. BLOOD r rTi s-e ire BLOOD PILLS AND Blood Purifier! '.A-illS U IST III Q ULL 111 D ra i-VBiNo Scrofula , S uphill, Skin- Dis ease, Old Sores, Salt Jihcmn, Dyspepsia or IndiycMion, SICK HEADACHE TAvcr Complaints, liheumatism, l ever trial Atjae, St. An thony's Fire, ICrysipelas, Tumors, Hruptions, 1'its, Scrofulous Con ' sumption, etc. .1 $ P 9 MNK xrafii Miite?, her- daughter u eiin-d :f Pi in of nine jo.o s laud;i:g, mid M. Vitus' ilanee of I ,o yo:TS. AM'I II Kit" writes, oti w cured ifter lii- 'li'li luiii almost uasled uway. The tot-ie., pro i,niin-ed the i-ae iiieiirj'Je. ' "I A NOTIIKIl wan imim'iI of t ever and Ague af ter try mt; every inrilu-iiie in Iti re.a-h. ' r AiNol'llK'i aa i-ured of Kever Sore which JiikI rxitl fotivu-,-11 yo.-irn. ; ANfTIIKK of Klieu'iiiatintii of cilit yours. rnte- iniMincr:ililo of Pjr,hai:i and laver C'lnpl tint eo'.ld lie riirntioiM-,1, in whieli the Pi:ri!ior mid IMU work lihe i cbiirm. THE BLOOD PILLS Are tlve mofit aetivo and thorough pills that liavri'Ver lawn im nxh.ecd. They art no di reel I y upon flui fver, exciting that organ to suc'i an extent an that the nvKit-m il en ini re 3 into tin former condition, nhieli in loo npt to(tM the case with dimply a purgative pill. hey are really a DLOOD AfJO LIVEil PILL,; and in eoi.jiMH-tioM with the ' M ill ,-:ire all ihe aforeniciitioce,! rfineanen, and,' of tltcroiHea. will relieve and cure Headache, Costiyensss, Colic Pains, Cholera- Morbus,' .' '. .Indigestion, Pain in the .BoVels, Dizziness, &C.V &C. . ' . " ; nil. izoBA CK's Stomach Bitters! Fhoiild Ik u-wd by cmvaleeeiits t str ngthea the prostration uliich aluays follows acute itiarnnsi. - . . i . ' j Try lliee medicine, and you never re jrrrt it. Ak your iieihJiorn who have oned them. mi. I ihevnill av ther are GQOO MEDICI N E3. nnd y.u uliould try them Iks- -re going tor physician. . - A , PRINCE, V ALTON & CO., (Succf-aon. to t r C. W.,y ; SOI.K PR!ritlKTOotS. . Ii"os. 56, 58. CO & Qi E. Third St. CINCINN ATI, O, Are So!d by a!I Drug3!sts and Dealers in Patent U adicihes V EVERYWHERL DNsoIuilon of Co-I'arXifci siip. Not ice ts -icrcty riven iLt li e partnet-b'p lately exo-ilni fce'weca D. I.'l.;in tr.d atlian b'ik'-'r -tii- wn ihe fi: III of D. i.i:Lam & Co , at B. slriie, Kebia-ka, i U; 'a i--n.vnl by Tin tea c. nM m All perna k i p U.f 11 il.bicl t.aotn-ra arc rr qi etel in pay iteir a'i cm iiiJm ihiny ,j.t it- in llil-cUte, and atl p""'!'" having claim-- aviiinl ihe Grzx will ireteal tLtm iein;f riintely fur ettie meat. P l.TMAt t NatiIaK BLaKKLY. rcatrics, Ke. O-.t. Ctb, i5, 11-2 tf . .. N ' " . r--. ; - '-'"r '-''Hi 'J . f ' .... , BL003 FuiilFiEil : i i ' ! Jr, : i i lv."; S7 H O f -N. A war - : i t ! Hi ; Mi L fv -- J Would call ihe attention of DSALERS to their immense stock of s and Medicines, School Books, Patent Medicines, ihbk lippks, n Glass and Glassware, Atnllns PneiV Paints and oils. Envelopes, Spices and Dje-stotTs. Coal Oil and 1 1? p Fare Wines, Liquors, de., c., Vhi"ri were rjorjerTfor cnb of Manufacture- . Importers and Pobiisher?, an-I will beold at the raos. "avorahle prices. Buying io large quantities from first hands, they are enabled t offer extra indace ianrn t the trade. . They are the North-western Wholesale Agents of Dr. D. Jayr.e & Son, and of Dr. 1 C.AyreA and can furnish their Medicines in any quantities. (10 1-lj rf $f m C:f 'A T5 ; ST. JOSEPH, MO. Importer and tholesale and Ketail Dealer in Iron, STEEL and HEAY HAEDT7AEE. Wi'-goji, Cirriage, and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 0c"l' Spripg. Axe?, AxeU, Shovels and Spades,File3 and Rasps, Chains, Carriage and Tire.Bolts, Sutta and Washer.-, Nail?, Ilorso naiN, IIor.e & Mojo Shoe?, Saw?, etc. etc. ' Castings and Bollow Ware, Sunar Kittles Andirons, Skillet3and Lids, Slew poi B;Ke ovens, Fruit ketiles :tnd Sad Irons. ; RlacksmitllS' -Tools- Anvils, Sirck and Die?, Be.lows.Sledge and Hand Ham- tners, V'ists, Pincer, lla.p?, Farriers' Knives. Tuj ere Iron?, Wrenches, Ac. Ox Yokes, Axle Urease, Ox chain?, Wogi.n -lack?, Ox Shoe naiN, Shovels and Piek,Gild Pans, eto. XIulss, spokes and Eont-stuiT, 1,000 CKLKBKATED MOLIjN K PLOWS ! i 4 ' A m I u-t jaitnted. and suirior to any ict inven'ed : and 3IcCormlcti.s USou cis and Itcapcis, Siallers ZSorsc Corn Planlcrs . Sulky Corn Cultivator?, Hand Com l'.anier, Corn ShclUr? , Hay K iko?, etc. e?o e?c. Buying my goods direct from tbo m i. t Ci dr, I ffr i :. -. . TO WHOLESALE I UKCH AS KRS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Wr.r :.-!: ST. JOSEPH, . -u. BLOOD 1 HUIIOR Will fHiiiveiy euro SCROFULA. KKYSll'EI.AS bYSbKP.-lA. I.NDIHESTlO.N HEAK1 hlTUN. or inv HUMOU in the HLOOD r STtiM CH. and for I CHIFYlNO the SYSTEM and ERADICATING allTUACES OFDI-EASK thin remedy ban n. qu-il. an-i TTtnitiliHj up iht Sijmiim. and giv.iig new istrnt'jik tnitl ''jur Its ui.pii raited nuc.-e?--i nee it? iuir duction. and the w, mleiful euro ii ha? nnd i? daily performing arc it? beet cuarrantc. ami we earues: If ilesire that every u(Teier rhali ;ivc it a trial. Suld by all lruggi?ts. i'.ice oie dollar a bottle. COLmS BROTHERS, ST. LOUIS, 310. Proprietors. ITCH!" ITCH!! SALT X?5 SALT RHEUMI.oTMRHEUUI WVl ctre 1TC1I or SALT ItllJEUXt. n a lew U).,.! ati. .us. It also cure? prairie Scrach ? Cbilb'ains. Cleer-and all Ernptiiii? of rhe skin. here other r-m die- have !ccn tried invain. cures -iddily and thorniihIy. Prica 50 cents a box. Sold by all ilrmnri'1!?. 15y sending fiO cent? in a etrer't'u -01-l INS BROTH EKH. S. W.cor. 2r.d St Vine St... St. Louis, Mo., it will bo sent by uaaii 1 ce nf potagp. X 30-iy rn,nnJJSW OJSTJK MIILIOJN. Choice, Thrifiy. Isasc Ornnac Plnnts. Fol Sale, at e: h. burches & ccs NcrtrjtY. 2 1-2 miles ve?t of Drown ville, Ntbraka. ' AI.-o:, Orders taken for inakinr O.Acr OitANGE Fences, ivluch will be done in the very best style, and wairanted. Our charges for building llcdgs Fences, nd tending nntU they are a perfect tenceare a? fol lows : i 00 cti. ptr Rod, around a 160 acre trad. SI. 00 ' SO " SI 25 " 40 MASTER'S SJLE. irf It Hr. lit tri K Vlt lit., a. T on . v v. a mm v . j fy X. aa , aaw a VI r. AI der of the District Court of Kiuiaha C-uijiy, Ne- bia-ka leiriioiy .in cbai.eerj .in iUo cas ct fciij .ti Buiacr against An ton Kiong, made at iba Spring lena'A. lJ.T&fi5. I win m. batutuay. ;Nuviuibit 21th. A. D . 1S6G, at onu octuek P. M.ncr f.i i-u.c,.ii oOlic aui t.oit to.l he highest bidder tor cash, at tho Irui.t doer f Mcl'bcraon llaii, ia the City of lirowuviile, Ne luaha Coupty, Nelra?K-t Territory, (too place wheie ibe it urui of said Curt f,.r toJ C.-uuty wa- heM ) Ida S,u ill Easi Quarter of iwiiun leu (t0)a Towl8'ii,i ts (6 Nunb of Jian-e fmirteeu (ij J h.a.-t. in Uouoty. Atbuam Tt-rriu.ry Given uuaer uiy Laui ibi? 26th day of O tuber A. D. lbC4 ClUS. C 1jOU?K . xl-4-4l-pi59-bf9.' ilasur iu Coanetry. iigeut Wanted! CI $10 a DAY EASY MADE G10 By selling Kngrrings. Card Photographs aud stationary Our Stationaay Packot?. xcclisall ,.ih crs ; fju li Patkago conUius IVpjr, Envelopes. Pens Pencil?, Ac, ana jewelry wortu a dollar at rrlail.---Price only 30 Cents we n ill ?cml Agents 100 St itionary Packages and a Silttr Waieh wtrth$l7 e aim publish splendid Steel Engravings and Portraits, Lithograph Prii'.ta, rf-c, rtry p.-'Ulr and saienbie. Will send a. fino asi.r;raent of 100 rtm $15,0n that will realize fifty dollars, or a ten dollar loiihat will sell Tor Thirty"lo:ir .r over. Will send a sample t,t for Five Dollars that will sell fur fii'ecn Dollars. JScad Stamp for Catalogue, Term--, 4c. 11ASKINS & CO., feb. 41S l-j 3 Beekaaaa Street, Jf. T. ry.r j 7 ' ! ; ' ' , I 's '..,'v.1 ND 'PifD O ! ( it 1 . -i ! I'low Woodworks. T fS) lv'7, f 'n LiJ W Wif & dO 9 Ill' I 3RI?t7' J ' ' SEW IK C- i EMPIRE i T Patent ? I r SjJLESROa ' Y.25-2 IVjjy'H ' IHIS MACHINE i .aineipien i,f iiicc-'; i .1 , aluiible iinpro v.--.r ii lilt! 111"! profo .:; ' ' Xl . Simplicity ..-J I Ii has a m i.e. make? the ! ; ' . ' ill neither v I , ide. ; pcrtu' i of material . ' Ylu?lin, wi: I coarcM in . Having nei' ! i t lea?t rawriblo Inci;,:,. and i? t rui. flil'lO Emphatically a Keless Machine. ff''t vLNT less i.'ower to It requires Fib TV anve n man auy ouicr Aiaoinne m the market. A girl twelve years ; nf ago can Wi,Tk it steadily, with out latigue or injury tn health. (tsatrengrti and Wonderful Simplicity of con ? ruction r ndi-r? ii n'un.t imj o?.ible t-i get out of ..rdcr,nd itiL'ARANTEEw by the cempany to give einire ?ati?faetion. . Werespet tfully invite all thoe who may desire to supply theuise vi? with a superior a tide to Coine and examine this Unrivalled Machine. Rut iu more cspetial manner do licit the patronage of I Merchant Tailors, Coset Make I Coach Makers, Gaiter Fitters. iioop oKiri iuauumc i iioe omaers, turers, 1 Vest and Pantaloon EhitanclhosonMak - Makers, ers, J Dresi Makers. tliijiouuaHd Cfrildllr fntti'ntioiiH tc til be ibe flly Ht-ult irilh. Prices of Machine Complete : - No. I, Family Machine, with llcmmer, teller and Braider, .... J6f No.'. Sun ill Manufacturing, with Extension Table 75 No. 3 ' arge Manufacturing, witu Extension T.ble 85 No. 4, Barge Manufacturing, for Leather, with Rolling Foot and Oil Cup 100 One half hour is instruction i offtievt to cnalle any per ton to work tf, it JIocli ine to their entire aatifaiion. , Agents Wanted for alt towns in the United States, where Agent? are not already established. Also for Cuba. Mexico, Central and South America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. Teems inviiriably Cash ,n delivory. , T. J. SleArthur & Co., 5:ifi Hn ndway, New York. A. & Co. 552 Washington, St.. Boston jOUhostnut St., PhiU. GEO. FRANZ Aent. - 102K. 4th. St. Loiii?, Mo. Gb th IH. 10 19 ly A C. Ksiiay Mccr. - Taennpbr e -iine-l i:ia rtwnan.1hal mi'e? n nh of Br-wuviiie ithin ni enci-ged irem l-e. n tie '5l.h :!ay Dc-oer A D. ISU8 one white Si' er. funi- re-l ' u he.l anil .-icn oia-i ird on icft fide wph tl.are 10." cr o "P it an 1 ter 'pa in lert ear sraj-.tu cr. p off-f riar ea H ref rr ,.ja la.-t roiii,i. U T ChANMKn. n4 6i ' Cslray Xolic Taken up by the nuiii nt.-. one an I hair miles wetof AfpinwaM, eaulia C untr. Kebrakt. one llalk bay mar- o il iw veara ol I !ast rniK b an!ei wi'b th lev er U" ri thr. nia- a 'file wlmt oaii.eofr i.iw-nl ami ni-.ii n J lH)i Taken upon I be 22.1 dy of un.-ber, A . D 186-J ' iAS. R. LARK1V- Ai,5iiwal! Oct. 211, IS55 nil. HEW PHISIOGKOMY 5 )Tl SIGN'S OF CHAE tCTER," ' a nuuile 1 ihronsli Teiiijiaieiil ani Kx'ernt! F..rm m i , peiijtly in I'' 'num n Fare liviTie " t)n eltirn volume, w:tb nearly 8i0 nape. a d 1 i o il!ii.-ff u ISy S. R. Well. KJiior PhrtnologicalJourntl. Pi u. pol paid. $5 A'.d e.- Kowie- & w'eiis, X ?is9 B oa'lway Kf Tu-1 -New lii-i-.pii.roy'" is eminently pre ie.l fa! y Uiu-uie-l iMivtilcnl el ii it-e ani . r all 1 1, be mniy of ibe lee." li e reader oon lear- i r- a. I CacI. aii.1 tvery tea me N e are . ' at.- ri -1 a ti.e U.'iiiaii (iicec , Jm iib, Siii ai d t"e ea'i.l. eye socak all lanua;;. . wbeliier I.Uc, hiuu b . w.. ur Lazcl. In a lik. ma'iiier. c'm-fks. ear., h.n.i-, leet. walk, voice, lauch, etc. , are Lowu y, l o aim f c.iaracier. In n't ther w.rk Is ni'ich iichl ihmwn ;o i the T rbai acter ano de-iiuy of mai.kiiHt mmilii. r i he ii. Iinstive iraiiy of n .ii ! aiel iriOe o ciearl out - i' riraii of Uitinni-t'Cl er.o f n iin,t iiU Klode'i !iiii- wiib M"rihict kttche im e loca tion ofcl aracicr, aiepnen. Plviiie-,)rat.rAj Sia e.--men. "arriors. Artiis Fbilt(hers. tiiven l..r Surem-, Piscove.ers. Aciur. .MiMOWf. etc. areinelu iel II 1-aa 'Kiicycb.psfc lia" of bia?ra hy, acq- aintiLS ibe re5er wub career aui baracter r many neat m u ana of ibe pjt 1 COO jears, aixl oi the preeat i-uch, Itx inrtaia:e. as .Irisiutie, Jiilin Csat. tkake;Hi:ir, Washington, Kpolpon, F rank liu, B meruit Bryant. Linnreib.w, lrvinj, lioa Bnl.itr. Tbc'oilcsia tlurr. Cobdeu. Briiht, Lawrence, li .livar, Wbaiely, Taacker-y. Dow, Knox. Jjckeiiea, Ho. rer, Buckie. Pickena VUtoiia, e-.iey, Caclyla, H- at.ey, Mill. JSpetieer. Tbomp-wm Guibne Alexan der, and iitin.lrc ts or others. 53A.oenti fTAsrzD. Book stnt by rrfrtr p ot t or txprttt, on receipt of Pric. . 1 f t ' YTHY SCFFZa VflTa TOB Dargorou3 and Io ithsome Dz2n YfllEN IT Can be. Cured ASD ENTIRELY v. AW 'ATP FE02I THE SYSTEM Dr S EBL1 K ' S m priLi. suntty BESCLT is Unlesa caecked, In ii3 incipient s'ses IT KEVCH FAIlq Cure Warranted if Pirecsicns are Followed. S1SGLE BOTTLES WILL t AST . A -.M OX TH. COLD IN THE HEAD Rolieved ia few Mi nurci, erriil d Ail JR r;-- .ons Are moro frequently th;n o ... . ? caused by a thiek.sltmy mucus. f : '. from the head , ?pe cial'y during tbe nigji t, ami resulting from Catarrh, anJ are cured by D, SEELYE'S LIQUID C AXA.K K II. REMEDY The fymptoms 0 Catarrh are at first tcry slight. Persons Cud they Lave a cold, that they have fre quently attack?, and are more rcnsiiive ta the catnges of tempeatu e. In this 'condition' the nose may be dry. or a Blight diicbarge, thin andac rid.atlerwards thick aud adhesive, may bite. -. - - :: '.r . 1 . As the disense fQecotnes chronic, the discharges are iiiCi cased in quantity aod cha .ged in quality; ihey are no ihickaud beary. aai are hawked or coughed oU . The se-jreiiens nre o!T.-nive, tcujiiig o bd breih : the Voiqa thick and nasal : tho cVes jtro weak : tbe sene ol smIl is leaned or destroy ed ; deaiucsa lrequ;utly takes place. Another cotnuaon an4' important system- of, , 1.1H ti is. that peraouis obligui ti.cU:ar his ihroat i the ui-ning ot slick or ujy mUc.,u winch ia Ik 11 troia iht hea-I dating the digau When Ins takts place, ihe may On aim. 0 that this nireare ia on it way to tho lung.-, and ahuubi loae uo tiiau in arreting it. Tha above rt bt few of the many Catarrhal j uipiotus. 1 tn our J,aLorai'ry tor our jatm j.. Ut ut.ii.Li k lojj Htji!.pi,.m; ii wilibeseut r.e to i acurttg. A.rv.di.eeti)nhei to prv ut- it itKdicne. , t. Wearv- r.-c .. .nf rrf. iroaj ,i, ',.,r;s .,f (, I i.;t.-.- in .''! ..r ..- te-c ia 1, i ir.-m im .-e d ' I... , lf.i I. -; -iii.ii is a 'ln.-rM ..r I'.,. .,i , ii rcvll- u'r. lull 1? , e,'-.ri; l (, ,.r V. get .:-'' -.f. r'-; 3 Lw;Tilcly; ttieie.or ut ,! 'ct city lltruii s.-, 1 v eii to tun u-iti ico J-.r an 1 a-l c tin i 1- C!i F.-re!y'sCa.rr Ii m;l. ail U-o m. ..(.icr. If ii-.t acid by d ug.'i-ts lu-y.iur rieioity, ibcjr will order it t.ryu. fttc 2.Ud per ootn.i. . Al persona sa Ten ng with any affee i-ms of the tleVd, 1 br.Mi or Lu:g, .hodi-i write at . nee lor our p-tmpiiied fuby Ucnuing all jrtapt'.ias e.tain ll.g to ihe bu?u discaavs. Adlress, BR. D. H. 5EELEY.& CO. FitEEPoaT. Illinois. Soli It all Wholesale ani Retail Dr'J-"isti Oct. 15, 1565 1 7 j ; ' m GEO. A. PRLNCE.&Ct 23 Vat: et'es. with Patent Cjujo 7,, OUD i5il3. UZi JCC7Sf!i:.c! Qr ins mul M. ... yiDi-.ce Jia j r,p"' l?s.Wa,8 Vo Charge for Hiring or Shir-,;. IT33,000 Xovf In Use. AI7 ILLUiJTHATIIlJ CATALOGIT? taituna a f al I ffi a rtj !i,n of style an 4 testing' tbe most cmineit Mnsid ,r.s. a t tte 'ip-'o.,!' lence of ou'r iiitrau;fr,Ui-uQ te s t it tv Ad iresi - - - -i.-i GEO. W. BILL L'CO Itlcct Ins or School Cxabia?. Notice ii herebyg'tven that the B.ardLfv' Examiners of A'emaha County, Xebraj,,;;;; meetings for the Exaaiin ition of Teach' siia County, at the oEce cf E. W. Ti-a in Brownville,on the lt S tlcrday in eTe7I, between the hours cf one an l 3 P. JI, A: for certiUeates are required to be prcstrVj! o'cloct, precisely, or they will not be tua;, person l?:e.l npp-y at any other tince. By crier of the H.isrd. E.W. THOMAS, MAN IK or lest; lioTSeston; J;t pnMi-hfi. a new a.i.iiti.mi CI' LVKRW ELL'S Ceietril it. fne ra.iicil cure (wiibimt nediriM t SPERMATORK ACEA, or Senna! iia ues3,In7oluf!t .ry Seminal Lossef, latfotcm-y: taland Fhysisal Incapacity, Imj ediinents 1.1 5,-. age, etc. al.o Consumpton, Epi:er?y, ar.d Ftti, i duced by self-in H'genee cr seXaal extraviiao, Prke, ia scaled envelope, or.i fi or.ts. The celebrated author, in thi -nirab!e e;. clearlr den insira'e?, fr o a thirty year's uw. ful practice that the alarmin3reor.?j'ien.-e?Mf w abus? way be rn finally ezrei without the da? -ous use of internal medicine or tfeo p:.r.eiti..t . the knife pointinxont a un.Je of cure at ent--pl. certain, a r it vu-j;tBi. by moM: uf which t--Siifr.Ter4 n- matter what hi mndilmn in y be, j. cure bim-e'l eliea j.Iv. priv.trcly, ao-l n.lirBli. Thi? 1i-elu'f sho-M bcinths b.ll.Ji cffT yonflt and ey.-ry m ill in f;i- land. Seo? mi I-r se ll . in pi ii . eiivi-l pe t r- ;?. pi-i p- id, . ii r ei t ? .x c i.t? or i .. l)oie -i';n-ii - Ii". Ciil'dWeil'. '.M.i ..- Guide." ti - .i i-eita. A :!v -' t-hi- I I S I. ' 0 - i ? u A . v y -. Po..t!Q.eb i. 1 . l-5 i! 5 Ilratlle 'scrlt-iniitstl I'tsf.s EUF1EZ ELLTVTIC . . i!)!i'l: t v,r. s: in;) ' n V. f I i - j -' -r- t I. . L re.' t r v ' " .rt I i.i V, I . t t i; '! - I , 1 r. 1 . : h V ' t 1 r- : im r- .' t 1 1 r) .-. - h'l will . e . -h . . r e 1 1 . 1 e - r ' iJ, r.- 't n ! 11 d .ii.i re rf. .' i-! .n:y -j t,t, c -t 1 treeitin.' t t.ii i - Mi i I - e ' ' 1 . .Ml i!. i -t u 11. t i -V. The Tm. ii x I-;' 1 ., .r. ! f 111 -I t ill 1 i:i i" ! 'I 0 t.l .1 l..ii .1 I il 1- o m pr- 1 y r- rasi i- 1 .in m ;.-?). .oe as. f, -1 ' ui,-' ir i .K 1 I "I Kiish.t ioiiiie vv .-i m1 . - T" euj'.y ih f.ii..wis i'-v-i mi,, -vn t r CriiDiiiif.. vii .npri.,F i 1 i y. ie f t ni -ei 1 f slyl ah.ip a.i l Urn-U t'.-ii Imi V 'lrl ili . c f..rt aii'l ec.t. iny e' hut? ' -r J W. Br. ' y ' P'-i Eilipiic or l'u .i ;e 5. uii .rt,an l be ireMP the eennine ariicie CACritiM. T. c nr t a:i;n-l hip-l'l -r, b ?V ula. io i..)t'-e Miat liiri ( He-e! ' iL'fl.-EX"' 1"' t).erMink Un ) viz , J IV B ;iJI y'Ptti7t lipl ic S'eel .- p; inus " ry uu the m. i' .1 ii are SPin-ine. A !' 11 tii.- t 1 U overy b'.p wiii A'piii bt4iiif pa '-1 th-" -i-": iheci-nrie' th 'rei.' tbe ( m ( .r d b ) "tci i! lir.iM I to.'eiber ib?''' whiib is ihe sec.ei of their a ci i) itty jd.I ftie " a c. mbina'ion in. l lu be f"U d In any other skirt. Fr sale in all stor where Kir?t C!a5 rt:z:s oi.l t br..ii2ho-it Ihe t'nite-l Stare an J elehe-e. ii an ula' 111 ed by the K:;e i.wr.erM 4.1 tte pare! t, Veiits. Bradley tc Cary, tl-3-3m 97 ;hauibers i. 7S 81 Sis-. LEGAL NOTICE. - i Freel. Caroline Bradley, Thomis K Wiiliasa Ross.Iiobert .Bis, Joseph R-. , Koss, Jame? licss. Jo in lla, acd liunrj Uj.-.-take notiee thaf. A J. Jiitter as Aduiini .rra: rf : . estate cf Sac.u .l Hogs deeaed.'and late ef New County, has filed hisnittiti-ca intU I riililf.. t' .5.' of eaii Nemaha Co'niv, the o'r-W i ar.d i,rtf 1 .- . ... w. wnicti isiora ii-cr.ij l y sen tae .orti V, e-t terof the Sout i West quarter, of SscJiUi .T: i": three- tf3)T'j'r'.iip four (4, of Ilm?e mt.' (17), situated i.i Nefr.nh.i. Cjumy, .Vtlnai T; Titory.a'.so, f;-c se -tin;ere J mj tU-l Ktchardson County,! in 1? of wLich the said Sur Ross deceased seize-i. iThat said ptirtiiioa will l"r uoiiriug OQ - . The 21th day of Decembpr A. D at tbe Probate Court In tHe city of Hr- Til'-o " U. W. FAJKHUOTHEK,. Nov.l?t.I3a . ProbatoJuiljf- 0 6t 13,50 .; ; - . . ..ERQBJTE XOTlCt: , -Noticais hereby ?ivcn lhat nri-l'eation hn b""" made by W i.liain Craig, to be ap;-inte:l A-ln. " " tra tor with the viil-!.eirx'il o tli . K?nrc of J ! Thorn burg Lir- if tiage ''''y Nhta-"'- A 'eeae. nod tl.ata heniCiJon ?aiT .i p!.-i..ii.a"win b"? '" Qa Thursday t!;v 2'JJ day of Howl next at 10 ."- i-ck a.m., at try in.-n in Br N brask.i Tcrr'norv. L.ttrit, r r 2 1 v rr t r. " - " --- - , , . ALIiE'tT TOWl.E. ''- -1',. 1, ,t-! J-i':''-It i oe-rl j . r Jem! tVit I hn ii-: ! - '" ;i-lied in the bia.-ka A tp1 rti. r tor ti re r -U i v c w kjj . . i i r ' i .. ALEKTiT Ton-IT. ""' ' ' ' .r UtJ.M-. " Li:ajL xotice ,' In ifir tu'tilfer. !' the fyf.Js' of lh 'U StitULtt (j 7. .illy 'drv!jrf 'in thr Pt .Late t'nvrt vj!. Jr,nahtr ('ov i.-.Vtiri' ka TtiTilt.rij. , t . !-.Ji-i A - I- Wi li !: jr i ; - i i ., !-..,. n,: ... . , . I -!-..- ii - j ' -- r ;.'-. - s. :,e t-. - ,t j- if - ,.r ' f -' i 1 - . - O Jevi'i-' '! -I IL;-.. ;-t . r .ii. ; f... -t' . ' :-" - - ftl .It 1 : . I.. -: t.;:-c .; ' .S '-..i ; - J I f;.l ; i? il ... jy , -t; i, rr." ! r'i r-rfs-l Jlr - . - ( V - t-(iiiiM'' - .- I, ..--i)i . .(.. f . o-i i l - I , .- e e .1 -IT) ijeC'.i'i 'i'-i' ie-r --I s .it ' ir i" :-t' .p(.r ! er .i- ( rr lir rn.i. e. i. .seoiy C'u....v l. i it t cr it'iry "...r - tL 0 .y iJ-. -r, a - S'a . fh..w eait-e-. r a;y ihfi V, hy Micb hf8-'' b"K J n ji l fi.irlt-i. - It i ! itii. r aVief t'.,i u 1 no' Ice t e r; ?' ib"l ten- cesive a-itt in it. "t.r.K Ai9.u" : a 5e?pe' i-ri'Mf i in -ji.t c-, i .?y. ' f .- . " , . ., ' - - -UKcEGZ w. FilRBRirrrr ' .5-iU3.tJ; ,. l'r..6ate Ju.lS pissouTioN of coiMinEnsni; The Coj artner-hi,-! 'beret. -f .re exi-tirg bew Charles O.i-?. la and Jacob LaK"gr, ai the F:f of Cbr!" Hi di X C., ha- this' d.y been.d' ed by ti.uia ii c ns. nt. . All e.a in .'S ii a-i t';5 o' I Zr-n m'jt bt 'tns ately p-esesitcd t- C!jj. Ccie, w'u wiii tleirsettlemei4t. ' . .. O:to?r, 31; 1:. ' Ho