Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 29, 1866, Image 3

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    )C ; Q'iwcvtiscv
- ".T .j. ttr-f rn.rifutioni. Renlevins. Ac Ac for sale at thii OEfe, t-"
Wbii the au'bof-
... i. luii fr this taper. will attend to
! icU - pwrcbM in that Citj. OIc
i 0vnville;.ti!Uksdav. NOV. 29,
ta ! al tie'-U'rW'"' ".
r I)ry UocJ at
i'.r.fMD fiiilen variety at
KZ), Mjheny and Walnut
rurtiture :
Cocsh' atd Dyspepsia
Marsh & Co'.
have a choice lot
Wtii'.er 0.
JJjy your JWs a.d I.ocs at
I'K T Freth ' Ovstets. racked
j.'t'jpjlif J tliruujh United States Ex
irs Oilier.
. "Jtxtfa TMe Jioft atl MuirVbest
IUdJs cf Flour for fa!e by
. J. L. McGEEfc CO.
Superior Dros and Patent Medicines
tlUI!aJay'a at prices winch all can of
fer J. .
. A'SuprntM- lot ct iiooti And Shoes cf
all iui ju?t receWed at
. J. L. McGEE & CO's.
Marth Co. leep a full supply of
that j-s'Jy celebrated I. X. L. Tobacco.
- .
lhj yur CI rcceries at
.Iarl I- Tob Uureau. Wash Stands
e'.c, iul l' holstery, all kinds, at
A .ne lot of Cranberries, Hominy,
lirtxa, Dried Fruitr. c, at
'A tLt ttotk-Ladies Woolen Goods
such as Nubies, Hoods, Shawls, etc., just
re cmeJ at J . L. McGEE &. CO's.
RarJeitale-iwiit a superior article
t! CLewicj Tobacco just received at
. 110 LL AD AY & COS.'
." Caj.l.a'e Oslden Thread Chewin? and
Cailfe. Ax Virginity Scioliug Tobcc.0
t to! J at Marh Co's.
n a m v
tftne aovertiiueut ct ireintlcti
it) TVo. Hill Co's Warehouse, and
govern ynrslf acf orditgly.
r.'jr'.l.afiu agents, ia ail the cities,
gh juj anything you want and deliver it
w iih eafety and dispatch !
Ry yojj No:io:js ax:d Fancy Goods at
Purify j cm r tlooJ by taking Scovil's
i.J Liver Syrup, kept by
TU cfiCLtidls with which to furnish
for:h tLe'f.,tivv board" on Thauksgiv
. ing ciy, an be found H
. L; :'fc;al service at McPherson s Hall
aTLa-Lf-ivin2 Ujy- Subject for the
Scnfi?a : "God's blessings to us as a peo-
EftembeT vat we now have tri-week
'r Ciiil communication with Beatrice. It
RrowLville Mondays, U'ednev
Jaierniediate points. .
. The Merchant's Union Express Com
Irjy; dermined to accommodate the pub-
ne, cve just completed arrangements
. with the Kansas and Ntiraska Stage
Conijn, ty wbich they will have a daily
cctLcctkn with St. Joseph. .
..1$t Oa Saturday, the 17th, on the
.roaa tetween emaU City and 3ennet's
Mi l, a Gray lilanket Shawl. The finder
upon rlnrnmg
Divis of this
t t the c;vner Kev. G.
'.Prora the Proclam alion cf Sec. ;Pad-
xo eur 2ad page to-day. it will be
fo that to-day is & Thanksgiving Day
-"Ketrala; as well as in nearly "every
'sn of the Unioa. This we are pleased
wi.aaJ hopt h wiH le generally ob.
1. General r.tnr.. Fr,. ,a
r- u -
ion and Trantnnrtntinn
. AgtLtl.
El-aare P. Ross, -President,
8eird. Vir Pro.Mi . w
p - " - .intfciVf II 111.
. KrownviHe, Agents.
CUM Meteoric dUrlay fc0 greatly
adrcrtiMfi ll)t. l(r . ' ' utc,ly
i i. Wne fcfr tween the 13th
and Hth .eemtlahate be
n the United State,; a few w "
.at different places, no.biUjlike
.neettl!. thawer. Ir. EnSl,nd lhe f "
Tc . Ul noia,ng--'We that of
AS3. Savans tow tny they were mis-
iara a&out us recurrence everc
.i j
years, anJ tLiuk it should be erP.w year; iLu it stands Pqm.
fcsed. until 1SG7.
lSiioriied Apcnts forrrincc &Co.
i K W. liiLL A CO, are too authorized Agents
v-fia (YeHr ftr ''. A. Prinf-e 4 Co's ceie
" i f. "ait Orfas,iie!iaei.ns, etc. r or price,
Crc At tfcle at
s JJji Carscn, E?q.," ogent, baring
maue suca arrangements ior tne winter
as will insure the prompt and safe for
warding and d elisor jfrom and to this
point, of all poods, money, or valuable
w -
parcels, merchants and others will con
suit their interests by patronizing the
"Old Reliable" whose rates are lower
than those of any other company.
We learn that D. C. Cole has been re
moved from the Post Office at Peru, and
John Patterson appointed. The appointee
is one of the rankest Copper-Democrats
in this county, and only shows the path
"My Policy" intends to pursue. D. C
Cole gave the moit general sltisfaction
to all who received their mail matter at
that office, and his removal will be gene
rally regretted.
Last Friday evening, Rev. Mr. Cari
ron. a Catholic Missionery, who, during
the past summer has been preaching at
Rub), delivered a free Lecture in this
city. It was well attended and is favo
rably spoken of. We learn that Mr
Cancon desires to be cnanjrea to mis
-0 -
city, and if he is, intends building a
Catholic Church here. We wish him
success in both, and have heard many of
our citizens express themselves thu3.
We learn that Mr. Wm. Varney's
house in London, in this county, was de
stroyed by fire about 10 o'clock last Sun
day morning.. It was a total loss. The
Louse was 1SX2G ; loss between feur
and five hundred dollars. It was occu
pied, free of rent, at the time by Mr.
Seymour, a perfect cripple unable to
do any kind of labor, whose furniture
was mostly saved but considerably dam
aged. The loss will bear heavily upon
both, and a friendly lift from neighbors
and others would be kindcess rell be
stowed. After "swinging several times round
the circle." Marsh & Co. have fully Re
constructed their stock, and would be hap
py to see their numerous friends and cus
tomers at their old stand, (late A. John
son's Post Office,) where will be found a
full stack of choice Staple and Fancy
Groceries, Patent Med s,- Tobacco,
Cigars, Confectionery, Cutlery,
Notions, etc. &c , vhkb " .
the city. Jir
whe?.tr: - -
highest r
Pro :
and V
the 14th,
wet tn?
no mere
siderably i
low ruml,'
drizzling" '"
latitude so exi
rains, which so",
farmers in most (4
eastern slept f l
upon which NtLrai
2 R.'ifUy."
La ii siiUrttcd.
We iee quitey a. strip of ground being
leveled off" upon our Levee, and learn
that two new Warehouses are to be
erected there in the Spring.
While we are pleased to see this sign
of prosperity in a business joint of view,
we cannot but regret the lack of enter
prise which places thern so near the river,
upon a small patch of level ground, in
preference to cutting down a' lot or so of
that unsightly hill and placing them up
on a permanent location and improving
the Levee at the same time. We be
lieve, it would pay them big. The great
drawback, we adroit, is the high price ot
labor, yet we beliexe it will pay.
in passing through St. Deroin, recent
ly,, we had the . pleasure of stepping into
Mr. A. J. Ritter's store.-aod were trully
surprised to see bi$ Mammoth Stock of
Goods. Mr Rilter is an old experienced
hand at lhe -tusinesa; we found that his
Goods have been -selected with great
judgement, adapted to the wants of the
community, and marked down 89 marvel
uuy low aolotlefy competition from any
quarter. Call and see him or his gen
tlemanly f Clerk, Peter Fraker, you will
always find them on hand with a rousing
stock of Goods and accommodating.
b8 tf
A case- of shop lifting has just been
mentioned to us by W. W Hackney, of
the New York Store; -Last Tuesday a
female , plainly dressed but wearing a
large shawl, entered his store, apparently
to purchase goois, but ere she left a set
of hoops were missed, she was charged
with the theft and finally gave them up.
This is not her first offense as we learn,
she evidently being an old hand at the
business. We do not remember the par
ticular description given of her, only that
she has a large tusk-like tooth in the
front of the tipper jaw. Look out for
the tusk, ye Dry Goos dealers, if you
don't want to get bit.
Why suffer from Dyspepsia when so
potent, so tafe, and, o certain a remedy
can'be procured -so easily. Coe's Dys
pepsia Cure is a perfect specific for the
disease. A single dose will demonstrate
l fact. .Let Uiose who are , troubled
with Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Cdnstipa
0Dj Sic, rnakc but cne trial; '
LtrsrSatnrday-our citizens were ttartl
ed into aa unusual activity by . the cry of
4,Fire,' find' a grand -rush was7 made; for.
the scene of conflagration, the residence
of Mr. Moses Conner in bcuth Urown-
ville. Happily the fife was extinguished
before more than 50 dollars damage
was done. We cannot too hkbly exto
the energy of our fire department, par
ticularly the intrepid conduct of James
Coleman, who rushed up under the roof
inside, amid smoke and flame, and threw
water upon the fire, where it did im
mensely more good than that which forty
or fifty persons were energetically pour
ing through a hole in the roof upon his
back. The origin of the fire was purely
accidental, and, from what we leam
blame can attach la no one.
A remarkable fact is that not a single
instance has come to the knowledge of C
W. Roback of a failure of his bitters to
give satisfaction in the thousand of cases
in which they have been u$ed, is worthy
of remark,, and undeniable evidence of
their intrinsic virtue
Passed at the First Session of tie Thirty
K"inth Congress. -
(Pullic Resolution No. 17.)
Joint Resolution to change the Name of the Soip "Art
Unioa" te tae name '-George M. Barnard."
Resolved by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United Sivtes of
imtrxca tn uongress assemoiea.
n n til
That, the Secretary of the Treasury be, and be eby is
authorised to ehange the name of the ship "Art Un
ion." owned by the State of Massachusetts, and used as
quarters tor the nautical branch of the Reform Sceool
of said State, to the name "George at . Barnard," iC4
to grant said snip r regiitar In the lactpr name.
Approved, March 22, I&6J.
TPublic Resolution No. 16
Joint Reflation authotizing the Secretaries of War to
place Iiulks and Vesaels at the disposal of Commission
era of Quarantine, or other proper Authorities,at Ports
of the United su-es, for one l ear.
Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Rep-
retentativet of the United btaict of America tn
Congress Assembled,
That the Socretaiy of War ind the Secretary ofHhe Ka
Ty be, and they are hereby, respectively author tzed,in
their inscription to p)aie Gratuitously at the disposal
of the coaimissioners of quarantine, or proper author
ities of any of the ports cs the Jnittd States, to be used
by them temporarily for quarantina purposes, ruch
vest-eis or hulks belonging to the United States as are
not required for other uses of the national government
subject to such restrictions and regulations as the
said Secretaries may respectively deem necessary to
mpose for the pritervation thereof: Provided, That
this resolution shall contine In fore oue yeai from its
passage. Approved, aiarcn n, iooo
A Relolution in Kel a! Tan to -he Publication of
Law cf f-.r--'ted Stales.
Resolved by t Sea!t . t House of Representa
tives of the Untied Siau; v l America tn Congress
'.ierr!e4, ... ; ,; .
-it., ecre y ( r Mte d?, ana ne is nereDy auinor
. t.': contract of octooor outn
'r, i'ttreen the Department
)a, (1 Ci-mjMtny, of Boston,
.' i iub;i cat ion of the Stat-
i ie , umtil otherwise or
t. ,-. i ty v;tr the joint resolu-j-'v
?i -.-eh tbird, eighteen hua
, ." ', a: ( chirtieth pifrhteen
. v.ui vi.' : jt the time "within
u cf iue Uni-ls to be delivered
. 1 b extended to seventy lays
v i h 3aion of Congress :
a price shall not exceed
i : tie, Brown, and Compi
7' :k, paper, biadiu, edit
X, wUich shall be nna at
" " P-'Pr to be famished at
.j.jve'rumeut lor paper of
y er cent coniuiission there-
1, ISgS.
srflion, J.
1Q A
-tion to I
i the Pnblic Lands ap-
.9 Armory at Springfield.
; aa.l House of Rcprescnta
i f America in Congress as-
IiU rwol'nlion ap roved
tunJrel aud forty-iour,eu
. to te public lands ap-
J. opringfleld anp harper's
heret y r-'-.i, te-enjeted, anJ continued iu
Ai'iioved, April 4, 1SS6.
( Public Resolution, JV "o. 19.)
a Resolution for the Restoration of Commanders Wil
lliain Kcyuoids and llelaucioa B. Woolsey. UDited
State Kavyf to tL-3 Active List from the Reserved
B it resolved hy the Senate and House of Repre
sentative of the United Slates of America in fon
gress a8sctobl d,
That the President of the United States of America be
autho.ized to nominate and by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate to appoint Conitnauders
William Reynolds and Melanctoa B Woolsey to activr
list of the Navy. Approved, April 5, 13CS
(Public J"o.t 70)
An Act to facilitate the settlement of tbe Accounts
of the Treasurer of the Unitel St:vti3, and to se
cure ceitain Moneys to the People of the United
State.", or ,o Persons to whom therare due, and
who are entitled to receive the same.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repres
enatices of Uncted States of America in Gngrees
That all amounts of mcrys that ore represented
hj certificates, .drafts, or chcks. issued by the
Treasurer of the Tinted States, or by any disbur
nng cCiccr of any department of the government
of tfce United btates. upon the Tieasarer or any
assistant treasurer, or designated as a depositary
of toe United States, and which shall be repiesen
tc l on the books of either such ol5ce3 a3 standing
to tho credit of any disbursing officer, and bearing
date prior to July first, eighteen hundred and six
ty three, and which were issued to facilitate the
payment of warrants, or for any other purpose in
liquidation of a debt due from the United Jtates,
which may remain outstanding on the fir't diy of
July, eighteen hundred en J sixty-six be deposited
by tho Treasurer or theanitsd statas, to be cover
ed into the treasurery by warrant, and to be car
ried to tkecredit of the parties in whose favor
such certificates, drafts or checis were respectively
issued, or to ihe persons who are entitled to receiv
pay therefor, and into an appropriation accoant to
be denominated "outstanding liabilities."
Sec. 2. And bo itfurthor enacted, That the
certificate of the Register of tho Treasury, statin g
that the amount f any draft issued by the Treas
ury , of tho united states, to facilitate the paymen
of a warrant directed to him for payment, and
which mav hive so remained outstanding and nn
paid for three years or mare as aforesaid and which
shall have been thus deposited and covered into
the treasury , shall be. and the tame is hereby au
thorized to be, when attached to any such warrant
a sufficient voucher in satisfaction of any sccb. war
rant or part of any such warrant, the same as if
tbe drafts cerroctly indorsed and fnlly satisfied
Trere attached to such warrant or part ef warrant.
And all such moneys mentioned in this and in the
proceeding section shall remain as a permanent ap
propriatidn for the redemption and payment ef all
such outstanding and unpaid certificates, drafts
and checks as aforesail.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the
payee, er the bona fide holder of any such draft or
check , the atrount of which has been so deposited
andeovertd into the treasury, shall on presenting
the same to the proper officer of tho treasury, b en
titled to have it paid by the settlement of an ac
count and the issuing of a warrant in his favor, ac
cording to the practice in ofher cases of authorized
ani liquidated claims against the Nnited Sfates.
Sec. i And be it further enacted. That at the
termination of eAery fiscal year after rhis act shall
begin to operato, the provisions thereof shall apply
to all siilaj certificates, drafts, and checks, which
shall then have for three years or more remained
outstanding. and unpaid , ani to all dis
bursing officers, accounts that shall have eo remain
ed unchanged, as in the next section provided for.
Sec.6 And be It further enacted, Thai, the amounts
except such as are provided Xt-r.ia the. n-t sect'oa cf
thia act nf th. oVm.n nf rverv kind of disbursing of
ficer of the Government ef the -X nited States, which
f-ballhsve remained unchanged, or which shail ha ve
been increased by any new depssil thereto, nor de
creased by drafts drawn thereon, for the space of three
years, shall in like manner be eovered lnio the treas
ury, to the proper appropriation to which they iu.y be
long, and the amounts tbeioof ball, on the certiiicate
of the Treasurer ot the United States that each amount
ha been deposited in the treasurj , be crcdned by the
nrinr armnni.n m.-r of tho treasury on bocks of
tbe Treasury neparlwent, to theoGicer ia whose name I ;
144.a4 no.Ki oo the beois of any ajeccy of lh,e trsury j c
Kit iiiJI t SJhM rTgtarttrcTrtittd to
r rail id.
Sec.6. And be tt further fnauea. mat rortbe pur
roe of giving force and effect to the fult Intent nl
leaning tX-Ii-lt.-t" sUaH bd thjdut of the Trenn
nrcr, and of all assistant treasurei s'"and"tT"aIl desliT"
nated depositaries at the United States, and of the
casbi?rB of rH national banfcfr-lasignated as aach de
po;itaiies, taJepoU to.tha Tteasnry. at the close of
business on every thtrtieth day of June tbeieafter,tba
conlitioo-of. every such account no standing, as the pre
ceedlns Mctlon specified, on the bks ot their respec
tive offices, stating the name of each depositor, respec
tively, with his oClcial Designation, the total amount
so remaining od deposit to his credit , and the dates,
respectively, of the last credit and the last debit made
to each disbursing officer in any and every department
cf the United States V make a like return of at: checks
issued by f uch officer, and which mar tiiea nave l;oen
ortstanding and unpaid for thre9 yean and more, sta
ting fully in such report the name of the payee, for
flhat purpose given the offlieon which drawn, the num.
ber or the payee, for what purpose given, the offlee on
which drawn, the number ot the voucher received tber
e'or and the dote, number and amonnt for which it
Was drawn, and, when known, the residence of the
Publicjfo, 71
An Act to remit and refund certain duties.
Beit enacted by the Senat and Bodse of Repres
tntatives of the United States of America inCon
gress Assembled,
Tht the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby author
ity an.1 emp wereJ to remit, or ir paM to retund,any
duties levied en prodnce a hipped from a part of the
United State-" to a part of the United States, via Cana -da,
if the said proluc was actually In transitu and de
tained by ice when '.he recent recisrocity treaty with
Canada expired. Appreved, May 2, 136S.
Public No. 122
An Act to regulate and secure the Safe.KepIng of pub
lie Money intrusted to Disqursing Officers of the Uni
ted States -
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen
tatives of the Unsted Sfates of America tn Congress
That from and after the passatre of this act it shail ba
the duty of every disbursing officer of the United States
UavlTig any pnblic money intrusted to him for disbtirs
ment to deposit the same with the treasurer or tot
one of the assistant treasurers of the United States,
to draw from the eame only as it mas be requited for
paymenrsto be made by him In pursuance of law ; and
all transfers from the treasury of the United States
to a disbursing officer shall be by draft or warrant on
the treasury or an assistant treasurer of the United
States; Provided, That in place where there is no trea
surer nor assistant treasurer of the United States, the
Secretary of the Treasury may wnen neaeems it nec-e-say
to the public interest, specially authorize in
writicz authorize the same to be kept in any other
public depository, or, In writing, authorize the same to
be kept in any other manner, ana unaer sucn ruies ana
regulations as be may deem most safe and effectual te
facilitate the payments to public creditors. .
Sec 2. And be it further enacted. That if any ais.-
burfing officer of the United States shall deposit aiy
public money entrusted to him in any place or in any
manner, except as author izea ny law, or snail convert
to his own use any way whatover," or shall loan, with
with or without interest, or shall for any purpose
not prescribed by law withdraw from the treasurer or
anv assistant treasurer, or any authortzwd depository.
or shall for any purpose not prescribed by law, trans.
fer apply any portion of the public money entrustod to
him, every such act shall be deemed aud adjudged an
emiezzlenieat of the money so doposited, contorted,
used, loaned, withdrawn, transferred, or applied, and
every such act is hereby declaret to be a felony, and
upon conviction thereof shali be putiished by Imprison
ment for a term not less than one year nor more than
tea vcars. or ty a fine uot more than the amount em
bezzled nor less than one thousand dollars, or by both
such fine and Imprisonment, at tha discretion of the
conrt. "
Sec. 3. And be it further entcted That if any ban
ter, broker, or any person not an authoalzad deposit
ory of public money, 6hall knowingly receive from
any disbHrsing officer rr collector of internal revenue,
or other Agent of tie United States any public money
on deposit, or by way of loan or accommodation, with
or without interest, or otherwise than in payment of a
debt against the United States or shall use, transfer
or convert, appropriate or apply any pyrtion of the
public money for any purpose not prescribed by law;
or stall counsel, aid, or abet any disbuysing officer or
collector of internal revenue or other azent of the
United States,ln so doing, every such act shall be deem
ed aud adjudged an embezclement of the money so de -posited,
loaned, transferred, used, converted appropri
ated, or applied , and any pi evident, cashier, teller,
director, or other offieer of any bank or banking associ
ation who shall violate any of the provisions of this
act, shall be denmed and aUudgel guilty of embezzle
ment or public money, and punisked as provided in
section two of this act.
Arpiove-J, Jan. 14, 1SSS
(Public No. 123.)
Be it enacted bv the Senate and House of Repres
entees of the United States of America in Crngress
That, all monies raised in the United States for the
support or refugees or freedmen, and received Dy any
officer of the United States army, shall be charged a-
gainst such officer on the books of the Treasury Dspart-
ment aud accunted tor by him in like manner as ir
such monies had been drawn f rota the treasury ar the
United States, and if any part thereof shall have been
expended for the use of refugees or freeJmen, the same
shail be passel ti tbe credit or ins otaer, ir npoa tbe
examination of his accounts, R shall appear to the
proper accounting officer jef the Treasury Department
that the amount expnded was property aisoursea ior
such refugees or f reedmea and on -the adjustment or
the accounts of the ofiioer, if any balance shall remain
in the hands of such officer the same shall ba paid into
the treasury ot the United States, for a f and for the
relief of the fefo'rees or freedmen. Ana any omcer
having such balance in his hands, who, attor be ing du
rennired. shall refuse or nesleet to pay over the same,
or who shall after due notice, fail to scttlo his account
shal 1 be proceeded against in the same manner as i3
provided for by existing laxs iu the; case of disbvrsing
fflcers who neslect er refuse to account ior mouies
drawn from the treasury of the United StateJ.
Sec. 2. Aud oe it further enacted, That wnere ac
counts are rendered for expenditures for refugees or
frectUuen under the approval ml sanction of the prop
er tfflcers, and bich shall have baen proper and nec
essary, but cannot be settled Tur want of speciBo ap
propriations, tho same nioy be pail out of the fund for
the relief of refugees aud fieedmen, cn the approval
of the commissioner of the bureau of refugees.aud free
Approved, .Jan 15, 1SG3
Public No, 124
"NVhercas the Constitution of the United States con
fers upon Congress, in express terms, the power to reg
ulate comineoce among tha several States, to establish
post roads, and to raise and support armies . There
fore : t
Be it enacted ly the Senate and House of Rep
resentatives of the United States of America in Con
gress assembled, ,
That every railroid company in the United states
whot-e road is operated by steam its successors and as
signees, be, and is hereby authorized to carrs upou,
aud over its road, boats, brioges, and ferries, all pas
sengers, troops, government supplies, mailes, freight ,
and property on their way from any State to another
State, and te receive compensation therefor, and to
connect with roads of othsr States so as to ferai cou
uous lines for the transportation of the same to the
piace os destination Provided, Shatthis act shall not
a fiect ans stipulation between the government of the
United States ano any Tailroad company Ior transpor
tation or fares without compensation, nor impair nor
cgiige the conditions imposed ty the terms of any
actgraDtlng lands to asy such eompaay tofiidinthe
coustf uc-ion of its rdad, nor shall it be construed to
authorize any railroad com? ny to build any new road
or connection with any other road without authority
from the State In which said railroad or counectiin may
be proposed,
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, Thai Congress
may at any alter, amend or repeal this act,
Approved June 15, 1SJ5.
public no. in
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives cf the United Slates of .America in Con
gress assembled , . f
That from and after the passaje of this act all the
public landf in the State of Alabama. Mississippi. Ark
kansas, Louisana, and Florida shall be disposed accor
ding to the stipulations of the Homestead law of twen
tieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. entitled "An
act to secure homesteads to actual settlers on tbe pub
lic domain." and the act supplemental, thereto, approv
ed twenty first of March, eighteen hundred and sixty
four, but with this restriction, shat until the expira
tion of two yerrs from and after the passage of this act
no entry scall be made for more than half a quarter of
a section, or eighty acres r and in liew of the sum of
ten dollars required to be paid by the second sectiol of
said act, there shall be paid the sum of five dol'ars
at the time or the issue of each patent ; and that the
public lands in said States sholl be disposed ot in no
bther manner after the passage of this act : Provided
That no distinction or discrimination shall be made in
the construction or execution of this act on account of
color or race i And provided further. That no miner al
lands shall be liable to entry and settlement under its
provisions. . " ... ;
tec. 2. And be it further eniercd, that section kec
end of the above-cited hemestead law, entitled "An
act to secure homestead to actual tettlers on the pnb
lic domain," approved May 20th, eighteen hundrei and
sixtystwo, be so amended as to rend ass follow; : Tbat
the psiron -applying orthe benefit of this act aeall, on
application to the segister of the land office in which
f-.e or she is about to mhke such entry, make affidavit
bef or the said register and receiver that Ke or she is
the head of a family, or is twenty-one- years or more
of age, or hall have performed service in the army
or Bavr of the United States, and tbat such applica
tion is made for his or her exclusive benefit, and that
said entry is made for the purpose of actual settle
rue nt aad cultivation, and not either directly or indi
rectly fjr the use or beoeat of ans other person or per
sons whomsoever : and open filing the said affidavit
with the resistcf or receiver, and on payment of five
five dollars, when the entry Is not more than eighty
acres, he cr she thai I Lh ereupon be permitted to enter
the amount of land spgei Q el: Provided, however, That
co certificate shall be1 given, or patent issued therefor
until the expiration of five years from the date of
such entry. and if, at the expiration of such time, or
at any time within two years thereafter, the yerson ma
king such entry, or, if he be. dead, his widow, or in
case of her death, his heirs or devisee, or in ca of a
widow making such entry, her heirs or devisee, iucase
of her death, shall prove by two credible witnesses,
thst he or she, or they have resided upon or cultivated
the same for the term of five years immediately suc
ceeding the time of filing the affidavit aforesaid, and
shall make affiiavit that no part of staid loud has been
alienated, and that tie will bear true alleviance to tbe
government of the United States; then, Idsuchcase,
ee, she, or they, if at any time a citizen of the United
States, shall be entitled to patent, as in other cases
provide! by law: - And provided further, Tbat in case
of tcedcatu of both father and tmother, leaving an in
fant child or children under twenty-one years of age,
the rigbt saill inure to the benefit of said infant child
cr children ; and the executor, administrator, or guar-
ian; miy, at any tm, wiimn two years after the
tag tiwiruf thtrgtatrrw whiin mw ehild-e fur th
the time fcelrrr, have their domicile, sell said laad3
for the benefit of eali infants, but for no other purpose
aud the purchaser shalT acquire the absolute title Dy
'ube purchase, and be entitled lo a patent from, the Uni
ted States, on the paytnjTrrpf the office fees and
money herein specified Provided, That until the
day of January, eighteen htindred ana sixty seven
person apj'ying for 'the be3t of this act, shall. iC
addition U, the loath, berelnticfore required, also make
oath that he ha not borne arnis against ,tha U&Ued
States, or given aid and comfort to its enemies.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all the pro
visions of the said homestead law, and the. act amen
tory thereof, approved March twenty-first, eighteen1
hundred and sixty-four, so far as the same may be ap
plicable, except so far as the same are modified by the
preceding secli ns of this act, are applied to and made
part of this act as fully as if herein enaeted and set
Approved, June 21, 1SS.
Public No 127
An act to re-imhurse the state of West Virginia for
Moneys expended by the United States in eerollinx, e
quipping, and paying Military f orces to aid in suppres
sing the rebellion.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep
resentatives of tho Uuited States of America in
Congress assembled,
That immediately after the passage of tela act, the
President shall -appoint three commissioners whose du
ty it shall be to oscertain tbe amount of moneys ex
pended by the State of West Virginia in enrolling sup
plying and equipping, subsisting, transporting, and
payint-, such State forces as have been cal le1 into sor
vice in said State since the twentieth day of June,
etghteen hutdred and sixty-one, to act in concert with
United States forces in the suppression of the rebel
lion against the United Ssates. '
Sec. 2 And be it further enacted. That lhe commis
sioners co appointed shall proceed at once to examine
all the expenditures made by said State jor the pur
poses herein named, allowing only for disbursements
made and amounts assumed by the State for enrolling,
equipping, subgisting, transporting, supplying, and
paying such troops as were called into service by the
governor, at the request of the United States depart
ment commander commanding the district in wh Ich
West Virginia may at the time fcave been included, or
by tbe express order, consent or concurrence of 6ucn
commander, or which may have been employed in snp
pressing rebellion in said State. And no allowance
shall be made for any troops which did net perform oc
tual millitary service In full concert and co-operation
with the authorities of the United "States and subject
ti their order.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, that in making up
said account, for the convenience of the accounting of
ficers of the government, the commissioners shall state
separately the amounts expended, respectively, for
enrolling, equipping, arming, subsisting, transporting,
and paying said trcors, and from the aggregate amount
they shall deduct the amount of direet tax due by the
sad State to tbe United States under the act entitled
An act to provide increased revenue from imports, pay
interest on tho public debt, and for other purposes,
'approve! August fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty
oue. -
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That in the ad
justment of accounts under this act of the commission
ers shall not allow for any expenditure or compensa
tion foj servites at a rate greater than was at the Urn e
allowed by the Iwas of the United States foo similar
Sec, 5. And be II further enacted, That so soon a 5
said commissioners shrll have made ep said account,
and ascertasned the balance, as herein directed , thef
shall make written report thereor, showi ng tbe differ
ent Items of expenditure, as hereinbefore stated, to
the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall cause the
same to be examined by the proper accounting officers
of the treasury, and said officers shall audit the ac
counts as In ordinary, cases ; and if from their report
it shall appear that any sum remains due to the Stato.
he shall draw his warrant for same, payable io the
governor of the said State, and deliver it to him.
Sec g And be it further enacted, That the commis
sioners be appointed as aforesaid shall, before procee
ding to the discharge of their duties, be sworn that
they will carefully examine ! the accounfs existing be
tween the Uuited States, and the state of West Vir
ginia, and that they will, to the fbest of their ability,
make a ?ust andjtrue, and impartial statement -.hereof
as required by thji aoi They shall receive such com
pensation for their seraices as my be determined by the
Secretary of the ereasury.
Sec, 7. And be it further enacted, that the sum of
three hundred and sixty-eight thousand five hundred
dollars aad thirty-seven cents be, and the same is here
by, appropriated to carry thts act into effect.
Approved June 21, 1868
Be it enacted ly the Senate awef House of Rep
resentatives of the United St atee of America in Con
gress assembled.
An Act to establish a Hydro? raphic office in the Navy
- Dnprrtment. .
That there shall be a Hydrograpelc office attached to
the bureau of Nav lgatlon in tne ' ayy department, for
tbe improvement of the means of navigating safely
the vessels of tbe navy and of. the mercantile marine,
by providing underthe arthority o she Secretary or
the J?a?y, accurate and cheap charts, sailing
directions, navigator, and manuals of instructions, fo
the use of ail vessels rf tbe United States and for the
benefit and use of navigators generally.
' Sec. 2, And be it further enactel, That the Secre
tary of the Xavy be, and he is hereby authorized to
cause to bo prepared, at the hydrographic office attach
ed to the bureau of Navigation in the Navy Depart
ment, maps, charts, and nautical books relating to and
required in navigation, and to publish and furnish them
to navigators at the cost of printing and paper, and to
purchase the platca nd copyright of such existing
maps, charts, navigator, sailing directions and instruc
tions, as he may consider necessary, and when he may
deem it expedient to do so, and under .such rules, reg-
U'auons, anu instructions as ne miy prepense.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the moneys
which may be received from the sale ?of such maps.
charts, and nautical books shall be returned by the Sec
retary of the Navy into ; the treasury of the United
Slates to be used In the further preparation and publi
cation of jnaps, charts, navigators, sailing directions
and icstructious for the use of seamen, and to be sold
at the rates as set forth in the preceedicg section.
Approved, June 21. 1SK6.
Families and Manufacturers
. WE offer the public the simplest, strongest and
best Knitting Machine in the world.
It occupies but little space is portable and ean
be attached to a stand or table, weighs about 40tbs.
It -srill kait a variety of stitches the breafcng
of needlcais trifling the cost of needles is insig
nificant and thejno3t delicate material can be kjiio
pure and spotless, as the needles ere not oiled.
Oriiafor Machines may bo sent through tho
Americaji Advertising Agency.
2S9 Broadway, IT. Tt.
Send for a Circular.
Agents Wanted.
ITagic Billious Powders.
This preparation,is the discovery
of the lvev. J. W. Poland, formerly
the Pastor of the Baptist church ia
GoiTstown, N. IIn and a man dear
ly beloved by that denomination
throughout New England . He was
obliged to leave the pulpit and stu
dy medicine to save his own life,
ani hia Magic Powders are one of
the most wonderful discoveries of modern times.
It is
which completely throws in the shade all other
discoveries in medicine; and it affords him much
gratification that they receive the unanimous ap
probation of all who have tested them. The Mag
is Bilious Powders are a
PositiTcCure loiXlTer Complaint
n its most agravated form, and an immediate cor
rector of all
Excellent lor Headache,
-Pydeples, Blotches,
ASaltowSkin, Drowsiness, Dixziness,
Heartburn, Palpitation,
And a most wonderful
Cure & PreTcntiTC of Feierifc Ague
(We advise all who are troubled with this fearful
malady to always keep the "Powders ca hand ready
Here kit a few Important particulars:
1st t-heyarethe Great Specific for all billious
-21 They are the only known remedy that will
'cure Lfver Complaint. ...
3d They',tftae ojly known reme'dy that will curt
Constipat'idrl. ' , .
4th. The Powders are eo thorough in their ope
ration that ono package will be all that the majori
ty of those using them will require to effac t a cure.
5th They are a mild and pleisant ye t the most
effective eathartio known.
6th. They are the cheapest eathartio known.
6th. They sre the cheapest and best medicine ex
tant, as they can be sent by mail to any part of the
globe, for the price, 58cenb.
Circular?, containing cerii3ca"tes, information, 4c.
gent' to any part of the world free of CTiaTgeV
mail on application to
General Agknts.
TCovember 15, 1SC3.
FV,YATED ! Agents, jf lale and .Female, al $75 to
$150 per month, to sell the celebrated
Common Sense ramily Sewing Machine -;PHICB
Th'i3 Machine will do all kinds of work eqilal to
the high priced Machines, and is the only practical
and i e liable Cheap Sewing Machine in the world.
CO 210 & CO Chicago, Ills , or Clevclond, 0.
Principal 02ce,3o. 2 Custom House Place Chictgo
10--5 ly fin
ox th
We, Tnos. J.
Tcrne-,- Frest,
and "Crus.
eno hundred thousand dollars, secure! by lean on
rial estate worth at cash- valuation at least five
tbmes the amount of said capital, and not encum
barci to more than one-finrth of aid valuation.
Persoan'ly appeared befbre ae, Clerk of the Coun
ty Court of said County, T J. Turner and Chares
Squires to me known as I:he Pre?idont and Secretary
of the Fire 4 Tornado n?uranco Corr.pacy, who be
ing first duly swjrn a-oriinr talaw , severally de
pose and say "that the above certificate subscribed
to by them respectively is true in substanco and
in fact, as shown by the records of said Company."
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th.
day cfJanuar7. A. D.18H5.
HOD. Pterpos. Deputy.
To Expire on the 31st day of January, lSufl.
i Insurance Department, Ofice 62 Ter
ritorial Auditor,
OMAHA, NEB. Jan., lGih, 1S6G
WHEREAS, J. T. Caapb ell, Assistant Gen
Agent, for the
Fire and Tornado Ins. Co.
located at Freeport, in the Stafe of Iinois, has
filed in this Otice a copy of the Act of Incorpora
tion of said Company, ad a Statement under oath,
showing its Condition, as reouired by the Four
teenth Section of a Law of the territory of Nebras
ka, entitled " n act in Relation to Insurance
Companies," Approved February, 15$ C 5 .
Therefore, be in known, by these presents. That
in pursuance of the aforesaid Act, I, JOHN
Gillcspie.Auditcr of the Territory of5 Nebraska, Do
Hereby Certify that said Fire A: Torpado Insurance
Company has full authority to transact business of
Insurance in the Territory of Nebraska, under the
laws of this Territory, until t,ho 3lst day of Janu
ary, a. d.,18'37.
IX WITNESS WHEREOF, have subscribed my
name, and caused tbe Seal' of the Auditor's Office
to be aQxed, this 16th day of January, a. d., 180(5.
G. W. LULL & CO., AKent3.
Broumvillc Nebraska,
(From the New Tor. Herald)
Prominent araW the mechanical triumphs of this
most Ingenious age, common honesty compels us to no
tice the Empire Sewing Machine, commended as justly
strley perfection itself Useful as have been the va
rious sewing machines, from time to time presented
to the public, each one or them has teen cursed with
some radio 1 ('efect, which detracts from general util
ity. Warned by the experience of his predecessors,
the inventor of the Erie Machine has produced an In
strument, combining all the advantages for which
others are vaunted, and obviating every defect which
can be attributed to them by tbe most fastidious critic.
The Empire Machine is a marvelous combination of
simplicity, econemy and perfect workshlp, being dura
ble, free from liability to get out ol order, noiseless
and easy of operation. Its mechanical contrivance Is
sucli as to secure stability, freedom from accident, and
accuracy as to w rkraanship. By the use of the pat
ented shuttle and straight needle it makes a. stitch,
which can neither rip nor ravel while, at the same
time, it can operate perfectly upon every species of
material from leather to cambritfe, with ihreaps of cot
ton, linen or silk from the finest to the coarsest num
ber. As the Empire Machine is gradually supplanting Its
more antique rival? no one In wast of a usefei lnstrn
ment of thiS discriptloh be te or she tailor, eoacisma
ke, dressmaker cr seamstress, can do otherwtsl tba'a
secure one of these econmical and inimitable maohiaes
suited alike for family and manufacturing purposes.
Tbe office of the Empire Menuracturing Co. Is at No.
636 Broadwoy, New Tork City, where they are now
supplying these Empire Machines at prices far below
tbe real value of the instruments. New York Herald
Feb. 6th les5 10 19 AaC
XVtice is hereby given te all persons Interested
t!it 8. A. Chambers as Execator of the late trill Is
win dtt-easerf has tiled his accounts for final settle
ment at aiT afflce , aad that Monday, the 8ih day of
rvtAhflr. A.D. 1868 at 10 o'clock A. M., is the time
aoMinte fer examining and allowing the same.
69-3t t,M Precae Jttce.
Taken up by tbe undersigned, living four milt s
North West of UrownvUle, Nemaha County rc
braska, on tbe 23d day of October, 1855. One
white Cow with red neck and head,the bash of the
tail off. marked with unierbit in each eir, spat in
the left ear, branded on both herns CDC
Brownvile, Nov. 3d 18C6
LXojre Durable,
More Elastic,
JJore Gracejul. I
And will keep Us Shape and retain Us
Place, than any other Skirt.
This beautiful slyly of Skirt (Patented March 7
1865,) was awarded by the Gbeat Amkkiban In
sr hits Fair, held in New York, Ostober, 186 5, r
The Highest Premium ever hicen fort a Jlonp Siirt
The Steel Springs are wound with a fine plated,
wire ( in place of a cotton covering) which will not
wear of or become soiled, and tho wholo S irt
may be washed without injery or foar Of rusting,
and will be as good as new.
Tbe CciuMnatiou Silver Skirt!
This invention combines witji tho ordinary Lof
ton Skirt the advantages of our SILVER SKIRT ;
the bottom hoops are tho same asthose used in t ie
Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off,
while the upper ones are with cotton. No
lady, having onoe worn one of our Skirts, will be
willin? to wear anv other, as the lower hoops cf all
other kinds are soon injured and soiled.
The best materials are used in their construction
and from their durability aa d neatness th5 are
destinod,to become
Manufactured solely by the Silar SI irt aud
Wire Manufacturing Cmpany,
30 & 32 Barclay Street,
T. S. SPBRRY, GttpV '
July Ist.lSGC 1 year
Csntrinra .-.'. rf the Fire and Tornado Insursace
.um of ' " . M:..t, .tir. ifc.t !
first I ''Orapany, oi r recyui b, hiiuuh,uhij ... ... j
, any F said Company 13 possessed n a cspiwsi cs nw iask n
V s-J
On tand at liis Store Rooms,
Ho has and will I constantly keep on hand, a eomp!tta-aortmBt of Dry Ooods, tlrocerJ.r, Beets as4
t-m w . i i i- j ' H.tiiiirj, naraware. Ufockery Ware, WovIn Ware.
lV:"llun 3 of wr, uaaallj kept ia a Crst-clasa Retail Storef that will t ,
W are that can be bousht anrwhere. .... . . v .
moat .. delkiooj tzit telthTal ViTsraja
known. - - . -.-
Itiarroyared frortj KV4t JAVA
anJ wUiie 1 1 has a." toe cat or cf Zza wt "t
moat Java, sells for less than Izli t y:-. , -
Osborn Java "Gouzi
IIss teen steadily used for years, by ta&usaaii
of pcrsrnj ia all part. of the Coantry, aid U aal
versally acknowledged to be at once BuHoas,
licious, healthful economical. The same quan
tity will make a richer ati strorrjur cop cf U;
than any other known. - - -
Oborn's Java Cot:ox
Is particularly recommended as a healthful b
erae and iajrtost beneficially used ry those "w
suBerwita. Headache Nervousness, and otaer is'a
rious eCaets from tne pse of other CoJie.
It is prepared with tbe greatest care, aci con
tains no ingredient which Is not hore LaraieM aa-J
benpficial tq tho human organi'to ibaa pare Co.Ts
to fthic.h fi,ct the most skiirall Physicians sai
Chemists testify. " ' .
ITas been extensively oaed at numei-ous SUtr.
ry Fairs throughout the Union, and. receipt e?t-
tificates of the highest rewmendatioa.
It has also been thoroughly tested, and rees!vi
the diploma of the Amori can Institute ani tier
prominent institutions. . . ,
Put up in one pound packages bearic the fac
simile Signature cf Lewis A. 'Jsborn Jand ia boxaa
of 30 and 50 ibs. and Sold by Growr re"-...
ymolesalc Depot, caaxri
SnpPlfea by
Importers and Wholesale Dealers. In Tea.r.TA:
ItTd.103&105 TTarrrr, n1
Washington Streets Xcw Yerli.
I Would Respectfully' Tnj or m the
tiling Pullic at large, That I
va re
cently brought to this point ca the Mis
souri River, the new and splendid St8.zq
si t-2 j -
flavins twenty of Deck room for teams an J SLmV-
and a commodious Cabin for Passengers, I fl 4a fa
in saying my arrangement for ocommodatioBf,
speed and safety are not equalod by any other
boat on the Missouri River. Being located at the
prosperous and flourjshing city of Brownvilla, Ne
braska, in the centre of the great farming Country
in the West, where there is a United States Lan4
OSce, makes it the most desirable poial for Zm-
a. 1 C"i 1 1 1 . .
grams na reiuers : and having bsea expends.
atleatsflO.OOO on the roads and brUges boU eali
and west, leading directly to the Ferry, makes it
permanent crossing at all times .daring the ytar,
the Micsouri bottom never ovpr Cowing at this poias
while at all others it does.
Would say to Freighters and persons erositag
the plains, thero is not a starting point en the riv
er where such competition exists in busoness, aa
there are Forty Large Business Eousea ia thia
flourishing city.
The utmost etre and attention will be taken la
crossing the River U tis point as it is under tha
immediate supervision of the o veers of the beat
and landings. To save distance, time and money
from airpoints North and East to all points Soati
and West, ccme by this route, as it is from 50 to
12 j miles shorter,and three tofire days travel saved ".
J. C.
jCrownville, Sept. 20th 1S65
n m: rri
31aln St., B.ronTlIle, Nebrcslii
'..-i r. i e i
"Si In
( j0 3
HH L J --aS" i
( ) 'i-. r o 2 n a i
o P5 a b in m -2
f -1 n 1 a 1
1 55 J 3 zeo : .
. ;