Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 29, 1866, Image 2

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WTTSnLLCTnURSD AY. SOY. "23, lKfl. - -
t Tlinnl-rlvXn;? Proclamation.
irtf5c vltk a run torn nz rrcoRnltM. and
lf4 la Hebrro. It il 5Ulp n.l Te.-rltoriei
f UW (tp!!c, od la einiu.nnr with be prwUma-
a . ... i.i , .- ft. a Offi ihv j f VM-m.
P at r XiMil ThBkvim; I i.herery
, rmn4 thl 11. rtp!e or thi Teirltory tball ol-
? uil Ajt (ittSk it day of Koriia'vcrj iooiet
p1 fr ll ibr of thit fft o( one4Uiilel prof
I pnt to ilfta4t t. prrr. jwle uti'l Unnkiglv
I if i Aloi'.sMr ol lur lha Innumerable blpssinx re
htt kiuJi. Xai I Co eruet!jr rejoet all
t:l-n Ur iLnr utaal aiuii on ibal Jy
aMBtua4 ta tfcwr .-iuiii(imJ p!cAf orlnp, and
r Uiul ttt irct Ruler l lb Viilrerse f
'.Is cri idmh sixi iinlDep tn at a ppi!.
. at tfcari-.jK Dmaha, K'rikt, thi 13th dy
Actltij Governor.
rrtsliciifi TUanUsslTlas Proc
lamation. l- WAEirmcrox. Oct. 8. Sy the Presi
f ifi I'mtprf State Prodama-
. mw
lica: Alnighty God. our Heavenly Fath
er, h&s been pleased to vouchsafe to. us
as .a reofle, another year of. national
lite. which if an indiiDensable condition
" - - - m f
cf peace,' security and progress. That
i i I
yttr moreover, nss ueeu crowueu wuu
xzxr.y peculiar bleisings. TIC c'v war
; tt'.t n tt to recently among us has not
t era anywhere re-opened. Foreign in
' icrvecti'oa has ceased to excite alarm or
apprehensica. Intrusive pestilence has
tea tenifnly mitigated ; domestic tran
quility bat improved ; sentiments of con
ciliation fcav lareelv prevailed : and
tTectioa of loyalty and patriotism have
teea widely renewed; our fields have
yielded abundantly; our recovering In
dustry Las been ri;hly renewed, and we
Lirt Uea allowed to extend our railroad
tysten far into the interior of the coun
try : our commerce has resumed its cus-
. .. . 0 mi
tctaary activity in xoreign seas, inese
citictl blessings demand a national ac
' tsowledgemenu
IJorr, therefore, I, Andrew Johnson,
Tresidrnt of the United States, do hereby
' recommend that Thursday, the 29ih day
cf November next, be set apart and" be
cbterveJ everywhere in the everai
States, by the people thereof, as a day
cf thanksgiving and prayer to Almighty
God, with due remembrance that in His
lesrl 6oia every one sper.k of His hon
cr. I recommend aha that on the same
folema occasion we ao numoiy ana ae
' Tcutly implore Him to grant to our na
ticraf coascilr, and to our whole people,
divine wisdom, which clone can lead any
Citica into ways of all good.
. , la effertng ?l i national thanksgiv
isgs. praises a-i supplications, we have
lit Divine assurance that the Lord re
rciinelh a King forever ; those that are
i. -m i j . )
; izlU j' are gentle shall he learn his
nay; tie Lord shall give strength to his
' people ; the blessing of peace.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
set cy came and caused the seal cf the
United States to be affixed. Done at
me vny oi w ajjpion-. me eiguiu uay ui
October, ia the yearxf our Lord one
thousand . eight hundred and sixty-six,
arid cf the Independance cf the United
Slates iho tinety-first.
Vv the President, Wm. H. Sewabd,
Cacratarr cf Slate.
resile Land Operations.
TLe fallowing operations of. the dif-
fertnt Land Oflices named except our
ewe, which we get from the Land OiHce
VscV ia tiis city for the month of Oc
lcttr we Uil b the Washington Star of
Kumber cf acres entered at St. Paul,
- At Ditrott, llich., S,.i76 acres.
At La Cress, Wis., 4,331 acres.
st AriA
At Wicctbego City, Mia., 8,210 acres.
. Al Grterlief, Mina., 7.631 acres.
, At Sioux City, Iowa, 8,024 acres.
' AS Bssrer City, CoL', 4.5G2 acres.
. M TcUka, Kas., 9.591 acres.
At the Land Ofuce in this city there
v:re entered during the same period
ll,CZ5 acres.
". The only way to udg of progress cr
g7?w& is by comp arisen, and we submit
V3 these Eiitero folks who may be think
ing cf emigrating West, if the above is not
rocf positive of the advantages of this
X7;sirici ever all ethers ?
i,wC0,C CO Acres .
. Cf mssl desirable Land in this Dis
trict, hiritcfcre set apart for the use
ai tcncf.t cf the Kansas Branch of the
Tc:; Railrcti, has just beea restored
X9 lie IMstrict by reason of a -change in
. til rr-ts cf that road frca the Repub
lics to the Smoky Hill Fork. . This re
t'orts all the odd rectiea&cf land ia the
1 tl:ir'rt, Kt the bulk cf it lies mainly
ia C:t Valley, cf the Republican and is
rtjJk to It thjB nes4 land anywhere in
irrsi.a. Its zr&ny adv&otages has
e vil it much desired, and we have heard
Ltrfrtis, who had prospected over the
e .ire Territory and Kansas, regret ex-
c:t-.rj'y that it was bound up by this
tiZrzzd. Of this incubus it is now re-
TsTti, aai t majority cf it is now open
f;r tfntteti settlement,, private entry cr
pifste rsJe. The extreme western per
ti;s, cat yet having beea offered ti pub-
lis tilt, is not tubject to homestead or
tl Thisisa.ture chance now at one
cf tletrst bodies cf hci Ja" the West,
wii:h r.-tl ia tim,s become very, wealthy
for an impeachment
cf the
Pretiient are ia circubtioa in-
' U " "v 5
t ' v " ' ' - -
mm m.-m m - is'a. .-Trcn - "T i -.
From ibe Oinata Republican of ihe
23J, we learn of a terrible combination
cf crimes commuted in that city about 1
o'clock l&st Friday tnsmiJS. About that
tuna the etore of Wra. R. Kin:j&' Co.,
corner of Farbham and 13Ji streets,
was discovered on fire. ;The front door
was locked, and a the police broke it open
to get at the fire, O. P. Baker, the por
ter, who slept in the store with G. D.
Jliggius, a cleik, appeared outside near
the door. After the fire was extingush
ed the full crime was discovered. G. D.
Iliggins was found terribly butchered and
ad. lie had been killed with a hTtchel
or ax, and was hacked about the head
in a shocking manrcr. . The safe, was
found open and robbed cf about fifteen
hundred dollars, books and other:papers
in it were undisturbed.. The loss 'irre
spective cf the robLerv, will be near
1,000, covered by insurance.
The porter has b.een arrested upon sus
picion of having committed this triple
crime cf robbery, arson and murder.
Hi3 story is that he was first awakened
by the crackling of the fire, and immedi
ately sprang out of bed, put on some of
his clothes, and was going down the
cellar Btairs when he ran against some
body who shot him through 'the arm, he
then tbrned and made his escape out at
the back door.
This terrible crime has cast a gloom
over that community.
; Prussia and Russia have entered into
an alliance offensive and defensive. En
gland, France and Austria are very un
easy over this and may form a combina
tion. The Eastern question which the
Crimean war left enly half settled is
being revived. There is a war cloud
hovering over Europe.
War is freely discussed in Washing
ton. ,The Administration will insist on
England's paying the Alabama claims ;
and England orders the border defenses
of Canada strengthened becauses of its
present dubious relations with this coun
try. Gen. Sherman and our Minister to
the Liberals have gone to Mexico. Max
imillion attempted to leave Mexico, but
is reported to have been arrested by the
French General Dazaine and compelled
to publicly abdicate in his favor. It is
apprehended that France will demand
of the United States' eecurity for, the
debt for which the war was ostensibly
waged, which will not be given. France
must retire from this continent bootless
and hatless.. Troops are concentrating
on the Rio Grand. A fareign war it is
hoped at Washington will . burn the
smell of brimstone from off the Admin-,
Washington dispatches say the Presi
dent will make consessions to Congress,
that is, make no more removals for opin
ions sake ! This is rich when wa consider
that those removals now made amount to
nothing unless confirmed by the Senate !
The sincerity of the old hypocrite is
plainly thown in the fact that during the
four days previous to the 22d over one
hundred and thirty postmasters were re
moved, all of that class xchich do not re
quire comfirviation by Ihe Senate I
Says Andy to Congress : "My dear
fellows, just let me do as I please always
and you can do as you please afterwards."
From the Omaha. Republican, of the
23d, we learn that :,the Western Stage
1 Company have put on the west side o the
river rouie between this city and St. Jo
seph, a line cf four horse post coaches in
opposition to the Kansas and Nebraska
Stage Company Line." This is a good
thing. The old line, though recently es
tablished, has already assumed the arro
gance of a monopoly; We have heard
several complaints from below and, here,
and are satisfied that the new line will
meet with a hearty welcome from the
travelling public. :
The Railroad Packet line from Sti Jo
seph to Omaha has laid up for the season.
Many prominent Democratic journals
are endorsing the Chicago Times posi
tion on npgro suffrage. The fact is the
Democratic ship having so long sailed
"around the circle' of ignorance and
prejudice, called conservatism, is now a
useless vessel against the iron-clad uni
versal freedom ship Radical, and the
crew are I deserting in a terrible , panic.
Even the rats in this &ection are swing
ing to the tolid ground' of .universal
Negotiations are now pending between
the Pope and the Patriarch of Constan
tinople for the union of the Greek and
Catholic churches.
, : On Saturday night last the store of A.
HefDy. in Nebraska City, was broken
into and robbed of fifteen hundred dol
lars. There are already ten Congressional
Contests on this lairs elections. This
number would'be less did not Congress
pay milage and expenses to the loser.
" By reference to the time table of the
Hannibal Sc St. Joseph R. R., ii will be
seen -that a change of -time is to take
place on Sunday next, the 18th inst.
On and aftea that date, the Express train
will leave here at 7 P. M., and the Mail
and Express-at 4:30 A.-MV- ; j
- Under the present time table the North
Mo. R. R., via St; Louis, affords travel
ers quicker time J?a.;t than can be made
by way cf Chicago cr any other rouie..
Castor Beans will do well in almost
any soil hat will produce good wheat or
corn, but'a dry sandy loam is preferable.
Prepare the ground the same as for corn.
A good ' fall plowing; then spring cross
plowing ! and harrowing pays best. If
the' land;is inclined to be wet, 'the ground
should be left with k deai furrow.-to'eTery
twenty feet for drainage.
The ground should be laid off in rows
five feet each way, leaving to everyjixth
row one wide enough to admit of a teairi
passing" through torgather the beans as
they ripen. The seed should be soaked
hot water not boiling twenty-four
hours previous to planting, the hotwater
ja 1 be 'on!y once applied and allowed
to cool. This assists them to germinate
early. As the -cut worm sometimes de
stroy: many of the young, plants, many
farmers plant a proportion of dry seed,
so that in case the first crop is destroyed
by the worm the dry seed coming latter
will be germinating and save th3 neces
sity of re-planting. The seed should be
planted as 60on as all danger of frost is
passed, as they are as tender to frost as
the common' bean. In this section it
would not be safe ,to plant until after the
firet of ; May. , A half bushel will plant
eight or ten acres, giving from eight to
ten seeds to the hill, which is about, the
number which should be planted..
Its culture consist? mainly in keeping
down the weeds audi keeping the soil dry
and loose. To do this it should be . seve
ral times plowed over with a cultivator
or small plow both ways, It is alsq well
to use the hoe upon weeds which cannot
be reached with: the plow. . .Thorough
culture's necessary to a good crop, : Af
ter the plants are a foot high they should
be thinned out to not more than two in a
hill, and many farmers leave but one.
When the plant is two feet-high it may
be safely left to itself, as it grows very
fast and thrifty. , ,, .
The beans begin to ripen, in . August,
and ripen gradually from that time until
frost. . The pods must be gathered from
time to time as soon as they begin to turn
brown, or else the bean3 pop out on the
ground. This can be done by driving in
the wide rows with a wagon and cutting off
those which are begining to turo, repeat
ing this every third orfouribday as they
seem to ripen.
A space of ground is then cleared on
a south hill side, just slanting enough to
get the full heat of the sun ; this should
be rolled, down hard as possible and wide
boards placed on their edge around the
plat cleared to prevent the beans pop
ping outsida the clearing. , Here the
pods are placed, ;the.heat of the sua dry
ing the pods the beans pop out, are then
gathered , sacked and arA ready for mar
ket. The: pods should"BP turned occa
sionally; the . beans shouMbe guarded
against rain as it blackcfes and to some
extent damages them. ,
The yield averages'' from fifteen to
twenty bushels to the ncre. We are not
advised as to the present price, but the
scarcity can be estimated from the fact
that hst Spring we wrote for a friend to
Plant St Bro., St. Louis, to obtain seed
and the reply .was tiere none in that
market, that the last sale they had made
was at S6.50 per bushel and at that they
could not fill our bill before planting time.
For the past three years they have rang
ed from $2.00 to $5.00 per bushel
It is one of the most fertilizing crops
that can be planted, eastern farmers esti
mate this . benefit at several dollars per
acre. .Another great advantage in Ne
braska would be and this fact has been
demonstrated in Illinois and other prair
ie countries the driving away of that
greatest of pests, to the prairie farmer,
the Gopher.; This in itself would seem
to us a great inducement to plant a small
patch in or around an orchard wherein
Gophers delight to work.. The, crop we
believe will pay in many respects.
Jl, Response to the' Donation Party who
' visited the in iter on ihe 22i of JVb
; 'vcmbtrA: D: 1SGQ.; - . .
My Dear Fuund In writing: this
response, I not only do myself , a real
pleasure but discharge, in some measure,
at least, by this acknowledgment, a debt
of gratitude I owe. Your presents and
the manner in which they were bestowed
will never be forgotten- v.-hib memory
serves me. I regret that it is not in my
power to employ language that would ex
press fully how much I appreciate your
kindness. Were T to write until mj pen
fell from my hand, it would be to no
purpose. . : -
"0, bow thall I with equal wormth,
The gratitade docl&re,
That glowg within my ravished heart."
Let none ! say in the- future that the
citizens of Brownville and vicinity are
not sociable, kind and benevolent: - -
But what shall I now render to you all
for these benefits i I have; I confess,
scarcely anything within ray gift. If I
could transmit to you the garment of sal
vation I should indeed be able to recom
pense you fully, though not half, so fully
as if you received it from the Author of
Salvation. This is a gift which is en
hanced by the dignity of the giver, and
He has therefore reserved it to himself
to bestow. T This gift, however, will not
be yours in the Eame way that your gifts
became mine, for He requires that you
should ask in order to receive it and. has
only promised His. Holy Spiriti to him
that asketh.v: . . -. . '.
But, my dear friends, this garment,. I
have no doubt,; a goodly -number of yoa
have, and it shall be my constant prayer
To' God that ' the" rest may cbtain it. T
thank God. ,and surely I ought to bless
Hisname that He-dops not require me to
be willing to be kkmyself, or hat this
should be Ihe end of any whom He ha3
pfct under my care.
May the Lord, whom I serve, reward
fyou allwith & reward rauItipliedM3 much
beyond the recompense promisee to a cup
of cold water-as.. your substantial gifts
exceeds that in value. May the hearer
of "pray er realize" to you my hearts de
sire, and fill you all with alb the fulness
of His holy love.
N. B. I will preach , a. discourse at
McPherson's Hall on the 2d Sabbath in
-Uecember'.ltt 7cIcc!, P. M.'. Theme :
'Love "one another!" You will all re
member, a. card that accompan'd cert am
articles bearing this inscription. . ,
Nasby. gets off . some . pretty sharp
things, often dressing up a subjjet in the
most Judicrous and most truthful style.
He says.
"I attriboot the decline uv Demokrisy
to the bleachm' out uv the Afrikin, and
that's why' I oppose amalgfcmashen. Yco
can't hate a mulatter only half ez bad ez
yoo kin a full-blood, and it will be ''ob
served that the intensity uv Demokrisy
has decreased precisely" in proportion to
the scarcity uv pure -blacks. Thus De
mokrisy is commitin' ,suicide.-r-it hez bin
the means uv its own destruction."
The report'tbat Gov. Wells. intends to
reconvene the Louisiana' Convention of
1S64 is not improbable, as its members
are desirous that its legality should be
tested, .not, by a. Rebel mob but by the
Courts. If the. Convention should reas
semble we shall await with anxiety Mr.
Johnson's course',' and it i3 to be earnest
ly hoped that he "will not again permit
the massacre of its members and friends,
r-K. X Tribune.:,
Of our admission as a State the Chi
cago Republican says i
"It is now pretty thoroughly under
stood leading Republicans that
the' opposition heretofore made to the ad
mission of Nebraska, as a State, on ac
count of the right of suffrage being re
stricted by its Constitution, and of its al
ledged deficiency jri population, will be
withdrawn on the re-assembiiDg of Con
gress, and that the new State will be
promptly admitted.: - The rapidity 'with
which the Union.Pacific railroad and its
connections, are being completed, and the
vast tide of immigration how pouring
into Nebraska, render the entire region
of too great importance to remain longer
in a Territorial condition."
tist of Freight remaining in tiie
Ware House ot TIico. Mill t Co.
which Will he sold lor I'reiglit
and Chargcsj, il- not called lor
C. Palmer
2 Hvx feundrieg ,
1 Bal Sundries,
I BedsieaU.
l uook btore,
4 Buxs II n Goods,
A Obhurn.
'. 6 BUU Felting.
A Scott, A :
4 Pkgs Marble.
A 8 Hick. .
1 Bx.
Wm Hice
1 Bux H H Goods.
C Allen.
4 Boxes, '
I Bie
i Kegs,
1 lit Lair, t
J loov-r.
1 Sack Timothy Seed,
TF Kern. -
2 Bal Apples.
J W Alliion ;
1 Bal II n Good.
Buret is Co., Kockport, 3Io
28 Chair Frames
1 Bui H H Goods.
1 Bdl Bed sides
1 Bdl Bed slats,
3 Bdl 1 Chairs
1 Pr Jbeusieads.
2 Bal G. Seed.
4 S jfa3.
It W Weaver, ' '
1 Bal H H Good J. -Brownville,
Neb. Nov. 23, 1363.
Taken np by the undersigned; i living Id Glen Rock
Precinct, in Netnaha county, Neoraika, on the 10th day
cf 'November, 1868, one red stter, with motley lace
uoufc miee years oia isai epnng.
November 17, 1S66. 9 5t pd.
In the matter of the estate of Joab A. Thornbnrg.
Whereas the Probate Court in nd for Gage County,
ieDrasa xerruory, aia on aayor November, A
D. 1S6G, fix and appoint the 23th 'day of January, a
D. 1867, as the day for the final settlement of the es
tate of Joab . A. luornburg, late of said county, de
ceased. Now; therefore, all ' persons indebted to the
said estate will cows forward and make immediate
payment. Ail creauors oi saw estate, aOd all pers
ons interested therein, are hereby notifled to preient
their claim's against 6aid estate before the Probate court
on or before the 2Sthday of January, A. D. 1567, or
the same will be forever barred.- .
It Is ordered by said Probatet Court that netice of the
above b puoUsbcd for four consecutive weeks in the
Nebraska Advertiser. .
Beatrice, November 53, 1338. '- ' 9-4t
Taken up by the undersigned, living one and a
balf miles above Long's Bridge, on the 23d day of
October, 1S66, one Red Steer, with white face,hind
legs white, half way up, white belly,' supposed to
be two- years old past. - ,
8 5 e. siupso:;,
' Taken up by the undersigned, livin? ioXemuha
County on the 25th day of October, 1855, 6no Red
'steer, supposed to b three years old last spring,
with a crop off of the rightjear and. a small streek
of white on the right shoulder,
Taken up by the nndersighed,' living
one mile East of London, in Nemaha
County Nebraska, on the 15th day! of
November A.- D. 1S66. One brindle
Heifer, brandpd with J. L. on left hip
about two years old, r N. COLEMAN.
Taken up by the nndersigued, living three and a
balf miles North-West of Brownville, on the 23d
day of October, A D 1357
Cne red and white spotted Cow., crop off of
left ear and swallow fork in the right ear, branded
"S." oa the hip.dew-laped,' about 5J years old.
One rod and white spotted Cow,underbit in each
ear, about 6 years old. ' ' Isbakl Cottok,
Brownrille, Jov. 3 1866 " : .....
Taken up by the undersigned, living four miles
North 'West ofBrewnvUla Nebraska, oa the 3d
day of Norembar 1S56 ,
Cue rl and white Cow (speckled) ewaUow fork
in right ear, nine years old - -
nov.9,1866 " - - ' Joha LG Smith
Takoa u? by. th undersigned, living 6.1-Z miles
South West from Aspinwall, Nemaha County Ne
braska, Oat brindle iiteer crop off ekch ear bria
dte face, 6 years old,
J One red and white steer, erop off each ear, end
broken eff left hora.J year3 old. . -Takea
upon tie 2 Uh dy of October
William Bocrkb
MonJaj, Jane lOlh 1867, is the tinu set for bear
ing claiow against the Estate of Samuel Ros?,d5
ceajtd, nd the place the Probate Court Room U
the City of Brownville, einaha County, NeLrsk i
Territpry.RU persons having claims against sail
Estate will present them on that day or be forever
barred from the collection thereof, by order of i'ro
. - 4..! ' l'robate JnJgo.
Not. 82nd TsS8 S-4t 4.5J
Lyon's Periodical Drops.
Tbese Drops are a scientifically compounded fimd
preparation, and better tha& any PilN, Powders, or
Ncrrais. Being liquid, their action is direct aniJ
positive, rendering tbem a retiab'e, speedy and cer
tain specific for the cure of all obstruction and sup
pressions of nature. Tbeir popularity U indicate 1 by
the fact that over 100 ICO bcttles are annually sold
and consumed by the ladies of the United States, eve
ry one of hom spak iu the strongest terms of praise
of tbeir great merits. They are rapidly t.ikias the
place of every other Female Ilemedy, and are consid
ered by ail who know aught bf them, as the surest sa
fest, and most infalliable preparation in tbe world,
for tbexure of all female complaiots, the removal of
all obstructions of nature, and the promotion of healta
regularity and strength. Explicit diiectiuns stating
when they ra3y be used, and explaining when and why
tLey should not, nor could not be used without produ
cing efl'ects contrary to nature's chosen laws, will be
found carefully folded around each bottle, with the
written signature of John L. LtON, without which
none are genuine. -
Prepared by Dr. JOTTN L. LTON', 195 Cbapel Street,
NewlIaven.Cona., who can be consulted either per
sonally, or by mail, (enclosing stamp ) concerning U
private diseases and female weakness. -Price $l,6o
per tottle.
Sold by Druggists everywhere
' Gen'l euts for U. S. and Canada
Jo'llin" Enos. St. Iouis. 1 Wholesale
fCittn, Fixcu & Filler, Chicago. J Agents
A. S. KOLLADAY & CO., and W. H.
McCREERV, Brownville, Nebraska,
General Agsnta.
For a medicine that will cure
Tickling in the Throat,
Whooping Cough,
or relieve '
Consumjitivs Coughs,
43 quick aa ,
cos's wnmi
have bean sold nni not a single instance cf its fail
ure is known. We have, in our possession, any
quantity of Certificates, some of them from
who have uaed it iu thoir practlc3,anl givea it t'.ie
pre-eminence over ever other oompouni.
It does hot dry up a Coagli
so as to enable the patient to eipoctoiate freely.
Two or three doses
Will Invariably Cure .Tickling in the
'' Throat I ...
A half bottle has oftea completely cured the
most Stubborn Couit, and yclj though it is so ?o:e
and speedy in it3 operation, i; is p?rfe '
less, beia purely vegetable. 'It a " -r
blotto the taste, a, id n:f be ttdaii s
dren of any age.
Incasss cCovp :
. too a cv.r: ' '
It is whhia -and
bo:t mo-.'
A. S HO,-
(Successors to Mcliaui.x
Nemaha Yallty Bank
W e respectfully announce' iot
Public that they have now in storj. u
jTew and Large Stock of
To which they invite the attenticr
of purchasers.
Sashrs, Teas, Rio and Java Cof
fctrl'nrc Ciaer Yiiieger and Coal
Oil at
Canned Fmits in exeat variety and
of ih&. best quality; Catsup, pieklcs.
Ousters. Jbadmcs, Clams, - Fiench
Ilustavdj i Worcestcshire Sauce and
Westerun eserve Cheese at
. Sn.m and Brother, desire to call
particular -attention to their 4 large
and varied Stock of
. Tobacco, consisitncr of Natural Leaf
and Nectarine and other favorite brand
of Plug Tobacco and best qualities tf
Fine cut aad S'lnokiag Tobacco.
Wrought and Cut Nails, of all size
Spades, Shovels. Brooms, Sewinir Twins
and Scoop Shovels at
The highest prepaid Tor Better,
Eggs, and country produce at
Consult your interst bv examin
ing Swan & BroV Goods and prices
1. . O 1 i
ueiore buying eisewncre.
Y-10-n-4 ly.
Bay Mare Colt.
Taken uc bv the undersifn. livin r?i
i o """S VIICU
kock, in Aemab County xeb-aska, ti the 2uth day
of October, IS58. 3
Una Uay Ware Colt, one year old last Serine no
marks or brand3.
BrownrUle October 2 9th, 1866.
7"5tP4 - C. Ii. CA1IP.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Main Sired bciiceen First and Second.
I Would Respectfully inform tbe Citizens cf
RrownTillo,and surrounding tountry that I bavo
just received my fall Stock of Goods, consisting of
Of the latest styles and bcf quality, Mens heavy
c!f Boots, double soled Roots, Fine Kip Coots boys
and childrcns Boots and Shoes. All kinks of In
dies' Boots and Shoes of the finest and best qu aaty.
India Rubber and Buffalo Over Shoes
for Gentlemen and Ladies
Groceries of Every Kind,
Consisting of the bes brands of
Sutrar, Coffee Tea, Pepper, Allspice,
Soda,: Candles. Tobacco, Matches,
Starch, &c.,&c, Sec.
"Wooden Ware, Stone ware,
The L'est Quality tf
The bejt Woden Under and Orer Shir.'s, Silt
Silt by the pound er barrel
All of which he offers at the lowert prices, deter
mined not to be undersold.
Henry P. Shertae,-
Pianos &Me!odeons
Musical lusttumentSjMusica Merchandise
N"o.35 llarket Street, boteea Miia and Second,
Etttbliihed in IS49 SIT. LOXJIS
Respectfully inform ihe Citizens of ihe
City and County that they are in receipt aj
a large arid complete assortment of
Ladie's DrcJ; Gods,
- . -niTE coo nr.
:k of
r Ml
i. Inc.
;o :ClTer supe-
' ircu-i . pur-
a i;and a fresh
:.:.r.t cf
PI.-c, Jfala
above tbe lVst 'T
ti-'O- t'.T in.rjn
-c, Iirv-T!vill3, Ncbraaki.
The Wost-!uif of the North WTest
quarter of Section 2G, in Township
4 1C, an improved f irm with
Timber. Known as the Bcddow
Farm, also, '
For sale one brood mare. Enquire
Ofi3e over City Drupj S:ore, Brownvillo. 6-4t
Tal. cn up by tbe unlcrsigncd, lirine ono milo
Eastof Olen Rock, in Nemiha County, Nebraska.
Va tne iist d;y ot ueto&er, is'n , Uno Worrel CoU
witb hita face,bird legs white, with Watch eye,
two or three years old October 27th 186(5
6 5t
Notice is hereby ir'ven that by virtue r.r an nr.
der ff the' district Court tf Nemaha County, Ne
brajka Territory, in Chancery, in the co-e of John
Tjcll against John J.Uitchio, ilary J. Ritchiesnd
henry M. Atkinron, liiadc nt the Sprin ' tern A I)
lSc.and to no directed, I will on
Saturday, November 24th, A. D., 1S66,
at one o'clock P. 31., offer for saJo at public Auc
tion, to the hi-rhest bidder for eas. nt th fni
door of 3!cPher?on's Hall, in Urownrille, Nemaha
Coanty, Nebraska Territory, ( the place wher the
last term of ?aid Court for said County was held )
the South Ea:t quarter, of tho South Wet frac
tional qurrter, of Section nineteen ( 19) in Town
ship four (4), North of liange fifieen (I5L East, in
Haid Nemaha County, Nebraska TerriUry J.
Given under my band this 25th day cf October.
A. P- Idit). '
Waster In Chancery
xl-1 4tpf9,tf9
The undersigned keep cn hand a large assortment
For Men and Dcy'i wear. Alao.alare stock cf
hats jsrr Cjj?s
Rubber CotsLegslns & Blankets.
Tzrx-nlt i and "X7".iiSio3f
Gent's Pnrnislimg "Goods,
Of all kinds'which we will sell
We purchased our goods since the dt
clina in the Markets and will sell at lov
Ajril 13th,l55,
i'UkmiUilii! i'lliiiJliyi-l
. Immense Stock at
Souihside Main Street bet. Is! aad 2
Have cow on hand a magnificent
Coniiin' of
Plain and faury. with cr without Snnn-n . j
Plain and Faney, Marble Tp, c., 4C.
-L IS Ij &
Parlor, Breakfast, Centre, Jl irblo Top, Exte-n
jrreat :irictv. 1 " " 5
Great variety of most improved patte-a
And everything in ihe Furni-
liiie, which they will sell
assrn trices!
Their Furniture i conplole in every respect be
ing put Up by a superior Workman who h;wctu-"
of the establishment, and can be relied n. 6
Theirs m the greatest asjortmont cf FarnitirH
ever brought to this market; and is the only tw,
w here a complete ?et of Furriturecan bo hd
Fair Dealing&Low Prices
le their motto, and they can be relied oa ia
both respects. .
June 15th, IS3G. xZ3 6m
(i) 0
v si ? j
1 fl s
Bj (be tOO crl.GOO for sale by -
At their Nursery 212 mils wpst cf
Brownville. Nebraska. T-7-:r
BrowDTU!?,.-.- . .-Nebrs's'
Trill cive hi attei.tii n to all c3.-e3 atrufed "
him, and believes hiai-e'.t" qu iliSod to car by 's
mild remedies proper l'ovJ by Li sch.ol.
OFFICE At h'a residue, wot of the fra
School House, on Atlantic, betweea Ttl $.
H al ly