Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 15, 1866, Image 4

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    s rz:M. it- r-n t nrrr- iiiiiimim mmMaM win ma wa i ! iwani.i..Li jgwwgii i nowwfmmMW. jAj:i!Nfci i .1tct ' a'".--
r - -
"'" """! ' ' " --sals t
la CrttLcscVi.r.i LVatt. & Oooii
to bsjhveit away
Tickets sclliir; very Fast.
Ur parallelled Success!!!
Izfj Ar.zici. Fcr A f.cncc!!
r;ilc:i'' T rjt of xrr:::li:j: tohe
cltstiiutt J eratU o f.'.o f !oal
era ul'tue Ticket lor the
1 frta'ea la Orcer.lctl.1 t;C,C51
jprcTftmni a ll.urf nl X' t, f ituated en
'i:rrj i:.:,btw York, with nil the icol ' "
rn iif rrVTti;iti; tuie pir.'fjt a&d ruir
''atuti. - ,CC3
rreusiBa.a Fara situate 1 at Scorer, Rock
iva Cc.New Vwiit, 1; hours fnm New
Turk, lit fclrvtM walk iroia" tba tittlrn, '
aottait.'.r Ufc..f4s,, fruit learinj
tree. ..i-i,pean, atd turrits. B xri
f larpe limWr, balance in g:aj. arJ crops
food tenets, large $ rii g, su j lying a
fttfBiC-f utf-ib t.dL.i ; Ict..; t'vi.'.-
ny , Cl'sd with tt.t tiott, co .d dwei'irg
, . be, voces, I lufpe Urn, tie I end
; f y ! - rrar.ary lJ carriage Loc5
4vtt tU Littd up a; 4 ucupUu ly L.rm- ,
ft. tta corp. pig pen, c.,ru crib, larni i:o
T:rEectt,trriR,fcff.n Lories .2 oica
tows, j irs, eticLctiS, d.c ni(.; lu'e er 1 EurUi :3 ff0
1 irtiulwu in in-uUib, .... 13 f 00
10 - l'iaeo. (hteiowij'iend r.Lj.-V-trlngiiS.OJO
oa'aUrofr & lakers aiid .Scc:- 2,4Cfl
rvifaiiuai Uu.j, Araeri'-an, 1'a.Unt LcTer
T1 ....
t WoU'bcs,
f lrrffiiui, .SilfPf I'aUut Lrcr IIuiJdj
. : i, .... ....
1l LaUcce to , tf I'inr-.r.i r: ;.. - Al
t' t Uttt fskUUntlle ratti-rn. K.iJ C!,
VnUOCw, MiJrtr fea SU, and clher
alte&L4 AiiJiiU t&a taiLtrcuj to iBcctijo, f ,100
: On Prtmium h each f.rchzstr cf Tided
Will j 4-e on
.rvTcs-Tetn-- r.Inrcli -i 1CC7
A tl i. trrti AetuiD-y o;:i:8.N4JwiorJc,
At xvtiltU lime atMl place t!ic
TIcKtt Holders 1 ill appolut
. a Committee of utlntcr-
Cit'4l parties to di,!i lb
.. i;tc oricluiinlret! ismi
"C litili lliotisantl !cl--;
- latKivoillicrtal--'
". . . . ua'eibpropcx ty
ia PcfjKr:cricnl ii iz place on
' ' -. ' any consideration' ' i
rcb Tf;kf t lloi.lfi'a rame win be dalj-rfgis-Wl,
ted bou!J tiia jArtiei not be able to attend
Hi cUtr.batton, the jr will be. informed' bj mail of
Uairj tbty re ce titled to '
; ; - ; ; tLL'u UATl'S. . .
I Ticke t cce auJrv! (ur - f 4,&0
" 1. 1C Ti.ietiJ one addresi for - ' - C.flO
59 Ticken to cne addreei (v7 - -17,50
SO Tiekcti U) otie a 1 Jr f r .
43 Tioketi ta one addrese fiT - 23.00
21 Tckttoue addreififcr - 43.50
1C0 Ticket to one addre f"r - 85.00
T In ererj rape, ecd the natua 'cf'eacb anbecribor
kni tleir It OSce Address, with the Town,
CcQBtyatJ KUte, in ful'. Money by draft, P. O.
crier, io llegittcrtd Letter, tua Le
trot itour rUk. ...
lUEMS artire aod reliable a rnti wanted in
ery town cf the Union, itb wbuta liberal ar
rurgeroeitf Till Lo rnade. Ladiei are inritni to
Uio fc'-b aed ar4 ft-r tkkei, for all the property
weuU be aa useful ta thetu ti e f tntlemen.
1 h beet rtforeoret will le furnuhed on appli
cwii.ia. All per turn i.tin ticUeu or in forma
tion will flr- addret;, vti;a full nntne, County,
j Ainly wriiua to J.J.AliAMS, (
Munacr and Agent, "
f 4 !witu fctreet,Nw York
V7hat Ibo Ticzz zzy cf U3
Itbeara on IU fiee J; !r,rc of an boaet bn-
;nepe trarsatii jn.snd o douSfc not that the lint
fatrocl wiil rpt-ciily racb the cutolr required
te eecure an erly dtriLution, Latton (Va.)
Jral, Augosf, I; li'. il.
" 'Tba flaa it a jrfl one, anl the Indiwemente
- veuaHd. No o'iftribution guamctirea n:ore je
' sial f atUfaticin lhau tbii en, nd it is no wonder
- tje fT"r' pat'Ue it. Vanttilttii. 1 ')JLiverti
$r, A;..2 ItiO.
"Tbe prtiprietort of a Great Matinee in New
YtrW City , r lui-e ciith and ether inducement
noucb to set tvt-ry body craiy after a ticket for
ftrtcce. Lrerjbfdy, (T conr-e, cannot win, but
sntebudy muft.aul the lucky one will makeafur-llBt.-
Criaa (Mich.) America. Aug. 3 1663.
We are not partial to so called Gift Enterprises,
Mtte many of them are gotten vp on false or
IV.laoioua su! ; tut wfe ; in tte. pres-
eat instance, the re a; eart a (.ui.i basis, ai.d when
tte c&arerter cf tte parlie erg?eJ. aiij the decnp.
tlea 'f tiiir 1-ret.i nt sal factory iiidiiicnienta to the
- Mb!te, verattiwt efne tj )-b ll tiloUibuUun lull
satxf m.I) err cn (Ouia) Comt'Jutian.
'If we cao aJJ to thotn a t..nni of $50X00, or a nice
t'Oaae or farm, vbu's haruiel tr the expenditure, a
Itrmtie la a niutit wortu rutiuj the alauips ror.
Hamburg (ja) Telegraph.
. Tarat Peart nerf r won fjr latr," and a lncky bit
- artu t a man tip iu tl.e world. . Tlm it thecnasiJer-
atiea that tuJum rx.'pie to "try tbeir lurk" and we
; tpe tte en man tur win," fixe enterprise eri'ears
'. !.uaM and pruu,c atria niu;ri'y et dutntiuiio an
eer the super il;.n of a cho-ro cniui'uea. C'if.'y of
AZfUiot i ) C'rctcfRf. Aug. II, lbC3.
brpt H Cpi
' -.: gTiovesteeit & co.,r
TITC ATTENTION r flbe public an J tbe trade
is Utilisl IO nur JVVas .Sic, Sent Ortace.
,f.frroil 'i i'urttt, wbirU for Tulame ar.d pu
iriiy cf Una are unrivalled by any bithcrt., offered
a tbia eartr.t. iThey c.ntia nil tUo modern im
vroemeats, Irentb gracd. action, barp pedal iron
IttBi, eter-atrurj bai, at., et: and each in
atraBnt beir made rdur the penmral npervis
loa ef U r. J. It .Okovitein, bo Lna a practical
tperinience of ever thirty years in their manufae
tere, is fully warractod ia evcrj panicular ,
Crcvcctsca PIAtrp rOKTE
Received tbe b;g test award of merit at tbe cele
brated world's r air, where were xbibitcd inMru
menU from tbe bct ciakrrs cf Lacdon, Paris, Ger
lapy, Philadelphia, Ustoo, liaHimore and New
York ; and also at the American Institute for five
acceasire years, the Uoz.D an-1 Mlvits Hedals
f rota both of w b ioh eaa be seen at on r ware-rooms.
. Py the introduction of Improvements we make
a i&ore pcrlect Piauo forte, and by manafact
aritt laryely, with a stri-tly cab jjtcn, are en
allej to vSer tbee intrumenU at a price which
ill preclude all coa3ieiiti(.n.
Oar prices are I rota $100 to f 200 chsaper, thaa
aje? Crt ctam 1 iaay-forte.
, TLEMS. Nit Casu in current funis.
pecriptTe Circtlar sent free.
July 1st lifeO one year R.JtCo.
zt. xd ccrrr.c hoileu.glue i-ots oil,
. . CANS,&cMAc,
I .
fl" All tbe Co.iinj for family wiiy t,e
I ub rotllOil,orGaR1 with lcst J .
f J- trotib). sua at tt ct tiie ttaa ty-i S
" tj aay iter fl. .
J."aiJl Arti-!e c-ouiacturcj by tbU C( trpany is
faaratUeed te peif ia all Lat i clniedfor it.
-rcid for Ci ecu l-r..,'V2
Liberal Lltcuunt to the. 'i rude.
Jaly, lt UC3 ccilLi x 11
, 7i SKi;;is:.j
t ::l'staoues
f rccd to rrow cpr.a tbe
I enijolLcf t (ace u from 3
to 5 wetH by usin? Dr.
-vt-EVI N (I N F.'S HE S- ,
IA 1111 V..:: c I v:oTi-
3"i.r;i d' -j- in rrcv n n. -x.;e,f :'i p r--r.n tbe
licsrd and bair iu an alao't lairaculous ir-aunf r.
It has been uei by tbe dclite of Paris and Londan
wiib tbe tuoft C?ttcrirg ruccep?, Names of all
purchasers will be regiftcreJ, and if entire fatis
ffti' n is net pirea in every if?tsme, the nuney
will be cbeirfuily refunded- Irice by mall, sealed
end f.stpitid, I' 1 . Inscriptive circul.Tnanl tnri'H mailol Ircc. Address liEUGEIi SIIUTTS
A CO.iCbenr f, No 2a5 Hirer Street, Troy, l.Y.
Sole Agents for the United Statos. - 34-Cio;
m . TIE A J TV. Aubnra
- ' -i Jil.lcn. Hnxen, nr .1 i Z
I Sf-' H.lkeuCl'ULSprodii.-td -vXi
by the us; . tl'rof. l)E- -t i t
f sliiiFL-x-K H.lShll LE .K-'y
m,i itr.L'A. u.n rr, i
- Cfcteon warranted to curl ' i u
tbe cjoet stra'lt ar.d ttu born bsir of ekhesex
Into wary ringlets or tv-ry maivo ccrli. .." Ha
been used by the f :'.y ,t Paris and London
with the most jcratn-wl; ax.-ir. Does no injure
to the hsir. Price Djr r: -K failed and postpaid fl
i)ic.riptire circulars mw.'d ftce. Addrs, BER
(iElt.tll'JT.S & CO., !wV ifcj River Street. Troy
N. Y'. bole Ar"Dts for lLa Ui:t--d Slaes."
Joot Publisboda
It teacbeabow topisr re Tan, Tree?, Piniplos
Bio'cbegj Movh Jtche!", Fallow neps, Eruptinni-,nd
all impurities f.ljle.'.ui ; Low t cTiimcl thefchin
leaving it white and clear a n! tou'er : hou to
prcduc-fc tbe fullest davclnj inert of the female form
(as jraciio'-d by the, cauf-'r the baft to
prow rou,ii8i u full, aud if ;be f. ria . has bc;n lost
by paJdinjr, ii-.cing or ro.-ilt rnity. .e't.j-'icj it to
msr? ttiin its cr:ginal fultts, CrrLiV'.--,a:t J Oriiuty.
It teaches bow to reduce l sine of (he hand? acd
feet ; produce c rpulcncy. or the reverse: remove
snjcrfiuou bair , Care Corn, Wort?, ani'ilole;
renew your ge : euro Drur.kncss, Catjrrh, Dys-j-epsia
Nerviiua Debility. A.,bow to fascinate and
puin the loveaod aCccii';n of any person you niny
chtinsr t-f.fther with other useful and Talual'eiti'
formaUon. No yourg Lady or gcntlcmaii . should
fail to tend th r acldrtss to tbe uuertigncd on.1 re
ceive by returu itail a copy of Ihji valuable work
ia AvaU-d enve! pa free of c.liar. ' Aldrd.-:s.
ULKGEii, SIJTTTS& CO., Chemists.
34 fa 255 River Street Trey, N.Y.
, MADAME E. F. Thornton, the reat English
Attroli gU , Cl iirvtjim, aul P?Tchuuic?rician,who
baas'ooigbed ths scicnti!c cl.nstevf thOM wfvld
has bow located Lcrtelf at Ilud.'.on, N. Y'- Maoaine
Thornton p;?.-ea.c5uch wonderful powers of sec
ond tight, as to enable b:r to impart knowledge
til the greatest irrpf rtance to the ir!e or married,
of eiijerufcX. While in a Hate cf trance, she de
lineates tuo very urcs f. the person jcu are to
marry, ar.d by the Jiiu of an instrument of intenBe
pt wer, known os'the Psjchotr.otrf y, unrantees to
j T'dcco a life-like picrurc of the fi.tore bnprxind or
wife ol the spillcant, together wilh dnto of roar
rriage. posit) oq in life, lead traits of cbnricter,
Ac. This is no bumbug, as thousacds of testimo
nials can afert. She wiil so d, V4b'n de.-nred, a
certified certiCiate. or wri'tea guarantee, that tbe
picture is what it purrorts to bo. By enclosing a
stnalllock.ofb.Lir. arid statirg phwe of birth, -.
disposition and compltxion. and enclosiirg 51 cent9
an J stauipe envelope nddreified to yourself, you
will receive tbe picture and-de.-irei information by
retura mail.' JL11 comnimirations sicred con5den
tial, ddrws, in confidence, MADAME E. F.
TA0RN1ON, P O. fox 22 5, Hudson, N.Y. . ,
For. Improving end e Ucauiifyiug the Complxion
The most valuable and perfett ;prcparation in ust
for giving tbe skin a beautiful pearl-like that,thae
is only found in youth. It quickly removes T;in.
rrecklcs, Pimplei, Hlutcbes, Sloth Patches, Sal
lownes, Eruptions,and all impurities of the skin,
kindly healing the same, leaving the skin white
and clear as alabaster. Its use cannot be detec
ted by tho closest scru;iny, and being a vegetable
pieparatioa is perfectly harm't-ss. It is the only
article of the kind used by the French, and con
sidered by the Parisian us indispt-nt-ible to a perfect
toilet Upwards tf'30.100 bottles wereaold during
the pat year, a sufficient guarantee of its efficacy.
Price ouiy 75 cents. Sent by mail, posi- ai J, n
receipt of an order, bv '
I?EIiGER,SilUTTS & CO., Chenists.
34-6ai 2Si P.irer St. Xroy.N.Y.
The advertiser, having teon restored to health in
a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after hiving
sufTercd for several years with a severe. lung uffec
tion.and that dread direae, Consumption is anx
ious to make known io his fuilow-sufforers the
means cf cure. '
To all who desire will send a : copy of the
prescription Ut-ed (free of charge J, with tha direc
tions fot preparing and using tbe srracv whirh they
will find a sure cure f r Con.-utnption.Asthma, Uron-c-hitl.-,
Coiipbs, Cold , and all Throat and L un j A f -fections.
The only object of tho alyerti-er insen
ding the Pfoscriptiorr i to benefit the afdicted, an-'
spread information which be ennocives t-j be inval
uable, and he hos every sufJVrcr will try bis rora
ady, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a
blowing .
Parlies wishing the proscription, FRKB, by return
mail, will please nudres
. William-burg, Kings Co., New York.
A (ieiitleruan who sufforcd for yo.irs trm N1rr
ous Dtbility, Premature Decay, ar.i all iha eff'--cfs
of youthful in discretion, will lor tha Fake .f sufTir
ing humatiity, F.-nd freo to all wbo nccd"it, the ro
eeipe and directions f-r making the simple rtniodv
by which bo was cured. SuTi-rers aifhing to prtf
it by the advertiser's txperienee, can do so bv ad
dretcing " JOHN B. 0(JDEN,
No I3 Che.-nut St., Nw York.
Every young lad and genilctnaa. in the United
Statos cm hear something very much to their ad
vantage by return mail ; tree of charge ),by address
ing the undrr.-igncd. l'bose having Stars of being
humbuged will oblige by not noticing this card.
AIJ orders will please address their ob?Jirnt servant
831 Broadway, Now JLork.
S- M. T. 23-ly
Hannibal & St. Joseph
! AM)
t.J Ci hLsLW LI KisLiIaiJiV?a.W
Tri-weekly Packets (Hannibal and St. Joseph
R. R. Line) ieave Omaha, Council Bluffs, Platts
mouth, Nebraska City, Brownvilie and intermedi
ate joints for St. Joseph,' competing at St Joseph
with triins on H innibal and St. Joseph R. II., leav
ing St Joseph a 11.30 P. Id., arriving at
On and after May lath, daily and close wonec
tion! from St Joseph to Atchison, Wrston, leaven -worth,
Wyandotte, Kansas City, Lawrence, Topeka,
f c.,via Platte Country U. R. and steamer Emilie
11. & St. Jo. R. R. Line Leave St Joseph 5.35
A. M., Leavenworth 8.0U a.m., Wyandatte 10.00 A
at-Kansas Citt 10.39 A.M.. Lnwrence at a 00 f. S.
by Porter A Deuel, Omaha, D. W. Ilitebi-oek. Coun
cil Bluffs, E.G. Lewis. Plattsmoutb, E. S. Ilawley,
Nebraska City. Buy through tickets and tave
Extensive repairs on tbe IIanxib At. & St. Jo
srrH RilLKOAD, new iron. ties and additional roll
ing stack enable them to offer these importact chan
ges to facilitate TRATEL BV THIS EOCTE.
C. W. Mead, General Superintendent.
P. B. Groat. General Tickot Agent.
II H. CocETEienT, Gen'l Freight Agent.
Hannibal, Mo,
Capt. RrFrs Ford, Superintendent Packet
Lines St. Joseph, Mo.
THEO. HILL, Ag't, BrounviUe.
. - ; ' "
Taken cp by the undersigned, livicgabout 3 1-2
milrs aove Brownvilie. m Nemaha Ctunty. Ne-
j bratka Territory, on the 13lh day of June, IS6S,
One blacker c:irk bnrwn Uer, about Lftecn hands
high, kbout feven yesr c ld,ih hind foot white
up to the pasture joint; smali saddle mark cn top
of weathers, a fW wLite hairs undej left Eye
: OCTOBER 19, 1665, .
In direct competition with all the lea
ding makers in the cfuntry.
(f rz -f 1
KiJJi v3 sLJi a
Respectfully invite the attention of pur
chasers, the trade aDd profession to the
Of their manufacture:
! Five sizes. Five Octave, one to Three
Ran!s of Keys, Three io Eight sets of
Reeds, . : - - ' .
Prices, 8250 to $600.
School Organs,
Twelve styles.single and double Reed.
Rosrwood and Black Walnut cases, '
Prices, $130 to $400
a c;
- .a
Piano style and Portable, Twelve Va
rieties, from four. to six Octavos Single
and Double Reed, Rosewood and Black
Walnut Cases.
Prices, $65 to $250.
- 811 Broadway, New York.
Sep. lstP5 2y -
Lyon's Periodical Drops.
itiese Drops are a scientifically compounded fluid
preparation, and better than any Pills, Powders, or
Nostrums. Being liquid, tbeir action is direct and
positive, rendering tbem a reliab'e, speedy and cer
tala specific for the cure of all obstructions and sup
pressions of nature Their popularity Is indicated by
tbe fact that over 100 tCO b ttles are annually sold
and consumed by tbe ladies of the United states, eve
ry one of whom speat In tbe strongest terms of praise
of tbeir ercat merits. They are rapidly taking the
placeof every othcFemale Remedy, and are consid
ered by ail who know aught of them, us tbe surest sa
fest, and most infaliiable preparation in tbe world,
for tb6 cure orall female complaints tbe removal of
all obstructions of nature, and the promotion of bealtb
regularity and strength. Kxpiiclt di ections stating
when they may be used, end expia ning when and why
they should not, nor could not be used without produ
cing effects contrary to uatwrss chosen laws, will be
found care'rnP'y folded around each bov tie,-with the
"trrirten s:?na:ii'vlJoH!i L. LYON, without which
ioie t re ffuin .... . .
Prepare t y Ir. JOnN L. LTOV , 195 Chapel Street,
NewUdven.Coiin."' wbocan be consulted either per
dor.aliy, orj maiJ.fenclosiii!? stamp ) con ernins' all
private diseases and female weakness. Price $t,6o
per bottle.
' Sold by Druggists eveiywhere
C. G. CI. ARK &CO.,
Cen'l Scents for U. S. and Cnada
Bros. St. Louis. i Wholesale
'l."i.LER, FiJtcii &. FULLElt. Chicaeo. S Agents
I'ecembar 7tU 1865. ly lo-12 11-12 id.nn, jsw
$350 to $1,400.
H. E. SAXT0II &C0.,
HAVE Constantly on hand the Largest Aeort
mentof FiiiST-CLASS PIANOS kept by an
e linage in the West. Tbey keep tho REL1ABL
INSTRU ENTSmadoby . ,
"R'm. U-BradLury,
Chambers & Gabler:
IJ"evr York Pianoforta Company.
James w. Vase.
3Iason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs,
$110 to 100 ISch.
Also, on hand
Second-liaise? Pianos, Itlclodcans,
Ac. Ac, Ac.
Which are sold at Bargains.
Senloru Circular" and ' Trice-Lift."
"Wrerooms : Cor. Fifth. & "Walnut
-:-,,. , (Under Southern Hotel)
I.S.W: 10-o-ly. ST. LOUIS MO.
More Durable,
JIore Elastic,
More Graceful. !
And Kill keep its Shape and rttain its
Place, than any other Skirt.
This beautiful styly of Skirt Patented March 7
18R5,) was awarded by the Great AatkBiBAM Ik
stitvt Fair, held in New Y'ork, October, 186 5, a
T Ilighett rremium ever given foa a Hoop Slirt
The Steel Springs are wound with a fine plated,
wire (in place of a cotton' covering) which will not
wear off or become soiled, and the whole S irt
may be wasted tej'tAont injtry cr foar Of rustic. J,
and will be as good as new.
The Combination Silrer Skirt I
This invention combines with the ordinary cot
ton Skirt the advantages of our SILVER SKIRT ;
the bottom hoops are tho same sthoe used in tie
Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off,
while the upper ones are with coifon. No
Udv, having xnce orn one of our Skirts, will be
willing to wear any other, as the lower hoop $J all
other kinds are soon injured and soiled.
The best materials are used in their construction
and from their durability and neatness tbey are become
Manufactured solely by tbe Silver Skirt nd
Wire JlaHufttciuriug Omipany, .. . -
30 &, 32 Barclay Street,
T. S. SPERRY, Sup't. .
. ' July "1st. 1SCS I rear ". -
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
i t S i j
tl ' t....J tus
iyy yUj zj ii
:.vv.:.:;;.;S.-fe -.ei O S? IP JQ. 7 : -l" 0 - .:.
"Would call the attention of DDAIiURS to theirjmtnense stock of
Drugs and 3Ie3!cincs, ' School Books,"";'"
' Patent Medicines, BInK Boolcs, -
Class and Glassware, Writing Pperv
Paints and Oils, Envelopes,
Spices and Pj c-stnffs, Coal Oil and 1 n? p
,' Pare Wines, liquors, dc, dc.,
Which were bought for cash of Manufacture-?, Importers and Publishers, and will be sold at the most
favorable prices. Buying in large quantities from first hands, they are enabled to offer extra induce
monts to the trade.
Tbty are the North-western Whlcale Agents of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, and of Dr. J
C. Ayre & Co., and can furnish thoir Medicines in any quantities. (10 l-l
v t ST. JOSEPH, MO. ;
Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Iron,
' Wagon, Cirriago, and Plow Woodworks.
Springs, Ates, Axels, Shovels and Snade?,Files and Rasps, Chains, Carriage and Tire Bolts, Xutt3 and
Washers, Nnils, Horse nail, Horse & Mule Shoes, Sawy, etc etc.
Castings and Kollcrsv Ware, Sugar Kittles Andirons, Skillets and Lids,
Stew pots Bake ovens, Fruit kettles and Sad Irons.
Blacksmiths' TOOlS. Anvils. Strcks and Dips. Be.lows.Sledge and Hand Ham
mers, Vises, Pincers, Ilaspe, Farriers' Knives, Tuyere Irons, Wrenches, Ac.
. O-o.-tfi'tizi.g: Goods,.
Ox Yokes, Axla Grea?ek, Ox chains, Wog'n Jack?, Ox Shoe natl., Shovels and Picks.G.dd Pans, etc. ,
IIuloo, spolieo fvia-cl Sont-stxiff.
r.'n r' n irz '..
1 . ) ust patented, and suj ericr to any yof-inven?ed : and .
McCornilcU's Hlowers and BJcapcrs, liallcrs SEorsc Corn Planters
Sulky Corn Cultivators, nacd Ci rn Piautor, Cnin Shellcrs. Hay Kakes. etc. etc esc.
; Buying my goods direct from the mj.-HI ct ers, I offer great indue amenta
Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse
- i . - . . .
Will imliirol, mtt) iWHOI'UIjA, bUWU'CLABr
any HUMQK in thelSLOODor STOMACH, and for
all TRACES OF DISEASE this remedy has no
equal, and for Building up the Syntepi, and giving
new Strength and Vigor. Its uuparallcd succet
since its introduction, and the wonderful cures it
has and is daily performing are its best guarrantce
and we earnestly dosircthat every suiferer shall
giveitatriaL Sold by all Druggists. Price oae
dollar a bottle. - -
ST. LOUIS, 310. Proprietors.
WUt extra the ITCH or SALT JtnEUJSI.
in a few applications. It also cures prairie Scratch
es Chilblains. Ulcers and all Eruptions of the skin,
where other remedies have been tried in vain, cures
speedily and thoroughly. Price 50 cnts a x.
Sold by all drueist. pending fiO cents in a
letter' to COLLINS BROTHERS. S. W.cor. 2nd &
Vine Sts., St. Louis, Mo., it will be sent by mail
free of postage,
x 30-jym,nnfJSWj
Choice, Thrifty.
Osage Orange Plants,
For Sale, at
Nuriby. 2 1-2 miles west of Brown
vilie, Nebraska.
Abo: Orders taken for making Osact
Obakge Fescis. which will be done in
the very best style, and warranted.
Our charges for building Hedge Fences, and
tending until they are a perfect tenceare as fol
lows :
90 cti. per Rod, around a 160 acre trad.
SI .00 '",' 60 ,
SL25 " " 40 .
Notice is hereby giveu, that, by virtue of an or
der of the District Court of Nemaha County, Ne-bra.-ka
Territory, in chancery ,in the case of Elijah
Burner against Anton Kimig, made at tbe Spring
term A. D.1S66. 1 will on
3aiurday, November ' 24th. A. D.. 1S66,
at one p clock P. M. offer fo salet public auction
tovthb highest bidder for cash, at the iront door of
HcPhersons Hall, in the City of Brownvilie, Ne
maha. County, Nebraska Territory, (the place
where tbe last term of Said Court for said County
was held) tbe South East Quarter of Section ten
(10) in Township six (fi) North cf Range fourteen
(14) East, in Jiemaha County, Nebaask Territory
Given under Iny band ibis 25th day of O tober
A. D. 1858 CHAS.G. DORSE ,
xl-4-4t-pf$9-bf9. Jla3ter in Chancery.
Agents Wanted!
By selling Engravings, Card Photographs and
Stationary OurStationary Packotst-xcells all oth
ers ; each Package contains Paper, Envelope'. Pens
Peneils, fc, and jewelry worth a dollarat retail.
Price only 30 Cents we will-send Agent 100
Stationary Packages and a Silver Watch warth $17
We also publish splendid ; Steel Engravings and
Portraits, Lithograph Pni.ts, dc, very popular and
saleable. Will send a fine assortment of 100 for
$15,00 that will realise fifty dollars, or a ten b"ar
lot bt will sell for Thirty Dollar or over. WM
send a sampie lot far Five Dollars that will se.l for
fifteen Dollar?. -
Sebd Stamp for Catalogue, Term, Ac.
reb.185el-7 38 Beekmaa Street, Y.
V I - I j . I
f r i
77 ta CI
ww ZS ria w a
Patented February 14th,' 1860.
v. TniS MACHINE is constructed on entirely new
principles of mechanism, poxsing many rare and
vtiluuUe tuopcovLneni$, bau'ug bta,.ex!imixod by
tre nrr-Sir'yiT')rowTri"iperttr)'irn pmww uumt - "
Simplicity and Perfection Cjombinea. -It
has a straight ueedle, perpendicular action
makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCII. whi-h
will neither RIP or RAVEL, and is alike on
sides ; performs perfect sewing on every descri tioa
of material, from.Leither to tht finest Nansouk
Muslin, with cotton, linea or silk tbre id, from the
ccarest to the finest number.
Having neither CAM nor COQ WHEEL, and the
least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass,
and is
Emphatically a TToifeless Machine.
It requires FltTY p-tt vJLNT less power to
drive it than any ether Machine in tbe market. A
girt twelve years nf age can work it steadily, with
out fatigue or injury to health.
Its strength and Wonderful Simplicity of con
struction rtnders it almost impossible to get out vf
order, and ia GUARANTEE by tbe cempany to
give entire satisfaction.
Werespei tfully invite all those who may desire
to supply themselves with a superior ia tide, to
come and examine tbis-Unrivalled Machine. :
But is a more especial manner do we solicit tbe
patronage of
Merchant Tailors,
Coach Makers,
Hoop Skirt Manufac
turers, Shit and boson Mak
Coset Make
Gaiter Fitters,
hoe binders.
Vest and Pantaloon
Dress Makers.
fiititutions tail be libe
eliyioitsand C'-ritalle
rnllif Hrolt trith.
Prices of IHacIiinc Complete :
No. 1, Family Machine, with Hcmmer, h oiler
and Braider, . f 60
No. .Small Manufacturing, with Extension
Table - i ; '. 75
No.?.. Targe ManufacturiDg,with Extension
T.ble 85
No. 4, Large Manufacturing, for Leather,
with Rolling Foot and Oil Cup 100
Onehalf hnur'a instruction itsiitjicientto enable any
person to work this Machine to their entire
, , eati'action.
Agents Wanted for all towns in the United States,
where Agents are not already established. Also
for Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America, to
whom a liberal discount will be given.
Terms invariably Ca.'h on delivory.
T. J. Mc Arthur & Co., -
535 Itn.adway, New York.
A. & Co, 552 Washington. StBoston
70 Gbestnu t at., Phiia. -Aeent,
4tb, St. Louis, Mo.
Go . tb 1K5. 10 19 ly A A C.
Estrny steer.
Taken np by the undersigned liin? two and a hal
mHcs n;rth of BrowaviWe, within ni enclosed prem
i-es, (in the 15 b lay of Octooer, A. D. I86S. one white
St er, i-onie re l t-p -ti on beat! and bitles, hranJed on left
fde with flsure 10.". cr p au4 under slope in
lft ear nvjutU crop o!T ei right ear three year old
Ur-t spi-in. , b-T. OUNJtEa.
EsJraj- Xctlc
Taken up by the subs riber, one an! a hilf miles
westof Aspinwall, 5 emsha County, Nebraska, one
dark bay marp olt. two years old last spring, branded
with the let er L"on the nigli sbulder, a little white
oo the off forward and nigh hind foot. Taken upon
the 22d dav of October, A . D 1S66.
, Aspinwall, Oct. VIA, 1866. -n4 6t '
03. " SIGX3 ' OF CHABACTEa," as manifested
through Temperament and External Forms and es
pecially in the "Hnmon Face Divine." One elegant
volume, with nearly 800 pages, and !. CO illustrations
By S. R. Wells, Editor Phrenological Journal. Price,
post paid, $5. Address Fowler h. Weils, Jo. 389
BroaJway, New Tork.
New .i'hUiogiioiny" Is eminently practical fully
Illustrated, and well suited i the wants rf all In
the study of -the face" the reader soon lear to rad
e.ich and every feature X .ses are c'af-sifled as the
Roman, Greet, Jewish, Snul and Celea-iat. The eyes
steak ali lansnagrs, whether black, bine, brown or
hazel. In a like manner, cheeks. Deck. ears, hands,
feet, walk, voice, latitth, etc. . are shown y, be "sign
of character'."
In nj other work is so much Mht thoown upon the
character and UeMiny of mankind as in thi. or the ai- '
tinative traily of nitiin-s and irife o clearly p.)intel
out. Tortraits of distinsmshpd persons of xncient aud
niixlern times, with bioeraphicat i-ketches and ileline
t:on of character, are given. Divines, Orators; States
men, Warriors. Artists. Poeti, Philosophers. Inven
tors. Surpeni-., Discoverers, Actorb. Mnsiciars, etc.,
are included It is an "EiicyclupRrtia" of biajrraphy,
uciiiaiuiing the reader with tha career and character
if many great nun ana women of th past 1 000 years,
and oi the. present nuch, lor inftaace, as Aristotle,
Jnliu C-ar, tkake-pear, Washington, Napoloa,
Franklin, Bvacroft. Bryint, Lcnsfetlow, Irving. lion
Buiiheur. TLeodosia Burr, Ccbden, Bright, Lawrence,
B. Uvar, Whaiely, Thackery, Dow, Kuox, Kicke'ieu,
Hooper, Buckle, Dickers Victoria, Wesiey, Cariyie,
ll' aticy, Milt. Spencer. Thompson, Guthrie. Alexan
der , and hundreJsof others. 535AGE5TS WASTED.
Bookt tent by retura pott or txprett, on rtceipt of
Prict. - pa St
? : ' t ; -it i -1 1
f . v. l i f j j
5 i
DaDorous and Loatrascino Disease
when ir
'Can be. 'CuiM'il.' ,
Dr. S E ELY E ' S
. - ' '.1 . .'
'. j Unless checked in its incipient s'ag03
it uevx:ii TAILS
Cure Warranted if Directions are Followed.
Believed ia a Few Mi nntes.
Qured by o(Tensiyt secretions
Caused by Catarrh, affections.
When leaaened or destrojed,
When cauiied by Catarrh diiTi.culties- . AJ1 are
cured by tbi reinsdy
Throat AtTections
Are more frequently, than otherwise caused by a
thick ,sltmy mucus, falling from the head, espe
cially during the n'ght,and resulting from
Catarrh, and are cured by : '
The symptoms cf Catarrh are at first ycry slight.
Persons find they have a cold,, that they have fre
quently attacks, and are more sensitive to the
changes of ttmpeiatu e. ln: this condition the
nose may bedry.ora slight discharge, thin and ac
rid, alterwards thick and adhesiye? may msuo.
As the d isease fSecomes chronic, ths discharges
are increased in quantity and thigi - in quality ;
they are now thick and heavy, and are ha wked or
coughed off The secretiens. rJ offon-tive,. causing
o bad breath : the voiqe thick and nasal : ih eyes
are weak : the sense of smell is lessened or destroy
ed ; deafness freque&tly takes place.
Another common anl important system of Ca
tarrh is. that tbo'person is obliged to clear bis throat
in the morning of a slick or slimy mucous, which
bus lallcn from the head during the liigbt. WLea
bis takes place, the person may bw shu.e that this
Uiseaj-c is on its way to the lungs, and ahuuld lose
no time in arresting it.
Tbe above are but few cf the many Catarrhal
ympU(ma. Write to cur Laboratory lor our pam
ptiet deenbirig fully ail symptoms; it win be sent
tree to any address. Also dnectiocs where to t?ro-
curo the medicine. , , ,
' . -. .. ' . :
We are receiving letters from all parts of fie
Union, and alto Luwerous testimonials from tlse
using it," bearing th evidence cf its infaUable
merits. . , , ,
This remedy contains no Mineral or Piisonoas
Ingredieuts, but is prepared from Tejeubfc extracts
Pxciusively; therefore it Is Perfectly Hiriaiess,
even to the most tender anl delicfita cloiid. ' '
- ..
Call For Seelye's Catarrb RnxJy, and take bo
other. If not sold by dru-iixs ia your vicinity,
they will order it for yon. "iice '2.u0 per bottel.
All personf suTermg wi th any affic ions of te
-SrSti, Throat or Lungs, ahouid write -it nea for
our painpbled fully' dcs:ribiug all syuipttms ..ia
ing to the above disease.
Freeport. Illinois. .
- Soli tr all Wholetalo anl Retail Druggi:t3
Oct. 15, 1666 1 y
:. l
I 30 Variety, with P-.rTit L' -
Finished in
j '-,rs"',i! " -
Yb Charge for -Boxing or S.MprUr
tair.ii. a fiii dcs-ri.'i..n irt styic and testim. -uu; Z
the most Cimtient ilusuiar, as t.i tho -npfrior fT,
lence of our instnmpiii. tan he stea at th r.
AAlrt-fs - u
" lir;u nvilie
lectins' of Scliool i:xanalceri
Nstice is hereby given tlat the B anj .f ,srv:,.i'
Examiners of Nemaha County, Nebraska, wiiHo'.i
meetings for the Examination of Tacfsertf.
saia County, at the Sce , E. W. Tlioas.
in Brownvilie, on tha 1st Saturday in every m.jc;b
between tbe hours of one an 1 3 P. M, Applicants
for certi3ete3 are required to be present at oq9'
o'clock, precisely, or they wltl'not W .v.r i- i.
No person need apply at any other time, "''
, By order of tbe Ron rd, ''
. C. W. THOMAS,'
MANnoorTI 7
How Lest, hoVEestored
' 'Jnst paMi-hPd. a new sd-'ition of DJ,
. . Ct'LVhRV. KLi3 Celebrate! Kssaj ea
' tne rai!ic-il cure ' (wiihout mticinp) of
SPERM ATjltlt A(EA. or Se-ninal Wi. '
cess, Iuvolun'ary Seiaitial Losses, Im potency : Men
tal and Physical Irrc3pfi'y luiyd tinents to .J;rn
age.etc. also Cmsumpt on, Epi'epsy, and Fits, in
duced by self-in lu'gcnee cr sexaal exrravignnce,
Prics in seaUd iive!(pe, orii ft oenfs. .
The celebrated authrr, in tbii admirable es?sy,
clenrfv d--m'ns'mr?.i from a thirty yMr" suo
f ii I practice, that tho alarming c"nseq-jen-os of gei.'
abuse wjy be radinally cured without tbj dareer
ous ue of internal tndicUi or the application of
the knife pointing out a mode of euro at owce sim
ple, cer'.ii in, and effectual, by mc:ms ef which tvery
sii3"rer' n matter whn:; his condition mM.y h"?, may
cure bimelf cheaply. priv'ely. and r.iiu-.illy, ' .
Ihi L'.etu'o sho'ild hem the r.and of every
youth Bnd every man in fhe hn l.
ent. un i--r seal .in pI.ii- envel. pe to my d-
f r'-ss. po-rp-tid, on re, i t o six c-nts. or fwoposf,
OSi'ef amps. Also, I)r. Cul cr eil' '.Marriagu
Guide," prico 25 cents.- "Adds rho r!Ir-h s.
. . CtlAS. ILuS K SI U.
17 i iwery. N-w York,
. Post Offlce box. 4.535. 1 1-5 14-5: .
J. W. Bracllcy'&celcbratpd Patent
The Won.-lerful Flexibility and jsreit Comfort and
Pletsnre to aiiv Lady wearinz the Di-pex EUitic
Skirt will be fxpe-ipivced partlrnlarlj in at: cri ded
Assenihiiea. Operas Carri.iae Railroad Car. Church
Pews. Arm Chairs 'or I'tonnnite and IIoife Dres
as he Skirt can be folded wheu in oe to occupy a
sria'l place ns easily slid conveniently a Siik or
Jauslin Dress an invalu iMe 0,'iaitry in ct iao.lte, not
found ii any Single irprire Sirt
A Lady l.avtosr enjoyed tke plPa"feu. -orBfort nr.i
f?rel p'.pveiii rce .J wea itii; 'h Dot Ix E, iiptic Sttel
willing! di-pn-e itli thir use For thi.lren,
M iie- and tiiik Li lifs they ar S'ipr-rior al' nihers
They wiM rot bend or h-e-k like HcMm; f ?.ri:ic,
but will pceervp .hir pcr.ei an l i r t ' Oi as
wijr hi i tt r-ir , Skirls I ,.
thrown a'.'.e s n-ei"-s The n a-f- r.-it4 ! a
double and I IrtMi tf-r I. a:..' ' we t-s;i ,twi aru t
only di tibf sp"'nv". br. ..e ( Uoiu r. vrrrtf ;
prevpntin; t!.-m from earwig ont wh;i dia,ilij
down l;, Hmni. &.C.
The Ust i ex Ki i i fa r t ! v. ;th a I it s
l;idi'S and is inier-.-il y rvm'i:e,r
Fasliii rabie il ,i iiziiic t.5 tt: h:i..:
pd lv al! tLa
tr i siirt of tLa
Fashi' nabif Wurid.
T.: cn.:iy tlifl f l.ivir ' U-tin; i a'.'van'a;es in, viz . s!:p.n.-r n, ii :i'v. .p-f-ct nisi.j:f.:cnrt,
sty r,r uh,,, ,,, fl .,, jix'trili- .-, it i Vy, cm
fort an ! PL-ir....-iv. to.ou;r i l r J V.'. B-il-y Duplet
Eiiip't-t or Di.-s il Spri.r h..-irt, an- j,r ywu get
the gfinilne ar' v:ie ;
CAUTION. T guard r : r.tut i-i p "ln n h partic
ular to nntit-e that kir,s e3'"-e-l a ' t't'I'LF; V'f have
threrntk stAin,. vix., J w .in y' ijiev El
liptic 5'cei: pri.:vs." up jll ti'e w. Is'h I -l- ! l: u'her
aregen'one. ASsonti;..' flit every l pwitr adnot
a pin beiiiit pa-pi thr m.i theM-arre. thus reralni
tbe tw (or iloubk') prl t:s hraiiel toe her thirpin,
which ! iho secret of tln'ir Set hm iiiy jiid si. e. g h. o&
a combination not l he (. u id in any o'her iirr.
For sale in all store rhere Fir-t CUs ikiilirt
Sold t hnnighoit the Unitfd State and eNe 'iei o.
. Jlanuiartn ed by the so; owner cf the pat-ct,
West3. Eradley U Cary,
ll-3-3na 97 Chamber!, 4. 78 &. 81 Iteaite St.. X. T
Nancy Freel, Carolina Bradley, Thonj'u Ross,
William lio-ts, Robert llss, Joseph Bus , Samuel
Rosi, James Ross, John R.,s, and i;,,rge Ross.will
take notice that A.J.Ritteras A Jmini .trtor rf the
estate cf Samuel Is dece;i-pd.'and late of Nemaha
County, has filed hisp-t ti a in the Probate Court
cf said Nemaha County, the objpi-t and prayer of
which is for a license to sell tha crt'j Wen quar
ter of the South West quiirtr, of .-ml ion Thir
thrce (J3) Townsh'p four '4, of R.n s gev'ea
(17), situated in Noma! a Coaniy, Nebrask' Ter
rjtory , also, five ucros limbere l land sitted ia
liichardson County.lan l of which tha sd sm,J,l
Ross deceased seized".- That said part'-,on WH 9
for hearing on
lfie Mlih day of December; -i. u lrsOb,
at the Probata Court Room In t city of Browc-
Probate Judge.
Nov. 1st 15 '
aGt 13,50
Notlee is hereby siren that.apt.lication h.M been
made by V -.iliam Craig, tobs ap iated Adminis
trator with tbewW annexelon th- Estate of Joel .1
Thornburg late of Gage County Nebr-kt deased,
od that a bearing on s;iid applici' a '' he had
On Thursday the 22d day o' No-'e ruber,
next at HI o'clock , at my o2u m Oeatrice,
Nebraski Territory.
Dated.Octobr 21ii Ml. " "
Pro but a liJge.
It i- Hereby ordered tlat the above no? ice be pub
li'hed jn the N.ebrk Advtrtiacr for tur?a
tiv weeks. ' t !'. "
Probate Jude.
In the matter of the Estate of the laU,.
Samuel G. Daily de erased, in the Pro
bale Court of Nei.xaha County , 'Ndras-
, ka Territory. .
Oathil-1 day of Ortober, A. D. lS5,rt, William
Llaily ai d" Sarah M. Dnily,'Ad Lainistrafor IV saii
Estate, fil d their .ti tu n, pmying for licene to
sell the whole ur a prtof thi rel e.-tats of.saiJ de-'
-edent for be payment of the debts outLsiandin'
sgVinst said tstafe Jed it appearing frm
petition that there is not sufficient tetsonat estate in
ihe ESuda ef the aamiui-trc4?or to payi
the debts eutstsndirij; sginst sn;d decedent,
Td taVt it is Tieer 'J 8 ' : th- wr.ol rr"
some portion of said Real estate f-- the payment of
such debts aa: expenses.. It U to.ret e or terM by
ihe Court that al- ier'us 1 I'e'es'eii ia said E-tate
. pvx'ar before siid C oin at B.ownvf. e. la:jieLuaha
County. bi ask Territory, on
ihe 1st dny of Deci-mlVr, A. DISGG
to -show caiue, "any there bf, hy such iiceu
hou;d' rt'-t be granted.
. It i? f' 'Lt tidreO that tt i notice bepi'b'.i.het for
foa- m eaivc weeks iu the etra.-i AUeitiet'f
a Ne-i.t pnne-1 In said Cour.ty. .
Octooer, 31. 1-63
6-1.13 5J Prooate Juilie.
DissoLiTioN oi corA&iraRsnir
Tbe Co! artnership heret.fT- exiitiu between
CbarlrtsGaeds an-l Jac,b Ertlerg-:;-, ss tna ttrat
Of Charles Ga-di X Co., hs this d J b..ea deso.v
el by mutu il consent. , '."
Ail eUuii' aiinst ti '' !a,1t b" nmed
atoly presented to Caas. Gisl wis j. will see to
their settlpiuent.
October, Slit 1333 . rnn