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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1866)
t4 . . .-ITctelca equaliser . i - - ; JOHN L, COIJIAPP, EDITOR. rr.0WS7ILLE,TnURSDAY, NOV. 15, 1861. nrrTTAT! if ittppo ftTt3 Country is Safe." tec. Sever d. Radical Majority is cine States Coep tfcat Rooster, for hei weary I JLtd Lis fcaad U droopwg dreary t Coep bin, bid him, it it bail ; For there ' acta click to fear bio, Atd tttrVi no! a bta to ebaer bim, Ad there ii do rf f laid near b m f-reread by tLose "bo did revere bim Hide b'.u coop bim let bim rest. Tata tfcat Rooi ter eff, ba Uttered , Afii bia featbera widly ecattered, Atd bit bill la broken, battered, bj the trcr.g blows of tbe foe. Ob 1 'tif bard fur ui to bide bim, We wha long o fondly ejed bim Jlard to eland forlorn beside bim. New that be no more can crew ! Coop that Rooster, for be'a fwplng, And bia toea each other clacpitg, Quiver with tbe fearful rasping lie received en Tuesday last! Iluaeot John, bis ralliaot backer, 1 indi that be'a Lot worth a cracker ; CotperLaad ui bra?e bush backer tire Deaa, tbe reaiy smacker All aduit bia raoe ia past !" Ob ! bit eoab U rut and bloody, And bia legs are brained and muddy, A4 bit Hrtait with blood i ruddy, And hia fills are darkly blue ; Fwpty rraw and banted gizzard, Tail and wing cotiipietoijr atissured, Filled at oa tlert.-ire blizzard 1U tied kinced frotu A to 1 lard U, poor cock-a-Uoodle duoi" The Radical majorities will be in : Mais&chuseui 63,000. Illinois 40.000. Missouri 30 000. Michigan 115 000. Wisconsin 26.000. New York 14.000. Minnesota 8.000. New Jersey about G.000. Nevada l.OC'0. Conservative majority in ; Delaware 1,000. Tbe following are the Congressmen elected in the several States named on the Cth. Republicans in roman, Demo crat! in italic : XASSACaVSXTTf. 1. Thomas D Elliott, 2. Oakes Ames. 3" Genery Twichell. 4. Samuel Hooper. 5. Benjamin F. Butler. 6. Nathaniel P. Banks, 7. Georpe S Bout well, 8. John 3 Baldwin, 0. W IVasl.burne. 10. Henry L llUva. MW YORK. Stephen Taber, Vcvios Barnes, Robinson, Dom. gain. J 'Fox, John Morrissey, Thot. E. Stewart. Dern. gain. John W Chanler, Jame Brooks. Fernando Wood. Dem. gain. Wm H Robertson. Rep. gain. C H Van Wyck. Rep. gain. John II Ketchum, Thos. Cornell. Rep. gain. JVL Pruyn, J A Grbwold, Oranpe Ferris, C T Hurlburd, Jas M Marvirj, Wm C Field. AHLaflia. Roecoe Conkli,?, Henry Churchijl, Dennis McCarthy, TM Fomeroy, Wro II Keliey. Wra S Lincoln, Hamilton Wrdt Lewis Selye, Burt Van Horn, J .V Humphry, Ii Van Aernaro. ILLIKOIS. 1. o 3. 4. 3. 6. 7. 8. a 10 n 12 13 14 15 1G 17 13 19 W SI 23 23 21 25 L0 27 23 23 20 31 1. NB Judd, 2. J F Farnsworth, 3. E B Wahburne, 4. A C Harding, 5. E C Ii)jersull, 6. B C Cook, 7. II P II Broruwell. aSM Cullom, 0. Lewis G Rets, 10 A G Burr. 11 SSMarsAall, 12 Jehu Baker, 13 At Large -John A Logan. . W1SC096I5. 1. Halbert E Paine, CDF Hopkins, 3. Amaia Cobb, 4- C.f Eldredgt, 5. Philetha Sawyer, 6. C C Wathburne. MICEICAH. 1. F C Beaman, 2. C Upscn, 3. Auitin Blair, 4. T W Ferry, 5. R E Trowbridge, 6. J F Drigs. kissocki X. TVn A Pile. Rep. gint 2. C A Newcomb. 3. Albert Jackson, 4. J J Grarelly, 5. J W McClurge, 6. R T Van Hcrnk 7. B F Loan, 8. J F Benjamin, 0. G W Aiders MI5Sti0TA. L Wra Windom, . Ignatius Donnelly. MARTLAHD. 1. 2. 3. 4. H McCuUovgh, : Sltvenson JJtcher. Dem. gain Charles E phelps. k Francis Thomas,- " 5. F stone. CILLA WABZ. 1. J A Jficholson. , 1. Wm Moore, 2. Wm A Newell, " ' 2L Charles Se greaves.- - 4. John Hill. Rep. gain. 5. George A Halsey. Rep. gain. KANSAS. 1. Sidney Clarke. 5EVADA. 1. D R Ashley. Recapitulation : Rep, 69 ; Dem. 21 ; doubtful, 1. Rep. gain 6, Dem. gain 4. Nevada has gone Republican by over 1 ,000 majority. The Legislature is large ly Republican. The following State of2cer were elect ed Oct. 6ih : Kansas: Governor, S J Crawford; Lieut. Got., N Green ; Sec of State, R S Parker; Treuurer, M Anderson; Auorney General, George H Hoyt ; Chief Justice, S A Kingman ; Auditor, J R Swallow; Sjpt cf Schools, Peter McVicar. Illinois : Supt cf Schools, ewtou Bateman ; Treasurer, Geo W Smith. Michigan i Henry C Crapa ; Lieut. Governor. Dwight May ; Sec of State, Oliver L Spaulding ; State Treasurer. Ebenezer O Grosvenor; Com. . of State Land Office, Benjamin D Pntchard ; At torney General, Win L Stoughton ; Sup. Puj. Instruction, Oramel Ileafcrd ; Au ditor General, Wm Humphrey. .Minnesota : Siate Auditor, A McEl- ralh ; Clerk Supreme Court, S Hough. J"ew York: Governor, Reuben E Fen ton i Lieut-Governor, Siewart L Wood ford ; Canal Commis ioner, Stephen T Hoyt ; State Prison Inspector, John Hammond. Massachusetts : Governor. A A Bu! lock; Sec of Siate, O Wnrner; Attor ney General, C J II-e J; Treasurer, J H Loud ; Auditor. H S Bnggs. Nevada : Governor, H Biaisdell. Delaware: Governor, Saulsbury. Maryland: Comptroller, Wm J Leo nard. Both branches of the Maryland Legis lature are Conservative, a Senator is to be chosen in place of A J Creswell, Re publican. Delaware Legislature is strongly Con servative. The New Jersey Legislature is Rep ublican by 5 in the Sen-la and 13 in the House. r :. . From the N. Y. Herald's special of the 7th we learn that T. W. Bedford, of this city, has been appointed Register of a Land Office in Nebraska, where, the correspondent does not say. We pre sume, however, it is to Mil the position now occupied by Chas. G. Dorey. The appointment is excellent, consid ering who made it, but it is a little strange the friends of Mr. Bedford did not know that the position is not vacant ! The Demo-Copperheads go Keavy oq the argument that the appointee should re flect tbe views of the appointing power ; now, we doubt much whether Mr. Bed ford reflects the principles of A. John son, and we know that he stands bitterly opposed to the Radical majory in the U. S. Senate, which is realy the appointing power. Wtudd it nol be well for him in the face of the recent elections to study consistency ; for we doubt much if his Democratic stomach could retain an office from the hards of a Radical Sen ale ! As no charge has or can be brought against Mr. Dorey, as he has neither resigned and is alive and well, we believe he has the right aud that it is his duty to retain possession of his office until the Senate has a chance to express itself on this appointment. Aud we hope he will. With regard to the stamps required to be affixed tocanned fruit, fich, jVlJies, etc.. passed by the late Congress, t e Com missioner of Internal Revenue has just issued a circular, in which ccura the fol lowing : "VVfc.'b it isbeliered that it was the purpose and inlSPtof Congress to impose a stamp tax upon th above nam?d arti cles, if sold or offered for ale or remo- Mi for cflompiion in tn unitea abates VU UI (MICI Vlluici toil I rai un co of the time of their manufacture or pro duction. that intent is so imperfectly ex pressed as" to render it doubtful beihvr. uticer a proper construction or the ;an guage of iht statute, such a tax caa be collected. . Internal Revenue officers are there fore instructed not to interfere with the possession or sale of such articles of do mestic manufacture or production, when tatisfactory evidence is furnished that they were prepared and passed out of the possession of the producer prior to the 1st day of October, 1566. 7.209 acres of land were entered at the St. Croix, Wis., Land Office during the cicath of October. The Neb. City News corrects the offi. cial role cf Nebraska, as published from Omaha, by cutting down Marquett's vote in Otoe 50, yet retains the vote of tbut county at 1,S4 without any rdwtion Continent ? We have just received, from Hon. Albert Towle, Probate Judge cf Gage county Nebraska, a pleasant invilaiion to , visit "Beatrice,- county seat , of-, that county. Close attention to our business will conpell as to deny ourself this pleas urev this fall, but-we promise ourself a thorough exploration of this Land Dis trict next Spring. From many sources have we teamed cf thezgrowth and prosprjtjr of Beatrice, and is more than the ir.os hopeful could have expected.'- They have now a fine new Grist and Saw Mill, with Lath and Shingle Machine attached ; three Dry Goods,' Grocery and Variety stores ; two Hotels; two Blacksmith one Wagon, and one Shoemaker shop ; and a free school, with a population equal to this list of business. Many new buildings have been erected this season, some of which would do credit to cur river towns. The country round it is settling more rapidly than any other portion of Nebraska. Beatrice and its surrounding country holds out as great inducement to the' set tler and mechanic as any frontier town in Nebraska, and with our tri-weekly mail we hope soon to establish more intimate relation with her than heretofore. Nebraska City is progressing; onward and upward is her motto. Noi three mcens since she boasted three dailies, now she has two tri-wekiie3. The es tablisment of the daily Statesman in June augured well for the town but soqn bored out its proprietors and now it is weekly. The News and Press have concluded to publish tri-weekly and isue larger aud better filled pnpers, and both have in creased in si?e, matter and beauty of ap pearance. Hon. O. H. Irish now has editorial charge of the Press. The Chicago Tribune mentions a strange mortality among the horses in Lyons township Illinois, several valuable animals having died within the past few day?. It is reported to have been caused by the grnsshopr ers, which, being taken into the mouth, bite the tongues of the animals and make them so sore that they will not eat thereafter, and starve to death. The cases occured only among horses turned out to rrra?3. Great Advance m ihe Price or Corn. During the past week there has been great excitement in Chicago in con?e quence of the extraordinary ri-e which has taken place in the pncr! of c rn lit all the leading markets of the world. On m m ar the 1st or fo-Dtember. no. l corn war a - sold in this market a: 50c per bush! ; on th 1st of October, it had risen to 60c ; and on thtf 27th (Saturday last) it rose to SSc per bushel 1 This is an advance of 38c per bushel within two n-onihs ! Tim. too, in the face of an advance in frelgfliS lO DufTalu wivLIn ibo,pori od of 0c per bushel. . -, r'. While a poriion of this advance in the price of corn is due to damage in som sections by early frost, it is mainly attri butable to a general failure of thd crop in Great Britain, aud a great advance in Liverpool. On the 31st of August last. corn wa quoted in Liverpool at 26s. 3d. per quarter, and Friday last (October 26) it had risen to 33. per quarter an advance, within eight weeks, of bs, yd. per quarter. Wnat Writings Require Stamps. The following infoimation will prove valuable to business men generally, and should be kept for reference : 1st. Instrumtriis of wri'ing dated be fore Oct. 1, 1S62. do not require a sianin. 2d. Those dated between Aug 1 1562 and Aug. 1. 1S64, may be stamped eith er before oratter use by the Court, Reg istrar or Reorder. 3d. Those dated Aug. 1, 1S64, and more than twelve months old, may be stamped before a United State collector without payment ot the penalty or cou. 4th. Those dated after Aug 1, 1S64. and more than twelve months old, can be stamped upon the payment of the penalty of S50. And every assignment of a note which assignment is made since Oct. 1. 1862, without regard to the date of the note, i- to be sinmpt d as an Hgreement, namely: five cenis no matter how small or largr the note may be. All persons having notps unstamped, should have thrin stamped at once. A receipt for monev or property over S20 no matter what the amount only re quires a two cent stamp. Hogs and Packin I" The Luisville Courier tays. In re gard to the forthcoming packing season vve have heard o: no contracts lor hogs Traders aud packers are at variance in their -iews, and as to formjntr correct opinions as to prices u is extremely dif. nculL A very general opinion prevails i fhai early hoys will bring 8 to 8 1-2 cts. and for Dceinber auj Juoary df.'-verv 6 1-2 to 7 1-2 en. ln crop. 1 .11 l. lir.Ta a j I i n it is t-sliii.aifu, wn a rery prolifit; corn crfo; this circum. stance induce the belltf that prices must rule low. The Cincinnati Commercial says : Hogs are dull, and hardly rnough do ing io warrant quotations. The ftw offered were held at S3 50, gross, on th spot, but S3 more nearly represents the views pf buyers, aid one or two lots light averages, were obtained at this price. There wa also a sale at $10 35. net. for delivery the first good weather. The hogs to average 220 pounds net. We hear of no contracts for future delivery, the packers beiog unwilling ia buy. ex cept at prices considerably below the views of seller. The lS'ew Albany Ledger of the 25th fays: A good many dressed hogs are being brought to the city sinqe the weather turned cool. About fifty head in all were sold this morning, at prices ranging from 8 1-2 to 1Q cents pr pouud. Only a few emu heavy brought tho latter fig ura. The Alh California says: Certain persons in.Cahlornia are stamping base metal into the semblance of coin, over ina it by. a galvanic process ,wiih a.dhin coa.t of gold, and sellin? it io simple p-?o pie as pure gold. The. buint'SJ has b'jen carried on extensively, and some persons think the little bits of pewter with a htm. of gold over them 4 are nice presents t send to the East. , If the venders woulil f tate thai tliey are cf base rnetals, no one could find fault, but purchasers are usu tOL. believe-, that the -material precious metal throughout. Ihe stamp is .imlike any good.coHT., so there is no, vi olation of the law Some of the quarters coined are cf a fair quality of gold, bui contain only about twelve and a half cents ttTorih of ihe article A new dodge in counterfeiting has just been discovered by a detectiva of the Treasury department. Fifty dollars Uni ted States notes are bein? counterfeited, and the vignetts of the genuine two dollar notes, which are the same in both being the head of the first Secretary of the Treasurer, Alexander Hamilton neat ly pasted on. The work is so well ex ecuted that ihe most expert are liable to be deceived. The engraving and prin ting of the counterfeits are exceedingly well done. , The fastest time 'on record" at all distances, is a3 follows : 1 mile, patirj. Picaho itag 2:T7' 1 nfile, trotting. Defter-- 2:18jg 2 miles, trotting. Fl'-ra Temple :)lA 3 milee. trot inff, li tchraau 7:12H 16 mile?, tnttinjr, Princa 50:00 2' mile?, trotting, Trustee h'3ib 100 mi'ts. trotting. Conqueror ...... - 8:55:3i 100 mi'es.d'ble, Master liurke A Robip-10:17:22 I mile, running, Henry Perritt---- l-iA 4 miles, running, Lexington 1T.0 Tho average pric paid for sermon in the United Siates is ju-t three cent five sermons for a s'raight whiskey libr.ion. President's Thanksgiving Proc lainailon. Washington. Oct. 8. By the Presi dent of the United Stales Pr-'dima-lion : Almighty God. our Heavenly Fath er, has been pleasrd o vouchsafe io u as a people, another year of national life, which if an indispensable condition of peace, security and progress. That yar moreover, has been crowned with many peculiar tile.'Sins. The civil war that was so recently amonsj us has not b-en anywhere re opened. Foreign in tervention has csa.-eu io excite alarm or apprehension. Imru-ivu pestilence has been b-mijnly mitiirated ; domestic trau quiiity ha improved ; sentiments of con filiation have largely prevailed ; and affection of ,-loyaliy and patriotism have been widely renewed; our fields- have yielded abundantly ; our recovering ' in " dtisiry has ben richly renewed, and we have been all wed to extend our railroad system far into the interior of ilie coun- J i. . i :. i iry ; our commerce nas resumeu us cus tomary activity ui foreign seas. these national bb-ssiugs demand a national ac kuowledement. Now, therefor. I. Andrew Johnson. President of the United States do hereby recommend that Thursday, the 29ih diy of November next,' be set apart and b nbferved everywhere in the, several CltfieJY bj" tllC ll. r. of, Ao-A-.t,ay f)i thanksgiving and prayer to' "Abi.tirhiy God, with due remembrance .hat in H s tejiiple doth every one speak of His hon or. I recommend also that on th same solemn occasi m we do humbly and tie vouily implore Him to griint io our na tional council-, and to our whole people, divine wisd m, which ; lone can lead any nation into wys of all good. In offering these national thanksgiv, praises and supp'ications. we have the Divine assurance t'iat ihe Lord re maineth a King forever; those that are meek will be guided iu juJcment. and such a? are gentle shall he learn bis way; the Lord shall ffive strength to his people ; the blessing ot peace. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set "iy nami an'1 caused ihe seal of the j United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washinton, the eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord on' thousand eiht hundred and sixiy-six. and of the Iudependance of ihe Uuited States the ninety first. ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President, Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State. lVEW ADVERTISKJIBlVTsS. STRAY NOTICES. Taken up by tho tinders cn i', 'iving tbreo and s b-ilf miles ..rtli est i lirowuvuid, on me m dav i.f Ocfob r, A I) ISM (n red n l wbit Mecklcd Low., crop off of 1 -f o vr sin I swallow fH; in the ri-ht cvr, branded S." on the hip.ahou' 9 r ..Id. I'narid whito -peeklul Cvv,ur.d.-rbi f. in each enr, about 6 yoir-. old. IsaAEL COTTOX, lrTnville, NoV. 3 ISM Taken up by the and'-rsin d, living four rn;I" North West of 1'rwnville Nebraska, oa tbe 3d d.iy of No'embo !Sti6 Cno red nn I white C w (speckled) swa.Iow fork in right, ear, nine years old NoT.9.t:nS ' John LO Smith Takon up by the undersiino,I. livin ' 6 1-3 rarles South West Ir ni A'pinwall seujih i Cou.ity Vi briiski, ()nc bnndle Steer, crop off eaoh ear brin d'e face, 6 yor ld. One led nnd white 5teer, crop off each ear, end broken off left h-rn. 7 yard old. Taken upon the 21th day of October William 1oure Lyon's Periodical Drops. THE GREAT FEMALE REME DY FOR IRREGULARITIES. tbee Drops are a c!er.t.fiilljr o.mponnfled Quid preparation, and better tdai. any Pill, Powder, or Ktiuai. Being liquid, iheir action i) flirect and pout' ve. rendering them a reliab'e, speedy and cer tai3 specific for the enre of ail obstructions and ynp prersi.:s vt natnre Their popularity I indicated by ibe tact ibat over I0O (.0 b tties are anuua'iy oid and consumed tj tbe ladies of the United Mai en, eve ry one of whom speak in ihe str nget ternm of praUe of their great merits. Tbey are rst-lty t m tc line the place of every othe' Feme Renie!y, atd are -n4 ered by a.l who knowauiihtof ihciu lheaurei.1 . fest. and mot inral-Uble pn-paraiton m Hie world, for t&6 cure ot all feiuaieciiifUiiui the reniovl .if all obstructions or nature. od the pr.-inutloii of lieltU reuularitj and urenstu. KxpiKit ui ecii..n iatinK when they may be u-e-l, and r xpia mug- when and whj tbey hhould net. nor cuW n.l b fd without P'odu ciust effects -,mraiy to iiatuie'o ibo-eu lw win be f.mnd care'ul y folded an'Uiid eaiBboitie, with ihe written t-Unatore oi Johm L. L.'oa. wuhout which rione are uenoiue. Prepared by Ur. JOHN L. LTOJJ. IQ5 Chapel Street, NewHaveu.Cnu. wbocaube com-ulied either per. koiially, or &y mail. (eMcbwing stamp ) cun-eruing all private dueases andfeuiale weakness. Price $l,oo per bottle. Sold by Druggists eveiywhere C. G. CI.ARK fcCO., Gen'l Jeeu for U. S. and Canada Jo llika Bhos. St. Lui. I Wholesale t'CjLLEB, Fixch & Fuller, Chicago. J Agents A. S. HuLLADAY & CO., and W. H. McCREERY. Browaville, Nebraska, General Agents. $100 EEWAED For a mdicine tbat will car Coughs, Tickling in ths Throat. ' Whooping Cough. or relieve V Consumptive Cough3,k - v; as quick aa COS'S U OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES .... t . -. . hara bean soli ani not a single instance cf its fail ur is known. We. have, in our possession, an quantity of Oertiiijatoi, some "of them from EUINENT PAYSICIANS, f -t ; . ... - - - who have usJ it in their prrwtioa.ial a;irea it tbe pre-eminence orer ever other compound. It does not dry up a Cough Ut LOOSENS IT, so as to enable the patient to expectoiate freely. Two or three doses Will "Invariably Cure ' Tickling tn the .Throat! A half bottle has often completely care! the most Stubborn Cough , and yet, thongh it is so sure ai;i gpeedy ia its operation, is is perfectly harm less, being purely vegetable. It is a very agresa the taste, and may ba administered to chil dren of any age. Incases of Croup we will guaran tee a cure if taken in season. JMamil y should b3 without It is within ihe reach of boing the cheapest and best medic'ne extvit. C. G. CLARK & CO , Proprietors. NEW HAVEN1, COSH. A. S HQLLADAY & CO., and W.H McCREERY, lirowuville, Nebra-ka, General Agents. NOTICE THE MODEL SEWING MACHINE. (From tbe New York Herald) Prominent among the mechanical trinmphs ot this most inpenioas see common hniies'y onupel v to no tice tht Kmpire Sewiii; Machine, CfiUmemle-l a.- jatlf strley' perfection iteir Uf-eful a bave been Ue v riotis t-ewiriii uuchims. from time t time prec'teil t rue public, each one of them has he en curpU with Bume rflic It erect, which detracts from general nili i ty . WarneJ by the experience or hi predeces-or.-, the invent of the Erie M-tcbine In piodncel u in struniont. cuihmliti: all the ad Vantage for which uth-rs are vaniitcl. auJ obvMiins every ilerect which ;ati be iiiribmel t. them by therapist fantiJiot:s critic. Tbe Umpire il.tthine i a tnar eions ci'iubiiiatioii of luipiic:5y, ecoiiemr and perfect w.rkhip benic lura bie, iree from liai)ilny t j get out ot or)er noiselexs and easy of o.era:ion. Its mectunicat &ntrivuce is such as tunecure stability, rreedi:i from acci ti tit.aiwl accoracy as to w rkmrtnbip. Jiy the of 'he pat emeil i-huuieaud s-traigbt needle it tnafcaa h(iici winch can neither rip nor ravel while at tbe u:e time, it ran operate perfectly upon eve y fpecie of material from leather to camrrick,with ihreaptt of cot ton, linen or si lit from the fluest to the coarsest num ber. A the Empire Machineis gradually supplanting more antiq-if rivnis, n. one in want f a userei instru ment or tins discription. be he or be tailor. o acbma? ke, dressmaker or t-eanisiresi can do othe wUl than secure -moot these fcontniral and inimitable niaohi"es suited alike for faml y ai.d mauula-iuriiit purposes The offlce-vf the Ktupire Menuf.ctnrlnjt C i t Nu. 63S Bra'lwjyt New Tork City, where they are now stipplyinx thee KiDplre Machines at price rar neow ihe real value of the instrument. New Y..rk lltrali Feb. fi!h l85 10 19 A H-C vV iAtfclil Aicul.s, and Kem.ile, at 75 to $150 r month. t' sell the) celehr:ttcil Common i?e t a.muy zewinq nipcnivc PRICE 18, OO Thio Machine will io ail kinds t work equal to th bifrh priced Mitchincs, iiml i the oiily practical m l ib liable Cheap bcwuig Machine in toe world. Adlres ECU JIG & CO., Chicago, III- , ot Cleyejond, O. 1'iincipal OQce.NQ. 3 Cuatom.llouse Place Chicago i(i-2rt Iv fi.nn In moil delicious and helibiul beVtrage knwn ltispreyarel from the best JAVA COFFEE, and while it has all the rj:irur of fine i)l 1 (j. vern- uiont Java.sclli for les liian ball the price. Osborn's Java Coffee lias been stea iily U3ed for years, by thousand ot persons in all parts ot" tha (Jjautry, and is uni versally acknowledged to b at once nut'i"U?, ae- licfous.beiilthl'ul and economical. The same quan tity w ill unke a richer and stronger cup of Loae than any other known. Osborn's Java CcSee. Is particularly recommended ns a healthful bcr- eritdana is uist benci.cinny t-u ry inoso wuo suffer with Heada-hi crvn.-.iie'ss, and othar inju rious effect troin tne uo of other C"ffue. It is urenared with the irreatest care, and con- t ins no ingredient which is not more harmless and beneficial to tn- humm organism lhan pure Coffee, to which fact the most . akilfull physicians and Chemists testify. OSBORNS JAVA COFFEE. Has been extensively used at numerous Sanita ry Fairs throughout the Union, and received cer tificates of the highest recoraendiition. It hps also been timrouhly teste 1 , and received the d plotiia cf tho American Institute and other prom:n--ut in.stituti-ns. Put uu in one p- und packages bearing tho fac simile Signature of iewis A. Jsuoro and in boxes of 30 nnd oil ibs. and Sold by Uroe rs gi erally. Wholesale Depot, nnd Trade Supplied by THOS REID & CO GLOBE MILLS. ItrtixTters and Wboj.'snle Dealers, in Tea, Coffee, aud St i3 -s. IVom. 103 & 10r lVan on and 2U9 Itasliinton streets Aew Yoi K. OF THK FIER AND TORNADO OP We, Taos. J. Tckxkb. Pres't, and Cnas. .qcih', Sc'y., of tlie r ire and Tcrnado Jn-uMLCe Company, of Frecporf, Illinois, hereby certify bat said Company is posi-er-srd of a capital of at least ene hundred thousand dollars, secured by lean ou rial estate worth at ca b valuation at least fivt tbine tbe amount of sai l capital, and not encum bered to more than one-fourth of aid valuation." THOS. J.TCUXElt.Pres'l. CHARLES SQUIUrS, Secretary. STATE OF ILLINOIS, , " .: " STEPHENSON CUUA'TYA 8 ... r , . - f - in? firs&d ily 4 ic i s rli l ; .liv .severally de ta ban v pso an-J .-ay "that the above cerulicate subscribed t- by them respectively is true in substance and in fact, as shown by the recur-Is of said Coiiiny," Subsenbed and sworn to beforo me, this 6th. day ofJannarv. A . 1.Im85. UEOKGE THOMPSON, County Clark. H K, 11. iH-ut I), i nly. CRTIFICATEfl of AUTUORITT To Expire on luo ilbt dy uf January, 18(55. Insurance l)tpi Jiuet.i, Olice of Ter I jtor ml Auditor, OMAHA. NEil. Jun., 16th, 1S66 WIlEuE VS. J. T. Campbell. Assistant Gen A iff nt, fo, tho Firo and Tornado Ins. Co. (t-Mfejac Fn-.-(Mrt , in the State of iimis, ha filed in ibis OHloea, copy of tho Act uf Incorpora tion of said Company, and a Statement under oath, showing its Condition, ns required by th Four teenth Section of a Law of theTerritO'y of Nebras ka, entitled 44 n act in Kelation to Insurance Companies," Approved Fbruary, I8Gj ; Tberefore. bo in known, btbeso present. Inat . .. .. a . mi. in rursaaace ol me atoresaia act, i, juu.m .iillospie, tuditor of the Territory of Nebraska Do Hereby C rtily that said ttre tc lurnaao InuntMce Com r i ' U has full auibonu to transact business of losurauco in tbe Territory of Vcbia.-ka, under the laws ol this Territory, if a til tbe 3 1st day of Janu ary, a. d., IS67. ' IX WITS ESS WIIEKEOF. I hare subscribed bit name, and caused the Seal of the Auditor's Offico . to be a&icd, this loth day of Janutry, a. d., 1355. JOHN GILLESPIE, Ter. Auditor. GEO. W. MU & CO., Agents, Brovmvilk Nebraska. si mm Pcrsoanlly appeared before me. Clerk of the Coun ty Court ot said County, T J. Turner "and Chares Squires to mo known as Irhe Pp-i-lentaid Secretary of the Fire & Tornado n.-urance Cotnuanv. who be Day Mare Colt. TaVen p by tbe undersigned, liring ia Hlen Bock, is Kesuha County Nebraska, ea the 2uihdiy of October, ISoS. . Ooe Laj 3iare C It, one year old Isa: tpnrgi mirks .r brai.d.4 Brownrille October 29.ih, 1S55. 7-5 tpd ( C. R. CAMP. FRENCHHOTEL ! On tlic Caropctn Flan Orrosite the City Hall and Park, (C.r. of Frank SEW YOIiK'. SpaefoBS Raiectory.Baih Room and Z?arber"s Shop. Servant? net allotcee to receive Perqvittti. Do not believe Runners or Harfcmen who say are full. July 1st. lone. 1 year. FOR SALE The West half of the North West quarter of Section 26, in Township 4 KaLge 1 o, an improved i;;rm wna Timber. Known us the Beddorc Farm, also, For sale one brood mnre. Enquire of JARVISS. CliUKUli, Office, oyer City Drug Suire, BrownTille. -4t STRAY jVOTICE Taken ud by tbe undersigned, liTicjf four miles North West of Brownville, Xemah County Ne braska, on the 23d day cf October, 1865. One white Cow with red neck and head, the bush of the tail off1, marked with underbit in each ear, spilt in the left ear, branded on both herns C D li Urownvile, Nov. 3d 1803 f,-tS S . H. CLAYTON STRAY NOTICE. Taken up by the tjnlereigned, liring one mile Fast of Glen Rock, in Nemaha County, Nebraska, On the 21t day or October. 185 . tine Sorrel Colt with white face, bind legs h're. xri'h Watch eye, two or three years old October 27tli l 6i 6 5t A li 1'iill.i.U i NEW STEAM AT BROWNVILLE N. T, I Would Rt-spictf ally Inform the Trav tiling I'Uuliv at lar:. Tliat I hye re cently bruuebt to th is point on the tnri River, the new anl sj endiJ Steii;i Ft-rry B .ai. ITavinj p'ent of Hack room for teams and Stock, and n commodious Cabin f r l asseng.r-. I frt I s:ife in suving my arrangements for 4ceoinmod)fion, S)eed and ifclr are n-it equaled by any other boat on the Jl'ssouri hirer, being located at the prosperous and Q lUri.hing city of llrownvill , Ne braska, in the centre of the great farming dual ry in th,o Nest, where there i a United States Lan-i OfS-e. makes it the must desirable point for EmJ grants nd Settleri : and having bee.i extid'd at leats$lD.i)0A on the roads and bridges both east and west, hading dirc t'y to the Ferrv, makes it a perminnt i:r.iss:ng at all times during the yar. the jlii-souri b t'oiu never over Mowing at this point while af. all others it does. Wouldsay to Freighters and, persons crossing tnepiains, thero is not a starting ointnn the riv er where urhJ. competition exists in busoncss, as there are Forty Large buoines houses in this flourishing cty. The utmost c,re and attention will to. taken, in crossing the Hirer at this point as it is under the imm. diate supervii-n of the o rcrsof the boat and landings. To sure distance, time and monev from all points North ami Fait to all points South and Wet, c me by ibis r-ute. as it is from 50 to 125 miles J three t--five davs trvcl saved. J. C. YANTIS, Drownvitle.Sept. 20th 1355 ; DEALER IN" MUSIO Pianos &BTeiodeons Musical InslromentSjMusical Merchandise OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. No. 36 Market Street, betweea Main and Second, Ettablithed in 1849 ST- LOUIS ISTIiTW FIRM AND R. T. RAIXTEY 8c W. D. LEWIS 8UCCXS50H3 JO p A 1 NET & CO J Respectfully inform ihe Citizens of the C,ity and County thutthnj are in receipt oj a large and complete assoitimnt oj Ladie's Dress Goods, WHITE GOODS, VViih an endless variety of NOTION Together with the Largest Stock v( Custom Made i BOOTS AND ' SHOES Ever brought to this City all of vhich waj purchased pnpr to tb latp -advance jo goa, vhich epabte? q? to otTer fupe rir enducempfits 4o those desircusof tur' ctWi'nsr. We also, kfep qn hand a frtb block of GrQceris And a good aortraent ' QUEIIESWAfiE Tlemember tbe Place. Main P.reet, One Door abovn the Po.-tofSce, Brownville, Nebraska. 9-19 4!y in.nn 1 MASTER'S SAlE, v: r- vAnk-:.n Ajit fc irGQ of an or der of the district poors tf Nemaha Lounty, Ne- bra.ka Territory, in nsncery, m tneca-e ot jono Hell against John J. I.'itchie, Mary J. Ritcbieacd Henry M. Afkson, made at the Spricj 'tra A D. l.giapd t me directed, I will on Saturday, November 24th.' A. D.. 1S66, at one o'clock P. "ffer for salo at public Auc tion," to thn hihet b'dler for cash, at tbe front dnnr of MitPhersoa's Hall, ia Urownville. Nemaha CountT. Nebraska Territory, ( the pUct where the last term of saia U uriior saia bounty was nem,; tbe South Eas guarter, of the South West frac tional ourrter. of Section nineteen (19) in Town ship four (4).' North of Kange fifteen (15), East, in said Nemaha County , Nebraska Territory. Given utider my baud ibis zoth day of October, A. p, IS56. CHARLE3G. DORSET, piaster in Chapcery xl-4-4t pf$9. bf9 Ayers Cherry Pectoral j 1SS - .j . no Tbn Jtt'gtie3 leap on hand alare assortas SATT1Z1ET& GASSIMERE SG: Forllenand Boy's wear. Al3o.alargejtoc'i; HATS AND Cp; BOOTS AND SH0 Rabber CotSLcgglns tiDbn&p - we 272rxi.xi.2x.ea zxcl "V.llSC UMBJ1ELLAS AND CARPET Ej; Gent s Furnishing Gcc-d Cf all kinds which we win ie;i CHEAP FOR C A S 5 ' We purchased our gocJa since i'-p- cline in tbe Markets and will se!U'! ww, April 13th. 1SC5, 9-30-ly it I Immcuso Slock at ; Stuih?ilrt Mam S-rptM K-t. ;i Bi:oy.viLLi:, alij Have row nn han.1 a nnzt ificf n ?toc!. g. B E pSTEADS Plain at il f;,n v. witM . r S iu Si ';n jr ivl A T R I IS S KS O F ALL K I N D BUREAUS Plain ai.d Haney, M irb:t? T. . , .k ., ie. Parl'-r, brc kla.-t, C otre. Mtioie l'ojr, txte. gre;it var'n-tv. r.l E T A L I C CASE! Ciiairs Gret varie'T of a'l tles, U-tb- i-!in rd U LOUNGES, SAFES. WASH STA VVAAT-NOTS. UPHOLSTERV And pvpryth.nsr in the Furni- line, whirh ihey will sell, Below Eastern Pike: Their Furniture is eomplefo in every r?-p-! ins put up by a sut'erior workman wh hiv'') ol the estahl:sLm.'iit, nti 1 can be rcli-d n. Theirsi is the ur-tit a.-sMlraert cf Fun, ever br-'Uht to this mirket : and is the m ht here a complete of FtirrMtur-can b.- h il. : Fair Dealin&l ow Pric Ie iheir motto, and they can befibcJ: both respects. June 15th, ISfiJ. i?,S 6rn FOR"" Xrf- X- 0 l (.n r. . L Is FORVARDlHG L CuMMISS. MEEOHANl: f mm n 11 v a i Id pv3 r-4 .. w y 1 I J x jY'S - u-j fA: " z . ;t L ' fj: - 0 mm cadi C :) . U g & II