5 O HN L 'CQIA ? A I " 1 U D I i'O lit V J U '' I Cr.O'CTXTILLC.Tncr.SDAV, KOV. 8, lt05. rir- Ihi flowing interesting figures Ve tro irdebted to cur gentlemanly trc frcrJ LI tookivand tbow the amoaut slTclU cn LirJ EeptCCih, .1SC6;. The f.rtt item cf General Hod Fund is dit- ' j-c:ei cT ty crdcr cf:the Ccunty.Cornrais- 'kicitfj, ihe.tal-nci?. .ty ,the; read super rUsri. ' ':. " ' This it cdy . what . is . npry . op. . hand ; much mere than this bw already. been :!rsT,a" cul fcr this year r . .' ; . 675 55 50 S5 .: 79 2! ICG 23 117 92 2-1 5G 199 90 C4 S6 42 90 37 40 '19 33 43 45 43 22 121 64 32S 58 73 05 2.027 27 'foru, DlV.rict 1, ' 'Ltf&jeiie, " ! : 'GlfirilUcif, ... VTcihsLgton, ' - Bo.'glii, ' ' ' ErownTiHe, District!; r- DrowcTille City, , 'lier.aha City, District 1,' ' ' 2, Afrisalli District 1, -5,. BedfcrJ, , ''f '.''tlt' t Dentcn, . . . - : Tctil Head Fund, ' " " COCKTT ' fCHOOL TVVV. , There, is cor ca hand, to be arpor tkeed arao'n the aereral tchool districts. j the fc-Ilomcj: . , ' Tcr rucris! School, . . '.'O! J County School, 1 Yizes f.rJ License, Kftray. Funds, ' D?j Cchool Fund, . ,J r ' V, ... .... Toui,-;. ; 1,165 07 7 C8 406 40 '150 72 . 61 45 1 813 72 j SISTaiCT SCHOOL fUKDS. . TLere a hmi for the cereral town . ihipi, as fellows: . , . Peru,.,.-: J . ... Glrcrocl',' ( Lsftyetie, ,. Vrftf.h:r-tc3t , .. -. DoujUb. HrcKETi!:' ' ; rrswariild City,' ' ; 2cniaha Ciiy, Arpb-tll, ' : 190 85 149 99 64 78 , ; 24 187 62 139 93 100 23 -4. SI . 64 24 24 52 927 0 ! : i o v, - - . schoc.- KOCjr tvsj. -i.i There is on hasd for the School House T'-DistrictJ the following: amounts: ' , . ;llrruf District 2, . ; ;6 69 133 77 . 13 74 73 07 24'. 4S SO 24 5S65 62. 57 107 24 13L45 42 26 J518 60 111. 03 116 44 104 53 351 73 j.jLaiayette' ; c. Docjlai Toivwhip at large. it. ;m : District 1, . r. j -w.i ? .... 3, -f rrottnrille, District. 1, , , 2. 3r ."i .;4., (4 .."ErcjrRville City, . - . l Afjiavrili, District 1, . ; ; : I . 4, . - 1 . . . . r:ct:a, District lt 16 67 6 23 3, 1. . -2 33 ... 9 II Tcial, , 1,919 43 Czt Kcxt Lcsfclatnrc. . Tht fc'lowirj statement c theohti - al ccr:r!eiien of our next Legislature. - fc - - o - ' Tcrritcrial.asd Stttewe -flni in ,the : 0ata. Republican cf the 3d.. It show's il.a b;I".hy state cf efTairs, and we hope it -txiU do rrtiit a the party which has the TSRirC3IAL. . 'Hep: 7 Cop. Ccunctl, 6 26 " 13 33..;:: 19 ,' -It mtz. 5 S 14 1CI9 . t. - ..4 30 S3 ; 7a l2arn from ihft Nebraska. City Press tin Vi'cr LIcLencan, Rep., cf Otoe, has CiTJ3 t:ti: cf Lis 'intention to contest de 'state!-'Vr7.' V. Wardell.-Dera., el cuJ la the Council, from that county, on lli griuid cf ' ineligibility cf : Warefi, tccscse c! Wardsll's having beannna of ' Q-;:rlri::, b?ni hx l31;:if the'eharge, is priTen; Lvihculd nor.te-xdmitted-to-a rtat ia that body.:.'--.p -i : 3 r: ;i r C; ucew pssitirdy kncounccd,that tbe Ar?rkinrc,.sc.:ritefiTejkMexico:and duxiciU::. '--atulatica .from . that c:uLtr7 will ts.cctrplctaibefre- the 1st Jzr.riry.: ' .Fcr ctr "itudncjs werare to T:c;:re- th.2 rl;!e c! Lower Califcrnil, t. jsih:r r.ith cncra end Chihuahua.- :.A c - rj. e r, ..1 --;- h 1 . . Ths "Vcrncr.1 Lgisltture has ratified t Ccnttituticsal Amendment. TrI-VccLlj nail to Beatrice. The following letters exfhia them selves. It Lows the cjr.surr;ir.alicn cf a niHiter we hare long li :ei fcr as leir j demarucd by the ccnilintly increasing; population of this Land D-iirict, t specially that portion which. la supplied by ';be ir.creaied mail facilities. So far as Jlr. Hitchcock is concerned we are pleased to see him at work fcr this section cf the Territory, and hof e he will continue ia the good work, as by the way immigration is pouring in, much is needed. BbWKVILLI, Nr2RASKA,) November 7ih, 1S56. EiHor y'llratla Ad cert iter f'.J Dear Sib:I am just in receipt cf a letter from "the Ilea. 1 W. Hitchcoclr, Delegate ia Congress from this Terri tory', in which he informs me-that he has fucceedJd in inducing the. Post Master General torder additional service on the mail route from Erownvilla to Beatrice, making i t a tri-weekly instead of a weekly mail. " " " : T ii3 is an important addition' to our mail facilities, and will be of great ben elt to the citizeiis-cf a large and -well popa'ated portion of this Land District. " I enclose Mr.- Hitchcock's letter, and request that you publish it herewith, as a matter of general -interest. '' ' - Very Re.peclful!y, : CHAS. G. DORSEY, WASHI5GTO', D. C, Oct. 2Gth, 1S6G. Hon. t hat. G. Dortey, Brownville, JV. T.: Dear' Sib": Some time "last summer a "petition" was presented to: tho Post Oflice Department, asking for increa-sed service on the mail rcute from Brown ville to Big Sandy. I had urged in creased service on this route many timeB Lefcfe, but" the Department was unwil ling to grant it. They finally consented to put a tri weekly service (rom Brown ville to Beatrice, provided the-jpresent contractor, Mr. Miles, would perform euth service for two and a half limes the amount he now. received for a weekly mail. Mr. Miles was written to by. the Department, and asked whether he would accept the, proposition, but , has not responded.- I believe that you also, wrote him. on the. subject. When I was at Brownville, I found that the contract was sub let to Mr. . R J.. Whitney, of your place. Mr. Whitney informed me that he was willing te perform the increased service at the rate above specified, from Brownville to Crab Orchard. , The ser vice upon the balance of the route, (that is from Crab Orchard to Beatrice,) has been contracted for by , the Department with Mr. Clark, the present contractor, and tri-wc ':!r - rvice frora Brownville to Beatrice U tLerofore to commenc oa, the 15th cf November, proximo. .. . 1 . . . - Very truly yours, . P. W. HITCH COCH. The City cf Baltimore has, for some lime past, been the centre of considera ble attention, because of the attempt of rebels to have Gov.. Swan, of M1., re move the Police. Commissioners, who have charge of registration in that city, because they refused to register rebels and their sympathizers who are excluded by the registry laws. Gov. Swan held an investigation of the charges preferred against the Commissioners, and , a dis patch -cf.' the 29th ult., gives the fol lowing; points made or attempted - to be made by the rebels: . : 'The most'of the-judges,, clerks and special policemen are Radicals ; that one of the police, commissioners has been slightly intoxicated once in three years ; that a few of the judges neglected to use boxes for rejec.ea ballots; that all the judges followed an opinion of the ittor cey general of the State, and refused to receive. votes of , men not registered in 1S65; that half a dozen cf the two hun dred and forty judges, and perhaps twen ty of the seven hundred special police men were not men of good moral char acter; aCf- that the jadicalshave a better chance than the Conservatives fcr being appointed on the Police force.'1 With such evidence Gov. Swan has de- cidedjo remove the. Commissioners, arid pais, .appointed others in their, stead. The old Commissioners refuse to give, up meir otiice, na. tne proper otacer to swear n the new refuses to perform that duty. Gov. Swan has applied no- Andy- Johnson to help him in this business, yet up to? the 4ih it was .doubtful whethet A. J. would assist. Several thousand "boys in blue" - and . policeman are reported armed and ready to resist this outrage if force is attempted to carry it out; al though they express a willingness to abide by a fair legal jdecision.-, ; The following, if true, apparently set tles the difficulty:. ; ' ' 'Nzw York, Nov. 5. ' A special to the Commercial from Bal timore says : The police commissioners difficulty has been arranged bv General Grant. The eld commissioners are to ap- cinct and see that the ballet , boxes are provided far the reception .cf the-reject- ec .votes cl registered voters.. The courts are to finally decide.the legality ,of these voles. The vote's of the State officers are to he certified to the State Lecisla- ur and 'the votes for member's-of; Con press will be returned taCongress. The 4T. -i: ' --..- ieeiiEir is cow aLaun?. . - The Repblixan majorityriri 'Iowa, as officially anncsncod, is 30.559; against 2nicn; afajoriiy in lSC'5.; z- ' Gov. Geary's majority in Permsylva- I nia,cfficial, is 17,173. OOlcIsl Vole For .W-iihtr cf 'Delegate in Covgress. 40A Congress t-4 O 3 - H Cl - o o COUNTIES. T3 p o O XT 91 16 31 43 H 2. a' P o 1 o D Burt, Buffalo, Cedar, - Cuming, Cass-,' ')'(',' Dixon, Dakota, . Douglas, Dodge, . Gage, Hall, Johnson, Jones, . ; Kearney, L'eauquicourt, Lancaster, Lincoln, J.Ierrick, Nemaha,' Oioe, Platte, ' Pawnee, . Richardson, . Seward, Washington, Saline, Saunders. 142 11 '24 41 142 12 .. 20 41 5SQ 23 87 703 94 17 31 43 392 42" 109 691 573. 393 ' 32'. 41 S3 109 699 695 147 49. 14S- -,43 124 46 131 '45' 14 54 124 46 131 44 16 . 3 129 29 26 661 54 . 45 10 73 5 69' 129 8 302 634 45 11 SO 6 123 69 18 131 ' 26 8 605 '308 445 7S2 85 96 239 -44 564 473 147 310 23' 16 275 15tf 44 68 '450-86- - 00 93 240 . 41 460 233 16 155 63 34 .561 145 43 275 45 56 770 49 39 Majorities:- 743 Omaha was visited by a big fire on the 1st, which to the utmost tried their fire department. The fire originated in a warehouse just west of M. Hellman & Co's Clothing store, which with the store was entirely consumed. Next the build ing of Wrm. Sexauer; then the large building vt Will R.? Kipg c Co., in which they had one ' of the largest stocks of groceries, provisions, &c, in the west: next came the building occupied by Mrs. S. G. Bronson & Co., as a millinery ftore. Five large buildings were thus , com pletely destroyed ; besides many which we're damaged. " The Omaha Republican thus figures up the losses: Elhnger Bros. $9,500; M. Hellman & Co., 9,500; Wm. Sexauer, SS.600 ; Winship & Mnrsh, 8300; Will R. King &' Co., S62.500; Mrs. S. G. Bronson & Co., 5600 1 R.' Smith, 600; . A. D. Jones, 6.800; Peter Windheim, 2,000; A. Windbeinv $1,000; First National Bank, 200; John McCormick & Co., 3,000; Megeath Bros., 200; M. Tootle k Co., 200 ; N. P. Isaacs, 400 ; Ramge & Stein, SI ,500. Total loss, S1C6.900. The total of insurance cnlhe above is reporte!jU 69,000.' r Several accidents happened during the fire.' A M. Peirce got his leg broken, and Mr. Craig g-ot his arm broken. Al- f together the fire was big, the loss heavy,! h hrtiJrae fi r e d ppa r tm ent worked nvbly. The only benefit the city will securej from it will be the erection of a magnifi cent brick block to cover the space burnt over, and a steam fire eDgine. H.' B. Denman. of Kansas, was on the 30th ult., appointed Superintendant of Indian Affairs for the Northern Super intendency. ' This ' appointment ousts Gen. E. B. Taylor, conspicuous as one of the John sonized Republicans of Nebraska. To feel no gratification when ihese renegades are cheated out of the mess cf potage for which they" sold . themselves, would be too near divine for us; we're human, we are ; and consequently chuck - el we dol "It is not our funeral;" and as the gal vanized 'Repups'' did not bring the Jnbped for SOO votes to assist their cop perhead allies, it is but just that th "go under." Morton invited them "on probation." and as their works did not prove "meet" for repentance, they now lose their "bread and butter." ' Solemn tounda the funeral dirge, -. Their body pulitie copperheads purge Of the vain, unwholesome stench , Fit for neither' gut nor trench ; What their vile stcmacb will aot eare, ; Great'God 1 can'any party crave ? . "So mote it be !" ' About as discouraging a circumstance ..... i . . s can occur to a country editor is, after be has grazed the utmost "Verge of con scientious limits on a rior nis town and county, to have' t copied into widely circulated per and credited to a neighboring ccuntv and town. This is our case. We spoke of th larce uuantities cf corn and wheat W ft shinned from this county and city this season ; the St. Louis Dejnocrai copies it undr credit of the Nebraska City Ad vertiser.. Strange they are not aware of other ' towns in Nebraska besides Ne braska Citv and Omaha ! We'll change the name cf our paper if this ever cc cur3 ac-ani. Fact is, we believe it o would be a pious notion anyhow, to change it to Brownville Advertiser, if that family name wasn't so scarce. """Crreat excitement is - occasioned in Canada over the threat of some Fenians to release the FeniaD prisoners. The regiment the Queen's Own protest en massee against any clemency, as do also the volunteers ; while a large portion of the population believe that war with the United States would follow the execution of Robt. B. Lynch and Father Mahony, - now under .sentence of death. Our Government is now holding cor respondence for the release of these prisoners ; but this would have been un necessary had we treated England as she Jhas treated us. cbraska. Territorial icrruoncj, lcrruoriai Treasurer. Librarian. Jlnditor. 1 -i o cr s ui m m , P o a 95 IS 31 : 43 -404 . 43 110 706 . 49 62 45 10 79 : 5 69 .132 "8 ' 315 790 106 51 470 233 16 o V D a p S3 c 01 a o D o a 142 12 25 41 572, 32 87 7S1 147 125 '46 14 44 IS 5 129-17-,: 32 661 : '422' .100 33 561 140. . 43 277. 43 51 649 - O 142 12 o tn t3 - CD 142 9 25 41 572. - 32 86 6S2 14S 125, 46 14 44 15 4 -131 16, 31 666 420 101 233 561 146 ' 43 275 .. 45 51 "ill " 9 5 K3 cr v: .95 13 31 "43 403 43 111 723 ,49 61 45 10 60 6 63 131 9 303 79 106 51 469 234 1; 157 67 , 39 95 IS 2-3 31 " 40 - 43 571 . 403 32- 87 6SI 146 v 123 "46" 44 - .: 14 4 123 16 ; 31 43 110 725 f2 60 45 r 10 -.82 , 6 69 132 9: 309 soo 107 52 470 230 16 153 67 'S9 o 1 666 421 99 236 561 146 43 22 160 ,231 68 45 39 51 513 - New Orleans, Oct. 26. The following important letter ad dressed to Gen. T. L. Sedgwick, Com manding U. S. forces at Brownville, ap pears this evening: Headquarters Dep't or the Gulf, - New OatEA.vs, Oct. 23, 1886. uehehal: 1 ara satishrd mere is only one way in which the state of afiiirs on the Rio Grande can be bettered, and that is by giving the heartiest support to the only Government in Mexico recon nized by our own Government and the only one which is friendly to the United States., You will therefore .tell adven turers cf any party or pretended Gov ernment in fllexico, .or in the State of Pampaquillas, that they will not be per mitted to. violate the neutrality laws be tween the Liberal Government of Mex ica and the United Slates ; and as they will not be permitted to remain in our Territory or receive protection under our flag, in order to complete their machina tions; tor the violation of. our neutrality laws. These instructions will be en forced against the adherents of the Im perial Buchaneers, representing the. so called Imperial Government of Mexico, and alsoagainst the Ortega, Santa Anna, and. other factions The President. .is the acknowledged head of the . Liberal Government in Mexico. I am, General, very respectfully, -.-:- Your Obedient Servant, (Signed,) ;;P. H. Sheridan. -1 The Omaha Republican is certainly in a quandary as to the "banner Republican county of Nebraska." Some ' weeks since it made a neat little presentation paragraph and gave it to Nemaha ; now it ruthlessly snatches it from us, and in a still more flattering article, gives it to Hall county. This is rough I W took said banner in good faith and stuck it on our "outer wall," and now to lost it ! "Ah ! that'e the rub;" after we've dived to the bot tom of the political deep to drag up drowned Republican honcrs by the, locks. ' Be carefulMr. Republican ; there's a sliimbrin' lion tleepin' "round loose" in Nemaha iV . Mormonism in U'ah is bringing forth its ligitimate results ; and threats against the United Slates and acts of outrage are on the increase. Dr. Robinson " a Gen tile, was assassinated there on the 2ith. 4-This is but one of many outrages'; and if it bring not a punishment to Brigam's harlotry, its independence to commit any and all outrages it pleases had better be acknowledged. . ' Th late rumors of U. S.- protectorate over Meiico are denied by the Washing ton Republican as untrue, and as having been made in the interest of Mexican bondholder?. .-".'-. . The New York Herald says : "The issue 13 narrowed down to the proposi tion. Will the excluded Mates accept tne amendment under President Joson, cr wait for Gen. GrantV Notice." All persons indebted to Atkinson c. Co., whosp notes or accounts are x!ue; will please call and pay the same at once and'sare costs. " " 3-4t " ATKINSON & CO. of FOR SALE The West half of the Krrth West quarter of Section 20, in Township 4 RargO'lG, an improved f-:rm '.vith Timber. Known fis tho Beuaov? Farm, also, ' Fcr sale ono brood m.ire. Enquire of JARVISS. CIJURCH, OScft orer City Drn Str.ro, EroTnvi!lc..- 6-4t ... . SWAY NOTICE. . , Taken np by Oie nndersigced, Tivic four mites North West of r.rnwnvilie, NemaL County Ne bras'ha, on tbe t:J dy t-f October, lSSt5. One whitf Cow with red r.cck and headhc bash of the tjii c2f. dnrkc J with underbit ia each car, split in the left ear.lrnr.dcd cn both Lerns C 1) li Urc wr.rile, Nov. 3J 1S63 , , ; i C-t5 S. II. CLAYTON - STRAY XOTICE. TaT? cn opbyibe uri Irrsjgned, i?ir ono mile Eastrf U!si liock, in Nemah Cr.aay , N'fbniii, On.te 21st dnj. or Ocf fiber , IS i;i . One Sorrel Colt with chita face, bin. ie3 white, with V'nfcb eye, two or three years old October 27th 1P! 6 5t . A It niILLIP3 DISSOLUTION CF COI'AGTNERSHIP The Copartnership .heretofore, existing between Charles Gaedo and Jacob Kttlon-, as the Firm of Cb;rle3 Ga-da & Co., baa this diy been desolT ed by inutii'if consent. All claims against the old Crm mt'bo iamedi-: atcly presented to Cbas. Gaed, who will see to tbcirsettleraent. ...... October, 3 1st 1 3'' 5 ' ' . CHARLES GAEDE.' Henry P. SfeerSnrae, Pianos &Me!odeons Musical lustramcntSjMusical Merchandise OF ETERT DESCRIPTION. No. 35 Markot Street, bitweea Miin and Second, ST. LOUIS LEGAL NOTICE. Nancy Freel, Caroline. Dradley, Thomas Ross, William Ross, Robert Ross, Joseph Ros. Samuel Ros?, James Ro?s, John Ro?3, and Georje Ross. will take notice that A.J.Ritteras Administrator rf the estate of Samuel Ross dceeasfd.'nud late of Nemaha County. has!ed hispetitioa in the Probate Court of Fa id Nemaha County, the objret and prayer of which i for a license to sell the N'orth West quar ter cf the South West quarter, of Section Thirty thne (o'S) Township four (4, of Rane ecrentsen ( 17), situated in Xemaha Couniy, 'ebraskn Ter ritory , also, five acres timbered land situated in Richardson County, lands of wlf h the said SamTel Ross deceased seized. That said partition will be for hcafin on ' . . , The 24 th day of December, A. D. 1866, at the Probate Court Room in the citv of Rrotrn Tille - O. W.'FAIREROTnEB, N07. 1st lSil!) . . . Probate Judge. 6 6t 13,50 PROBATE jVOTICE. ' , Notice is hereby given that application ha been made by William Craig; to be appointed Adminis trator with the will annexed on the Estate of Joel A Tboroburg late of Gage County Nebraska deceased, and that a hearitg on said application, will be had On Thursday the 22d day of November, next nt 10 o'clock a.m., at my office ia Beatrice, Nebraska Territory. Dated, October 21th 133 1. ' ALBERT TOWLE. Probate Jude. It is herrby ordered that tho above notice be pub jlished in the Nebraska Advertiser for turee fonsec- ALBERT TOWLE, Probate Judgo. LEGAL NOTICE Samuel .G. Daily, deceased, in the Pro bate Court of Nemaha County, Nebras ka Territory. Onthis31st day of October, A. D. ISCG, William Daily and Sarah 3d. Daily, Administrattyj of faid Estate, fil d their petition, praying for a license to sell the wholeoraptrtof the re il cstats of said de cedent for hc 'payment of tho debts outstanding against said Estate. And it cppearir.g from said petition that tfcere is net sufficient peisor.al estate in tho nnnda cf tho t .administrators to pay the debts outstanding'' against said decedent, and. that.it is -necessary to Sell the whole or futne portion of faid Real estate fr the payment of such debts an: expenses,. It is therefore cr.ierml by the Court that all frrs-otis interesied in said Estate ippeac before Mtd C"i;rt. at Brownville, n iVeniaba County, Xebraska Territory, cn the 1st day of December, A. -D. 1S66 to show cause, if any there be, why sncn liceuse ihnuld not be granted. It is farther ordered that this notice beroblished for four soccessire weeks in the "Nebraska AdvSniser'' a Newspaper printed in said County. October, 31. ISC5 : GEORGS W. FAITtEROTnBR, 6-4H3.5Q . ProbatB Ju!po. AND cry s WAV R. T. RAINEY & V7. D. LEWIS SUCCESSORS JO BAINET & CO. J Resveci fully inform the Citizens cf the df.y and Covnty that they are.vi receijt oj tadie's Dress Goods, WIIITE GOODS, ' WTilh an endless variety of 1ST Q T I O 1ST S. Together with the LarcreU -Stock of Custom Made BOOTS AND SHOES Ever brought to this City all cf which was purchased prior to the late advance in gold, which enables us to offer supe rir enducements to th.gse desircus of pur chasing. We also, keep pn hand a fresh Stock of G-roco Xl 3 And a good assortment of GUEIIESWAEE Remember the Place, Jlain Slreet, One Door above the PostoSoej Brownville, Nebraska. S-10-41y in.nn ' MASTER'S SALE, Notice is hereby g'ven that by virtue of an or der of the district Court cf Nemaha County, Ne braka Terrilory, in Chancery, in the ca.-e of John Rell against John J.Ritchie, Mary J. Ritchie end ITenry M. Atkinson, toadeat Jh? Spring term A.D. lSftO, and to m directed, I will cn Saturday, November 21th, A. D., 1S63, at bns o'clock P. il offer for file at public Auc tion, to the highest bid ler fur cash, at the front door of MePiersou's Uall, in Brownvilie, Nemah County, Nebraska Territory, (the jliee where tho last terra of said Court for sai l County was held,) the South East quarter,' cf the South -West frac tional qurrter, of .Section nineteen ( 1 9 ) in Town- ship four4), North vt R-ti-ge Cft een (13 ),. East, ia said Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory. Given CLdcr lay hjnd this 25ih day of October, D 18oi. CHARLES O. DORSEY, Jilwter ia .Chancery xi-i .it r. bfia t.. WHY SCFF2Ii WITH THIS Danorous and .Loathscmo Disca: Can be Cured 'AND ENTIRELY ERADICATED FKQM THE SYSTEM EY THE USE OF D r S E ELY si?ppn pnnuilVi WILL SURELY EESULT 11 02 to U JJJL3. jl Unless checked in its incipient s'agej IT ITEVGH TAXL5 C,uro"v7arranted if Dirocsions aro Followed. SINGLE BOTTLES WILL- LAST A JIOXTU. COLD IN THE HEAD : - Relieved in a Few Ml nut?q. badbkeath: ' O u red by offensive secretions WEAK EYED ;:: Caused by Catarrh a!Tect:on3. ... 'SENSE OF SHELL. When lessenel or destroyed. DEAFNESS" "- When eaued by Catarrh di3cu!tio3 cured by thi4 reicsdy All are Throat Affections Are more frequently than. .otherwise caused by a thick, sltmy mucus, falling from the head, espe cially during the nigt,atid resulting from Catarrh, aud are cured by BE, SEELYE'S LIQUID C A T A 11 K II REMEDY The f jmptoffis of Catarrh are at Srsi very i'ight. Persons find they have a cold, that they have l ro quesfly attack, and are more tensiiive to the charges of tempeiature. In this condition the nose may be dry, or a ulijbt ducbitrjj, tain and ac rid, aiterwards thick and adhesive, may tnue. As the disease becomes chronic, the discharges are increased in quantity and changed in quality; they are now thick and heavy, and are hawked or eoughd oif The secretions are oJensive, causing o bad breath : the voiqe thick and nasal : tho eves are weak ; the sense of smell is lessened or destroy ed ; deafuesa freucLtly lakes" place. ' " Anoto common nr.l important system of . Ca tarrh u, that th person "u obliged to clear bis throat ia the morning ot a si'.ck or silmy maj jus, whica has f.illen from the heal duriaj the litgt. W'aen his takes pUc-c, the persgn m.iy ihuie that thii disease is on its wy to tho lucg, aid should lose no tiis) ia arresting it. The above are but fe" of the many Catarrhal symptoms. Write to our Laboratory for our para piilet describing fully all symptoms ; it will be sent Iree to acy addrets. AJ30 dnections where to pro cure the mediciae. , - - .' . ... ' We are receiving letters from all perls of the Union, and also numerous testimonial from those using it, bearing the evidence of iU icfalliable monts. This remedy contains no Mineral cr Poisonouj Ingredients, but is prepartd from vegetable extracts Exclusively; therefore it is Perfectly Harmless, even to the moat tender ani delicate caili. Call For Seelye's Catarrh Rcmodyi and take eo other. If not sold by druggists iu your vicinity, they order it tot yeu. i'rice $3.U3 per bot'lei4 ; All persona suTering vrithr any a Tec ions of the FJead, Throat or Lungs, sbou'd vnte at once for our painphled fully describing fU syinptoms pertaia ing to the above diacaies. '' Adduxss, . ' ; ' - DB. D. H. SEELEY &CO '"" - - - - FrJEPOST. IlLJN0I3. . , Sold bv.all Wholciala api Hatail Drcjjiili Oct. 15, 16651 y ' i 1 V k V V V "D Thenscrsi-'I teepca band ali-;e uscrtacK, SA7Tii;HTiCAS3!;,:nHSUITS For Men and Dcy's wear. A'S5,i lareatoci of i-iats Aisrr caps ITT i : X, S ; ; i I J i i I V BOOTS AND SHOES, Rnbficr Co!h, Lcgglns Cc DLinkel?, UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAG 3, Gent's , FnrnisniG; Goods: sell C II K A P O li C A S II . - finre the it We purrh.Tpd our : l ft clins ir Hie ket3 ivi.'l sell at lo. n?urci!. AprU l.lih.l1 A n:i:;soN CO. M UkVV jli,444 Jl,t I mix it n ! A i 3 Southside Mnin S'reet bet. 1st and 2nd Have row on hand a n-.nnificent stccV cf- - "t i --- - " - i C. . J !lflll ;t BEDSTEADS P'ain and fancv, with rr vfitbict rnrij nnl MATRESSES OF ALL KINDS. B U H E A U S Tlaia and Fancy, M.irbla Tcp,ic, is. Parl'ir, Lrcaiiiai Cesirre, M i r m o rteat variety. top, iixte:.si.,o, HETAL1C CASES. Crcjt variety cf cost irs-rovoi ruttera. Creat varietv of all sf v!;s, Kth plain nnd fapev. LOUNGES, SAFES. WASH STANDi WAAT-NOTS, UPHOLSTERY, Arid everything in the Furni line, which they will sell Below Eastern Prices f Their Furniture i3 complete ia every respect, be-. ing put up by a superior workman who has chargs of the establisnaent, ar.J can be reaea in. Theirs is the greatest a.fsortnent cf Farnitara. ever brought to this lnrket : and is the oclyplaee tv here a complete set of Furniture can bo had. Fair Dealinpr&Lovz Prices Ie their motto, nci they can be relied on ia : bctb rcspee?. June 15th, 1S.... t;-5 Pm 1 I 1 : V. i t r : . . . 7?AT mi:) G : i - n J y m Kit MEBCHANT.U