Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 01, 1866, Image 4
. . 't mono Bar. . Great Excitement, . jlL cj CZ ip CZ) In 3retLbacti.Kol Estate A Goods' ' . TO." EH GIVEN : AWAY! ' Tickets selling very Fast. BB-awaBap-a .tTnparallellcd Success!!! . vervboJj Anxious For: A Icncd! Splendid List or Premiums to be . dlUrlbulttf Gratis Iodic Hold nr ot itic Tickets f or (lie . GRAND GIFT MATINEE! 1 prrraira in Grecilavks $50,00) J premium a iiou-e tod Lt, I ituated on Uurry Hill, New York, with nll.tho inoi ra iu prvtciuentj; li.le perfect auJ guar -. enieod. ; , 43,030- . J premium, a Farm situated at Monsey, Hotk . ' . land Co., New Yolk, l?4 hours frees New Ywk, Id runutes walk Irotn the station, tottajtiig 7 acres, i0t fruil bearing trees.. ap.!, pears, aid cherries. 8 acres f Urye lioiWr, balance in pras 01 crops -- good fences, Iar;re Tprii gs, fuppltirg . f-oJ aiiti ari !i-riiid truut log br k, runnin' aerttl the hi.leprp-f" rrty , Hied' With fj-.e trout, go-d dueling htuoe. 10 rias,l Urge turn, sled and , - bay Jft, I 'granary Vr.J earring' bouse;: f lower t'fjt felled tp aid ctcopi-d by I-rm- i r. lea tnx.p, j.ig pen, corn crib, Urm itn- plesnekta, catrige,gn,5 liores,2 xen . " eL.ken, in ,1c; title per- " - feet and guaranteed. -.... 20.0( 0 l,r.riuui in grec-nbat ks, 10.( 00 )0 " Plan Hteinway'i and Chickerings t,C03 .0 " Sew,rgMwhDc-is.(tWbelr& Wil ton's Urvvt-r & K.kers aod Singer.) 2,400 JO reuit:ui Gold, American, Patei.i Ltvcr Hunting Case Wet iO rretiiium, tilvr l'atett Lever Himtinj CaaaWatibes l.iCO - Th balance to ta of Dinnv.riJ P'm,Al lumf, Vlucieal Instruonet.t, Siik D.e'ixjd f . th latent fakbinnallc patterns, Kid (jl-ves, ; . Writing Cax-F, Silrer Tea Sett, and other . TalcaL.a article tuo Lumeruui to luealiuD, 0,100 One rrtmivm to each purchaser of Ticket TIIC GRAM) JIATISEC. Will laka clave nn JVTojiday IVEarcli i 10G7 ' A tb Lfini AFciut)iy JLtooxn.Nev Jora., At' i tilth time and place the . Ticket Holders Till appoint u Committee ofclsiuter cttcd parties to distrib ute one hundred and fifth thousand dol lars ivofth of val- uablc pr Opiify Ai abure described fsOjPoiiponcmcnt io take , place on any consideration Fa'O) Ticket lliJer'a narna wiil be dulj fg . Wed, and huld the fT.ot La able to attend Ihe distribution, thej brj infvrEtd bj mall cf tbttift tbeytre entitled to ' TICKETS OVBDOLLAS EACH. .. CLL'U HATES. 5 Ticket! to one addresa for $4,50 10 Tickets to oneaddre&i for - tU0 29 Ticket! to one address for - - 17,50 " SO Ticket! to one adJrass for - 26,23 49 Ticket! to one addresa for . 35,00 " '51 Tickeutooue addresaf.r - - -- 43,50 100 Ticket! to one addrex far 85.00 la every case, send the name of each !nbcrier and tLeir Post Oftce Address, wiih the Town, Count j and State, in ful. Money" by draft, IV 0. rder, Eipres!,cr in Kcgistcrcd Letters, may be aent at our rulu " AlitNTS aclire and reliable (g?n1s wanted in rery town of the Union, with whom liberal r- Tingenienti will be made. Ladies are Inrited to I fori elaba and tend for tkketiffor all the property wc eld be as useful to them as the gentleman.. The best reforcncei will be furnished on apj.l i - eation. Allj-ersoms wihicg tiekets or informs- ri-a wi: p!eae address, with, full name. County, Ki'Md tw J. J. ADAM3, ' Manager and Agent, CI Xt.-ui Street, New York , VTh&t the Tzcz3 say of ua It Vears on its fsce tea sU&ip of an honest bu aineri trantaction. and we doubt not that the list . patrons mill iedily reach the number required o secure an early distribution, Uattou (l'a.) Jemriutl, August, ht lsV. . "The plan is a gnod one, and the inducements tejallod. Mo diftribation guarantees more ge- ' rual satisfaction than this on, and it is no wonder the prople patronise lU Xcmri7e(X. Y)Acfverii- 'r, Aug. i lJs'.tJ. Tbe proprietor! of a Crent Matinee in New York City , promise cah and other uidnceuienis aough to set every body craxy after a ticket for fortune. Ererybtdy, ol course, cannot win, but aouebody must, and the lucky tine will mako a for tune. t'ora.iaa (Mich.) Kturlcan. aujj. i 1C3. "We are aot partial to so called Gift Enterprises, icause many cf Ihem are gotten op on falee or fallacious simulations ; tut when, in the pros eat instance, the re ap ears a sound basis, and when tbe character of tbe raniea enpaK, and tbe descn tkoa i4 puses pre tl siulactory inducenicnis U the puu!ie, ru!ii refuse to i-h tl.e distribution tuil aaeks. U'arrra (Obts) Curutitutiv n. "It we caa aid to thotu a t.ns of $50,000, or a nice boose or farm, oLo's karuiel br tbe expenditure. A fort tin m a night i worth risking the sumps ror. XI'jT'iburf (a) Ttltgraph. t Taint Heart sever won fair lailT," and a lockr bit w!!l cet a use up in the world. Tins it the consider ( etioa lLat tiure po4e Vo "try their luck" and we Lpe Uie ' et roa wiar win." tie enterprise appears aooju au4 pruniie strut uitecrity or Utplrinuttou un oer tte aaper-iktia of a cUu. ea committee. L'lttg Of A&lrto (Wis ) Lrncent. Aug. 11, ibic. bept 12 Cioi GROVESTEEN Cc Co., PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURERS, Droadsvay, X. T. . TnEATTKNTION'orthe public and tletrade Is Invited to our JVie Stale, i Qctart. Jltwoai J'iauo Fortrt, which for volume and pu rity of tone are onrirailed by any hitherto oflcred it this tnark'it. Tbey coclain ail the modern im provements, French grand action, harp pedal ircn iratne, over-strong bass, ete etc., and each in e iraroent beirtf mttde i nder the personal cupervis f ia or Wr. J. H.Gkotteck, who has a praotbal zperimencB of over thirty yearain their manufao tare, is folly warranted in every particular. Tbo Grovcstcea PIANO FORTE deceived the big best award of merit at the cele btated world's r air, where were txhibited instru nenta froia tbe best makers cf London, I'arjs, ter foacy. 111 i lade! phiat Uo?ton,4,';imor and New ! Y'eHt; and also at tbe American Institute for 1 five 'oectAtVre years,' the Goto and Silver Medals from both of which eaa be seen at onr ware-rooms. 15y the ictroduetion of improvements we make a atill mote perfet Piano forte, and by tnanufact . uritg Urgely, with a atrictly eah rybtepi, are en abled to offer these instruments at a price which , will preclude all competition. -I - Oar prises are Irotn $1.0 to tOO 'o'boapef thaa any trst rlasa ! iaoyforte. TERMS. NaT Caeh in current fundi. Lecriplive Circtlar seet, free. J a!y 1st ISC6 one year " ' ' " " K. A Co. 7 Q TO DH. BISEL0W I t - if I' S tHw4t- lulkmoiou. I'jLitf lull) Vtiur -slaU. CuS.fvr.iif nil Lu.- "Mju UtCy. lid. Ont. ' tu ii ; r.ur fut ur Imppiiioa" and bicmxvta .1 1, 1 1 II I... ....u is PTidi! atudT for tvmtr vnin. ai-.J is Uerrf th rv:r Tn lom all fUiid wiou'.d ciiwlt. 11U Vr.tictJ i ff' U Xo. 17 uulb I'iaik stjvt-t, tilnvu, t!iiuoi. w'uera I a loair tuay I Coc.uHuJ In oli rroiu f A W. ot!l r. M. Ail ommuHicalin Cjd-t-l, Kumtui eimu. triU ,-d kiatiip for ay Journal W Ma.ta." puttUtiio! Koulfe-jr and tuut to aiiv adir. ilyers Cheny PectoraL 1 WD I S K E R t and MUST A CUES reed to crew urrn the 7 PR BTYIf itf at KiG t ru f a in tm.-. 1 V V pi -j v v - ju III iu v iT' S E VI X V. X fc'S IE s- , i A L I! A i L C.1C c-mu-f 1 T ,1 V derful discovery in tabJerh tciericc acting opon tbe beard and hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has been used by tbe delite of Paris and London with the nicht flatten'tj sacccss, Names of all purchaser! will be registered, and if entire satis faction is not given in every instance, tbe moner will be cheerfully refunded- Trice by mail, scaled end pos p H , SL' JJistTptiv'Hr;lrid tc..!i moniatfaMcd Irce'Adimi BEUGEH UiL'TTS A CO., Cheroipts, No 2b Kiver Street, Troy, N.Y. Sole Agents for the United States. 31 6m pE AUT Y. Auburn ll.,, Winn b a fan n.f SfJ Silken LLKLb produ-ed ,. tr'rif i a. n. 7 i - ty the ufer I'ror i?b n 'on i f i- i. r! ; TVS . A CHEVEL'X. One arpli .h 1 cateon warranted to curl V''J ' the ffibsl RfraTLt and sfulLfcrn" Ihir'.ofT eiiUcr sci been by tLe f Q if of 1'aris nnd Lundon :ik it.. ifTT.J. . .'t. i ... u iu uiv? i i c-u us. iocs no injur to the hair, l'riee FftTtt, fi aicd ana postpaid l fisr-riptivc circular tlftCnd free. Address, UEll (i:K. SHUTri A CO., Ny. 235 River Street. Try N. Y. bvU , eMs fur-ti a Ui.Wcd Shico. FREE TO EVERYBODY ! GUIDE'TO HEALTH AND BEAUTV Just Publisbeds It taachea how to nicr cireTan.Frcs.rirjnpIcf niotches, Moth Patches, Salliut ric, Er;K.inr.3jind all impurities of the skin ; how to cnimel the shin leaving it white and.pjcjrns alabaster ; Low t.. produce tbe fullest development of the female firm (as practiced by the french, causir. the tu.t to grow r fa.iil atd fullj ad itthe frin tiflfiwfi'lost by pad 3 ing, lacing or maternity." .ostoririg It ta tnfire than its original f ulnets, firmness, and beauty. It teaches how to reduce the siio of the hands nnd feet ; produce corpulcucr; or the revoro: rmiivc ropcrfiuou hair , Cure Corns, Wort?, and Moles; renew yonr nge : cure lJranUues, CaaRrrS, T)ys jiepfia Nervous Debility. &., how to fascinate and gain the love and affection cf any person jou maj choo?r together with other itsoful and valuable in formation.; X'o young Lady or gentleman f houl 1 fail to send ther address to thi udersigned nnd re ceive by return mail a ci py of this valuable work in sealed envelope free, of charge. Aldrdss. l!ElLi.SliTTlrS&.Cll j,Cho-ji!sL3 44 31 fin ' ' Utrtf 'rVcCt Ttoy, N.Y - i KNOW THY DESTINY! MADAME E. F. Thornton, the great English As tro!"iist,CJairvoyan,and PsyduiiaeLrwian.who has astuniiicd tba stienlilk eloiscs jf the O! 1 wriJ has now located hcrtclf at Hudson, X. Y". Maiain'.' Thornton possesses such wonderful powers t.f rec ord sight, as to er.iible htr to impurt krowlcde of the grtaUbt Importance lo thoringla t married of eithersex. While in a state of trance, fbe ac lineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by tbe aid of an instrument of intense powert known as the I'sychnicotrope, .guarantees pM4uni a-iir'i-li'.fe piororc A t4i f rUurj'fc usban J or wife ol the applicant, together with dato of mnr rnage, positioo in life, leading traits cf ch.tnctcr. Ac. This is no humbug, as thousands cf testim.i nials can assert. She wiy so rd," b.fl esircd, t certified certificate, orwriten -guanintee, that the piature is what it purports to bo. J?y enclosing a small lock of hair, ai d stating place of birth, n . disposition and complexion, and enclosing 5f ccnt.j an i ttrnjpo ;oriveli('9 . adJreUod- to yoursolf,yeu wili -tejeive fbe picture hnl dclreJ'fhforin.ui'on by return mail. All communications sacred confiden tial. dJrcss, in confidence, MADAME E. F. TAORXTON, P 0. Pox 22i, Hudson, X.Y. WHITE LIQUID. EMAMEL. For Improving and e Bcautifjiug the Complxion The most valuable and perfett , 'preparation inust for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-like thaf ,tkte is ou!y found in youth. It "quickly removes Tan. Freckles, Pimplei, IJlutche?, Moth Patches, S 1 lownes, Erupt ions,and all impurities of the skin, kindly .healing the Bams, leaving the skin' white and clear as alabaster. Its tire cannot be detec ted by tbe closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable pteparation is perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and con sidered by. the Parisians Ludispensible toapcrfect toilet L'pwards of 30.( 00 bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient guarantee . fit cfScacj. Price euiv 75 ocnt i.-.vSeut by uiail, post-paid, on receipt of an order, by ; BEKliEK, SIIL'TTS & CO., Cherist?. ; 31-jCio : . . 2S5 River t. Troy, N.Y.' TOGONSUiMETiyE. The advertiser, having been restored to htalth in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after'i suffered for several years with a severe 1 org affec ttoa,and that dread disease, Consum(tian is anx ious to . make known io bis follow -sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. be will send a" copy of the prescription used (free cf charge ), with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will Sod a sure cure fur CotuumptionAsihina, Uron cbitls, Coughs, Cold', and all Throat and Lung Af fections. The only object nf the aaverti'r: in sen ding th Prescription is to benefit the alUicted, anH spread ioforma-tioa which he conceives ta be inval uable, and he hopes every u2"erer try his rom ady, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing Parties wishing the prescription, fkee, by return mail.will please addrt v - "t . ' Rtv. EDWARD A.' WILSON, William-burg, Kings Co., New York. EHROKS OF YOUTH. A (jcntleman who suffered for yoars from Xcrv ous Deb. lity, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffer ing humanity, send free to all who need It, the re ceipeand directions for making the simple remod v by which ha waa cured. Sufferers wishing to pr f it by the aJ vertker's experience, fan do so bv ad dreeing ' - J0IV dex; No 13 ChesnutJSt., New York. STRANGE, BUT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the L'n.ttd Status can hear fouieibing very much to their ad vantage by return mail tree cf chargc),by address ing the undersigned.' Those havir g fears of being humbuged will oblige by not noticing this card. All orders will pleaso address Ibeirobodicnt servant TUO. P. CHAPMAN, S31 Broadway, Xew Xotk. S- M. Pi 53-1y t ? - ; Hannibal & St. Joseph - OA'jiissousinivun. Tri-weekly Packets (Hannibal and t. Joseph R. R. Line)'ieave Omaha, Council'-1)1 off-, Ilatts aontb, Nebraska City, Drewnvilie and intermedi ate Hints for St. Joseph, connecting at St Joseph with triin? on Hannibal and St. Joseph R. K., leav ing St Joseph a 11.30 P. M.,arriving at QLINCY, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS KToxt Day. Oa and after 31ay 18th, daily and close connec tions from St Jsepb to Atchison', Weston, Leaves worth, Wyandotte, Kansas City, Lawrence, Topcka, fc, via Platte Country R. R. and steamer Emilie II. k St. Jo. R. R. Line Leave St Joseph 5.35 A. M., Leavenworth 8.00 a.m., Wyandatte 10.00 a Jl-Kansas Citv 10.30 a. m.1. Lawrence at 5-00 r. M. THROUGH TICKETS EOR SALE by Porter A Deuel, Omaha, D. W. Hitchcock. Coun cil Bluffs, E.C Lewis, Plattsmouth, E. S.IIawley, Kcbraska City. Buy through tickets and save money. Extensive repairs -4D-tha FIanmbal k St. Jo 6FPH Railuoad, new irn, ties and adJitionr.l roll ing stack ensblo tbem to offer theseimportant chan ges to fdcilitate TKAVKL BT THrt ROTTf C. W. Mead, General Superintendent. P. B.,GmAT. General Ticket Agent. TJ II. CoCBTttiGiiT, JenH Freight Ageat. - - Hanuibal, Mo, Capt. Rrrrs Ford, Superintendent Packet Lines St. Joseph, Mo. TIIEO. HILL, Ag't. Brownrille. vl Li STRAY-NOTICE.-1 Taken up by tbe undersigned, livingabout 3 1-2 miles above Brownville. ii Nemaha Cocritjr, X'e braska Territory, on the 13ih day of June, IS(56, One black or dark brown Horse, about fifteen bnds high, about sevew years old, right hind foot white lip to the joint; smali saJJIo mark on top cf weatbers, fe wjiite hairs nadej :lft Eye, Lcavy cane. JACOB BREWER. ATT 1. w. AND . -llectlug of School Examiners Notice is hereby given. that the Board of Schol Examiners of Xema'na Coutty, Nebraska, willhold meetings for the Examination of. Teachers for t said twuiity, at the office, of E. -W. Ibomas in Brownville. n the Lst Saturday in every month bet ween the hours cf cno and 3 P. M, Applicants ior certificates ure reqmrea to be present at one o clock, precisely, or tbey wui not be examiaea. No persoa need apply at any other time. . By order of the Board , f- - E. W.THOMAS KEROSEN & GASS H5 O "7" 3S1 TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS.GLUE POTS OIL, CA.NS, Ac., Ac, . r" All tbe Caking for a faniilr may be JX J-" -lone with Kerostn 0:1, or Gas, witl. less mt ri- trouble, and at lass expense than by tj" any otter feci. -45 Each Article manotacturcd by this Company is guaranteed to"perform all that is claimed for . J"Scnd for Circular.gJ' . Libtral Dincount to thf Tfwle. . - KEKOSEN 'LAMP. HEATER CO., 2tfi PEARL STREET, N'Y'. , Julv, lit lsGti G months x4l AWARDED A GOLD MEDAL AT THE Aih. Iiist. m. 1 . OCTOBER 19,1565, In direct competition with all the lea ding makers in the cfuntry. .;..... ... . ... . . ORGANS AND . 1 1 ti tv i : ' y . ' ' I I v A TELOUBET, PELTON &. CO., MANUFACTURERS ..Respectfully invite the aiieniion of pur chasers, the trade and profession, to the FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS Of their manufacture: . PEDAL, BASE ORG AST: Five sizes. Fire Octave, one to Three Bunks of Keys; Three ro Eiylu sets of Reeds',.--'" - , , Prices, $250 to $800. School Organs, : . i . . . . , i . Twelve styles.sinrrle anJ double Reed, Rosrwood aud Black Walnut cases, Prices, 8130 to $400 5 12S, 0 Piano style and PoriaLie, Twelve Va rieties, from four to six Octavo. Single atid Double Reed, Rosewood and Black Walnut Cases. Prices, $65 to $250. PELOUBET, PELTON & CO.,- 841 Broadway, New York. Sep. ItP5 2y E..REMINGTON & SONS (0D MANUFACTTRES 1 IlLIIIl I WCUl.' IJILI f- V IHxisltotiS anclCarblxis, For the- Unstrd States Service. Ala Pocket and Belt Revolvers, REPEATIXO PISTOL., URIFLE ' CAXEIMEVOLXIXG RIFLES, if e and Shot G'un Barrels. and Gun Materials sold by Gun Dealers and the Trade generally. . -In these days of Housi breaking and Robbing, every House. Store. Bank, and Ojfice'shouldhaveoneof, ... SlIITOff EEILMS Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late late improvements in Pistols, and superior workman ship and form, will find all combined ia the New EEMINGT0N Revolvers. Ciicnlars containing cuts and description of our Arm" wi:I to furnished npon application. - E. REMINGTON & SONS Mod tf.Y MOORE k NICHOLAS Agenrs, ; No. 40 Couriland St. New Rork. :' April, I9th 1885fiml0 30 IS!" O 1ST PAREIL Washing Machine This is the on;r Macume in existence which comb. nes all the requisites of a perrectrasher. It is a Squeeze Macuiue. operated by a batance whelani cr'ik geared to run three turns of the crank to one turn of the hand,) troul sim ple and essy in its operation, and not liable to get out of order. It Is coustrurted on stiittly mechanical rrinciples, aid solely with a vie to utility and dura- tiiitj-o 'v . . r .:. . : : Uuiing the time the Vonpareil has been in use, t-ince AprU, 1S61, it has steatily grown in public favor, and has demonstrated that Two-hirds the .Labor and Time required in washing by hand, and all the Wear and Tear of the garments are Saved bj its use. . A airl or N y can work it ; and it may be r?liel on to cleanse clothing without any as sistance from nand Rubbing.' ' ' A liberal discount allowed to dealers. Send for free descriptive Circnlar to L Oakley tSc Keating, ; 182 Wi er Street. m NEW YOHK. UlTi. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. Notice Is bcrcby siven that fbe artnerfbip lately cxi-iP2 between 1). Latbni and Nathan Blakely kit- wn cs the fli rn of D. Latham &. Beatrice, NebtPk. is this Ca cissoived by nu.tuat consent. All persons kneairg tbeneives lEdebtcd ti said nrm are requested to pay their accounts witLiu thirty days frvm this date, and all persons Laving c'.aims against the ffria will prtseut tbem immediately for settle ment D. LATHAM. ' " ' NAT1UN LA CELT. Beatrice, Keb. Ovt. 6tb, I86C, 11-2 tf ESTRAY HOG. T.iVen tip by tbe undersigned, IIvids Tour toiler west of Brownville. on the 19th day of Septe-aber, 1866, and within bis enclosed p re mice S, one black and white hog, abKitoneyeirold. fVJl. H. WcIKlXUU. not-vol 11-5 pd. - )-"' Xotfec pr Attaeliinent, Isaac Edwards, Plaint: 0". .) Ber. Vof Xei Before It. V. Hagbs, J. P. vs. urtyrrrlAttt' TTnlrr. T)ft XemaU Couuty, N T. To MercHleia Heivy: sir ci toe -i;u oy or Sep tember, A. D. IS8. sai.l Jutice issued an Order of jAnacbnient in the atove atioo for tte sum of ninety iS'to.lars anJ twenty six cunu. - . ISAAC EDWAHDS. Erownrllle, X. T , Oct 8, 1S36. 2-?t-Wn-pd S 1 rt, w. a -v xt. J 0? ' THE' SILVER SKIRT ! I r s More Dufabie. .More Elastic, More GracejuL I And will kePp Us Shape and retain Us Place than any other Skirt. - ' - This beautiful styly cf Skirt ( Patented March 7 I Sd5,) was awarded bv the GrKat Ahmuban In stiTi'TE Faib. held in New YVk, October, 1S65, a sivjEia JVIEDAL ! ".. . '; - "". The litest rremiumerer given foa a Hoop SL irt The Steel Springs are wound with a fine plated, wire (in place cf a cotton covering) which will not wear off or become soiled, and the whole S irt may be icnthed icilhout injery or fear Of rusting, and will be as good as new. . . t Tte : Combination Silver Skirt ! ' This invention combines with tbe ordinary er t ton Hkirt the advantages of our SILVER SSIET ; the bottom hoops are tha same asthose used in tie Silver Skirt," the dovering of which cannot wear off, while the upper ones are covered with cotton. -No lady, having once worn one of our kirti, will be willing to wear anv other, as tbe lower hoops cf all "other kinds are soon injured and soiled. . ' The best materials are used in their construction and from their durability and - neatness" they are deatinod.tobecouia - t -. ; v. . A FAVORITE SKIRT! MiinuFactured solely by the Siloar Slirt and Yire ManufacXuriurf Company, - - 30 & 32 Barclay Street, " : . : NEW YORK. T. S. SPERRY, Sup't- j July. 1st. JS05 l.year PIANOS! PIANOS! $350 to $1,400. M. H.i SAXTON & CO., i "i ST. LOUIS, ivro. HAVE Constantly on hand the Largest Assort ment of FIRST-CLASS PIANOS kept by an one iloMse in the Vv est. : They keep the RLLABl ASTKU :EMS mado bv Wza. B. Bradbury, . , , Chambers & Gabber; , . . K"ew York Tiaaofort 3 Company , James "vr. Vase. lason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, tllO to $160 Ech. . ' ;"' ; ' -' AI30, on band ' , j. --.', Sccond-Iiand Pianos, 3Iclodeans ' Ac, Ac, Ac. Which are sold at Parent ns. Sen-lfor " Circular" and "Price-Lin.". ' Wrerooms: Cor- Fifth & Walnut (Under Southern Hotel) T J.S.W 10-5-ly. . . ST. LOUIS MO. Lyon's Periodical Drops. THE GREAT ; FEMALE REME DY FOR IRREGULARITIES. rW These Drops are a aclectiflcany compounded fluid preparation, and better than any Pills, Powders, or Nosttums. Being liquid, their action is direct ana positive, rendering them a reliable, speedy andcer tain specific for the cure of all obstructions and snp press o is of nature ; Their popularity Is indicated by the fact that over 100 C0 b-tiles are annually sold and consumed by tbe ladies of the United Mates, eve ry one of whom speak in the strongest terms of praise of tLeir crcat merits. Tbey are rapidly takinx the place of every othe" Female Remedy, and are consid ered by aI who know auht of them, as the surest sa fest, and most infalliable preparation in the world. for ths cure of a! I female complaints the removal of all obstructions of nature, and tbe promotion of health regularity and Strength. Explicit diiections stating when they may be used, and expla ning when and why they should not, nor could not be used without produ- cinu effects contrary to nature's chosen laws, will be found carefully folded around each bottle, with the written signature ot John L. LVON, without which none are genuine. " Prepared by Lr. JOIIN L. LYON, I9a Cbapel Street, Xew Haven. Conn, who can be consulted either per sonally, or by mail, (enclosing stamp ) concerning, all private diseases and female weakness. Price $l,6o per bott le. ' Sold by Druggists everywhere C. G. CLAUK &.CO., Gen'l Agents lor U. S. and Canada . Jo H.IK9 Bros. St. Louis. Wholesale f'L'UER, Fisch 8l Fuller, Chicapo. j -Agents Decembar 7tb 1SU5. ly lo-12 )l-t2 id,nn, jsw WILLIAM'S Advertising Acency, 9" Chamber Streeis, Saint Louis, Ho tatasi lanHfaetiircrs Pepot No. 83 North 5t Street cor. St Charles, ST I.OLTIS, 3IO. Hero will be found every variety of AMERICAN CLOCKS CLOCK MATER1ASS, with all the advantages of the Eastert market in regard to boih selections and price, Send lor inustratM 'goes, JIEXRY W. EDEfJ. Proprietor, m. a. m. a. s. o. no23-vol iO.b.nn KNlTTliti MACIIIEN , FOB Families and Manufacturers S031ETI1IXG SEW AXD VAL.IA IILE FOR FAMILY I SE. WE offer tbe public the simplest, strongest and best Knitting Jlaehine in the world.. It occupies but little space is portable and can be attached to a stand or table, weighs about 40Ihs. It will knit a variety of stitches the breakag of needles is trifling the cost of needles is insig nificant end the most delicate material can be knie pure and spotless, as the needles re not oiled. Ordersfor Machines mav be sent through the ; American Advertising Agency. 339 Broadway, IJ". Y. Send for a Circular. Agents Wanted. DALTON KNITTING MACH CO. 5-Iy 569 Broadway, Gurrdian's Sale or Real Estate. Sarah J. Welch, Mariah E. Welch, Eilen Allan, and Nathan Allen, will take notice that I, Ald'ico Welch, guardian of Sarah J. Wcleb, a minor, in of an order of the Piobate Court of Ne maha county, granted October the 13th , 18o6, will offer fcr sale at public auction on Saturday the 10th day of November, 185S, at 10 o'clock, A. M., upon the premises, the fallowing described real estate, situated in Nemaha county, Nebraska Ter ritory, to-wit: The east half of "the south east quarter of section 15, in township J, north of range 15, and being lands of the half breed reserration. Terms of tale, cath in band. ANNICE WELCH. Guardian of Sarah J. Welch. Brownville, Oct. 19th, lS5d. n3-4w-onn PROBATE NOTICE To all Whom it May Concern : - Notice is hereby given that an instrument of writici; purporting to be tbe last will and testame tt of Fred-er-ct William Breitmeyer, deceaed. has been depos ited in the Probate Court of Kera-ha county. Nebras ka Territory, and that I have appointed the lich day of November A, D. JSCS, at 10 v'clock A it., at tbe court ro. m in Browuviiie in said county and Territory as the time and olace tor pruoviug tte saute. G. W. FA1K.BR JTHKR, ' r3-3w-iuT f rotate JuJjs. BOBAOK'S BITTERS ... 4 tf1 1 ' R0 BACH'S . STOMACH BITTERS! - -i r - CTJlTli: DYSPEPSIA, .L' v ' .x 4 V 'Si V. X 4 4 '? : t : . 2 " and are the be.t Tonic in the world. ROBACK'S DLOOD PILLS CURE ' ' SICK j .. . . HEADACHE, .a. nv-esr .rP- - '- CostiveneKs, and nil 'di ac:usea of the bowels. ROBACK'S BLOOD mm CURES SCROFULA anil nil iisens aritsng front impure blood. " 1 : 4 v ABE SOLD 1SY AL.I. Driiits and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWH EKE PRINCE, WALTON & CO., (Successors to Dr. C. W. Roback,) ): '. SOLE PROPRIETORS, ' H"os.58,58,60'&62EastThirdSt, CINCINNATI. OHIO. -..wv ...... GEO. A. PRINCE &C0S 39 Varieties, with Patent Basso Tennto or Sub Bass. JoFScliool Organs and Melodeons. Finlshedin Elegant Rosewood, Walnut or : , .Oak. Cases JVb Charge for Boxing or Shipping. JEST35,000 Now In AN ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, con taining a full description of style, and testimonials of tbe most eminent Musicians, as to the superior excel lence of onr instruments csn be seen at this Of lice Add GEO. W. HILL & CO Brownville Nebraska. Publication IVotice. Henry Shafer and Cbatherine E. Shafer bis wife, non-residents of Nemaha county, Nelr.i?ka Terri tory, will take notice that Andrew L. Shafer, of the county of Semana aoi Territory of Nebraska, did on the ninth da? of October, A. D. 1SS, file his petition before James (). Gilbert, a Justice .f the Peace in and for said Nemaha county and Territo ry of Nebraska, against the said Henry Shafer, de fendant, setting forth that the said deftndan" is indebted to said plaintiff on account for Tioney lent, in the sum of fifty dollars, and asking that an order of attachment be issued to be levied on the goods ar.d chattels of the said defendant. And tbe said Henry Shafer is required to appear and and answer said petition on or before the 31st day of October. A.D. 1866, at two o'clock, or judg ment will be taken by the plaintiff for the whole amount with interest and costs of suit. ANDREW L. SDAFEIi. It is hereby ordered that the above notjee be published in the Nebraska Advertiser for three successiva weeks. JAMES D. tilLUEKT, nil It. pd inn ' Justice of the 1'eace. " Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Probate Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, has ap pointed the 14th day of January, IS67 and the 11th and 14th days of February, ldp7, at ten o'clock A. M.,at the Court room in JJrownville, for the bear ing of claims against tbe estate of John L. McKay deceased. All persons having claims against sail estate are required to Hie .hem io the oQjce of the judge of said Court, on or before February 11th. lSo?, or tbey will bo forever barred. Dated August 4lh l&CC: , SARAH J McKAYr Administratrix 45-4t 700 cf Estate pfJchn L' McKay, deceased To Mariah E Welch,' Ellen Allen, and Matbew Allen, Vou are h reby notified that Aunice Welch, ajguapdian of Sarah J. Welch, has filled a petittion ia the Probate court of Nemahi County, N ebraska Territory. The object and prayer of which, is to obtain an order of said court to sell the East half of the South East quarter of Section fifteen ia Township four. North of liango 15 East, situated in Nemaha County, Ncbjaska Territory, being lands belodging to Sarah J. Welch, a minor, that said petition will be for hearing on the 13th 4ay f October; 18G5.' ' , , . O, W. FAIIiBUOTIIER, ' 5l-it 7,50 - Probate Jfldg?. z, n M 0f WTO wt '3 "': .", ': ' : .... mm ' -w EC'; OLE S Eu - . . DEALERS IX - L.-J sLjL; viLy Would caFi the attentioh of DEALERS to theirJrnmensQ'stock of . ? Drcsrs ana Medicines, School BooIvSr .- . ' PatenrMedicInes, . B Ink Books, Glass and Glassware, Writing Pper Paints and Oils, Enielopes. .- Spices and Dye-stntTs, Coal Oil and I Dp Pure Wines, Liquors, &c., dc, : Which were bought for cash of Manufacture, Importers and Publishers, and will be sold at the rnot favorable prices. Buying in large quantities from first hands, they are .-enabled to offer extra indues, mct3 to the trade. . - . t They are the North-western Wholesale Agents of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, and of Dr. C. Avre k Co., and can furni.h their Medicines in any ejaantities, (10 i-l A W , " ST. JOSEPH, MO. ' : ' ' - , ji . . ; - . Importer and "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in lror STEEL and HEAVY HAEDWAEE. Wagon, ; Carriage, and Plow Woodworks. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. &4Z& Springs, Axes, Axels, Shovels and Ppades,File3 and Rasps, Chains, Carriage and Tire Bolts, NutU and Washer?, Nails, Horse nails. Horse & Mule Shoes, Saws, etc. etc, .... Castings and Hollow Warp, Sugar Kittles Andirons, Skillets and Lids, Stew pots, Byke ovens, Fruiiketiles and Sad irons. "' -- -BlaCkSJllltllS TOOlS. Anvils, Strcks and Dies, Be.lows,SIadge and Hand Ham mers, Yiscs.Pincers, Uarps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyere Irons, Wrenches, Ac . . . 0)"0.1:fl"tiiag' GpodSr' " Ox Yokes, Axle Grease, Ox chains, Wognn Jacks, Or Shoe" naiN, Shovels and Piks,GoM Pans,"etc. 1,000 OELEBHATJ5D MOJ.INKPLOWS! Inct natprrcd. nnd superior to nnv vet invented : and McCorniicli's loivers and Reapers, liallcrs Horse Corn Planters Sulky Corn Cultivators, Band Corn Planter, Corn Shellers. Hay lUke?, eto.eto esc. ' Buying niy goods direct from the mm 4 ; " er, I offer great inducemema TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT ' ;. Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. 3311. CACIESOKrrQ A BLOOD HUBIOE Will positively enre SCROFULA, ERYSIPELAS DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, HE ART BURN, or any HUMOR in the BLOOD or STOMACH, and for PURIFYING the SYSTEM and ERADICATING all TRACES OF DISEASE this remedy has no equal, and for Building up the Sgtcm, and giving new Strength and Vigor. Its tinparalled success since its introduction, and the wonderful cures it has and is daily performing-are its best guarrantcc and we earnestly desire that every eutfeter shall give it a trial. Sold by all Druggists. Price one dollar a bottle.' " COEEIA'S )3R QTI1ERS, ST. LOUIS, MO. ' Proprietors. ITCH! ITCH!! SALT SALT RHEUM! Will cure tlio ITCH or SALT JIHEU2I. in a few applications.' it also cures prairie Scratch es Chilblains, Ulcers and all Eruptions of the skin, where other remedies hare been tried in vain, cures speedily and thoroughly. Price 50 cents a box. Sold by all druggists. By sending !0 cents in a letter; to COLLINS BROTHERS, S. W.cor. 2nd & Vine Sts., SJ. Louis, Mo., it will be sent by mail free of rotage. x 30-ly rn,nnfJ8W ONEMILLION. Choice, Thrifty. Osage 'Orange Plants, Fof Sale, at ' ' E. E BURCHES & CD'S NunsrBY. 2 1-2 miles west of Brown ville, Nebraska. Abo: Orders token for making Osagt OrtAspE Fences, which will be done in the very net style, and warranted. Our charges for building lledza Fences, ar.l tending until they are a perfect lcticeare as fed- i iows : 90 cts. per Rod, around a 160 acre tract. SI. 00 60 " 81.25 . ' " 40 - COPARTNERSHIF The under-izne have etitercl into ciiMrtni , i the Ni.rery and General Proppatinii businesH, at Browowille, Neraska. under' the firm name oi K rr Bui dies Ac Co. Ea- h furnish an equal amount of Cap itol, and st.are equally In exors, prvflta and los. No pinner-hip indebiedaess'io be incurred except by mutual consent of both parties, and in writing. B II BTHCOES, R W. ITUKNAS. Brownville, April 7ib. 1866. nl 3t Eslray Steer. Taken up by tbe underijnel. I:t'hj two and a half miles north of BruwuTllie. within oi enclosed prem-ise-., on the I5th day of Octooer, A. D. 1S66, one white Suer, Kme red spiits on bead and nides. t ran. led on left fide with Uure "10." cn.p, (.put and undpr slope li left ear, smooth crop off of rifchi far, three year old lat spring- V. T. CltAKXER. n4-&t Estray Notice. Taken up by tl.e snb riber, one and a hair mile Fet of A-4;inatl, emaha County, 5." rl.ra-.ka. one dari bay mare co It, two years eld last fpriDK, hrandea with the letter "L" on the nigh shoulder, a little wbitj oq the off fciward and nigh nind loot. Taken up ou the 221 day tf October, A . D 186C. JAS. &. LAR21X. Aspjnwatl, Oct. 21, 1SC6. 4 5t WANTED ! Agents, Male and Female, at f7t? $150 per month, to sell the celebrated ! -' Common Sentt Fmty Setcitig Hacking PRICE S1S.OO This Machine will do all kinas of work equal to the high priced Machines, and is the ouly practical and te liable Cheap Sewing Machine in the world. Adiress- ' ! , SEVOJIC & CO Chicago, Ills , or Cleyeloisd, O. Principal OEce,?Co, 2 Custom Ilonse Flace Cluca 10-25 ly '." -it II , c. AND V ill 4A):LC? GREAT I3IPROVIL1IEXT SEWING, MACHINES. EMPIRE. SHUTTLE MACHINE!!! Patented. February 11th. 1S60. SALESR O O V; 530 BR OAD WAY. -V, Y. 252 WASH IXUTOJT, St. B O S T 0. .'TIIIS MACHINE 9 constructed on entirely nw principles of mechanism. pnsojing many rnre and valuable improvements, bavins; been exicuined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be Simplicity and Perfection Combined. - It has A straigh( needle,- perpemlicul tr action makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither RIP or RAVEL, and is aHXe-oTi b-uh sides ; perfoi-cs. perfect swiag on every desc-ri, tioi or material, frpt$ Leathef to the finest Nacsook Muslin, with cotton limsn or silk thra'd, from tbo coarest to the finest number. Having neither CAM hot COG WHEEL, and the least possible . friqtiun, t tuns as smooth . aa gUs', and is . Emphatically a TJ"rtel9s Machine.. It requires FliTY.PfcK iNT less power t drive it than any ether Machine in the market. A girl twelve years cf, age can work it steadily, with out fatigue or injury to health. . Ita strength and Wonderful Simplicity vSan struction renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and is GUARANTEE! by the cernpany to give entire satisfaction. - .. .. Werespectfully invite all those who may desirs to supply themselves with a superior a. tide, tj come and examine this Unrivalled 'achine. But in a more especial manner do we solicit tha ', patronat a of Merchant Tailors, Coach Makers, Hoop Skirt Mamjlac turers, Shit and boson IJak Coset Make Gaiter Fitters Shoe binders," Yest fvnd.PaatalooD Makers. ers. Dress Makers. eligioutand Charitable laitintioni Kill be lib " tR.g d'nli vith. Prices of !rlaciinc Complete: No, 1, Family Machine, with Uemmer, h eller andDrailer, . .6 No. , Small Manufacturing, with Extension Table 75 No. 3. Large ilanufai;turirg,with, Extension 7ib!e 85 No. 4, Iirge Manufacturing, for Leather, " with Rolling Foot and Oil Cup 10l One half hour' inut ruction i 1'tfr.cieut toenaUeany . person to work tLit Muvkine to ikeir entir tatitfaction. Agents Wanted for all towns In the United States, . where Agents are not already established. A!.Jo for Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. Terms invariably Cah on delivory. ' T. J. McArthnr & Co., -....IS Uroad way, New York. A. A Co. , 552 Washington, St.,Doslua' ! - 70 Chestnut St., Phila. GEO. FRANZ. Agent, . ... - , 10214. 4th. St.Louis.Mo. fc Gb th 10 l! ly . A A C. MASTER'S 'SALE. .. Notice is hereby given, that, by virtue of an or der of the District Court of Nemaha Cuuiy. N-- a braka Territory, in chancery ,in tbe cas of Elii-k, Duiar against Anton Kimig, made atthe Spring terai A D. 1S60.- Iwiirou i Saturday,. November 21th, A. D , b at one o cljck P. M ...offer fw saUt public; auefif'tj -to, the highest bidder f..r a$h.' at the fiunt uocr & McPberon Hal, Iq th-? City of Ilsown villa, -No maha County, Nebraska' Territory, (the plac where the last terpa of aat'd Court for said County was held) the South East Quarter of Section (10)in Townsbipsix (8) North rf Range fourteen (14) Eaft. in Nemaha County.-Neb&3k Territory Given under my hand this 25tb day of, October. a. D. 1865 . CI1AS. G! DORl-'Er, Xl-i-4t-pff9-bff3. . Master in Chancery. MASTER'S SALE, ' - Notice is hereby rrea th1 hy irtuc nf an or der cf the district Court tf Neinaba, County, Ne braka Territory, in Chancery, in thecaea of John Dull against John' J. Kitcbie( Mary J. Ritchie and Henry M. Atkinson, made nt the Spring terra A.D. lStjg.and tonle directed, 1 will on , , Saturday, Noveinber 21ih, A. D., 15GG, 1 at ope o'clock P.. M, cj;r fc?r a!s at public Auc-' tion, to the highest bid let for cash, at the front door ofMePbersoa's 1111, ir I'rownril! e, Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, ( the pl ica where the last term of said Courtier said . County waa bel lj the South East quarter, of the South West fme- tional ciurrter, of Section Vmetea ( 19) in Town- ' ship four ( , North t.f Ranp tfteeti (15), East,ia said Nemaha County, I'ebratk Territory. Given under my haxdtbis 25th day of October, A. D, IS66. , " ' CU ARlis G. DORSEY, Xl:4-4tpf$3,bfl3 .. . Master in Chancery - Wtiske:s ! Whiskers ! ! . ;Dr. L. O. Mont ex' Corrolia. tbe greatest stimu lator in the world, will force Whifkers or Mustache es to grow oa the smoothest faee ,t chin; never known Jo fail. Sample for trial sent free to any one desirous of testing its merit3. Addresn. , "t-1$ 3ca ; Rjsvis A Co., 73 Nassua St., N. Y . ! Io' 0, (i V. av. f I) tt l: f i