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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1866)
J.OG uY Xi lit!.." ldce...Ae. Ac Ae. :lc J'V'WILUAMS, riwti tie author - "T c J lAin i-rrtet in that City. OJlct srAr.jr. r. r..Wv .OWNVILLF. VnniAY. NOV. WW VcTnorW Asrcnis forrrlncc & Co. t;lO W. !lL.ACO-,retbeautboriied AgeLts i. M.yaia CiJ f ,r A' IW CV CeI?" -ic' Crj,-1'",, l,c ForiHce, jgillctV lllanks Qr Me at ihii tce: . ' Y;, ci.y Store is where you can ri ae tap- Uir oils ar'd colobDes- f jo-i Movels, Spades and Axes at SWAN Si PRO'S. . fr clcjte Dry Goods or Groceries go . G. M. HENDEKbUa ?. Kair ey & Leais have on hand a large n. tf Ladies Shawls at.d fine all- iveol JUhUtX. Winter is coming. Go to MCrcery.'a fcr yosr paintr and Irugs. . JUton".' Dritd Beef. Cranberries and -ar Cured IUui at SIVAN & BRO'S. s Louis Napoleon is reported danger cuilj s-ick from an incurable disease, and .KiJ die tuddenly at any hour. ..... Worthing is having a sixty foot cellar dug between Rossell and Deuer Con cretionary Stores, whereon he intends trtttiug a large building in the Spring. Last Monday our citizens were startled y '.he try of fire,' which brought them fo.rb iii th street on the doublequick. JLe rauie of the outcry was a chimney . mile Brownville Hcuss burning out. Swan & Bro , are doing their utmost Co fupp'y this community with choice .Gr-nes, and are keeping.;-up their c:oiV full and of the best quality. Their . eVry uieriis the lare patronage they are rctt:v:ng. , Muh migration is constantly coming ia, inJuted here by the general good ItHlih tf this community, which in a a trreat measure js Qtylng to the Pure Drjrs and Medicines constantly kept at McCreery's City Dri'g Store. The Scwit" Machine Jias done much to relive woman of a large amount of the .labor il hcufrkerpir.g. We have now to atnoutce another invention of equal Importance, viz: the Lamb Ivnittiwc "Ma(iii5e. whiclt is detuned to assume n j; p o r ta ij t jor i t i on in the household. Mrs. Hewett has just received the clijTtst tDck of Fall .and Winter Mili- tery Goods erery brought to this market. ih neatest and javelit,f nd latest style livMiets and Hats we ever laid eyes on. Her tyl: of Ribbons and other material i 'complete, and.her taste and ability for i:.Lu:g cp new or remodeling bonnets is ktjottu to be good. Ladies will do well b'i.'J.Kifa. - . Hon. T. W. Ti pton reached home from w' e l 1 R. R. Excursion last Tuesday i:rm.g. He report that everything e-: c;r smoothly aud to the entire sac fctioa of all concerned. In his speak .Le took occasion to feei tj:e. temper tf i.e party on the question of our ad niistioa as a S;ate, as many of them ouU have a voice on that question. It .as received with enthu?iasm, aud our aimii-ion in December seemed .witi all a loreoce conclusion. .Many Vfajiie fires nightly illuminate y.aryuud ihiscity. We have a sug gfstun'to n.ake cn this $ul jt-ci: would it tut t e well to leave the buiuiug of .the ytm grass until Spring, when, after a ew uarm days Lad hatched out Cie eggs the. Crais!ioppers, burning Ihfe grass ju1J de.troy them? The eanh ia y places is literally riddled with the ! unrein these are deposited, and Jii)- are predicting a greater number alL Think of' it, farmers, and act. ' Quite a spirited little row occurred at Browwille House laa Friday night. A Dr. went up stairs, and coming too far a lady boarder, her worser-half de fcr him ; result. Dr. came down on - Zouave quickstep, although he had - 'wtr iu uis nana. Uurvig nt pjite lorce being notifud of the "fr'r ly the -big Dr.." went to arrest , t " Jured Lua,.d, but, after mature tthbe ration, mnri,, i t-!' . .. ' IlOCllOld PtlenasCoe!. Cou.h -Balsam nrd Coe'e DvfnP;. . tbould always be in the l,. . - J . reauy r0r immediate nse ; they are the most rel, atleT.medies known. The one always r;d jpeedy in cases of tudden attack tf yoy amcngt the childern. cr fcr ci-- On Saturday, lhe lrjur'ed husband, IT1" iQ D D.-ade'for itlf beautifully thrashed. ' ring the most stubborn ccughs and cojds, is excellent for sere throat and all lung difficulties, the other Coe's Dyspepsia Cure is pertain to,-cure dyspepsia, no matter of how locg siandiDg, indigestion, and all diseases that originate in a disor dered slate of the stomach, and bowels. It vaiII be seen by an advertisement in another column that Dr. Roback, of Cin cinnati, O., (whose Stomach Bitters and Scandinavian Remedies have achieved a world vide reputation, solely by virtue of their intrinsic and vncqvakd merits) has sold out his entire buisuessto the en terpnsiug firm of Prince, Walton &. Co., who will continue the business at the old stand, Nos. 00, 53. CO and 02 East Third street, Cincinnati, O. . DR.. H. RAMER, - ' SrtClALIST tOR Diseases of the . Eye, . Would respectfully announce to the cit izensof Browuville and vicinity that he may be found at the American House rinrinrr th rnminrr winter, and can be vMaig2 w w O ' ctnsulted on all diseases cf the Eye. Sureriur French Artificial Eyes inser ted r. bnviiii? lost their natural ones by disease cr othepviee. . ' The Qr- insures cures in all .cases com ing under direct treatment. 51 if The Ladles' Frlcnd-A beantiful steel engraving. "Feeding the S-vans," and the usual s'jberl'S double Fashion Plate, adorn the November number of this charming magazine. We note the usual number also of engfarjngs devoted to the Fashions to hats, caps, bonnets, dresses, fancy work, &c. The literature is as usual excellent. We may specify ."Prescott Dane's Honor," by Virginia F. Tow.-and ; "A Quarter of a Million," by Emma D Ripley ; ."Second Love," by Mrs. Hosmer ; "The Old Clpck's Story," by Miss Johnston; "Mark's Resolve,,' by Miss Muzzy ; "Margaret's Victory," by Amanda M. Douglas, fcc. The pub lishers announce four Novelets for the next year, by Elizabeth Prescott, Aman da M. Djuglas. Frank Lee Benedict, and Max Weir. They aUo announce in ad dition to the Wheeler & Wilson's Sew ing Machine, a Splendid .List of new Premiums, including- Plated Silver Tea Sets. Cikd Baskets and Ice Pitchers, Sil ver and Gold Watches. Guns and Rifles. Clothes Wringers, Melodeons and Or gans, Appletort's Cyclopaedia, ccc. A beautiful Steel Engraving, 2G jncjies long by 10 inches wide, c&Ued -One of Life's Happy Hours," will be sent gratis to every single (S2.50) Subscriber, and to every person seuding on a club. - Spe cimen numbers of the magazine, jcgntain ing the particulars cf the premium and ether offers, and the reduced prices to clubs, will be sent on the receipt of 1 cents. Price (with engraving) S2.50ayear; Four enppies (wiih one engraving) $6.00; Eight copies (with extra maga zine and an engraving) $12,00. Address Deacon & Peterson, 319 Wal nut Street, Philadelphia. v OF1ICIAL. LAWS UF THE UNITED STATES Passed at the First Session of the Thirty ' Ninth Congress. t . . Public HtsohJion, Jmo. l.y lit it rttolvd ly the Svnute and House of Iiepre ientaticf o'lA United HiaUt of Amtrica in Coh grr aitcmblcd, ' Ttat if at any time it taH oconr that all of the nme )n ibe U'X provided tr in tnt fourth i-ection of the act to whii.U tLis is an uiuendiueht thill have been drawn outuf the fa cue at n term of the court before the first day cf Kehniary net fujuinit, the court, or any jurtpe i hereof may order the n.ars-hol to t-ummon fr m the body of WaKhit)Kt n XJo'inty t.enty-three citireus ht tn the qualiticai iuns or juror, an provided io saic! art. to teire a giand ju,.ryr, and twenty-six citizeus, faatisiK ucb, to act a petit Juror, or either, a may be I etoe.l at atiy bultqutnt term of the court tulehcld teiwtcft the time of the happening or the Contingency atorrs.i4 aii'l the firi day of February then en.uiiiK atid vacancies tu either :rn'l or petit juruis to oioi'ieU tu be ttmimonod at aforesaia may be tliled by otter pennons bUianioijed by the niaroaal upon the order of the Court " Sec; 2 And be it further eoacteJ, That whereas al! the names in the jury-bo provided for by the fourth section of tie act to which tLi is en aniei dment-vese at the late tet in of the upreme court or tne district of Columbia, killing for the triaht f crimes anJ niih? iueanors, drawn from tald box. the judge ahsigned 'tu hold the 'e.eiiiber term of court lor the year IS65 be, and he i hereby, auiuoiizei and empowered to or der the marshal to buuimon rroui the bidy of Wasbibg. ton Couu y twenty- turee citizens, having the qualifi cation of jurors, as provided lu the act to wnioh this is an aoieuuineiit, to act as grand jurors for said term of said court, and twemy-six citizens, haviug such qualification, to act as petit juron Jor said term, and that vacaucies In said Kiaud aud petit jurors may he Piled as provided for in the first section of this act Apsioved, December 13, isGj rUBLIt? ,'o. 2. .' . , Be it enacted by the 'feenate end Hosse of Represen- triive nt the United States 01 America tnCungtess Arsetubled'. That the importation of Cattle be and hcrthy Is prohib trd And it hall be the duty of the Secretary of the Trtasary tit make sucn rcgi'iaUons as will cive this law full and immediate effect, aud to send copies ' of them to the proper cfilcer iu this country, aul to all ofllcers or agents of the Cniieo Stales iu toreigu oou nines. Aud be it farther enacted, lhat when the President shall cive tnirty days notice, by proclamation, that no further danger is to bo apyTeheujea rroiu the spreal of foreiju infectious or contagious dieas among caitte, thiH iw shall be of uo forco, an! cattle (may be impor ted lu the sahie way as beture Its fsse. Approved, December 18 lSt5. (Public A'o. 3.) Aft Act making Apprpilatioiis for .rt furnishing and itpaiuy. the Pi evident.' Houe Be it enactiit by the-bemite and House p Repres tnttvrtff tire United Stat'ti of America in Crnyrett Anembicd, - That the sum of thirty thirty thousand dollars or so wa.ijM ,! or astbail be beiessary be aud too same is heitty sppiopiiattd out. of any money in the treasurj i-oi oiherwi-e appropriated j Yor refurnishing the - Prericeni't Louse acu repaiuug the same. - ' Approved, December. 19, ib&i. - PublilVo, j5 An Act authorizing the Secretary vi tbe Treasury to I p ain Assikiant Askesvors of Internal Kevenue. tit itenuctfdbythe Senate and lio Jiej.ret- entrtitet i,f Vnttcd Statet of America in Conyre aeuillrit, Tat the Secretary f the Treasury is hereby authorized TO appoint any assistant astessors of Internal revenue nuw pr.vij.'d by -i Apjroved, Jauuary 15, 1S69 jTuUieNo. 8.J Ao Act Tnrtirtf A.t'pi'oprations for the payment of in valid and other Stnsiuir of the United Sies for ibe Year endhtg the4nrii (fc of uiio eighteen Eundi ed nd sixty-seven, and additional Appropriations for the Tear ending the thirtieth of June, eightcew buudred anc sixty-six.' " Se tt enacted bnhe Seriate eiid Hotae of Repres entativttof the United Statctvf Autiica in t'o ffret Attembled, -.. That the following iimi be, and the same are hereby, appropriates, out at anyintiey ia the treasury not otLei Wise appropriated, lor the payment of pervious for the year ej jiug the thirtietb vf June, eighteen bundiou ud sixty-sevet Por invalid pensions under various acts, five millions Eve hundrel thousand dollars Fjrevoiutiouarv pension, and pensions ol wliws children, oithera. and sisters of so" diet, as provided for by acta of March eighteen hundred and eighteen; Mar fJfteeii'lii. eighteen hundred and twenty-eight June tfexenT-h. eicbteen hundred and thirty-two, July U seve th, etihtr en hundred and ihirty-el-'ht ; March 3J eighteen hundred, and forty-three j JnDe seventhi eighteen hundred and forty-four ; February 6trond Ju ly twenty-r.rst and twen'y-ninetb, eighteen hundred and forty eight, and for compensation to pension asents and expenses' of agencies nloe mllHons eight hrmdred thousand dollars. Fot navy pensions to widows, children, motheas and sistets, as providtd for by acts of August Seventh cishieen hundred and forty-eight, and Julykfoarteentb eixhteen hnudred and sixty-two, one hundred and for ty thousand dollars, to be paid out of the navy pension fund. - . Aud be it further enacted, that the following sum he and the same Is hereby appropriated to supply a defi ciency in the appropriation for the fiscal year rftiiu the thirtieth or June, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro priated: For revolct on pensions of widows, children, mothers and sistera of soldiera as provided for by acts of March eighteen, eighteen hundred and eighteen. Hay fifteen. (iKhtreu hundred and twenty-eight. June seren; eigh tVen hundred and tbirty-two. July four, eighteen bun nred thirty eight, March three, eighteen hundred and forty-lei ee, June seven, eighteen hundred and forty- four, February iw. arid July twitur-niue eightexn hundred and forty three. February three, eighteen bundaed and fifty-three, June three, eighteen hundred and hfty-eight, and July fonneen. eighteen nunareo and and sixty, two, two millions five hundred thousand dollars. :. Approve, February 1, I86S r 1 I Publ ic No.' 8. An Act to regulate the Registering of Vessels, Be it enacted by the Senate and Houe of Repre?cn- tatives of the United Statet of America in Congress Assemoieq . That no ship or vessel, which has beeD recorded or reg lsiered as an American vessel, pursuant to law, and which shall have been licensed or otherwise authorized to sail under a foreign flag, and to have the protection of any foreign government dm ing the existence of the rebellion, shall be deemed or registered as an Ameri can vessel, or shall have the rights and privileges of American vessels, ex :ept under the provisions of an act of Congress utMrVing s-icli registry. Approved, February lo, lSgg. ( Public. wVo., D .) An Act granting the franking Pilvileelo Vary Lincoln Be it enactec by the Senate and House of Represen tatives or the Uuited Slates of America in Congress Assembled, That all letters and packets carried by post, to and from Wary Lincoln, idow of tfce late Abraham Lin col if, be conveyed freeof postage during her natural life. ' Approved, February ID, l68 . " - . Public-Xq. 10 An Act aThborizincc an Increase of the clericaZ Force in the Post office Depanmpnt. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tative oftht United Jtatet of Amtrica tn Congress Assembled, That iu addition to the clerical force now authorized by law in the Post Office Department the Postmaster General be, and be is hereby authorized 10 appoint and employ four cleiks of clas oce, seven of class two, 14 of class three, and four of class four; and said clerks shall be paid until the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sit'y-six, out of any money iu the treas ury cot otherwise appropriated. Approved, February if lSgfl Public JVo. 12- An act to amend an act entitlad ."an act to prevent the Spread of loreign Diseases among the cattle of the United States," approved December?eigt) teenth, eigh teen hundred and sixiy Ave. He it inaeted by the Senate anJ Hoxut of Represen tative of the United Statet of Amezica tn L'ingrett Attembted That an act entitled ''an act to prevent the spread of foreign dif eases among the cattle of t he Uuited States approved December eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nve, is hereby amended so as to rea l as follows : That the importation of neat cattle aud the hides ot cattle Iroui any foreign country into the United States is hereby prohibited : Provided, however, IScat the op eration of this act, or any part thdreof, shall be sus pended as to any foreign- country or countries, or any parts of such country or countries, whenever the Sec retary of trie Treasury shall officially determine, and give pnblic notice thereof, thai such importation will not tend to the introduction or sp ead or contagions or infectious'diseases among the cattle of the United States; and the Secretary of the treasury is hereby authorized and empowered, and it shall te bis duty, to make all necessary oruers ana regulations o cary this law luto effect, or te suspend the same as th?eiu pro vided, and to send copies thereof to the proper officers in the Uuited States, aud to such officers of agents ot the United Slates In foreign countries as be shall judge necessary. ' .l And be it further enacted. That the President of the United States, whenever iu hia judgment the importa tion of re a: cattle and the hiJes of neat cattle miy be made Without dancer of the introduction or spread of contagious or infectious Cisease among the eattie or toe United Slates may, by proclamation, declare the pro- visi ins of this act to he inoperative, and the same tha'l be atterwards inoperative aud of no effjet from aud after thirty days from the data of said proclamation ceo. 3. And b it further enacted That any person couvictel of a wilful violation of any of the provisions of this act shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five bundrod dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding one, or by both such Que and imprisonment, m me discretion of the court. ' Approved, March 6, 18GG (Public Resolution -No. 1 .) A Resolution authorizing the President to divert cer tain Funds heretofore appropriated, ana cause inf Ftme to be Qsed for immediate Subsistence and Clo tb. 'tiit. Acvtcr destitute lrMJisns and Incian Tribes. Kesqlvcd by ine enqie ana nouse oj Rrpfscnlatives of the United btvtes oj J.tzerica in Congress assembled. That the President of the United States be and be is hereby authorized to cause to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the interior, for the imme diate subsistence and clothing of destitute Indians and Indian tribes within the southern uperinteuden.y,and lor the agricultuial iiflplemeuns and seeds for the same, a snm not exeseam nve nunarei tnousana uoi- larsof the unexpended balance tn the treasury of ap propriations heretofore "to enable the President of the United States to carry into effect the act of third of Ma rem eighteen hundred and nineteen, and any other acts now in for the suppression or the slave tiade" : Provided. That the accounts of such expendi ture shall be laid before Congress during its present session : And provided also. That all articles to be furnished to said destitute Indians and Indian tribe thall be delivered to them on or bofore the first day tf Juiytiext. Aproved, DocemberZI, I860 ( Public ilesplulion, JVb. 2 .) ' ' " Rcsortition fcr increasing the Bond of the Superin tendent of public Printing Wherens .the arno,uni of money which can be advanced tothesup'eri'ntencentof public printing urtdVf exi sting law is not suE-iint to enable him to meet the cur rent expenditures of his oalce . Thereiore, Jienolted by the Senate and Jloute of Iieprectf tivemfth liniied Statet of America in Cotigretiaf trmeled. That the 6aid superlntendenfie reqrested to furnish a new bond, in the penal sum of eunty thousand dol. iars. . Approved, January 12, liJSff. . PctiLic EESOLtrTTow Ko. 3 Joint Resolution in Relation to the Industrial Expo- sition at Paris, France. '-..-'.j Wherean the UuUed States have been invited by the government of 'France to take part in a universal ex position of the production of agriculture, mauuractur- . - - . . . . , 1 . : . .1- 1 ers, ana tne nne aris, 10 on nem m iis, muic, iu the year eisbteen hundred ana stxty-sevn : Rctolvrd by the Senate and House oj nepretenta- tiret ot the United Statet of America tn Congress Assembled, That lhe proceedings heretofore adopted by the sec tary of State iu relation to the said exposition, as set forth m his report and accompanying nocumenis con cerning that subject, transmuted w ooiq dousoi 01 Congress with the Presidents Message cr me eievenm instaut, are apprved. Sec 3. Andbeit further rosolve 1, That me gen eral age"u't for thS said espo'itioff at New Tor be au thorize) to employ such clerks as may be necessary to to enablebim to fulfill the requirements of the regula tions of the 'imoerial commission, uot to exceed four in number, one 0 whom shall receiva compensation at the rate of eighteen hundred dollars per anuni, one at xsiteen hundred dollars, aud two at fourteen hundred. Sec. 4 And be itfurther rasolved That the Secre tary ot State be, and is hereby amboiized and reques ted to prescribe such general regulations concemins the business relating to the part to be taken bj the United States in the exposition as may be prper Approved. Jannuary 15, 1866 Public $esoitjtion No. 4j Joint Reiolution granting cefffiln public 'Property to the Soldiers' Orphans Borne ft Iowa ' Be it re-solved bv the Senate anjl House of Rep resentativet of the United Statet of America in fongress Assembled, That the buiMings, sheds, furniture, and property .isoir at camp Clumon, near Davenport. Scott coun'y Iowa, be and the same are hereby, dona ted to the Seldiers, Orphans' Home f Iowa ' Approved, January 22, 1366 . . . -THE CELEliliATEDRAM . MICROSCOlPte. Combines instruction's with atflusein.nt and lasts a lifetime. The best, simplest, cheapest and most powerful JUcposcope in the world. Gotten upon an entirely new principle.' A beautiful gift to old orVroung." MngniEes nearly T-n thousand times a powerequarto twenty 'dollar complicated ilfcro scipey.' The only itiFtrument which' requires no fj cal adjustment, therefore T-an be used by every ono even by chi'ldTen." Adspted to the iamily ifde as well ar.(4eatjfi;c ue. "Shows the a inlterations in fond, animals in vfater, globoles in blood, and other fluids, tabular structure of a hair, claws on a "fly's foot, :ini:in'fiietrthrre is no end to the num ber nf oljects which can be'examined in it. Liber al discount at whotcsale.' Agents wanted every where.' Send fcr Circ'uliifs.' Price only $2,50. Beautiful mounted obieets'One d'allar and fifty cts. per dozen. The I'ocfcet nofclty MierD.cope, com pannion to the Craig, for examining living insects, seeds, cloth, wool, bank bil).,11owcrs, leaves, Ac., if a compact and handy instrument. 1'rice only S3. Also, the new and beatrtifal folding Bellevue Stereoscope, which magnifies, pictures large and lifelike. Price $3. Choice Stereoseopeviews. S3 per dozen. Any of the above instruments "pill be sent prepaid on receipt of price. - Address. G M. MEAD; ; Thompsonsyille, nojiEOPATiiic physician ; r. ..A.... V.- ' ASD' k ' ' W. . OBSTETRICIAN, . Brownrillc, - ;ebntsla; Will ctre hi attention to ail cases entrusted to bim.ond belieres himself qualified to cure by the mild remedies prescribed by his school. OFFICE At his residence, west of the fran School Ilouse, on Atlantic, between 7th & 8th sts. Il-n4 ly . OSAGE ORANGE E! 33 G4- X JST 3r . The undersigned has locetel ih 'tha Territwy of Netraska.for the purpoift of raising OSAGE Plants and'settinz out and making Fence of the same. 1 shall cultivate and tend the same for three years', and give the same tirqe to pay frr it, at a charge of fromUti dollarand i c,A 1 1 -rlv ri cents to TWO dollars per Rod. 1 shall set out the Plants next Spring, commencing near lhe Kansas vne and go as far up as Omaha,and probably some distance beyond, taking a strip of" country 33 or 40 mile3 wide, and beyond that if there will be enough t6 do to make it an object for tno to go there.' HOW TO PREPARE THE GROUND. To all who v?l$h me to do their Feuclng prepare yod ground in the following manner : If it is Prairie plow strip one rod wide leaving a dead furrow in the cen tre, plow from one and1 a blf to two inches deep; in the Fall harrow it, tnen b&ca furrow tt; again in the Spring harrow and your ground is ready for the Plants. In old gronnd back furrow in August before the weeds go ta Veed. . ' .Any one having a large tract of land to fence, and would rather I should take part of the land for my pay, I will do so to those who wish me to make them a fence, write to me at Brownville, and let me know how much yon want me to fence for you, and I will cill at your residenoo sometime between now and the tfst.of January' Pcxt, t and make a special contract with you. 1 shall also, have all kinds of Fruit Trees, Flowers, Evergreen's, Shrub bery for sale, all grown in the Territflry 'cci accli mated. To Those who are raiding Plants, of their own, and would fike ma to make their hedge for tbem I will take their Plants in ptrt pay, or I will tell them how to make a' good fence, and the spediest and best way to make it ; also the best way to save the Plants during the first and second win ter. Those buying Plant3 of me will get the re ceipts fre. If there U any juan in the Territory, that can give better instructions, I will give him one thous and dollars for it. -1 also furnish a receipt for de stroying the Gopher, for fifty cents, etc. Agents wanted to canvass in Kansas, Nebraska Iowa and Missouri, they can easily make from ono to three hundred dollars per month, clear of expen ses. Address, MATHEW McKEIGHAN. P. O. Box 12, IJro'wnyille, Nebraska. Refer by permission to JLIXife KfXtOG, I Q , Jlelv PortkrJ """ LuTnEitTToaDi-Er I It. F. Bakket, f Brownvtl'e LATEST FASHION'S DEMAND J. XV. Bradley's celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR OCBLE SPBIXG) The Wonderful Flexibility and great Comfort and Pleasure to any Ltdy wearing the Duplex Elliptic Sfcirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas. Carriage Railroad Cars. Church Pews. Arm Ch urs. for Promenade and House Dress, as. he Skirt can be folded . hcn in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin Dress, an invaluable quality in crinolire, not found ii. any Simile Spring Skirt'. .A .Lady,, having, enjoyed the .pleasure, comTort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel ipring Skirt or a single day, wiH"never atterwards willingly dirpenre ith.. their use. For Children, Misses and Young Lidi'es tbey aresiiperior.lo M o.therS. They will not fjd or break' like the SIhgle Spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful sape where three or four ordinarr Skirts will have been thrown aside as nseless. The Iloops are covered with double and twi.-tPd thread, and the bottom rods aro not qjily. double .springs." but twje ( doubJe) covered ; pfeventin'i them frotu wearing out when dragging do u stoops, stairs, &.C. The Duplex Eljiptij is a great favorite wjth ali the ladies rfnd is universally recommended by all the Fashionable Magazines as the standard skirt of the Fashionable World. To enjoy the following inestimable advantages In Crinoline, viz . superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape and finish, flexibility, durability, com fort and economy, enquire lor J. W. Bradley ' s Duplex Elliptic or Double Spring Skirt, and be Eureyouget the genuine article. CAUTION. To guard against imposition be partic ular to notice that skirts offered as "Diri LEX" have Oia rail int rm .-to - tfr I, J - r 1 liptic oteel fc'piing's," upon the wtisiband- none other are genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) spri gs braided together therein, which is the secret of their flexibi lity and strength, and a combination not lo be found in any other skirt. For sale in all stores where First Class skirts are sold t hrotighont the Uuited States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the Foe owners or the patent, Wests, Bradley & Cary, 97 Chambers & 76 & 61 Keade Sts., ll-3-3ai if. Y NOTICE. THE JI0DEL SEWING MACHINE (From the New York Herald") Prominent among the mechanical triumphs of this most Ingenious age. common honesty compels us to no tice the Empire Sewing Machine, commended as justly strley perfection itself Useful as have been the va rious sewin? machines, from time lo time presented tothepnblic, each one of them has been cursed with some radic lOerect, which detracts from general util ity. Warned by the experience of bis predecessors, the inventor of the Erie Machine his produced an in strument, combining all the advantage for "fciiicb others are Vauntpd'and obviating every defect whih can be attributed to them by the most fastidious critic. . Th Empire Machine is a mjrrouy.-onibiaatton cf simplici)y, econemy and perfect wotkship, bering dura ble, iree from liabilityto get'oot ol order? noiseless and easy of operation. Its mechanical contrivance is such as to secure stability, freeMotil from accidentand accuracy as to w rkmanship. By the use of the pet enrea tnumeanu siraigni neetffe it makes a stitcb. whfch can neither rip nor ravel, whlle.'at tbe same time, it can operate perfectly upon evety species of rjiaterial from leather to cambrik,with threaps of cot inn; linen or silk from the nest to the coarsest num ber. . ' As the Smpire Machine is gradually; supplanting its mdreSntique'rivals, no one in wan'tof af nse're'i Irfstru ment'or this discription, be he or she tailor, coach ma kCf dressmaker or seamstress, can do otherwisl than sf cuTe one of these econtuical and inimitable paohi"es suited alike for fami y aBd manufacturing purposes. The ofSco-of the Empire Menurcturing Co. Js at No. 536' Croadwoy, New"YorC City, wliere the are now supplying these Empire Machines at prices far-below the rearvalue of the instruments. New York Herald Feb. 6t 16 19 19 A h& "VfAXTEDJ Agents, Male and Female, at $75 to $150 per month, to sell the celebrated CoAntotr Sense Family Sewintj Machine TP-FtlCJEJ S1S.OO This Machine" will do all kinds -of work cryual to the high priced Machines, and js the only practical and le liable, Cheap Sewing Machfne in the world. Adiress SECOilC fr CO, Chicago, His or.Clerelond, O. Principal OJ5ce,o. 2 Custom House Place Chicago 10-Jrt !y fi,nn ' " 1 39 ... ' ". -i Ck 2 j,- Q ,y I- ti . I- b --l iP-VTJ x " . g Lr ah 5 I ? r- ? K L J U S & 2 -S g L. . 2 ? 3 O g " C A fjzzzi s 555 O - t . 1 J - - - Z o ? ' r5)- ! FEIR AND TORNADO OF 7c, Tqos. J. Tcbxib, Pres't, and Chas. SqriKE?, Se'y., cf the Fire and Tornado Insuranee Pomrany, of Freeport, Illinois, hereby certify thAt said Coinpsriy is f osFessed of a capital of at least ene hundred thousand dollars, secured by lean on rial cstnto worth at ca?h valuation at least fire tbrries the amount of said capita!, and not encurn bared to more than one-fourth of aid valuation. " THOS. J.TUR-ER,Pres't. CHARLES SQUIRES, Secretary. STATE OF ILLINOIS, t : STErilESSOy COUNTY.s S3 Tersoanliy appeared before me, Clerk of the Coun ty Court of said County, T J. Turner and Chares Squires to me known ss Itho President and. Secretary of the Fire A Tornado nrurance Company, who ber ing firstdalysw.irriaiorlinr Co Ur fieTcr.l!y de pose and say "that the above certificate subscribed toby them respectively is true in substance and ia fact, as shown by the records of said Company." Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th. day ofJanunry, A . D.136 j. GEORGE THOMPSON, County Clerk. HOE. B. Piersox, Deputy: CRTIPICATES of AUTHORITY To Expire on tne 31st day of January, 1SS3. Insurance Department, Ofice of Ter ritorial Auditor, OMAHA, NEB. Jan., 16ih, 1S66, WHEREAS, J. T. Campbell, Assistant Gen Agent, foi the Fire and Tornado Ins. Co. located at Freeport,in the State of linois, hai . filed in this Office a .copy cf-the Act of Incorpora tion of said Company, and a Statement tihtler oath, showing its Condition, as reouired by the Four teenth Section of a Lair of the Terri tor? of Nebras ka,, entitled "n act in. Relation to. Insurance Companies," Approved February, 1865 ; Therefore, be in known, by these presents. That in pursuance of the aforesaid Act, I, JOHN tJillcspie, Auditor of the Territory of Nebraska, Do Hereby Certify that said Fire fr Tornado Insurance Company has full authority to tratsaef business of Insurance in the Territory of Nebraska, under the laws of th i. Tern torj, until the 31st day of Janu arr, a. d.,l8G7. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hare subscribed my name, and caused the Seal of the Auditor s Office to be afUxed, this loth day of Janunry, a.d., 1865. - JOHN GILLESPIE, Ter. Auditor. GEO. W. I11LL & CO., Agents, Brownville Nebraska. 2Trt, JOirOItTAKT Vytui A TO LADIES. J m FOR females; Are the onlv safe and trulr effective medicine fot Females extant. Do not trifle with your health and use cheap and dangerous medicine, which drug gists may have bought, and will recommend to you, being ignorant of their qualities. Mis.'Winslow's Mystic Pills are mild in their operations : correct all irregularities and painful menstruation; remore all obstruction?, whether froril cold or otherwise. No maiden, wife or mother should be without them Try them use according to directions and we know the result ill bo as dosirec1. Ask for "Mr3. Wins- low's Mystic Pills. Take none other. Price $2,00 per box , cr three boxes for 5 dollars. For sale by all.druggistgV ' ' ' . ' Peter E. Blow, Qeri- Agent, St. Louit. March 22J, I no 25-ly A' SUGAR-COATED, PURELY. VEGETABLE, Free from Mercury I ASD ALL MINERAL P0:S0N And are, undoubtedly, tho . " best ivmedy extant M V FOR SICK AXD SEBVOCS HEADACHE Operating a." tiioy do, ijy virtue of a special affinity for the nvicons membrane of the bowel, thereby retnorins the causes. As .a LIVER PILL (hey enn have no rirnl, being com posfd of the most Powerful Vegetable Extracts which have a direct action on the SPLEEN AND LIVER, the ,hppy eBeof orfiioh can (.'e seen alter one or two iloses. They liemove ihc JDiic, (a Q W t1 ft 3 Assist piafnthft, t'ttije Cost i ten cness, In f:icf, tii'cy tire, t ih'eif i.idicate.s, the name o BLOOD PILL "The Life-GiTing Principle." Thoy spnrcli out (license and strike lit its vi-ry'root, leaving the fvstetft in (fie liifi vior of hc:iltli ; aro ri:i;KKCTI.Y IIAKMLP:SS U I N F.VX'FS, .tUt ' I'tU-SoiS OK Til K MOST DKLICtTE CONSTirJ TIONS, and are a SATER, SUREE AND EEXTES ' - j Purgative Pill thnn lias ever l-ofore been r.vaili.Me to m.-inkitnl, and, 1'T,' ihi'-klv 'fc-U-GA It-t;oJ.'!'!'IIi. HreeMiei-i.'iUv adapt ed nsa KE.MEDY FOUClMUiKKN, 0 M e3i ierriis who liave a PRtNCE; Walton & co.f (Successors to Dr. C. W. Robock.) SOT.K rROrP.lETORS, IT03. 56, 58, 60 & 62 East Third St. . . s . CIXCIXXATI O; Are Sold by ail Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines '"Mrywhere." MASTER'S SALE, Notice is hereby g;ren that by irtue of an or der of tho district Court cf Xernaba County, Xe bra tka Territory, in Chancery, in thecae of John Bell against John J.Ritchie, Mary J. Ritchie and Henry M. Atkinson, made at the Spring term A.D. lS.and to cie directed, I will on - Saturday, November p4tb, K. D., 1666, at one o'clock P. M., offer for sale at rublic Auc- t:oD. to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of.SLPberson's UalJL ifl'Jbrownrille, Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, (.the place where th'e last term of Mil Cour for -said CoGnty was held,) the South E-xst quarter, of the South .West frac tional qurrter, of Section nineteen 19) in. Town ship four (-1), North of Range fifteen (15), East, Jn Tad NemaFa CoffnTjT, Nebraska Territvry. " Giren tfndef my hand this th'day 'bf October, .-D, - . .GHAELES" O: DOR5EY, xl-4 4t pff9.bf9 Master in Chanoery Ayers Cherry PectoraL A Ik i and persons who have a dread of k J u swallowing n pill. They are, nn- -J Ffj questionahlv. one of our most JjJ fr satisfai-toi y CATHARTICS, " and no household XL j?V should be with- A V S vaX out "'em. yy 12 iL XI Di-Q:Ii:D PLUtP EXTRACT, AT THE pAlE OE POOQ HOPE THE H0TTEITT0T3 Having long used 23 IJOHilT It was borrowed from those rudo practitioners bjr THE English and Dutch Physicians, On whose recommendation ilwas employed in Eu rope and has now come into general use. IT IS GIVE? CHIPFLT IS Graiel, Chrdhp4 Catarrh of the Bladder M0HBID IRRITATION OF TIIE BApDER AND URETIIRA, FOR FE31ALE ITEaKXESS and DEBILITY For Prolapsus and Bearing ftottftj or Prolapsns Uteri, Diseases or The Postate' .Glands; " RSTEXTIOX, OB In'COKTININCS OF Ultl-NX. And all diseases requiring the aid of a diuretic arising from a loss of tone in the par U cori- cerned in its tracaation.. IT IS RECOMMENDED IS CASE3 OF DYSPEPSIA,; ' CHRONIC B'iEUMATIsM, Cutaheoiis Atfections and Dropsy, To cur3 diseases we mast brin into action the muscles which are engaged in their rarious func tions. To neglect them.howerer slight may be the attack, is sure to affect the boldly health and men tal pbwera. OXJR PLESH AND J3L.OCff, are supported from these sources. PERSONS OF EVERY PERIOD QF LIFE frop ijfancjr to jSld Age; and in crery state of health, are liable to be sub jects of these diseases. The fcause in Mazij Jnstanees are Unknown Tbaatiet ha'; however, an aJrriratle remedy in HELMBOLD'S Eluid Extract of Buphu Philadelphia Fpefng Bulletin Ed Jaffa!, gifx. Jo. 1S65. HELM BO IDS' Genuine Preparations. His Solid and Fluid fiiiracts embody the full strength of the ingredients of which they are named. They are left to the inspection of all. A ready and! conclusive test of their properties-.will be a comparison with those set fori,h in the United Stales jbispensatoj. .These rem edies are prepared by if. T. Helmbold,a druggist of sixteen yeaes' experience in this city, and we believe them to be re liable ; in fact, we have never known ah article Jacking merit to meet wjth a per .rfinent success, and Mf. HelmbUd's success is certainly prima facie evvj;!entd. His Drug and Chemical Wafehouse, in the city of New York, is not excelled, if equaled, b arjr in tfe country, jjd we would advise cur readers, when visiting that city, to give him a cdl, and judge for themselves. IljClfilb old's Etr a.c t pS P u c hkn, HI3LMBOLD. ... . J0IIN F. 3I0RRIS Jlgeni for the above preparations, BaowsviLLE, Nebraska. KiTeaVer,:. 185,17.' li'-jjl-i V. most delicious and LelLbfal bevtrj known. rrey.rf;d ttTa the lesf jita corrr.2. ana wniie it uj a;t tue tjirr oi fJM'ui i -u jrn mont Jara,Felli fur les tain half the price. ... f ,,. Has been tehdily used f.r yenrs, ty tticr.'niJi f persons in. alt pjrt. ttie'Couotry, and ii uni TersillV acknoWicJe-i to b at once nut'ioos, de llcfousbealtbful and tconbaictl," The sasjo quan tity will make richer and strttiff p iii-CvS than any other known. ' Gsborn's Java-CoiTctj:1 Ij part!onary recoramenledT,?a heS'i.Hfiil ber isj-ne ai l'is mo3t beneficially o-ed tyxhr-n who sliSerwith Headache Nerrouanc.-s, aa l etherjeju rious elects from tne u?e of other CcUee, S. v.- It is prepared with the greatest cwra, - and; e tains co ingredient whieo ia not-rnore hnnls a-oi benencial to tho hutnan organism than pure CoSae, to which fact the "cost itiifull Physicians a Chemists teniry; ' , ' ' . - psBQRjvs. vj coffee: Flas been extensirely used at numerous Sanita ry Fair throughout the Union, anl teceired er tificates of the highest rconieaJation. ; It has also been thoroughly teited1 'asd received the d rjorn. cf the American Institute dod ether prominent institutions. Put up in one pound packages bearing tho fac simile Signature cf Lewis A. 'j3bornanJ in baxes of 30 and 0 ibs. and Sold by 'UrocfM'go'nerllly. AyiiQleaale Depot, antjTmUQ . ..." SapHreW, '. . TtlOS. &EID H pO. 'GLOBE MILLS. Importers and Whblc?ale Dealers, ia let.CcZet, and Spices. " ., -.r . Nos. 103 & 105 ITUi-ren ana 2Gtl Tl'aslilnton Streets Xciy Yorlf. FRENCH HOTEL!' - r On tlie Europeap. piat: r. Opposite the City H ill aud Par,(dr o?.Franl-foi-tSt. AZW YQlUC.i ' Spacious tkfwtory.DathRoom an.) Z?arW SVop'. jSerranfswot a?ocee (orecece rerquUijS. ' Do not believe Runners cr' Haekmn o 'snr. e arefuir. July l'st. I35. 1 fSin (Successors to McLauKhTjri'ft 6 wan.) . ' A'tmaha Valley Bank B'uiliug.- 1 , We respectfully announce td ijiq Public that they have nowin store, '& iTew and Large Stock" &f FAMILY " AND 4 sy To vhich they inyite the .attention of purchasers ... s'. YOU WILL FIND THE BESi 1 Sugars; Teas, IUo antl Jara CoT fefc, Pnrc Cider Tlucser and Coal Canned Fiuih of the best quality Oysters. jSddincx, cat. tTi GaUv.p, vieklcs. piamsi" French Mustard, i Worcesteshire Sauce an$ cslernn eserveLhee$eat..; . swan & mm Swun and Brother, de&ire to' call particular attenfjoh f.q tjieir, largo and taried Stock ,of . .. Tobacco, consisting of Natural Len and Nectarine and other favorite IranBs of Plug; Tobacco accl best qualities A Fine cut aid Spioki'ng Tobacco. Wrought and jCut Nails, of all sie Spades, .hoveb. 13room3,Sewin'Tvin? and Scoop Shovels at t SWAN & BUO'tf. Tlic highest price paid forDnller. Egp) and country jprodii Xi SAN- & BRO . ... . .,.... Consult your interst bv cxarnin- ing Swan & Bro's.GQOiIs and prices before buying. elsewhere.;-3 y-10-n-J ly. G 11 A NT' & CAEAP CASH STORr. Jllain' Street between Firsi and Second, BItGWNILLE, N. T, I Would Respectfully inform the Cittern of Prownville, and surrounding counjfy tbat;I in- just fa.Il Stock qf Uootii, comsti-g .'of Of the latest srylc and bct quslity. Mens heavy Calf Boots, dgubie soled YWAt t in KiplcUr bnyn and eh'ildVenj Ifoots and Kbocs. All kinis "of Ia'- - dics'.tooji and .Shoe o.f.t'ae ae$ianj. besta aliV.' India Rubber snd Buflfalo Orer .Shdes for G e ntlerneL ft nd Lad ies Groceries .of ' vr er j inrd , Consisting of the hes brand? of SiigafCofTee, Tea Pepper, A,U3P'ce Soda, Candles, Tobacco, .Matches, Starch. &c.,&.c.,&c.'' -'Vr., ' j " Woodea "VVax.ej .Slonc ' Ware, The ncst'Qu.iTity of Jhe .bevt .Woolen Under and Over ' Sir: j, S.ilt Salt-by1 the pound ec barret . . . wnicn ns OFFEKsVoBiALz T ' CHEAP 3TOK CJASPI All of which he oSTers at niineUnot to be undersold. the lowert price Jeier . . UUAM. JPUOB ATE NOTICE, v ; " NoHce is herrjj flrt-i te all person inferfiUfn that S. A. Chamber a Executor yf the I . Vill i Hii: deceueri h uieU-i trcrmi.ii lor 5et pettie ment at my effloe , i.tft&t Uandaj; lie Sib uf Oeiober. A. P. 164 at-40 o'clock A Jl. ii.tha. u tppolnted for examining ud.l lowina the The