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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1866)
JOHNIs COM! APP. EDITOR. rTrVr. t tnOWSVILLEJHURSDAY. 1N0V. 1, 1868. f Public Land Operations. Frcra the Washington Sur of Oct. J(Hb, we extract ihe following official fig ure, of entries of. land at .the c$ces at thm Inarm taint d duilrrr the month of : r ' September : At Junction City, K., G 927 acr. . At St. Peters, Minn., 8 013 acres. ; At Humboldt, Ks., 5.519 acre?. Falls of St. Croix, 1.012 acres. : Ft. DMointJ.Iowa, 4,52-J acres. Sioux City, Iowa, 4.CGG acres. Detroit. Mien., 11,057 acres. " . llrownville, JCelrasfca, 11.0S9. . ' -th firurei r peak for them TIicP.B. R. Excursion. The great Railroad Excursion on tie U. P. R. R-, whkli went from Omaha Ci:y to the end cftbal roa lrm week, was undoubtedly "the greatest affair of the kind the Great West ever srtvr. It was in honor of the.' completion of that road to the 100thrteredi"an7 279 mile. west of Omaha, and before the Excur sion had time' to get there, the road was finished thirty-two miles beyond I ' The -pariy TOVTGTOposed of nrarinfee hundred distinguished Senators, our pwn among the number, Congrersmen, civil ians and "ladies of high degree," and the sun at high Meridian is the felre, plainly showing were emigration i .,Greal Father,"- dating from Andy J Is Comtn,T. lie (iouuuiunue tui" the cffice n ihii try for October will far exceed those for September. K voice will 0 un from the people next Tuesday, which if Andy heeds rot, will allow 'him but a short thrift before he seeks the land of ex-Presidents. We fTope'he wllLheed it.and leave the' Am endment of the Constitution with the people where it properly belongs, v '.: ; The 'following are 'the official majori ties rf ported in the Omaha Republican : Member of Congress, Tafle, 748. Delegate to Congress Marquette .770 Auditor. Gillespie, 551. "Treasurer. Kbun'z-- 647. ; ' Librarian, Knox, 518. .... While number of votes cast,-9.16S. Wp will rublish the official table- next beauty and glory of the, xiay, so (;vere week if Vf cejved in time, ' : ' these ladies to thi Meridian excursion. The rarivhe firit.nighiout, stopped ! Black's Gang PlOff. at Columbus, vvhere theCcmf any.hai al- rt of lhe greal Farm Irri- readv erected tumptucua hotel accotnrao- , . .. . . w in Mal00h, 111., during dation in the bape cf wans, roomy pa- , niinois State 1-air, the above named millions, with everything in the surrouna- ings to give comfort and pleasure to the party. The tables were filled with the choicest viands, und the guests, no doubt, were soon in the same enviable piedica roent. :Here the party were gratified by a sight cf the "noble red man", in all his native majesty, who there, undtr the '. -t r Totrlnr their 2nd management vi wcu. is .- -.-- .'i i Tf a Col. Lvuch. of Louisville, iy , of the Fenians captured at the battle of Ridgeway. hai leen tried ia Canada and condemned , tobe shot. The Fenians throughout' iWUiIion are greatly excited over the news. An effort is on foot to have the sentence set aside, and Andy is requested to" use -his official influence to arrest the executibn. but it is doubtful whethernhe neutfality-for whifti his 11 nermit his in- reverance ia yico. r- terference. f Th'ef'ollow'ing'iVtt fetter -of ttonD. N. Cooley to the President, res.gnirg his position in the Interior Uepartmem o fV.rr.niisioner of Indian Affairs. n.r.mpnt of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington,. D. C. Oc tobefT. 7"; , , . Trt hp President: At a time'wheh the: men who saved nted to our country auu Plow, manufactured by Messrs. Morgan dearoy it are arfayed against hcuu. ifri at their Factory in this city, as now, and persons are seeking, w, : ".u.., ;-.Unf! ' much success, lo gain com.u, font the first premium ai ernment, who were uU.uS j .u- f Jmnlpments at Decatur. , roariPA a3 it3 enemies, the position lUCli'utv u,7nn. 'J 4ls - . . i ...J Cuta,.i9 inches w,de, PY 3 n-"' nF -.-rv citizen should be clearly aenneu ii-" w " Ahhoucrhiheofficelholdisnotof a po (I as i The Business of RrownilUc The business of Brcwnvnie is steadily increasing, fair?y keeping pace with the demand. We Lave. low in the ci.y: Ten first class Dry Goods and Grocery Stores, which also keepngeueral assort ment of Hardware, Cuilery, Boats, Shoes, Farm implements, etc. . One exclusive Grocery Styre. , One Exchange Bank. Three Boot and Shoe Stores. .. 'Three Drug Stores. .Two Saddle and Harness Shops. ., Two Clothing Stores. . Two Tin and Stove Stores. Two-Shcemaker Shops. Two firit Class Hotels. Two Wagon Maker Shop?. . - . ; j One Plow Factory. Three Blackiraith Shops. Three Livery and Feed Stables. , , Two Confectionery Stores. Three Churches. Ona Bookstore and News Depot. One Millinery Shop. 4 On Merchant Steam Flouring Mill. One Steam Saw Mill.' One Watch and Jewely Store. One Merchant Tailor Shop. One Brewery. ' 1 One Cabinet Shop. One Cooper Shop. One Barber Shop. One Restaurant. One Meat jlarket. Two Brickyards. Three Sab first gave an exmoiuon ut. iuC. terpsichorean performances to the . great delisht of the party fire works were then touched eff for , the -ratification of the ef oresaid noblemen," and "everything was lovely and the" ex cursionists retired for the night. And the morning and evening of that day was Tuesday. m Wednesday, the party "went tor me lOOih Meridian, wbicn tney rtutucu, and were entertained wiih Indian dances tharn battle by . Indians, the general a 1. .i.f..ii riar. divertisment being, aenguauny u. spersed with good eating, washed down'- ' At thia point a meeting' was held at which Gov. Sanders presided as Chair man. Resolutions were adopted of gen ral gratulation and thanksgiving for the glorious success in construction and. man agement of the Pacific Road bo far, and of thanks fur tho pleasant reception and excursion they had enjoyed. Speeches were made by-Senators Wade, of Ohio, Patterson, of N. H., Tipton, of Nebras ka; Hon. Lawrence, of O., Hen. John B. Alley, of Mass., and others. This was the grand day, and everything cor responded in effect witphe mighty un dertaking it was called to celebrate. Thursday the train moved on to the end of the track, where tracklaying in perfection' was witnessed by the party. The day was spent' in a general manner, several parties striking out on their own hook, hunting, fishing, exploring, etc. Friday the return trip was made, and the best satisfied party that ever came to .... u 24 ura L This is an excellent Plow of its arid deservedly popular." . . With this recommendation we hope - i 1." ...:h nitrnni7P hnmft indus- BxUl. and other "f " ' r i p,. f try, which is turmng um . w. . ihe above kind. ate a fcensation wuw en to the public, m. . -Stopping to folly is a comaum ui.u y this world, in the hot-bed cf corruption. A sad case, has just teen made kho.Vh a young woman be- ; i., xhn nQ?t aristocratic circie ui UULIIliv." v ' -. I the" Federa city hrfs gone astray. &r.e had not even been suspected until a few days aso, when her prolongeu aosccutf iu New Yofk.-where she had gone a vi-ii. ed to inquiry, and her paranis o iu u horror ascertained she had vo untan become the inmate of a iashionaue orom- el -No'cause; "other man mai music wickedness wh efc be .devil ; someuu, rmMam's into poor; weak human nature, is aif ned for the conduct of ihe woman who thus recklessly brings sname on iu honored name, of her,farndy. teuisvutc Courier Koliee. Jllk t .J- i Cv. -whose notes or -accounts are will please call anJ piy the same at once and savexcitsl ; ,TrTX,ev - rn '. i .- : t- rrr z St . v i ? i-r "si - : 3- m M. A . I f 1 5 J ' " 1 . S i jJ i - : i - 1 t ill i f 1 Ummu Mr litical natUT. yet nSy 'continuance in mav be regarded as an affiliation on my Kiuu, -r . j'i T?n tVi tho rorsnn aiiuueu. iu. uuii r . .. . . . . ! -; these reasons I have the honor to .ienaer ray resignation of the .office of . Commis , r j- ' a cc ; c ,rt mLo pfTprl on sioner oi inuian au" -. -7-. ' .nnnmiment niF a successor. In doing I LiC oti'uiiii - t so NEW ADVERTISEMENTS noyfEyoricEr Notice 53 fcereby given 'appli'rttioa has bcn made by William Craig, to be appointed Admini. tratorWita tba will annexed on the Estate of Joel A d that f hearing on faid be had On Thursday the 22d day -.-af November, next at 10 o'clock a,m., at my -office in Beatrice, Xebrfisk:i Territory. '.;. Uated,Oaober2nhlS6LBEriTToWL . ' ' ' . . 1'robate Jutlije. It i hereby ordered that tho above coiico be pub lisbed ia tho Nebraska Advertiser for turea cocacc- ative weeks. ALBERT TOWLE, ' ' r probate Judge. . MANHOOD: How Lost, hoW Restored fjBWtTK CULVKRW ELL'S Celebrate l Essay on JTV te raUe.l ci re (wliboul nJi'ii)f) or CV: SPEKHATORRACEA, "r Seminal We ak- ?, Invo!urrary Seminal Losses, lopotrncy :n- Theondersigncd keep on hand altrge assortoientt SATTIfJET&CASSIf.iERESUITS FSrMenand Boy's wear- Also, a larse3tock of HATS AjNTD CAPS ill ! ill lira BOOTS AND SHOES Rubber Cots, Leslns & Blankets. rr-r-aixxls.e vxx3. VnlisoQ. bllBitELLAS-'AND'CAEPET-BAGS. Gent's -Fnrais&M Goods, - Of all kinds which we will se-l C II E A P F Q 5 Q A S II We purchased our goods since the dt cline in the Markets and will sell at lov fi-orcs, ATKINSON & CO. Arr;il3th,1855, fl-33-ly nes tal and . . . . v . . . 0, - . ,1 " ' j nA n ' Tho celebrated entbor, m mis auuinauio ay in express my earneat wish ,.f or, your obed- ient servant. . ... . : - 0u3 use of internal medicine or the apphti.m of ,D. N. COOLEY. In r-i.llrl 1 for T'niir lin iform kindness ana courws.y ihe toiiowin? oiaics uio jvi j . , . . . State elections this fall ; Woct Virtrinia Fourth Tuesd w w O October. . Louisiana First Monday in Novera ber. - .. v:; Delaware First Tuesday in Novem ber. . . Illinois First Tuesday , in November, Kansas First Tuesday in November, Mr Prps'iden' allow me to than! you ase.etc.aW Consumpt-on, ;Lj ncpsy, and ut?, m , Wr..msiaen., ouu ' br aelMnduliwBce oc s?xl cxtrarlgaCtfe, . . Trice, in fcaled envelope, oniv 6 oents. A Wonaerful DIscOYeit-;Locomo- tion wnuoui wnecis. It is not generally known that there is pPn at La Louchere, close to the. lVVyW" - . .11,, . . nrettv viliae of Bouginall, near rans.tne uuiac, pneo T I . 1 f ..1..TAYT iT-IIV-l 1 Maryland First Tuesday .in iwem- extraordinary signt -or a. runway J. oon: rrradifint Without the 1 . asceuuiug :"i'. . ,. , MaacbueUs-FirstTuedyi0 No. "'.17 Ti. h-in, vember. Upmion of Monsiear L. D (jirard. a First Tuesday in Novem- pronh pno-ineer. It is founded' on a . . ir;n..intin'at a modo of cure at oncesim. t 9nH means of which. vcry sufferer' no matter what bis onditton may be, may .i,;'n,. nrivatelv. and radically, This Lecture should be in tho hands of every Vonth and every man in the lan l. . i.nHnr.ina Dlain envelope, to sny na rfrw, postpaid, on receipt o: six centa. or two post nmLn,. Also. Dr. Culverweil's "Marriage . , -- - , . vi:i.. 25 cents. Adaras ilb iuuhj,.. CAS.J.KLlNE&rO. i .iff li V am ejfr X i i uo w try i v t ivi Post Office box,4,5SG. . 11-5 12 -5 ilicmett ber.. Minnesota First Tuesday iu Novem ber. Missouri First Tuesday in Novem- ber. Nevada First Tuesday in November. Torspv First Tuesday in No vember. New York First Tuesday in Novem ber, Wisconsin First; Tuesday in Novem ber. Tuesday in No South Carolina Fourth Monday in with ihe same expenditure oi ruet, oe ca nable CI drawing uouuie iao r illrs. ill. M illinery . & Fancy Goods new application of an old' principle, viz : ,w a iupr nf water introduced between two metal surfaces, enapies inem to guua MainStreet one door west ot the ost wmce RIIOWXVILLE, HiUliitAStv. '.le: of. Fall ann Winter Oood : L;to.i Kvf.rvthin? in the Millinery line tftnt. instantly on hand., Bonnet Bieaobiogand Trimming dono to order. ' 0:tober,25 1865. v3-n-,-2aIy on each other with as little friction as a. slab of ice on the polished .surface of a- frozen lake. M. Girard has dohceitfed the idea or iinnlvin this nrinciple to locomotion, and has successfully demonitrated. that it is applicable to it. In this system wneeis are dispensed with an applying hi inven tion to ordinary .railways, it is ciauueu that an enginsuch as is now in use, with onlv nower to drag a train weighing say fi vp. hundred tons, at the rate of twenty '. ' Pnblic bale. We, the undersigned, by virtue of a deed of trust; executed to us by John 1 . RaUr fairl JanfcarV Ut, A. D. lSGo V . rv . , - . ,. 1 ill sell at public auction, m iront or me VV1 Post OiTice in the town of Peru, Nemaha counlV. IN eoraswa, un o.i'u.uuj. mifes an hour, would, (if Constructed ac- da Ocloberi A D. 1S66, at 2 o'clock oirH i nor !f thp. nnnciDle or ivir. wiraru i, t-yavi'" i - ii- li i ll iiiuivw at November. What depends on the autumnal elect: ions may be seen by a glance at the tol lowine: West Verginia, 3 Representa tives;-New York. 1 Senator, 33, Repre sentatives; Massachusetts, 10 Pvepresen tatives; New Jersey, 1 Senator, 5 Rep . i J 1 Cnninr ft resentalives; iuaryianu, x ocuaiw, Representatives; Michigan, 6 Represen tatives; Illinois, 1 Senator, H Represen Nebraskai perhaps, -were set down at the Herndon Housein Omaha, where a grand Three Doctors; eht Lawyers; a pay entertainment had been prepared for and free School; two Billiard Rooms; tnem. . Telegraph Omce; Steam Ferry, a : The whole affair was in keeping with Calaboose, and all the etceteras that go lne immensity of the U. P. R. R- The to make up a fast, fashionable and flour- whole trip was so excellently planned "ithing western city with a population of acd managed that not the slightest thing 5,000 tou'.s. ; ' occurred to mar the harmony of the oc- Urowntille has all the natural advan- ci0D. May the road move as smoothly Wges and resources to make a city of no completion; mean or puny proportions, and is marcb ins to that, joal with a tteady measured ji0. o. II.'Browning, Sec. of the In- tread which will ensure success. jerior, "has wriiten a letter, which is said " We are tacked by a good soil covered . - approved by the President tvith the fanus of hardy, industrious and ioUS l0 i publication, making an from january 1st to September 1st, 1866, lojalmen, whose industry . will soon ere- elalorale argument k'gaiwt the pending numbered 194,992, against U0,299dur HnnhlA thf ?Deed. The rails used by M. Girard are broa J rr and hi2herythan those on ordinary railways. Their upper ?urface is twenty centimetres in-breadth; the wheels of the carriage being suppressed, are re placed by slides or skates, which have a kind of ledge on. either side, so as to fit on thJ rail, but not too closely: The up per part of the skates next the surface of the rails is holbw in its center into a smalL grove, which is pierced with holes, ciimmuincafinff with the tubes leading to ihfi carriage in which a i a v "- - .,,. eari.llps Tprms cf sale, cash id hand. THOS M. GREEN. WiM. H. DEN MAN, 1 FRANK DOWLER. Oct: 0th, 1SGG. 11 2 ot ffilTffl fllllll! Immense " Stook at vy . Souihside Main S'reet bet. lit "dnd ; 2nd, Have row on hand a magnificent stock of vt.v- t-tv re V V J t ST. v Coni.-tinj ot BEDSTEADS Tlain arid fancy.- with or witbont Sprins and MATRESSES OP ALL KINDS., I B U REAU : Plain aud Faney, Marblo Top?,&c., 4c. T -iSu 23 li'S-S Varlnr.Creuktast, Centre, Marblo fop, Jixtension. great varietv. : J M E T A L 1C CASES tatives ; Wirconsin,' 1 Senator, 0 Repre- sentatives; luinnesoia, pcS- j 3S of water ,3 sudjci, oy imu y Delaware, 1 Representative ; luis- tives ; souri, 1 Senator, 9 Representatives; Kansas, 2 Senators, 1 Representative; Nevada, 1 Senator, 1 Representative. Foreign emigration to this country m. . a 1 mte a fiemana wnica wm. vrmS , uu- r ; . j - -A mendinent. Comment . m r- r r- Jntr ihn corresDondinjr period ot l&oo. road facilities to bear to eastern markets nn . ... m V. Times says:' " TKUUrUnmr. The star of .liberty is I lUi.' 1'U MMIVM r 1 11IJ IJ WMVV...-II.1 . the immense surplus grain and stock m respects we apprehend that Ltin drawing the tyrant-ridden people of which even now is being raised; - - lhe document will operate mischievously, Eu westward, in.which is the true To those who saw Brownviile in 1SG0, nnd that its publication is a mistake that Renublic. .u. i .. Ka n&iflnishinir. wi add to the dinicuiues or me rresi- - , . , dp nt's nolicv.' If it has any significance yet at least a dozen more business houses iy.1-.B.aitli,-Jt: r ti nt would have been erected here ihis season nolwunsunding ihe action of Congress, had brick been more plenty; but this di. and the determination of the North, he will obviate hereafter. The Times. Washington special says the attitude of this Government to Mex- i j:.:..,, r nfTnirs in lhat coun . . ,.i , :. l;. :.: ... ICO. anu CUUUiuuu ficttlty ue hope the ro brickyard starteu intends to continue n 5 rt a, t,rpviousiv conimunicated to you is nmpnament ana ms euui is iu uncai us i i r.,;fi,,;n." The President's fullv confirmed. The Jrrencn uoveru - . . vnpripnra insneech makinsshould have ,Dnl have asked for a delay of the time Wcrk on the St. Joseph and Denver falitfied hifn of lhe fulilily of his efTortq f wilhdrawal of the first installment of Railroad is already progressing rapidly, t0 slem the tide and win the controlling lT00nS until the first of January, and is rapidly gaining favor and assist- elements to his side. The prevailing . if lbis t;me is granted it ,.ance from the counties through which it presumption w, inai a mucu u . - r- d f h re ' T Kir K a nartittpnt nnnnsition to the will waive tne lime uiut :.wiU r 'arer wesf- -UeDVCr ,iroKeit "of the Northern, people. Uncnl of the remaining detatchments. and City ia awakening to its true interest. nAraA - .Wcr. frmor than before, this . u .,kctni;ailv mote time. To - - . . tcuucnu tut,... . -. i remove ou tuMi"pj -. . The Omaha Road, it seems, will pass manifesto over Drowning signature. Government has not assented, but North of Denver and ine Kansas city win tena losirengiueiitucp. . . Road South, and Denver desiring a road grea. and make more determinedAhMe. insis direct East is urgiug up and offering as aistance to the St. Joseph ILoad.. This is the road this, Land District was ,A o r n a nressure or irum seven to eight atmospheres. The turn- inT of a cock establishestne cominuua between the reservoir ana tne sKa. -and; - , R. T. RAINEY & V. D. LEWIS SUCCESSORS TO BAI3ET & CO- , R'nnerifuliv inform' ihe Citizens of the CUy and County that they are in receipt oj a large and complete assortment of ladie's Dress Goods, WniTE G06D3, ' , Wilh an endless variety of NOT I O jST S. Great variety of most improved'pattern . : Grcnt vari-'y of all ftvlcs,both T''"in nr,tl fnT- LOUNGES, SAFES, WASH STANDs WAAT-NOTS, UPHOLSTERY, And everything in the Furni line, which they will .sell Below Eastern Prices! Their Furnitara 3 compile in ercry rcspeit, be in put, up by a superior workman who hai charge of"tba establishment, and can be relied I n. , Theirs i the greatest assortment cr Furniture ercr broa-b to this market ; and is tbe oply plaee r here a complete set of Furniture can l.o Lad. Fair Dealing&Low Prices Io thoir motto, ani ibcy cap rthed on in both respects. 3 - - June 15th, 1835. . x3 Brd FOR!. 5F0T? ....... t . . i- -; f . ... fTTi ilj " u -? M. so izzzJ 'Ml? - 53" A LSO -C3 FORWABDiHG & COMMISSIOH JI ERG J-I-A. jST T S , NEW STEAM . l5 jFS.'jELf. Q S 'jlll i,,n IWH uv.mvv . . The water rushes as from a nyarauno press, through the holes in tne grooves m the skates, and a layer of water is inter nosed between them and the, on which they are thus enabled tu move on the emoihest ice; the traction being thus reduced to a minimum, me -.rani- propelling force is greatly reauceu. a proportionate amount ot steam puwci and consumption of fuel is saved, and at ,ima ihnt crreat aesiueraium. a U1B same f,-- ... , ".L iU"' ' T n mast powerful brake is secured xor u is omy Togeiner wuu iuc bv necessary to cut off the supply of water Custom Made ' between iue ruua - ' nTT nro) the friction of the two snrfaces resumes fiOOTS A N D SHUrib its intensity, anu . evc.j ipso faco, a brake of so effective a char- acter, tlav if 'caution is not used in suppressing the supply oi water grau uaily the-effect would be to produce a shock equal to that of a collision between I twh trains, destructive auto iu F4S5CU gers and carnages. Slock of Ever brought to this. City all of which o.,rv.a!Pfl nnor to the late advance in .rnld. which enables us to offer. supe rlr phHuaeme'nts to those desircus of pur chasing We also, keep on hand a fresh Slock of ; . 1 1 ts the withdrawal shall commence at ILiaikls i j I rocA I i . A m nrrannOn I M CSIac mnH nf th Amendment as o great 0nce ana nroceeu u a.6" - an ui iiv vfc i ., work of national compromise. .anarchy our Government will sustain The N. Y. Herald (says: lbe Juarez Government,. and in consid- tvi . ' ;a ' J. a i a 1 understand bv the rraiion of services rendered -lower Call- pointed to, tome two years since.h rnmPn, whi ch our fathers founded ? frtrn:. and norlhern portions of Sinaola fjr iu western connection by rail Then it ceased to exia with the abolition , of Chihuahua will be ceded to the Uni the proposition ae made seemed ludicrous, slavery. . We cannot plead the Constitu. of lbe agree: j, tet .bout 60 mile, of road Would u. ;.t VZVcmL mem ve. made .ha. .be Uoi.eJ S..t.S is Rare jewel, wor.h: hundred, of itoo una ueai . "v; . , , : anA nF lo ars. were lavisneu on uie iuu to guarantee the claims oi aS.w st Mexico, although such a course may yet appear expedient and proper, Scandal la Washington High Life. This is a wicked xvjrld, 1 verily believe, and 1 am confirmed in that sage opiuion by a wandalout affair, which I tfay refer to without any violation of good taste, since the matter is one of record. " Your readers will remember j that a year or two ago there was a wedding here in High life (so called.) "A young but prominent citizen of a Northern Sta:e. who counted his fortune by millions, was the happy bridegrocm, and the daughter of a ihen cablet minister was tr8 Dnae. ) ' And a good assortment of QTJEHESWAKE rw fha Plae. Main SLreet. Ono Doot above the Fost)Sco, BrowftTillff, Nebraik. -9-10 4ly in.nn AT BROWNVILLE N. T, AND n IN VARIETY, tlie'lCO orl.OOO.Tor salcby E.H.BURCIIES&CO. At their Nursery 2 13 miles west of Brownviile. NehrasH-ni. -'t Agents "Wanted! B10 A DAY EASY MAUi; S1U Jly selling K.nrftving1', Vuru lU'ii'rapi an-i Statiocary Our Stationary I'Hckorsc xcelliall -th-PN . cnoh Pack'TB cnntiins IVpr, EnTel"pe. Pen? ' .. . - . .i .. .1.11 . ' i . . i . : - . i n l.tie.neS. Price only 30 Cents we vill ipnl AKent 100 tfrer nTO forty Lar liuiaej houw ia t Stitionary Fackagf an-i a Miver aica warmn fl:,rbhir r ty We also publisn splenan .ieei cngrarins ni Portrait?, Lithograph Pnr.ts, tic, very popular arnl .aiCiihle. Will send a fine assortment of 100 KOK 115,00 that will realize fifty dolbr3, or a tea dollar l,t that will sell for Thirty Dollars or over. Will end a s imple lot for Five Dollars that will sell for fifteen Dollars. Send Stamp'for Catalogue, TernV. c. IIASK1NS & CO.. Feb. 4 193fi 1-J M Beekman S'reet, xV. Y. I Would Respsct fully Ivform the Trav elling VulUc at large. That .have re cently brought to this point on the ML ;jouri River, the new ana splendid Sieast Ferry Boat. ' Raving p'enty of Deek room for teams and Fti, and av.u)U3.diou.i Cabin f ,r la?3en?CT'. I fil in ying my arrangcmttiti for ytccoinmml-Hi"11'-apee.l and s.ifety are n t eqaaletl by any oV boat ia the Missouri Uivor. Iicin '.ooated at t prosperous Snl fl .urishin city of tlrownriM', braska, ia tho centre of tl great fanning Coun'T ;n th H jt whpr.i ih?rc. U i I7nitd Stat .'S U Olriee, makes it the most. Isinblo point for Lt. grants inl Snttlcrs : and having beefi exi."l' at leats$10.1'00 on the road and bridge botb5 and west Jeadin;; dir. tly t.) tho Ferry, makes it perminent crossing nt all times during tba J' the Miesonri if t'orn never over Cowing at thipwS while at nUotb'rs it does. W,,n!,l u, Freighters an 1 persons crossir the plain?, '.hero is not a itarting point on tha ' it most oo and attention will ,rt tanen ..main the Uiver at this point as it is under The .i; . to iir,prvii,,n of fha o ners of the b'- ilUWl 6- ' I ' - -- ar.d landings . To i7odist ince, tim8 and motcj from all points Norib and East to all point Sut' and Wei-r. c iae ty this r ate'. as it is from 50 123 miles shorter.aud three togve dat trivet J. C. YANTIS, Erownviiie.Sep 20th 1206. c . . -II - . . L - O. T U tci XJrownvuie w tne ot Vu - ih m rown. and Denver read at Marysville. A ;"n r . Charter for a road weJt is now upon the j y. Tribune says : 8utute book of the Territory.. and does ?r:esleriX lQ Mr. Browning be not expire unt'l February, 1S67. With jieTe that it is not certain that "'we will ithu to form a company, and assurance save'the Government. To this the Ame doublT ture of liberal aid from Govern- rican people offer an indignant denial. t ii e t. The dread which Mr. Johnson .tiud nis nemould it not le well f,r our. ban- iZts affect., that the Government cesa men to organize, or at least meet h .h dacger of destruction, is not felt by arid look cp lhe now loose ends of our llie people : and still leys do they'f ear that ueitrrn connections? To ge; matters iheir direct representatives in Congress iata favorable ahape to strike at the pro ara the enemies ot iuexistence. -per moment ? - Brownviile is most fairly President Johnson is playing a very Glutted for air-line connection from Den- skillful" game." bet general results seem v.rr;.vtaiir I'att cf anvcitv on the beyond his vision. --Thw letter put out Miisouri river ! Look on the raap, then ten days preyicas. to the State elections -nrk ! A wt sit. our advantages' are in thirteen different States, wnicn tate let aa jwelina hogs nout ; if we place text Monday and Tuesday, will ...t, .nnf nntumllr innufed to our force Abe reonle again to fear him and advancement and that of the country. I look weU io their own action for safety. beyond recall in which case the Government of this coun try will not hesitate to take the respon sibility. The main point sought is to en force the Monroe doctrine by removing European intervention from Mexican af fairs and regaining to that country a Re publican form of Government. The res ponsibility of this jundertaking has been fully discussed by the Cabinet, and the decision has been unanimously arrived at lhat the time has come for the action in dicated ;n the proceedings above t'ore-shadowedi- These proceedings have now taken definite form and thapa .ar;d have entered so far into fiosecutiQa-s ,to be ands of dollars, were lady, and such a wedding was never in the land since Commodore -Barilett's daughter married the Cuban negro Qvi Wftll. there have been many ru- . ,ai tKo p.mnV iii5t named, aud . l.iuia uuvu iv y . 1-. .. j -r- - - the air has been thick with scandalous rumors. It was known the husband was a -festive cuss, -and that his thousands were spent in riotous living wine, cards and other' etceteras,. liut. cnlj. latterly did the wife seem to know or at least to notice the delinquency of her lord, when it was presented to her in such a shape that: there could be no doubt of his infi- dliiv or. to be plainer, the 3Eryi.ces of a physician were require to heal the bodv as well as a lawyer, to heal her wounded sensibilities. And so she has brought action for divorce, and will of course-get swinging damages ; both of which she is entitled lo, albeit the lady herself is very gay. The case will ere . : HEW PHISIOGUOMVi w iS!K3 OF CHARACTER." a .nianifc? te-J. v. , throngh Temperament and Extern'. Farms aa 1 es pecially in ihe nitr-ion Face Divine." One elegant volume, with nearly 800 pages, ar.d 1 CB lliwswations By S. R. WelU,EJitorPareZ?cicr Journal. Frifo, post paid. $5. Address Fowler &. Wells, Xo. 289 Broadway, Kew Tork. Sew PLls-iosnomyV - is eijilnentiy practical, fnly illustrated, a&d well smtet i. ir, wanisu an in the study of ite fce" me reader r"a'J eichatid every feature A-6e3 are . as?iu-i iue Roman Orees, Jewish, Snuu wovenwi'. wo speai all lansuagcs. whether Hack, blue, brown or bazel. ia a like manner, cneess, aec. ers, u-iiu.-, feet, walk, voice, lnsb, etc. . ar rnown io oe --ngns of eharscier." Ia no other work is so macn Iiroi tnown upon ino rharacter and destiny of marrkicl as in thi. or tbedia- ,r,iitr trait ft iviti ,n9 and tribes so cleirly poinle-f out. PottrEits of (listinxl.thel p'ons cl ancient and m xlern times, with bioRraphicsl t ketches and (Jeiine t tlon of character, are given. Divines, Ortcrv, Sttesr men, Warriors, Artisis. Fti. Philosophers, Inven tors Surzejn.. Discoverers. Actors. Milciats, etc. rja iwludeil Itisan "Kncyclopa; lia" of tiajraphy, acmiinUn the reader with tha career nJ th iraaer (I many great men no women of the pat I Ouo years, and or the nresent nuch, lor Inftance, as Aristotle, Julins Casar, fckukcar, Wt-tinston, Napolfon, Franklin. Bancroft. Bryant. Loasfeilw, Irving. Ijra Bonhenr. T'uecdosia Burr, Cobden, Bripbt, Lrience, Bolivar, Whately, Thav-ker?, Vow, Knox, KkkeiiCQ, noDter, Buckle. Dickens ictoHa, Wesley, Carlylp, Moatley, Milt. Spencer. Thomion, Gntbrte. Aiexah tier, ami hun of others. 0"AGE5TS Wasted. Book tent by rttura pott or express, on recttpt oj u H L; M V -O U U y i C --- -- t . OF Prhe. u3 Ct Ayer's Cathartic Pills. i i 3) 3 On hand at his Store Rooms, Main St., CrovnTllle, SeftrasKa. t , '?J1ti- i. u-rt -nmTlt stsdortment of Dry Good., Groceries, liooif U.IJ,nilJ fill ' ,)IIJLH.lUt K ' f II J i 1 . Warn U u,JlE Vl ' Shoes, Hats an'd Cap,". Cutlery," GUs-wr Qaeeftsware Hsrdwar. tker, Zt Willow Ware, and all kinds of ware usually kept ia a Brstlan Retail b tore, that wulort w Ware that can b bought Rjwtere ... - - - - ' - - - - - TEHLIS ' LOW DOWIJ FOR CASH 'SOI AIi NOlI'2p:s - '. - inS just bought out the entire establ-shment. it beeves nfcearj 'a'" ";.d 6!ifinn: to that end I hereby givo notice that all acc i Bti uno iac ji k : --j - , - the lit day of March, IS63, yill be placed ia tho hindjof an oCScer .or cU.-n. f T Jaaaary 1st, 196o. iy ' ' J.:'t"- 1 Havin;