Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 25, 1866, Image 2

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    The fjctjf are'il at"
.he day ; was tale ail
-ierti cut, I was ir.vittd lv
L to meet ar.d tidress them,
1 ccmpht J ; tut
the papcri cf j
Ir to the fact' that
compel its
' trere not ready, enly a portion cf the
regiment was then, r.ustered cut. Cb
the ccrafioa U. which I refer, I addressed
-the soldiers, and wa3 ntver more kindly
meired cr treated:by that noble Reo
rient. The ciher. companies were mu
(fired cut and paid c;T part cf. them on
Sunday, etd tha ether while I was nec
essarily absent ; otherw ise I would gladly
hare mat them also, arid mostcertamly
would hare done so. I visited these gal
lant men and brave soldiers when they
v.cre in Tennessee aain when they
tvere in Missouri, and aram while they
were at Fort Kearney and Cottonwood
;riE, and their treatment tow?rds me
. as uniformly respecifuhand of the mojt
friendly character such only as they
would extend to a man whom they knew
to le their friend and a friend to their
country. I never Lave been guilty of
confounding the,, Union soldiers wiih the
copperheads, and the Dr. knows it.
iiut all these misrepresentations might
bare passed unnoticed (believinj as I do
tact the time is not distant when the sol
diers cf Nebraska will all underttand
who are their friends now that they are
tt home, where the facts may all be
learned.) Hut the editor of the Herald
ia his paper cf the 34 inst.'makes cer-
. Uin. charges against me, affecting my
rrirate character, when, shculd they
meet the eye cf a stranger both to the
editor and to myself, might injure my
reputation as a citizen. These I propose
; to set right, and to characterize as they
destrre, The Herald says : "In 1561
the Nebraska First was organized. Gov.
Saunders has but recently been sent
monj ts. His patriotism, then oozing
into his pockets, induced him to give to
one George Spencer the most lucrative
position ia it. George said at the time,
and it was well understood, that in ihe
exuberance of that patriotism which is
Djht so much boasted by the Governor,
he .did not hesitate to furnish Mr. Spen
cer with money; on an agreement, to di
Tide the proceeds of the business." Now,
if there are any persons in this commu
nity so far deceived as to believe that
there is the least honesty or principle of
the gentlemen about the editor cf the
Jhrald, they will be astonished when I
tell them, (ana" I can and will if requi.
red. prove the truth of erery word! say)
that teere is not the semblance of truth
ia any portion of the above statement
ih&t it is a wicked and malicious false
hcod from the beginning to the end.
So far from importing" Mr. Spencer
to Nebraska, I met him for the first time
for several years, on the steamboat coin
kg frcta St. Joseph to Omaha, and was
tat aware, until I chmced to meet him,
tit: 1.2 wis ;;hia a tL:u;and miles of
I csrer ave him try cfiica, except to
make him my private Secretary until I
could become acquainted with the gen
tlemen who had applied for the place.
an) to whom I was a ttranger, (for I had
determined to trive it to a resident here. 1 th
' This position Mr. Spencer held but six
weeks, and for the KPrviri. rrrrlprpH I
paid him less than one hundred dollars.
tu : . : - ? 1 . u - u- j I
jui i9 u iuc muuey uo ever received
irea tne- i caa notning wnatever to do
Willi his connection with the suttlership,
.(to which office I presume the Doctor al- tion when foreigners come from Europe
ludes.) He was elected by the Cjueul of 10 escape the blighting influence of ill
Adainistratica to that office. The office paid labor and better their condition, and
, trts f urely a military one, and was not
tvithin ray rift or control. - "
I. j i j 1 a . .u u. . aiiu were oacKeu r.y iocai i.'i'r
never gave, or loaned, or advanced a party! A moments thought must con- ,i7. ln Cass Ne,nna Ric!iardson-
dollar labia in connection with the sut- vince anyone that competition must bring na3 ,nacje QT wrMljru milroad prospects
-.tler?hip. (n effico which the Dr. say i American labor on a level with that of look gloomy. Stal smart.
- the cost lucrative in the regiment.) No over-crowed Europe. This is an inevi- If A. F. Harvey, the author ;of the
cne, I presume, can better tell than the table result. : Manufacturers will be above had not been present during the
Doctor what th profits of a suttlership forced to approximate to European ivatres session of the Republican Convention,
'.re fcr he succeeded in making a large or resign iheir trade. ! How strange then tha above baseless assertion might be
' fcrtune ia thai position at Fori Kearney that a foreigner who has escaped from ascribed to ignorance, out with his knowl
' though his creditors say that they the . thrall of bondage should selfishly edg? that Hon. O. P. Mason, of Otoe,
4ctat tee it," for when they demanded seek to profit both by the misery of his was the first choice of Nemaha, and af-
their dues, father and wife eeemed to former neighbors in laboring for a mere I ter he withdrew a portion of the Nema
. cwa alL I nerer had any interest what- pittance, and by his own position cf high ha delegation voted for McCann. of
- ever with .Mr. Spencer now General wages? Otoe, and that we editorially urged the
Spencer, cf Philadelphia in the euttler But the husbandman way think this claims of Otoe county upon the Republi
lusiress. I never agreed upon any effecta him not, as his is not similar to can "party, the above assertion of "local
'division cf profits" with him, and never the condition of an emigrant mechanic enmity"' becomes a malicious falsehood.
rewired any. The Doctor has got this
- matter niied up with his recollections of
' tn engfgenent to "divide" with the gen-
llersaa who furnished At'w the funds to
: icpea the suttlerthip at Kearney, on Lis
. arrival froa St. Joe,- a penniless mendi-
csnt, freih from the editorial sanctum of
a rslel cewspaper, which the loyal men
cf Missouri had suppressed on account of
its trarei cdvocacy of treasca.
: Another assertion, equally unfounded
ccrsana attention, and thea Ihav4ione
nUh this II3 does not ia bis
.-t .1 - i -.
articls or the wd, cay it in so many wcrds.
... 1 .
but ja::rua:es that I was interested m
'iha puich&te cf Government horses for
lha army. To this I will say that I have
r.:Tcr tlzrj lime ia my life bad any ia-
1: rest in the purchase cf a horse or horses
fcr the Government. Messrs. Wra. Ruth,
i;:i-s Ilcuntie tr.d Frank CofTman,
it I rcnr.cnr.ber rightly, purchased the
.:r:c fcr the Nebraska cavalry. They
tra hc-craUa men, two cf whom are
tr.c.Tl'rs c the Dcrncrrtic party, I be- ly
V ;ye erd they can attest to the truth cf
Lit I i:y. i.;a I aijert that I had no
, , , J
In'rrcst either ia the wcrk cr prot3 of
that pVuLase." It is aii-'azi.-j:; to mo, that
any man copperhead ihoJh ha be can
have the hardihood to make such false
j assertions, simply to injure the iif.uence
and character tf.'a neigMcr ivbo' has
never harmed him. I pronounce t3ch
and every one cf these charts wilful and
malicious falsehoods, without a semblance
of foundation in fi.ct, asid I defy D,jctor
Sliiler to the proof. If he is cot lost to
all manly feeling even to shame he
will at least make, an ..tffyrl establish
them ty testimony, or publicy relract
them. I call upon him to do this; or strd
before this community a convicted falsi
fier and calumniator.
ftcbraskti 5&cvtiscr
Frcsldeat's Thanksgivin
Washington, Oct. 8. Dy the Prefi
dent of the United States Proclima-
lion : Almighty God. our Heavenly Faih
er, has been pleased to vouchsafe lo us
a a people, another year of natMnal
life, whicli if an indispensable condition
of peace, security and progress. Thai
jvar moreover, has been crowned with
manv peculiar blesm2$. Ths civil war
ihat was so recently among us has noi
ben anywhere re-opend. foreign in
terventson has ceased to excite nlarm or
apprehension. Intrunve pestilence ha?
been benignly initigaed ; domtsiic tran
quility has improved i sentiments of con
filiation havo largely prevailed ; and
affection of loyalty and patriotism have
been widely renewed ; our fields havt
yielded abuudan'ly ; our recovering in
dustry has ben richly renewed, and we
have been allowed to extend our railroad
system far into the interior of the coun
try ; our commerce has resumed ii$ cus
tomary activity in foreign seas. These
national blessings demand a national ac
Now, therefore, I, Andrew Johnson
President of the United States do hereby
recommend that Thursday, the 29ih dy
of November next, be set apart and be.
obeerved everywhere in the several
States, by the people thereof, as a "ay
of thanksgiving and prayer to Almighty
God, wiih due remembrance hat in 11. s
temple doth every one speak of His hon
or. I recommend also that on the same
solemn occasion we do humbly and de
voutly implore Hun to grant to our na
tional councils, and 10 our whole people,
divine wisdom, which r.lone can lead any
nation into ways of all good. . ..
In offering these national 'thanksgiv
ings, praises aud supplications, we have
the Divine assurance that the Lord re
maineth a King forever; those ihat are
meek will be guided in judgment, and
such as are gentle shall he learn Lis
way ; the Lord .-hall give strength to his
people; the bless-ing ot peace.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
set my nams and cau.-ed the seal of the
United States to be affixed. Done at
October, in the vear of our Lord on-
and of the ludependance of the United !
iates tho ninety first.
I 1 tihitt rrrtvcrKJ
: f. A . v Ji"i5aww"
J '
Secretary of Slate
It seems a strarge contradiction in ac
on their arrival here ally . themselves
with the free-trade Demo-copperhead I
Letussee. Free trade will open to them
a foreign market ; which may seenibene-
ficial for awhile, but how will thisoper-
ute in the course of time ? Ii will pre-
vent the establishment of a sound home
trade by choaking off home rnanufactur-
les. With free trade, England can ship
from America the raw material, the fuel
and the food for her operative.; and ship
back the goods cheaper than our bom
factories can make them. This would
naturally break down home factories,
the operatives must seek husbandry as
. . e ,. , , ,
the next surest meaus of a livelihood.
thus tha home consumers of produce
woul,d -be decreased and the number of
producers increased ; our only depend- er
ence for market would be Europe, at
whose mercy wa would be. Grain, in
its transportation, would take off all the
farmer's profits and must in time reduce
the American farmer to the same level
with the Irish peasantry. On the other
hand, a protective tariff must nfcestri-
foster heme manufacture, induce thelard's physicians hare advised him to re
emigration cf skilled workmen, bring tire
factories ' to wh're the raw material is health. The aevice is rood, politically'!
- .it. I- t , ..'. ... ir 7 I
raistd, where fuel i abundant and afford; if
a home litmai.d proJuc-j at t;:e very
door cf the farmer. This wili stimulate
both the factor end the prod hat at home,
must stimulate immigration end maka
"America the Independent Sovereign of
the world, as har natural resources and
form cf government entitle her to b-.
s CcpperjohnWn journals are. constantly
predicting that if the Radicals are suc-
ppsrtii in rarrvirtf cm i r intones
-I 1
v. - . j o d
tne Union as our latuers iramea it is a
ihing of the" past."'
- - Djes any loyal man doubt its beinj a
"thing of the past ? The structure
framed by "our fathers" and dedicated
to liberty, rested upyn 'slavery ! Weak
aud young as the nation, was at ii birth.
"cur fathers' compromised with wrong
for the sake of unity ; and as is always the
case, ww attempted to usurp 'tne place
of ma bay miht-a, this is its only
oi ri0ji vy iu0i . j
principle and was overcome, and now
'the Union as our fathers framed it"
with avery and liberty joiiung hands as
a symbol of freedom is truly "a thing
1 , ,
of the past' and mut so remain.
Now, what is the reason for this
nvppnincr mid wailinnr" over the death
, "--f-o o
of blarery.'whicli h is caused the change
in "the Uuion at framed by our fathers?"
Dj they desire to revive the old Uuion,
with slavery in it ?
The ouly question now between Con
gress and the President is, that, a3 the
r.nhrinT of shvrv with freedom has
. . j 0 j
made ccnsiderable change in the Sou h
ern side of our ttmple of liberty. Con
gress desires to repair the whole struc
ture, take out all treason rotted material.
and every veslage of weakness, and make
the struCiure conform to the improved
condition of afftirs; wade Andrew John
sun and his cohorts show their Conserva-
lism by wailing lor ine "union - as our
' . I ..TT
fathers framed It, oppose a thorough
rVpair, desire that- the seeds of decay
shall stili remain, and all they seek to do
10 hide the bad condition of the Southern
side of the house is to putty up tift great
cracks, patch up the hoies, aud cover up
their botchwork with two or three coats
whitewash! Iu this condition they hope
and who can doubt who hears their
Wailmgs soon to restore "the Umoa as
our fathers framed it "
W. W. Hackney has been appointed
Post Master in ihisci y in place ot A. D.
Marsh, removed for opinions sake.
This is off the piece of shoddy goods
styled ' My Policy.' No complaint as
,0 !VTr UTrr.hV frlr.ii.rv or ir.fprrritv
has or could be made, the ouly objection
to him is he loves his country more than
ho rMP A I.ihnnr.
Some one in ihe Territory is ihsiru-
mental' in obtaining these removals, who
is it ? J. Sterling Morton seemed to be
on excellent terms with his Excellency,
A. Johnson, just after the copperhead
now-wow at Pniladelphia, and was nomi-
nated at rlattsmouth because it was sup
posed he could control official jiatronage!
?. V. Hitchcock and his friends gare as
urances that he, Hitchcock, possesse
the talsmanic sign for admission to the
aver 'of "My Policy," for which he was
not nominated by ihe Brownviile Con
version. Both were defeated by the
.-.dical party of Nebraska, both would
oalura,y feel sore
Now, would it be
anything ftrange 'f these two agencies
were using 'their influence over a power-
be-soited President lor revenge by the
ousting of Joyal uien and placing iu office
men who Uphold the treason-favoring
plan of 'My Policy ?" Wb think not,
and believe 'that's what's the matter.
Trade is now dull here. The failure
f Mr. Morion in the election becau.-e
"criheru counties -threw off on bun.;
thrown out for the purpose of creating a
bad feeliu to, cover the teriblo defeat
of I is master, J. Sterling Morion,
If 11 be pleasant for "the copp-rneads of
Otoe to ascribe our loyal leeJu.g and
hatred of thit principles and leader to
local enmity, they are welcome to it free
gratis for nothing, all we object to is ihe
falsehood of the statement that Nemaha
is jealous of Otoe. Our pro?perity is so
fixed that the defeat of fifty copperhead
candidates would cast no gloom over u,
because it is based on ffood i-oil. climate.
location and the defeat of as many coo
. , , . . 3 .
pprhead candidates as have timerity 10
.ow their heads. W- d m't lore Otoe
county less but hate the copperhead lead
more". "That's what's the matter.
We learn from the Helena. (Ark..)
Clarion, that Mark W. Izard, Governor
of Nebraska under Pierce, died at his
residence in St. Francis county. Ark., on
ih4th iast.
The telegraph reports that Sec. Sew-
to private life on account of his
not corpctkiiy,
Ruolc:.:, Tint'' lv.
death wu are
nsiwie t.
tnis Lodge ha Vdstaitied "ia
rived of vnt! of us mast reli.:
and an earnest and conit-
v Ae Lived. 1 L u wtnl- w
ble u omission vo triti .U'KiJ'wui i.i ' '
and- ;'ti vxh't diviianuou. we canity
i 1 ll i- . . r- o T-l t n I M NH L
wnoiiv s: i t-u li u - .
tor row add ai4 'i
tor till:
4 uiiimttly visitation v
Ire 6ui - brother, young ia jara,
v.deii With more than1 -an-averags pros
pect of usefulne.-s and happiu-is lii had
just entered up'arr ihoe rclati.tos vvhica
teem to double 'h- bands of, afTecuons to
be itiu- rudely aevrd. :
Resolved, Tha'. we tender to tne widow
j . frindcf our deceased IJroiher a
expression of cA syjrpnhg'a'iid. uu '
surance of our fra-enm. ard
Voiced. That while ve xe by
eveIJl a(Tain g0emiiiy and emphatic. ,.y
renjiodd lhal we artJ an S;Jjcis of the
j)l)(T 0f Terrors, and bouad to" that
houroe whence no traveler returns, yet
wi.h the Holy .eights and assurances we
have of a glorious immoruliiY wa are
luUx 0 brother ,u!l l,v"es m that
above. where ail rood Masons
mansion above, where ail good
hope at last to arrive
Resolved, that tho members 'cf this
Lodge will wear the usual badg- of
mourning for the space of thiny days.
Resolved. That the Secretary be in
structed to cause a copy of these; resolu
tions, properly ceriifrVd, to bi presumed
to the widow of our deceased brother,
and to cause the same to be published m
ihe Nebraska Jldvtiiistr.
The Neb City News gets off seme of
its silly twaddle as to the aduiHsioti of Ne
braska, which it says will not take place
tiniil negro suffrage is adopted ly, Ne
braska; and asks how the Radical papers
stand on that issue 1
We are in favor of universal suffrage
to all sane male citizen over the age ot
twenty-one, except perjured traitors!
The fear of -negro equality resulting
from suffrage is "played out" with loy il
men who know aud the late elections
prove ii-ihat although Morton has had
.C : . u . c . . T". .u . . . ...1.....
ue ii"oi vi suiiiBj-r iiiu same as a miiiu
- . . - .
1. A..- A ... - . .1 :.
, . . . '
ha not elevated h11", in the least from
the level of the copperhead and bl .ck-
guard which he is by nature so admira-
bly adapted for ! Has suffrage changed
him socially. morally, or politically i Ha.-
ne less capacity ior receiving me eievat-
1U2 Olid rthl.Iltff ILfluence ot the bulloi
lhe oegro, whose equality he so
As to ouraumission '. he knows as weil
all who are posted that iu July we
"ere admitted by. .Congress with the
wurd 'wLite' in our Constitution, only
lhree vole opposing becauseor that word;
lbe same body of men will act upon our
admission m JJecember, and will pass 11
over A. Johnsou's pocket veto by a two
thirds majority !
The Nebraska Election.
The following are the returns of the
late election to far as we are able to ob
tain them .
Richardson Co., Rep. maj. 102
ii '
1 1
, II
. ll
' Wa.-hiugton "
tt .
n .
. M
Dcm. maj.
1 1
. it
' 43
Cedr --'
1501 6SS
Republican majority so far S16
The Radical majority in Indiana on the
State, ticket is J4.000. The Legislature
stands; Senate, Rad. 32 Cop. 20 ; House
Rad 63, Cop. 37 A gain of 6 ill ihe? I
Senate and 3 in the House.
The lately elect d Pen.-ylvan-a Legis-
i -. ' .
lalur Mand : henaie Kadical 21, Lop.
12-. Hou,e.. Radical 63. Con. 37. thu
ensliringthe eli-Ctiotl of a Radical Sen-
. . , ,
ator in place ot renegad Otwan. whose
term expires with the 39ih Congress.
A Herald Leavenworth, Kansas, spe
cial says the Denver News publishes the
following extract from a private letter to
Capt. Cichrane : "We learn that Mr.
esion. editor of the Salt Lake Union
Vidette, was taken by ihe Mormons on
the night of the third ins! and severl
beaten and given six hours to leave the
city and take wiih him several prominent
Gentiles. Mr. Wesion refuses to leave
add denounces Mormonim in the bitter
est terms. From the frequent occurren
ce of outrages by the Mormon? on the
Gentiles, serious troubles may be looked
for. Letters from Puebla to Denver ap-
ply for arms and amunttion for protec.
ion gainst the U.e Indiaqs. who are re-CI;
P'rted to have killed fifteen nerona anrl
. .n-wircuici.wjj n4
made prisoner cf cn family.
j - In i .. .
j ErL. .er Will
iNeb. OUV I'le.s, recently, aiai
that J
Sterling Morton "is a gooa tin-
2Vnas far as any man can be lioIJiuj his
Political opinit-us a gcod ne'ghb r and
a genllein in." To' which Morion re-
plies in a lOU, .-ern;, iivj, .
:tmmtical editorial, i;j w.uch s-iyi
'le advise ihem in a spirit t.l injured
-(.ship to rec-ill this ."-op of iu'most
: . r and paraliznii: jr:iise "
' ' - pleaded m see the Press snub--ves
iu Hit hnn again, Mrt,
"est iiow outrageou--Iy he
" A terrtblc "toiler explosion c-ccurred in
St. Louis cn the J7ilu coinpletely dem !
ihing the boilJiisr which it occurred
and a thre? " ! nl iing across the
:t. Twe i ( -is;; -i were buried
, iV : ruinsv the ::.aj ..ri'. ;f vt'iom hare
been taken c-,. dead or l.:c.'..j 'manjiled.
'Two cf the most signal triu.-ip'o the
day are the City elections of liti'ir.are
anf Memphis. JJith have, cone fladj
cah , In 5Iemphis the rebel Parks cov-
ermaent, which was in poiverM the iibihJ4JMBUELLAS AND CARPET BAGS,
of the riot, i-? completely upset! and ;hts
Rads have a nmjoriiy of the Aldermen.
In Baltimore where loyal troops were
mobbed in JS81. and Lincoln's life was
endangered the Rads have elected their
city government, and thecny is regene
rated Iu this city..; those of tha old
Alderman who voted down the propor
tion to extend the hospitalities .f the ct y
to A- Johnson .dtirnir . his recent stump
ing tour, were re-elected!
A special Washinfrtou di-pachio ihe
Boston Jounia), of Octolier 19 h, s ates
that treaties whh the Imperial G rern
merit of Mexico haVe been nureed upon
aud are now under process of exchange
The French troop. and Maximilian with
draw this year. from Mexico. The U
S. assumes the protection of the repub
lic. ruaran'.eeior the French chimi in
consideration that Mexico ced-s to the
U. S the peninsula of . Lower California
and 'other territory south of our present
aoainwesi MUUUi,r
. 1 t .k 1
11 1 nuunc. Lea vriivvoriii sui'iou aavo.
I '
Dates from Puebla; Col., Uct. bin, says
that ihe Uie Indians are commMing fear.
fu, b lhrcughlilJl lhe C(Uiriiryi
stea in? stock and killing men. Sec, and
have carried away one man's wife and
chil I ern. Further informal ion in regard
tn the fight at Trinidad, says Col. Alex
finder reached the: scene j ist in lim to
witness the attack of a ranch by the In
dians. He engaged then 5 miles a Ion-
ihePurgatoire, killing 13. with the l. ts
of one soldier killed and 2 wounded, ih y
pursued the ihdians but were unable to
tak them.
The Denver News publishes the fol
lowing account of a fL'ht on Wedne.-day
evening. 1 he Indians rnaue an attack on
soldiers and citizens, the Indians were
repuNtd with a loss of 12 killed. They
were fihiiu last evening, result unknown.
Counterfeit one dollar greenbacks are
circulating quite freely. The ppr is
browner, the engraving coarser,' the
reen lint lighter, and the bill - generally
4 CD J
has so faded an appearance that it would
be easily detected by comparing it with
(Tiiinnp rill
-, 1
Gen. N. P. Btnks has been nomina
ted for re-election 10 Congress.
Horace Greely has received the Radi
cal nomination for Congrtss in one of the
New Yoik Dti-ticis.
Notice is her. by Kien, that, by virtim of an nr-
Icr iif th District Cnuri T X'Ui'h;i Cuufj
nrKa letniory, in cbioufrj.tii the ense f r.Iij .It
liuuicr. aiiinsc Anion Kiw, intdo utttha .Sij-hiz
eria A. I). .0t). I will
Saturday. -NoVrttnb-ir 21th. A. D . 1S36,
hi Kneof iffk P. l.t.ETcr fu ;i!c,ar 1 ublie auctuai
to tho highest bi.iJer f r iMsh, at tha Irunt d.. r o"
.Mcl'lier..n Hall . to the City of llrownyiiio, No
mana t-ouiiry, elifa.ka lTrii(ry, (tlto plsic
wheie ihe lait ii-tin of S.ii.I Court f.r iii!i Ckuihv
v hei'l) the South K.ini Quarter i.f rifcriou ten
Ka.-t. in fM'm;il.n ('uiintT. Nelma.-kii TiTritir
i. fen unutr tuy Lund ibii 2tb tl.i.y t.f () r.
a. d. ism tiMs. a. ijo:t.-Ki.
Xi-t-4t-j.fs9-bf9. Master Isi Chanctrv.
Notice it h-ifby ir'tt-n tv irtu8i.f an r-
dcr tin-d strict CuHrt tj (' nty. N;.
hrailcit Tt,riii',rjr. in t niu- ry, t'11 tho cate of John
O.'UH-riiiXl .i..iin J. tirtrhif. .tUry line-hie nml
Htoy il. Atkitv-i-u m-uletit . theSjirin eriaA.U
tStjrt ami tu me dir ctcd, I will on
rday. November 2-lh. A. D.. 1SGG,
at una .v-ly;k r. Jl., ulier lor i:ile at t ublic Auc-
''n, ih hiue-1 b dier r - . at the fmnt
doi.r of .VM'f.ciH.r.V Hail, in l;r..wnri!,'p, N, ;,,(, ,
County, Nebra.-Iw. Trut..ry. (the .t(c h. re die
T? ,:.M"r (.'.un,:T b!"'.)
iue .-ii.uiu t.ii-s uitnrr, o tne siuuin Werft fra--
ti.-nal qurrtcr.of S. ti .o nineteen (19 ) in Town
ship Tour (4;, North . .r UioLrtetn (15, Eaat, iii
aid .N'eu Couuty.Xebnrk Varnr
tlive.i u..deraj hat.d ibis ?o.h day tf October.
A. D, lb;5.
xl-4 t pff 9 bff9 t.r in C-mucery
The uiidgr ign- have entera l ini, cuprt .ernip in
the ii.rry 6d G-neii Pr.-p. kmIuik bi ni-e-, at
Brjcviiie. Ni'.isi4 uuilei- tue drui na ue ui E H
B-i.che 4tO . K ft luriu .n tn 1 .al m um . rpl
and ill t-quit! y In expen.-e , pi. nt. 8id 1 ti
Ni pHrin -r mi .ujeU 9iarM 1,. tnou.iel b
muiual cvu.-tui ot Lota parties, dm wii'mr.
h w. i cb;.as.
c4 3.
Brownviile, April I7ib 18C8.
ps(ray Stccr4
Takpn tip by the nderipned iiT,utr two nd a blf
raiVei.B.M-ib ..r it.iio U en-i-.sM pe.n
i.-e. on the 6:t day of ttctuoer a r ih? .... v.
S er, ,053- rtju p :t.s va bej .u j b-aiijed n ,ett
Mde won tuur cr p, kP a ,u l u Ml9r jp'e j ,l
. ui,,) uU r rum ear turea yar ia
l.-t priDjJ. II. T. fKlX a Fu
c u r-
Estray Notice.
Tsten op by tbe sub riber. one ani a half ini'es
westi t A-LiDwait. ? em-tin cust vr,r..v.
tSZZ l1;
an. e j
0,l,vtr l,Wlt(l r' i tot. ' Tk-a u'u'io
lfce22Jty,,ructubcr,A.D 1666.
e wU'- e
Aylwa!l, Oct. 234, 166.
.'-..V ..... . - "
Common SVnic F. n-Jf Se:e n-i ij.chint
Tin M;; v.i.i u. a.t no;.iS i Work equal
tb1 hib pri-.-c i Jlact-iue-. an.; the .i!y pra -r : j: i
an.l ivLal.'io Clieajj Scivinj .MuLic iu the wurld.
JVUUm'C .1" CO., CLKmo. Ills , or ClerdonJ, O.
Is: VicpiU t'
u--:t tv
Cu:'U,ia Iljusa Dm Cbic;t
11 UD
u 11 11 j
rr vv v
The und?f?inf J teepi-n l:.HiJ a t.irc a?sorfiucnt t
(ForMeoani hoy 's wear. Also. a lafliifock cf
Rn!)l)er Cots. Levins & Blankets.
Gent's 'Fnrnis&mg Goods,
Of ail kind which we w 5 ! cell
C H K A P . F O 11 GASH
We purchased our jimi!s since the di
clim in the Markets and will sell at low
fibres. ATKINSON & CO.
April 13th.l5, 9-:;0-lr
tuaiillillafi! illliMiyiii:!
Immense Stock Jtt
try rrz
1. ' '
rj n r sfs 1
SoUthside Main S'reet bpt. lt and 2nd.
Have row nnhand a inarifirent stock of
tlfiV F- fe?l
Plain and Taucv. vrifit .r wittimif Sr'in." AnJ
Plain ai.d Kaoey, M.irble
? ill
J'arl -r, L'rc.i hl.i-t, ro. Mhuiu Thji. Lxtei;iii.n
Oront variety f m st uiivia.
fj'-:. f ti-' ii' . I -1 t h 1 i.iti ii I'd t'l n-v.
And eveiyh.tir in ihe Furm.
lit e, whu-h iht-y will sll :
Balow Eastern Prices !
Th ir Furniture i. i-iiij1.ti.! in Xry re-iH-ct.l--
ing put Ujr.y sin ciir vv.l. u,ni w'pi li;Mc:hir;i
ot the e.tMli ?hiii' nt, sin. 1 can le rtUi il ti.
Theirs the irr.-it;t hmn tinctif if p'urnifur,
-r tipiaht in tlii.- m irkt : nnd i. p'.-ioi-
t fre ri nipletf t t Furni'iir -i-ari r'- td.
Pair Dealing'&L ov Prices
1 -thi-ir uii.itd, Miiii ihey cua berthed du ih
Imth rc-'tnct j..
June Utb, " xS firn
r 1
nil jSPirtiat-
Dy the 100 or 1,000 for sale by
At their Nursery 2 12 miles west of
Rrnwnvill. Nehraska. 7-:!'
Agents Wanted!
? lly seSHn; Knyr.rvin, Curd t b-t.nif.h mni
st-it jotinry . OjrSt-itioiriry I'cko' xjej 8;i!l i.Th
er ; e;-!i Piuk ig.. c.-nt ii;is Vi p ;r, Knvel pc-. I', nr
1't-nf?'?, ifc, jewidry w riu n-'nil. -
nce only 30" Cent we will nnl " Azentu lot.
St-ttonary l'tk;ig-s Hi d Silvir TV'iuh .rtb $17
We a!
Porrwit., hithi raib I'r. t3. rfc'., vry rH-i.tif-r nnd
meibl. U'iIi sou.! fi ie n.i.r:raeiit of 100 vott
IS.lKt rh-it vilt rMlLzf u": ty dollars, cm ten d. . H.i
1. 1 'hut will su it for ThTty l.i:jrs ,.r i.v-r. Will
pnd t impte tot fur I'lVC! LoI!r (bat will soil tt
6i't-a I4bir4. v i
Sond Stamp for ritn1o?n, Tcrm . Ac.
Feb. 4l3tfi 1-y ..3 5 tiVdcutii S fHJt, X. Y.
U ll !3
On band at hti Stare Rooms,
III J -fir
4 w i
O IU H I 5
-1, rV W'r' c'nn'lnt,.7 fccpon ban f, ; cmp'efe ortrnnt f f Drr fVd, Cr.?ri, pf.
v'T ,1'",,n, 'P- '"'l "rJ' r.:n.w.rf, yu-efiwire. I!rdwrf Cp ry Ware V,...(icn W11
WiUm Vre.iMtdil -kindnf wre usually kept in a fit-ci Kesil .More, tbitt wilU'ut near
are tbat eun Le b.Jht itiijwhtrc; - - -
irri" ja?t bon-rht iut the rntir $tb.:8h
otd rm : i tbt ei.d I hcrehy eie notice tbdt till roust- dB'te lirtn r-f j. Ijetry k Co ncir.'i!'
thtludayof M-eh. I rt'U; will o pUsai ic tta baJj 01 ia'cteorfor eolltction. - "
Jaaaary lit, 1851. ly 1 JAXti I?r,T.
to ;
- fn kj
S 0?H C
it i
- 1 ( It
r1 t s. ?J ri'.
r i
. . AT
I iVould Rsp.)df ui! y Ivform the Trat
tiling J uLlic at lare. I'liat I have re-
-i-tly bronchi to shi3 point nn the Miv
-ntiri River the new'ati'i sp!endid Stffa;a
Ferry Boat.
ITaviDg'p'entf of I."k rw.m f r tc im and S'-A,
ml h c. uiai. dn.u. Cibin fir I'itss-n. T. I fi-I'
;i iayinz wy wnitiern' fits for A 'n innj. J i"i .
i'l-ed ;md mfetv iirt n t rqualed t.y anj 'itb'f
""it on tl:u M moiri Iliv-r. ' Uoin !n ut '
.r-p.riiiM id 3 -U' i-li;n i:i?y of i 5 .-. vrn t i , N
r;iPk. in th- t-fntre 1 th gr.';it fjrmio C'-n'7
' he Wen, w;ier th -re i United Suw Uul
"G, make it the muitt desir -bl'j for E'1'
.rant- 411 Stt!-M : itrd b-'Vin bto I tXt,A i
1 1 li?;H .? I 0 I Oil on I be n;.d- and Iri J t-t!l w
:ind west. I. uding d ri; I y to the F'-rry, msko-ii'.t
nn iro-nt t.c-.H nt nil tiui -t durjj.g the
tbf ili. s iiib t oiu iii-v t over 3.,wirs at tLv" l'''-'
ivliibt sit nil i) h u! it d ej.
Would miv to Fr.-ihwr n I person cro.i;
t.'iM p !vinJ, thero i- not. ?t.irtir j.uiat q ths rir
or wbcrem h -i tni nitioir rxits in bo.'onw. 51
hero ure Forty L.ri; ba.-iiiiesj houses ia th.i
tl cit i.-Iiir' c t. " "
Tin- n'ni'.ct - -re and attention wilt tak.ffa
- ro'i the liivcr at thi-i point uj it i.undrtb
irnni dinte rapervij..n of the o nortof th" b'i
nd binding. ' To .-Te di-f!ir?e, Jirrio nd in' fl"T
'om all p.iint orfi) nod K.v-t to all p-.intt S.n:li
nd Vet. ei Eiir by thix n oi. ph it i from 50 '
I-j nailed sborter,aud tares t iM ,l.iv trvel r.vd.
ErowQvine.Scpt. Oth 1S:M
3Ialn St., Brcsrnvllle, XcLnisVa.
r. i (' ' -A ."v
v. (? - ----- : 1 1 :
Til r
K H C - , M)
C. -- 5
? a i ll '
ih r ,,,-v -1
W V ' r a
0 - ii ;
-fc-r .. . r 1
if! v i
la U