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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1866)
i !! t IBRASKA ADVERTISER,' RATES Ox . OtJ -irf!en line or "as , Uusipes esris, '.x llaej jr 1m, 2 j Oaa coiDEca, ec year, . ..., Oaa ball cjlaaa, or.a y ... Ono fourth colcma, oua year, s one Cijlish colotna, oc y4f, - , On coiuna ix uiuatu ! - ' iJt? 08 balr evlamn six mocJha ' C J Out fourta ic'.un.n aixmotuia '-' ' tit One ussbticoolumnsix mouths . It 69 Oae cviuu;a tares month '" ti c "J Oaa hlf column ttree miott ' IJCJ One forth coiumi tare inoa;i . ' lata One eigbth colama tare ns&otha ;. '4 XI a ADDo'Jiic;i:S eiiici.Iatesf'jr cii 3 S'.ray notices (ec fce&J) - - Ct Scray Silei charged as traacitst tdTtrt.'sit ti All irancieat d vertlsetneat fct la If A. rrUP T2TTrEIAT it GEO. W. niLIi & co(l (jXiiM : : rtrtUer Block.UHn B't Between l.t k 2d- mm n Gv-'Ay a v T E ranee. I early aver;isn5eEt aarleriy l litas LIBERTY AND UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLE NOW AND FOREVER." All xinds f f Job, Book and Card priatisf, asa li tLe best ityta oa abort noiict aai rtaaoaaiia t-a. BROWN VILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1866, NO. 4. OL. XL CM V LIB y v.. . V J t 7 h'sikess cards. "Tholladay, m. d. icaU'A IlrownvIIIc In 185.. ITSICftDSHHOE OBSTKT1HCIAN "!r: II. ' bni Cus,.lcto leiai.f Ami-utat-, 'Irlin!J n I OUtrtriml intrainf ntn. ::tr': Hollndaj & C's Orus Store 7co Doort Euii of Post Ojjut. CIIAflLES HRLLMER. M uf!L S. S3 , tin fct 2uoor below Pruwnville llouee. BIIOWNTILLE N- T Uii'n kanJ uj rtir ft.V f U .ota and Sbi e a tlr Lrt ifl4tetiitl ud LLliy for doing M-Tsi'rmi work I QlTWgVOnc V.U" nemnraa u Terms Casli. n FRANZ HELMEE, it mwzi, DPQMTEDEUSER'STZN.SHOP. IlIlOW-WILI-n, XCDRASKA. .VirioKS,IlUGaiES. PLOWS CULTI ' TO H S ir .Mrpnulum-hoTtnutlieia' low rate, ItarraLtoSi.e.aUctl .n. X-13-IU OB Tm"erTcan houseT . Cood Feed and Llvcrj Stable Incoiipcttlcn iih the Home. . ' D. R0B1MS9U. rEOPRlETOR 'roat Street, between Main and Water, "rihoWlWILM SEDRASUA. .May, 30-h'lSCG. 103Cly Edward w. thomas, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'solicitor inpciiancery, 6Z;eer of Main and Firct Strreta. DltUUNVILLi:. NEBRASKA., Iillinery & Fancy Goods BTOXIE. '&ln Ftret one door west of the Post Office HltOlVWILIJC, !VCI1KASEA. A ia;ri..r t- k f Fall inn Wiater U.m.J? t recfurj. in the Millinery line -;te .fiMimly co b ind. Drta-M;kirg , Bonnet rarhiif an-t Trimmic done to orJer. U.tu'u(r,2i ir.b. ?V-n-2Sly MARSH & CO., sCCCEOBS TO MABH Si ZOOK. nrral News Agents and Stationery, Toot Office tlu l Wins, T U I O V N V 1 1 J , t . . N li 1 1 A S K A lit hnk .,a hnl ul ate con'tantl)' reefirirg ft utp ie of Bjok. Tericiii-ali", Stntionary, "jji r.ib AlLia, School Books; also Confec "iVj. i;itr(i. foUa-co. ail choice selection -f m ;r.-fri(i gfnrrallj,ti hii-h they in vite the tti!'i..n f tti riiiz n f Ncruaha county, and 'Th.i.h. ftrlcl attention t bufines. and fair ' r p lo in-rit a Lare of the public patronage. A.Ii.CkUsir. nli-ly J. W. BLISS. ISOWiiVILLE HOUSE, . COR. MAIN AXD2NDSTS., Hrounville. Xcbraska. V7. PEDICORD, Pjopiietor. Thin ufhibeen refuruirhedand newly fitted f and rfiin. il,r! urAr it. nniunt n tprrf i.inir ru rirt..r, h gurrantcea latisfaction to all wh.-? A. ROBINSON, IT II SIS QISUL Main Pttw.n lt &. ?.d Street rownvillo tJotorasUa Tkiihi liirthod of informing the public thai r f ?. h,n4 'TJ'"i M.)rtnant of Uent'aand 4ic 1 Mi.' tnd Ch-.ldrens' UOOTS AND SIIOKS. -VCu'"u "rk done nb neaine and dif tatcr2 K..nPgdne on ahort notice. 10-30 (um!I GATES & BO US FIELD, 3:IlLCtt LAYERS PLASTERERS. riM"ownTl'Ile Kcbraska. -il -1 . CuLlr-u ,i r Urh-lUj,ng, 1'Uiterin fa iL. . V'1!;' ndd)inKtn their lin, A -0 ,t.",.,,f"cU,ry aui n.-nlik. inanLer. AND JAMES MEDFflUD cAB1NET;MUER ' Und.ertol"ei Coruer Ifud and Main Sieis, .DUO VV NVITjLiE. N. V li prtparad to doall kinds of work iihiatia en k?rt ttic and re?crbU ttrmi. Il-ia v ttao sir19 m LDDIS WiiLD I BB. itonse-SIsn & Ornamental Ghzier, Gilder, firaicer, PApER HANGER etc. AU work done in ft workman like manner, and on strickly TE RMS. I cxi DQoa wist or buowstillx hosi m '3 JACOB MAR OUN, IEROHA N T T5) MVI.V STREET, BRO WXVILLE, NEBRASKA 3 3ZS 7Ti Gr Aug. 23 66 RICUAUD F. BARRET, ffifML LCD ABEMT, AND DEALER IZf LAND WARRANTS & LAND SCRIPT, Per tonal attention given totnnliug Location. Office in J, T. C&rson's Banking House. BROWNV1LLE, NEBRASKA. AND CT SS 7 H3 1j 72" ! ! JOSEPH S II U T Z Ila just received and will constantly keep on land a large and well selected stock of genuine ar iclcs in u line. One Door west of Grant's Store, Brown vilLe, JWbraska. riopftirins - Or Clocks; Waicbes aud Jewelry done on the abort eitNotica. WORK WARRANTED. Brovnvllla, Neb.. March Ifiih. 1866. 10-25 ly C. F.STEWRT. M- p. O27IP20I3 South East corner of Main and First Streets DROlTXyiLLE, kedra'ska. OrriCB IIorRS 7 to 9 a, M.and I to 2 and 6J to iyt p. m. Brownrille, Nebraska, May 5th, 1865-No 34, ly. CHARLES G. DORbEY ATT0R1IEY AT LAW Next Door to Carson's Bank. MAIN STREET Urowxivillo ZKTotDrttslx- TIPTON & HEWETT, SUtontcns at alD, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. March 1st, C5. ly. RESTAURANT Oyster saloon. WILLIAM ROSSELL takes this method of informing the public that he Uasjust oponed,on Main street, between 1st and 2nd, DROWKVILL.E, KCDUASUA. a Restaurant and Oyster Saloon. Also, Confectionaries, Canned Fruit, Dried Fruit, Spices of U kinds. Te";j, Coffee, Sugar Tobacco, Potatoes, tweet Pot a toe's and everything uscally kept in retain giocery store. ETMEALS SEUVfcD AT ALL nODBS.J3 FRESH OYSTERS--t-15-ly -1 Evan Worthing, Wholesale Si Retail Dealer in Choice Liquors, Wines, Ale, Bear, PITTS CrrrAtOTJIRASHIIVG II4CIIIC. KCw YORK sI't-F R KIXG REAJPER. QUARER3I01T- - 'v Ctt and RUCK. EYE CL'ETIl A roR. WXIITXEY'S BLOCS, Main Street, Brownville May, HlhlWi lo M If A SUNDAY A CENTURY AGO. An old brown, leather-covered book the leaves yellow, the writing scarcely legible from time and dfcay; evidently an old. neclc ed manuscript. To the fire or to my private shelf ? Which? These were my reflections as I .looked over the papers of my late uncle, the rec tor of a Somersetshire village. I liked the look of the book and deci ded for the shelf? and I had my reward for I found hi the crabbed characters i simple story, evidently written toward the close of the writer's life. This sto ry I now transcribe mto a more modern s'yle. 'He'll be fit for nothing," said my fa tber ; -'an awkward booby, who holds hi? aw l and cuts his food with his left hand." So said my father, and so, alas! I fell I was awkward. I was fifteen; thick set. stroDsr, but terribly clu rsy. I could not make a collor, nor aetv a pair of blinkers nnr sttifT a saddle, nor do any tiling 1 1 -mm ougit to be abie to do. My h'gers seemed lo have no mechanical feeling in them. I was awkward, and I knew it and all knew it. 1: was rrood tempered; could write fairly and read anything ; but I was awk ward with my limbs; tney seemed to have wills of their own; and yet I cotrld dance as easily and lightly as any of my neighbors, sens. MI dou't know what hs s fit for," said my father to the rector of tfee parish I've set him lo carpentering, and he cut hU finger nearly cfF with an ax; then he went to the miih, and burnt his hands till he was laid up for a month. It's all of no use ; he spoils ms more good leather in a week than his earnings pay for in a month. Why cannot he, like other good Christians, use his hands as the good God meant him to? There 1 Look at him now, cutting that back strap for the quire with bis lef hand." I heard h'm ; the knife slipped and the long strip of leathes was divided in a moment and utterly spoiled. "There now! look at that. A piece out of the very middle of the skin, and his finger cut ia the bargain." The rector endevored to sooth my fa ther's anger, while I bandased my finger You'd beuer let him come up for that vase. Mr. w alters; 1 should like a case to fit it, for its very fragile, as all that old Italian glats is; and line it with the soft est leather, please." And as I went with the rector tobrirg back the vase, taking two chamois leath ers to bring it in. - : We reached the house, and I waited in the passage while ho went to fetth it. He came back with a large vase, tenderly wrapped in the leathers. Alas ! at that moment there came from the room, against the door of which I was standing. the sound of a voico singing. A voice that thnleld me through a voice that I hear now as I write theie lines -so clear. so sweet, so pure, il was as if an angel had revealed itself to me. I trembled, and I forgot the precious burden in my-hands; it dropped to the ground and was shattered, to pieces. How shall I describe the rector's rage? I fear he said something for which he would have blushed in his calmer mo ments, and . fhe came out, She who had the angel voice his niece came out, and saw ner. l icr got the disaster, and stood speechless ga zing at her face. "You awkward scoundrel ! look at your work. Ihirty pounds: iity pounds! An invaluable treasure gone ir reparably in a moment. Why don't you speak ? Why did you drop it?', Drop it," I said, walking up. "Drop what?" And then it flashed upon me again, and I stammered out, "She sang.' And if she did sing, was there any oc casion to drop my "beautiful vase, you doubly stupid blockhead ? There, go ont of the house, do, before you do any fur ther mischief, and tell your father lo horsewhip you for a stupid dolt." , I' said nothing, did nothing, but only Jooked at her face, and went shambling awny, a much . changed, and altered be ing. There was a world wheje horse collars and horse shoes, tenons and mor tices, right jjands or left, entered pot. That world I had seen; I had breathed its air and heard in voice. My father bad heatd of my misfortune. and laid the strap across my shtu!ders without hesitation, for in my joung days boys were b'ystill eighteen or nineteen vears old. I bore it catienily uncom plainingly. "What is he fit for? every one. would ask and no one could answer, not even myself. I wandered about the rertory In the summer, evenings, and heard her sing ; I tried hard to get the gardener to let me help him carry the watering pots, and when I succeeded, felt as I entered the rector's garden that I was entering a par adise. Oh, happy months I when, after the horrible labors of th weary day, I uied lo follow the old gardener and hear her sing. My old withered heart beats fuller and freer when the memory comes back to me now. Alas, alas ! my awkwardness again banished me. phe met me one evening in the garden, as I was coming along tha path wiih my cans fall of water, and spoke to me and said : You're the boy that broke the vase, aren't you V did not, could pol reply; rny strength forsook me. I dropped my cans on the ground, where they upset and flooded away in a moment some eeds on which the rector set most special value. ; "How awkward, to be sure !" she ex claimed. s"And how ar gry uncle will be. I turned and fled, and from that time the rectory gate was closed against 'me. Iled a miserably unhappy life for the next three years; I had only one conso la'ion during the whnle 'of that Weary time. 1 saw ner at cnurcn ana neard ner slug there. I could hear pothing pise when she sang, clear and disiinct,above the confused nasal sounds that came from tho voices of others hers alone pure, sweet and good. It was a blessed time. I would not miss a Sunday's service in church for all that miht offer. Three r . gutd miles every Sunday there and back Jid 1 heavily plod to hear her, and feel li 1 la well reward ea. l snarea ner joys ana heaviness. I knew when she was hap py." when oppressed,' as a mother knows the tones of her child's voice, to the min utes shade of difference, so I could tell when her heart was light and when. sad. One Sunday she saug as I had never yet heard her. not loudly, but so '.encjerly, to lovingly ; I knew the change had come she loved; it thnlle-d in her voice; and at the evening service he was there. I saw a soldier, I knew, by his bearing. with cruel, hard, grey eyes; and she V . Xa I l sang, l knew it- l detected a tremoie aud gratitude in the notes.. I felt she was to snffer, as I had suffered ; not that I ang. I had no voice. A harsh guiter- al sound was all that I could give utter ance to. I could whistle like a bird, and often and often have I lain for; hours in ihe shade of a tree and joined the con certs of the woods. One day 1 was whittling, as was my wont.'as I went through the street, when , . a a I was. tapped n the shoulder by an old man, "the cobbler, of the noxt parish. I knew him fron his coming to my father for leather occasipnally. - "Sam, where did you learn that?" "Learn what ?" ' "That tune." . :; ; "At church." t . . "You've a' good ear, Sam.". Tv3 nothing els good, but I can whis tle anything..' .. ,",'. "Can you whistle me the: Morning lymn?" " " I did so. -V, "Good, vety good. Know anything of music Sm ?" "Nothing." "Like to?" ' "I'd give all I have in the world to be able to play anything. My sonl's full of music. I can't sing a note, but I could lay anything if I'were taught."' ' "So you shall, Sa3i, my boy. Come home with me. Carry these skins, and yon i-hall begin at once-' I went home with him; and' found he was one of ihe best players' in ihe choir of his parish, his instrument being the violoncello. T took my first' lesson,"' and rom that time "commenced a new life. Evening after evening, and some times during the ?ay, I wandered over to his ittle shop, and while he sat. stitch, stitch, at the boots and shoes: I played oyer and over again all the music I could get from the church. '- ' " ' "You've a beaucifur fingering, Sam mv boy. beautiful, and though it dees look a litile "awkward to see you bowing away with your left, it makes no difference to TT t. . Tk a Ana nl.A. C J II yOU. I OU OUglU U uc a uuc yiajci , Cdiii.. , I w as enthusiastic, but I was poor ; I wanted an instrument of my own, ' bat -I had no money, and -I earned none I could earn none. v My parents thougnt, and perhaps rightlp, thai if they found me food and clothing, I was well provi ded for, and so lor soma twelve rncnuis I used the old cobler's instrument, impro vingdaily. It wai strange that the limbs and fingers, so rigid and stiff for every other impulse, should under the influence of sound, move with such precision, ease and exactness. Sam my boy,V said the cooler one day, 'you shah have an instrument, and ycur father shall buy it for you, or j.he whole parh shall cry shame upon him 'But he does not know a word of this, I said. 'Never mind, Sam, my boy, he shal be glad to know it and he told me al his plans. At certain times it was customary for tne choirs of neighboring churches to help each other, and it was arrauged that the choir of our parish should play and sing on 'he next Sunday morning at his parish church, and he arid his choir should come over to our parish for the evening service. - 'And you. Sam,' said he, 'shall take my place in your church; and please God, you do as well there as you've done here, it will be the proudest day I shall know, Sam, my boy, and yonr father and mother will say so, too.' ' : VV a How l practiced, morning; noon and night, for ihe great day ; the cobbler darkly hinted at a prodigy that -vaa lo be forthcoming at the festival ; and the day itself, with its events all is as vivid be fore me as if it was but yesterday. The evening came; and there in the dimly-lit gallery I sat waiting, with my master beside me. 'Sam my boy,' said my -master, 'it's a great risk ; , it's getting very full There's the squire and my lady just came in. - Keep your eye on -your book and j feel what you're playing-, .and think you're in the little shop ; I have brought a bit of leather to you,' and he put ; piece of the black leather that has a pe culiar acid scent in front of rne. The scent of it revived me; ihe memory of the many hours I had spent there came back to' me at once, and I felt as calm as if I were indeed there. ' '., . .' She came at last, and 'service began, Oh, thai nigh ! Shall I ever forget its pleasure ihe wardering looks cf the friends nnd neighbors who came and found ia me, the despised, awkward, left- handed sadler's apprentice, the prodigy of which they had heard rumors ? Ob, it was glorious ! Tne first few strokes of my bow gave me confidence, and I did well, and knew if, through the hymn, through the chants, and cn to the anthem before, the sermon. That was to be ihe gem of the evening ; it was Handel's ihen new anthem, "I know lhat my Re deemer liveth." I begaij harsh, harmonious, out cf tune I know not why or how ; but as it progressed ; one by one thi instruments ceased and were silent; one by one the voices died away and were lost, and she and I alone, bound together and driven on ly. an irresistable impulse., went through the anihem ; one soul, one spirit seemed to animate both. The whole congregation listened breathless as to an angel ; and she, self-absorbed, and like one in a trance,, sang, filling me with a delicious sense of peace and exultation, the like of which I have never known since. ' ' ' ' . . . - -It came to an end at last, and with the last triumphant note I fell forward cn the desk in a swoen. ; When I recovered, ! found myself at home in my own room, with the rector, the doctor and my parents there, and I heard the doctor say : : ' ' ' ! I told you he would, my dear madam ; I. knew he would.' Thank God !' murmured my mother. 'My dear boy, how we have feared for you " '' . - What a difference! I was courted and made much ' cf. 'Genius,' and 'very clever,' and "delightful talent,' such were the expressions I now heard, in stead of -stupid,' 'awkward1 and 'unfit for anything.' ' My father bought a -fine instrument, and 1 was. the hero of the yilhge for months. , It wa3 some days after that Sunday lhat -I ventured to ask after the rector's niece. ... My dear boy,' said my mother, 'the like was neve.r heard." We saw jou there and wondered what you were doing, but as soon a3 we saw you with the bow, we knew you must be ihe person there's been so much talk about ; and hen when the" anihem came, and .we all left eff singing, and ihey all left off playiog, anl only you and Miss. Cecelia kept on, we were all in tears. I saw even the rector cry- and, poor girl, she seemed as if in o a dream, and so did yuu ; it was dread ful for me to see you with your eyes fixed on her, watching her so eagerly. And then to look at ber, staring up at the stained glass window as if she could fee through it, miles and miles away into ihe sky. Oh, I'm sure the like never was. and ihen, when you fell down, I screamed and yourJaJier ran up and carried you down, aa'l brought you heme in farmer Slade's four wheeler.' . After this 1 had an invitation to go up to the rectory, and there, in the long winter evenings, we used to sit. and while I played , she sang. Ob, those happy times', when fhe loved me, but only as a dear friend ; and I loved her as I had uever loved before or could love again I do cot know the kind of love I had for her. I was but a little older than she was, but I felt as a father might feei to wards hi3 daughter a sweet tenderness and love lhat made me pitiful to her. knew she loved a man unworthy of her, and I think, at times, she' felt this her. self, and knew I felt it. 1 was perfectly free of the rector's iiousc at last, nnu we usea io nnd in our music a means of , converse lhat our longues could never have known. Ah, me. those days ! Gone alas J ihey are gone . She left us at last, and in a few years her motherless child came back in her place, aud as I again sit in the old rec tory parlor,' years and year3 after my visit, with har daughter beside me sing ing but alas not with her mother's voice all the old memories flood back upon me, and 1 feel a grateful, calm joy in the openly-shown respect and affection of the daughter of her whom I loved so si lently, so tenderly and so long. I sit in the old seat in the church now and play ; and once in the year the old anihem ; but the voice is gone that filled the old church as with glory tnat day. I feel, as ihe sounds swell out, and the strings vibrate under. my withered fing ers, I am but waiting to be near her under the old yew tree outside, and it may be nearer to her still in the lure.. longed for fu- In Conneciion with the foundering at tea of the Evening Star, oa her way from New York to New Orleans, there are som j interesting tacts to be tola. Ihe vessel is said to have bsen utterly un seaworthy ; so mpch so lhat se wa3 not insured perhaps not insurable. This is damaging circumstance for the Com pany owning her, and permitting her to go to sea full of Edssen2ers. Among her passengers were more than a hundred unfortunate women of thefhtih persuasion, who were on their way to spend the winter in the employment of procuresses from New Orleans. ' They included representatives from nearly" all the first class houses of that kind in New York. They air went down. Many of them were respectably connectod. A city banker, on learning lhat his way ward daughter was among t:.a lost, clap ped his hand in sorrowful gratitude, and exclaimed : "Thank God, my daughter, th3 pride of my heart U beyonu this world's shams.?.' Also, included in this flock of frail air ones, were two highly accomplished young ladies, one ihe daughter cf a min ister cf .ths gospel ia Western Penhsyl- vania, and me otner tne daughter of a clergyman of this ciiy. . The families of everal New York merchants were also represented among these heautiful fe male ruina. Indeed, I am mid that there was hardly one of these failen women who could not point to highly rnspectable connections in this and other cities Chanty must now be thrown over them! but how sad the thought that a single burial rase should hare taken down into "that deep which nothing disembogues," so much cf sin and wickedness,' as the Evening Star contained. F ew single in terments have included -a hundred har lots an cpetatic troupe, and a circus troupe. It is only fair to state that this line of steamers has enjoyed ihe dubious reputation of being, the only, one which would engage its births for ihe transpor tation of such rough characters as com posed this unfortunate cargo of iniquity. Cor, Cincinnati Commercial. , To liie 'Public.. Editor Republican : I am aware of ihe fact lhat men holding official posi lionsitions are liable to abuse and mis representation from unprincipled politi cians; and when such abuse or misrep resentation has been directed against me, as a public officer,. I. have almost uni formly made it a rule to take no notice of it leavingthe people to judge frcra my cct3 whether lie assertions 'are trua or not But whea my private charactsr (which I prize more highly, than, all th? offices ia the gift cf the people) 'if as sailed,! feel it to be my duty to defend myself particulrly 1 whea ths assauk emenates from pa rties whcs2 psitita (a society might give them sc:r.3 irf.uenc3 to damage others, even if thay wara ua able to help any oaa by their fuhcrr.3 flatteries. , '' The readers cf the Ornaha'irc7J' will hate noticed-that for several racntha pes: indeed froni the commencement cf tha publication of lhat paper its edi:'; bi3 studiously aM persistently ' indulged' ia the most unprovoked and "wanton alia:V not so much upon my cScial.'as ray' pri vate churacter a3-a man and 'citizen. Still I have forborde -to notice jhse oft repeated assaults knowing, as I did, thai the author's acquaintance was co-ex'tea sive with the limited circulation cf' his paper, and that wherever he ia known his columnies would prove utterly haria less. There is a point, however, tuyend which forbearance ceases to b&a virtue. That has been reached and transcended by ihe Herald sinca .the opening of ' th.3 political canvass now near its close, i ,; Since last Saturday evening,-whea, at the request of several of my foilov citi zens I participated ia tha proceedings of a public meeting, called for iha purposa of hearing several. distinguished gentle men from abroad, the fleraU has a!: 0 ja ded in the coarsest personal abusa'bf ie, and the .most wanton, and unfounded faisehoeds respecting ray. official Those who heard , me .on thjt cc'sasioa' :m i . .t . t .. . .. win ucui uio iaai i maae uo. dis respectful personal. allusions, but:! con fined myself to a legitimate discioa cf the various questions at . 133U3 bstwaea ihe political ,parties of (the day.,; 1: did refer, in terms of stern condemnation, ta the acts of those who had rebelled agatost ihe Government, and those cf their syrn- mathiTirifr frionia in ilia Ci.m. who had given thera aid and confer!: I, stated distinctly, as Irea'H; -i if ihe Copperhevfs -f " -cease thei'- r .' '.- ' men cf - J ' r.t t" i. : spirit cf tha v. e ia my judgement, hivi prl ;;t peace ana a restored Union ia Ie.sthan sixty days. Th3 editor of , tha Herald 5eem3 .to have taken what I said about copperheads and rebel sympathi zers to himself. I certainly did not nins him, and I assure the public that I did cot think cf him ' during 'my' thori 'address : but as he exhibits such furious passion; at what I said, I take it for granted thai 'tha "shoe fit him" and he put 'it on J ' Ba it so.' Let him wear it. :; But as ha iaikea this brief address the occasion cf fenelvei attacks against my honor and my prii'ta character, and a3 his envenomed fa tee- nooas may reaca tne eye or some oaa who is a stranger to' him, "and therefore damage my reputation, T-havo thought mroper to ask the use of youf widely cir culated paper for the purpose cfrefuticj them. Among other ungentlemaulynii' representations cf what I said, at that meeting, i3 ihe charge that 1. character ized "the truest anxhbesi patriots of. lie land with being .traitors and rebels.1.' "i I did no such thing ; oa thi contrary,-1 gave the highest proiseifd. the. loyal and trae patriots, who - had ' stood hy:ihHr country whether at home orlia the airay. And all hia assertions ol.oQtt;ray treat ment to the: soldiers of Nebraska, is fall of ihe grossest misrepresentation ash'a facts and records will prove. $o ttiiq ever heard me abuse -a soldier vc' cur army or a trua patriot wha othsrija aided in putting down; the bellion. . ? ' Aj: I know too.' well that, by the; hzrziz valor, of . the soldiers Uh country-'; iva3 saved from cttsr overthrowby'rehelaaad rebel sympathisers (cf whish litter, lh-3 editor cf ihe' Herald, aeenia to coilidor himself a member) to allow myself knaw ingly to do them a, wrocg.- No' -E?l5jer3 in the land deserve more credit (or their efforts to save our flovernmsnts, than tha soldiers of Nebraska, .who periled life, everything, for their country, while tha ediiGr of the Herald was skulking . be hind the forage trains of Steel's engaged ia ihe patriotic work cf picking up stray bales of - ccttca, and other ctf?d which might be found in iu wake. Tha Doctor has much - to say abcut ."''ay cf homes," but never a word about, 'Iz'.iy behjnds" not he.; ; " - , He also charges, that. I jefussi to zi - -. dress the First Nebraska Regimes! wh? it was mustered cut of service. . I reassss to believe that this is ... .f li