. . i RATES OF ADVERTISING. 0n sqnre(ten lines or 1ms) ont lUg S Each additional insertion - - iw Business cards, tiz Uaes r let, &7ar w fr One colons, ona year, - tl C $ One half column, one year, - to Cj One fourta column, one year, to 00 one eigbsn column, one year, - tie One column six mcntss W One half eulomn ix months 90 04 Odo fourth column six months 21 C-J One eit t icoolumnsix moniis - 15 81 One wlumn three months - -80 15 One half column three month Si W One forth column tree mental 1 W One eighth column three months 19 M .Announcing eanaldatesfcr oSoe 0 94 Stray notices (each heal) - 1 C Stray sales charged as trancltnt adrertijlBS-' All trancient aJtertUements must he id la 4 EQRASKA ADVERTISER GEO. W. HILL & CO,, TertiierCIock.UAinS'tEetwcenUtfcSd' 23 x otvuviiio. rc. T. Ay Ay ax AW t C-, t f ear, lu ltc, . " t k Vik, Plain ti Ficy J-Work ranee. Yearly advertisements eaarterly U advatM LIBERTY A N P UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLE NOW AND FOREVER." All kinds of Job, Book and Card priitlnf, daae La the best ityte on short notice and reasonable term. (fry v r U ! i i OL. XL iVilXKSS CAKDS. Vs. "uoLladay, m. d. fa-ac!ii:ifril In isrl,i J V S I C I A H S U a B H 0 PJ , ; j '.. .nl ' !! n-?if Atii.Utt ' . tl!' !1 iu-truiurl.ti. : n Il:.!I;:c!;: L (Vs Drviz Store ! . -.r j: :st rf ru.tojue. v ' ! ' 'm.'i! pvin to 0 'jt'lrl'..rIJ s . - , ' ..j-M a: t ! '-J r .!!. X-ll-!.)' l:ia::u:s hkllmer, ittof mat $foe j?! JL IZL HZ IE1. , 'i-: i.ltn Lt.o I'rowuville House, , " ; :.q;::uaz iz. t. ' ; j i i -r V f !J - nnl SL( cs L'STO.M WORK j;;t- . '....! i i.f'iiiirs and Ji '. rilAia HELMER, .-;ii:!;::!'-:;i:STiN.siiop, ::ci . .E:::i:As:i.i. 0'v;s. v;'.:c ji s. TI OVP CUT.TI t t - i . . , .t -rt ii At f , it low rates, . .t : ;. Ii. X-13-. u i.u 1LIL11ICAN HOUSE. lauJ i'ud :md Livery Staliic I . -r..a'.- :'- r. Ki.l tic Houe. I D. P.GDiKGO::. rr.opiUETOK. I :.t S:r. " 1 1 tut eu Main r.r.J Water, 1 bWAED V. THOMAS, TT(3Rf.EYi AT LAW, 5 : OLieiToi: IX'CIIAXCKRV, . , --.r fcf v. njuiFif "Stream. r;' r.v.w ii.n;, NKHHASKA. ;-i ivG.m.ln.qcmcit, . Hi:iui7 & Fancy Goods i t- ''' 1 1 a'.l at.u Wiiitr tJ, .., r Cx-.tM.ii ; in t.r 'V.Iir.try lit e - ' ' ! .i I lK-r..-V.iV.ii!2, LvDLit ' - -.!;.' iIi,uo t i.'Ur. i. uAilSH & CO., W WH.i.i . NJ .IJKASKA- ' 1 1 1 ' I i I ' ' ! t :. I ! v ri ci i 1 rv . I r ' H . t j ! i,i:i ry, ! I: 'i: al :.f. - ' . ' ..?: ' f i". ; .-(. n f .' '" :y,t..)i.-U tiiy ii.v.te the ' '' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' f -N M:uU i- ll,ty, Mixl "' ' ' ..ii- n t-. I. i i: . ut..l fair f ,' ' ' ' 1 5 jl. i-atr ni i . - K Ll.-ljr J. .. ILIS. i it!. (! .':-':a:n A::n2MSi s., ii--aD, P;opnclcr. r : ' j; i r. "i:t f ;.Kr;.,i.'iri . tu; i.-.'tftiiu to nil Lo X 5 Ij ii on in son, 4 -i.is kaii lukMil, :-.., , , " 1 J --rtu-iat of (JtLfsaiid U I !r'i's J'HTs ANI SIIOKS. i 't- - , 1 ' " "1; e, r,(1 . .1 1 b tiu,rl ovtue. 10-20 fn i.n -ICR LAYfiRS A ST E R E H S . :5 i. -' l"hV,--,,,,s' ruter5n- s ,.tfl. f' "lll-nytJ.irSin their iin -t4 - iy JAMES MUM-OKD, !iit-J MAKER - Mam bireets, rk in bislice on l-m I' til WUBftU s nousc-SIsn &. Ornamental Glizier, Gilder, Grainer, P ApER HANGER etc. All work done In a workman like manner, and on tslrickly CASH TERMS. ii 1 0 E IO0B WEST OF 11110 WX VILLI IIOSl JZJ O 3 era rr : 6; JACOB MAR0I1N, 1 Jil H C H -A. 1ST T A IP- MUX STKEET, DP WNVIIXE, XECRASKA r ft fcr EC 0: . L3a CO RICHARD F. BARHLT, 5SIML til 1IT, AND DEALER I If LAND WARRANTS & LAM) SCRIPT, fronaI attention given to nulling Location Ofiico in J. L. Carson's Banking House. BROWNV1LLE, NEBRASKA? x-H ly fr-na 1 AND 5" US 33 ZLji ! ! JOSEPH SIIUTZ Hm ju?t received and will constantly keep on I ;.1 a lare and well selected stock cf geLuine ar iiole in is line. One Door uest of Grant's Store, Brown ville, Yibraska. IT. o J3 o. i X n c Of C! rt p; TCauhe!) aad Je elry done on the short est Nutice. WORK WARRANTED. Brn-nville. ICeb.. March 15th. 1SC6. 70-25 ly C. F. STEWRT. M. dT Sou'b Eit rurner tf Main and Fir.t Streetf OrncE Horns 7 to 9 a. m. nnd 1 to 2 and ty to 73,: r. a. nr'.vrnri!o,N'chrnVa,May 5th, IS" 5- No 31, ly. CHARLES C. DORbEY ATT021IEY AT LAY A'cx Door to Carson's Bank. MAIN STREET X3r"0"vcrxx.-s7-illo KTotoraslxft TIPTON 5 HEWETT, ittornens at alU, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. RESTAURANT OYSTEll SALOON. WILLIAM ROSSELL thVff tlif method of inf(.rciin the rullio that bo Lasjut oi'Oi.ed,rn .Vait street, between lit and 2nd, UUOUXVILIK, IVEBRASKA. a Restaurant and Oyster aloon. Also, Confectionarieo, Canned Fruit, Dried Fruit, Slices of ll kind?. Te;j, CotTec, Sugar Tobacco, Potatoes, ureot l'utatoos and everything tonally kcj t in a ritain giocery store. .A- MtAI.S SK iVh AT Al l. mitTIJS fK .,5.,yuiisi1 OVSTKIiS- Evan Yortliing", Wholesale & Eftail Dealer in Choice Liquors, Yines, Ale, Bear, pitts RrrrALOTnuASiiiXG II ACIIIXE, KKV YOHZi II A mXG REAPER. QUAKER JMOVr KR and JJlCIi ME ClXTIVA TOR. WIIITXEY'S I1LOCK, Main Street, Brownville .M7thl.; lo3iiyrrni -V 0: BKOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER, LA TOt'E D'AIVEEG.VE. For many a year there was a touching and beautiful custom to be witnessed in a certain regiment of French grenadiers and which was meant to commemorate the hzroism of a departed comrade. When the companies assembled for pa rade, and the roll was called, there was one name to wnicn. its owner couiu not answer it was that of La Tour D Au verne. When it was called, the eldest sergent present stepped a pace forward, and, ra s-ing his hand to his cap, said proudly: "Died on the field of honer." ror fourteen vears this custom was continued, and only ceased when the re I ctitrA Tirwirl-iiiri. In nloaca fVeir frirpicn masters, forbade everything that was cal culated to preserve the spirit of the sol diers of Fiance. La Tc ur D'Auvergne was not unwor thy in life the honor thus paid him after his death. He was educated for the ar my, entered in 1767, and in 1781 served under the Di'ks de Crillon at the seige of Port Mahon. He served always with distinction, but constantly refused offers of promotion, saying he was only fit for the command of a company of grenadiers ; but finally, the various grenadier compa nies being united, he found himself in command of a body of 8,000 men, while retaining only the rank of captain. Hence he -vas known as the First Grenadier of Fiance. But it is cf one particular exploit cf hit that we wish to write, oie than his ca reer in general. When he was forty years of age he went on a visit to a friend, not far from a section of the country that was soon to become the scene of a campiign. While there he was iusy in acquainting him self with the features of the country, thinking it not unlikely that this knowl edge might be of use to him, and while here the brave grenadier was astonished to learn that. the war had been rapidly shifted to this quarter, and that a regi ment of Auttrains was puhing on to oc cupy a narrow pass about ten miles from where he was stavincr, and the posses- would give them an oppor tunity to prevent an important movement tnniiv tn nrpvpn of the French which was then on foot. They hoped to surprise this post, and were moving so rapidly upon it that they were not more than two hours distant from the place where he was staying, and which they would have to pass in their march. It matters not how he heard the news. It is sufficient to say that he de termined at once to act upon it. He had no idea cf being captured by the enemy in their edvauce, and he at unce set cfTfor the pass. He knew that the pass was defended by a stout tower and a rrarrison of thiriy men, and he hoped to be able to warn the men of their danjrer. He hastened on, and arriving there found the tower in a perfect condition. It had just been vaca'ed by the garrison, who had heard of the approach of the Anurains, and had been seized with a panic thereat andhad fled, leaving their arms, consisting of thirty excellent mus kets. La D'Auvergne gnashed his teeth with rage as he discovertd this. Search ing in the building he found several box es cf amunition which the cowards had not destroyed. For a moment he was in despair, but then with a grim smile he began to fasten the main door and pile cgait;st it such articles as he could fiud. When he had done this he loaded all the guns he could find, and placed them, together with a good supply of amunition, under the loop holes that commanded the road by which the enemy must advance. Then he ate heartily of the provisions which he had brought with him, and sat down to wait. He had absolutely form ed the heroic resolution to defend the tower alone against the enemy. There were some things in his favor in such an undertaking. The pass was teep and narrow, and the enemy's troops could enter it only in double Hies, and in doing this would be fully exposed to the fire from the tower. The original trarrison of thiriv men rnnld pasilv havt heid it aeainst a division, and cow one man was about to atiempt to hold it against a regiment. It was dark when La Tour D'Auver gne reached the tower, and he had to wait some time for the enemy. They were longer in coming than he had ex pected, and for a while he was tempted to believe they had abandoned the expe dition. About midnight however, his practiced ear caught the tramp of feet. Every moment the sound came nearer, and at last he herd them entering the defile Immediately he discharged a couple muskets in the darkness to let them knom that he knew of their presence and in teutions. and he heard the quick, short commands of the officers, and, fr m the sounds he supposed that the troops were retiring from the pass. Until the morn in? he was undisturbed. The Austrian commander, feeling assured that the gar rison had peen informed ot nis move merits, and was prepared to receive hira saw that he could not surprise the post as he had hoped to and deemed it prudent to wait until daylight before making his at tack. At sunrise he summoned the garrison tn surrender. l trrenduier uuswieu i t i the summons. "Say to your commender," he said,-in reply to the mesengej, "that tnis gams- snn w ill defend thh Dost to tha last ex- tremitj'." The officer who had borne the flag o truce retired, and in about ten minutes a piece of artillery was brought into the pass and opened on the tower. The piece had to be placed directly in front of the tower, and within easy musket range o it. They had scarcely got the gun in po sition when a rapid fire was openec on it from the tower, and continued with such marked effect that the piece was withdrawn after the second discharge, with a loss of five men. This was a bad beginning, so half an hour after the pun was will drawn the Austrian Colonel ordered an assult. As the troops entered the defile they were received with a rapid and accurate fire, so that when they had passed over half the distance they had to traverse, they lost fifteen men. Disheartened by this they returned to the mouth of the defile. lhree more assults were repulsed in this manner, and the enemy , hy sunset had lost forty-five men, of whom ten were killed. The fire from the tower 'had been rapid and accurate, but the Austrian commander had noticed this peculiarity about it; every shot seemed to come rom the same rilace. For a while this seemed to perplex him, but at last he ca'me to the conclusion that there were a number of loop holes close together in the tower, so constructed as to command the ravine perfectly. At sunset the last assult was made and repulsed, and at dark the Austran com mander sent a second summons to the garnsson. This time the answer was favorable. Tne garrison offered to surrender at sunriss the next morning, if allowed to march out with their arms and return to the army unmolested. After some hes itation the terms were accepted. Meanwhile, La Tour D'Avergne had passed an anxious day in the tower. He lad opened the fight with an armament of thirty muskets, but had not been able to discharge them all. He had fired with remarkable rapidity, but with sur prising accuracy, for it was well known in the at my that he never threw away a hot. He had determined to stand to his post until he had accomplished his end, which was to hold the place twenty-four m a tee w e nours, in order to allow the t rencn army time to complete its manuver. After that, he knew the pass would be of no consequence to the enemy. WThen the demand for surrender came to him after the last assult, he consented to it upon the conditions named. The next day at sunrise the Austrian troops lined the pass in two files exten ding from the mouth of the tower, leaving a space between then for the garrison to pass out. The heavy door of the tower opened slowly, and in a few minutes a bronzed and scared grenadier, literally loaded down with muskets, came out and passed down the line of troops. He walked with difficulty under his heavy load. To the surprise of the Austrians, no one followed hi-n from the tower. In astonishment the Austrian Colonel rode up to him, and asked him in French why the garrison did not come out. "I am the garrison, Colonel," said the soldier, proudly. "What," exclaimed the Colonel; "do you mean to tell me that you alone have held the tower against me?" "I have that honor, Colonel." was the reply. "jVhat possessed you to make such an attempt, grenadier?" "The honor of France was at stake." The Colonel gazed at hira for a mo ment with undisguised admiration ; then, rasing his, cap, he said, warmly : "Grenadier I salute you. You have proved yourself the bravest of the brave." The officer caused all the arms which La Tour D'Auvergne could not carry to be collected, and sent them all, with the grenadier, into the French lines, togeth er with a note relating the whole affair. WThen the knowledge of it came to the ears of Napolean, he offered to promote La Tour D'Auvergue, bat the latter de clined to accept the promotion, saying that he preferred to remain where he was. This brave soldier met his death in an action at Abfrpausen, in June. 1S00, and the simple but expressive scene at roll call in his regiment was commenced and continued by the express command of the Emperor. The Homestead Law. By the 8th section of the Homestead Act of 1662, parties who have made en try continuous settlement and cultivation, have the right at any lime before the expiration of the periodt to make proof of such settlement up to a given day, and then pay for the tract at l:i25 per acre, and at once get a title. Where a homestead settler has entered a tract containing' more than 160 acres, he is required to pay for the excess in cash, and when he desires to change his homestead to a cash purchase, he is cred ited with the amount of such excess, and nly required to pay for 160 acres. Where a party enters under the home: stead, and has abondoned the trsct, he forfeits all claims to the fees, commis- sions, ic., wnicn at tne time oi entry were paid at the local office for the ser vices rendered by the Register and Re ceiver in regard to such entry. A. Y. Tribune. Becchcr ys. Befchcr. Everybody has read Henry Ward Beecher's recent letters defending John son's usurpations of the rights and func tions of Congress and supporting "my policy" of precipitating ten unrepentant States into Congress, without conditions or guarantees. JJut most persons nave not read or have forgotten his speech at the Fort Sumpter flag raising on the 14th of April, 1SG5, in Charleston. On lha' occasion he uttered the following words in the presence of 3,000 people: "I charge the whole guilt of this war upon the ambitious, educated, plotting, political leaders or the South. They haye shed this ocean of blood. They have desolated the South. They haye poured poverty through all her towns and cities. Tney have bewildered the imagination of the people with phantasms. aid led them to believe that they were lghting for their homes and liberty. whose homes were untoreatened and whose liberty was in no jeopardy. These arrogant instigators of civil war have re newed tlie plagues cf Egypt, not that the oppresed might go free, but tht the free might be oppressed. A cay will come when God will reveal judgment and ar raign at bis bar these mighty miscreants; and then every orphan that their bloody game has made, and every window that . . - i i sits sorrowing, anu every maimea ana wounded sufferer, and every Lereaved heart in all the wide regions of this land will rise up and come before the Lord to ay upon these chief culprits of modern bistory their awful witness. And from a thousand battlefields shall rise up armies of airy witnesses, who, with th memory of thejr awful sufferings, shall confront these miscreants with shrieks of fierce a accusation; and every pale and starved prisoner shall raise his skinny hand in udjjment. Blood shall call out for ven- i. tiie geance, and tears bnaii plead ror justice. and grief shall silently beckon, and love. heart-smitten, shall wait for justice. Good men and angels will cry out, 'How ong, O Lord, how long ? W lit Thou not avenge ?' "And than these guiltiest and most re morseless of traitors, these high and cul tured men with might and wisdom used or the destruction of their country, these most accused and detested of all crimin als, who have drenched a continent in needless blood, and moved the founda- lions of their times with hideous crimes and cruelty, caught up in -black clouds. ullof voices of vengence and lurid with punishment, shall be whirled aloft and be plunged downward forever and forever in an endless retribution ; while God hall say, 'Thus shall it be taall who be tray their country;' and all in heaven and upon earth will say, "Amen !" Ii is. probable, in view of Heaven s ust retributation, hereaftar, upon these, mighty miscreants, that brother Beech- er proposes to mi e tne balance ot tneir earthly lives as happy as may be, and, more merciful than God himself, is anx ious to forgive the sinner and forg?J the sin he so vividly and thrilliugly describes. low well I remember the loud re-echoed "Amens" which hailed the conclusion of the above paragraph, in the Fort Sunyjter peech. Nor do I laiagin that a soul 18, 1866, in all that audinance, then fully in sym pathy with the orator. i3 to-day disposed to follow Mr. Beecher into the swamps and morasses cf my policy." When we remember that it is these very "leaders," thus pilloried anv damned by Beecher, who have been elected and pressed upon us as Senator and Congressmen, and whom Beecher goe3 in for admitting at once the historical paradox becomes complete. i Late Mountain Aerars. From late Montana papers we extract the following i A report has reached Virginia City, which bears the marks of reliability, that three hundred Cheyenne Indians made an attack on the miners at therecenily dis covered Green River diggins, and killed forty out of the party, about seventy strong. The remainder of the party, it is said, have abandoned that country and scattered to different settlements. It is also reported that the miners have been driven frctn Wind River Mountains by the Sioux, and have taken the direction of Fort Bridger. Some three hundred Snake Indians have also sought the pro tection of the fort. The mines are said to be about eight or nine dollar diggings. These reports are brought in by parties who are known to have started for the Green river mines, and there is no good reason to doubt them except the prover bial inaccuracy of the reports of inespon sible parties. The official return for delegate to Con gress frorn Idaho is as follows ; Holbrook 3 641; Kirkpatrick 2,923. Majority for Holbrook, 718. News has reached Virginia City that several small partiesgoing down the Mis souri in Mackinawa from Fori Benton have been murcjered by Indians. Noth ing is positively known. It is stated that the Seneca Fall3 company have been murdered 8nd robbed on their way home on a small Mackinaw. Again it has been asserted that Maj. E. A. Collins, who left Virginia to take a Mackinaw, has been murdered. Hi? son and the Bray family were with him, and it is feared they have all been killed. We sincerely trusi that there h no truth in these re- 77 r rjj .it f.o:n a new galch, call.'d the -Highland, continued to be good, and and it is probable that a large amount of gold will he taken out before cold weather Snow fell in Virginia City on the 18ih ult. to the depth of two inches. A fleet of mackinaws started from Vir ginia City on the 20ih ult., capable of accommodating five hundred passengers. ine latest market quotations are as follows: flour, S20 for a sack of 93 lbs.; oysters, 22 per case ; potatoes, three cents per pound ; salt, Si for sack of 10 lbs., and other articles in propor lion. Daniel Webster. The last number of Fraser's Magazine has a gossiping article on the City cf Washington, which is full of anecdotes, most of them not altogether new, which the writer has recorded for the amuse ment of his readers. A curious remark of Jefferson Davis is the first on which we stumble. It wa3 proposed to have the walls of the capitel decorated with an allegorical represen tation of the different sections of the Union. In one sketch New England was represented by symbols of education and manufactures; the West by prairies, plows and steamers; the South by an ArcaJian scene, with a negro in the nidit, sleeping on a bale of cotton. Mr. Davis, who was one of the commission, made a single comment on the picture : 'What becomes of the South when ths negro wakes up ?" We turn over a few pages and light on an Indian who came to Washington about some treaty, wa3 tricked out in a civilized dress, and sent back to his tribe with a whisky bottle in each pocket. The tribe "watched his nevy style of be havior with piled wonder for a day or two and then quietly killed him " From the Indian'? whisky bottle we go on to Deniel Webster, under the influ ence of more refined potations! At a public dinner where Webster was to speak, he had to be prompted by a friend; and, on his nuking a pause, the friend behind in-iauated "national debt." Web ster at once fired up: "And, gentlemen, there's the national debt it should be paid; yes, gentlemen, it should be paid, and d d if it shan't be. I'll pay it my self ! How much is it." And as he made this fjuery, with drunken serious ness, of a gentleman near him, taking out his pocket-book, which '.vas always noto riously empty, the absurdity was too much for the audience. Another of his speeches is reported in full, and, ps it is very breef, we will do it the like com pliment ; "Men cf Rochester, I am glad to see you, and I am glad to see your noble city. Gentlemen, I saw your falls, which I am told are one hundred and fifty feet high. That is a very interest ing fact. Gentlemen, Rome had her CsDsar, her Scijjio, her Brutis; but Rome in her proudest days had never a water fall a hundred and fifty feet high ! Gen tlemen, Greece had her Pericles, her Demosthenes and her Socrates ; but Greece in her balmiest days never had a waterfall a hundred and fifty fee; high ! Men of Rochester, go on. No people ever lost tneir liberties who had rt terfall one hundred and fifty feet high !" j NO, Tlie Public Debt. The following is hg official statement of the public debt of the United S.;a,es CI the 1st of October, 1SG6.: DEBT BEARING COlS ISTZRETT. 5 per cent bonds, SlDS,091,3od 6 per cent, bonds of 1S67 and 1663. - 13.323.501 253.T33 7J0 11,7JU;') I l in: 3 cf IS: " -.is ... 4 1 1, 1.310.065,94 CTJKRE5CT 15TEREST. S3.S22.000 DEBT BEALI5G 6 per cent, bonds, Temporary loan, 3-year compound interest notes, 3-year 7-30 notes, 2,500,000 155512,110 743,906,050 S930,930,19q Matured debt not presented for payment, 3,302,373 DEBT BEAItlXG SO INTEREST. U. S. notes, 5399.165.293 Fractional currency, 27.029,273 Gold certificates of deposit, 11,057,61Q $437,252,205. Total debt, $2,701,50,703 Amount in Treasury, coin, 56,259,909 Amount in Treas. currency 41,953,853 123,213,767 Amount of dabt, less cash in Treasury, 2,573.33,941 The foregoing is a correct statement of the public debt, as appears from the booki and Treasurer's returns in the Depart raent on 1st of October. 1S66, HUGH McCjULLOCH, Sec'y of the Treasury. We hear a great deal about the Chaa sepot breech-loader, which some eay jj as superior to the Pru-sian needle-gua as the latter is to a Minnie rifle, but this likely to be an exaggeration. In a very short time, the Patrie announces, ona hundred regiments , of the line will be armed with it. The statement of th Semi-official journal that not only the arms but all the questions relative to lha organization of the French army, as re? gards both personal and material, are t j te nii.de the juV'tct tf ' tier: ,4, ;e.?j i -.-tod by sorae 3 aa the French army is r... : present to conteud successfu' of Prusia perhaps ai- as Ij taks paience and to wait tia ihs gun3 are ready and all the iu-rrcvenient3 made. I hear that vh.9 new .cuirass js being worked at with the intention of giving it to the troops. It is t..e invention of t needy young Italian, who came to Pari eager to uispose of it to the best bidder, and wh found means of access to a French general high in clfice, Tho general examined this new kind of ar mor, which is described as a flexible metal shirt, weighing only four $nd f half pounds, huug it up, took a revolver aD d jired four or five ? hots at it. The bullets fell to the ground, leaving but a slight mark upon the tall proof tissue. The invention was clearjy of sufficiei importance to be submitted to the Empe ror, who, after witnessing a trial, bad$ the inventor communicate hij secret to rio one, and said he would purchase it of him. You will have heard of the new plan suggested of large bucklers, to be car ried by the front rank men, who, kneel ing, protect those behind them, who fire through loop-holes in the shields, which thus serve as rests for the gur.3. Modi em improvements in the art of slaughter seem to be taking us back, in many re spects, to the defenses of the middle ages. Paris Cor. London Times. D. D, The Pittsburg Gazette says that whila the President was in that city a strangely shaped box was sent to his hotel. The committee of reception thought it was an infernal machine, the gentleman whos; name was on the accompanying card dis claiming all knowledge of it. The box was removed gingerly into the back yard and the hydrant turned upon it. After receiving a thorough drenching, the jii of the box was removed and there wai revealed not the wires and btttery and infernal machine cf a destructive engine, but simply the form of a dead duck. They tried to keep the joke, but it was speedily circulated about the table, much to the chagrin of the men who had taken counsel of their fears The new members of Congress choseni at the recent election in Aryans?? are William Briggs from the First District, A. W. Hobson from the Second, and A. B. Greenwood from the Third all rebel The Georgia Constitutionalist has an editoral, taking the ground that the Southern people, before committing themselves to the support of Andrew Johnson's policy, should make it a con dition that Jeff. Davis be released. Yp stated some days ego ho removal of a one-legged soldier from the postofT ice at Jacksonville in this State. Tha President has ju3t had a one-armed sol dier removed from the postoiuce at Greenville, Ohio. Mr. Johnson prcfeisejr great admiration for Union soldiers; but those Union soldiers "'must craveniy is- aorse "my policy," oroti go their headj. ITT - . I I' . won't do it. Quincy Whig. ' '