Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 04, 1866, Image 1

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    ibm- ' SMI.
orO. v. ntLL & co.,
Cut raara (tia L.. . cr Ism bcxs U ua ! fi
Sack arfJitioBai iam t i
IauMuii,iii!UH it ai;r li ;j
One keif calaos. tt rear, ' tt !
Oca roorta ctHa, ose r, 3
oneeittaa Cvlsaa, se je, lit)
OtMios3 tlx tttatia ' tact
Ose sail ui:cs an eostie r
ccefoan. tiicj ijsuca r: e
OnB culauiB tirta sslw t) CJ
C alf eo.arn t&ree swMse tl
Om lonk ctiinft u a Qiki V4 tf
Oo satb oittaoa Art nota 19
AesBaetua;eanaHlief.. . c
Stray notice a (a i.aJ) ' C
Ay-A Ay Ay
Ay Ay
.lT !tAri Wciml Mrtrttti&r ,
"; 1 ' " aU traac kiedvtrtUcKtst ait pui t 4
S 10
,l ut
. IBlLt ll !'.
i v--v I 'lt-'ii it it -x. ' i Li i r i l (
! i -ftAl 7Vi An
, 0 ' . : '. . - r.; .-
70L. XL
? IN listi
0 A It li o
k. S. HO-ULADAY, M. .
If-raiiatfrt In I Wit1
ocatcU lu Jrownlilc In io
Dr. H.t k1 e'B, ,rt ,e'9 uf AtDrut
icr: Holladay & Co's Dru? Store
Tu o Poors lUd of Post t)ce.
T S. Si-;lt",','n firfB ,u OUtetricnd
4ir. cf wvisr-n i t-bi'.dryn.
. n tt 2dK5r blow DrownTil.e Boue.
T,-b h-f-l r BWk -f IW "O11 Sb e
J it. tjt W4iri-1 mni biliiy fr d.icg
,ying J one with nmtnru and dispatch
jipoMTi:t)Ki'sn tin snor
w vojts MucMiirJi. n ews rt'LTi
. it'ltltCI'lI'MllClll'll'll
K-ll-rn hit
X Good Tccd and Livery Stable
Id tortrclifn itb tie lh uic.
FroM Ftrre, between Miu and Wat r.
n it on 1 1 ixc. x r n n.uuA.
?fay. t. i."u IU c.; ly
OS ei';r f II kin twi Firi Stfft.
lillinery & Faucy Goods
;in 'r-t one door veit of the Post Office
it .i tr 1 1 1. 1. 1 m: i in ti 4 .
A .r . . f Kail m,u Winttrr
ro'it. ET.rjtllng ia th- Milliii. ty it.e
i-i .i)y WB knd UrM-.Mkipj. linnrt
Tri aiBr duut t ordrr.
Ib5.. ..-28ly
crtfaoa to m a a 4 ti & zooa.
"rami rw. Agents and Staiiuuers
Vnt OfHcc Itulldlngr.
li' uU 0 ih t aa I aro cttunlsiill) rotiving
i. ,f lt.k. IVrioti''.. Stationary,
i -CriA tbuo.. S. h I Hk:!A C-uf-e
'''y 'ir. rSfo, an 1 "Koi.-B .ele'tf a f
fcocr Of.n,, n.trrHjf to hi.-h hey inrite tb
ui ti a tf th" rifitfn. Nemalia r'. urty. aid
J i j itrirt Bt'entinn ti buinr and f ir
'f U ni-rii b kr i f ih iBtli' usro
.h.MR;i. nij., J.W.IfLlsS.
IlrtiunUllc. ebiatkn.
X V7. PEDICOHD, Propilttcr.
T 'r H k-cn rrr(Jih dan.! n-' Ttt d
J Bill e-f.f ni.V .. J
- 'hkiicf a iritcii
i I It
: r" rville TSTobrnlt.w
tV--i mi iBh.aj.ii-y -It-! in.',., il ut i
. ' 7 " "" ti V':i.ii;,.i i
i a n l :rna
Ikmts ANI SIIOI s.
a.i. a , uttd-be mia ure.ftt- ail d ,.r
'LA ST ERE It si
T;-'"r.'rj JffiSrft ,
la-aiar I j . , ,nr 1 la.UrirVJ,
JiE jiifiDFduu; T
A jj li f I 1 Iti i f CD
Mi 7
. vj2TTaXi-s3T
14 1 -Ji.d Bi.r) af.vr.rr.T
is iSiJiee eo
imtf aitil inoe
s JbnL
P fTf'
noase-Slgn Ornamental
GUzicr, Gilder, trainer, :
All work done in worVmnr.
like manner, nd on striclcly
; E K CHAN rI'
t r t V:'
iQ .
mn in skit,
O c6 in J. I Carf ca'i Banking House.
a 14 If fr-sn
T H3 "V 13 H. X. ! !
Ila jur rei-ifd wrid will ci tutintly keep on
Land a Ure and well selected a t-xk ot gvnuiuear
lioltrn in i line
One Door vest of Graitt's Store, Brotcn
villr. A6rfAa.
XT ioix-ixx--
Of CKk, W ibe and Jeeirj d'ue on tbf btt
et Nutire. . ,
Fr..-tivii tCeb. Ma'CU 6tb IS 6 . 10 S5 ly
ou h Etat. eornt-r ' Main 'nn-1 Firnt .Vitrei'
imoirwiMj:, sruiusut. .
DrriCE IIof'KS -7 t. 9 . H.nrtd t to 2 and f4
7Jfe. m . .' .
Brownril'e. Nebraska. May ith, 185- N.i31J
Kut Poor to Canon's Fank.
vlttorncns at Caill,
.niiouNVii.M: ntbraska.
I -M. It.
t:Vr M i. u;, b. i,t i nf iui the tul lie tha' l o
' ""i.Cl,'n an meet Icitv m l.t hu! 2nd.
i l Restaurriit cud Oj'stcr Salccii
Al-o. (I"rjiort i n-rie. t'-mi-'td .Krnit, I i i - J
Knot, j.iri f ( lst-.V. Tei, tiffcf. Sncr
ToV-m-o. , ; b t - i we' iVulftx -nnd t-n- :hn'ir
Ja-nnMj kept iu I r taia stc;c.
rio'sit oYs'ii-'its-
, . ,
Evani Yorthing,
Wholea!c & detail realer in Choice
Liquors Wines. Ale. Bear,
i '
V 1 TTS IU F F 4 LO T II f t A M 1 1 ! C.
. . .
KlXCa tltlftv!. rt tr a rr ir; Hi t T -
I'll "utidt r?l .-rt B ... .. . VA .
flOIt. : -
y t ......
fnin Sirf ei Rrowtivill
K7, Hia i, Jfl u i, ,t si . : . .
C1'! e m m v.
The COl'S In ClUC.M ,
j . ': . J-. . : i : i . i '
I wutn h oiiTHAwiy f w., or watuMit
; t-'
iTberyrM-Bf' AVir ,tta,ou- bMt
Tt iro tunarei iieiai of wr, ut bitiKrre4
' Kni r'b KivaniiBc oT" nd rii r mirtiii dram,
,tt'''hStJ V?cS!aiP'r'9 lhl;.iu v":9fi
Tofueid t irry Bg tter borrrosa tritori' bad
thiy rtnjuj Jvbuot-B. fcot oi ivy. jb bim.'
j "
They re .minr iBdyJ .)bob tie iyt By In line,
Fr.m ureen Miunitias of vermori m.i Uttie
From i be bjweidi of Connecticut tba baray Tt' ro
a iieii flBBhing v'er the tart tbe re oi 8om.
terfl-w. : . !
They recmliig Andy Jobnsonlbeloytb'ylu Blue.
Tbeysrec m n(, And Jhcton the ernet BjT In
i ' Biue
SeZZT ' " '
The Leioc of tue auiyire Suto, depUe ber recreant
who tuiut to ibimt ad mucke t the s d deeds be
To tpuru wi b'wratb the Mo talie, the, laitbU-ts
Aaron to,
TLB a e ciuing. And JbnJa tbo earnest Bvy in
Hue "
TLfy are c. minp, A i dy J. hwoi ibe ete an o .be
From iliBir grd pririe ana tieir lke th. fi.ii
.!! ibe oet ; . i '"
Fi. a i e l aU ilvcis b- setiong wave L ryou.
to ibe'te. '
The t ... u.vnvlB con li.ejt tbe lr.buie oi ibe free,
Tu i.c uiwre ii. tbuuuer miies, a i-eolt umh
TLfy ar .ou.iiig, nay J Li ivt ilc e tan uf tbe
Tbc re .-ui A y J. J.ia n the lm-nien of ibe
i .
To tr Uip, ,t'- :t:I -n I !. tl'j-l lr-;ii T.Ctu'i
e ittr ii.ui i i . i i
F. u u.f Hi e I o t. L - Mi- bij ii i:y veiuru
yoor w.i... ,.
L jcMu t:. e ai.i . :v.-e : i l a r io..-o
H;-;Lj i t-. o-; of ALU rJ !. io t U u . .uu
I'Ull .
iij ..Lt itK'u.Uif Out: tu g :n h n ivl fc"-ave-9.
B tLe inrrai.ry tf Ft!rt Di.r.elsou aii'l ! lo.' bio ody
i or- ;
By tbe i..cii I f -t lue M l ', ul Vwk.our,
(. UU I'll i
B mem.' y il j . P.lioWa tiaia ty eu3 c ni)
Hot. t?i
O Lilt . .i B. A
c-r c, id ii cy - .ebsi bvli
ta.B Liu t.l ttueii Out Uil. ulJll.LV
tnuua y tu
i.e ;b.i ;
by ii b c i.t t wj i 1 it Liu') it le n -uitf viciorj-;
By n.em r - ff tie luveil rl Ut vt riaiy a N'jitueia
By mi bt.r.' wtJjwa' 9 Mi " t? rt, for tj.e :w
i. e'er Uliy coiact
By Litui y o uur jlil r Ouiei,
oy loul as.-as.iuM
Ko rbcl ivioe, no uaiur bnd bbaU rule otr laud
. Bi i -
But ir. i vi . bcl fce i, ai.J rrfaNcnmiiuu 014 :0
AUil w U law vi biU uf t w, b wa-ui
bi.risytti. , ., ,
Louia. Sepicinoer y. A compli
mentary banquet wis jjivcii la.-i mgli'.u!
the b .uihcrn Hotel, to i'resiJeii Joim
bun and his iyHbiuel. iieneiai Orau:.
Adiiiiral Farroui, and the dipluina ;ic
cotp. Suuu alltf being sealed a lure
ciuwd coih cied on Walnut street, anil
emit d lustily ror tue I'residr-ui.
aitaweied their Mjiiixuii by ajp ariuj,:
nil tne poitiCo, and delivefcO l ie lllow
iuy nddr. u:
FtLLt.w Citizens f St. Lgu: In
beinj; iiiiitjOtut-U to )tU to ut'hw... It
not tor the"pU'po?e )fiuauiiir a pt. c;i.
it L? Hue I mil prirud iuel- m ' liimy
ot Mty it lluw citizens hre im;ibH;occa
Hon, Hiid . ni.d r l.e avrabie Cnt:um
at v tl at I d - . P r'" ' H w abou
ur IJriMh .ubje' i's. 'J W V a tMii
i' John B.ll afiW a' wniJeV Ko far a
ta en rn. d liaogh' eV, nd l.u 1
h err : ,1 I are ju i titt d ; thai il vam
.ot htre fr ' urr otff ( niakins; a
"pe..ih.nt nft r b-n p not. dured,i npiv
'o tei der inv coidial ibat L; for the wel
C' lnt-thxi vou have rjiv n to me in y"
.n,,d ;..'. A. 'Ce, . "t n lvuand we-C'-tiie.-1'
. Ilnrral'e ar.d ch ersj: Th-wik
yo. sir. I wih it ivij in my , r.w r
addrt yu tind-r favrahi .cciimtan '
ce.-, upon 'Mine of th qnf'tions tbt nz
naif n ml distrari the puMn mnd fj "'
tii fis which have yrnwn out of' a.' fi T
oidt-al thai we have ju' "paed .ihroiiLrh
hi.c which. 1 thii.k as imp Ttant as thi
We hnv. jus Prt.oed h Th time hn
rome wj.en it sem. to m- that nll-uiht
! prejareil fir pf ac-, : tlip .r'b-ni'ri
leii ij ese''t and il.e htddiirji'f
Id ml t a i it .-Mip.ed, 'h" -acrifii-H of lifn
let j so-pr.d-t! hu I istnyed.' H eus
tha: th time ha nrr v wbn vu. shoi!d
hnv- rfc-v uhen ih" Vilditoj r!"r'1'?
ii'.! - t d njt JA 'o4'. 2$-"-' ()-ai!..'ri-ll'iip
f Vii h 1 a v "t - r tvv.
s t'ie -! I y c' ( ' Nt'w OrJean v-U .T.'ffhf
r.r ! r- nn-1 jn re i :! t it thi't V't'i
J.ti.b r ai d cher..l . ;f " -w il: . f u
r J . " . !
in.. I. .... t .... c i T :.
m -i ii- i'i r r a i .- . j u on ' 1 1 n
hic! and nsreriain the cause of the ri '
a N'-w Orleans prhap you would not -
be .-o proiunt in rnlliriT riii Or-
le.1t..- , y.. vv,l -a ,Jn ?! rilV n,
New Or'enn- ar,d trsic- it t acf to its
f-oiirce- ,,r tn jis. inifiiejinte ra ie V-''J
I 'it- ... . ..
j will fi:id in- woo i re-p inible for ,th
j Hoed tbai was -h d th re. Then if y u
; Will Hike up inp rjof at ew ()reiia-5.
j HI d trace ,i ,. L to tbe fturlif tl f!on.rr(-
1 Tfeat i teeriiitr anr cries of "bully.
will ft nu that ih- riot at New Orleans
wH MibMantiaJly planned by Conrss
If y u will iak up the proceed mus in
their caucus.-er, you will understand that
th y then knew fchcer-1 that a Cmven
t,on .wa:i to b" rHi1, H wn,c, w -xtmc.
ny it.- power Jiavuifr expired; thai it
was pan. and th. lat-ntio:: wa. tnai a
hrw Government was to ibe urgiwi-d.
ami in the urbanization uf ih'ai Govern
mem ihe intention wa to enf.ratj.chis
one po'tmn f the p 'pubi'Ton. called 'h-
'! r- d population, who hnd iut' beetr
maM'ipat"d atal at ibe :ime tmie todi a
fraibie uln'e nin. f'ran' ch-erinu 1
wien y;u n.em o -atk; m: (-w-ur ;
Iai rrtitdu-ioi.1 vou mi"bt t.i.und-c-
Said what you r- nlkiu" abmn. Who
y'H rean me .peerties itiut were 'iMiQe as
; cr take up she "facta- u Friday au- Sat '
urday beturt ihat-oaruiou' ai. yuu
' will tbiuk Hbtt peecbe" werj 'made m.
ceudwry" inibeir' character . exciMog thai,
portiou of the populauou tne btaif pap.1
ulauuuiu arm tliemaeivea and prre
shedding ;fC blood,. i.vuic,
that' o,' ; aod ctieera. J , ..Yyu will tl
hud that mat Couven'.iyu; did asaemkte
tl vialaiiyu ot l iw. auJ tild iuten iou of
tuai C'juveiitunj va u uprced-' the
recogui-d autdontied ui kSaieUj.
xuntxnt ot Louisiana , WutCu bad temi
'Uuiieo'S aies, aud every iuiii e'u igti
iu tiial reuelliou iu thai Cjuveuiio.j vitti,
Ue luteutiuu ot 'auperc- dfu - a.i. up
. turniug the i'lVil jjoVeriilu ?n wbic i ha i
" ,.,-.i hu iIih l..iri.rn,i.M.i ..r
the Uoiied Suitrfe, 1 ?.ay ar was a rm-
or lo the . Coos' Huiuu ot h.: U oird
S.aie.s chter,. and ueuc y ... U el hi
auolUer rbelilu W t Cfiu ueace'l,nvi .
ita vrigiu'Vi the Hadii:ui,Oiiur?s.
Thee men were lo g-i th-re. , A ov-
eriuiisfiit vva to be oran z d; and 'itie
one'in eiisVeuce' ui L'oui-ta.M 'vs to b
suspended; aet asidt? : a.d ufer h ow'a
.T I . Vf ...
y.iuhiav talk, iti me rfuout iti.v ui -a is.
and tlieu tue 'i J'Sti a wai tu.cuj uj
wlien tiiet had eiaili-ueJ
ihir 'iove;!!
mem a qne.uo.i
ot p jli'iii it po.wr
wliion ol tu5 UoVerimif nl? v ta b - c
ogu fi. A .11 w Ci e; mil u .: iu ii ir
ait U uiiiJer una U-to iC C iV.i.m a. id
se' up hi vi U'.ioti mi ii i. w tioul . t e
vil. li l".- pie. i'iieu. , .vii -ii lo-V
i, J w. I'lii-ii '.i ::i - r
X W w J. d u.'IVr!! :U., '
t r ;i ,i , j..d
i ' iiii ir.i.ii friii
, l in . c r J
' 'i".n : : )i, '-J.'t' lis . it t iC
' 4 . . . .
t e; Miiein
O Vfl'.jlii'.'i.i .1 Lai?i!t:i i f V; -)ce
"iV-w i, mi iJ c.iticis, aui .iOiiar. t c
A..'!) 'J Sj o c i -l IU- N . v Jn uir
no , aud war t.u ciu- a d ih-.'
. . I .
ul lgui t'l ttic 0 0 ' Will or.lj
.jr.J, ail-'
tveiy dop u. M-MtitiMt was ?lird u up.iit
lutjrl" tliiTi?, l..U Uly r rdap.' iai ui-- toT
I l M . I
ii. I iitjt l co'iiO tracr? this lU'iij;
) a liiti c.ojtT, o u i oat.
Bk ml
d . I
tl M r
j tu-uigUl ; In
: v-f icau,4u
bui wh-'n yjn t-Iv ah U! New
iMik aiiu: the cm-s awd
; C ilirfij-ieaces hit r-l:l el iron p'"C ed-
01 itiai kitiU, pjiiliap-, a Ihtve tji'eti
luiiudiic d bore, .d y u jr iok-d
tjU'-siio is ot illta ki'tid. tli.iuy?f !i do ni'
jltif;Ae iu,. i wiii i.iry na Je-v tvuoi; IU1 Mil UaVd td,i 1)10 till--
iiadicai C.llrr. 0aeer J 1,cju
iicitnui w i h N- w U l.'aui au-l Ui- ii
teiitiuii ot me t leCtivr irancnie. I Iv.jim 1 have be -u triLid an 1 ; a '.id
1 kiiow ii . tiij c-Mue iu dda tee oi i:i
lu te, a it has eUewiiere, 'lii I th.ivr
attempied lo exercise an urbitraiy po.vr
tu re.-ung law? mat were nueul'-d to
be It'U d upon ihi G iVMriinient. jt: ieefs
and cut s ot ; hdr.' J Y., llia 1 .iiol
xeicistd tlie wtr Bily tot
you, iiiui 1 hid ubnd tiici hj party
tna. viccted in-?, a od; ihi l. wis a rait
r cneerJ b cau.. I cx-fcised the vio
pjvver i i a it-tiip.i i i , JiJ nriei
lur a u. no a bill thai w.i clled a Fr-d
uiau's "Jireao Bit. Uuers Y-s.
tiiai ( vva a , traitor ; ud 1 have . b -en
ua luccd, I nivr- h. eu jpMiiuertjd,. I hive
if tn iiulineiL I have b- eu calhd Judas
lacati-i., and til ioa,. : ,N wf mv c- iu
tiymeu. here to mghi jt, i vy -ea;y to
n.uule in ep'h ts-; It i. v-Vy eay to
call a man Judts tud cry uik traitor, bu
vvht u nt; I-called up . t ar"meri!a
and lacta.he is very ofien foatil win ing
Juda iMariOl. Joda- ! Ture wt - a J i
da fijce. ine -of the twelve Ap- I -On,
y , the ttfrelve Ap itle.t i ad a Christ
-1 yo.ce, ' an! a ALia.-r, to.' Grt-at
lauftel :, Iht- tW Iv.;. AjO'lIe-; htd a
Chi t?t, aud lie never muI! hare had a
JiMajj uuieas 'l e had tvveivv , Apoiile.
It 1 have pi.tyvil ;ne J:id.i wh-j has been
my i.'rjiii that. I havr played, thH , J.d t
ith ? Wn i; . Fa id St vr ? W'.:- it
Wt-i.d 11 Piu'ip- 2 vV.i it Curias Sum
n-r ? ILaji and c;ieT-. Are :h
ih- in. u ill t: s up a. 1 1 u.Mii;irr ihe ii
eiy with ihr Savior -f m a ,d
b xiy ih ii tl if r. wuh t.'ieoi in . opinion,
and Hu try i j ,-iay a ,i arrest thfir d'a-l;-lica!
a ii-1 U' arioiK-. p. l cy i to b du-
I l illli. Cr-ll is:, lull- f il.i' r id f.r ..
...... -w-.vm.... lll' I III IUI
dyndi-lit'.y l i tri diys: wh-n
li re a r t -V-.JV- A, "! ."""a i f vv?in
there .vti a Cii'i.-t. Wsill -h-vfe V-r-r J i
dae-, .-. . re ijire U N' l:rr ? ; V j
1 "
a- V- f :
hre..'- ' Three
Lrrv'-tllS o;
r Yes nh y-3. uu
briit rt in Ciin i in ;(i vvh i peis-cu ed i
!? - ,d" - 'sland - rtd and tiroijht ll.oi bef..fe
Po'itni- IMite, a;iJ oreferrel cbarir-s
and C -nilchiued and put Him to d ath on j
the cror, .o sa-ity unr-eliev-r ; and
ibis fa ne'i. diabolicai .1 oe
tariiu clan 10 day. wo dd persecute and
1 . 1 a
sh' d ttie moon oi inn n-ent m -n t t.r'y
oU their purp is-s c'leers) hut let me
teli y.ii let me give. y.u few words
' here iu niuht. B it a short i n amce I
.1 a .
ht-ard f-oine on- say.iu,tn crow I thu we
had 'a'iMi-eir..L-ui2her and ch-ers )
Ye. ''there wa a Moaes. and I kriov
stnneuini it h:t. beet, sail thu I hive
!aid tint w uld bthe M of the
colored mill. Never Jan I cheer-
Why I have labored as much fn the caue
of em locipfioti H a iv oiher ni rtal imh
hvimr ; out wnile I havestriru i iiniii-
;:pate ihe c dred .n in. I hrxye felt, and
U w feel, . that we havr; a great, nruiy
wliite" men that 'want emancipation
( Laughter and cheer." ! : Tn4re' i a set
nong-ii you lhat! ha vr gt shackle- rr;
hf'r mbs. and are a-..iiuoh u i -r ih-
ne. i an; coutrpi or tnetr ini-ers as jh-
col r-d- tna'i that
that w. eu,.np,:e.
ill upmyo, hereto night
.men whn favor ih-emu,.
whuo aaa well ai iho
I fl T.- I l ci
tree men a-
cipa;ica of. tho v
colored one. :.l ftura oeu iu favjr oi
emancipation. I bar no hm tiidi-guisH
about thu. I hit a tfieJ to d.i as much,
ad hare done as inuch, aa l whe-i thy
talk abo a .M i W n tfit col ifed m a
being led into th prmtiiaed , la id. wli-re
la the laiid"" P o(osea to lead
- them iu? Chsert JWheu we talv abut
taking tb-in out It jm aiuo t the white
population and- seiidiiig them to other
cliuiei, wba'i is it ihe pri-poa ?
is to give us a Freeduieu' lijreau. and
what ; Why hrf e. iu bf S unj. it
is not ii c esaiy ut me to teli y u where
1 have iued, ami you l ave live.l and uo-
deriaui the wii.iie .-Vateai, an I nv it
nnpm'i iVJL,,. ,.w ,1., .1 Lr
beeu worked hriolore The rieitinl
pvn-rs boui;tt the la d ud lais- d m
negroes, ui purciiaaed .hem; as the ia-e
initM be; patd alt the rxprite of carry-
tug oa ti e tarui. and la the ufter
' ptuducm lubiicct't, coaon, hemp an I tlix
- a no all the vairioua prnJu -is uf the S iuin,
b; lugi .g tiiein into ih' uarkei wuh ut
a. protii iu ihein, whii-' th-ir tjtvm r.
. . . 1 . . L. . '.I. ". . ' V.. . .
t uu. it an i.iiu ui r u wvjih-is. i u
then cuid t'ou h r re U.e en a iript
ti n la. a vas in-ir o. ouui i oio w
UUe.J abut th ir .I a :'! !ii r
i a-k yiiur aitcntiou im .o w hav
got to talking tin tnis .-uljecl. yiVe m '
y ur atteiitioii lor a lew u'-nute. i am
udirtssii n y t It toy or biaindt Uiid n.
lo your pr jo I a j y or Tr u on and
U 1 io y-,'U aion3, ;aiu. Ulit ii reason
I auO argun lit aya n re;liint; hen einpire.
I mi- mis , Uiio prj .d c- liiat na.s tet-n in
1 C' 'u,ou iae pu : m'id. u-ui yive
I w,jiy. hnd r-&vii b - . n. ti 'uiupijatit
L'wuvt r. j i v. my ctu i r iii-ii lei me
iu.! y ur a ieo-ijj io a - i : i i a fact 'lir
Fr-eii-ni'u's Bi;aii '.Laughter uu-.l
in -e.-.J Siavcry vi an aovo 3;-d in-ti
tue uuil t mancipation io k 1 1 a v- e . Ii
vv t an acours d lu-liiirioii wtnle oi;e set
oi lat-n woikrd them and g"i '.ne pr lit-:
fjji ati'-r em tuCipH't in to K piac tfiey
yave us ill- Jr'r ediuii's li neau They
iiUVc ui lile norenia to c into tvery
coufity. every to.v.Kiii'p.- aril nro e v ry
aci.ooI dii'.rict thro irii i .t ihe tTnied
Stales, and ?pr'ji illy the S ;u heru
S:a'e 'i'hey gave us ti oiuiiiisioii3r .
aiey tf iv ui '.wive in iiij:i ut J.ihr .
and plao d t ie pa v -r in the h.t'.d. nf the
Ex. u ve, wn-j waa to tv.rk thisusicn t
.f wi a ihe army tTouhl lo hu u.d ;
.tiU it 5ti am n, tii-) lei uvfuii it wi h
twelve millions as a h'-gitniiii. a d in
Hie end itce'red fittj or ixiy ion-,
us tbrt case may bf, and let u work th
four miiiioli ol alaVrs. in fitie th-. Freet -iii
ii'b' Uureau wa a biiujiit? pr p i;i i m
lo irauater tour imlli jih t: slave-, ui tti
Uuiied Stale Horn their original own-r
' a new ei ut lasfiual r. V -let!
uevei," and c-ifers 1 na been la
boring ltT ears to eta io p t'e them, and
th -ii 1 wj upp tied to jut'uijr tii-.u tra-i" lo a u ;W ?ei iaii ma.-i -r. tc b
worked wuh unre vii.r thati t' y luo
been ht-reiotore. . i lit r. Ye-. un
der tni new ?y-ieiu hy wi.uid woikth--rlavet
and can on tne Oi.vei i-iii"tit t
bear all he tspr fe. and if there wer.
a..y prnlii it-t?. wny. ihey Mtmld p ce
ihem launter ai.d cli-err, j wr ii you.
me pei-ple. mUsi pay ihe , x. 4i?..t roc
uii' the macnine uul . y ur own y ce t,
woile mt y sjel pr h f i
. 1 fiinp.y lineal to wihi to tender y u
my siiicert thanks, bo as f r. a
We are tuUit g ubm thi C mgre.-.. and
thee re?feciabli g i ri in i w mc .i e..d
thai ih P.-i-id nn I ivrnur b im-ih h -veioed
ine Freedin iV Ui' to B tl. and
all this, because he cnose o X-fct i;i
veio power, tie Coji.mittcd a h g:i olfen'-e
and therefore ouht to be mijieacti d
fVo'ce. never."! Yes, ye.-, they ar
i eaity to impeach n.. n Vic.-lei mem
t y it.' and they were ai fi d ihey ha
the in , CO' gre s by a dt cid d m i j n y
a this up n aoiue, pretext or a tnr rial t
tl m tne Cmstnu l n, neglect of d.i y. -r
oiuiilin to torce soin- act ol law. tn y
wo'i.d vara e tlie Exfitive D pimn u
ot me Un led Mate. A voire, 'Mo bad
tliey don't linptacti h.o. liu, :
lalti atiouN ttie C )iiiire?i ict me call Me
aoldleTa atteutioa lo I ix: linuaco!a'.e C mj
yress. lei me call your auentio i. Oil.
y- "this Centre!, ihai cotill mike wai
ap tu the Executive, b ca ise he iiai)d
upou the Consmu'ion a id vmJi.a'ej ine
r.riti uf the p-.pie. -i -rciiriT 'h ve:o
p jwvr iu Li? .r b -n iit he, d irej
to d ihi-, the ciauiK and ulk abju'. nu
pe iC i uMii. an I by way of Huuula;iri
t;ns mere asiLg icini :ence wnn tn to!
diers throughout tiirf c i:uiry. they talk
au : L . a
about impeachment; jo lar a ilientvs
are concerned, upon this .-uj-;t ot frn-
C . let me uk y u ( v m, pirnry
h re io-nii:hiM) 10 u r.iii-k: i .tomt his
lory or legislation. auJ even when G iv
eruer of a Staie ; let me a-k if there is
a man here lo night., - who, in ihe dark
diysot Kiuv NotamgiB n. -t ol ar,d bat
tled m re lor their rights (Voce,
good," and cheers.) It has been my
peculiar misfortune to hive fi-ic? oppj-.-ition.
because I strike my blow direct,
and foighi with naht and the C-'iiii'u-tim
on my side. (Cner.) Yes 1 will
come bac lo ihe sol her again in a mo
mem. Y;s. here tvas i neutialiiy law
I was sworn to support the Constitution
and see the law. was faithluliy executed.
(A voice: "Why lidoi you J ii ?")
The law wa- exe-ruied, and because it
waj executed they ratted n clamor dud
tried b make an appeal tu the tor'ei jn-r
and e-p -cially ; zhn Fenian; and wi a
dni.tney n. f i iey miraiav -j.i nt:i i
i.cMeanl p! the f amy pre,..ti
to repeal the law. ;,,d a-
. .iiaw.i,? it uorse ; a. d .h-n U
kw jui where n w- vc )
4, 1866.
Thy knew thai whrnevirr a Uw wa
present to m, proper in its provisions.
atiiflmratins and softening th rigors of
th present law. that it would meet my
hearty approhati-m ; but as ihy were
pretty well broken down, and losing
puMic .confidnc? at th heels of the
session, th y found thy must do some
thin?. atd n-nce. what they did do they
pretud-d to do something for th soldiers,
Who ha done more for the ruldiers than
I hnv ? ho ha periled more in this
simple than I have 1 (Cheers ) But.
then, to mate them the pet uliar friends
Hrd favi-ntes f the soldiers, they came
forward with a jt positionto do what ?
Whv. w will give the soldiers fifty dul-
lar r.n-v fifiw H Jln k.r
Vivian to this if h- has iTved tw4
yar. and on hundred dollars if he has
Mrr. d hrep y-ars "Now mak vn.
thp cloid man that served his two years
'no rjft hi full hiiun'V hu the r bite man
nojst serve three before h fan. pet his.
f rh'rs ) Buf. that i not the poii.t.
Whil th v w re ticMiop ami attempt
to p! ?w th" S"!di-T" by eirin them
fi'ty d II irs b iiity f'T t vn yar service.
j th v r '' h' if haiT to jive som
i h..av
h b hi i y a 'id t.V y v opj rhetn-
.? -tf.'s, n fic y d.'-ar- f ir hviy nNVr
vi. . Y'"ir att -u i n I want t milf4 a
l---djmerit in your m uds of the facta bt
cane I wan? to put the nail in and hav
ififj pi? i' in, ( waui o clinch it on the.
oilier i id . (Cbe-r ) Th- bravioya.
th- pntno'ic v-'tn g men wb, followed
bi gallant nffi ;ers l p' on th tented
fi!d. and f enll. d hi life, hnd .-h-d hi?
Mot.d. nt;d iff h- limb b- hind him and
cm ' h'iri" unnj.'ed and manned he can
2' fiiy d.'Hnr bounty if he has served
t v.t y nr.i. but ihe member of CangresjC
who never m-li piiriptuvdr, ran rj"!
SI 000 'xtra ny. (tirai clieerimr )
Thi i n faint picu'e. mv ctur.tryinen
i f wbat has transp r- d (A voice, St'clf
to the qu'tion '") Feliow C'V2en. you
are all am i ar wih the work of re.t
raiiiin Y u Mio-v that ince the rebellion
cnlUpseoV since the armie wer- auppTips
so in ihe d id, that everyth'nj that
cnuld be don, ha been d-m by the Eto
rtitiVi- d ptr'in.nt nf the Go?ernm-nt for
the restoration uf the Government. Ev
ery!?, i'z :'TiH.h h"en d me with th eyept
ion i f one thinjj. and that i the niiritj
fion nf n-'in'.'eri1 fr-n rj-rn S'rpji i.i
wen in'o the r- Lellinn, Ai.d a't-r havin?
accepted ih term of th- G ivernoient ;
having abli-h -d slavery; having repu
diated th ir der t, and sent loyal repre
ent.itive. er-ryihing Ma- been done ex
cepting the admi-ipion of r-presentatives
to which all th Sates are entitled.
(( beer-. ) Wb n y u turn and examine
he Con t ituii n if ihe United Spates,
y u ran fi id that you cannot even amend
that Con -nt ii i n an a to deprive any
Mate ot its equal surl'Bge m the Senate.
A voire -'Th y hare never been out."
Ii i yaid before me they have never been
u' I ."ay .-o too. That in what I have
It iv eiiil : "They hve never been
u' and h y ninn-n out (Cheers. )
That being th fact, und-r the Confiitu.
'ion they are nt t'ed to equal represen
atijn ir, the Ctingres." of the Unitd!
S a e. wbh'iut tiola'ing the Constitution.
(Chers. ) And the -ame argument ap
plies to ih House of R-preventatives.
H..w. ihen, do the nmtnr stand? It
iiccd 'o b- tin- of the argument mat if
h- S ates withdraw their He resentatives
ind Seuators that wa- st-cersion a
peac able br. akiti up uf the Govern
niet.t. Now he radnai puver in ihis
G v r.m nt turn around and ainie that
tie Siatt s ar out of the. Cumn ; that
fn y are not eniub-d to repr. seniatives
to Corigrejj cheers J; tf:at i to'ay
ihty are disol iiouimk. and ihejr pn-ition
ii w i. to ptrpt ti.-B'e a disiupnon
f the Government, ar d lfia, too. while
y ar (U tijmg i: e States th- right of
r- pret tna i m, th y i.npoe taxation upon
tKiii .H principle up n which, in the rev
I' U'hli V U replied ihe n,vr ol Great
H iiMn, auf dei y the rig it uf 'Hxa ion
with ut r p:eei.iauoa. Tan i one of
our great i rt cij les.
Lei tf- ii vernmerit be re-tored. Lat
p "C-be ietred among thi perple. I
i.. i. i e t - . .
l.are ,iu,;reu ir 11.- 1 aill lOT H. tlei y
ibe d ctrine of ece-ion C me from wha1
p.arier it may whether from the Nonh
or from the Sou b, ! am t pjtoa d tu it.
1 am for the Tnion if ihe State?.
(Voce, that'; r.ghi" and cheers. 1 I
an ror i. e iiiitty ?ix stars, representing
' .ir:y S a-es. remaining where they
are under the Cms'im t n as your fatlier
m u'e it and hanrled it down t . y. u ; and
if i n ah red or amended, let a be done
in the mode and mafin- r p iinteJ oiu by
that iniru.u,nt -itself, and in no other.
I am for the restoration of peace. Let
me ask the p.ple hefe ljnighi if we
have not died enough yf biod. ' Let me
ai-k are yu pr-pire.d to go into another
Civil war ? Let me a?k this people here
to-mght. are ihey prepared tu j-ee man
op id man. an in the nam of G d lift
bis band agai-i-t the ih'oai of bi-t fellow
man ? ( V.ic. fier- r.') Are yo i pre
pared to e- our fields la.d wane again.
our. tnii.oes ai. l iiiu ii.'f c - Mi-reiided
ans; all trade stop id i Ai
- j i- r i hi :
A r . . . . .......
,i. . t j . '
til" I
u""r'r". ui hhi. iirav n a Vet l
is my
prayer .(IWr.) I m one of hose
wh i beli. ve ib it man doe.-sin and hav
ing inn-d. I beli. re he muit repent, and
having repeied. make. htui abetter man
than he wa before. (Cheer.-.)
I know it ha. been at 1 that I hive
t Si-rcned . v nard riinr rm er r
. hav. and what b. ut drake's
c-,,, ,y., I hare ,fH d.M.Vyou
"..u , . ... , r..c,.,:, , hftVe
mr ioco; turacd ccr weo'
-a - - r b
NO, ;L
bese set theoi at liberty, than wt ru tl
er itapri -oned, I img:ue, than any 'oth
er bring man cn Gotl's habitable g!ole.
Voice. "Bully for you, and cheers. I
turned 47 000 cf cir men wha ic;ajd
to this iruggte with the arras wa ,'ca?
lurea witu them.ina who wera then iri-.
prisca-d 1 turned thcta.Iocs5." Vol?
Uully for you.' and liuhm. Lr?9
large numbers havs applied for Jja
and I hare granted ihra pxidoa. Yet
there arc some who condma tci ho!4
rne repon?iMe for datng wronj. .Yirs.
here are forue who stayed at ho.whvt
did not go into tbe fi-ld. that' can ul ;
about othen bem traitor asJ beii:
treachrou. There afe soraa f'b csi
talk about blood, and: vergaixj. ar;J
crime, and everything to 'make treaso.i
odeons,"and all iha who Lever arselt
gunpowder on either side. Cheer?.
Yes, hey can condemn other, a:.d f ec
o mm end hanging ai.d turtirs, and all
ihat. If I hare erred, I hare erred' oa
the sid of mercy.
Some of these croakers have dared to
as?ume lhat they were betti-r than was
tho Savior of mBn hiineif a kind of
over-rihtdsU.nes bettfr than anybotly
else and ui hough waiting to dDiity's
work, thinking He cannot do it as well
as they can. (Laughter and clears.)
Yes. ihe Sav or of mtu ca.-ae on' exrta
and found the h i nxa raoe caadewaed
senunifd under thr? law; bat wh'a tiisy
repemed and belitv d. he eatJ 1st thent
live. Instead of exreuting. and putting
the whole wtrd t death he wi?ni up
ou ihecro a, and there was n&il-ciby un-
believer., and there shed hts blcod that
you and I might Irve. (Chaers.) Thiok
of it! To execute, ani fca.ig. ar,d put to
death eight rotllioaj of peopla. Vojco,
Never ") I: is an abaurJity ; ijch a
thinT id iirinr ftifV?o Arn if i "ujf-
right ; bu- it is the riolatioa of ill law.
human and divine. (Vo ce.'Haag JefJ
pivis.1. Voycalloa Jud4 Chxia to
haag Jtff. Divi. will you? (Gresi
cheering ) I am not the cjurt, I sin not
the jury, nor ihe Judge before tha exist
come tome, and all other cases it would
have to come on appiicrtJn ai a cie fur
pardon. That is the only way tt.; Cast
can get to me. Whv don't Jui 3 CN.Vt
kludge Chile, the C.Itf J.jj::"o cf tbr
LTmted S'.xtea ia v.h 5ru'-t v; j i
1 t ...
Dot rerhtfs i cud r
t!v :
a-i smstimi t pVrsona. wild, .u - i j Uc
tiout and indulge ia repartee I m:ght
ask you a tj iestion. Why'4doat you hang"
Thad. S-eveuj ud Weuiell : Philips I
(Great cheering.) A traitor at on 5 caj
of tne line is as bad as a traitor at tho
other. 1 knowtbat, there are socae wh)
hare goi their little places and rayiegs
t report oa public ocaisioas. like par
rots, that hare been placed ia iheir
mouths by their superior, who biro not
the courage and manhood to come for
ward and tell them themselves, bu; hjvtj
their understrappers to dj so. (doers.)
t Know toere are jddo tea; taia aocut
this unirerjtl elective franchise, upoa -
ernnuat of Louisiana, and lasli'.dt e .aa-.
other, who contended ihat wa wuivssad
men there to control the GoYercbept,
and manage their slave populattwn. be
cause they are ii.compet nt to do it ihetn
stives, and yet they turn arouad, wherj
ihey gel there, aud say they are compel
tent to go 10 Coagre?s, aad miuagu ail
the efTira of Stale. (Cneers.) Ilefore
you commence throwing your stoaeyou
ought to be ?ure y ju don't lte ia a gf
hotse. Then why all this - clamor I
Do'i't you aee, my countrymen, ii is a
queitiun of power, enJ being ia power,
as ihey are the object is to perptuata
their power When you talk about turning
nyof the:n out of office, oh, they talk
about bread and buttar. ' (Laughier )
Yes. theae men are ihe moat perfect and
co mplete bread aud-buttar party thathxi
atpearedtn this Govefnmeat. (Great
cheering ) W.ea you make aa effort
or struggle to take the nipple out of their
nicu'tr.t. how they clamor. They hav
fayed at home, here Sr cr six ytar,
held the cfacea, grown fat. tad enjoyed
all the emoluments of portion, and now,
when fun talk about turning ose cf them
out, it i prnf enption ; and hetce, they
come forward and propose, ia Congr
iodo--rhit To pass Uus to prtTtct
tbe Executiva from turcing anywj' cue,
(Voices. "Put Vm out.") H-rs) don't
jou aea what th policy was to b I I be
lieve in the g od old doctrine aivoMted
by Wtahnigtoii. JtfiTerson and Madison,
of rotation tn cf!ici. Those people who
bare been enjayinj these ofnees seem ta
have lost eight ot thlx doctrtae. I be
lieve thai one ret of men hava enjoyed
the emoluments tf ofHce long eneuh. -They
should let another portion' of tha
have n chacc. (Cheers) How ira
these men to be gotoui? ( Voice-kit
'em out." Cheers and laughter.) unles
exertions can put them oat; unless yo-t
can teach ihem through the Presidency,
1 raja v c sii.ii not lurn met. I
out. and they are trying to pass laws n
prerent il b. ing done. Well, let ri5 sa
! to you it y-iu will stand by :m m tbu
( .
HCiimi . i , n-nr. i tt tr ....i i j
- " J m ii win in jij n i
...iiyiug. .-.g:e,JpI,..f.,,c!,
p-opie a fair chance,
soldi. r a iid
citixetj:, i0 priiciritii , i.v
i i ... r .
these tiriees. God being willing. I wiil
kick them oyt just as fast as I can
(Great cheermg ) Let me say to you.
in concluding what I lave said. aaJ I in
tend to fay but little, bet wis jr. 7; If. I'
into this rather thaa cthtrwlix It:::
not for the menaces tbe laurta a ri tr.-i
1 iters I care imi fcrthetV ?
l.ienl tu be bullied-br r-i 'eaAeVl
,,. overaw-d ty Wd- t"u
&jt, ; - ifr X