Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1866)
i ! t 2 i i i: ,1 t r. a J .2 t ;-. W f ' T t. T.w Tt Li - V 1 . . - - f V fvrrt to gw sjpon the' in' -a,'eelbet fft (a from 3 I . ' - . to i Wert i t r epic- J.)r. ! - Til'CiTlt'l! "pjimi L!:!f tb taoit won- s- i jtetfrj ia modern science, acting upon the i ri i hair is aa al moat .aura uioua ounntr.- . i r-es tivd bythedtlkeef Paris and London ; ) tie fitttrirj taccei-f, b'tmti cf U ; . i.i MregtatereJ, d4 if entire satis nvk iea ia every mjianre, teiaoney 1U fee ekeerfully ftfocJeJ- I't ioe by taail, eealcd na potifaiJ, ji. inscriptive circular nl tenti tailed (r. lilmn RCIUJEH SIIL'TT f t C-eaiita, N 2-4 Hirer Street, Troy, N.Y. J J(Ju!2en, Flaxen, net Silken CCKLS produced Ky the ! i.f Prof. D. V 1 . ! I Hurt's r ulsCJi LE J " V tCIIEVLTX. tfneappliXW wnoa war.-ai.tea loouri v t, J ii r ft eUi'jtt iti Itolloro bkin of eithersex rr ricrkUcr, LtATt tnftwite curl. II a " Vb aaed by tbe fashionable f Pari and Lucdon ttott gratifying re;uka. Doc do injure t t btir. Price by taai!, aea'led and piatpaid $1 riTirw9rrnr tnaiinj. free. Address, L'EU v Ik, kULTS A CO., .Vto. 2S4 RitfrStroct. Trey A . i U Agcoti for the Untied Siaea. r.-i PS TO EVEUYEODT ! : .C.I";GE TO !!EALTiWtJD BEAUTY Jutt rublhbtdi . t. v . v ft . . . t rf i ,iM;rM;i of tie fkln ; bw to enauitl the a b ir ,;''- ;i hlt icj c!etr u alabaster y Loir to j"(.J6. tbe fuSlrot ie!- oscnt of the feiaala foVta r-:ied by tna french, cauting the bu.t to rc w ri)d at.4 full, and if the form batbaen ltt JrJT td lire, latin or aatamity. iOfctyricz it tol n r il"u u original fulaen, CrmneiiMd beauty, It leacbf toW to reduce tbe lite bandi ac ; frvjneee orpuirr-r or tbe rererge: retnoreJ otCatui l!r , Cure trn, Wort, and .Molea ; .'renew toot ge: eure I)runkEs,Catarrb, Dya ' rjiia ?"Toua Delility.ihow to ; faaoiaate and , 'xB lore and aJecticn cf any pviaon you may cboorr tfge hr witb othernaefol and. valuable in fcrmatido. So 'jounj Iady of gentleman rbuo)4 fait Ui at nd tbrr addreaa to the pderaigned and re f br return tr.ail a ej of tU.. vahiaUf work i C Jautl'J enreltt free if clarg. Allrdft 'r HEIiUtK, M1TT1S & CO., Cl.emiitaJ I 1 -- ' . ;iSl fa . 25 Kit er Street Tregr,N.V. - ;KN0W. THY DESTINY! .: 11ADAHE C. F. TnoaxTON. tbe great Lnpliib lalf.!cgl,C'a!rryanf and riTebcaictrician.wbe Ws aataAoc.ebel tbe aci?ntiC elaste f lb Old world J bai buw ioat4 rtelf at Iludaon, N. Y. JlaJatae Tttrcton poasearea auch wonderful power a of eec- nd a'gtt, aa to enable ber to itapart knowledge " ef ibe grestett importance t tbe atnjle or tnarriej ftUberatz. ' 7bUe ia a atate of trance, ahe o t flBatet t .e Ttry fatcrei of tbe pcraon y are?oJ w T or, kcrwnai tbo IVycboaiotr&po,guarotec!iH y-iucja life-like picrure of tbe fLtureirj'bundii of tie applicant, tcgether witb date of taar ptrU9. rItjfo la life, ItadirgJra.U of cbarfteter, . V ;. " :.! il e j, aa Uioujandi cf teitiao-' aiala'aan acrC"fcke will .5,' tm"a,eairfd, r rtied wrtitaite, or wri'taa guarantee, tbat tbe i (J il raTcrf ko. p7' nclosing a anajl lock or na;r, aci e'.atirg riace cf tirtn, age. -te--ltroitjoa and ecrnpieiion, and nclolng.5l centa CtJ fUtapcd BTt;cye edJreleed to.yoaraelr.yoa wi:l raetire tbe rUtareacd deaired itiormatioo by reUratsall. Jlu oaanlealloni aaered (onSdcn Jidraaafa eSaTienee, II AD A WE E. T. i f: CH A STELAE'S T WHITE LirUID EtJAMEL. -. rT lr Isprorlcg aci Deaatifyicg tbe Complxion ' Tbe uoat Taluat! and frfttt 'preparation in uat fr ftrlag the akin a batiral pearl-like- that, thae '-i cti'j fvuni ia youth. It quickly renwrea Tan. Jras-llci, Kitsplei, Dlotcbea, MothTatchea, Sal . lowata, Eruplioni, and all impurities f Jbe akin, T- "ins!'y kealicg the aasie. learint tba akin white kd t'aar as alabaiter. Ita ore cannot deteo- . - t ad by tbe e!o(t rat!y, end klng Te eatable -;-raration ia parfactly barm!eaa. It ia tbe only ' article of tbe kiad uaed by the French and con- .altered by the Tariaian aa iudiapeofible to a perfeot " toilet Lpwar'i t f S3,CC bottles wereaold during tbe patt year, a auflcimt guarantee cf ita efficacy. : Fri i r.iy 74 centa. HeLt by malf, poat-paid, on reit f an order, W 'T.: ' l!ti;Q:i,Si:CTTS4 CO,Cheniata. .(a 2SJ Kirer St. Troy. N.Y. r.--"..; i. - TO CONSUiAIPTIVE: The adertlaer, baring beet reatored to health in. i ew werka by a ery aimple remedy, after barin? X'tel frereral year with a aevere Junga7oe 1 tbat dread diaeane, Conaumption ia anx ii- milt known io bia follow-faJTerers the . 1 .!'.. 1ire jt, be will aend JL copy of tbe jir'i r n ' tt f charge), with" the direc H t f "it r. 4' :r. "a i uig ht aioio, "which tbey . i f. ii 3 ::r our-- T r Con.-umptiga.Aitlima, Bron- Vi', C i.-'i '-'.nd lb Throat and Lang Af ' lM.r.. TJn'y otjeet of the advertiser insen- . 4.:ff ti :'r -:! !i i to beteflt the afflicted, ani 7:mi irf.i."tii:i,a which beoniceirej t be inral tie, ai.d he ery aulferer will try bia rom Jjr, it aiil coat tbem nothing, and may prore a .ldf)iicj . . ' J'r!fs wlgbuig the prescription, return LI pleaw mdJrea - : - ' I:et. EDWArwD AiWILSO.V, Williamsburg, Kinga Co., New York. B ERRORS OF OUTffi ' A Oeufleman who revered for y oara from Nerr- us Debility, rrematore Deay, and all the effects f youthful it liMretiD, will for the sake of suffer tg humanity, aor.i fa o to all who cceJ itr the re ipe and directions for making tbe simple remody y wbich be V'&tcTirf J. Sufferers wishing to prof it by tie aJvsrtittr'a experience, can do ae by ad atr: Irg . ,:. . JOHN K.OGUEN, . , V, s. j 13 Cbeanat StNew York, i STRANGE, BUTMltUE: r . Kvarr toct ? lair aci rentlemii-!n thn I'nifH j 4 9 - e- - Statos ean bear acoot LI; i rery tuochto thtir a '7 vantage by return mail ( Ire of cbarto),by addreas- Jog tbe nnde- '-ei. TboBe having Jeors of being lair.baged w lictligeby Eotioticirg this card. . All icrs will p.ts.J9 adirefs their obedient servant T1IOS. F. CHAPMAN,, 21 Broadway, New Jiork. c M. P. S3-ly .nnibal St Toseph "' A.M) '.- !r' 1 I 1 ON : IIC SO URI IUVR. ; ' Tri-weekty Packets ( Cannibal and" -St. Joseph fL R. Lice) leave Ocnaa, Council; Blaffs, t'latts ffaewtb, Nebraaka City, lit owariiia-and intermedi ate points for St. Joseph, connecting at St Joseph anJUb trains eallannlbal and St. Joseph R.R leav ing Si Joaejh a' 11.20 1 M., arriving at j ui:;ct, cnicico Vi ;gT.i ions 3T viisaiiMrii; tu, uauy ana ciose Conneo f"t'a frm St Joseph to Alcbtscn, Weston, Iyesvea- v M-tb.VyaiidcHe, Kansas CiiX,Lawrence,Topeka, . cMl Ilalta Comtry R. R. end steamer Emilie U. A St. Jo. R. R. Line Leave St Joseph 5.35 A. Leavenworth 8.00 a.m., Wyandatte I0.C0 a fS,Kar- City 130 a. m Lawrence at aOOr.M. . - TICms 0H EALE Vv tforter A yei,OmaLa, D. W. Hitcbcock.Cotin a.i Llu-e, V..C. Lewis, Il&tt;mouth, E. S.l.Iawley, . 5..'atka City. Buy through tickets and cave .... ' " y. . " : ' intensive repair on the ITak.s:; al A St. Jo' rrH KaiLaoAD,new iron, tie and additional roll- lz aUrk er.abte thenj to cffertbete important chan- i facilitate TKATKL IT THIS KOUTK. C.X. I!bad. Ueneral Superintendent. ' 1 . TIL Cr.P f;AT.CfW.rfci Ticket A rent. , " ' -''fKTkicnTIXJtriirrelght Agent. f-.. -' ' Manuibal, Mo, - -C.. i rrra Toao Sureritiendent Packet lirr.C "rli t L; As't.Brownrille. t rrt j t,rir..rtf:..A living oo andone 1 . ft II , r. . . J M . t t- 'ifc.Terr.:i.rr . en . tV-Cty..,f July, I ' V-M t .9 i i. l.i I 1.;. .1 .k:t-.l U.T.tRASMCH' 0 . I atliartic Pilliic t. OSAGE ORANGE TbvxnUrtigr' i bit Kated ia tbe Territory f ;',bra:: t,for tbe i arp' ef raiiticg OSAGE f, autt ad! etir out iti'" ? l"0 t.atso, 1 ihllealtite aiJ taiiie aame fr three jour, and gire the aacja time to piy for it, at a charge of from ONE dird; T'A'ESTV FIVE cena t TWO dollar per Rod. J ahall act out the Plenta next Srrir, commencing near tbe Kanaaa line and go at fr up aj Omharand."pnrtaM7 aome beyond, taking a atrip of country 30 or aO.-anilea wile, And beyond that if tbore wijl ko enoe'gh to. di to make it an object for me to gf tbcre..' , HOW TO' PKEPABE THE GCOUXD. To all wbow.a me t do their Feuclnc prepare yoa gn utid in the follow. nj manner : Kit U Prairie plw auipoi. rod wide leaving a dead furrow in tue cen tre, plow from oue and a h!f to two incbea fieep tn the, then bck rurrow It j aaain In the 5prin tirrow iH4yonr grad la read for be Plants. In oU gronntaclt furrow in weed go to eed. ' r An niii Vavinir a. larire tract cf latsd .to fence. and wouid ratberlebonrd take purl bf-tb land for mi Mr, I will do ao to iboae vho wuh me to make, write lo me at Urownrille, ar.iI?iJ me know bow mocli yoa want me to rence lor you , anil will call ai your residence fometimo btwcen now arid the first of January' next, and nUke a apf-cial contract witU you. I ah all aldo, have all Liuda of Fruit Treer, Fiowrrr, Erergreen, Shrub bry foranle.aM grown in the Territory and accli mated. ToThne ab are raiding IMtnta, oftbeir own, and would Jik-. ino to ;mke , their hedge for them. I will take their 1'ihnta in "pnrt pay, 3r'l will tell them bow to make a good fence, and the apedickt and beet way to mke it ; alao tho bcsLitaj to aare the Planta during the firat and a?ond win ter. Taoaebuyiag I'liiatauif taa. wilLget,the re- ceipiaire. - -- ..v- . -. Irthereiaany wan in tne lerntoTy, tnat can jrire better inetruottona, I will gira him on thons- and dollira for it. alao furniih receipt for de troying the Gopher. for. fifty cent, etc, . . "i -At euta Antiil to cai .ytn In ' Kanasa, Kcbrnka Iowa and. Miff Qari, thejcaneaBily mnVe from one to Ibree hundred dollaraper month, cleaforexpen" e$.- Aaare?f,f - NAint iui.ruiiA.. Refer by permission to '. JrtwiK Kellog, l 0 b . . :ir.-:r Juis Vfitui ) LrTIIEK TIoirLEv r--.K. F. Uakket, 7 BrownTille. ' -i 1 ' "" THE, . SKIRT ! TJorc Durable, v ' Mori El a siic, -j i - '.4 3Iqt& Grectlid.. ! 4fiJ tci A'Ww t7 iVAcrpe and retain riace in an any oincr oxirt. t v - r i f r ',,." ' , i , v , ThisbtftnUfulaiyly of Skirt. I Patented Marc 7 if Si.lwaa awarded by' tbe fiRXAT Auvkiban Is Yfe ffuil'e$t Premium erer gi'rem fun t ffovjj Skirt tTne: Steel SprTnga are0 Woand Willi a flue plated, wirepin place cf a cotton covering) which wilf not wearolT or" become toiled, and the whole S ir; may be with td without ijr or foar of rusting, and will be at good 'ai new. - Tte Conblnation Silver Skirt! . This inrention eembinea witb the ordinary But ton Skirt tbe advantags of our SILVE& SKIET : the bottom boo pa are tbe same asthose nsed in tic bilrer Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off, while the upper onea ar oovrred with cotton. No ladr, having once worn one of our Skirts, will be willing to wear anr other, aa the lower hoop cf all other kinds are aoon injured and soiled. The beat material are used in their construction and from their durability an d ceatneu they are,. A FATORITlf SKIRT! 1 Manufacture aoteiy by Uo'idWm ;,'.' !!' Juauiifacluriug Company, : 30 & 32 Barclay Street. . ' NEW YORK. T. S. SPEI1RY, 5np t July Jat. 1K66 1 year .' TOR Families and Manufacturers SOjlETniffG XETT'AKD VALVA t " ULGFORFAMIMTSC. ' WE olfer the public the fimplect. stromrest and "beat Knitting Machine in the world. It ooovpiea but little apaeo is portable and ran be Attached to a stand Or table, weighs about 401b: lL.will.kmt a raripty of.stitchea the breakag of needjeaia. tfiflirg the cost of needlea ialnsig-; nificant and the most delicate material can be knie pure and ppotleaa, aa the needles are not oiled." w " - Orders for Machines may be sent through the i . t . , , American Advertising Agency. ' ' 389 Broadwar N. V. ' Send for a Circnlnr. ... - . A gents Wan ted. v. DALTON KNITTING MACH CO. . 6-y ' 69 Broadway; J - Lyon's Periodical Drops. the grf:at .femalh -reMe- DV.FOR' IR REGULARITIES, t f '' : i." . These Drops are a arientlfically compounded fluid preparation, and better thaa any Pjlla, Powder, or VoKttnma. Beinit liquid, their "action ia direct an4 poalUre, rendering thain a reliable, epecly and cer tain fcpecipc for the cure of all otstructUna arnf sup pretfclona of nature. Their popularity la Indicated by tbe fact tbat over 100 too b'ttles are annually -sold and consumed by the ladies of tbe United states, eve ry owe of whom apeak la the strongest termaof praise of their treat merit. Tbey are rapidly ukimr the place ol every tbe Female Remedy, and. are consdd red by ail who know mshtof them m the surest ta test, and most inraUlable preparation in tbe wtr!d for fbe enre cfall female cunpUlnts - tlie removal -f all obstrnctiona of nature, and tbe promotion ol be'alU retclarliy and ftrenittb. IxpMdt rti-attlonn Mating wbau" tbey may be useJ, and xo!a nlns; waenani Wtiy lluy atxaUAt. nor could not beufed withoui produV cjnig eSTecta contrary to nature' chosen law., wu found carefnllv folded around ch hnttio wits ih. I witten elunatpre td Joan tTT,VP?- without wblch 4 ntf are aeauluo. 1 G.J A r ' Prepared byDr. JOHN L. LTOJf. T95 CbapetStray Jfew Haven, Conn., wbocan be Co i ho I led either per aoivaliy or by mait,f.eKlof4aTiainp f concernimc a! private aibeaaea and female weakna. Price $l,fK. i Sold by Druggiata everywhere ' ' C. G.CLARC k.CO., - . . Gen'l Attnl for U. 8. and Canada J Ollik Bros. St. Lonls. I Wholesale WUta, Pineal at Fcllkk, Cbieago.- i . Afe&ts December 7th 1365. ly lo- 12 11 1J Id,! !,nn, Jaw-. FRENCH: HOTEL ! . . . - t . On tlie European Plan. ; . Opposite the City Hall and Park, (Cor. of Frank fort St. ' " AW YORK. Sptcioni Refeetory.Batb Room and barber's Shop. ?trrata met allowee to receive Perquieitt. J , Do not believe. Ranner or lis ck men who say are are full..., . . , . July 1st. 136?. 1 yoar". : . . r. - TUE CELEBRATED CRAM ...... t ;f MIGJROSCOPE. m ; Combine instrnctiona with amusement and lasts a lifeline. The last, simplest, cheapest and most powerful Mcpo80ope fn the world Gotten upon an entirely new principle. A beautiful gift to old oryoung. Magnifies nearly Tin Uoueand ( a power equal to twenty, dollar complicated Micro acipes. The only inttntmect which requires no fo cal adjustment, therefore can be used by every one erea by children. ' Adapted to the family circle as wI! as scientiClc nse. Shows the a alterations in fowd, anim&la in water, globules in blood, and other fluids,' tabular structuro of a hair, claws on a fly's foot, and in fact there is no end to the nam , ber of objects wbieb can be examined in it. -Liberal discount at wholesale. Agents wanted every where." Send for Circulars. Price only $2,50. Beautify! mounted object One dallar and fifty ti. perdoien. The Pocket novelty Microacope, eom pannion to the Craig; fer ex-niiBing living insects, seeds; cloth.' wool,' bank billa, flowern, leaves, Ac, I a compact and handy instrument. PricewEly 12. - A-o. tbd newao'i benutii'ul folding Bellevae 'it're't0"re ' abich i-'8gnjfies picturt-a large and lift like; Price tZ -Choice Stereoscope views. S3 perdoi-n. Any of the aboy i,4itrjimcaU rillhe lent prepaid on receipt of price .Acldrc3. Q. M.. LIE AD, Thompsonsville, V7ia WtVTS Fair, held in Now York; (Xjobi.r, 188 5 a 113 - fT rT V v.. in: I. RouAca-s'ei'OMAcn yir of eiiieftce proven to be t!i ta lor all complaints wl .itiniiilnnt are rvquir OBACE'8 eiXDMACII E1TTER3, a.1or ence and tn.-ii, ht remedy extaut r.ere a umu: tuvl. red. They Kerer v W'w ewfiigsuea ute weun, import V ' V jriapor to the strong, anJ in .ill refprcta . feutoro- ahntifad ai d Lrokes-ilown tooKti'.niion. JN'o remedy Iihs . bt-eii jaoeivd with ins unich tiror as Ko- lSirrtica. In Chicago VER 50,000 1-otlles were aoJ.J y one .Urtj(-lioiiio injh j'iu-t vsir. It ad- .iiiKi"! by our mot eri)Ptl pliv-tiuiniis tft-f tr. KOiiAClw S iiTU.MAt:"H HIT- TEHS coiiilinv tbo jtropertiea of a . i'i iitl LiKiUJve. an efficient lUiti-Lilioos acnt, flivl the bet ?totnscliie known to " the aorbl. KOUAClv'3 UriTKltS Lould ie inted by convnlcuotMits to strengthen , tiie proKlnuIon hiclj nlivnys folloas iwuta. disHse. : ln tin ... H.lOi:s l)(rj.-ti5 of. the WokI -and Siiili tliorf Ii:ix, for n lon fimp, lceo imii-li iis'odo.l nn article of STOMACH lilTTIilliL yjiich, if tnken in procr. iiiiiitiliCH, hii'I nt the proiHT time, :iro a ure preventive ol liilioin lVvor, Frvrl nnT Agii,I.Tvpr Complaint, Py- 2in,I.7rpr Complaint, Py- fTT1 ! gOMliMV JuuudiueKi-liic) u l m1 d'priities o irnilnr nre U ltcr s a preventive H '. ;ranm?tit, rrgclnting r - jirpsi!,'-Blicst -CourfilHifilr-n future; snd for UliouH dcran." atrongttieninsUif system, nnd uir ini lone? to flio digestive orjf:in, ili.-m any.ntlier known remedy. Now Hint the wr is over, thero will l.thoiisriiKlSj peeking home! in tlie South. No ht ben mho vnluoa hia Iile.xliouKI ro there without linving eonstnntly nt hwid the r IWrfKUS, ! xnU'iiHi'd nxainst cpi- f (U-inU' nml iialttl:e.' cni iilorcl by ini amn iinl' oliiilcl water. Travelers nimIhU retldeuts of the rnnU nver-bot- 1 niment.f ns dysprpKia, or as it ismore commonly enlled fc-'onr Stomach, and there in no' more eertnln remely thnn Hol-nek'H StomiM-h Hitters. They are H n j 1XO CriOI.F.nA Un alwnv leefi os. of lr. HOBACirs irOANinNA VIAN HIlKl'llvS. Keepthe l.oweN , oen i nti'llie rill., nnil invijrvmte ilm ' ay'te'm hy frre iie- f the Ston.-n-h liitterii, or, if the blood be tliiu, use the l!Mrifiii :. , , . .v I'CII nn invalmMe remedy nhonM le kept in every fomlly. Keep the syMem in full vigr and nothing ia lo le' feareil from ilisense or cholera. THK OI.I RF.L1AKI.E. Do not be deceived by purchasing any cf the quack noslrun nnder the varions names of Bitters. Pure base' none other but Dr. ROBACK'S STOMACH BITTERS, which are com pounded of the purest rlrnga, and in w hich the alMiclcd can refy. - --'' .ABE. . g fi", '."f '.1 a mm m yv h:" i-"i r H m i -PEINOE, WALTON & COMPANY, -T , , ,(Succf3Cf8 US 0. "W". Boback.) . i BOLE1 2B0PBIET0RS, Kof. 5G,SS,CO ana OX Xttxt xntrit Stnsvtf CINCINNATI, O. Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWHERE. KEROSEN & GASS S3 "jPO "V' 353 J3 . TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS .GLUE POTS'blL. . . CANS, Ac. Ac, r?" All the Cooking for a family may be pj 5T?- lone with teroseu Oil, or G asa, with '"'"O 5T trouble, aud at less expense than by jt3" any other fr el. . -CS.I ' tacn Article maouiactured by this Company it guaranteed to perform all that ia claimed for it. : J , ti?"Send for Cireular.J ' ' J t ' 'Libtral Diteomnt to the Trade. KEKOSEN LAMP, HEATER CO. 2f6 PEARL STREET, N- Y. July, 1st 1S66 6 months x4t '';r, g n " i WILLIAM'S Slanufecturers DcBot , i m :. l v .... No. S3 Nbrth 5t Street con St Charles CjST )L.OUIS,iJIO. ITcre'wnl be found ererj rrietj of - AMERICAN CLOCKS CLOCK MATEP.1A:S3 wjtb.aJI, th ajvaotaget ff i'n? H i.-'tcr? vark-.i riaiili toH'ilj e;.?!'i' Mi.'p'rio'i.J t' ' frorrietcr. no 51 .e-' The . uuoal , delicious and . heltb.ul, oVerug(i known. . . ' It is preyared from the best JAVA COFFEE, and while i.t has all the savor of fine Old Govern mont Jav, sells for less (ban half the price. " - Osborn's Java Coffee Maseen steadily used for years, by thousand or person ia all paru of the Country, and ia nni versally acknQwhjdsred to be at once nut'ious. de- JticioUf .beilthful atid eoonomical. The aame quan tity will make a richer and stronger cup of Cone than any other known.' ' : r Osborn's Java Coffee. L I particularly recommended aa a healthful bev erage and imot benefieiaJly o.ed y those wbo aaCerwilb Headache Nervousness, and other inju rioua effects from tne use of other Coffee. Y r It is prepared with the greateat care, and con tains no ingredient which ia not mora harmless and beneficial to tho htimin organism than pure Coffee, to which fact the most skilfull Physicians and Chemist testify. . , .--r i :.: 4 JMibSD0BiJrs JAVA COFFEE. ' naabeen extensively used at njiaaerooa Sxnita- ry Faira thr,oughoBt the LniStind deceived eer tieateof the.highest rec'-sseriiation. "' , It has also boeu thoroughly ferftei, and received the A plomatf the American Institute and other prominent instittitiana.C'' Put up in one pound packages bearing the fac simile Senator f Lewis A. Jsooro and in boxes of 30 and 50 ig. and S..ld hy Groc ra generally. - - Wbole&nlc-' Depot,-and Trade : J- 8upIMicd bj THOS. REID CO ;.GLO MJLLS, Jportera'aad Wholesale Dealers, in Tea, Coffee and Spices. KOS.103&.105 Warren and 2G9 lTashlngton Streets Hew l'ork, - ' A - tiHH tK J . I '. . - V ; GorNTIlvS of the West Vnd Pol .tlto valley of the MiHsiipl'i x if ri?- sionl. I. 'irviiie the with tho r.lTi KliS. There, ia n iiu disease with which innn nllliUed which if tlie source of i Advertising lAcency, , - WW ' s ' Vltimner .tre'tiint T.nU Mn . . - Old Sons, Sst to a- now Tnno 1 8 66 AuUaad Loaches ) , ; Tram tUir ho eom$ out, Amd XiceandRaU, fn tpite of ett , v , Gail f l-'noat." r 18 years eauu8fleu iu .. . . 'uOnj infallible remedy known." ' "Free from" ' ' "Xt dangerouj to the Human Family.' "Rata come ouj of their holes to die." "Costar's" Bat, Soach, &o , Extermfnatlrs la a pste uso" for Rats. J.ce, Itoachtt, ' ' Bladand d Antt &s , Ae.,Ae., "COSTAB'S'' Bed.Bug Exterminator, - l a liquid or wwh used to destroy, and sb a preFen&cire fr BedBug$&e. , COSTAR'S" Electric Powder for inaecu is for Moth; Jbtquttoei, uat, uea-cuga, intecti on pltnt. FokIi, Animalt, Ac. ' tSP ! 1 1 BkwaSK f l 1 of all wor tblesa imitatio ns tSf" See that "CoaTaB's name ia on each Box, Bottle, and Flask,'befbr8 you bay. - -j . 1 1 ' -trcvToV D PACT 1 D - - - ? 482 Broadway, New York. J5TSold In Browarille, Nebraska, And by all Dmegtsts nd KeUUera. . 1 8 6 6 INCREASE OF. RAT S.The Farmer' Gcatttt (English) asserts and prore by figures that ppe pair of RATS will hare a progeny and descend ants no leas Iban 651,050 in three years. Icsstbisimmiae family can be kept doirn, they would o n.-'umJ more food than would sustain 65,- 000 human beings. t See COSTAR'S" adrertiaement aboTt. 1 8 6 6 V B ATS Vertun BIRDS. Wboerer engares shooting smAll birds ia a cruel man i ; wboerer aida in exterminating rat is a benefactor.- We aboala , like some one to giro ns the benefit of their ex- riving out" these pesta. We need slides dog , cats, and traps for this bo " ' l"See CosTAK'a" adrerfiwment above. 1 8 6 6 "COSTAR'S RAT EXTERMINATOR is simple, tafe and sure the most perfect RAT-ification mee ting we havs ever attended. Evry Kit tb t evt get it. proprly prepared, will est it, and everyone hat eats it will die. generally t' p'aoi aa di tint as "peffibl fnin where it wea sk n Lai SAee, Jl'chtan, ilirrnr. .Seel!Osra'8 tdorti? rn'nt dljoTe. ' l l y t u HOUSFE.;? T-i FH..-S irnit!d with vermin need ba so r.- loarpr. if t!i.-y c? "CorTAS'g Extrmina t'r. We lit ve uci it to our stisfnM'jn : end a brx c.Qi'l , pn'V'.uH ha'vo it.' V have tried t . ' T . . . 1 .1 r.i . artK-!" untKiJ tno orenrn ou: oi isai, .nivco, ;nia and Bed-Brir. quicker than we e vn write it. 1 1 is ia ereat domund all over the country. Medina Ohio, UaxetU. V ' - ' 23?23ee Costar,bm advertisement above. 1 8 6 6 A VOICE FROM THE FAR WEST.-Spakinf of "Costax's" Rat, Roach, Ant, Ac. , Exterminator I "more jrrain and provisions are destroyed annu ! ally in Grant Court; by vermin than wonld pay for tons of thu Rat and insect nailer. AVoacaatar, W Herald, f : 4 - JrtTee "Cost ar's" advertisement aboro 1 8 6 6 FARNERS AND MOUSE KEEPERS-ahoold,' tree- ollect that hnndreds of dollars' worth of Grain Provisions, Ac- are annually destroyed by Rata Mice, Anti, and other inaectsane vermin all of which ean be prevented by A few dollars worth of i;oTAR'a"Kat, Koasn, Ant, ac, .xterminater, bought and uaed freely.- r X2f pee "Costab 'a ' advertisement abavt. ti? Sold in Brownville, Nebraska. tS1 Sold "hi all Druggists and Dealer! June 20th 186 6, 4ms PIANOS! PIAHOS! $350 to $1,400. IL H. ,' SASTOH & CO., ' ST. XjOTTIS, MO. TTAYE Contatly on band tbe ' Largest Assort- A ment of FIRST-CLASS PIANOS kept by an oue House in the West. Tbey keep the R&LIABI INSTRU EXTSmadeby Vm. B. Bradbury, Chamberak Qabler: U"w York Pianoforte Company. ; James W. .Vase, . , , Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, r . . ; $110 to $160 Ech., ; . i Also, en band Second-hand Pianos, Slelodeiins, Ac Ac, Ae. Which are sold at Bargains. t .Send for " Ctrctlar" and " Price-Litt." Wrerooms: Cor .rifth & Walnut , (Under Southern Hotel) ; J.S.W 10-5-ly' ' ST. LOUIS MO. i i- GROVES TEEN & Co., PIANO I OKTE fii AKUFACTUKERS, 499 Rrondway, . T, i ;h-.tri i-:- I ij in vi fa t nr f,ir s Au-'rirf t'i'Ht jt Jrte . rltv ol ujttii .riyaii',-l Vy. in this marki't. .THty 'ouio proetaui, F roi.k:h grand n:ii fr.-iDi yjyyfT-i'Tvr; b-is, etc ptrucierit t?'.: : j Miwlf ndi-r ti i-.n j. Mr. I. H . tOiow'wTFE.v i 'i'r, Si-rtrt Q-taxe. f.i s.,jj-,e i,il pn ail the nj.dern n ..barp' iror' etc., an.i ea;h in- e per riial aitjiervis vli.i hm a frct.!al t xpt r ui'-i:eo i f t-"cr ttirt- jtar mi iioir masui&e- i ' t..T '&',' ruiit.Vwarraiiia.tin every partKa'ar. " The Grovesteen PIANO FORTE :? , - , Kfcroived the R fl uf ft award oi merit at tne ceie- S I boated world Vrar, where were tihibit'ed inatrn ment from the beat maker of London , Paris, Ger many, Philadelphia, Boston; Baltimore and New York ; and aLo at the American laatitat for f re suceeasire year, the Gold and Sitvxa Mxdals from both of which ean be seen at oar ware-room. By the introduction of improvement we maka a (till more perfect Piano forte, and by manufact uring largely, witb tnctiyca"a ., -'u abiedto offer theae inatrument at; pnoa wnw will preelodo all competition.. - Our pricea are from $ti0 to; S200 choaper than any first elaaa I iany-forte., - ' TKRMS. Narr Cash in current fandf. Descriptive Circtlar Pent fro. July 1st IB6 one year R. A Co. 1 JBr.T't i ;23frJrT ZTr vTO LADIES, ) nui FOitFBM.AL.ES; Are the onlv eare and trolv efoctiee medicine for Female? extant. Do not trifle with your health, and nse cheap and dangerous medicine, which drug giata may have bought, and will recommend to yoa, being ignorant of their qualities, ill. Wjnjjbjw'i Mystic Fill are mild in their operation ; correct all irregularities and painful menstruation; remove ail obstruction?, whether from cold or otberwiae. No maiden, wife or mother should be without them, Try them a?e according to directions, and we know the result ill be ag.desire;- Ask for Mrs. Wins l6w' Mystic Pills, lake bone other. .1 Pries 12,04 per box , or three boxes fof 5-dollar..' For sale by all drngjist.- " ? r Peter E. BlowGen. Ageal, St.LoaU. March 22d, 18- C j no 38-1 . STRAY- NOTICE." - ! Taken npby the iwderaigned, livi.ig about 3 1-3 miles above Brownville. in Nemaha County. Ne braska Territory, on the 13th day of Jane, 1868, One block oi dark brown Uorae, about fifteen band high, about eeyen xcara pJl, right bind foot wbito opto the pasture joint; small saddle vaArt on top of weathers, a few white haire undej left Eye, heavy mane. JACOB BREWER. . 13 Ma FLUID EXTRACT OF- AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE H0TTEIIT0T3 Having long used , Eor a Variety of Diseases. ' ' . 4 ' .1'. . . . ' . . ... . . . " ' . It ws borrowed from those rnde practitioners by Tnr ' English and Dutch rnjslclans, : i " 1 On wiose recommendation It was employed is EuJ rope and ha now come into general ois. IT IS GIVEN CHIEFLY I2T .' ' Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of Bladder, - the MORBID IRRITATION OF THE BLADDER AND URETHRA, FOU FE3MLK TEaH.MS5 aad DEBILITY, For Prolapses ssd Bearing Doth, or Prolapsus Uteri, Disxasxs or Thx Pojtati GuDfc. RlTIMTIOX, OB IxCbNTTKXyCB OF TJIW. And all disease requiring the aid of a diuretic arising from a loa of ton in the part eon- cerned in ita evacuation IT 13 RECOMMENDED IN CASE3 OF 3D YSPEPSI A, CHRO 10 R EUMATIsM, Cutaneous AHectlons and Dropsy, To curj disease we must bring into action the ma soles wbich are engaged in their various func tions. To neglect them, however alight may be the attaok, ia aare to affect the boldly health and men tal power. , OTJR FLESH -A-2STID BLOOD, are supported from these sources. PERSONS OF EVERY PERIOD OF LIFE From Infancy to Old Age. and in every state of health, are liable to ho sub jecta of these diseases. The Cause in Many Instances are Unknown Tba patiet has, however, an admirable remedy in KELMBOLD'Sj - Eluid Ertract of Buchu P.llladtfphid Fvfning Bulletin Editorial ! EFT 15 1865 H E L M li 0 uu Ci c ii ii i u c I r p a r a t i o it Hi Solid ard Fluid Extracts niWiy the full simisrth f the iii'jrpdients f which they are nampd. They -are le'i to the inspection of A all. A ready and conelusiye test of their will be a comparison with those set forth in the fJnitejJ f5taie Piepensatory. These rem edies are prepared by H. T. Helmbold.a druggist of sixteen yeaes' experience in this city, and we believe them to be re liable; in fact, we have never known an article lacking merit to meet with a per manent success, and Mr. Helmbold's success is certainly prima facie evident Hia Drug and Chemical Warehouse, .in the city of New York, is not excelled, iff equaled, by any in the country, and we would advisje our readers, wht n visiting thatcityrto give biro a call, and judge for tj)esfilyes. nelnbold?s if Pppha H E L UL B O LD,' JOHN F. IJORRIS for ihi oS.yWj preparations, Ba0WJVILI.E,NxBaASKA. Kormher,?d. lW3,Tj.T0-.Ml-T en,na. .... - - t f,- .;, - ' - w mSX GXXA? T,aVll which 2I fire's ITaJr . inf jurowtbandfcealthycoudiuoaof tte balr, tfcereby acfu- asprecedented.. Bead the followlpg from well known eltixan. Mtirri. j.a-,Mire: n o oao, is-iea your inval aaLle R a i r im v Of car hair tooar tUrtaatUfactlcn. asa.w9raa cheerfully recona.n i it rS5Ur ti,. (Slsced,) L. A. B2XQ13T. Banker j R. BABCOCa it? VKiU nle InaUtute; JOS: C. lUf.LO, Vice PrejhrIt r iL'irra0-r4:' Preyed , J. C. MAGClM.Ch.mUU IZZl ' . aSbW by alt Druggists Prist $1.00 f - TV nSt? Diarrliea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint - 51 AG tlilC'S Componnd Extract oX rtUr.i lJtC ,, . . Wr"I!? SAStTAaY COHMtSIIOW.No. UX.fcusi I17- Meurt.J. IrC. Maguxre. Dn.?!,. --Gentlemen TbeAet.of Ua Coaa'V -ifZ't'' 1J ia th. Anny your Hxtract of Benoe Flaat, fof tbe cure of Diarrhea and T).'. 8 h,T,di'.n!)i.ll to ir. f fcnUunt nnlili nA Ihm m... writ k -k;-k 7 . ""lerj. ui i. hWn . : . VT l f ir K r !. A M a T ..--...-...v..w,.1.u,l,,,uv,IlTrsIg,Ij-1(T, q .-'. St. iclJ. Jo , Jnaa'v awh lT' S'lrv3' AfMrr. J. (r C. Magvir: Druggitf : w, have used your Cotunut'.Uact of BeU. the soldiers' familie residing bere, witb tb moat .aUsfactory resnlt. JtTunL, M the beat Diarrhea Medicine in use and hope ita medicaUualitiea will iooa be in.ri?.-2"-' rec" MAGUIEER'S EXHBCTOHAIJt"syptTp' The Great Remedy for Coughs. Colds, Asthma,- Btcr.chitis Fiin-n rT ' ALL DISEASES OF THE LUuVGS?, , J- " Has been nsci mostsuccesslul'y aud to a great extent in St. Louis asj Trhiityror bot.h. and pronounced by all who have taken It tote tbe most wonderful remedy for Ct rvml! 1 lw Aw i rmnciT Tfuvjiiuir, aim cu Dty un. wim unties u lac and a diseases arum J.a.KJ JlALrL.lK.Ki, UOemiita ana DmXMtS. everywhere. SJTSend for one of our Almanact MAGUIHE'S ALTERATIVE ELTV- Will Cure Scrofula. Rheumatism. A'eurzlgia Go-lU ' MzrtXTialmdv Cliills and Fever, Bilious and Intermi tent V jjuxno iigiio, ceo., etc. : MAGUIRE's AGUK Ml Thil Medicine ib undoubtenily the most effectual remedy ever esfcfvsl fc; t plainns. It has been thoroughly tested this season, owing to the scarcity o succeeded in establishing for itself a fair reputation supcriorto thatof any if known to fail and fa warranted to cure in every Instance. .No edicinekaaai sLlVCr than thi, it is a superior Tonic in debility- Price $1,50 per bottle. -Ta..?!T !iT fc3. T - k . ,.i . O H. E S : DEALERS IX t Uii.lUk) iJJ kS t . ar o , .Would cali the atieoiiooof DUALS 13 t ihrjiraintn'stt'ck ( Drugs and Medicines, School Dooks. l Patent Medicines, Blck Books, . ' Glass and Glassware, Writing Pper, Paints and 011a Envelopes, r- Spices an Dye-statTs Coal Oil a:: i. Pare JVlnesIauors, dc, dc, , i -1 r Which were bought forcaoh of Manufacturers. Importers and Publishers, and will Veaold al favorable prices. Baying ia large quantities from first hands, they af, enabled te offr aiv maat to the trade. , " , ' ' - : ;; . .' , ; Tbey ar the-North-western Wholesale Agent ef Dr. D. Jayne ft Son-, as : C. Ajre A Co., and can furnish their Medicines In .any quantities. ' .... . ST. JOSEPH, MO. ' Importernd aholesale and Hetail Dealer in STEEL and HEAVY HAEDT7AJ - Wagon, Carriage, and Plow WoodwoikJ. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Springs, Axea, Axels, Shovels and Spades.File and Raaps, Chains, Carriage" and Tir D!s. Wachera, Nails, Horse naila, Dorse A Mule Shoes, Castings and Hollow Ware, Stew pots Bake ovens, Fruit kettles and Sad Irons.' Blacksmiths' Tools, Anvils, Strcks and Dies, BeJIows.Sledge and H mers, Vises, Pi ncert, Rasps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyero Irons, Wrenches, Li. mi "'..!: Ox Toke, Axle Grease, Ox chains, Wcgoa 1,000 CELEBRATED MOEHSTEPLO 733 0y i (au w "l - Cr ST. BLOC 5 '? 1 HUM0E. " HI pri'lV( mi't' n"r ( i, A. i.f. iY a i v s i - v. i i.v j.MK. r..- t ; on ; i: a::t!jc k !-i:HIFY!N; .e Y1 Mid fc.'lAi;i'MTl N f.utl. n i f-r Isii'fttiu'j '-p th-- . w". f i-w Aremytk ami Vujur i:r-r;.ra'd in i:iwr-'de? in. .t nd -tbo w-.n-t-ful - 'f hup and Mdtily nr k b 'r - md w? t-ar ie- lv deorethat arery fUU-''--r sn i ive it a trial, ftoia nv an 'uraggiatik. rr-.v-i z liar a brtle-. . COLLIAS BROTHERS, ST. L0VIS, MO. ' Proprietors JA-CXSoj SAIaT SALT ITCH RHEUM! O KHEUIII jnq pure) tX ITCH or M4J7 JSITJSX73Z, d a fw ftL.-lications. It also eure prairie ieraeh- aifi. Ulcersani all iruptions of tne ins. t. Ce-et)tber remedies have beea tried ia vain. cures laiJIIii nif tV..-.rrn trKlw Prica 50 Jnt8 a OOX- So d by all dro?eiU. Hy senaing 69 cents in a ruieft COLLINS pr.OTHERS, S. W. Vine SU.., St- Louis, ilo., it will be ci W. cor. 2nd A sent by mail ficn kT postage. x 30-ly ro,nnjJ3 J. Adniniitiatrir Ictico. ... Notice is hereby gives that the Probate Court ofNemaha Connty, Nebraska Territory, has ap pointed the Ilth day'of Janury(lS67 aad the llth and llth days of February, at ten "clock A, M.. at the Court room in ilroanville, for ta hear- iflg of claims against the estate of John Ij. JicKay Seceajed.' All persons having claims against said estate are reqnirnd to le bem in the ofiieo of the judge of said Cwirt, on cr before Fehruary llth. 1867, or they will be former barred. . Dated August 4tb - - " 8ARAH J WcKAT, Adminijtratnx 45-4t TOO c Estate of John L 11c Kay, deceased Taken ap by the endersigned Jiving one and one half miles above Erownvilie. in Neraaha County Nebraska Territory,on the23d day f July I;6;0D., oat year cli Eily , with? o "'5"' tead l IT. T. CTIASck. Jut patented, and superior to any yet invented ; and"- UlcCormlck's Mowers and Reaper, lialler? Horse Com PI - Sulky Corn Cultivators, Hand Corn Planter, Corn Shcllerarr'ay'Rakea, etc.atat 2r85tix'"ItD3s.,i3 Star .ard Seal . Buying my goods direct from the" mr f er,! offer -eat lofnceoaia. TO WHOLESALE i V HCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel -Warehouse i Tta'r- v.. afji!lr,4 lartai orlsx. tt.-.. . hi ttu..,.-- i,::V t -. rw. na Deennae'ltatbK lratm,.. , 'Pr; n-..--in inj D linos I 8arrr Tnr It salt " joints, varies or zn tinnn .rr. 'imples, Enlargements of the Glands. Constituting Dil gfrom Impurity of the Blood. . PrlCC S2 Cer So a ProDriatnr. st T-.n v for in fcrmtinm r-t TtiTArisoi4 b- i C TTE. cf the tbe raparatis., Jtk4 J. erfulaj, 3913!yr .3 A X. E AND J - e p 2dl ? XLSo. 'il Saws, etc. etc. . ' . ' i Sugar Kittles Andirons, skillets i Jacks, Ox Shoe nails, Shovel and rkk'jCUi I - j w w-y 'aw JOSEPH, MO. GREAT IMPROVE1 SEWING MACHI2 vi'MPIBE SHUTTLE f.!A; I 14-r. r ,SAL; Sl(bvU.M W'A1, Y.zlTyJ iVAP:iL'GTnj n-.; '.TIM r I 1 H i , I; '-.v :' T-r ! . 1 It "--die. rrrDTi .irihfUiXrT! A V. is- t A r til 4. 1 fb- fi-! wnmhef. CAM a. Emphatic r a tlT It rvqu ire F 1 1 T Y ' Pt. S , J-,v. i Laa ay other ri'rt twelve sen i.f age can ora ' . . r . ;.i ti far-al to. .- u. ..u.- - vir . r.,! Simp. . . . L .1 in irenzn n' i vt.tQ i order, and ia(iUARANT3 ii' .rM all WOT" 5 an to-apply thx V'r Jriv. "S "1 come and examine Ms L nnvaiiw - Hal in more esreciai o'acr" patroeage of - p Merchant Tailors, Coach Makers. Hoop Skirt JlarraJac t.. -ttirers; Shit and boson 3Ik Coset MJ t hoe bind f&.era. press .m . eligioue an ani Charitable - . r J It irtlA. . w "-.flalHJ " Price of Machine mP No. 1, Family Machine, UafflI" andBraTJer," " . .,v ZiKt No., Small iIanfactarB?wlw j Table . . ,: Ext'; No. 3. Large 5Iatuf-ctrfDu ( No. I Urge Manuf-tufin?. fo ' Ul with knllins Fw"JU,V:ilai . .j - . - .. " n " une mnu Jtr . i 1 jperton to oqt Agents Wanted d far all town ;i v... A9mt are not ,.rnK. Wexico. Cantral i ' m a. liberal diJConn t will l.?'Tfl!I fjlh Mb!", 1,T)1J 3V k4 if U ii u; Si 1 r v v.