Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 27, 1866, Image 5

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    ! :
' i
O C A. H.
V- - . 4 riPTIeUtitl. It Hf Tift..
- - - - . ,, (
r .e. Ac. c. forsake at tUQ;e.
i-'J'l'v. iLLXAlIS. ir&ais tbessW
' Uv 'of this prr, will attend te
a U1wrI. a4 rareaM la uu cur. CJItS
li" Ul r-
.1 . .?f ii ikruij i u i a a as vis u Vvs
. , ijiX A CO, ere the embodied A feats
(tMbrtrpt,VHO. tU. for I ice,
I Ti,iturt6iidnff Parlies willle ot
Lm 9l U .
j",. r.-4 !,
r r.l'uf.n km. ! Enrsir all the
t J:Ut Unterrtfi-d, that
iirjcj rar.true Union doctrine, be-ei-rni
i faliiz"l in th far.h that!
LnJlrt nvst tci.irol the dtttinits of
. Clc ce (irocetiet tl Hnderaon St Cj's.
. , . t -
JCltlClV ElSCks for sale tt ibis
Tlfj. 11.11 k Co , Ure $75,000 worth
a ii lirua ut 10.000 buhrl of
.Stltitb School Ik II. yti rird at
ciid -iieiu 'h y of Furuiinre
Wc. II. IlcCrccrj, 4 coo it,ii
r.H I'.prf for !;.
Tue!dtT a Cue tui i f Voi yi wvre
crenel at tbi j.I-ice, ,lund East. ' 4
A few G'pii of JefTrcn
jut rceied at ibe N w Dpol
A lew mere etfjiy Drrell?fcr aleat
la McCrery" for jour choice Se-
T. S ri.irary )!ui!ding is poing up
rtr . . ; v ut. i b nlful hn iJ f Alf3r
- " uo;I N
r.-U f .r ly A. W
I. OaV F ik
MO lit; AN.
U e bare ltrphi Omhias; at Ilendpf
Gi'.. a;d for cheapness at.d fctyle
f rc teer It-ittr oied.
s Ilcndrrson & Co., bar aspl
tf Li dirt Dres Goods, laiest atyiea
in e atr ra nurLets.
Wheal Wanted!
10 COp lu IfU ii Wlml wan ed
n L Bro.. for bi h they will pay the
Lf-M i:kiiLpi prir in cah.
l-l TLu-1iiy ti'jjhi ir a f urh of
an-itch in bukiVi ws frtzo- in this
Abovrt the fanciest filled
ehow cae
e La aeen for many a day ia at
Crtery'i i Drug Siore. .
We return thanVa t E. D. Smith for t,t larcf Swf rt I'o'aioef. Tliy
art arse
ndid.' !! ha left a lot for sal
Rotsrl' Confectionary.
' The finest aiortmtnt of Cijarj", Ti
lacco. Pipes and Singer's article
Centrally, to b found ihi ?ide of
tt Midori River, i at Jari t Co
at A J jhnWa O.'Hce.
A mpplv of th Sabbath Srhool BrU.
uouea ar.I R.fu-rie of New V- rW, ()r
fhas C Kr'a Comicaliiie, Lat? Mc
'oei.; etc.,ul receired at ihi Pn
aeAjnjber Geo Vi lh ii. Co.. are
A:ty;t for Geo. A. Prinr & C Pa
er.t Automatic Orpan. price 1 10 o
Tact Srhool Orpar.Price 1C0 to 375
Jamea Berry, one ol the most accorn
aAiir? Merchants cf our city, is doing
p-er.di4 iuaiopgi. iVhenhe isathira.
,f -J-and he ha been lately there is not
eatf Jfij.urit, fioef nan to deal
"h. Hi, Jar- gify-k ard low prices
rVe rliTff, in.titabt. . .
Grt..ji( aft, f0 nt,m(?rous in this
out, tLsii ibe-y are iu many places two
""P; they "mcreafe aud multiply" a
B,,n;y. Kear poita and other place?
1-ere they roou we bare noiictd many
p11 Lclff iq ij e frround, the?e we were
' J err.!.jr?f ej.Ler a oun? bcrper, or
fSt. JLike Andy when heme!t
'qRr' r:t" in the Constitutional
1 --iT
ill 1 .
- j, ic -inournfu tecause wi
3--1 ii r.M j , t. i :
,:fc'M tfifr h:m wba "old
Sere ml jru'p
in M i Jd le "Bro wnrlll e , a nd 0 B. lie xt tt
ii clearing the tite fcr a palatial residecce
ja?t-ouin el the High School. Juire
Whitney's residence, corner cf 6ih and
Main, is apprcachinj completion.
DlCd Tuesday, Sept. 25ih, of Flux,
at the risidfDce of his father-in-law in
this city. William BaciTMETrft, aired
29 years h
He leares a young wife and a host of
relatires and friends to mourn his sud
den death. The consciousness of an up
ncht, honest, christian life, he bears
with bun; and leaves the example of
many virtues, a a chart to those who
follow after. His relatives have the
heartfelt condulance of this whole com
munity who knew him well, and who
grieve that he is taken frcm among them
On the ereniii? cf the 27ih, after
a lingering iUne. Elizabeth Clabk
wife of Julius A Johuson.agfcd 6(3 years
A subscription Laving been circulated
in this city to start a Democratic paper,
it was presented to several Union men.
who were supposed to dis-lifce us person
ally, to get them to subscribe, but in no
itisuriC did they succeed. It has been
3 hem-fit by giving a chance for . inutua
al explanation aud a determination on
the part of Union men to t-uMain us. and
in 37 new fuWcnbers since last isu!
They trjeJ to wor!' upoxi Phineas Jones
because we sDdenin'd the escape of
piuoner while in his charge though w
ascertained since Um th jail was in$ufi
cieut to hold thfiu. JJ. Joiit-s caitif ana
informed us if ilir ,tyle," ami mjU-et-ribfd
fcr four copies of the Jldcr.rtistT !
We hope they'll wark bo'pa more !
A corre.-p ri'1eiit in the News from
i?row nville hay thdt mariy recruits trcm
the Kepubbcan ranks are goin over to
Johnson; and that Wonhu.g, Jatoiun,
McLnujrhlii. ai d
H4Uday are loJiitg
thy wtie "iu a hrowrr '"Jy" whether
io vim n fi JmtfOii,'ii.,'e only man
wiiutud '(Jead uu.d'' on hi jn.'e was
the real d-.r-eeiifrr Since Hi the
jLfer? rUlp Jit- hi fentered f ,
Mid Mc taH left ihe door; and J.. mi
a'u im being MJicjeitly strong touard
it. eererai t launch war Democrats
got out long enough to read ifce Consti
tutional Amendment and have joined the
Union Republican Club in ihi& cily ! -'
Paased at the First Session of tie Thirty-
. . Ninth Congress.
(Public Resolution, Ao. 42.) .
"jctfci K..Maii.r ie'kiii to aintiioluienis to iU' ifil"
' ltry Artet y f ibe United ties."
Be it reto.vtd ba :Ae tnett oixJ Kou.-r of Rep
rettttttttrfi of tht Lnltd Alt let of America lit
Tbtikeace lor ibe admUson nf C tdett to the United
biate atni'ary Acsuemy chall bereaf er ietweea and
g-. niy iorr ; but mis per-oii holms bu- rabl)
aud fai hful y a " Ifm than "lis year as an officer vr
emUieJ mn in the amy of the aervicf, fa
ibe late war lor the m ipic-lui or tbe rebellion, and
i pjnt the I'lLtr qua iB-ail -n prescribed by
Uw t-bAii beciigibie lo appottucieu'.s np tj tbe kg e of
twenty f ur rer.
fcn-. 2 Ai.. be It ivetler teirlvtd, Tbt cadets at
the ali.iury Alt my ehall beiea ter be nrpoluted
m jesr in dvnce i the time vf their admiiiontex
eept in ces beie, by reS u of death oroi hor
caue, a vaiancy occur ,f:tt cauot be thiss provided
for by sn4i at M tu aovauce; but no pay or
howai.ct ball be made any ich appintee until
liehati I s .enuiriy aiiiui.ted on examination as now
.r vU'ed bylaw ; uor shall ibis pri.viiou apply toap
prinmeut to be uile iu ibe ire.ei t jear. And 4a
a'Uliiun l.iti.e iiquui enlf net'.rary lor adunsrdn
as provided t'y the itrd iiou .f ij Aci laakinn
furthei p"x"-'"" for ibe torfH ot engmeeis." appr. v
ed Aptul eutyniue eL-'btavu bmiure i anl iwoive,
cai.CU'Utes Jia.l be r.quuiJ to have a knowletlce vt
tie eieuient of Knx it'll k a uiiiar, of de-ci ipti ve pe
raply. particularly uf uur oru couutry, and of the
bixtory ol tbe I' mifd 3ute.
i'ee S. And b it ranker resolved. That. n all sp
fuitneuis or caoets to tbe military acaiieuiy alter
ib-e b" C-ter Uie preeiii year, the peiu auitier-
Us4 im a e aha.i u muute not Ie t. ai Sve can
OilUs l r eaih vaancy a a o whui h.I I actual
rskiJeui. tbe t en4ie i in oi tr.ct, for orr.'-ir
D.i"' t'jliibiJ, euiti o tsipp iiuiui!ii ; and
lb ieiec'1 ! f one "bul be suade froui tbe caunidAie
accuruina toil ttrr pt'tiive nieiiis aud quaiilatic.n
under auib rules ai.i rrnuiaii.ns a lb MiiiHDfjf
ci War rbjtl Ih.ui iloieio lime pi ei ibe. and iu
like niauner ibe I'res oeut or the United State stall
te autboiired hereafter n.ty at larKeeach
3 ras.ii nel esi u pivvuitd b law, wijot-bail
be etanii el niicer tike rrgn.aiiuiis. and of whotu be
ten bo na We'repviitu pat iui iijriu and beat
oulii,t-J b l 1 a-iinel ; Piv.A-d beer, fi at
bo. Oi. J ib.n iww ! ibla bll be rpjil
ouejreur ir one Sla'e j
-'Approved, Jdue Ik. 186, ' . t.-'
luitu .n auy
& 3
. ... . . ta.ff . r..' j i
Public-'o. 74
Ac A- lo auiiioiise ile C iiiiih.-i. n r P.itetit to
I a tboetBip .! k.u..i.ti i- aud AiMeut lx-.
tumtti ti -lai ia Kr .tbOuue per-
fwimedbytbem :
lit it rttlcd I vile ouci ue tf Itiprr-
$etaiit t,f the L uiitd iyutet tj America in Vjh
yrttw ntttmU'd, '
Tbst tbe Cou.misri J ra nil I.- hereby authorized
o p ibot-e einpi(yed m iL Pa'ent otlue iH i.i Apu-
Brt, euh eeu buuliel ani MXiy-ui.e uu.i die Q s
dar -tt Ai.gui. rinuuen l,uod i;U aud nx.y tl.e,
amite'S aud A.iiitl kktaiti.uei r rv-i..s at u,c
! CxU t'T uw lor Ihore lrpecilr fiauiz- i Fiovi
ded, Yba1' i&ti pai l ou; tbeaieiit -fii e
luixl, aud tht ta c .my "si4ii -a mu p 11 t a- 1 n n
ted tba ieeivi b l. iH-e nu y enr. lied as ix.t.Mn
eis ai.i Aitei.t kamui ot PanuU lr the saiue
lrtud i
Appiwetl, Juu IB. 1$CS .1:
- ' (Pcattc KtaftLtlioN No. 41 ' u
..mi Ri'-olutiou t.t e.triHt to tbe loliatiea of jlerVAley
a no Jelferaon ! Wed Virau.l.. the : toe
ci .pi.K Juiy loMrtb. eighteen btui ircd aiid awt?
f t lout tu.i. ied -An act to rrbiiict tte ju.ixJiction
, ol Vie.'VurJ (f Columt 'i- and to r..vlne for tbe pay ,
lucnt c veruiu otiiai...'? f ?-ieriuakter' siore
' au4 sutrtac tp lj furhiebed u the arn.y of tin
t uned Satea ,
- RettTvd yte $ttfr andxJJivte of Reprettnia
litn tt tht Lniitt.Htt,of 4dTi; t 'fongren
Aittmbled, rl 1 1
That toe i-rovhW-i Of tb cf of Congress of Jely fourth
saten Utrd m tixty-i.r. Jroutfed "An act to
retrici UieJoiiBoKtionwf tbe Cpurt of Claims, aud
lir other purposes," be and tue samO era herey con
atmrate xievd l itj .nfjMarf i3ikely and. Jef-;
If ton, ot tbe Mat or Wdt Virginia.
Appivvcd, Jwue 18, lbO
(Public Resolut ion, Ao. 44.) ' '
Joint elBiiun nuVingan ayprition for. the ra,
. rtf CttLf PotomaCbilUff, ,
fittolied iv tht Senate rw'd 1 Ilat of (leprfcttta
titf ttu'-lfkitidt-laltt v Amvriva ' iyreeia
tewttUd, That tbe sum of ten taoaand dollars be,"anfttie same
is btiby appn pnaitd i-ut ii any uit tiey to-the treas
t'T ni . . i . . . . . ... .v,.
r " ! vi e pr.-VrSl7U. w io.uib imjt vww- I a
Ula.k.lir(4 PuLolc HoiiUiiikS toplaie tbe Potsiacl. U r ,1
brnitve is kotb rvpair a. lo leuaer a peimsneutly pu- f An '-Act e
ab.e lkf,jk ... i rt ...or- .... " J v.
yiw,4ui.t lb, .bbd
ic Rulltfi on. -Ya.
A lUaoJutloiiM. protio.fl,r lt 1M111B a aij
c,u'u i'liau leifimeui.
nnolvrd 4, ihe tnaU aud JJouse
RynsntuhVH cf tht UutUd hMa
l' as.emUed,
UC" ' k b III 1.1 l.,lk. ...!...
4 - r wv i;iiiieicn
1 latid I ld i..u rani ama
Us ImI ll isl ak.. tawl
' tV bonn'Toi ttefcv.iwre.i4 "' resii.fets
tSS CaltM bts'r
a-.m""'"'" lu lo service vt
A? Acn rrnrlde far ibu rf ?eto "n enolIUi ba of
theiitot uw oribe Cuited Si;i v
PrWnt i-nia raited Statei tUl ui
tll tw H" ? ppolnt three Per4ou 'rn i
"fw " .nrotswonara. to tense,
Stneril axdtenjapt l tuelr iaurrf which aball t
in force at the time aucii commiasiooera hiar make Uie
final report of tbeirdomjfa. . ,
Soc. 8. And be u for her enacted, Tbat, In pr
formin this duty, the comiulasionera shall bring t
f ether ll statutei andpiuaor eut ites wuich. from
imilaritT cfanbject.onpht to be brought together
omiuir.f reJuDdant or bselete euactmeaia, aim ma
king Mh alterations at m be necessary toreconcile
the contra-Jtcrtottwjiwpj, ad amend
lhe"jyiJrffci x)fJbeoriglBal lextr aod ibey aball
arrange ibj umo un-ler litle cb.ttr.. is4 sections,
or oiber li Tit. i.n :nautxi j visions, with bead-i.ote
bneniy fiprewire or tLe matter contaiDed tuaucbdi
viaiutt ; a ito m drawn as to point to
m. cuuicius oi toe ext, aol wttb reteieitce? to tbH
vriKinai text rum w hich each na tion i complied aol
to the decUiot. ot the recetal cuoru, exp ainiun or
exp-souduiK the same, and also to such le -imous r the
State courts a they .nwr.rfeem'. exedieuj j Snd tfy
ball proride iiy a temporary lud x oroihi-r expeoieat
meaas, lorau er relereace to every pmioa of tutir
'bee. X.1 Acl oeUrnrtheriactel-ybt when 'the
commUlonera hare cumieieJ the revloqi n cu
aoUdaiion of the Statu es, as afore-iJ, ihey sa all
cauce a copy of the aie, in rlnt, to be submitted to
Cuugreai, that the tni e ao rcvied and coiioliUieo
may be re enacted. If Congress Hhall no Cetermias ;
aud at the aatne time tbey shall also invest ta Con
are sncb coutradicliniiii, otnunoa, aud iinperfeci ions
aamay appear to. the .i.rislpalte xt, wiin the mode iu
whicUtiVytsTe reconciled "aupplied.' and anieaded
the same; and they may detaate such statutes or
part of atatute as, wuh their judpmeut, ouKbt to be
repeaiol, with tbeir reieaj for such rewl.
ee. A. And oe it further eaac.el Tbt tbe com
mUsioners ahall be authorized t" ranoe their work o
be pnnel la parts, no lsx as It may be ready for tne
pre.s. aud to dtstribao oupie of the same to members
f Cotigre.K, anl to such other per mi. iu limine I ourn
ber, a tliey tnay see nt, for. .he pu. pya or obiaiuin
ibelr sugteyti ns, and they shall fr.ui time to time,
repr t Cjat t their pngrea an 1 d iua.
Sx. ft. Aud be it iu tuer eu.cted. That the tatnte
as iTi-elaiid c .ninoatiid ball be tenoned to C n
Kie.s as isoon as practua Ie,u4 ibe whjie work clo.ed
t litv-at luiaecesaary deiaf i .. . ;
Sec 6. Ahd be U f nnber enacted. That the coin
mirsionera s lali receive rr bU services at the ra e of
Ave tb..tJMnd dollar a jear for tnree years, with the
reasonable expenses ol clerical service au other in
cidental matter, n t io x.eed two tUouand dollars
auuualiy for such expeuoe.
Appioved, Juue i!7, S4
( Public Xo.SZ')
An Act making mr.ber provUiuns for thf estb'll
mru'.of an a.ury and aTt$nar of cuu.-.trucnoa.' to
porit ai.d iepir onRotk lUnd. in the Site of lii!a-s
Be ii tnacttd by tht Senate and House of Rrpret-
cniativct of tht L.MtU sUafti cf America in Conor tit
That the Secretary -of Wr be. and is hertby. anthortzed
aud dOecietl te thaiige-iit, anil elabob the p wliioii
of ibe rail oad ecrat-a Kok 1. laud and ibe bndte acroMi
Ltbe a( lal'iappl liver and ou the iMa .d ol Ho k I-iaad,
os a be-t to acotd wituthe putp .se .f ihe ituveruraam
lu Us (.ccupaut r ol aakd il.iud lor mil.tary parioos S
and ni true1 tii'cffci tut tw ntBd . -P to .rani '10
the lainoad loui'piiny a permanddt' 'le-.-ntion and riKht of
wo t-u and arot-a Kik li..iid 10 bo Uxel aud deig
naleit by biui. with ucu u,i.a'itily of laiid to ne ccu
piei aud lie.o ny the ciuuy ;er railroad purpot-es,
uiay be ni-ve.-aar theiei..r; and tha. tha and Kraut
ud ci atii-e be iiiad e ou leiuis and c njui"ii p e-vi..u.-iy
airantfel, uei wf e.i ilie S ere. ary o war and
ilij tviiip.iiilei- ami p r,r iu a. rt I t ct ef
IcCl ai.J M-curt) tue iiuttniie .1 .UO g Vdi'UUJU. ill O
tuy.u; tlieilaiu ,
aoc. i aiki be K furtLei-enacte 1, Tuat tbe Seure
tjrv u War oe, and 13 lx-iiby. ouihoi izri to grnt 10
tli Coiiipuuie ana p.iruo iu 1 tere.l rU. boioer aid,
j.i'cuuiry ot oti ei 'i-o. i-.wjid eiTrciiuit the vhauue i.i
ibo yipt!i jot;uo4 i iheir an-i b. ideano ?ab
utility if 'run a -on m road foK the u-e f o.e tiovero
mewl of t be Uutied ttaie to CoiTnoot r'ai 1 iaaut with
ineclilecot Uavenp .rtaud Kock U:aud t be .0 n
a.rucioo a noi uiater.a ly t iuier ere with.obitru t
or impair i-e uavia lu of the Mias.ppi river. a my
ue aujjggeJ Jofe fair ai.d equitable us tue boar-i ot
ovuiikUit xsaushria5cteLUia'-i "X April niue
,teutn. elghieeu buuured spa rixt-iour, euut.eU 'Au
ftki in a.auiou to ao r ne esiau.lbmoiu ol cei.
taiu aieual;" and puy be approved by him ' , . :
Sec. S Aua be it fuitber enacted. Tbat tht pro
Tisionf the act, apjjjcfd AlUJ nineteenth, enshieen
hundred aud sixty-lor,' entitled An act in audition
to an act for the establish meut ot certain aitenala "
be so exttudt J as to intluue the sruali islands conilg
uons to Rock Ulnd, aud known a genbaia'a, Wilsons
nd WiniieUage isUnds. V ... , !
Sec. 4. AiJd belt furtner enacled, ThXt tbe fol
lowing sums be, ns tt"6' r heieby, appropriae'l,ou t
of any money in the trenr nootbeiwise appiopna
ted, iox lor IWck IIt.d renal, to, beappled a tUy
X "'.liquidate clain;- for property 'in 'llntam'f. and
WanaWaw islands. au M V-' m
which bt been taken, iu pursue ' or '.,'r m'lt:
ry purpi-setwo huudrel ad lut.T. jW'eo h- uand
s,x buidr-d'lias-. nr so .muctobtferf ;,nd nc r.
a. may be necessary to pay the re-pCc. ive cu u.ant.
ua.-w,aiant LA-rtuiorteJ by
nnlouera aniued y me act of April "77,"
eiabnen tiunitraxfd sixty four, and. ordereu ."itlr
Ui.neJ States cii cult oourt to be pH t dih.
Tottcure water-power at tbeoeadof Rjtk Uland.oue
hii rdre ibo?atid loiar f
- T.-erect btoreboue for tbe ntefervatl. n of aim and
other muuuliusor wsr, and to e.4ibiih conimouica
tiuu between Hoc t Iaiaud aalarsuil anl me cities of
IJv-,,,...rt law. and-Rk laaud.jillhioMi OU hUII-
di ed th .ruaud dollars.1
Apkrored,sue j7. 1S66
An ilet to amend an art entitld "Anct to antborixf
the '! ' Martue opital and Revvteat Catiis.
approved April 20th 166 . ... . . ;
Be it enacted by the Stnale and floute of Repres
ents r.. the United Stattt . of America in Cmgrcu
That tie act or.iitted "An act to airtnorlxe the alef
marine l.ofpitats and revenue cult, rs," appro ed April
4witiet0 eighteen bund reo ana fcixiy-si. u.i u
be ci.m-irufd i authouze ne secretary o.
nry fc lease or ell any i-uch hospital where the relief
forni bed toitck marine rha l show an -ex-eutof
relief equal ! twenty ca.-e per diem on an averaitc,
f..rtne tat urereediinc foar yeao. or wi.ero n.. other
n lat.le a dnsiii i h apital "actmm, t ail ins can be
procure-l up .11 ramiab e teruia Jor the lomlort and
conveni,en e 0 Ine i at(at
Appioved, Jane 37. lbo8 !
r. -lV.'
t-' ! Tt Klfl irt f K'rv k l t ! '
a" .1 ,
An Act In amendment of au aci to promote
uft tJ tl e urett.1 arts, anu the acta
""-'of gud n addnitfir tbereio.f ' :. .
tit it ewtrtrd by A SnHt stnrf Rrtuae nf Hepref.
t native of Vnttcd Statt of America in Comjre
Tbat upon appearing for the flrt lime from thedecision
id ttf'frlu.r.Mmlrer io 'he f xniii.erTii- hief m
ibe Patnt 0fljc,e. Uie appelant shall pay - tee in ten
dollars Into the Paeni tfflce to ihe creoit ibe Pate t
lnndirj apises itn iie-irynary examin. r to tl e
ex.wuer-Ul-i-ief.'.iiil f-ejf rer be a.vjfd nuUI
ibe appellant niiall tay -aid lee. j
, rved. Snne 27. IS6B j -
An Act to estab li-b a land tfflte la the Terrltry o .
l1ah.) , !
Beit enacted b he Senate and floute ofRepret
tptatit4tt ot the United Stat et of A, ica in Con
gret Aittmbled,
That the piib'tc land within the Territory of tdah to
which ibe 'Indian '''' nr ' 06 ext-ngnihhed
shall constitnie a naw imd district t. be ca ed the
Ida. diMrict to be located at Bo'ne Ci'y. Adieonnly;
ami ihe pres dent is II. re'y aiiiiH..iiie.i .pp-iint by
and with the ailvice and o.nent oi ibe Senate area
iler and rece vr of pubtit? w-.ney-i f r aid di-'ric'.
I lv. hh l l be r q lire 1 t res de at the p'are at whicn
! fi-i-i five :haii. t-e ioca.t I .au I ihey sikJi hve the
ssme p- wers, perioral the :tle dJtie and toe ei. til
led io tl.e fum" compensation ar or may be pie
! Mi'tied ly ifcw in,?ei! to Ismi t-f 'he Un ted in olh!r Terrii-.i..
ApproveJ.uue 27.-15 ,M.. , .
7 ( Pulh'rYo., 87) '
Au Avt aoi)Dudator ibe orcunio act ef Va thing ton
'". i'.! 'Te.riairt . -
Be It enactw? by ibe Seoate aud tt u-e id Bepreaen.
iatreot i he Vuited JUtt? vt jAgaerjca-i is C ngreas
Aaffipbled, .... ! tf..--.. v
That arter tbe" next isniul elon of ,tb feci-latlve
a?eribjy nl raid Territory the seasl .ns shall be bleunt
a1 Jf imiber f tb t orxl r, tfcair ae e eciel for ihe
house for ibe term of tvo years, and t-bali receive tbe
sum of slrdolUrs per day instead of tureedoilara hare
tofore allowed, and sbal I also receive the same .mile
kg now allowed ey law;-- vJt .,'.) ;;; ,
Sec. .2 And be U further enacteh, That facb bonse
snslt pave authority to el e t. in addition to .the officers
nrw allowed by . Jaw. one enrolling clerk, who shall
receive Ave dollars pertlay.' The-colef cleiks shall re
celte ix Collars per day end the other officers elected
by ald leglslattrre snail - recei ve-' Ave dUar per day
each r..,',-, -.' ., ; .
Sec. 3. And be .lt ToMber enacted, That tbe Brst
el ectioA for the flrst bier nisi seL-e under tlus at
aball be at tee time of holding the ier.erad ieci!on for
tbe Teridteej- Hf ih year eighteen bnadred aud sixty
seven. ' ' ' ' -
gec.'And e It fnrtaer etucted. Th tbe legisla
tive aenibly of ibeTevieory tr Washfugton. approv
ed jaaUaryJonrieenttt.-eigbieen hundrei aqd ixty
fl, entitled "An act in relation To the cotiniy of
Skammaitla.' and rtieaam -la bertby disapproved.
Approver Sune 29, 1868' ' ' ' 4 -: .. .b
' . - ' 4' .r ' -
rPubJii Ni.6ai
tte. irce i surveyor anei al ia IJah
Te riioy
Be It eractta ny tne irna;e ai.a iiou-c oi ep e cn
tat Ives of lte Uui-ted biatcs o America iu Cotiaiftos
Aeolei.) C v- O.H ,?v r- ' -Tbat
tue Piesident, by and wlTi de adtVeend ensent
of t lie Senate, thai 1 be .an be is beieby. autu..nie l
to appoin a aartesatLf eneral for Id tbo. wnose a niuat
salary eball be turee thousand dollars, a'ld wuo-e pow
er, au'bority. and dutio shall be tbe ane as tnjse
ijroyjf'ed by law ror the a irveyor cenerxl of l)rejiK-
He sbaM hve proper alwancefw clert blre. vlttce
rent aur:nairnoesceedine-arriat.jiow la allowed by
law to the surveyor teener a I ol Ores n a'td be shall lo
cate bisofflce at B ise Ci'y ia Toiriuyr wtl ljbo.
.Approved ape 39 ISiS '
. &yers Cherryi Pectoral
' ' " .' :
Main Street ttlveen Fir it and Second.
IWonM ReapectfuHj inform the Citiieni of
Brownville, and aurroacdiag country that I here
just receivei my fill tlock cf Go4i, eonsiiUnj of
- f m r w a
Of the latest tjlee and be.( onalitj.Mena heavy
calf Brt8, dable o!edlVoigrine Kp Roo jt
nd childrens U-.oti and Sboea. A, sinks of La
dies' UhU and boei cfthe fi lestao t bct q'i ality.
India Rubber; and fiutfalo Over Shoes
for'Ge!nileneq and tadies
Groceries of I Every Kind,
Consi?tinsr of the bes brands of
Suar, CoHee, Tea Pepper, Allspice,
Soda, Candles, tobacco, Matches,
Starch, &c.,&c.,&c.l
Wooden Ware, Stone Ware,
Tbe Heit Qta1iy of '
The bert Woolen Uul r Ud Over tShirfl, Salt
Salt by the pound er barrel .
i All of which heofTergat ths lower t prices, deter-
siined not to be undersold.
" I 'Would Rrspidf 'ally Inform the Trat
eMing iVJic at laree, Ttat. I have re
rei'ily broygh;to'thil' pint on the Mis--iiii
ri River, xhd nevv a.nq. splendid Sieam
Ferry B.t. j ;" ;: -;-'
6 6
ITarin? p'entv f Ok room or tennis and Struck,
ami a cti;ntnxJ,i'iu. Cabin f r I'tw-S'-ngef-t. I fctl safe
in a.iyiug inj arrngcm' nts fir i4xnmmiMlatiint
.ijHied end aiTetv nr n a eq'ualeil by any other
liuat ou the M saniiri Utr-.T. ' Boin located at the
pr i-p-ir.iu. a il Q U' ilnn city jif Itrowmritl
hnyka, in the centre f the grHt finning Country
in the Ve-t, wiiero ibj-tra FJnittxl c?tt.i.- Lin 1
iid.'e;raaite it tbe mitdesir.bte puint for E ni
xraut ti4 illers : and baring; beei txii:dc-d
t loHtsSlO.oO" on the road and bridge both enr-t
and west, leading diroct'y to the Ferry, ttkes it a
iennnentcr.ssingal all tiq;es (luring the year,
the Mi s.-uti b ttom nerr otef flowing at thii point
whiln at allteburs it de.'
'Wo'atd say to Freighter . nni pcrions crojsin'
the p aiir.,' thero is not a tarting.pointna the riv
er 'where Ktbh-competition -exisis in
rhere are Forty Large Uaainesj . houiej a tbu
flottrisaingO ty. ; . ; i .,; ,. ,.. t ;
The utmoft e re and attention will be taken in
crossing the lit ver at this point as it iaunertUe
imm dinte supervi.siun of the o nera of the boat
and landing. To 8e distance, time and money
from nil point) North and East to all point South
and Wot, come by this route, as it is from 60 to
125 miles shorter ,and three U'five dsvs travel raved.
Brownville, Sept. 20th 1865
r,,:. .NEW 'FIRM;
, . and . . ; ; -
rxx: bainxst; & w, d. lewis
'Respectfully ivfortii the Citizens of ihe
City and County thutthey are in receipt of
ajare and , compltfe psaoi tment of
Mie's Dress Goods,
With an endless variety of
i o ".'jsr s.
Together with the Largeat Stock of
Custom Made . - ; , .
Ever brought lo this City all of which
was. purchased prior to the bite advance
ii puli. uhirh enalites us to offer nipe:
orje-niu'2eniHrit' io those dvsin us ot nuft
rhainjr. We aJsv, keep on hand a fresf
Stt-ektiffe I ': i t i : '
a. .
And a good assortn?ent of y
RememVer the P!a?, Man S:ree, One Door
above te l'o-ti0J, Urouville, Nebraska.
10 4Iy in,nn
I 3
'X' si:.. i
5 ? . r m s c (
2 a.
- " Z x
SB a ml
? vi so . . . I
a ,
m HI
sso5 r v-
v m a. rr t
. M f-
w sr t.
A a.
2 W
w 1
5 - C - W
c x 23 r3
- e"TI
a sr a.
o . . : Hiv;-i (r
3?" '353 jEL 3E2. "ST" .
ej e-Sa'. aa ta toifes
" i A
;4 h
I. . S I
s' i - I w
I S "2 o ft
CJ. rS-r! ill
-"i w p i
... aw O aB, ..J
Li3. u"l u
E 1
.1 i I i
I E .
t !
r " i ,- -
r i 1-
. - - . 1 . ' . - . . . - '
Vay zJ: kz
On band at his Stare K00123 '
He ban. and will constantly keep on band, a complete asMrtment of Dry Good 3T' fot '
C HsUiad Cap. Cutlery, Glassware, Queensware. Uard ware. Crockery Ware Wsoden Ware,
Wmj; Ware, and 11 kinds of ware usually kept in a fint-elaaa IUUil SUt tbat out wear any
Ware tbat can be bought anywhere. r-
naving just boneht nut tbe entire establishment. Il becorneg necessary to collect all dabU dne tSs
i firm : to that end I hereby give notice tbat all accounts due the firm of J. Derry & Co., unpaid by
thebtdayof March. HfH, will he placed io tb.B
January 1st, 1866.
Whiskeis! Whisker3 1 !
Dr. L. O. Montez Clrrro7i. be greatei't stimu
lt.r in ihe woild, will fmt-e Whi.-kers or Mosfach
es to grow on the sm'Mithes fe i.r ehin; neter
known to fai I. ahi.le for trial sent free to any
one di sitons i-f testinjr its merits. Address.
40 3ia Reeves & Co., 18 Nasu St., N. T
Choice, Thrifty.
Osnsc Orange Plants,
for Sale, at
e: h. burghes & co's
NunTST. 2 1-2 milfs.,: weft of Brown-villr-,
N.braeka.' 'V : !
Al-o: Oiders tnkeii for tnakirifi: OaAcr
Orange FencPS.. vhicb Will be done iu
tb-tery et ty!e, and waifanf!.
Ouf e.bate for building Hedge Feneea, and
tending umil they are a jjerfect teneeare as fol
lows 00 cU per Rod, arqwd a 16Q acre tjact.
S1.00 " 3 60 V .r
$1.25 " 40
To Mariab'E Welch, Ellen Allen, and Mathew
Allen, Vou are h.reby noiified tbat Annice Welch,
as guapdian of Sarah J. Welch.has fiileda petittion
in the Probate court of Kemah County, Nebrsski
Territory. The object and prayer of which, iato
obtain an order of said court to sell the East bilf
of tbe South East quarter of Section fifteen in
Township four. North of Kango 15 Past, situated
in Nemah County, Pebjwska Territory, being
lands belodging to Sarah J. Welch, a minor, tbat
said petition will be for bearing on the 13th day of
October, 1865." ' : .
51-4t 7,30- . Probate Judge.
Vi Lftt i UajJt aivn , tbat Kv wirf na rt an or.
der of the District Cort of Knn.iir "County. Ne
bra'ka chsntefy.iu the esse cf Elijah
liutner Hainst Aatim Kimtg, made at la Spring
term A. D. 1S65.. I will on ,
Jlonday the 1st day of Ortober.AL7J866
nt onetM-lrck P. M. offer ft; falat j.nblic auction
to.thebigb' St bidder for cash, at thejront door ol
McPieron H-iil. in the City or Brownville, Nc
maha "Coflnfy, Nebrak.-t Territory, (the place
where tbo la?t term of Said Court for said County
was held) fhe South East Quarter of Section ten
H0)in Township t-ix (5) North of Range fourteen
(14) East: in Kfaaha County. Nebaaska Territory
Given under my hand this 30th day of August,
A. P. 1863 CHAS. G. DORSET.
Master in Chancery.
mm &.epa0TsiE0
(Succeaora t Mclina?n1in A. 8wan.) .'
titmaha Yallty Bank Building.
We respectfully announce to the
Public they Jiave now iri atore, a
New and Large Stock of
To wlk-h they invite the attentibr
ol p urcn tsers.-
Sugars, Teas, Kin and Java fof
iarei, i'ure ClCtr Ylueger and Coal
Oil al
1 . '
Canned Fiuits An -jr id iafielij and
of Ihe het quality ; Catsup, pickles.
Oysters: Sardine, Clams, Fundi
JidstnTd; Vorceslershire'Sducejand
Western Reserve Cheese at r ? '
' Swn and Brother, desire to cnll
particular .attention to ; their large
and varied Stock tf ' ' -
' '' r '.
-Tobacco, cbcsisttn Crf Natur'al Lea1
and Nectarine and other favorite brands
of PIu Tobacco and beit q'aafities of
Fine cut a id Smoking Toiatco.
Wrouoht and Cut Nail?,- of, all size
Spadi-s. JSliovels. Brooms, Sevriftr Twine
and Scoop Shovels at. . .
The lifjsliesf price paid forDsHer,
Eggs, aftd country produce sit
Consul f your iryterst; ' by eiaiin'
ing Swan &'BroSr Goods and;f riceif
before ; buying elsewhere. :-
. f j l!-"1 . t
r. ;)
i 1
Ilaln' St., BfotrnTUiei KciraiHe
banfis of an oScsr for eolketions
A Fortnne in one Day.
Great Escitcisnt,
3L S O 9 O O O
' la Greenback. Real Estate sa.Ooods
Tickets selling very Fast,
Unparallelled Success!!!
Splendid Llsf of Prcmlanis to be
dlsl rSbuied ;ratl to the Hold
ci s ol the Tickets for t!jc
1 pfemiaa in Orceobscka SJ.COI
1 premium a IIooie anl Lot, situated a
slurry Hill, New York, with aU the aOi
era iuproTemenU; title perfect and guar
anteed, , . .c30
I premium, a Farm situated at Mousey, Rock
' lanato,. ew ott , I f$ oours i root eir
. .York, 10 jufnutei walk Iroratbe station,
' eon ta In in '7(1 arre.l 503 ffait bauinz
IrceS. apples, pears, aid cherries. 8 acres '- ,
of iarge timber, balance in gras asderops '
good lances, large springs, supplying a
magnificent fi?h pond and a splendid trout
'' ing brook, running across the whole prop
erty ,filled wiib fine trout, ge.d dwellirg
bouse. 10 rooms, I large barn, shed and
bay loft, 1 granary anl carriage bouse
loer floor fi.tvtd u p and occupied by farm
er. ben coop, ptg pin, Corn crib, laraaiaa-
; element J.carrmge, wagon horses oxen
' o cows, pigs, ebickenr, etc Ae.; title per
fect and guaranteed. 3J.0!0
1 premium in greenbacks, 10 UOO
10. ff : tisnos, (8teinway'saad Chickeringa 5fiM
40 u Sew. og Machines.(Wheeler 4 Wil- .
...jon'a Grover & Hikers and Siosreril 2400
20 p'ewanu U0I4. Anencan, ratent Lever
IlunttHt: Case wotches,...
50 bremiciias, Silver Patent Lever Buatiag
Csfo AVatches,
The batipce to b j)f I)Ua'itra Rings, Al
bums, Mnial lnstrumeiit SVik Dieaees of
the latest fasbionable put terns, Kid Gloves,
Writiog Cases Silver Tea. Setts, and other
valuable articles too otmcrous to mention,
One Premium to each purchaser of titlttt
TUE Gil AUD 31 A TIX llC
' Will ake e on
TVTonclfl.T' HTftroli4i'10C7
Al th liiVreiU Asatmoiy irtoom s. N u w i'ora.
At which tunc and place the
Ticket Holders Will appoint
a Committee of vilsinter
etcd parlies to distrib
ute one hundred and
tlfth; thousand d&iU
larsnofth of val
uable prOperty
As de.M;ribt-d
No Postponement to take place on
any consideration
Eacb Ticket Holder's name will be duly regis
tered, and should the rvties not be able La attend
the distribution, tbey wiil b4 iifofaied by mail of
the gift they are entitled to
' " S Tickets to out address for .. --;
10 Tickets fo no address fof-1- -20
Tickets to ona address fu. ' . -'
j SO Tickets to oae adlris for, , ;
40 Tickets to one addrese fr ' "
5t Tickets tooue address for
100 Tickets to one ad Ire-is for
- tO1
9 0t)
- 17.50
1 25.15
In every ease, rend Ibe name of escb subscriber
and their rst umce Address, wun tne town.
County tnd Sate, in fai'. Money by draft. P. O.
order. Exprei,or in Kgistered Letters, aisj he
sunt at our rui. . .
- AGENTS active and reliable agnts wasted in
every town of the Uruoo, with whom liberal ar
rangements will be made. ' Ladiss are iqrUed to
orin clus and send tor ta Ken, for all tr.e pfojef ty
wi u'd be as useful fo them as the gentleoea. -
The best references will be furnished on appli
caii' n. ; All per-oms washing tickets or informa
tion, will p'ea-e aiidress, witli full ustm , County,
ptaiaty Written to - J.J.ADAMS,
- ' ' Sfanager and Agent,
V. - ' ... tiXau-i fc'treet, New York ,
V7hat tils Frees eaV cf
. f s 1 ;..-", -
'i rw ,
'It bears or its fsce tbe stamp of an boaest bu
Siners transaction, and we doubl not that the list
patrons will speedily reach the number required
10 secure an early distribution A?atow (fa.)
Journal, August, 1st 1S3J.
H y 1 . 1 i .
, . ?The't!an1f tod- one,- and ' the- fndac:3Slj
ua'efttialfc-d. 5o airtributiorr Snarsntees mere
nisi satisfaVtlon than Uii pse, and it is co wonder
th tifople pktrorrln ii.-Daixtt (H. Y)Aivtrtj
sar, Aug", 11335.'.
-"Tfc pfoprfetors of a. Crest Ifatinee in New
York City , promises cash and other inducements
enough to set every body eraiy after a ticket fr
forjane. .Everybody, of course, caono win, but
somebody rnurt,snd the lueky one w?t) frjikoaft-r-tune.
Cirunna (Mich.) Americas. Aug. i lo3,.'
"TVe ar not partial to so called Gift Enterprises,
leane many of them afe gotten np on false or
fallacious speculations but when, as in the pres
ent instance, there appears a son ad baaia. and when
the character of the parties engated. and the descrip
tion ,f plies etescftt satjusetory inducements to the
public we rannat rSruNe to wt-b the distxiOoiloa toll
sefoteas. iYarrtn (Obis) Conirifuiion. .-; ;
'If we can add to thorn a b-.sna tt $50. POO, or a Rice
house or farm, who's harmel by the expeudilnre. A
f..rinoe In a rmhi worth risking tne stamps ror.
JHIiaoisrj (4s) TtUjrapX.
Fsfnt HeaYt never won fair iadr," and a lucky hit
will aft a m-to np in tbe world. This U tbe consider -aiiiKi
that induces people U "try their lack" and we
bore tbe -0 est man may win," Tbe enterprise appafs
sotia-i asd promises strict irtteirrlty at distrioution on
ier lte anpertuioo of a chorea cmmi'te. Ciiy of
Afpleiie Crete ent. Au. It, ib5.
- bepl 12 6uus
Kotlee is. hereby a'.rra to all persoas lnterese-'l
Uiat S. A Chamber as Kxacotor of tne late WiJJ U
lull dceae1 hns aielhts s-erants for fl"! settle
?mmt si my , rd thai Jfotidsy. ifce i h dsyof
txtoter. A. P. l-83 at 19 o'clock A.- M., ia the ticn
'.s;piated for examining and alio win a ibe ssm.
t-ti ,w rrcbsie JsAie.
t " '. t
lj -i f.r
,1 t": i TiU
Z . m .
j-t t . r. it
: t-a
1 ti
... L
all p?
fie il
,l,dMei.stH irt-ii;
,vil!s, Neaafca" Coutty, lr
jobs b-.ria c:i;r-sfeis,Jt s;i '
,ta in tLe r..e t.f tie rrotaia
'.i.acr Ufjre tbat ds.or htj ... 1 f-f-
eter Urred fra paymert.
47 4tpl 4.!3 I'rr-ta J:;a.
awp sask SJK J ajssaars-. mr-mi ay
-- '-a - -
t a t as ae
' I If ,1
a. J
ithside Slain Street b?t. 1st end J,
Hare tow enhand anazni::-t
rJ i 1 . f r. r . m
Cosiisticg cf
Plain and fancy, with or without Prncy a4
Plaia and Faney, Marble Top, As,
farlr, Breakfast, Centre, ilroie fop, i.JLizu-m
. great variety.
Great variety of a"!t irsruvel patters.
Great Vhria'v ot ail Mile. t-tb r'sia ani foe.
4nd eterythin? ia the Furni
Itne, which they will sell
Sierra rncc3 i
Their Furniture is eoaplete la erery respect, be
ing put up hy a auperior workman who bas etarj
ot the establ;skniect,autcta ia" rfcllci 57 -'
aheir la tha gratt a-'SortEEiut cf Fu?s!tam
ever brtiUht to this market ; and is tha ceiy plaei
v here a complete a-f of Furnifureeia bn had.
Fair Dealing6:I ov; Prlccn
Ie their motto, and they can be rt.I urn L
both respects. ... . , . j
Jans Uth, 1S65. , x"3 (n s'
, , ,
H III i Ii J' .'-"'"Vase
. J . r-
1 i
fcrv;af.e;!::2 p co:.:;.::3S!o:3
"7 ,
. .
IN.., VAKlETy, ApD
tj Hit C7 WW iZTlZlj
At their Nursery 2 12 nHsj wfst fif
ErowDtill, Nftrakt. t'
nil ( -"
i u i -1 i i
. S-.ii 11 .1 1
?- ..or) .
. . as-5.--
k-J V
r an
'1 - 1 "ri'
s; (cm rSi
i-m 1 J )bi LJ c(
U . rr u i -
a- c a-t 1 .i.
i-aJ ? n . v 7 J
ji :5a . .-r
S!f -: y a
Cz!D tj b,n
L 1 . - . 1 w
" a . f"I