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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1866)
3RA5KA- ADVERTISER; " Bloci.Wtla 81 Between lit k 2d, . "RATEo OF ADV..i.. - tr.z. - A.. V A . 4. it, t L aiBt cr. (IX f t 3 C" t ti-l coin to ii. oo yif. t)a'ciiiaii t.t Btinr ' ' nna htir jluran ;x miotSi e r is m r ti e rnviUo, INT- TV " ' ' : ' " t I 'M "i r ' -pro Ont I leoolomosij m -r.ii On coluuia tirc incS t i " nhIf coin"! tar?? ;-. ',t'-. J - a" E 3 M . . . I,..4.. ...rtu't k tlU IS m-!". aU inariablj,ba paid inAdvanc f tlj' A4U thQTi P111'- Allirin4.irat a a.eni.c...- AUfcadJof Job. Boo bJ Ci frtaitof, & . ; LIBEHtY, AKD, UNION, ONE . AND INSEPARABLE N. Q W. , . AjN D, . F. O RE V E.R-''. BROWNILLE, NEBRASKA S 27,; W iv1: VOL. X. t - y .... , -"' ' -:'- a i - . , ' ; -. : ' " - ... , . . T . . . ., ", .. i. ....... ... .. . - . Z t. : : Bl'siNESS CARDS. JsThollaoay, m. d. Graduated In JR31, . ,ec3(fd in Krovrnville In 1855.1 fEYSICIAU SBEGBQtJ OBSTETRIC lJL1 Dr. U.ta t''1 oialete sett of AmpUt 4 , fvr-bio'i Olttetricl initrument. jo2ff:nol!adaj & Co's Drc? Store 7"iro Door $' East of Post OJjlct. j s, Sr-ittDttoo g'tm to Obitetriwand rtiit''C of Wtutrn d4 children. x-4i-lj CHARLES HELL31ER. iiia B 2 doors below BrownTille ZZouie. BEOWIfVlLLE N. T. ? "Bob hn4 prior itck cf BooU and She r,d ttt brit xnaterUl and ability for dipg (JUSl.UiU.YVUKLV lyairivg done icith ntatntss and dispatch ,Mf Torzus Oa.csXx . : FRANZ HELMER, , : OPPOSITE DEUSER'S TIN-SHOP, .huoiT.wii.LC cnnASiu. warw. nuooiEH. plows. cuiti- TI TO ttl. . - . Vrati 4 a hrt Dvtii t, at low rate, n rru.tHne iWUc;ln. x-ll-lo tn C. P: STEWRT. M- d7 orpion Et prtrnar ef Main and Firot Streets . iiKoir.wiLLt:, .cnnAsiu. . rfKt nomi 7 to 9 a. M.and I to 2 ad t4 t0 prowarM't, NctrarVa, May 5tb, 1865 No 3A, I J. EDWARD W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY,, awn T!W c-nr of Main nl Tirt Strati. BHUWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. mrsll.lDocmctt, Millinery & Fancy Goods QTOIIE. Ifain Street one door west ol the Post Office DROWXVILLE," XCIIRASKA. . A iafri. r tloek f JaU nn Wiater Oonds jutroiTed. Ererything in the Millinery line onftaBtly on band. Dratt-Making, Uonnet (.inai'DiBir an.l 1 n in mine dona to order. . 0:iber,2J 1885. T8-n--28Iy MARSH & CO., SCCCES0R3 TO MAR5II & 200K, ' Central Ntwx- Agents and Slai loners I'oKt Oilice Huildinsr, HitOWNVlIJ.i lNKBRASICV' 1 vnoiibtml not ara rorjsrantly nn-fiving ' -u.i if t,T H.m.V. PerioiiralH, Sfntionary, " frf h Pam-, K. ho..l Roki ; alio Cnfrc- . ''i-ir rti-r. and a hie clectia-"f i f -!' ,t whirb they invite the u . f tt.-- , 'it r, ,f Nemaha coppIt. and .'.wh trrt ai 'rtitwtn to buaincpf . and fair K'f .u, Nt-ru &br f the nublio patrfnpe., , 1 1 1 t . I tt Hi 1 tir l f lv J ' BROWIIVILLE HOUSE, .' . COR MAIN AND 2ND STS.; RrornvlUc, Xcbrdska. , CL V7. PEDICORD, Propxietor. Thi IT'iom ha been refuniifbed and atwly fitird Md refurniahed under it present enterpri-ing r-icitu, ho goarranteei aatiafaetioa to all ho -.rtroa iie hii Hua. , . , x-5-ly . A:' ROBINSON, fit m wa !a Between lr ft. 2d Street-' t ' -" iw Mii 4 (. itiaaiBg ma. public mat rnhtada Milrndi l irlmnL if (irnl'l anil a d (I.Urana'e ' BOOTS. AN!) HHOT R. - i! ' r 1 1..),., ,.rt mith BMll,eM dispatch Ct .GATES & UOIISFIELD, BRICIaIAYES P L.A sfE K E.K S . . PfownTlllc; Ifcbrcsim, V, , ' UJ. BtracU for Brkklnyirg, Plastering, i r Lwtern, and do arything in their line . tifctory' and workmanlike manner. I ' i i f i ' . r ' N NOTICE mo, ' 11 k''eby giren tbat application haa beea a "f"bt Court of Ncmuba Conntv .foi f &m m."1 of n dmioitrator on the Estate t u der',d' Al1 Iriont interested in. ' JiiLr 1' Mired n anar beforeaid court I r.TJT m.28lh ftf t-ulor. OSes, wtenwid aui ba for hearing. m - - .MccLLUAL AUllt'E.-. ''J-Mrc-fcH ,li,uke,),'tice tbat: Martha Me- "") 't tK ri . 1 tM tied her petition in chan- ft it I 11 1 1 TrM vouri oi retDas JUtjnty, e "J- Jrr,rj,,,caln'ct re?iKmdctjt, tbt '""'"r U Trtich 10 obtain a decree di e eaid rennondent. frepj the '" akaVik ' dwrec'ng ber alimony ' cd S' mwl; sfod7f cerinfact clild.' ",b Df C,eC h reTJ to answer fcy lb. - ' MARTHA McCOY 35? nonseSIsn &. Ornamental Glazier, fiililer, (irainer;- . ; . i ' . - ..l P ApER H AUGER etc. All work done in a workman like manner, and on strickly . TERMS. . OSI BOOK WIST Of BOOWH VILLI R08K 'It' JACOB MAROIIN, M E R G H lSr T &j ' kJj'' i uu ' MAIN STREET,' BROWNVTLLE, NEBRASKA 3 IS 757" i.3T Gr Aug. 23u G6 . , ' . RICIIAUP F. BARRET, GIIML MI MIT. AND DEALER IS . ' a ' LAND WARRANTS & LAND SCRIPT, Perianal attention give to waKnj; Location. Office in J. Ii. Caraon'aBankinK House. ' - BROWNV1LLE, NEBRASKA. x-U ly ri-nn, ClMPllfCllS. -. 1 i AND ' ' a ; ! ' CT 23 E! 31t "S" ! ! ; JOSEPH1' SIPTJTZ,;, ! Flas just receive!' and will coDBtantly keep on Land a large and well Selected etock of genuine ar ticles in it line. Ont Door west cf Grant's Store, Brown- -"ville. 'Nebraska.- Of Clark) Wicbeaai . Jevet.rxdr.ue'iH fheli..rt eti Nutice. , . , , i ,.,.. , WORK WAR RANTED , Brow-ovUlthuMw-cb J6ih '6. . 10 25 y 1 . ' ' --- --.try t ' t-,7.' .1 a. . . ! k 41 The undersigned Veep on hand alar assortraect, S ATTI 1 1ET ii C A S 8 1 M ERE S U ITS. . For Men and Boy'a wear.. Also, a large stock of HATSNDi iCAPS EllflOlISIffi BOOTS AND" SHOES. Robbe d Cots, Lcgglns & Blankets, UMBRELLAS ''AND; CARTET;! BAGS, Gent's ' Fnrnisbing-Goods. '. l !i Of klndswhich we will sell . . . !.G HE A- P , F O 1 OA S H Wp purchased pur o-pods since, the dt: cline in'tbe'Markets and will sell at lov figures.5 " ATKINSON & CO. : 'April lSt.1885,T r30-y Bvan Worthing, Wlioa!r& Keiail Dealer m Choice Liquors Wines, Ale, Bear, PITTS UCFFALOTnUASIIIKO n Acnixc, ivciv Yonrt self rc a- III KG-REAPER. QUAKER BIOTT ER and BrCK EYE. CCETITA- tor. . : :" : itiutxey's reock, ' .' ' : ; u Hfflin Street. B'rownville ! ;. Jfay, nth lo If nn , i ' .,- JJcctlnV, cif School . I1" -Notice iiberebyiveh that the fcc.anl of Scholl Exftcoiners of NeiDia Jaunty, cDra?n, w.i...... , jDeetirgs forLhe JTxamination J Tcachere for aid County, at the office fof h..Y . Thomas, in BrowDi!l5orfthe 1st Saturday i every moijtb, between the hours of ore and 3 P. V Applicants ferceruneatesare required be present at one o'clock. pfec'uely!br they H not be exawipea. No peraoa peed ikfrlT at aiy other tirae. - Cy ecajr oah' Horcl, r .; -i i : til! , : ; CIJAIILE3 G, ..DOJIBEY . ATT 0 RITE Y AT LAW 2?exi Door to Carson's' Bank. - MAIN STREET ... XJrownvIllo TS"o"fcx-aix. TIPTON & HEWETT, Slttorncji0 at a&, BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. . ' March let, '68.- ly.--- , . . ; JAMES MEDFOUD, ; ,0 CABINET-MAKER - , A N D' , v ' Corner 2nd and Main Streets, ' ; BROWN VILLE: '' Is prepared to do all kinds of wprk in his line on hort notice and reasonable terms. ' " 'l-qm RESTAURANT . . and . : .-. ... -r'; : OYSTER SALOON:' WILLIAM ROSSELL J takes this method of informing the public that be has just opened, on Main street, between 1 st and 2nd, IRROIVNYIEEE KERRASKA. a Restaurant and Oyster . Saloon. '.Alo,iCoj?fectiouaries, Canned; Fruit, Dried Fruit. Soiees of nil kinds. Tea. Coffee. Suear Tobacco, Potatoes, wet Petatoes and everything usnally kept in a retain grocery .store. , -, -. ETAIEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS.JEI . FRESH OYSTERS , ; x-15-1 . --): t.:.. PhotofrraDh 1 Gallerr. For pood pictures. Photographs or f Ambrotypes. call at A- & M. Stafford's Rocros above the Post Office. We are prepared to do the best of work in tne shortest possible tirne, and on as reasonable terms as any in the West. ; Give us a call. iLxanime our work. We insure satisfaction. We take all sorts of pictures, 1 ' Of every style of faces, -Both Photographs and Ambrqtypei, In plain or fancy cases. - A. & M. STAFFORD. AMERICAN HOUSE. A Good Feed and LlTcry StaftlQ . ; -c,i . ) ; . . .:.-:-Ai In connection with the House. . : "'' 1 , 0, R0BN.S0Nv proprietor: Front Street, between JVIajn and Water, , BROTTIVYAEEEjEBRASKA. May, 30th lS66.f 1036 Ijf : ' ,i; GE0;--A;1UUiNC1S & COS 39Varietieaj with Putent.BAe.P :Tnuto or ' bub Uasb. . ' 1 J l'" ' i ' : i ! 'i ' : .' .1 i JKiTSchool Organs and Melod eons. Flnishedln . Eicgrant RoseiToocT,4-walnut or , . , 01a; Cases." r . i ' ; l ' - i I t ' i.hv.' ' . vVo Charge for Boxing or Shipping.- : r35,odoiTQW.lnl rse.2 '- .. ...w . U .... J. AIT ILLUSTRATED CAT AZi'6 OtJE, con taining a ftril description of stjle. and tesUnioniats of the most eminent Musicians, as to the superior pxcel tence of onr instruments can fce'st en at U4s Offlce -. viMdd.i,.!' .r ;!;.- i " .. rTirv .TTT TTTT T. J?.!"! .t' . c- u j ' a l . ..ii n.'a-tt.Aios . - . . v a t .- i --vt ; DEALER IN . Pcu,' IS 'em all a County, Eebras'tta lias jusl received a iarge and well selected 5tfk of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VAli- mSHrDYE STUFF, BRUSHES, - ! SPOdES. FANCY AND ', , .TOILET ..ARTICLES, . And every tUing commonly kept in-a ., ' ' M: f First Class : Drug Store ! Cpstooiers will find bis Stoclt eomplte,wbich be; ffer for CASU at the very lowest market pricts Physicistia Prescriptions Compounded with tha utmost care at all bmiri. s" j n-.JaneSm 186$ 3,9 3 f i , . WASTED I Agent?; Male and Female; aVfli to per month, to loll the celebrated j J Conimo Sen$e Familjf Srtoing RlAckini i" t p t - f ". lrIQI3 18.O0 ; , ', V . r This Machine will do all kinds of vrork equal to tb hiph nriccd Machino.. and is tne only practfo? I and reliable Cheap Sewlog Machjia"la trhe world ; Addws- uv '''ii v.' l '.::!( jj ' ' ' . via .rf-ii t Jff SECVMC CfiegOt t or vie-eopa, v. iJ Prtriftf pal UC5cs,So. 2 Cuetcmi Hos flioe Cigc- ' i- --'-w, ' ! . - ? . . - j. . EW SCHOOL LAW, :, Concluded. ; s SCHOOL BOUSE IIEHPT TKOM SALE OH rECtlTIOW., , 38. Every lot or parcel of land which heretofore has been, or bereaft r shall be. appropriated for' the; use of comrnon ; hools in tnia territory; on which there has been or .-hall be a school house erectd, ai d . which has been or shall be .occupied for the purpbse of ac commodating a common sphool' of what ever grade, in the "usual manner,, from timer to time, howsoever nr by whomso ever the legal title to the same may be held and vested, shall be and the same is herebyVxernpt from sale on any execu tionor other writ or prder'in the nature of an execution.' . ! i ; ' ' ' ' "APPOINTMENT OF SCHOOL EXAMINERS, i 39. Ifshall be the'' duty of the "county commissioners in the several coun ties of. this territory, to appoint a compe tent person resident in the, coujaty, school. examiner, vvno snail noia ais oriice tor the term of two years', and until hia Suc cessor it appointed, and in case a vacan cy occurs in the office of such schools ex. aminer by a refusal to- Ber?e, or other wise, it shall be filled, by . like . appoint ment by such board f county commis sioners., 1 40! Itballbe the duty of aqch schooK examiner to furnish each- person examined.. by. i him and ; found qualified, with a certificate of good moral charac Lter, a"ndvthat' she or he is qualified :,to ituuu ui uiugiajjuy, icuuiug, 'wiiiiug, ar ithmetic", gebfirraphy; and Ehglfsh gram- cber. B.nd in case such' person intends to teach jo -any cuunnou school,. of .higher a i a a . rape. he or sne snail nrst octajn a cer tificate of the "requisite qualifications in addition to "the branches aforesaid : Pro vided That'each person so applying for a certificate shall pay to the examiner a fee.of one dollar, which fee shallbe his compensation for making such examin ation, and no' certificate of qualification shall be vailed in any "county, except that in which the examination took place, nor for a longer period than two! years I and if at any time the receipt of, the cer tificate shall be found incompetent', or negligent, the examiner may rerokethe game, and tequire such teacher to be dis missedT7ufsunie'd('ershaTrjnBnny lied jo receive payment for services only up to the time of such dismissal ; "!' J , .41. The said examiner shall keep a record of his proceedings nbtiDg4 lhe number and date of eaclr certificate, giv en, to whom-, and for what term" of time, and for what branches of study. ;Jt 'shall be the duty of the crammer to visit each school district in his coiimv at' least once in' each yearj' counseling with schbol,ofli ,t cere, visiting schools, and doing all that he can". to best advance .Lhe. interests of schools in. histuiy., and t to make, ah-ar nual report,, tji r,btfore ihe'fifih day. cf Ni veniber 10 each' yipa'r, to th'e'i' rriturial auditor'; atid 'six'xti- f,t!' te en-mlt-d t rec ivf ih,- MiiVi' hi ".Uvu j d hilars foe tacJhJdi.cvi-aniy vex ci ih offi cial service ai .h-eru-ii ptt.v uiec!, b-- paid out pt liiK coini'V trtiiry C rt th.c-fikr- aer oi ine cjuniy ner. ncn ui'- Loutiiy tll'rk rKrn'y require Hh'e acc-ih'ts 'when pre-le-weill to be-subitdm.iiaied-uy .aih,:whi- path-said derkay adiuimstervtand file an hia office. . ".,,. -. ! -;:jT i TEKRITORIAL AUDITOR. ;.,;42. ..The book? and. papers; of the territorial auditor relating to the -school department shall be kept at the seat of government," where a' suitable' office shall be furnished by Hhe territory',' at which he -shall give attendance,! when not ab sent on, public: business., . ti "" 43. As soon s the revenue, to be raised as hereinafter provided; ' Jot the purpose- of fumishif the common schools with libraries and apparatus : will admit, it shall be the duty Lof the said auditor to purchase the same, and 'the books, and ap paratus so purchased shall be distributed," through the cferk's ofiice of each'county, la the board of education in each precinct. city or incorporated, village, According, to the enumeration, of scholars. 4C "He shall ' exercise suet sh-'-I 1 . i . 4 i pervisionTer the 1 educational ' funds of the Xerfitffry'as'niaytte necessary, to ,Mse4 cure; their.-safety,- and r right:. applicajron and, distribution according, jtaj law.'l. fie thall Lave power ,to require of coHnty clerks, precinpt boards of education, or other lotal' school t fiicer. derks. and treasurers of precincts', county treasurers and clerks .recorders, and , treasurers of citie? and villages, copies of, -all reports! by them required to be made, and all suehbiher Information in relation to the funfjs and condition of 'schools, and the management thereof, as he 'may deem importapt, :.B . ;. . u .:J -S' . 45. . He ahall prescribe suitable formsj apd regulations formaktpg all reports and conducting al necessary proceedings inder this chapter, ancl shall csus'e . the same, wh such instructions as he' shall deem necessary and proper for the organ ization and government, of schools,' to be transmitted to the local school officers', who ' shall ' le governed in accordance therewith. - ' ; 46- It-shall be-tbe duty of said au ditor to rxakeat. -annual, report in each apd every ryear.Jta the jegsilaiijie. assem bly i who shall cause the same to be pup lishedV ':' 'l : ' '"' - V ' 47.' The territoriaF auditor, in' the Annual report of-his-labor and observa tions eha 1 1 present a .statement of the conjtjori.apd.atho.irji , all. uuji-ahd rrorjeriv arcroDrnted .to th r)nrn(wpt,4J education ; asuterneni on f private or select schoolj in the tnt,. y, so far as' the same can be ascrtamed. and the "number of scholars, a'l.-ndin such schools, 'heir sex. and the branches taught ; a'stateraent of , the ' tu nber of scholars attending such schools, uieir sex, and the branches taught; a stai-ineut of lhe number of tenchers. ' iostiUl and lhe number of teachers attexidirxjL'.-them ;4 a statement -of th esiitnate and accounts of the expenditures of the publi- cvmi fund of every description ;. astat. i-ft (ti plans for the management and" improve ment of common schools jf'anil sbthef information relative to the dujtrnona! interests-of the rerritory-as he raiy think of importance. ... . ; : . ' - TEKEIT0SIAL SCIfOOL fUf D. 43. For the purpose of aifofding tht advantage of a free education to all the white youth of this territory,' the ter ritorial cqipmon school fund shali hereaf ter consist xf such sum as will be' produced by the annual levy and assessment of two mills upon the dollar valuation on the grand list of the taxable property of the territory, and there is hereby, "levied and assessed, annually, in addition to the revenues required for general purposes, the said two mills upon the dollar valua tion as aforesaid, and the amcqnt so lev ied anaassessed .shall be collected in the same manner as other territorial ta'xes, and when collected, shall be semi annu ally distributed to the several organised counties of the territory, in proportion to the enumeration of: scholars and-be ap plied exclusively to the rupport of icom- Lmon schools : Provided, That all colored persons shallJie axempt from taxation tor school purposes. " 59. ' Ail fines4 assesseof forareacb of the peuaj as of the territory and all forfeitures which may apcruet al lands' and other estates which shall .escijgit to the territory for the. want of heirs or kin dred entitled to ' the'inheritancey all lands which have been or may hereafter,. b5 granted-to ihe territorj when' no special purpose is .expressed in the grant, and all unclaimed ,iees, as provided by law, shall be denominated school .funds,' the incorae'of which, tojrether with the taxes mentioned and specified' m'' this chapte.-J shall be applied to the support of common schools; in. the-several counties where collected ; and it shall be the duty of 'all clerks of the distrtct courts, at the, close orev-ery-re r nrra er eurri o report - d"rne coiin'y treasurer and coti'jtjrclerk'tjf the county iii which the! court ahafl be held a statement of the amount of all fines im posed dqring.said term of court, which are by law appropriated to the support of schools and it-shall be the duty of all justices of the' peace, " or :p,ther 1 magis trates, to report nreiiatelj to the coiu ly clerk arjci county; treasurer, upon im posing; fines which are by law appropria ted for school purposes, the amount of said lines, and tne names urine person or persons against whom the fines Were osseijecj : and ihe clerks qt .the -districr nijf!iilt-iv uno.i liie 'Collection of anV S.ti'i' t - ... - " , j.. 'J - - -. .ay or caue tne.u( to ue...aia '1' treasury of the county ina Wuica5 ' - were inoied". l'-" . . . :,!,., ? I I;;. b.Mii 50. The-'debts whicrt' have tieretotore c-ihtt acted by any school trict for school purposetsjVhall ' b(j p aei ior py Mie estimates or' tne - p sciiooi boards created under tne provis ions of thi chapter. ' '. 51. The prbcsia, in oil suits against any precinct board of education or other local officer, having charge of any of 'tiie public schools under the provision of.this chapter, shaU be by sumraons.'and shall be executed by leaving a;copy 'therejf with the tier lr or secretary' of such board or other school officer, at least; ten dayV before the return day thereof. ' And any sujt, either in favor of or against, any such board or other school - ofacer, stall be prosecuted or defended, -as the .''case may be, by- the-prosecuting attorney of the proper county, as a part of his official uunes. 55. ' , The, local board 'cf education, pr other Tocaofiicers. having charge pf schools in any city,' bre'einct i'o'rVvillaee.' in .which comrnpn schools have been or- ganizeq unuer.- any sreciai act, snail oe and( are".. hereby ' authorized', , whenever 1 he y ri a y d e e m :-r fi i 1 e : x p e d i e nt,' 9, c a 1 r a ... . .. a.C .a inn url rt. m m n . a'ucii'city, precinct vr yiliag, qu giving" thirty days'puphc police thereof, tbde teriiiiue by" yute wo'ethej "thtominon chpol3 of such ciiy, precinct or village slmill)e conducted and managed in ac- cordance wuh ihe provision.ot this Chap- ter ; and it a majority ot tne voters are found to tie in favor of the change, '.then said jocal board or other school officers" shall thereafter proceed jn accordance with the provision of- this-chapter, until j tnvirjsucce&sors snair be elected and qual ified, and suchwclty. or village may pfc yide, by, ordinance for the election or ap pojotment of 'a hoard of . edujratioa,- pres cribing their nuih1)'er 'ani ter'oi. af oilice ; and. such board when so'elected or:. apt pointed and qualified, shall, together w'ith the clerk cr recorder "of such city or village, possess, the same . powers and ducharge the same duties within the lim its of their jurisdiction, as local directors and boards of ednthtifln itrprecincta. : fc ; .53., ..The re-pective precinct boards o-education."and th;ir successors1 id otn ce, shall have power tcMalw and hold in 'trust turtle use and benefit tif any cen tral ht high school or subdijtrrct -school hi the precinct, any gram i cr "devise of ianq nuq. uanation or bqut oinaoney or ; nther npr.r! nrimtm i.iK nnnimrf k board to the mioiecacf .ead Pippin ot any such scnool or scnools according to the intention of the grant or donation. - 6 5.- " yhen n) suhdistrict exists, the qualified voters of j the. eleo ioniFrecinct shall elect a board of education, consist- in? of three citizens, on the same day and in the same manner as provided in section two of this chapter for the elect Ion .of school.directora .of 'sutdistricts. and said bqard sljall have all lhe power and perfcfrri.aU the dutis both of the board or edocation.ana tne ooara ot ai re,.iors,'untir three subdistricts art organ ized ; artl the-' said board - ot education shall, whenever they may deem i: neces sary,. esublish.subdistritts, : which shall be organized according to. the provisions of this chapter. , , . , , EDtTCATION OT TIIE PEAT AND DUMB AND , "' . TUC BLtNb. 1 "J . " 55. The'gdvernor of the terrritory of Nebraska is hereby authorized and re quired to make an arrangement and en ter into a contract .with the propar au thorities of the state of Iowa or .any other state, if practicable; for the admis sion of all deaf mutes and blind childern in the territory- of .Nebraska,- batween the ages of twelve and twenty -yetrsV'to the asylums or schools, of such state . or. states, erected and established .for the education of these' classes, upon such terms as may seerri to him just 7 " ' ' :' 56. Any applicati6Q to the govern or for the. relief of any such child, shall be accompajned by a certificate, signed by the county Commissioners' cf te pqqn ty wherein uch shild ' may Teside; Cr tifying that such child is an actual resi dent of said, county, and that csaid child is entitled to the benefit. of the-provisions of this subdivision, and that the parents or guaruian oi suca snwa ars uaauie in defray 'the expenses incident to the ed ucation of spch 'child, i which "certijcate shall be filed in the ofce ojfi'ih) tsrVita rial auditor. . ,:;'ti ... - , i; ..-,57., .Upon receiving a ceftiacate "of the county co'miniisioners of any county, that a child is entitled to relief under the provisions of this subdivision, if shall be the duty, of. the ffovenor to prcvida transi portation.for.snch child, to some asylum or, school jfor ihe education of.such child, as'porvfded in tjis su;diiris;onVqnd to see that such child is provided with clothing and such other' article? as may be neces( s,ary, .cr.reouired by ihe rules and regula tions of .th asylum -or - school -nu which such child may be sentv' ' 58. r- All expensed incurred unrler the provrsions of thj subdivision shall be paid out of ;the .territorial -trea4ary on the warrants cf the territorial, auditor ; Provided i That before any claim for such n.xpeuse shall, be allowed by the auditor, such account or claim, shall be approved and certified as correct and just by the governor. t, ...... ..... , - ... ... - 59. It shall be lhe duty of the gov eruor to submit a repot t to each, regular session of the legislature, of the number -I of such childern, of each kind separately who nave, received relief , under, the, pro- visions of. this subJivisipn and also to . , L-.L- L It--"' :i ; J r.T-.r-.- -?w."T-n ry" ' ..1 : -V . . l' - $ Pi'i iirshttU ba the duty of the ter- j rn -ii i,i-itor to-,fuiuih-,a r report-at ,'fc....'i r-j.l.l. a.'.mn j,r. lha . uffi.HtttPii ivni ii.u i in nr cnn i. npv nun nfn JOHNSON IN ST-LOUIS. ' St. Louis, September 9. ,A cjnnpli-' mentary banquet was given lastnighat the Southern Hotel', to President j John son and his "t Cabinet, General Grant, Admiral Farragiu, 'ahdMh'.'diploniaticf corps. . Soon alter being seated a large crowd collected' on VValnul street, and caile'd " lustily '" for the President. He answered their sumaions ; by '.appearing on the portico, and ' delivered the followr iDg address;" ,'" ''; '' v . r ELL0W piTLZZNS Cf ot. L0uisi In being introduced to .you to not fdr the purpose of makinz a speech It is true.' 1 am proud to meet 'so many of my tellow-ciuzens here ;orjthi;occ-. sion and underthe "faybfabfe -circumstances thai'I 'do.1 Cry-;HoW! ahout uuV British 'subjeVts?' ' "WeWii j attend uTJuhn-. Bull after ' a while; so' far as :rfpetb,:but'fier'lJe'iug" tntruTucedjsimply to tdader .niy .uofdiaUthack fcrthe' wel eoine that' you hae given -to roe.,.ixycur; iii.dat, A joice rteo. 'thctj3and4 weir cymes.' Hurtahs'and. cheeks. Ttank you. sir.'1 1 wish it was in my power to address' youundef favornblecircDmstah cei,;upou some cf tbe:q,jestic;n.i that'ag uate and dwirsn the public mind ques tions, wnith. have grown jout ..of-ajfiery ordeal7hat we bay e jast passfd through, ana wnichj I think, as important as this we have j'ust paraed hy. Thk time '.has com wlaeo n seems lo rae that all ought to be prepared tur. peace, . the rebellion being surpressed, and. the shedding cf .blood being stepped, the sacrifice of life beipg.suapeuded: nnd -staj'ed,; it ieem's that. tae time has arrived, when we should have; peaces when too 'bleediojj arteries Mpuid be tied upqA'oice,,.,New Ur- h Lk; ".I IuVKans .t ...... I 1 . j vwj.a ii pu uau a wyru or iwu i vortne aubject of New Orleans you '.might jjnUers a..Kl : more ? about it tbaojyou dd, IUugijier aud xheer.l it you syill irb click,. cr) for .ewarJ, .if -you will gij uacK ana, ascertain the ouuse. of.-, the riot i Orla n. ;..? bee.u iVt,;irl ' hJav, froin the cmn.nencemerTr l;Mre, and you have provoked dH; VM. J ,h:e,n.n.e 'inc.irr-il '.inflr t(pieslld0S O.f . thii kind though It dOOS D0t TQvlH tU;jryvHns of this subdivision, j te..Ili tell you a fewwhoU roper J . r - ' - - - iwimujai:juai- uarw. j oy i-:a 'i i :: ii it i i n ihaCis ccbrerned. LLaughier. and loud ItefsVj"' haVejosi Vtatetf. that I - ap uot here1 for the pUfpose cf xi a .Vw.Orieaw, perhaps ,-foTi would not jaodeliLdefeff apd broujljt6 Him beforti be sootnpt in calling cuV;N'ew Or- YbnUu$ Pil.ite; ' an 1 ' prersfrei charres leaiis. ' If you ivill-tatfe "up the riVfVaif aJ-condemneJan'J - j c I imi fi-.. ;t i K n I "urce, cr-to its.-lrnm'cfite it rp, lymt . -'. ,;; k'I will fiad out re p oastble fcr the blood that-yas sh-d:ihe-Tf. Then if yaa will take up ihe 'riot-at -"New Orlasas, and trace it back-to tbe Uadicnl Coc jrsis f great'eheeriug. 'Oil cf:? cf blj,l will "find' that thejii6l'al'"New Otlsizi was substantially phtoad by Cosr", If you wUl .taJ" i:3'.Ii;s;rjoccedir;:ri3 their caucusia-syou v?ili uedcrxttti thtl they then knew cbser that a Ccaysn tion waslio, li'cailgd.which was exticct, by its powiJiaving expired ; tilt it was 8sid,-andIthe iaientiaa wis, that ft new' Uovefntalnl was 'to be cr-sixsl, and in the organization of thxt Gavsra" raent-th intention "wa'iTlo efrischij one portion cf ppsalation, cxllfi tSi coloyd .nonulation. who ,hd just ittzi r,.. . . - . leans. Tconfusionl you ouht ti) nsdl stand Wbat you arelalkin about Vhn you readlthe'ipeeches that were cait, or take up the-lacts on Friday and "Sit; urday befoyi'lhst ConveVtion sat, jq will think htt speeches were made in? cenury"in;iRcircharact5r, excitics thai portion5 of h'e pVpsiUudalthi "Elisk pop? ulationr-to arm' thetnselTei and prspatj for,' "the. shedding. cf-llooJ.'-Avoicej "tliat's so.T and cheers. : Voa wpl ! fiud that that- Conveniioa c dil : ausraUs in violation of law, and the iatei'Jan c that ConveuVida'was" . t''iupercjs & recognized authcritieji iri' te S:ata Gi; eminent of Louisiana, which hiX bes'a reorganised by the - Goversrsst -tf tha Unl t e 4 , S tat e , and ,e re.ry b xn r? j a je 1 in 'that rebellion' in that Coare;;fjca with th'e fntehtion 'of '.s-JpSrceedinj' 'iJ ui turnin'g'the civil governrnVct w' hii been recognized by the Government of the United States, I siy h8:wa?? a t-or- te the Conjtitutioa cf the Laitci States, Jchei'ri; and hews pa llad thai anotner rebellion wai cocaaeassiiavic j its crigia in the Radical VCcht ess. t These i pea were to. go' Ih'sreVV A gov? ernment was lo be organized, -and the one in exiitence'ia Louiiiaaa; ?ai to is suapended, set aside aad cvef thrawa. You may tal k to me about New Orleans, and then the question waiV; V;iao u when they had established their GoverS menta Question of political p 'or wer wljich. cf the Goverqrn'en.ts vf!1?. t:t ognized. ' A new Government, 4r.ay j j? ated unler' thts'defufibt Confer.;'.. a, set tip in, vrilatipfj. of laVt wiihout fc will of th ' e ,)le. Tiien,v.thea ther had pstablishe'i their ; Gv- r:Yhj oj, aul Extended universal, ;qc ' wi4rtil frio chise as they ca!hdf-':o- th ?jjore4 population, theo ' it3 . Hiiic;.irtCJijireif n-ai to determine that -.a iGaYernctts! established on negro tstes wu54(3be :hj Government .of,'.. Louisiana. V.5jce!-y tNever," and cheers,- sad hurrsh f? Andy..' ; So 'm'uch'orineNdVQrleaas rior, and thereVwas."-.the'. iC4ii ,aid tha origin of the blood thas" was-'shed, an i every drop' of blood thaijwaVshVd Is upon their skirts, and they are rejpcrjjftle fgf it, Cheers-J'.'I could ' r.A5''ihu thioj ajntie closer, but I ' win nat tf sjt bar to-night ; : but.' when'yW tslk icbout Na? Orleaiis,and 'ulkabo.'f-i'-p?iJs and consequences that rerjltei-fromoceei-jngVoi. that UyudyvQPirtoifar beca ILtdi lical Congress..;- Chsers.J 4In coa. lion with New , Oi bans . "aci ,the er nection tention of the elective franchis3 ,i Knoar that'I haye been'trlducH'; stVissi, I know it has ' come jaVdyaoce of qs here,-as it has-ehewhere that I have atjenipted b exercise anarbitrary power in resisting law uav, were ntenlei ii be fcjn:eduponjhe Government, 'cheers and' cries of ,,h"earTr'Yes, that I h4 exercised thevetof powsr ("""ChUy fo o"3'.'.la1 1 l&:tyvfc?V.'$h part thatelected mek and tfiatfiI it Ail 6r"fcHeersT because F exercised tia vau emancipated, .nud at the same tims n Cif franchisSr whito pen- Grant cheerirj.J When you begin tiMalic 'about New Or: to night, 'It Jisj power in atieinpting'to' and ''did1 arrest kinz a'speechl ifojr a tithe,a;bill that Was "CsUii'a-Freed tftaq! Bureso :I3jll.jCieri. - Yes. that I was a- traitor ;f-and ii .have beea I traduced, 1 have beert slandered, I1;st? bean maligned, I been called lscariot,-andalli'that; Llhr,"tr com tiymen, here to night it is very Jessy t. indulge iiv.epithersr -Iv. iiiTsry easy t eal ajnan Ju Jis.and cry cat.tpcor, but whed he' is callsd upon to gfye arguraeats andfacts,he ii very often fouaiVsnusg. Judas Iscarict: ' Judas! TbarV Lis a Ju das coca, cni. cf :-thetw'elr- Apcstles, Ob, yes, the twelra Apt?stles hiia Christ A voice, Cand'a JiIoaeVw-" Great laughter-l ' The twelve Apostles hd a Chri5;and He never "cocli Eire bad" JuJ&s unless 'De'hAd' iwslo:-Ap3stlef If I have-played the Jud-iswJn tas been ray. Christ that I bavi played he Ju4ss wiuh ? Was it Tha'd." Steven )7a it Wendell Philips T'Vae it Charles Sum rier f Hissesand -cheeH.j iATB .hfe tb nen that set up aaiiqiiapar t! t selves with thf Savror.of.rr-;r,-atsi every body that differ with theui. in cpinioa, and that try io iy kod arrest "their dia boFicarand fifarijus p-rc, iVt ! b de nounced as a JuJt. -H jcfKfi-i r An dy'. and;cheers..-Ia? wheis there were. twelvr Apostle. :sl whea there .was a Criri,Vv.h!re.Vh-rVw re Ju dases. were" ifie'f e 'dnir' :r?- v-'l While thVre were "JdjAVs"' t1?;T . vj , J wero u:;tellTa; .XVotaUvha-:-k kTkf groins for letpherVJ lY.ri'iyej, un believers in Christ m-p- .vh -irsecutel 4 i K