Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 27, 1866, Image 2
. TIATES OF A DV... . . fiEBIVASuA ADVERTISER 9 . i ' " .; , rrut irztr TirxsiUT kt -'' QEO. 7 nil,!, C? COm ilrertlitr Block. IJaixi S't Eetvreeij 1st - 21, 23rovcrixvillo, XJ". 37. j - - t I - - . . .a - r t TP ii it c , o tr f SJ c U-Ci It St I C4 1 l l It v Os colawa. ant ja , qsfar, est t:gbb eolnun. ona 7f. Ooaculama i;t RaCS" - ? " Ona half ajluroa wooifei 06a fourth column iimiiis Ona ijt f i coo I o tans; i tn-'.ii On eoluuia tturca moi 1 : On bitf colors tsri n -Oca fjrta eonma isrt a c . X . Oaa aitftis t l-aKi ;irt u. r Stray ut. f') . 4 AlUrmoiest if trttunU rt aa im rt,eOJf.aerear, It edTanee, ft 60 4 itcriiio( ai invariably, be paid ioAdraDce f y t(t. aaj ruin and ) liaa fees! endaa sbort aaj (Main and faocr Jeb Wr LIBERTY, AND, UNION, ONE AND I EPA R ABLE. NOW . Aj?I. P.. , JF O REV tLa bat tiyia oo abort otica ao4 rabn Wavk petite . VOL. X BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THT RSDaT, SEPTEMBER; 27, 186 ... -1 . . . . . . I m; si ness "card's. A. S. HOLLADAY, M. D. ;r;railuntrl In I.S5I, (Located In irrovrnvlllc In 1855.1 PDYSiciAn mm AMD . OBSTATBIOIAN lr. U. tu aa l5 l eouij lete reti of Atripotat '. U Tf.b.r afcd Obstetrical initrumf nt. jOOcc: Ilolladaj A Co's Drc? Store Ttro Doors East of Post Office. 1 J S. Spialttotion girm to Obstetric and ,;tf immh of -o.eiJ od cliildrfn. x-4-l i CHARLES HELLMER, Baal at - ilain &t 2door below Brownrille House, DHOWNVILLE N. T. ITtion bo4 tmpmrior utnek Of Booti and Sbf a aed iba brat material and ability for doipg CUSTOM WORK Repairing done vilh tuaincss and dispatch j,KWi . Torms Caali. fn.nn ' FRANZ HELMER, , OPPOSITE DEUSER'S TIN-SHOP, llUOlTWILLn, XCIIHASKA. wiaorift; iwoqieh. plows. cmvri- ' VXTOtlJi. - , Rfia4.ahtrt Bti. a.ailow rales, aj4 rrraiiM4toia tau.laeiloa. , . x-lt-lu bd 0. F. STEWRT. M- D. . ai Eaat roroar of Main and First Streets ItltOirWILLi:, MJIIRASKA. . trrici Ho CM 7 to 9 a. u. and 1 to 2 and i to ftrowaril'e, NaVraska, May 5tb, 1865 No Ji, Ij. EDWARD W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR, InY'IIANCERY Tllre e-imer of Main and First Streets. BKOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. mvSaiHelDeCjcmcU, Millinery & Fancy Goods OTOHE. If aln Streeit one door west of the Post Office intOirXVILlYK, XEIIRASIIA. A sjjerfr uk c-f (all ana Wiater Gnuds jat raoaivej. Everj thing id the Millinery liae kej4 nastBtly oo band. ' Dress-Making, Uonnet lilmvbio an 1 Triiatuiog dona to order. ' 0;Uber,2i 1865. r9-o--2Sly MARSH & CO., CCCES0RS TO MARSH &, IOOK, Central Npwn--Agents and Rtaiiuners', ; Voht OCice Hulldln?, ll'.li) W N V 1 U i?'- N K Ji It AS K . siava on bad and are eustaotly 'W'iTinj 'r .i, ft-u if eif HmiV, I'erio 1 ira!n, Sfxfionary, "'"1 ' frot tliaiii, K. hx. Rioks: also CnfVe- Citr iii-ei. and a ehoic selection i.f ir.H- .ti ft n !'),Uihirb they invite the ' i n f r!.- :r n T Nemaha roimty. and ' ' .f K strict ai 'etiiMtn t buainess. and fair , i- s. Im nru a xbar r the nobliu fatrrniav , . A.I..MMCSII. nl5-ly J. V. bLIiS." T3R0WIIVILLE . HOUSE, . - COR. MAIN A'D 2ND STS.;; nrcnvnvllle. Nebraska. 4 a . '; r .: , : j IX W. PEDICOIID, Proprietor. This ITonsebas been refarntsbedand newlyfitted r sxd rerarnished under its present enterpri ing 'r-1isU.r, who s;arrantees atiafaetion to all bo ; 1 rtroaise a is Ileuse. , . , z-5-ly ... A: ROBINSON, iDifliniiffl. - 4 afatn te"een Irrfc Sd Street" 'Iroveiivillo TVJoTm rsZsLa. aB4 ia(.nioa tba public that asinhstide vtd i i assortnsol of Gent's and .'-k'i eVJ&staa'end CI. Arena's ' IIOOTS. ANlV.fcnOT R. - ' ' J i aif rk tlnfte itk aesiness ant dUptclJ -r- rtig d..!) on sbvrl i.ytica. 10-30 faun GATES & UOUSKIELD,, P L A "eRE US . ' tlroiravlllc; 'Kcbratttn. r twtern. and do aevthint? in their line la 8l(St Sati.fMflrirv' fthll'vArlniaitl'V. pnOBJT NOTICE ?'"iee is brreby giren tbst arplicatlon baa beea ' t .be Probata Court of Ncnwba Conctv .foi (jVM"",",Bnl -doiioinrator on the EUte id Al persons interested in. ' - , "re required m apjar beforeaid court .vtLriy h 28tbf. .Ve, t.niLQr..liP,6, wbensaij lltuB ta f.,r bearinir. t.'v, GEO V FAlRniDTHEIi, : lrbt. .) u i r 3 rA JlCUoy.aiill.L. n,ti. tti.t Mni-lV,. XT.- ' iit .. rrll?"thMt,ed her petition in eban ' ti,rrut"rJ.Clntt bSi as re?pondcnt, tba rv'B .CB f re1uil cswer fcy iba ?"-lt i a . rv f MARTHA McCOY mu !t - e LOUIS WIDTH, nonsevSten & Ornamental : Glazier, fiilder, (iralner;- " P ApER HAUGEJl etc. All work dentin a workman like manner, and on atrickly . TERMS. , 0 DOOa WISTOTSaoWSTlLLl B0S1 : ' . -j ..... p I CZB SCTX U CZtfZXS7s JACOB MAROIIN, M E R C H N T C7T2 A n 7 7" T ) I MAIN STREET BR0WNVTLLE, NEBRASKA Aug. 23u 66 RICIIAUP F. BARRET, ffliMt MI 11T, AND DEALER IS LAND WARRANTS & LAND SCRIPT, Per$oal attention given to mating Location. 4 Office in J. It. Careon'i "Banking House. - BRO WNV1LLE, NEBRASKA. : , , AND i. t ? JCSEP II S IPTJ T Z lias just received and will constantly keep on Land a large and well Selected stock of genuine ar ticles in is line. One Door tctst of Grant's Store, Brown .. '"'ville. Nebraska. Of Cl.vksj Wubaal Jewilr.;d"ie ru the slmrt est Notice. , , i, . WORK WARRANT ' , . Broa-nvlile. Neh,. Maxct jeiti-.JC. If). 25 Jy The undersif tted keep on band alar asaortrnecl. S ATT1 JET ii C A SS ! MERE SU ITS. . For Men and Boy's wear., Also. a large stock of hats And: caps ; iposfifflsiTs BOOTS AND3 SHOES. Rubber. Cots, Levins iBIaakels, UMBRELLAS; AND, CAKPET;:BAG$f Gent's Fnrnisbing-fioods, Of 'All kind? which we will tell ,., . LO -H; J3 A P , F O R , Q A H We purcbssed our gpods since the dt4 cline in the Markets and will sell at low figures.5 ' ATKINSON & CO. Evan Worthing, Wiol!:-K?tail Dealer in Choice Liquors, Wines, Ale, Bear, PITTS nUFFALOTIIRASIIIXG n AC II X K, 'X CiTTORZtsCLFRl KWG REAPCRl qUAKCR310TT- ER and BrCK EYE CCLTITA TOR. ' ;, Tl 'IIITWET'S BLOCK, - i , . . . . , i Main Street. BrownviRe ! i ;; jrr, nth i- :io si ir fx nn - f ? JfJcctin)?, of. Sciool . Examiners. " Notice is hereby -ivch that the board of Seboll Examiners of KeunOia Count, Nebraska, will held jtneetirgs forLie JExamination nf Teachers for said CouDty, at the office tof E.,W. Tbotnas, in BrownTille', on the lstSatarday fa erery month, between the hours of ore and 3 P. it. .Applicants for certi flea teg. are required to be preeet at one oVlock, preciselyor Ibey will not be exaasired. Aoperaoa peed at suny olher tirae. - By order . of -the Barjl. SI -mi. . . CHARLES G, . D0JISKY . ATTORNEY 'ATX AW Arfx Door to Canon's ' Bank. ; ' . - ' ' ' - ' . . MAIN STREET .... X2r o'crxi,Trll Wobras TIPTON & HEWETT, C4.ttonic0 at alt), BR OWN VILLE, NEBRASKA MArch lit, '66." ly.- - . ' JAMES MEDF0RD, -f) .4 4 C A BIN ET- rilAKER " . ".Corner 2nd and Main Streets, . i - BRO W NVTIi C.E,'' T Is prepared to doall kinds of wprk in hisline on hbrt notice and reasonable terms. -'" 'I-Qm RESTAURANT ' OYSTER SALOON:' WILLIAM ROSSELL- ' ; i takes this method of informing the public that he has just oponed,on Main street, between 1st and 2nd, sRUOT7IliVlXI,Er 'NEBRASKA a Restaurant and Oyster : Saloon- Also,iCc4ifectronries, Canned Fruit. Dried Fruit, Spices of U kinds. Tea, Ccffee, Sugar ; Tobacco, rotatoe,wet retatoes and everything uanally kept in a retain grocery store. , :i - -MEALS SERVED AT ALL HODRS.3 FRESH OYStERS- j Photoh-aph eallery. For pood pictures, Tbotographs or r Ambrotypes. call at A. &.M. Stafford's Rocrns above the Post Office. We are prepared to do the best of work in the shortest possible tirne, and on as reasonable terms as any in the West. Give us a call, i Examine our work. We insure satisfaction. We take all sorts of pictures, 1 ' Of every style of faces, - Both Photographs and Ambrqtypes, "' In plain or fancy cases. A. & M. STAFFORD. AMERICAN HOUSE. -A Good Feed and LlTcry Stablq . In connection with the House. ' ''' I ROBINSON. mnu ok. Front Street, between Majn and WTater, ; BROTrKTJI,LG,EIJRASttA. May, 30th 1S66;' 1036 ljT : GEO; A. 'PliliS'Civ 39 VarietUai wth rptent Bfl.q- Tnuto or fiSTSchool OrjrnriS and Melodeons. Finisbedln ;, Elegant RosewoocT, Tfnlnut or JV o Charge for Boxing or Shipping.-: : CA.TAIiOGtJE, eon tslntnga roll deacrtption of style, axxl tesUnionials of the roost eminent Musicians, as to tbe tvwtor pxcel 'lence of oar instruments can bVsteu at tbis Office -. .' iAUd, . ,,: ,j ( i GEO. W. HILL & CO , .. -.i.i : i at ' i 'Brownville ' Nebrako TUSFnl . - 1 t. 1 o i ? J. B. WE1LLS s . .: . i. , DEALER IN ... i iiss-a uEiiciia . , ... T "... . Pcu, IV em all a County, Eebraska lias jusi received a large and well selected Stock of DRCGS,MEf)ICIKES,PA15TS, OILS, VA!- NISH.-DYE STUFF, BRUSHES, , SPONGES. PANCY AND , TOILET. ARTiCLES, , : And every thing commonly kept in- . 1 First Class ; Umg Stores i- ' Cpstomers will find his Stock eomplete,whch ftp. offer for CASH at the very lowest market pricts PhysicliBS Prescriptions Compounded with the atmostcare at all bo-ursV ! '-.Jane 21ft 3.9 3 hi1 il,. -i- ' WAKTED !' Agents; ilaiaaoi 'Femaiei jt;$75 to ' JI5Q per month, to sell the eetebrated ' j Common Sente Family Seiting Mtchini i'-"! 1 r, f tfr : HIQE.S1S.OO ;., ., r . This Machine will do all kinds of work equal to ihm high priced Machines, swd is the airly practfof and te liable Cheap Sewing Machffie "a the world. SECUJC Jb CO CbVcsgo.llij r CleirplopJ, O . j ; 1 AdJresa yj. v ' 'i -r ' 1 'ji ' ' ' ' v rrtndpal OfJSeelSo. 2 Custom Ho nsXkwa I lt-i ly.aa . , I 1 , I &'(;'()S .ew sen L LAW, .Concl Id. ICnOOL HOUSE EltfT SALE 05 .. . . 5' 38. Evert lot parcel of land which heretofore has eep. or nereaitrr shall be. appropmt for the use of common ' hwjJ in tits territory; on which there has beeir hall,be a echool house er?ctd, at.d Ihich has been or shall be .opcupied foflbe purpose" of ac commodatinp:' a com&n "school1 of what- ever grade, in the .1 -a i ual manner., from rime; to time, bowsdver nr by iwhomso eyer the legal title the same may be held and vested, sr be and the same is hereby exempt Trot sale on any execu- tion,' or otner writ of an execution. f : AT?OIHTMENT OF prder in the nature HOOt ElAWIWERS. i ' 39.- -It 'shall fe the duty of the tounty commisfiooeS in the several coun ties of. this territorl to. appoint a pompe tent person resided in the coujaty, fchool examiner, who'shii hold' his' office for the term of two y Irs", and until his uc- cesaor is appointed and in case a vacan cy occurs in the once of such school ex aminer by a refusl to- serve,? or other wie it shall be filed : by . like .appoint ment bsuch boaa of county commis sioners. .'..' J " -i .) 1 '40. It stalllje the duty of such schdoKexaminer p furnish each- person examined - by i hi and found - qualified, with a certificatepf good moral charac .tef, andMhat' sheor he is qualified : to leacu ortnograpuj, reauiog, wnung, ar; ithmetic"; geograpiy; and ringlfsh gram- cier. und jd ca$eucb' person intends to ttach in any cuurnon school of higher graoe, pe or snepnaij nrsvocjiain a cer tificate of the teu'isiie qualifications in addition tolhe brinches afbresaid : Pro vided Thst'each'person so applying for a certificate shall pay to the examiner a fee of one dollarj which fee shabe hi3 compensation lor making sucn, examin anon, and no certificate or qutimcation shall he vailed in any 'counijf, except that in which the examination took place, nor for a longer period than two! years ; and if at any time the receipt of the cer tificate shall be found incompetent ;- r negligent, the examiner may ret6ke,ihe same, and require such teacherxo be dis- misseayTursun leacersnaTHbli entT- lied to receive payment for -.senrices only up to the time of such dismissal . n;' , ,41. The said examiner shall keep a record of his proceedings, nhiog ibe number and date of each" certificate, giv en, to whoni, and for -what terxi cf time, and for what branches qf stodyj It shall be the duty of the examiner to school district in his county at' m'each year; counseling with j visit each feast once hool.offi cert; visiting schools, and doinc all that he can'.to bt-st advance ; the. interests of schools in. hi iuijiy. and(to male, an ai nuai repurt,,..ji fore.ihe'fith day. of Ni vnntfrjn V.acfr f a'r, to'thH' rritorinL audltor,; 'ati-r iaW V;x7iir:ni-r hiitl: be t-n- litlfdlo rt-c--ivh th;- .-oflrof-.twlij dollars foctaxlLd'w'i-urily vtwity i, offi ,cial service ,ai Jijv vJtji, ;u b- der br ih'couhty riArk". Krd i.ujy clirk rfny rq mth W! to be- subiiianiifdlby -a h,: whi .bth-sajd c4frk,may adiHirusierviaiid file tHuT i ..TEBRIIOaiAL AUDITOK , . i 42. -rThe bookiji and papert; of the territorial auditor relating to ths school department shall be kept at the, seat of government," where a suitable ojce shall be furnished by JtEe territory, H which he shall give attendance,; when cot ab sent on, public;. businessV JL;. r " ; . 43. As soon ts the revenue, to be raised as hereinafter prdvided,J.for the "purpose of fumishif the co'minon schools with libraries and apparatus, will admit, it shall be the duty of the said aVditor to purchase the same, and the books, and ap paratus so purchased shall be distributed through the cferk's office of each coumy, to the board of education in each precinct. city or incorporated, village, aCGjding, to the enumeration of scholars. lj ! , .,' 44T ' He shall also exercise such sa pervisFon'dver7 the ' educational jfundsof the Xerrii-'asHiay dis necessary , to Je4 cure; their.-safety, -and ; righ;.fippIicairon and distribution accprding, la, law.'l. lie V11'" ' " ,J --" , - - enall Lave nowcr .to renuirR nf rnnniv cit rks, preempt boarda or education, or other 'local' tcbool ffficers. clerks and treasurers of prenncts), county treasurers and clerks. .recorders, a pd , treasurers of cities and villages, copies of,ja!I reports by them Required' to be made, and all such othesr Information in relation to tb fpnffs apd condition of schools, and the management thereof, as he 'may deem looportaptv- I nr. v ... c. i..J . 45, .He bajl prescribe suitable forms apd regulationa for maktpg all. reports and conducting all necessary proceedings Under this chapter.'atid shall cfcuse the same,1 vtixh such instructions a he"' shall deem necessary and proper for the organ ization and government of schools, to be transmitted to the local school officers', wild "shall ' be 'govened ' in accordance therewith f-v.;:-!,..-, - 6-46 Tfr shall be the duty of said au ditor to ncakeau-annual report in ea'ch ana every ryear.u ina.iesiinute assem bly4 who shall cause the same to Ibe pup lished; - - - 47.'' The terrilorial' auditor, in the annual Teport of- his' labor and observa- . ... ' . . uona eoall present, a .statement or the copdjtjpn:a;id auio.i nt , al) . uys -ahd property japproprnted ,10 the purpwe-w vuucanon, a statement oi me cumoer vi private or select schools m the nt.i. y, so tar as tne same can oe asc Tiaiu-u, and the 'number of ?cholars. -t-t.-nding such schools, 'heir sex. and the branches taught; a' statement of the fiu tiber of scholars attending such schools, tueir sex, and the branches taught; a stai.-meui of the number of tenchers. ' institq. and the number of teachers atthLpdini.ythern ; 4 a statement )f th estiinate and.aceouot of the expenditures of the pubRf s-;ii-fund cf every description ;.,astat. n-ax ( plans for the management ana improve ment of common schools ;"and su i other information relative to the dujttional interests-of the rerritory-as he miy think of importance. .;t ' i TERRITORIAL SCHOOL TCfD. : - .-4 tl - 43. For the purpose of aTofding the advantage of a free education to all the white youth' of this territory,' the ter ritorial cqipnion school fund shall hereaf ter consist vt such sum as will be' produced byihe annual levy and assessment of two mills upon the .dollar valuation on the grand list of the taxable property of the territory, and there is hereby iHvied and assessed, annually, in addition to the revenues required for general purposes, the said two mills upon the dollar valua tion as aforesaid, and the amount so lev ied an-i. assessed .shall be collected in the same manner as other territorial taxes. and when collected, shall be semi annu ally distributed to the several organized I counties of the territory, in proportion to the enumeration ot scnolars and: be ap plied exclusively to the rupport of icoin- Lmon schools: Provided. That all colored persons shall .be axempt from taxation tor school purposes. -t ' 59. 5 Ail fines' assessed' for is breach of the peuaj javts of the territory-and all forteiture which may apcruei ,alj lands' and other estates which shall Tescq9 it to the territory for the, want of heirs or kin dred entitled to the "inheritance,' all lands which have been or may hereafter,, bi granted to the territory when no epecial purpose is expressed in the grant, and all unclaimed iees. as pr&vided by law, hall be denominated school .funds, the Income of which, together with the taxes mentioned and specified1 in' thfs chapte,4 shall be applied to the support of common schools: in ;. the several counties where collected ; apd it shall be the duty of 'all clerks of the district courts, at the close onemyerixrroeTeoTri . :..: . . - i . . . coun'y treasurer and cod-jty clerk' of the cdunty in wfiicb the court shall be held a statement of the amount of all fines im posed dqringaid term of court, which are by law appropriated to the support cf schools and it-shall be the duty of all justices of the" peace,- or other ' magis trates, to report imrnMiiately to he coun ty clerk and county; treasurer, upon im poking fines which are by law appropria ted for school purposes, the amount of said hfjes. and toe names or tne person or persons against whom the fines : Were nss6i?ecj : and ihe clerks qf-.the --.distric'r ourt; aiid -juu,s cf .the, ptte. h tll. met! in iv upo.ii .the collection ot.any-s-c fiii, ... i:.iv or caute 'he iV or (.au-e 1 Dei in ' lo'bV "i-a id fjtV- 1 1 :rear:ury of the county in" wLiCh-' ..! s,fii- wer !ntvd?ed .:;.' ;-y wrt . , .ij. . j riri'iti,si'iior Us-,.fyi'ui$hv) report -i j.s.j;i.k.j V4 ae?iot -or-th-legislature. DU. 1 ihe! debts wnica nave, peeu he re tut ore contracted i; yany scnooiu.v tnct lor school purposes nau provit; .w.i i' t t a . a de l for by Mie estimates dt ' the ' proper school board created under the provis ions of this chapter. ; .. , '51. The process, in sll suits against any precinct board of education or other Ideal officer, having charge of any of ..tae public schools under the provision of.thi chapter, shall be by summons.'ttnd shall be executed by leaving a; copy 'therejf with the clerk or secretary of suclj board or other chool officer, at least; ten dayV before the Teturn day thereof.' And any suit, eilher in favor - of brL 'against', any such board or other' school officer, shall be prosecyted or. defended, ns the."cdse may be, by-the. prosecuting attorney'' of the proper county, as a .par tof his official duties, . , . ; n . 'm7 f'r j 75 5?' ' . Tbe , local ' board ' cf educaf ibn, qr other TocalofScera. having charge 'of schools in any city,' precinct : or village, in which coinrnpn schools have been : or- I ffanized under, any sVecial act. shall W and( are .nereDy auinorized, . whaniver ineeiiug of tlieVualifldvoters of any iucu'cuy, precirici mt .village, on giving" thirty days'putIic notice thereof,. toi 7) teriiiiue by vote '. wheih'e "th,cotmnoa rchpols of such city, precinct or village snail T)e conducted and managed in. ac cordance with the provision. ot this chap ter ; and if a majority ot the yoiers are found tote in favor of the change, '.heu board or other' school officers, shall thereafter proceed; ,m ; accordance) with the provision of. this-chapter, uhtil thirsuccessors shall be elected and qual ified and auchxlty, or ; village; may pfo vide, by, ordinance for the election or ftp pojntmeni of a board 'of education,- pres cribing their nuimVer.and ler'rn. af cilice ; and such board when so 'elected ,or! ap pointed and qualified, shall, .together w'nh the clerk cr fecorder "of tuch city or village, possess, the same powers; and ducharge .the same. duties within the lim its of their jurisdiction, as local directors and boards of edncati6& iu'-precincts. ; M .53. ..The re.-pecttve-p;ecinct boards oilducaiion,"and th Jir successors' ia offi- e?. shall have' power tcua& and hold in trust tor tf'e use and benefit uf any cen tral xr high school or subdifirrct -school m the precinct, any gratu . or 'devise of j"d And danatron or bqut of money or pinerperstnaj. property; tafce applied by i tu uuiru to tot: ra-unwa-icss.airj minteaiosf.and "ipport of any such'school or schooU according to the intention of tne grant or aonation. - 6 51.- Yhen no? suljcliatrict exists, tne qualified voters, of the. eleo ion , precinct shall elect a board of education, consist- in? of three citizens, on the saraa day and in thasame manner as provided in section two of this chapter fur the elect ion of school director :oIsubdistricts. and said bqard sq&jl nave all tne power and perfotnl.eli the dutise both of the board ot edocation ana tne noara or ai-re-.tors.'uhiir three subdistricts ar organ ized ; and the' said board - ot education shall, whenever they may deem it neces sary,. estbluihv8ubdijiris, which shall b organized according to ihe provisions of this chapter. , , T . . SDtrcATio?r or xrjE deat axd dcmb asd " 55. The'gove'rnor of the terrritory of Nebraska is hereby authorized and re quired to make an arrangement and en ter into a contract .with the proper au thorities of the state of Iowa or .any other state, if practicable,' for the admis sion of all deaf mutes and blind childern in the territory of .Nebraska,- between the ages of twelve and twenty -years? to the asylums or schools of. such state . or, states, erected and 'established .for the education of these classes, upon ; such term's as may seem lo him just. ' ' ' 56. '' - Any applicatiio to the govern or for the, relief of any such child, shall be accompajned by a certificate, si?oed by tne county commissioners of uiecqqn ty wherein such shlld ' may "reside, cer tifying that uch chili is an actual resi dent of said county, and (hateaid child is entitled to the benefit, cf the provisions of this subdivision, and that the parents r - . ; - i l . 3 3 fl . 1 , . . . , . . ' vi. or guaratan or sucn saua are uaaoie is defray 'the expenses incident to the ed ucation of spph - child, i'whieh " certicat.i shsll be filed in the office c'l 'fa Urfijo rial auditor. . r ; . . .r v t i , . s57.. .Upon receiving a cet tificate 'of the county co'mmiisioners of any county, that a child iV entitled to relisf under the provisions of this subdivision, it shall be the duty, of the govenor to prcvide trans portation.for.snch child, to some asylum or;sphool for, the education of.such child, as'porvided ja tis sufJiyisjonVnd to see that sucn cb. ad 18 provided witn cio'-hing and such other articles as may be neces; paryt . or, required by ihe rule anjd regula tions of .th asylum ,;or school to' which such child may be senti ' .; " '." ' 8 5S. ' Alt expenses inctrrred under the provrsione of thi subdivision shall be paid out of ;the territorial -treaary ? on the warrants of .the territorial, auditor . Provided That before any claim for such cxpeust-S; shall, be .allowed by the auditor, such account or claini shall be approved and certified as correct aqd just by the governor. 7 : ,-.-:.:-(' - , - 59- It shall be ihe duty of the gov. eruor lo fcubmit a repot t to each, regular session of the legislature, of the number of such childern, of each kiwi separately", who have, received relief jqnder, the. pro visions of. tls subdivision and also - to Ayhav Hyiutn3 pr school they hae been pK . ; .: - " , - 4J. -. , l v Jays frin ibe. cotnnwricfmenr kiiiefejjfiof the-j jexprpse iucurred undar U prov;NH)na of this. tubdi vision. j ..' v. , . . . i ; ''-JOHNSON IN ST- LOUIS. . St Louis, September 9. . A compli mentary' banquet was given Iast nigh',at the Southern Hotel, to President lioha sou "and his 'Cabinet, General Grant, Admiral FarraguV, and'. thCdiplornatiC corps. . Soon alter being seated .a large crowd collected.' on AV'alnut street, and called '. lustily " for the President. Hp answered their 'sumaions ' by V appearing on the portico, and ' delivered tha follow ing address; , . t : ..' ;' :si or' St.' Louis:' fn you to night,' 'It Jis .' t ELLOW- WfTUI being' introduced to nbt fdr'the purpose of making a speech; Ii is'true.'l am proud to meet so many of my tellow-cmzens here on this occ to John Bull 'after a while." so' far as thit'i's cdfcreTOedc : I Laushier. 'and loud theory. y t havejosi Vtaied'. ibat ' I . atl uoi raere1 'for' the purpose of clalflDf 1 pee'b,: but af t r te'iu intrWuced ,sim ply to tender .my oidial thanks f cr. the; wel ecrne that yot have civen ta me. invaur luidai, A ,yoir;e rteq .ihogsapdi wel-J I.. l IJ..--' 1 . . i . Muiwui ana. cheers. J icanic you, sif I wiih it wasr in ray power to ucdressyouunder" favorable circomstari u.wporjiomerpf the -questions that 'ag nate and dtrriihe public mind--ques. tions, which. have grpwa ui of -aery prde rhai we; bare just, passed, through, ana which, I thitk, as important as this we hare just p-ssed by.-'Tbir time J has come when it seems to tne that all ought to be prepared lr, peace, -the rebellion being aurptessed.' arid the shedding cf .bWt beiug stopped, the sacrifice of hfe beipg ; siapedea: nnJ -stayed, it seems" that. tniime has arrived.when we should have; pe&srcfj when tbo bleedipij arteries in..efa.ji; niore; about it thaojyou dd,f sion, ana upaer tne ravoracie circum stances lhatT 'do.1 CVy ';How' about 6uV British 'subjects? 1 W e -wil J attend hPUip be uea-upilwA.''Qtce,,New Or there were twelve -Apoitles.. a:tl whetj Itiaui.V-jPerhapa if you.had a word or-two there. .was a C.hnrt.v.hirVh-rVwere Ju vn:the eubjea of Naw Orlean you migh'ttdaae?, Twerer iKefe'tiAbeii-fera'r 'Ye$Ml apd.rxheer. if you. will gof u:ibUvarii; .;-Voieai.vha r'c.iH Threa cack.crjtisfor -SewariJ, .if you will pi groins or. Kletcer.U t MSyes. un back nud ascertain iba. cause of-the rioij believers La Christ :. m-'r wh i rrsecuteJ uixew.vrieans. perhaps yau woujd n ot j ...,. . - . . te so protnpi in calling out "New Or-1 leaus' If you willUkebp the rToVai! Wcw Oris ans and" truce it back to its Uurce, tr to its -ImmrdHte - ti-i:p,.-yia''Iv. -,'-.?; .Cf A?;vV-. Rfi I ;:;. . ........ u - I. will fiud out wiiais re p oasible for the. blood that y shdiihere. Then if yoa will take up the riot-at-New Orlsisi, and trace it bacirto the Radicul Coc jttsa great cheering, tuJ cfi?a of "bqjly,! wiU'Mod that theri6tat, New Orlsii was subitantlalfy.plaBcU by Cccr-HJj If you wUL laeJ 31-9 'ITocee!33' 13 their caucua&i-you will ucdenusi thil ihey then knew cheeri that a Cessa tion walio.b.cailid.which waa extinct, by its powiJLJiaving expired ; th:.t it wasaid, apd jibe intention was, that ft new livernment was 'to ba orgnsissl and in the organization of that Gavora raeni the1 'intention 'wai Tlo ejraschi one porjjca of peculation, csllei t-i colored population, who .had just lata .' .'i ...r . j emancipated, .nun at uiosimsiims toon franchis(whito pen. Gram chesrii:?. When vou foVin to-tiiic ' about New Or- leans, confusion yoa ought td ualtf stand what you aretalkicg about. iVhau you read-th8'speeches that ware caia, or. take up the facta on Friday ted 'Sit urday before 'that Convention aat. yo- will think Vh'at'jpee'chea were rnsda iaj cendwryln; IRefrcharacter, exciting that portion3 of thV'popuUuo'aithA Slack pop? ulation-r to arm' ihenuelrai and.-prtpitsj forttse shedding, cf tlood.-- Avuice, "dial's so.Tand cheers. AVj .Will alia fiud that that Convcaiioa cdil :au9mM9 in violation of law, and the i&tsttfsn cf that Codventib'n'was" t3-ripe rr?dt tiii recognized authorities in' te S'.ate Gjy eminent of Louisiana,' -which; ix4 'bee reorganiied by tha - Govcmrat -tf tia Vni t e 4 , S : ale s , and t rery ' nixri . ? j i i in that rebellion ia that CoaTe;;ca w'iti th'e fntehiicn'of '.s-jpfrceedincr ifl u)", turning'the "civil governruVct vi;h had been recbgnizad by tha Governciant cf the United States, I say fca.waj? a Jfit or- to the Constitution of tba L'aitei States, cheari, and'Csd thai anotner rebellion wa codaBabJria; its origin in ' the Radical j Ccitesi. t These men wera to . go" Ih'steV- A gov? eminent was to organized, -and tha one in existence'ia Louiiiaca. to b! suspended, set aside aad crerihraa. Yeu may talk to me about Naw Orlaarsf and then the naastioa" was si5Tr cfiai 3 frhen they had established their Gorera rnenta auestioa ofpoliiical psvrar whjsb of the Governments wi?'to b recr xrgnized. 'A new Government. -ii ated unler this' defunct Contfen: '..a, ani at'up. in. 'yrdatipn. of la.-'wiibjut tha will of tha ,)le. .Thent'whea they had p'stabhahe i Ih'tfir Gvrc'iV.l 'oi, aud tendeduniveral, ,qt ..wariul, fran chise as they : caltid'itto-i ti;'- cwjore4 population, theo 'its . Riiicil'lConreii was to deieriiiine. that 7 a ? Government established on negro fate? jvas'tyba tha Government .of,',. Louisiana.'; y.ijce-ry vNever," and cheera," and-nurrih Ul Andy.." ' So .moch''orth;Ntfjv;Qrleaaa rior, and thre .was'..tha. C44 :aai lha origin of the bloxi that j was-'shed, and everyrop' pi blood thai. wa sVed s upon their skirt?, and they are reapcniitle fgy it, Che'ersijl L cou'4 Ud' thli thinj a1 litlie' closer', but I T will nat'dst hera to-nigh ;: but' when yW talk V!ut Navr Orlean?,Rnd talkaboV'fJ; ftgV?s od consequences ihal rerjlted --from p'jeeed jngVt, thai kVpVjye.r'apf,. I been innoxlucKl hare, and you have provoked '("si fobs' of this 'kind'.' though it does not T- '.i . ii e i i toi'in9..i:.vii ten you a iew waoi otnftthiogsthat- harrbcca'.dcso by this Radical Congress. Qhcers.J,In coa pection with New OiUans acd .the ax tention cf tha elective franchisa. .! Knov thaVI haye boan!tfidaced,,iR;,'iib,ia9i. I know it has come ,'ja adyance of here,-as it baj'wh9re that I have attempted to exercise an arbitrary power in resisting lawa ziv. wera m'.ar.-iea w be fcjxedjiponjihe Government. cheer i ana" cries cr"h1;arTTT"Yes, that I ha4 exercised ht1iiuiT power "BiY j U cu','y;iiiat I had ahjndpne thi part lhat,elected iek and, thatIrai. a trail or" cheers' because" F exercised te rau power m attempting :to,' and ' diV arrest iifoi a time.a bill that Waialleda?ref4 sftan'a? Bureau tI3sIL1.j fCheari.1 'Yea. - .tthari wsa traitor; and ;I -have Deea i mu (jccu. i uars oeeq siar.aerfj, l t;T5 oeen raaiignea, i nave ceen. cau 4 Jua lscan'ot, and all. 'that.' :fTat, co;n tiymen, here to night it ia Very teaiy U sdu)ga in fpiihetsr - Iv. wtrery easy t eal a jn3n JuUt and cry or, but whetj'he fs called upon'tqgfvearg jrnenta andfacts.he ii very often fouaiVantisj. Judas IscaricU ' Judaa ! -TherV i.s a Ju.. dai ccca, endv cf tha'twaira Apostles. Qb, yesjiha twelra Apostles had a Christ A roica, Vand'a lua5i,'oo.'H Great laughter. " The twelve Apostles had a Christ;anti lie ca ver touli Eave fcad JuJas unless ne 'bad"! tvelo::Apostlf If I have-played the Jud2s!TT.habasbeert ray Christ that I hareplayad ha Juaa with? .Was it Thad. Stevens ), Was ii Wendell Philipi'T Vas it Charts Sunir rierl Hissesand -eheeH.j ' Ana :hsa the men that ael'Up aaisqjiapari t! selvet with ihi Savior,:a?93 every body that differ with them - in Aopiuioa, and that try to stay od arrenhsir dia boricaTaniJ 3fari.)U3 p d cyyivr? be de nounced as a JuJi. H n;h?')r An dy and cheers .--lti.Mhft.:cty whea hile thVre were "Jed iVnY- rtivrs.-wero 1 - L V 1 .: the cro!.-,' to. soJisfy nnbelisr-n j nzi ana eiiLdered apd . t rout Jim, befora Pontius Pil.tte; aa j ' prrifarrei'carjes and'eondetrined'a n"J-1 uflilmUc-death cq