Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 27, 1866, Image 1
D'. . u : f r U ! frilU" SSAT TITtUiT T K 3, eam. sis Uaea at 2f. r 51 j 13 Su M SI li I r; u . r.i h k I "l ' r re - A m i si a V ' U M ; I. J .. ' ! M . .' t Oe t$i fiwia3ux t; -f it Sr !; lit'; , t I ( 4 a. aai raacj jaa w r LIBERTY AND UNION, ONE AND S EPARABLE NOW AND FOREVER.". 6i y'.t a vr wIjc a4 ri. tar VOL. X BROTTNVILLE, NEBRASKA, TH RSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 27, 1866 X MM Hi 5r 1 N E SS CARDS g; HOLLADAY, 11. D. Gradnatrd In 151.: Lotated In KrtwnIII In PICIMSIGEOD obstathic risr if. z. ti i fxir i t of AxBiAt- 2ff:Hi2j Ca's Drc? Store CHARLES HELLMER. Baot and Skat ti 'it ltt s;nI s J fr CUSTOM 'WORK f iriil nc.iMi and dispatch f Terxas Cuslx FRAIiZ HELLISR, 11 V ; opraiTE deuers tinshop. TtTny r.faajrn. Pi-cvra.ccT.TI- C. F. STEWRT. LI D. 0PPIC12 IIIIOITM ILLE, .EDRASXLA. rr:ci HrJ T u i a. n.a4 I t 1 axi to EDWARD W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY p AT LAW, .-OLIClTOPw INCIIANCERr,. UOVVNVILLE. NEBRASKA. Millinery & Fancy Goods J3TOX Ui.r. Sut cr d-or west cf th Pott C2ce III101T.V1ILI.C XEIIH.4SKA. 'A i;rv-r it.. f iLi aa Wiur OockIj b ci ,3 j 11 1 TV. n:i2 4aa t orlir. MARSH & CO., it:'ni Xrv- tern a:i U . iO' N V I I.I , N KB It AS K . ! r Mll'J Oil eriTinf ' r- -"i.twaKbthejicTiterh BEOViTTILLE HOUSE, Rrovnvlllc. Xcbratka. . IL VT. PEriCOHD, Propxictcr: 4 rarfhi snir itj"iat ca'erBfi ic? A. ROBINSON,' H Bt' I fc. 44 8tr t " ' "'rowrnvlllo TCoVirnnilii - 4ii..i.-4.. (..aaim t fk! teat f' r. Mt r r 4 fJ GATES 1- UOUSFIKLD, BR'IC KL A YE-BS P L A sVe RE E S . nromtTllle; 'ScbraSitu . uk t!TU f .r fcrirHijirr, r.afjerinj, I ' ae4 dm arytKirj ia tkrir Iia tZ afev.rr c4 W6fkaa'.:k PROBATE SOT ICE (.a tba L'Ut r.i.;tk tf.rjAa it at Vrtr f r i4&aat ku 114 b?r rtlt:;a ia ha- Wr. . a.--, a-'-a a f -r .iHuOil ,'M-xa'avrtl t3 XiiWtrUir MJl " Ail rsr&s ittert! in 'roi.atiiuuur;. MIS Wail, I H CIiiierT fiiMer, finizzr; FApER HAITGEHctc. AH work don in workman like dinner, aad oa strickTy i-V- Ljg !TT I van TERMS. cjs imvinorumTuu boss JACOB i MAKOIiX, M K R C TTLiSr T 14 II r C! 'B a. 115 STRTZT,' BH0VT5TTLLE, 5XBSASK1 Auir. 23u 66 EICHini) F. BABEET, A5D SCALES IX LAXD WARRANTS d LAXD SCRIPT, Permi mtttutie given t Malta Loeatio. OSea in J. I. Caraon'a 'Banklna; House. - BROWNV1LLE, NEBRASKA. CLOCK&Wifliffi, JSWESriR."!! JOSEPH S ITUTZ !!- j3Jt recirJ an-4 wj'I eomUntlj keep en txn i taryi aa.I well aeleeted stock f yenaineax tkiea ia la Una. One Door vest cf GrcrSs Store, Brotcn villi. .Yebraska. Of Cl-m-ia Wiitb aat irT i--o "i art tt None. UORk WARRANTED The n4arijri keepoa hn4 alare auortaec.4 SATTIliET&CASSIKERE SUITS For Menni ojfiwer. Al3o. Ueitock f tt aj'vs cAlPS ULII&WiliE BOOTS AND SHOES. Rntbef Cots, Le?;Ins . Blankets UMBRELLAS "AND CARPET BAGS. Gent's Fnrnis&ing' Goods, - : " Of klai which we wi'J te!l . HEAP .FOR CASH We piircbased our jroods since the dr rline in the Markets and will sell at loi firaresV ATKINSON & CO. Evan Worthing:, WhrfeA !i Eetai! Dealer ia Choice Liquors, Wines, Ale, Bear, i .... . . ... . . PITTS nrFFALOTIIRASIIISO REAPER. QITAIiCri3I01T- Ton. TrniT5EY?s nwen, -'- . Sfain Street. BrotTnrille ' . Kay. I7ifc I8-T4 loSiliraa f"i Jlpctln, of School Examiner. Notiea ia bere-j4f:;h that tli I.rJ f SrhoII Ezaciiaert cf Sewfc'a C'icsty, 5erak, wi,l lia'i at,r gj for .the .Examination if Teachers i tail Coacty, at the cCr ,rf E.,W. Tbctnai, ia lifMil.od tba IitSaterda? ia erery month, ktwn the hear af cn e aa i P. X, Apf lieanU ff eertilf r r!'aired to be yrril at one eVUk, pree'uefjfAr ttey vil! B't ha eiaji?J. wki ei f f Ti it m, 'Jir liflx. ' 0 H2 "VST" 4- - Br acier the Itrfl. ' . r - " - CIUllLES G. DORbEY . ATTOEITEY AT LAW A'ex Boot Ccrion' BarJu - - . . ilAIX STREET . 33 jTOXrxirii3. 2Jot3xxa.lxA TIPTON & HEWETT, C-Utontcns at alDf BROWNMLLE. NEBRASKA. " JAMES MEDFORD, 7 CABINET - MAKER - AND k ;, Corner Ccd and Main Streets, ' BKOVVXVXELE. S"- T li prtF" o do all kinds ef wjrk iabislict cn kort atk aci rajocabIa taras. I-doa - RESTAURANT OYSTER SALOON. WILLIAM ROSSELLr . . takes tills method cf iaforming tha pablie tbatke bsjOt cponediHaim street, between lit acd 2nd, BUOTTSTIIJLE, SECUASILA. a Restaurant and Oyster Sale oil - A!so,iCsfeetrcaaneat Canaei Fruit, Dr!eI Frit, Spices cf all kicd. Tea, Ccffee, Sagsr ToWm, Po4atae. mt Fatatoca aad terj thing aucallj kept in a reULa gtocerj stcre. -. X3iIEALS SERVED AT ALL nOCRS.J . FRESH OYSTERS- Pnotorrapa Gallery. For good pictures, rbotographs or - Ambrotypes. call at A. & M. Stafford's Roczbs abore the Post Office. We are prepared to do the best cf wort in the shortest possible tiipe, and on as reasonable tsnns as any inth6 West. Gire us a call. Examine our work. We insure satisfaction. TVe take all oru of picture?, Of eTery stjla of faces. - Both Pkatcgrapb ard Am.brqt jpea, In plain or fansj cases. i A. & M. STAFFORD. 21.l ; Prmrnn'ii ML 1 , AMERICAN HOUSED A Good Feed and LiTerjr Statile In connection with the Home. L , D, ROBINSON. .PROPRIETOR Front Street, between Main and Water. A EUR A SKA. 3ray,30th 1SG6. 1036 ly' ,r. GKU. A. PK1M K & 3d Varittita, wiih in tent Eoaso Tcnuto or iST" School Orgnns and Melodeons. rinishedln j. Elegrant RoscttooiT,' TTalnnt or . A o Charge for Bo ting or Shijing-.- ATT ILLFSTBATEI) CATALOOTJE, wi taial&ca firi l aearr tytioa of stjla. aa testimonial of tha xaoat eminent If luiclaos, aa to tbe ,uperir f xce-l-teoce ot car initroaieiit ca be'etea at tola Of flee - ' . ..... - t GEO. W HILL &'CO Bro"wnille NebraiJfg ... a.KH S3) srg i J. B. WELLS ; DEALER 15 .... i HRtEBs fliju mmi. Pen, cmalxa Connt y, Eebraska Mas jati reeeived s large aal well selected Stock cf DRCGS,MEDIC15E8,PAttTS, OILS, rAB- MSH, DYE STUFF, BRUSHES, . SPONGES. PANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, And eTerjthiafjcomiBonlj kept i a . ' - in First Class Drng Store, Cton-ri will find bis Stock eonij!te,wbieb-lie oJer for CASH at tha Tery lowest market prices Phyiei;s Prescriptions Coap&andei with tha atmtwtcare at a!! hmirf. " ' ; Jnt:ft 3 3 y.. ,;, , WANTED! Agent-, Uataani remafeattrS to per month, to sell the celebrated ' j ' " -; Coaxaoa 5aae Family Sneif Afacftia '' 1 r - ' IPBICB S1S.OO r Thi Vaehiae will do a 15 kinds of work eqnal to th Lifh priced llachine. aod it the Mil j prcts? : aod te liable tteap SmHtg 3)aebtA Va we worM. SECUUC CO, Chicago. 11U , cr ClerpiopJ, O. J rrtTKsf pal 03ca,3c 2 Carta Bs Pla CiWgo" CSS" I ' J AEW SCn?L LAW, SCEOOX. HOUSE XX ITT TEQJfl I1X.K OS UtCC 5 3S. Evt-rt loth" parcel of land which heretofore has. e'o. cr tereaft' r shall be apprtpritt for the use of ccramon htxjl in pis territory; on which thre has beef jhall b a ?chol house erected, ati jhich has ben cr shall be occupied FoiAbe purpose of ac ccramodatne a cot.ica school of what ever grade, in the "pal manner, from nrae to time, hower or bj whocaso ertr the legal title the same may be held and rested, shjl be and the fame is herebyxenict f roil sale cn any execa- tion, cr othr writ f crdr in the nature of an execatioa. aFPOISTMEST OrlcHOOt EXl15tBt 39. -It shall ie the duty cf the tounty coraraisfiocsa in theaeTeral coun ties of this territori to appoint a compe tent person resides in the county, .chool exarnicer. who sha holif his ofice tor the term cf two ytrsl and until his ac cessor is appointee and in case a vacan cy occurs in the olce of such school ex amine r by a refus) to aerTe. cr other wise, it shall be fled by like appoint ment by such boa j cf county commis sioners." ... . .. 1 - 40. It sballbe the duty "of such school vexaminer p famish each person examined by ; hit and found - qualified, wiih a certificate cf good moral charac ter, and 'that she'er he Is qualified . to r teach orthocrarh7. readinc, 'wnunsr. arT ithtrretic; gcgrapiy; and Englrsb gram mer. and in casetuch' person intends to ttach in any cucmon school of higher grade, be or she shall first cbtaio a cer tificate cf the Tefiisiie qudhflcations. in addition to the bncches aforesaid ; Pro vided, That -each person so applying' for a certificate shall pay to the examiner a fee cf one dollar, which fee shal be his compensation for making such examin ation, and co certificate of qutlificatien shall be railed in any countj, except that in which the examination tcok place, nor for a longer period than tnol years; and if at any time the receipt of the cer tificate shall be found incompttent - or negligent, the examiner may retoke.the same, and require such teachero be dis missea : cnrsi:a ieacner"snaircwen'ti lied to receive payment for ,semces only up to the time of such dismissal . , 41. Tbe said examiner si all keep a record of his proceedings niticg, the number and date of each certifrte. giv en, to whom, and for what tern of lime, and for what branches of study: It shall be the duty of the examiner tomtt each school district in his ! county at least once in'each year, ''counseling with fthbol u5i cert, visiting schools, and doirg all that he can'to bt-st advance thet -tufcrests of school in his-u uuiy. and to mae an ai nual report,,- ti or. before ihffith day cf N.reiwtrr u rach' jar. t ih'i rritriaL auditor ; "a ttfi if '-'iV:r:-r rn i m ntlrd t rc-'.:,. .-iiS? hi twu . for. tachd.i cial service ai i.-trc'-t.- n.c jpajtl vi tt i?. c -''-mi'V ?r-i..t tiot-r i u- ty d r r if i c ) u r. tv r i r p. i -i I Ckrk rtnv fou re thf uiy ;.n'.s Mrt4J to be-subitum Mid-tv a h. nbuu athaid clerk may adiyuiis-ertaiid file r -. - iU ilia LUCtj. . ' . . ' 1 : : 1 T2BRIT0RIAT, ACDITOa, . 42. .The books and pa peri 4 of the territorial auditor relating to ths c hool department shall be kept at the seat of trovernment," where a suitable olice shall be furnished by the territory, t which he thai! give attendance,; when cot ab sent on public .business., LJ . 43 As soon as the revenue, to be raised as hereinafter provided," for the purpose of fui nishibg the common schools with libraries and apparatus, ; will admit, it aball be the duty of the said auditor to purchase the same, and the books and ap paratus so purchased shall be distributed f through the clerk's office of each county, to the board cf education in eachprecinct. city cr incorporated, village, a.cccrding, to the enumefationOf schclars.( ,j : ' , 44T ''He shall also exercise such sa pernsicn over the educational funds cf the territory? as Hiay be necessary to I. cure; their safety;- and rifihi .epplicatfon and distribution accpnMng.4ta. law.". He hallLave power j to require of county clerks', precicct board of "education, or uher local' reboot t fficery. clerks,', and treasurers cf prenncts, county treasurers and clerks .recorders aud treasurers of cities and villages, copies ofall reports by thera Required to be made, and all such ether "information in relation to th funs apd condition of schools, and the management thereof, as he 'may deem important, i c . "J - . 45. . Ha bajl prescribe suitable forms apd regulation for,, making all reports and conducting all necessary proceedings Under this chapter.'and shall cause the same, with such instructions as he shall deem necessary and proper for the organ- izaiion ana government, or scnoois, to De transmuted to tbe local school lisbedV ' ' 4 -' $ 47. The territorial auditor. n thej annual report of- his labor and ohserva- i lions shall presen: a , statement of the 1 pond t son. and emoini,gf ell. fuudsabd properly appropriated, to the purpoeif j education ;' a statemeni cf the number of iransmmea tome local scnoot ctn:ers, wnn me ciert cr recorder of tuch cuy or tkal Oe, lime has arrived.when we should nouuceJ as a Juda. -pJI irrn f jr A who" shall be 'governed' in Accordance village, possess, the same powers and frvve pe&ff when tho bleeding arteries f dy' and .cheers . iuMhs i tv whea therewith.' - ? - ' - - - discharge the same.'duues within the lim-?X4iui.d be tied upq A "oice," New Or-jihr were twelve Apoiil.s.a;l wheo - 4f- Iball be the duty cf said au- its of their jurisdiction, as local dirtaor&f leao."Perhap if yau.had.a word or two! there .was a Chxii.nir"tp"-rVlvere J dilor la ntake'au annual- report in each J and boards of edscht'ion ia precinctk; 5- yu:ine subject of r Orleans vou mieht' Jjse. were "ifiefe 'tfbii-rrr f-Y,,,S and every ryear.u lfcejepilame aasein- : .o3...,Tte respective pcioct, boards loJeis sl : more about it thaajyou do. While ihVre ere "JodiVVs- tV'ft. were bly who shall cause ihe same to be pup ofleducaiion.'and ihur successors1 odi- i flaicraud cheers.1 if rou tyill ' a::brllveri: .-f-V.! 'a Is." ha T private or selct schoa's in the .-riL.y. so far as the sara? can be ascrtatn-d. and the number cf scholars v ndiu scch schoj!s. 'heir sex. and the branches uught; a'tat?mnt of. the fcauber cf scholars attending such schools, ta-ir sex, and the branches taught; a s:at-in-ui of the number of tenchrs. iostitq and the nnmbfr cf fachers att-cdinji -em ; a staim-nt of th esiimate and cco'JOt at the? inetidiiures of tbe cucli c tu- fucd cf every description ;. a stat. w plans for the management anJ i nprove ment cf comtnoa school ; "anl sa ttir information relative to th dd-tiiocaI intersts-of the rerrifry-as h cny think of iniponance. . . . TKaaiToaiai. scnooi. rcfn- 45.- For the purpose of alfdia the. advantage of a t ree edacatioa to all the white youth of this territory, ihe ter ritorial cqtpruon school fund shsti hereaf ter censfstti sach sum a will be produced by the annual levy and assessment of twu mills upon the dollar valuAiion ca the grand list cf the taxable prop frty of the territory, and thre is hereDy Ivied and assessed, annually, in addition to the revenues required for general purposes, the said two mills upon the dollar valua tion as aforesaid, and the amount, so Ie.v ied. an-i. assessed .shall be collected in tha same manaec as other territorial taxes, and when collected, shall be semi asnu ally distributed to the several orgtnixed t counties cf the territory, in proportion to the enumeration oi scholars, and be ap plied exclusively to the rupport cf cora- Lmon schools: Provided, That all colored persons axempt from taxation lor school purposes. -"- 1 - . 59. Ail fines' assessed" fcr "breach of the peual as of tha territory and all iortr iturea which may apcrue, ail lands and other estaies which shall , to the territory for the want cf heirs or kin dred entitled to the'mheritacce, all lands which have been or may hereaftar . ti granted to the territory when no ep-cial purpuse is expresaed in th grant, and all unclaimed fees. as provided by law, shall be denemtuated school .funds, the incorse'ef which, together with the taxes mentioned and specified ra thfa chapte?T shall be applied to the support cf common schools in . the several counties where collected ; and it shall be the duty of all clerks cf the distrtct courts, at "the close orTerynexTn"inereDrToreport"loQ s eoun'y treasurer and ccs-jtycierk of the county iu woich the court shall be held a statement of the amount of all fines ioi posed duringsaid term of court, which are by law appropriated to the support cf schools', and it shall be the duty of all justices of the peace, or qiher 1 magis trates, to r-part inmiwiiately ta the coan ty clerk and county; treasurer, upon im-po--ing fines which are by Uv appropria id tor school purpoa-s. the amount of said fines and ihf names vf ihe person vr rerciis against wntm tr-t? fiaea wre assC e(J : eua ihe cirrks o? the district oourtauii -juL--a t iLe. p.ticn ht!l uic r tn- r.i'ir.iv in u ; ii. I .?!- W'i'T' IHH OtU. - - - - . . kil-CELLAXEOUj rftai liiOS S. , 5 50. The debts wnicn have- b eu ticrr-tutore c-mtracted ty any school di ... e . ... .1 - . t ,i L ,ur sv.k-j. Vuiyt mi. q protr,, sct.ool tv;. d created under the provis- iftfs it u.i chapter. , . J '51. The prbciss, ins II suits against auy precinct board of education or othir it cat t tiicr, havicg charge of any of Lie public schccU uader the provision of th chapter, haU be by summons,' and shai be execuied by leaving a copy 'there jf wlih the clerk cr secretary of such board or other school cftker, at least ten days before the return day thereof. ' A&d any suit, either ia favor - of or- against, any such beard cr ether school cfacer, jshall be prosecuted or defeuded, as the . "case may be, by the. prosecuting attorney' of the proper county, as a part of his official dutiea. . .,,'.. i 5Q. Ths .local beard cf 'education, or other Iocaofncers . having charga of schools in any city, pracihev ,cr village, ia. which commoa schools hare beeoi or- aniied under any special, act' shall, be and are hereby ' authorized', . whsn iver ihey d.ay deeci,,it 'expedient' io calf a' meeuDg of thejqualifiedvoters of any uca cuy, precinct -or yiluge, on giving thiriy days'public potice ihereof, to "de terunue by yute .wheihejr "ihe,cotntBOQ rchpols of such city, preciuct or village shall "be conducted and managed in. ac cordance wuhthe. provision, ut this chap ter ; ajtd if a majority ot the ro;ers are found to "oe in favor of the change, 'then saidjpeal hoard or other' school oScers. shall thereafter proceed an: accordahca with the provision of- this-chapter, until J tnirsuccessors snair ce eiecteel and qual ified, and such.ciy.or riliigemay pfd vide. by ordinance for the election cr ap puiaimen cf a board of education,-prescribing their number and term, af cilice ; and such board when so elected ox: ap pointed and qualified, shall, together fee, shall have pwer taiaWV; and hold in irusi tor-tfe use and benefit uf any cen- iral ur hiffh scholar subdtrtrt schoul ra ihe precinct, aay gram 1 cr "devise, of tland And danation orb fqu-jior money or other pers.iil property, wie applied by 1 ew Ode ans accTtra the buird to the tatta'saiate aal -ipp?rtU?urre, it3--1mr- rh'schjol or schooU accjrdiar ( to the intention cf the grant or donation. - vYte'o no suidiatrict exists, the qualified voters of the tit 2 tea precioct shall elect a board cf teg cf three citixenac And ia tha same mm section twa of this chapter fur the !ect- ua cf school diraciora : cf Isaisaricts, and siU tcard aall hae all the pswe r and perfprmall the duttss both cf th board cf edccatioa and tha board of di rectors, 'until three subuistneta art organ ized ; and the- said board ct education sioc cf all deaf mutes and blind childern in the territory cf .Nebraska,- bttweea the ages of twelve and twenty -years.1 to the asylums cr schools of such state ct states, erected and established . for th? education of these class!, cpoa such terms a3 may seem to him just " i ' 56. Any application to the govern or for the relief of any such child, chall be accompajoed by a certificate, signed by the county commissioners cl tf,9pqn ty wherein such shild may teside. Cer tifying that such child is an actual resi dent of said cooa'.y, and that :saivl chili is entitled to the benefit. of the provisions of this ubjivijiont and that the parents cr guardian of such shild art enable ta defray 'the expends rccident to tha ei uranoo of snch chill, - which ceniScatt shall be filed in tha o;a ci.'ih) tsrrita rial auditor. . . ;. -,-. .57. Upon receiving a ceftiScata cf the county commissioners cf any county, that a child is entitled to relitf under the provisions of this subdivtsioa, it shall be tha duiy. cf the jroveaor to prcvida tran3 portauan far. snch child to some asylum or school for the education cf.such child, aYporrided ia this subJijis,:an, nd to see that such child is provided with c!oJY:g and such orher articles as may be ceces- sary, or reouired by the rul? ard regula- tiooj asytum ,or scaooi "tu wmca such child "may be seat., . . ' 5S- All expenses" incurred under the' provisions of th subdivision shall be paid out of the territorial treasury , cn tr.e warrants of the territorial, auditor . Provided That before any claim for such txpeusts shall be allowed by theauditor, such account or claiia shall be approved and certified as correct and just by the g'-'Veruor. -.-..' 59. It shall be the duty of the gov. I eruor to aubmit a repot t to each regular session el tr.e legislaturf, ol iae cumDer of such chvliern, of each kind separately wholurr received relief uaier.ihe ptw - visicmiof.ii.i. suWifUraa.-.aml also to vidian ot tni 5ubIuii:Qn,'. aud also to orhai -y turns or school iney have been ot anv sue ed acatkxi, consist- ferfi ch-eric, icA cr.?s cf "ty, a ue sans cay i will taJ mat ie at e j; "shall, whenever they may deera it neces- ? and ia thergisiritbn cf L-xt (i ivtra sary. esttbii&h suMUtruts, which shall ment thw intectisa "vcaia efrt-chiia be oraaird accsrdin ta tha previsions j one pera c! th? po;u!itx, cslln tit cf this chapter. . - . - j colored nepulauon, who , hid jiit btta DCCAT:cy or jnx 'niar asd cms isd emancipated, r.ixA at the sissttns tadit- - " Tax auxb. tfrascarsewhiia waa- Graat ch?rirj.J i - .v. When you be:a ttilx ' about 2eOt: oo. The pernor cf the urrriiory Lf ycJ ou;ht u wiil? cf .Nebraska n hereby authcrued and re- J L Jr,alki4 VThi:, quired to make an arranpm.nt and en- ..recchts that wrf etii. ter lata a contract wua taa prcpar au- . . FriJ .g. thoruiescf he sue ct .Vcr , Cc2Teuti2a t. rri ctuer s.ate, u rracticaote, ivc uie suiasa-t v i 0) it;h.U br ihe duty of the ter- . j im : j ! - ur t..luiuia a rfrori at . ,ku th irvn- i!i.:iirrt(l tin I .-.-:" - .: . Diiha. 0f .hi, .ubdiViiion. ' JOHNbO.N IN ST- LOUIS. ' ... . St. Locis, September 9. A corapli meutary banquet was given last nigh'.sl the Southern Hotel, to President Joha son and his " Cabinet, General Grant, Admiral Farragut, and' the 'diplomatic corps. , Svou alter being seated , a large crowd collected on Walnut street, and cailed " lustily " for the President. He answered their sumaions byV appearing on the portico, and delivered the follow ing address; 1'" '.': . x . Fellow "Citiaxss cr Sr. LcuiV: In being intrody'ced to you to night. It is not for the purpose of making a speech'. It 13 true.' 1 am proud to meet so many of my rellow-ciiixens here on : this occa sion," and ' tinder vthe lavcrabfe cireum stances that I 'do: CVy How about cur British subjerts?' We will attend io"Juha Ball after a while sa far as ;rbac Vsjccncerned.; ; Jt-aughi er, and loud Ifreerf .'J" t harejoai stated that I . am uot here1 for tbe" purpose cf alaa sptrtth, but af t r V ,ug mtruTuced ,sxm ply to trader .Bry.oi dial tha cks fcr the wel caae tharyoM haa given -to oe ixvyou? lu.dst, A jTQice rtea ."tho-isacd wel-. C4,ue., Hurtahs'acd. cheer. Tfcafck you. sir.1 ' I wi!h u Ktg in ny power to audress youunder favorablecjrcaastaa ces, upcCT seme; cf the question that ag nate acd disirart the pubiia mind ques tions waich have grown .out . of - a tery ordeaj -hat we hsye jast pawed through, ana which, I think, as important as this we have just p-ssed by. - Tha time has come wtien tt seems to ra that ail oc jht tu be prepared fur. peace, the rebellion btiug aurptessed." and the sheddioe cf blica beiug stopped, the sacrifice cf Lfe uciij ajj,TMur qi -sayea, 11 seems Mck,.crjsfor ewartJ, .if you will grj! ujcn uj asceriaia the cause of . the riot au.rVew.Orieaus.Derhaps vzn would not te so'proinpi id calling ouV"X'e'w Of-' 1 ie;uus. u you wiuia"e 'up trace tt ' thi tlooi that h-i; tbrte. Tnea if ya will take Bp the riot- at "riew Orlsiis, and trace it tarfc-to tu RaJic-Al Cccrtss If yua wUl 7--. 1:1 their caocusea.yoa w.ii zzitrs'rzi v,. t they thea kciw chers that a Ccc?a tioa wasvtab"caiiil. which txticct, by its porr-x hiTirg expired ; that it was atd, aci th4 iaieztica was, that ft new (jorerssiTns'ti la cr-ixH, will think teatspeechs were ends ia cenuufy'tn.lhirrcharaaer, excitir; thai poTUon of the pcpsUuoa tha'Slaik pept ulatioo to ana' thenlvei aid prspir for the sheJiisg cf ki. A"vw:cer that's so. and cheers.1 Qi nul als fiud that that Convention id ;1 in violation of law. and the in:3ci c! that C:uv"Btioa'wjs ta xurnc recognized authoritiai ia'tks S:r.d Gjt; ernmeai cf Louisiana, which h'xi b :3 reorianiied by tht - GoTtvzrzzzt -tf latteA. States, aslT-ry r. ia lhat rbellioa ia thu CcaT? wiih thai iate&UcA'cf r:p3rceedicj til sfi turningtha civil 'gore ramht v?V had been recbnixsi by tht Governsat ci ths Ucke4 States, I say ht war a lijt-cr- to tha Cocstiutisa cf tht tfaitVi utes, chsirs, aaihezirs fbi that anotaer rebellion wv cccinesssijiavia j its origin ia the Radical Cciesa. r Thss tata wera ti.gx "ihsraVT A gcv? emmect was ta ba crgmix d, cd tha cu9 in txiitence ia Lcuitiaaa. vtaj fc ti suspended, S2t asiia aai CTerihrTx You may talk to me abect 2f W OrUarsj and then the q-itstisa" wiiHiV'c: 3 when they had es:.blihed their Gcven ment-r-a cjueitioa cf political prwur which cf the GoTerrrr.ea'.s w jto be rtc cguued. A nswGuTercmat,4i2U? atrd ua ler this difufcct Cotivic ;a, aal t mo ia vi ltti ot AA.'wiihju'i the will of ih iia- .liien,j.thta they had establish i 'taVir -"G ?ver.V;u a, aud extended. umveral, or ...warusj, fran chise as they calKd u, ': 1 ih' cjlorei population, thea its . Hx4iC t ,CJiJ,retf vui9 determine that - a U wttrnait established oa negro Yjtes warty bs th Govteraaint .cf,tLouisua4'; yyit-ry "Never," and cbiearav aad isarrah fsr Andyr" So much cf th.'fivy; "Qrieaas rio, and thre .'was.lhi iC4Uj aid tha erigm of the blooi than wat 'shH, aal a erI IC? Q l M A v hhei,p; ?,.V,3r ??F "v Leers- . Im V thiaj every drop 0; buodthat wai shd js upoa a' lithe closer, but I wiU c?t" ? h her to-night; but vhe.a yaj uU-aVut ISs Orlesu?,and talk, atoiV ih'i: aai j cu6equencs that rerjhei ?jTfrcceed J JigVct, that k''th'ipjVisI.bije beea swodahre, and you have rrrca4 i v; u trs , K' iis v iuia ii.u. u.jJa a tt diss est rcaV'Mii jne.M'.VktU tell you a fetr-whoU soma thi ags thai- har-bcca;lca3 by th:a Radical Congrs.- Cheers. J la coa cectica with iJw O.Uaas aci .tha ex tenticn cf tha elective franchise. i IZnzs thi VI have been;'tfiiusel;tt;4'ib-is3i, I know it has come jaVfaace cf rq here, as it has elsewhere, thit I Y" attehip'.ed tj exercise an arbitrary p ia resisting law ihit vrere be farcedjipajhe Govercmeat. :h aa3 cries or,,h"ear.TTJ'Ye3, thu I I exercised thevto pow?r "IJ!:? I Ihjt elected e. end. thaj.IjTji a trail. 1 cr fcheersT becaujeT exercised th .9 TStJ power in atteinptin ani'iiii arrest Ho? a time.a bill that wa. cUra!Free4 9 - v dun s Uureao ; iilL ; Qweri. J Yes, thai I was &- traitor; and I -har been I, traduced,. 1 have been, slander? J, lb, been maligned, I have beea calleul Judi lscariot; and all. that: :Ni.T,'Thj co-;n tiymea. here to nighi it is Very 'easy t.i Udu)g in epitht3 iatTsry easy u cal a ipsa Jl'J 11 and cry cat, tracer, but, whefl'he ij called upsn'to give arjaraea'.a "and facujie ii very cfua fouaJ'itaaurg. Judas Iscarict. Jcdas ! ThsrV fAs a Ju das ccca, cae cf the twalT Apcstles. Ob, yes, the twelve Apwtles had a Christ A Toice, Vacd a loaeitao. Greax laughter. The twelve Apcstlea h4 a Chrisi, aaa He csvef cocli Eive hsi Juits unless be had" twelo: Arostlff, If I . have played the Judajjt-rha has been my Christ that I harr played hft Ju4a with! -Wm it Jha'd. SieTens?, Te it Wendell Philips ?AVa it Charts Sum ner? Hisses' and - cheer? 'Are thsa th uxea ihat wt up aaiqjapir ti t -stlvea trith tb Safar f. .ad every body that drtfer wnh th-u inopiuioa, rid that tr? i itiv .- trp.' i1,. J . - - J - J - 1 . .lift! Ul boricaTanJ fi-Iaruiu t- I cvViYvi b- de and eliL deredar.d I roujhf.H.f:'. h. For' tias ltd. anr preferred : ' 1 - 1 . cri! will fiad cut vthaxs r p jasu.'s f.-r ser as proviieJ in was substantial. y cy ,c2rr23. ! croans 10