Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 20, 1866, Image 3

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    Cask ld, kiortjrarts, Lxty lions, ltrtlevms,
turiajw Lieaosa.Ae. Ae. Aa. for sale at this fi:e.
XI IL J. 8. WII.LIA118. vnts the autb
94 Agwat In St. Lcua fr this paper, will stttod ta
easkicg aaSlecUoas and perchsses Id tfcat City. CJ"U
Cata.t Strttt, !f. C car. ei a, .
'- Anttierircd Apcnts for Prince & Co.
CLO. W. II ILL CO, ara tLeauthorliad Ag'cnte
la Jfttanaaa Cvutty for Um. A. IVmce A (Ve eele-4-al
Ceiiaat Organs, i!a'.o4oont, tto. Furpriee,
Ae,etll at lb AJriiT
JUtlCtS'-BlailkS for tale at thit
g,) ciwl Nn. 1 Oak Fence
To.u (or a!e by A. W MURUAN
IIcCrCCrTt hat J largest clock of
Wall 1'iprr, Snuoi.ery, lilitik Books,
ce., erer fought to tbi tnarke , tet
tyle eod kind, and the luwest prices ever
brard cf in ibis seciioo.
fchool House and Lot in Uotk 14 io
Iirobf ille. Mill bo o'd on Saturday, the
2ad day of 5ejtftaber, 16GG, to the
J.iht Ivdder.
Gran baa out-Hanked all opposition in
b Bt and Sbvif Jine. His oew stock
jwf.d. go atid tee ihrm ererybody. His
r.jltf U io keep only the best and his
font is to aelt th-iii rhep Try him !
The extent and variety of Goods at
Alkmivn & Ci' ii iruly astouUhiog,
(j1 ui e and yoj will purde, as
all t.U to i:,iltd iu feuits at reabonable
A few frt riiipty UaneM tor I
Tbe Ltnuretn Univertal StfTiatjcby
Mrs. K-u, a.ajuncc.1 fur It Fruay, d.d nui cu.'ue .fl bcuSH ot tie
D1L F. II. IUlIERrWsor
J i$tatt of the Lyt Vtuld,rf et'ii"
If aji: ounce to the uum.aof Brt'wnville
u J f'Cifnty that he ma bf tound tt the
IkuljV.ll" Jiloj-e until the 15th of Uc-a-Uf,
maI can te 1 1 uaulv d o:i all dist-CM
pi ihe'Ky. 'Iht- D;. ii.iuri- cures in ail
ca cutuin undt-r direct irr;uuun
51 if
Te4egufh communication is established
liwen this city and Ruto. Richardson
cauDty. Neb., the Western Union Tele
graph Company Laving opened an oflice
,on their liue at the latter place Tuesday,
Sept. lS:h. This will be a great help io
the commercial interests of Rulo, and to
Kithsrdfon county, for which it is the
nttural cutlet on the river.
DlCd 1 S' J'ph. on Motiday,
S f ttn.l.. r ID h lbCG at 3 ' lo-k,
J i ii A Shll. ni-d btit 35 year,
.i.-iuijw if Jbi.s uf Andrew
Mr. ma!l ua for eeral yar a res
iJtntif this city, hi gentlemanly cotj-
.uct. integrity and honesty mnkinj him
rnaay warm friends to regret his sudden
death. He leaves a wife and two child
ren to mourn, but not alone, as the yni
Jtthy cf this community is with them in
.their bereavement
The Annua! meeting of the Nmaha
Coun y Bible Society will be held at the
Prbyteriau Church, on Saturday even
in; nit. a; 7 o'clock, p. m. A full at-
endecce i urgently reiuetcd.
. By order Fx. Com.
Quiu a lutlo row occurred in front of
Worthing's Saloon last Saturday. Great
.was the noise for a space ; aud imagjusry
lion a rained thick and feu. Casualties
or;e felljw 'huted' nearly out ot his bots
by Bra. Uoger. and no fines collected by
4tbe ci'j !
Anethtr drove ci f.iir-s ven t ai-n it;
.tbeep patted through ihu ci.y to the taru
cf CL Furnas, last week. They ate
.ne look;u animal, and a great addition
to the fiue-baired atock of Nebraska.
.Hon. T. W. Tipton has been on the
-move ever amce the Union Republican
CcimVaiicns ,hv been made, making
rptcbes above the Flatte. at Piaiuu.outii,
anJ ia-t Satuiday he odjrf . d a large'
.crotitd cf the citizens cf RicLrd?ctj co ,
at halem.
He started, lat Tue?day. alter RaJ.
stock and Lockwood, who, under tcitt
a&Louncemtnis to speak north uf I'Utte,
IulS; away to Johnson, Gage and Paw.
. nee counties. Tiptcn is on the war path,
.atd will roaka the fur fly from these
.ci'a paws and exhibit ia their true light
their work cf hauling out the pea-nuts
-fer traitors.
Marsh Jc.Co , have just received a full
jtt ci L'atalojue from the Period ical
ud IJviul publishers of the United States
ti.J art; low j r pared tu furuih any and
''ry bi.l dt-nred at the Pubiiter'a
.)tt cath jrite. Call in ai,d Itrav. .
.)r older. They aho r etive eubsciip-
.'t'sfor all the leading Newspapers and
H'Sitiaci niU putluhcr'i prices.
'At Cc2:etr.acgh, - Pa., ca-,-the:14th,-mr
'the Presidential party stepped for 'short,
time, the citizens crowded to: upon a
bridge cloe" by m to cau,se'ii to break
down, precipiistin cter pePv"S a
flutance of 20 feet. Six reported killed
and over one hundred wounded.
Qujte a snow storm occurred at Golden
City, Colorado, onrihe 83i?' -r; ;(! .
P-Iuch excitement i$ now manifest in
Canada over the reported concentration
ot Fenians at Ogdensburg, and threats
have been made by Canadians of invad
ing the U. jted Slates if this is not stop
ped by our Government. The Fenians
are up to something, what . that is, it is
impossible to ' tell, at present. A war
with Great Britain is not to be desired
just now, yet, cpme ;wbat raty, we hope
Oir Government will act consistent to the
tpint of universal liberty.'
The Ladies Friend, for October, it
before us. replete with excellent raiding
matter and the very latest faahiqn,s.
Every department of domestic affairs is
ably treated in tbe Friend, which every
family hould have and can gel by en
do ing 2 50 toDracan &. Peterson. 319
Waluut street, Philadelphia
Rain ! Rain ! ! Rain !!! . Since Inst
isjue we have seen the sun but once up
to to-day. Nothiog- but dark, leaden,
vapory, clouds, which drip, drip, all day,
and occasionally pore. This is not natural
for Nebraska, therefor our impatience
at it. To-day the sun is trying to shine,
but succeeding poorly. , :
W. M. C. Perkins and Mr. Stafford
have associated themselves together- in
the Photograph Art. and are now re.nod
tling the Liht, wtyct). with other new
urranfiitents, will muke ih-ir Gallery
over th' P i Offic y.hjr ii?srd jn the
went. ,!ju u'e.-ti" Pictures ran
u c Hitu atii ;u any iyl kuovyu ti-,:
- XCW btore.- M- lln.deron &
Sou Lave just i..ei-e.d dj n ntw ad
rpiet.did at c of Diy Govids in-ihir
new i-torfc rvcui ' door ve?t of this
crfice on latu rtreet. Their Mock com
i ne the st urticlea in b nh depart
nihiits. !nd they are prtpned to sell them
radars Awar.
How cfifn we tee men and wemeu
wl.o are fajrly lading out of existence.
They seem to Laye pp special diseaser,
but general lassitude and languor; no
ambition, no energy, indigestion, weak'
nessf total inability nd reli&h fd.
&c, &.C., all cf which is nothing but
Coe's Dyspepsia Cure will surely cure
every such case, no matter how long stan
ding. It is also a most excellent remedy
for cholera morbus, cramp or cojic, jn
either Ston.Mch or JJowels. Wo adfise
all tnVrmg to try it.
Every day bfTords new nroofs of the
peculiHr effect of Rol-ack's Stomach Bit
tert- in cae a ducf.dered condition
ot the etcutrtti, liver and bowels, is com
lined wi h great debility, nervous wepk
ne?s, and inten?e melancholy, there can
be no d ubt but it is jure panacea.
E B. Taylor. leader of the late John
son Convention at PJattsmouth, has just
reached hom' from Washington with the
rank of Brigadier General. Andy is
determined to save th& country.
Mr. Seeman, of the Cincinnati Cloth'
iu? House, has just returned with a new
and eplendjd. stock of Clothing-, Boots,
Shoes, Gent's Furnishing Goods, etc. As
bVaaya, 'if he can't suit everybody now
in both goods and prices he never can."
We think he can. VftjP in and giva him
a trial.. .. .
In the pat Swan & Bro., hae ffiven
min-nt satisfaction in th-ir line ns Fam
ily (Jrocr ; in the ppntt thf ffvP
ih' cratt'yii'fr HrHira iliat thy kap
ihrt VHfy l"-!"' i'i ijv': yl ; nid tn hf
fuuir- it; ay .-) vt uith t.
Th- 0:uil ' :illj U t$
of ih1 hVJi ! that. rAm? to u
in excb'tT' ; a t 1 tri tifHtn,b i cnlleo
by none wi- ever aw. Mnj Btlco.-iibe.
its editar ai d proprietor ht the "vitn ;''
nifn'aUy wnd yfcuniirily; to niAV things
move ripht, atl he 'oes it.
We receive ia 1 excha-ige the Daily
Sifaiesmdn, published ' at Nebraska City
by t!ii H-irvvy Brothers. It ja a neat
six column papr, th largest daily pub
JiUhed in that city.
Remcrnber Geo W Hill & Co., are
Agents foj-jGe.o. A. Prince & Coa Pat
ent Automatic .Organ, price 110 to S500
Patent School Ofgacs.Pr'ice 100 to $375
Patent Melodeons, Piano Case.price 52
to S300.
. LEdjlL jYOTICE. :
E.D. A lien, a non-res dent, and tbe unknown
heirs of E 1) Allen, will take notice that Richard
E ('ase, will apply by motion, at th next term of
the iMnrict C urt. to bo b ld n in and for Nemaha
Cos ty on th 24th of epHttbcr 186, at Brown
VLil,l r an i tdT f Ibeci urt di rating ihe Gierk
V supply and make op a e tect rcc-rdf in a cer
tain dune, heretofore. r.(lu:g. wb rein R. E.
Cae was piaii.tiff and E I) A Urn was deiendaut.
aio, thai the shentf supp'y k't execution in
said ca.Mj, and be disced to eiecute ta said R.E.
Case, a deed to Clock three, in North Brownviila,
ia nil CVraaty, 4Ul TM RICIUBD S. CAJB,
Great Ezcitexnent, j
...f I,OrafcVae)ui.aI Eatata A Goods !
Tickets selling very Fast.
tJuparallellecL Success ! ! I
EvtJLyhody Anxious For A Chance!!
Splendid Ust of Premiums to be
distributed Gratis to tbe Hold
crs oftbe Tickets Tor tbe
1 "f retniut fa O rer cbaoki . .. . . ', $50,001
I premium a rioasa,')d"'Lor, rit uatei i6a
Marrj iliil. Kew York, wh all tbe mod
era iupr(.TmecU': uttti perfect aod guar
actecd. 1 f 40,000
I prtmiom, a Frnl titoateJ i t lloiii ey, Rock
Uo4 Co., New Ywtk , I hoars f rum New
York , l6 tinni wtk trJaf the itation,
eonUining 70 acres, 500 frait tearinjj
trees, applet ,pean, aid cherries. 8 acres
of large timber, balance io gras and crops .
fxd leuoes, lare fpricgtf, ' ioppljlnf a "
Da(nificent fih pond and arpieodid troat
iug brook, running across tbe whole prop
erty , filled with fine trout, god dwellitg .
bouse, 10 rooms,! large barn, shedapd.
h,$j loft, 1 granary and carriage bousa '
lvver fioor fitted up and occupied by farm- ,
ef. hen coop, pig- pet , corn crib, farm im
plements, carriage, wagon,3 horses ,2 oxen
, d cows, pigs, chickens, de Ac; tiUe per
fect and guaranteed. 30,000
1 premium ia greenbacks, 10 000
10 " Pianos. (Stein way's and C bickerings 5,000
40 ewtBg Macbjnes.( Wheeler a. un
ion 'Grover A Bakers and Singers) "
20 premiams Gold, American, Tatent Lever
Iiuntiae Case wotches.
50 premiums, Silrer Patent Lever Uantlng
Uase Watches,
The balnnra tn ba of Diamnn.1 Rlnin.Al
- o - y j
bums, Musical Instrn men t' Bilk Di esses of ,
tbe latest fashionable patterns, Kid Glores,
Writing Cases, Silier Ye Setts , and other
.Valnablo articles too nutnrro'gj 4 mention, ,9,100
' 'i ; i. ; ''Tn , I 'J i 1:1 J",
One Premiuvi'io'iacft purchaser of Ticket
Will lake place on
TVXoxiciy IVT.jrpJx 4 1C07
At tno ive eib AasemDiy ltooms.New x'or,
At Tbicb time and place the
Ticket Holders Will appoint
a Committee of.lwlntcr
estert parties to distrib
ute o:jc hundred and
liftli thousand dol
- ' lamtTolth ol val- ; -uable
i ; ix v. aecrin u
No Posi nonement to. lake phif,e on
' arm tonsilerdtioH '-
Each Ticket lloid ' um s ill ba duly regi
tered, an 1 should the prtis cot bo ub!o tj attnd
the distribution, they bo informed by mail of
tbaJgtft tbefcjtentitlad(.t :. '
5 Tickets to one address for
10 3'iakols'to one f litres Tor";
20 Tickets to ono address for
20 Tickets to one adirsss for
40 Tickets to one sdirefe for
- bt Tickets to ouo address for
- $4,50
- 9.00
- 17,30
- 35,00
- r r '43.o0
- S5.00
100 Tickets to one address for
In every case, send tbe natne of each .ubfcrib'er
lb tbeir Post Office address, with the Town,
County nd State, in fol'. Money by 6 tart, P. O.
order, Express,0'' in Registered Letters, may be
sent at our risk.' , " '
AGENTS actlre and rdW gn wanted in
every town oftbe Union, wltti O"0i liberal ar
rangements will be made. Ladies are ..nvited to
form clubs and send for tickets, for all the propC.
Wjld ba as usetui to mem as tne geouexueo. "
'". The best reforences will ba furnished on appli
cation. All persoms wishing tiokets or informa
tion will please aaJress, with full name , County,
plainly wxitiea to . i J J. ADAMS,
Manager and Agent,
- ; ; 64 Nasaja btreet, New York
' j I " -r 1
What the Tress say of us
, - ..
''It bears on its fsce tbe stamp of an honest jbu
einep transaction , and we doubt not that the list
patrons will speedily reaoh the number required
to secure an early distribution, J?a(on (Pa.)
Jovznaf, Au-usf, Jl 1899.
"The plan i a pmd one, and the inducements
unequalled No diftribution guarantees more ge
nial sattefaction than this one, and it is no wonder
the prnpla patronise it. Zri7(N. Y )Adtrti
er, Aug. 2 1896.
"The proprietors of a Great Matinee in New
Yrk 'ity , premise eash and oiier inducements
enough to set every body crasy after a ticket for
fortune. Everybody, of couie, cannot win, but
somebedr must, and the lucky one will make a for
tune. Corunna (Mich.) American. Aug. 3 1863.
"We are pot partial to so called Gift Enterprises,
because many of them are gotten up on false or
fallacious speculations ; but when. as in the pres
ent instance, the re ar j ears a round basis, and when
tba character of tbe parties engaged, and tbe descrip
tion of prize preicnt satisfactory inducement to tbe
public, we caunat reruoe to wih the distribution full
success. Wtrrtn (Ohia) Constitution.
If we can add to tbom a bonus of $60,000, or a nice
bonne or (arm, hofs barmpd by tbe expenditure. A
(ortnne fn a night I worth risking tne stamps ror.
Mijiinburg Telegraph." -
: "FJnt Heart never wen fair ladr,' and a lucky nil
will set a man up in tbe world. This i ffte consider
atioa that Induce people to "try tbeir luck" and we
hope tbe "b est man may win," fTbe enterprise appears
sou2 and promises strict integrity of distribution nn- ,
der Ite supervision of a chosen committee. fifty of
AppMoe (Wis.) Crttcent. Aug. It, 1866. ,
Sept 12 6ms ' - ' ; "
fet'CCES-ORS TO RalET & CO 1
. ... :w ....
Respfriftlly inform the Citizens of the
Cty and County that thty are in receipt qj
ft lare and complete asaoriment of
Lad ie.'s Dress God d s,
t . . "...
ESl OSESjE2.,,2" y
Wilh an endless variety of
- -
Together jviih te Largest Stock of
Custom Made
Ever brought to this City H of which
was purchased prior to the late advance
in gold, which enables us to offer supe-
rir.endacements to those desircu? of pur
jthasing. We also; keep oa hand a frejji
Block of
' -'-And a good a?aortment of
'. ' - . . . t . ii . .,
Ksmember tbe Place j Main Slrest, Oat Door
above the Pto5cf ErowaTille, Nebraska.
' fi-lO-lly ia,ca' '
mnw .lips
r- '
Notice is tereby give! tLat application las bean
made to'iba Probata Cott of Nomaa Uauty foJ
tbe appointment of as Jioinirtrator ot tba Estate
of iSamuel Rosa d!ec asedt All persons interested tn
aaid Estate, ara requireio appear before said court
oa iSatarday tba 2Stb optcmber, 1666, when said
applicatioa will ta for faring.' '
49-3t 3,cQ ' j 7 Probata J ad ga
James McCoy, will Ukvnotice that Martha Mc
Coy, as complainant fea-Cled ter petition in han
eory in the District Coal of Nemaha Goenty, Ne
braska Terrlfbry, agalen him aa respondent, tba
objoct and prayer of wbi) U to tbUin & decree di
vorcing her from tba lid raiponde&t, from tha
bonds cf matrimony, dreeing her alimony, and
giving to ber the custod Jof ber iafact child
Said respondent is hird to answer by tha
15th day of September, 153
47-at 4,5B 1 MAKltU KCUUI
Notice is hereby riven! that Monday, tba IStb.
day of March A. D. ISf, ia act fof tho hearing
and paying of claims a prist tba Estate of William
II. Hill, deceased, at the frobata Court room io
Browcjillfi Nemaha Coaty , Nebraska Territory
all persons having elaimgainst aaid Estate, will
file tbera in the office of fce Probata Judge of fa d
County, on or before thai day, or .they will ba fox
ever barred from pay mei.
, - UbUiW.AIKBKU.U&tt,
47 4 pd 4,50: I . : Pn bata Judgo.
"" Choice. Thrifty. '
Osage Orange' Plants,
NuasrxT. 2 1-2 niles west of Brown
ville, Nebraska. j
Also: Orders talen for making Osacr
OaAifcs Fmcys, viich will, be done ia
the very best style and warranted.
Our charges' for-bui(ling Hedge Fences, and
tending nntil they are a perfect fence are as fol
lows: ; - i - '
90 cts.per Rod, arotnd a, 160 acre tract.
: so : .
S1.25 ;
i? ii A 3 T B H S3 R S .
" Drownvlllc, Kebraskn.
Will the contracts tr BrK kluyine, Plastering,
building fi.terns, ana d" anything in their line
in tbe most satirctory ana worsmanim
Aor.30.l8f8. x-47-ly
(Successors t; Melinehlin Siwan )
Nemaha Valley Bank Building.
Werf spcctfally announce to the.
Public th ttthey "hayeupwiu store, a
New aud Large Stock of
To wbipb tfrey jnyite the attentior
of purchasers.
YV crvvrLimND tub bpjst
Teas. Ulo and Jara Cof-
fet, Pure Ci2er Yluegcr and Coal
Oil at ... -L- .
Canned Fruits in great variety and
of the heat quality ; Catsup, pieklcs.
Oysters. Sardi nes9 Utams, rencti
Mustard, Worcestershire Sauce and
Western Reserve Cheeseat
Sn-m and Brother, desire to call
particular attention to their large
and varied Stock of
Tobacco; consisttng of Natural Leaf
and Nectarine and other favorite brands
of Plug Tobacco and best qualities of
Fine cut aid Smoking Tobacco.
Wrought and Cut Nails, of aji j?e
Spades, Shovels. Brooms.Sewing Twine
and Scoop Shovels at
Tne fllgtiest price paid Tor Batter,
pgsf, and country produce at
. . . ...
vuuoiuti juui sutciot ujr e i.a Rim
ing Swan & Bro's. Goods and prices
before Luvins elsewhere.
mf .
i n 4 i
v-iu-u-t ty.
2- lis
. , jf o
'- t
b c - S3? h ;V r. Y
! ; ' 3 s 1
?r25g, Ui 1hU
gM?s&3 III
H c22 a j !
M 5 rW B Bat 33 &" : t-na - . r-rs
rs- rs .
I JiL :
1 !! hiflUv !
Vd) U U D :
V W .
..i J
Ol Saint
u 2 1 DISEASE OF TEE : ; ' '
11 VI
AMT, :H.iyiJBJ'G, ; fEEO
3 ft
t i . . I v
DR' BORT bas,.ly fpecial request, consent to visuit tha followisj aceai,at
which' times he x:aa be consulted on all disease cf the .
Eye'EarX'unij Heart Throat Catarrli and Deafness
? W111 be In BrownTllIe, t tne Broirnillle nonse, Vfxdnejdey atd
'-.. l Thursday,
j ; ver twelyiq hundred persons have
beeii-7;:puccessfully by EDr.
BQ.IET wrthin the
Consultation and Examination. Free . ,r :
'ZM 'ot Catarrh. :.of, crs
:Standin. :-. .......
With pf easara t can receommend Dr.tO&f to taoia
aQictad, as I bars bean arrtat suffurer with dlscasa
called CaUrrh for many years, and (or threa montns
prtrloas to applying to Dr. BOBT, I could not sleep at
aignt; t waa m esqcq dtstrvssed. as soon as ( com
me nee 3 treatment with Dr. BOHt r begs a lmproTing
aad at tLla time feet entirely free from tba disease.
1 bare, previona to applying to Dr. BOBT, andeavored
to obtain relief i Tom every knows oonrte. Those af
flicted tn those ways would do wall ta consnlt Dr Bort
at once' .' TTM,
Bteamtroat CMn Bmlder.
Ko. 98 Leree Street, St. Louts.
Reference and names oi medical gentelmen and oth
ers who hare been Intimately acquainted with D.
BORT, aad wiw take partlca iar pleaura in recom
mending blm to the patronage of the publio as a gen
tleman worthy of every confldeuto, andsargcanin
wboe judgement and skill they all rely I
Valentine at . D.. L. U V.t fc'ew Tor."
J. B. rrsnciK.-Jt D ',L lHi
JoUhN Wood M O.,
A. L.Clark. M. D.
J. B. Crne. M. D ,
H. i Cbnrcb. If. D.
I. D Ki-gers, E. D.,
K S Riikrr. M D. .
Dr. Kttt, WleiUentof tha Union college of Schenc
tady. New Tork. - ' .
G P. ParUh, m. D'., Kew Tork.' r
r. B. CasoM D - " '
A S' Heslie. Surgical Tnstrnment Manufactnreer,5t.
Jnhux Um Turk .......
Stephen Alexander D D college of New Jersey.
JoEnMcLaneDD " . - "
tjman' Atwuer, D.D. "
James C. Moffat, T. D.,' "
B. uusgrava, u. m. , r -f- - - , ,
fL.ri. L. A. Chandler. BockWay l k ? , ! r
juckc R ibesen, ueiTiasra,
P. B. Kennedy , Esq.
n.' Kyinitton, M. D.'
Brij . Deputy. Esq..
ley. Wm. Kirk,
rr j." Oaburn.
Chief Justice Wherpley, iCorristowt,
Hon 'Jacob Vannetta,
Hon. Theodore Little t
James S. Dicljepson, Esq'. Chester :
Rev. t. Stoutenburg '" ;
Re J. Brewster '
RevG. H. Keer.L Lp.TItlea New Tork, femerly
reslpent Agricaltural Csllftse. . -
.o .'-CER.TlFCATl
A tew of tha many recent voluntary testimonials
of enras from persons well and favorably kown.wbo
r nave been cured by Vr. Bort (aad that tap or the most
recent datel.AUboui?B navin? mioy
LlsssaVsloava fe only is here snwwuea :
, ST. LOTJI8 Mo June 15th 18W.
1 have teen leaf In on Mr f ot Arty years, occasion
ed by Scarlet Fevsr of Canker-rash, and in the ether
ear thlrtyyears, caused by lever sad taking quinine.
v.riuh.uxH n areat thai I -ould with difficulty,
I .. .... j .n..,nH!i 7 impossible for me to
hear common conversation. M'7 deafness wos accom
t?ahi!T!l by a constant discharge frora .the ear ; al?o a
contzansns roaring and hissing In wr ears. Three
raootus since I pat my self under Dr :ort'a eare. al-
hear a. vUf 1. M . johnston. 4 "
- ronrteenth Street. St. Loola Mo.
Mr Johnston was formefiy' tf&ulesala Grocer on
Twenty two years bavet suffered fypm m tsot dls
tressing disease of the Eye and tyf er. -' ? B7
........ . .i.i.kj Hiffprent tobrilcuns caring s that
in..;hA..i ..n.flt I called oil Dr Bort, and ta
six weeks, without anv operation rn pry ISye.?.
tlrely cure me. I reside in Jrsyvllle. Ifllnoli
St Louis, Mo, June lih IS6.
DR. BORT Der Sir I have heaa Mind afid haln
less for the last eleven yoars, being led most every
where, i aava been nearly as bad for tbe p aixJ
year, suffering far more than tongue can tell. Now
y eyea are aa wall, and yon have, thank God. cored
me. Aud, if Uiia plain statement can be the means
oftelving relief to any poor sufferer, jon may publish
I have been afflcted with terafuloM Sora ryes ever
since I can remember, and have endeavared to obtain
relief from every known source and anally, as a last
resource, I concluded to place myself under tbe charge
of Dr Bort, who cured my eyes In six weeks.
St. Lois Mo.
ALTON, ILLS. ACgW llth 1365.
DR. BORT Dear Sir t I nave taktn your remd!
and followed your directors Tor a CaiarrLod D a'ness
with which I have so long been afflict.d fl3 yearn),
lis happy to atate to you that I am entirely cured,
and cany tha tike to you for tha skill you bestowed in
ray ea&o '
I am nr dear sir,your obedient friend and well wisher
M. D. BRYANT. Altcn Illinois."
I have been suffering from a Catarrhal Jffectin of
tha l ungs for two years, so murh so l wasbad fast for
three msnths. Bid constant cugh, aad expectota
ting a thick, yellowish matter " I had previous to ap
plying to Dr. Bort, endeavored tor; obtain relief from
every known source, and all to no avail until I took
t feathledt from Dr. Bort who cured ma in alx weeks
treatment. C. P, COLLAW.
. -. No 11 Fourteenth street, St Louis
Oa hand al Blorc Boons,
He bag, ajti wilt cocsiinUj keep oa banl, a eomplata as?ortosent of Dry Goods, Grcceriet, Boot! aal
Shoes, Bats and Caps, Cutlery, Glassware, Qnaensware, Hardware. Crockery Ware Wooden Ware),
Willow Ware, and all kinds of ware us aally kept ia a flrtt-clasa Betail Store, that will out ws axj
Ware that can be bijnjht anywhere. .
Harinz just boosht out Jibe entire Veeotaee nccessarv to' collect all UU. An rtal
old firm ; to that end I hereby giro notice that all
.the If t day of March. 1SS5, will bs placed in tbe
f mourns f ff
i , ,
rTNrN. T7-3l
past two months.
ST. LOnS Jtly, tt, 181.
. Icheerfntly make tha followloc aUteucbt ef facts
concerning my owu astonishing cure, which la me was
Ufa to the dead
About three years ego I took a severe cold which
seemed to locate on my chest and longs, and ijaco that
time my condition haa been truly alarmlsr, ea.eeial
ly for eighteen months. My pbylciana, myself and
fTleods had abandoned all hopoa of my recovei y. e
languago can describe my sufferings, wblah annoyed
me both Uy and night.
No effort on my part to obtain a cure hi3 been
o9ilt'e4 fee 1 tmatoyad. from the commencement of
my slcknesr, the most eminent medical men of the
it ate. and took their remedies faithfully, until they
frankly told ma that t had Tubercaiens Consumption
and could ant ba enrod. FrtTiou ta the acnounca
mentof my nhyiicisns. I had seen Dr Sort's card in
the Press, and bad been advised by my friends to cm
phjybinj; But I was very much dltcoura.ed in re
gard to my affliction, A short time previous to sp
urring to him I ofcie'ved several testimonials from
persons who I knew had beea in delicate health, an
some of which oxclted my mind ta can oa um rar aa
vice, which I did. - - ,
About two months since I told tha Doctor I had aa
money to throw away, and did not wish to be treated
a nless he wss confident of success, lie frankly told
Cirtttst'tedm rot wish to treat me unless hecured
ma, snd sard ie" woold oecide that fact In a few mo
meat, and fcrocaeded to examine ma. and in lessthae
fifteen mlnuiel be said ha would cure me. Now, 1
can truly say with pleasure-, 'for tha benefit of these
suffering from the sme difficulties, that I baveonly
been under Dr. Bort'a treatment soma two moatss,
and am a new men. I bad aatlclpated that 1 should
receiTe about tha same soutlneof arngjing as I had
received from other rhysklsns ; bnt on -tba contrary
he gave me no nsuseo: medeclnes or mineral pais-
ons. The whole treatment from the beainning was
verr nlesstnt and agreeable.
- I have beard a great many rtsreue cpeak of 114
treatment who have bten cured : and ef ana accord
speak of tha agreeable Mode ef treatment. There
a ems no confusion b.' guess work about Dr. Sort's
treatment or diagonosls ofdisesse. lie proceeds npoa
Died and ell established principals, and according
to laws welt understood by himself and ther In gow4
evidenctrdf toeir lnfalllbllit from "the fact that he
most generally useful, and can, with perfect safstj
cure tnosa chronic diseases of years standing, which
has been fully demonstrated in tbootauda of cases. -
GlESON n. LOWKKT, -Seventeenth
Street, St Louis.
Healins PoiFcrs cf Eflectlclsm.1
At Demons' tat id on over Tvelie Thoutand Individ-
fait bg DB. HOST, ofSext York.
there is a healing power among us J a pbyslcsa who
has cured thousands In this city, after all other sys
tems haye been exhausted ; a physician who la coring
and farther pledges 'himself to curl; nearly all esses
which have ' traffled the skill of hundreds or medical
men In all past ages, and even bids defiance to all 'mod
ern practice ; and, lastly, there is a physkclaa who caa
produce tboaaande of testimonies ef the most reliable
tndivfdnaU ia this cUt, as elsewhere, who have been
positively and permanently cred after all other treat
menu-after tne most eminent menirai men pad fail
edl Tes,, and that physician is Dr Bort Whore
Infirmary ia located oa tha corner of Third and 'Tine
streets, St. Louis. Dr Bort we vorllx Relieve, haa
cured more chronic eases la tne pait feu'r months, in
St. Lonis, than all the medical men who have ever
practiced their profession here for those diseases. He
mskes as specialities, vis : Diseases cf tba Eye, Esr,
Lungs, Tnroat, Heart anc catarrh. This assertion may
look like boasalng. but, nevertheless, it is tree, and if
yon doubt it, consult a few of tha many perseas whose
t ertlflca'es In fall are to be found la the cot-
utflfrsof this psper for the good of humanity. Sf.
LoUi PU9 Diftth August 1UM3S5.
Eje,Ear fiOpgSy Ileart, Throat and
Thg mint wonderful cares performed by Dr., Bort
on the above disease IA this city, and la wsay ln
staaces when all hopd of reovgriog by thlse disesses
2: ad been despaired of, stamp him amon the first pby
aicians and surrns. Dr Bort's Inflrmary and con
sultation rooms ara located en tbr -corner of North
Third and Tine streets where 'be cai'se 0asn ltef
dally.-Sf. Louts Dwug Ktpublutn, Augti.
an 4 Vino Street
Et Lids, X:
TThera all letters should ba addressed, soalslalsg
portaga stamps for return postage.
1J3 iJ ItsJ .zi
Mala St., BrownYlIle, Nebraska,
accounts due tba arm of j. Berrr k Co.. anna.14 bv
hands of an oOeer for colleeiions.'
. - XZ,iir.l . .
. it. Bunco esco,
sjvl a UliLi i V iCULUliila'
e;Is sbova Drowrvii'.s, i
I -att rrr!tTV.on th I J ii
- f J
,.ay I ry, 4 years old, liiJids b!
I'jI in lureaeR-l. ,
T7bic:s! Th
D r. L. O. M jxtzs Cc rrr .' i . IL src '
laUr In th worM, wiM for? Wbltkers cr ilotfask
es to rrw oo tha saooihst ' faea 'cr thia; ssvr
knows ti fail, tsn: la for triilsSst fr? ta. aay
d-irf cs rf ttA-.'.r. i Its mer.'!". ! A'.m' i
ii !a lUsvil 4 C(7., 73 :?i-4a r i., :V
v nirri n rj f
Souihside a!n Street b
l. I
Have tort cahand air.acificeclalocW ot
jX-A-A. jA. ArA
i.'vcBB'D.S TS A DSl
Plain and fancy, with er wltont ?prinj act
B U E'E'A IT C :
,riaia anJ Fac?y, Mirbls Top,&?.,4,
l'arior,Lraaktast, teaua, XarUi Tcp, tsxs.oa,
- jrrtat ririety. r
Great Ttrietj cf taist -iaprorel rattsra;
Great vsriett of all t!e,h-Ib r-i!n ani fanpf.
And evry-thin;"; in ihe Furni '
lice.''h'ch- they will sell
Belo7;EasteTn . Prices !
Ther Farniture U ccEp!it Jn evory respci,be
inj put ap bj a superior worsnraj who Lascharja
of the establishment, set ca lo roiied o.t
Tbeira Is the greatest Riiottrxcnt cf.Furr.Itnre
ever broajht t) this rar't ; and is tbj unj j.Isil
w bc'ro a complete set of Furniluricaa bo b4.
Fair Dealing&Low Priced
Ie their nottaaai they .cia b? pile 1 . ?a la
both resrect. ;
JBBeI5th,l355. r x:3 Cra
sa-r r; v; -
2 XL bv TJ; . i LIS
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' 4,u,rtl) - uiues west c;
s5T Z -
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Q M , ..g J.