I 4 1 t t ' r 1 rrvr,,C hrfrf:fr t ,! I t. . . 4 ( n:'lwLlCA!J ITIIOS TICKET. f jfrrr'er f r". , - to r:u in ci!frM .. . .7. 11. UAIIQUKTT. ? Territorial 4t1..r-i "5 - t ' JUJIN GILLESPIE. a a a ... M arvwSfvaw V - . ? Trt S'.orlat lUVre-iaa : . - ,. n. s. knox. OC Vr " 'TZ C- &T ' TilOS. JjrAJORS. riAJ.-TTM. DAILY. LOUIS WALDTEIi , C F. HAYWOOD - GEO. CROW.:. . r" j S. V. KENNEDY . , 7 HIILL1P STAUR - rXIOJt EEPCELICAIt1 rLlTFOIIM. J.!i EkiiMi rp..irjnsBtBiocBt U tfc Cinattiacf u l'it4 &uti. " J WwUtm cf xu Lui sum ef Aoerio U Cuw, wtl!uiBV;:ei ky ,tirt-foonb f Uc:tarta,!i t Ti m iruf iU Cob- .r-.-'Asratliy.; . IVMnT Ifl I .r r !: 1 B 1 1 -(1 M1U1 IRQ. CI I C i.ftla they reii.- 8uu abaU uVttf r.rw..r7Uw which U11 .bni? lb. ia B.itV:tf ti. 1? ptiitnrt tb.recf, u dmicd to j sy aria.c:!. uittiusu ci euca oeingi (tectf ts jt.n tff, ati eitiieai cf . tk j Vs- i : :uM.criaaty way atna.3, .xe.pt xor ctVerfrii'rtb : iUi ia rel:i..a or .65J aty a"?eiil orttlliUry, aaLr ttt. Ltited fitM.r enieraRv Kt&Le. wb.LarLcz rrrriouiw Cit a aa ( tib , a K!x.lf r of Cor.fm, era ao earft.eit.dSttt.f,.s.amU blue, tt. taring prmomiy I Cuia:tnra,araa aa axecuUra or Jadicial pTut,t9 rrrt th CoMtUaUoa ef ta Lalud fc;tVM,.haIi beta enfted la tmorrec fioa ar rtU'..loa art; nit tba-aame, cr ciraa- ail er nnfrt ta the enrsJei tberaof. Bat Corrreu bit yAveUftf.tir? iiirdof each hoaji., rcwora tnch Sic. 4 TI. va !5utT cf ta. Pubise deu f taa rmu'd ttmt As'aorUl yjtf uw , iBtiociR dfMe incarredl arri?f ltrrttioa r r?t.lun, shell not pa .huIIa. r . a .Kal t tMM - .V . I f rtt k.l ... , ' , ..... -V; wit .;v". - - V vvv v;A'-' iv.rN (iwuirdt ef Both Uohms men ; many -cf 'whom have been assass!: t is ti''triof tb ternU suuimib nalcd during the past "year m" Texas: A.atl u lit CEUita-.B of. ti United - 1 ", rnT'xef f IcriUei ertiuwn. ft tt. Ustll 1C13 IHB JUBa 01, luo, SCOrpioa 10 D6 ueOUra 6-"? " "jr o t::,1:j7.tr fd lk8 Tud? wheIPs ? -CaafeJeV wQrkiDg, in conjunction-with rebels in the -t,fcseiy t.aoy tfrwa wltbiatujiirbiiotloa fttcyV Ilii polic has made loyalty Vdious terior to get'the troops out of the lh- . Ctli; i ri7r" utivw Tail u irprtioaYd n&d jreato'a "hoQorable jatihe -yeoeftious tirlor'inoa the frontier so that white 4lxois tu Mv.rai Sut.s aordin? u th.tr re.- States. rnd'bV a lavish exercise of ex. men' actl Vgroet rwill have no protec- r-wwr.iab it..?iaaieclpd;A!j. not uiei. ecurtva ryaie hei has cwtda himself re- ton. against, rebel moos. .. ,; ; i at ara r jbt t Vila at any 1ctk?a fcr tba ....... i , . .. .. . , ".,..- " VAr.- . . - , , .tea .fatacicr. fcrlVetii.at atdYiea rmiient diculocf ia the tyes cf'the world; -m hit ' ' . oars, etc,. -- ; I Ca ra;ui fcu.raiwiiutir.a, la. Coar . iiA.lprs'ri in m1rV crn': MtW. 14 :!: Vj:i7';- G. R. ST. titTtntf. aailaicial fCoira cr'a Stata. Ml r.o-r- V"v r -. ... . . t rvirrt"rreffKU?!c8 a.na .sail e. reauoea ia i ana WQO were Ignorant OMactS and of I BB"16 Ul,ui Ae,uwviao whj, ' ;.rUiitr uiL.nfeoi. number f mala citi. their duty but it'ii. trua cf those Und Honnsontte flown Mairs. ' ' -at. a tvaatyaa yaars ti a fa in soeh Ktata. : V . ,Wr namA ia'lPiinnS' tthn'lrn Kii.l Dr. A. S. Hollady pre 1 1:. I. J. ptraoaihaU ta a etrator orreprw t " " ' i.mi . v -tmtJra la Cocrrrw, r eietu-r cf iYeiidebt or and ret crranixed mobs to hunt down and - - 0 1 JODerlsOni . mUi M. tit tiULtr Ul toiled Eutee ir u; aMve eall ooier r7 ."7 eti r ebligetioa Incur 4 la aid of iaesTrecifeB' er rtbellia aieinst tbe CtU Cuiee. ar .ey claim for lie 1om cr mndp t;a f aof e.a: bit all eua -debu, biltiioa And . u:uitt:itfkiUU?il wvta . iic. $ TI. Cwrfre te. po.r U enforoa ry efrvpfiete Ittl atU,the prolUe of ifcleartlcla SCEUTLXB COLFAX, Crein af taa ne of Keprese Duuvae. latatctts , rosna. rteti-nat of tta f aneif f ra ttm. v r.n... tU.. : The Ccssty Ticket placed in nomica; I Ci W.th. Umen n.nuhlian -ConrenV spect . cha, hit Saturday, is in every re -crthy the hearty support cf every I toyai cxtUSfd it mill receire.; It is radically t..:.M'. iv'-:,.i t;;.i i;i iard ruticn lha airaareat 'reeon. wan-n fct iha rrsrftof tha ceocle: tha.cec r!t ced ia nomination have stood . ' ntraverinzand cnawed amid.the throes .. 1 -f .v. a.a- Mtv,;- vi , j ;stire la the whole people, and now that ths ir.rsisent peril is pan, they still firm ly re fun to surrender either principles or crtrst and feel assured that, thus cond. eval! P0. k rnada ths nctim .0r . . AcjTiXaTtxAi, Aug. 17th,60. Cast, Esq., - ... t'L Dear friend : Vcur kind tsta cf (the In inst., haa beta received, ;aad'"its pe rcstl was at ence a source cf pleasure 4 ef rain-. I arts. clad tahpar'frnm a-ca. mr kindred and ether frifni. r and D I ' J ' I . fid rirrn ail ar.d remfert i.Vn,. --j . , . I - i CwAera Cctfederacr. ' ' Dune ive hta fools war and revolt 1 - .-. I 'cf theirs, a rainit the Union mv fathers nra the r tlacd to cf raent -ml biind-un: . I ! lad bored few cf their defendants" were fclbwir." the lead of Carolina's Ury icr.a. But since the strife is over, I lave learned with mcrtiScation, that Tzizy cf my deluded kindred were trr ttyei t gainst their country and the lib erties cf thtir fellow men. ... J thsrk God that the country is wide fcr rr.e to walk apart frcra red ltr!ed trailers, who hunted dowa and t !'rjl thtir hyil teilbore, and struck lis ttirry C:g cf freedom now, as l;r'.-r;ri, the tcjh end Uicca light cf dartVa c; ;rct:ed cillien'Sf - ' -r,- m m frirr.:?, are tha friends cf the i v.j are the:? who 'rally round the fiag1 acd are williog eree to peril life ca the tittle field fresdcra. Until I got ye- l"":?r 1 had nor rup posed that the f tic 1 itte purchase had been i;: lasted ith t.:.3 fan- atical worthlpperijr the I! jdy.Cocfed- erate Moloch; and, whea ia "cutcai't from heme and hunted' in the mountains cf the Colorado by the hell-hcundj of f Dim .iCa cftea rertttejUtTjng. left Jlissouri.. Ilafing been nyself tracked with'degs; jtciata nd at-last s crprised and-captur ed, and haricg narrowly escaped being bun because I didjsc.l belief eJeiT.j Dans a purer patriot an'- Washington, 1 and his raob gorernment better than the kingdom cf -heaven, I know from" bitter experience, how to sympathise with loyal men who. have suffered like things at the hsais.cf. accursed confederates. And I ... . . i am sufliciently acquainted with the ifinate and'uc'ja .Jl.fie'd jdtpr4vity" of "Southern Ci'ttcn-qcuths, to hare a ,rn,ot cordial hatred tf copperheads- and. all sorts' of political reptiles th&l crawl oa the earth; :: Ucica'ned in Texas, who" are such Jn heart and' exp rejjjcn, are fe w'in number l4 cf despondent spirit. . We believeJ frcm prcient indications, .that .the teceth leaven -hid by Andrew's ' policy ; in the bushel of amncity meal,' will eoon leaven th wKch'lump of Southern society' and give rise to iuDumeratle blood j riot, if J not actual civil war 011 grand: fccale.; 1 We know the" same pardoned, and re constructed fiends' who butchered' 'their fellow - citizens, and robbed the ' widows and crphens ci their murdered Victims . -i are longing for aa opportunity to tlo l?e,r Ah work over ' again. jWith the worcJs . Vni?9 conciliation oa their perjufeclips, their, jiands clutch the dag- to tlay loyal .white, me a and freed as jci coi a singie.cuiprii. pas. Deep punished.. And this state, of. things grows oat cf the1 fact that' Jlosea Johnson- " . ' ' . - x . - wvwv I his friends hand and foot." and cast lhem t . - - . . - cf material too mean for decent . deils. - - 1 Co totneaa this of many of .the .,outh PlatL-mouth on the 11th, in . . ,. , tiaJ wuiuu ujcu. iun laucrnuu "ay union mea. i nis latter ana Burner oa.clais 0f men -Pe rardnnpd and Pardoned, aud lire COW in aiaucnCC and honor in sight of the ' f .hpir murdril ietim. grates ci ineir muraerea victims. i No grand -jury South will find a bill against a mobocrat or K. G. d because thft'w'itnesses dare not on peril of life " e ,1 1, ' ,t, - L i . . ' 'I Justice - is the sure and; etsrnal basis cf beace and nrosneritv. knd .uir MasnA biuldin? on the sandv foundations or in- . - 7 1 I discriminate freeWace. is 'casting his pearls before swine and exposing himself and country toahame and ruin. ' : ,The! Government of this State has gone into :tha -.hands of white-wajhed ho should head the ticket for the pres v. .v-t:.i '' enf canvass.'" WhereuDon. the unDer um jurgiaiaiurB ts nov ia session i - I .xauyaa iu uuy ; writ rga or Confederate herces,' donating lands to' the disabled soldiers of th's'Statp. and .. . 1-' 'jj cf-Confederate soldiers, at pub- chosen,;and the President of the Sece'sh' W1."00 . - .canuiuaie . xavoraoiy "Us" many raemoers -aome- 01 .1 . .t 1 . a ine" gentlemen nave .said publicly, tney rHHlu nui iruckl nonnera raajcausm 14 . . 1 i.i- . 1 j: .if 7 80 ar B? 10 vie icr a senator wno would tana uie iesi cam; ye i inese mea are Johusoa$a friend, and loud adrocates ; of My Policy.'? ..1 ; I ' V 'W I' a 1 4M.nU vnui. .cicHIUu .uy b&Te fceea 8tedfBl 'Unionists, endorse - ....... ... . . I je action or ingress as -bom just ;and poutis; litis! nr.rl fatppm Jnhntnn ivnnt trattcr than Benedict Arooldr and look upon hispolicy, if adopted by the country, as sure to result in a second, war more terrible and. more .bloody than the . first. The late Tiew: Orleans- riot, and . com- cents on it by lcadiog" rebels here, has opened" the eyes" cf Union , men to the danger which threatens them and their FrjIr lo ooa " in" WB'wIa PP'3 os. J .L- l i i i . ,i c-.... . t-.r : . . comeuaa ue.cp urpraviiy oi tne reoei ceari, ana . learn urn -moral -, ..- j .. . , iU",cn 18 . - I ' The presence cf physical force alone ca restrain rebels from;roufder and ra- Pne. . - inere is no inenaiy leeiiog cor . ' t ' ' ' t "t.- - I Uocial jntercourse.here between the loyal EC(1 rfoeI tlenenta, aad U. S. bayonets - only keep the peace of the country. The rebels and copperheads claim the right ib govern the Natioa ; and the Anly ques- lion cow is, whether vanquished traitors or victorious Unicnits thall control the destinies cf the Nation. Fcr the iinr time ia the world's his- iory tLa conquered laim .the right to ciaka laws for tha conquerors ; And the mea who a year ago ran after Unioa mea to get recommendations for, pardon, are dxnouadaj them. nQw as radicals and trailers wormy cr ceata. ' . Such have been the fruits cf tht ptlicy ' which proposed to hatch doves from the oiVeg3f the cockatrice, and to tame the tigert cf rebellion by feeding them ha ti rt? h cfi Joy? 1 ty. r , " are ood ihis , grta md tto;'t fineV'-nd t.e stauld be a hapy nd 4r-ec&cj jpcopjja bit for ti j rebeuioui felirigs,"snd' practice of tl t fcr the tie multitude, encouraged in their disloyalty by the Seaard'Jchoscn-Doolmle school cf bailor d e5J:Jacyr - The policy of that party has rekindled the'firi 'oa ihealta oflebelljon; acd Union JbloodwjlJ yet be required jo quench it. Such is the unanimous senti CxtfXtft Southern Uaintiitsrwhich will ndeit press km 'through the' Convection of Lryal Southerners to meet in Phila- j delphta cnhrflrst Monday ia Septeca 'bef." ' ' Ye look" to this Convention to e pose the ." errors of "My Policy," whi ei- hich Jikean Egyptian-fog . has rested en the Sooth' for rthe space of one year, the blight and ruia'of loyalty and fostering enq or, treason., - , , , t ;-If I have any friends in Mij.ouri who are radically-right and. fcr their country against iraitors,:io them I send greeting. .1.:. f ";4V t.Jt'-fV; io-r ''.'X g'rarmaDy of 'our people, to escape tropic rebel rule, are seeking nuiaes jq thefree States, while only rebels' are comfrig i'nto,Texas, from' Missouri,' Mis sissippi, Tennessee and Arkansas; ' 5 ' r. Murders and robbefies are of frequent occurrence' all over .our. State, and Union men and negroes are the victims. - A sad condition' cf ' things in a country claiming (falsely),' to be ' reconstructed, loyal, cnristiaa and civilized. r i j I fear. the. gospel of - bayonets with the accompanying epistlea from Spencer car bines will have to be preached in this country before the laws are observed and quiet restored. - . Indians are. reported t on the frontier killing -an occasional man and 'stealing horses. '!t is a .lutle singular that while the frontier is almost unanimously secesa the men killed are Unionists. An ppin ion exists that these reported Indians are the wrecks : of QuantriU'-a and Shelby's . . , k commands, with, perhaps,. a few Indians 'J m'm A :a:'a .u The Democratic and Johnson Conven- sided over the over the up per. The lower house appointed Messrs. -w '.u: tr:..... U 1Bi'U1' iuiiuiu8, nimoun Doom, a committee of conference upon r raauers 01 ,meresl 10 Doin- ine upper nouse appointed a similar 5 - 1 iee Thus the Johnsonites made the first . ,US1,CU1W"W' AnAf fl m .lava mn m t A itnlh tViA TlAmAAlin , . muumg tfle example or Anay wna tne , reDels- - i he report or tae Ueroocratic commit -ee says ine committee or tne a- tionaunion convention as oj us me nommauon of os of the two candidates . . 7 r ttorv marrnanimouslv 'ave" the lower story the privilege sought, provided the - - j lower portion - of : the outfit would pledec itself -to stand by the nominees of upper, ine vote snows oi lor and 17 against such a concession, ( a t -a-a m This beiDg r settled, the upper house passed resolutions approving of the prin- piet", resolutions ana saaress oi me ixa lionai Union Johnson Convention, held at Philadelphia on the 14th of .August, as being the only true and Constitution al course to be pursued ia the restoratioa or. ima ffovernraeni, . ana -.Routed, .That we as Democrats do f 11 VM ,l a vaf wl aaa ,aat -w U . td honor m maiotainin? the suDrem UCy of the Constitution as being the fun- capiat law. a ..me iana, aa ineomy i Tit ' r . l "1J . i safeguard of civil-and. religious liberty that we possess.; .... Think .of such a Convention making such pledges- aad nomimating J. Sterling Marion ! ; ; .The lower house then reported an , ac ceptation cf the terms of the upper house, and the nomination, by the lower, of A. S.; Paddock, as the 'bread-and-butter" candidate, for Memher of Congress and J. C. Jordan, for .Territorial Librarian. ; "Judge Ltfckwood; from theConserva. live Convention, appeared and reported that his Ccnrention acupted implicitly the resolutions ot tnis convention, ana wuuia a a i l n:artuy endorse, us action ana. jiomxna a - . a a ll0M' TlL TN J ' J..J . .ine democrats mcupruceeuww Wuiu inations, which resulted as follows: J dewing, wonoa xor veiegaie jn Hongness ; Mr. v Murphy, for l&rntorial Auditor; and Andrew Delone, tor Ter ritorial Treasurer. Ia the meantime the lowT story passed resolutions, endorsing the Philadelphia 'Wigwam .and Andy Johnson; denounc- iag as "monstrous" the idea of Congres aional legislation being necessary to the Admission of southera members, and t the aame time permitting the rebel Statea to pasa upon the Constitutional Amendment demanding the speedy res toration oi me receioiaiea; acu the only teat of repreiintatioa should be -AasaawaisgnwasaMi '.waa y- jviww'wai unqualified loyalty to the Constitution and Goveroiufnt of the United States." The r crp'tjc convention then by resolution invited the lower, contention vo come up .and make the nd ainationa unammcys, which the lower hzzsQ ver magnnqusly iJid. T Democratic Convention., th;. a re queste(fPresiden) Johnson to appoint Gen. Joh'aiXeCorae Governor of Ne braska. We hardly TelievetEit comment is j necessary: an ;tiie:cbove.;:rhe.a. Pjen so far forget their manhood as to forsake truth and justice, and sell themselves for cc is it to- be wondered at ihauthey should' truckstetftoWbeis and tpat ynan traous the nomination of the Commander of the K.- G.CV-ia -Nebraska, - Tbey are U be' treated as persons who have the regular seTetryear-itch, pmied but shunned. -. "." " . V Geo. FrancU Traia is oiit as aa Inde pendent Candidate -for Congress it the Oct'relectioB.-" Geo.' is irrepressible George is lively as V maggot. ia a cream cteese ! ueorge (thinks . he) is invinci ble !j George hates the cigger!f.i be-f Y cause a' sable son of 'Afric s sunny clime brought him an ipvitalipa 10 stay out of the Ciiicago tonveniicn !,...ueorge coaxed Vallandingham to withdraw from the Philadelphia' WigwUrn for the sake Q harmonv, and consistently took a curb stone ticket himself T'' George announces himself' for the ."Agricultural, Commer ciai, Manufacturing, Mineral, Immigra tion and Railway interests of Nebraska,' ti'S "nigger or co nigger' campaign "did'nt pan,'' sufficiently, so it i3 discon tinued, . Where men can be found to lick those scabs of. iniquity, Morton and Pad dock,' George may find some support. ' What new Democratic doctrine is this ? Is the. copperhead, organ of Nebraska be coming radical ? i Speaking of the Con vention of Loyal Southerners which me at Philadelphia; on the 2d,' the Omaha Herald says: ,. "Mr- Fbhback subsequently became a roaring "Union roan" and a '.Senatoi" so. called, but was kicked out by. Wilson of Massachusetts, .WITH MUCH JUS T1CE, because he had been an active mem ber of (he' Secession. Convenitah, voted for the Ordinance ,,rretc.j ...t );.;,. ' The- 'justice"- of .."kicking . out" of Congress men who1 have as above stated aided and abetted treason, has been, and is now, a dij.inctive i;?sue between th Republican and ; Copperjohnson, Demo cratic parties ; trie former bold that trai tors should be kicked out and kept out of the halls of Coogress, the latter contend that all sent by the South must be admit ' The : above admission is rich ; and ir the Radical party is every in need of the "fag end" of treason to fill its ranks, we shall let the above plead for Dr. G. L. Miller's admission. He's evidently com ing over. Is it to be wondered at that grave doubts ehould permeate the minds of cop perheads as to the truth , and honesty of renegade Republicans!. We copy from the Omaha Herald of the 14th : "Who, then, aside from the Demo crat?, trAo are Johnson men to a man. be long to the real constitution-loving union men in Nebraska? Are these officials for him in good faith, and do they in tend fighting bis known enemies in tne coming campaign 7 'While we know some of them are acting in good faith, will they aUV " "'.'. .'' "We make these remarks in response to what is being said respecting eome gentlemen who are charged with being Johnson men for 'the;aA: of breadtand. butter." ' r " : ' Poor deluded wretches ! Could they not remember, the reception which Bene dict Arnold met with from the British ; and how Judas Iscariot longed to rid himself of the evidence of his crime the "thirty pieces of silver," and saved the country the exhibition of characters so contemptible as to excite the disgust, of copperheads? Doubt them not, Miller! no one can afford to over-bid A. Johnson for lick-spittles.", i !! "Arm-in-Arm I" Few communities are blessed with one of those humanitarians who is intent up on making "treason odious" by walking th copperheads and rebels. mong us ? arra-ia-arm wi Have we one am'oa "The ratiScatioa of the nominations made by both Conventions at Plajis.noir.h yesterday morning was & 'plcasipg sight. Both Republicans and Democrats mjet in joint Convention in the room of the Utter, and wheD the Chairm.an of the Republican ConvtidionJ)f. MoUaday-'-eniertd the door the chairman of the Democratic Convention, Mr. Robertson, arose arid escorted b-imto the', chair amid deafening cheers J'ey:s 7 " ' ' ' ! Is not this jvorth the P. O. ? Mott assuredly' Andy should, and, doubtless will, shell out liberally. The following represents the "arm-inarm" business of 1S63 : 'Gov. Fairchild, of Wisconsin, was one of the bravest heroes of the war against the rebellion. A gentleman whg was introduced to him the other day ob served, as he took his left baud, that he had lost his right arm. "Yes," said the j Governor in reply, "I attended a Con vention at Gettysburg in 1863, aud met a Southern delegate who was very anxi ous to walk arm-in arm with me, and when we separated I found that the em brace had beea rather costly." These kind of "arm-in-armers" have gone cut of the business unless rebels and .copperheads- againr combine ' to de ttro'v ih Union. I Tha following is the closing sentence of the President's harangue at Cincin nati: - ". ' " Vl have never deserted the people and tl-y have never deseried. lae.arj I now cenjure you all to 4tand ly the Constitu tion and that good tld flag which Itcoia mit tfi your, keeping, up-jn the altar.cf our country, and. then "assemble around -it from all sections of the country, nd in one Jratemal hug, forget and forgive, and then swear, let come what wilt, let all sink if U kiII. then swear , that this Union shall beeterenaL" A tlnJoibef wards;, lev's i gather- up:all Tebels, bushwhackers, guerrillas, negro murderers, copperheads and Johnsonites ajouid ihe ...Philadelphia, Platform, ."and in one' fraternal hug, forget (liberty) apd forgive" (rampant traitors.) and swear, while we are scuttling- her, the ship of State shall float eternal ! This is Andy's prize bull of the campaign. a Let us.' suggest t-o the Euraer.ou3 appli cants for the P. O., that he who can first find one of --those "erring brethern." who during the war amused himself by kill ing Missouri Unionists and then putting a charge of powder in theirars (o rTurst jhrheadsand give him i Pne fraterna.1 hug," will get the office. Sartin 1 - . . . l m ' '" " j j - . -.' t ' " t 'JMuch stress is'placed-by copperheads upon thet fact that H. J. Raymond is with them 'and author' of the ' Ph'ladelphia Wigwam Address. They are welcome to all they can make out of tbe man who voted for the Constitutional Amendment ar' , - and. then urges, in his address, the south to jresist it as an insult. .. He forget3 con sistency ia his. ambitious haste to truck ster to treason,- but" foVgels himself no worse thaa his roasteri A. Johnson, who now fraternizes with the rebels who ip Tennessee went to murder him in 1863, but not finding him, "cut a small hickory withe in the woods, and scourged with it the body of his wife " The President's Philadelphia harangue on the 2Sth contains the following v . "There is much talk about men beinjr put out of office. The clamoris that somebody is turned out and sombody put in. . He had just appointed E. M- Merritt as Pension Agent of the Central Illinois Pension District Jlerritt, in a paper hp editing in Marion county, 111 , said of the call for .troops in 1864, u was to raise" men "to carry out the plan of subjuga tion, devastation, externiiniition, depopu lation, and all. the other atjons of rapine, violation and horror devised by ihe great bashaw of-one tail. AJr Lincoln," and styled it "an unholy. G.-d forsaken war.' And, yet, strange to say, ''there is much talk about men being put uut of office," tti make room lor such men as Merritt ! ! ! Copperhead and Johnson journals are making much ado over the following statement as to how the clause on slavery was got into the Philadelphia Wigwam Platform: "The clause, "and their is neither pur pose or desire on the part of the Souihern States that it (slavery) should ever he re-established, was inserted at the in stance of Judge Verger, and with the prompt and unanimous astent nf all the. tr,t .nlar.l.'in iKarofnro TOh,,IU, ..mi.rti nn U n,ri nf l'n S.,n.r, nr indicates bevond 1 all doubt their settled . - .. j : ana sincere purpose. - To illustrate the". ''sincere purpose." we copy the following from the Tribune's Chicago special dispatches of th 12th : "In Clark county, Alabama, on Sun day last,' two negroes who were unable to settle some trifling debt incurred by them before th war ; were old into sUvery. flne for S750, the other for-tbOO; their united dehU.ampyntllJg .lu.-I,dUL) m sold." These are the "sincere purposes" of John.'on's reconstructed rebels; whom Democrats, Copperheads and Johnson- tes consider as loyally accepting the sit uation ! Loyal men, can't you "see it!" Proceedings of the Union Repub " Hcan Connty Contention. BaowwyiLLi:, Sept. 15th, 1S66. The Union Republicans of Nemaha vention" inihis city to-day, pursuant to WUllaJT i.ibvittdnuf au w au uwigivv vaw a4 call of the Central Committee. pr.r A. Rice was chosen temporary Chairman, and O. 13. Hewett, Secretary. Messrs. Dorsey, Kennedy an(j Daily Wimei Ccraraillee on Creden Durinar the absence of the committee Dr. J. McPherson in response to a call of the Convention spoke upon the issues f iltA Ann V. I tt ttnrl l.tfTira llf rovi,trinfr ttW7 ."b tne progress 01 e rents v. mea gave rise to the present political parties anu prov- wg that the Union Republican party r standa upon principle which have bt-en ricrht from the betrinninf?. and are nirhtl .o-da, and ;.li .hould pUo, beW. nrmlV UDon tne priDCipie OI equaiiztlion a .a . 1 e 1 ot rfpresentatiou ha&ed upon equality of ,J I fcunrage. The report of the Committee on Cre dential was then read, as fi4taws, and adopted : Brownnlle; A W Morgan, S M Rich, O B Hewett. J W Coleman, W H Hoo- ver, R V Hughes, H M Atkinson. C VV Wheeler. G W Fa'irbrother. D II Ellis. )?osv? e?ny' 5 J?rSTt?u' 9 "ey, Ii. O ri&nuiioru, o ?i xvcuucuy auu vico. Crow. Peru : J F Neal, Calrin Hutchison, John Burns, Wm Young, Geo Clark'. Alfred Hawki ns, W ,G Glasgow, Mo3es Thompson, W VV Smith, Thomas f Jorh and Wm Daily. Aspinwall? Jones, E fCcoper, O Mitchn and G W Culp. Bedford : ATD Hughes and Enoch Reynolds St. Deroin ; A J Hitter. JJan'l 1? raker, Lorenzo Rice and Thomas Hunt.. Glea Rock: James Collins, Henry Redfern, A K Farnarn and W S Reed, Lafayette: Levi Bradley. Washington : JCernard Otens and Con rad Harris. I i On r otiDn, Jonathan Higgin aad Phillip Starr.1 were authorized to ca.n tbe fte of ' he abs-it members of the Lafa yette deiegalio:). ' Oa rr. :ticn', Jo:i23 Hacker wa3 author- red Wcait ttj vo'.e for remaha City Precinct. ' On motioij--lh&delegate3 present from the various preci&cia were authorized to cast the full vote of their precincis - On motion, nominations were in order. John McPherson being nomiuated for Councilman, declined. Maj. T. J. Majors was nominated and elected by acclamation as the nominee of the Union Republican pany for Council mad. ' . j i Messrs. A- J- Ritter, Maj. Wm Daily, C. F..-Haywood, Louis Wildier, WmA. Pollock, Geo. Yaudeventer, W. G. Glas gotv, G. W. Fairhrothsr and Geo. Crow, were presented as candidates for Repre sentative in the Legislature. Messrs, Glasgow and.Fairbrother declined. On motion, the election was by ballot. Messrs. Crow and Reed being appoint ed tellers, the Convenu'on proceeded to. ballot." which resulted ta the choice cf Majl'W. Daily. Geo.' Crow, Louis Wal dter and C. F. Haywood as the Union Republics nominees for the Legislature.1 S. Vy. XcrnP(ty &nd AVm.1 S. Hora were nominated for Commissioner for the 2d Ditrict - A-ballot bing taken resulted in the choice- of S. W. Kennedy as candidate for County Commissioner for the 2d District." . Phillip Starr and Barnard Otens being nominated for. Commissioner of the 3rd District, a ballot was taken, which result ed in the choice of Phillip Siarr as the candidate for County Commissioner for the 3d District. The following resolutions were offered by "II. M. Atkinson, and adopted. . fesohtd. That we, the Delegates. of the Union Republican party of Nemaha county, in Convention, assembled, most heartily endorse the Constitutional A mendraent submitted by the present Con gress of .the'United States as the true jbasis for the reconstruction of the States lately. in rebellion, and; which were ad opted by the Union Republican party of the Territory in the Convention held in this city on the 6ih. Resolved, That we pledge ourselves to support the nominees of this Convention. , Arrangements were made for holding a grand Mass Meeting and Barbacue on ThtiraJay, October 4;h, atjir near Long's Bridge. "Commutes --of arrangement were appointed., and prominent speakers wil! oe AiU hand. , ..L.m "... The following were appointed a com mittee lo. make the neces ary arrange ments': James Co.eman, George Crow, beorgf Bryant, John Long, R. S. Han fo.d. -' ' . On motion. Contention adjourned. A. RICE, Pres O. B. Hewett, Sec. NEW ADVEiiTIiSEMENTiS Jjr JHi tiSf fyr AT BROWNVILLE JH. T, flOUliliPSp?ClfUUV VfllQfTn ine ITfXV TUOIIC JJirgt, 1 Udl 1 l)B TS TC- i.tiyprougpi W mis pojm on tne iw souri River, the new aqcj splendjd Steam b erry Uoat. Vn a-5 FTftTitJ plentT of Dock room for teams and Stock, anJ a Cimmudnus Cabin f r I a-engeri, I foil safe in fayiu' mj arranzem-iitj for itecommtxlatiODi, syieed and a.ifetr nr n.it eqoa'ed bj aoj other boat on the Missouri River. Being located at tbe ............... ..j fl r ;n V.. Uraska.in tne centre of tha great fanning Couatry I tn the Wen, where ta?ra h United htatca Lnd Office, makes it tha mostdesir tble point for Emi- jrraot and Settlers : and barin beea expended at leats $10,000 on tba roads and b'i ljros both e ti and west, leading d T8ctlT to tha Ferrr, mikes hs t permanent croei.ng at all times danng tha year, tha Miasjuri b it'om never orer flowing at this point while at all others it does. Would say to Freighters and persons crossing the plains, thcro is not a starting point on the riv er where epoh competition exists tn baseness, as there ara Forty Large easiness Houses in tms floarishinzcitv. The utmost ere and attention will ba taken in erossicz the River at this point as it isnnderthe immrdiata supervision of the oroersoi tne boat and JandiDgs. To save distance, timo and money from all points Xorth and East to all points . South ni West, coma by this route, as it is from 50 to J. O. YANTIS, Brownrilla, Sept. 20th 1855 ' G R A N T' S CAEAP CASH STORE. Main Street between First and Stcond. BROWNVILLE, N. T. I Would Respectfully inform tha Citizens of Brownville, and surrounding country that I bare just received tny fall awek of Good, eonaistrnj or t04?6kJ &JlLiU&L) . - . . SI.KX &!,W?kZJ: 7. ' 1 - - and ch llretis Ua,nd Shoes. All kirks of La- ijiea' IJioU ana d3o i the a tenant besta autj, India Rubber and Buffalo Over Shoes for Gentlemen and Laciies Groceries of Every Kiiid, Consisting of the bes brands of Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Pepper,' Allspice, Soda, Candles," Tobacco, Matches, Starch, &c.,&c, pic 00d5a ware, Stono Ware, Tbe Best Quality of WHICH HB UKVKKS FOR SALS CHEAP FOR GASH All of which fieofferaat the lowert prices, deter mined not to ta'nnderaold. ' GRANT. PROBATE NOTICE. NoMae la berebr siren to all persona interetei that 8. A. Chamber as Bz ecutor of the late Willie Bill deceaeed. haa filed tis accounts lor nnai settle ment at my oSce , and tha t Monday, tha S.h day ot Ofiiober. A. D. 168 a. 10 o cioca A. ai., is tea time Erolnied for exaaiininj a nd allowing tbe sam. - W-lt .Tietsta JTudit. OiJ C w im j m a OFFIcfAL.1 LAWS Or TIIEDIHTED STATE Taised at tha First S 9sioa cf taiTfcrs Ainth CoDjTesa. ; puiiic-Xo, eaj An Act othorlxIna lcrairrT Tii. . city of St Loois. . . ! i40" - Wheri witbia the city of Saint Ln-,. ' pawli of land which wfra eotiSrnv Conrescf fanetbo Ihiriiaii. ei5itn k " ' twelre. on tha tronnd lnbt.i eo!Utioa of tha Kama prior t Dca(a,,r ,1S ath. eightaen bnadrad and tare. an. ia 2 there U no adebnatp d. e am salary Tii.cr flrmatlona; aal Id cr-mequwe of ti aaelent wltnefa -wto kivr u fct J. ' aienUra aiioDca or aM4 CHiarnatun, "',, Cfltupleta evider.ca or tut- to tha mskh L ' Unttl State-i anl W5ree 9ri. k... """'in and coa3rtril:or.s o( land ai4 eit v1 apdftt aaeracuol CociTe-j'areiun.,,, r?',1' ia soma caaa. bewithoui prreri (j.JI""' Siataa. as4 fliaciuaa n,y hor,fcer Jl to the r inJwy uc Peroaaj r,-4 Z1 Se it tnactti y th Sut. tn j. .fJ. ! H,e, of. tKt Uit4 S; tiSJ-gg That tha district court of'laa Caitg.t g-tt eaaternstHct cf JCUaonri i, trrty tWfl' -' prrp-r dacreeo dc.2re i aeJ -. a rt t.E, i.v, and conveved by the United 4 at a ia fee nn, ia full property a'l or tne rijhi.ltai, (trt , the Unltad-State in and toaoy t act 4t e 1 f Iana within tta citjof S.?t LoQll ,., I!st of Miaorl. to tbeperai r p.. ,oi. 6aB; ilt c'.nimor cla'ms t tie aroe; aa- w a i n iau ihalla-i'o" C""- ';. e M. r;l n' h d anl icnveyed, a, ,1., ,4W wuhinany hrf. ,tret, lane avtnaa, .!!. r p-iUic ito au:f!are, or wi tha a. aai t any land whib ha Leen heretri erata'l r tmv -I hy tbe UnitM State or the M laj.,; ' , achoola. or within the houudarie or any fore lawfully con armed or lawrully tno'l br United Statea where foil, aaScieat, ana eompi,,, documentary evidence of loch ct;carmtiua or r,-( now exists of record. ( 2 And be U further enacW, That sveryptr, desiring a decree In his or her fror, nnder lUu ahalt file a petition In ai(J district ronrt, a-ti.rj anch decree and describing; the tarvi f ,f tiio mi cree la desired i atid the United State nu H'k-u claiming men land aversely to a-tU petiti-wr (if be any auchaaverie elainiaau) aaall be mle d r danta in aald converse ; and if any p,rtr ta bj sausa shall be a minor odIc tbe n w ivQtr-I years. afoanHan ad Ji;en.ha:i be aip.ia;ei bf u i rourt forHaid minor ; nl said dn-lnct o,art , havefalf and cotcple'e oower, !jrisiictiou. nl ai thorit to bear, try. and tfa ertuaa alt aeitioai rnf in uli rsereiatinc tithe e'aim of tae pftits kt er, tbe exteot a!Jty, and boaiwiariea ct mi ca a and alt other nattrra ofecteJ iheraitHorcwo'fa lff the Sam ; anJ iau (U jtri;t - ,-), tu power to male prfscribe ahJ e t ei u- ra!at. regntaiions aa iaj b neceasary ana pr p-t .a .: this art into full and cncnpie'e executi ... , Stc S and be it firther enacted, Tat ., cx.y ,' fry petition wkich hutbeaie? antL- r. , , copy of the wli or proces the e: s t'i.fi t delirered t district alio-Tier f h- t ; fr aafi en n d atrici of Mi-iri,b a . States m rsh. fo -a 4 Ji r ct, wuti. .. i . shall make tut l ' iti Sta ea pri to t . a I ifled In such pett iji, wnqout aua a r r '.. i pr 'eeilina-, ; o lea, m c writ .r a i and said dlatrict a'.iorn.y s'ia!) na'-uc ' tie: em fir tba United &.-i.e i ia iii v j -,- lie Intereat may rnnr) but. nomtr. ' pleadme U I eJ by aai i ,no oey an ti (.-m.a-. . '. ' reqa lred to be Ter fl by ath tr3 mi..n. j Sec 4 and be It furtuer uc'e-i rb.i .' , poae of more com p ete !y describ n .I- , deflola?the bouniara- im i-u i i t . a. ? lot. tract, prece oi a cl of a.d -u ..-. relinqu s'ieJ and 'Oivte ! ale h e - diatriit court ahll ti-epw c-r .. -. urvey. plat, a-d r ptio i iHor - a ; comj'etent per-ou at ibe xe f 'tt; in . and all cf tti fiv-ei'-et and n-. ..t a 1 - ; proceedings under thi vi ituil t ut' i jy : c f- i--tiTS peMtioner ; and; the pay mm t e.'' av; enforced by execution or .tnr'i Se-. And be it rnrthe enac ed Tbt ary l- 'a, : Inch aball be rcn le ed aa ier ihu act l.t ' r .' any petitioner iihail be i:u?J a full, nv.'iul. auce, in ree ciOiule anpfali rr :ei ty, to aucb pan.)!. er, and. to htsor ber ncirs a.ia aaiva . furaor a i) i tbe richi, tir.e. and m ere-t or ibe Uuita-i dutt u and to tbe land deacribed in cti decree. j Sec. 6 Aud be it mnber eua-.te-l That h te aaiJ district etrt or (he citcuit cou-t rbal raa.i final decree endjr this act, CKK rBiti an . piece or prcr t u' !aa , auca cortr fbil.ciuic fc tranain:tted to ibe C.mmiiocar f Mj.tt : L h-i . OfTlce a full trra, d tcin'eie nat-c ip f aid'., j decree, and of t .t d r i t n .r -if .rt.di.ai , Sc. 7 Ai.d be it iurtui eu. ltd Thai au- to any fln.tl decree 10 a . ed ry - ia di.,tr,ti i i- i anyuit r cause cam me . .d on er ini. ci aiir i.v'i j fromsaid fl i it ta re of raU dj irici ct. u '..K. . enii court of the Uniud 3ta e-' t a i-' -t i Kit, at any time wit..i o-ie f a r m t.n 'j th- rea iitiou of and d ial i T e a l.. -.c s time ajl o i tae jr t n oi..Ji ,o. i' aiu O'mpieta iran -cr.pt of a;l d.ia iha petiiKB and alt vther pl -d n- i i w ia said caui-e aud i-t tbe ev.dtDK.-e t!irr e ba transmitted to ail uriUit iun appaai aali bare been -ooipMa . c aball hie foil a.iu i- ru, l-t' i - l cauaa i nd ray ailow tit ple ;in.a te aa esaary ao4 may i'm i n -w i ar f and ka bear, tr' a -t da-arui-..- a ea witbuDt re.. r I f i i e" t r mp-"cf a la tta prov-e,iii js f -i 4 a i'ii sal r.. d r n Oil. - and m u i-1. e .ia ana mar eq ; ec 8 And i. 1. nribe. a .tal, Tj t . r, j "' ' t I..- I . 'I t l t 1 i . i i 1 e e wyioia beirra t ie Jai -' al e on a I -n any qu.civn a luag u ny ..o I) 14 j am- ta iy beee ufl xx u, tne inm.1 ui ' Uii.t 4 a atea, lor tta dec. Mo i ih at a- - c s ) i Sec S And be it further eaacta. Th ' i right, t tli. and Interest of ihs Cm i 4 ' j ta all uf the wbarTes, aires:?. lo. and utfier public tburou..re wuicnae " . inj and L-tinj wiihia tbe orp"rate ii" ' ' oi St. Loan, in tbe State 1 Mi-ii-h, x tbe ame are hereb , frntel reunqon-.. ra Teyeu by the United Stale, ia fee lui, Ij ' 1 property, to tbe aaip city of 4- a. . o-i l i y Svr and uaigaa furaver or rai-i e t.- : T i'ad a erer, That no Indnridua' rUnu r ' Tioualy hereto ball be in any auflner iii' prej ud iced hereby. Approved, June 13, 1SS8. (Public Xo. 10 ) An act to prait the ri?tt of wy to tt.t J f Canal Cjmpany" throish ta pa lis. u ;" j United Statea. i t. ..j v.. .i. c Vnvje ef Srtrf i tnutivetoftht lited Sfafta of Amt.ru i J Am nta, . . .... .nhM t That tbe riKbt of ar f6r a canal tbronji r- lauda of tba United States Ijins; in 7- M (Dioinuusnu is ro4 nun, " . jj. j . . . . t f . . .IU.K .ra.f.r W..IIl cecums; two nnuarn icrt, ukj w , pany as may be necessary. )t. , Sec. And be It rurther enacred, Ti" . r create a refcerroir for saul eompany a-:iTJ 0 said canal in all aasor, said ouo.ry hereby, authorised, by a data aor.,f ' , ! riTer, at aoca point at or ne?r lu a- . J range of mountains throu?T which i to flow an mach of tj; e fJblic lanl ab ' f 1 may be required for the purpo-e f r;f1,, r . i. fC. Abdbeit fcrtber enated "ai be, and is rereby arante-J to said com, a.' ' J w( j aary aite,rtep-ta, ant o'.her use o' aal i c '.,.4ue ; at placfa cju?ejieTjt for ttie aaaae rn t lands, and alo tbe prttieeci ai:o'e wtera nf aald cao.i over any public l" , lt d HoniboMt rirer. at a-jch vlacea aa mJ 1 for that nniDO.e , ioTuied. That the pfOf of raid company fhiU traomil t. the &"'' , ,-f ti. Gsperal LaAl IXEce a d-rrprt pf' and ivcati- n of aaid onal. and tbrf r . j ea'1 zniila, oepo:, wate atea. dathr '"" a'afora the appruprfjiton thereof for u a c-ib operative: And ptuTid -l fu - be . w,j thirty mile, uf aall tiaiiini Itw ex ui I one jar. tne wnoi wubiu u-v j - aj hereor, iba grant berebr male Sn .ABtl mine: and prvneed iurther That at any time "srter ua ccscpie . abamfuDei by aaid company tbe srau" " thall caats and determine, aou mo - -vi ted .ball revert lo tbe United Siie : 'Q ir further. That i.othia la tbia act ahail w, 4 aa to interfere with any grant of tbe wyjf pf public lands beretotore ukiww Approved, jope, i, MASTER'S SALE. where th. last tern, r .a.d I Co A.-1S i.l-.fi If 'r -t i in tha rrobata court cf yahi Coo V' 1 Towashi? ToSlfu.; li 5fln , iD flV-'CaB:J 'a T.'' aij petition k U fhf hcar.b ttiti 1': October, 1863. i in State or Xevadjt. ard tbe ue of the lao-i ' T;-Itttl euttina.and embankmeata. to tba te "P7 on each aide of tbe centre ofthewnai. i; la hereby franted to the Humboldt Caa C-'"1 J b...mi TK.t in ham rieeo etc'' ' ' , s Notice is hereby given, that, by 0 5,. darof tbe District Court cf -Nmh V, a UiJ brai-ka Territory, in ebancerj,ia the era. Buiacr against Anton Kiun, made anu terra A. D.1S53. 1 will oa n tg& Monday the 1st day of October-A,,, at ona o Im P. Mf alar ..f f to'.the highest bidder Tuf eash. at Jle'Fheraoas 1111, ia lh CitZ i,,. , ? . -v. Kahnikm Territory, t.1",, . .i i ' was Held me cuiu . C ,k ,f IUrz'l'u . (10) in Township six (6) 0,rZftL - laitrap'- li