trnttrmmm t. '."drs: h i r ii inm.i .i fBBASKA ADVERTISER i ' s - f - - ! , , . 5 I a ! ... rflt:iitiiYTerxi5ATT r f ; . 3 ... . f . -. OSD. V7. IIILI t: CO,, ... n'vl.Kiln flt Between lit It 2d. us wissaa. a .1 l. 0a fcj&rtu colaa., ' ' M euJ4 eel earn. jtr4. , . - . ' Oat hJf . 59 One eolonxa Urtt w ' - . 0forU t f Ji . c Coeirtcc'"saU": r - ' it c . . " . . ... t- .Tfr:-ii' " pro wxjixrllloV INT, X Ay, . I I l S IS Fill ! i II. . T J-J J x t V.'J - .t...r. 1 aOaac. ti 40 . T . . T! ! Tiace. -Ti-1 1 J 4?enue-5 oU t. frt i j la ! in n..!. Ms CMk Tsd Cart? BTlaUsf . AeM Is i 4 . ! fr Jt Wt k 1 4"' i-'4 ,,"1 lu I r M -UPERT-V AND UNION.'ONE 'AND INSEPARABLE , JfcJ Q yVi ; ANJ .F.OUtiy.ER, ... Ljt . -1 nfv VOL. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASEa,l:.THtIRSDiiX, SEPTEMBERO, 1866: : . ! ! ! -4 .t:i;i it .tox.- :i f.; ns3K' y. '"if' u f . 1 I J 1 5 . I I "I I I i X . - . 1 1 - - ' "Zr i ! ) ( - N KSS GAR I) 8. jL S. HOLLADAY, Ll. D. Graduated la 151 'ttcatrd in IlrowniilLc In 1K5-V : onsTvTJiicrvN' ( ncIIaUay & Co's Dm? Store Jan ixjMi I.Jt of J'ost VJjict. finof- and M . .4. House, M'.OWXriLLE N T. . .;. n Li. I a ujri r t .f 15 : s l J SUces CUSTOM WORK y,'r'lri.g June u ith ncatntis and dispatch i" f Torzn0 Caali. 7'TRANZHELMER, Wagatt Bur wt,: OJTOMTKDCl'SKirS TIN-SHOP; waooks, nuoaius.rLOWs.cuLTi- . VII UKS. fcr . ar-airNiwii uliet t low rttM, C. P. STEWRT. M. D. . uu; El porser 'fcf Maia adi Flrt Sfeet T'ki llwraa -7 t" 9 a. M.ani I t 2 and ' , lV.NW.Va. May ilb. 1S65- N SI. ly EDWARETw." THOMAS, ATTORNEY u AT LAW. m -M.fOITOlt IN:iHV?l?IrV." ... -I l r v vvii.Li: nio.ra. in.ijciucu, r.I'lill ASk. A. .:. W.. : .r t tf ll. h.... i- T lrr-MaWiiy 'J 1 1 if 1 "m .13.11 ' l';ie tr.r. rV-n- rl . marsh & co., ,''r.i ral Ajrotts auJ S! , Oder Hull din sr. imoWNVIl.LH NEHUASK . i tn ktnj nl are!jr rcceivii.; .' f f V ,'., frriodn-alc. Suiirry. fj . ,k Altuta, S. h.l H'hjVs: alsi . ?'. !.... nl a-fti .:tMi"ii f I ViLLE HOUSE lliuuilie, .Vtbiakka. 2 V7. PEDICORD, Propiictor. Tk !! uitlat beeu rrfaruirbrd and oeJy fitted ai rcfj'ui.Uf 1 ui.Jpr It fr nt cQtrrjTi t' " 1 'u.r, lw iuirrMcei fatitfactiun to all bo "r o'tc bn IIuum. x-J-ly RAN T1 S CAEAP CASU.STOKE. ilV ttttrten Firit and Second. aOWNVILLE, N. T. J kirt 1 1U1 Ur( dU well selected attack ! , Boots and Shoes, H- Quality of Fprirs Slock, ctcn naorrrasroasALK yilE AP FORCASH (jroccric3 of Every Kind. ColTee. ft,. Soda, AH pice, Pepptr, CanJs ' Tobacro. MatcJLta. Starrh. .41 . . J..w'-rk kSera at l. d'llANT m hm hum, -vj '.. r . . ., ....... 1 't'':-i -, rtr.iut if V'ct'aaLd sitvoTPTfiTi en . . - . e - rio:ise-SUn ?i Ornamental fil tzier, Gilder.t Graicer, - PApER HANGER etc. i AH work done in t workman- , like manner, and on BtrickJy I OM O0i WUTorCBOW.ITlLU HOI I .JACOB MAllOllN, M RCHANT MUX STREET, BROWNVILLE, NEBRAtA CT3 "'5 Auir.li3.6U . RICIUUP F. CAItKET, iiJi Lr liii t ii' f M HMI.1K IN HliOWNVILI i:; brown- ".'-hi.' I - u r 1 (1 iLf-n the sbnrt- AUR.V WARRANTED Hrmrl p Keb. . X rcb ISth . 1SS6. TO-25 ly T . .11. J r;:b-r ! V-ej. r hnd a l.-r a?' rtini r SATTINET & CASSIMERE SUITS F cr Meuaud Uoy'a wtar. A'.o.a largestock of HATS JVISTD CAPS LIMEfJ & WGOLBiJ SHIRTS BOOTS AND SHOES, Rubber Cots, lesslns - , "cts. rzr-u.xxlsLS Axac3. ValloaOf UMBRELLAS CARPET HAGS. Gent's Fnn: sMi , Goods, Of a'.l kind wtiivu e will sell C II E A p r O II CAS H We purchased our gopds since the dt clipe in the Hilarkets and will sell at lov faurai. ATKINSON & CO. Apr'.llSth,18(55, ' fl-SOy . Evan Worthing:, Wholesale & detail Dealer m Choice Liquors. Wines, Alo, Bear, iitts urrriroTiiriASiiixG u t en 1 a rictrYoaii8CLrR4- ICG Iir 1IT:- ftX'IKR5IOW- am! 151 Hi I II fM.TIVA TOlt. :7- n iS-"3 Ii) SI f.- fr iu. 3 't.f xr?T 1. ' ' '- ' V or f Iioi;I 11 r t N un-r C l f I S :i u 3! l!:. J . ' :''- . ' . r 1 t 1 ,i 1 ..: ! ; .- " ' .''v r . ( rrl m i v , in I us' V ' - a toed rx. ' v it 4 t ' r. tf ''. ' 1 W d l - fcpti a am hi t n - u rx u-' m r. is . 1 tS 2. V;V .cis . j rv- ; .1 ; V. V l l 1 . f 1 1 1 . - . .?. - .:.- -k .: ' jw. - i ( 'jl (, SI. T J lung mm. By order ot thKnsr.1. . . E. w. THOMAS, Clerk. ' j 77 i'. A T T 6 R E Y A T L A W ..N.itToor to Carson$ Bank. . . ; .... , . .., "; . . ' MAIN" STREET ' r ' - . ' tf 7 i. : . .. , r . , ;t . ..; ' ". TIPTON & HEWETT, 10 at BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. March let. '68. ,lyl ", , , ' " " '" ' JAMES MEDFORD, '5 CABINET-MAKER -AND- t - - Corner 2nd and Main Streets, ; BROWNVILLE, TJ". T-' ! Is prepared to do all kinds of work io biillfie oft bort notice ani reasonable terms. l-6m t f - RESTAURANT AND '. ., - ' OYSTER SALOON. ' "'WILLIAM' ROSSELL' Ukes this method of informing the public that he hasjustoponed ,on Main street, between lit and 2nd, . IIUOIV.WILLE, ACBUASZLA. a Restaurant and Oyster . Saloon. Also, Confectionaries, Canned Fruit, Dried Fruit, Spices of nil kinds. Tea, .Coffee,' Sugar Tobacco, Potatoes, sweet Potatoes and everything VnaKy kept in a retain grocery store. ' tSTXEALS SERVED AT ALL HOUHS.l i ; ' FRESH OYSTERS- 1 : x:15-Jy :.. . V i Pliotograpft Gallery.-r-For good pictures, Photographs or Amlrotypes. call at A. & M. Staflrrd's Rrw ms above the Post Office. are preparrd to no the r.est of work m the shortest po8iMe time, and on as reas-oriaMe lerm as any in tin Vel Givua call. . Exaniitie our'rk. " WV insure sansfaciion We tal e all ort f jiictcre?, Of -wry Ktvlof faces. Both I'liorf grapt ard Anil rc'jres, In p'ain -r ftn-. t-"a. A. & M. STAFFORD. I T T " - &rWii !t i 'f .- - .1 r AMEKTCAN HOUSE. 1 A Good Feet! :nvJ Lhery .SlaW Sittornci aU3 r i : . Fr-r:t trtf et. f: jtv.-oer. Mt iu s: Mri'y, 30wf ISfC OVS Vy ' ' GEO. A, PKliNCE &COS .-. : I :. ' 29 Varieties, with Tatent Basso Tenuto or Sub J3ass. .. . 'School Organs and Melodeons. Ftnishedia Elegrant Jloscwood, . TTainut or Oak Cases. Jfo . Charge for Boxing pr Shipping. 3-35,000 Now In Use.B5 AN ILLUSTBATED CATALOGUE. con taining a fnl description of style, and tesHmoi lals ot tie most eminent Musiciaas, aa to the svperior ezrl- lence of oar instruments caa be sc en at tbls Of nee GEO. W. HILL & CO ,1 Prownville Nebraska. 11 J. B, WELLS DEAi.EtiJN ' ISIS II HfUCiil. Peru, .cmnha ounty, Eebraka Ha.4just rtejvtr'J Urg n wel; selected Stoik of diu'gs, medh'ine.s. paints, oils, Var NISH, DYES TUFF. BRUSHES, SPONGES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, : is . rirhl ( 'Via Drui: Starr." Cuff w f.M? .ii- ? e n:;t?:-,b h he .UT. f.r ("1I1 ..i V. I t .we -it 2 jr. 1 . rT."!' i ;i Se ize I'rr rracr i"h . 11 . . f WV.;:r !: . I '- -,. t 1 " ! v i i; en': i5 " A'J-tT r -' ; ' St I oX'C d 'CO.. (Ail Mat? il .u h w-.r'd i:i- Ci' 1 J ,' 0 ::. .'-'." il'U.'Ui' i KEW SCHOOL LAW,i ,; z nr. .d fractional part thereof, in the pre di et, in proportion to the enumeration of fecliuils: With th" exception of'so much o-the precuicitax as inay iyive been ler itd eliI reserved) by .the. boavd Jor sus- taiiii.jr teachers in the centraA-ar btffh tcuoon ; anu sulu svuuui iuuua as au;c front the sale or rent of fectibhs iixteen and ihirtv-Mx; or otbtr Unds .'iaJlieu thereof . ana! l?e distributed to the local itiea to which tuch funds belong., : All other echool' funds of the precinct' not raised for' the: central or) high schools nor made applicable to the payment of teachers, .as aforesaid, shall be applied, under the direction of the board,, in re pain'ng,' building, or f urnistQJ school houses, in procurino; choal house sites, aiid in inakinr sucli otber"Jprdvjqfs for tchools in subdiatrict of , th pfoper pre etnet, as.may, iu the opinion of. the board, be necessary, and. each precinct kboard shall make the necessary prbvisions for continuing ' the schools in u operation in their respective- precincts foi at least seven months, in each year.;, . . I . . DUTIES AND LIABILITIES OP, CLERKS.. 24. The clerk' of the board of ed ucation, or anyTone of the board desig nated for that purpose, or the' acting manager of schools of the precinct may do and perform all sbch duties; and services- connected .with .Itb .interest of schools as the board may direct, and re port the same to the board for their ac tion and approval ; and it shall ' be the duty of the clerk of the board to keep a full record thereof, in connection wjth ihe record of the other official 'proceed ings of the boatd ; and in case of failure to keep such recorded, or other Vecords required by this chapter, the clerk of the board shall he liable in a civil action for ail loss or damages' that may ensue to any person or, persons, or. to tb . pphbol district,, in the name of uch persons, or board ot school directors. "as ihrcase may be. ALd fchtill moreover be fiable, on coin-' plaint filfd iu the' name of the territory or Ntbrai-ke Vfore any jutice of the L'at. or othrr court having jurisdiction, io it nn iit vxc'pdii.JTcu- ..uirjrfu uui luTh, liicr wiifn C',::t cteu. ::; P paia. 1 ..... 1 . ctrr la't&VnrKitvurT cf the prop-r- pre cinct fur ihe tei; "Ii; of schools. - r . .. i- i. ....r(j ,ol t-duOHUou iu t mk- aettlw.eiilji ! '. i:h the pfecinc. tr6,r!t thfir r.r- iu "Anr eni-.i Ob;Wr r 'i . i-t . . iltfiiem cti!:uH .th in:d totif-J I" ?.ie lit ..itifir ;.v. t 1 iilr: r.ic- .0 lurk.! 01 t!j. toHio,' ulro tti ill ref.;rd"-avbs'ra;t t rev.f in lite-rr cords of .he board.: : TEEAiURtR, ASP HIS DUTiEi.- ' - 1'G..,. ,lrte precinct tr'aiitr eavli r.rffijicl :-Inii X-;'- tse "trtasurrr of; all L-c-i f'.ni r.r .ni -i urpoj.-;3' b-,t?!ij:-, rv;r fevurctb ;tui-c:t elcti.ja. au-1 be fure , t-irei 11.5 upon -, trie' dutii of : his Uffiicei be &hall.-xrive bond,'.vith "sufficient becuruy, in aoule tne prooahie ainount of indnfy thsk shall come into his hands, payable to the territory of Nebraske, to be approvi-d by the 'board of ''education at the precinct, condition for the ' faith ful dibburnaentMaccordir'.g to law of all fcuch funds as 'shall.' ifrom' time to tirae, Come into his hands ; and on the forfeit ure of Lurh bond.' it shall be theduty of the precinct clerk to prosecute .and cul lect the same for ihe use. ;of the schools in the preciucL . If; .such precinct , clerk shall neglect or refuse sp. t.q prosecute, then any freeholder may cause Vach'pros-' ecution to be instituted. I ; - ' '' 27. Before the county clerk, shall issue to the precinct treasurer any order on the county treasurer for the payment of any school fund belonging to the pre cinct,' tuch preciuct treasurer hall fur nish the county clerk with a bond, as pro vided for in the" foregoing section; and the county.'.-clerk shall in no case permit the precinct treasurer to hare in his hands, at any one time, an amount of school funds over oue-haif the amount of the penalty in such bond ; and the pre cinct board shall allow the precinct treas urer a ccmpepsation equal , to one per cent, on school funds disbursed by him, to be pai4 on the order of the 'clerk out pf jhe precsnct treasury. ' 28. The precinct treasurer shall, semi-anunally, between the first and fif teenth days of April, and between the the fiirst aiid fifteemh ays pf September in each ytar. settle with the county treas urer, and account to him for all moneys rtceived, from whom, and on what ac count, aiid the ainount paid out for school purposes in his preciuct; the county treas urer shall examine the vouchers for such payments, and. if satisfied of the correctness thereof, shall certify the same which certificate shall be prima facie a discharge of such treasurer ; and no precinct' treasurer shall receive froi the cuun1 y clerk" an Hff oil iht- couai7 trfRi'urer for schc.ol feud ufitil he furr.; the-cuu'r.y-c'erk with t. crt f'jcii t'tnr'the 'couni? irvaVurer that such i rneMs hj'.- bt-ipn- iridi? tird at fx rnti-n cf f; f. .1 i r..i c-i:ver 1,: nir!T.v or - h 'i Vtri:TS':n2 6 pl piJHct or t!i-r-cLcc ?a ' .Ki-r.'jr.: ftri,eJ.8 a'rrfer? h- r.!-v r.rf J -f . . . , fr.ifi.: 'xva-w cimtitv . tra;-uer. ana :: Votipi .of bis Slcc;ur thcror7 clerk . vvithb- en days thereafter. ; -and for making such semi-annual settlements he shall be entitled to ' receive the uo of "bne dollar, to b paid out of the county treasury on the order of the. ccunty clerk. : . .In ;c?e. tlie.precijact treasurer shall fail to'make such serni-annualset-tlement,within the ttma'Vrescribedirl the preceding section, he shair b4 liable to pay a fine of fifty dolUrsto b recovered in a civil action jo the name of the ter ritory of Nebraska. and ivhen collected to be , applied to. the use of comnoa schools in the proper precinct; and it is hereby made the duty of the cbuny treas urer to proceed forthwith, in case of such failure,. by suit, against such-treasurer, before i any, justice of tha peace of his county, to recover the, penalty aforesaid; but ' ' when'it shall' appear'oa triar, to the satisfaction -of said justice; that said treasurer was. prevented ..frorn , rrjaking such semiannual settlacnsntswhbia the time, prescribed by sickness or unavoid able absence from home,' and that such settlement bas since been:ctually made, it rhall be 'lawful for the justice! to dis charge such , treasurer. qq -pyqent1 qf. , Of CITICa AKD VILLAGES. j ' 30. Each city or incorporated vil lage, including the territory annexed to the sam for school purposes, not other wise specially regulated , by ocharter and whichwith the territory annexed, .con tains not less than three hundred inhab itants, shall be and ' is hereby created, a separate school district, and the qualified voters: of such city or .-village,, with the territory annexed, shall, . at . the j same time and in jhe same manner that local directors of subdismcts"of the precinct are elected by the provisions of this chap ter, proceed to elect three: persons,.-who shall constitute a board . of education for such city or Village witlTihe, territory so annexed, and such board shall have the same powers, perform 'th8 same duties, aqd be subject to the same penalties, as precinct poard: of; educatiorj: frovidtdt That by agreement between the board of education of the precinct in wl)ich such city -or village tyith the territory, annex- ' a a mm eil situatea, ana tne ooara oz ea 0 can on of such city or village with the . . J st a? tierritry nnntzfu, iraosiers .oi trruary Inu:vilUn the litutts of such incorpora- li.yi u iy bi lo-tde to or from the districts' ti'. jtl o ji U r'ni 'tula ei;itcn. , j 1t ' 31 Sai i Lonrd t.f education in any ou or iiiutirporatfe J viiijr. hilhb9 au- 1 trirt" t tr.i'iiiy ciinStia scrj's'-ht- j a ; . i r r.:.-r.':c-'. j T jr Bi 0 ? rn ftieii f aa.i ; " qoa-schjOi9i r.s '-they niaj ! tli;..U coo.iucsve u ibe puUia cood ; aaa it f.ii be lawful for rb preciavt board ! or cnuciuoo .in any pr?c:r.ct in wmca ' 1 s'.i'-r. cr.y or rrjLMrpcratea viitagrv is suuea, ijy'uiid -wV.h the. consent of. the board of cJjr-.tiion of any such piiy of incorpo rated viiligv;,;t.) uanfertiTitireto, for ed ucuuoiml purposes, the scholar j of such parts 'of their 'respective precincts as lie a'lIjar.Jnt 'thereto,' 'and, al' such1 transfers shall be controlled,- and all suuh schools 6iipporteil, in the same; manner, and on the tame principle as in . case , of like transfer for the convenience of schools where two or more precincts join, as pro-ij vide for in thiscqapter ' i . ; . - 32. Ia all such cities pr incorpora te4 yillaes,., the r clerk t or ; recorder of such incorporated body shajl b the clerk of the board of educatioh'and' hs shall do and perforin all the dutie required of the clerk' of a precinct; board of educa tion, and such other duties. as the board of education may from time to time pres cribe; and. all orders of the .board of ed ucatioi) for the payment of money shall be countersigned by the. clerk or recor der of said incorporation ; and il shall be the duty of ther treasur or of any such city or. ipcorporated village,. to re ceive and disburse the ' school funds of such city or village, id the same manner as is required of the precinct treasurers m their respective precincts, and for his services shall be entitled to the same pompensation : Provided, That the board of educttion shalll require the treasurer to enter into a bond; as recuird of he precinct treasurers, which, after being apprpyed by the boar4 qf education, shall be filed with the county clerk. t 33. ,The board ot educatiqrV of any city or incorporated village; shall have and may exercise all the powers which are by this chapter, conferred upon pre cinct boards of education, and shall do and perform the like duties in all respects so far as applipable, and the school fynds shall be divided 'among- thi subdistricu, so aa to make th distribution as nearly equitable as possible. All taxes for buil ding, purct asing, repairing or furnishing school houses and lots, shall, be .equally assumed co all the property , subject la taxation in such city or incorporated vil lage, and the board of education, in ex pending the same, shall maka the neces sary provisions for the subdistricts. ; ATronrinvuziT or school fuses, . .'S Si- . Th territorial treasurer shall, ienn-aunuAhy, betw;a '.h? first and fif- tee nth cays of An'rll'. an-l.etv."i-n the fit n net tit 1 i tuth ii J' o I S c p. ii h b 5 r . 1 ? - pernor. c,-ntmon ca-f tuaiii a 331 ti f ?f:s coannt- r;p3a ue.6iioiner&- nd wts,:r3it3 bin, b-f.tha t?r- - t - d h c-i?n y ," :s;at r.'r- 'f ros'rt' ' 1 w;'.t '-'yifo-i j ' . ' --' ' r-''frr-i t;t.-Li.ui d tin tile i a ojfj 1' 'm ! ' ' t -i: rLs: t.N; v- ire-rrcn. "t; : : p4 ,,r:v'o: i-i .?y br.ce tna: urer, aft?r deducting tha amount which nis county' is entitled to retain, shall be paid over by the county treasarer, tapoa the order i of - the- terriftriai. t?sxrurcr ; aiid rhe couaty clerks, shall, , wthia: tea days after receiving noiict of the appoiat uient by the territorial treasurer," appor tion the-school' fund ia r their' rctpectire counties according1 to the1- ni5t3er"it;Qn and returns ia their . respeciiirrxjces; and no precinct or other district, city or village, which have failed to make . a no! return such enumeration, shall be entitled to receive any. portion' -of 'the-' coraaon school fend. , And in rxakicg'. ?ucii' dis tnbutira, etch ccunty -clerk shall .appor tion all, moneys collected on the tax du plicate of any precinct for', the' use of schools, id such precinct,1 and all other rnoneyi for the ui 'pf aphQcU in the county, and .not otherwise; appropriated by,Jaw,,tqjhe proper. precinct,;' and he halL, immediately after making such ap po'rtionment enter the same into a book kept'for that'parpose,' and shall furnish the I precinct treasurers : and precinct clerHs treasurers vs& recorders cf incor porated pities, or .villages, as the .case miy be, each with a copy 'ot said appcr tionments. and give an order' on the coun ty treasurer te each precinct treasurer, or ta such, treasurer as may be entitled to receive the sarae, for the atnq'int qf.moa e beloogicg ,to his respective, precinct, city or village,, and take a' receipt from 'such treasurer for the fraouut ' thus re ceived )' aud the t said .county-' treasurer shell collector; cause to. be collected, the fines and all other moneys for school pur poses in his county,', and take all proper measures to secure' to each " precinct its full amount 'of school' faadt, -Ani if i: shall be found that the county: treasu rer is uaable to collect, by;: process, jot - law. fine or ether moneys which, are by lw ap-proprjted'fQr," schq'ol 'purposes, 'then the treasurer may" take frunrthe 'persons from1 whom the 'lines: or other moneys may be due, s bond with good .-and soft cient eecurityj subject to the,. approval .' cf the county cleek and. probate judge,' for the prompt payment of the amount" doe, within a period of not Exceeding; five years, and the prompt paymeqt of Inter est, at the rate of ten per ceqt, - per an num, ptyabla .. semi-annually f into, i the county treasurer; which irtte:esl, shall be appplied to ' the same ' purposes to which the fineior other "monfeys Would have been applied, if promptly paid ; and all county treasupers shall repprjjtq ' the territorial. treasurer and to th territorial auditor," seinarjaualv. 'on or before the fifth day uf May; atjd?dnk or: before the fi'th day ot Ntve"nbeh aod-ai such other tunei si ihe. auditor nrty .required a state ui?nt;) showing the whole, amount jof moneys, collected on account of territori al, county, precinct 'ani district school taxes, and from alL other sources respec tively, noting all interest collected, sepa rately, end the rpount: received pn ac count of licenses, fines..etc.,,Bnd'frqm?aI other .sources from which echooT Tunds are'deriVed, together with' a1 statement showing the amounts paid out; W whom; and on what account. ' pfxvujf or ABsraaCT to. TzaatTOat AL . AUDITOR. ' ; ." ' ; 35. ' The county cleric of each coun ty ahall, oa or before thfifth day of No vember. annually make out and transmit to'the.auditoran abstract of all, the te tnrns of school statistics' made to him from the several precincts 'in his' county, and a statement showing' the. apportion ment of the terriiorjal, county an ..other school funds, to the several precincts eni) districts in his county ;' Vhe ' rates and amounts of the 'several school taxes ley itd'in the-co-Jnty during the i:pti'3tl year ; the rate, and aoounr of school taxes lev ied fox the. current year ; the amount of fees for licenses granted during the past year; the amount of fines assessed, and a statemeut of all other moneys' due the school fund, and a - general report -opon all matters of interest in regard to schools in bis-county,-according to. the form that may1 be prescribed by the ter ritorial auditor ; and he shall cause to be distributed all such circulars, blanks and other papers, including school; la-ys end documents, in the -several, precincts in the county, as said auditor, shall law fully require.' In case the county clerk shall fail, from any cause, ' to' make re turn of the abstract as aforesaid, it shall be the duty cf the coijnty commissioners to deduct lor every such failure from thi county clerk for his services, fifty dollars 36." The eounty commissioners of each eounty in this jerritary, shall make the seme allowance to the county clerks, out of their respective couaty treasuries, for services performed and expenses in curred under this chapter.' as is aljowe.d for other services of like natnre 37. The precinct clerks and county clerks shall be responsible for all losses sustained by. any precinct or county by reason of any failure on their respective parts, to make and return the ensmera tionand abstracts thereof i herein pro-. vided, and ihall be liable for : the same in a civil action, at the suit cf the, terri tory of Nebraska, and the amount sore- - t'.Af: ; J r .1. Z i;:t:i en a innafa in lue same inner ;.s the tcbocl funtls st-O'jrj Have kith t- the re.pct;ve- countiea or pre- C:i:c: as ih case miy be. - , To be oonliuued.' .'. . Lojal Sont&cfn EesJlatbas." ; ptf il ADKLrnt a. SeDt. 6 Mr. Hamil- sr"i t . t 11 ,i;-ii. of. jt ex as, -reDortea tne following res- oltILKij vn;c?i were adopted unanimously. Resoled. That th loyal people of the pie cf the North-ia thank jgiftc: io M' mighty Gcd", thrcuh'f h? will a rebel- lion uncarall: hi cruelty aniTIts crirni&liiy h" o?ertonB;i?:tiTiadati92 of the eapreT rnacy of the Eedraf Constitution over every State and Terr iicry of the Republic. Jarcfc'J. TfiatxveUuriJ'ftS we Lava tions with the-UaioD on the simplest c:a- duioaScU3tI?V.C !jTrol8Cl1 .r our lives, property and. political rihu now iaTiecijdynjm the unqcr::hrj enmity cf rebels Utely-ia-fcrai. Resolved, That ths- "aahapy policy c? Andrew! Jchhsa r&it cf the Uni ted SfiTa.Trs.2rw7pcn the loyal people tf ths"Oith.'Cn;;st, op?re;:ipe; and accordingly .bSftarer ardently w desire our, respective States ence more represe at ed' j A $cpZT$s yb " wou Id d a 5 p; ly regret resforattoa'da-' the in'adequiiU coDditioasipresenTediyh?, Presided as terrfi5;.i;5 tq.aa only rnagaif the perils and sorrows of eur condition. nesolvedl,TV?on'9 1T' received at the tahds'ol the byF ciitxeas bf! Philadelphia,' 'under the -Joof .tof the time-hoDored hall ja hich' the DjcUra uoaAof ,Lide'pc4eflVi-CKJ'l? i1? Tic kf its' orf ?in shall tt C53 - ua crnt stone of tHd Cot3tiiuuc; " ResoivediThat-witH priii n the pa tfiotissrof Congress; iriihfgraiitt- Je fqr the feiirless and persistent- upparruhey have given to the :-cui3'cTyj3J fta. their effort to restore all S'AtiUo tjr forar f csijticni'i'i States iahAmsr ican Uaioat wa, wiU sUn4;Ei"Vf ;jitica taken by then end take altratahs.icoa sijtent.with a peaceful an3.Uwf;J cjrss, to secure the ratificat'ea .the Aneai ment to the Constitution tt 'itSi Lnitei Stages, as' proposed by . .Cctttit iT its wisdoo did not provide by, lV,V;f. greater security cf the Ioyal-. pe ia in the Sutes not yeVe.h.tTrfpre-sentatioa.-. ' ' f;:j : V; j? .3 V. Resdved;dThaVthrp51iti:ir 'rof " the Government cf the United iiitas irt tbe adraintsiptiioq'Cvf public suTairi,if by iu Constitution, csaflaed.w'thj pulir or law nakinj deparliacncfii.CT etwaenU ' " '. r' . ' i Rtsihed, '-that "the pQliiijsl'ititi'.s cf the States lately ia rebellion lo.thilnited States Government, and ;the -ri-Mj cf such people of 8uch'-Suie trs; , j :2tici qaestions, and, therefore. -are-car'.y within the , .coat roT cf Cocgrew; V th exclusion of, and. icdapeiidecaf any and every other departr?sr;:;th3:f-rn: ment. t -::,) --.r ;r .?z V.Jttsohei, 'ThaJ'jher'er if narh)jolii. ical; legal, -or CoBatituuaaal-rija.l'Ja any Stale'.w'ithdrair3 fre-r thf' Union. Bat they rxiay by i'wtcitJ. anj 'naifvhoriied resorutwnV,a.qr.Jeer he rejatictjs.vfhic! pey ruve e'Jtuiasa to the- Unk)aij84WPs.V? rsume the ztliitadje of public enemies at war 'with tne'JJaiiedStatey, they subject themselves to blithe rules and principles of internatiopVl.w eod laws cf war.ap--plicable to belige rents fccordjnrr iaod: emu3ige. y ' ' -4i Resolved, .Th'st; waire ,Jsaltfiriblela favor-of tlie : Unjoa 4:C.ftha, Stales, and earnestly deire a 1 egtleod f peedj res tdration, Vf.'.eU States ii" their prop?? places in. the Untoa; and:" the estatlnh meat In ica on of 'i he ii"cV. infhcces of patriotisra-'andJastici ;ljy Mh the. nation shall. be icorahinedto. cirry; forr ward, - triumphamly , the principles of freedco and prbgesf,'"uatir all rarn, of allrtces. shall ever-fwherebe'nc'iTh th"' fja'- cf "cur "eduatryp hive accorded to thenv freely.' all thatLiheir..-?'ixtu-i,.iadu-try, intelligence and jeafrgy ipay.eatitlj them to attain., 6i. . ;.'r. T , . Resolved,' That the orgiaiiaticas in ihe'unrepfesented State.,e astufnlag 19 be S,tate govrnra psz, Tol 'hafieiri be-a legallif established 1' tre.n W 'Sl1 goreromeata uatil. s recognize4 , by. f Coar gressv ...... ' 'Resolved, .Jh'at wech"ri3h''wi!?' Men der'hearts the 'memory cf thei'riirjous patriotism, sublirae-faitb, upright chris- tua; life aacT ztlP.W-TrS ?L3 P,r?' lyr President, jbrahra Lincoln."" . . Resolved". That 4 we'.:are 'in ffror "of universal liberty the1 wcrli cv& and feej thje' deepest sympathy i witif Jhe op pressed people cf -all countries ; in j their struggle for freedom a-dere.nt rights f' all men, to de.cide.and control fsr theaselves the' charter of ahe overnr ment ocder which they iive-ii r ;? . 5 Resolved; That the- .lastfaj gra)itade cf the catica isdae to thecntn wbcre the bstUe, pl in covering then-TseTveilia ImperiihaUe grory; and .hare ebown to the world its tope ' of ' free: 'gcvertment, and relying oa ' the 'iirriccisU I soldiers and sailors; who- aide ihe grsndjtarmy and navy of tha Rublj':, , .To., be true to the principle for which JStyj( 'f iJgh:. , yfff Pjed&e tq'thera ihii' we will'stiad by taem in njaiht'ainibg the I honor du9 the atiors 4f the nation and ia?curicg the frui; of their victories-. Resolyed.; J.aj jrernercbeVici with profound gratitude and loye, the precept of WashiDgfon,'ehnuIi accBsfJia our selves to consider the: Union asaprima ry obiect of patrio'tid desij;ef which has hexetDfore suitin?d us ia our . hje of Union, whea toa jnanyof ourjnelhbcri in. the South wer.e1 wag?af wa? for 'it destruction, our eep. 'ar.d ' -abih; love forthe menir-f cthe father cf.hta.-coua 1 ry a n i i a r th e fj n i 0 a . i s t mc . r ; e i c j- y , e z illed'for'he causelejsr.?is. demanded ft all-times ;etr.c t"i c?j lion of twiilitjs.-thlclloraiica of th States ia which-Ave livVto their cli rela pUt.ot jusvini el gorprtaint which were raadt.-lhd ;ft)unuathacrili??ub- i3 lixilltt, pe-' ocr ie-jrts this eye r-g 1 ... . , r . ..'.: i:.j v '- 1 V . : '.... . hi