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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1866)
r , t. - v i c .1 a V M-S TA CUES" V) t2. Lutbd la prcw upon tbe - tifcoutlrpl fce la (torn 3 f f 1 e weekabv tisier Dr. V. : f AUIUTCTft CAPIL-V . I f i ..i ,I.AUIC, the most won- S"1 ( ,rf ul discovery in modern science, actiDg upon the j i-rj and ka'rr wa an almoit miraeuloua manner. -)t baa beta ued by the delite of Paris and Lou&on 'wlib tbe nut a.tterir? success, D'anrs dVll nrlasn will berrfritefed, nl if entire natis fctl B is not fivea in every instance, the aoney 'mill be cheerful' refunded 1'riee by mail, scaled . i J posipalJ, SI. Diecriptive circulars and tcsti : br.'tli mailed free.' Ad.Ws BEUGER SHUTTS AA L.. I'Vesltii, No 2S4 Hirer Street, Troy, N.Y. fc Ag'iuit for the U&5td Stat,- 'ii-tna. --v . T)E A U T V. Auburn r T J Golden, Flaxtn, aid , ( Of ' Silken CL'ULS produced .' W the u of Prof. IK- y Larrx's f RISER LE r'i iuJEVELX. One app! ..... .... y rS ' catwo warranted tocurl " "y iLttM titraiirlil and ttulborn Lhir cf eituersex into wavr ritrltls or heavy massive curia. Haa ' toeo aieJ by the fashionables f Paris and Lundoni will the most gratifying results. J)oes do injure :t;a' Price ly mail, sealed and postpaid $1 - I '?rr'ire eirru'.ars u.ailed free.- Address, BER- i.i U Mil'TH A CO., No. 2t5 Hirer Street.. Troj . V N. V;"; Hole Agents for the Ir.iUd fctaes. - rnnn to everybody '-GUIDH TO HEALTH AUD BEAUTY ; . . Jbt Published . - f. , :ft tVe bow torfDoTeTaB,rre.P imnf eg tlotcbeaMotk )', Lruption'nd !lin:frititi pf the ilia ; bow to enamel the ahia Ua lag It tit and dear a labater ; how te : t rodera tbe fuKeit dcrelopment cf the female (u Trcticd fcy the trench. cauin tno tu?t tt n 'r?cw rlouland full, and if tbeforai hoi bn lost C --iy e iirf. lacirr er Ttaternity. icstoric? it to a r ' . T--. C ttn KifTginru fitlret, firuinc5,arjd beauty Itt ei t' w to revfueo the sise cf the bands and ftt. ; jTi acorjulen?T or the reTeree: remove tir . CureCtrn. Wcrtv and Ml'!f"; ret ; r HiT1" : cure urunKncsi, vamrrn, NerToui Debility. bow to faacinate and . r araia. tbrt loand affeotion f any pwon you may . ehovjir wiih othftr B.'eftJ and valuable in- T ..f tnwiijn o jiu2 I r r gitleman tbould , v il t aeodtbrr addrcgi to tli ndenigned nd fe cair tyTtturn mail a cvpy of tlu" valusllcrk ' I twaled eneV.r free if charga.. AJddai. f. L'LRGCii, SHTTTS & CO., CLeumln. Jt-Ca : - idi Rivar Strtat Troy, N.Y.. ?3 KNOW, THY DESTINY! WADAME E. F.Tmoilntos, tbe great K-glUh Jlilroi' Wl.Clairvoyan, a&d rr-ychovwetrieian,who ' lafeiUiiitehed the at-iectiCc claaes of the Old worfd' Ui bow Watei kertelf at UoJi-on, Y. MaJamo TborcUe rxxwesgaMoca wonderful powcrj of cc-'"''-pd fight, ti to enable ber to Impart knowledge of tbe grcateit iccrK.rtance to the ingle or married vjVf ibMt. 'TiTkl'e ii t rtate cf Irance, she de , 'lire&ict the very fvatsrrc of tbe person jou are to ' " laarn, nd by tae id of an inbtrumcnt of intense - Kwfr, kruwn as tbe rjcb-inotropc, guarantees to r. i'u.a a Jift-like jiicrure of tbe future husband of , . ot u .r arpllciui together with date ef tsar 1 .r;v;r, V-Mi-ei in li!e, leedicg traits of character, . .t. t, ' ir b kuOibcg, tbonsandj of testiiuo 4 1 L. ;- nti. tiiie will ao'.d,. when desired, ft t , .. : T L.r vri l.n ffnlwitf that (h - - v -tt it jurrta to bo. lij enclofing . Lir, hi A (atjng riiace of birib, age. ;t'd u ; ' xi- u end enclosing 51 cents i eavlu e4dr-;ied -to yoorsclf.-you r, rct.':e the j iurc auid d "fifed ir(onntion by . 1 1 1 r 1 .". r. A 'i rtUin: o n c,tioni altered oonnden- V'.:. -!!(?, J-4 cCaiace, JJADAME DAME F 7N.Yr -' :CHASTSLAR'S ViliTE LIC'JID EtJAMEL. " w Tc Irprravior and Kcantifrlc-' tbe fTnmnTTion i. i j D 1 ' Jka t-ust valul!e and t erfett preparation in ust -fef firing the skis a beautiful pearl-iike.tLat,thae Ml tty found in youth. Jt quickly remove Tan. eckles, l'uaplej, Slotches, Moth Patches, Sal . Mwpei, 1 BrtioDS,and all impurities. of tbe skin, i.i a d y tmlicg tbe me, leaving the ckia white - . 4 ! iKftt.r. It use cannot be delee- - .1 fj Ij te cloK'itatrutby, and ling? a ecUble " ir-pra-v. is porfectly harmless. It ii the otly .1 j'tkile of tbe kind used by the French, and con "7 . 1 1 arwi by tbe Parisian as indispensible toa perfect - tvV.tet. tpwardi of 33,000 bottles were sold during tbe f. lit year, a mlHeirnt guarantee of its efficacy. " "frlce r x!y 75 eenta. Sent by mail, post-paid, on rejelft fr an order, bv EEHGEU,SilUTT3& COCbcnists. . . 1 1- ' 2S5 Eirtr.St.Troy, K.Y. - rO CONSUMPTIVE. Tie advertiser, bavin been restored to health in a few wesli by a very aimple remedy, after baring . '. a?red for aeveral years with a severe long affeo- !MoB,aBd that dread disease, Consumption is anx- - eaa to make knows io bis fellow-sufferers the f f. Mill of cure. ; , -Te all who desire will send a' copy of tbe j JTTfescrlptlon weed (free of charge, with' the diree 7 tion fvr preparing and using the same, which tbey y miil ft 3 a fore cure for ConsuuuitlonfAtbnm, Uron- litl,Ccurhi, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Af ; fieUor. Tbetn!y otjoct of the advertiser insen- jC?Bg tLe resoription is to beneftthe aQlictod, ani rrr4 iBfomatioa wbkh be conceives to be inral- tla, and be Lop eery su ITerer will try his rora . . lJy, as il Till cost tlifia cctllcg, and may prove a ' rartiee wlabing tbe presaription, rata, by ret urn -ERRORS OF YOUTH. , , A Cenr.eman who s uSered for yoars from Ncrv caa Debility, Pren.ature Dcx-ay, nd all the effects if youthful indiscretion, will for tbe t&e cf suffer ' ;Jf kumanity,ernd free to all who needjtr the re ."cipe and directions lor making the simple rcrnody . 'Iy which be was cured. Sufferer wishing to pref- . Jt ry tbe aavcxtiier experience, can da ao by ad- .-C'caalrx JUIl.N it. OGDhN, yoKChcsnut St-Sw.York. '.STRANGE, BUT TRUE. . a.vry young lady ana gentleman in the United tato c shear aornttlirg very tuuch to their ad Taatage Vy return u-ail 1 free of charge ),by address trf the undesigned. Thoe having fearccf being - bumbefrd willotl'e by not noticing thiscard. All erdra will pleue address their obedient servant : -TIIOS. F. CUAPMAX, . 831 1 road way, Xew ork. ,v B' xi. r. ;mj :HINGTON & SONS V. - - J MANUFACTTRES REVOLVERS, RIFLES wixxialxotw anclCartolno, - r . J'vl'c ir l Si-t!i Service. Als.: . " -r?ct snA Telt Revolvers, I ! LATINS P1ST0U, REVOLYIXO RIFLES, r'".i.. i S:.,,t (.ua Harreis.aiid Uun Jlaterul soid i&Deakriati the Trade generally. 1 :Jn thtst day of JIousi Irtaking and ' r.olltn. errrv lloust. Zlcrt RcrJi. and CZctihoM?J have one , -'.kl 2e: : ;r!rr to avail tbeosclves cf tbe late late In PUtola. andeaperior workman- sae: i:sm,zi f era, will tcl ailcoasinca in me xew I A TUl ILGVOlYUIiJ. mm -w - Clrf-' t ec.U'tir- : tiacd description of our pon app'icaiion. L 'ru .-i be furt'.hei r IINGTOir?: SOS ljjcn JN.Y ilOOHE A NICHOLAS Agents, j 5'o. 43 Courtland St. New Kork. 1 o S T: J 0 II t S ST.3LOUXS.jMO. - estiljWill j leaae adlrcs -V . "Hrv. EDWARD A.WTLS0N', ; , . ' ' Williauuburg, Kings Co.,ew York 1X T"V-- v-J -rL-Lii OSAGE ORANGE: lELl 3Z3 C3- Z iXT CS- - Tht auifrced.kit leeated In tbe Territory of 3eSraka,f&r the purpoie of r&irmg OSAGE Plant asd Mttlgot and mAk'iBg Faaoe of tLo taaie, I iba.ll cultirat? and tend the Mine fur three yean, and gire tbe urns tinwtopy for it, at a charge of from PSE dollnrand T'iVETY-FIVE TWO dcllanper Cud.i I fba-lt ic out Hae inaaU text 'rlcg,co)lC;Ciag Eearyse Aaneas jib mo go aa faf rp a(itaahai)d pro ball yj-lotn 5'usUdce beyond.lakrrg a Mrrp country 51) or 40" mile wide, and beyond that if thefo will b enough to do to make it an object fo ae-to ga there.-- - 110 TO PIIEPACE THE tJKOUD. real! whewfuh'wetodotbelrFeurthr' prepare rffu Croand is tbe following manner : If U it Prairie plw L a atrip one rod wida leaving a deal furrow m te cen tre, plow fretu one ul a dit 10 iwo incne uaep, in at Fall U,.lha Uac liwrr it; agii the Sprinn harrow and your grownd U ready for tbe Plant. In old jtround back furrow in Augunt before the weed Lgqto eed- . rr - ' T ' T' 1 ' ' .jAbj xnO baiPf4 a- largo traei ot iana u, and I will call atyoor residence sometime between now and the first of January next, ana mike r special Contract- with jou- I 'fYuM also -bay e all kinds of Krilit'Trctsv rlowm,' Evergreen?; Shrub bery for aalo. all erown in the Territory and accli mated: ToThofO ht ''nre raiding HinuU; of their b own, and wouiaiiK3 ma 10 m.iJie ineir peago ior Ibeio. Irwil tte their 1'lants in pirLiAy, cr 1 willti ' iOto make a good fence, and tbe sped" -iwy ttriiJHkcIt ; also ttw best waj toffi, ' .ants. during the Crst and aaon4 wro-j ter.- lt,j beyiiig Plants jf me" will get there-' CciptifM. - -r . T -f i IrtbeYUany m&G; ia ,b' Tjintory, that caa give better iustrucllousi I will givo'bim one thous and dollars or it.v J jiso foypish, receip or der strpjirij' the Gop)iertfprf.ftyenUe.t(J. i i 4 Agents wanted to canvass in Kans6, Nibraska Iowa and Missouri, they carnjeaaily nwke from one to tbree hundred dollHT!tPi"month,l3r .f ejepen sei. Address, MaTIIEW McliEIGHAN. P. 0. Pox 12. lirownville, Xebraska. f, fTwefery cerisu-isioi to i, i J -; i iV; i.Jrr$tXiujDp;i JlUX PoHTEll t Oniahav' LuTOEuIIoinLBr K. F.Bakket, J Brownville - : i THE-.-.-S&VER. SKIRT,! More Durable.. Mori Elastic - Vore Graceful. And irUi' Jceep its ' Shape and rdaih its . A lti.t frftbif vi t- Kf - " This beautiful styly of Skirt (Patented Ma-ch 7 1865.) was awarded by tbe kxat Axkkibin In etitlts Fair, held is New York, October, 183 5, 1 . - . . ." ' '. J ... . ' 1 Tie II! gift Premium eter given foa a Hoop Skirl The titeel Springs are wound with a fine plated, wine (in place of a cotton covering) which will not wear off or become 'soiled, and tbe whole S irt may be wntlttd tcithovt, injery cr foar of .rusting and will bo, as good as new. ,, . , v u . ,Tlie':;Comlitfatiea "Silver.' Skirt! This inventioa combines with tbe -ordinary eot ton Skirt the advantages of our SILVER SKZBT the bottom hoops are the same asthose used in tie Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot' wear off. wcue the upper one are ooverc4..witb eptton. No lady, having once worn one cf our Skirls. -Till be willing to wear aav other, as tbe lower boop cf al otoer aiBds are soon injured ana soiled. - 1 -. Tbe best materials1 are used in their construction ana irom ineir auraciuty ana. ccamesi tiiey are del tinodo become "1. j - - . . ; " : A FAVORITE -SKIHT ! Mannfactured" solely by "tbe frlter. Skirt and . B ire AaHfaAurtn(f Otmpdny, ' -" ; v. . . i : 30 & 32 Barclay Street, -'.!' SEW YOBK. T. S. SPERRY, Sup't. - July Jst. 1666 1 year nOTCTING:;:;::;-; - . FOR ' ;.. , Fairii lie s an d Jlanufacturcrs S03ICTniG JiEW A!V VAIITA- -IXLK.FORFASIILY LSC ; u h oner the public the simplest, strongest and best Knitting Machine in the world. .., It occupies but little space is portable and can be attuhed to a stand or table, weighs about 401bs. It will knit a varicfy of etitcbes tbe brcakng of needles is triflinz the cost cf needles, is insig nificant aud tbe most delicate material can be knio pure and spotless, as the needle r-re not oiLed. . "Ordaxsfor Machines may be nt through the Americaa Advertising Agency. - . , 3SO "Broadway K. Y. : Send for a Circular. - AgcntsWanted., 1 DALTON KNITTING -MACH CO..-- 5- ly : , . : , 569 Broadway, : Lyon's Periodical Drops. THE GREAT FEMALE REME DY FOR IRREGULARITIES. Ibese Drops are a scientifically compounded fluid preparation, and better thae any fiRi, Powders, or KoMtnnis. Eeinfj liquid, their action is direct aDd positive, rendering tbem a reliable, t Fpeody-aid cer tain rpeciflc for .tee cure el ail abstractions- a oil sup preisslona of nature. Tbeir popularity Is indicated by tbe fact tbat over 100 too be tllea are annaally 6oId aud consumed by lbe ladies f tbe United States, eve ry one of whom speak In the strongest terms of praise of tbeir great merits. They are rapiuly taking the place of everyotbe Female Kemedy,au4 are 'eonsid; ered by ail wbe knew aupht of them, as the surest sa fest, and most intaliiable. prepare tion.unthe -world. for tbs cure of all female complaints, tbe removal of al 1 obstructions of nature, and the promotion of health regularity and strength. Explicit diiectiona atating wben tney may be used, and explaining wbea and why tbey should not, nor could not be used without produ cing esecta contrary te nature' chosen laws, will be found carefully folded around each botttt, with tbe written signature otJOHX L. LYO Jt. without which nene are genuine. - r ' . I rreiared by En JOHN L. LTOK, t95 Cfcspel Street, a ew Haven, Conn, wtio na be coosulted either pef- tknally, or by mail, (enclosing stamp ) toncernlse all private claeases and female weakneos. Price $l,6o periottie. ' ... Sold Sy Drcggists everywhere i . C. O.CI.AKK &CO., ' CenM if gents for U. S. and Canada Jottiwe Baoa. 8t. Louis. ) Wbolbsale) lLLxa, Fikch h. Fuller, Chicago. J Ageuts' December 7th 1S65. ly. lo-12 ll-t2 ld.nn, Jsw FREfClTHOTE t ! , On llio European Flan. -t ' Opposite tbe City Llall and Park,' (Ct-r. of Frank. .' WW YORK. I m Eracious Tlefectory,Batb Room and Z?arber'i Shop. . j&rraafs not allowce to receive Penpiitits. Do tot relieve ilocners r iivrkuien who say we are full- - Jnly IstrlSfi. 1 yar. - , ; TTIE CELECBATED CRAU f'ul MICROSCOPE. Combine instructions with amusement and lait a lifetime. The best, simplest, cheapest and most powerful Micposcope in the world. Gotten upon an enti 'y new principle. A beautiful giftKo old orSouE'1. Ma,:.'iiS8 nearly Tan thouwnd timet a powerecjual lot twenty dollar complicated Micro ecipes. The only instrumenwhicb requires no fo cal adjujtme, therefore can be used by.every one even by chi'ren. "Adapted to the ' family, eirele aTat'.lai Uientifiio use. Shows the i alteration in fnrtinimals in warterrfTobule in bltwd7-tid otbtr ids. tubular structure of a neir, claws on a f y' foot, and in fact there is no end to tbe num beiJI.f oljeets wbicbfAn be .examined mt.-,- liber al discount atuwbc'.esale AgenU wanted every where. Send for Circulbn. Price oqly 2,50. DiuUful mounted obiects One dallar and fifty ct. f fdor-en., The Pocket novelty Microscope, com pannioa to the Craig, for examining living insects, seeds, clvln. 'Wool, bank; tills, Cowers, leaves, ic, is a comriiict and bandy instrument. Prieo.only AI.-.0. tL.e new cud beautiful folding Bellevue Stereoscope, which ru-ignifies piotures large and lifelike. Priee$3. Choice Stereoscope views. S3 ) perdejen. Ant of tne above instrumeijfj pHiljei tf-t rrennia ea receirt or nn-e. '.''.' w 1 C. :x lie ad; Thoinpsonsvillo, Wis and would rather I should take part of tbo land for cAfuJrt Zi,yhi7i& W in. 7; it r ay, 1 will do ao to those who wih ice to make Pc Iul .bpUUi rf':il ntS" them fence , writ to uc at Urowflii:e,' and let ' ease,.Oll torCS, Salt llheiim, ' roe know bow mueb vou want toe to fence for you.. . I DyWPSia OV Indigestion, L u !3L00D BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD piLLa PILLS. PILLS. PILLB: PILLS.. PILLS. PILLSr PILLS. pills.; PILLS. BLOQD j BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD r BLOOD FILLS 'BLOOD JLKD r BlobdpLirifierF ..lit j. vi . ro rrtixi ' .: -i- .SICK HEADACHE Liver. Complaints, Rheumatism, ' Fever umt'tAguer &Y. jlu thony's Ftrv, Erysipelas,' TumorstEmjitioM) i I .''lits Scrofulous Con , t . sumption, etc x ONE perpou tiTites, her daughter was euro of Fits of nlpe yeata': fctiuidiug, and St. Vitu4.. k ' dance of two'y e:rs. ' ' . ; ANOTHER writes, his son was cured after I bis flesh had nlinvst wasted away.- Ttie lwtora proActincetl the case incurable. ; ; A NOTiltiiwM eureL if l ever and Ague af ter tryintj every medicine in his reach. ' ' ' f 4ANOTUKR !is cured of Fever Sore which f i linn exiHted loiirleen yenrs. ANOTHEU of ltlieumntism of eight years. :: Cnses innumernble of Py.speisia and Liref ComHaint mentionea, in which the , ,1'iu-jfier aud pills work like a charm. BLOOD-PILLS if.Vf " brtvoever been -introduced.- TJiey fu:t ao dl- .rectlv upon .lU Liver, excitinc mat-organ to '.-wikii an extent as mat tne system uoes not re--. .'. t'.lupse-into ita former condition, which is too, art . to le Hie ense with aimply a purgative pill.' r. . 'Tbey. are really a,.... .. ):.;v..; qlood AfjD Liver pill, ' J'ahd' fa conjunction with 'the ' .. BLdODPURIFIERS Wilt -cure all the aforementioned diseases, and, of tlwinselres. will relieve and cure ;: - Headache, Oostlveness, Colic ; 3 .-J- .Pains, Cholera Morbus, " Indigestion,, Fain in' the Bowels, ,...tvu..;i Dizziness, &c.j :&6, ' :StomacH; Bitters! Fhould be used by eonvftlesoenta to strengthen the prostration ubichp always follows acute dixeasB. . " ... Try these medicines, and yon will never re-v rret it. Ask your neighbors who have used them, and they will eay thev. are GOOD MEDICINES, and you should try them be. ore going lor n physician. . . PRINCE, V ALTON & CO., (Successors to Dr. C. W. Robaek,) , . ., SOLE PROPRIETORS,' ; ' : ' KoWse, 68, 60 & 62 n. Third St., CINCINNATI, O. Are Sold. by all Druggists and ; Dealers jn Patent Medicines ' V EVERYWHERL ' KEROSEN & q-ASS , m-L. TEA AND COFFEE BOlf.ERS.GLUfi POTS OIL, ICfr - All the Cooking for -a family may be J$. JC3 lone wifbterOseu Oil, or ais, with lea t?" trouble, and at jess expense .than by ' .,..53" ny oiber ft el. . 3 , Ech Article manuiactured by this CompMiy i guaranteed to perform all that cluimedfor it. "Send for Circular.jg ' Liberal Diicount to tfir. Trnde. KEKOSENLAMP HEATER CO. - 2t6 PEARL STREET, N Y. ! ! . July, 1st 1856 6 month x4l , VILLTAM'S Advertising Acency, Chaniher Stree's, Saint Louis, Mo lauufacturerg Depot No.: S3 North-5t Street, ear. St Charles, Her "will be found every variety of AMERICANS-CLOCKS : ' "f I - A.ND '-' ' ! ' - OLO OE .-MAT3R1AS Sj with all the advantages of. the Eastern market id regard to both selections and price. bend for mastrated-'Jataiogner.-"" . ' HENRY W. EDE3, j .-. r r: Proprietor. m. a. m. a. . o. - I': no 23-vol 10. b,nn ; The "most delicioua and. belthful beverage known. t It is preyared from the best JAVA COFFEE, and while it has all the navor of fine Old Govern- jnoct Java, sells for-Iess than half tho pnoe. Oslioiss Java Cofjev Baibeen steadily used for-years. by thousand of person in all parts of the potf-ntry, and is uni versally acknowledged to be at once nutnoue, de licious, healthful and economical. The same quan tity will make a richer and atronger cop of yon than any terLnoirn.'V , fOsborn's JaH CoITqgJ I particularly recommenJed a a healthful bev erage and is most beneficially used by those wbo suffer with Headache Nervousness, and other inju rious effects from toe use of other Coffee. . " i -. . .i . . ri(ts preparea witn me groates care, aos con tains no ingredient which is not more harmless and beneficial to tho human organism than pure coffee, to which fact the. most skuf ull Thvsicians and Chemists testify, .. ... v V,' - OSBO COFFEE. Has been extensively used a numerous Sanita ry Fairs throughout tbe Unwrr, and received cer- tificates of the highest recomendation ; ' It Ui also- been thorouihlywested, and received tbe d ploma cf the American Institute and other prominent institutions. - ',: ret on 10 one pound package bearing ttje fac- sirSile Signature ;f Lewis A. vjsoi.rn n i irt b es of 30 and 69 ibs. and Sold bv Gno rs sfer.eraHv. W-holc&alQ DrpoIJjwid Trade TTiftQ 'tipm X.- I'd :fCl tlF T ! t 1.7?, V "n M"r,t'i Imix'rters and Wbvle?aieScalers, in TeaCtlp ee, bou 01 h-w. a f ces. . Vos. 103 & 103 yyarren pii.d 209 Ta&hlngton streets IVcw York April 26th 6m rf,nn . aj a m.m a.. y ,rw lii.i iiwjiawTe .XMufli , nmfr - . n.. - f tt ajiiiiaf ' -t ' - . : An Old Son, Set to a nctz Tuna , .1866 UA Jtprina approach Amtt ami Xoathc From tlir holt tomt oaf, And Mice and focf pif of eats, vwvr - ivat :q8 years eMablmhed in N.Y. Cit." "Only intllible rem'iiy known." , - , ."Free from Pis B. ' 'Not d&ngeron to iht Hurnnn Fnmily.1 "Rats come out of their hute fn de." -Costai's Rat Roa h. t Kxt. rminatirs Borl rruii r"d ntn AcAe.A.. j txi - tvan .i ' ijccl.Uuc -Uxt'-t-rir.-.or. Is W fi'j'itd r wns'i u'.- t ! . 1)1 Hi! i 1-frV COSTA US" is for Muthi, V f r H - j-Ue.-tn?. Forder lor laso-lts intex'tt oh plant, Fotrli, Animals, xc. 1 . . r. 5?" 1ft BVAnn!!l of all worrtiloss imitations Ff See that CostibV mine is oo each Box, Botle, and f liwk, hefora jioa h.iy. . l3rAddreiS, ' U rtN kY H, COSTA R.J . w.y, New York.- "SoU in Dtownville, .Nebraska, . -i j . And by all Drutrslsta and Ketailcr. ,' , ' 1 8 6 6 - INCREASE OF RATS. The Frwier' ffaaetfe (English) asserts and proves by figures that, one pair of RATS will have1 a progeny a.nd descend ants no Iess,thaa 651,050 in three years. s :Now,an less tbis immense family can he kept dotvn, they would c'.niume more food thin wouid iwtaia 63, 000 human beings. . See "COSTAR"' advertisement above. . 18 6 6 B ATS Tefs BIRDS.-Whoever engage- in shooting small birds is a' cruel man ; whoever aid in exterminating ratt is a benefactor. We should like some one to give us the benefit of their ex perience in driving out these pesti..; We need something besides dogs cats nii traps fot this bu sidess. Scient ific American, iV. Y. 5?"$ee "Cost ar's" advertisement above. -. 1 8 6 6 "COSTAR'S RAT EXTERMINATOR is simple, tafe and sore the most perfoct RAT-ification moe ting "we hav ever attended. ' ' Every ,: Rat th ' eo gat it; properly prepared, will eat itj and every one tbat eats it will die, generally at some place as dis tant' as' possible from where it waa taken. Lalt SAofe, Michigan, Mirror. -' tSf "See CosTAfc'g advertiscrrjeht above. " c r , . .t .-I 8; 6(6 , Mi i 1 ' nOUSEKEEFERa troubled with vermin need be so no lodger, if they cae "Costab'b Extermina tor. We have used it to our.satiefaction : and 'if a box eost $5, we would have it," -We' have tried poisons, but they effett nothing i bat "Costar's article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Ants, and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it, 1 1 is in great demand all over the country. AleJCna, Ohio, G&iett. ' , ' . , . . E5jSeeVC0STAa's advertisement above. 18 6 6 . f A VOICE FRO,M THE FAR WEST. peaking bH'C)63TAR's"J-Rtj Usacbj Ant &c.,'Exterminator "more grain and provisions are destroyed annu ally in Grant Courty by vermin than would pay for tons of this Rat and Inae?t Killer." Lancaster, Wit Herald. ' - - . - , , dt?Se ?'Co3TAR'8" advertisement above i . , v... . 1 8 6 6 i" FARNERS AND HOUSEKEEPERS-should rec ollect that hundreds cf dollars' worth of Grain, rrovisions, Ac, are annually destroyed by Kats Mice, Ants,, and other insectsano vermin all of which can he prevented by a few dollars worth cf VCoNTAR's"Rat, Roa;h, Ant,Ao .Exterminator, bought, and used freely. , tj See-"Co?7AB'B" advcrti?emert abave. ' -:tSF" Sold'in'HrownVille, Nebraska. ' 1,1 tSf" Sold by all Druggis's and Dealers ' June 20th 188 6, 4ms - . . -:' t PIANOS! PIAHOS! ; '.:'$350to $i;ioo. .. EI. H. SAXT0N & CO., JST- XaOXJX JXTO. fT AYE .Constantly on band tbe Largest Aisort LA ir)ent.f Hi'.ST-CLA.NS PIANOS kevt l.y n one llo-jse in' the WePt. Th.y ko. pthoRiaiABL INSTKUvENTS .id by i Wrai B- Brtdbury,- Chamber & GablerJ ' New York Pianofort a Company. James W. Vase. 1 - 1 . ...-' , , Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Or $110 to $160 Boh. Also, on band Second-liand Pianos, Mclorjeans, Ao.. Ac, Ac. '""A Which are sold at Bargains? Semi for " Circular" and "Pr t??L ) - "Wrerooms: Cor. Tifth & "Walnut (Under Southern Hotel) .S.W 10-5-ly. ST. LOUIS MO. 1 ; : - GROVESTEEN & Co., PI AiN G F O Rl: E ; MANUFACTURERS, , 409 Broadway, N. Y. mHE ATTENTION of tbe publio and the trade 1 1 is in vited to our Aew Scale, Seven Octave, Rdtewood Piano Fortet, which for volume and pu rity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto offered in this markot. They contain all tho modern im provements, French grand action, harp pedal iron frame i lover-strung bass,'. etc.retc. and each in strument being made tnder tbe personal supervis ion of Mr. J. U.Okovestxih, wbo has a practical experimence of over thirty years in their manufao- . f - J 4 - .. tare, IS lUliy wsmuiou 10 vvcrjr priiuuir. The Grovesteen PIAITO FORTE Received tbe bfi best award of merit at the cele brated world's rair, where were txbibited instru ments from the bcet-ovkcrs of London , Paris, Ger many. Philadelphia, boston, Baltimore and New York ; and also at the American Institute for eve successive-years, the Gold and tiii.virrMKDAL8 from both of which can oe seen ai .our Wiire-room. Bv the introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano forte," and by manufact uring largely, with a strictly cash system, are en abled to offer these instruments at- s price which will preclude all competition. '- x. Our nrices are from to $200 choaper than any first class ianyrforte. XtKAis. iKT cA8B in current ianaa. Descriptive Circtlar sent free. " J,uly 1st 1868 one year . R. A Co. VTO-LADIES. ) FOK FEM A Lr B S . Are Che only tafe and truly tjfrciiee mediefne for Females exUut. Do not trifle with your health, and u.e cheap and dangerous medicine, which drug gists may have bought, and -will recommend to you being ignorant of tbeir qualities. Ms "Vinslo's Mystic Pills are mild in thpir operations; correct all irregularities and painful menstruation; r-m ve a) pb.tfuctions, whether from cold or otherwise. No xnai4ep, wife or mother'should be wjthout them. Try thera-ruse according to direction, and we know tbe result v. ill be a dcMre. Ack for Mrn. Wins low's Mystir Pills, lake none.oi her Price 52.00 per box or tbre. boxes for b d liars. For sale by all drug2iit. " Peter E. Blw.-Gen-.geat, St. Louit. Mar:h22d, '13 - - ' ro ;f-ly ; , STRAY. NOTICE. - TaVen up by tjie ur.(?erti;;, iivingabcut 3 1-2 xr.iles abc-ve-Brfewnville, in Nemaha County, Na brai Territory, on ' vhe 13th ilay of June, One black or diuk brown Hor;e.a.boutfifteeu bands high, cbut peven years old, right hind fot while up to the pasture joint; mmli addle mark on top of weathers, a few white hair undei' left Eye, heavy man. JACOB BREWER. ; ; M'jMfifei-.. .k . i- -m . 1 ' r n mmi ') t - : fl frID-EX TRACT 1 1 ''A AT THE CAFI. OFi! GOQDJlOt'E l - TEE HOTTENTOTS ? .!ii 'HaVin'loa, useJ' 23 U O H TJ. aa, ; , 1 ' Cor a Tarlc t y of Df senses. It wai borrowed from those rude practitioners by THE English and Dulcli Furslclans, On whose recommendation it was employed in Eu. i ' rope and has d.qw come Into general alb. - ' 1 ;'' IT IS SIYEN1 CHIEFLY' 12? r Grayel, Chronle, Catarrh i or llie ruiuuuera f ta ff i. i H0RBI ItATION ::i OPTnE' BLADDER AND 'URETHtf A, ; j .1 ..!;. A 'it iU FOIl i FE3IAJLE WEaMESS ; and DEBILITY,' li. t i! For Prolapses and Bearing .Down,7 on Prolapsus Uteri, ; : j Diseases ' or The Post axe Gu Rktkntion, ,0S f Iscontinencs OFiUkIXB. And all -diseases requiring the aid of a diuretic . : arising from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation- . ;j IT .IS RECOMMENDED IN CASES OF "'DYPEPSI-V Cutaneous Affeclloiis and Dropsy To cur j diseases we must bring into action the mnvlei" which are engnged in their various fomr 1 ' ' To neglect them, however sl:?ht may be th attack, is Sure td affect th? boldly h.a, th and tu;u tal powers. r i 'a . : . . OUR FLESH AND X3IOOX3, are supported from those sources. PERSONS OF EVERY PERIOD OF LIFE From Infancy to Old Age. and in every state of health, are liable to be sub jects of these diseases. The Cause in Many Instances are Unknown Tha patiet has, however, an admirable remedy jn HELMBOLD'S Eluid Extract of Buchu Philddtlph ia Evening Bxiltei in Editorial, ;..;i.-;.'..t-,.iSSPtv"i5;-: 1665. ' . ' ; - HELM BO LD S' - . ' 1 1 Genuine Preparations. His Solid and Fluid Extracts embody the full strength' of the ingredients of which they are named. They are left to the inspection of all. . . A ready and conclusive lest of their properties will be a comparison wiih. those set, forth ir4 the United States ispepsatory.' These'.rem- edies are prepared by H. T.'Helmbqld,a druggist of sixteen yeaes experience in this city,; and we believe them to be re liable ; in fact, we hare never known an article lacking merit to meet with e per manent success, and Mr. Helmbold's successes certainly prima facievidente. His Drug and, Chemical Warehouse in the city of, New York, is not excelled, if equaled, by any in the country, and wo jvoujd advise' our readers,' when visiting that city,1 to give him a call, and judge or themselves. ' Me Imb old's pstract of EBLMBOLp: JOHN F; 31 ORRIS Agent for thn above preparations, ' u - Bbowk vittr-, Nibbask. Kovemberd. 1865, ly. 10-7-11-7 . , '. v OP- , c - i ' ; ; .1 s pit is Iiai i .u .mi tmpreeiente4.. Be1 the foliowius from weli known clttsan, " taaa.yUw U,aa rtod,7t'J e. Utttrt. JlntjMrt: VTe have te.ted yr invaluafci nlia BALif, and it has r..,., A - ' f crhair toeur entire wtisfaetion. and we can che-fnl!y recommend itu th lnZ ! l4' col' a4 trm. (Slgnsai ,L. A. UE-XQIST. BizKer j WM R. BA BCCCa, Secretarv n? in ? " '...? ic institute f i03 ( KARLOW, VicePreuXt Wr Si" J 'c f Mm a Prepared only C MAQUIRE. Cheniists antf Cruesuts, sotihe7t comer nS Ti- - 'SoMJtf all prug gists Diarrliea, lOy nr.,,... r jt- itfmw Wests rn Sahitarv commission, No. 10 X .h t ct, , In" tao Aray your xtrci of Beuue Flant, for tbe cure of Diarrbej and Dysen-erv nY?. lfttv to ita excellent tjualiu, aud tfce ua witn whici it has fceeo tise f in the reu men 'w ta,L.: J.G.f ORXK . Sfcrtry Wtxttr slnUarly'- . ... .. -w--f , " """HwttQa -f..-. HAKntuu ruuofjT ' "' .Meert. J. c Maguire. Vruqguit : w(..i1ave.jueeiuj'oiir..Coiu;..uta lk..rct ml tie i-oklie'6 e 1. u. it,e m m at factory res ills. H'e uh "if w Mian n e p.aictii..- n. u-r. -,a une t uruit GUIRIl'S EXPECTORANT SYRmT "A-;; Git' i s.e.s- y r I' i ? inn Cht; );.. A v n,i.,uii r.i rujjiwns. Belches. P unfits, h alar inne,:ts of thrUlan-h 'Constitutional Du0r? and all dueaxrs arising from Impurity of tiitf VAovd. YrlfV S' nnr I!nft J.&C -MAGLMHS Cbei.-tssnt OrWisu.S.r,!rie-,r.St. 1, i"er ri 1 1 h Jv everywhere. Sendor one of our Almanac fr further tnf,rno!ion ..3 . r "luiU Chills and Fever, Bilious and Intermi tent Fever uuluu Aguu, eiu.. etc.--. MAGUIK Ill's i UEi MIX This Jledicine i undoubtedly the nnst tfftciuai remedy ever ejeredfor t : plainns. It has been thoroughly tested this season, owing to th so.ircity of succeeded in tstabliahitg for itseli a fair reputation superior t thatof ;vny .Mo known to fail and is warranted to cure in every in.-rance. No e'dicine hs a Liver than thi., it is a enpeiior T ni- in debilitv- Price tl,50 pet bonis. ' 7 r? W II O'L'E III .1 i 1 m ,--i:i!.u .! . : : :- '-A. - ,Vou!d call the attention of 'DEALERS to their immense "stock of. Drugs and.Medlelnes, School Books,,. . i-,. u Wm m- av -w-w w w-i . - i ft. . raieni jieuiciues, .. y , ' Glass and Glasswanv ' ' ' Paints and Oils, ' Enveloped " ' : Spices and Dje-staffi, -- Coal Oil cssl lop 'i -' : ''''-' Pure Wines, Liquors, dc, dc, - v : ;; " -! r 4 . .-. t , . . : . Which wete totight for cash of Manufacture's, Importers and Publishes, and will be sold at tba a favorable price. Buying in largo quantities from first hanii, thsy are , enabled to offer eitra iodic mnta to the trade. ., ' ., . r . ' . , Tby are the.Xorth-wcstern Wholesale Agents of Dr.D. Jayne A Son, and of Dr.) C. Ayre & Co., and can furnish their Medicines in any quantities. (IJ 1-1 ? ' . . . . ..... , . - :t ; ST. JOSEPH, MO. ' - Iiiipdrter and holesaiie and Retail Dealerin Iron STEEL and HEAVY HARDYABE. , W.Hi;ii, Crrigc, ani Pl w WM-dworks,.. AGK lOULTUKA'i; Spring. A.8-i, AxeU, Sh- rli: hiitn. - Wn-her.-i., Nail-. nail-. H..r-.e A M Ca&ting3 and .Bellow Ware, .pw ptr 4i; k e nvHiis, rruii kHiiir arm Ill I -.1 niarksmltlis Tool. Auvi:. s. caui Di. u ws.Sie. i.aers, i-es,rtncer", Karp", rxrr:i-r- K: 1 ve... i ujr ie Ir-.n-f V reocbo-, A.i, , . Ox Yokes, Axle (jrea-. Ox ch:iin, Wo.; n .lucks. Ox Shoe otuT'. SR-.veli and Pti k-,G"Id Pini, V Hubs, epolxcs and Bont-sHiff. 1,000 CKLii:Bii.TJi:n molineplow " m, 1 J ac lut patented, and JJcCormlcIa's Mowers and ICcnpci s, Iinllcrs Iorsc Corn PlanUrr bulky Corn Cultivaror?, Hand Ci.rn Pianter, C"in Sheilerj Hay Kak-s, etc. eic ee. Buying nivg'Kxls direct fnim the mi f t";r-i, I offer great indacetfients TO WHOLESALE 1 I nCH.SERS AT Constable's Iron and SteelvWareliouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. BLOOD ! HUMOR Will positively cure SCROFCLAi ERYSIPELAS, DYEHSIAwtNDIOESTION, HEARTBURN . or any HUMOR in the BLOOD or STOMACH, and for rUKIFYIMJ theYSTEMand ERADICATING all TRACES OF DISEASE this remedy has no equal, and for Building up the System, and giving new btrtngtx ana Vigor, its nnparailed success sinoe its introduction, and tbe wonderful cures it has and is daily performing are its best eruarrantce and we earnestly desire tbat every suilerer shall give it a trial. Sold by all Druggists. Price one dollar a bottle. .: i ... ... ST- -t 0 VIS, J0. Proprietors. 3cxs0 SALT Wr 5A1.T ITCH RH EU U I NSjTM RH 1 U " 1 WOt cut tht ITCH or SJLLT JIUZUIT. : I . - ; --!...' n a few applications. It also cures prairie Scratch es Chilblains. Ulcers anl all Eruption of the akin. where other remedies have been tried in vain, cures peedily and thoroughly. Price 58 cents a box. Sold by all druggists. By sending ' (50 eents in a letter' to COLLINS BROTHERS. S; W.'cor. 2nd A- Vine bu., St. Louia, Mo., it will be sett by mail free of postage, . - .x SO-ly rninfJSWj : ' . STRAY HORSE. ' Taktn up by' the' urd r!'f)-r:',d.'rvirg t ih mi.uth f Pinv . Cr-k. and wtthm his en ln-ed premise. oj b 17th rjv f JuU.lR0 one hy H.-r-, left hind tW wi'iie. laa blek up t the knt-ef. b'lietr ni'ti ! tnil. mi wh-t,- ip..t in the for bend, f err.' old. . : Col; ;r to'S Til ' yean :TaR?JG" , ' n ; y ai-c 3 . Tvk- u nt- bv th ;vioiT ' ro ar.i ' r.: r.alf 5i"e' itl.r.Ve Kr.iwt.vili tora-k Ti-ir'' tt.e '- id v.ay f l-cfi '-' one year tid t-iiiey . . V n wi'.h eoira hii- hair. in .dre- head - 4t - -U. T. CiCANMIiit. - Tulcnn nr. bv the under'ihtd livia ir t n nd ruo ball miles shove Brewnviile. in Nrojuba, Cvunty, Nebraska Tcrritery, on the. 231 day f July, I?65 One, one year old Filiey. both bind feet white. ' 1 U.T.CPwANMER Mjnimi uMt acqnirta in restrlri ti ft l Vf n . 3 . n i i t Price SI .00 per 2?07e. ISA. Lucucomv, FREsiDEMT'sorrtr f e. . 81 - Mo . J so nary 3 tti -V . 5 1 1 I! .' rb ..' " - at quaaues win nxi benj .r eX a d rv m ar aim T 11 i' in n,..r ii e tin ieu.e.. ior fh.: tVon:li mt 1,. : : i"Ji '. (.fQa i. f,"ij( - ALi r,.,i..t ... .i .- cf ibe bT, em " tpawiunsan-iU, It hj never b.-' vcrfuUftct oathl .MISrtily.rij,, 1 Sentery, Summer ComT)laint . HE'S Compound Extract ol isi:r t. CcC. .- I DEALERS LY ,i 1 I :).K AND. liinK liooKS, , 4 MVrlthij: Pper. ' ,7 :'W JMPLKiM KNTS; On band d tc snir l ouii rii'ug iir(Hrl.' iuid ltw.., Cliiiins, furring au J Tiro I3lt, Nurts aed SrtW!, etc. etc.?. . ', .. Sueur Kittles Andir.nns'.'Skilletsiod Lies. IC. -fcl :vi'i ir.r-s. nd Har.d'Hsm- t V I . IK wamm-mm n. mm M rm.m H . 1 : -3 superior to any vet iL-a'ad anl 1 GREAT IJlVnbr.ESlEXT . SEWING" LlACHINES. Efi'PiBE SHUTJlT MACHIJi: I; Patented February 14th. 1S6(X ' . SALESRO OW.536 BR0JnMY SHLYGTOXSLBOSW Y.252 WASHI. TIII3 MACHINE i? constructed on "irt,,'jj principles of mechanism, possessing many rr i valuabrVimprovements, having been eX4llieIi the most profound experts, and pUDUBeed Simplicity and Perfection CombiEea- T. v..- - ...T:i.. .r,r.,i -ii 9r '-' makes the LOCri or SHUTTLE STUti". will neither RIPor RAVEL, and alik sides; perfofru3 perfuct sewing oa eferj t of material, from Leather to the finest Muslin, with cottoni linen or silk inrea, coarest to the finest number. ' Having neither CAM nor COO least roasible friction, it runs as moo.a . nd is . Emrjhaticllr 'rtssl9?3ia, s , t. ritTV J s t .'T 'turn r" . 1 girl twelve years cf age eao worls it stediy WIT outfatigueor injury io neaun. .-. , co3. IU strength and onderlal aap.. - traction rtCders it a!rooet mpcMite v order, and is GUARANTEE by th give entire satisfaction. . mlf dif. Werespectfully.inviie an woj -, v to supply theoselves with a P"or.. " rr . . .i. .tt : tt.l 1' teniae- come ana examine tn i,nriTiicu - ,. ., ti Bat in a more fecial manner (Jo w ' patronage of . : Merchant Taif5r. Coacii Waken. ' . Gaiteri'iV-ers. Vest and 4 irsera, ' rt.firfiaae a-4 Ilcop Skirt Idanufa J turers.- Shit and boson Mai-era- - eliiiuum anJ Charitalle ; . "- rally dettU 'vnL.h. Fric of ainclilnc ConiPljJf No: 1, Family M-chme.Vithllemuiar.f " 15. anatsraiaer, . s . r '.-ktjija" N. .Sm.ifl Manufacturing, ntb Table .with EitL0B jj N. 3. 1 arge Manufacturing,' No. f.Ur. faaraetunnr, U wuh H. !hrg Foyf W L"j 7 j, fW Ar'. isuwref;tj ""!rut ti,ttir J . , 1 w..X .-o their" A -i rr,-VdfralitiWB . . . .. f.r.n ir. rtni aire rcrrtral r.d S-uib I f.. iVheldPe-ant wiUbagiTen. .ro, nimbly C- on aeyJ- fn J. JlcAriuur Vy ; ..... A. A Co. . w?w 52 Whingtoo,. , ' 70;bestnats- . GZO. FRANZ, Agent, Cb :thW5. 10 "17 1 J J " " , . i m A . .' I ' , i tit i r 1 0' ! N i 5 - Ilk -rfa- (