i j O O" A. L. , r-.tk jw.,iiortr.jfi.KiefutJ.1!. lu, krirt,' far-it;- Ucnt.Ae,Ae.4c.frMJttthUO dec. JIB-J WILLIAMS, ITku tbeutna- st- Louis r this paper, will attend (0 e.,i ut collections nJ purrharet In that City. OJlet t? ( '' Strttt, X. . cvr. Itk. B1CW.WIILK. TIIL'i?IAY. 8E1 1J IS5 :;-rrrrr rzi: IlllJlorlZCdAk'CnlS forrrlntC & CO. .,.. . IIILI. a Kit ,kre lb.u.L..rli-a Agent. t V raka County fur (Jc. A. I'rirea A CV cele- a el C:aetOr n, Iftl.Jerns, etc, Forjrice, i,eMtthJr-rt.'.- f7r. - ' JUtlCtV liianKS lor tale at this '1' . k V. - 'n... .. I A ff;it .rost leu m mis vicinity last FriUy r ight. I'y nonce u will be teen that the tale ef tie School H6trt has teen poetpoued. .A lt cf Teas it:cludirg Imperial, vut-z ' Hon. Ktijlih Urt-akf ist and V'.iS SWAN&BUO'S. 5cap, Canrllf. R.itlet. Harrt-l rovt-r- Ccl U.I. Kifh Line.etc .at . " . SWAN Si BRO S -,koJ ' I. Oak Fri.. . 'U'Jns fur.talety A. W MORGAN. .... . Ceb. IUtcock has assumed commaiid cf the deparfmenrof tlie Missouri. ' Married In Leavenworth City, by Iirr.CalrinReafconer, IMarch 11th. 1SC6, Mr. W. M.C. Priii and Mrs. M. M. Diie. bo'h I ibis place. Uarh & Co., have jut received a jj-w Jot vl Shuol Books and Stationery. Aty book desired furnished at the pub luhf rs, loweit prices. Mraitd r Mulcil.- A long hairtd vuV.W Dog. l -h.i gintr to St. A. I) B- C ( t th- Omaha Republican.) ,l;,ln BtoM v.ile. AliUral reward ill be mid to atiV one who will re turn ' I tlsiitnelothioc. " MtCrCeryf bas the largest ?tork of i Wall Paper, Stationery, Bunk Books. kr.t ever brought to this marke , beft t!e atd kind, fud the loweit prices ever beard cf in this taction.'- '-' L Kale' Of School UoUSCThe old S(b.K Heue and Lotln Meek 14 in ill L ld on Saturday, the "ihJiJ day of September, 1SGG, to the It 'gh-s t I Hder. Hew-emU r GVo IM1 Co.. are Affn f rjVn. A'. Prinr &. Pa'- erJ1 NIrool UrpaT.l'rueiuu to srou ItM 'MelodeoD?, Piano Ca?eipric 52 V WOO. "MarrlCll -in BrownvilK Sept.! 9 H at the reMjVrice of A. P. l'g-well y rt.elU. Rv. Rotrt II. Clarkson D D Kl., n f NVt raL mid D .k ta. a.siMd ty- tin Rv. Ceu. R Dvis, Jacob R. Ptaa, to Mii Allie Hiarm-; bo'h of DrcniiVille. N-b. VV Irtve dw h pi t.d Bakery in ptv ru j in tin? city, where biead can be 0 td at all hour. It U '" a'-d mi I b- n .Mam and A'laMic (jo. V. Hu'i.y aWvsy I j uti l on jiai.d hi1 t i Mrr. L-.Vt 1. . 1 'I. iv . .i . . ... - er w1 I ' i iv 1 1 1 u r nr.- mi ui.r a L' , ! I'Ha id the -N (nal & mTiT l ih'j N'tddl.; BndgK Th-y ill llave a fir t'5' nti'l, and doobtlesa have it in ope ' utica fefne w'mier. Ve jjrre agreeably. turprised in see tb imtnense quantity of Good just . rciei and rcenfat McCreerv's Cuv . t Bfu? Store. It is impossible to particc- uJartze. it can orijy be appreciated by ' fiercer yourfelf, thich it will pay you to step iota do; . M. C "Terkina i nw improving l'rbnfYf .pV Cil'ery. one door west cf t.. frilja H.u-e, 'nstn"make 't ft UVf. Hm SVy iv';l nut laret in thf Tern" t4TTnd with hi-'kill and impr.Tid in tratntf tvjll be ab'e to defy competition (cra any rjrter. The fuowin ar he Delegates elect l t;be- rrcinci election held in this .ci:-day: ' , ' . :- . ; ' V, Uorcnn, S.'M Rirh. O. B. B'vrf;,. J, W; Cowman. W. H. Hoover. V. Uuche, II. lL.Alinn C.' W. NWr-E j) Smith. 1?. W. Fairbio. yj 0 IP Ellis W vky Pnny, Geo. y. C. V. Dorself S. Hanniford. -S.?VKennedyn- t. j.,r Chitir.rrton formerlv nas. l9f t-'M. E. Church of this city received acal; and rccepted it frqm J-' Cbfrlind 'Prejly.teriaa Church 8! C' A " '.An ... t. t. . j it c ltjVarH rf .1.- T ...;ii t ...li .w-- . wr .uiu mil ic ncil mbat ffctien under hi manage r-'--te resides at Sonora. Ccurrirr.iMcrthaula and otheri re-! -r Cat M'freery. of iht Cuy Drui: kt0! hai ju?t rece'ited a lare invoice . rL; at.d Mei,cines, Oils. Taints, v.'1" n-.eriicpj rprp'es), and jn r''tr:S t:A tverythin? that canle Ik Lf 1 '... . I J lllk ll.A I 1 I 1 19 V,'Lt! tiale I I f v er Retail at eattem prices. . ctnrc ..on Mnii trzzl EzlTrc 7-Hrs" ENT W!.delivera Lecture en aa above eul ject' tmcrror,: 'Friday, evening, tt .McPh jrson's Hal!, r-Admis sion 60 cents V lady and'-gentleman 75c. ;r. . f -bt... " plfc eastern cities, and also in Omaha and Plattsmouth, and is very favorably epoken cf ly the presv She has, also, ehown us some very favorable- iestimoheals of her ability frcm eastern clergymen and the press. We hope all will turn out and give hef ft good Budi.nce.: ' - I , tlOCivS a JCwCIrj, m .bund- nnce at Jo. Schutz's Jewrlr'y Shop oa Main fctreun this city. He has just re Ifi-ir.n lil aim-Is mKw-V .i r 4 L'J oi. swill, 1IUII.UI9 UllJUIIOSStU HI1U unsurpassable. Call and see- his v&rietv cf plain and fai cy Clocks, etc. Messrs. PKXICK & LOVING Whole sal- Di u'is vt m. J, have ju?t re ti-iru iiif 'irL'M oioiK ever iiiitrea in tbe West. Their buMnes is exclusively win Ifhl. and i tk i r facilities for, it. are ....... I .1. I. . . . O I o t iiti?urpa?eiJ I heir larze new rooins arecrowdtd wrh Mink, putil.a.-eJ' in vtry large qtian'.iiiH:! wit'ch" f iiallps ihetn in uiid-r.-ell a.y v.l.r WJj h i-al? urn ii( ure in itif v; i. r un r. L'ts ate particularly invi'.c'! t " i r' xamii p if.eir ruck, which it. H :lj pay tlinn to do Don't furuel. Pemck & ji.hr, GmtT, of ih'p iower Tin ry.-i Stvtie Si. it' i a-ju?i rrc'ivi d a large s-uj ply of0 Pistol ami Gu'tr Catiridges of all kinds. He has al?o a larje tock of Stoves of all kinds, and an abundance of Hardware, Cutlery and Tools. His Tinshop and Stock is complete, snd made up by JJio, 1 workmen, and altogether his is a coed reliable houss to ealwith in every re spect. - J m Marsh &. Co , have just received a full set of Catalogues from the Periodical and Book putlbhers of the United States and are now prepared to furnish any and ry boolc desired at tne ruhiiner . Kmet casU l nce- Cal1 1,1 a,id ar' your ciders. ; They alHceive tub-M;rip. "ons for aU ine aU'iT JNewaprra and m i ill Li . ' 1aL2in.fcat inepuDi;S!uersprlces.) 49 zr HarSh & CO., at A' 'Johnson's Pus. Oflice' in Briwuville, Neb., have the jargett bnd bett assor'ment of Pipes. Cigars, Srpoking arid Chewing Tobacco ever brought to this city. Tbey . 'Will eep constantly 'on hand the best quality of Eating and Looking; Anplea, canntd Fruits, etc. Se the advertisement of E. II. Bur- chee &, Co., headed "One Million Osage Orange Plants." in to-day V paper. This firm has much experience in raising the s-Hge. Orange Plant and, in ..paking fences or it. em, ana lnoe uesinng a Hede Fence or Plants cannot do better than buy of a firm residing here, whose w.irran'e of ih-ir work is good (ja no e iu Bank. ' t Since the Id -ua" has ben crossing it this point upwards ol 4 OCO head of cattle have been cn-vtd going east from this point. Last Siioniay r drove of 300 were i.to.s?-J ; Moi;dj.y, 1S6. hi d Tues day 450. The rattle ht.ve hef n tnainly bought' up in this Ldi.uL'$'i tci vet Mine ov hue b' n I it;ugfii ill m n-.-rti) of here aid m in'jrt n: 1 tt ;a. hi c i o: ? Hi int. The Ferry i- n4 'xcii--i t Id ii tit d 'h i ufl-H) vt-r; ilir. ci i.wi m ;:..vri- in Uil- CTi'i;. c.t u.. t xr ; oi i- r. ' VV !-p.ri, J l ot;i i'ii ii.e.i LV.ue i B?J ultar, L'" t' iii y. iWt-., if jrtiLlul nttideiil winch liapp-iied at Biuepriliv 8 in that cuuuiy,- onvthe ,28th ult. Mrs. Wardens. vv;fe of Urn. 'Warden, was to badiy burned by her clothmg catching fi; trom the stove that she only Survived Uiirty-aix hours. " Tnere was only a little girl present when- the caught J6re, jvho threw all the water in tl;e house on her, when Mrs. Wardens fainted, after which the cirl lore all the burning clothes off of her. but not in time to save her.( ; Persons working round where such incidents are likely to occur etiould. brar in mind that to niove or run while the tluthing are on fire, vtilniiy faille fl.tiie, while ibe bel u. thid. id to lakf.a blanket or qu-lt and envelope the body . completely in tt, and thus amotber the flames. ' " ' . ; ' . , A Psloral Notice to Protestant KpbcopaJlaw ItilftbraiitW-Tiiii undeiMytied. nj pwcttrd by the Pro'testant Episcopal .CtTurch 'to the vfiwTdi iBuhlpr with jurisdictionUlhe. leVritoriesot Ne'' braska andDakota; deres to'place him self in conuuunicaftion. with all persous who have been Baptised and confirmed in the P. E.. Church residing in either of lhoe Territories at points too remote; to ulloiy tjiejr pttendarce ; at acy. ;of our present places- of public worship. . He respectfully reojfsts .them '.'.it address him at Ne.traska City, giving their names and resfderce. and that of pny.pf, their neighbors belonging to cur Church, so that he may. if posMl le make some ap- pointmeutr lor. ei vice in iheif peihlpr hood. would aiq be qrauful for apy ur ! ' ' 2jj. i information as to the l cation of conn ous bihoul-IL liSt'c. or Olhtr plat'fS whtre ! T . I religious worship may he h-lJ. " RUB T-II. CLARKSON, ' Illehop. Aw Vndithrilhn!! Jo"ance will tie cor thejretent js an excellent time to sob 'Cribjjor iipularJournal. No sub- nm-i.4 iy jie v- YcrkXedjier. it iieek: tv SvItLnsUclh Jr.. :hence SCriber, after .readiuST three COnsecuti?deeeaei. All peronsi!i3Tir.g cIainj against 'taij numbers, w?ufj be deprived rf it or ten Te way .the Presiient loves the sol- iie is amty shown by his removal of Capt. Holliday, wounded in the late war, Vn(TapwinCgeht .Tjiwnaji French, a nVvative Rerjublicao, as P. M. at BurlmgtonJowa. In Fairfield Held he gave the postofUce to J. D. Jones, a.ram , . . A? 7 V"r -AUtitef j 'the WlCJvor a gllant 60ldier j7s uo.. . ' son and others:". r T ITT if . Trial bj Jury. : The trial by jury is a right which ev ery ci'izen oi the United States has iliimed."r4iprejfogaiive. BJt it is of ,much gater importance to those who have b.'-4i t-urTt-ritii for years from Dys Phmh. liKiigtioii, Haiul-ccy, an! gen eral D'lili'y. ihat CV'e's Dypeptia Cure vh! ceriainly cure thtm. the pnprie tdra ruarRiHti'iriri everv nsiance '-ti s L5 'oJ f illvare unl .tibxlly .V.T'i4! Tjb:e;.of;;a.U ;thtj;:Cathariif nil? o"pivi to the p iUl c-t p-iraiinj by v.rtuticf u peti.il arfi'Mty f,r 'he mucous IfieiiiirHne. of rth' bowelt:-. berrior : tuiHr nf.!P(J jIipv urn frs.n-ri.ili" adnied for ihp KOatfed I Uiey are -peCialy aaapied for ine use ofciildern and are unquestionable one of and,rhot) one of r most satisfactory cathartic , , M , practice. -THePreshytey:pfnh4 Missouri' River met. accodmcr to a-7ckBrnme5t. ia Brown- it j c ' f j viae, luursuay, oepu oin, ana was open ed bv a seOion from Rpv. J. IV. OJark' ' ' V ' v' ' 7 :i iTf u 1 7 " Of Clarindtf.iIlWa. 1 ' n n m . . ... Key. V. a. JNoDie was received as a m?mber;of the.Presbytery from the Pres- l.ff lurtf lln11iibTH..n . .a . . . n n I 1' . . n . sylvania. Mr. J. C. Elliott, now mbis-'l received ui.dt-r the care uf Pret-byterv. as-a,licrfiate n; - .pesb'u ry oi New tfoiuickJlt.jY;-; Report was made of the organization "11V"! Rj "?f-!r An adjourned meeting of Pre?bytery was appoinied at Afton, Iowa, to ordain and jbuif ReVJJilAlnElheuny pastor over the church there. t -1 f .he chu.rchss at J5e.llevu e iand Bedford, Iowa, were given permission to supply themselves until the next meeting of 'Presbyiery.' Permie&ioV was given io .;be church at Council Biuffi to employ the services of Mr.T. H. "Cleland, a iicennaie vl lue i resuy iery ui a rausvi- vania, Ky. Rev. J. Hi Clark; formerlyldf Council Bluffs, Jowa,. was, cited. to appear before itt ery to answer charges of 1 i iiitf and show cap.se why hfe s-hou d u-wo- uepuseu iruui itie luinisirv. n:s pis-ut suspen-'jpn from jhevurk, of the ininislrvnasconiiuued uniilhi turthnr 0 . . . . I trial. During the sessions of 'Presbytery, in structive and impressive sermf ns were delivered hy Rw. W. B. Noble at -6 Messrs. Cleland and Elliot. ,'Ihe Lord's Supper was administered by Rev. J. V. Ciark, c f C I a r i f i d a ,' ' h Jul R e v . ' W v.i .' H a in ijur-of tBeiUvue, . Nek ... - ; voih cf rti neks vvfis givD to the i fi'i2' i.r if Br-. t.v:lle for tit-'r ceneroo- Staled Clerk. LOfJ-'iljlAL-j ' - ' l aws of the Un ited states passed at the Fir at SesBion of tba Thirty- Ninth Cossrresa.- 1 c lpiblfciYo?6$i:jL AD Act miking appropriations for the eonstracllora p p-erratln, am repair of certain fortiQcailon. a: d HieH-vork of. defence.-fVr tfee yetetilnl June thirty, eighteen hmxTreJ ab.f sixty aerrn. ' " Bt ir enacted by the Senate and Houte of Reprei entatives of the Uhittgptatftpf. -America in Congrtu Atsemled, - That tbe followina mm be, and tbey ar hereby, ap proprittey," ct or rt rtvuty in lUe treasury not oih erwie apprcvrieAt'ort tbe cwasuneiioo, preierra lion, and rrpair of certain fortiQi.ationd aud lbr w irkn of leien fur tbe rear end:n h tbirtieta of 4 aa el--tfa fxartrei koi ixiy-eik : a ? - For Frt jue, mar Detroit, Jticl.ig.n. fifty tbana. and iloilr. , ... Fut Ftfft, OfW'frt , Kew Jort. fl ity itx tfand dollar. K..r Fori Aivuib- V'' J a. . uiifi of Lake Ctimplaiii r 'for . rr . iufiitl, iiriuJ.'i'itfc, ii.ii Ave tboa ul.d 2 Uj.18 .. , - .''! KirKvft Gd. rre.o.n B- Inland ledAe-PvTllaiii, Ma. " Fr Ft.rt iVibaat, Kenneth fiver, If iine, fifty thou kan.1 dollars. i, . r,, i Fir fr-i CvrrtltntioB,' Fortrtiiduth'jiewr 'Hamp shire evi ntj-flve thousand doliara.;., . , .... . ' vr P ft Witiibrop Mact)Oseiti. fblrty thousand. F.T Fnt Wsrren, , Bimuo . Jlacb.eiis,-; tweuiy At t thooku. dollar.' Fur e writ at : Great BrewsteH-a . irhnd, j Button.' HasAkCbOcaut' seVenty.dre ihousaod dollars ' Vrkt"-v.lin irer and leJl's iilanrig, Boston turbi.r; KaSscbusetis - dnj tbouaud dollars. . . .: vlFr t utv at nirnofl or'ftw sSearmd ,htfrtxr.ltAAsa cl.useits. tbiriy itj .Uia,l d llrs. t Fvr FfU ttutitiylery iubt. wtT,i,Xtn Turk;: thirty tboUMud d tiirs. . , n lfiji' ri -a. Wtllttt "TPioiB;. FSilEil,' lopposila Furl jie. ,.ew lyra, n.ty tboosaad dollar . irr rirTl.Fu! XAntMton. -New X . lorl, thirty thoUratid dollars i Fur rrt u aitc or Fort Totopkias, EtateftTaland.Kew Turk, fifty tboiiaaad dollars. . . c . F. lurt at Sandy Hook, KeW Jersey, fifty thousand do! Jars . Far repair of Fort Mifflin, near Philadelphia, twain- tj-flTe (tiuuand do lisys. , i Ftr contrnction of permanent platforms Tor modern cannon of Urge caliber, in ..exisUn- fortification tl k lmpor.'snt haibors, one hundred ihousaud dollars. Fur repair -of Fori WabitfUin, oath rotojsac rir err twenty tiiousaud d. llars - ' Fur Fort Monroe, Hampton ,-B.oi it, yuglaia, thirty thou. aud oollar. Fur tort Iylorr- Key West, Florida, ote hundred thou mil, f For fort Jtffernon, Gardfrey,Trugss, fifty thoos auadiuri, S v V Ii i;J tii. For furl cn Ship island coast of Mi.Htbippi, ten tbou.aud dollars f. lxi QniK.b. -Amelia ial aadFlurula. fifty thoos li.adonirvi -J For i. rt at Fort Foint, San Frnnio'bsy -California oie LunuieM aud iruiy-ne ih a and ool.ar ur ton ( L:me 1V1Q1, Caliivrnia .even y-Qve ' thousand Ovliar. ' ' li tort at AUatrat Island. Sb Frantic bay Cal- itu'ruia, uinpij ib bui Ki!ar iui uvo ,0..ribia aid njnhweteru ikes, rli i!ii lain K in i..r M 1 1 iK.n.ui l .l. i i.ra 4 1 v ' ul 1'UHli-e ot Mtes n. W occtipicd snd ialids p; poS ; ; io . i ul ed for pttmantus ea-coat deieiice-. j prvi..e I thai no such i ur. eare sba.l Le made' ex epi 'fcuiuL u.e'.ii.'-.iv' of t expeiieucy by tneecre-ar; ; of Mar, aud or ti.e v.lioi.y ui tii.a 6 the Aitoii.fy ; Of. tral, thirty five ib-'Usaud (ivilar. . cfrniaii Couctj, efarat?k Territory, baa ap pointed tbe )ithyii;7 if Jouar7.1S67 and the Urb and 1 4th Jays of February. 1867, at ten o'clock 4. M., at ih'B'Ctiart ra m ia Jrtrtmrille, for tlie bjri ing of claims agftirst ibe enate tf John L. Mcs7 rsnio are mjuuru iu i.io .utii la tun uuiiro vi, iu jude of gaid Court, on. or before February Ilia', 1857. or they will bo forever bsrred. Dated Augnst 4th 1868. - r SARA II J McKAY, Adm.iniatrairix " 45-4t TOO of Estate cf Jtho L UtKiy, deceased GATES & BOUSFIELD, ;. D'DICE-'L'AY-BB'S AND p LASTER'EKS - 1 nrownvllle, Nebraska. bnildiDs: fietcrnsi, and do anything in their line u n"'5' ti.-f:ictjry atd workuiunlike inanter. : Aug. 30, 1.5. ... , i x-47-ly Hannibal & St; Joseph r A iN li 1 t- OA 'MtsiSVUIil 1UVH. . Tri-wetkly. I'iitkets ( Hannibal and St. Jcist-ph li. K. Line) ;eare OiU iba, (Juunuii Iiiuffs, l'lat'8 mouib, Nebraska City. Brownvilio and intermrH a.'e f-iot ftT St. Joseph; connecting a Si Jn!eph Lr St J-n h a llU P M.. arriving it . - QUIVCY, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS TssTT Tr M 3 i5 . "T uu.ud.iiw . iib,-diu .au.i. i. uec- tio8- frin St Jei.h t Atchison. Wet0n. Lr;iver - world. vy.no.ue, tv mw uny. i.awrem-e, r..ka, c. via Platte Country ft. li.and -learner Eroille ti. & St. J.. R; it. Line- Leave Si J.eph 5.35 A- M LeS "J"rfh 8-0u Wyimdatte ; io.oo a 1 M.. lvnna uii v hj.u a. m.. 1j wrence or o ou P. Jl. THaOUGH TICKETS EOB SALE by Porter A Deui,Omah, U. W. Hitchcock, Coun fil bluffatE.C. Lewi. Plattsmonth, E. S.IIawley, .Nebraska Uity. liar tbrouKb tickets and care '"Srenair, on tbe Hakkibal 4 Sr. Jb 8FPH Railroad, aew iron, tiea and additional roll- i inS stsc enable there to offer these important chan eei to facilitate travel bt this routi. . . i 5-MAD.eneralSaper:ntendent.- 'I i l. I'IUjat. ueneral Tickot Agent. EL II. Cocktbight, Gen'IFreigbt Agent; ' .1 . - tlanuibal.JIo. I Q apt. Rrrca Fobp, Superintendent Packet TY- aU n ... I .,. R W. M: &r:: EIRfiiT 1 Wk (Successor t MeL'"B:htfr Swan , i.Ktrnaha Vu'le Bank Building. . : - WETespoctiaily-aiinourice- to' the public thutihey h"avenowin'kore,a 1 !.-; Newand .Large'rStbck of : TnfTTT '''?V:uS v r ' ' To which they invite the . attention oi purcliitsers. YOU WILL FIND THE BEST Susars, Teas. RIo and Java Cof. let , Pure Cider Vhieger and Coal Oil at - - . Canned Frw'ts in great variety and of the best OV.nUtit :z(h,teilfi. piehfcs. A V S ' S Of.'sten. Sardines, ! Clams, French is i t itr i '.. C..'. . 7 Miuiiara. wurcesivmire oawce ami Western Reserve Ckce&e at ', SWAN & BROS. Svun r.ntl Erother, desire to call jv;Vticul.ir attt'iition to tlitir;l:irgt; ,md varied Stock of v . -Tvbaceo. conisttiic:iff.Natiirar..La4 r .eciar'UH and o'br fnvorn brnr! Toba co and best qualities, of vtul a id Sniokin Tobajcb, Wrought and Cut Nils. of all sizo Spades. ihovels. Brooms .Sewir Twine and Scoop Shovel at -. ' - T- SVAN' & BRO'S- The Highest price raid TorButter. Eggs, and country produce at ci , sw 1ST & BRO , .Consuft your interst , by. examin ing Swan & Bros. Goods and prices before Vuying elsewhere. :; : ; T-10-n-4 ,Iy. ; - 3 ; -r? v.- M ' 6 S 1 c5 - V" Is faaat , 2 o w C -j . O 9 Oh 8 J " . i Sr i i 2" j 5 w a aa . .5 t so g t c o c w a. : u2 mm " 3 S3 Sf S 3 e-5 " - : 5? - JL " es- . - - - t n 7. l 3! I 2 X ? j. 5 t4 J t IT M .H 2 3 2 55 ' s: 1 1 . llfc. ''-Ill- - 1 ' 2 . " va, . .. m l - ' r . , r I ! ' w ,. a Pi ; i ' 1 t i ; ' Li ISt , uOU.I!'Or Saint t . r : CONSULTING ?ANDr . 1 GIAN AND SURGEON FOR ALL : ... DISKASE OF THE : : "' j SSOTEmdr? ARTIFICIAL EYES INSERTED V 1 ' ii -www mm i ii ..... -DR iBORT.'fca.'.My, fpeia! requ'eit. which times he can be.cohfculted on all diseases of the ' ; - i Eye Ear Lung Heart Throat Catarrh and Deafness be jri BroirhilHe, t the , luursoay, i Over twelve hundred persoIinve been siiccesgfully treated by Br. IS.i within the past two months Consultation and Examination. Free ;Standinr. Wif blea'a') t Can recConrtnend Dr.BbRT to th'ite aQuted. a I have teen a areat ufforer iih dteeane cailfd Catarrh fr many year, and fr three montbt previou to applying ta Dr.-BOHT, 1 eonld not sleep at Hunt, I was hj mucb distressed At soon as f Cord mencep treatment with Dr. BORtI began imnrovine ami at tbi time feel entire. y free from the disease 1 have, previous to applylnr to Dr. BORT, en-ieaTored to ortain relief rom every known oonrse. Tbore af flicted in those ways wonli do well to consnlt Dr Bort at once- - PIPS, . Steamboat Cabin Builder. ' No. 95 Levee Street,' St. Lonia. reference and names t medics 1 gentelmen and oth C'rha have been intimately acquainted wits D EOHT. sndwho take particu lar pleasure In recom mending bim to the patronage of . tbe punitc an a gen. tleman worthy of every confl'leuio, andsnrceanln wBnse judgement and skill they alt rely Valentine Mot' M. !., L. L. D.. New lork J M Tr.nHi M n I. I., n - : ; Jo-nn N Wood at. v., A. I.. Clark, M. D.. j . a. vr ne. . u , i -3 iV. J Chu-ch. it D. 1. D R.-gor. K, D , ; . " ' it a a is.iiter. Mi). ,Dr Noti. p e.-iJtnt of the Union College of Schecc- tly,Ne- lrk. ' t r " A tMNrUJi, 1. D., New Tork. - ' - i- i F. H. CimMD , ; " :. '-. A S lieiure. Muraica! 'nslr anient Manufactnreer, St. J0M1-. Ne V .rk 84p1ien AIexcder.T D College oi New Jersey. J.a AfiLai.a O D ' . . Lmai AtwaeF. D.D. - " JanieC. Moffat. U. D., " b, at; Mufi;rave. D. p. , j U ' j I f Vimx.'L. A handler; -Rdckway- ioc"e Rjbeu. Beividere.' 5 i 'a - T f S. Kcnnerty, Ktq.- :j R. Jlyiiuton, M D. " . . ; Benj .Uepnty. Esq.. - :L-i:t ' 1 Rev,! Wm. Kirk, A .1. - . Vsj.. Obbnm, '.,'.':;' ' ! Chief if dtice Wberpley, MorTlitown ' rton Jjcob Vannetta, ' ' -- '- J.- ...if turn. Theodora LitU . . JaneS. DickeBMC, Esq. Chester . i i i i Rev J, Stoutenburg -: Rev J. Brewster . ' Rev G. H. Keer, L L D., Utlca New Tork, foranerly Presipent Agricultural College. ' t; CEItTirCATCs A few of tbe 'ninny recent voluntary testimonials uf cures from percnwell and favorably k-owit who have been cured by Dr. Bo ft add that too of the most recent date). . Attn Ht4Q hkiHH' BVirrv tbonsands In his possession,' a feW only is'here"subj )ined : 1T1V ST.'LpUIMo Ju e l5thl8C5. I havabe'eS Atat ln.oejar for fifty yesrs, ocai-ion. ed by Scarlet Fe7e of Canker-rah, an.- in tbe ether ear thirty yearn, canse.f by ieyf atl I takha quinine. My riesiOfSK was fo great iftat 1 011 W wl'h rtifflS'.Hy; tin erittand any re nnd ft was ImpoSf-thfe forme to he ar cinimim conVerat.i n'. iit dernes w aecom pat.ied by a constant tfi-ich: rre rroifl th ear f al o a continuous roarina: and hitni iu Tnr ears-Three nio-.ths sin. e I nut my eelf under Dr B..ri's care al thoiiuh. seveuty-.ne yers f; age be cau-ed mo to hear a well as any one uf my ge JaSPH-RS JOHNPTO, Fonrtentb Street. St Loni' Mo. Mr Johnrton wa former. y a Wbolea e Grocr on Se: nd Sireet, St Loul. Twenty t o years t.ave ' snfTered from a xao3t dis tresiiK .lme;ire .f the Eye and Liver 1 have ben tieafd by six'eed different pbyt-ictns diring that time without t.e- eilr . 1 called on Dr Bort. and in s;x wteks. without anv ..perat'.-n -.-n my Kye.. hoen- tirely cure nie I reAt'le :n Jrsvvlile I'linoM AMKI 1A A. FOR YTII. St Louis, J4., June T5 I; IbS. DR. BORTDeir Sir 1 have beei b'.iid and help les fr ibe last eleven y.r b?in let mot every where 1 have bem nearl as bfi't f-rtb? p' niieen e..r, tntle. ing lar more than tongue can lell. Nu my eve ar i well. aid y n mr thn O 1. curd me. Aiid if ihin pi .in -latem-nt can be the nifaBi of v'ivjt.g relief lo ai.y roor mflVrer on m-y pnhhsh it. . Loiai Bum. . I hsve.been affloted with Scrofiil a'i S.ri ryes ever -!nc 1 cu reiiK-inbfr. hnd htve en iev.red toobtun rel.ef rroiu every kn ource. ai.d flu. Ity ai a taut r.-nur.-t I ronclit'led 10 1 Nee mvelf nii'ler ibe charge it Dr t wjocureiru eye nis week. Vm. MK ABSAUAM tiOOO.N. St. L..iMo ALTON. ILLS Anstatf lthV65. TH. B;R7-yOt' Mr: ! have uktn your r-medies m d i. l owetiy lrlftec o -B Sor a Catatr fld-D arncs mi h bkb( aavaj i.,a? b en affl tt d (id year.) 1 am cspp iqmiic ig jou taai. 1 ui oauirij v.c, ana many tha tka to yon for tte skill yon bestowed in my ca e .s I am juy dearelr,your obedient friend and well wisher Al. U. EfilaJlTv AUa 11 lu. l.. I have beenSnffennn from a Catarrhal Jffectin of tbe t ungs for tjf years, eo marb so I ws bed fast for three mmths.tliid constant cough, 'ao expecti.ta ting a tbick, yeH wish matter I had previous to ap plying to Or. Bort, endeavored ta obtain relief from every known scarce, and all to no avail until I to x t reatment fret! Dr. Bort who cared me in. six weeka treatment. . C. P, COLLATV. No 161 Fourteenth street, St Louis- j TEIltJS : LOW DO ........ i ,: fii- IF n.if ;--in rb f m n- ' ., . . . . .'. JrietM, and wfj oosTstant iep template asuortrsrot of Iry Gxxfa. Groeer?' 1 Cools ri . , '.M J-sand Cap,, Cntlerj, Glw.eenswfre, U , K pillow Ware, and all kinis of waraaOj kept a ftmlas. Ketail Slri wiU.TS are,ttij:an be bouzhl. BJijrfrbereJ ' ..wmuqm mj. Having jat bont t tjfo entire erftablr-bment. it beer-tnes ncces-ary to' collect all dW- is. r. 1 firme to that erd 1 hereHy give notice tat all secoants due Ihf. firmf j B A P thl M d,v of M?rch. I 1, will b, placed iab. bands of MniiotnLll ' hj January tslo?. m u-'d L N -i 3: 'Louis . Mo. ; : i . ,r ' OPERATING PHYSI- 1 .- " I )...:-'..: ... ' : ' tonsent to visait the following plac, at BrownrHIe Ilonse, Wrdnejiay atd of Catarrli of Years e . RT. LOTUS. Ial. fl. 138J ' tcheerfnlly tnake the followlna statemeht of facts concerning my own astonishing cure, which to me wa lire to tbe dead I Ab ut three yesr sgo t totk a severe cold wttch seemed to locafa on my . hest and lungs, sndsiuc. rLat time mv condition has been truly alarming. riL9il ly for eightetu ni. nths. My pbyician , myself acd trie ds bad atsndr,nt(ja,U hop of my reeve, y. languago can describe, my suffering., wbiab annoyed me both "ny andjoight No effort on mi part to obtsln a enre hs i been omitrsd, fxc X eres'oyed. from the c.mnjet caicni ot rrv sickne, lb ta-int fnioent ni'edicat, nn of tta. itsfe. and toot therr retnerties faUbiukiy, nr. iit they fraiik.y told rae that 1 hsd f iibercttlous ConsbnipUoa and could nt be.cjrod. Previou to the announce mtnof my phsicins. I had seen Dr Bort' card ia the Presn, and had been advised by my friends to eui . ploy him ; But 1 was very much dlsconra ed in re g d to- my affliction. A short time previous to ap plying to him I bsved several texiimonial from parsons who I knew bad bqen in delicate hesltft,' and some: of Wblcb excited mynjnjl iq Cll.oij iitsi for ad vice, which 'l did." ' j . About two months since I told the Doctor I bad no money to throw away, od did njt wish to b treated unless he was conQdent of success. De frank U told me that be did not wish to treat meuileta heccred me, and said a-o wou Id uecide that tact in a lew mo ment, and proceeded to examine ma and ia lesstbaa fifteen minutes he said he wotd cure n.e. Nuw, 1 can truly say with pleasure, 'for the benefit of thos suffering from 4ba ame rtifl.culties, that I haveoniy been uuder Dr .Bozt'a-treatoaeni some two cnpnihs, and am a hisc manJ . I had anticipated' that I sho-'j receive about tbe same loutine of drugiing it T" received from oTaerinyiician ; but on tbe eon be ge we eo naaeou meeclBta ar sulneralV S TmV- -ox. Ibe whole treatment from tt hpinntn w. I m-) very pleasaut and agreeable. ' I, Lave beard a. great many rea ens enesk of tht trestnu'ct who have b 'rn cuied f and. of cLe accord speatortbe agreeable la ode f treatment. There i' iui oe t-iifusi6 or gi.ess work abotit'Dr." Bort' treatment or itlagonoela. r discate. Depmc tdi upon fixed and well, est abllnhrU principal, afid accordiug loiawawaii understood, by himself and thrrlogoud evidrnce of tl.elr tnfaiiibilttj from !the fact thai he most general ly' useful, and cn, with perfet sarctj cure tnose chronic diseases of yeais staudu g. waicb has been fully demonstrated in thousands of case. GIB5DN H LOWKkT. Seventeenth S'ire.t, Si Lynlj. 1 lleallns: Powers, cl Kclecllclsm. At Jtemoniiiat sd on oner. Twelve Thoutand Individ' . f iid!$ IjtDS. BORT, cfNev TorkK . . ; There is a-heatlag power among Bj J a physlcsa who has cured thonsaudi. in this city, after all other sys tems have been, exhausted ; a physician who is curing a n if further pledges himself to care ; nearly all cases which have baffled tha rklil of hundreds or medics! men in all past aaes, and even bids deSanre-tv a'l mod em pmctl- e t and, laaiiy, there is a physician wnoc&n produce thousands of teatiiuoiiie of tbe most reliable individual. It this city, as elsewhere, who have been posir.reiy snd permanently cured after all other tieat uienf after tbe most eminent medical men hsd fall, edl Yes. vr :y aud,tbat pbysuian i Dr Bort whue lnrtruiary b located oa the rurner Of Third and Vice street St. I-.ui.i. D. Bort we verfly believe, Las cuel more chronic cases In tbe pait feur months, in S . Louis, than all the medical man who havi ever practiced their profession here for those diseases. U makes a specialities, via : l'lfises rf the Kye, Ear, Lungs. Tnruat, neart and Catarrh. This asei tion may lxik like boasaing. bat. n..veribeie-s, it L true, and if yon d t.ti it. 9 n-ait a few of tbe many persenx whoe ririiSca'rs In tull fycpsi- are to be f n .d ii. the cN nnin f thU pper for theaiodo. bnaianuy. -ri'f. UvU Daily DitpaWi Auqupt ItfA tt-3, Eje,Ear. lungs, Heart, Throat tm catarrh, The many wonderful cures performed by Dr. Bort on tte alx vc dl.eares in this city and in mny in stance when all hope o- recovering by thine diseases had been deipdrel or, stamp him anion tbe Br.t pby slddi;. and surge lis. Dr Hurt's Infirmary and eon snltation r.oni are loc ted on tho corner of North Tbiid ad Vine street where be can be cortsu itet daily. 'St. Louie Dvilg Republican, August. ' DR. BOUT'S KYE, EAR & LU.'G' INFIRMARY ay - -i IS LOCATED ON THE CORX1S Of Third and Vine btrcet EtLlnli,Me. ' Whr alt lettera should be addressed, contslni&a po-tsge stamps for return postsga. WIT POIl CASH ! JAMES Ayers ehejry Pectoral 7 fcy tie vs,it'-;t!. VjUx r i3rfl-7iT;i;..iri. 'rr:h CoeRiy. Lrajka Tenitorj.cQ tia 2J,daT c f ily. l jrJ, Pay siiry, 4 yn oU. U UtJ . . With Hi. f-t U fcreheaj. It ' ' . . ' lJJES. ..,T7biLisi...V7hL.r3li - Dr. L. 0. SJc-ntxz CVrr7j, te 'st it:as-. lattrio the 3ilj, wrllforce Whiji-.i Tr 1'oaaaK. 3 to gre oa tb ?2cc'.bet fci. tr aoVtf. Xnova tu ?ai I. Kamj-Is fsC trialisst t U a7r ono dr?;rccj vr tetiojj ttl Eer;ti. 'A' :. 43 3iJ i'mu.iiUiih! i'U-.iidiiii!. Souihiide Mam S?rppt t 1. ::J 2cd, il.iUiJ.lUtv' M . . i , . , T Hava eovj on hand a marJfer.t ?!ock cf if iii i,1;- - f. .1 ? BEDSTBA-BD, ' Plain and funer, wither wiiboot .; '"1- aai MATRESSES OF ALL KINDS. B U H E A U S. Tlaia aJ Facey, !lirble 7v, Z:., i.r. ra.Jt.EjeaitiAjt, CD:re, ilrbi fv7, .xttB;yaA MET ALI 0 C AS2S Great variety c D55t isproTei yttrav Great variety fail r.tvl, bo'.a flsia ao.i!y. LOUNGES.SAFES. WASll-SXANDa, ' WA AT-NpTS, - UPHOLSTLRY, And everything in tha Ftjrni Jine, which-heIle!b; BeloTri Edsterrl7 Q?ricca !; Tbefr Furniture u coarse? In e,T?r r?ect,be ing pat up bj'n rupericr, workmta kchar4 cf the e-ajblistnentacd cn,t!! rtsi -e( Theirs U the elates. . a?iprte2 1 'cf ,F ornitnra ever tfooht to tail ir-uket ; an j is the cr.Jj plae. here a c mplete et of Furniture cart bo had. Fair Dealing&Lov Pricey la -their mbtto,' ani the' caa 'if rtliei oa ia, both repect. - ' V ' ' 'Jnne 15th, 1885. ' : x31 6 a. ' " mr':...-'.::Af?-.r tV. -tt !; &ii j. k3 , ii TTl T rn ' : ' ? i i3C U.?M sj . S3 A L S O ?- FOHvAHD!:!G-:&'-ca:.::.,!::,a:i IN VARIETY,j.ilA4 -a - : " : "Bj the IGJt cf!,Cot V :...' i.W j J '.ir; t ' At their Ifursery ; X'ryV.': : " ? FOE fA "'iroa 09 TTi T f :-yri rr'r A -J-o-Q ' $-ti. -' t 3 .... - . x I ; - ' rr. r t r ' ' i 5 f3 K r-T- J afc. i.wir -a- in ,mrr r- 7 ri i a h ... i p b . bwU g Coots r4 V . . -v-"-- i.-.:J. - ' V- f'V ' I -'"- i