Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 13, 1866, Image 2
I I. -4 JOHN I, COLHAPPEDITOR. The State Elections. If anyone it dubious cf the-result between "My Policy" and the Republi can LOcgreii it i in em rcaa itfeieciica return as they cozpe in-' . ; Vermont, which held c:r election on last inursaDv, rcj ur .i;eput;icanci.;' joriiy from two hundred and Dinn towns We learn that the, "Siniese twin conventions or uemccrats n tne upper storand Johnonites in tne lower, which rpeV tit 'VPIattttRoufh, Tuesday! made the following; ncininitio'ns : ' : ' For Merober of -Congress, ;A S. Pac dock, Johns'aAite . I '. For Delegate in Congress, J Sterling Morton, Copperhead. SROWNVILLE TnUHSDAY, 8EP. IS, IS85. '. nnr colicajj vxioiy ticket. or Vender of Oonrree. JOHN-TAFFE.. . For Peltf ate la Conrrm T. M. MARQUETT. 7t Territorial Jtelttr JOHN GILLESPIE. Tor Territorial Tre sorer AUGUSTUS KOUNTZE aaaBBWaaBaBBB I er TtrTltoiU! lierarlaa H. S. KNOX. ; cf 21,133, a gain of 4.324 to far heard from, if the vote from the balance cf the I e Gads! what a mess! Paddock State be in the same proportion ihe gain" j -who. has aold.-himaeif Jorthe Secretary tvill reach 7,000. The towns vei to be pQ'Pof ihe Territory, must work io lose heard from gave a Republican majority -h& price ! f or if tve arekdtnitted' hfs cf 6012 last-year. Total voie of the office goes and has not the ghost of a Slate will be 112.000. chance of bein elected ! While Mor'on, Maine, which Id' Its elections' SerA j a7nafdughwreUer;tl heart; tuns for a po-' ora : ist district iynca, nep., jj.ojo wuere ue can neuner neip me Swjet, Dera.i 9,643; Rep. majority in difirict'will reach "4,000," agamst a 2.52S in '65. ' "In several districts PurLarh's ne-D.. maioruv nas reacaea u.uuu. iu district Pett-r's, Rep., mojority is 4,800 Republican gain over Congressional elt c- tbn of '64 will be 10,000. State Legis, rebs or their next friend." A. Johnson. "The milfof the Gods "grind "tlowlyi,., and the devil seems to have "bolted' the whole "grist" at Plattsmouth. ' . . The. weakness of the . Democratic pany and the miserable subterfuge and VUuiJ luiuutuuiciaiuui , The Union .Voters of Nemaha County re requested to assemble in Delegate Convention at Brewnrille on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15M, fcr the "purpose cf nominating a Jicket .for the Legislature and two County Cora-. disiianars. to be tuDoorted bv the Union If foter cf Nemaha county at the October 'election, , ' ' The rercrsf Precincts 'are' entitled to ; . l9 following representation in said Con- . u . . . 1 l.1i poa the Union rote for Gorernor at the Jut election, rii: Lafayette, ' , Washington, D'itrglats, .- iirownviiie i .Nemaha Citr. ... Aspinwall, , . Uedfcrd, .-;4 , ' ' Benton, ' The .Ud'cn roten cf. the several Pre? eincts are requested to assemble at .the ' v..ii:.i9iiai..iu ucificwiiio lie '"eincts'ca '--;' ::r r-U -: - fcr the nurnose of electinir the Delegates . m - f .-. o o '. to said County Convention. : ; J3j crder Co. Union Cen. Com. Iature overwhelmingly Republican, as lymg they are, forced to do to dodge the also county officials. '' . r?I B'2e$ is plainly shown in the follow. The President said in his 22d of Feb- reply from the,Omaha Herald nf the ruary speech that he appealed to the peo- 7"J' to a challenge in the Omaha Repub pie, and the people are deciding without lican-; ' v . . ; i, ' . ' ' hiiia!ion ntrairtil him. f Will ha hapA ?l "The miserable old nPPTn. nfTrfl ftp' Unioq voters of Nebraska, remember newspaper over -the." Way-chal- ? WB;tlJ'ry venter.frheo. Hill, E K Coldwell, A FamhaH, W Thos J Oiot IsjorsJ L Carson, J F Neai. Ins"h, (J ng. Cow County: (8) F ..tenner, O H P Maon. V C Utleyt A J-Hard- TiD Crook, Lawson Cook, C II lei 5 ' : ; State irtll ipnmeor per taj debt or obligatioi Incur f in .1.1 inL-ipiurl iti VaK nl.l.-n n a ft h A Glasgow, Ueo f ijlZoy, t United State, or ny claim for th lost or ivTsancipa- ijon or any ! : out an suca aeDis, oo sgaU'. iw aai claimi shall be beld llleical and ToiJ. j i Src. 6 Tbe CocgresisbalJ bae pf'War tf enforoe ty aiprtfrlate ailuuiip-.riafuui of "ttii arlic " scacrLica col?ax, - ' SijXtt of tbe IIoue of RevresnuaTei. , 7 lafatjsttb s. fostssr. Cass couniy: (6) D II Wheeler, D C,N ia'r , Hathafay,-alternate for B Austin,-. W fwa. Anaiiyauy wan o.r.ic; anc Pottinffr, Dili Wheeler, proxy for R control the destinies of this nation. R Livugston ajttl S Maxwell, F M Dol Solved, That the soldiers of the Uni ingtonry'for E L Reed. - 00 w! have saved thu nation from de- -DoJ county; (2l E JJ-Rogers self: ;ructipn byarmedjra.tor3,hall.jnlh? and pray for C Knoell. - - - fulure, a? in the past, have our hearty 'Vovilas county: (7) JohnTaffe. W uFeruu,a"u uu '" JV. uu N-McCandlish, b D Beals, J H Sahler. AFortunsin one Day: Grcnt Szcit client, . j tnat tne issue is zs squarely: betore you as the people of'the States; patrorage and treason. 'is pitted acainst the rrinci- ples'of freedom ,'ai.d perrnanen(.peace' ; let not a vek. or. vacillating jvoice go up (rom our Territory, but let every voter add. to the. universal -cry irLbycl mW Jerge. the Herald to ih propo.vd amendment jto the Cona'nutiou. . We vhaR'dp'.tbls to its heart's contend in du't season. ,' Meantime we state the. rt-al is". su in the! prej-ent contest to be sin ply what it is. Union or Dbuuion, Peace or War, .U are for ihe Union and Peace I he. miserable old disunion organ is for Disunion and War. We accept this is R S Kicxrah. for Wm. Baumer, James Fx, alfcrnate for D 3 Parmelee, St. A DBalcaf.b Slff for'IrA Walker. ''astineton countyJL (4) Abbott, II Kelhua J S B .wen. J T Davis. Burt ounty : (2) A Rockwell. W' V I ahhirn. Dakola couniy: (2) N S Porter self, and proiy fur S Whi:cborn. JJixoi county : lj N b Porter. Dixon 4 Cedar :, 1 N S Porter. Sarpy count u : ("21 .G' J M Thayer. proxy iurH I C,iar.k and James Low. Savndtrs Sf ' Butler :. 1 HD Hatha way proxy for L L Holbrook. : Lancaster county : 21 John Cadman,, se.r, ana proxy ror jonn narcennurg. Johnson county 2 J Geo -P Tucker G La vrence. . . . : G a county : 12 , J F Scribner and Girard, shall control and direct the destinies cf sue, and. go into ihe.carnpaign .squarely ashing no quarter ana. giving the nation !" .California held her election on the 5ih' of. which. we. have no rtturns yet UpOU It, none.'.. . i. . -I." 11 r'3 .2 5 8 2 1 The Johnson party' of Nebraska' have . . . . . . . . . They dare cot. favor, the amendment as.iis adop;ioh will inake "treasori'odius," prevent' traitors -i i from 'gaining power .in called a Convenii ;n, wl ich . Convention . f' ?-?WexM? TO. V-1'" metlast Tuesdayy.The call is for those .k!enCr.alIC: Pary U adelphU Cenventton. - The call is doubt: p The Neb. City News iri" its usual glib less gotten tip' by AS: Paddock, and 'islVV9 vt la!2enooJ a.DCl badinage says that his' rnVi for a Vela Dcointmenl to the no cu sMe al the - Republican; Union office of Secretary: cf. the. Territory. ratificationmeetiag,.last; Try even- Nurtured' into life Withe Union, rarty. in' -at Gov..Saunders and the speakers who mistook him through his hleasii ei. generally had left, and the kudience was . o i - 7 o 7 orrinoipH' rif pnirvf v frrhtm 1 '-'. tenor lor a gentleman, mis Aar now ::r-"-. , , ...r-r.'-.i 4 attempts pierce ' wUh' 's " poisonous v-Te whb'vvere there;vyiU;knovv: that tiAfci the", friends who WaVluraiiWo ittige aua enmuia-siic.nna were acaress- poiitical life. - Other. oiScials. and marv- desiring-to ;'be, have'ig:ne:d the - tali. iGerf. Thayer, Gov. Saunders,' Hon, Frotn this county appeaVs Df llladay, lT : & wbq ouiy, wants jne M.r to keep-it j , ' wrw"o v. "","";0 L' f ' j i r nr L : i -1 iruiii. kuiuir uowu iuvu ii. ucrui C. G. DORSEV. Chrn. for wbbse'vbiz" otmasition is the life of EsqV.'D. M'Laughlui and Geo..' Dorsey. Messts Worthing,! Jamison, . Holladay and McLaughlin went ; up-as, ;;D;Iegaie3; This Convention meets on the same day ! with he -Democratic .Convention an the Nebraska City, of tht'Sth saya;j ''The avo'wels of principUs they make Fenian . Congress adjourned its in Troy, . N. Y. on the 9th. ::The session Roberts' was re-elected President of the Brotherhoi;d y P. "J. Meehan, President ot theenate, Jr y . ,i'iitzgeriaId,.Speak- er..of?the,- House. ?Au . effort is. ibeing made-to induce Gen. Sheridan- to take- cofnmand 6f the Fenian, forces ' -7V tion assem rrl , .11 .X. 1 .1 -ivwhjwuio wuuuu v lui IlidUV U VCai XI - iui5 iuuws LiaitHy ine urui mings are . . , . , ... . , ii.'- was. most unanimous in its aim to place intended to take. The rebel wagon is ... , , . v , . . ; - the desires, wants and perils cf the Souih- siuck, the Democratic show canuot per- , ' t ' . - ; . j f , ern 'loyalists-' before the country. Lx- luna wiuioui lue irauors. auu a. j onn. i: . . . ? , son concocted the Philadelphia Conven tion, and. is '-desinbuting bread from the public graneries," to, entice northern doughfaces end renegades to help pu.l em out. Atty Gen. Speed was chosen President. Tjhe utmost , harmony prevailed and! the "gag rule-' was not needed to secure it. We will publish the resolutions adopted next week.' ' ' . ' notst, to-cay, tne narnei or tne Ec-mine! of the Union Republican Con vention which met in this city last Thura ay. ; Hon. Jonv Taffi is one of the ablest Uweri in Nebraska, and the' eianches Re publicans,, in , the land. He served are identical with 'those put forthy the The Convention of Loyal Southerners 'with credit in'the 2d Nebraska':' and ' f.m?crqcy. Agreeing m pnuciple,,tnere. wh'rch met'bh the 3d at'Philaddnhia vvas l - Jr.;' j. ii ...:.u .u u ' should be no barrier to ac ,u': il.t. . lir.x' t- -.i ; n b o iiiciiua vi bu Tviiu.nuum uc tume . n ' .;' uc musi trmuusiasiio wuiCU lias in contact. -Ha is altog-ether the fittest -ram that cculd hare been nominated and rill bear the' Republican banner .with ftariestneis and assist to crown it with Ticiury. Hon. T. BI. MARQcrrrr, the nominee for Delegate, is an able lawyer and. a Hepublican cf the Puritan mold, inflexi tie and unyielding in principle. The 2ost argumentative speech we have ever listened to in Nebraska came from, the lip cf the Hen. T. M. Marquette. , The ether candidates are all well tnavrn, having fcr some years creditably and honorably filled the positions for tthich they have been nominated. Now, citizens cf the "burnt District," particularly, and Nebraska generally, it ruts virith you ' to vindicate true Union Republican principles in the triumphant election cf this ticket. All stand square ly oo. the Constitutional Amendment, asi firmly by the policy and 'acts of the C2th Congress. The Country is actually in dicger of another rebellion ; traitors are mere haughty and defiant than in S00i because, as they justly proclaim, A. Jchnicn ti with them, demanding their a the Constitutional. Amendment mi t , ine urassnoppers are . upon -us in myriads of. thousands. The . advanced - a . la . guara nrst crossed the iMemana river. west of thiVcitv, about the 4ihV' 'and the army. of invasion kept coming, unul last Friday and Saturday we taw some corn fields literally black with them, and thus it is for at least fifty miles north and south of this point ' " ,: t '' .'' '; ' . -Their ravages have been great in some sections sixty or a, hundred miles, wert -of the Missouri river, "where they attacked two and three -weeks' since, ;vegitation being so much tendcrer 'ihiin, now. lii i . i . . . ......... i . some places far, west. they are reported to have completely stripped whole com fields., leaving nothing bui the bare stalk. minus ears or blades,, and to have striD- daictioa without guarantees, opposing p8d meion patches. leaving nothing but ae ucnsmutionai. Amenament iur. the dead vines . i TUtforn jhcir rtbds in power and givisj into thair political and social con trol be loyal whites nd blacks in the Soalh. ' It is our duty in Nebraska as In the tasters States to arise and rebuke Hepoblican Union ticket which will trake -rebels hide iheir heads and Johnioarene f;a.5es tihtrutd cf their pusillanimous etsrre.' " - ' Nothing quite so aevere:as this has yet come under our own observation .Last Sunday we were about five milest west of this ciiy and saw work, :. The corn is renerallvtoo far advanced to be this demtgegue, whose estimate of a free hDjurtd materially, th'ey bake' the' fklds people il shown in his attempt control iook a little raggea f rom 'the blades" be- ihea y his xincial; patronage;1 AriSe ivg"jMj eateoVburihe" ear's" of "the' freemen cf Nebraska and the 9iK of early planted corn.are.too hardfox them, Octcber cext rcll tp a maiority for the rti iro-i,,.. cK;,-,m : t u. which they' had commenced''!6n., liate ccrh eems the' roost ' toothsome," and on this we have seen them so thick as to bend young stalks to the gruurid. A sharp frott will ;'nip them in the1 bud," and with present ' weather thi will not be long dekyed. , , ' t. i ,f; There is considerable rpeculation'as to where this plagueas fcoine- term it of grasihoppers came' from, in our view it is only from uatural causes.. .In the western portion , of -Kansas and south western Nebraska there has .been con tidtrable . drpught, uch as.ieven. to make a partial failure cf. crops; this drcught; probably greater on the : vast prairie west of. here, has doubtless dried up their food, and what more pro bable than that the grasshoppers ihuv migrated east for food ? And when'we consider the vasiness of the plain between here and the mountains iho quantity cf "Ecppfrs" it nothing astonishing. 7h Redical outfit, at Bronville on Thursday, just catur,ally slaughtered OtievDty- Not one cf the five can -c'ida'escf that party could' be obtained fcr the first ccunty in the Territory. We trust cur Republican friends will recol lect it. fSta.!t$nant Ntb. Cay, Sih. Av.r- Harvey publiihei the above in t.t ia.rne mue with the proceedings of ihe Union Republican. Convention, which i r.J bi rtad to cail the above false t y i fsit. We wander if Otoe county oair.s & Rep.hlican soft enough in the ;! ?Uta le In 11 il. f c.:: i "tore" by the reckic? ;;:tl.;ai go::e, who invitt-d bu hnhickirs and rebels to r hemes in Nelr&jka ; if 'as, H an e'en:er.t cf weik- re- t The Johnsonites have f orgejl two names in the" dozen wlio ostensibly signed their call for a Convention. E. A. Gerard, Esq , denies ever Iiit'vingauthoriztrd1 hi.V name .to appear there, and says it is a forgery. James. Sweet's name was'put here without his knowledge,' and he so stated here in the Convention last'Thur? ..i. j. .i ! i . 1 . .. :. . ... . day. . How. detestable these "hungry dos appear when. they, for food, attempt to forge - away; the good name of their neighbors.' : i w '--,; , ' --: f 1 11 ' m m m m i n ?rpceedlngs of Hie rtilon; Rcpab : Hcan ConTentlou j, . . Bkowsville, Sep'. 6th, 1SG6 Convention men pursuant to call of.ihe Union Territorial Central Ccmmittee at BrownVille, N.'T. " John H. Sahler of Douglass was called t.o.the chair for the. purpose of .tempora ry organization D. H. Pattison of Rich ardson County.'Sec. ' " ' " i: On motion, D. !'H. Wheeler. O. H. Irish, J. T. Davis, St. A. D. Balcomb, J. t i i ...... -'- tAt. Bur bank, were uppointed a committee of five on credentials. ! ' -l : Ori motion,' Mesr. Majbrir of Nema- hai Rockwell. ?f Burt, Harding of Otoe; Rogers;of Dodge, and Pottinger of. Cass, were appointed: a committee, on perma nent organization.'- ' " 1 Pending the report of the committee on .credentials the committee was ably addressed by "Mr. Sweet cf Nebraska City,- Mr.; Reavis of Richardson county and Mr.' G. Vandeventer of Aspinwall, ' . On motion cf Mr Sjdehham; the edi tors and reporters of. the press of Ner bra&ka. wererinvited, to- take seats inside the bar of the convention. . On'tnotion cf Mr. Sydenham of Kear ny, it. was resolved that Senators Harlan and Grimes cf Iowa . be'respectfully in vited to. address the citizens cf Nebras ka Territory during the coming campaign - Committee on Credeiitials reported the followiug names as members of Conven tion : . . ' Richardson County : (S).E;S. Dundy, C F Wakher. E E Cunningham. B F Furguson.J.A Bjfbank. A J Currence. L.W Patterson, George Gird. Nemaha County-: (9) Geo. Vande- Patle counfu: (2) ' Lander elf, and proxy for C H VVhaley ;: ;. -- eBvJfalo, Kearney .c Lincoln .! M. H Sydenham, i ;l T I .,- j ? . : Total 62.- ,; n . : : ; . : f On' motion,' i the1' report was received and adopted,' arid: committee discharged ; On motioa Convention .adjourned till two o'clock,'... ;. ...;. :;. !,. ; .The following patriotic dispatch was received during the temporary organiza-., tion: , : ',' r" ':r y- "' ' ' ' : : '' .v - ,j Nebraska,. City. Sept, 6th.: . , . To Hon. J ;H. Sahler; Browuvilie : Alake Conatitmional Ainudmnt the PJaiform ; put: men upon it. that hat Andy' and treason alike, and love Con-, jiresa and thejr, couutry ;.and -God. the People, and Victory will be on our side. I leave for home thif morning. : . : . . JOHN 1. REDICK.' tbaVwe are deeply sensible id the fact that the people of this Republic can nev er fully discharge the debt of gratitude which , they, owe to the Uryon . soldi ers and sailors ,who?e self-sacrificing' patri otism and'blood "have preserved constitu tional liberty upon thi continentj '. Mr. Sahier moved the report be adopt ed. Carried. ' ; ' -' - On motion of Mr Hathaway,, Gen. J. M. Thayer, Hen. T. W. Tipton, and Col's R. R. Livingston, Wm. Baumer and MajVTafTe and Armstrong be re quested to attend the Soldiers and Sailors Convention at Pi'.tsburg. The Convention then proceeded to bal lot for cnndidaie.for Member of the 40ih Congress: ' Informal bailot i : - 1 D. J. M'Cann,S - Alvin Snunders, . : 'JohnTafiVZJjrvu;:: O. P. Ma?on, ' Iihaiu Revii," '-' Jaie Swet, . Maxxvell, " Total 1st Regular Ballot : McCann, . Saunders, : .1 Taffee, : ; v Rt-avis, C : . . .'Redick, ' - 12 14; 5 14 2; 8: '67 . 14 ' 14 24 11 i 69 23 jL S CO 9 CD 0 O t In Greenback 3. KeI Estate & Gocdj - TO BE GIVEN AWAY I TicketsTelling veiy Fast. UnparaUelled Success!!! Eveuybody Anxious For A Chance!! Splendid List of Premiums to be distributed Gratis to tbe Hold crs of tbe Tickets for tbe GRaND-GIFT-MATINEE! $5D,O0Ti 1 premium ia Greenbacks 1 premium a Uoj-o al Lot, fituateJ ca iluiry lhA, .New lirk, w.ta all the moi ' era improvements; title perfect iiJ guar ' anteed. 43,0CO I premium, a F.irm ituatel at lloniej, Rock Uiua Co.. New Yotk, I'i hours frum New York, 10 minutes walk iroia the ftlion, ' ' eoDtaimug 7 1) acres, 5 'JO fruit bearing , Ires, appJes, pear.-t, aid cherries. & acres - cf large iiuitcr, baiuuca iu gras- aaJ crops gmid fauces, large enogs, npplviog a inagnifi;ent fi.-b pvudl aud ii ! ilouvlia trout- . ieij trvk, runiiia; acruss (tin wbuleprup erty fiil-di'b-fiue trvut, d drllirg bouse. It; rooms;! laige barn, thd and haj lolt, 1 granary fnd carriage bon ! , ; Iwwer Sior fcrted up add wtupud by farm er, lieu coop. pi p-m.' c -r rit. Urua im- , 5 eo. pis, obXkei-, ike .it.; uil per- i.-- t&HnS - 3D.0 I premium in gtet-bbhok., 10 Otft IU Pim.s (iSu-iuwny'a nd Gtiicki-rin ii) " ew D:; Mi.t'iiiu-.( Wh&uier & Wit- 8 ill ' Grov -r A li.iseis :ud Siiigers) ; 20 .'imiiu- .!d. Am ricMN, Piiteot Levef OJ p; . iO"i'i-. i.v. r in 'ut Lewr Hunting Cit.'.' i'UOj ' . - . ...... I h b"tiue t.i L.') i;r Ih.iai'ciJ Uinri,Al bum; Stuieal li:.trun.era,' ilk l e?es of (iie-laUssl tusiiinUn p.,t;t;rii:-', -Kil yes, V riug LJiissf tror iu.hitts . aud-4ttaer Vaiuablo articles too DU-nen.uj tu moutioo, - - sals oiiiZuiS;: I will cJer fur iaUcb tbe 15th d Br v , easa io hand, at the residence of ,1, T' la-.AipiRwan prec-t, in N.i.cJaat? i js tw9 Mrr tk nr as i I ,kf rertised b? iaid Lambert. ie,TrJisdi --.-M-St p.11- 1-,1rJ.M.PArlTT, r r PROB.iTL .WTcT- made to the Probau C..un of NVaSa r M U the appoinrmeai fiUn.l Jainistra -T1; of &.muet Moss decerned. All fc-., . : 8 aid Estate, are repaired to aPfrW "I"1 on atar da, tSe :S;h of .SVV Jfii, ijj application wi;i be f.,r bearioj ,''a 4M,y. ;:; U-Eu w ; br.,ta Terr itcry, i0 Ul,j'j- Lumer a2!nn Acton Kim,s ' aai, term A.D.1SG5. I will on "" the S,. Monday ibe 1st day of Octjr Utfls at one o dock P. M.oJTer for LW, '0- h ln.thehighrt bidder f-r cash, Cf'-- maha County, Nebr.-uk Territory ? here th a?t ten2f nAid Cbutt for ws held) tbe South T Qiirter of U8).n Township six (By 0rtt f " GlTl a. r. s. io Aiu, Coaaty, XebMsk.Trrr n under my hand ihu 3itb da T . 1 AWARDED A GOLD'-TlEDAT AT TO .2,401) 2.C0 1.501) 9,100 v. t " . Cowvenvioh Hall, 2 o'clock. -(Mr. Dundy presented credentialrof Delegates ;ffoiu:',' Pawrieer' County i end. moved bat'the"delegaie$ present cest the. yhqle vote ,pf UiaiiCqunty., Carried. - Messrs.'Maraford:and-'Butler -appeared for Pawnee dduri(y.; 17 1 - i'-i t :; On;:molio HWHeeler' Iiijor 5lajorg au ihon zed. , j'caa t, 1 .vote, of .' J F Nea), of Nemaha, absent. ,; i -i Committee on permanent organization reported for, r ., , . President, Hon, OL P. Mason, of Otoe. Fice President, Ji X Davis, of .Washington.--:' ; Im " Secretaries. D. VhpeIer, of Cass. and J. T. Patterson, of Richardson.' i lrr, Dvindy . moved that. the "fighting - ar i L - : "7 T . m J parton, ' Jtev'iJ.: iU LDivirgton,' open T j. P . ' , - . . , , posed to my policy, Rev."' J. M.r Chivington acceded to the request. .....f. ?, . Mr. Girard moved that a Committee of nine te appointed ' on rftsolutions. Car ried. Chair appointed Messrs. John M Thayer, A. J. Hardin?,'. Geo. Van- devenier, E. E. , Cunningbam, H. D Hathaway. L Girarde, Jubn TafTe, N. S. Porter; and W, W. Washburn. Mr. Renner iriovtd that the vote of the Cot.ventiou be by ballot, the Chair man of reach delegation to hind in the vote of ch deieffation. j u- ' 1 Carried. ; Yt-as 43," nay 13. Messrs. Renner and Sydafihain were ppunted tellers. . . . - . Mr. Sahler moved that the Ciinven- lion first nominate; a candidate for mtin bffof the 40ih Congress?, next a candi- i'fj IT' 7.;.v.' t v t U x Total, 2nd:; ; "McCann, 7; Saurideri,. TarTe.' ' neavis. Total . 3rd: McCann, ' Saunders, '.Taffe,; vv;.,Total,.l Ath : ' '" --MtCann,r ij -aahdeViC0 Taffer- 'riMcCatiD,;' : . Taffe, ,- ; Total, i? On motion of Judg Dundy the nomi nation of John TotTe'as candicate of the Union party of Nebraska for Member of the 40th Congress, was made unan imous. .... ..i V. .. " " ' ;l"t a j . Ta'flTe ihen appeared and declar ed" his position' as square upon the' Plat fdrrnjofthe party and" unswervingly op- 15 19 24 9 67 13 29 67 26 8 33 .67 One Premium to each purchaser of Ticket THE GR.IXD 3I1TI.EE, -.WiU fake-place on 4 JVIoxiciy ZXTmtcIjl -L 100 7 A thaEVeiett Assembly Baoms Kew lora, At vrhjc! time . and place the TiCUct Holders tVill appoint a Committee of disinter- ; ested parties to tllstrib-1 " s ute oneliundrcdaud ; ; fiftli tliouiiintl -dol--- larswoHIi ol yal- . ' uableprO ty ,yT Ai fcbjVe dS? -t . No. Postponement tc ja)ce place on i'N- . any consideration L EacH- Tieket iLjid jr'g rmm3i!fbe dirfy reeia- h'red. and should the parties not be able attend the diairibiuioa, they nULbfc iqformed bj mail of io girhfj re enuUeit .u t . ' '" ' I :j ;- 33 65 TICKETS ONE DOLLAR EACH, y CLUUiUArTEd ' ' 5 Tickets to ne address for 10 Tickets to ono address for 20 Tickets, to on address for 39 Tickets to one ad Irass for ' -. 40 -Tickets to one ad Jrese fur 5( Tickets to ouo address for 100 Tickets to one address, for In evert ease, fend the name cf each 17.30 2.25 - 35. 00 - 43 50 - 85.00 fub.'criber Ami :!iist. Fair ; ' " ' ! OCTOBER 19, lSC,' " 'u ! In d irect competition with a!! iVa t... 1 ding makers m the cfuniry." f ORGANS AND i I .' ' TV. 1 ! il S jm mm, M I ' PELOUBETrPELTON & CO,. MANUFACTUi EE Respectfully iuvite the attention of pir chadersrtbetra'dahcr prof fii.ui, to' :! FOLLOWING INST RUM C.N f.V Of their manufacture : ; 1 -' ' '' . j atiBi:'.E:rfjR(Gl 1 r'- Five size, Fivf Octave, wi. T: re- i RuU of Keys, Three u Efct ir. of Heeds, . t Prices," .,.8250 to' 6600. 1 ... . . . - . i School Organs, Twelre ?tyl5,5iijg!e an I dnubl Rj Rosnvood and Biack Walnut ca?es. . Prices, j' $130 to 8400 What ths Fres3 say of H3 . . . ' . 'It bears on its face the stamp or an honest bu siness irnnsaction ,and we doubt not thathf Hat iiatrons will fnecdiljr roach the number r-quin'd to secure an enrljr" distribution, . Eaeton (Fa.) Journal, Augusr, 1st ISV. 39 25 ' - 1 . ; : 65 the nomina'ioii Carried. date for Territorial Delegate in.Congres and then candidates for the Territorial t ffices. '; ', . Carried.1 Yeas 27, nys 4. -; Gen. Thayer, Cnairma V of the Com mittee on .Resolutions appeared and sub mitted ihe following:: t : . ' We the Union party of Nebraska in Convemion arfembled hereoy uuquali. nVdiy indorse and adnpt'ihe t'Ct)nstuuMon-- al Amendment ; 'passed by the 6mh Uon wieis. and subinitied for the sevt-ral states of the Union, towit : ; Mn'.'Mc'Cann theD thanked 'tbie ;Con- . . . . i - " I tion. will plea e address, wiJh vruiiuu iui . 114c. iian.ciiug uic gicu unu plain! written to and pledged his support to the candidate and party wi)h ell' the energy thaj in him lay. Nominations for Delegate in Congress then being, in order, the following gen tlemen were nominated, and the first resulted. follows : ' . . t - r ' T. M Marquette, O. P..MasOn, - John Tatfe, Tuial 1 Mr. Irish moved that be declared unanimous. Mr. Marquette then appeared acid de fined his poMlion true and in Am. clung on the Uuiou Platform ju 1 adopted. ' Mr. Jbn GiIIet.pi was uommaied by acclimation as the. oanlida'ed of the Union party for Territorial Auditor. -'Mrlrish moved that jtu-.K'-un z be nominated by acclimation tor Terru rial Treasurer. Carried. ' : Mr. Sahler nominated R S. Kn x f .r Te;rrito'rial Librarian. . : ;. , Mr. Irish movtd to make the nomwia lion by ace imaiiou, Carried. :Mr;;(iirard r.flVred the following : Resolved. Thai we extend to the Con vention of S juthern Unionists now i te3!iun at Philadelphia our cordial greet ings. . : ; ' Resolution adopted and President and and their Post Office Address, with the Town. Uonntj and Kate, in ful'.Monej by raft, P, O. order. Express. or in Keriftercd Letters, may be sent itt nur risk. ... ) ' AGENTS actire and reliable ag?nts wanted in, ererj town of the Union, witb whom liberal ar rancemeotj will be mad. Ladies . are Idti ted to form cluSs and seed for tit kets, for all the property WM'd be n, nsetul to-tbem as tbe gentlemen. cation. ' AU persoms wishing tickers or infom 4 ;r,,etl?- .f roR1 faur 10 ?X Ocr V'2,? run nam-. Count; ana, uuuDia rujtu, Jtosevv'ui'C ando.tcfc j. J. aij .Mrs,' - Manager and Agenff, , 64 Na?.-u Street, XeW Tork Piano style and Portable, TwfVi- Walnut Cases. Prices, 1865 to $250. PELOUBET. PELTON & CO.," 81 Broad-.vay, New Tbrk Scp. lit3 2y ' : ' "The plan i trod one, and the inducements uneqnnlled No d i tribu tin giinrantees mure ge nial mitisfnction than this on, nnd it is n wonder t!ie prople patronije it. VawitHU S . Y)Adverti r, Aug. 2 IS95. "The proprietors of a Great MaMne in Vw York Gilj. pr mi-'e ensh nd, other. jndncemn s rnouzh to t eT?rjr tufiy cmty as tor : a ti k-t for fortune.. Er-rTbdy, t eure, rnnn"t Win. but !'mh d' innf.,and h" lu-kf "nt will makt- f r- tuu1.-- Csrnni (Mih. j AnfrciN. Aug, 3. ftjrf.'J. y "We pre n"t p-irtii ! railed flift Enit-rpri-t;. ti. c.iu'e mniv .f ih- m re jftM?t. up i.n la e or 'lillHci-'U-t .-p- 'n;:l - : I ui lt en n iu the ir-a n' int-.p(-. f r.- f : - wt-n i ft wdti the ch.irscier of the parsie' e'lsasel and tlie decrrp tioif r r-lz l T.,n i",-taft ry ind.-eoen t tbe ! ii io- wr r :,,.jt re ii e "I b ti'tou n ta.i t-uc es-a (Varrei ( t a) Conttitulxon f ( c ,n a A t 'V 'rn !i ho.i-, r Jar ii, wt,.,'i .itra e f .ji a w.h ' nhr MJi nbtirj (jj) Te tjrapl nr.- r $53 C0 or a nice :- :h expenditure. A F ): Hear f t-TP'' won .r ia 'T,' n-f a locty hit wi'l .. t a mm u, 1.1 ti e w ..-..-l r .i i te cou.Kler. iu-'u thi ice- pKnie t -try iheiri ick av we ri(i).'M" ' nebi D)iimr wm,r n e etuerprine ppe .r bona i and btrirt imerru--' o' flitrilr'i- i t .i 'er lit itijrvi!.iiii .if , c'o-ea c 'nimi ee. dttj'of A; piuoe ( a h j( rrscenf Aug. u, tb(. Joint Resolation proposing an amendment to the Pnnatitutinn nt the United States. Bo it enacted bj th. Scnat. and House of Rep- Secretary ordered to certify thereto and reentatiT of the Luitrd states ol America '" 'I CHoice-VThnfty.'' ' ; LEGAL NOTICE. James MuCo, wilt untu-e that Mirt'.t Cot, as complitiraiit b.-w !td ht r pofitivn ii 'i eorj in the Uistrirt Cnrt.f.f CHiia ( ur.-.i. brnxka Territory, aaict . bim si- r--i -' ' objoct and prayer if woicb i t ob' a - vorcinj h-r from the said npurid-r : bnd. f matriuionr, d-rcrneinz hr h'ui ' giving to her the cusr.idj of ner iur'.irit fiiiid respondent i. reanre-i to a u w ? r it I5'h day of September, 181 ' 4J-U 4.50 MARTHA I ' i , PiaUllATE iNOtiUE: ' Njtic'rt U bT'i ifii that U.iidiT. " da.- o: '.March A. I. I?fi7. i t' '.ri1 nd fiaying ..f -U in- ji ..- tb: rl-i'.-i 11. U.l i, dec? i-fl a tw Pr'.lr'' ( o'J; 1U'4fut.1., in-.ha C'o'ju'j. Nir'k all Uf-nj-.o ntTt.'iir r, a m- - mi-' -1 1 r. . CI - I Ik in in ti.v. .'5 , ,.f th i' Ju-i. - '.mity. n r b-lore iha ijar.or thr tw lur" erer barred !rom pattuerr. GtU.W.FAI .HR0THE2. 47 4' pd 4 50 . l'r b-tn Ju- AND R. T. P.AINET & W. D. LEWIS 8uccrs-0H3 to BAitrr Sc. co 1 n I'. . ' : a vir vy ty 10 Congress assembled, (two-tbiids of. Both Houses concurring.) "That the following article be pro posed to the Legislatures of toe several states as an amendment to the Constitution of tbe United States, which, when ratified by three -fourths of aid legislatures, shall be Talid as part of tbe Com titution, camelj: . : ! :. Sictios 1.. Aall persons bora or naturalictfd in tho United State, and f object to tbe jur?idictin thereof, are citisena of the United States and of the Sta-e wherein they ' reside. Ko Suta shall make or enforce any law which shall' abridge the pnrilegcs or immcnitie of citizens' of the United States; nor shall any btate deprive any person or lift, liberty, or property,- without due process r taw, nor deny to any person within its jutisdiotion the equal protection of the laws. tc. 2" Kcprcsentatires snau no apportioned among the several Status according to their rea pectire number., counting tee wnoie numner or persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. Bur when the right to rota t any election for the choice rf ele tor for President a d Vice President of the United States, representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a S'ate, or the members of the tecistnture thereof is denied to any of the male inhabitants- of such State, being twenty one years t,l age, .ana citizens ot tne United 3tates, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the ba sis of representation tbrin shall ba reduced in tie proportion to which tne number or such male citi zens shall bear to the whole number of male citi zens twenty-one years of age in such State.' Sec. 3. ! p- rson shall be a senator or repres entative., .in .Congress, or .elector of rregident or hold any tfSoe civil or military, under the ULited Sutr. or under any State, who having previously taVen an oath .as a member of Corgreps, or as an officer of the United State-4, or as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive or Judicial (iiucer of any Mate, to support the Constitution of the United Nratoe,sha! have engaged in msurrec- tion or rebellion a 'inst the sann, or iven aid or comfort to tbe enemies thereof. Bat Congress may by a rote of two thirds of each house, remove tuoh disability. . . Sec 4 The validity of the public debt of the United States, Actborlzedby Law, lu eluding debts Incurred f or pajment f pen6looa and bounties for rlice ia suppreiteipg insurrection or rebellion, inall not ba qTt'ionr5. Sut nelthst tat United States nrr any Osage Orange finals, send by telegraph to Philadelphia: Mr. Ealcombe moved that a Commit- tee of one f i om each Council district be I For Sale, at a TT appointed to select names ror a lerruo- p yy YjrTDPUT?Q Ari'P'CVQ r,nl nd StatB- Central . Committee. . II. DUJaUnJ&O fit OU O Uarried. Respectfully 'inform - ihe ' Citi c; i Litii and L'ouht'j thnlihur art it St j j j . a tare and ccnpJe a3iOttn(nt j tadie's-' Dress Goo'd 1 -WHITE GOODS, i. 4 - V i? jlhe following is the Territorial Union Committee eelecteo; by theConyention ; Doultsj--John IE1 Sahler and St. A. D. Balcomb.' ' ' . Cass -D. H. Wheeler. . Platte, eic John E K-lly. . Dakota. etiN. S. Porter. Otoe O. P. Mason nnd O II Irish. Sarpy, etc E H Rogers Wahlrlglon, etc. J. T., Davis. . Nemaha J. L.. CarsonJ '.' Lancaster, eta John Cadman. Pawne, etc R, H; Pressoa. Richardson E. S. Dundy.' On motion, Convention adjourned sine die: 1 :-' ' -:- '--' - 1 - ' -l ' O. P. MASON. President: D. H Wheeler, Secretary.. , PE0BATE sbflCE. NoMee is hereby alven" to ail persona Interested that S. A. Chamber as Execator of tbe Uce Willis Hii: deceasi d h filed hia'-eounts fur final teuit ment at roj o ffl e , ai d ibat Mtu-iaj. the 8 b day cf October. A. D. 166 atlOo'clotk A. X.; la tbe time appointed for examining and allowine ib imi. . ' SKOErK V. FAIRBROIHER, 60-3 1 a CO Frobate Judt. .. i ' - -. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Kcruy. 2 1-2; miles weft of Brown ville, Nrbrai-ka. . ll-'U, uiuvis iviiru iui iiianiuj.U9 p a I , Orance Fences'; vyhich tHbe done in tb very vH fiyfe, ar.d'wairanfeJ. Our charges for building IIJe Fences, and lows; . ... ...i-... ' -A I Together' tyith tne y(J cts. per Kod, around a IbO acre tract. Custom Made h Sl.i;5 . "" " 40 mm a"t CVtih arye-Ias variety of w 'N O T...I O N : Stock rf BOOTS AND SHOES 'wliich SHERIFF LE; 'P....n. hnnrt a r i n vi..v " r a rA a I E ve r bfou ?hl to this CitV all of o'clock n. m.. on the lath d.v cf S-Dtrnber- 1S55 I aa rxnrrhnsoA nrmr ta thi late aGfao'- r f ' ivuj uui yuuvv w w - .-...- introntof Itainey and Lewis Strrft' tbe tul.dics - which enable us t oflfrr supf mwnicn tija List-term wiae uw not vourt was njia ' i j ' .,j.)ftur in the town of Brownville, in . rmaba Coumy in rir enduoemepU to those OsirfUf vi - the Terrrtory of Nebraska, I shall sell at Public I rhainQr. We abo. kerD Oil hand T 1 . 1. . n - . i- c 4 . t enaue ine louowing pniperty to- wit : ' 4 q e Three jcie Cl Oieu.One War?.n and Five chains 2luP 0L laKen as tne property ot Aii. uarnes to saiisiy au executito against rim in favor of David U.jugo. - - WM. G. ULAStiOW, Sheriif. Smiih F. Tuttle, Deputy i - August 31st 1S65, 4'i 2t 5. 0 ' ' LEGAL jYOTl CE. E.D. A Hen, a non-res dant, and tht unknown heirs of E 1 Allen, will take notice that' Rithard E Ua?e, will ji-ly by motion, at the next tirm of the iJijitrict Uourt. to be holden in pa l r."Vtmca County op the 21th of September. 186, at Urown ville.tur an oidrr of thecourt directing the Clerk to eupply and make up a petfeot reccrdf ia a cer tain cnuse, heretofore, pending, wherein R. E. Case was pUintidfand C D Alien was defendant, a!s, that the sheriif supply a lost execution in said case, and ba diree'ed to etecuie te-eaiJ K.E. Case, a deed to Block three, in North Brownvil'.c, tasHCcaat7. 43 3t 7(V PICHARP E. CA5T, Orocerio r. - : v . . . , '- ' . And a good a.'sortment ot aTjEiiEs'iiEi Pixr Rememter tbe PIe.Maia -t a$ -v iJ,..m.,.,. olnriliftoO'', . ta V y 9 a r'uv)i - 9-l0-4ly inin , Post once Hours. Vail n,.cs 7 wVloek, P. QrJhern Vil Closes 7o'cJkK. P; M; ' ; . A jf - m ui rinaea Mond-tT a 7 e o.-kX, 'V- : ; A stock observance of tJ c 'w trsnblo and vexation of ririt v '.'r'-P33'' ! I i i i i ! a j 1 i II i i i