Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 13, 1866, Image 1

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j.e'r Block, ttaln S't Between let fc 2d,
" 1 f"teJKvx' "if"
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sine? eirdt, ! Use e ff,f.
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Oa column tlx mo&tbt .
One eolomn nx montt - a
Oa'SlooitieolotDBilxnion;. '
dni cuJumn ttref r.crrt- -
On bUcolxan tire i icu;;'.v
Cne forth cslama t-r r. .ti
On eiJJij witfi Uirta tiuatU
Annouclr.a aai5tettr c
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Stray aUcv " te ,
. e.eMreT.tnTtBe, - - - t60
.7bwnp tn"lahly,be paid inAdrapoe
'J. nr. ant ta aafl Fancy Job Woi
eitnyfe. ndo brt boUc.
Ehft;;IAND iqpij, one' and ;nset ARABLE : NOW AND FOREVER," ; ,;
'11 1: ' 1 . .. . . 1 . , . : c . ' .
.he tt6t ityt oa inortMitc n ftot. tTE.
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ar & I NESS .C ARD s.
. Graduated In 1S51,V "
l.ocaii'd i Urowiiilllc in 1S55.
)t. fl- on btnl eouipUla itttof Atrputat
Trt;.hir.ios n! (Ibt-trica1 iDtrnmenti.
OSfK.IIolladaj & Co's Drn? Stdrc
Tu-o Doort East of Post Office. -
. v , r.
f.S. Pper'u! attention giren to Obitetricpand
iiaM of women and cfcHdren. x-44-ly
Xia tt 2 doort below Brownville House,
Jian band h pprior stock cf Dooti and Shces
' r,4 the b-t material and ability for doing '
Kjairin ilone triifiMatnfiSxznd dispatch
' iy Terms Caslit t n.irn
Vaoons. buooijss. plows, culti-
. VlTO ie. , Repaired tn hort DotU, at low ratei,
i4 varrautH to give atU(ci0. ' x-lJ-fn aa
: C. F- STEWRT. H- P-
J orrion
tb tut corner of Main Bnd Firit Street!
nct IIoVKS-? t'5 4, UBnd I to 2 nd to
J.r.ri-n'.Vbr"V.May 5tb, 1S65- No 34. ly.
' bOuciToa" .jn'chancery,
OSfe corner of Main an Ptrt Stxeet.
m: iHvlD.Qcmctt,
Millinery Faacy:Goods
Main Street ocfe doii west of tbft Post Office
nncmwviLLi:, kciiraska:
. A iiirioi stick if Fall ann Wiatcr O'H.di
t r-eirril. Kverythvng. in tbe Millinery line
V-te-nctacllt. an hal. l)re8-Makingf Bonnet
" viioan I Trimming done to order.
'J-; .ber,2i 18.5. r-n--28ly
;'. MARSH & CQ
HICtMiIt' Til Mtt:H -Si Z00K.3 '
'': n! Nfws. Averts aiiil Staitar,
iiiov.vuj.i.4 Ni:liUASiCA"
.V 'io bvtf tl binJ anl are eonsUntly receiving
freh iU,f( iet of Uao'ns, lriodical, Stationary,
lbu( r.b Al b a va School ll.x)k;also Confec
. jnrj. Cijam, Tobaeoo, and a choice eeieotion of
1'auejf (intccries generally, 0 vhicb they icritethe
Untion f tbe cititens rt Nemaha county, and
tbeykopab. strict attention to'business, and fair
a' merit a share of tbe publio patronage.
'- A.D.MaiwU. elS-ly ' J. W. BLISS."
, 1
Ilroivnvillo. Nebraska.
.H. W.EDICORD, Proj3iietor.
Tbtl2aebai4eeD rafurnishedand nwlj fitted
p aJ refurnlithed finder Its preient- enterprising
froprietor, ho guarranUes satisfaction to al) who
x$ patrocUe Uis riuuc. .1 . , x-ft-ly
: G R A N T' S
'j'Jnrt Stred bdwan First and Second.
v I ttor IrrfT elected ftock of
Boots and Shoc3,
it? - Quality cfprirg Stock,
groceries of Every Kind.
a ; ; ' . . . . beda,
. . Allspice.- Pepper,
-. ' Candjes ' Tobacco,
Matcbet, : gtarch,
ll of arbich .t ffera i uelowert prJee. deter
"'nt.Uiiiil. " ' '
- - a" i
: -' A.-. U013INS0N,
iffchi Between tst & 24 Street
j j V.u" f ooua with neataess and dirtl'-CS
frn ris;duRa jhorteetiee. 10-30 Inns
1 "
k-V'V lh" jnetlod or irformirg the public thst
U "
n noasc-Slgn & urnainental
: Glazier, Gilder, Gramer,
; All work done In a worlcman
... like manner, and. on strickly
cza Eza ess i
... , .W
. . . ' i ' -.
Perional utliuliu glwn to making Lobqlion.
, '.i ' 1
Ofc in J. I'. Carppn'a Banking House.
ajtd ;
TT. iust received and will constantly keep oh
Land a large and well selcctel'stock of genuine ar
ticles in is line. , .
One Door vest of Grant's Store, Brown
ville. Nebraska.
Of Clocks; W!tbcsaud. Jewelry done on the ahort-
eht Kotic. " , ...
Ftrnv-Bviile, Keb.. March 15th. 18C6. 10-25 ly
Th undersigned keep on hand alare assortmentc
For Mep and Boy's wear. Also. a large stock .of :
lk:e:j a wodlei: shuts
Rubber Cots, Leggiris & Blankets. I
Gent's Finishing Goods,
Of all kind which we will sell ,
O H E A f F O 11; C A S H
U Vp purchased bur. pood'. sinpt tlie-dt
cline in tbe Markets and will sell at lav
figures. ! ATKINSON & CO.-
April lStb.1865, 9-30-ly ' ! , i- '
Evan Worthing,
Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Choide
Liquors Wines, Ale, Bear,
y -ft AO. A OX333'37 OH.,
i5ACin iv i:iv, tati rw sii if u i;
ytiXG iir.APCRa'QiiAKnuMoii
fcR arid IIllU tlL CCLT1TA--
TOR. '
' Main Strpet. Brownville
v . ifay lilh ISG la 4 y tr nn"
iicctlrt r Scliool. Examiners.
Notice is noreojgiren inav iu uoro oi ochoii
Pjaminerl f etnsha poonty, Nebraska, wi hold
pieeticgi for ,t.he Eiamisation' of Teacherf for
sid County, at the oCce of E. MT. TbomRS,
ip prownrille.on the 1st Saturday in cyery monlh;
between the hours of one and 8 P. M, Applicanti
for cf'ffiBeates are required to be present at ooe
o'clock, precisely, or they will not be examined.
person need apt ly at any other time. .
v , ,.r ,. jj. order of th Tioard.
. E. W'.TIIO MAS, Clerk. -
pril lit, -yly
dialling Mm.
Ntxt.Door io Carson'' 8 Bank,
4 ' MAIN STREET ; ' '"J :'
Eroveii'villo jobraslui
attorney cit i dU);
"March 1st, 66. ly,.. -f 'i
, i .AND" .;!" ;-' ! ' '
it Corner 2nd and Main Sjreets,.
Is prepared to do all kinds of work'fn his line on
hort notice and reasonable terms. l-6m .
kes this method of informing jtb public that he
L8 just oponed,on Main etreot.betwen, 1st ahd 2nd,
auHestaprant and byter; Saloon,
, Also, Confectionaries, Canned' Fruit, Dried
Frnit. mrp of U kind. Tea. Coffee. Sonar
Tebacco, Potatoes. $wet Pofatoestand everything
usually kept in a retain grocery sicre. .
;r, x-15-ly ' '-r - I
Photograph Gallery-For sobd
pictures, Photographs or Anifcrotypesi
call at A. h M. Stagbrd's Rooms above
the Pom Office. We are prt-pared to oo
rbe bes of work in the 'shortest potible
time, and on as 'rfrai$r,arle termsas any
in thb AVet. .GJmvus a call. )t famine
our work. We insure saiisfactiou- r
' 'We taj-eall sors cf picture? ' 1 " . ;
V.! Of erelri ayle ef face,:. ;
Both Photcgraphe and An;brolype?, .
In plain or fanev oxt-e. -1
i - l A. & M . ; STA li r'U lU,
. Brownvffle,: J5.
I A Good tfeea and Livery Stable
In connection with the lloufie.
' ' - : ' ' i '
Front gureef, betiveen Main and Water,
May, 30th 1S66. : 10 36 ' '
.11 i : : , (it.-.: :
39 Varieties, irith Patent Basse Tenuto or
4 . Sub liass.
CSchool Organs and: Meloddbns.
: : .: ,. l I
, Finished In
Clcnnt Rosewood, tTnlnut pr
JVo Charge for Bo-xing or Shipping. 9
-35,000 Now In Use.i52 -
Uluing a fnll description or. style and testimonials of
the most eminent Musicians, as to tbfr soperior excel
lence of onr instruments can be sceu at this Office
Address - -' ,
t-. Browhville ; Hebraska.
. . . - : .. ... I : '
J. B. , WELLS r
Iia- just. l-c-ij rij h large ana vi j-eie.-wa JMw
of DnUCi'.-MtTirClX ..PAINTS. OILS, V'AK-
' S t'O K U ES F A C Y 'A N D
I Atdcrjthir!'gcf.Hinonly kept n a -
First Class Dreg Store ,
v-tfA'stomfV ttfll jSpd his Stock ectnplete.which he
Ouers lor wAcn at me verj i!wi jun pti j
Physicians Pmcriptjarp Coripoondii wit
ith the
ptmosseare u r4
'June 2lft 1S55 3 J , . ." '"" ;
' WAftTEf) l' Agents MaU and $75 to
fliO per month, to sell the eelebratea
Cotinion Scnie Faviilj String Zlachinf
'.I PRICE S18.00. -
This Machine will do all kinds'of work qna to
the high priced Jiacbrnes, ana i? tne oniy practical
and jel:a;.le theap ipewiDg Jiac&ine in itxo wona
Addros; .- ." -SECOJIC
&,.GOn Chicago, nis , or CTerelond, O
Principal 05e,No; 2 Custom Hoase Pla Chicago
lo;-a ly r,na . , ;
' ' 'c ," I "
i' J 'J -i'i ' i T-,.
, - ''-':: :!.1 lvi i
i . . . i ' . - l . 4 , i i - I ! f
-.:-'! , Continued. , i
I 4. ''-If the Qualified roters of any
tuldistrict EbaU-fail to meet ahd elect
school directors &n prescribed in the sec
end sectiop of ihis chfpter, it shall be
lawful for any three qualified, toters. cf
such subdistrict to call a-peciaj. meeting
of ihe Voters' or leucn "subd)strict,"fof the
purpose of electing directors, on first
giifng five days notice in writing of; th6
linieAnd place of holding such meeting.
by posting tLe same in three of the most
public places in sucn suooistrtct ; -ana me
directors so elected it such special meeting.'-shall
hbld-lheir offices for tbe sime
period of time as if elected on . the-first
Monday of March, as presbribd'in said
second section except,! that . their sdid
terms of office hall . be considered as
bavinsr commenced on the first Monday
of March next proceeding the' lime of
holding such special meeting. l' ' ' ;
. : 5.1. It . shall be the duty of ihe ; di
rectors,, any ; two.ofj yba tshall .copstitute
a quorum, to meet as soon as practicable
Bjter having, been elected and qualified,
at stich' place as may be most, convenient
in the subdistrict; and -organize by .ap
pointing one of their number cleric of the
subdistrict, who thali hold his office !for
the term of one1 year, and who'shairpre
side'at the Official meetings of the'direc
tors, and record -their " proceedings in a
book to be provided for the 'purpose, to
geather w'iibthe minutes of the proceed
ingji of the annual -school meetings held
in theubdistrici by vthei'.qualified voters
thereof,-j which t-hall be a public Record ;
andtall such proceedings, when so rep.or
ded( shall be tVg'ned.'by.ihe clerk or ithe
proper ' ubdistrici.1iJThe 'tliVect6rs' may
meet as frequently as ihey 'think neces
sary for the transaction of business, and
fill any vacancy, in the, office of clerk
which may occur ,in -.the subdistrict, ! or,
"in case bf his absence, 'either .v'of the
above direclbrs may officiate temporarily
in bis placed "1-r -: :: I" '" -
r , . .. . . s
6. It. shall be the duty of the school
directors in each subdistrict to' take the
management and '-control of its local in-r
terest rnd aIairs ; to employ teachers,
andcertify the amount due them for ser-'
vices, to the precincr clerk, who shall
draw an order oh the' precinct treasurer
for the amount; to dismiss' any'teacher,
at any time,1 for- sjjch- reasons as they
may deem .sufficient ; and to visit the
school or schools of the subdistrict, at
least twice during each terra, by' one or
more of their number, with such other
person or persons tohlpeient to' examine
pupils in their studies,' as they may choos
to invite. , - .sl..: ;,: -r) ,
V 7.- It the duty of. the di
rectors,' in their, respctiye subdistnets, to
negotiate and make,tnder such rules and
regulations as the precinct board of- ed
ucation may prescribe.' all necessary con
tracts in relation to providing , fuel for
schools, repairing or furnishing 'school
houses, purchasing or leasing school
house sites! renting school 'rooms, and
making all other provisions necessary for
the convenience and prosperity of schools
in (their siibdistricts ; but no contracts
sball' be ma'oe . by the directors) under
the provisions of this section, for ' the pay
ment of money from the precinct school
fund applicable to. such purpose;, which
in any one year shall exceed the amount
distributable to the subdjstrict in propor
tion to tlje enumeration bf a'cholars res
dent therein without fir&t obtaining the
consent or order of a majority of the pre
cinct board of education; and all con
tracts made by the locai directors under
the provision of this' section, shall be re
ported to the said board' at their : next
meeting after the. making of s uch con
tracts, and said precinct board of, election,
it their corporate capacity, on tbe part ot
the subdistrict, shall be held responsible
for the performance thereof, ..
; , ; 8. ; It shall be the fJuty of the direc
tors in each subdistrict to take, or-tause
to be taken, annually, between the fif
teenth and thirtieth, days of September,
an enumeration of, all, the, unmarried
white youth; noting them separately, be
tween the ages of five and twenty-one
years, resident within such subdistrict,
and not temporarily there designating
between male and female, and reitifn a
certified copy thereof to the precinct
clerk, on or' before?" the first Monday in
October; and the' director shall, on or
before the third Monday in Opiober,
report to the clerk ol the board of educa
tion a statement of the amount of money
expended, and for what object, during
the past sphool year, and the amount of
money, necessary to be expended -during
the current school year, the value and
(oudition of all txhool house sties, furnj
in.e. library, apparatus, etc.; ali contracts
tti'ertd iqto .by them, and geqerally
upon fall matters of jnierest connected
wi h be school fheif subdistrict.
And m case tbe directors in any 'subdis
trict thall fai( to take and return the enu
meration aforesaid, it shall be the duty
cf the precinct clerk to employ a compe
tent person to take the same, and allow
hiin'.a resonable compensation for his.
service, apd, shall proceed to recover the
amount so paid for such services - iq a,
civil action before any court having juris
diction, in the name of the territory of
Nebraska, agins said directors in their
iWividal capupity . apd . in such luits
said clerk shall be a competent witness;
and the money so collected shall be ap
rlie'fj to the' cse .pf the popmon . schqojs
jn tha .proper prepinpt.- The precinct
clerk . shall pake an abstract, of the, eun
meratioa so returned toiim, designating
the number of youth in such, eubdistnet,
and transmit such abstract, duly certified,
tQthe'county clerk, within three days
after the third Monday In October.
. .. r . - .. -
9. The precinct board of education
shall consist of a local director from each
subdistrict df the precinct, who has been
appointed clerk Jn hi subdistrict, a ma
jority of whom stall.copsijipte a quorum
for the transaction of business, and from
their number ihey shall elect a chairman,
precinbt 1 clerk and precinct treasurer;
the" clerk and treasurer each to give
bond 'to the trritory in twice the probable
sum that will pass through his hands,
which bdnd shall be filed with the coun
ty clerk." It shail te the duty of said
precinct clerk to be present' at the mee-
book to be prbvidea fdr the 'purpose all
of their official proceedings, Whjchshall
be a public record, open to the inspection
of any 'person iherested therein ; and all
such proceedings," wheri'1 so recorded,
shall be signed by the chairman ahd clerk:.
10. The 6aid' precinct board of ed
ucation in each precinct of ; the territory1,
.and their successors in office, shall be a
body poljtjc and corporate in law, and as
such miy coblract and be contracted with,'
sue and be sued; plead and be impleaded
in any court of law or equiety in this ter
ritory, and may receive any. gift,' grant,
donation or . device, miide for tho use of
any school or schools within their juris
diction" ; and moreover," they shall be and
are hereby invested in:: their porporate
capacity with the title, care'and custody
of all school houses,, school . house, sites,
school libraries, apparatus or other prop
erty belonging b the fcshool districts as
now organized, or which rhay hereafter
be organized; within the limits of their
jurisdiction, with full power to controle
j.he sahie, in. such manner .as i they: thitik
will best subserve the interest of common
schools arid the cause of education; and
when;-,ih the' opinion of the :boaftijany
school house or" school "house site has
become unnecessary, they may sell and
convey the same in the came ot the pre
cinct board of education of the , propper
precinct, sudh conveyance to be execu
ted by the chairman ahd clerk of said
board, and shall pay the proceeds to the
precinct treasurer cf the proper precinct
for the benejt .of schools ; and ail con
veyances of real estate which may be
made to said board) shall be to said board
in ifeejr corporate name, and to their
successors. in office. - !;?'
J I. It sbatl be the duty of the,pre
cinct board of education to hold regular
sessions on the third Monday of April
and on the: third Monday of Octoper, in
each year, at such place in the immedi
ate neighborhood as may be convenient
for the transaction of. any business which
rcay be necessary m relation to tne sud
ject of either the1 primary or graded
schools of the precinct, with power ad
journ from lime to time, or to hold spe
cial meetings at any other time or place
within the proper precinct, as they may
think desirable for the transaction of
business" as'aforesaid" and at all such
meetings, they shall appoint one of their
number to the chairi and. irj Cie of, the
.ab.sepce of the preciuct. clerk, may ap
point one of their uumber to serve tem
porarily as clerk. " : " ' '
: - 12. The predinct board' of educa
tiou shall : have . the managersent and
control of nl) the central or high schools
of their proper preciuct, which may be
established therein under the authority
of this chapter, with full power in res
pect to such schools,-to employ, pay and
dismiss teachers, to build, repair and fur
nish the necessary school houses, purchase
or lease sites therefor, or rent suitable
school rnoniSj ahd niake all other neces
sary1 provisions relative to such schools
as they may deem proper J :and it shall the duty of said board of educa
tion to excise all the power conferred on
local directors in respect to subdistrict
schools wherever; such local .directors
shall neglect to discharge their duties in
any subdistrict as required by this, chap
ter and it shall also be the further duiy
of said board to prescribe rules and reg
ulations for. the government of all the
common schools within their jurisdiction;
said board of education may provide for
Qermiih schools for the instruction of
such youth as may desire to study the
German language, Or the German- and
Eugtish languages together, and, if the
board thall deem it necessary, they may
appoint one of their cumber tbe acting
manager of fcchcrols for the p recinct, who
shall do and perform all such duties da
the. board may prescribe, id relation to
'he management and supervision-of the
different. tchools. and the educational in
terests of the precinct, and may allow
him a rpjpijable Ccmpfpsation for his
service's." .'''
' 13 The sajJ board shall prepare
or cause to be prepared, a ,n?P pf their
precinct, as often a they may oeera nec
essary, on which shall be designated the
subdistricts of the precinct, wb?ch they
may change or alter at any regular ses
sion, and the number of scholars assigned
to each j hul cc .subdistrict shall contain
within its limits less than ten scholars by
enumeration, except in case where, in
(he oinicfi 'cf Ihe board, it Is necessary
to reduce the number; apd it shall be the
duty of the board to establish a school in
each subdistrict of the precinct, of) sach
grade as the public good in their opinion
may require; and in the location of pri
mary schools, or schools of higher grade,
the board shall have reference id popu
lation and rjeighborhood,"' paying tfue re
gard to sny school: hoqss-already bu,ilt,
ot sqit prccoredj as well ' as to all ether
circumstances proper to be considered sd
as to promote the best, interest of schools.
! 14. The board shall have power to
assign such number cf tchclara to the
several primary schools. &? ihey: nay
think bes., and when such assignment
has been milde, shall furnish the teachef
a list of the schotara to asjijned ; and
the board shall also have full power 10
regulate and control the admission
scholars to schools of a higher grade, ac
cording to age and attainments, and may
admit scholars over twenty;ohe . years cf
age, and may suspend, or authorize the
local directors to suspend, from th8 priv
ileges of either, of the schools, any pupil
found guilty of disrerly conduct, which
suspension shall not eitBbd beyond lbs
current'session of the school. ' ' ; ,;
15. Whenever it shall happen that
persons are so suited as to bej better; ac
commodated at the school of an adjoining
prepinct, of whenever it may bedesir&ble
to establish a school composed of parts of
two or more predicts, it sbal be the du
ty of the respective boards cf the pre
cincts in which such persons reside, or in
which such school may-be situated, or of
the precincts or pars pf which the school
is to be composed, to Jfnafer such per
sons for educational purposes to 'the' pre
cinct in which such -school house is cr
may be located ;" but the enumeration of be taken in. each precinct as
if no such transfer had beep tnade.i and
such school, when, so composed,, shall be
supported from $e 'school "funds of the
respective' precincts from whl,ch; the
ifcholare may have been transferred and
the bctyrd. ei that precinct in: which the
school house is situated chall htve, the
pontrol ano! rrjanagement cf such school.'
and the board of the adjoining precinct
w ji&biuvi ou tuuucuicu tor actiooi pur
poses, shall each make the - proper esti their share of expenses ot every
kind necessary ta sustain said school, and
certify the saire to the county clerk cf
tneir proper county as a cart of their an
nUal estimates for school - parboses. 'and
draw, orders da their respective precinct
treasurers for such sum ai'will ,be ia cro-
portion to the enumeration of scholars so
Irapsf erred, in favor of ths board of that
precinct in which such school is located
to be appropriated to the :payment of
teachers and for other purposes connected
with the establishment and maintenance
of said school, as far as applicable. ...
' '10. , The said board " shall, have
power to determine the studies toibe
pursued and the school books to fetf.'usjS'd
in the several schools Qnder their 'con
trol,' fc&d shall wakb and enforce such
rules and regulations relative to the use
and preservation of the school libraries
and aparatu3as,ihey may think advisa
ble, and shall appoint, or authorize the
local directors to appoint, a suitable per
son to act as librarian and to take charge
of school apparatus, resident at some
convenient place in the neighborhood
where the school is keptind may.reqtlife
such librarian to give bonds for the faith
ful discharge of his duties, and al'ow
him such compensation as "they may
think desirable. - - -
17. It shall be the duty of the school
tfeacher to make out and .file with i the
precinct derk, at the expiration df each
terra of the school, a full and complete
report of the whole' number -of schollars
to the school during sach term.1 distin
guishing between mala and ' female. 'the
average attendance, the. books used,:th8
branches taut, the nuiUber of pupils en
gsged in the study of each of said bran-.
che, and such other statistics' as he may
be required to make . by the precinct
board or local directors, and until , such
report shall hav been certified and filed
by the said teacher as aforesaid, it shftll
not be lawful for said board or local di
rectors to pay said teacher for his or
her services. . - . .
18.; The i board of education in eash
precinct shall prepare, cr cause to be pre
pared,, and fcrewarded to the County
clerk at the same lime, when the return
of the enumeration of schools is required
to be made, a statement exhibiting the
numbef of childern in the , precinct be
tween the ages of .five and twenty-one
years, distinguishing between male apd
female, the number of schools, specify
ing the different grades, tha cumber, cf
teachers, or fernala, tha cumber
cf childero. rr.ale and female, v?ho have
attended school duririg the past :jear,
the average attendance, the .length of
the terms of schools, compensation of
teachers, male'ad' female, the nqrn-
b?r and condition1 ".cf -the school' hbusel
and furniture, and the estimated value
thereof, tha cumber and condition cf the
books n the school, libraries, the number
of libraries, tha lend of -school books
used in the schools, the number and value
cf sphool apparatus, and the full accounts
of the expenditures for school purposes,
together with such other ' statistics and
information in relation to schools as the
territorial auditor may require. '
ciTRAL oa high scBooXji;
' 19 Each precinct board of educa
tion- shall have power, a3 hereinafter
provided, to establish. in their. respective
prepinpts such pumber of graded schools
cx such modifications of , them, " as tha
ppbHc interest may require; and in case
of the establishment cf-such graded
schools, it tha . duty of .iha board
so to classify tha .children of the pre
pjnet as to serure to all, as far as practi
cable, aq euitabje participation in the
dvanta-ra thereof i. and, tbg t.Qsrc! shall
desiffnaU'Jb.8. snhji3trict4by caaben-i
and ethech cf a tigcsf grsup
bekndwn by t-a
necessary or desirable to previa cua
mora sqth central ct high schoob m thsit
respective prerincu. the saiu Dcara sau
estimate the proballe'ccsl thereof, and
call rrpVciaPo'esncT-rf-tva qnalifiei -
roters cf tha fficract (
residents pf any cf the.i
territoryrcr ma
trir rained in ma iirst ssswyj
chapter, over
board shail be stated ; ar.d iha'electori;.
when convened "in persu'auc' vf s'-:
noticeVsbalVdecide hf Vote any-q-vistiod
whith rh'iy ba deer3ed'id:porucX.i4 rip;
lation to the:cost ad-lqcarjonf tbp.buil
ding or buildings,. ,cr -other ,-prp.visioai
necessary for the ' establishment of any
sibh school.and also the preciiirf
tlx which rnsy'be levied for.'tb urpasa,
4hd the chair ban and clnk if ;thf" tttT$
shall be' the chairman and-Hark of lhq
ra?eting, and the clerU'thall tecord in
tha repords of the board the ac; J ad of tH4
liiaetingi and th board, shall b governed
by the direction and jrl cf sif) raestinj
isj relation tq jhe subjects' cr'tratters U
' 21 iatsSkU be the dat7 cfl2'e tiri
of education in any "cr2iniid rr3sisct
m thS'j.territoTj'annuaHy : Jodfterain
by estimate, as neiny as practicaoje, tna
epiire amount of 'money pee'esijiy bj
expended in the prednct for-school pur
poses, other than; for jt4 Lpsv&t cf
teachers.and alio suchadditionaf araoii
as'the hoard may think' rjeieUlT'i nil
etsfeeding two mills on 'the' doilat vala
atioii-c'f taa-Ulsbid-prflefty cf the pre";
cinct,: fcr the exclusive parpi)s.VCf sai
taining ..teachers in the -ceptral cr high
schools, or for' the -purpeso of prolonging,
aftr'the territorial fundi bava'- lerv ci
hausted, the terms of the several tuJij
trict'or. primary :echo6ls In the: precinct,
or for both purposesr as.tha. ,boatd, Eay
adjudge best, which several, amount! cf
money', so estimated,''' board 'shill
make' t'Pown by ceriicVte in writing', on
or before the tiie required by lafv tct
placing on the tax dupritate' thg .territo .
rial atid county axes iin car h. jearri in
cluding sny tax whlch tna'y'' rj
voted by a special meeting cf
provided in the preceeding-reectI5rjJ to
the county clerk of tha pf oper. coiaity,
who shall .thereupon asseis th entirf
amount of such estimates on all th9 tax
ahle property of the prednct, not inclu-
ded in any tity or 'taxable - property cf
the precinct, not included. in iz'f city or
incorporated town or , territory ;;.ani:?ed
thereto, forming any-ipeeial, dislric to
be efitsred by said county cleric, cri ..tli5
tax duplicate of thcr co'unty. anl'colIe'Aed
and vben; collected; ahall be pil over
to the; treasurer of rthe-; proper, precincl
on. iho. order of ahe. county :.clerk i an
said county treasurer shall be, entitled to
receive for collection ohe per c?pV rj
all moneys by him 1 collected for '"sshccl
purposes, ana lid mere; - t ;.ir..- ;ii j
: 22,: Th? preciort board cXcducitiori
shall have power, n;henn in their; opinion, '
justice and equiety require it, .p estir
mate'separately the cost of 'purchasing a
school bouse site and ere'etng or repair
jog a school house; therechi; in - an fipat'
ticular subdistrict of the preaifict .??bre- '
in the inhabitants have not baretcfora
borne a resonable share of tho" burden
of taxation fof such purpose." m'cornpart
ison with other .subdistricts Jfi tha -fa
eicct, end certify such ;pcn'oa ai Czey
may deeci .just, and .equitable: cfw h$
amount of 'such estimate ,V tq )hs CTJr.ty
cierk ef the proper county, 'together 'cvith
a map of the hnii ana names" cJJilieax .
payers-; in . any .such! siibdistrrct,TV?iih
amount so certified, shall be np.hy the property, ,tfcrir
subject io taxation, and placed on" ih
county duplicate, 'specially tcr9' cbllicte
ed and paid over in th& samt tr.izzzt as
.Qth9r.schol taxetrnd to t Fpliii or
tha specifis purpose of proridb i'j-ihldcl'
house in the subdistrict. -, . . .
" 23 "All school funds1 which vay
come 1 into' : the hands ;'of:th preCinct
treasirrer, from , whatever .sourcs,;'$5iil '.
be paid , cot., only .-on, the cfdef-.c tha .
clerk of the board cf efiacat?on, ender
the direc'.ron of the bcari,texcept In pxyV
ing teachers for their services; and tha
said clerk may f on such taashers jpresen '
ting their certificates cf qualiftcatibn.and
depositifjg wiih the clerk ""true 4 copies
thereof, draw fhe requisite ord;r on tha
freasi;rer for any such" amount 'as, may
have been certified to .be '. due'' . ty'I'any
two cf the local directors cf, th6 .proper
subdistrict jn which the teacher was em
ployed; and so much ef the school' ra on?
eys coming into the bands cf th3 treas
urer as may be derived frcim t;a tsrriV
torial tat, cr from, any precinct tax . H?
ied for the continuation cfsthoali after
the territorial fund ha3 ban exLaus'.bcl,
shall be applicable, only to tha ' paymsct
t cf teachers in tlie.prcper .preciu. zn3
shall be drawn othsrjorscswrjxt
rver'j and 'all school' facta . applirall? to
the' payment' cf teachers cn!y, shall bg
diatributed to" tha-'-srefai' :uti:-tfLv?
To. bo Cor.iii;ui?i.
than primary, thali Ue- Jcndvra cy t-a
pellation cf central or hh schools. ..
20. Yh?ever, in the. csnic2 c
the board cf "Vduciliqi.': it'.tbaii Icccr
which' tha yjriodictiJH c:
the precinct and local director ia ts-iu
cled.J at the osuapftcM xrf hddir-j ele.?
tions, first giving twenty iipteiizs ol
the' time ahd object of holainj sach
tmgby pciiticj tb sama' ia-sc:rt3 put us
place in-' each c the ieteral.auVilitricts
ofjthe precipct, -ia-wbichj lJ
amount cr fate cf tax estimated, by ta