Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 06, 1866, Image 1

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    rronASKA '
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(iSrc: HcIIaday & Co's Drus Store
7"to oort 11 a at of Post OJjict.
f.S.- i'O-.ial stirjti.,o given to Ol?tetncimd
ti iiwu.-t f h .iinen d? tTiiUren. x-4i-!jr
Baal md Sitae
TLI Jh. E3 ,
u,3 fct 2 door below Drownrille House,
" nikVoX o;r!.-rt.K-kr.f Haofs ft rid Sic el
A .t mnerinl rd lility for doing
Rft- 'g done villi ripatnf is and dispatch
Torino Cas1i
V 6prQsiTi:bi:usKR'STiN.sH0P,
. . linoir.wi lli. rsuuiAsiiA.
- '(. . - r j j
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.TITO Its. he, Keiixnc u n tlort uotice, t I. fates,'
. 4 ? mt4 it tivc ; iffcii..n. , j-ll-fn en- .
evh Et irnr of Main n l Flrnt Street
rr to
. . . . r.u. .
OflfV r.fBcr f Mln jikI F Street.
HiHinery & Fancy Goods
Kaia Street one door west of the Tost OfUce
1 1 no i v . 1 1. Ij k, x i: 1 1 A S A .
A jrir u.rk f Fall ann VViater Goods
j t receirrd. Everything in the Milhricrj line
t f r.ftintly on bund. Pre-Muking, Donnct
i.j'Kinf an i TMrnmiujj duco t order.
i,.ber, li IS',3. v'J.n--2Slj
sect E.-f-OH! Ti MAR"1I & ZOOK,
GfDrhl News Averts anJ Slaiiaucrs,
Vot OCicc IluiliUn?,
II have oa hand anl are constantly receiving
fre fnj j. ie v DuoVf, IVriodica'.w, Stationary,
l"huti.jjr.h Album, School Hooks ; aleo Confec
tiry. ('ijr(i, Tobvco, and a choice ncloction of
Fancy iroc-rU-s gi ncra'.iy, to hi. h they invite the
a teotioa f th citin n cf Ncin:tba couoty, and.
taeykopaby itrit attertion tn buinefg, and fair
. t! ealicr . to turrit a flare cf the public fiatron:i?e.
l.L,MiISI, uI5-ly J. W, liUSi.
. COTi. 11 AIX AND 2ND STS.,
. nrQivnvIIIc, Nebraska.
;XL V7. PEEICORD, Propiictcr.
Thli H.jue bis been refurnished and newly S ft cd
p and rrfjrnibcd under ita present enterprif .iig
J'roprletor, who pu.nrranteei fatifactiun to all uho
ptj -atrubitc Li i Inure.
. Main" Street between First jind Second.
. havt in ctara a larre an rell selected stock 61
: : !.Boots and Shoes, .
'Fu?- Quality d Spring Stock,
wnicn ni okfersfohsale O
Gr.Qccnes . of Every Kiml,
Tea, '-- : 'JJa f
. AlIfpiceT I t f. Pepper,! '--
Candle. "Tobncco,
j . . Mtiches, " Starch,
AM f which be offer at tue lowert prices, deter-
r - hi ve niiaeroia.
lira wmm,
" In Betrc.n nf k 2d Street"
x-OTTT-xxyilio TMornralia
. t ,tf, 'his inttb'od cf iufornHng the r-uMir that
j . f ' 9 kcd a f iwndid as.jrtuont cf Gcntf and
k'im-,'andai!Jrrn'i"'. .'
"11):"-,,.a "k dene ntb neatneM and diffatchJ
. lrie2 ioca en sboxt Kjtioa.-'. ' 10-SO-fut.a
W ?t n tt
T T 1
r 0
Mil IffilG,
notise-Slgn i Ornamental
Glazier, Gilder, Graizer,
All work done in a workman
like manner, and on strlckly
05i Eooaitr3ToraowsTiLL nosi
fe - "
jacob maroiin; 'a "
V3uG0 v" ;
' ' AND DE A Ltll 1JT
rtrtonul B(i'f fo mnliuff Location.
O flee in J. L. Carbon's Banking House.
s 14 fr-nn
lias i ust received and will constantly keep on
Land a large nnd well vc'.ccted stock of genuine ar
ticles in is line.
One Door west of Grant's Store, Brown
ville, Nebraska.
Of Clorkp; Watches and Jewelry done on the short-
eut Notice.
Brornvtlle. Neb.. March I6ih. 1S66. 10-25 ly
The undersigned keep on hand a
ilar,e assortment c
For Men and Doy' wear. Also, a Iarje stock of
Robber Cots, Levins & Blankets,
Gent's Fnrnislimg Goods,
" Of all kinds which we will sell., , j
C II li A P FOR C A Sill
We purchased our jrootls since the dt
cline in the Markets and will sell at lov
fl-ures.. , . i , ATKINSON.&. CO.
April 13th, 1SC5,
8-30 -ly'
Evan Worthing:,;
Wholesale & Retail Dccr in ChoicQ
Liquors, Wines, AleBear,
""' j - . ..
IIACIII X K, K i:v YOU IL sC LF 11 4
kixg ni:.4iEn. quakcrsiow?
TOR. .''. r:.v; i'.'.M.ii
.... . : . i ...': i .:
1 Main Street,' Brownville ; :i
May,17:blS6 I0 3i ly fr.Bn:: - )
Ilcctlnsr of Scljool- Examiners.
Notice is hereby gir'en that the Uoard of ScIhII
Examiners of Nemaha CountyrNebraska, will hold
mectirgs for the Examination r.f Teachers for
said t oanty, at the office "of E. $V. Thomas,
in lirownriUe.on the 1st Saturday in every month,
between the hours of one and 3 P. M, Applicants
for certificates are required to be present at one
o'clock, precisely, cr they will rot be examined.
Io person need t rly at cry time.
' . ' 11? order of the Bnard, "
' , , ; W. TilOAIAS, Clerk, .
April 1st, ' -jljr . . , f: . , , ,. t
GSIEE Li! ilT;
EL Bits
Next Boor to Carson's Penh.
Sittonicns at alt3
' March 1st, '08. ly. i , ; . ."
a a u
Corner 2nd and Alain Streets,
T T O 1 . T.TTTTT r -m TT m
Is prepared to do nil kinds of work In hisline on
hort notice and reasonable terms. .! l-6m x
talces this method bf informinjr the puhlio that he
haSjust opcted,on Slats street, betirt in ) ft and 2nd,
a'Rcstauiraiit and' Oyster 'r Saloon.
Alo, Conjeetionorics, Caanocl Fruit, Dried
Fruit, Spices of nil kind.. "Tea LVffee,Su''ar
Tobncco, Potatoes, sweet Potntoes and everything
usnally kept lji.ft retain giueory store
IMiotosraph' Gallery. For J good
pictures, rnotograpns-, or Air.protypes,
call at A. & M.-JMaliord s Kocms above
the Post Office. We are prepared to do
the best of 'work in. ihe ,shprvtest possible
time, ana on,as reasoLaue tepnis as any
in the West.- Give us a call. Examine
our work. We insure salisfaction. '
We taVe all sorts of pictnres, v
, Of every style of faces, ,
Both Photographs and Ambrotypes,
( . -In plain cr fancy cases.
,. : ... A. & M.-bTAJ? J?UHU,-.'
31-tf Brownville, Neb.'
A Good Feed and Livery Stable
In conncction'with the House.
L-v D. ROBINSON, proprietor
Front Street, between Blain and Water,
May, 30ih 1SC6. 10 36 ly
39 Varieties, -with Patent Basso Tenuto
aut JJass. -
JScliool Organs and Melodeons.
Elegant Rosctvood, Yfalnut or
Oalv Cases.
JVo Charge for Bo-xing or Shipping.
--35,000' Now In
tainins a full description of style, tend testimonials of
tbe most eminent Nu.iciaus, as Xo the superiot txrel-
lence of onr ' Instruments can be seen at tLis Oince
Add i ti?t
4 - '.Brownville Nebraska.
Peril, lYcmaba Cowalj- lcbraska
RaVjustvTeoeivcd n large and re' selected Htwk
'"Afld cveYythfngcorinnonly kept in a VA"
First XJ.ass, Urng Store, i
Customrrs will fiiid bis Stock complete.whieh he
offers fur CASlI at the very lowc?t market pricts
' Physicians Pre?criptioas CojcpoundeJ with'- the
Utmost care at all hours. : t ; 'i ,
June 21ft 1S65 39 ..
1 1 1 i .
WANTED ! Agents, Hale and female, at $75 to
$150 per month, to sell the celebrated
OotcjoS Sense Fam.T? getvfng fachtjiejy
" ""?iiic:a siaoo'
This Machine will do ail tinds of worX equal to
the high priced Machines, and is the only practical
and leJlaUa Cheap Sewirg Machine in th jrorld.
Ad.l?-nL .,- ; u 7; ' i -EpOXP
J; CD, Cliicago, lUs , or Cievelond, Q.
PriniivclOCio),yo. 2 Custam ilouso Place Chicago
Jl Prize Tale written for the N Y Observer
BY if US. BD. C. BOB 1X3.
It 'was' in the eafly part of October,
16G3, that the Rev. Mr. Allen started to
walk to Fanner Owen's over the hills.
He had to cross two low spurs of the
Green Mountains, and as he climbed to
the top of the second the rich valley ,of
the Otter Creek lay spread oa before
him. , At any other ime he would have
stopped to admire its geEtle' undulations;
its great flower garden of forest trees,
rich in every color;and hue, its silver
threads winding their way ;: to the wa
fers of the Champlain", and the .glorious
autumn light 'which lay like a golden
mantlff over ithem all. But 'this after
noon he seemed 'oppressed by . the beautf
around him. He lookeid' upoa it with
eyes misty from tears.1 There'was a dull,
heavy weight upon .his heart a weight
which even the long,. fervent. prayer he
had uttered1 s'o ' unceasingly since noon
failed to move.', Between-him and that
landscape, we might almostisay, between
him and the meicy 6eat, ihere moved a
slignt, tall boy, wan a laugning oiue eye.
clustering brown hair,' and lips always
ready with a merry wbrd 'To-day, the re
was Bennie, nuting under the bare, braw
ny arms of the butternut tree; throwing
hB lines into the little brooks, that came
balling down from the steep mountain
tide driving his cow along the snorrow
foot-path 'standing Vithi BjoVsbras under
the bright niaple, and -sLoughting with
pride and icy as she wreathed her pretty
face in the. gay teavesJ ' ','. . ,. ;
Uh, Bennie ! Bennie V Mr. . Allen
hardly knew he was calling the 'name,
until it came back to hi in .'.with such an
empty, tnocking!ound, from the hardlesa
echo ;; ,alhdst',M"r'.;' Allen ' thought;
startling himself by the ..'seeming impiety
of the words "almost as; if there were
nogreaj kind Father over qs all." V i
As he. came near Farmer Owen s
house, he saw his oxen'yoked to the plow.
He knewthey had been.' there since the
telegraph came. Mr. Owen had read it
in the field, gone to the' house and" for
gotten them, and no one had dared to
put them up. He was a man fulty capa
ble of taking care of his own atlairs un
der any circumstances, never having been
known before' to forget, .-
Mr. Allen beckoned to an Jrashman
who Was passing, and asked him to take
care Of them. ' Thti man came With an
awed look upon his face,' as if even there
he stood in the presence of a great sor
Mr. Allen walked on slowly toward
the house, . He had known Mr. Owen
or many years, and he knew him well,
ndeed, there was a peculiar bond of sym-
paihy betwpen the two men. In all - his
arge parish, there was not one upon
wiiom tne minister relied as ne did upon
a . a i t
this strong, sturdy farmer. Many and
many an hour he had walked by his side
when he was upturning the brown earth,
and had discoursed upon-Jopips which
would htfve sounded harsh and repulsive
to common ears, but wnicn were iraugnt
with deep and vital interest to them.
Mr. Owen was a direct descendant of the
uiitaus and every .'drop of his blnod
was ttnffea witn as stronjr ana . true a
blue" as if .he himself had landed in
the Mayflower. ' He took naturally to the
sterner doctrines of religioh,: while Mr.
Allen versed in air .the modern lore,
questioned and doubted, i The keystone
of Mr. Owen's theology was the sover
eignty of God: vShall not the Judge of
all earth do right !' This Was tlte'mah
upon whom 'God had now laid his hands
on so heavily; and Mr. Allen felt that if
the trial brought .no; murmur, no. rebel
lion against the rr.ighty Soverign, the
stern old faith were indeed a rich one in
which to live and die. Tie knw that
one tkment in this War Was Puritan.
Sons of the Round-heads filled ' op the
ranks of the Northern army. They had
marched to battle to straius' of the o d
tunes that had lingered in: the nursery
apd sanctuary'from the day"1 that Crom
well and his ; soldiers! chanted themon
Marston Moor,' Ail dpwn the aisles, of
Time came tramping to the music armed
men, bearing n'n their shields the two
words; Liberty and Equality:Tbeytrem
ble bn Mrl Owen's lips with hispahinsr
blessing to his boy. ) Would he remenn
ber them, and would.they comfort, an4
give hitn strength now t . ,j
Where there is affliction' in a'hbuse
the ministgris at hocae. 'Mr. 'Allen en
tered without knocking, and "mald his
way to the large, old-fashioned kitchen
in whi;h hejwp ure finding the fam
ily'.'" ' - l . . . , ) i ,
There, by a table.'with his arms fold
ed and laid heavilyupon it, sat .Mr.
Owen) His wife Was in a small rocking
chair. by the ; fire,; and iBlpssoma young
girl, sat between them." . )
Mr. Owen rose 'to welcomhim ; sq did
Blossom but the wife did , not" notice
him-she sal slill, rocking herself to and
fro, looking at the blazin wood. t . )"
"Mr. Allen put a'hat.d in the' brawny
one that was held out 'toward ,' him, and
laid the other on r." OwenV great
heaving breast,' 'M'y friend," he saidf
"how is it with the decrees of God V ',
' "Just and true are all thy waysj thou.
Kins of Saints," faltered out .the', man!
There was something strange in . 'his
voice a thin,' womanly sound, so unl
the deep, sle'njoriin Cones 'fn which he
had always poken before. Mr. Allen
when he heard it, almost felt as if ho ha
dealt'him a blow,
"Thank God! He: has not, -then
forsaken you, and from the dep'ha o
ihis deep truble you can still say,, 'Tha
Maker of aoll doetu well .
"Yes yes,"-and for an instant there
glimmered from his dull eyes a spark of
tne old controversial fire "you , don t
suppose that 1 hive held on to tbatacch
or wnen tne sines were cloudless, and
the little waves just rocked my bark, to
let co of it now now, when the great
waves and billows are goin j cv6r rne,'do
you? I've planted it firm, and it don't
yield ; no it don t yield, but the strain is
terrible. God send it may-carry me into
port ; oh, Mr. Allen, eay it will.- It has
seemed to me to tiay so dark, so wonoer
ful, "so inscrutable, that he-m'y ;Bennie !
Mr.- Allen, thare is a good,.wise.purpose
behind it all. Lan t)u see it ?
I ""To;bringyou nearer, the.'kingtjqni,
said the minister- .-
' 44Qh, don't tell me that, I can't bear it
God is too wise ';.. He .knows. a ' hundred
such souls as mine are not worth , one of
tnv Benriie's. ' I can suffer if' I ara to
great .a.sinner. for !God's' grace, to cave.
but Bennie! Bennie:! 1. have sat here all
day," since the news' Cartie,' ' wondering,
wo ode ring';, he.. was so good .a.son.V
and Mr. Owen's voice grew almost iriar
ticulate in its emotion'such a dear, pre
cious noble boy !f 1 thought, when I gave
him to his couotry, that not a father in
all the broad land made so precious a
gift- no, not one. God forgive me, if
mv crief is a ein- Mr. Allen, the dear
boy, only slept a minute, just one little
minute, at his post; 1 know that ' wai1 all,
for Beunie never Uozed over duty! ' How
prompt and reliable he was !" and
Owen's eve wandered out over
over ..tne
brown fields, with sach a 6erplexed,
wondering look;. .."I .know he ;, only jfell
cfT'one little second ;' he'waa so young,
and not stfong, that boy of mine ! why,
he was as tall as. I, and ohly' eighteen !
"and now they shot hira because he was
found asleep when doing sentinel duty'.'
Mr. 'Ovv'en repeated these Words yery
slowly,' as if endvoring' t6' find but4 the
true1 meaning : 'Twenty four hbqrg, the
telegraph said only twenty-fonr hour's.
Where iV.Bennie'now !'' V
' 4-W 6 -Will hope "with his : Heavenly
Father," said Mr. Allen, loothingty..'.' '
"Yes, yes, let us hope; God1 isvery
merciful; and Bennie was so good -I do
not mean holy," be said, correcting him
self sharply; ''there is no one holy-no,'
not one but' Jesus died' for : sinners,
Mr Allen tell me: that. -Oh,: .Bennie1!
Bennie!" :' ' ". 1 '' '' 11 '
f The' mother ;raisii!ig;. herself 'as she
heard his name - called, and; i turning,
said with a smiie : "Pon't call to loud,
father, i Bennie is not: farofT; he -will
soon come." .1 : v ; .:' " : r r
"God. laid his .'hand on thera both,'
said Mr. Owen, pointing to her, without
making any direct reply. fShe has; not
been jus'.ly herself since. It is a merciful
thing she is sort- of stunned, it' seems to
me : she makes no wail. Poor mother !
if my heart was not broken it would al
most kill me to see her so. Bennie was
her idol. I told her often, God had saidk
Though shall hare no otier gods before
me." . , ' t . 1 .
Mr. Allen looked, in astonishment; at
the bowed man as he came aud stood be
fore him. These few hours had" done
the'work of years. ' The : sinewy 'frame
was tottering, the eyes were dimmed,
and the-sudden sorrow had written -its
elf in deep wrinkles all oyer. his. ,maniy
face. He recognized' the power. Jof ,the
great kind heart, simple and 'almost
childlike in its innocent, 'clinging "affect
ion ; how could this be reconciled ..'with
the stern; strong head the head to the
common observers outlined the character
dt the man"? 'God have' mercy on you;
He is trying you in a ' furnace, seven
times heated,' ne exclaimed, almost in
voluutarily. -
' "I should be ashamed.'' father he
said,' vheh I am a man, to think I never
used this great right 'armband he held
ii:,out so proudly before me 'for . my
country,' when it "needed it.' Palsy jt,
rather, than keep it' at the plow. 1
'Go, Bennie, then go.'my boy,' iaid)
and God Veep yoif, God 'has. kept him',
think,' Mr: Alien !' and the farmer' re
peated these laU wtrds slowly, a's if, in
spite of his head, his heart doubted them.
' 'Likie' the apple of his eya. ' Mr. Owen,
doubted itnot'!' '''' '. 6 ' '' " "
Blossom had "saV neat them 'liitening
rvith. blanched cheek. '' She had not shed
a tear today, and the terror in'her face
uau ueeu su very suit uuc uau uuuicu
v: 'CL'-Lx'l Tk'.1' i.t,-:-'
ally in the househotd ! cares, 1 which Jier
her. ; Now she answered a gentle tap at
the kitchen, door, opening ".it 1 to receive
from a neighbor's hand a letter. 'it is
from him, was all sHe' said ,
' Twas 'like a: message from -'the 'dead.
Mr. Owen could not" break' the sealfor
his trembling fingerS, nd held it towards
Mr. Allen, -with - 'helplessness -of a
child.;, r ' :
The minister opened jt, and, obedient
to a motion trom tne xatner, read as
follows i; .' Sri v. -i '! --!:' -fi ;1 '".
- "Dear Father; - Wbenj this reaches you
1 shall be in eternity,. ; At first,, it seemr
ed awful to me ;.bu.iJJiaye thougbt about
it so much now thst ithas c? lerrpr.
They say they wi'I hot bind me, bnt thai
! may meet cay death like a man. I
thought, father, iVmight have -been' on
the battle field, for my courty, and tha
wnen 1 lelt, it would ba fighting glonoas
ly; but to be shot d
down like a,q?fcr
. . ...
nearly tetratin? it. to tlia nr neglect o
duty! ch, father, 1 tronr thi very
thought does cot. .kill. rn. . B it I sbill
not disgrace yjj. l am oi3T. write
you allabout it, and", . tvhea'I ai
you may tell my comradei. "I ca i ua-..
You know: I premised Jemruy Carr's
mother, I wculd look.after'lier boy, aud
whenh fell sick, I did all 1 could for
him. He wii net strong, when he was
ordered back'into the ranlrand the day
before that night, I carried all his lag
gage, .beside cay) own, cur march.
Toward n ight .we we nV in? cn : oubl e
quick, and though the lugga. began to
feel very" heavy, everybody eijeWas tired
too, an J a3 for Jemrhy,if I had' 'ncl lent
himlan arm, now. 'and: then 'he would
have dropped; by , the.i; way. a I was all
tired out when we came into camp, and
then it "was 'Jemmy's turn to ba sentry,
and I would take-his pkce.'biit 1 Was too
tired, father. T-could ''not-'have- kept
awake, if Xhad, a, gun. at my. head,:bit I
did not. know it until well until .it , was
too late." , .
"''God.' ba thanked. jnte'rnifUed! Mr,
Owen-reverently,"1! knew "Tionnie Wis
not the boy to sleep carelessly at'his post."
'iney tell me .to-day tnati l - nave .a
broken, hearted, and does no'thinV' btjt
oeg ana entreat taem to in nun Luie jn
my'8te'rdi:i-;,-',:-i" h4-"1 '; !
'I can't bear to- think of : mother and
Blossom.' Comforts then. fatherl'.Tell
lhem,J die as a.;brave boy. shnuldt..aml
mat when tne war, is over, tney will not
oe asaamea 01 me ns luey njuai dow.
Cod help me, if is vfery hard v "to bear.
l . 1. J f '-V'Ll'.t w -t' "
Good by,, father ; God seems bear and
dear to, not, si all, asif. ha wished me to
perish .forever, but' as if he felt sorry for
hi3 poor,' sinful, broken hearted child.
and would take him 6 be With hira and
my Savior, b a better better Iife,.,.t:" :
A. great sob bnrst from: Mr J Owen a
heprt. 'Amenl'i .he.; said -.iFolethnj
Amen!' . . 7 ,r,r ( v... , .r .-. , ,;;,,T
'' 'To-niffbt.m the' early twilight I shall
see'-the cows all coming home 'from ' pas
ture, Daisy and Briddle and:BetJ0ld
Billy tqo, willneigb to me from his' stall,
and precious little. BLossota stand on the
back stoop wailing for me but 1 shall
never :n5ver come. -troq bless you all:
forgive your poor Benuie.' ,v- ''
l,ate that night the-door of the "back
toop' apened ,s6f ily. anda little f figure
glided put, and down the foot-path led .to
the road by the mill. ; She seemed rath
er flying than w-alking, 'turning her head
neither to lire right hor to lh left; star
ting out,' as the full moon 1 stretched
queer fantastic, shapes fall; around her,
ookingooly now and .then, to Heaven,
and folding her'ha'nds as if in prayer.
"Two hours later, 'the same girl stood
at the Mill Depot, watching the coming
of the night 'train, and the conductor,- as
he reached down to lift her in, wondered
at the sweet, tear-stainad face that , was
upturned toward the cjim" lantern he
held in his hand. ' " . '' '' h
A few questions and ready answers
told him, all, and no father coiuid' iiave
cafed more tenderly for his only child;
than he, for our little" Blossom. :"o::-- '
She was on-herway-ta Washington
to ask President-Lincoln for her brcTih
er's life. ., She had stolen. away., leaving
only .a note to telpher father,where, and
why,'sh9 had 'bne.' She' had' brought
Bennie's letter with' her no jjood ktnd
heart like the President's'- could Tefusa
to be melted, by ;it: '' ' .' ' ' ' ' ;';
1 The next moTnipgthey'reaclieJ. New
York, and the conductor found suitable
company for Blossom,; and hurried her on
to Washington; :; FJvery' mihate ' now
mighrbea year in her-brother's life. '
L And so in ": an '-incredibly short ! time
Blossom '-reached1 the' ca'pital and was
hurried at once o! the White House.
The president hfd.'just. seated himself
to his morning., task. Or overlooking 'and
signing important, capers,', when,, without
one Word of anodncement,' the door. soft
ly "opened, and Blossom, with eyes down
cast and folded handsr stood lefoTe him
WeIl,- my. child,' ha, said in his.pleas-v
ant, cherry, tones, 'what do you whant so
bright' abd early this morning V
Bennie's liftf, 7nlea3, sir,J faltered out
Blossom.- - - ;4' ' -
-'Bennie ? Who is Bnaie V.i j-.
My brother, sir. c Tht are going, to
shoot him for sleeping at his ?osl' ...
' 'Oh yes and Mr. Lincoln ran his eye
over the papers 'before him. ' 'I remem
ber. It was'' a ; fatal sleep. Yoa ee
ch'ld, it was a - time of special danger:
Thousands.of lives might have been, lost
for his culpable .negligance.- ; c:
' So.jnv'.fatber said,' said Blossom gra
yely,'"but p'o.qr Bennie was so'tire, sir,1
and Jetnm'y so weak.'' He" did' the w'ork
of two, sir. and H tvas Jemmy s night.
nolhi,.:but:Jemniy.Wasrtoo- tired, ahd
n.,-: ..K:.i.aff .k.k!
he was too tired,
" 'Wbiat is' this .you 'say.' child ?
hfeV -I don't underslani,, an -Jib's Kih'd
man cdugLt eagerly, as ever, : at what
seemed to be a justification, of an oSTensa.
Blossom went to him j'h? put ljis hand
tenderly on her, shoulder a- d turned' up'
the pale, anxious face" toward hisi'How
tall he seemed; and he- was 'Prisidjfit of
the Uoi'.ed States, too.1 r Abd a thought
read.- - ' -i
short, reprieve, given to- me by-circum-. ooy, Air;-viten-nearu-mm say-ierveni.y
stances,4 'Urae to' write to you,' our good 'as the hQlies-.blessin? he could proaoaaca
Colonel says.' ' Forgive' him; father; he upon his child Jutj and. ,trus nt9 tj
only does his duty ; he would gladly save Thy ways,:th9U Ktn of Saiots.V.
me, if be could, and don'f lj ray? death " night Dusyaiid Brfa jfa 'anj iit
up against-Jemmy,,,, The; poor, boy is came lowing home from pasture: M
of .this kind passed for a moment through
Blossom's mind, but shs 'told, her , story
now ,simply and ftrafght-forward and
hriTulpd Trf 'T.trfcftln H-nr.i' llor' irr
lie read it csrfully.;' thsa takiug
Ttrii-Bisr vlCU AT
ar.J ?a:d
(io tr.n
tat f Alher cf y
his country's s-nttr.:?, eve i
xh hid cf a caul m:,
Lata-Lincoln thisVs Xh L!- f ir t;
cious to bsijst- wt ! unt l
to-morrow ; Eecaii wwlrd c-.t-;
after hi his si bravely ficsd d:v, ts
shall go with yoJ.
.'God blew youv air,
and who shall doubt thi
sail :ra :
reg':?tered the req-je't... ,
' Two days 'after thu jnl-irview. Us
young'soldier cinn to th'i VYhr.V. U:?A)
with his littla' sister;"- II j wis eiHJJ .V
to i -the 'President's privata rcJc; ttlz
strap fastened upon jh shpJec.Mr.
Lincoln.sail. ."th-it cpuU carry.' as!;'v
comrade's bagag anddse'for thi g:Ji
act so c6YnplaiaagIy.' The'nJBsrir.ia and
Blossom took their Grees Mouhttin hi- j
Land a crowd gathered at ths. Will
to ,wel,ccm9 them .Lack,, nni. ftrqec
Owen's tall head towered ahj7o"lhcai
nil, -and as his"hand gra?pid-' 'thYu cf his
th?m a; the gate ;.aci Bontiie.-.'cs. I;-s "
pats, his old. pets and l3Qk . arin-lyin
their crate" brown eyes
thV still evehlnz air.'his 'Pnriiia" father's
voice as ha repeats -to rus - nappy motmr
these jubilant wordj j'Fear.; not. I. will
brjng thy ssed f roci ta.; Hist,, and ith
eVthee from the'Westi'l, will say t.ths
North give', and to 'the 'South' .keep not
bacf bring rhy sons frbin far, and ray
daughters frona the ends' cf the eath.ov.
ery One that is called by. my name-, fc;
my glory ;-1 . he found., hirn,, I hsri
raade'him.' ' . ,
Sec. X. Each and' every 'precinct "m
any " ofganisd colrhty in"1 thd'ierruiry
shall compose lb;t cna'Syhgol-district fr
all purposes connected with -(t3 -gszoizi
interesu-of education in. the precinct, an)
shall be subject' to the "rnihageraanf aa'l
control of a board of -education; ani tSi
setef si school - districts arkl .'
parts thereof, whiv'h !na7are .crlnajr established - in thi : as ye
precincts of ' th territory, shall bVre't
garded as subd'utricis,' and fee subject 'td
the management and :cVntror(jf local1 di
rectors as hereinitf ter provided : but nothi
ing, contained in this chapter shsll bcr si
construed as to give to.ths precinct board
of education, or to Jocal directors in' sub
districts', jurisdiction over any territory ia
the precinct included vrithniUhe'; limill
of any. pity nr incorporated village whH
the territory annexed .thereto, for school
purposes. r '
.' 2.' AH unofga'nize 5 subdistricU
shall be organised by :ho!dicg; a ''school
meeting of the tegal voferscf saTd $i5l
district on the first TOoday:';c Maixh,
who,, when assembled, shall organize -.h
the appointment of a cfiairman arid s?c.
r'etary,' and proceed to"elect".bJy 'tallo
three school directors-;'fcr ifcH "suliii1
trict;- Of Uhose so elected, 'thi;p34scT
reoeiviog.tha.hfghest nunir.cfvpisa
shall hold h'is.ofce .far thr'g?;y?a,r?f thj
person receiving the' next highest, .num
ber shall' hold thd oitice"for tvyo "ye'ar's?
and the-person receiring (ha hexfh?gb?
numbe shall hold ths f at cno:year ?
and each shall contt2'i9 in cin:3
his successor is eJened anl
In c'ase V.vo'or mote -perjns
have'received an .equal nuc5herpf .-vJTSs',
the. duration of-their respecn'va. terras, ci
oflice shall ba determined by lot ln "tbfJ
presence of the chairman ' and'sicretar
of the meeting ; and annually th;?rVaTter
ia the-same raannSf, cu-ths fir'it Zlszzdiji
in March;', there shall beleq'iscL .-in ,eaci
subdistrict cf . tbo- p;rca?ri;pr3gipct, .'c.n
school 'd rector '.Tor .the term, of thres. .
years r and tha "rnin1iteV cf ths proceed-'' .
ingsbf -any ttjch ibhurfci meeting tbYu-.
bt?: signed by the chairman aadsecre'-ary
andtdelivred to the directors - who, shall'
have been, elected as aforesaid, to be re
cbrded'hyihe clerk cf the' records 'cf 4 lh?
subdjtrrct, abd:fSe said cleric of th sab' .
district shaR foriiiwith'certjfy to thsf pre
cinct clerk, 4ha,names of the local direc
tors so elected specjfying th5 term for
which each was elected... If the direc
tors cf any" subiistridt 'sof- elected. If tha.
dfrectDrs"of ariy : subdistrict' so elected '
shall deem it expdunt,' they may desig
nalv,1th3s' th,3 day on whichB
the annual ejection fur ?uch. subdistrict '
shaU ba held,' and1 in' such cas?, shall ,
cause firs days hoticalhsfedf fn" writing .
!:Wb9 pDJted u,Mn-thre o;-the tr.os!
Mpjsteji uin tnr -tne vVfx
Jic places m such tsbdisliictj .1 urr.-tJ
. 3-.Tb9 said-directors,-: vfithip,;fir:
days after their; ectiya, jShall take an
oath or aflirmation"to.,spprt'ith -co?
stitution of th LTnned States aa j . the
tiluiion of th United States aai .pa
iV'acig lav.'.'of iH'13 territory, ' a:rl Titth .
ully an r'im':urtiaIly'to"dischar.j:V'.h 'd i-.
tea. of their eM;?3, which -said: cm -'
ties. of 'their en;?3, which -.said: citTi
dirpctors are authorized to a-'mtntster to
each. I oiher. .'. B A ' 1 iri cas e ..a'Vs' jrcj
shall -occur, iii" thi uctj cf? direct :r,ty
"death, resjgnatt'.'rjv re;i?sr hVrv-'V-'f"
cth?rwis?!j iifbill .t'-? ' tK ' . t! u ty ' t-Vt Ih
precinox' clerk to. fill.'suhvVacac:'.'.
ten Ciyj alter Leiamiprr
t-? re for tV? unfxpire i tr ri-:
Liney nearer a weit.nTwn r.vius ca, im
4- ,-Jo. b v-P S3, j j . r ;