Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 23, 1866, Image 2

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Itfcbniska Slliucrfecr
The Union Voters cf Nebraska, those
who are in favor sf the ratification cf the
"Cosstiicticaal Amendment recently pro
posed by Congress, and the restoration cf
the so-called beeeeded btatcs to their cr-
i?inai status ana reiaucnaio tae ceaerai
Government cpon the basis cfaid amend-
- ' r-r, ,v.
affairs cf the s ation being adaainistred by
the loyal people, who, by s cordial sup-
pert cf the war policy cf the adroinMtra-
ticn, and by the free sacrifice cf life and
property, demonstrated that they were
. the friends of the cocntry in the tour cf
her peril ; who are in facr cf maintain-
in? the Unity cf the States, at any cost.
and of Coicg jqual nd exact justice to all
xsca, ccaer mm taw. are recomcnenaea
to assemble at the County Seats of their
respective counties (and at such County
a large district,) on
Thursday August ZOLh, 1SCS,
at 2 o'clock P. M.( and select the cum-
lr of Delegates to which they are se
veral!? entitled (with an alternate for
each Delegate) to meet in General Con
venticn at Erownville, on
Thursday Sepiemltr 6A, 1SG6,
fcr the parpos cf nominating a candidate
for Member cf Congress to be supported
at the general election to be held cn the
aeccna iBeaj u uED Du
Th hum cf rcreentalioTi ia the
Contention, it the Union rote cast for
Gorernor at the election in June last:
the whole number of delegates being sev
emy. The following xs the representa
tion to which the several counties and
districts named, are respectively entitled :
Eichardsoo Count j
Smrpy .........................
Dong !m .... ......
J;xoa,Ctdr ud L'esa qai Ceart-
Slanders cad Bailer
fc'itwd aad SUn
Jeoes .... ...
IIaII ud Merrick
affa.l6,K&nie7 std Iiaeoln
It is hoped that the primary meetings
in the various counties will be generally
attended, to the end that the choice of
the Uninn voters of Nebraska may be
fairly reflected in the Convention.
;Br oaoca or the Usios Statx Cr
Omaha Aug. 9, 1SG6.
Union Territorial Ccmcnlloa.
The Union votera of the Territcrr of
Nebraska, by their properly appointed
delegates, will meet in General Conven-
. i
Thursday September 6A, 1S66,
at BaowarzLLE, fcr the purpose of ncm.
lcating candidates to be supported at the
next general election, for the Mlowln
cfUceS t-wit : A Dilcrila (a Hnnirrtit
a Territorial Auditor, and Territorial
The primary meetings for the selection
f:.?.eieAt'e'.-iik . CCtto,y
Thursday the SOA inst,
at 2 o'clock P. M. The bases cf the call
is the aamf e 9 pi fnriK Kw thm ;'
' ' w w m - a J au tw M V
Committee,, under the head of Union
State Convention and the representa
tion will be the same as indicated in the I
table annexed to said Call.
Bt carta or thz Uaioir TxaaiToai
August 9, ISO 5.
raoN coukii contention
Pcrruant to the above Calls cf tho
Territorial acd State Central Co cmittee
ths Ucica Vetera cf Nemaha County are
requested to meet in
IIAC3 convnmo
At McPherscn'a Hall, Acgust SOth,
15, fcr he parpesa cf electing Dele
gates to lie Territorial acd State Ccn-
TJ- .J t .-l . n tt . I
" VCUntV union Uea-
- 1
tral Comtr-ittees. I
W. H. HOOVER, ( Ch'ra.
T. IL Fxsnxa,
A disgraceful riot occurred at Colam-
bus, Platte county, Nebraska, ca Sunday
me otn, between some young men of
. aw w a
that vicinity and U. P. R. R. hands.
Heads were bruued, eyes punched and
the financial condition of the city treas-
cry materially improved. The Age"
ccraes down ca it ia sensible style, and
wants a jail cr "vigilant" to stop rowdy.
W r
Ilea. P. W. Hitchcock, our Delegate
ia Cccrrecs. has succeeded in I
law passed bv rr lv-. t, .v I
"c" ,vv-"'o uo 1
C...C9 cf Surveyor General cf Iowa and
i-.r-n T!.. .1. ti I
, - -. I
congratulate Iowa and Wisconsin.
ubt net it xs a "b thin? cn ica
fcr riatts-oaih ; hope so at le
o 1
ViVJace is now a. ?Tar
1 ia tL Lisrl r "v-u-
fc"4,,J c ..txi?o.
ft -w.
TIE:.'. OUT!!! TIM OTT!!!
Union Voters of Hema&a
In tills City next Tkcrtay.
Every act c tie opposition thews the
will, if they have the ability, to adait
to the halls cf Congress inea who hare
participated is the murder cf Union vh
diers and who still glory in it ! Andrew
Jchcicn, to-tfay, considers the butchers
of Union csen ia New Orleans "recon
structed," and places snore confidence in
the rebel Slayer Monroe than in PhiL
Sheridan ;
the Nebraska Democracy
sustain Jchnson ! Freedom has rawed
b tU fire cf rcrolulioa acd corae
- , . , .
forth panfied : yet, the contest is not
0Ter the principle has cot cooled ; peace
nest fashion into shape and beauty the
rlorioas r-rinciola c f omrersal freedom
ere uUlc d , m &
. .... .
understand, and they would brinff affairs
t8C as near as possible to the old shape ;
Copperheads, Democracy and Andrew
Jobnronites understand it. ar.d, thcreier,
bow to the 'curse" for the sale of power !
Union men mast rally in force, from
erery hill and vale in the land, to sustain
Congress and the just demands of the
Constitutional Amendment! If this is
not done, the victory is with treason ! A
complete victory at the polls is jminernly
necessary to save the country from being
again involved in civil war !
Let erery Union Voter cf Nemaha
County rally to the Mass Contention, and
with his roice and presence gire aid to
the principle of Liberty to all, and equal
ity before the law, and assist to cast into in
fty deeP." foundations of hell,
treatca acd its companion copperheadism!
Kci7 Orleans Elots.
At every turn of hell's keliedoscope
southern rebel society new pictures
of horror present themselves, new scenes
of agony tending to establish more firm
ly the President's humane policy of ele
vating freedmn to a higher sphere
beyond the skies I One tern of this in
strument, and we had a picture cf mob
law against the blacks in Charleston; an
other turn, riot in Mobile ; another and
"My Policy" is seen at work in Rich-
mond ; another turn brings to view the
horrors cf Memphis ; and then comes
the crowninz infamv. so far. of New
Orleans, and a half-turn shows in beau
tiful relief the Philadelphia Convention,
with tories in the fore-ground and trai.
tors pardoned for the occasion in the
back-ground, complacently submitting to
the caresses cf "My Policy."
To the New Orleans massacre. As
the blood is washed away and the causes
and actors come to view, it is impossible
to imagine anything more hellish both
in its conception and execution. The
pretext was the re-assembling cf the
loyal Convention of '64 : the same called
by President Lincoln, and bv which the
present Government cf Louisiana was
organized. This Convention was re-as
sembled in '65, after the whole St
was conquered, and delegates then elect
ed from every parish in the State. This
Convention never adjourned siru diet but
was to re-assemble, when in the opinion
of its presiding officers any emergency
'tould tequir. it. Thi, .cemed to occur
m the belief cf all loyal men
loyal men that the
Legislature would not ratify tht Consti
tutional Amendment, which this Conven
tion elected by the loyal voters of Lou
isianabelieved it could Ii gaily do, and
t0 confci the propriety of doing this
and to consider upon some charjges in
the Slate Constitution, was it assembled
This, by rebel lawyers, courts and citi
zens, was declared illegal. On the
strength of which Mayor Monroe tele-
graphed Prest. Jchnson, askiog what to
do. The President with full l-
. . wmv ev a
edge that LIcrrcs and hia police fores
were returned rebels; that the whole city
wz trader the centre! cf rebels tele
graphed back, ordering the military to
ad only cmA end vnder the legal aulhori-
ties i xiavincr mas fccccnift frmtT rtf
M TT . .
the citaaticn,". Monroe armed his police
wita revolvers and sent them forth, not,
arvarenilv. ta irrrt tfia; r
. vvu,tulwui1"
the fired nrnmVa r.--r -
wi w. nunc nan
. b
"" n""l" w aurrcnaeru; not, ap-
parenlly, to quell the anticipated riot, for
they were the ring-leaders; but apparent
ly for tie purpose cf killiu nnd cowics
1 loyal sentiment cf Louisiana, and
preventing the ratification cf the Amend-
ant, and thus sustaining 4My Policy.
Of the scenes of butchery, where 3C0
loyal blacks and whites were murdered
in cold blood. Il is imnossibhi with our
limited space to give mere tha.a an idea.
ir hen the Convention met, the streets
wer CiroDFed with the tclice and rebeli.
A cenveatioa cf colored men which net
the same day adjourned, and marched
ia a body to thd white Convention. On
the street, the evidenca is. a wbit. m-,
trin v- .- .1.
1.. i ,
Kuivui kuia izi IJ U 1JWS, iae DiOWS to
shots, both claim the ornosita nartv fir!
. - " r J
k aiio bcitci were unvea dick.
From tv ..v. 1.
CTcn !! 'r,i 1,1
be found. The Convention asked nrft-
r va ivi at iiau a. i a. l j 11 is
. - - , -
tecticn cf ths police, who returned a fire
into the mars cf delegates ia the halL
lr. D;:lis ret dawn t!a?r er-f m'f
-'--w e i. say b
down in the street, the crovrd stomping,
stabbing, kickiug and shooting at him
when ha waa down, d raged him through
the crowd, and amid shoots cf rejoicing;
threw him epea an express waon full
cf dead negToes. Others delegates were
butchered in the hall and ca the streets.
Gov, Kahn was shot down in another
portion cf the city, stabbed, kicked and
dragged alcng ly his hair, beneath the
approving smile cf rebels of the more
intelligent class, with the crowd shriek
ing for his life stabbing at him at every
turn, he was thrown into jail. De
fenceless negroes were shot Jown while
praying for mercy,, and during all this
carnival cf crime the military were cot
called cpon and did cot interfere till
near sundown because of tht PrtiidenVt
Gen. Sheridan was absent at the time
of the riot. On armicg he immediate
ly commenced an investigation. His dis
patches to the President says the N.
Y. Tribune have been perverttd or sup
pressed. Among the sentences suppres
ed was that Gen. Sheridan held Mayor
Monroe responsible for the murders com
mitted. The special from New Orleans
to the same paper says : The grand jury
hare indited the members of the Conven
tion, and those cf them able to be drag
ged cat were re-arrested. Gen. Baird
ordered a slay of proceedings, lv.1 the
President telegraphed hin emphatically
not to interfere 1 The same special tays :
Strenuous efforts are being made at
Washington and in this city by interest
ed parties to stop the military investiga
tion going on, fearing the results. The
President is dolag all he dare do to screen
the guilty parties, and is only prevented
by the intermixed remonstrance of Gen
erals Grant and Sheridan from handing
the city back to the control of the mur
derers cf our Union men.
The Philadelphia ConTentlon
Adjourned on the 16th. after a very
arduous session of three days. The ut
most harmony was shown in transacting
business which was all "cut and dried"
in Washington before the Convention
met, everything interfering with the
Blair - Johoscn - Randall - Doolittle pro-
gramme was "choked" with celerity and
dispatch, even the regular, square-toed
Nebraska Delegates ; Morton, and Pop
pleton, by his proxy, Dr. Miller, were
ignominiously ignored ; rip-roaring G.
F. Train, and inoffensive Lockwood, were
also given curb-atone ticket, on the samel
footing with Henrv Clav Dean, the irreat
western copperhead orator, who evinces
O - ' o
hia love for the west by difplaymg a su-1
perabundance of its soil on his carcass. I
All were excluded but the President's
corn-parer" and brevet distributor, H.
II. Heath. Oh ! Nebraska, Nebraska !
oft would A.Johnson have taken you
under his wing, etc., but yoa wouldn't
come right end first, so be receives you
by brevet" through II. H II.
The Convention begged Fernando
Wood and Vallandingharn to stay away, mild but firm, good order in school is in
and kicked Henrv Clay Dean out: at dispensible. hence all students will be
- r
the same time admitted Davis, of Ky.,
Clymer, of Pa , Harry Gilmore, Dick
Taylor, John Mosby, and others as bad as
either of those kept out, were admitted ;
tie object seemed not to keen out traitort I
r - I
but only to escape notoriety. This ac-
counts for Morten's heing kept out of the
Convention and then appointed on the
Nebraska Johnson Executive Committee 1
A set of principles were adopted and
the members pledged to their support,
The third. principle" denies the power
of Congress to withhold crdeny repre-
sentation to any State, and the fourth
principle" calls upon the people and
pledges the Convention to dc all in its
Dower to elprt mpmV,pr rf f!nnrrot rro I
tcillnd deny this right to any Stale 1 This
and the tenth "principle," which reite-
rates their "faith in Andrew Johnson,
contains the whole gist and object of this
"bread and butter" Convention. To
inaugurate a systematic war upon Con
gress, to place Conservatives and Cop-
nprHM? in tn Aeft the mst I
j w ww vaaaavy www - j
guaranties demanded of Southern States
by the Constitutional Amendment, to de-
feat th3 plcdire cf the nation to secure
UurrfTeiam to the emancioatcd slaves,
to retain for the South twenty-five more I
t t I
itepreteniaiivcs ia vAJiiicas iuu tuc 1
Electoral College than she is cow justly
entitled to.and to elect Andy Johnson
next President, are the true object of this which will be seated with good substan
Convention. tial and comfortable desks.
Gen. Butler, while at a social gather-
fc I
mjr recently m uostcn, "expressea tne
a w
opinion that the New Orleans rot was a
preconcerts pian ta urtr oion men
from thn Slat. ITr r?l: rsf 'Rfatrnfi
Icnroe as a renegade son cf
MaSSa- I
chasetis, who, after being imprisoned by
him as' a traitor, was about to be releas
ed upon taking the oath cf allegiance,
and had actually the pen in hand to aQi
his signature, when word was brought in
Hat McCIellan had been defeated by the
ebels with a loss of 40:000 cna. Be
ieving this canard, ISIonroe refused to
sign, threw down his pen, and was taken
back to p rison. from which he was after
wards released by the action of the au
thorities at Washington." The Presi-
dent ordered the military not to interfere cf
with the orders of such a can as
roe !
Ia the month cf July 1,123 waggons
and 1,567 men passed Julesburg goiag
west, ncstly leusi fcr Cclerado. r :
From the Omaha Republican we learn
that Hon. A. S. Pcddcck has been re
appointed Secretary cf the Territory.
The appcHctment is a good one, and
merited by the ability and honesty he has
ui,i.,cu ui j.uB iux 0 tM
are years. .
It is reported that J. P. Becker has
been appointed Agent for the Pawnees
vice D. II. Wheeler; and' that M. T.
Patrick has been appointed to the Laia-
mi? Agency vice Vital JarroL
Whereas, Maximillion has by decree
declared the ports of northern Mexico
blockaded, and, whereas, he has not suf
ficient military force to maintain the said
blockade, therefore, President Johnson
has bv nroclsmation declared the said
blockade null and void so far as it ccn
cerns the Government and citizens uf . the
United States. Bully for Andy for once.
It is anticipated that as President J ohn-
son has received official information cf
the inauguration of Gov. Throckmorton,
of Texas, ha will immediately order the
withdrawal of the provisional government
nd declare Tex?s fully reconstructed.
And that he will at the sametime declare
the coirnlete restoration of the writ of
habeas corpus throughout all the United
Plattsmouth has now tri-weellv mail
to Sale Creek and weekly to Beatrice,
while, thanks to Hon. P. W. Hitchcock,
our Delegate in Congress, the good old
conservative state of affairs still exist in
this section, and Crab Orchard, ence a
week. 45 miles in the interior, is the
limit ta cur mail communication that
way. . Hunky H itchy !
The rebel, conservative, Andy John-
eon majority, in the late election in Ky.,
as shown by.the vote for Uuval, is about
40 000
J . Commnnicated.
I The first term of School of the Peru
Seminary, will commence August, 30th.
Board, with room furnished will cost
about three dollars and fifty cent3 per
I week.
Every effort will be made to make
students comfortable and contented, and
great care will be taken to guard them
from all immoral influence.
Our desire is to afford the best possi
ble facilities-fcr education, and no pains
I wtli be jnared to advance atudenta in
I their studies, as rapidly as will comport
l -f
with a just regard to thoroughness.
We regard thoroughness, however, of j
i -
more irnDortance than rapidity of ad
vancemeat. In fact, it is the great de
for one thought,' clearly, and definitely
understood,is worth ten half-distitct floa
ting ideas, hence, what we teach, we in-
lh ffOVemment OI me acnool WIU De
o I
expected to conform cheerfully to the
school regulations.
No harrh or humiliating punishment
will be resorted to'.under any circurastan
cpx whatever, but the eunils sense of
right, and honor will be appealed to.and
should this fail, his connection with the
institution will immediately terminate
Our aim is to impress on all Students
coming here.that it is to learn they come,
and nothing else, this roust be the great
absorbing business, that all other conssd-
erations are of small importance, com
pared with this,and that whatever con
fiicts with their studies must be set aside.
That education implies hard earnest
cfnrv n:1 atuv is work. We do not
wish any student to come with the ex
pectation of havicg a good time, unless
the reat absorbing business Of educrtion
1 . ,nnrr ftf ihp traod tint. I
is to be tne source or tne gcoa ume.
But while we are thus explicit On tne
mam business of scnool, we would cot
be understood to condemn all social in-
tercourse or innocent - acQuaements. a
reasonable amount of both is quite nec-
essary to the formation of correct social
I w r a
Habits. e say. nowever, mat notning
of the fcind should be allowed to inter-
fere with, or hinder the student in hit j
- ' I
For the present term cf school, we
have - obtained the use of a large Hall
It is confidently expected that the
lower storv of the hemmirv Luildmo-
j y 0
will be ready for use by commencement
Lf 3 wialer lernu
if 1 lhe rood neonle within ten miles
... ... . ... .
I OL Clir Tliid'-TC. V11I Kl'C L9 11UC14UI a.9
t,... .loi m'nn fVio 1,.."1.
ding will be finished throughout by that
And will not every one unite now
in finishing it up immediately, certainly
it will be to the advantage of all to have
the building put' in a condition to accom
modat8 8tudenU ro0 aad a d
convenient boardmz hall. :
We presume some have hesitated in
giving at first, cn acconnt cf the uncer
tainty cf such enterprises, but this need
not deter any one longer; The mstitu
tion is a f7xi fori, it is onlv & nueslion
lM. M tft rornT,!fl.:mt.
Will net evey one interested ia the
success of the enterprise, come forward
and help push ca the work ? .
-.; ...... J lI.McKENZIE.
Pew, August, 15th
Nrw YeaK. August 3.
Washington special say that Attcrney
General Stansbary has giren an opinion
that the nominations rejected by the Sen
ate can be legally cade by the Presiii.t
during the recess.
The Unicn Ccnventicn. 16th District,
nominated Jco. A. Eriglaa for Congress.
The Democratic Convention,. 16ih Dis
tnct, yesterday, ccminitei Jcd Van
Trump for Congress.
Boston, August 17.
Private advices anounces the murder,
in Texas, of G. Clark Abbot, of Ports
mouth, N. H., an efneer cf the Freed
men's Bureau.
A special frcm HxrrisboTg reports an
attack on a train containing Gov. Curtin.
Gov. Geary and ladies, and a party of
soldiers, at York. Fire arms were dis
charged, and stones and missels thrown
at the train. Several soldiers were
wounded The train was stopped, acd
the soldiers went after the attacking par
ty, who fled.
Loicnos. August 7th. The great prize
fiVht for the ehamnicnsMn cf "Frilanr!
anci $2,000. between Jim Mace and Joe
Goss, took place to day. Twen:y round
were fought, when Mace was declared
the winner.
The resignation of Secretary Harlan
dees doi take effect until September 1st.
as it is stated that it will require unil
that time to arrange in proper order the
affairs of the Department.
Hon. John B Alley publishes a card
anouncing his voluntary withdrawal from
Congress after the expiration cf his pre-
sent term. The district will cow send
uea- CJ-
SraixcriEi-D, HI., Aug, 8.
The Republican State Convention met
at Springfield to-day. Resolutions were
adopted cordially endorsing Congress.
Gen. John A. Logan was nominated for
Congress by acclamation.
The Mobile Rtsisicr recommends a
delegate to the Philadelphia Convention
upon the ground that "he fought as a
private soldier in behalf of the Southern
He should be sent by all m?ans for the
sate ot a pieasani re-union wun tnose
iium uic nww wiio ujuu i ugai in iae
List of Letters.
Eemaininz in tho Post 0e at Erowaril ! 3c-
traska, Aug, 2Uh ISi
Tte letters, if not called for. will be sect ia tba
See for 6 week.', acd tfceagent to tso De4 Lett-r j
OSce at wiB!nguB. jwo cents will be cbarced oa
all erUsed Letters.
Ajnes John or Wra
At wood Hose W
Bower Beajamin
Beanett A U
B!ack ii nr E J
Banks Rob rt J.
Baicl Mrs Uary
Crotbers Job a P 2
Campbell Da rid
Dress iliss Urcd
Frost Sarah
GSassoa Wm. A B
Oates Wm J
Hail Sj! rester
Heath Joseph
Kemberiia D H
Little E II
JLirey Wiilum
Cterhoat alio-1
Polraer Wm 11
S U Kich
Park Beobia
Tboaas Wm
Turner O
Waoer Adam
wovkI John A
William Joh&
Zook J V
I Beckman iter
g," chmriel E
Barrett Christian
Candler John 2
Dornriil Charlotte 2
EaUworth lilirzuj Jr
Fredrick Peter
Gillon "aney
Harmon George
Harper Aroa
llellmea C Carles
Keefer S F
Lewis Wm D
Katbrioe lioore
Parker LJ
t" Heads'
WilsoaS J
Worrel; Rebecca J
Walker W H
Wilwa Martbej
snyairerused, AU ilAU Til
Bj the 100 or 1,000 for sale bj
At their Nursery 2 12 nilea West of
Brownville, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby giren that Monday, the 13th
day of March A. D. IS67, is set for the besricz
aad paying of claims aaiast the Estate of Williaoi
IT rj : m A . r u- r ?
Brownrille, Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory,
" person eiaims ijwaa saia estate, wiu
6 r caM tbS Prbi- jn, V
County, oa or before That day, or they will be for-
GEO. W-Fairehotftfttl
47-4t pi 4,59
Probate Jadre.
United Stales Internal EeTenac
Notice is hereby girea to all pcrvns eoaeensed.
tnat tne annual t,i?ts made ant taken undsr the
..... . . .
excise LAW of tbe C S., within the sereral Coun
ties of Nebraska Temtry, for the year I8g5 ,hare
ben filed in tnr r Hranrill .XKnit f
the assistant Assessor tf the putrkt of Nebraska ;
u w vuc0 iw cuuuuwib ia kj tuice as
aforeaid icr 1H dsys frcm tbe date of this notice ;
acd donr; said period ol time all appeals relatire
to erroneooa or exreire raluationa will be ro-
eeired frcm any party ia per?ca. cr by ftraey,or
ia writirg, specifyin the particular came, matter,
or thicg resMetise wbicb a dectrioa is requested.
and shall, moreorer, state the ground or prin:ip!e
of error complained of.
Arses?or District of Nebraska.
Dated at Brownrille, Nebraska,
Aufurt,23th 15e5 - . 47-3toa
On the 23 day of August, ia the y ar 136 . the
Probate Cou it of Kemaha County, di-tlared the
Estate cf Charles W. Hall, deceased, ta be probably
Creditors are therefore required to present their
elaimstothe Administrator for pnynietit within
six months frota said zlstday of A just, I3gg, or
tbey will act be entitled to payment.
Browari'.le Aa.2Si Igfi - -
47 -2t 4,59 O. W.FAinBKOTtTER
' Probate Jadge.
JamesMcCoy, wilt take notice that Martha iTo
Coy,aj consplainact has filed her petition ia ebn
eory ia the District Court of Nemaha County, N
braska Territory, aaic3t hia as re?pondect, tbe
oljoct and prayer of whirh is to obtain a decree di
rorcin ber from the Mid respondent, froia tbe
bonds of matrimony, decreeing her alimony, and
girin; to her tbe custody of her infant child.
Said rerpondent is required to aaawer by the
15th day of September, lSoS
47-lt 4,5 1IABTIU McCJY
I will offer for sale cn the 15th day of September
IS 55 at ten o'clock A. SI , to the highest bidder for
ca.;fl in hand, at tbe residence of William Lambert
ia Aspinwall precinct, ia Nemab County, Nebraska
Territory, two Steers tak en ap as ectrajs aal ad
vertised, by said Lambert.
8-5 Pi 3 J. M. FAULIN7J. P.
5c ii: is tfttbj ttat tie IYobiU Coart
of 5emaha Cuaaty, J;-ra5ji; Ttrrittrj. Ls aj
pclatti tie I Jill iy JaB3rT IiS? asi tie 11 ti
acd 11 tb dj j3 cf Fetrcary, IiS7, at ta e'tloek a.
Jf., at the Cunrt ro-cj ia Lrowsr-!-. for tie har
ipjcf clilnis ajairnt tb. esOatecf Vi:!asoa XI. W
dLb,dea-fA. Atl F-er bTin e'aacas ariat
mi estate are r?qoire to Ie liesj ia the i-zin f
tie ef rail VvtOt cf befre FebixaryI Ji
lt7 cr tbtj will be V rtxzt tarrei.
DateJ Aarut lit l$.
luthl't: noiDLirr,
Addicts trater TfUte cf W. It. W. CwLb, deceased
Notice is bertbj f ivea that p uiusct to aa or -it
of rale to nee directed, t S3 a el bj tie Clerk of the
District Coort of Pawnee Csjs't, 5einuka Terri
tory, ia the eae cf El war! G. "VV.Suke, a ad J,ha
L Carsoa ts. WiUIant T. Dtunej, Ia Chaaeerj,!
On Saturday, the Sih day cf September
A D 1S-VJ, at 1 o V.ofck P tie front door of
the residecee of Joepb S TTodj, ia Pawnee City.
Pawnee; Ceactr. 2ftratk Territory, (the jlace
wberethelajt Una of said Ccsrt f,r taiiCvaatj
wis lMf) e'er for sale at poblic aoettoa. to the
highest tidier far easb, the following deatnbH
KelEjtate, to-wit : tbe Soath Weit qaartercf
Sti.a two, ia town -iip tt, Xrth r Iiaoa tea,
Eat, ia Pawaee County. Jitlraik Territory.
Girea coder dj band this the "3 th d4y of Ja!y
SaerUof Pawaee CooBtj, aad Special
ti il atcr ia Cbaacerj,
A diiniztratrii: iroticc
Notice is berebj girea that the Prolate Coart J
of emn Cona'y, ebnska Terrifory. has ap
picted the Ktu day of$7 aad the 11th
and Ilia ttays of Febraarr. 1S57, at ten "ei.vk A.
JI., at the Coart rcm ia UrowaTiIie, for tbi faei r-
ie of eUiiDS ajpth st the e.-ute of John L. Me&Tay
deceased. All persocs baring c!aia a jaiost said
estate are required to !e beoj ia the Le of the
jedre efaai4 Coart, ica or br re Petraary llta.
1507, or tbey tii; b fvirerer Utrred.
UaUrd Aoost 4th 1S3.
8AKAH J JiVKAT, Adra:ri?tratrix
45-4t 7S9 cf Estate cf Jcha L lie Kit, deceased, I
ITotice is hereby girea that poraoaut to aa crder
of sale tome directed, isaed by the Cierk of the
District Coart of Pawnee County, Nebraska Terri
toty, ia the ease cfB?ajaai'a F Labbaoh aad
Joha L Carson, T3. Samael EJertoa, La chancery,
I will
On Saturday ihe Sth
3eSth daycf September. r:ifi. t rV.fHA.
ciock P M offer for rale at paV A i B A I .
A D one 0
lw aatlioB to the highest bidder, for easb, at the
front dxr of the mi dence of Joseph S Wyds, ia
Pawnee City, ia pawaee County, "ebraka Territ.
ry, (the place where the lt terra -T said Cart
for aaia Conaty wss held,) the fdtawin; Real
Estate, to-wit : tbeXcrth Est qasrter of eclif-o
twenty-five, ia Township cne'onh of Eaage tea
tjii, in Pawnee Count. ebrask Territcrr.
Girea under say hand tai.53ih dsy ef JnlylBf
WILLIAM J AISLVrf, Sheriff of Pawnse "
9 41 County, and SpeciaDIaater ia Chancery.
5otie i hereby girea that rarsnant to aa order
ci faieiome airect, by the Clerk of tbe
Litrict Court of Pawnee County, Xtbraka Ter
ritory, in tbe ease of Jam? O. Carn and John
L. Carsoa rs. Oeurge Pluab, Ia Chancery, I will
On Saturday, tbe Sih day cf Sepiember,
A u 1366. : one o elek P SI, at the front door of
the residence of Joseph S w oods ia Pawnee City
Pawaee County, Xebuka Territory, (the place
"ci c is, lerraoi ,ta va- ir laid Couaty
was held.) offer f jr ale at rubliraaclioo. rhe
highest oidder for ca?b, tbe following rtea! EiUte,
to-wit : the North Ea?t qiarter of scJioa seren-
teea ia Townthip three rth ofkar twelre
Kaat, ia fawnee County. Xebrvk Tern to rr
Girea under my band this 33:h dry cf Jalr J;;
WILLIAM J AIKI.S.SheriJof Pawnee
$9 County, and r?jcial iLasler ia Chancery 44
Notice is hereby giren that parsuant to aa order
or sale to me directsd, Laed by the Clerk fthe
Dittnct Court of Pawnee County. Nebraska Terrv
tory. ia tbe ease of Iniaasia F Luhbaa?h .r.A
Joha L Iliraaa Miles. Ia Chatwrt - I
- j j -
On Saturday, the Sih day of September.
1 in
A D 1?6, at 1 o'clock PM.cfer fr rale at re bile
door of thees denceof Jueph S Wr-lj.ia Paw
aee City, Pawaee County, "ebraka Territory tbe
place where tbe last terra ofaaidCmirt for .aid
aucuoD, 10 iae nnesi oia ier lor caa. at the front
OiBltj wm heU,)tbc foHTWtn Real
i De aorta Hast of the orth st oaarter.of SW-
tioa twojnd the south Wert daarter.of the rth
est quarter of seetion two, in Townsbio two.
.ortn ot Uange ten ia5tof tbe rixth Prineita! Ha- Pawnee County .Nebraska Territory.
oiren unoer my tne 30th day f July.
85 6 WILLIAM J AlKlc.. SberiJ of Pawn
'i County acd Special Haiteriz. Chaeeerr
Notice is hereby giren that paront to aa crier
o sale, to me directed, iwned br the Clerk of tbe
DisTTiet Court of laEte Countr, Nebraska Ter
ritory, in Ihe ease of Benjamin F Luhban;rh xd
John L Carron, rs. James C Williams. I will
On Saturday the Sth day of September.
A V Ic?631 1 0 clock r 11 ,oSr for sale at rub
lie auction, to tae cijbejt bidder foreasb. at the
front do it of tbe residence of Joer h S Wood in
Pawnee City ia Pawnee O.unty, Nebraska Terri
tory, (the place where tbe last term of atd Coart
for said Countr w h?d the following Keal
otate, to-wit Tbe ortb et ooarter of Section
eight, in Township thr. North of Range twelve
Lastef thifitn vnocjl ilendiaaa Pawnee Coaa
ty, Nebraska Terriv,ry
Girea under my r-ind this S3ih dar of Jilr A
WILLIAM .J ATKINS. SheriTef P-iwn-o
$3 Couoty and JSpcc:al Natter la Chaacerr
John Shaw will take notice that Sarah A. ?aaw
aj complainant has filed ber petition ia tba n;.
7 ' Nebraska, ajaJas't him as refonda ; and
tntt toart ortt CaastTnr mih fV- t.:
that the object and prayer of enmrlaiaict is to oh-
taia a dirorce from respondent from the bon-l? of
nsainmony, ana lor tne eoftoUr 01 all tbe Cbildr-n
or said parties. excett tbe e!deL. J,.h
rnaw is required to answer raid rf itioa ca or be
fore the 21th day of ptembr, IS-'.I.
i;atel Aasith Ii5 SABAHA.SrHW
45-4t 70 by her attorney E V THOMAS.
Notice is hereby rrea that br f irtue of a a or
der of tbe district Court tf Nemaba County, Ne
braska Territory, in Cbarcery, in tbe cap f Joha
Bell Baint John J. Ritchie, Mary J. Ritchie and
Henry M. Atkinson, nude at the Sarins term A .1).
lSgc, and to me directed, I will en
the 17th ("ay cf September. A. D. 1S65,
at one o'elock P. M offer for sale at tublie Auc
tion, to tbe bizhest bidder foreasb. at tbe front
door of McPbersou's U1L in Drowaril'e. Nemaha
County, Nebraska Territory, tbe plice where the
last term of raid Court for said County was held.)
tbe South Ea?t qiarter, of tbe Sou'h Wet frae-tif-ral
qurrter, of Se-tioa cia'ea ( 13) in Towa
sbi fourf 4), North of Ean?e fifteen (15). East.ia
taia Nemaha Coaaty,eorak Territ-r. 1
Cirea under ay bacd tbie I4:b l.y f A7it I3g 3
f 8 4t SOD Ma?t?r ia Cfcancery
William Kinnisoa and Daniel Kinrnwa are bf re-
dj not : Bed tnat Jobnatbaa Ij.gzind as FlaintijT bas
tied a liill ia ebaneery must i:"un Kincisoa
soniona kmn:son, r.lioe:h Knni-n and Oeor-
h&rosi tcgetter with Xary.broaf bis wife, heirs
of tbe late Polly Kincisea deied, as Defendant
10 mi ci .rujiti county, ia Ae-
braska Territory. Theobjtrt and prayer of said
Bill ia tocbtaia a decree cf foreclosure, aiviaicir.
Uia 11 ortgaze executed by tbe ?ulp,.i!T kicnLvii
va u uiira uay ci aaroi, ivj, to L.ujtibaah 4
. .1.' 1 j . J . 1 - n . . . . '
tarsua for tfie followm i:eal t.,tate, rii : The
outa i.ast quarter 01 recti-ia :1 Cfreea, ia Tors
ship No. Six of Barge No. thirteen: East in Nema
ha County, Nebraska Territory. The sail Mort
gage was made as security to a eerUia promissory
Bote of tbe same date, a'so executed by tbe rail
Polly Eionisoaia fTor of tbe said La?hbaagh A
Carson for the sum of $23 0 J and d(ieteire
Konths from date thereof. Tbe Said Mortie
and note hari beeada'jfjMin.iaBdtraajfeed
is now tfie proj rty of tbe said l-hcathaa higius
and the said Defendant William Kinni.-ou aad
Daniel slinniroa are Kequired to answer raid Dill
on or before the 1st dsy of Oeieber. A. D. li"i
45 it 139 per Tinos a limrrr bis Atty.
Ton, Catharine Darit will take not W that on the
11th day of August IScs, J.Daisled a Petition
as Cvrepliaaat against y m as Respondaat ia tbe
District Court, of Nemaha Ccuaty, Nebraska Ter
ritory. The object acd pray er of said Petition is
ta obtain a divorce from tbe bcn-l of matr'.ui.ay
frrm you, acd the custody of the Chllreu.
Voa are required to answer said Petition cn or
before the lit day cf October 1?
4j-4pi tl. fcr CvajUiasct.
Taia ? k. n
En-aWEroaTsr:;:-. yv! J"' :
Wala T.rr::cry,o3 the r.i dayef i.'V;
L-y l-iry,4 yexs i4 ts,;. 7' '
Ptia farebtal. C. t g
Dr. L. O. KoxTn Crr,
wtcr $a the w
or:j. ;
keewa u fi L aB?:9 fif UW. nt fcla ;.
ose de:rtas ef t:is? iu c-rj-,. AllrL
&:a InmCo, :d5a?t Y
AL Ar-rt TKrSrve-n. c. 0
best aad ea?Peu lhia a 'ii.
VAI5 STT.ZET, D7.0 WXTILLE, 5l221Sti :
Ha jm recelred tie Urrt ra-Ij rf
Zrer transit to tiis raariet, asl
caktf tbetaapui "Prt4t
Worl; Warranlea--Tersrv.t,
ruiyiiuiiiii lUiii pi
ImniC'3 Stcckat
Soathside Tain Street beL 1st azJ 2si I
. !
Have cow on hand a caoifir e-t stcV cf 1
Cocieg ef
Plain and fnrr. wl;a r Frrinr sal
Plaia and Facer. Marble Tsp, Ae.le.
"2- T m TH
Parlor, Breakuait, Centre, ilixu;e f-p, totwa
great ranety.
Grt rarify cf noet iajnrorrl paiiera.
Oil hx 27 S
Gret .n' o; a ! iie,t ia r.'a ayj iahtt.
And everything in tbe Furru
line, which they will sell
Below Eastern Prices!
Their FuraiJere is eotcr-lete ia eTery reT';t,be-
inj put uo '-y superior vio wbj basetarp
of he e:ab!;sbment.aB J eta be relied a.
Theirs i the rr?atet aior tineat ef Faraitara
rer brought tthls saarkt ; aa-1 is the ea!ys!ae
here a r-mp!t st of Furr.itsrecaa b h-l.
FairDealing&Low Prices
le their not 10, aaa tuy eaa be rt.i ea u
both repeeU.
Jane 15ih, 1S55. xZi fa
leu pi m. I
1 -
IS 5
lU J
103 ,
! 1