Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 23, 1866, Image 1
1 KJ Mv NEBRASKA ADVERTISER i . t.i- Os qnsTt(tea lice cr lew) ro ioistUos I f J Xat& a!iiiU.iiil lnjerlicO t CJ - Bneiee eardi, nut line r Js ? , a7fr Oa tolntcn, m yeif,' - - Cm fca'.l euiBcin, fn yff , -Oce fenrth cotumo, n ?r, ooe Ctgbsb Cvlamn, ont yoar, 7 One colnnin ! nsuatb . One h!T e-'itunn nx nicn , -One four t. culuir-n i U One eiSbta rcliifiia s- . , " One colnma J'j'c if . 1 CJ ti p w w It C I II CO 1A W a C3 GZO. T7. HILL & CO,, rertiBM Block, Main S't Between 1st & 2d, jjrovcnvillo, ZJO". X r ! s I J 1 I - 2 I ' r! i ! - I . I -.-.' , 1 its - . Ay ' vy Xy AX a so One toTitt tofitis ll.Tte nnmli Oce eigi'li cvi'T-'i jiretwiottt J TERM Strr n;t.ce (? Le.v.i) - Siry tiariei trudcnt a lrerti;lns rnce. Ierly ilvertf a:nt najrterly a airaace. 1 U n I Plain ul Fnef Job "Work J !:..iaete '' 7"-- LIBEHTY AND! UNION, one. and inseparable now , and forever. ft. ill k'ail of Jvl. D-o nl Card printing, J.ioe 14 tLe btt tyt on ttl lik au4 t. uU terroi. VOL. X BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST; 23; 1866: .' KO' 47 ! . r ' I. .fry x r i : . VublN.ESS CARDS. Xs. HOLLADAY, M. D. G rati tin .ted in 1851,1 locafcil in IJroTiivIIIc in 1S55. mxm mm: A N I r. ii lmtin hani complete tela of Amiiutat- V'' - t"T. Trrr hinioff and Obstetrical instruments. . (jiiicc: Hollndnj & Co's Dra? Store To Doors East of Post Ojjlce. . p.S, Sper-ia! attcction g-iren to Obstetrics and tLe (!isra.-et of wroen and children. x-44-1 CHARLES IIELLMER, ' JZJ$l. DSL ES'lFJL , , Main St 2 doors below Brownville House,' ! on hand a superior stock of Boots and Sbces tad Vtt Lpt iB vterial and ability for doicg CUSTOM WORK - Repairing dont ivithntalness and dispatch " FRANZ HELMER, "WAGOTTS, BUGOIES. PLOWS.CULTI VITOLIS. &c, KcpheJ.n khort DuiU'f , at low rates, ud warranted to gue saUsfacila. x-13-fu nn C. F. STEWRT.J& dT OFPICS South East corner of Main and First Streets ' IJROXVXVILL.K, NEnUASlXA. Crnci IIocrs 7 to 9 a. . and 1 to 2 and to 7JJ r. at. . B:twnTil!e, NebraVa, May 5th, 1865 No 34, 1y. EDWARU W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY d AT LAW, SOLICITOR In" U II AN CER Y, Offlrp rornrr of Main ant Ftfft Streets. BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. Millinery .& Fancy Goods -1 STOIIE. Main Street one door weBt of the Post Offl.ce A superior ot hail ann v later uoto iurtreceired. Everytbing in tbe Millinery lice ej-t ennstantly on hand. Dre?s-Makicg, Lonnei i5'.eachin(t.-inil Trimming done to order. October, 25 1SR5. v9-n--2Sly MARSH & CO., '. SCCCEORS TO MAR5II St ZOOK, deucral News Agents and Stationers, Post OfHtc Iltiikllii?, unowNviLLi:. Nebraska.: Ila ha?e on hand and are constantly receiving fresh cupp:ies of Books, 1'eriodicals, Stationary, Piiciograph Albums, SchcH-1 Books; also Confec ti' nj.ry. Cigars, Tobacco, and a rboiee eelect!'n of Fancy tlroccrics generally, to hich they incite the 'Untin of tbe eUiiins of Nemaha cooDty, and they hoehv strict attention to business, end fair dealing, to merit a share of tho public patronage. A.B. Matt.SU. oI5-ly J. W. BLKSS. USOWIIVILLE EOUSE, COU. MAIN AND 2ND STS., ' - BroiYnvlIIc. Xebraslta. ' II. WPEDICORD, Propxictcr. v. ; . - ..TbisIIousehas been refurnished and neirly fitted f a-nd refurtmued under its present enterprising rojirietpr7 b guarrantees satisfaction to U whe patroniae his House. i-5-ly G U A N T"S '. . . . CAEAP CASH STOIIE. !' . . : . -- ; , : Slain Sired Let ween First and Second. ' BROWNVILLE, N. T. .'9TJC hareln store alarge and well selected stock of Boots and Shoesr Files Quality cf Spring Stock', , WniCII HS OFFERS FOR SALE CHEAP FOKCASH Groceries of Every Kind, .Sucar.;. f 1 CofTee, . Te, " 4Soda, i Allspice, (- Pepper,, . Candles.j Tobacco li Matches, Siarch, " Z . &C..&C, &c. - All ct which, he ofort at the lowert prices, deter nilnea not to tte undetaoll. - r GRANT. - BrewBTine, Neb., lx-39.6tu.7,60 I ::A-.; ROBINSON, n?Ti ii UliuD ltiliiLiiii. tt i Ii t r . ; . ... ' 1V ain Between tt &J Street t'i" nstooi of informing the pnllic that ca hat on hand a .erlendid a?ortnnt of (ient'i and 3i'a AlitMt'aBd Chliaren1 . - J 2300TS AND SIIOKS. i : WTCtften work jt,e im neatness and Cratch 2 fcepnunjj dyce co short notioe. - 1V-Z0 ftan If I -1 IB Hili1 I.I i3N j-4. trt) noase-SIgn & Os-namcntal Glazier, Gilder, Graiccr, PApEn hai:ger etc. All work done in a workman like manner, and on Btrickly TERMS. , gxi pooa n asT or bhowsvuai hojb RICHARD F. BARRET, SIIML UI tfSBIT, AKD DEALER IX LAND WARRANTS & LAND SCRIPT, Ptrtonal attention given td tnalittg Location, . t Once in J. L. Carson's Banking Uouae. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. x-14 ly fr-nn clflMIfcls. AND ' J 3ZS xU0 2Z3 Hi 7T ! ! JOSEPH SIIU-TZ lias just received and will constantly keep on. Land a large and well selected stock of genuico ar ticles in is line. One Door west of Grant's Store, Brown ville, jYtbraska. Of Ctocks; watches auj Jewelry dune on the short est Notice. WORK WARRANTED. Brownville, Neb.: March T6tb. 1SC6. .: . 10-25-ly 1 HT 4 The undersigned keep on hand a large assortment SATTINET s CASSIfc'ERE SUITS , For Men and Boy'a wear. Also, a large stock of HATS AND CAPS LffliawosffliB ROOTS AND SHOES. Rubbc r Cots, Lcgtns & Blankets. TrunTio aud. X7",lieJoe, UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS Gent's' Fnrnisbing Goods, Of all kinds which we will sell C TI i; A P FOR CASIL We purchased our popils since the dt cline in tbe Markets and will sell at lo fi-ures. ATKINSON & CO. April 13th, 1SC5, 8-30-ly JACOB MAK011N, M E R O 1-IA.jST T ra 77 '-si m - I i MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, .JfEBRASKJ; lia.ju?t received tho npj.lvf En m esKiwia Ever brought to this market,' and is prepared to make them up ia 1 ' ' THE VERY LJfr.ST STYLES Work Warranted- Terms Casli! January 1st lS5p'd to Oct. lfith ISC5. Evaii Wortliing, Wholesale :&&Rcfail Dealer ia Choice Liquors, Wines, Ale, Bear, PITTS firrFALOTIIRASIIIXO IIACI1IXC & v YORIisCIiFRI REll'CR. QUAIkEriSIOVT llll and UlCE EYE. CCX-TltA- ton. - TKITA'El'S clock, ; Main Street, .Erownrjlie May, nthlSW 1q-S4 ty fr.aa , : t "X ; Jlrctlny of cliool Examiners. Notice is hereby given that tie Braid of Schoo Exadinera of Nemaha Ci-unty1, Xcbra?ka, will hold xaectiPKg for the ITxaminHtion ff - Teachers fur said County, at the cfTice-tT E.; W.' Thom.u, in Brownville, on the 1st baturday In ererynunth, between the hours of one and 3 P. M, , Arf ''cants for certifleates re required o be' present at one o'clock, precisely, or they will not be examined. Nopersoa ttjod j'j arr oiber time. By order of the Board, r E. W. THOMAS, Clerk. : April 1st, .1 . jly ' : . STB A Y Ar0 TI CE. T" Taien np by the nnderpirned, lif ir In the ?Jis sonri Valley 3 miles aboAe Peru, in 3omha Coun ty Nebrafka, on the Hth dsy rf May' lSdC, when ip the Uire. .one large broTrn Mare tlind in . tbe left eye.Mr.all spot in the forehead, cap ' ol kne6 j'.ired, 10 yearsjcld. '. ' , ilay 14 1SC8. 36-5t Thomas Waggihob; 5 33 H cT" CllAULKb G. DUitoEY, AITTORHEY AT LAW Next DoorHo Carson's Ban!:. .i: . MAIN STREET ' ; . , UlroxvTivillo !TJ"o"5o i-jrtr3l.. ' TIFTON & HEWETT, . ft. ittdiitca at : BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. llarch 1st, '65. ly. : ..'; . ., . ' ) v JAMES MEDFORD, G A BIN E aT;; M A K E R Corner 2nd and Main Streets, BRO V WVILifiE, N. T. v Is prepnred to do all kinds of work in bis line on hort notice and reasonable terms. l-6m RESTAURANT ' " - ' AKD - OYSTER SALOON. WILLIAM ROSSELL ; takes this method of informing the public that he bas just opened ,on V.aia street, between 1st and 2nd, BROWMIlLi;, KaCCItASItA. a Restaurant and Oybter Saloon Also, r Cinfctionariei, Canned" Fruit, Dried Fruity Spices of .ill kin.h. Tea, ;CoCTi!0, Sugar Tobacco, FotaU.e.. swrj-t Potatoes and evsrything uua.l!y kept in a r'Uin giocery store. . ,. -STilEAL? SERVED AT ALL IIOURS.vj FRKSII OYSTKUS. k-15-iy riiotcjirapli Gallery. For good pictures, Photographs or Amhrotypes! call at A; & MStafford's Rooms above the Post Office, :: WTe. are prepared to do the, best of work in the shortest possible time and on as reasonable terms as any in the West.: . Give us a call. Examine ourworlf. : Wre'insure satisfaction.' . We tal e all sorts of iiictures, ' . Of every style of faces, Both Photographs and Atubrotypes, ' In plain of funcT cafes. ' ' A. So M. STAFFORD, 31-tf Brownville, Jsb. AMERICAN HOUSE. A Good Teed and Llrcry Stable In connection with the House. .-.'( L ' br'ROBSMSOM. pkopr'ietor Front Street, between Main and Water, BROTJ XVIEEE, fVEERASKA. May, 30th 1SC6.; O'l'yi ' ! ' . GEO. A. PHINCE & COS : i " r. ... 39 Varieties, with Patent Basso Tenntb or ub Bass. r JKSchbor.Ororiiiis'' and' McI6de.ons.' ' . " Finished In Elegant .' tloscirood, : TTalnut or OalL Cases. ; Jo Charge for, Baring or Shipping. : . - .- - . ..;.' : ' v ' AN" ITjTjTJST RATED CATAIiOQtlE. con taining a fill description of style., and testiotooiala of the mot O.njnent Mnslrlns, as to the superior excet lence of our instruments can be stea at this Uiflce i ' Address .' .--..-: GEO. W. HIIjL ck;,CO ' .r .. v. r. - Brovttiviile "Nebraska aa . wu 1 - J. B.. WELLS DEALER IN ': .' l IIS 1I31IHIS; Peru, JTcnialia County, Ecbrassia Has juet receirel large and well selected Stock of DRUG; MEDICINES; PAINTS,' OILS, VAR- ., NISHv DYESTUFF, BRUSHES, v : i,V SPONGES, FANCY AND XQILBT .ARTICLES'," ' - And everything commonly kept in . . I First Class Drug Store. '.Customers will ni tls f totk complete ,whkh ha oJTrrs for CASH at tbe fery lowest market pricts'"" Physician Presorij licj Compounded, with, th-a utmost care at all hours.' , ' ' ' ', ' Jane 21ft 1SG3 33. :' . . .V.';. ; -. : WANTED ! Agents,; Mala and Fcrtiile't' 173 to $150 per month, to sell the celebrated I ' " Common Seme Family Sewing Macfiini ; i .... ,-.PUCE S18,00 , , .;" 'This Mae nine w!l do felt kinds of work equal to the hiph priced Machines, and is the only practical and le Pable Cheap Sewing Machine in the world. Adlr-' ' . -: ' "- ' $ECOMC & 'CCf, Chicago, Ills , or CleTelond, 0. Principal OSce.No. 2 Custom llosi j P!3 Chloago ie-24' ly fl,nn ' t , : ; . atD . V" '- ...... ;v- -tW: . '. - --; ' t- r 1 - j-W It'JMfl' If'-' I H 0 r -J . A DIAR0LICAL MURDER. -On Tuesday last, August, 14th, & most 4 attrocious murder was committed a few miles south-Ves't of this city. The sus pected parties were arrested two ia the city on Wednesday morning, and the one on Wednesday night in Iowa. . . " On Thursday rnorninjf "after the ar- ... i.Tii rest of Dirck was, known, some ,500 or 600 persons asseembled at "the , Court House, to. .hang, the murderer. After earnest soeecbes- by several leading bit-" izens against taking summary vengence, a motion was made and carried to" organ ize a People's Court, and thereupon D. J, McCann was elected President, and J. D. Lauer,', Clerk. The Court .then adjourned to the City Park, and com pleted the organization by 'empannelling a jury of twelve of t the most prominent ci'.izensof the city and county, viz;' 1Iessrs. El .' Reed; John Heath', '"' W-; M. Hicklin, Gko. Hawke,. NflL.Sirnp-' son, John B. Becnot, Wra.' T.' C. " Cren sh.iw, Birney Jobnsbn, Rfcbard Justice," Robert Hawk and F.' Templiri; for the true and impartial trial of Caspar Dircks for wilful murder, and Sebastian Detch & Richard P.Ford, accessories thereto. O. P. Mason vas chosen for the pros, ecution.and Wra McLennan volunteered for the defenca. n The Jury( being ri sworn , ia, a, list of witnesses,oa both sides were , made out, and the parties brought into court ; and then after the trial commenced, every thing was conducted as nearly in accor daLce with legal form as the circumstan ces permitted, . -The "evidence ehows that. Birck has been in the city about, two weeks, that Ford and Deitch canie in from Denver about five weeks ago; that the first, and !ast two became acquainted at the Penn.v sylyania House, w"hereall three boarded; that they were engaged, two or hree tinies together in hunting lost cattle ; that upon one or all of these .expeditions Dircks, proposed that they go. into . part nershid in stealing, stock, and that they did decide to steal one . herd of ahout GO Lead, some ten . days . ago a . plan which was frustrated, by the removal of the cattle, that upon Saturday last a plan was laid to steal another herd some thirty, in .number . belonging to Thomas Hamilton", living near. Bebout's fartri, some five ; miles south-west from town. ; Mr. Ray, a cattle dealer in . the city, was on Saturday approached by Dirckst' who. offered to sell him .a herd, and Mr. Ray , made a part promise to buy Dirck's cattle if they suited, him. . On Monday, Deitch; Went Across the riv- er and sold ahorse. , and bought t.some J 6heep .On Tuesday morning about, 10 o'clock,; Dirck vvent;lQ Hamilton's house, and told the boyt William, Henry , (aged 11 years) that, he would give him, S5 to go and jjet a yokei of cattle some place below Rock . Creek, and;drive tberp with, the herd until celt and . Dire k .and the boy went ,cjT, together. At Koon D.i.rck(or as every .one calls, him 'Cash,') J came in : town, his , horse covered with foam, ;and himself,, apparently . under great excitement.fid, .foujadj Ford, tell-j ingthirn to.. wait aa I our or two and (then takc Ray out acd. rneetihim (DJ with the heard. ;;. For.saw Ray and .in, the afternoon. they; wentoiit. .Whea .Dear Bfboufc's, Fordjpturned oT;:abrup;lyvr and left, Ila J, to go ..alone , tbe.Temairider of iheay -r Ray did not find Duck where Fiord.said.;he jrvas,.,with the cattle,tbut 65 he turned around to come back Dirck cametup.3 Dirck first wanted im to coinpletethe tradevJtefe, .but,)Mr.. Ray said, he had ho money .then... and r after agreeing 'about the price it was arranged thaptheherd.shoujdbetlf'jvea .tcj town, and jthe bargain CQmpleted,therejV Tjbey arrived in town .about dusk, ,aad Ray. paid Dirck S100 down. and agreed, to jay balance- some.SlOGO in . the morniuo. ... ..... 1 ... i 0 By orqing, the; murderrwav aqnpurced. ani 'Dirck went into Reis' , barber, hop and.had his whiskers dyed.ot ;a.rjponey at Pope8,StaU, andUft town, - So for as we have said nothing: about the tilling ' -.The boy Wm. Henry Harri il ton' who went wftb i Di rck, to . hun Vi th 0 lost cattle waslhe victim.-1 His body was found on Wednesday nsorbingi-in' a pond that nerders-liad madd wbathe ia' in 'a sloogh'; with one bullet. bole in the light eye neil 'the-' nostril; and ' another a few inches atid jast in front of the" right ami'. Hishlovbes, pants, shirt and-hat were' found in: a deep wash pit i the tall -gf&'ss, SDm5 thirty steps below thspond.'1 It is EupposeJ thil-'h '- Had - gefle - into bathe, and was snt rhile ip-'.iha water, llis clotheswere w'here no body would have put.thera while merely bathing. . -.There was no direct testimony, osaow that Dirck shot' the boyV but the state ments of the prisoners themselves ' were all to-effect that they had agreed that the 14 boy should :be gqt out of the way,' whea tbe herd . were diien to town ; and tbe facts that no one was with' the boy after leaving the house with Dirck' ! bat him, that do one else was- 'seen' ia the neighborhood during .the forenooa, " and that a pistol or ,511a shot was heard about the time warrantfcjd.ihe.belief that Dirck did the killing shortly before 11 o'clock. ' Ford corroborated all the'testijiony in regard to the plank for stealing the cattle and the division of iha proceed swdf , tbe sale; and declared they had agreed that 'the boy should be got out of the way" : denying, however; that any one had pro posed killing him.- 3 ' .' - ' j-' Dirck was allowed to stale that he-did lay the. plan for. stealing lhestpck, -hat the other. two were equally guilty .with him, ani were to rf ceivd equalsfiaras of the money'; but he denied killing the boy and said he 'supposed that s the - boy .'got drowned and I that; fsh and'turtUs thad mac'b the. wounds. pu h:i body.;. .-,; . Ou Deitch's behalf he stated "himself that he had rejected'the proposal's 'made to him by Dirck and Ford ;-and thai he had nothing whatever io do with the late transaction. Several witnesses sworn to Ditch's good chaf a,ct$r,; ;Qpd Mr..Sherer. said that he had known him from. child hood, that he had recently been with him to Denver and back-; and that by his ad vice Duchdid on : Saturday:andl Sunday nights last. refused .to go in with the oth er two cu the cattle stealing .scheme. The testimony of others reliezed Diitch' of compliciyi.h" the murder, and -'some-' that he knewwhat was going on..u-.z;' ' -: After the examination of witnesses the councel on each sida , reviewed the evi dence, and'thej' case went to the jury. ' The jury after retiring for consultation returned and brought in a verdict of wilt ful murder against Casper Dirck,-qncl re commended that Sebastian Dietch snd Rich, P.. Ford be, remanded to jail, for further trial before the District Couri. A proposition was then rn'ado to ''bang Dirck imraediatly ; but upon: the of many citizens, a respite was granted until 6 o'clock, p. ra., and at 1-2 past. "w0 the prisoners were taken to the cage in tne uourt xiouse. - : ' Workmen immediately commenced the erection of' a1 scaffold on the Conrt House.' square,. and preparations were: made for the awful finale. , Rev. H..T. Davis, of the Methodist Church attended the prisoner in his: cell and gave-him the last consolatiuas that religion can offer. Dirck , made ay-will leaving SS,000 to Ellen Henderson, , and some 2 or 3 000 to his brother. ' . At sii o'clock, the prisoner was brought forth, and placed upon -ine platform and a prayer was offered by Rev Mr. Davis. Dirck then said taking hold of the noose, holding as 1 do by, this rope which js to send eternity, I declareMhat T am ffuiltv of the'larc:env, but cf murder I am not." ' He was afterwards asked several times if he knew who killed ihe boy.'.) He- replied that he did . not. , He then ' said "may God have mercy on my scu!" and the drop fell. He struggled a few min utes arid all was over.;Al:5r&ifot States- man: Tcfigns Voyage to;. America. ..: !;. ?. ,.JBT.jtUVI0' ACK, , ',' i4 ..' Ii V. Ui uiit.l ' i v , . r.The great number. pf-the, gons .of . th Green Island that, throng the wharves at Liverpool; desirous to cro33 the "big pud dle. and nnd-a ' homer in lha' "swate land of liberty,''':obliges''lheti to'-'resort to numbeiless tricks; whea iDndj-are low; and -of ten-after the-1 -ship: has 'got fairly under way,, the, captain, is surprised to nud new iaces i - ' . . . - cotinting hoses, table di?perisa fbt b! ! ProTidencie, a- heatj percentage.' This ia effetted .by owjcealr; ment, m various parts- of the phip by the aid of friends. , . ti. ' Biit once in a while a'despefa'te sdd c'f Erin 'niikes: a bold push (o'galn a footing on the -'American shote: i:i niUvt .. applied io the ca plain ,:;foi) a berthas, an able seasrjen. iiejng: dressed .in .sailor's toggery," "hVwaV uuques-tiVried,rih refer- enco "to his Ve'aitianshipVand in1 the' hurly butfy, allowed to sign theship.s papers.: The ship being nearly readY for sea, he. on - b oa r d.) ' The : fea'd s t . we r e- s 5 1 1 a d . ; a n d I tbey.'ero lieaying;the.:ol4;:wprM: Jbehidd thein. ,-jHope,, beat its pipions high in the imaginations pf tbb many emigrants on board this noWe vessel. - 1 rt. -' -After the pilot hid been discharged, it became: necessary to .reef toprsaib,and orders twere given to that effect, ,. Ths crew fprangj.intp the, n'gging arjd crara bled aloft with the exception of "Tea's trei who remained dn4ueck; gti2ii2g' up' aloft with a tacant staTre. : .i-:...fip: v .Hallo ,'you sir Lwby arejjtfUiDCt al Did ye spake tome, sur V) asked tet Vue.' rrazin2 round 'Win a'stoliditV . cf coumenance'-that wduld 1 ha vo 'graced .at Chine'eo mammy; Jo-.: . : . ;. i ; ty. f Who ehe -could, I speakitQ;l-i Cem'e, come,lip ttji aloft, yoti lubber, l'r cried tbe mate, pointing his digits upward, ;Aioftisin---' - - - "Yes," aloft i" . 'Is it up there ye mane?" I I "Yes bear, a -hand, or -I'll ijuieUeV year idais Xvith a ropeVend V: zl ! p1 'i"Did yeilraacs :fux ?.meTUa ilirab up pazmg atiim, ana upon ta6 u- ,. findS by some unaccoUh'Mue v)vravk"KvmKwMw iuJHj , there.rijO iz bk'.-ji xwtcn ,inrr:QSl7iJn 2 .7oi iz2 .id Yes juinb, jompl" cried the. now angry mate, applying the rope'j.end.-. : "Oh, murther ! ' I'd be drowned entire lyl Jle head would be dizzy. I can't go The captain, cverhenng the ru came aa deck. . ; . 1 - - "What do yoa mean, yoa .vilhi by thus shipping' as an able aeanan, and alrafd to go aloft t" Oh, swate captain, dear," pleaded Teague, "I jnadtj no sgreemint for go ing up there !' . , , . 1 ou didinH l hat did voii ship for, then?"" " ' ! " 'A sayman, ebt're a saymen"" 'And did you evei go' to sea. beforel" I "Oh, shure. yis, captain, dear,, mny,s the long day I've sailed .on the surgtn say." What ship did you sail in ? In ih Saint Patbhcfc' nnd the .Shatn- rotk..":' -.'I';.' 1 -. r:f : : r y -j Dj you call. theni ships? .They, arc nothing, but 'fibs that xreep 'round the shore after crabs" and 'snrirads.'" You scamp,' you richly deserve -to be iUlU wn overboard J'.: iri '.;-.- t.d .'0i, mercy v cLear, jcaptain 1. don't jalk SQ 'Mercy I f wo''ild"be ah act of'mercy to fnl'-the' "-world 'of suebari rrhpudent bloodsucker; preying ori 'honest seamea.- Is there anything-you can da 1 Ohyis,- yi,, captain,. dear," and . a gletn of hope lit u p his sahow couatcn-. arjeV r1-!1 can1 steeV, sure.' ' :'. Well; jnaybe youkcaa. : G6 -and re lieve the man at -the .wheel.r.and feel thankful that you are cot. thrown, over board at one." , ,. . V , ' "Yis, sure, captain, 'dear'said Tea gue, as he hurrfed afaaais fast as the mo--t10h.of.the shiji would allow, and relieved-the man at the wheel. ,: .. . ... "Be carefu and obey, orders !" cried the captain, in a stern voice. ' ""Yis. sure," replied 'Teagua, with confidence, thinking he now saw in per spective an easy .lite merely : standing at ,the big wheel, and holding on . to 4 the spokes. . - . t " "Keep her off a 'little !" cried the cap tain ; : n'-'- "; z i''i: - . "Kape her off? Shuro it's the wind that'll do the. same.,. She's off fiuelyv sure!''.;,, 'Luff,' luff!" san'g'cut the captain,, an Wilw . ;- -' :- - "Enough is it !": jh', honot yit, capt-" ain lear.ri - i 1 . -"What are yoa !abbut? -Keep her off ag:ain---keep berviest 1 . , vape her wosse-rrshure is it bad ye haVe her !"' ' ' . ' ' : "'. ' ' t 1 "-What in the 'deface' are you ! about ? You'il have us in "Irons presently "In irons ? Oh; murther! that manes .u "Head?':cried Teague, scratching his carrotty knowlede-bor. ..'""'Ye, yes, you confounded blockhead! I T lie IC a IUC Siili o ticau uun i , '"Oh; the ship's head ye' mane; hegor f ."Yes, you wooden head h Where does the ship, a head ppmt. now x ; ' ...... Forninest the big 6htick yonder, sur, ' "Oh, vou confounded ignoramus ! .Can you hoi the compass', you thief of the old world?"' ;' ' -1 Box ? vOh; marther! to be after 'ax in ma ibaii ! nia . who can box -Teddy :Mc- Leary out uv his shoe3 ! Divda .bit .Here he was, cut shcrt by the spanker, .owing to TeagueVignorauce of steering. fined aback, ana came sweeping over tae qUarter-deck.witlJ the powr pf iorVy gi antat, striking Teague? c.wha did, not un defsian.'stopping .ja,: ' the, blck 'which "knocked him, 8,enseles3T,into. the a rrood attitude 1 he .defied, the -whole crew ' Is tnat4one uv jez tnai coxes 1 ucu, ut1yeIputs in'inighr oh'iine blows!' ; ' Tde'captainV'whOth'ad' " sprpng-to the wvIiBfil when Tragus' was; capsized, ea ab ruptly now caned one'cf .tacvcrw to re lieve Litn ; apd, then, ordering Teague crwarcf. he' tau'hiin duly initiated into the 'pleasant' basih'eiV of'" -pan)p-bfake" and "swab-tldwni" ri which " occupation he .continued lumil he errived' atiNew York and trod the-"swate" soil of. Amer- He immediately' commenced carving out a hbrne, ani no w" 13 : comfortably set tled on "a :be armful pct of piairie-land. in the rich State of Illinois-.- May plen-. ty ernile upon his "audible -efforts. The wdt world. . in England, a truss, whea new. is GO lbs., or ob .ot oi; nay.. . a .truss pi straw. . A load of hay. is 30, trasses. , In t'hi's country, a load is , just what . it may .. .. , , . , . -,- - - -rt 1 m I nappen 10 w.eign ,ana;i.aion tu jjay u cither J-'UUU or ya-iy ps; accoraing to tne custom oi.iue logamy. i iaie 01 uay 13 freharaili cor'sidered about G00 lbs".', but . ' '-i--i.i.-let there.-.iso. regnlarity. in .the weisrit. I A cube of a solid mow, JO , feet square, Muftiply the width and leeg'th. cf tlie r " - 1 pjer together,, and Jhat, preduct0b'yx the height, and fvide,by. 2.1G0v. and you have, tha contents', in bnsheis. If you wish the conteo's of a'"pile6f ears o turn, or- ruois-iur-ucrupda uuiuei3' -ascer- tata'jthe tenbte; ihche?,. .snd.dmda tj thransportatiou and Bottiny Bay,! whin l'was thiukin' uv Amenkay ! Och hone!" ' "There steady! How's' the' head , , ;UpramgAft 5iiriiawffiMfie.x ids Act 'Equalizing . Bonr.tk5,..p:ci &;Be Uenadr J. frc,: Thit to each and. every sol Tier-who.'enii.-teu into army of the United Siaie aficr th3 lyta day cf April, lS3Ii-for.ii perk-1 'of not less than three year?., and, r.ayiog seryea . his term cf eolist-ceh!, has keen t jsv- ally'disch'traeJ. and. who has' reciveu; or is eniit!rdo'.'.v!ve, fr:;s tb; Ur.::?l States, under, existing h.w's, a bounty c! one hundred dolhrs, ad no 'i::or?; zzi any such soldiVr enlisted for not ies this three years, .who his' been hoacrally dis charged cn accoaut cf ' wounds re.'c-ivei in the lice' cf duty,' and the 'w'Jovr, mi nor childern, cr parents, . m the crJer named, of any such soldiers who clicu in the serviL'3 of the United States, or cf disease crwouhdi contracted while tha service and in the line of duty, shall :bs raid the additional bounty cf oca hun dred dollars: hereby authorized.; ;i . . Sec. 2. That to each and every solJier who enlisted in iiie armj-cf the United States after the lCih, ef,JVpril, 1531, duxipg the rebellion,' for. a' period cf net lesa iban two. years, .andjjrvha 13 net m clude.dii.tbe foregoing sectbp, acd "has been honorably discharged therefrom af ter servmc: two. years, and wha .tti . re ceived cr is entitled to receive .from -,tha United Statei. under existing;' laws, a bounty .of -fifty dollars and r.omore ; aai any soldier..e.aLisied for,, less thin twd years, ,who. has. ben honorably discharg ed. on account 'cf. wounds received ia ibi' line of duty, and the v. idowr cb'l dern' ol'Mfen'ts" id ihr order-named, of any ch. soJdier whli. "died in ihe servica of the--United Stales, or cf disease cr wounds' "cbntf acted' whib "ia the service ef the-United s tates, and in the lice of duty,-shall bo paid the additional bounty pf'fi'fty'.'dpllars'. hereby 'authorized; pro vided,. that any noldier who his bartered, sold, assigned, transferred leaned, ex- charge papers, or any . interest in ths bounty provided by this-or any other acl cf!Congres'sV shall not be', eniiiled to re ceive aijy addi'ional bounty ! whaievsr j and "when" application is rhide by any soldier for said bounty, he -ihali be re quired, under' tbe pains and Realties cf perjury,' to make 01th or ' afiirmitic-a cf hi identity; and that he has not fa bar tered,' sold, ar.icrned, ' transferred, ex changed, loaned or given away either his discharge papers or any interest in any bounty as aforesaidand no claim for suci bouiity shal! be entered by the Paymas ter General or dthe'r accouatiog or dis bursing officer, except upon receipt of the clajmaui';?;. accrt:pinied by the statement under oath,, as by this section provided.. , , , " Sec'r .3. .Thtf in ' ihe7 piyment cf ths additional bounty herein provided for, ii shall be the du'y of the Paymaiier Gen eral," ender such rule's and regulations as may be prescribed by . jhe, Secretary of Warjtpcaueta be examined the accounts of fach. and every soldier who maks ap plication therefor, and :if; found etitlel thereto, fay such bounties. Sec. 4. That in the reception,- etxrni nation, "settlement and payment of claimi for said addiiional bounty due the wiiowi or heirs of deceased soldiers, the account ing officers of the Treasury shall b ger erne'd by restrictions prescribed for :h9 Paymalref General -by ihe Secretary of War, 'ah'd Ihe payment shall be madd ia like" mahber. under' the - direction of' iXi Secfeta'ry;of the Treasury. ; ' ' . . Anjiiiportanl intention" The Centrifugal Sdrga Sugar Separa-i-t6r, b'yT which sorghum molases 13 almost ttnstantly cunverteu into, suzar, is one of the marvels .c?jbae. ' .'After all tha ci4i!pYeprirTi$'3t beer unceasingly, trid for the f3gt.half dozea yearspy.rnore) to. produce rso. desirable a result, xh,9 jrpbjkjm has, ",ally beyn solved ly an old Quaker gentleman, ia, ia the aMWf atieciryj aqd-s xs jssful man nen, The proocs3 ia jioyel but pbuoso phic,anitex:jrri3ly simply. It ia -3im-ply. by centrifugal force by, which the molasses is sepira'-ed from the s'j;ar, fnd granulation, effected The machin ery employed ii without, any conipjici lions. A. cylindrical re33el. with tha inteV x-iif, composed c4 tha finest nef wor& fcf 'Vtre, braced by iron fctippcrts, a solid bottom, ttnd a "cone cf copper or some o'her miterial in ta2 centerconsti tute the princip'aTpbrtio.i cf tlie appira t.a. ' ToJ 'this rylinder a motion is givei byproper gearing cf about three thous and revolutiaus per minute. .Th9 forc of the rotation drives- tha syrup, through tha sieve, while' the sugar cliogs to the inner surface, from' which it is scrapedorl Whea lha;iccumuatoa!!l becomes--riiHctenily JargeiiAn. intbr ;hickness: cf soar does pqt seem to tnterfear .yyi'h- the power or ,c5rati?n .of e thet process ; but the. molas ses 13 projected through, and falls beyond the wire into its proper rerervoir". JNor. aFc he deliclte potea oftte sive c clozzed. tr'SMiiimi to-any-tJxterit wha'tev'er: for to any; at.- the J 0 i 'of- ;tha i perf ' r rrxa-ncej Ih'e r dl 13 not saTiriJnt2d;in?rit regaining ta sUia the whitest hand. , All jVdry' and. per fectly clean ; ihe suir is ht for iramedi- f ate We' and without wear or tear the ma chinery h as perfecP L"i8t-er. Five mia utest or.tes,:ar5: ccly required ti. traai forxa a gallon cf :mo!as.?e3-cr -,sa. Isid such portions of it iu ardjcdnvertibla at all, say five to sevn "pounds into ai pure an article cf s-jgir asth3 tnos'tfxV 'tiduyjs'hoiild-vvifa cou!d piiilly I -2