HisrcGiiSiind .VIST A CUES A" force J to rror upon the i T5- fmotafcft tct in Irotn 3 V t 5 wctkn hy usirz Dr. i 1 SF. VI N (J N K'S U E S TAl'BATUZU C.4FIL-S LAKIE, tho inou won- V derful discovery in modern tcience, acting upon the Heard nod hair in n aluiot-t xuiraeuluus manner. It bat bf a med by tbe delite of Pari and London witb the uot-t (Littfrine suoefca.. Nam! of all purchasers will be reptered, and if entire satis faction is not given io every instance, tlie money will be cheerfully refunded Trice by mail, scaled cad b0fti.4i.iJ. $1. Discriptive circular an I testi monials mailed Irec. Address HEKGER SIIUTTS A, t'O Cbt-u:it. No 2Sj Uiver Street, Trey, N.Y. iiolo Agents fcr the Luitei bUtes. . 6u OSAGE ORANGE 315 IO O- Z J?T C3-. Tbe undersigned has locate! in the Te.-ritory cf Aelraska.for tue purpose of raising OSAGE Plants and setting out and making i-enee of the eiuie, I shall cultivate ftad tend fbo enmo fur three years, and give the sirae liuio to pay for it, at a charge of frmONE dillaraD4 TV EM i -FIVE cents to TWO dollars per Rod. 1 shall set oat the Plants next Spring, commencing cearthe Kansas line and go as (xr up as Om.ih,and probably sotno distance beyond, taking a strip of country 3i or 40 miles wide, and beyond that if there will bo enough to do to make it an object fr me to go there. HOW TO PREPARE THE GROUND. To ail who wish me to do their Feuems prepare rou . JtAt i i.-ftuuum gronnd in the following manner : If it ii Prairie plow f i J JGolden, Flaxen, ac-1 f" S urip one rod wide leavlns a dead farrow in the cen- lSfj Silken CL'KLS produced i tre, plow from one and a bair to two Inches deep; in ' J C by the use of Pi f. Dr. U 1 tbe Fatl harrow it, tnea back farrow It; again in the . f 0 Pkkcx'8 FKlSEll LE a. r Sprins harrow aivlyonr ground Is ready for the Plant. C JcilLVEUX. One aj.pli tecT'1'1 before tlie weeJ rcateon warranted to curl "yr "Vnj'cne Laving a largo tract of land to fence, tbe most straight end stubborn hair of either sex iuto wary rinzleti or heavy tnapsive curls. Has Locn used by the fashionables of Paris and London with tbe most gratifying results. Loes do injure to tke bair. Price by mart, sealed and postpaid 1 Difcriplive circulars mailed Iree. Address, u hit iER, SHUTS A' CO., No. 2j River Street. Troy . Y. Sole Agents for the united Staca. FBES TO EVERYBODY ! GUIDE TO HEALTH AHD BEAUTY Jut Pulliiheds ' It teaches how to remove Tan, Fre ces, Pimples . Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallonnss, f..rutions,nu .all impurities of tbe skin ; bow to enamel iLtbin it wViitA fln.1 rlntr fid rluKptp? Vtrv in r rod ix the fullest develorment cf the female form f . I f 1 .1 t A. t (as practicca By ine irenea, causing me oust io grow round and full, and If the form has been lost . ty baddlnff, leoir? or rJito-.Difv. ieslorir.2 it to tnor tbnu its original fulnots , Crmnessnd beauty. . It teaches how to reduce the s;to of the hands and feet ; produce corpulency or the reverse: remove superfluous hair . Cure Corns, Worts, and Moles renew your nge : cure Drunkness, Catarrh, Dys . epsia Nervous Debility, how to fascinate and snin toe loveand anection or any person you may rboosr together with other useful and valuable in formation. No ycun Lady or cectletr.an should fail to tend ther address to the udcrsigned and re ceive by return m&ll a copy of this valuable work . io -sealed envelope free of cl.argo. A t drdss. '.UEEGEU, SHTTTS4 CO., Chemists. 316a 2S5 Kiver Street Troy, N.Y. KNOW THY DESTINY! MADAME E. F.TnoitNTOS, the great English Astrologift,LIairvoyan,i nl 1 sycbometrician.who ba s astonished the scientiho classes of tbe Old world has now located bertelf at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of sec ond sight, as to enable ber to impart knowledge cf the greatest importance to the single or married cf cither sex. hue in a state cf trance, she de lineates the Tery features of the person you are to , marry, and by the aid of an instrument cf intense . power, known ai the I choinotrope, guarantees to i.rodtice a life-like nicrure of the fLturo husband or wife td the arp.Icant, together with date of mar- rriage. posiu oo in lifo, leading traits cf character, Ac. Ibis is no tumbug, as thousands of teMirao- ma m ran amp.rt- riae will Mill. whn domrril. , certified certificate, or tmUea cuarnntce, that the riature is what it purports to bo. Dy enclosing a mail lock of hair, and stating place cf birth, aze. )ilnr.t!tliH A .1 .nmnlflTir.il n . . 'I m-. i .-1 m Kl mar. a ani stampei envelope addreised to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired information by return mail. All communications sacred confiden tial. Address, in cOufidnce, MADAME E. F. .TAOHXTON, P 0. Hox 22J, Hudson, N.Y. UHASTELAK'S VHITE LIQUID ENAMEL For Improving and tieantifyiug the Complexi cn The most valuable and perfett preparation in nst for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-like that, thae is oply found in youth. It quickly removes Tan. Freckles, Pimple), Blotches, Moth Patches, Sal- Iownesr .ruptions, and all impurities cf the skin, kindly healing the same, leaving the skin white rd clear as alabaster. Its ufe cannot be detec ted by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable t reparation is perlectiy harmless. It is the only article cf tb.e kind used by the French, and con sidered by the Parisian as indispenfible to a perfect toilet. Lpwards of 30,000 bottles were sold during the past year, a sumcicnt guarantee of its cmcacy. Price only "5 cents. Sent by mail, post-paid, on - jvcepi of n order, by SEGER, SHCTTS & CO., Chenists. 34-6m 2S5 River St. Troy, N.Y. and would rather I should take part of the land for my ray, I will do so to those who with me to make them a fence , write to me at Erownvillo, and let me know how much you want mo- to fence for yon, and I will call at your residence sometimo between now and the first cf January' next, and mike a special contract with yoa. I shall also, have all kinds of Fiui t Trees, Flowers, Evergreens, Shrub bery for sale, all grown in the Territory and accli mated. To Thoye who are raising Plants, cf their own, and would like me to moke their hedge for them. I will Uke their Plants in psrt pay, or I will tell them how to make a good fence, and the ppediestand best way tomkeit ; also the best way to save tbe riants during tlie first and second win ter. Tboso buying Plants of mo will get the re ceipts fre. If there i any man in the Territory, that can give better instructions, I will give him one thous and dollars for it. I also furniih a receipt for de stroTin!r the Oojher, for fifty cents, etc. . a 1 a' . 3 T- -V. 1 1- AZCftlS waniou io cacvass in ivnaws, .uiiu;i Iowa and Missouri, they can easily mako from one to three Lundrcd dollars per month, clear of expen ses. Address, ma iii&w aicivt.iuuA. P. 0. Box 12, Erownvillo, Nebraska. Refer by permission to JvdeKellog, 0m&ha OOD Pi SUGAR-COATED, (PURELY VEGETABLE, Free frora Mercury is AND ALL TJIXERAL POISON, Anil are, tin doubled ly, the Lett remedy extant FOR in .07 Operntfng m tiiey do, by virtue of a special Affinity for the mucous mombrnne of the bowel?, thereby removing the cnuses. As a LCTQER HOIDLET I K. F. Daeket, J Brownville THE SILVER SKIRT! Llorc Durable, - JWore Elastic, Vorc Graceful. ! Jlnd xcill keep Us Place than Shape and retain any other Skirt. Us This beautiful styly cf Skirt (Patented March 7 1865,) was awarded by the Cheat Aulkiban In sriTVTB Faik. Leld in New York, October, 183 6, a SILVER IEDAL ! Tl Ilighctt Premium ever given foa a Hoop Skirt The Steel Springs are wound with a fine plated, wire fin place of a cotton covering) which will not wear off or become soiled, and the w hole S irt may be tonshed without injery cr foar Of rustiDg, and will be as rood as new. Tte Comlication Silver Skirt! This invention combines with the ordinary crt- ton Skirt the advantages of our SILVEB SKIRT : the bottom hoops are the same asthose used in tie Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off, while tbe upper ones are covered with cotton. No lady, having once worn one cf cur Skirts, will bo willing to weir any other, as the lower hoops cf all other kinds are soon injured and soiled. the bett materials are used in their construction and from their durability and neatness they are des tinodtto become A FAVORITE SKIUT! Manufactured solely by the Silver Skirt and Wire 2Ianvfacturing Company, 30 & 32 Uarclay Street, NEW YORE. T. S. SP2RRT. Sup't. W mm tuly 1st. 18C6 I yeiif 61 tr1 PILL thoy can havo no rival, loing com posed of the most Powerful Veaetable Extracts which have a direct action on tho SPLEEN AND LIVER, the hippy effect of w'nioh can e een alter cue or two doses. They Remove the Bile, Assht Digestion, Cure Costiveuess, In fact, they are, n their name indicates, the BLOOD PILL "The Life-Giving Principle." They search out disease And strikKftt its very root, lo.nin the fysttm in the (till vior .f henlth; :ue t'KUKKCTl.V 1IAK.M I.KsS 1 I N FA N I S, i U K 1 :.SO. S VF Til K MOST 1JKI.R'A'-E CU.NSTirU TIONS, mid are a SAFEB, surer and setter Purgative Pill thnn has ever lfnra l.n nv- i.t u pJ to niMiikin.J, nn.i, i.einir thi. kiv sU-f5AH-ttt.TK,nrof?-i.o,!:.llvft1.M.t- e.insa ut.Ml.Ul VttU clJ II.Ui.KX. nnd porfLKs who line a duwof. swallowing a pill. Thcv arc, un (icstionaMv, on of otir nu.at ;uisi:u ioiy UATMAKTIt: M a Q t3 la S3 V V RU'' "rt h(.;is.lioId A J jf Should Ik. with. PRINCE, WALTON U CO., (Successors to Dr. C. W. Kobflck.) SOLE PROPRIETORS, Nos. 56, 58, CO & 62 East Third St. cirvci:s:v.vrrj, o. Are So!d by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWHERE. TO CONSUMPTIVE. The advertiser, having boen restored to fceiliin 4 few weeks by a very simple renedy, after havirg auffered fat eevtM.1 years with ft eerers JW-, tion.and that Ureal di- -at4e-j.uujBuw vuxwivo. .-e, Consumption is anx- 'OCi to make known io bis fellow-euflferers the ieani of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of tbe prescription used (free cf charge), with the direc ?"8 for Pupating and using the same, which they i.l End a r re cure for Consumption,Asthma, Uron t nitls, Co jjrbs, Colds, and all Throat and Lun? Af- fectiorj,. The only object of the advertiser in sen diP the Prescription is to benet the aGicted, an-l Cpread information which be conceives t be inval uable, and be hopes every sufferer will try his rom ady, as it will cost them ntlhing, and may prove a kletsing. Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return taail,will please addres Ret. EDWARD A.WILSON, . Williamiburg, Kings Co., New York. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for y oars from Nerv ous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake cf suffer ing humanity, send free to all who need it, the re- by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to prof it by the advertiser's experience, can do so by ad dressing . JODN B.OGDEN, No 13 Cbesnut St., New York. l GO t V v STRANGE, BUT TRUE. K-frj young lady and gentlemi n in the United Siatos can bear scmethirg very much to their ad vaitge by return mail tree cf charge),by address ing the undersigned. Those having fears of being buubnged willobliga by not noticing this card. All crdcri will please address tneir obedient servant TII03. F. CHAPMAN, y 831 Broadway, New Xork. 8- M. P. 23-ly E.REMINGTON & SONS L -'vX' A KTTr Ar.TTTiFS REVOLVERS, RIFLES For the Cnstrd States Service. Ala. . Pcclict and Eclt Revolvers, KEPEATIXO PlSTOLh, RIFLE CyES REVOLVING RIFLES. r.ifie and Shot Gun Parrels, and Gun Materials sold by Gun Dealers and the Trade generally. In these days cf Housebreaking and Kolhtng, every House, fiore, Bank, and Office should have one cf . mm msm Tarties desiring to avail themselves of the late late improvements in Pistols, and superior workman ship and form, will find all combined in the New RELIIITGTOII Revolvers. Circulars containing cuts and description of our Anns will be furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON 2c SONS Ilion N.Y UOORE 4 NICHOLAS Agents, No. 43 Courtland St. New Eork. April,l5thlS66lyl0 30 CASH BARGAINS!!! LI Y E R S & J 0 I I E S , Dealers in r7,TTrrZ,EsTD"SLS3 .V.J TR.1 SSES, STO VES, Qucenswavc & Glassware, !10T7::ir3icll)rt. Slti Oth Streets, ST.LOUIS, jNXO. Ml TOR Families and Manufacturers SOMETHING SETT AXD TaJLIJA- I1LE rORFAMILT USE. WE offer the public the simplest, etrongost and best Knitting Machine in the world. It occupies but little space is portable and can be attached to a stand or table, wcigns about 4Uibs It will knit a variety cf stitches the breakag of needles is trifling the cost of needles is insig nificant and the mo3t delicate material can be knie pure and spotless, as the needles are not oiled. Orders for Machines mar be sent through the American Advertising Agency. 3S9 Broadway K". Y. Send for a Circular. Agents Wanted. DALTON KNITTING MACH CO. 5-ly 537 Broadway, Lyon's Periodical Drops. THE UKE AT FEMALE REME DY FOR IR REGULARITIES. & Tnese Drops are a scientifically compounded fluid preparation, and better that any Pills, Powders, or Nostrums. Being liquid, their action is direct and positive, rendering tbem a reliable, speedy and cer tain specific for tbe cure of all obstructions and sup pressions of nature. Their popnlarity is indicated by me fact tnat over 100 c to bcttles are annually sold and consumed by the ladies of tbe United States, eve ry one of wbom speak in tbe strongest terms of praise or tLeir great merits. They are rapidly taking the place of every othe Female Remedy, and are consid ered oy an who snow ancbt of them, as tbe surest, sa fest, and most infaliiable preparation in tho world, ror tbs core of all female complaints, tbe removal of all obstructions of nature, and the promotion of heaUb. regularity and strength. Explicit ejections stating when they may be used, and explaining when and why they shoulfot, nor could not be used without produ cing effects contrary to nature's chosen laws, will be found catefully folded aroond each bottle, witb the written signature of Johk L. Lyow. without which none are genuine. Prepared by Dr. JOTIKL. ITOX, 195 Cbarel Street, Kew Haven, Conn., who can be consulted either per sonallr. or by mail, f enclosing stamp 1 concerning all private diseases and female weakness. Price $l,6o per bottle. Sold by Druggists everywhere C. G. CLARK & CO., Gen'l jpents for V. S. and Canada jOi.liks Pros. St. Louis. 1 Wholesale "l."LLta,FiiecHtFrn.E, Chicago. Agents December 7th 1S63. ly. lo-12 11-12 ld,nn, Jsw FRENCHHOTEL ! On tbe European Plan. Orrcsite the City Hall and Park, ( Cor. of Frank fort St. EW YORK'. Spacious Refectory ,Bath Room and barber's Shop. Servants not alfaicee to receiv Pcrpti$its. - Do not believe Runners cr ElacVmcn who say we are full. July 1st. 1863. 1 year. SPECIAL NOTICE. Worthy the attention of both Males and Fe males, who are in want ofbusines. Tbe well known Llouse of S. M. Ward 4 Co., Manufacturing Jewelren , 203 Broad w?y, N. wish to esteblish an Agexct in every town in the United States, and in-order that the Agent can have a sample to ex hibit to their customers, tbey will send as a sample on the receipt of $2,00, a genuine Gold Pen (war ranted), with Silver Extension Caso anp Pencil, to gether with a Wholesale Circular to Agents, and eleven certificates, or a Sample Certificate for 25 cts. There is no Agent but what can rrke easily $3 a day, and often $ 10. 25-dm WANTED I Agents, Male and Female, at 17 i to (150 per month, to sell the celebrated Common Stnte Tamily Sewing ZlacMnt PRICE S18.00 This Machine will do all kinds of work equal to tbe hiph priced Mscbine, and is the only practical and le liable Cheap Sewing Machiuo in the world. AcHre?? SEC011C CO Chicago, Els , cr Clevelcni, 0. Principal Of IC-23 ly ,cs,No. ,ta Castoxa Uduss Flaje Chicago FINANCIAL CRISIS compel ns to sell In the course of Six Months 6250,000 8250,000 WORTH OF Watches, Clocks, Chains, Dia mond Kings, Pianos.llclo dcons, Sevringr Machines, Sliver TTare,&c. ALL TO BE DISPOSED OF AT Ono ZDolletzr 3H,ol3. Without regart to value ! And not to be paid lor until you know what are to receive. 153? After receiving the article, if it does not please you, you can return it and your mon ey well be re funded. The Stock Comprises amongst articles, Splendid Clocks, Gold and Silver Hatches, Rings set witb Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls, Garnet and ofher Stones (solitaire and in clusters). Ladies sets of Jewelry, comprising Pins and Ear Rings cf the most fashion able styles, set in Precious Stones cf every variety, together with a large assortment of Gold and En amelled and Pearl Sets Gold Studs ar.d Sleeve Buttons of the beautiful patterns, Ocnts Bosom and Scarf Pins, and an endless variety of Braceletts, Chains,MnsicalBoxes.Head Dress.Combs.charms.Ac In consequcnee of the great stagnation of trade in the Manufacturing districts cf France and Eng land, a large quantity of valuable Jewelry, origin ally intended for the European market, has been sent off for sale in this country, and must be sold at any sacrifice? Under these circumstances the "WATCH & GOLD JEWELRY CO." have resolv- AN APPORTIONMENT !! subject to the following regulations : Certificates naming each article and its VALUE areplaeed in SEALED ENVELOPES, which are well mixed. One of these Envalope, containing the Cer tificate or Order for some Article, will be delivered at our Qce, or sent b mail to any eddress, without re card to clxnoe, on receipt ot 25 Cents. , On receiving the Certificate the purchaser will see what Article it C rates, and its value, andean then send One Dollar and receive the Article named, or can choose eny other one Article on our List of the same V SEND 25 CENTS FOR A CERTIFICATE. In all transactions by mail, we shall charga f.r forwarding the certificates, paying postage n: d d -ing the busino.s 25 cents each, which must be en closed when tbe certificate is sent. Fve certificates for $1, eleven $2 30 for $5, 65 for $10 and 100 for 15. Agents. Wo want agents in every town and county in the country, end those acting as such will be allo-red tan ctDts on every Certificate or dered by them provided their remittccce amounts to$l. Agmts will collect 25 cents for every cer tificate, and remit 15 cents to us, either in cash or postage stamps, Agents remitting at once .iu,will be entitled to a beautiful Silvor Watch, and also 200 certificates. Please write your Name, Town, County and State plainly, and address all order to 36 Liberty St., New York, 10-22-6mrd,na. KEROSEN & GASS SJ $? Q W 353 S TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS, GLUE POTS OIL, ua:ns,&c.,sc., All tbe Cooking for a family may be O" lone with Kerosen Oil, or Gass, with less5 jLy- irouuie. ana ai (ess expeuse than by $Ji t3" any other fuel. Each Article manufactured by this Company 13 guaranteed to perform all that is claimed for it. ViJ ri J for Circular. -X2 I Liberal Ditcour.t to the Trade. KEKOSEN LAMP HEATER CO., 2(5 PEARL STREET, N-Y. July, 1ft 1S60 8 months x 11 An Old Son, Set to a new CCunai 1866 "A tpriity a pproache$ Ants and Jioachea -front thtir hole come out, ' And iliet and Ratt , . In tpite of eat$, Gaily nl-ip about."- , . , M EL B O L D FLUID EXTRACT OF 1lJ03E2:TEJ Wfe- - .ai- 4ME which Uflgnire'a TIair Bairn tas , . " and healthy condition of tbe hair, tkeTebJVltM Ja.rt"lortp ,h n'"al en , , Rel the followins from well kaiwacituew 8 'D1 bt'i In lt,ba, ".Z; ALU, aad Ithi, restored p.,,, ITIIIE GTtEAT Fa J- ing ) growth a wur'i'.vov-M.. ... .... .v.,v.mj, nuiii cu a3TSCl!7Pn( iuiii, .jaiii. c u' c iricu jur inTiiojii;. HAIR 2 of our hair to our entire s.-tifai-tion. and we can cheerfully reci CjMgnea,) j. a. n-uiir, Baiter ; VM R. BABCOCK SrlV. " p"5 nic Institute; J03 c. BAP.LOW. V!r- pUry n'1 Lib rreparca oniy oy j. v Kj. .maul jkb, them Sold ly all JDrv VicePresideat War Reiier unrf r " cv' Myt. v SSisls-Price S1.0Q TJlln!l 0u'f"l'-t.. u "18 years e-aabli.-hed in N.V. City. "Only infallible remedy known,," "Free from Poi?-ns." "Not dangerous to the Unman Family, "liats come out of their holes to die," UiVIl 1lU IllilUOLU ULi.lU.l VII U I Costar's" Hat, Roach, &c , Exterminators Is a paste usd for Rati, Jliee, Roaches, Muck and red ntt Ac, Ac, &c, COSTAR'S" Bed.Bug Exterminator. Is a liquid or wash used to destroy, and as a preventative for Bsd-Dug, dee. . COSTAR'S" Electric Powder for Insects is for Jlotht, Jlotquitoei, Flea, Bed-Bugs, iniectt on plants, Foxcl$, Knimali. Ac. ! ! I Bkwake 11 1 of all wor thless imitalio ns Kf See that "CostarV name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. r"Address, HENRY R, COSTAR, 4S2 JJi'oadway, Aew lork. 2 Soli injirownvule, Nebraska, And by all Druggists and Kotailors. 18 6 6 INCREASE OF RATS. The Farmer' t Gazette (English) asserts and proves by figures that one pair of KAI will nave a progeny and descend ants no less than 651,050 in three years. Now,un- Icss this immense family can be kept down, they would consume mere food than would sustain 65.- 000 human beings. td3 See "COSTAR'S" advertisement above. 18 6 6 BATS rr BIRDS. Whoever ensseea In shooting small birds is a cruel man; whoever aids in exterminating rate is a benefactor. We should like some one to give us the benefit of their ex perience in driving out these pests. We need something besides dog', cats, and traps for this ba- 8iue?3. Hcieutffie American, iV. I. U&oco "L-ostar s advertisement above. 18 6 6 "COSTAR'S RAT EXTERMINATOR is simple, taf e and sure the most perfect RAT-ification mee? ting we have ever attended. Every Rat tht cm get it, properly prepared, will eat it, and every one that eats it will die, generally at some place as dis tant as possible from where it was taken. Lake Shore. Michigan, Mirror. KT i?ee Cost as s advertisement above. 18 6 6 nOUS'EKEEFER3 troubled with vermin need be so no longer, If they use "Costab's Extermina tor. We have used it to our satisfaction : and if a box cost $5; we would have it. We have tried poisons, but they effett nothing; but "Costak's article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Ants, and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. 1 1 is in great demand all over the country. Medina, Ohio. Gazette. I3f"See "Costab's" advertisement above. 18 6 6 A VOICE FHO.M THE FAR WEST. Speaking of "Costab's" Rat, Rvu:b, Ant, Ac, Exterminator "morn grain and provisions are destroyed anna ally in Grant Courty by vermin than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer." Lancaster, Wie Herald. tifSco "CoSTARVadvertisement above 1 8 6 6, FARXERS AXnnOITSEIvEEPERS-shonld rec. o'ileot that hundreds cf dollars' worth of Grain, Provisions, &c, are annually destroyed by Rats, Mice, Ants, and other insectsano vermin all of which can be prevented by a few dollars worth of ' CoTAB's"R:it, Roach, Ant, &o., Exterminator, bought and usd freely. See "Costab s advertisement abave. 5f Sold in Prownville, Nebraska. IST Sold bya! Druggis's and Dealers Juno 20th ISjO, 4ie r ' PIANOS! PIANOS! $35,0 tQ $1,400. , AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE THE H0TTEIIT0TS Having long used HUCSU Eor a Tarlcty of Diseases It was borrowed from those rude practitioners by THE English and Dntch Physicians, On whose recommendation it tra3 employed in Eu rope apd ha3 now oome into general use. IT 13 GIVEN CHIEFLY LN CraTel, Chronic Catarrh or ihe Uladder, MORBID IRRITATION OF THE BLADDER AND URETHRA, FOR FE3IAL.E WEallXESS and DEBILITY For Prdlapsns and Bcarlcg Down, or Prolapsus Uteri, Diseases of Tn Postate Glanes, Retention, or Incontinence of Urine. And all diseaseg requiring tbo aid of a diuretic arising from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation.. EL H. SAXT0N & CO., JSTC LOUIS, 2VTO. HAVE Constantly on hard tho Largest Assort ment of FIRST-CLASS PIANOS kept by an one House in the West. They keep tha RELIABL INSTRUMENTS made by. Tb. B-Bradbury, Chambers & Gabler: New York Pianoforte Company. James "W. Vase. Mason & Hanilln's Cabinet Organs, $110 to $160 Ech. Also, cn hand Second-hand Pianos, Ulclodeans, Ac, Ac, Ac Which are sold at Bargains. Send for" Circular" and "Price-Liit," Wrerooms: Cor. Fifth & "Walnut (Under Southern Hotel) J.S.W 10-5-ly. . ST. LOUIS MO. GROVESTEEN & Co., PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURERS, ' 499 Eroadway, Iff. T. - TnE ATTENTION of the public and the trade is invited to our Sew'Scale, Seven Octave. Roseteood Piano lurtee, wuicn lor volume ana pu rity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto offered in this markot, Tbey contain all tho modern im provements, French grand action, harp pedal iron frame, over-strung bass, etc.. etc., and each in strument being mado i nder the personal supervis ion cf Mr. J. H . Gkovesteen, who has a practical experimence of over thirty years in their manufac ture, IS IUiiy wauitiiicu ia ever pruuuuiF. The Gro vests en PIANO FORTE Received the highest award of merit at the cele brated world's rair, where were inhibited instru ments from the best makers of London, Paris, Ger many, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore and New York ; and also at the American institute ior nvo ,-ccss-ivo years, tho Gold and MLVER medals from b.th of which can He seen at our ware-room. Bv the inrr.nluctioTi ot improvement we make a still mora perfect nano urte, ana oy manuiact uririr largely, with a strictly cash system, are en abled to offer these instruments at a price which will preclude all competition. Our prices are from $Ui)to $200 cboaper than anv first class I ianv-fotte. Descriptive Circtlar sent free. July 1st IS05 one year R.ACo. IT IS RECOMMENDED IN CASES OF DYSPEPSIA, CHROMO EiEUMATIsJT, Cutaneous Affections and Dropsy, To curs diseases we must tiing nto action the muscles which are engaged in their-various func- tions. To negloct tnem , nowever siigai may oe tno attack, is sure to affect the boldly health, and men tal powers. OXTR FLESH AXsTID BLOOD, are supported from these sources. PERSONS OF EVERY PERIOD OF LIFE From Infancy to Old Age. and in every stato of health, are liable to be sub jects of these diseases. The Cause in Many Instances are Unknown Tha patiet has, however, an admirable remedy in KELMBOLD'S Eluid Extract of Buchu Diarrhea, Dysentery, Summer Comr'lnlni- e 3IACUBJ7S Couipoun.1 extract or SlHU?0'! WESTTRX SANITARY tOJIMIJSIOV X ia V t ' 1"-AT. Messrs. J. C. Mcguire. DrvSgitt :-Gm!.txntn : Tlie A Vniui ih r 3t- St- Lfcuis- -vv- 13 in tho Army your Rxtract of be hum Klaiit, for tbe cir of Tr -i., - ,i S"'"""" hv iiaiTibate.j i , to it excellent qualities, aad tte nieces wuii w ;.-, ; ; , ' " rf''1 .4 '"nty. and tacir , TVAR ItELIET Fvsd or ST. LoyiSlOUSrT,I'REilOET-l.Trrr Ih.l.Aui r,i...h... U.i:,: . . mo viamic juiluuC iii u io ai.ci i:ipe it" n: :(.'!..)rj' i rv .) ioa " Sparc t St ep! in MAGUIRBR'S The Great Rtraedv for Con 5i r : 'y :. ' 7. , IU It , .ILL JJIXi:I$E. OF i ITasbecn uscf mrstsrccesJ:vPy a-.i! i.. a !-;: tnt in St ",,"'utr" ' j u w no nave ttea it ?.; I e ti e tin st w- u e i ed. It is entirely vegetable, an.ieaa be nse.l wt: ihe ntni ..-t AlAUUl HAAl b x RUP. :j I. li'. t , . 'A IT.- . . , ' S ALTEHATI'Vi'iiT ix'.. n ill Lure Scrofula, Rheumatism. Ji;rz!ia C,f v -7i iJ'f.U. ejections, Goitrr, Swellings of the Joints. Car in of t . -s ' r;i-(--f'"::' ; Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, Enlarged of Ihe Ghn!.. (h'nhuthn and all diseases arising from Impurity of the Blcod. PrifV .' r?r J' -tr J.&C MAGCTRB. Cbemisu and Drwists. So., 'Proprietor, S' I.i"vV rae- rf " V,' ' everywhere. ZlrSend for on f our a r r.,. IL1, .'V iJt- 4 ! by Or Chills and Fever, Bilious and' Intermi tent FevPr Wi,MAGUntE's AGUE MIX L.nis -dicine u ucdotibtedly tbe most effectual rnuedyevcr ea'eredfor t plainns. It has b-sen thorou; Iv tested thu jpj.nn. w m . tn iv i;t... succeeded in establishing for it.clf a fair repuutim superior to tat..f any Me known to fail and is warranted to euro in every insjj -o. No - edicine has a l Liver than thi, it is o supeiior Tonic in debility Trie $T,50 j.er bottle. 1 . ratiowand ha It has new-trc!! 77 Tv7i W II O JLj e s DEALERS LY -A. L E AND Would call the attention of DEALERS to their immense 'stock of Drcsrs and Medicines, School DoaKs. Patent Medicine?, L Ink Books, Glass and Glassware, Writing Ppery Paial3 and Oils, Envelopes, Spices and Dyc-slnfis, Coal Oil ana lar?ps Pure Wines, Liquors, dc, Sc., Which were bought forcali of Manufacturers, Importers and PuL'tihers, and will boo!d at t?ie tn"i favorable pria3. Duyin ments to the trade in largo quantities from first hands, they are enabled to oJ.t extra Induce- They aro the Xorth-western Wholesale Agents of Dr. D. Jay.ie k Son, and of Tt. J. (10 l-iy t. Ayro s Co., and can furnt.sli their Jledieines in any quantities a3 ST. JOSEPPI, MO. . . Importer and Wholesale aiid Eetail-Dealcr in Ires STEEL and HEAVY H ABB WAEE, Wftgon, Curriag", -an I I'low Woodwf-rks. t GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. On hand and to irrir?, I omj rising ii p:irt. t'rrl.i 1 Tire Blt., Nut! s;,l r;c! Hat (i Il.ini Sprinr?, Axes, Axel.-, Shovels and Spi1f.-.FiI;s ac 1 Cr.aii..3 ashcrs, aii, 11'Tj iiaiH, llt.rec it y.nio i-nyv. rt-. etc. Catins and Hollow Vri2, huur.r kitiu- Aiif!;ron-.' Skillets i,l L d- . i Stew Dots. Bake ovens, Froit kettles ami Naa In-un.- ' I BlacKSffiitUS' TCOlS, Anvils, Strcks nnJ I)..:. men, Vises, Pincers, Kajps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyere Ir. i..-, Wrr Ox Yokes, Axle Grease, Ox chains, AVogoa Jack?, Vx thoa rr.il 1,000 CELEBRATED MOLISTEiPLO WS I clt i'-.hirtel and Pi.k.,Ould Pans, etc. i hi';' jTrt. t niTOXTAXT ITyetUl VTO LADIES. J for females; Are the only eafe and truly rjftctice medicine for Females extant." Do not trifle with your health, and use cheap and dangerous medicine, which drug gists may have bought, and will recommend to you, being irnoraot of. their qualities. Jits. Winslow'i j Mystic Pills are mild in their operations; correct ail lrrejrarantie'and painful menstruation: remove all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise. No maiden, wife or mother should be without them. Try them use according to directions, and we know the result ill be as decree. Ask for Mrs. Wins- low's Mysti Pills. Take none other. Price 52,00 per box , or three boxes for & dollars. For sale by all druggists. Peter E. Blow, Gen. Agent, St. Louib. March 22d, IS63 no 26-ly Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Editorial, Sept. 15. 1SCJ. II ELMB OLDS' Genuine Preparations. Hi3 Solid and Fluid Extracts embody the full strength of the ingredients of w w which they are named. They are left to the inspection of all. A ready and conclusive lest of their properties will le a comparison with those set forth in the United States Dispensatory. These rem edies are prepared by H. T. Helmbold.a druggist of sixteen yeaes' experience in this city, and we believe them io be re liable ; in fact, we have never known an article lacking merit to meet with a per manent success, and Mr. Helmbold'a success is certainly prima facie evidente. His Drug and Chemical Warehouse, in the city of New York, is not excelled, if equaled, by any hi the country, and we would advise our readers, when visiting that city, to give him a call, and judge for themselves. Just patented, and superior to any yet invented ; and Mccormick's 3Iovcrs and Reapers, Wallers Horse Corn rianlcns Sulky Corn Cultivators, Hand Corn Planter, Corn iihellers, I'ay Iiakca, eto. etc cso. t F&lZ?3&2S.'3 St21.r3.i3rcl Scales . Buying my goods direct from tlie m ufac ir-, I offer great Inducements TO WHOLESALE i liliCIIASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. "(S" S?lTi 5 T: i lc mm mmm i lie 1 nib old's Es.tract of Buchu. The inoit delicious and helth'ul bcVerao known. Itiapreyarel frm the best JAVA COFFEE. and while it has all the i;avor of fine CI 1 Govern-' mont Java, sells for Ie3s than half the price. Osborn's Java Coffee n.u been steadily use 1 for years, by thousands of persons in all parts of the Country, and is uni versally acknowledged to be at once nut'ious, de licious, healthful ard economical. The same quan tity will make a richer and stronger cop of CoUe than any other known. Osborn's Java Coffee. Is particularly recommended as a healthful bev erage and is most beneficially ued ry those who suffer with Hcadacha Nervou'noss, and other inju ri'ius effects from tne vai of other Co.Tse. It is prepared with the greatest care, and con tains no in.gredien which is not more harailes and beneficial to tho hum-in organism than puro Coffee, to which fact the most skilfull Physicians and Chemists testify. OSBORjVS JAVA COFFEE. Has been extensively used at numerous Sanita ry Fairs throughout the Union, an! received cer tificates of tbo highsst recomend-Uion. It has also been tborou -hly testol, an 1 received the d ploma of the American Iaititute and other prominent institutions. rut up in one poana paeKaes oeannpf tne la-j-j simile Signature cf. Lewis A. Jsriorn and in b'xe i o: oJ ana OU lbs. and JKiia by Uroc r generally. Wliolesale Depot, and Trade Supplied by THOS. REID & CO. G LUBE MILLS. Impcrters aLd Wholesale Dealer?, in Tea, Coffee, and Spices. Aos. 103 105 llarren and 2C9 Washington Streets Sew York. April 26th 6ms rf,un 23X1. JACHSON'S BLOOD I HULI0R Will positively cure SCr.OFCLA. ERTSU'ELA.". DYSPEPSIA. LNDIfJESTiO.V, HEARTSL'fiV. or any IIl'MOHin the lil.OOD cr STOMACH, and 1 PURIFYING tho SYSTEM and ERADICATI' allTUACES OF DISEASE this remedy haJ w equal, and for Building up the Sjtem, and new Strength gnd Vigor. Its HBparailed SJ'''- since its introduction, and tbe wonderful eure4 u has and is daily performing are its b?t cimtWY and we earnestly desire that every suft-rr sa. frive it a trial. Sold b all Drug;iiU. Vrke dollar a bottle. - 'COLLINS BROTHERS ST. LOUIS, MO. Proprietor! SALT 3' a. mil v nun RHEUM! 0v. SALT RHEUM! ! ! STRAY NOTICE. Taken up by the undersigned, Iivin about 3 1-J iles above Brownvllle, in Nemaha County, Ne braska Territory, on the?l3th day of June, Io68, Ono black or dark trewn Hor?e, about fifteen bands Lib, tbcut seven years old, right bind foot white up to tbe pasture joint;"smali saddle mark on top m cf weathers, a few white hairs node left Eye, ceavy mauc. JACOB BREWER." H EL M B O LD. JOHN F. JIOEEIS .A gent fir ihe above preparations, ' Browville, Nebraska. NcrctJiber,;d. 1S55, ly. 10-7-11-7 en,na. JAMES MEDFORD, WUl rwrw fA ITCH or SAJ.T XHVX . in a few uri'iii'ittion. It Ui fnrw nrairie Scra'C'1 M Chiib'aiiis. Uloersand all Eraptiorn of the v.: where other remedies hiive been tried u vaio.cn speedily and thoroohly. Pries 50 cents a o Sf!d by all drn??isU. Pv aeniln? C'icentll?k letter to COLLINS BROTHERS. S. W.ci,r. Vine SU., St. L0Ji3, Mo., it will be scat .by ' fre of DoitB 't. x-30-ly-rnpinJ3WJ CABINET - Ll A KER AND Corner 2nd and Main Streets, BEOVVNVILLE, N. T- Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his lice on bort notice tzi reronab!e ternas. 1-OUJ RESTAURANT OYSTER SALOON. WILLIAM ROSSELL takes this method of informinj Ue pabiia ts has just oponedn Main street, between 1st m -HROlYXriLLC' NEBRASKA, a Restaurant and Oyster Also, Confectionariei, Canned Fruit, Spices of all kind. Tet.Coff , - Tobacco, Potatoes, sweet Potatoes and everyt usually kept la a reUin grocery store. ISTilEALS SERTED AT ALL HOCftS-A-' FRESH OYSTEKS-x-15-17 ! n I i J