1 I. I " " . 7 r I i Asta rsaniect to tie City eci a ere ht. to tie jLrU.UectBrfti ability cf its wcer, the rtw rcti denee CCC. 7 Trader, c3 AtUtUa fcstimajrj triil ita streets, stands unrivalled. BROTTKYILLE TBCRSDAf, -AUG 1R6. rr i T T.P.UY FOR 15 li 0 WS YIUE. r'"" ... . . .tti -;t-:r. .rj.'.-tioii ij r N V i H bi.jli C&:urs;i LTaqs, Cbcua and Dr'el FrttUt ' . - - - Syria 4 roare cocttaaily aiding to t,eir stock of Fwy a-ni Staple Groceries which they are selling &t the lowest pried;. "ftri . , TTn.M. C. Perkins-he cf rUlosnlpljic and Ajabrotji'io fane seheroverko travels has return ed, and is settling dojrn ith an air of permanency as if tt Jcant to stop afthildt . We iearn from the Nebraska City Fre?s that Bcrj. llrgtr?, te crack Livery man of the West, has sold out at Nebraska, City, and will return to Krownvil t hho'tly. Bea. is a gay hoy, and it will eeia cl faYui.-ned to e h;s pbygiiaagorapby" 1,1. fr t! :i.':---.r 1 EH'tKWOKTn, Aug. 6ib,ISG4. ! C."J, Major f CrowoviUt: . ' . ' - ao iere with th. lirownville Steam Ferry .i Bkl will ba op m soon as pcisible. , poa,andwUI3 p w8. MORGAN. Tlis with th t liberal pystcra inaugurated in all tranebescf triie ,will ikjob bring ba the trade '-hiebbas in a meas ure slacUned cp duriDg the .toB. T emigrants and freighters this will ' JTf immensa adrantsge, as this is otsaoubtedly IU Bwret Poiui cn EOOri RiTer 10 Fort Kearney, and to ike richest and most fertile tee " (ion ?t Kebrafka, iritfi better roads general tit a ftt ) found.-lDywhere in the West. tiw3 Entries For Julr. cltjr ind.blei fit tb following Ust of . I ndl entered in the Keciahi Land CUtrict iricS Aienpnthof July jnst pxst : for lont. 1 ycuUnralCoi. Script, t4 Warrants, . iuj Entries, - 8,756 88 1,000 00 Tcttf, r J25,225 l M Lis bottle i itli city JTon T. W. TinoS reav. -'ntton befofe lt Ftidaj. He did not reacb Was.. ;Uaijornment. HeblnUrTiew wtth .num IfTadin, n of Ohio, Indiana and ether West rn8uln,rl Hxpr.fed themsalre. in faror rpUtbe President's objeetioaB. - T": cieciis. T.T.bcr-tb. Great Show will exhibit in this V. cCr.'-aj rr - St. Jonepl,ot it mo ! ,-. . . ' xt J; ' U. I.s!!?fcr's Tinibop. tbe i' t;t Ki ii;: bt ccrtijrthcuMVe stock of Cooking a..d t-'ux Htove, ipifoffd pattenii ever brought to thi market. Also, a larze stock of Dlacksmith Iron and Wngon Timber. . . 100 empty Barrels for sale ai WORTHING'S. Harried. By Iter. D. Hart at the parsonage in Drownrii:. Au??t Ist.ReT. Leeot F. Eairrjof Mills eoaaty, Iowa, and Sakah 1. BEcriEi-D. of Falls City, Nebraska. A supply of Lcngworth's Sparkling Catawba just received at WORTHING'S. c'y sav.n'ay it ftjhibited in cruinlf J! ' wimercu. afUrnoon and .. . -V. ..ra an -iletcal ' .. T.A. .,. Ar together '"' Vtent?r. audience. lT T that many persons Tbfceompany .ndonbted y u . which has .ret travelled ta vn. tob.on Und Wednefday. " , I' tt. KiA.rfl.tt ? W think tbls Uocs larmiBg fj . , r: Wm. H. Hurley mis, .v- . Tc. H. "cCrcerj, of the City nm'r Stnre. has iust received another -t ' i large Etpck of Oils and Paints, Druge &rad,Me.icinei.. He also keeps on hand a large variety q! Wall Paper jjnd )y.i,9 dow Shades. . Prapmsllriatlon tlie.Tlilcf Of TMIC. Tnn manv allow themselves to gfO without proper nourishment, and bifore they kno'fy rt fcare the dyspepsia in the vorst way. In4igpffon,' unless speedy win certainly rroduce iick- attendeu lk v Unnw of no ALlDHIOxlH HOTJG rent Street,, btU-ega Main and Water, ! May, SOth lSGCr 10 36 ly Dissolution orCo-partncrsUip. Tht partnership heretofore eXisuog noder the stjle of Waldter & Co- in the orrest Uiiy ir Saloon is this day ttissolreq P7 tautuai consent . - " IjOClS WALDTER, An?.2,l,I?. J.W, S1IDDLEJON. - Tbe buFibess will be carried on at the old strni ly I,uis Waldter, Who will attend to the accounts pf the old firm. 44 n r,an STRAY NOTICE Taken no by th. onders;cned, lirisr 31-2 miW abe BrownTiH.,: i' Nfta4ba County, JNe- bratk& Tarritory.on the 23d day of July, eo Ila Mary. 4 Tears old. 14 hands hieh. with whiU pel in forehead. 41 N.T.CRANMER. - LEGAL -NOTICE."-- John Shaw wilt take notice that Sarah A. Shaw as eomnlainantlas led her petition in the Dis- tiict Court ofthe ConatT cf Nemaha, in the Terri Ury of Nebraska, against hiin as respondent ai d that th. obiect and prayer of complainant is to ob tain a d rr ore e from respondent from the bonds of nsatrinoEY. and for tb. custody of all the Children of said parties, except th. eldest. Said John Shaw is required to answer said petition on or be for. th. Slth fia? it September, ISfiO. Dated Aue th U5d SAlt AH A. SHAW 45-4t 700 by her attorney W THOMAS. . STRAY HORSE. Taken up by the undersigned, liringat tb. mouth of Honer Creek, and within hit enclosed premises, on th. 17th day of Jnly. 1S (, oce b IIore left bind fpot yhite. legs macs: up to tne kpces, black taoe and tail, small white spot in th. f.rcb bad, some Collar marks, eignt or aiuo years old. JuiyJIst .45 TH03. HARMON, SALE OF APPRAISED STOCK. r. Fri4, Aua?t.l7. th 1856. t 10 d'dock m. I will offer for sale ! the high eat bidder, for .k s ,t -An the nremises CI Jonn odock liTing in Nemaha City, ia Nemaha Coun.y, K Kmoka Territory. : ' ! fin Qray Hors. Colt, two years old , star in fore h&tti. braniei on rightfore shotlder with letter'X' Appraised at serenty-nxe loum oy voan o umic and Silas Tidwelt B V. ULTGHE3,J P and ill heanu. Cure IlCSS ttUU Jit .'" . remedv equal to Coe's Dyspe. in men cases. It enables the patient to take hearty food, the pareut of health, stops distress after eating as soon as you take it, and is a perfepf. regulator of the stomach and bowels. The Cholera, Dr. Bigelow, a noted physician of Bos ton says: 4,From our past observations I do not believe tbat cholera, should it appear in this country, will be so likely to tiouble New England as it is to visit the mala rious regions of the jSouth and West." Among all tbe many different reme dies advertised there are none that act so completely as an antidote to this ma larious Doiso'h, and which give vigor anJ ,fV 'w A '-j k tm-" ? . is- r J" " "-- ,. - . ' - ""J . - : -S. t. , rr " ,1 It c. : ault: A! Co J. A': TU 2 OXLY GS.S'-.IN3 Ciiica-j, 1.1. C. Atlthatt. Uttf.ct nrr, , i : Mi ; l i i. litre rev.- cn TV0 STYLES OPHOHSE f 0VERS, 5 With New Wagons, iSevv nnrness, , , New Canvas, New Properties, New Costumes, Beautiful "Horseg, ' - T, Trick POnifes, Educated Mules, Dos and MonHeys. : xrvt f 703 25. L. or total ou W l a"5 vi " v- v ides wbicn b. bas sixteen .ere. of Com whicti m stock. ides which nai en. ----ri:imak..tttlO bnshth, with other cropa, lock, etc. Does not farming pay in Nebraska 7 ,bonld answer :-n I"" -4 r:' ' P r. .Th RInad Tear on a Homestead, bat banrcBVcairoiu-v. jp U( f, --- It Tail Wheat 245 bashct, which be old immedi- pils acl directly on the liver, causing pt ,.M,fft,r,erbnshei-$43; nin-aere cfSpring tc, tjjr0w off the deletorious xnaucr. and Wheat 16 bushels at $U5 per baebelt2U 25 j Khe jiuers restore the appetite ana in- riorate me wnoie system, muiuugmj keping ofl the terrible scourge, cnoiera. The New Orleans Riot.. The special correspondent of the New York Times, at New Orleans, telegraphs to the Washington office of that paper, the following important intelligence: The P.nnveniion met at y ik. iM. ine members nresent adjourned to call ab seotees. A negro procession wim mar tial music and national flags is cn the streets. Several pistol shots were fired The building bas two main entrance, Dul D0 DOQy was win. c a room particvUrty ana l0 tne nag away from me irecwcu fit of the accommodat-1 an(j were repulsed. Stores ana places or buisiness on Canal street are closed for fear of further riots. E. P. BROOKS. SECOND D1SPATCJJ. tv.o Mprhanic's Institute where the TTha heretofore called attention to the r. aoralof A. P. Cogswell'. Lirery Stable, and as indication of the progress of this cty, w. can ,ot refrain from noticing th. Urg" d wmmodl ,Uble building be has jutcrected. Tbebutld- injr will civet w4 69 fett ,0n?' Cerri.-e House and a loom for wafhog btgier, watering bor.es, Ac, containing a good well . in addition to and joining the aiQ bu.U.ng, of 12X22 ' a rood siied office, and . t.Mtl fitted an for tbe bene log and jgentleaanly Clerk, Tbaddeu. Trimmer.- kj 1 . r.v b- a (Successor to . w Building. " - t ; 4l We respectfully announce to J Public that they have now in store, a New and Lanre Stock oi Performing Goats, Opposition Invited!!- THE TniFMPIXAI. PAi:AE OF TKS New Tork Charups-Elysees Clrcns On the iiiorHiDg bf the exhibition will be prodigal in msgniScent scenes and.gorgeous Tableaux, which will display the wealth that bis been so bountiful ly expended te render this Circus conspicuous for splendor and unequalled in magnitude. Promi nent amons the numerous features of attraction will be the SIX TANLEM TEAMS of matehed horses drirea by ladier. . ,..., The norel and exquisitely beautiful IMFLUML CALLECHE, drawn by six clocant pr.nies , and drirea by a lady. JlOpJTTED KNIGHTS, anayed in superb ftpparel; besides a great raricty of attra ctire fnectacles of extraordinary gj-ajoiaar. The Tbe tastelnllj decorated Chariot of Orplieus, Prawn by Ten Rampart Steeds, will coalsin Professor Roscnbury'e OPERA BAND from the Academy of Music, NC Tord, composed of Musicians of the highest order oi rxcouence. ' Tha ijuptensi? eeatralization of talent consists ;.n oart or the foUoifi: the To wbich they invite the attention of purchasers. YOTI WILL FIND TIIE BEST Sasrars, Teas, Rio ana Java Cof fee, Fore Ciaer YIneger and Coal j . j VM boleOUtnl BOW oeiouga w . - .ubU. Th. Cogswell, who has nndoubtedly the most conv.n ,.A at. uble and the finest stud of lirery horse, we bar. teen in Nebraska. Last Monday was undoubtedly a pugilistic it J U&ownville; Th. ball cpen4 la the morning bf a sonar.- ronnd oetwe.n rhlnea. Jones and a vention is still in it. with the mob in Can al and Common streets keeping them prisoners. The police are out m run I farce. Several negroes nave oeen meu. Canned Fruits in great variety and of the best quality ; Catsup, piekles. Ouster. Sardine, Clams, . French Mustard, Worcestershire Sauce and Western Reserve Cheese at SWAN & BEOS, brother. "desire to call ioiria-W and varied Stock of LEVI J. KORTII eteran pioneer of Circus . ' ' "uiC!nents. YOUNG LL - H0 the Champion and Juv, Horseman of the wet, MONS.. BRIDGES. from Cirque de Napoleon. Paris. M'lLLE BRIDGES, the most daring and graceful rider on the Continent. MAD. ELDA AMELIA the Pearl of the Arena. SIGNOR CODONA, th. Champion double Somer sault equestrian. Mad.JOS.DeVANIOR the graceful protean Artist. SIDNEY WEBB. accomplished Matre do Cirque. FRANK ASHTON, the most accomplished gymnast of the age. , v-JAMES VVABD, the People's Clown and Shakes rrrian JestT. LEON CAM ME A, ia his unsurpassable aet on the bare backs of his 4 fleet Ponie3. WILLIE SMITH, the eaucstrian Appollo. MR. FRANK WARD, the gymnastic miracle. TONY BENTON, the Prince of Conns siegers, Competition Defied!!! The above comprises the largest troupe ever cr ganiied into one Company, ami their varied per formances will constitute aseriesof nnparalled suc cess. - Connected with this immense cempany sre Pro. Willis Cobb's Tf dupe of ' GOATS, DOGS AND M0!3)EYS. Educated to perform a great variety of amusic, wonderful and dificUlttricks. A description cf the v&rious feats that these sagbcitll, social favorites hare been taught to execute would surpajj belief. Th;r intelligence, stvle and nih, exceed every kind of training tbe brute species ever developed, and the amazing alacrity displayed ia ineiruoiquc perfo rmances bring fortn saouis ci appiauss. The Trick Horses, Mars and Andrew Johnson. Trick Ponies, GAZELLE, JENNY LIND, YANKEE NOTIONS, , LITTLE REBEL. And thost Educated Mules s?v S) r: Ti3 Improved "Caroy" Poorer, (Both 'eliht and tea horss.) vi, $ i I'. B E D S T U A .j ami f i K-r. with .r - :t MATH ESSES OF inn iconpEirsATirG" ?ovn:i2, (Scth eight and t?a bcrse.) Sid. ana . will afford fun for tne mu. Previous to each afternoon performance ther vr ill be a grand . . . - - EREE ESIIIBITIO " Entitled a Journey to the Clouds, In which Madame J OS APHINE DE VANIOR will ascend a SINGLE SLENDER WIhE, a , distance of 31 0 feet, to the top of the centre pole. Mad. Josepbin e, in this daring and intrepid feat, is pro- nounced by tne rress sou uww a rival. This mammoth majtcrdow of the World iU- I'fellWTlYlLiLB Jfl s.w v. , ' Wednesday, August 15th, I860. Admission - . - Doors open at 1 and 7 o'clock daily. GEO. H. METCALFE, Proprietor. O.F. BjraEK, General Agent. ! AC-idaibla aalitian exists ar: or, jtiresisrs to "cira. tLs last nacilaa ia tie neigibcrhoci" Kotiicj b more IL&s jreealle to tiaa tiaa U lava farn:;:3 c:n plali that tieir Tork is not peperij a:ai, a to lose talaills tise by rsaaca of trealac-j &sl tie c&a tct be too r arefai is. aelwitia j a tsadua ?. T"ie SweepstaTfes rs tba accretilted hal of tiyj Thresbins JIchine fini!, and its superior strcigth, durability, simplicity, eaae of drjft, ety I of finih, and capacity for threshing knit clt-acin jriia Miter and better than any ot'avt ia Iht worlU; are acknowledged. Tta great repntatioa acMeved ty this favorite machine ii led several unscrupulous raauu fact irers,' and numerous agents, to attach the Dam '.'SwrspsTABij," ia cno way and another,, to tluil machines and advertIsem&U to miaiead and doceiTS. " This i3 tt9 essence of rseannesa davrz- rlght r'facT. eatlinjc under false eol.irs. To avoid the counterfeit, soe tht efry macliino haj the card, "O. AULTIIAN A CO., MxstFACTrEitBS, fanir, Ohio," In pilt letters, ccuspicuoueiy on both sidej of the Separator. The Genuiua Sweepstakes enables tba thrt-sher to pick his customers, seldom stops for re pairs, laats inoch longer than others, saves much grunblin and vexation, does tho turn amonnt of work with 'ms labor, and enables hiui to itltcl the best and most profitable Jots. The) farmers giva it ft preference, and often an extra price per bushel, beca'jsn It threshes clean from the head, separate! perfectly front tha straw, cleans fit for market without waste, safe ait the grain, doea its work with the utmost speed, safe ty and economy, and does not keep a gati of men and teams about them on expense. - The elesant " Patent Pivot Sida Gear" la to U fouud only on the iwciiTAKiS. ' Our "Patent Cleaning Apparatus' en ables the operator to control the direction of the b'.aat, and ponition of the aeives, and clean either btavy or light grain, without wate, as fitt as tt be threshed, tho chaff and dirt beiDK separated from the grata beon it ttriXtt tht icisa at all, Separators, Horse Powers, Straw Btack ars,: Gears or Jacks, sold separately, wheu desired. A written warranty d-li?ered with every machine. The "SWEEPSTAKES' ia usnaly a very scarce article after harvest, and parties should orUr ' Call or send and get a pamphlet circular, giving a full description and particulars, together with numerous certificates, and the names and reel deuce of over three thousand persons who have bouzhtand tiied the Sweepstakes in Illinois, lowa tliinesot, Wisconsin, and asiaf , alcae. HEO. HILL & CO. Aentb, JL?Jr0WKV1LLE Nedhassa. iar It, Lrc taot , Cent' ? XC a 5 L I A bla To i'l AiA i A r r Sfc- LOUNGES, A i'ES, sYAbH-b i . i WAAT-NOTS, UPHOLSTERY, r",iy And everyth-r? in t: hue, Ctl iru y ii3i077 Sj C & A u ? TV Their Furnliuro is o;Li;-rte 3:i ctc-v r trt- i nt it 'i bv a su: erior wor'r'Ul U ' "a t -f - cf tae etallishnicnt. and can te rt Theirs lithe jrreateit a.'i-ris.t cf i'v:'.:-.ri ever brought t tl.'s tr.n'itet ; aivi H t- f ' i - -' vr bcro a complete pet of l''ur.itur j can l; I; . I. Fair DealingLow Price:; their n:otto, and they caa te relied ta i both r.''le. Juno I itb, lc.utj V? FOR rilE .VILL'O.V! I FOR MM 3 3 . ox,enes te:; ii r :hj n ed t n o i s :. AH can be suited in the IffiffiEHSl STOCK Just received at tha . Main Street, Bromil'e, Ne rasxa. ; 1 ConveDticn met, is on Dryade street, be- particuTar attention to their large! ToV, rr-n. ronsisttner of Natural Leaf and Nectarine 8a4 pther favorite brands Musical and Operatic Prize Association Willi a Capital of $1,500,000, Will commence their seiies of Grand Enterteinments on . Monday Evening, Oct 1st, 1866, at the Rink Hall, Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Wrnnoht and Cut Nails, all size SWBr Twine and Scoop MOeis ;BWAN & BRO S. wj ru- . ... .! J y.w York Doctor, in which Fhin came o a-. . f f Institute IS Th.next just after dinner w J cier, but no one dare go near it. and aothinj else, neither par 7 ! J-J " n . ftre , ing on the 8idewalk. xommedauda. to Qot. Wells bas gone to see Gen, Baird, waiieo. -. j , t lne jmhtary out or:S b,s Sot Ft returned from bis Gulf trip, WnTLyU JobnGibsottBot into . dite and jt is expected every moment. MmM.. iust behind Gibson THIRD DISPATCrr. . .oaring ia r$uuiu. . , - , ,oade some remark, when be turned about and paid ..omethinrtocneOUrerMitchel, wno ne suppy m&ae Dy iflo.fcujr 7 " " "r n fl n t r TO (1 IIP fit - itwaa-when Mitebeli "jawed back" and hefoe are bejDg arrested, as they are be- Eggg, ami COOniry piWUSe i.y of the bysUnder. even .thought of their being icg kae The police will soon attempt SW-A 1ST & BRO ineti nia rniminrr. wiiicli . . . . . 10 Slot iif D , the Convention are yet holding:. -v... .x.TieV.t Tfolders of the Association will be presented wtth p,l uuu i'ev.-. - ,..:,.. f wr" :"v" .nm r ! snn nnn inrindinsr ONE GRAND pbizb of siUjwyu '"r: Tr.rmr.ftO B1U1 Best quaiiuca w jregate u y f'"""" .r V. Wtrt ,L 1" ,kV nne ticket In every lour secure an. Ui w,fj " , - athtr mcief priW imoBaun w yitfuiuwu iu uiBcuuav- Fine cut ana amoKiug vw- . jLIST ofpkiues. 1 Grand Prl In Gold, $40,000, estimated value In Greenbacks 1 fhc hlglicst price paid for Batter, e Convention are yet holding-. . nonsuit vour interst by examm W. R. Fish, a prominent ultra Union- Consult J wr J . 1. r ISQ, a proKJifleiH uuia wwuu- - , , nnj 'noC! This Association is couipyu . " ; Iter of J Oou. hu i ing Swan & .Bio's. Goods and pnees SfiftSSSrtl . light, Mitchell irewVu knife and cat uuson three, times. One ent just at tha lowest no on i ft sid eis dangerous, and may prove morUl. The . .. 1 11.. ..yl AnV mrm Knt .others, a cut on tne soouiun . .slight, .be. wended manis under the eare of Dr. arresled. An attempt was made to fofaQ Lliying elsewhere louaaaj. iucneu wa ioiui-v r .rd preliminary trial before the Mayer resulted , tlB hU beinj bound over to appear for trial at the ext term of the pUiriet Court, ADother pccurance in the erening 'paannd oaf Fame k No. 2. 1 3 a 30 SO 100 100 1 I 17 Other t it tt tt it it t a 11 11 11 it tt 11 11 it 11 11 t 11 Greenbasks 11 $5,000 eicn " 1,600 each li 1,00 " too . " 100 ' it an ..- B,t.v Rii(ii4s. Ko. tE3 Dearborn St., net rental $5,500 per annum Farm of 80 acres at Hvde Park 4 miles from city of Chicago 10 acres Jut outside uny lamns, douiu , . . . , f!!in4:..A 1 J v 172 23d Street, next Wabash Avenue two storV Frame nouand Lot on Walnut Street. Hear Union Park r .torv Housea nd Lot on Waluut St near Union Park 3 12 acres of Land near Artosian Well ,. , . - . 1. n.ntiltan a anil TCHikM RllhdiTisinTS JTijtes, consisting of Eeal Estate. Uranu ana aqnare ri.uo. ; vxoia .uu . ' n, iin .nrt Rinirs. &c &c amounting ta ...... . .. . r." L Z 1Z :Z:;A i Leading Capitalists and business men bo'.h m this country ana tne it 11 11 11 it $60,000 zt ,oou 10,00 10,0.0 6,006 50,000 10,009 10 COO 6,006 40,000 16,030 10,C00 8 60 j 7 000 000 3,600 - 9,100 del Mg Shy 'UW fc b0 - 0 A h j I S J II . J 1 - AH Kind?, i iwrujuu (Rr-ES-aDi; Liaa teitnua'ity Boots, Shoes, Woo Jen Yfillow-YTare. Ererytliia : in '.'.a and' Bo.-t bracdT. i'rifd and Canned . t NaUsfGlass, Sash, Queens treat" ever offered to the American public . 02 Jvncb him, which the police -prevented, It isiliempDis on ice uccuuicu. rOTJBTH DISPATCIf. norernor Hahn was wounded, nd has been arrested by the police. The military will soon ue in uswn, out uie n- hot is All over, General Uaira nas oeen v-10-n-4 ly. We were vesterday shown some Spring "Wh.eat raised in -this County 1T James Colecjan wbfcfc derelict in not bringing the troops weighs jity-jijc pounds to the bushel. ThU js J promptly to the enforcement f 1W iiard to beat, any where. land order. ' nr. A. P. Dosti. formerly Stat Treas- Ce notice that ce,t. parson - I . mminpnt nf thfl pnual ItUC AAIUOk aja w"v. ' 1 a a 1 S tJ ure, Reeded itppTO.ve.ment t 1. o r.Z Z ZC..' th Q,.,k ha- been killed the Levee Jby ietUag them down ana repirnK. rimo . nc'Ar the jCaptsJn'iargewt doubt Botiney wm cape irom ub u.i.. " " tima. , About one hundred negroes have been killed and wounded, and tweniy-fine whites, including several polieemen. j ibeeome an ernament And place-of . business. S. P. Majors who reonf bought onl u. At. ,3eBersoB hai ald one-half $ Jhe stock to Seal (Hibblitteli, and the nUre etock tu jost fceen re jmo've to Peru, where we donbt not Ktj 4 ,a liberal bf si ness with their ettstctners. J ' The Faraiture fed Upholstery Eonse of UcFaJi JL Co., have received a,n injmease lot of goods dar I ;ag the pat week , filLo g fl cver-fiowing their large ' f tore room af 0I6O fee. Their fasilities for f9r , nish'tg complete seta tjf furniture Jow for cash are it 1 The Summer term of the Sehopl (;r this District ; .expires to-day. The Fall term will begin in Sep-' Jtembty. ' V . v J e notice several cew buildings goiug up in tte porta bl4 of town. .Mrs. Uvensoa is haying the stllardag forafioexefiidence (5X53, en Main b f Fea 4th and 5th street. Tbt ship-Etct of Ooxa'fr'oi this county to St. Louis has b,en tolerably beayy duriijs; th ftst k, amoBaUog te between 17,500 and tf.CQO arks , v ia Crackers, Ginger Staps, Cream Biscuit, ratei Crackeri tti Cracknel Biscuit at EWAX & EHO'3 Bounty for the Onialia Scouts. WTe are pleased to learn that Govern or Sanders has been successful in his eSorta to get the decision revised where by the Omaha Scouts were deprived cf the bounty which was evidently due them. These seouls will now be paid the same bounty as other troops get for the same term cf service. George Fbaitcis Tbaik has already $ nrpnare d the sDeech with whicn he is to - - - r . , . .1 1 " I J 1 . 1 " nnntrnwllrtn It ppen tne rnuaaeipuia wuuicuu. will be ready tor aisinoutioa a wee A.head, with "applause," cheers" -and "laughter" hbsrally inserted 10 tne prop er places. Hon. Schuvler Colfax has been noaai- natPd for rerelection to Congress by the nf the Ninth Indiana Dis-1 trict. Hon. R. P. Spauldlns. cf the Eigh ippntrt nh!n. or Cleaveland District, has 'Hiyyi b; Pi c 11 1 ; PI c-fn e SB SB 03. S3 O r 5 2 e O Z. p t lT ij; o Srj kttmrf.R OF TICKETS 1.500.000. PRIClAUr. The drawing will be conducted by a Committee secected by the Audience- 1,500 000 duplicate Dumpers will be placee in a wheel. - . The First Drawn Number Draws 40,000 m Gold, - - geriona Drawn Nnmfcer 520,000 In Greenbacks. - Aud so on till all the Prizes are Drawn I Wefwili allow 16 per cent Commission oo alt sums of $10 ana upwards, full;price for Tickets, less above uoramission. The party can remit xx & av a "i r"t r - v -t t -v; a t a. rvi ' i . ij In all the important Cities throughout the country, who can have the privilege o nnnn;ni;n(r KT1R. AfiF.NTS in their licali'V. Good references required. Parties gettin ub clubs should be careful to send us the full Name and Post Office Addoess of each party wanting Rickets. Money by Epre3, Post Office Orders, Drvfts, or m Registered Letters.may be sent at our risk. . ' ' ' 5 W HaTden. of the firm of Cushman, & Co., Bankers, Chicago.; Monroe, Mc ir;nnn Xr ToTl-nrv. Attorneva. Chicaco.. Camminffs & Kinz. Commission Mer chants, Chicago.: VanBnskirk & Henry, Wholesale Merchaqts, Chicago.; N. B. Rappleje & Co.; Real Kstlte Agents. Chicago.; k U ueuinger,x.sq.. wwici m tional City Bank, Milwaukee. Wis.; B F Thomas, Banker, Mineral Point, Wis.; SpafTork & Clark, Bankers, Eaa Claire, Wis.; Hon. Richard T. Merrick, Wash-ico-ton.D C, Cook, Coqurn & Co.. Adverti.'ing Agents, Chicago. TICKETS F0S SALE AT OUR OFFICE, NO. 50 DEARBORN STREET. Or sent by Mail on receipt of amount, with Stamp for return postages TPICE OSIE DOLLAR EACU. -- .. - . . - " - " - .' A Printed List of Ml Drawn Nsmbers. Will be forwarded to Ticket holders immediately after the drawing. ' STEPHENS, BOYDEN & CO : 0 Dearborn St Chicago. o m vm , m mm o . C. CS an 5 P "v . u ea a a to SjS n Pi QMS It a -C5 " to BS r." 5 " A wag O si Q PS -3a sn " a. Is .2 arf r2 a - m - 6 1 -ol- s- A?a I W lt r z' c POSTPONEMENT. IIHOX NATIONAL GIFT OONOFET To Lava been ft'.ven at SMITH & NIXOIS'rf Hall, Ciiic;i-c Ausnsi, COth 1GG. 100.000 SnlcliuldCins, Yalncd at "Will be presorted to tho Ticked Ilullor-'. Nunkr of Tickets isxtt, 1,000,000, price EACII. ' - "" 1 Fersor.3 crntemplating purchasing Tiuket- in cf the many Enterprizes of the kind, will 4 well to examine the fjllovvin? ; D $50,000 in Rcrl Estate! Cnmprmins-ii J LoH. p'.casants suuawi m . 830,00 in Greenback ! JL'ivc $.10,000 Frizes ! Tea $5,000 ITI2CS? Five $2,000 lrizri : THREE FAUM, VALCLD AT . ZZl.y.S. 50 Pianos, Hacli ft0 200ScwIn?3IacI.lncsti:ac.a $1C0. ,00O Silk Dress rittcrw, ac, toj, DJ,725 Oihcr I'riiuwi. jUU. 2T,02r Ono HJollar rAtr J"Fcr farther particulars ser.l for cir-ci u ? racial Term?, orCluh Kate..A jartj pro ..iirin a club of five or cv.re wazi fvf tiekeu, o i forwaruis' us the inone for the ?ame. will be aJ- t'na ioIIuniD2 cornmujion, Vii : i o Wi.I 'sr.A b Tickets to ess ad ire?3 t -r 13 Tic'xfcU to occallre.- for 2; Tickets to oae adJrsss f r -SO Tickets to out aJlra3 fT 40 Ti'jketa one aJJ.-ess f,r 5t Tickets to oua a.li.'C33 fr 10D Ticket to o-o ai Ireia fr In everv case- the name anl post o2c at each snhscrilcr. Money, by draft, pojt-oft.-e or tcr or in rcn3terel letters may be sent at our rii'i. All commasications hoa.a be aaareals 1 t-j In every ease, send the name tf each sabribsr and their Fost OEce Adireas, with the T-wn; County and State, in fall. Money by.draft, P. (. Order, Expre?.3, or in Registered Icttcri, raij I? sect at our ridk. Address all commanicatiori t n BRYAN, ROSBROOKy CO. 100 Maiden St. Chrca2o,LI. P O Drawer, 5).l)!l 17..-,;) S .',,!) !dr.-" -f GENERAL AGENTS. C. Thackeb, Pubiijher Ac, 13 Court St, 'CvsU.a. Berntrd& UcflEa, 20 West st. Cinclanalti O. Drus & Dahti:, Cook.sellerj Ac, Union It. li. j pot, iDdianKii. Ind. EziHKB A 13kc3 ilu3;c Slcra, 117 lUia Street, Diyton Ohio E. :Iolzs A Co.,OUcxEziin Delaware; V"ast3. CencrcIIIjtsfor Citic?, 7a.',.'r 1" Dbtrkts, who can pppoint gird active 6uh-Ava ilio, Local Agents m sbaI iucn. Seed iieftrcatys with appiicatios.- ; As A further indacemer.t to our agtTt3 an I fi'u n lj to act etcrjetwally acl prenrptly we fer a IYj mium of Onehundred Dcllarj, irres?f ctivt c a'i commiionSj to CT;r Trust roccessfui atr;t. to the gutter yp of tit br-cit private Cia j, a IV j- ciiaai o twenty kro dinars' Cniclco, July, 23d 16G6. This is 10 Certify that Stevens, Boyden & Co., Managers International Musical and Operatic Prize Association of Chicago, have paid the Government License and furnished bond as'required by law. L. b. MAJNU, collector internal revenue 1st district or lumms. ALSO -C3 F0RVARBIS.3 h COMMISSICII MERCHANTS. Ayer's Ague Cure. . . REFERENCES rn.Rtert C. Kiri, Chi-t. Hn. Henre R ," Coaa. Ki-G-jv. KanJall. tri , H-.n J.in- Fixe, Maine. Hon. P. O. Van Wick!, iret Virgin.- . Boa. a. n. Williams, Orea. Ceneral H. J. Ks!?i?' rick, jf. J. Hon. A. P. Hover, Indiana. J.. ii -inter c, Ti j-X3, Kinsi.'. J"na P. IT Jra i. S - ' Br;.Taio, N. T. Ur. Uearr Eorvette It.D., y.fix dir. Cbai-rrJe.-ici A! j!rs. Eri.,T-ti1-, sr 17 or to promineut t"i:;n;:5 VUi.-.'.aa:'j -i aho been nominated for re-election. 0