I i I n I f ! r i , l ! f . t 711 1 8 k i; ;:s ar.d . ML'ilAOIILS f V; f, Weed U grew i'j,(-u the " mothi laoo iu-fruM 3 i.rv.J r TAl'KATULK CAl'iL-4"-. , ' I.AHIi-, the ioii won- t 't. 5erful discovery iu tailor k itr.ee, acting upon the lie ild af;i fcair in ::n Silmo.-t aiir.-icLlous itiiiniur.--It has ,b'3 v-eJ bjthc dcUts of Paris and Lur.dm with t ha nso.t u:cr'.rrueers", sin s or all purchasers will be registered, pr.d if cut Iro satis luRtWiO r.i.t j;ivei in w ry intaii -e. the money wi'l be cbctrtuy rotund:'! , Price by nisi!, so-i!cd cni p-ntr.uH, I, D.scrip'ive eireulirs a:i I ,ie i noniais ir,ai:jd f ree. Adi.-e-s PLUUEll MiFTTS 'i COChttiit. Kiver Street, Trf,y'i X.Y. ik-IcA-iits wr the L'uiicl dUtas. St Oia E A CT Y. Aulurn ! CV.den, Flaxen, aod r f . " V,V Vi.LeuLLIILh proofed - -I.v ihc ft of Prof. OK- r i, . riii.'lM) I' , - t .(CUUI ''.t f calcon warranted to turlv'"V Vyy 'U " the m: atrnight and stubborn liir of citbersex 'isto wary ringlet r henry n;n-ivo cur!.- Has lr?cn vrrd ty the fnj.hior.aLlcs ol iVris and Lur.dn vitbthc tn-jst era ti Tying results. Dues no injure .to the Lair. IVi.o I a.a.l. srtikd aud vstjakl SI li?-npuvt rln ul.m m :I I fiee, Ao 1-1-'IfETWSHL'TSi COo. iSiUiver direct. Tr j X. Y. hle As-n:3!cr tic L'titcd Siacs." . i '-.IREE TO E7SP.Y20DY! GUIDE TO HEALTH AHD BEAUTY It tfacli! ht-yt or'roorcTan.rro 'c .rimvl. C'o'cLei, Mot'-i ratj'jtF, d tl J3, J2p.i;.t.f iiru:u tl I iicpiriurs tt ti. k;a ; b.w t er-ioel t c f-b .n lfiTin it wbita snJ lur Si c!.iraUr ; linw to prodiMc tba fu!!ct lf vc'irniBt r.f ll;e fctii:r.o Trin (b practiced ly t frerch, ciusinj tho bast tt prow rnujlBtid fill!, find if t!i foi m Lac ten t tl ' by j.sdJio, lacirp'cr n.itS'ci'j.. tCtt r'ni; it tn more lh;in i' original fu1i!i.:t,tunncy,iii;d b.-naty. It teacbei t.ovr to relnca the f the hanaJ ar.d 'fctt; produce c:rul-ner or ih rcrcr.'o : remove mpcrfiaom bair , Cure Core?, Worts, nl Moles; ' renew your : ra Prut.ki;cs8, Cafnrrh, !yj. . j-fpii XcrV( us Dobilify.&.j'liow to T;:?dr.3t9 nr.d in tL bAntrd nnectv n i f nvy fx rj n you tuny 'cbco'r ttjj3'.bT itb iithrr ti-c f af fin 1 vsu:.b'o in ' -formstlo.i. NVjoarjj LaIy or getUiotr.aa t'xsulj - t Fcr.dil.cr nMrc:3 t. the n Jeriigr.cd .md re reive by nturj umil a cj y of -thi valuable work in ?falfl rnvcb'pe fro.--of cl-a-i-. Aldid.. Oil I k I 7 .v v,u., vjjuu:? ; Kivtr Street Tny, IV. Y. j SI fa KNOW THY DESTINY . MADAME I. r.Ti!0::vTO.. ths crcat llntf-Ai . Aftr; b fjirl , Cluirvoyan, i n I IVycbou Jt rlc-n n,w h.' ; batasto;)i.- od tb sfitiuc r':tsc!of the 01 1 wcr'i bns now kc.-.lcd leitt'f Rt J.'ud.-H P, N. Y. Ma.'atne 1 TtKTr.t' n jhc: cs-ti unh vsorubrtal ixtm f Fe,. ci:A i :V,7!?-t rb!o lir to iatisirf krcwUde of the great c-t ii ift.itr.r-cc tw'to Mr glt ir ianitd cf eitlier ?rs. Vtn!c in a ttts , trar.ee, flie ac 1 incites tl.o very reninros of tho person ynu arc to xaarry, nnd by iho tiid T an umrn: of intense jxiwer, brown r the IV; ibi:nitnj.c. u irattLCi to Toducfl a life-like plcrurc of the fi.turo huibar.l or wifo ol theppllcanf.toetbcr'wifj.date of m.'r- . iris J". p f iUt-i in life, Uadii g traits if cl.sruter. Ae. This is no tuibn, as themurd j of ic?timo tiiil?' cn BMit. She w:U ra .d, . Ix "u de? in J ,' certified cert i finale, or wri'tca guarantee, that tl.e y.i 3 turc is what it r,urporu to bo. 11 tiwloftna mall lock pf hair, nLd Ftatin p!aee of birth, ai j li.p cif.on ecd coir lcxin. ai d eDc'otin 5 cent;! 'auJf'noipei efitreloiw nddrtised to yourself, you will re eive thc-jiicturc and d slred iEfomatbii by return mail. All comuimtkations f.icrcd confiien tlal. dlres,Mn fOiitil-iiec; MADAME E. F. TAOIIXTON, T O. box 22i, Iludioc, N.Y. CHASTE LAB'S , i -WHITE LIQUID EHAKSL For Imjrtiving nnl,i;cauiifjiu; lbc.'J iuiJaxi n ? lbs tutbt valui ble S'Jd'j erfett prt aratioa in Uit fr giving the kin beaoiful pe;irl like that, thrte "i oi!y fuunl in 3'outh. It quickly removes Tan. ( 'Jrecklcfi, riin:Ie, ItiotibeiMoth I'atches, Si 1 ' lone, l'"ruj(tW n,cl all impurities of the skin, Itindly healing tho Faiua. leavirj tho fl.iu hi:e sr.d clear os alabaster.. . ltx u?c cannot ba dttcc lf i ty the closest wrutiny, ar,d bcinj a rrgctablc icpsration is perfwctly harinlcs.. Ii i. tli5 otily irtic'e of the kind used by tho French, and cop iddcred by the I'ariiina s ind.fpen5.iblo toa perfect toikt- t'pfvnrds ff SO.VC'O l ottks wtre sold during the y.ft year, a sultcicnt fimrnntee oiti cfiency. Trice buly 75 cent. ' .Sent by mail, post-i aid, on receipt of an order, by r . . . UEllCiEI;, SIlCTTtS COVber.tfs. ; S L i.M-I-aJ : 285 fcim St. 'Troy, !CY; 1 TO.-GONSUJMPTI-YE. Tkrc adrertier, having been irrtixed totrafth in A few wc-ks by a very pimple remedy, iftcr Jiaving euffcrcd for ( veral yenrs with a severe lung uireo iioOjOnd tlat dread Uiseafc, ConsaiDptin U anx ious to tnako kcow i io bii felloT-u2"orcrs tho T"o til who deiire it. be will senj a . cryyVf the rcTtption rd(free cf tbargo wilhMho dircc tionfi for preparing nd using the same, which .tbey vill Bod a Fero cure for Coiuumptiori JLEthn.it, ftron tb'll.i Couli.'.'Xo'd.'j'cnl nil Throat and hun Af . fections. Tle ouly objeet of the advertiser inscn ding the rrfori(kn is to ber.efitthe afUleicd, an;' V jkend lcfiin-.atioin which bo ci.itteivcs t j bo IcTaJr .Luble, and bo hopes evtry RuiTcrcr iil try bis rorn ee'y, as it will coft tbcto nothing, and Uay pro'vc: Lle'ir ' - ' IVirties n'blDg the prescription, riii:2fty return Xaail. will please addrc r ,-- - zrt EDWARD A, WILSONVnt V' ' ; V' .' 'Wi'',''-nj?burg, Kir,Ss Co., Ncw Votlc." ' ERRORS OF YOUTH. . A Ucntleuim who snTircdfor yoiti frorj Sty cus Debdity,rrcraatuTu Dcmr, an 1 all the j ffocts of youthful liidi-rretion, will for the fckc'cf euT r ' Ifig humanity, Feud free to all ubcl it the re reipc and tiirwliuns Ji.t njaklngvlVimpl rcmody by which be whs curcd trullerers wi.l.ing t;: prf Jt by the advertiser's ipcrimee.i on -do b ad drc;MBji - - JUilN L; or.DKX, ; . ,.. . j., j, stNew Yuik. STR ANG Ev JCT :Tli U E. tier? jvjiirg Ind.v ai.d. -rmleuii D fin ttie tirt:t"d StaWt en biMK awiIih g Tory 41 u'eli f tbHr ti J TRi I ge by return lre of t;hargcby nd Ue.-- iug the uu iciMgind. ; 'i lfto hjiTJ'S -C.rKof be:ng 1'iuu' iigod wi'dobl go by .l otiw t cug 1 l.ii eauh All l. JtrsVvill l ieao adde- U.irluMticat CH-vAixt - . J. 'i'llO, F. CIlAIvlAN, " ".'-' k'- 1 ;-S3tllrcaiwi.T,Ncw .Wk., E.REMINGTON :& SONS HIANUFACTTRES- . i REVOLVERS, ! HIFLES For th3 LTnsird Mt Service. , Als. . ' . Pccket and Eclt Itcvolvcrs, .'- ' IlEPtATIXU PISTOLS.,'- : r.iPT.r. c.ixEi nnroLvrxv rifles, - TMt and Shot Va U.anclj.aud Gut) Materials sold I j tin Ucalcriaua 10 ir.iuc sum-iuty. t v ' 1 lit Jhese ' c'ojs cf Jhusi lrcal indni PMing evcr'u IJou&e. Store, Bank, and OJut sfioultllmtt p:ie IjfO A 7 Ilttaii-iiis . . r. . : : . . :;:); -' ' '"."-- .. . ' ' i i rarticir dtfsirirs to avail therr..nlres rf the late latcr trirovcinents jn. Pistols,' and japrtor workman flip atldTcra, will End all combined in tho .Kcvr EEMlilGmi-ReYolyiBrL Ciifwar &o!ining tuts and description cf ur Arms will be furnished upon application.-: 1 E. REMINGTON .& SONS lliori N.Y i : -v ; .. ;- r uoorx & xicholas Agbmg, ?i v-.'". ill-- - N."4tl Coiirtlacd St. Xew P.orln o. I it HI, I".h 1S0S 110 30 t - ' - '-CASH BARGAINS .! ! ! . -LI Y E R S O H ETS ," r- Dealers in " T - r' Quecnswarc ii. .arc !LC3:J.:a'rkribct.'fitU"2i'0tIi Streets,? :-.vq , 1 - '- Sr - OS AGE. ORANGE JKTCS- Tho un ir."gned las locnel in the Territory cf .Vehraski.fiir t;ie pnrpi'n of mitrg OSAGtS Plant and fettirg out sad ju ikin Fence of ths ttrua, 1 Jmll cultivate and tend iho into f jr thres yearj. 4nd giio t'.ie simo ;ime t- piy f r it. at a charge of frrn'OX! dollar and T'.VMvTY FIVE cints to TWO d.d:ars per TU.d. 1 shall set out the i'lants txext Sprinj, c. tninfncing ccar the Kansas line and gi as f jr up ds 0:nah,and probably somo distance beyond, taking a strip of country 31 or 411 inilec wide, ar.d beyond. th:it if thero will bo enough to tv biako it an object fvr io to go there.; HOW TO PREPARE THE GROUND To all who vifli me to do their Fenrlnj Tretr you sri un-i In the ftlowinj rinner : If it is Pratrie plv triponerod wi te leaJing ad(a1 furrow tntbecen tre, p!uw from -mm aul a blf t two Inche deep ; in tbe iXi Iwrruw It, tlin lclc rnrrwt( aKaitrtri tbe Bvirlne JUrreor and your gronul tl reJjrf or the Plants. In vd pr.tiQJ oack furrow iu Aisust bi!ure tae wecdi gj to seed. - ' ' Any r.o having a brge trait of land to fence, and would rather I should takeartof the land for my pay, I whl do so to those who wih mo to make them a fence , write -to uic fit Lroxriiville, and let lac know bow much you want rao to.fenpo for you, a&ll will call at jour residence ouietime b'ctween now and tho Crtt of January, next, and mike n special contract with yoti I shsll also, Lave all k:nus of Kiuit Trees, Flowers, Evergreen?, Shrub bcry for ule.a 1 g cn la the Territory and arcl matcd. ToTho.-a who nro rai.-inj Plants, of their own, and woullliks inj Jo mikv their hedgo for tbera I wi',1 tnke their Phmts In prt pay, or 1 will ull them how to make a good fence, and tho Fjvcdit and be way to ui ike it ; also tho Jitsi way to save the Plants during tho first and sejotiil win ter. Thcriptayinj FlauiJ of tan will get the re ceipts fre. - It tbtre itany wan in the Tctritcty, tbat can g;v beucr, iustructions I will give buaono tlwjns iini dollar fot it. I also farci-b a receipt foj do t'.roj tug the Ucj her, for fifty cent, etc., ' Agents wonted to car.vas jn Karss r, Xibratka Iowau I Misfouri, tbey con easily mike from one U tLrctboiidrcd dotjarspcr month, clear of cxpen sti. ' Addro,- M ATHLW McKEIUHAN. P. 0. Dox 12, Droff nTille, Nibraskx. Ilcfcr by perui:s.ion to - ','' : '.:. JVrG"SEI'L0''l-Oii:aha LrTnntlToirLv - ; ' v P. F. liAiijttT, f TJrownTUIo ' J". - , THE SILVER SKIRT ! -1 f.i Xlcrc Durable, - . j - - ,t i ,f -! - ! J.Iorc Elastic, - - 1 ,. : . . , : -:; - V . JUjrcGracrJuL I ; vlnd vill keep its Shaj-e and tttairi il$ ' .- Place than avj vlhcf Zklrt. " . : -This beautiful Ftyly of Skirt (Patented M.ir;h 7 ISjj,) wa? awardo 1 by tho t.fcFAT AitLKLDAN" lx sriitTa Ftu. held ia Xcw York, Ojtobtr," lad b, a S I L V1C R ME IA X, ! 1, '-.'. Tie lliijlitit Premittm ever gtccn fa a flnp &irt ', Tjc btccl $j.riogs are wound with a fine j Utcd, wire (li place ol a cotton covering) which will not weir oi' cj become sidled, and lui whidsS irt may be c 1 tlied without ijerg or ioar .vf rusting, aud ffill bo ua gocd as nvrf. TLq CcmMcatiiJii . Silrcr , Skirt! - This invention combines wi'h the ordinary e t tonl:kirt tho advantages of our SILVEli. SXXZ.T ; the bottom hoops trj tiij taiua thoso used iatic Silver Skiit, tLo cover. ng of which cannot wear oT. while tbea! per ones are ooVMed with CoXoii.- Xo ladr,hrir onco oru oao clour Skirts, . will be wihiug to we ir auv oth rr. as the lower boops of ah ot.'-cr kiuJj trj s u iujured and Soiled. - . 11)0 bet materials uro used iu iheir construeticn aad from their durability and neatness they are dectinod tobecoma . . L ' ' i Mannf.ictured solely by. tho Sil ctr Skirt aud YireLA!aiti'faclUr2iig Cmraitif, - - NKW YOIU. T, S. SPERRY", Sup t. July lit. I860 1 year , , KNITTING E' ill FOB 1 Families and Maiufiictu'ftrs WE offer tho public the simplest, stroBgist and best Knitting M.mhir.e iu the world. J v 7 It ojcupiai but little Fpaee is portable and can be att.ubed to a star.d o tablo, weighs about -1'Jibs. It will knit a variefy of Ftitcbc the erfskftg of needles is triHirc ttie cost of needles Is ins-ig- ni Scant and the rjuit delicate material can bo kn.e pure aud titleF. as the needles rre not oileitr Urdertfor .Mach ne? ma be sent through tna .1 - , Aiaerican AdvertisiEg AgeEcy-' T - '- ; 3S9 Eroadyay, NJT.. Send for a Circular. , ; - Agents Tantcd. 1 DALTON KNITTING M'ACH tO: ; 5-ly ( . 537Uroa(jway,' Lyon's Periodical Drops. Tfll Gil HAT FKMALlv HEME ; DY;l'OU IRREGULARITIES. WJ ibccetrfr rp a FcieiH'.flra!ly cnnioMnrtcl flujd rrepirntl.'ii, sort he:ter iliar. any PUN, 'Pow(Je,iir N.unsis. r r.elijj; tTitd. !e-e set ion; ! 3i feci arte jm. it' ve. rt n li inilrfi a te!iali'e,-uVv!y suvl cer tain svecific-tut tfce (r orai!.iMrcluiiss ami nop pressos of iiaime .-"heir p. pnfaxi'-y !.- tmlitited y Ue 'et 'liat .ver l6v t 3 b hips sre sutaiaMy t-.Ud and C'-tunsed ly tl.e tal;e f tl United Match, eve rj t'Ut c( hum fi'Paiin itie Hr Htat tSrijis-.f praise of tUe:r preat mei i;. Tbey are ti Hy- taiit Jlie place" ev-ery utne- Female lleme-ly, ami- rft-'riinyl;l-ered ty a.l ! ki.ow-u;:t!t them, n me surest -fest."ul nioft i:ir.l.1di1e preparation m, Uii w-.nrUl, fr t'.i cure of alt teuute c mplalru. ibe reunivaijif all otisir net ions ol iiiurc, and the promotion uLbealC rpsiilj.rity atid Hrenciti. "Kxpiicit C.i rctiuiis nil:n when tliey anay tP u-e.l, end expia tiius wben and why tl cy-ii"iild in t. nor could n-t betued itlioittoortu euicftTecta oi.iitraiy t. 11a' ure'n clneii 'w. will be J .mul re'ul y fu'.o'e.t srou'id Path b:.t, wUl-Jl:e writtm t.Ur:HiTe oUohn L. L.C5, wliuoutwtilcb Don We genuine. - ' 1 : Prpjiared by lr. JOnX L. LTOX. 133 tiipel Ptrpet, Xew lUven.Conn. whocanbe eollutteJ either per koiiaily, or t.y mail, (e'tclosiug stamp con erniiic all private disease autfeaialo wcaLue-ii. 1 icC-- l,6o per bottle. t '" - - ,-' : Sold by Druggists cvnywhere : -r j C. G. CI.AKK & CO., w Gen'l Scents lor U. S. and Canada J0 llik Pro. St. I.ui-. . Wholesale 'ClJ.ER, MMH it FrLLtR. Chicipn. y A?rnls l et-emt jr 7th lbS. ly lo-1'i il 12 Id tniv'iiw FRENCH HOTEL:! ; On Uxc European P4an. -r Of petite tho City Call andPrk, (C r. T Frwtj't fortt. . . : SL'W. s ' 1, Spacious ncfcctory.Uath Koora and Eafiitt' Shop. r" &.r'vahti not altoicee to rcttiee Pcrquitili. Da not btlicvo Runners tr Iltclnierf who cay rue nro full. July 1st. 1:CJ. 1 yor. (.- Z-J SPECIAL NOT1QEJ V'y attention of both Miles and Fl it A IKS, ; who aro in want of busings. Thu wiil kh'iwn ilou.e of S. M. Ward & Co.. ManuT.vetwring Jcwelrcri Ptoadway, X. Y.," wi?h to ;estobUh r.n-AcKKCY in every town in the Lnitcd States, and inV,xdcr that the Agent enn bava sample to x-bibit-to jheir cotomers, ttcy Till s nd nsa'samplo on, . tho reipt of $2.00, o geniuo Uwld IVn l war ranted XVub Silver Extension Ca?o anp PcRcil,ld getherwiih Wholesale CiTcut3r"to AgtdUanJ eleven ct-rCilicate?, or a Satrple Certificate(or25 rts. Toere is'no Agent but what can make easily $3 Ji day,and tttoa $10. - N 23-ta S WANTED! Agents, Male and Female, at4?o $150 per monthj tsclUthQeleljratei,,. Common Seate Family Seioinj Machine ' ivXi"iC;x: si8",oo" "This Machine will doall'Lindsof Vorl? equal to thkib priced Machine.- and istho My practleil J nnd oJ aitl- Cheap Sewing-Alaekjiia iu tbf irorbl. 3 SUGAH-qOATED'.i tu--. STABLE. Free Tr oar SXcfCiiry u v::' Axi Acl tvvi. undoubtedly, l!ie PI rt?niet33cxtAr.t ' .'4 SICICcAXD . XERVflUS HEAD CilB ! i- the .fy' VlVtno - X"-r "l' nOlnitv far the jiiiirou-memornne or t!ie bo.veM, thereby re movmgTlie causes. As a SlLIVEPIEii V thryjean, lvp o.rfval. Wing Com :1 - .-l'Oio.l tdhe Mio.st, r r. ; Powerful Verjctabf e Extract s Vb!cji baviidirrctactroniuiluorr SPLEEN AND LIVEll, - ;- -... - the Jnppy. f6'rt cf Hb'rrh cart reen alter one otM.vo dosa, , Xbey Heinorc tho 2Ml?, t . ; . Assist Diffvttfiont ., , i b .81 la!': 3 . V .Cure Cosureties A 1 in lacr, tiiry are, ns tlieir name . ' . . . w . . V " " - -. ' ' f .UKr:ttcV"ie - - - BL 0 -4 .'Tli 0 Li fe-Gi via g. Priccipl e.J ' " Tbey jwnrelf oiit , disV;Ce ntnl strike nt vorv r. iii !..,, ..... i... .-.-.: t . ; i 1 1 m i rrw i syt-li III lliP full Vi '.- of lioii'.lli : Jra3 i arc- rtvKnXTL. LV:lL KM !.!. Ml L S ' IMM", Mt rKjrstlXS tiKTHK 'l'lyj. are a I L ' feA?K, StJB AK-DSLTT EH piPurgative.Pill tbnn h:t ever !.rrre been nv:oLiM to niMiikin.l, :in.l, U.;t iii. .v J :.K-t. Ki .;,.,., .(v..,!;,. ;,.).-. Ij -i ait i:kmki Ko!':?iuui;i;.. Ifi H'"1 I'llW llll ll.MV (lf;l. of lA " I'i'i iiievnro nti ual'.iin int; pu"miii:i'uy, on (r ..im- uu-ft aliMlni-Inn- t'ATI! AIJ fUV Pnir.CE, VVALTOfJ c'CO., (Successors' to Dr. C. V: lloUick,) - IiOs. 50, 58, GO & C2 East Third St. CIXCINXATI, O. ' Arc So!d by.a'L Druggists end' r Dea!ers in Patent Medicines - ,:; .1 EVERYWHERE. a :. FIHMCIAL CRISIS compel os to sell 1 1 " In Hie course ofix JJIontiis y WafdicsCIocZis, Cliains, Iia niond Icings. X'ianosIcIo lcons,ciIn?r52a?S2incSj' ' Sliver Ware,&c. - ALL TO IJE DISPOSED OF ATI j0 ' Ono 32ol3ar jETacla Without. rerartl(J value L i And.no t ib.beJ paid lor until you know what r ; vnu:- are io rrce'ive.. tAtiti.ln'mpg the .ariicle, Juf-ii does not please yoarycu can -7;,. return it and your mon- ' !,' ey- well be re ' funded. ' t The Stock Comprises rmorgt nrHc'es, -Splendid Cluks, Gold and Silver Hatches, Ping set with IHnnlnnds. Rubies. Pearls, Garnet andofher Stones ffolVrniro nmTin clusters f . Ladies sets t.f jewelry. e.inpising P'ns and Eyr uii ( the most fH?bn hIiIo styles. f I iu Previous Stones .f every tariety, together with a large as -or? men t of o!d and- Eli Mtnelled and Pearl Set'lMI Srut-f 'ad-' 'Sleeve Itn'tonof the benutifutii-m!t'irnsrGenft Biota-n:id Sehrf Tins, and an cndle.-s viuitv of raSOlettc; Cha;n,Muicaloxe.llend Dres.Comb banns "" In consequence of the -pra4 ftatiation td .tr-tdi;, jn.tho: Manufnc luring cR-trWa of Priincc and Eng- lapd.n liirga rjaniity of T.ilu iMtj -Jowciry, origin-, ally iirndtd lor.the Eur ;p.in market, i has . beoir Fentoll fir sale in jbiseoaotry.jiniluiVistr be dd at nnr F!ieriCoi?' Undoi ' the" .i-ittum-biBew ; 'tfte' "WATCH & GOLD JEWELRY1 CO." bav'o rciolvl cd Vtx'd. j t : j? ; AM A PPOT?T!TOJ MFtNTT1 M VfeU i It HA I CB TinilllMK t .-IL'Il it' licit- UIM1 11 X .Ll. F4 are pUeel i SKATED KVXUPK3,;r bic!tt;o weii uiise. One f the.-e Kr.vtpe, rjiw'ainin.j toe . Cir titlciteor Order for s uic Mile1; 'WiH 'be dertveixl at our ( D'.re. or i-ent b uiait to any adJ; fcs, wiihuUl rreard toli"lf-e. n roceiot ot 25 Oents. .1 ' I -S . m. .. 2. ... ..v. . 1 ...1 ., . . . r. 1 tn receivinc tie Cert iffeie4io-itwrcUaerQLf Seel whjt Article it rflf, anait W.fje. aixtxrwi then e.l Ona Dollar and receive ibe Article naine). or can ch(H-e any other out Article on our t.tstor tbc same va ue. SEND 23 CENTS i "OlVf EUT.Il iATE. -,.ln all trarfactu ph by nViru, we b:il'eha f.-r forwariliiig'thoccruSeatc.', paying iista,) a: d d j ing the buinos 23 cents 'o-.n-b,- which- taict bo en etoyVd phen thp ccrtiflcatf is.Frr iFyj-Ctxtifkafii for$i, eleven 2 30 for S5, 05 for $10 and UOni , . - - fr - Agert.-s-"Vo want agents la4 cVf ry" tdwn a'nd county in the countty, at:d tho?o netin a such will be alloTcd ten eents i cvory Cer'.iEto-rr-' dcicd by them provided their runl Uticc R:uiti .vgnis win roiieci ji-eois lor every ,ce-. tiCcate, and remit 15 cents to-c?, either in i-a.h or postage Ftmps, Agents femittin-at once 530;wv;I , be entitled to a beautiful SiiVor Watch, aad abb' 2o0certificates4 . --I ;- ..!: 11 O i ; cp."' ij . Ag'nts will collect 2j eoH for -every .cer . . . . T . ' ' -',," Please write your Name-, -Town Toncty atd SUita plain! V, and addreM alt ordi-r-L to-" 'j 1 J WATCH AXD GOLD J EWKLRY CO. : -S3 Liberty St., New YurL lIJ L J.' KEROSEN! & GASS j j TEA AXD COTFSL(Vir.tliAS,G& oU CAXSrl o o., ------ r" All the Cooktn? for a family. etre -tonewim h.eroeni)UKorijasw i.;a, tesgj.-. troubli. ia at js expense Mia y. tojJX tjr-any otter rletr., 'ZtlT . -C3 I" Ft l.lvaMtiitihlMfVtiT.fk. : . jjuui.uivui-t li luciui niklUUb 19 CinilUVUlUl l. ; isae4 for Circular.-gJ Trader- I.EKOSEN; LAMP HE ATE Ri CO:,' I Vf8 PEARTr STTJE'eTtXV.- . t r Pi LJ NKV FOR-: XTr 00D PILL ' A Hll'l ll li..lo. si I v tA fclionld l.fiti- . X V Ar, Old Sons, Set to c novr Tunc 18 GG- "A tprinjnjipronchct ".ki fjVhfcv?ae oaf, And Slice and Halt, In trill, i.f futt. 1 j - 7 Gaif it h'p about. n. 1 t . ' TSf yen rs rasablif"h d in X.Y, 'City." 7JvOnIy infallibld 'rorsvily knowa.":: 'Free f mij Poi.-uiV. - , " ' ''Not dangerous to tho iTurnan Family." v' 'Rats come out of their hq!e3 to die." CoEtais" Eat, TlDach.kAc . Extsrrfiinatira li a piste us ?d for 11?'. ;tVc, o icie lihirl and red Kht .Ae",' lei&?.,'" - 4COSTAIua .Bed.Eus: 'Exterminator, i ".v Ijraliijfiid ir K?ir-u.?a to destroy. nnd j -,. - - u vrr-ven'ativ j fir Pnl-fctjirA9," ! COSTAR'S.lIastrio -Powder for Insects is foOot7i, M'iqii,(:8, Flea, Bed-Cug?, : " tweets on plcutiJFuid, Animal. &.cm j . ' . . ' . P w' i I ITT ' 1 1 Esw'arr f! ! jnf U wor thlcss iroPatio r.j tif Seo 'thrjfi'CosTaVs" name ioteae'a Dox, Rot tic, and Flask, before yo:i biy TAUdrejs,; , - -. K WiYCOSTARr ' ' t Is- ' r " i 4 35 llroad W4'. w Yo: k". , L JSr'! in Prownrille, Nebralta, ; . And hyraU Iru?gisfs aod Uc-'atlcrs., ,.,r j .1 i -ii.(t-UU. J. g V . A ; I SCfeE ASE O P R .T S.-TUa Farmer fJazetrs (PrgU.-h-) S2rta and i rovcs , by, fibres that one, pair of HATS wi'd h va- jr-geny and descend anl Vl 18;than 64 ,050 ia three years. No,an less tbisimmenso, fmilyf con bd .' kiept. tn, they wo'ubi c'Dmi maro food than would saslain 65,- 000 humaa iing?t ut j .T,."t V3 Sco"CDST'A fS" ndvertisemcnt' above. ,; x ', lf 8 .6 ,6 T-. r r 'i R ATS Ver.rwi'rJlllDS. Whoetrey engagesMrj fhooting sran! birds is areruc! tuva i "whoever aids in exterminating rnfs is 'a benefactor. VohoQld lilw some one tr givu us' the benefit xf their ex-. T5crietiea ;in driving oct. these 'pest.. :Woitieod somethini besidesdog', cats, and traps for this bo tMm-LSciriit'jic Anerira.,J!i:Yv"- ; - il2TSe "CoiTAliV.adwertVeaientabovei t ; , , 18 .6 6 ,u ''ClO.STAn-nATfF)iTKRMlNATO'pl issfmrlp,; safe jyi l iii.rrPie ra l tierfee llATiScatioo tacft- t;tjg we, ta9 cVeratt'-ruod." Every Jilt th ,t cvn got improperly "rir'csftxed, wifl ct.itand eveVy ouo that eats it 'will die. general! vt soino p'acQ tts Ai mt ns pn5.ible from w hero it 'was-taken. .Z-.iie Si r,r A'. Jel fLr, lfirhrt Q " 0 i ' f w i 1 U 'See'OSTK"s advertisement above. J -r l", ,8 . 6. 6".,.,-. .. ... I'. ., ."IIOTJSr.KEEI ".Ett.ttcmbleil .with, .rerraiit need he fo no b.ner.IJ' th -y u-c ' Costau's Extcrraina tor. We hnvo used it to our sati.t'.-vHinn : an I if a ikmewt $3. wo w.nl I havj it. Wo hav.r tri-l rviisons, but they eff.tt nnthirj : but "Ct-iSfAR's artir le knoefcs the breath out- of ti.its,-Mo-Aot, and Pod-P.o... fjeiekot th-in wo e'm write i. I ts in treat Mem ihtl all over tho country r Medina, Ohio, tl.xzitlr. j x- .1 JSSeo Costar"- advertisement above.' '' I'S 6 6 c-r'.- A VOICE FPO.M TiJE KAfl VEST. Ppwking of .r'STyKV' Raf li"a..h, Anff Ac Exttrmini'i r "mon g'Vm and j r-'viyiotis are d s'r. y d annn illy in (Jrfrnt Ci-urtv by t rmin 'than wouM jay lor for.s of this Kat aud-Iasaot Lillsr.'' -carcr,llV IhrtdJ. ; . -. ' N idjif"Sce ' Costa bp" advertisement above .i.i.ii-.Aai.8i6J6 -'--. i FARXERS' AN IM I OPS EKEEPERS-shoibl rec ollect' that biuidrcdi r iir!ari .worth" of Oraip, Provisions. Ac. re annually ilclroyed by P.nt. Mie'o, "An'.s.- nnd other ins et.nc venn:n allf illitl tlllltl 1113 lit.-f Itu i,i ii c. r e prevented by a few dol'ir vj.rth' tf Rt R ii -h, Ant, ic., " Exlc'iminatiir, jtbuih can le Co-takVP. l.otifhi. a nd ii."!! fivrlv. ' " V Jv fe cCoTAK,.s-'i ad erti-mcnt abave CSr5 So'd tri l:rowfvide; Nvl rHii. A tr? r-owj tn i rowr.vi.ie; rvi r:iM'. ZT SM I'V airDtyi'gjsls attllAsalers n-i iO.VlSlil, 4tn' ., , .( : : .'. Jon $350 to MAQO. i n EI. H.v.SAZTOH &.C0;, err?-, i XaOcrr z? . . i . .t.'i .. - HAVE Constantly on band tho- Largest Asrt mentof F1RST--C1-V.SS J'lAXOS kept by art one !I..-j4o itolhe att.i Jhty kiep th-s ULL1AUL IXSTRU wEXTS mada bv ATra. B. Bradbury, New York Piacofort3 Company. Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, IL Sccona-Iranrt fiaaos, Mclodcans, . Ac'.. Ac.,'A: -; -- . '-:.- :.ri ' j . ! '(. -WhuVare sold at Pargainj- - : ' - Sendor Circular" and "PricC'List." '"' " V7rerocm: Cor, .l?iftl ifc.'VV ' " V Under Southern Hotel) I j.s-.w ia-5-rv. ST.JjOUis.iMO. f 2 f a GROVESTEE2I c Co.,. ElANO KOllTE ' -.1 t X e. I -. -1. U. .. ' :! ol "1 " " I MANUFACTURERS, v r 1 ; ' C3 rroafl.rar:V Y. .. VrpIlE'ATTKXTIO:; if tbc pullio and Hb trade 5.iil"is iirvited-'-tv -our V cU, iti'tm Ovlaee. llos)'id Pin no J'rtf. which for vi-lnmo 'ami fu ritv -t. tio n'-o unrtt.iUed by 'any bith'erto otl red' in.tM mavlii.'-' They Mnt iln oil rooarn .tta-J jToycm'-n'"?FrcttV in l anA'P! ?- fr.iuv'T ovcr-j-rrHiig b--.--. etc, etc., and iaeh 0y. Jiiru.entM,:rf HL-t i der- tle f.tttirv! iiu-rvis i.u-i MriA- lijGl.VMJtU.V. win has a prac".ie.il expirinn noe of over flnrty ear ia Wieir mitKifac ctte,Ts;f1v vj ryqiia i f cxvry'rfctrtiou'w-. ffbV:Grfitspp:K-?40 FORTE UVf-encJ b'R'beft awntd f merit at the eclc- Lbraied worid's tir, where wtre .xbibited in?trB- ju;nts froutHj Uf I U- Ion: inn. V.a"!t ter inany PuiJaiLil uVuTP. 'Spm i U-la " . an J w Y.rk ; arid a!. ut tho' Ainerl.Mn Tn -t i ute f-r Cvo -u -ce-ivi y car.-; tlii' 4''CM ind SijA eU J'kpai.s la i" ! '-h nf which cua 'o -eMi l ur w.ire-r in--. . .Uy r ib.-.nir mI ActKtfi l 4Mijtroveiitf;tis we. tu ike asi'iuMri perfift t'iani firtraat bririaulautf u'r'irg largely, with ui.-t,lj cU,sy.-tci5i,.aio en abled in offer tVesen-Jtrnftf.tris' afc a i;rice wbioh viil preciude all ruuipeiition. ' - l:'t . Our prL-es to.fvui -i fit $JJ- ctuaar tin anv fiftrf i-i 1 ia-iv-fort'e."' " " , - .6:THUlS.r rA.-4i ii dfeat funds. - - De-cri t vo f i etlar s-eiit'irce,..';; 1 Is July 1st RC5 ono yeir R. A Co. T f JTrM'f IMrofiTAAir Wffe rr J ,1 "mri -r i-riTPft M TJUiLaj S V TO L AJJiijSs J ' v 1 i'i .' F O It E M ALESi "1 1 Are1 the' onry r.Y.d tfoly ff ci im oieine f r FemnJ.es.k--tlul. .notUriflu WUU your b.alth, aad use chiv p n nd enou i.ietl-ijiiiewhji'lf drug, gistilna'y have'lioughc. and "will i e -('in nand to ytt. br.Tng iwifin4-f be-it ijt!:b' tirf. M'S ".v irrow'g Myotic 4'iil.-Hr-in'Mirti t-ely j 'crations ; i-orrc.t all irregu'aritieuatf I -jwinfuT m?rvj' ran lion; i.-m ve all ob-'tractinnf, ' whiiher frmn VidJ ir otherwise. Kb maidei, unfair -mother hhoul.l he without them. t Try them ue aeord'ng t.i direction', and we know to d result -v rf ba as de4re(.r A?k for Mrs. Wins- f.Jow'J MyFti.1 .llilsi.' 3akaaobe ber.- Price r2.00 ppr box. cr three boics lor o dollars, for sale by afi 4ragirlt.- 4 r - -' Ptcr E. Plow, Gen. Agent, St. Louit. Marebd, 1S6S bo 26-ly STRAY NOTICE. op by the undersigned, livingabout 3 1-2 rve lkownville, in Xeniaha County, Ne miles above br.fcka Territory, ot tbo13lb: bfor: JiMie lcZS, X)ne i!ijlic.r"d.irk brown IIoTo,aboutSftee3 BnJs 4Vtii teTen years ohlrigh Mai kPtil!:? opto theTfitOTe JptnU-PS3li. Jllro:-laSrkjDalaft cf weathers, a' few while hairs undej left Eye, heavy mano. JACOB DREW ER. L7 ...V - l $4, ; TTJT . B I LI B O Is D ' .iT i II ?i" , 'i . O r "Fluid-extract,; . l AT' -THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE TEE H0TTE1IT0T3 i .1 Ci .- Having lon'sr 'used ' ' .ft 'I : ' : , -1 Cora Variety of Diseases. r,i ; ; i-, ! i'.. .Vili-::: ! i.i. ' ..: It wat borrowed from those" "rudrf practttioncrs'by t 'THE English and Datcli Pnyslclans, On whose recommendation it wa3 employed in Eu. ' 1 tope and has now come into general tuc; . 1 1 . . . . . T . ...... f i ..IT IS GIVEN CIIIEFLYi IN a Gravel,; Chronic Catarrh of the iiiauuur, : MORBID IRRITATION . .OF THE ELAPDEJl "2ND URETHRA FOR FE3IAIE TJXaRXCSS ai:0 '..t9 ' i DEBIDITY, For?Prclapsus ana Bearing Dottii, . or Prolapsus Uteri, Diseases , The. Postate Glanes, - -'-'- i Retention, ok Incontinence op Ueinb. And,all 4'seascs rquirin tho aid fa diurctie arising front's Ins; of tree iri the r arts con- ' i'j .? 1- i. i-ccrbed ia its cvacuatton : ' i ,:..'i , ril ' i:; i.n i - IT I S" RE CO .M II E XDE D IN CASES. OF DYSPEPSIA, GIIR0MG It ;. KUM ATIsal, ,uo:V v.-. ?. Cutancons Affections ana Dropsy, ; To curi disesscs ' we innst bring into action the muscles which, are-j engaged in their vapovsu po tions, To neglect them, however slight may bo the attack, is sura to affect the boldly health and tnen, iarppers.i i f , ; ( , ,. OXJR FLESH ANU.BLOOr), c - ;l . -i i i- are fiuf ported frouth.csa saarces. -r;. , . :i o ' " ' ' PERSONS OF EVERY- PERIOD ?OF . , LIFE : 5 Trora Infancy to Old AgC; "'r . j c'..i.-i:-. , -! - ? ' :) . I -'T-' - ' - . and in every stato tf health,' are liable t.be sub jects of these diseases.. r .. , , .. Tlio Cause in Marty Instances are Urkccvt n Tha patic has however, an adplrable'rcmcdy in HELMBOLD'S e i ct ; t x a-ft ts; of,; n.n cH A Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Editorial, -n v.o vr --it4:'f Trov in, 3 , f , Sept. 15.' 1SC-5, , .. j 'HEttaio-rDS':' 1 :xi Genuine M Preparations. ? """-'"- I His Solid and-F'uiti Extracts rmbedy the full stren?tli of ;i!ie TnredU-nts cf whith they arecnained. They $re left tarthe-inspeciiofi of all. A ready and conclusive ies4 of their properties, will be a cornparifdn Vvjth those :.$er forth jn thr Utiiitd SiaUV,DVjen.-a.t-ry. Tht'se; rfirP" trdie.si ;are--T'tepa'f A ly il. T. IlelciboIJ.a tfriiugist cf sixteen yeaes' expe'iience fW tllis city,:am';'wfc believe ihiTm to be re liable : in fact:, vve.haYe never kojn ap article latKii; merit ro-net --wta a per maneVii stcce?f, "and Mr. Helpiold'c success is certa(;ily; prima facie evident?" His Drilled Chemical Warthwise, irr the citv of Nevv'lYcrk, is not excelfecf, IT equaltd, byanyjilhe country, arid we would" ailvise iur reader?," when riiitin'' that c1ty,.lx):guc; LiiiKa cciland judge tor lueojacivcs. I i v.. . v . . i- ' - -v A' ri -hel:Mbot;d;i F;' 7 -V ' ' ' ' " " " ' i-i i a JOHN F, 3IGBI1I3' Jli tor the aboifi i preparations , , j TJaowwFiLix Nebraska, yoreasber4. 185,!y. 10-7-11-7 "en.nn. of ; ; r , '.' i T I J :tni 1 -ti t ' 1 : t i - t t " ( " i ; i ( . , , , , ' . . ( i J i i ( i . . . - i ' - . ... t . j- -. . . . - u -. t i . ; .' .a : : : : C iv . . v. ; i: M. Tnn CRBAT PaMK: wl I'-h tlepnlreVTIalr TJrJmW rnr ;I .Hr'.' ' it. St ) frowtbard hes'.lby Coit'on of sh hair, tteretv softer 1 7. "i 'f? "Sfiafur.l Co-or . . lltzsn. llaguj-e: We have te-ed yunr liviluaWe HAta BtLif .mhi. ouf tiair toucei:iiiiit.r JciK . .Hii.J.Wee-in ehear.-niiy reei.mri! 1 1 , ,V re,?orP(I tTj s color an.J r-Q,H I - .", . .. ..." irituet J vs -c. inRiotf. Vi.:.PreH'd.at wI r k7."?tL,V"Un0''IP-irt.k ; Z dd ilJ a:i Sr-Prke S1.C0 fcr Diarrhea, Dysentery, Siimmor Comprint &r ( 5IA.3JUU:3 Compound B:xlracl of TllKv f. NC' &C ' -WESTIKS SANITARY COMMISSION- V 1 , v , . jfssr. J. - C. Jeruii-e. i-rt2fft..f,.-1o(.lfKej.: ILe A-Vnw.f r " "" ,u"- N, ,t; Initio Army yur Kxaci Of Beu.. Flam, lortnecnre of Uiarr'i. , Uim,'- -" oinfcoiei irie-. to iu excellent a.umsyau-4 te ucce whb wtc it b,.,',, f . .h, V"" ery Ld ,te,r mir; ie,Ut, .-J.t.C.,fre,rrB;cW, ; tav ued artcfre' Pru-c, , W.f.avi - - MAGUIRER'S VEXPECTORA1MT 'sTruF- The Great Remedy for Coughs. CM,. JJhna,-V,0r.cKla,. SWi- cf)T. r , , .7 OF THE LUNGS' ' "uf .- Ha been-use m$tst:ecrM fyai d i s.ca't cstent in St. Loulsandvicit i-y k ' " and i:m.u,cU lyatl who Li,ve ukea it to lo i;.e n st wcn.lerfui ren.e.r- r! r . ',.D'r! ' tyre-. ea. - ii is r ntrreiv veietatiip. mi i .-j i iuii,ia.ihii,. . - ' H - "Af te-ttl, t.0- S4Der Bottle. ' every,Cre. IQ-y0. one. c our Atrutr.cc for Jrtcr inf rF' -3 , :'e',jrr,J b7 0"-':UU Cliills and Fever, Bilious and Intefnii 4 tent 'Pevpr Dumb Ague, etc., etc HW VG LJK .Mi: lull.. nA? .11'. t . ... , V rr1ll'w le ui.uuuieuijr itio mos (Uiciutti plainns. It b;i3 been taon-ighly tested tliis season, owTnj.to the ieircity of t' succeuledin establiihlig fur it.-eifa fir ret otatioa .hi; cri-r to th.it frvy Ma knowj to fail nnd is waitanted tg cure in evi ry insrnn-. 1 Ni euieire ha a 11 Ol tb:.n tht", ir N ti Mtpeiior T. nb- irf li-l iHtv- Pi ire !.5!1 j.er bi.tt!t: "W EE O L"E ;S, A,i ;E i. n.. ve-.:-; .DEALERS IX ... : . , . v - , ' . f ' n-i-. : A . .aa. m Would call the attention of D.BAlaBIlS ICf ihec'frrjinense'stoclc'of Brngrs and Medicines, - SehoorRooK.i, i Tatcnl lletfUSiies. BlLk Cooks, . ; ... : .. ..Glass wl Glassware,1 ,. .Urlttn? Pncr Palms j:i:U Oils. , Envelopes, - , i r Splec5 and -Djc-sInlT, ' ' Coal 0!1 and brucs , . Fare Wines, Liquors, c., &c., ' -! '" Whi-h were bocf.! t fercn-u'of M.inufurfnre Iinror'ers nn l l'obii.-licr.', an I wiM bo o!.' nt t'i msl faviirMsj .rieM. . Ujying ia l.ir j i ictitles Irota 3 st h in 11, th.-y nra' culcd te i ffr i-xrri In-l.-.-e-:si"n',, t- the tnnle ... , .- -f ;..; - - : . . .(( 1. Thrr ar.- tin N.Tth-w.-t.-rn Wh"I.al.:j.-rti-.f T . M. i-3.. C. Ayre A C'.., an! cm forni-ih their M 1;.- i . . K f v4 - ': : ST. eJOSEPH, ISIO. Importer and "rholesale an.d Retail Dealer iu lrcn.. STEEL and HEAVJ HABDAS.- . - t "... . ;. Wagor, C;rri.ig, anl Plow Votd".rks. , . - . :;.;:AGRlCULTURiL'IMPLEMtiN Sfrirg?. Axe?, Axcl., Sh'-vi-'m and S;i Ie.--,File and Rasps, Chains, Ctri-in nil T.ru L-..N:. Nv'i ji" Va-1ier-, NaiN, ll r-- ii:iilj. Ili-rr-c A M':'! (vmt, Saw?, efe. etc. '-CatinS'ancl :Kollow' Vjre, S'uqtir Kittlea'-'Andirmis Hkii:''.. ur.d !,, Slew pois J;i Kh ovens. Fruit keiile? :ind Std Irons. (1 l-.' RlackSinllllS' TCCI.S. AnrilsVSiVfka hr.d Die?. BeJows.Sjcdgf; ar.d Ikidllau mtrs, Vises, Pincers,-Pafj-.s, Farrler' Knivc. Tuyere In r,, Vi'recchcs, ; Oj Yoke;, Ailc Urease. Ox chains,. Wojin, Jack s, O.x Siios B.ii, .Iviv; J, and p fj,,!d Pan?, its. 13.130. Gpolccri rincl Xlerat-'Bt'iafr. 1,000 GELEBKATED HOL1 2s?K P LOWS ! .. .,, . rrrz."! - n ,-.-, , tr m J ' "'"ei ' '' v. , ; ?i p' n (SJ, l' -;i TT tv? ci viy tjcj tv uiv Li b I.. ... .-. . i :. i i : ;:: . ..- . , fctt oatente.i. and surrirr to nny vet ir.reaed ; and ,:McCormicIi?s IJIovrcj's ajjtl Reapers, Itnllrs Horse Corn I'lanlcrn .- ji HV.'-iA ou.ky Lorn X-un vat er., iTin.a Lcm ';nior, o..m b.n.lleTi. lay Kakx-y, etc. euv tu - . .- .:; '. . toying ny ?.x).I.Vdirect rrnvtLe i cjacV I o.T.jr u:cat inducement ' I . ; :. --i'.i TO WHOLESALE VicHASERS AT J ' 1 Constable's Iron1 atid:Sf eel 'Warehouse ' v-'-i '.r:i ;i:sT,;josEPH;;;M07.::,:,.i:.. 7 I i -i , Jh?. , moit. dcl'.c'pus aLl4 . hclU.'t;l., Lcvera2 k'nu'wti. " ' " , '. -lt'preyhri'l frna tfte bet "JAVA 'COFFEE; and-whilj it hm all the r;nvor ffma l-l I. UuTeru- mnt Java, stlU l.r Ls-i Taan half tha n;icc.. . t. - - : s ' ' ; -.' ' ; OEfcprn'G Java CofTep . V ' ;:i ! - ! , :-. - . . : . ; - :' n flu b?cn st.-i l-ly ns 1 for yenr?. by .thoaianu of e??-n.? in nil p-ir s of t'u C.i'ntry, and U'tnu-v;r,-i-i!y akioiislbdge.l. t bfc at ones iiiit'i.Uic, de-lib)'i.-.le llthful ai d ec noiuical. 'J ba ?a'ne iian iy will tniktf'a rii-h-r and strvner cop of ColTe btin Mnj other' known Csborn's Java Cofico:. ! Is f nrticubirly TerTnTTien.ed as si health fa 1 ter erxe and inmost -beneficially u t-l ly- ih iso w m Hirer with l!v:l i-h -j rrv u ' , n I. Mthor i;tju rti.im t-'fiS'-t lr. a t il .1 u of hff Cu- e. li ii jifY'i'are I with l e gre iu-' eare.'nu l nn-t;nn- ii iTireiMen;".Iiel' init r.i rtf h-iriirttj-s aii S-eueociiit titn bu:uin o ini-ia ihn "uro Co;e, Athirti f.n t ' thj uijjt cki'.lull Pujsichius ai.d j Chetaistj us;ify. 1 ' ; .lOsnonxs jJirji coffZe; 7 Ua.x'b.v 11 i xN 11-ive'y ocd it lima r..n f S .nk;t ry F.iir? tl-ruhni :hc'.L"fi"niit I received vr-tifi-'Ates l !.e biglte ren in -r;. 1 itn.u. ' k j J t h; :tli-" b'!.j!i tii wjjjijly 1 3t j t . an 1 -'received ihel f 1 he A tu :rja Iiiit itu ti5, at"ii . o'.br ir.'iiiritii iLhti! ti lii. tt--. ' - Put ui in ao iimiiii 1 rai-kige l -a ri r. 2 lr' f sim'lo Si;ii. ure f ixswi A. Jj.t'irn "oti iii; bi-?ce of 3:) .-vnd of) ibs. an 1 Su'd by Ur- r g"t eajly; j W UUiv.iiw S'i JlWt, diJUlidu J, . 1 - supPHeil by ' . - "7 THOS. REID & CO. GLUfcK MILLS. "Iif.jr'ers aLd Vh. ly:!e Dta!cr?,'th Ttn,Ci Cacl .XOK.105&.1Q5 7arrin n?sd 2G9 Vasliintou Mrcets A'cxv Yorli, Ami! 23th t5aisrif,Lu ' ' . " J O 1 - ' - JAMES- MEDFOItD, C A'B;1IIET -LI A KER ! 'TTx2."t3.e2.t:Ie',' ! " Corncriftsd and. Main-bireetsr, t'Ts Is prepareJ t4oail kinds of-work iniislinaon bort cotice aad reasonable t?rn;s. 1-ouj a" I,-.' 'J.V'?ttf 3 ll ' " 'I y-nlr Cd iZVJL' ' t . iiui c r i;.,- . . l i-J3 . Fin':.- I'rtf tt . -- - - -. . .7TE. of -he iiWrs era', reraratiunjan , 1' h orr bert Yteti.ete., rciijcv over trlrieJ fur t t : i . . ' . . : t .' ' :: :,4. AKDiT .7' r i . i . i H-. VV .R.;, P !ON3 BLOOD I -HTJ3SE0E Will p -itrrely enro ;JCn.orCLA. ERYSlITXlS. nvsrri'sfA. i.dk;et'o.. iiealti:ei:'. "r irv Mi;vo:i in ihe 1I iJ)D . r STM AC't. I I i:i;I!-Y:M the SVTKMsyl-rEIlAPlCATlS ; all TRACES OF DISEASE tl.i remedy lu ni efU.it. and fir Daltftitt-j p ilk". &ytm. tri P,,nJ iwit S-Jtreffjtli Vijnr. i tiBjaralled mcs I;TtJ it- i.itw iiu,;!ion , and the wi.r.derful tares t hi and I.i!y perforn.ing ore its k'"f p'jarrantv l :we etiiie-Ir de-tire tht cry uff"er bd sivo it a- trial, j Sold by all Dr0go'isU. I'riea oi dulbir a bi'ttlo. . . , " . 57. LOUIS, 2IO. Proprietrf. 1 5 ALT RI1 EU MI SAXT- - RHEUM Ml WUl cvre de ITCH 0? SALT TMt- ... ' r - ' ? r ' . .M,C3- in -1 few a,. I'i-. ii- iiS, ii : I .irr;r.:r':-' . . cCbib Ax,. Ci.w4 i .1 -tit Er'i iti o "f" ''''' wpertner rein-ate jivc -eeri inru i sref-d 'lv a'id thttri.ng-ilv. Pr e 31 c"- &"r x Svu by n'l dr-i-i.. " W tiding .eci! ' . .. ...... 1 it. j .......iMitMi j ! W rt. r -. I'" Vjne,'Mt, lo a., Mo., it, will U r?n.-by ire im-ia . ' ix-HO-ty rfl.n- i'Sf".'- "i 7 y -. 1 WILLIAM ROSSELL; . take? tbls method tt Inform s f the V61'4-0' 1 , has;n5t6poncd,onSl3ia street, -trn - ( , JRilOlYTIIaZaC, iiPW-SV-ajKc'fitawant and Oyster , ' Alo, Confectioneries. Cani- Fr.1, Frnitice of, all. kia.U , Tobacco. Potatoes: sweet Potatoes arrJ. -. - usually keptla a reUin g..ccry storey - v STSAL3 SERVED AT iLL ? , . FRESH OVSTKr. ' x 15-ly . H ITCH n i ; i ; li ,. ... (1