... jL BaMWrWkH'K1.- I it ;KBns nd C L STAC IIE.S . . ) l;Ti?a to fTt,w vjr rte ' ; smoothest face ia from 3 t to b weeks hr B-in? Dr. f X" "Sf:VlN (JN K'S UfyS-X V "" TAl.TtA.TULH CJl'IL- -.. -'v." LA III II, the most wol- S1 rlerful d:-rTery ia modern wier.ee, aclic F,a Jies-d and Lair ia an almost nir-wclon- manner. ll Las been used bj the delite of Virit and London "Vllh tie most fUUfri-z scce, Namrs cf all Wiiire port zttri will b registered, and if entire satis fctKa is not five io every in tan!, tbe EKiey .will be cheerfully refunded- I'rice by Eli!, sealed e-n l potp"d, $1. Biscriptive eireni.-irs and tcsti-V--amts;e nailed free. Ad ire?s IiELGER SIIL'TTS ' A CQ.,Chemit?,No Uirer Street, Troy, N.Y. . ! .S jle Agents for the United SUtes. 31-Cu -rP 1 f T V A-,w-n V I l,':! t.. r , . . ..,.1 Silken CURLS prodar V' T tbe S3 cf Pr'f. I -cd K L Aires 's LE i 1 FE1SEI l -jCUEVECX Or.e.ppli ' tateon warranted to curl " y KJ the rao-t straight and stubborn Liir cf either sex intfl wary riiJeH r heavy taaosire eorl. Has been Died ty tbe fashionables cf Paris and London - with tbe most CTilifji'v" i!f. Des no injure lOliSltr. X rC v I J ' an, -u -j-isi-.an i Jir:rive cirr-alar- r. lied free. Addre-, 1JEI1- . i T t - 'l t j i . . : I I tiERIIUTS A C .N . 2. River Street. Try '. Y. hole A gents for tl e Ciitcd Staea. . fuee to everybody ! 'GUIDE TO HEAL" HA ID BEAUTY - Just TuV.iiUis .. It tescbe- ho to remove Tan, Fre aa ,ric;.?e Llatchec, Motli i?cLf SA!iorea.i( Erurton'nd all imp nri ties of tbe tV'a ; how to eiiiatl ihe t'a'm .Isarin it hiui atd clezr aa ali.a?tcr ; kow to j j-roda tie fuiirvt dere'orrcctt tf tie t'cici'.e furm as practiced by tba fren-h. canjin the list to rrow r' on 1 ar;d ft,!!, and if tbe fvrn has teen lft t jad'iin-, la if or rr.ate-iiity, .etorio? it to trtrre tLan ira f.rigin.i! fu ineja , CrLir.es.'ir.d L'aufy. ' J; trtclej hof to reduce t'.JC siie f the band zzd feet"; rro-liiee eorf ilencr or th rererie: remove . aJfrfluo'urhair t Care Corn?, Worts, an! Ho!es ; ref.ew y.Mt g? : core Drnf:knej, Cafarrh, Dyi , j-es'a Nervous Dc-bjiity. & how to hrcinato atd prn the love and aSecticn f any pera yoa may !.9crr tgetlir with other m;ful and Tt'uable in (otraati.m. No yoonL-n y or gentleman fhould ' it t"Fcnd tbtr adiren lu the tdersined and re ceive ty return mail a cpy of this valuable work ia aeskled. ervelpe frea of a-j. Aldrd?. L::Ul:, SI1TTTS& CO , CSeinista. 2 if a 25 Kiver Street Trey, X.Yi KNOW THY DESTINY! . HAD All E E.F.Tbokvtox, tbe preat Er.gliib Atro!cgiiH, Clairroyan, i a 1 rycbometr;c;n,bi . baa,tocibed tbe c:eLt!Lce!a.seiof tbeOIi wrrld a no located herttlf at Iludron, ?. Y. ila-iame - TLcirton po?.- such wondsrful jowera of aec- c:4 ibt, as to etabJe btr to impart knowledge i. .f tbe greatest inrrxrtanee to tbe inle or ia-irried -ftltLenci. WLils ia a tate cf trance, tbe de lineate the very feat ores of the Tersca yoa are to "marry, and ty the aid of an instrument cf intcuc j-vwer, known a a tbe ri;choriKtrope,gnaranteea to ) rvdaec a liTe-Iike r.krnre cf the f ntaro bnband or '. Tilfo ol tScrp',lant, toother with date of rcar rriaj'. lotion in life, leadir trai J cf cbanetcr, V;. Thu I no humbug, ai thecsanda of tcstino tia!i run as.ert. She wHl tedd, Len deaircJ, a rertified certifte, erwriMea rjarantee, that the pijtarei what it purporta to to. lij enclosing a rmall lock of bair, and ftatlog place cf birth, ege. deposition and complexion, aad enclosin; 51 cents an! atampel eevdope adJreiei to yonrself,yoo will recive tbe picture and fleaired information by . return mail. AH coma a nidation! aacred eonSlen- ttal. Adireaa, ia eflnSlence, MADAME E. F. TAOHXTOX, P O. Box 123, Hudson, Y. . : GH A STELAE'S . WHITE LIQUID EEJAf.'EL. ! -" For Iaprovin? and lieaBlifvins the Cora'Dlexi cn Ths most valuable and perfett preparation in est Tor giving toe itia a beantirol pearj like tbat,thae ii on!y found in ycath. It qnick'y removei Tan. reek lee, riznplej, Blutcbea, llnth I'aiches, Sal lottnen. Erni.tions.and W imrurities t,f the iVin. kindly .ea!cg tbe fame, leaving the fkia white jicd clear at alabaster. Ita ere cannot be detee- ' tea tij tn Joettacrct;nr, ard tcir; a rejetaMe , j.rejaration is jrfeetly harm'.. It is tbe only rt.'.ie of tb kicd used by tbo French, and coq JdertJ by the lriaian as indipensible toa prrfect ' te:kt lT?wari3 of 20,CC0 bottici wtre o!d dnrinj tka past yeir, a tnCcient guarantee cfitseflicacy. J'rice only 75 cents. Sent by mail, j-ost-jaiJ, on . receipt cf an order, by . . .LLlLC;L'i;,SliCTTS ATO, CbenLts. Si-fas' Kiver St. Troy, K.Y. TO '. CONSUMPTIVE. Tbe advertiser, bavin been ret V red to health ia a few weeks by a very tilt pie remedy, afver baring eufered fV several years with a severe ler. efTcc , tion,aod that dread disease, Cor.sntnption is anx . lous to xoake known io his feliow-iuSsrcrs the .tseans of eure. t To all who desire it, Le will send a cory cf the prescription osed (free of charge;, with the direc tions for pr epanng and OMng the ginoe, which tbey will fiai a sore enre for Con-cmption,Aihir.a, Uron ehitli', Coh, Cold, sr.d all Throat and Long Af foctionj. TLe only otject of the awveriner in en ding the I'rcwription i to ber.cf.t the aC.eVd, and t ' rjrgad infornvit ion wLUh be conceives t be inval " t.2bie, ar.l be Lojcs every mTerer will try bis roia ady, as it will toil them cctLing, and xaay prove a t! ring Parties wishing tbe prescription, rZES,by return zaail,wiil please sddres .T ' Ltr. EDWAKD A.7TILS0S, Williamibnrg, Kings Co., Xejv Vork. ' 'EHKOllS OF YOUTH. A (erit'ecan who salTcred for yoirs frota X'rr .rus Debility, Premature Decay, and all the 5ct of ycathful indijcretion, will for the sake f suJTer : Jng baaaanity, s?nd free to a'.l who n lit, the re--' teir and directions ffr making tbe simple reroody t y which be was cored. Sufferers wisl.ing to prof . it ty the advertiser's experience, ran do by ad- dreiic2 JUHX Ii.OCDEN, !?oI3Cber.ut St,Xew York. . STRANGE, BUT TKUE. ; " tvery young lady and pentlcm.'n in the United t tatos ean bear somelhitg very n.uth to their ad Tattage by return mail i tree of chargo),by address ing tbe Gtiden.gned. Tbo.e taring fears of being .bumbuged will oblige by not noticing this card. All orders will plc&ec addref their obedient servant TIIOS. F. CUAIM1AN, -S31 Broadway, New Xork. . 8- m. P. ?Mr, : ' E.RELIINGTON & SONS urn -A J JIANUFACTTRES i ' liEVOLVEilSf'i RIFLES . nTxalx.ot nudCnrlJlna, For the Unstrd States'Service. Als, Pcclict end Belt Kcvolvcrs, T- " EEFEATI50 PISTOLS, . JlirLn CASES REVOLVING RIFLES, ' Hifie and Shot Uun Barrela.and C un Materials sold ... 7 Gun Dealers and tbo Trada geaerally. In these days cf IlovsilreaJcing end ' Rolling, every llovse, Slore, Bankt and : Office should liave one of TIlHi'.EIltK Tarties desiring to avail themselves of the late late 'improvements in Pistols, and superior workman ship and form, will find all combined in tbe 'ew BELIIITGT017 Eevolvers. Cicu'ars eoh'aining'cnts and description of car "Ans willie famished upon application. E. REMINGTON U SONS Uioa N.V -! ' - . . , ilOOEE & KICHOLIS:a gents, -, No. 40 Courtland St.Xew Pork. :x'j. prii,r:i-iysa, . . CASH "BARGAINS !! I LITERS a J O K ES, S.L1TRASSES, STOlTS - Quecnsware & Glassware, 'OT Jlarkrtbtt: Kila fiDtli Streets, BT.LOUIS.MO. OSAGE ORANGE j C3- jZ -DiT G- . Tl:9 sc5er.'g-jci ta in tbe TerKfory of Nebraika,for tae parpose of raiiing OSAGE Fiantt and setting oat and making Fence of the same, I sha4I cultivate and tend (he same fr three years, and give tha Same Iaae to py for it, at etarge of fmtnOXE dollarani T'.VE.STY-FIVE cent to TV.'O dJllarspcr Ro-i. J aball set cut the Plants next Spring, comm?acing near the Kansas line and go as fr op as Omabaanlprobably some distance beyond, taliic g a strip cf eturatry 33 or 4) miles wida, and beyond that if there will be enough to do to make it aa object fr me to go there. HOW TO PREPARE THE GEOUXD. To all wbo wii e to Co tbeir Feaciae prepare yoa tronnd in the f.HoiEZ ar.sr : If It U Tralrie piw a atrtp ore rod wi.le luring a deal farrow in tbe cen tre, plow from one and a fal( to two incbe deep; in tbe Fll harrow it, then back farrow It; agiinla the Sprln? tarrow and your froocd H ready for tbe Plantar Ia old ground hack Xcrrow ia Aa;ai before tae weeds gj to eed. Any one laving a large tract cf land to fence, and would rather I should take part of the Land for my pay, I wn! do so to those who wish me ta make tham a fence , write to see at Brownviile, and let me know bow much yon want me to fence for you , and I will call at your residence sometime between now and the It it of January' next, and mike a special contract with you. I shall also, have all kinds of Frait Trees. Flowers, Evergreens, Shrub bery for sile.ail grown ia the Territory and accli mated.". To Tho?eithi are raiding Flints, of their own, er J would like TD3 to make their hedge far them 1 will take tbeir Plants "in pari pay, cr I will toll them how to make a good fence, and the spediest and best wy to make it ; also thu best way save the Plants dtring the .rst and second win ter. Those buying Plants of ms will get the re ceipts fre. If there is any in a a in the Territory, that can give better instructions, I will give bina oca tbons and dollars for it. 1 also farnhh a receipt for de stroying the Gopher, fjr fifty eent, eta. Aetts anted to canvss in Karsf, Nebraska Iowa and Missouri , tbey can ea?i?y mnke from cn to three bonJrcd dollars per monh. clear cf exj a ies. Addrv-, JlATIIEW lit-KEKSIIAN". P. O. Box 12, Brownviile, Nebraska. Ffcr ty perini?ion to Lmrrs TTcuelet 11. Y. Barket, , Brow nvii'.e THE SHYER SKIRT ! JJcrc Durable, .Wore Elastic, Jlore Graceful. I Jlnd trill keep ils Shape and retain Us Place than any other Skirt. Tbis beautiful stylycf Skirt (Pafsnted llarcb 7 1S55,) was awarded by the Cezit Aklsiban Ik stitvti Fair, held ia Xtw York, October, 1S5 i, a SILVER JCEID-AJL, 1 Tie Jligett Premium extr giten f'ta a Hoop Skirt The Steel Springs are wonnd with si fine plated, wire (ia place of a cotton covering) which will not wear ol or become soiled, and the whole 8 irt may be wathed Kith out imjtrj cr foar of rusting", and will ba as good as new. Tte " Ccnbicaticn Silver Skirt! Tifa invention combines with tbe ordinary et ton Skirt-tbe adrarjUes of our 8ILYE2 SXLBX; the bottom bcK;M are the same asthose used in tie Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off, while the upper ones are oovcred with cot Jon. No ladr, having once worn one cfour Skirts, will be wiiung to wear an? ether, as the lower hoop cf all other kinds are soon injured and soiled. Tbe best materials are used in their construction and from their durability an d neatness tbey are acsunoa.io nccome A FAVORITE SKIRT! Manufactured solely by the SZttr Skirt and Wirt Manufacturing 0mpny, 30&.32 Barclay Street, HEW YORK. t. s. spehht, sept. July lit.lSCo 1 year t o a Families and Manufacturers SOniXTall XG lYETT A?iT VAIiUA- ForiFAmsvsf rsc WE offer the public the simplest, strongest and best Knitlir.g llacbine in tbe world. It o-jcupiej but little space is portable and can be attached to a stand or table, weighs about 401ba. It will knit a varicfy of tlitebet the breakse of needles is trifiir.g tbe cost of needles is insig nificant and the m st delicate material can be kn.e jure and spotless, as the needles fre not oiled. Ordi-rsfor llacbines may be sent through tha -American Advertising Agency. 2SD Broadway 1Z. Y. Send for a Circnlar. Agents Wanted. X) ALTON KNITTING MACH CO. 5Ay ' 537Broadway, Lyon's Periodical Drops. THE GREAT FEMALE REME DY FOR IRREGULARITIES. sra inseTrope are a acientlflcally cotrponnded field reparation, and belter than any Til), Poder, or fc'csu mil. Peln? lionid, their action is direct and positive, rendericj ttera a reliable, speedy and cer tain specific for tbe cure of all obstrncuons and aup prcsiona of nature. Their popularity la indicated by tte fact ibat over 10O ICO bittlea are annually void aud CLOtcmed by tbe ladies ot the United Mates, eve ry one cf whom ipeAk in tbe ttrocgest terms of praie of tbeir treat merits. They areapidly taking the place of every otl.er Female Remedy, and are Cfnii ercd ly ail bo know aacbtef tbem, as the surest sa fest, and most infal liable preparation in tte world, for ths core of all female complaint, tbe removal of all obstructions of rat ore, and the promotion of health resnlarity and strentrth. Explicit diiectia atatins when they rwy be used, and expla ntnj when and wfcy tbey ihon'd not, nor cooM not be used without produ eing effects contrary to nature's cbonen lawa, will be found carefully folded afound each bottle, wilb the written siccatuie tJoH L. L?OS, without which none are renuine. Prepared by Dr. JOH Jf L. LTOK, 195 Chapl Street, Kew Haven, Conn., whocan be eoooulted either per sona'lyi or ty mail, (enclosing si amp ) con-reruint; all private diseases and female weaXne. Price $l,6o per bottle. . Bold by Druxxlsts everywhere C. O. CLARK kCO., Gen'l A srenu for U. S. and Cunada Jo lliks Bnos. St. I.oli. f Wholesale 'Cu.Ea,FixcH fc Fulls:, Chicago. J Agents Teeembar 7tb 16W. ly. lo-12 IMS ld.nn, Jsw FRENCHHOTEL ! On the European Flan. Opposite the City Hall and Park, ( Cor . of Frank fort St. JEW YORK. Spacious r.cfectory,Eatn Eocm and Zfarbcr'a Shop. &rraats not allowtt to receive rerquiiili. Do not believe tanners cr LTseknien who say we are fu!L July 1st. IS60. 1 year. SALE OF APPRAISED STOCK. On llondar, the SOtb day cf July, 1868, at tea o'clock A. "M.,I wUl offer fcr sale to tbe highest bidder for cash in band , at tbe residenco of George Crow, living seven miles southwest from Brownvile at Wedd'.ea 3ride id Ncmnhi County, Nebraska. One ftrit Filly, with righ bind foot white,armall star in fcrthead, supposed to be three years eld last Sprint: .appraised at Sixty-two dollars and fifty cents. Taken np by Georre Crow and now in ti ioa. FEE DE UICK E. ALLEN, bis rosiest 29-3t justice ci u i eace. SPECIAL NOTICE. Worthy the attention cfbotb" Hals sand Fe MALT?, who are in want efbusines. The well known Houye of S. M.Wa'dA Co., Mannfartering Jew elrers , 2u3 Prcadwpy, N. wish to cuteblish ri Agency in every tc n in the United Sta:ei,and in'ordci that tbe Ajrcr.t can bavea sample to ei hibit to tbeir eusttrr rr, tbey will send a? a sample on the receipt of genuine Gold Pen (war ranted), with Silver Extension Case anp Peneil, to cetLorwiih Wbolc-ala Circular to Agents, and eleven certi Scales, or a San plo Certificate for 25 cts. There is no Agent HI wb.it can make easily $3 a BITTERS "if RUBilGE'S 1 sTouicn BEfTEBS ! DYSPEPSIA, r K V A? and are Ibe !t Tonio in t!ieor!d. SOBACK'S -QLOOD. PILLS CURE SICK HEADACHE, Cotivene, and all di eaes of the bowHs. ROBMK'S BLOOD PD'IIIFIEIII SCROFULA and all dLsie arising from impure Uood. -Or: ARE SOLD BY ALL. Drusrsists anil Dealers in Patent 3Icdicincs EVERYWH ERE PRINCE, WALTON c CO., (Successora fo Dr. C. W. Kobeck,) &JIZ PK0PRIET0R3, 2Tos. 56, 68, CO & 62 East Third St. CINCINNATI, OHIO. G0ILD &SIJLVB FIITAHCIMi GEISIS compel ns to soli In the course or Six 3Ionths S25OJO00---S25O)000 TTORTfl OF Tfatclics, Cloclts, Clsalns, Dla- inond :ins, Fianos3IeIo dcons,SeVvin32ac2tIncs, ""Silver lVarc,&c ALL TO BE DISPOSED OF AT Ono 33ollx ZITttclx Without regart to value ! And nut to be paid for until you know what are to receive. JCST" After receivirg ite article, if it does not please you, you can return it and your mon ey well Le. re funded. The Stock Comprises amongst art'cles, Splendid Clocks, Gold and Silver Hatches, Kir.jr set with Diamonds, Babies, Pearls, Garnet and o flier Stones (solitaire and in clusters). Ladies sets of Jewelry, crnrrising Pins and Ear Kings of tbe mo?t fashion able styles, sef in Precious Stones of every variety, together with a largo assortment of fsold and En amelled and Pearl Sets Goll Studs ard Sleeve Buttons of t2e beautiful patterns, Gontj Bosom and Scarf Pins, and an cndic3 variety of Braceletts, Chvn,MueicalBoxes.IIead Dress,Coabs:harms.Ae In conseqaenee of the great stagnation of trade in the Manufai taring districts of France and Eng land, large qoantity of valuable Jewelry, origin ally intended for the European market, has been sent off for sale in this country, and must be sold at any sacrifice? Under these circumtances the "WATCH A GOLD JEWELRY CO." have resolv ed upon. AN APPORTIONMENT !! subject to the following regulations : CEHTiriCATH naming each article and Its TALCS are plaeed it SEALED ENVELOPES, which are well mixed. One of these Eavaiopea, containing tbe Cer tificate or Order tor some Article, will be deliverel at our cOce, or sent b mail to any address, withott retard tocboloe, on receipt of 25 Cents. On receiving He Certiacate tbe purchaser will tee what Article it tSrawt, and ita valoe, and ran then send One Dollar and receive the Article named, or can choose ay of Asr one Article on our IJstot tht tame SEXD 25 CEXT3 FOB A CERTIFICATE. In all transactiona by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the certificates, paying postage and do ing the busino38.25 cents each, which must be en closed when tbe certificate is sent. Fre certificates for SI, eleven 12 30 for $5, 65 for $10 and 100 for $15. Agents. We want ag?ntsin every town and eounty in the country, and those acting as such will be allo-ved ten cents oa evory Certificate or dered by them provided their remittence amounts tf$l. Agents will collect 25 cent3 for every cer tificate, and remit 15 cents to cs either in cash or G stage stamps, Agents remitting at once S39will entitled to a beautiful Savor Watch, and also 2C0 certificates. ' Please write yrnr Name , Town, County and State plainly, and addrefs all order to WATCH AND GOLD JEWELRY CO. 33 Liberty St, New York. 10-2 2-6 m rd,nn. U ' V iV SALE OF APPRAISED STOCK. On Friday, July, 27in'lSCfVtlI A.M., I will offer for sale to the highest bidder .for cah in band on the premitcscf Wilkinson Sag, living near Long's Bridge, in Nemaha County, Nebraska Ter ritory, one stray Cow, described as. follows : One Sod speckled Cow, with bole in left car, and split in the rightjSmall spike boms, sippoied to be 4 yesrs old, and appraised at Twenty-uve dollars 33-5t RV. DCGJES,J.P. STRAY NOTICE . Taken op j tbe ubderpincJ in Lafayette Pre cinct, Nemaha County, Nebr ska Territory , on the 14th day of June, 1S66, one dark bay more Pony, 3 years cld.wita a taker oof . ' 4.1-jsi wit, n stabs; - Jin. Old Scc.r, Czl ta a ilct 2zz.o 1866 mA fp-riaj a-pproacie Ants and Roaeie Trom litir bof eoaw emf. And Ifiee and Rati, I pile of eat, uatiif tkipabout. " . 1 8 years ejfalluhed in N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedy known." 'Free from Potions." 'Not dangerous to tbe Unman Family." 'Kat3 come cot of their boles to die." "CostaiV Eat, Eoach. s , Exterminatira Is a paste used for RiU. Mice, Roaches, Blael- and red Ant Ac, Ac .&J., COSTAE'3' Bed-Eug Extennin&tor, Is a liquid or wvsh nsea to destroy, and s a rr-venfafire for Bed-Raj. &e. COSTAR'S Electric Powder for Insects is for Ifoth. Jloqtitoe, Flea, Bed-Bugs, in$ect on plant, Fouli, Animal. &e. tST" 1 1 1 Bewakh ! 1 ! of all wor thless imitatio ns iJ See that "Costas's" diss is on each Box, Bo' tie, and Flask, before yoi biy. r"Addrei3, " .HKNRY R, COSTA R, : 432 Broad way, New. Yotk.' J37"i?olJ in Brownviile, Nebraska, And by all Dra?giV and liciilers. 18 6 6 INCREASE OF RATS. The Fanner's Gautte (Frg'Lh) asorts and troves by Cgircs that one pair of BATS will have a progeny and descend ant? no leiS than 651,050 in three years. Now,an less Ibis immense family can be kept dwn, tbey would e'-cume mere food than would sustain 65, C00 hunin beings. tzT See "COSTATi'S" advertisement above. ' 18 6 6 B AT3 rr BIRDS. Whoever engages in shooting small bi'ds is a cruel man; whoever aids in exterminating rata is a benefactor. We should like soma one to give us the benc&t of their ex perience in driving out these pests. We need something besides dog , cats, and traps for this bu side.M. Scientific American. K. Y. J7See "CoiTAKV adverii.ement above. 18 6 6 "COSTAR'S RAT EXTERMINATOR is simple, lafe and sure the most perfect KAT-ificaticn mee ting we have ever attended. Every Rat th : t can get it, properly prepared, will eat it, and every one that eats it will die. generally at some place as dis tant as possible f'om where it was taken. Lake Shore. Hichtjan, Mirror. Sf "See Cottar's advertment above. 18 6 6 nOUSEKEEFERS troubled with Terrain need be so no longer, If they nse -Co8tar8 Extermina tor. We have used it to our satisfaction : and if a box cost 55, we wonld have it. We h:ive tried poiwns, but they effett nothing; but 'Costar'3 articlo knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Ants, and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. 1 1 is in great demand all over the country. Medina, Ohio. Gazette. JdgTSee "Costar's" advertisement abeve. 18 6 6 A VOICE FROM THE FAR WEST. Speaking of'CoSTAR'8" Rat, Koacb, Ant, Ac.. Extermint0r "more grain and provisions are destroyed annu ally in Grant Ccnrty by vermin than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer." Lancater, Wi Her aid. fciySee "Costar'3" advertisement above 186 6 FARNER3 AND FIOUSEKEEPERS-shonld rec ollect that hundreds of dollars' worth of Grain, Provisions, Ac, are annually destroyed by Rats, Mice, Ants, and other insectsano vermin all of which can be prevented by a few dollars worth of 'CotTAR's"Rat,Roarh, Act, Ac, Exterminator, bought and usd freely. t5f See "Cost ab's" advertisement abave. 5?" Sold in Brownvill, Nebraska. 137" Sold by all Druggis's and Dealers June 20th 183 0,-lma , PIANOS! PIANOS! $350 to $1,400. H. H. SAXT0iT& CO., ST. IiOTJIS, MO. HAVE Constantly on band tbe Largest Assort mentof FIRST-CLASS PIANOS kept by an one House in the West. Tbey keep the RELLABL INSTRUMENTS made by wm. B. Bradbury, Chambers & Gablen New York Piancforta Company. James Vase, Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, $110 to 8160 EcJi. Also, on band Second-hand Pianos, Melodeans, Ac. Ac, Ac Wbib are sold at Bargains. Sendor u Circular" anduPr ice-Litt." Wrerooos: Cor. Fifth & Walnut (Under Southern Hotel) J.S.W 10-5-ly. ST. LOUIS MO , GHOVESTEEIT c Co., PIANOFORTE MANTJFACTUBBRS, 499 Broadiraj, X. Y. TJIE ATTKNTIOn of tbe pub'ie an! the trade ii.ivitcdto our SSetc Scale, Seven Octave. Piano Forte, which for volume and pu rity of 'tcne are unrivalled by any hitherto offered in this markot. Taey conUin ail the modern im provements, t rencn grani aeuoD,urp vu fnmn. over-strnnz bass, ete etc., and each in strument being made indcr the personal supervi ionof Mr. J. H.Gkovesteex, who has a practical eiperinience of over thirty years in their manufac ture, is fally warranted in every particular. The Grovesteen PIANO FORTE r .A iK- b; hrrtTaward cf merit at the cele brated world's lair, where were txhibited instru ments from the best makers of Lcndon , Paris, Ger many, Philadelphia, Boston, Ballimors and New York ; and also at the American Institute for five successive year?, the Gold and Silver Mepals from both of which ca'a be een at our wre-rot in. I?y the introduction of improvements we inke cnil mnm Trfr Piano-forte, and by manufact ories- larrelv. with strictly cash ay;e ta, are en abled to offer these instruments at a price which will preclude all competition. Our prices are from iuto caoaper toaa any first class 1 iaoy-forte. TERMS. Net Uaso in current innas. Descriptive Circtlar sent free. July 1st I8C5 one year R. A Co. 2rrt. r UZTOXTAirr ZSyttie V TO LADIES. J hll5 fob females; " Are tbe onlr eafe and truly efftctice medicine for Females ex'ant. Do not trifie with your health, and ose cheap and dangerous medicine, which drug gists may hare booghf, and will recommend to you, being ignorant of their qualities. Ms.;Vinslow Mystic Pills are mild in their operations ; correct all irregularities and painful menstruation; remove all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise. No maiden, wife or mother should be without them. Try them use according to directions, and we know the result v iM be as desiret. Ask for Mrs. Wins- low's Mystic Pills. Take none other. Prices 2,00 per box, or three boxes fcr 5 dollars. For sale by all druggists. Peter.E. Blow, Gen. Agent, St. Loan. March 22d;lS55 . - : eo 25-ly STRAY NOTICE. Taken utbT tbe sndersigncd, living abcu 13 1-2 miles above Brownviile. i Nemaha County, Ne braska Territory, on the7i3th4liy cf June, IS65, One blanket dark brown Dorse, abontfteen bands ttli 1nL n Trsra r'; T-h t hind fr.ct Hhif npto the pasture joint; ems.li caddie mark on top ef weathers, 4 few white hairs nndej left y0, Heavy toaae. Lit u Lii. L ZZ H OLD. FLUID E1TEACT OF AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE THE H0TTE1TT0T8 Having loog used 23 "QT OZEZTOT Eor a Variety of Diseases. It was borrowed from those rrde practitioners by THE Engllsli and Datch Physicians, On whose recommendation it was employed in En. rope and has now come into general nse. IT IS GIVEN CHIEFLY IN Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the ; Bladder, MORBID IRRITATION OF THE E LADDER AND URETHRA, FOR FE3IALE YTEaliXESS and DEBILITY, For Prolapsns and Bearing Doun, or Prolapsus Uteri, Diseases or The Postate Glares EiTKfnoy, ob IxcoTisrycs or Urot. And all diseases requiring the aid of a diuretic arising from a loss of tcne in the parts con cerned in its evacuation. IT IS RECOMMENDED IN CASES OF DYSPEPSIA, CHROMG KUEUMATIsM, Cataneous Affections, and Dropsj, To enrs diseases we mu3t bring into action the muscles which are "engaged in their various func tions. To neglect them, however slight may be the attack, is sure to a&ct the boldly health and men tal powers. OTTPt X'X.ESil A.TI BLOOD, are supported from these sources. PERSONS OF EVERY PERIOD OF LIFE From Infancy to Old Age. and in every state cf health, are liable to be sub jects of these diseases. The Cause in Uany Instances are Unknown Tha patict has, however, an admirable remedy in KELMBOLD'S Eluid Extract of Buchu Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Editorial, Sept. "15. 1SG5. 11 EL MB OLDS' Genuine Preparations. His Solid and Fluid Extracts embody the full strength cf the inrediects of which they are named. They are left to the inspection of all. -A ready aad conclusive test of their properties will be a comparison with those set forth in the United States Dispensatory. These rem edies are prepared by H. T. IIehnboSd,a druggist cf sixteen yeaes': experience in this city, and we believe them to ba re liable ; in fact, we have never known an article lacking merit to meet wiih a per manent success, and Mr. Helmbold's success is certainly prima facie evidente. His Drug and Chemical Warehouse, in the city cf New York, '3 net excelled, if equaled, by any in the country, and we would advise our. readers, ,when visiting that city, to givs hici a call, and judge or themselves. lelmbold's I! 2 1 r a c t of Buchn. HELM BOLD. JOHN F. IIOIIIIIS Jlgvtt for the clove preparations t BaowHTiLLZ, Nebraska. lroTaherJ. 1SS5, ly. 13-7-IM a,na. mss GBEAT FAUS wVicb Ha'ire's Hair Bala ta. attrf l r r---i -VPi.. A lug ) rrowthar.d fceal'.hy co!.iu;a of tte hair, UereT aofi-ineV-t t -tTi z r3 B3treccier.td. Eea-i tfce foUvvizz from vcii ar.otracj- " "--""'1i'ra.! lltttr. Xlegvire: We tare tested iava:31b:e HAia BALX is r. . .v t onr tuir to oar entire stifacti.n. rd venn cliffnir r-a.''-'i .'i eti. f Sliced. 1 L. A. ERN'OI JT. Ri.f w vr o , V"- 1 1 ' - sue institute: Jos. cSlilT.WlV.V,? jfrj Prepared cxly by i. C. XAGCIE2, Chemwt. aai lru:.u.V-VpV- --V-".. , Sold ly all VruZZUU-Prki S1.C0 ' tXA Diarrhea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint :r JIAGlIlirS Compound Extract cf Ili-;n pi t-r 1 WESTIES 8A5ITAKT COMXISSIOX V to v T. . ? ' 't, ror te cure cf Diarra Vn"S f-T iT-TrT ' TTAaBELirrrrrncr3T.Lor;iCocTT,IE,iaE,T-sorrc citm( t'?'- ? C:X7. PnwM, : ITe Have use! your Comn.i kI. rac":c'l nf4reriat , 1 1 the soldiers' farm lie re.-rim aece.wita tbe mo if.s.lctory re We a- -ViC, f.'. " ,100 aTf the ben Durrbea Medicine in mse and bone its ce-ikal c:i:.cs wia soa ke Titlt"? MAGUIRER'S EXPECTOHATJT SYHlf : The Gnat Kenedy for Coughi. Colds, J,tUm. Btonchiiau F-illir" cf pVj . 5 IT T DIW -TCr.v rii' Ttiv rr'x-oi J cJ : Eastern lir mrst t!oce;sfel'y artJ to a crat and pronounced ty alt who tare taken it tote ti e cu. ii i. rn-ireij Tf?euo:f. an-! tin te Uie-J m !" mj . jumlj J i J HI, jjl Cl.-J. AIlG UIKE'S ALTE H ATIV K JX,TTrr hill Cure Scrofula. Ilheumatiun. .Ytvrx'gU, Uoit, Mcrrri-i c"dt-t ejections, Goitrr, SxeL'hg, of the Joints. Cariis cf the Zones, Ulcers fVC. and all diseases arising from Itnpnrify of t,s Blood. Pripe S npP VV "r J. & C aiAGrtRBr.-iefni-w and Drwj7lt. S.'e Pro .rieu,-,. .V.. J !t V I-ear J a-M p, n ' everywhere. ttScnd for oie of our A'r.artcei for fxrZh.r ,-,f,rr, r-" ' ' 1 s" D-'Ki-j Chills and Fever, Bilious and Intcfmi'tent Fever DurQb Aotg, etc., etc ' V1VIA.GTJIRE'S AG OTJ 2SI 1 x his Ite-jicine is.nr.douLtcJiy tSe most cc: ;. remedy ever eatre.i fir l piainnf. It Las bren.t:oro'igMy tested t'iii s?ai. uwing to the scarcity cf succeeded ia tstabiUhirg for ii.-e!fa foiir rciutatKn sareti -rto thttnf :ioy Md knowa to fail and is warranted to cure in evt ry iustan -e. N- eilic".iiT Lai a i Liver than thi, it is a upei:or Ti cirt in debility i'rice S ',53 j er bcttle. J. f Si E3 "WHO L E S Jl L E DEALERS I.Y iftv ' i.Y'l til '1 v ti oseio i3. r, S " Would call the attention of DEALERS to tLeir'unenie'stcci cf . .. ' Drags and Medicines, Scliool Boo!;?, Patent 31ed!clne.s Elnl; JIoolcs, . Glass and Glassware, Wrlilns Pncrv Painls and Oils. Enrclopc?. Spices and Dje-sia, toaiOIIana tezjs i Pare YIaes; Liauor, tic, de., . Which were Dflcjlt fcrcxh cf Jfinnfactcre-s, Imrrters and Tutl'iibers, an! will be o!J at tbs tt-st i j favorable prices. "Baying ia large qualities from first haais, thjy are enable J te clir txir iaJacs- i ments to the trade. . j They are the North-westemTVTioIejata Aenls cf Pr.D. Jayie & Son, aaJ cf' I. J. ! L. Ayre & Lo and can farniih . f . i .mi a 1 1 - -r-. n.. im 1, mmm 'wi . . f ( . t -m j . V ... - - I u- n A- l ' ( : GROVESTEEN & CO, PI AN O FO R T E M 400 T3IT033'C3r.r XZZTsTU" "Z The 'attention of tbe Public and the traJs is Forte, wtieh for volume and purity cf toco are onram a a tae modern imrrorecents. i rfs. a. urtr. Ac.and each instrnm;n: leirg It under tie rtrjo".! sncrvi-i. n d .Mr. J. II. 'iroTc'ieea, w: SiS J bad a practical eipcrience rt .verJ years ia their ma no fact 1; re. ifu".ly warraated in cverv rartieaar. The 'roTcstccn Piano Forle"' over nil ollicisat tlic ere were exhil red ir?trcmcnt fr-ta tbe tct iiiore.Ii?ton anl Nc York : ant al.-o st tbe Amcrk.in In-rita'.e lorikft s-;ct:cie yeiX', ths g:? u? I silver medal) from ljth of whi.-h can L-- ? en at tar ware-r.;.a. 1 Ky the tntroit.:tioQ cf im-.rtven3tnt e n!i largely, r-ith a itrict.'y casii systcir, are CLal'ed tot all m"etiri ,n. - p'?iri v n..r , t No. . Soven 0?tave, ruswc rcer. Kiwood l-cawrr- u' lir' j N". Seven Cetavc.r-.a.-.Jei.rner?, lL.se wood Louis XIV itylci ,efar":necTthealoT'-, Terras: Xctt Cnsli, ixx Current Punds. DESCRIPIIVE CIUCULiliS i!NT FliLE. 'JU.,fli Co. Aug. :t;h IS'.i .J."4Mj 0 ST. JOSEPI-I, MO. Importer and Wholesale STEEL and HEAVY HAEBWAEE. AV.njrD, Cirria?, AGRICTILTURAT, IMPLEMENTS. Springs. Axe?, Axel', .Shovels anl Srde.FiI?s Washer?, Nail, Uore nan.-. II rrc-A jlole SLot?, Castings and UcUow Ware, Su-ar Ktnlea Andirons, Skilletia1" Slew pot3 Pake oven?, Fruit ketiles and Sad Irons. BlaelvSnJilllS' TOOlS. AnriUSircks and Dies Ee:icw?.S!edgeacd Ilifi Ito mtri, V;ses1l'incer5,IlAp, Furrier' Knivss, Tuyere Irons, Wrenches, Aj. Ox Tokes, Axle Grease, Ox chain?, Wo-a Jacks, 1,000 CJELEBIiLTElD IOLIjSTIPILOT. sJ 'iFtJPV ! lf ID J ust p-atente-I, and superior to any yet invented ; en 1 ' tmr 21eCormIcli.'s blowers and Rentier. Tni I ers Salky Corn Cultivators, Hand C.rn r.aatcr, Corn Sher3, Lray Iiai.c, e::.et: esc.- slirlDIL'c; St:siz Tsi27cL Scaled y ins n:y g.jodj direct fr-m tte ma Ciacta r, I cs;r great laducwaeats ' TO WHOLESALE' - t-KCIIASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse -ST. JOSEPH, MO. KEROSEN & GASS TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS, GLUE POTS OIL, CANS, &c,o. All the Corkiaj for a amity may bo -$ t 7" -tone wi:ft Keroen Oil, or Gass, wiia 3es.4 tl" trocblu. and at -ess expense tLAa ty JCj aay otier feel. -4-4 Each Article manutictnrel by this Company u guaranteed to perform all that is claimed fr it. 37"ind for Circular.3 Literal Discount to tie Trade. KEKOSEN LAMP .HEATER CO., TC 8 FEARL STREET, N'T. Jalj, 1st lS- e Eontii x 11 - v a. extent in S;. Lcuii tn-t Vii'.'y 'rr , v met w. a.:e:fsl rec.ctlyr Ct. r-ra- - ,rttt?Tvs. CtEDSt i:t Tit it 1 ..." i.sc,. "TE. - av f- Kfr:.iia ar.ii .r as 7 C0 .'rfl r t U1 lU AXD their Jledimes in say quantities. f.iJi-ly ; AN U F ACT U R ER I '. 1 invited to cur Ne 5 rile ? Ocrara :.-tw:d 18 unrivalled Ly anj huhcito cfered in t L i trarket. Ji J aeuon. iiarr. rc-(. Iralrrit' Uver-strcrr I rrcrlvrd Uic S;I?:Iicst award of men Celebrated lVorlCs I'air! n.ners f I o-. 1 r, 1'j.-;', Heroic v. n.;!d:";"a.-- f as:!! m. ra rcrf:;t Vixm r"5rt. and bT carmfjetarf a - - r tLeai initrnmcn'.s at a jrice hkh mil irec j ' i 1 1 and EetairDealer in Iron, anl nw Wocdwcris. On lan I as J'warrT?, Cvmrrrjia ia pi and ro;-?, Chains, Carria and Tire C-An, Nata Saw., etc. etc. , Cx Shoe nail?, Sh.ivels and Vltk'fiJl TaaS 7 s 'V'J Horse corn SALE OF STRAY STOCK j On M.nJiy the 3Uh diycf Jaly, :.yjt o eiiK i A. jl I W i .... . - ... i ,T-m m t biaacr lorcaja ia naii.aj me re-.-- ,e, ia Nemiba County, Nebraska Territory. One dard redCo-r, cm-wbat t7e; oU lait epricj arpraliej' at thi.ty d Ij One lirit rt-1 lia l'z Cow. f jar y stria. Aredat twenty-fve " ? by F. e! Allen, and 80 i h . . fSX P' STB JY HORSE Taken up by the nader-iied ..V.D ; hove Itrownr-:!-, ia ih. jj H i. his ecl-cd preai, u & ISo3. Ons bri-ht sorrel 7?;? white Ies n-ariy ta fct K-an Wjt-TJ3 es w r. u dim