Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 19, 1866, Image 3

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ii.i11!!. (ujuwiumjiiiauiii'
Iriok Peeds.Mcrtptgcf, Executions, TlepleTin?,
i. -e I.icenie.Ac. Ac. Ac. for sale at (hi Office.
fjTs. VIIiLIAH3, Who is tbanbo-
Jirenl in ft. Laali for tbit paper, will attend to
kin( collection anJ purchase in tt P'r. OJict
f ftrt freer, A tr. pi.
tdiicrlzed Agents for Prince Co
, (;(). W. MM. A CO ..arc the authorized Agents
yrxaha County for l-a. A. Fr.n:e & U ecle
Vi Cbint f,'ini , ytdi.dri.iis, ttc. Forjric",
cal! at the ,4' cert .'rr bPee-
i Tot (iHIcc Hours.
jVi'.un "! Clot-eii 7 oYloth, P. M.
V,ir-!,rn M Clone 7 o'clock. P. M.
.,.ra J'.a'l C.vvs Mj.-iJ-iy at 7 uHitk, A.M.
X tri- oh: rTan.e of t e above n't'l fave muiL
and tiXatiun tf l-irit.
- . , a.d.iiahsii, r.M.
i liters cf Good Chocolate go for it
The members cf the Legislature frou
lis coi.ry rtturred Lome last Friday.
; fure Cidar Vinegar at
Jjjr;yuur Staple and Farcy Goods at
R.T. Iliiuy Cj., have juit receiv
1 a l.iriro supply of Queensware and
.her fj'J-Js Going oil rapidly.
Dried Apple-, Drid Feache?. Prunes,
ic, at SWAN & BRO'S
I5,jy your B.t and Shoes at
Any ouf desiring a No. 1 Riding
J.;nv should immediately apply at this
The.lT.c- iif n.a.G. I)rs-v. Hk'is-
r (f l! J.-inl ():iic in n :i,y :'nr j
.! Nunh L t'id O.ilr.-. J :i - ! . !
" fl '
j M.iiu ;re t.
If y u want a N. 1. Kt.iuin? Mach
e call !.d tx;iii.,ijf fj cinp ;it ibe
Jrcniier Office.
See. the adver:iement of Brown's
itnt Metal Top Lamp Chimneys, in
other column. From our exchanges
t are lead to believe that jt has all the
frits claimed for it. ,
To have your property insured againtt
.re, Lightning and Tornado, in cne of
e most reliable Western companies,
fply to Get. V; Hill, ot this cfflce.
Ladies, buy your - Cornets ar.d Hoop
Bayard Ta)Ior.
R'li.unbrr that B.iyatd Taylor, ihe
:,vt pi ; iar Lt cttsrer op ihis Continent.
.1 deliver u lc ure at McPiierion's
1I. in this city. .nett Tuesday or Wed--clay.
ToHiive u nice will be given
season, so lhat all may attend.
The Forrest City Salccn still holds its
ita .is the best resort -lor fun an
e lest Luer Ber.
Ia another column, will be four-d the
nfiaue cf a renjatkab'e cure of deaf-
s ptifcrnied in this Territory by Dr.
rt. Wiih the private aid public
rename ndaiiotis we have had of Dr.
;rt, we feel no hesitency in recom
ftiiing the ufil.cted to apply to him cn
return to this place. See his adrer-;,-mciit.
Ve learn that Messrs. Tern!, Statj
"P&i Co., have purchased a site adjoin
o ibis city, upon which they inteud to
ect a large Distillery. This enter
se we hoi w ill make a'hqme jnarket
r much of the surplus corq raided in
Wherever Trin- e &. Co'.s Meloleons
pt be n test d in eompans n m Ii o iier?
Jhave invariably rone oT v;ct S
1 'u Ci'.y .-rv- Uii,.U re ..woU. .n i
1 "-s D)v die b t oii'MC to v h -v. i
'"OOI lit BruWriVllle. piouou. Cr;s l'l l:.C s
e bdt instrui;:eni nude.
The Democrat, a pew piiper published
' riaitsmouth, by J. I. Early, is before.
In appearance it is "a huckle-berry''
'?ad of the old Seniinal, which dieJ
Hhat city some time ago; io ability is
; ut two. .May its success be equal to
1 deserts.
M R. Ehrlich, who recentjy paid a
1:1 to Rulo, Jiaj returned, and pari pow
found ever ready at his Cincinnati
2Dch Clothing Store, to accommodate
u with a sen of clothing of ary style
r Pattern at remarkably low rates. He
tor.statitly receiving large access'ons
l w already splendid stock, and is de
;rfnined not to )e undersold west of ihe
iisturj rivtr- . For choice goods at low
:'es Jive him a pall.
ca Stoniaclj Eittera.
18 ery excellent medicine has be-
;RieiJely known as onp of the best
es for Dyspepsia nnd other stem
cise&ses that has ever been effeted to
Frcsli Arrival.
A. S. Holladay &. Co., of the Metro
polifan .Drug Store, have jost received a
fuprily cf choice Fine Cut and Flu?
Chewing Tobacco, Dru?, Liquors, &,c.
To thcrctighly rrpreciate the comforts
Ot this life On6 iriLl't l ave a COaTrlie
this life
i of that s
ei of that Mlend.d Furniture f.o.n Mc -
Fall Sc Co'?.
Ln?t Saturday evrninj our city was )
thrown into a tmall exci:eni-rit Ly the
fact that one of the pri.-tnrs lst-ld ly
the county in our city jail, had rnn Je In
escape. His name is CI. as. Uuulall, and
was bound over to the District C ur: nn
charge cf prand Jrctr.y. Two o:l.r
pri.onprs. in at the ame iirne, refu?od
to leave, although the door was U i.Je
open. Our jail i not iufTicient to hold
5 thief of ordinary energy, atid it is a
f tyJ
lane to incarcerate any jui a drunken
men in it.
One cf the Greatest
Causes of ill health i costi;nesr, rr
indigestion. It has for its cHVprin dyt.
pepsia, with all its attendant miserie.
such a? Hck-headnche, four steane'i. n-
oppeute, no, m fact, cr in; leto
prosifation. Cce's Dy5rpjia Cure i. a
scverign remedy, uhy do not you, who
are sifTtrirg, make the experiment of
the trial of a'iiag!e L'jtt'p, ii c ts I t:t a
tri.Te to test it, aud will surely L ! i : 1 .
you relief.
Window biiadcj
Which are a M;h-ntuii fur o'.i'sidf
hi nls! admit nir. i xch-de tin fhrs. ix
rluthi the du:d, xi.!'jiH t!;fi .-nn. They
nd no fixturi' J r:;i, L raised i.r lo t.
el at pleaaur ; i n t T-t put of o'-.ii r ;
Cm b? put up n ii trt mo'i- ;,c:in ! coovrd
to auo'li'-r Wind -w at aay tiinc, m ta
iroui le or txpf.'.sf "u v-r n -. 1 a 'i -n :
givi- cio! aad pbas'iut r-laci; n.t -i r
F-r a hv W, II. MrCliF.E.liY
Wl... i r.j-f ..i
f 'li" I I! i if ' Ji
ll: r'lMoit-rs l'(l''t ;l io cur niv
jjul. One hi" : I r i ady escaped, ai d, in
ste;id of thi prouucii!!? extra vigilenc-.
the mhir two eein in h.u i'i? frnxlo n
of thi- tiiy. On I l.s: 1 f p f ihn liix-f ayer.
of the county we protest against this
The ends of josiice can never be reached
through such criminal neplect of iiscfTi
cers. We shall make it warm for tome
qne if either of thes ris ri e?oi;)e.
A Remarkable Cure.
Deafness of Sixteen Years ni-mJinp;
Hearing Restored ly on Opcraimn Per
farmed Itj Br. Port at the Seymour Ilou&t
This is to acknowledge that I hue been
deaf for, over sixteen yearsso tuuuii '
lhat I could hut scarcely distinguish any
sounds. In this condition I entered Dr
Bort's rooms at the Seymour House, thi
the 4th day of July. 1SC6. The Doctor
performed an operation on my years for
the restoration of hearing, and in Lsv
than twenty minu'es I could hear, seem
ingly, as ve!l as any ont, and thanks to
the skill of Dr. Bon so pbly mrinfcsted
in my case, that of restoration of hear
ing. Signed Wm. G. Hivbus,
41 2 Flattsmouth, Nebraska.
Dr Bor.T will pay his second profes
sional visit to Brownville, by bti igat
tl)e Brownville House WednesJay iin 1
Thursday, July 'Jg.h and i2Gth, at which
time he can be consulted I y those who
can appreciate and distinguish the servi
ces of a thoroughbred physician and sur
geon from an unlearned and paltry quack
The Omaha IlcraU, in lauding the
Nebrat-ka Democracy, says that
"Tuytay "get I t hind me Satan."
tending no disrespect for the dtvil. but
simp!) desiring to indicate themselves. '
The above shows the most Hat; rant
disregard of parenial affection we have
ever heard of. and ihe nppoloy to t lie
old gentleman, is simply an admi-siou
lhat they c intiol do without him, bnt
wou'.d like him ta ''ike a I .-u-k seat'
now that the "cruel war is over."' We
doubt muih wheihr His Mnje.-iy ill ! e
exorcisrd by his off-pring so. ih ao ighly
If wai Ir ?i' s ; r. w ! it Wiii n ih t
t m J e . 1 .u ii w:r j.i.v r.- I A i Vii iina
ti.e i itl. ll iiii-r tii ui. lvt's that Russia
wih bt- ;iih Au-tria ain-t Prussia.
Thit ho Si l ete vb r g ca! iut 1 as s ii
i h ihe smi.e. Ji j leasure as tbe rest of
Europe lli4f jiml jtious and conquering
feeling of Count Bi-mark is all the at ire
eas-y to understand, beer use the extension
of a Prussian mariiitne state in thu Bii
ijc and tle posseasiun by Germany of ihe
two Duchies of the Eibe might interfere
with the d rve'vpnient of Russia's own
navy and deprive' her some day of the
keys of the North Sea, still entrusted i
the enfeebled but neutral hands of Den
mark. But ubsoibed as she is by her in
ternal transformation, connected by frien
dship with the Prussian Court nnd with
hut little s.ympaihy for that of Vienna, it
is tq be presumed thai Russia will nut
interfere in the syuggle except at the
Inst extremity. It is possible thai Eng
land and France will observe ihe same
with this difference, however, that France
vexed, and with justice, by the failure of
her last p:'.c fic attempts, and morally
ob!irf 4 to sustain Italy, should she be
threatened in regard to the results of the
campaign of 1S-59. might be more quick
ly led to join ia the conflict thin the two
other powers. Already people say in
Paris that directly the first shot is tired,
whether in Italy cr beyond ihe Rhine,
the Moniteur will the formation
of two corps cf observatn upon the eas?
tern frontier of the Empire. Indepen
denes Beige, June Gth.
OFFICIAL. , jidxty-eix, for report cf hthmrn r.ute to tha Pa
I MUfi nr TIIC l!M!Trn OTATr:oJci2?oct'la ? ! tfcn hundred dollar..
Passed at the First Session of tbe Thirty
Ninth Congress.
Public JTo. 4S.)
AN ACT tu authorize the coiaa-jo of fire-cent
Jliit retrd If the S a te and Ifoate rf H'pre-
fa'.'r? of the United Stet of Africa iii 6'
T1..1 r . ........ ,.i v. .. r...
i li p.m-j..; ihia.-t,tcrc lu!l be coined at the
- . w - i r - F . -
tsi- meritr five per centum of nickel. a
hull, n :d by l ie director of fb mint,
t'e 'an 'ard weight of vbi h sh!l 1:0 Vventy-
c. n aiid ix'ee:i buridr dih-i :rAii, with hngrva
tt r d. v.n tn n than ikd rta nj o each j.ioo : and
t:ie -h.ij e. Ui"'te i nd dcticscf eaid ctdn hball
te be:crn.ii,fd l.v ilion'nce er of the n.inr, wi:h the
l j'u vnl r tl e etary of the Treiisurj ; ai.d the
l v. e to in .'. ice r I itio; t tlio ' if en.
aiA pM.viiiJ.i lor 1 ho I unli.-i.-c f laUeri:.!, and
I r.-M-r.Li:! n.e ;ip;rinaie Juiie-f t:io 0 crj .
H e iiiint ai d the Se.rttarv of th Trc.i.-urr . be nu i
t le iu;inre creh7, rxuiidcd to ;Le coip e Lero-
iu J run id f. r.
.Sic. 2' And le it further enact J, Tha. all
ji.n in rce rcia'in' t the ooina of tlie
, l i.iiiu t a ..I li e r kinjanJ ro:r.ingo thi
ns me i U !. i.-r i.s :ij J ., iilic, Le ixt. n led to t!ic
it i..!p't h.niii auti-orivc I. u tetljcr rild l.-iw.-i aru
i" ' c. for ti.oiecuri j of tlu c ri. ar.d in:rdirg the r ec?i .f g.riki
coin reg-
OJnn, tor i even! inj deh.i.tciusnt ;r "Cnun'tT-
f i itij;, or li.rauf jiurM?e. Aud thed re.-tor
1. 1 the u.ii.t?b.!i j rt?' iiLe fiiiinhlj r u!nti n In
n ui liuei-i u' rjiitj toihe r r;ui cl weihtand
,?t,i T-i"iis of u'iAy in ibe r;.id !!. and hhull -r-i0,'
;r;u!: t.ur of i b uitJe Iran tiiue to titna Ly
ilii i r .l ihy in hi, wiiuoi cf a le:ort thill bu
ij Ij in .i ii to ihe " rev-tor.
M C. Z. An I be it f,l'ur iilaHLd, That 5rt;d
t-i i;i li;: I e u li -iil tk..Ur la 8iiT (ivm ,nt t t!i3
i::ioi ri' . of one d.-ikir. And it i-IkiII hi l..fiil to
i-iivoutru'li n-.ii-.a hi cxjIi uc'. f..r the huVl'u I cur-
L,.'. r lwv lKl .iivv iM,.d u', i.r r,r(I1..r c:.
,,: t',":!""' ,l"n' l,y ,L5 tre.--irerof
I 1 e i. it, t, i 1,1 l y S-it-U i liitr depi!".trtD' s Hi ihe i..-.j ,i.-.-i.:t. :.! under nnr.i! r-u-
Illicit :::jinvd h tiio Stvr.-iary of thu Tr-.'u.S" ry.
Ai. i ui.i'.xt: li e I k,Mis i!u rai ui y le
t'.Lii.ii' l tii ftiA iL!- ril.i I ur any l;i ,t i" I i-n rcn
e l i.r U.oud .-J. iif., i'ii :!; ex ;f u m -s in id-nls
Io rll:i IX"1.MJ Otji: ! Mil tr:ll! iu-.-i i;
Ill V ho ;niioul of ih-: .o'.i;j ofu:d e-.i.i:-.e : Mi tt
ll.'t i.t I 'i i I fa:l . oi-jj-. i f r.:;i.' I in ihe
liO.liil r-ref b d II M.e . .-ouil lu f I hi! : l;l
e li.i. d :tt r l. lo Io o e j.11 ! li :u l !! 'h .. .-i, !. til i;i.ii !! LhitC'l Stil'"
a. ,. ov.,1 Fcltll ..t -vl. V K.-t. Ci4h .en T.m.inl
:mi L w-iv ...-ia-i J.- fn. rr .it, W tn-a-r.-i
i I at--' t Ii t -:0 -..".,,. Tl.i.t ,,m -lint
a t i Hi- !
1 no i a. t to
.-..s ..r 'r. ii ..
i.i.i.-oi i.e L i t: a .-i- I .-i-li ! U ' l a tc-" "e oiii
i ,a' i ot , .ii ii -..;; i I ,ii- 'io i.-rii j : t l-at
"t'c in. : c : i - -'..; , v i.-. o j a d m'n 'to' ' r u
ot; ; 113- ( -!,;ii t 0 0 j-ii.-i y it il'e Unii il
;i I , . :ii-. ia 1.1 . x 1 1 !, d 'i ''f vi-led
. y '.t- ( , . -i; i; j ; .1
I C .
i-' S .1 t ' 1
,.it...l a r. n l d. Tiiiriraiy
.i, -i-.v. i: 1, .11 ii . 2:1 si h i
I.... 10 U u-. r ; a 1..- ii-e 1 . ! 1.1 -i!i'
.-.-:,i.-i , . t ' .i -t 1 I"." tnaKiii;. .- oi .i r
1 r 11 11 , 1 i; -. .i ' i ii' v ' t a i -i -
v. 1 . 1 -ft.' 1 1 ' 1 : in, ..on i 1 ' 1 (1 d ' i - -1 i.i
e a i y t- t.'x : 1 4 1 i d y 1 i i
. , . 1 I r e 1 1 ' 1,1. : e- .j. o 11 j-i 1 - 11- .-(.it
I. ii- i- . h j. i :; 1 1 a, i- 1:1 a ".. iio i .-b !:, 11
c i.i ; in t ii . j. 1 .i- i .1 I.i...' iu. ix
l.-f 1 ii il. .i mii.. ii o - r , ! il iaiof'oii.ri
Lic..tlo:"a t.rnl l.t ajoi-l.;; h'U.'e.iB, iit lh'.
o e.tiioii i.i th'J c. nn.
Si c. j. And Is it f'.u tle time ed, Tim its'ial!
be j.wfol for the tii--..Siitra: d it-eii ve.a! a--i-ia;;f
tren.-i.n r-i t L'.il.d S'aos to ud : in 1..1
foi nl titir i. ? i 1: .!; 'l. ?i.K. i!i f i-"i 'i !,
a- iu .j be or. - i" he s by th Scei'-i'.iiy - f ih j I i .1;
ury tlic e-iiil lu r.ti a ii: Ion- z 1 t j ' ) t.jU'J i, iun
prej. Hied in tUais ol H it lei tbtin olio LuLd.ld
Apjiioved , Muy 10, IF.fio.
(Public jVo 51.)
As ACT to Mi.cni 4 A;- cs t est b!i3 h the grade
if set- Aou.oal in li e L'nifid S;;tii mvy."
lie-it e 11 m l-d (ui f.'ie 3:n:te ud lluuxe rf Hetrv
( tttnfiit -i i-t t'.ie UuitidS.alt.iuf America in V-tt-iji-ett
it-hrii.Ui d , '1 oat la liceond ieuti(.ll of 1111 in: I
lie l.illi-h .b : grade of viee aiitii aiitlilu United
Stales M.iyy, U:j"oV.d I'eeeu b r Iwetity first.
Ci - i.t e:i ' dud rlXty-luur, he, and tl.O f.inie
is hei'ihy, iue.ii.d by i;diin ihi.-rt.ti ihaW lhw
i.. : -'And lie hhail bj abutted a Sejreuiry wiih
iticf.u k aiiti tint i;.y i-jid ailetTanCei otai lieuten
ant, in "ho ri.ity.
( Public Resolution, Xo 31.)
Joint Fk.-oi.ihos riiat;ven the uocuitcd asstts-
mia ioo or it e Finp ror of Ku&i .
licit nurtnt I j the Sefe aud Home of lit p
ni. ji.n ii ..- tii ie Uiti'-.d Su etvJ'ica i.t O"--
'J tii ut.ttui led, liio C Dreta if tl.O L'ui.CU
os ol Auiciuah.ii lo-oiicd wivbdieji ngicttt
ih. - ulitipv inaue ujmjIi the life of the Fuieior o!
i u ta, by nu in i.iy of lima eij.tiriu i itioCon
Z o suciidii g.eiiin to bis -taint-rial Slije.-fy, ar.d
t'ii.e Kus tan oat ion, in d t-oiiia i ulrles ihe tw cn
J till In. a.- o;' isrli Uimll t!ie J)."o"i la ttia! cseapj
t. wo !i j r ot t'a j lioveieiti, tu woo o head
ma t lUr.j . wj too htcs i i cf th:ir freed jui.
SKO. 'I. Ad le ii Jiirtksr riHulotd , ' the
I'.Ci J JUt of lit l U.lilC 1 St it -3 bo retjlcSted t for
ward scijif tf tbii reij.atiuu io tUa i-uio.rj;- ol
Aji'roVcd, Hay 13, 1333.
(Public Rrioiufion, Yo. 32.)
JolNT j.s.soi.i'1 ios r.-iative loilij coin",. rd jMist
i r.ii-c. ot rit w Y rK eity.
lie iteunctrd I't'ie Scufte unit metf llepre
Ci'titlem it Cif:!el Siutr.t tif Amtncil in CinjruHH
itiiill' d , '1 hat the ll::iyor and J ost inas.i r ol ihe
i-ity oi Net York, ihe dis-tnet uttoniiy for tin
L'ni id states at New York ci y, thu cpsiden if
tlie Chamher of Coninieiee ot the Stite if New
Yoik, and J.icIiS.n S. Siialtz, Jit ul.-H II. 11 j i! .
ai.d .Vo ts Taj lor, of Jttw jn.iuti d
j coui'.iii'.o i tosi'l.." t a ite f. r a uui d n
Jur ii o't t tiice mid fi r tae ae.otoin iitii f.ti of the
U. i'oM S at aronr; in tho city of New Y'ork ; nnd
tinit they 10 oat to ihe lVsttn u-tcr liciier.l and ill -Societaiy
of ihj I.'iieii'.r, at their nirntis uoiiro.ii
tnee, t.e t"ilciiioii ni'-..ii iIhiu which they, or a
noijo.iiy f th in, may agree, tun taupri-c at
win. h nn-li site can he urciiiisod by the "govtrti
i.Kht tor tlie j,iurM?e.' c. tit, urdait d i.i iIpa re.'o.u
t oa, ii a i cw siim.l I l.c n In t' d ; nn I lhat ii
.-aid ie;i n r I a 1 in ei It ij j n ha tun 1 1 tho L'.jSt
iiu.itoiu.'i l itud ihe S t-io iry ot Ihe Ii.ten'or,
in. y .-h.ili cntnni inicaie I he ."a-.n , tvit'a aJii
i turg si. o.i3 ai ih'.-y ia.iy ihii.k l-roji'r, lo
.tjli oed. M.iy . ISo.i.
( P.ub.'ic Rcso!,. I ion, Xo. 33 )
A liK.-.oi.i Tiiis ..nitiori.-.ii t:,i! S-r.'t'iry of War
to -1 ii t ihe iu 1 1 a ci 1 1 1 u I t-tiil-er I r the Fair
lui i'n." "" M(id .-a ,i .i .-' Or hail To. ne
A'' ly the S. t ttte tihd liun-e i '.''"' cntit
t tt. i. L'it d rol. if A iii ur i-t iu (!' ''. "
nul l.', '1 t..i loe Seiel.ii y ot U'.ir I Ii ty .m
ii. r ze.l In r. i.t Ihe ne if o tr.hi-f not tiilii iiohd
0; mc I'i'j. rum rl lor uiiuod.alc ie. tif the
O: 'I i I i. iiiji inry l"tl d u in the ntj d
' -xi iio : l-i-ir l.r tiiti bfjiet
1 1 u-i .- o d ir.'i nd S i:, i.- i) ; hi ti 11 .ii?.
.1 J. . U., ii.ljl lo. 1 li i.
I ui.i.e No :.2
AN cT t:.a!( -lis sij -t'a i ii ' f' r tbe not i e of
;ne Tost "llijo i;e j in tu:. i.t ruiinj tic fi-.-l
jear ii.l;ig it e ihiriit.h ol June, t-hti-in hu-i
oieli'ltds V ntv- v ii.r.i.c, . r"" ti it ( n-j.. so1.
-Fe il "' tfi I ir ,'- wi c ..nd ' e f Le
Tftrn ittiit "J t'te fit ted ttltinl A id '. i ift iii L'un
jre rtati d. Tim ihe lollowii.g sjiiij l.c. and
t ie rauie are hereby, iijf,-ri j.ri itcd for the se; f ii e id
tlu 1'ost Olhe Di-pirtin i)t. f.,r tin year smi i
Juae ibiitielb, cibtci ti hui drri a- d sixty-seven,
out if any ra'i cyt iu the treiirury aii-ing I nun ihe
riv. iiiii-K of aid d-4i. I uiDt. in ii-iif-n imty to the
a tf ibe tcond . I u'.y, cigbtii'U hundred aud
tor irariSjMta'ion ,f the raiib. (i'.land.) nino
uiiil'.nii fife hui.ditd a id tif.'y ilu.n.i:id d .Ilar-.
For irai:?jHi!atio:t of ibe lunil., (foiciu, six
biiinlnd Iu u -in 1 Jollar..
For hil cleauibat and way litters, eight thctis
at.d ihitm.
For f.iuiper.'iW'ioi to rt raider, four m'JIijn
twubnndfedai.ii fifty thmtjand dod trs.
Foti-lcrks for jhi.-i i fi -rs.orc m liion niae hun
dred nnd twenty oa-anl ilniiari.
For jiiiyoiect to Utiei carriers, sis hur.dred and
forty la uisan I dol! irs.
tor wrwripmg I'iper, one hundred thousand dol
bsrs. For l wine, tbirt thi.rnniX Jo-ir-ir'
For lit t-r h.diici c-, fix ihou-und dr-'.'r. .
Ft r louneii niton to blai.k ageut- anl aisiistanco
eight thoufiind dnl ars.
Firioleo 1 trii.ur, ir thucnnd diiiir.
Fcrdertitii ff.iighty t!t?:ird dollar.
FoT Jt ftMiJ l-tatllps lilld ft.HliI-t'd CLVfcl tWO
hur.i.'r.-il a:.d fiMy thoefai.d ililiar?.
Fi r laail dt i reiiatt- t.t and Fpei-ial agent?, cne
lioiid-ed tl u.-a 1 1 doilir.
Fi-r ir.ail bagj . ino hundred ond thirty thousand
For mil key, nnd stamp?, thirty thou5n J
For j fiytcrnts r f bal.incj due to fnrtirn coun-ttii-?,
three hundred and fifty thou-atd tlolia.-j.
For ujis;;eou rKiyaients, threo hundred and
twenty thousand dolhirs.
To enable the aptri ntendent cf the Xaral Oh
rervatory tcf rarry out tbo object of SJcnato rcolu
tioa of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred a&d
SEC. 2. AnJ be it ftulUer enaetnl. That the
followim; su ni3.or so rouca thereof a imT do noj
e?sarj,be,aad tbetnrco ao hereby, epprnpraUd
fvr tne year cndin? J ju thir&ietn, eihteea tuo
dred and fix ty-seven, out any u.coey io the tras
urT not otherwise approi r;4tjd.
For tbe mail picxui-.! is trvi:o befweea the
Ciitod Siatc3 ard Itrazi!. ore bondreJ and fifty
th-.iu n l del ars . J'soeLfcd, Ihryi th;s aprocri.
lion hhiiil taku eti -et only wbir.L'niiS fhil have
jie rtoruii d the e-irid lion n her att rct-cei in 'be
law u;u. r zrd aid ervu-e
Ftir th. miii etcauibip ?rvi:o batweca Sn
r rAnriccu. JiiLn, ar.d Outi-a. for six ia rjth end
ing Juno ihiriuih. e g:i:etn hen iiol and six j-
ti-jf cn. two Lui:dred aai n:ty tLoUraml ili!! ri
For tha cvtriaid ils.'V. ira.afTis.zUn be tt-cb
Ate'aioa 1 Foboin, ai.d tor ui.irioe mad tranf-
loitiiti-n bvineen N'c-v Ycrk.aud Culitcrtiia, kite
bui.drea ihou-und do.Jir
UC. o Aud be it f ttti!nr enncte J f t the Pot-
mtiiUr te.ati 1 Ue a ucicay, nuttn t:z d to
eujj.i.:y illiilJ visfls for tac iri Kurtatiuti if the
m.iiis tieiwcf ii the jorti oi t;:e Luueit Mates and
any t cr l in iort wh-.-re the fcirijej may bo facil
itated tueitby, aiiowin".; and juyirg therefor a
coioiieri.-:itj,.G iiwt ciw-eiui! the be j.t.'ge
ii ' on t ie m . ii.- s i convevi"
bt-ti. 4. Ad le it j-iriher eia.tJ, Thit tic
I oil ui .-.-t-T Lieucrai b.-, l he.-iby, rcquiretl t
ivp-it t-J the Sitrtt.oy f ibe Trmsury uuaaady.
l-rior to iLe Cnr. U iv u Ai'Vem i-T ot ea:li yei.r, hi
estimate of the ii.t iiey nqaind for the rervicra ot
the t'oii Cnke lu-j Hnnivi-t lor ihe ti.s-uu g limn . which ts.iic.ito be reported to C-.urisi
with t'je i;rii;t"d eti:mts of a;rr-ipriati"jn ro-
'juiiej l.j the joint resolution of the 5cmth c
Jauimrv. eih'.ei u LuiJred auJ tori- '.X
KC. 5 And le it furlhtr t united, '1 lie bn'-
anco ol the !M t u i' . of o:ie ha.r.I ed ihimn.d
d. Ihirs iii dcr lift tbirtiiih fic'iiii f ia net ic
tabU;li a O' Jtl inoii"? f.rdcrisyt in,' iipjrovn:
M:iy tivet.tti r.'i, it0httfti l.:iitlr-d n 1 sixty-tour
whieh uiiy rt ta ii i uii Speti' at ihe lo;e of t!ie
cur. cnt f a at, u iy.'lo"i ! as faf v necessary
o U j ! def;t::nt-if in the j-r K-cda of ihe u-un'i
o:dr vst"ia da:i i' ti.e e.i year c m:ijc:cia.
j July lii, vi!.t i a hundred aLd ix'y x.
StC. I"-. AW in ttjarlnr tmii:.'- U, I oat ;lli a.l
verii-i;;. t. ta-.-, .t i. s- s tor c n r cts In
lh IVH lii. e J i it Ji n. t. ai d il :i-I i-nisi -
i .t i-e , md e irv.silifor e-nitra-jr. f.,rnil llfo Fx
e. u i v-t; f i-1 1 nil-jits ! '.he U v. 1 1 t . uqni ii
liy l:n n.b; j it i i:i tluetv... T f-I,ii.: i.
-h !I !.cr i lt i- in i.Jvi-ij. s d l.v .u j'. e t'-m in tii
I d 1- n . not t ia the i!7 a.-ti n g I
l.-.riiu .iij i'ltr , in u a i inii, iit.d in loit hi r-:
J'ror iVfil. ''I'-i tte fl-i' " f r mii ll jmbl -eato i:
1 1 i i i i ..! I !.-!: r do. ii h.c-i ;: J-i-i'i by uni
i ..' .;.-!'. r ii.r:i-ii in d i." ji i :Aii'.
tUtl th M , lli-m.: l"U...t.-i I ... yn i.i .".
" a.-li ..f n d j.i, rs . .j .. y i.s t.. Ir.quc.
).' 1 tll.H t!l " et.cuiiiio-. oi fui-h - J-aj. I.t M..
I lie k:- i-ioine I tti'.i t'i in ti oay .1 nn..-ittinu .
ai d .i Uc nub b!i.- s 1 1' ai a i 8 .- m. c :ng t.-r mi -
.i.iV: r i i ig s.iiil l-.i'ii-h a 'l ni-ni o
t: r 1 1" I ( li t li It- j. l d C i t i I ! e o h eg i! ir i -Mie
tr il.e .n-i-oi g li itr in b. : and sbaii ii.
Ii!t- ta'i i-iOy in .(er mil ti nt. Mich ciieol.i
i ii li h s n d. b r 114 li e fi id liinc nn id! . t i
iii ri- i.-O' hy i.ny g-;i ti'i-ns i-iieittati-.M, '.V a ti
.!n ton in 'i ec i .ciow the ri:nny imhI 1111.
ii.- ' .1 mi. h 1 a: !!.-, r ly io.y th.-r in -.iuf, '
l'ii- 1 ii-1 o-e ij 1 I taii:i. g il.u iS.-ial aitveri i-itt :
I'rui idnl. I iid He tl.i rg. for t ueh ildteitiMij.
. I 01 t he rr at i th 111 1.. i;d f r ir.e .-ausu ji'
l -. a: . n i i .."! e e r iitii.hi.hir i;.te li;a
i- j.i d t.y ii.-i.v I'.n 1- f rl l.c ai v. rt ".sing.
A j Jr- v ', M iv 1 S l
a k
A!l can be suitad ia tho
1 MM USE SfOdE '
Juat received at tho
Mnin Street, Brownville, Nebraska.
All Kind--, Tattcrnsnnd Stylos. Everything in the
Line bct qualify
Boots, Shoes, Woo 'en and
Uc.-t brt.nd?. Dtied ar.d Canned
? II IT I T Q- .
Nails, Glass, Sash, Queens
1 i r "
' ---" -'-!'"-'i j; . .-, : - V-"" :
.J ::r 'H E
L." i i-'-..
20 Varieties, with Patent Basso Tenuto or
3ub Dass.
EcSchool Orgtr.s and Melptlcpns,
' FiniiICdia
Elegant' Rosewood, tYalnut o
Oak Cases.
Xo Charge for Raxing or Shipping.
O33,0Q0 Kott In lTS0.55
f.iinitiK a mi 1 tics -rip-to!! of style, ar.d testimonials M
the nios' C Mum. ians, a In the superior excel
lence iit i"ir iDftrunieuta an be e at tbitO.C e
Ad Iress
Broanville Nebrarka.
Wo.rncii0 at nlt5,
ilar?h 1st, '63, j.
C. ATJLTIIAir & Co'3 '
susapsTiinns "
TH2SniXG aiCilLXE.
Cactoa, Ohis.
IIexst IT. TAtioa,
Gea'l V.itcrn Ag't,
Chicaso, I1L
TI10 ImproTcd "Carey" Po7cr,
(Both eight aad ten Lcrs?.)
THIS "GOIiriZZrSATIJTG" pottthe,
(Hath eis'at and tea horse.)
Alazililb r.nci:i: tzizlz tzzGiralcn ti C7a
Ha le:t r-Sins ij t.u rc!3ihor.i:cd.', ITitiua b
racra dlcagTco-hls tj tisii tb.12. ta tava fornars c:zi
pbia that tici? vrcri b z:t prcpcrlj d:ap, c- to lxe
Tsluihla Ij cf br;ai2jc, tzi czz
tot ha t03 car:d ia zclez'Jis c mcciii:,
Tho Swoo-jstnTcm n tno occreutted head
Cf the Th.n.hiii!i Jlachine family, and its rpericr
6tr"io-'th, d;i nihility, sinir-licity, easi or !raft, rtyln
of fiiiinti, and raparity tor flinching an l clrauin;
fraia r.:i1 letter tLaa uay 0LL.1X ia tho world,
tre acknowledged.
Tho gr?-t reprntion r.o'i'cvecl riy-this
favorite nia-hitinh:is led several unscTti'iuton manu
f.irtnror. n l 11 uiifror.sogontu, to attaeli tlicTiam
' SwEr.r?TA-:ni," fa one W157 and nnnthrr. to ih.-ii
marhinea an J advertisements to mislead and deceive.
Tbla ia tho eaconco cf meanness cloi-
ripht T'itact, and s-itlin.t ttn-Trr false colors. To
avoid the run ii t-f f -i t. urn tiint cvi-ry machine haj
the card, (. Aff.T.MAV A CO.,,
Cttn!m. O'rt'n," in frilt l.-ttcrs, conspicuously ou botli
tides cf the Separator.
Tho Gcnuim GTrceprtaten crr.blei tho
Uirrs!:; r to p;i k his cit-stounTs, seldom stops ror rr.
pairs, Hms inuch loniT than others, avMi
pruiiibtiiiT mi l vf-sation, !o" tho snme nrr.oant of
work with I- lal'or, mi l ( siabks hi.-u ta select tho
Lest and iao;t pro.'itah!.' johs.
Tho farmers civo it a r'eferenc, pni
fifteii nn etrn price per luihel, luTanso it threihi-3
clean frmn tho Inails, srparate perfectly from tin
straw, clean! fit for market withont waste, saved nil
the grain, tlo. its work with the utn.ost speed, .;rt
ly nnd i cdiiinnr, nnd itocs not keep a l,ang of dco
aud teanu about them 0:1 expense.
Tho clo-ant " Patent Pivot Side Gear'
is to b! feu-ad only oa the Swehtstases.
Our "Patent Cleaninr; Apparatus" en
ables tho cpiTittor to control the direction of tha
blast, and position of the seives, and clean cither
heavy or li-ht grain, withont waste, as fast as It
can be threshed, the chaff und dirt being separated
from tho graia before ii striiit the seice at all.
Separators, Horse Powers, Straw Stack
ers. Gears or Jacks, sold seuarately. when
desired. A written wnrritnty delivered with every
machine. Tho " SWEEPSTAKES " in usrtalyavery
scarce article after harvest, and parties should order
Call or rend and get a painphTt circular,
giving a full description and particulars, together
with numerous certificates, and tho names and resi
dence of over three thousand persons who have
b-tught and used tho SwErpsTAKEu in Illinois, Iowa,
ilinnesota, YiscouEin, aud Kansas, alone.
Agcntli, I; r 0 w x v 1 l l e , NrcnAsa:.!. .
v- - A If:'
tw J M
) v
I-, 1
0 Hi
3 . : ,,--;x LJ
:A1 , i-d r
Oyer's Ague
B VI I . - t ' v
1 I . t -
S; . ik -i -
1 iy"H f? r ""-il ri.Oir -
Ttcpneetfully onnoiaco to th ttbiic that
ire mansiUctarin the
A 1.50
Wo haro thec3j!'tdv3 rij'it f- th j rmnif icture
ml sale i f tiic.e pI.ivj in ttiii TL-rit'jry and a. I
j- ii.ii'; "i uniie; cf i!ist uri, atid iuttcd to uj -j !y
il: tlei.ianit. so lar a ticable.
It ii eiitieidd hy nil a ho have tested the Lemper
i Ivi.u r l uliiV.iti.r, that it ii superior to all
..iiier.-i.iu tin fi.iiovviii' respeets 1
l.-t. The idowuiancju riio rajier aal jJj r with
:eo i.lU.T.
H i 1. Any person who eaa drivo a team can mm-
'.i l. CrooJicd rown of corn aro plowed a ea-ii'y
I ih:.r.juqliiy a a straight one, Ihe p:iwr.ansit-
. ir iu tu ooserva the cyrn. aud see it tho work
ii uui ti .no.
lib. It lsrr'iided by a perfectly natural and ca.y
:'iM.t tnulij: , and doi uot crarap or tiro tha jlow-
5ih. The plow, whilo ia njitijn, ii noTcd with
jcill-tt ca.e.
.fith. The shore!. K."y ba adju-tl ti any depth.
ttid tiny dj;i."cd aaeo bfltwceu tboai ii ci-ily ob-
7th. It 1 03 ndju.v::btc ihicldS to prarent youn '
-orn IV 1, ni Itirig covered.
cell. ItuaJiu rably adartcu to p'oamgin cmili
tvery cultivator 'n well maJj, of gcd tcatotia!,
and warranted tod. jr nd worfe
We refer to the 1 nlowin ninicd pcr?on, who
ia?t year bought and ued ll.o cultivator Manufac
tured by 51 irin & 'lead, in Ateh'uon Cuauty, Mij
souri, to-w.t :
A. J. Liciiiiruaon, Jtetnaha count, Nebriiha.
7 TVlYite,
T J l!,lia-tn,
.;r bily, do.
A Shoiuhcit, r.ieharJiwa
iShceniiikcr & Co do
Je:ee Urook do
"J U Watinly Gao
J 11 Parker, Atc iiiou county, lIi.souri.
John Van 5Itter do do
51 J Porter do do
A S C.itiiobc!! do do
W II Vanlovea do do
JobnUiirder do do
David bottrand do do
Jaob Jaliawenny do dp
AndreT Uaek do da
Jlr Cristy do do
W U .Mnrgnn do do
Win May do do
W T Uobinson do do
5!u;es Tibbolts do do
Stephen Clajton do do
U W Voo!.ey do do
5IrTerreil do da
5Ir5Iel)unald do do
-Hr-liitt i
A Ililitn.ia' do ub
J!r Turner do do
51 r lait gley do do
Thonnij Arnold do do
ICodolth Kitcbjo do do
lirr.ost Lanbktng do do
May & Lahuo do do
Le-nnet Kin do do
P Panihurst, do do
S V Vood. do do
(J W Smith do do
Phillip Waltcra da do
till Vanlovea do do
JC Miller do do
A Morgan Nodotyay do
O V ilaler do do
It Ii Ca.ey do do
Mrs S-.hujIer do do
J it IJ adtord do do
h A lingers do do
T J It..jjers do do
J II Walker do ao
J S 'A i.-for.J do do
Cr. c'.ef do do
J l linotk do do
M l'i:her II dt do Tidgen do do
Wm Ilici.toaa do do
D TiiLmison do do
v do
f 1 1
Ilavc Sjccn Designed Hpcclally
to Jlcet the Plants olTarmtrs.
57Onc mn and four horses can do more Work,
nnd do it better, with laia plo7, than t'o men
with two disconnected plows.
The followiii are smaa of tho adraatnges thc30
Plows h ive over others :
1st. Thev are 80 arrangij that theycanno rise
out of tho gro in l when sf ria in, a iod or hard
piitee, injuring thoronj.'h work.
2nd. TLeyare the lightest draft of any Plow,
cith r n ne or d"tiMe, un ording to tbo report of
the t' luiaittie of Tiial of lajpleipenti, at Decatur,
IU.. Septcinvcr, 18ib1.
3d. They are more easily managed ; any Btoat
boy ten years old can tranago them.
4th. They aro more cotupact ana ana fiaipie,
therefore not ro liable tog?l nut of order.
Tliese rioys have taUcn Vive I'reniiunis at the Illinois
Mate air.and Four at
Iqvki state I'alrs.
T'a Trench Plows are nied for breaking Frairio
or 51edo land, with a Sod Plow in front, cutting
the sod in a tiiin flicc,and turning it dewn into a
deep fi rrow. and the rear plow raising the ab-f z:
to the surface, covers tha fcI completely, so that it
is out of tha way of after eultaie.
5T"Wo wili jroaoptly fill all crder3 fT tbeahore
corned plows at thU place.
We aro Ija p-rcparcd to do Custom Work Ia
Wood and Iron, u ouytbing pertaining to tha
Blaclismitli's Business,
Kepairin Wasons,M'ic!iir:crj,SLceIc,tS:c.
Ptompt attention glren lo Castomers ia this Use
at tho Sfcojii rating
x -15 OX THE L2TE2.
Lt-I tyt 1 1- s; - r
. . t- . j .j .-t r ' V .r ;
Souihi'Ie Mr. in Street let. 1st and
Hive ror.' cnhar.J a .7 jn;f;rei.t stocL cf
'kT'-V' i-'.-'-''.'-.-'i'tf
Cor.?i-ui! cf
n.tin ard finer, with r':t 'i"?' S"i
Tiaiii a::J Tp'v, Mi.1..: - T. r", A-... Ac.
"Ji? -iL 3 I-i Hi S
l'aj T4 1,'rejf.;a-t, t.'ei.:.'. lirb.j roj, i-Xtecswo
H E T A L I C 'C A S E S
Or. virt-fy cf ::i-rev: 1 ja:;otn,
CiT :. t. 1 1 ;.- v (f, ,i 1 f 1 1 t-i, 1 h J .ii t d Ht-rr,
LO U t G r. , SA FKS, W ASH- ST A ND
At.d tvry;h!r r i.i iL" I'urp.jr
lire, 'aIi. t it t!:- y u i I i
Below Eastern Prices !
Thir Fnrriitarc i roj j i.i cvo.y rc:je.t,bc
in -.ut xi u 1 y jut trb.f w.,rrftivi. e;'i buc'nr
oi the rt:.l ' ihyvtit. nr. i e' -i 1 o risied n.
Tiieir.-. i- ti.e !"r.";!.;t r..-?. r t ;.. t eT Fjrnitari
v r br.aIit t"i tli'j i.urhft : an I t'i" c:i!y j'ae
! tie a e iii: !ete .t l!" I nr! en l-. h-id.
Fair DbaliurrLow Priced
I j their Lii-i:,-, m.d ;Lvy can Is tidied oa ia
both rj.:ect
Juno 1 I -i .
i.3 5::l
s"0 -
(Saccpnrs T-Tcl.insli'in Swan.)
Vn rc?prctf.:IIy announco to tho
Public tluttlicy havenowia store, i
Jfew aud Largo Stock of
To which they invito tho attcntiojt
of purclnscr.3.
Stisnrs, Tea?, Rio and Java Cofi
foi. Pure uner Vhi2ser andCol
Oil at
van &, &m.
Canned Frails in great variety and
of Ihe lest quality ; Catsup, pi eMes,
Ojslers. &trdinc-i, Cljnis, French
Mustard, Worcestershire Sauce c;. '
Western Reserve Cheese at
Stun ar.d Erothcr, desire to c.d attention to their largo
and vaiicd Stock cf
Tobicco, Crtr.shttn'j cf Natural Leaf
at.d Kcctartr.e and ether favorite brand?
of Ylar Toia?co ar.d lest qualities cf
Fine cut aid Sir.'juin:? Tela ceo.
Wrotiput ar-d lS'ai!?, of all siza
Sprtdf-3, tfliovc's. IJroo.'iis.Sewins Twioa
and Sccc'i Shovels at
The IilslJcst price paid for EnMcr,
s, ana ccuntrj proancs at
& J3HO
ConsnU your int.orst by csimin?
iag Swan & Bro's. Coeds ml p:;
bcfoic hnvnv' cl.icv.herc.
v-lO-n-J ly.
13X1. tTT.CXZS'OrJ'iCi
Will ro'itirely rnre r-C?vOFt;LA, LF.YSIFELA?,
D 1 Sfiii'iA. lMJiioi.Ja, ii;.Ai:r::ti:.i, n
any HUMOIi in the i:f.O0:tt STOMACH, and f -
all TIIACEJ OF DISEASE lh remedy Lit
cnoal. asd f .r I! u tiding up t!ie f'fta, tr.-l ;:' '
new Alrufjfi nud njor. 1'3 unjsn. l f
rinee iti introduction, and tha wonderfu! t
has and is d ii!y pcrfr.-oie: a;e its !e.-t v"
ar.d wo earnestly oeiirctnai every
pive it & Svld by a'd Drug;3'.J. i
dvi'ilar a b dtle.
, ST. LOUIS, 210.
1. 1 i w
Will etir Vie ITCIZ or SALT JlJXCCi;
in a few ap-.lic.irior.J. lc :"'.5 ) c"irc prairie Scrit .h
C3 Chiih'aiju. Ulcers and a'.i Eruptioni of thj 1';:,
where other reiardie be-n tried inriin.cnrei
speedily and thorough!. Fried 5 ) cerT? a box.
So!d by all iirur;i-tJ. Vf "?n-.!i- f.d csnt ir:
l-ttcrto COl.l.i.N.S LROTilEi.S, b. Y.cor. 2:1 X
Viaa'bti., t. Loui3, iio., it wilt be scst Ij rv-
free rf poatare.
j S0-l7-ra,ri3tJ3T7j
i ,
. -
1 1
' I
1 ,
ii 1
, 1