I i : ,.' IJarriso and Celibacy, y AnEay o Warning and instruction for Yocng JIfx. Also, Disease? and Abuses which prematurely Prostrate the Vital Powers, with sure mea ns of rclitT. he ct J'ree of CLarge, in sealed ietier envelops Address, Dr. J. SiLILLIN IIOUGIITON, Iloxrnrd Association, Philadelphia Pennsylvania. 10-1S I yurc,nn fry VV jsusTAcnEs fra ) '-- fc.-T,J forced to "tow upon tbo vcl I .5, fujorthert f'?o in from 3 -r T 7" II 1 S K L' R S 8 ml W V r t. . t. ..: II- A to i UTi'Si I'j isi. . ,v A-v S C VI N G N R'S K E S- f , r -' tat:t:ti:eu CAVIL- ' "V LAKIE. the rat won- V ierfal di'envery in modem teitnee, rcting opon the Beard and hair in an almo.-t miraculous manner. 'It has been used by tbe d- lite of Paris and London with the ur.ft flatteries ruccess, Nt;v. s cf all purchasers will be rt;?stered, and if eutiro satis faction is cot civen in every instance. tl.3 money will bo cheerfully refund? 1- Price by mail, sealed end iostp;iid, 51. inscriptive circulars an 1 testi monials malic ! 1 rec. A Jdrr s LEKCER SHUTTS A CO., Chcrt i?.-. No Hirer Street, Try, NA . 8cle Agents for the Units 1 Su?es. olf.ia U T Y. Auburn .Vn, FI:'.Xe', and Jii .v lj v.v-; - f I'i'.r. ! r-.v!.-'-.i'!'Krx- iri?::r le a ' t . j t;.u;iLi-:i... use epi... .-.- --; 'ej.tei.ji v. s minted to curl " ,"J"" the most st rr. ir-It and .tslb?rn Kir of cither sex iU wcvv rii'ajtr h'-: vy i.Mrsire -url. Has been used ! v th fbicr-abies ci aud Lnrdon with the n-'st rr-ti:tyirg re-;u!f:?. Dees no in? nr.? to the hrur. Pri-.-e J wail, sealed ad jstpnid 1 Discrij ''"" vrrtil:ir mule 1 lro. Aiims, J-i-GER. SHUTS CO., No. 2--5 Pvcr Street. Tn-y N Y. h. la r-s-'f r '' .sts. EliKOH&OF YOUTH. A Gentleman v. ho su-rel y.nrs .'roia Nerr .cub DcV-litT,Prem:iture l)i-, f.ndali the effects of yontLtufiudit'frctii.n, vrill Icr Hie jako of suGVr icf h(jmaT.iiy, s'jnd free t- 'l who rend it, the re reljnd directions for irskir.g the f iir.y !e reraody by which be wns eur d. Su'-crers wisl.in to prof it by the adverti.-cr'a txp-crknee can do so by ad dresine JOHN B. OGDE2, :oI3 Chcsnut St.,?."ew York. fSeS TO EVERYBODY! GUIDE TO HEALTH A!iD BEAUTY- Just rullbsds It teaches how to rceve T:n, Fr PcMes. Pimple? lilolches, Moth Patches Sallow crss, Krur tions,and allimpuritits o! theLin : how to enamel the shin leaving it whits ai.d i!r as tlabastcr ; how to produce the fu!'.e?t development t.f the fctaalo form (as practiced by trie frcw-h, tnutin;; the bust to ' prow rou.id m.d fell, end if the f-j.;a has been lost by paddin?, laoinsr -r itatcruiiy. jcsiorir it to ' more lhan'its ori-icl fulnets , Si-tn:ess,and beauty. .It tccbc3 how t-T reduce the si?o of the hr.nds and feet : produce ccrpulecv or tin reverse : remove Fuperfluou. hair , Cure Corns V'(,rts, and Moles; renew your mc : euro Druuhiicrs, Catarrh, L'ys pcpsia Xcrvous Dtlilify. &., how to fascinate and gain the loveacd nfl'tvtion of any person you nsay ehoosr together with other usef ul and valuable ia formation. Xj yours Lndy or pentlernan should fail to Feed thcr address to the .i'.ersi:ncd and re ceive by return u-.ail a c-py of thi. valuable work ia sealed mvch-pe free of c':a-B'i. A i drdss. ' I5EUOEU, SUTTTS& CO., Chcmhts. ' 3-i-Cn Uivc-r Street Troy, N.Y.- TO CONSUMPTIVE. The advertiser, having been re.-torcd to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for Eereral yr-ars with a severe Iue affec tionand that dread Uiscnsc, Cons umption is anx ious to make known io Lis feilow-tuffercrs the means ( f cure. ' To all who desire it . he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge;, wiih the direc tions for preparing and usin Hie srrnt-, rhich tbey will-find a sure cure for Cciumpiion, Asthma, Eroa chitls Cuuchs, Cold.', and all Ibroat- acd Luu. Af fections. The only object of the advertiser in sen ding the Prescription is to benefit the pHLeted, and spread icfonnitiou which he conceives t j be inval uable, and he hopes every sufferer wiii try his rom ady, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a .blessing ; Parties wishing the prescriptior, fees, by return maiLwill pleaie addrcs Rev. EDYTAED A. WILSON', WilliaiuLburg, Kins Co.,Xcw York. KNOW THY DESTINY! MADAME E.F.I;.. .: rus the great English Astrolog:st,C:a;rvoyau, i..t P.-ychosuetriL'inn.who baeastonished the seieniilis classes of the OM world hns now h en ted heitelf at Hudson, X. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of sec ond siht, s to ei:ab!e h :r to import kowledgo tf the greatest np.rtance to the siile or married cf cither sex. hile in a state of trance, she de lineates the very features of the person you are to icarry, and by the aid of nn ititru mcnt of intense power, known ps the PebrmoUope, guarantees to produce a life-like p'.cruro ot the fr.turo husband or wife ol the applicant, toother with d.ite of rcar rriage, pe-siti ou in life, leading ti aits (f chnractor, &c. This is ro humbug, as thousands of testimo nials can assert. She will re id, v. L'.n desired, a certified crtificate, erwri'tci gnararitee, that the piatnro is vh;-t it purports H bo. By enclosing a Email lock ot Lair, ar d stating p'acc of birth, age. disposition ni.d complexion, cod cuelosing 58 ceats and stnmpo.1 envelope ..ddreised to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired information by return mail. Ail comior.r.ira lions sacred coLfiden tial. Address, in confidence, MADAME E. F. TAORX f OX, P 0. Uox 223, lludspo, X.Y. SPECIAL NOTICE. Vorthy the attention of both M iLrs arid Fe males, who are in want ofbusines. The well known House of S. M.a;d A. C.. Manufacturing Jewelrcn ,IOS Proud way, N. Y., wih to csteblish an Agency in every town in the Crdted Sfatns,and in'order that the Agent can have a srmple to ex hibit to their customers, t'cey will sond as a sample em the receipt of 52.C0, a genuine Cold Pen (war ranted), with Silver Extension Case anp Pencil, to gether wiih a Wholesale Circular to Aguts, and eleTen certificates, or a Sarrple Certificate for 25 cts. There ia no Agent but what can make easily $3 a day. and often $10. 23-3m m IZARD THE G?.rA7EST KEMEDT KNWH Foil ACHES AND TAIXS. Tliie iDTnlnnt lo prrpirstion only rwvln a trial to reroiiiropnd Itself to cviht I.oiiiw ik.IJ io the Joni. tee o ;e Tattle an.l you v i.l plwajgkeep it onliauj ibe timoi.f lu-t J. 1 1 etTeets aie wonderful. It TOOTHACHB 15 TnStX MI5VTIS. HEADACHE riVB KIXCTES. 0HA1I? COLIC IX rr.x MIMTIES. ITEUHALGIA IX TH!t lUSCTES, EAIl ACHE DIPETHEEIA ix k few Boras. Ecre Throat, TtYieumatltm, Lama Itarle, t ons, liuiitone, I!rntf8, Scald, Cuts, irnitt, liarat., etc It n a palpable fact tbnt erery person is more or em Lnble to di.-iea.e, and injury Ly accident, Bnd ia iucb c.if"- m remedy is necessary furtbennor fovij -4tti''djr is tbe only one worth h,ivlnr, nnd the ; liiariU of tbe meiiiciue is of far prcaUir im porta rc tLn the rriee. Feware of cheap medicine. Tb Jne-1 priced renu-die are neccoaarily made of tb pofTt quality of drnp, nd ar not e uly ntteriy isclu!i tut we positively iiijurionj to tbe human rM'tcoi. Therefore r1wv -t tbo best prepara t r,, HJUMLtS'S VIZATID OIL, and a fair . tii.4 i 1 tUivince jrou that it is 1e greatest i..!r in V,e world, tcl.0 l;T Lt l)atoaiET3. and 75 ccnti pr 1xttl. - Tra rc 'in j Jjcnti VTanlul, mid Stamp for Clrcubir. J. A. HAMLIN &Tr.O , Proprietors, ' Te FASixiLrB BTX.IET, Caicioo. x--ly.fr,nn CHEAP IP (Tn ul 0 5 O F I ir 41 is On liana at Ills Store Eooms, laia St., BrowiiTilie, Nebraska. lie ha, and will constantly keep on hand, a complete assortment of Dry Good?, Groceries, Dootsand Shoes, Hats and Caps Cutlery, Glassware, Quecnsware, Hardware, Crockery Ware, Wooden "V are. Willow Ware, pnd all kind3 of ware usually kept ia a first-class Retail Store, that will cut wear any Ware that can be bought anywhere. LOW DOWN FOR CASH ! '.JIL NOTIC3 2 2 2 E IT LI B O L D FLUID EXTRACT OF 33"0"CjHL"0" TTiriif'inef 1-ifinp-bt tv.n entire etahl:shm?nt. it becomes necessary to" collect all debts due'the f id Krin : to that end I hereby give notice that all accounts duo the firm of J. Berry & Co., unpaid by the lft day of March, 18515, will bi placid in tho bauds of an officer for collections. January 1st, lbGo. ly JAMES BERRY. T A (fa !M T A K2 I? ST. JOSEPH:, MO. AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE THE EOTTEITTOTS Having loDg used BUCHU Eor a Taricty of Diseases. - It wa? borrowed from those rude practitioners by THE English and Dutch Physicians, On whose recommendation it was employed in Eu rope and has now come into general use. IT IS GIVEN CHIEFLY. IN Importer and Wholesale and Eetail Dealer in Iron, Grarel, Chronic Catarrh of the a' - I iJUIUUtl) STEEL and HifiAV Y MAUD Wagor, Carriage, and Plow Woodworks. A nnmTTT TTTT3 AT TTV-TDT T7MT7A7TQ Onbandand toarrive, JXMLjJlU X KJ 11111 jJlliy U. Comprising in part. Springs, Axes, Axels, Shovels and Spadcs.Files and Rasps, Chains, Carriage an! Tire Bolts, Nutts and a.-hcrs,-ans, Horse nans. Horse & Mule hhocs, raws, etc. etc. Castings and Hollow Ware, Suar Kittles Andirons, Skillets and Lids, Stew pots. 13ale ovens, Fruit kettles and Sad Irons. Blacksmiths' TOOlS, Anvils, Strcks and Dies, Be!lows,Sledge and Hand Ham- mtTi, Vises, Pincers, Rasps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyere Irons, Wrenches, &c. Ox Yokes, Axle Grease, Ox chains, Wogcn Jacks, Ox Shoe nails, Shovels and Picks,Gold Pans, etc. 1,000 CELEBRATED MOLINEPLOWS ! MORBID IRRITATION OF THE BLADDER AND URETHRA, FOR FESIALE TJEalLAESS and DEBILITY, Km j- did - For Prolapsus and Bearing Down .1 ust patented, and superior to any yet invented : and BlcCormlcIis 33oivcrs and Reapers, Kallers Slot-sc Corn Planters fculky Corn Cultivators, Hand Ceru Planter, Corn feuellcrs, Pay Rakes, etc. etc esc. Buying my gools direct from tbo manufacturers, I cfier great indecements TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel "Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. FINANCIAL CEISIS compel us to sell In the course of Six. 'lonllis $250,000 S25O,000 VrORTH OF T5"alclics, Clocks, Cliains. Dia mond liu?N, Iianospiclo tltons, .Sewing- itlaeliincs, Silver Wnrc,&c. ALL TO BE DISPOSED OF AT Oz2io 3D oil ax Enoli Without regart to value ! And not to be paid Icr until you know what are to receive. 27 After receiving the article, if it does not please you, you can return it and your mon ey well be re funded. The Stock.Comprises amongst articles, Splendid Cloek3, Gold and Silver Watches, Rings set with Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls, Garnet end td'her Stones (solitaire and in clusters), Ladips sets of Jewelry, comprising Pins and Ear Rings of the most fashion able styles, se in Precious Stones of every variety, together with a large assortment of Gold and En amelled and Pearl Seta Gold Studs ar.d Sleeve Buttons of the beautiful patterns, Gents Bosom nnd Scarf Pins, and an endless variety of Brace'etts, Cbains,MusicalBoxcs.Ilead Dress,Combs,charms.&c In consequence of the great stagnation of. trade iu the Jlanutae turing dit-tricts of France and Eng land, large rpjantity of valuable Jewelry, origin ally intended for tho European market, haj been sent off for sale in this country, and must be sold at an? sacrifice? Under these circumstances the WATCH & COLD JEWELRY CO." have resolv ed upon. AN APPORTIONMENT!! subject to the follovnng regulations: Certificates naming ech article and its'VALUK re place.! l-i SEALED ENVELOPES, which are well mixed. One of thee Envelopes, containing tho Cer tificate or Order for pome Article, will be delivered at our cltlee, or sent b mail to any aJdress, wiihout regard toeh'doe, on receirt tit 25 Cents. On receiving the Certiucatc the purchaser will see what Article it draws, a-ia its value, andean then hend One Dollar and receive the Artieie named, or can ciiooc ar.y other one Article on our Listof the same va uo. SEND 25 CENTS FOR A CERTIFICATE, la all transactions by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the certificates, paying postage ard do ing the business 25 cents each, which must be en closed when the ccrtiGeate is sent.- Fve certificates for $1 , eleven $2 30 for $5, 05 for $10 and 100 for $15. Agents. We want agents in every town and county in the country, and those ueting as such will be allowed ten cents on every Certificate or dered by them provided their remittcDce amounts toSl. Agents will collect 25 cents for every cer tificate, and remit I5centsto us, either in ca?h or postage staups, Agents remittin? at once $30,wi!I be eutitlcd to a beautiful Silvor Watch, and also 200 certiiicates. Please writo your Namo, Town, County and State plainly, and addresa all order to ir t Tmi i vi cot n irrrrnv nn POSTPONEMENT. or Prolapsus Uteri, Diseases or The Postate Glands Retention, ob Incontinence of Ubink. And all diseases requiring the aid of a diuretia arising from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation.. The UNITED STATES PRIZE Concert To have been given AT CROSni'S OPLRA IIOFsE LJOND A.Y, MAY, 2Sth 1SS0. will be postponed until Monday, July, 9th, 186f On whieh occas'oa Half a Million dollars in Prizes Will he nre--onfd tn ti.'-krt hnldprs in. lml 171.1- One HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS M U) i AT S TTvr nn-c-c-MUAn-rro - " A. W -AJ . f A. - I IT IS RECOMMENDED IN CASES OF DYSPEPSIA, 10-22-6m rd,nn. 0 Liberty St., New York. milE rostnencmect is an uuvaluable necessity JL (not so miuh in c onieq uence of the number of tickets yet unsold,) as tn 3 pos-itive necessity there is for the proper regulation of thoso clready dis- j'osed of, which has been delayed in consequence of the n cg.igcLce aru caieie-ssuess of a portion of our Agents in makir.sf taeir proper returns. WE ADVISE ALL PARTIES WAN- TLG TICKETS To send for them, without doliy us we hav but a limited number yet on hand. Wc wih Liost particularly to im press upon the minds of our Agents the importance ot their making their .returns at once and of recti fying wharcver errors may have crept into their re ports heretofore. Wo will sty to those sending for tickets, thatif they should ad be sold at the time theirordcr is received, the money will be returned No applications for new agencies for the salo of tickets will he considered, os we have no mere than suSieicnt tickets to supply these Agents wo have already appointed, liekets are for sale at the prin cipal lloteis, Lou; and jlusic Mores in this city .and at our Uhiee, ij Ucnrborn Mreet ; price SI each sent by mail on receipt ef price and stamp for re turn postage. no invito mo particular attention of persons wisnirgto order tickets by mail to the following Special Terms.or Club Rate3. Any party procuring a club of five or mare names for tickets .and forwardin-r us the money for the same, will bo allowed the following commission,viz WE WILL SEND 5 Tickets to one address for 10 Tickets to one address for 23 Tickets to ono address for CO Tickets to one addrass for 40 Tickets to one addrcso for 5t Tieketstooue addressfor 100 Tickets to one address for In tverv case the name and post office address of each subscriber. Money, by draft, post-office order or in registered letters may be sent at our risk. All communijatbns should bo addresfed to XYisainS, Uradfoi d & Co, 133 Dearborn Sreet CHICAGO $4,40 9,00 17,50 23,25 - 35,00 Cutaneous Affections and Dropsy, To cur3 diseases we must bring into action the muscles which are engaged in their various func tions. To neglect them, however slight may be the attack, is sure to affect the boldly health and men tal powers. OTJR FLESH AKTJD BLOOD, aro supported from these sources. PERSONS OF EVERY PERIOD OF LIFE From Infancy to Old Age. and in every stato of health, are liable to be sub jects of these diseases. The Cause in Many Instances are Unknown Tha patiet has, however, an admirable remedy in MLLMBOLD'S Eluid Extract of Buchu g30 Philadelphia Fvening Bulletin Editorial, Sept. 15. 1S65. II EL MB OLDS' Genuine Preparations, 2L & XLT. ATTHOnY & CO., Haaufactorers of Photographic EaterUla, tUMUiLI axd imit, 501 BROADWAY, 31. Y. In tMUl.a U r tnvu bin. of PH-mwRAPmC MA. ItKIALS. wmmn htuJqujirlrrt tor n hllom, Stereoscopes and Stareoscopic Views. VIEWS OP TILE WAS, Obtained at (crit ipI" fiwmion fompVU rHOTOcaAruiC uistokt ornie (;ket cxioN co.N'i'EI Ball Eon, Yorktown, Gettysburgb, Fair Oaks, Earage Statioa, Frederickshurgli, Fairfax, Richmond, Deep Eottoa, monitors. Fort Morgan, Charleston, Florida, Dutch Gap, Pontoon Trains. Hanover Junction. Lockout Llountain, Caickahominy, City Point. Nashville, Petersburgh, Eello Plain, Chatnooga, Atlanta, 5Iobil3, Strawberry Plain3, cc. His Solid and Fluid Extracts embody the full strength of the ingredients of NOTICE. THE MODEL SEWING MACHINE. (From the New York Herald) Prominent among tbe mechanical triumphs of this most tr"or,ious ace. common honesty compels us to no tice the Empire Sewintr Machine, commenced a jnstly strley perfection ltyelt Useful as have been the va rious tewinj? machines, from time to time presented some radio 1 1 1 efect, which detracts from general uti'.- ' ity. warned ty the experience of his predecessor; the inventor of the Erie Machine bss produced tn rsi-. fctrr.nieut, combining all the advantages for- which others are vaunted, and obviating every defec which can be attributed tothera by the most fastidious critic. The Empire Machine is a marvelous combination of simplicity, cconemy end perfect workship, being dura ble, lree Iroru liability ti pet or.t ol order, noiseless rnd oai,y of operation. Its mechanical contrivance 13 such as tosccrre stability, f ree lom from accident, and accuracy as to workmanship. By the use of the pat ented thuttleand Ftraigut needle It ma&cs a stttch, wLii'heia neither rip nor ravf 1 while, at tbe same time, it can operate perfectly tijion eveiy tpecies of jaAterinl from leather to canihricSt.with threaps of cot t jn, linca or tilk from the finest to the coarsest num ber. As the Empire Machine is frradaally supplanting its raor? antique rivals, no one la want of a uberei Instru ment ut this discription, be he cr the tailor, coaebma ke, drefsniaker or eeamttrtss. can do othcrwisl than Fecere ci:cof these econiical snd iuiniiiable maohiues ttiiied alike for f jmiiy and manufaeturii) purposes. Th fii.ee ot the Empire Mer-uf jcuiring Co. It at No. C6 Jr-.. ;--oy, New York City, where they are now pupplying thes-e Empire Machines at prices far below tbe real value of the Icmumenu. Xew York Herald Feb. 6th lCa5 10 19 A&C The proprietors will donate to the Douglas and and Lincoln Monument rund $2000 ! also there will be 2000 dollars reserved from the person draw ing tho 30.000 dollar prize, for tha same purpose. Rkfkbexces. Hon. ilaj. Dan. Lace, Ex. Jl. C nf Ind linn. Ira J. La v,mplr. nf (vnnnQ- lLm Urm . ... .. , rr,, Leiiingtved, Lyons, iowa : lion. Joseph hnox, of wnicn tney are namea. iney are ten vuiwjiv , uuu. v. uiavrs oimm, oi JllBD.; JWOO , ,l Dnfl- n nf 11 A anA nA Forsyta, Agent, M.S. b. k., Chicneo, 111; M. Kron- lu luc "r,c"""" "y conclusive test of their properties will be a comparison with those set forth in the United States Dispensatory. These rem edies are prepared by H. T. Helmbold,a druggist of sixteen yeaes' experience in this city, and we believe them to be re liable : in fact, we have never known an article lacking merit to meet with a per raanent success, and Mr. Helmbold's success is certainly prima facie evidente His Drug and cnemical warenouse, m the city of New York, is not excelled, if equaled, by any iu the country, and we would advise our readers, when visiting that city, to give him a call, and judge for themselves. berifc Co., importers of watehes.C hicaso 1 roposals for inserting this advertisement are re quested. uw-Ot c c Aco. PIANOS! PIANOS! $350 to $1,400. EL H. SAXT01T& CO., G27. LOUIS, 3VEO. TTAVE Constantly on hand the Largest Asort- JLA. mentof r iiio i -CLAsa HAjus kept byan one House in the West. They keep the UELIABL INSTRUMENTS mado bv Wm. B. Bradbury, i r""i-n1-ioT fTr.Wpi" ITcw York Pianoforta Company. James "VT. Vase. MasoiiHarnlin's Cabinet Organs, $110 to $100 Ech. Also, on hand Second-band Pianos, Slclodeans, ... &o Ae., e. """ Which are sold at Bargains. Send for" Circular" and'Trice-List." Wrerooras: Cor. Fifth & "Walnut (Under Southern Hotel) J.S.'W 10-5-ly. ST. LOUIS MO. elinb old's Extract of Eucjiu. Anwriran nJ Tjrr'gn Cities nnd Lunrlvnre, Gmnpi, Stito IT, Au, Ac Alti, RaTolvinjt iereop, for public r priT zkibilioa Out Catalogs, will b. ieul to in; adilrraa oa ncttft f bump. Photographic Albnmj. W. th f rtl to iatrodiw. I!vt into th. Untied ?tU and w. aunnlartur. iinmene qaantitiet in rt raricty, rant In)! in price from 5t enu to $Mk Oi-r ALBL'llS bT. toe repu tation of bvini; uperi- in hiutT anil durability to any othc Ybgy will h ent by joail, FKEE,on roceipt of pric tnNS ALBUMS MAUS TO OBDER.Sj The Trade will find oar Album Laa raost Saleable they can biy. CARD riIOTOORAPU3. Onr CatalCKTie ikw tnbrac. over Five Tiioc.two d!ff(rnl anbj-rts (u wUii b id.lition ar. enntiitually being made) ol iia aent American. 4c, vii : about 1U M'li-Uena. I'm Lieut-Cola W Statetnien, 100 Hrig " SW other O.IirerJ. 130 Divine, J"5 O.lon.el, OiScori, lis Author, 40 ArtiU- K5 Stairs, Srt Prominent W omt. S,0()0 Copiei r-f Work M Art. InclnJIng wjjttinn of the nunl celebrated Kn?rsv1n)rs, Paintinifj, otufne. Ac. Cataioyi-o .iiit on receipt of Siampi An ordar tot Oue Dozen Piclurui fro.a oar Catawba., will It Cii'd oa receipt of fl.st), and aei.t bv mail, ml Photo(rrplier and other or.lerinx j.d C. O. D., will piaaa. remit tweniy-tir. percent, of tlie ai:ut vth their order. t aTTba price aud quality of our good cannot tail to aaaaQk Oct. 2Gth 1805 10-6-11-5 fd,nn. STATES STBBL FEB fectry, CAMBSH, IT. J. R. ESTERBEOOK & CO. STEEL PEN MANUFACTURERS, WAREHOUSE, 403 Arch Sto, Philadelphia 42 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. These Celebrated Pen3 are of Genuine American Manufacture, and comprise every leading style in the Market, and are equal in finish, elasticity and finenest of point to tho best imported. They are, therefore, sure to gain the confidencVof the Amer ican public. Samples and Prices on Jlpplicaiion, IiOls made to Orde, of any pat tern orStanap required. For Sale to the Trade at the Manufacturer's Warehouses, as above : and at rotail by nil Sta tioners, Booksellers and 'ews Dealers in the U. S. R. FSTERBROOK & CO. April, 25th 18GB, 10-31-ly 3E pi 9 it OF THE UNEQUALED BRANDS, SLIGO,' Preserve' '"""oirw mnE GTtEAT FaMB which IJguire's Heir Balm has qnfrpd ln rPg.nr! i A ins ) growth ted hcaltby condition cf tae tair, thereby sofceninx and beanutti u ? C01'-r f""t v unprece-lerted. Read the f-'dlowins from well known ci-ir.-a: ta.iiu. it,UA re.'er, ;t Mesrrs. Maguire : We have te-rettyonr invaluuMe nAIP. BALJf , and it ha? res'o-i -,..' : ot our fair to our entire satisfaction, ard we caii cheerfntly recomm.-n J U to th r'n-. u ' z",iT v-n' (Signed,) L. A. BSOIST Lacker Wir R. BABCOCR. sretT and Libr'ari -n 0'F.tt mc Icsutnte ; JOS :. BARLOW, VlcePres.;nt Wat Relief Faa.t CoVi- -J. 4. ' Prepared cnlj ly J. G. ilAGUI&E, Chemim aci Drr-ist.. .oathweu cJt-liTy-?' . ? Sold by alt Drvssiste-PriuSlM pr lIuII -u w,i-5l,. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, &c I 31AG1ISIS:'.S Co:npc:md Extract or irsjsi: Pi.i' T ' ' Messrs. J. 5- C. Harare. LruVn!s : GeM lemtn : T!,e Acnt, of tie Cr -m 'l7?. 1 "I" ?Ct in tbo Army your Extract of Benne FUnt, for the cure cf Diirrhet ar.d PyenVe-y a-a ih'p ' "el U":- ? to its excellent qualities, ai.-i tbe success with which it b tn nse t in t'K tri hl'- r?r('r; " i J'-ACSLJ.n'i.A:!.. ' i J.G. FOR.iN, Seer. !arj eHern Scnitarj Com-nurh' Tar Reliet Ftrxn or St. Lotis Cocxtt, Presipent's otfc? 59 5ParT . M. Loll-i. il'I..J.1!i-rrr!i t e-'rrs. J. Cf .t Jjuirz. i,r"7(jis-i 9 nave; i;;ej j-'jur t o:;i n-aiii l Lx'Tct ot tue soi jiers- iariiiiej re..iuui4 ttu', sua luu un.-.-t a''i1..-::l; y ie tl;j. V.'e r the best Liiirrhca ilcuiciae iu use and hope its ne ikal r,'.i?.i;ici tn sooa fcj r MAGUIRSR'S The Greet Remedy for Co SlLL H. ere ?:nf. vzii-- '. e-tf J ir.-Iy rim:iieri7i 5 evi a-iv!:j i;ilW1 T. M'.OCi. Srvret... It. i-iui i v Li i rsvr y Sfii- Co!h l' rrcnc,'r;:.-:s SviliL:fcf Licit 1 , disejoIjS of the llwgs: f xia ucrn nun uics'. sneccss- ;t.i y ati to a s; c a ' exieri in M. ur.ii vz-l v.ciiiy lor and pronounced hya!I who have t;;svn it to be t'.e nci w. n :eifu! f.-r Cr.-' '-' td. It is r,"ro'y vf.,e:a'j!r, u-.o:r be used wi-; t--" utmi safiv. t. v n ,;i a. 5!-4 t'-irii.-c rV jUVG Ul HJS ALTE K ATIVE KLTXlLn : if til Cwe Sc rcjul a, llheumatisci. .t.-ractf, Uovtt .Vw.;ri-:i and y,.,-V' Jljftciicn, Gcili r, Swellings cf thz Joints, Caries of t'.,e Bo'ies, ' Ulcers. (v.r.'. Lrvpticr.s, R Icicles, Pi.ipUs, ilulargeaxils of th". GLnls, Con-slilutional D;r"!i ar.d all diserrsvs arising fro a hupwily cf tha Bleed. PriCC 2 per Ilottlf'" ! everywhere. -V;:'tr one of earA-'ncsuci far further in ft miction.. '''i ' Chills and Fever, Bilious and Intermittent Fev3: Dumb ilgue, etc., etc . v k" 1 MAGUIRE's AGUE IIX 7TE ; U I o X'.l. l: l !V is H ..UWLill.l.'il IV UC LiH i I I JI-LlliUI i k.-iu cu j c r i r l. ci cu ir b t i plaincs. It Las bet-n thon.ughly tcsr d this sen.-i.n, owir, to tho s? .r..-ity f succecttcd iu otiuti-hir. for itself a f.tir reputation superiorto th-itof any Me knowa to fail sr.d s warranted to cure in every irstanee. Xo eii-.-ine h.u a i ILivei ihnn this, it is a snpeiir r Tonic in dohility I'rlce 51,50 per bi-.ttla. ! -8 ai) .11 ar.m. r:vr. t-liu Ith'-.j r,it..rb,., erfu!!rtvtcBtL .!0 lS-"5 rn.r.a " i i -m w PI ii At O Ij E S DEALERS IX LJ ALE AND Would call the attention of DExL I t i wA.w-a w' B 13 to their imin?n::e"s'ioc!k' of Drugs ar.a 31cfllcir.es, Sc-:ool Rooks, . Patent Medicines, Ulnk RooTi?, ; Glass fiiiicl Glassware, Vrillns Tpcr; Faints ana Oils. Envelopes. j Spices anil Dje-stalTs, Coal Oil and lasji Tiire Wines, Liquors, dc, 5:c, ! TThieh werebouTt forcaVh cf 3r.jncf.i'-tnrev. Importer? nnl r-ibiW'-er. nn.T will be sold t r favorabla prices. Buying tnnts t' the trade. in larja quantities from first b m is, they ara dialled to u.t cxtri 5J (C G. D. H. 5J (C TYRONE IN LULL ASSORTMENT AT THE SLIGO IRON STORE, 26S North Second Street, ' ST. LOUIS MO. Parties Wanting oar Brands of Iron will bear in mind that we have no ng'.-ucies, but confine sales in 8t. Lotis Mo., to our own House. Our stock in store is always very art nnd em braces all manner of siz-s common to the Lie of'iail Road Companies, Machinists, Min-rs, V:?c;oii--Makers, Plow -Makers and Blacksmith.?. Also, constantly on !; ;r, I full supplies of ntvr. Ki.imT, -sr..:' t;; r.v. Si ells : IIlow and String bTEtLS ; Hobsf, Mule and Oz Shoes; Horse Nails "Stea;i-IIam:iered" and "G." Files and Kasfs ; Screw Tlatts; Carriace Tire and Plow Uolts; Strings and Axles ; Wagon Thimble?, Skeins and Colts; Anvil?, v isrs and Chains ; Tire Benders ard Drills ; HaMiMaks, Wagon Ijoxes, Malleabre Casting Th?y nro tho Xnrth-western VTholejaH Aentsof Br. D. Jayne A Son, and P C. A .- A and tan furnish their Mi'dicins in any nmntitis. (13 1 ' ii.ni j.iujj Lajat 1 JL- 1 J'l "'iii'iiii' iu. v ' m ihmwhii iiiiiiiibi A " ( - ,:s-:iivc'" V:;;: r I Sic. In edilitioii, wc can 1 iTtrof best quality, SARVEN'S PATENT WHEELS; WAGON AND OTHER WHEELS; HUBS, LPOKES & FELLOES ; SHAFTS of various PATTERNS ; PDOW HANDLES, Oval Shape, &c. Tocether with al ; manner of WOOD-VOKS MA TERIALS used in Wag.. ns and Plows. Orders by mail solicited and faithfully executed. SLIGO IKON STORE 26S N. Seeond Sireet, St. Louis Mo. Geo. D. Hall, Successors to Lyon. Shorb 8c Co. GPtOVESTEEN & CO, PIANO lOO The 'a! ten: ion ( f t! Forte, which for vol'j TTT1? V i T P i A iS U V A U 1 U i r Publij and the trde is invite I to our Xiw Scale 7 Octfve i.' ie 1 purir , 1 1' torn arc unrivalled by any hithTfo f'''-rd in ?M. l 1 1-T-- ir W t .i.nt-5ri n'l th,. mmlom imT.r.-,vfif.fi.t.s.- i ren-h. Grind action. ii.in i e-LU, ir n rramw. t . i :.- . i ..i.! 1., i... iVo rLii-sni) iiiT;prv:-i;.ii ot N.r...!l had a practical experience of i.vtrO years ia their manuf.icture, is fally warranted iu t-v-fy i.m fc;rGvt Htcrn Vinr.o Xorte"' received tlje IiisrJjost aivardof nicr overall c(5ieg.s at the Celebrated Vorld's Vs:ir! - ... . t i r . - r ru:' ..!..!.-, l.i J ere were exhioifC'i sliver me.lnls from both of wl-.i..a can he ecn at nr wara-roota .1. :. - 1. : r I.-, v. iro !r,:i1-n f. 3?lM T.l.ir.-. r largely, with :i strict! cn..di sy tern, are enabled to tff-.-r these instruments at a price ulicd .h i ail curnneti'i'.n. PRICLS r.'n. , Sovfr O-tave, r-'urd corner". Bsewoo,! plan" case -5 No. . Seven (.Wave, roundeorners, Lcscwood heavy rnonMin . t-,. . I l.f. ...ntmi. .-.f T r.n A. n P-i.!l fliifininT FH 'li'i rclhton nnd Now ..id: ; .m l i-.i.s i at the American Institute torhve succs.-ive jwr-. 1..7 9 th .liT-.i, r-i-i !, jppn uti.nr wiri-nnn. rfect Piani Korfe. nrJ hy iran Seven Octave, round c-irners, Bosewood LouT XIV sty ie $ ,a r.ic ??inii!"ift'"'J'jf' rorms: ZNTott Ortfila, jO. Current zrxxxxci. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SENT FREE. 02tB T J U UafsL3EaJL-3 'Allott Z Co. nrr Aug. ; ir fv . . COLLEGE. CONDUCTED on tha I asi3 of actual be by an experienced Accountant and Superior Pen man, whose connection with the most popular Com mercial Colleges ensures thoroughness and reputa tion to every graduate. Special instruction rit en in all styles of Pen manship; specimens of Thtch may be seen at the College. Full particulars sent to nnv addres?. THOMAS J. CRY 52-tf YANT, St. Joseph, Mo. dyer's Cathartic Pills. HE L MB OLD. JOHN P. MORRIS Jlgmt for the above preparations . Browsville, Nebraska. KTember,2d. lS65,ly. 10-7-11-7 en,in. CPIASTELAR'S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL. For Improving and IJeAulifyinj the Commie xi on Th9 most valuable ard periett prcparati in in nst for giving tho skin a beautiful pearl-like that,thas i3 only found in youth. Is quickly removes T-n. Freckles, Pimplej, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sal lownes, Eruptions, and a il impurjtica of tho skin, kindly healing the same, leaving tho skin whita and clear as alabaster. Its use cannot be detec ted by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetablo preparation is perfectly harmless. It is tha orrly article of the kind used Yy the French, and con sidered by tho Parisian as ird'srensible to a perfect toilet Upwnrds of 30,(00 bottles wero sold daring tbe past year, a sufficient gnarnntee of it3 efficacy. Piiojoniy 5 cents. "Sent by mail, post-paid, on rcee'pt cf an order, by BERGER, SnUTTS & CO., Cherist. 3i-6m .. 285 Rivfr St.Troy,N.Y. NO. 22 THIRD STREET f i I wortP! rcsrect intly invite the attcnti; 3 of Farmers to Implement. cuDi.-tir:i? in part of Jlluliiis Rock Island and Gaprr flows. Mi wu. ti A '1 U 1.1 11 c 1 k. " , .... 1,, j . ,.. Revolving and Sulky Hay RaLei. Cider Mills. Can" .W?. Fanning John ami. a Union Washing Machines. Also a?cnt for Pitt's and Cases TIiraMiing1 .llaclilncs, Osage Orange Seed. VvHi-rautcd i'lh gei umts -a lb or $25 per bushel with directions fOr planting taree and well sele- teJ st r' -kz'1 ' Sulhf Cultivators, Wheat Drill- I Ii Sligo and Tyrone Iron, Steel and Heavy Has av. To whicu I invite the attention of Blacksmith's an-t Dealer, ay stock of BUcksuir.b Tik-.s ; Anvils, Vi-e3,Ecllcv7s, Rssps, Tuyere iron, Hcrsc and y i- i Til ATNING ad and Garden Seed for J5?io at an iiw- Macron nnd Wwrfrv Wood-work 0i LrcryUi'l Powa's ThA, gkelss, FaiiiniaKf 1 Aacni for G.:.:-:r ami Hater's Cdchra'.c! Sacny CASH BARGAINS ! ! ! M YER S & .J Oil E5, Pea.er3 in 1 . T t .1 - rJ I tTA L - J L. -a- EfiKORS TO I T11, . r.-.i. T-a-1 MATH OF ai sj-- .,f, - r Presiatura 1 :,.-,ri v Win. rA ir". ..... ! ii n ri I! 1SSES, STOVES, Qiieensware k Glassware, r.;arlietbct. Sill &9tii Mreeis, ST.LOUIS.MO. rCALLAKDSEEUS.J3- x-13-fcnn-p .' " J- v.,r-.-..,:. V -:: th- carets cf TrBhf'l i: 9 . -,!... of .iCer:n. n--" ' t ,, to.--,.' l it th - rvcift acd u;rectioi. - jt-. do so by addressiD- ia I , J-j U. H,L v I 3 A. A Co. .pna ! i i