Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 28, 1866, Image 3

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, .
"r-.nk Deeds, Mortgage, Exeeotions, Replevied,
j 'mr' j. S. WILLIAMS, VTnals tt atttbo'-
I rfi JU'Bt in 9t' Loul for lWi Wr attend to
j tm collation and purchases in that City. OJlce
cheW Slrett' A"- E- tvr-t,th-
"rNo P;iper will bo issued frAm
I office next week. All hands
! tuJ the 'devil, desire to celebrate tho
I iQ ft'Stlvc style, and rest a
2TThi? !oo 'a keen du'Je'i nntil tbi,
jijij, Jul 2nJ,nn accenntof dliy in the or-
irtUf Paper,' tilich we bed ordered from St. Joo
tw0 ictkf jrcvious to lat TLundijr.
'- Flags Tor the 4tli
fnnbucdance at this office. Call focn.
HulUorlzcd Agents for Prlucc & Co.
TFO niW & CO, are the authored Agents
d 'emfl County for Geo. A. Prince k Co's cole
I fcnvti. Csl'inf Organs, llelt deons, etc. Furprice,
Ac.,ti' ftt the Adcertltr.r OjFce.
" I a u
j 'Sabbath School PIc-Mc The
! altaih Schools of Nemaha County will
) Jiuli their Pic-Nic Festival on the 4ih
cl July at Honey Creek. The Schools
j nilltiiect in Lordon at 1Q o'clock, a. m.,
5 id from there go to Honey Cree!:. All
interested! areirivited to participate,
! - Bv oeder or Committee.
R. T. Itainey Co., ell cheap.
Hams. Dried Beef. hc at
fi.!t, Fruit and Ladies' litsUets h
J. L. M.UEE & GO'S.
If'yut aiyt!iiri2 i.uli- H ud var j
llie.'J-GrafTj is ih p!ac to buy.
Forchoifp Dr-s G o!i : c
j Latest iy' S.JiiJ-Mr Hit.. aiid :i 'I
A'umIs. G:tds for vununf r v ar at
I ' . .ATJNSON & CO.
i lVm. II. UCrcc?), of the Clfj
DrilnSlOrC, yet u large t-ock of Wall
iraper'and Window Shades of every
variety. (
"Any one desiring a No. 1 Riding
Ijiv should immediately apply at this
j It is curramly portpd that a Steam
Ferry 'Boat is now on its way for this
,'iaNf. ot.d will be lxere by the middle of
vjr. -
I .
LIcic J Mnicn 1 l avtJ f1031 w,n
I jiistanily ket-p on';Ji.d ei.ougli Liitie to
;;'ply the iwarlri, fit ny Kiln on the
.-Nunalta tt Lwg'ss BFidgi-.
br . , hj;nkv iiar.mon.
j "
I Srilndi. stuc'v ot New Prints just re-
i-ivtdat J, J,: McGEE Sc CO'a.
; 1 M' '
Late ityles-', a Complete Stock at
Ti'Xki Oysters,' L-obstprs, pickles und
Vcalilli, etc, at .
See Advertisement of Roback's Stom
s.VBitfers, if you don't feel all right get
bottle and try "it..
) To bate your property injured against
i ire, Lightning and Tornado, in tne cf
-e "most reliable Western companies,
fFply to Geo.' W. Hill, at this effice.
I tiiCl. H. JU'CrCCrj'f has just received
M the City Drugstore a large assort
era of School Books, embracing every
pristy, kspJ in this country.
j Go la J. GrafTs and buy your Stoves,
be warrants every Stove to give satis- monev refunded.
i.fs, buy your Corsets ard Hoop
its u
j MarrlCfl-On Wednesday. J'- 20 h.
.' th residence f the briile's faiher. h
f"r-l T. Biir.l. Mis Lotta D
i U'm. Briitmeyeb.
Jl-T. Rainey &i Co., keep ih rhojeest
f mrythuig
! "Arrest City Beer" seems still
e rjge ith our beer-diiukirg pop
.:Uon rbj is evinced by the constant
"nn on the "Fo:rest City Heer
i ,f
; J want the best Reaper and lifow
;?o to J. Graff and get a Bjckeye, a
rme that has been tried and proved
' the st Reaper and Mower made.
Canned Fruits. Crackers, Confection
kz. Sec, I try ihfm by the box for
Income cheap at
i'ffoa -flowery beds cf ease," is
t "0se rJfniid Spring Ids and mat
fcrtale cheap McFall's Futni-
i e tlore.
lbe latest style of Tiltn"? Skirts
ltbe advertisement of Theo. ?Iill
! mtodays paper. Their Stock
. "UI passed
m extent, variety, and
and consist r,f
ran dfsire or heart cidd wish
Gar time at Erovravillc Brewery !
The proprietors of the Brownville
Brewery famed for the excellence
of its Beer are making preparations
for a "gay old time" on the 4th
They will set out a splendid Free
Lunch, have a Turn-Rack in full
blast," and otherwise prepare for a
jolly day for their visitors. Come
one come all !
Superior article ot Dried Peaches can
be found at
Onondago Salt, in abundance at
-Evan Worthing,
Is Agent for the New York Self
Raking Reaper and Mower, and
Buckeye Cultivator, both 'Machines
whose reputation for excellence of
work and durability is well cstib
We have not vet learned of any dem
onstration to be made ly the citizens of
Brownville on the birth-day ot our Na
tional Independence. We would sug.
est that a National Saluts be fired on
the morning of the 4h.
Pay Up ! 1 !
All those indebted to M. B. Khr
lich late of tha firm of Seem an &
Ehrlich, ;ire requested to settle up
imrw'diitply; this will save them
trouble and lgd costs.
Thp city -lrrtinn. last Saturday, for
Mayor rrsultid in the alinost ttnuimum
,!,.(.,. f H. y Lit ; l0 cpprJng ran-
.!t(lni- wa The vitte wa small, no
X' i' in' I'', s:t has net fiiuuuh to affeci
th.r price
--''Sniid :i .iuiy l.t, the new Con
li. et ll-r iMiiV yi: g the hitiU from
St. Joseph to Omaha commenced,
i.iiid ihu new iro rit'tors have buton
a lino of four horse coaches. This
is a decided imprcVJineiit.
To witness a rare display of choic
Geni'. Suminer Goods, or to purchase
anything in that line. y u .'hoiJ I call im
mtdia'ely at th Ci cir.nati Branch
Clothing IIoii3e of M. B. Ehrlich, where
you will find everything
To drJ" yotrfelf t orn top to foi,
v To cf.tiv' g''!i y'J" know,
Aod ihey'll aamire, as by tbe'r tide you sit,
Yur b an new clothoi arjj fplcqlid it.
'You bet''4
Someone left at our office a bunch
of well-ripened Rail Wheat this
morning. ' Jt is No. 1 Wheat, and
indicates a ibrwardness trully creditable-
to the clim ite of Southern Ne
braska. The Ladie's Friend, for July, is on
hand, and is a splendid number of this
trully excellent magazine. No La'y
can well do without it, as each number
conutns some uselul pattern or hint on
some household matter worth double the
price of the book. Ladies, do not fad to
enclose $2.60, and address it to Deacon
&. Peterson, 319 Walnut street, Phila
delphia, Pa.
We unintentionally, omitted last week,
to notice the enlargement of the South
ern JSTtlraskian. published at. Falls City,
Richardsrn County, by J G. & N. O
Pierce. The NelrasUian will now vie
inappearan e with any newspaper in
Nebraska, and is second to none in abil
ty. It is well worthy of and we hope
will receive '.he hearty support of ever
loyal man in Richardson.
Johnson's Mammoth Circus.which ex
hibited ia tin City las; Tuesday after
no .n and nirrhl. cave a tolerable cocci
pr ift.riuance. The .-lack wire p-rf jrm
ai ce, mid am 1 su?pu.-ioii by Mrs Cas-
mi was well d.?ae. Tiu'nh ituiiUJuig
;t,d li'lin vva juod, wid t!ie CIoA'o.Mr.
g-'tlier it wi l do to pis-5 out west.
Ear, Linus, Heart. Throat and
Th- many wonderful cilres pe rformed
by Dr. B in on the abdve diseases in this
city, and in .many instances when all
hope of recovering by those diseased had
been despaired of, stamp him among the
first physicians and surgeons in his pro
fession. Dr. Bin's Inflrmiry and con
sultation rooms are located on the corner
of North Third and Vine streets, where
be can be consulted datjy. SI Louis
Daily Republican, Jugud Wh. 1SG5.
Owing ! tie M n-nniv.u ol iho loatj u i'.ie
Er.-t dy of Dr. Hirt' Ctt tppoiuimtnt . be wja
iy Lis Kgul.-tr visit tu l!r avil!e Ml the Urowii
vil e IIu.e. cn Wtdnc?dj ai d TLursJ?ty. Ju!y
25. li ud 26ih , ut wbii h time ibuso disir.ud if Lis
yerj iccS wiu!4 do w ell to cat!.
Ifotv often d. we hear men and wo
meu complain "I cannot get anything to
stay on my stomach; I am -compelled to
oat Graham bread and the plainer food,
and ihn must suffer from it." Reader,
this is py.-peps.ia we bid you eat as
hearij'y as you pleas, and any thing you
choose, even the richest food, and if you
will follow it with a single teaspoonful
of Coe' Dyspepsia Cure, you need not
fear any distressing elfects frcm it. It
is the graiest remedy in the world for
dyspepsia, indigestion and all disorders
cf or proceeding from the stomach or
' towels.
Choice Fine Cut.and Pluj Tobacco and
Claras at SWAN L BRO'S.
Dr. of our most skillful phy
sicians and; surgeons, will offer his ser
vices, while he remain, to the Blind and
Deaf, and will perfom every opera
tion upon the EYE aud EAR which
the science of the Old and New Worlds
have shown to be advisable and
will use all' ne and eminent instiu
menis and remedies as used io. the best
institutions of Germany, France, Eng
land and this country. New York Jled
ical and SurgicalJournal.
We are pleased to call attention to
the energy displayed by seme of our
South Brownvillians, Messrs. Djr?ey,
Deuser and Polloc, in having Richards
Street at the corner of Second Street
graded. This is verj suggestive o
Scripture toothers who need a little im
proving done, "go thou and do likewise,
where a little street work at your d o
is needed.
Wo learn of rather suspicious circum
stances against a Mr. Scarlet, who has
taught school in District No. 1 for nbjut
three weeks past. Last week he boar
ded at Win Hall'?, and on Saturday last
gave it out that this week he would board
at Mr Claytons. Qn Saturday he came
to this city, and went back passed Judgi;
Kenedy's before sundown, stopping at th
Judge's and stating that he was gow g
to Clayton's to board next week. On thai
eveni ig a Mr. Sties horse, living just
South of this place, broke loose, jdI
went 'to-Af.rd the above named Sc'ioi l
Hou;ft. On Saturday night Judge Ken
edy's .'addle ws stolen, fhe hore has
disappeared and o has Mr. Scarbt, lh
School 'ftN'tfhei.
Scqrlet is rnth'-r i small mm, with
black hair aJ siqdy whistiers.
The largest Drug firm . in the West.
Fen cli & Lovmg, cf St. Joseph, have
just removed to their establishment to
No. 3, north 2nd street. This is the
large building they have erected on the
site of the one burned last fall, and is
filled up especially with a view to ac
commodate their large and, increasing
trade. Their present wholesale stock
was never eqaled in the west; and few
Eastern establishments surpass it ; and
their facilities for selling on reasonable
term3 are not surpassed anywhere. Our
friends in want of Drugs will certainly
go farther and farp worse" if they fail
to viit Penick & LovingT
Our City Calaboose at present b, s, one
boarder, who is kindly taken charge of
by our authorities on the chirge of
sualing a horse, saddle and bridle from
Wash Culpp, living near Nemaha City.
The horse was taken last Thursday and
the man in the calaboose states that le
only agreed to ride him eff for the real
thief, byt had not rode him far before he
traded him off for a "pony of his own."
Mr. Culpp soon got track of his horse,
and about nine o'clock Thursday night
overhauled the person who had traded
for his horse pear Sipp's farm, and got
posses ion of his horse and the rider,
and on returning captured the thief. A
preliminary examination was had before
Justice Hughes, and the thief remanded
to jail until the next term of the'pistrict
Ntbraska seem? at present overrun
with horse thieves, and our farmer;
would do well to be cartful of stranger
and guard well their horses.
Cuuncil met Monday night, Ju i-i 231.
Present; A- P. Cogswell. Mtyor.
Messrs. Hackney t Morrison, Wi cjx aud
Plasters, Aldermen.
Rogers a'id Summers. Mar.-h.ils.
On motion ihe Council can.'assed th?
Vot s cast at the esnecnil EUctioti aod
H. C. Eeit having received anjjprit
of CD vote - bu declared dulyeltc
ted Maydr, uiid svoni in,
Br -miir-yr's petition presented u!tiu
the privilege of etiiecing the Cellar uti
der his Store in Ironl, the iiieuiliers of
of the Council resolved themselves into
a Committee and reported lh'.s petition
Joshua Roger V Bill for S2S 50 allowed
Johnson's Bill for SGO.00, refered to
On motion the Clerk was ordered to
write across Mr. Muir's order Inltrest
from date.
On motion the Clerk wa3 ordered to
pest notices that the Council will receive
proposals for ruuning the Ferry at their
next regular meeting, first Monday ev
ening in July.
Oil motion the Marshal was instructed
io collect renj. uf the parties now running
i he Feny, at the rate of $3.0 per month
until the next regular meeting of the
Adjourned to meet July d.
J. B. JOHNSON, Clerk.
On Fijjay, July, 27, h lSr5J, at II A.M., 1 wi!'.
o2". r t.r s da t-t iha hih- st L.dJer.fur cash in baud
(hi thu i ixiaijcs if Wilkinson ag living near
Lon-j's ItriJge, in Ncmaba Coun'y, Xebmsk Ter
ritory, oce stray Cow, described as fid'ows : One
Kcd fpocklcd Cow, ith bole in left car, nnd sjdit
in the riglit,sjiii!l Fjiike horn, uppoed to be 4
years old, and appraised at Tvroruy-uv-J iloltar
3'j 'ut K.v.iieunEs, j.t
Tafcrn rp If the npJersigued living four miles 6onth i
of AfTinwuil, Xertaha County, Ncbrsk4f n tiio 10th
day of December If C5, cue red and white Sroted Steer
I ith crop oiT the lefi earni oIf crop off tte rieht
i er mpjcrl to be jreur? old.
i C. AUTjTHAN & Co's
Tna only GEXtaxs -"SWEEPSTASSS"
C. Artmiir, j IIenkt II. Tatlou,
Manufacturer, J Ccu'l Western Ag't,
. Canton, Ohio, j Chicago, III.
The Improved " Carey" Po-wefi
(Both eight aa J ten Lorse.)
(Both eight and ten horse.) '
Alalablj tml)iti:n exbts aaonjtircdicrs b "cxa
lie lest machiaa la t9 lleiJi.)r!;oDiL', IIoIIuilj U
more dieagreeable to tisa tina to tava finziers cca
plaia that their wort is H3t ptoporly ficse, ci to lo;o
Talaahle tinie j raisca cf hreiker, tai &ej caa
not le too carcfal ia. Eelfctiaj a naciia?.
Tho SweepstaTces rs the accredited head
cf the Threshinc Nachint family, and its superior
trenjrth, durability, simplicity, easi of draft, ntyle
of finish, and capacity for threshing an.l cloauin;
grain fatter and better thaa any otLtr in iho world!
lire aokuowlcdgcd.
, Tho creat reptitation aeTi'cve'i V17 this
farorite machine has led scvernl unscrupulous mann
factnrers, and nnmerom agents, to attach tliuliam
' S WKEP6TAKE8," In ono way and anothe r, lo llu-lx
taacliiiics aud advertisements to mislead and deceive.
: This 14 the essonco of meanness dovni
right piracy, and tailing undrr falso colors,, To
Avoid tho ronnt'-rf it, boo that every machina liai
tho card, "C. AULTtlAS & CO., Manufacturers,
Caiitn, Ohio," ih piit letters, conspicuously on both
aides of the Separator.
Tho Genuine Sweopstate3 enables tho
thresher to pick his customers, seldom 6tops for re
pairs, lasts much longer than others, sav-s much
grumbling and vexation, does tho samo r.mount of
work vrith less labor, and enables Lim to select the
best and most profitable job.?.
Tho farmers givo it a preference, nnd
often an extra price per bushel, ixcanse it threshes
clean from the ln-adsi, separates perfectly from tha
straw, cleans fit for market without waste, saves all
the grain, does its work with the utmost speed, safe
ty and economy, and does not keep a gang of men
and teams about them ou expense.
Tho elegant V Patent Pivot Sido Gear1'
Is to be fouud only ou tho Sweztstakis.
Our Patent Cleaning Apnaratu3" en
ables the operator to control the direction of the
blast, and position of the seives, and clean either
heavy or light grain, without waste, as fas$ as It
can be threshed, tho chaff and dirt being separated
from the grain beor U ttriktt th teive at all.
Separators, Horse Powers, Btraw Stack
ers, Gears or Jacks, sold separately, when
desired. A written warranty delivered with every
machine. The SWEEPSTAKES " is usnaly a very
carco article aft r harvest, and parties should order
Call or send and get a pamphlet circular,
giving a full description and particulars, together
wiiu numerous ceriincates, and the nau:es and resi
dence of over three thousand persons who have
bought and used tho Sweepstakes In Illinois, lows
Minnesota, Wisconsin, aud Kansas, alone.
Agenth, Brownville, Nebraska.
tp, -
X. v
4 m.-my
AV- &
mid nre Hit' ti' l Tonic
in Hit- ii l l.
C'o-liveneK. aiitl nil ili-m-.i"-s
of the lioufl.-i.
liH''i' T. T "7 TrrTTiffii I
and nil disease nrii'g
liiini iuiitiro I4ikI.
7 IstfSW W
r- !
Altli SOLD liY.ALL . -
$ri!&gi$ts Riid i)eattrs in
i'afcs2( 32ceHciiirs
(SutxeMjors to Ir. C. W. ltuUitk,)
h'.i.E rr.oi niKions,
ITos. 56, CS, CO & G2 East Third St.
All can be suited in tho
mmmm stogk
Just received at tho
Maia Street, Brownville, Nebraska.
All Kind.j, rattcrnsanJ Styles. Everything lh the
Line best pat:fy
Hoots, Sliors, Woo 'cn and
Iic.-t br.'irds. DiicJ nnd Canned
p 11 u i t a .
Nails, Glass, Sash, Queens
Lyon's Periodical Drops.
ibCPeDrops are a seientifleally eimponnded fluid
preparation, and belter tliar. any Piils, Powdern, or
Nusiinmi. Ueins liquid, their action is direct and
positive, rendering them a reliab'c, speedy and cer
tain BFeciftc for the cure of al 1 obstructions and sup
pressions of nature Their pt-pnlarity U indicated by
the fact that over 100 ICO b tties are annually sold
8nd consumed by the ladle of the United Mates, eve
ry one of whom apeak in iho 6tr.ingest terms f praise
of their ftreat ;iier!t. They are rapidly ration the
place of every btber Female Heuiedy, aud are consiit
ered by a.l who kiiow aunhtof them, as the surest sa
fest. and most infallible preparation in the world,
for tb cure ofal! female complaints, the reii;oval of
all obstructions of nature, and the promotion of health
regularity and ftteusth. Explicit dit ectiona statiiift
when they may be n-ed, and expia nins when and why
they should not, nor could not be used without produ
Ciu2 effect s contrary nature' chee laws, will be
found carefully folded around each boitle. -with the
written tunature oUdhn L. Los, without which
none are cetmine.
Prepared by Dr. JOTIN' L. LTON'. 135 Chapel Street,
New Haven, Conn, who can be rontulted either per
sonally, r r.y ntail. (ecloins st;imn 1 conrerninc all
privaie dieacs and feaialo vertiiiie'j. Price $l,6o
per ooitie.
Sold by Druggists eveiywhere
C. G. CI.AKC &.CO.,
Gen'l ylprcuts lor U. S. and Canada
JOilis" Pnoa. St. l-ouii. Wholesale
fct- LJLKR, FlXCII t FrLI-EU, Chirapo. f A?eiltS
I'ccen.l ar 7th lat5. ly lo-T2 11-12 11 nn, jsw
An Old Seng, Set to a new Tune
"A prinq appronchet
Atfts it ad AVu-Ac
fnnii limit hale come ouf,
And Mier pt,d ll-.iti,
In pi'te of ctli.
18 jt;:r. -.-tiibluh'd in N.Y.
"Only int'.iiliblo rom sly kiJo,7j."
"Fr.-e from l.i.-.n."
Not il.irieroti.- to th? Human Family."
'ltats cuuic out f t!io;r holes t die."
Jost-u'a" Hat, P.oa-.h, &o . Est.'rmJnatirs
lia pute us,i f,r ; it J, l', ti;hs,
lll-iri and red A ut Ae , X- ,
"COSTAIl'cJ ' . Ued.Vas Esieiminator,
i a liquid t xv.y-h ui.i to il;s'ru.v. and
' ! iin.rn i-tvi f . 17,.- . - .(
"COrT ATI'S" metric Powder" for Insects-
I? lor Jj'llH, Mitrpnti,st tint. I.t'd-llug?,
pmevt ijn plant. Fowl t A n tunils.
! P.e;vare ! ! ! of all w r thloss irnifatio e?
if S,c fiiic-CoTK"S'' n:im3 is oa csa'i liox.
Ho" fie. ji'id, telorj yn tbif.
Id lions', IIKMRY R, COSTA R,
4S2 Hrondway, Nctv Yotk.
nl 1 in n-Mwntrillc, Jf br.n:ta,
And Ly alt Dnt r-i-' and Uc lik-rj.
lNrnESR OF Uf S. Tin Firmer Gazette
( Vt e'i-h) "'Sorts anlj rovcs by firs tht orn
pair of I; A I will h v. a p-r.ny and deeetid
n' nn I Jhan ri.jl.Ojj inthr-o ye-r.. Nciw.nn-
( this itiiin"ns' l;iui'v can bo kept- d-,Wn. they
wif-llc n urn- rni.rts food tban would sustain C5,-
Zd3" Sec COSTATt'S" advertisement aboro.
18 6 6
PATS Ye nut IllUhS. Whocrer enTnsr; in
h'ti.tlni stna'lbi'os cruel tnin : whoever a-ida
in cxf rm'patir j ri-' is a V. should
like soir.o C!ia to ri"o u the bcneGt cf their cr
p rionr in driving oat these pest?. Wo reed
gr.methin besides dr , cat?, and traps fof tn:3 bu-
qe3. cientijtc Animrnn. it. j.
J5t"Seo "Co?T tit's" ndvrrtife:nent above.
18 6 6
tafe and jure the ra -st perfect FtAT-iGeation mee
ting we b:i ever attended. Every th t ein
p?-t it.propeilv p-epared, will eit it, and every bne
that cats it wiil die. generally at sotno p!ac3 as dis
tant a possible from where it was taken. U1e
Shore. Mithtrjnn, Ulrrnr.
hee Cost ar s adverticment abore
18 6 6
nriTTKFKFfTr n tr.n -iVil ?th rm'm r.rtA
be so r.o k h thy use Costak's Exterminn,
tor. Wo have uaed it to ur satUfa'-iinn : ani if
ix bx cost Sj, we wonl 1 bava it. We bare fried
pi.nn3, bat they rffttt nothing: but Costa r'8
article knoeks tho breath out of It.itJ. Mies. Ant,
and Iled-15np.. quicker thin wc c in write i. Itis
ia rcat detnina ai. over luo country. jedini.
O'lio. .z;tl.
ZxT'Sco "CostabV ndrcrtii'euiont a'otve.
18 6 6
. ----- - - - - i -3
of "Cost At; V Rat. Kt:icb. Ant. Ae.. Fit n-ir.initr.r
mor-" p-ain and jr-visions are d ?'roycd annu
any in rfnt i.ourtv uy vrrtntn tl'-an would fay fur
tons .f this Rat and Insect Kilter." a;icrt!er, Ji"'
iMfce ' CosTAc"s"adrti:rm-nt abora
18 6 6
FARN'EHS ANIJ II 0 r s E KE EFF RS-shoubl rec
ollect that hundrcdiof doHars worth of Grain,
revision. Ae.. t ro rnnunliv uaftroyed by Kat3,
Mie, Ants. r.d ether insretjano Tcrm:n all of
Tsbioh, can b prevented by a few dtd'arj worth of
Co-TAH's'Tiit. Uov:h, Aat, ic, Exterminator.
Loi'jr.i'.and usrd frwly.
5Cgr" ee H.oTA5'ii',advertifct7icnt abavo.
' I'iT" SoM in Erownville, Xtttatka. .
tiT" So'd by all Dra2tr and I..'&'.er3.
H A Al A -
IP 11 ... I ivn
V V V 'W ' -V T
Respectfully annonnca to th publia taat tbey
are manufas turin' tha
We Ii3vo tli eexjlu lira riht to" tin tnirj'if icture
an 1 ?aie of these pl.iwj in thi Territiry and ad-
j. iiiiiig ci uniic 1 .Missouri, ami intend to jupply
all dcni uids so far a. i.a ;tieablo.
It i coiifd d by all h have tested tho Leeper
x Kiutl r Cuiiivjtor, that it lit superior to al
otheri.ii) th following respects:
l.-t. Tho plowuiao can rida easier and pbt-v with
lc3 labor.
2nd. Any person who can drive a team can man
- I. Crooked rpwn of corn nro plowed a? easily
an 1 thoroughly as straight ones, the ptownt-instt
tin so ai to ubscrri) lao earn, aud aev it tbo work
U wth d ine. r
4tb. It is guidad hj a perfectly niura and cay
iot ruotiuc, aad doos ujt craiap or tiro the low
5th. The plow, while ia out ion, is moved with
pertect eao.
fitu, Tbo shovel ay bo adjusted ti any depth,
and any desired space between tueia is ctsiiy cb
7th. It las ndjuslablo ibields to prevent young
cir n fr m bein covered.
8th, Itis aimrably adapted to p'owingin fmall
fcvery cultivator is well made, of good material,
and warranted to do giod wort
We rofer to the i Mowing named persons, who
lat year bought and used tho cultivator manulac
lured by Morgan & iload, ia Atchison county, Mis
touri, u-wit :
A. ,1. liichardsop, "crnaba connty, Nebraska.
fedoras, di uo do
WW Tate, do do do
T J Robinson, do do do
Mr liggby, do do do
A Shoenhcit, Richardson do do
Shoemaker & Co dp do. do
, Jessee Crook do do do
J li Watinly , Gafl do do
J It Parker, Ato 1 uou epuntj, Wwso'iri.
John Van 31c tcr do da do
MJ l'ortcr d do do
A S Campbell do do do
WllVacloven do dQ do
John Harder do do do
David licrtrand do do do
Ja;ob Jaliawcuuy do do do
Andrew Buck do do do
MrCritty do do do
W C Morgan do ao di
Wm Maj do do do
WT Robinson do do da
' Moes Tibbttts do do do
Stephen C!aj ton do do do
O W Woolsey do do do
Mr Terrell do dp do
MrMclonald do do do
Mr Burnett do do do
A Iliiiman do do do
Mr Turner do do do
MrLangley do do dq
Thomas Arnold do do do
Rodolpb Uitchio do . do do.
Ernest La&skicg do do do
May & Lahtie do do do
Rennet King do do do
1' Barnhurut do do Jo
S L' Woods do do do
G W "Smith do do do
l'hillip Walters do do do
11 11 Vanlovca do do do
JC Miller w do do do
A Morgan Nudoway do do
O V Haler do da do
RUCaey do do do
MrsS:huylyr do do do
J R li ad lord do (io do
L A Roger do do do
T J Roger! do do do
J II Viker do ao do
J SC.isr.jrd d do d
Mr Crocker do do u.
J I) Knock do do do
M Fisbvr l jlt do dj
John Tidgea do do do
Win Hickman do do do
L Tuompson do do do
s jfpa
Have becii Designed Especially
to Mcettlic Wants ot Farmers.
1:570 ne man and four hoMcs cand i more Work,
and di it better, with fhis plow, than to msa
with two disconnected plows.
Tie following are some of tbo advantages these
Plows havo over others :
1st. Tbey are so arranged that they canno rife
out cf tho ground when miking a sod or hard
place, iomring thorough work.
2nd. They are the lightest draft cf any Plow,
either nzje or double, according to tbo report of
the Ctrnmiittco of Trial cf Implements, at Decatur,
HI., Septctnvcr, 18o.1.
3J. They are more easily managed; any stout
boy ten years old raa managa them.
4tb. They are more compact and and simple,
therefore not so liable to get cut of order.
These I lows have taken Five
First Premium at the Illinois
State Fairs, and Four at
loiva State Fairs.
The Trench Tlows are used for breaking Prairie
or Medow lanl. with a Sod Plow ia -front, cutting
tho sod In a slice, and turning it dvwn Info -deep
firrow. and the rear plow raising the sub-so,
to the Furfaee. corers the sod completely, so that it.
ii out of thi ay of after C'lituie.
5We will pfosjptlj il ail orders for the above
named plows at thu place;
Te ara oL'b prepared to do Custom Wo;k in
Wood ani L'on, a onyining pertaining to t!,o.
Blacksmith's Business,-
Piompt attention given toCustomerj ia this lice
at tho Shops fronting
x-15 OX TI1Z LETE2.
i'uMlUiiii! i'LuiljiiiJii-'i
ImmeESo Stock at
I ' I ' t aJ ti , 7
Have row on hanJ a incgciHccrt stccV ci
Ccns'ulln cf
riafnarid fancy, with rr ttitbouj Frrinj s.4
riain a:. J Fanev. M.irb'n T", d?.
ITS rys "' "7T ' T
rjrhr,Dr-.-ukUjt, tcr.tra, Uri ;j fo, .TtcR-v.-n,
jrre.u varl.tT
Great variety f mjit ir.i-r.vo I 5 -turn,
CZ' 2.HL EL "J, IT S
Grert V l ;"- o. .1 I 1 1 1 ( h J 1 1.0 J I 't L't'T.
lounc;f., safes, wash stand's
At.d everything ia the Fur::i
line, ix !!. will 5 c 1 1
Below Eastern Price 3 !
Their Furniture i. fnm'p'e in rvcry re"rcct,hA
ing put u; r-y fin cri r wjr-nan wVt It iicurji
ot ibe ell! shnicnt, an 1 caa lo r'i d n.
Theirst tbo jrrate-t nf?oifr:"ent - f I'nru'riirl
ever br.nght t this r.iiik "t : rn . u tl: - tr l? i l.ico
v tere a complete a t of Furnitur-i can b h t I.
Fair Dealing&Low Priced
l) their motto, aua they can lo rd.-.-I ta la
both rci'jifct.'".
June 15ib, ISlo. - xZS On
SWATH PDr77r7r
(Successors tr McLfiughlin & Swan.)
Htmaha YaUcy Lank Luddmy.
We respectfully announce to tbo
Public that they haye now in store, a
New and Large Stock of
To which they invite tho attention
of purchasers.
Sugars, Teas, IUo and Java Cof
rc, l'urc Ciacr Yhieser and Coal
Oil at
Canned Fruits in great variety and
of the best quality ; Catsup, pickles
Oysters. Sardinc-i, Clams, French
Mustard, Worcestershire Sauce and
Western Reserve Cheese at
Svun and Brother, desire to call
particular attention to their largo
and vjiied Stock of
Tobacco, consiittn cf Natural Leaf
and Nec'arine and oditr favcriie Irar.di
of TIu Tclacco nr.d hct qualities cf
Fine cut aid Smoking TtLacco.
Wrought end Cut Nail, of all siJ
Spades. ISlovels. I3roc;rri3,Sevir.2 Tttiu
and Scoop Shovel at
The Iilslicst price paid for Bnncr,
Eggs, and coantry prcJuce at
, Consult your intcr-st by cxarnin?
ing Swan & Bro's. Good3 and pricca
before buying elsewhere.
v-10-n-i ly.
Wilt positively eure PCROFCLA, LaYSim?.13,
any HUMOU ia thei:LO0D or STOMACH, ant for
all TRACES OF DISEASE thi remedy has no
equal, and for Bnihliwj v.p Cm rttm, and givin-
new Ftreft'jth nnd Yij'rr. Its unparal'.ei ancces
?:nce iM inf reduction , and tbo wonderful cure it
hn? and is daily pcrfi.rtiipg ' i? brt fnrri:1 ea
and we ds;re that every fu3Vr sb all
give it a trial. Sell by oil Druggists. FrVo oaa
dulLir ?, bottle.
ST. L0C13, 310. Tro-rietors.
WU1 tun L ITCH or 34ZT r.UZUZZ,
in a few anpre-'K-ns. D r. ! -irs f r.-. -i j S.'M'ih
64 Chiib 'aias, L'.cOi-ianJ E- j;)ti".n ot" ?!' ..u.i,
wlerc other rfinJi-? bava 'i t tr'v !r vain, cures
gperd-ly and thi.rri'ghly. I'r.- 5) ; a V-x.
S.'d 1 y ail drur-'it. I'v "n.lir ) ..-en'a i s
Iv'tterMo t'Cl.l t.S i;.;o ; .1 iiS. 2a 4
Vi'io S:.., St. Louis, it tvill ti st by
ire' of ifst".'
x 33-ly'JST
r V r r" ' ' i' ': r r ; t
4ka -r ..
evi T.3 '"" 0VV f T
( ITCH j