Nebraska SUiunitscu JOHN I. COLIIAPP.KDITOJl. EHOW.WILLE TIIUHSUAY. JUNE 3, 1SGS. ron u. s. fexatoh from sourn tlatt HON. T. W. TIPTON, 0" -VcrnaAa CourJg. Id hoisting the name of 'Hon. T. VV. Tiftcj, for the U.S. Senate, from South Plait, we do that which will Lest carry out the "eternal fitness of things" in having loyal Ntlratka represented by en uncctuprouiisiDg loyal man, and alto in giving an expression to the unanimous tihtf the iricst t'ensely populated "as CiOst loyal district cf Nebraa. . Previous to the war Mr. Tipton served his country faithfully in various capaci ties, Loth in his native State, Ohio, and at Washington, with honor to himself tind benefit to the Government; through which he has gained a reputation and an influence among; th leading men cf the Nntinn ivhirh will mnrli assist Lis natural ability in protecting and advancing the prosperity of NelrasLa. No hesitancy cr marked hi: ooarse on the breaking out of the rebel- tirin I. in nnt rim m . nkvnvs nlivp. tr ihe best interests of the country, immediate ly evinced itself by act?, and to his ability is the country much indebted for the prompt awaking of the loyal element cf Mebrfiska, which culminated immediate ly in the organization of the First Ne braska Volunteers than whom none stood. nacre firm in battle, cr came off with more honor. With this regiment he enlisted, his patriotism making all thiDgi- equal, taking the post assigned him, although a secondary one, he filled it with such ability that he can refer with pride to the soldiers fcr his record through the war, . As a politician his ability has ever placed him in the front ranks of those who were striving for the eternal prin cipals of Ilight and Justice, who have just saved a free nation from the grasp of sf tyranny as base as ever festered upon the body politic of any country since the commencement of lime. In tVlA 'Am 1 A tinii.. C il, A . 1 iteadfast adherancc to principle has saved Republic he stod its champion, as he still stand?, and will. . As an able lawyer, an eloquent ?peak cr jind fearless politician in the Union ranks, he is emminently fitted to repre sent Nebraska in the U. S. Seuate, and we know will give most general satisfac tion to the South Platte people. Ofildan Vote. The following is the vote of the election hold Jnoe 2J,aj caavassed by tho Territorial Board cf Cacrasiert: For the Constitution, gainst Majority for Constitution, For Conntt, T. M. Maroueet. 3,933. 109 4,110 J. It. Brooks, llarquctt'a majority, , For Governor, David Butler, J. S. Morton, Butler' Majority, " For Secretary of State. T. P. Kennari C. V. bturgc, Kecnard'a majority, Fur Auditor of Slate, 133 4,093 145 4,075 3,915 John Gillespie, U.C. Eainutn GillecpieV tnajori tj. Fur Stat Treasurer, A. Kountz?, , . tit. John Goodrich, Kountit's Tor dtirf Justice, O.F.Uaton, W. A. Little, . Little's imj.'rity, For Aisociat Jmtlcii, ; . Ceo. B. Lake, L. Crounse, B. E. B. Kenned, E. W.I nomas, Lake'j m ijcrity, Crouase's m-ij jrity, 4,071 3J63 103 4,CS9 3,l55 141 3.C38 4,019 104 4,108 4 027 3.93:2 4,0i7 SI 10 We have the most cheering accounts .rom the back part of this county. Em girants are coming in with uaexambled rapidity. Many dir.rTcis". where not a house was to be seen 'cn the western boundary of Nemaha and in the edge of Johnson, last fall, now the prairie is dot- farms made by breaking the prairie early Ihia. Spring and subsoilicg with crops that fairly astonish the new comers from the older States, nhere the soil is partially worn cut. The majority of the emigrant? to this section this year are men of means sufficient to. start comfortably, and have already erected comfortaVe and some elegant dwellings. The sale of lumber from the mills alon the river has doubled, and in some places, trebbled that of any former season. The emigrants, and in fact ail, are striving for live fences from the 0age Orange, with such zeal and determination that success must crown their efforts. Many cf these emigrants have brought stock with them, and are going into stock raising. .Illinois has furnished a great many emigrants to this country, through the indefatiguable efforts of our towns men, II. F. Barrett, and they are all of that class of men who can c fford to farm in gooJ Myle. Mr. Barren is a complete A-ard cf Emigration, working quietly M flVcurely. LEWIS CASS. This eminent statesman and patriot died, at his home in Detroit, after a long and lingering illness, on the morning of June 17th. He was born at Exeter, N. H., Oct. 9th, 17S2, and died at the age cf 83 years, 7 mouth nr.d S ''ay In the year 1SGG, after havin b?en admitted to the bar, he was elected to the Ohio Legislature, where he rendered dis tinguished service in arousing Ohio to thwart the design cf Aaron Burr for a division of the Union, for which he was appointed U. S. Marshal of that State by President Jefferson. When the war of 1612 broke out he was chosen Colonel of a regiment, and was the first to step in arms upon British soil. At Hull's sur render he was among the prisoners, but rather than sarrenderhis swjrd he broke it ard threw it away. He was exchanged in Jan. 1813, was scon after commis sioned as Colonel in the regular army, and then promoted to a Brigadier Gen eral, in which capacity, after distinguish ed service under Gen. Hairifon, he was placed in command of Detroit, and soon after appointed Governor of Michigan. He then resigned his Mar.-halship and his commission iu the army. In 1S15 he removed his family to Detroit, where he purchased a large tract of land, the rise in value of which made him im menseiy wealthy. In 1S31, he was tip pointed Secretary of War under Presi dent Jackson. In 1833 he became am bassador to the Trench Court. During which time distinguished himself by hi? opposition to the "riht of search," which was granted by Great Britain, France, Austria and Prussia, in the quintuple treaty for the suppression of tl e slave trada ; but in the Ashburton treaty, ne gotiated shortly after, he found occasion for throwing up his commission. He wa3 a candidate for nomination before the Convention which nominated James K. Polk for the Presidency, He was chosen U. S. Senator frcm Michigan and look his seat in 1 S 15. He received the nomination. of the Baltimore Convention for the Presidency in ISIS, but was de feated by Gen. Taylor. In lS19he wao re-elected to the U. S. Senate. He was on the Compromise Committee of 1S50, and supported every biil eminating from that Compromise, including the Fugitive Slave bill. He was again a candidate before the Baltimore- Convention, at which Pierce wa? nominated, la ISoi he voted for the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. In 1S57 be became Bu chanan's Secretary of Slate, which po sition he occupied until, in 1SG1. Bu chanan refused to reinforce ths forts in Charleston harbor, for which Mr. Cass resigned. From a long life, of almost unceasing public service, heas passed to that -borno from whence no traveler can re turn," leaving a record of patriotism and statesmanship to which Americans my refer with pride as long as history is. An amendment to the Pacific Railroad Bill passed the U. S. Senate on the 19th. which grants the Eastern division (Kas. City Branch) the right to extend its road. without regard to the 100th meridian to connect with the main trunk road not more than fifty miles west of Denver ; nnd directs the main line west frcm Om aha to construct on the most direct and best route, regardless of the 100. h me ridian, the point designated in the origi nal bill for the grand junction of the Eastern and Northern divisions with the main line west from Omaha. That this bill, if passed, will be a se vere blow to Nebraska is plain to any one. It will cut us out of hundreds of miles of Railroad, as the roads starting from points in Kansas nearer to Kansas City than to Omaha in Nebraska will naturally make a junction with the Kan sas City Read, which is converted, by this bill, from a branch into a main road. Again, this change in the progranine, in doing away with the junction at the 100th meredian, will completely wipe out the reasonable prospect of a large city which the junction would naturally build up. Taking it tr was so vital a thrust made at the inte rests of Nebraska, and we sincerely hope lhat the Legula ure will waste no time in squabbling over the organization but im mediately petition Congress against the passage of this bill, and that our great men who desire to sit in the U. S. Sen ate will also use their influence to hap this bill staved eff until Nebraska can have a voice in so vital a matter to her future prosperity. The last section of the first 100 miles of the U. P. R- R-. west from Omaha, has just been examined by U. S. Com missioners and accepted as a good, sub stantial road. Such examination has been made of each section of 20 miles as soon as finished, and ;o far it has given entire satisfaction. This speaks volumes for the energy and thoroughness of its constructors, who are laying track at the rate of n mile and a quarter a day. - Its completion to Ft. Kearney is predicted by next October. Our latest gold advices gives it as fall ing in Wall Street, on the 22nd it was 149, and tending downward. Later. On the 23th it was 150, clos ins: at 151 Ij2. , Harder by Indians on Little Blue. We Icarn from Vm. Hackney, who returned from the Tlains last week, that the Indians are ngain at their xnurdirous work cn tho littlo Bice. A J arty cf Pawnee or Sioux murdered a man who was selecting a hemcjtead near the Narrows cn the Little Blue, cn the 22d,acd hen crossed the Blae Red Httenipted to kill a coujilo cf men who wera plowing, botiis the men cseaped. Mr. Hackney an t his companion isaw the murdered man, and, luckily, eaTtU hu own scalp bypassing just alter the murder. The party cf Indians is taid to hare liumlcred nine. Tne?o facts are fuCijicntly au thenticated to warn all against travelling in Emill squads, or without being well armed. Tho following is the amount of Land Entered in tho Lind Oflico of tho Nemaha' Land District in this city for the Month of May : Homesteads, 12,3G4 54 9,836 13 1,599 42 411 09 acres it a Ag. Col. Script Land Wan. Cash, Total, 24,211 13 ELECTION The. elrcttrn returns are yet incom plete, L'Eau qui Court County is not returned official. S3 far as we have been able to learn the whol number of votes cast will exceed S CGO perhaps S.100. The majority for S:a:e will not be much in excess of 100 voles, while the majority for Hon. D.ivil Butler, for Gov ernor, is reported to be 145 votes. The majority for Mr. Marquette for Congress is 13G vote?; and the majorities for the other State officers cn the Union ticket will be about the svime. We are sorry to learn that Hon. O. P. Mason i.- li eaten for Chief Justice by Mr. Litt'e hai. iiiujuii is a irieii ana irue i ni:in 1 . , . . I I . XT man; he has encountered the enemy in many instances during th recent reb-jl-lion, where it was considered dangerous lo openly denounce treason; where trai tors stood thick around him, ihreatin" him with voilence fcr his plainess , U A 1 , . J.ct.ll. jvuu u was on ttiis account more than any other, lhat the terrible effort was mads to defeat him for Chief Justice, and also that Mr. Little, the most popular Democrat in the Territory ituine ins competitor. The contest for Associate Justice, b tween Crounse and Thomas, is verv close Mr. Crounse beiw-- ahead from 5 to 10 votes, and undoubtedly elected I he Legislature is vet in doubt and the reports are too contradictory to h-i re hed upon. Mr. Williams of Piatt Coun iy is elected by a small majority to the oenaie. i nis secures trie benate, and every indication is that we will have a majority cf one in the lower House - - Omaha Repullican. Such a mess of mailer as appears un der the head of -Local" in the Omaha Herald, is truly astonishing. Out of two columns headed "local" in the Herald scarcely one-eighth of it is cf a loca nature. Here is a specimen : iub ues-i rennris are irom sucKin calves of from Jhree to six weeks old." Ye Local was doubtless on a "brown study whether cheese making wculdn't pay better than localizing, where local seem so scarce. Another piece of loca information is: "We should not le loo niggardly in our praue, tor men will do mote to tup port a charac er than to raise one." We hopo no one will be "niggardly in praise" of y3 Herald's Local; it might opera t a like a "sucking calf's rennet on his "milk of human kindness. The joke is on the "New Chica.j'5 if It is asbirrenof local njws as the Herald' columns indicate. A3 the Potato Bug has made its ap pearance quite extensively in this stc tion, the following veceipe for ju)6strc ym them, which we find in the Prairie Faun er, is just in time. Try it: "One gallon of coal oil to one barrel of- waltr, mixed well together. Sprinkle lightly over the potato vines out cf a water pot or a small bush and they will disappear. Board criniiiilgralioii. The Board of Immigration has been holding a meeting at tiiis pl aJs for the past few days. Among other business transacted it has appjiuted the follow ing named gentlemen at the places in dicated to silicil and receive subscrip tions and contributions of money m ill oi iub ouitci us orjrauizawon. ine Legislature appropriated but iwu thous and dollars in aid of this measure, rely ing, to a great extent, upon the gener osity and enterprise of the people of the Territory to contribute much ihe mon ey necessary lo be expended in the em ployment ot agents, and presenting in diQerenl languages, the advantages and5 claims of Nebraska, Sfc. It is hop. d that tne citizens throughout ihe Territory will subscribe liberally in this direction and Assist in the introduction of ihe great in flux of immigration that is flowing from ihe Eastern States, Canada and Europe , westward. These are the appointments ; Rulo, W D Scott. . Pawnee Cny, D. Butler, Brownville T W Bedfard. Nebraska City, Jno B Bennet riatismouth J. W Marshall Bellevue C W Sturges - Omaha, A D. Jones Foiiteneile, Henry Sprick Tekama, Mr. Hyde Decatur Chas F Porter Dakota City Rev S Aughey Ponca N S Porter St Helena Peter Jeanel Fremont E II Rogers Columbus F A Hoffman Kearney City M II Sydenham. Omaha Rrpulliaan 18:h. The.New York Society for ihr Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals, having disposed of ihe cruel treatment cf turtles, are lurcitg theii utumion to "devilled1' crats- ' The following we find in the Congres sional Globe of the 5th. From these and numerous other bills recently intro duced by Mr Hitchcock, we are satisfied he is doing his utmost for his constituen cy. The bills named below are of gen. eral benefit taall sections, and we hope he will succeed in getting thera passed ; Mr. Hitchcock - introduced a bill to provide for the geological survey of the Territory of Nebraska which was read twtce and referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered printed. , Mr, Hitchcock introduced a bill to piovide for the erection at Nebraska City, in the Territory of Nebraska, of a build ing for a post truce, internal revenue of fices, and for the - holding of United States courts ; which was read a first ana second time and referred to the Commit tee cn Appropriations. But a month, or two since English journals in London were deprecating the practice of English merchants ad vancing such enormous bills of goods on American securities; yet, now they ad mit that the amount of gold sent from America has saved England from gene ral bankruptcy. This enormous ship ment of guld from this country is what caused the recent rise in gold here. The following is a list of the Officers elected and .-ippoirued by the Grand Ledge if Ansieut Free anl Accepted M-i.ns, now in session in this city for ihe ensuing year : M. W. Robert V. Furna. G Master, D. G. M. R W. Geo. B. Grair, .1 Wiliiam E. Hill, S. Y. J. W. Treas Sec'y Chp. Lci Frank Welch, ' " J, W. Bedford, J. N Wise, A. G White, George Armstrong. 4 John Q. Goss " Orator. " Marthal. S D J. D. Tiler. W. E Harvey, G, D. Foglesong, E II. Clark, Janes Taylor, W. II. Mann, ) Aron Conner, C. B. Siiedman, J.;M. Marshall, John Reed, ) A. Chu, W. tt St t-wards. S. B St. B Pur s is. i. . We would suggest that the folIowiiiL' figures how rather an. unhealthy ondi tion of things in our neihr-oring county It certainly ivould be much better for ihr city arid country surrounding it if lare proporiion of the votes were in the country.- Whjle ihe ci'y polls over a 1000 votes, the entire country, exclnsive of the ciiy, polls 350 votes. The figures are rrom the cfiicial returns of the late election: . Nebraska Ciiy Precinct, Wyoming. " 1.04G 97 77 53 42 31 25 24 Otoe, Syracuse, M t Delaware, McWilliams, Hendricks, Palmyra, Total votes' casf, 1,395 The storm night beforo last washed away the dam at Jenning's mill, and damaged him to the amount of three hun dreil dollar. He has manifested his us ual enrgy, however, by engaging work men at once. nd commencing repairs. The mill will be in operation again in thirty days. The same storm broke the dam at Bennett's miil, drowned his miller and a lot of his stock, and washed away a qu in my of jrrain d uriainil him lo ih amount of about five thousand d-.h irs. Tlui iu fi ler we understand was a german, but we can find no'hing more about him. We re truly sorry to hear of Mr. Bin neits misfortune and hope that it may not be so bad as ii is now reported. .A cbrazka City Pro 23. Highway Robbery in Atchison Co. At a late hour !a$t evening Gen. W' R. Penick received a dispatch from Col. P. A. Thompson, of Rockport.. Atchison County, slating thai on yesterday Mr. E. L. Clark of Atchison county, while oij the Tarkio Creek, was stopped by two highwaymen and robbed of 3.000 in money belonging to Col. Thomp;on It is certainly one of the mosi daring o nJ successful robberies we have evr be-'ii called. on to publish, and it is sincerely lobe hoped thai no effort will he spar d by the officers of ihe law to ferret out ihe robbers. Horse theives have been doing a heavy buisiness in the past three. week-1. Wi h in th" past few dys several parties hi w been in this city trying to fin I som-; clu. i their lost property. Two hor.-e.s w r stolen from a pasture field near N--lra.--k i City, seven from the junction of t rlaitsmouih and Nebraska Cny ovarium! routes wet, and three from the birhood of Clear creek, north of Piatt. So far neither theives or horses haw been recovered. Platlsmouih Iharld 19. Wi; are informed lhal Mr. A. J. Gill, of Nebraska Ciiy, was th fiic.e .u4 bidder for furnishing ihe Govertnnt wilh lit ty thousand bushels of corn at Omaha. The price la be paid is seventy four cnta per bu&he. Bids from this section rangH from ninety cenis to' one dollar per bushel. The corn comes frcm some point down the river. Council Blvjf JSionpareil. The great secret in butter-making, it seems, co.nsisis in aitendisg to the fol lowing points : 1st. Securing rich, clean, healthy milk milk obtaiud on rich old pastures. ree of weeds. 2d. Settirg ihe milk in a moist, un tainted a.mop!iere, and keeping it at an even temperature while the cream is ri-;ng. 3J. Proper management in churning. 4th. Wa.-hing out ihe butiermilk thor oughly, and working so as not to injure ihe grain. 5ih. Thorough and even incorporation cf ihe sail, and packing in oaken tubs, U2ht, clean and well made. Cleanliness in ail the operations js of imperative necessity. Judgement and experience in mamu- I latiu "ihe cream and working the butter jraustcf course be used.-X .7. IVUUrd. mY ADVERTISEMENTS. i V.a A S3 c taw m J r H m ( i ? I'l f-r ;v..iy j . . CO E3- A I . S O -S FOBWAFDIMG & CeMMISSION jNI E Ii C II AIST T S . STRA V NOVICE T.ikon up Ly tho trJrrsjiict? in !.arnctte cinct, N m ih;x Countv, Xcbr tk-i Tcrri:orj ?orili 14'.h cl;iy f June, iS :, ono Jatk buy m.ire 1'oiiy, 5 years old, with a on, 4 i'i vrM, ii.;. SALE OF S rilAY Sl'OK Or. yi lid :y r c :'. '. ,: ' r ' ii'', st t.-r oVi tk A. , l v iil t rior I: s m o to tho l i'u st Iti.Uer fara-Ii in liaa I, at 'lies res'.l UL-i?g-Cra-.v li.-.n .cvc:i .M.i S. V.'.lr. m !Jrow:iViJ:o, in Xtmi'.ia C. ui.fy, 2"l:r;ik t 'i't-rritory. On ) .bra re.l U.nv, .:wartit KpookJed, fire years o',l L'.-t .-ijnii.'jji ;j.-Ai .at t'i t; a I :'' Dijc li-ii rj l ii.i- li I; C or, f.j-ir yoin oM Int sj rin. A'i .r.i:.Sv-,l :it t ivc-Nty-fira t!':lirs. Ta'bjii ui by F'. il. Allen, ii; l iiuiv in in p.isscssl'-.n, 4 3rj.,l F. 1, ALLKN, J, I. STIU Y IJVRSE Takf n up Ly the u.-.-.U-rsin I living 3 mile? a b.iv Itr.iwtwill in tin Mia-ouri Vnllcy, and wuh in bis fuJ pri-iiii-e-. o.i ti e 7ih diy of .Iii Ijit'xi. On? bright M.ircl IL.rsi, wiiitu LitiJ t'oit vviii.o l.'ir neaily to k:i-J Ijli mls h''x. :i;s-5; I.. 'A S IWKKFM SALK OF APPIIA1SKD STUCK. On Kr.i!iiy,.Julr, f-tb lS'n".arl0 oY-In-k A. M. I willoti'ci li-r .-a io to tb" l.ihi st l itl'L r, fur casli in haul, t: the premi.-ci 1 bo cas II. F. l.v:irils living sii'iil 4 li.i'.c.-i ;ib ivo Iri). i,vil!., j. Xi'icaVi Cnuury, M--bra,ka. (me .t..ny s'-.-it. do-tr ilxvl ;,s I briM.ilo. wtiitj iit t tie laor. winto mi ihj rum -. hail i.f tail vii;i, i nirc bra:il.. t?:r.:o Cirj "! I, a;i.i-;itsed .t I'wuniv ! 11-r b. l-"-iel (J .tt"ii i.u l Abraham C.-Jcl. ' It. V, IlL tJli i;s..I.r. 37 J SALE OF API RAISED STOCK. On Fr.ony Ja'y f.tli ism at. II .'tlock A. will IT r loV f.'t the huh'.' b.l l.;r for cash in h ni'l. "ii th ' ir.-ni - f r '-tt.r. I vinj; our uiiU-t at,.vf br..wxivi.l!, iti N -a .b i C u i y N -:na - k:. ill" ' !' i-r. 1 .1 .' w.t: II'T St l I. "Trht ,i , ' a (.c rihi-i) as !!' v ;iiik cj :r. h i'f."! t'o ta I wiit .. I r'tu- ti' t I i , ji.Lt y Ci j il.i.lans r i;;ti:s. at T'v i !-' V.IK 1 1 i.i 1 .ti : I'i i' ir nF 1 l!c! tl V. Iln-hi'i. 1 I-:."vtr., .). 1' N in ilia w.t. i. m w. u. n n.t v,u liui 1 1!. I) -fi.i Cuiu-y S. h. tt ( i 'tit- l-5;ii day nt Islny. A. D. lcoo, .i .1 .lii io.- il an orJ.T of a' ta-hrnTit in the abuvii jitt.o.i for Mi-? -f skvkntv-hvk dultar--. JOHN' C., riaintilT. IT 1. Il -Ol li.dn COXTRJJCTORS and BUILDERS. I'roo.-n!s wilt bsra-'i-ivel ut tho Cuunty Clerk" OTi -p, in l!r.)rnville, until S o'e luck A. .M,M,.n diy.luly 2nd Is3,f.r furoisbinj iipun the ground. Urick, Stone, Lime, Sana-, Lumticr, Shinlm and all other niees'iiry material for tho con-traction of l uihjir.s tor County purposes, ni-.cor-lin t p nn and ?pcciaoation3 cn ic io the County Clerks Of fice. I'mpoals wi!Ia!?o be received at Ihe game tim for the Stone work, wtonry and Carpeuter work aud fueh other work a. shall be nece:sary for the construction of .'aid building. Iy order .f the Hoard nt County Commissioners, piil.fS.h IS'o"). WILLIAM H.IIOOVnit. 29-lt :i.G0 Co it-t'-Ckr!;. AtlKiiiiislrator's Koilce. Xot;cc hen by g" ven that 1 will 01 Saturday, thy 30ih day rf June, lK'i.;,at one o'o!x.k 1'. M, of said day, CTer fosilo at public Auctiou to the highest bidder for rA'iii in b ir.d. the ftKowinz le al ttUtc to-wit Lot five ia Lloik eiLtv-stven, in i the Town of I'eru, in Jema!ia County, cbnki Territory, S.ile wi.l taka place on tho preuiia above described. W A. DO irLER, Administrator, 37-3t 3.50 Estate of Ww. Ccike, SALE OF APPRAISED STOCK. On Monday, the COlh day uf July, lS'fi, nt ten o'clock A. iL, I will clTvr 1 r to the highest bidder for cash in hand , at the tesidence of Geo.rg3 Crow, living seven miles pcuth west from Hrownvi.o at Weddici iiride id Neman i County, NeLraska. One sfritt Filly, with r"gh bind lo. t white, armall itar in ftrchiad, fuppostd to be three years old lastSprinnppraisei at Sixty-two dollar anl fifty cents. Taken up by Go-re Crow and now in hii pos--Mon. FREDERICK E. ALLEN, V-t Justice of the Fee. iaI mm r l" 'rr- til CD W " . u it 6..-,--' i pq (F?ME) 'Sol 13 W ii I i O -s. 3 i Ji k) U Iti lJ a Of Siiat CONSULTING AND n CIAN AND SURGEON FOR ALL DISEASE OF THE I3E Eli LUHG THE eEAKT catamem; SUPERIOR FRENCH ARTIFICIAL EYES IKSERTEDV, DR EORT ha?, by special itqtipst. ccri.'ent to-.visuii ihe followinz rlaces a which times he can be consulted cn ell diseases of the- r ' 9 Eye Ear Lung Heart Throat Catarrh-and-Deafness m fce Iu Erovfiiiiile, at Hie BroTnYiiic House," ttYjnesdsy Thursday, 1 , nil . Over iwcive auiuirea persons havc been successfully Consultation and Examination. Free lemaiiialilc Cere of Cntarrli of Years With plra-irc T m rprconiTifi' Prl.tXT t t!i f.fll :nl. 1 havr-rccn a I'lfHt m IT rtr Mi l.;i If l i h i r won y" ycr. I i 'tire J nioi tls p'l-vii in in ai'i'lyini i. 0-. i:'HT 1 .-wi I H"t lee t Tii tit, l wa f ri'iich itUtrc- I As .;i ." f c iiii moiK cji r a moiit lr. i:o"T I l'.an ir.!-r.'Vi-'i a'i.) at ihis tunc foei ptitire y life Tt'in li e ! spae. 1 h;ive, jirpviiins tu iti-pi injr to lr. toiiT in ipv .rrti t.i 1 1 .'it rp ipf i r. i:i i r kn n itiii.'i1. 'IH.i-cuf-fi.i tpil in li). se v. a., s w cn it o t-1 1 lu C- ii -" it lr li.-rt ttouco- j r:i'-:. ffnu. L. at Ca in IJ i:.lpr. Kn. fj l.( vp Mrtpt. sr. l.niii.. Tefpn dtp i-i'.ii v.-s mp. n ai i n el no:i jiii I nth- PV-ttln li;:VP ii. 1 1 ::!..!, Iv i.f 111! ! i h I)-. EDICT ami w: o take j iirticii :ar j.ip.i-nie in i e ui- m'ii:i:u bun t I tie p.i;r na.-e tr i he pu'ulo a i-'P'i- ticii!:iii " ihy i.f evpry c.i ;! pirn. s:i:il r'CiU :i wI.cmi .ii nir-nt an l sitil! tM j ali r,)y i Viilpii ine .M f M. P.. I. I.. I)., Xiw Vurk. J. It. Ft Mini;, il I) , L. L. L). J. l h X Vv .m.j M.. U., " A. I,. CUrk, . I., ' J l Crie. M. D , " N. i C'lm cli. M. V. " L l U -tors. K. 'J , " U sj 15iker. M 1). ' l'r. P, e-hki.t cf t'.:e Union col leo cf Stlictc t:u'y, Nw York. i i. H.ui h, m . O , Xew York. K. V. c is M U a S Hi-.siip. SiiiKicat InMrunicnt Jf iin-ifjctcrcer, t. Jut li-, Ke Yur S eplicn Alpxa. ler D D coliese of New Jersey. J. t.ii e D D , " LMiiaii At wmer, P.P. " ' James O. Atclljt, O. !., " " H. M. MusKhive, I). I). " lion. I.. A. tliiniller, R. ckway Ji;('e R l,en. Eelvi.lere. V y Keni.e v, K. q. v.. k i-itjn, il I). " l',?r . lc;)'i!y, E.-q. " J;pr. Win link, " Kpv. i: J. .-bi:r;i, ' I'tiipr Jii'iice Wliarplpy, ilonibtcTn, II HI J H.-.l VH'HK. t , non. 1 1tPwilore l.iif if- J-iiiio-.S litkr n, K q. Cii.'-te.r K.v J. St..iifti!.ci - Kpv J . Urp-vst c-r 1l v(i. H. Kfcr. T. L P.. T'rici X? v XrS fjrm--H I're.-ipot.'t A,'r c aw; O !..,'. A ff?r of t! p ni-ii y i ccf ?it v.. lint n t t 1 -i .riii! of c:rc8 fr.m ppr-.)'i w-Mi I '. v.'-;i!'y k owi b i ):avp lppn rura i ny Ir ii t ( i. I t '.' ! tH n ,i rpiii-nt ilitf ) a 1 'i ;'i hiiir 'i i r tr-!tnli ii bis p..s??ssi'u, a f ew only l !.c-e j l-i J : .ST. l)"t - .'.r,.J,4 p !i !CC5 1 bao I tPfi .Jaf in ! e lor tl .y j pT5. o'cki m el l-y Si-nUt Ff f!cT-i;i Ii. an . i;i ;to iir i nr ( Ii' .t v j e ii'-, c r;p ) t-y tevf." i. I ; '. i 'iii : .iy I'P.iiti -j y:s m crct I k.I'J wjiIi tlflls Is y mi r.r -t.ti. l at .v i i p ii I i t "r iv.ip s-it.!e f..r i'ip t.i ti ar c. i.;m.i:i roiiw rsaf' 11 ileifliP-rt w s .-nvit:i Bii.'f! a i o:!S':it i i i. tl iro f r ril t II' Pr ; ;il u a .!!! !'i n.i'is n an:i iin t Iiism3 M mv par. Tliroe tnooibs sime 1 put myself will r Pr 'rt ri'sc-re i- ilioii-h tevrutv-ftn f ' aid l e cau e ! lao to hear as well m ay imo of my p j?m:s jrinxsrov. Finrtputh btieet. :t. !.,( i Sf.t. Jtr J..1 retell t.;; tornicry a WtoH-fae fSn c-. r on ?? : .mi Si ret . St J. n'.i -. Vv. 'i. r ,. j ...r, ' rlT' -"' r: .,;:; 3 r; S" in.- P.irs. T!irp lre-iii-; -tiseae of the r.v .'ui-j 1. wr I ,'i.ive tpf-n t:ea.'P(t by si'P',.i iJi:I. ri,:t p'o'i-.i rn .Inrii'vc 1b.1t time witl out c rili. I cillel in J r U .rt. v.n in sis wf.Ls. wi Mi ri t np opcrat '..11 .n r.'.y Ke;. .-ucn-tireiy cure :u j. I ict-iJe :u J ts-.i i lie. Iim.i .m AMKi IA A. G!i ytii. St Lu;!-', Mo, J:u e 15 I: ISf5. Dr.. TiOTtT Pryir Sir; I i avt- Ice 1 l.'.i.'.t ami h.Mp-le-s f..r t!ie Ut eleven y.!r. tifin.' 11 m j-t pvpry-wbs'-o 1 hive lioeu ve::rl-as L i I r -r tii ;i.;i fifteen y erir.-, m ;",-: ii tar n.o-o i:.jti io'i:: o iti ipll. K .'w rsy e; e Jif a woU. r. y s h iv, t 1 1 n il ,. me. lf'hisptiia .ta;ni"'iit cm lo the menu of giving relief lo t.y i cur ivjt'rrcr, " m-.iy pni.iiib it JZiiS. l)l:A V.LQW. I have boon af.liif with Srofiii un S ro Eyp-i ever since I can icuientnftf, un 1 h ivo e?i io 11-ore I to iUin rel.ef from every known fource : an.l fl;i illy. ;n a !at re-ource I cotiol a lei 'a 1 1 o'P nn spit hih'it M e cl.are U Dc li irt, wag cure I niv ovci in m w.vk-. Your.-, illt. Ail'.iAII.Vil liUDillN', t't. I ii ilo ALTON. .If. A-tni.f lfa'.iCj. rit. BOUT Deir lr : 1 li.ivs 1: U a jc'ir r BiP'V.c at J . 1 ow.l y iii il rto o"s :or a C-itu r . 11 1 i) a'nsi w i h v fi'ih I :aesi ..n ; b en ; ::1 . t il (H yeiri) lain 1 a,'p- uta et yi.ii ilni 1 .1 .1- c... tr, l ti-.rrd. an 1 la r- :La 1 k 10 jiu Jor tt.e t W: : 1 jiu tit.we.l m my 1 .1 1 aiu my dear tlr y rr ,.ici:irt frifn.l and well wi l:er 31. I'. tliYA.M. A!t,n ll'in. ii. I liv l"rn Re r inn Ir. tii a Catarrhal fecin of ti e I v.i gi !o 1 w.i ye rs, to mu li n l a - to J ihi for t:ie in. uh Hot Coli.-tarit vO l-h, .;i(l expe;tl;i ti. ti H Diitk, j Pit wirhraaner I h oi--;.: ev.i.ii,t.. ;ip pi.M 3 tii tr. IS) t. ST ir il to 1 Ii-m I li Ti :i 1 I . om t-e y k ii- w.i K..UTP, iio.l all to !o ."V .il u uii 1 tc k 1 ream c t In iii l'r I'.ott w fco :.u 1 J n e in fix . ts 1 itv-t i.ia . C 1. C .I. LA V. X . 1G: Fcui :-"en:li itit-t. Si Lvaia "OS.a'CjE 'OKANGE" T'ie in I r' i- J bug to? i'el in tho T. rri'nry ,f V..'brii-k i,f-r t ie puri-1" nf raiii i; OSA'UJ ii nd s"t t i nij mi t and pi ki n. Fo iiiJ of th-j m u:, 1 .-ha!t ci! tiv itii a id t-Mid ilii i:nso f -r thre y-2-.xt. 1 il 'i.'O t:i- . inn ti p;t i my f ,r ir. -ir a charge of !nm DM- ibdiar :.r.d T A'K T' FIViI cuts to TWO d .1 ar per II .d. Ulmll .:t out th.j i'iar.?. m.'.xt ."" ri::,ri.ii,in- uein r.t.-irtl e Kf.ria line ar.d jr i as f ir up as Oai -ihiind pri.-L -i'!y potn-j ili.taneu j beyond, ta kit:,; a ."trip or i-ountry - or 4') miles wide, iit:J beyond that if there will b- enough to i-oun.ry - or 4'l miles do to make it an object fr me to go tbcrs. HOW TO PREPARE THE GROUND. To all who wish me to ik their Kenrin; prep ir? yon ground In the f il lowing n inner : If it i. I. .urio pi w a btrip one rol leavin? a ilead furrow in the cen tre, plow from ui.e and a li-iif to two inches (Jeep; in ihe Vll hirrow it, then tuck f irr iw it ; aiiniT the Spring harrow and your rontid is reaJy for the Hiaa'-K. la oM ground Pack furrow in August li-f jre trie wee ti y to peed. Any i nebavinijn laro tract cf laud to fenee, and would rather I shmiM tak part of the bind for my jay, I will do so to ihnse who wi-h me f make them a fence , write to me t I.'rcwrvi!I?, and let m know how much you want in j t' f n.e for you . and 1 will cal: at j our residciioe ;inefi!n but ween no v-an-l ths f.rht .f January' n?.tf, and iaiko a Special contra rt with y&j. Infill atso, have all kinds i f Fruit Tiee.. r'!ov.-i r. Ever.-i-t-n, Shrab bary for sila.a 1 g on in tho Territory and a. c'i mated. To Tl.oe whi aro raid 1:5 i'lititi. tT their nwn.and w.isM f.k) ins to mik their hnlrf. r Ihezn 1 will tike their I'lints it p-irt pay, .r I wili tcllthrtn how -a rood fen,'. a id ths rpediest and b-.t way to ui ike H ; a'so th.; b '?t wiy ta save ie riar.ta Ji-r the first t.r.l "?:ond win ter. ' Those buyinj i'lanti of mi will got the re ceit.r fre. t i i . . m . . t & I ir mure l anj man m io'? icirirfj, inn cju give t utter instruct ion. I win iva dmu one tuous and diolars for it. I a! in furr.i-ii a rei?-:ipt for da stroying th Oophsr, for ftf:y c.;nt, etc. Agciita wr.nted to canva in Katf J.tbratka Iowa and Missouri , they can easily nvtk? from tne to three hundred duliara pT month, elfsr of erpen scs. Address, MATHEW lIuKEFOUAN. V. O. Tox 12. Bronv.::e, Xbrajka. Kcfer by permisstoi to JlDuE Kellog, . JLTIX PoUTES.f . LrTaER TIoaclkv K. F. Basket, waflli J 1 3- Louis Mo., OPERzVTING prvqt. treated by Dr., past two snonths.. FT. I0r:S Jn!y. C3, 15 T rtip-f nl'r m f ) r !. l :i; -t t e'. i . r 1 1. 1 ; P' licprni'K iiv.,vn j,loi hli.u.i . i.r. . wi.i. iou.wu, . t' ihe 'lent ; i A'i .rt tore-, ifo I Ink I spe e c .1.1 w Uh :c; m cup on my he-t t .1 i i nn.l r'i.; ilia: liui m i mil i i n i ,- .- b. n triny a-m!ii f eeu! Iy fi r ipit)iti in "pfh-. Aly jfljyii-i-.ii . niT.pif L 1 t trip !v 1:31 l;n! r Pl a'l li.p i.f iny t-h-. w, y. .1 l.iir-'Pin.. p in irp-c-'iio my si.OVrit!S. biji imr.ijf J: j me b-..t!i ' y a id n'.'l.f. J X.'.. i i: my imrr t i 9 cmt lW' : f r.i. :c tl '. ii r I fvi 1 y fr.. i ilr . . 11 n f c. no n. i-f : l" ';:ip- . t !. 11. ..t 1 tii i'i i. ' l 1 I o.i i- 1 1 lo HV. J i'l' r, t, , ,-., 11.1,1' .. tl. li- j !rai It t 1. If! Ii p tl ; t t 1 i, T'-t ".' t'1 --1 .1. .: i- u ' in .1 fi i:!i! !! 1 If c':ru P f v . 11 1" . tl 11 P ;.ii nt of nf 1 sii- v. I 1 ; f-pi ti I ' rui ' fi ''i' if'fPrp.i ria l ! o-'U ,:S t v !;.,::: 1 i..p.. p!fj b.u B-!. I 4 a- very i!.i.:'! !-' "i iif . il In 1. r -.fll t i "i A i.rt t:n t. vi... a, -2'Tin'!o Lit-. I . rjl s-ie .1 I m - sr. ,-ppr-,:?ii !i I k ' Ii l l.fp-t 11 I'i m ' til M'lMPo' VT 1 c'i ci ci n.y rn'ri 1 o .al n i . f r a vi''f liic'i I .,'L I. AV'iit i-ivtn -luti .:! p I m L I) ."t ' I 1 ' ' ni.1- py in t nr. ,.v ,v ,v, 11 it - i t-i li r 1 I.Mt-lh. v.- cill I'.'it IW I'I" j. Ii-i ti"ii imp tUai h.'l il 11 -t wi!i to trett Tito r.r. I f 1. . i r.i, .triil s. it t bf win IJ cev.ii! f.ict n a tt w 1:, . went. n I p -o elN . examinp mp, 1 u .11 Cf fni nviiiiip I ft fni'l li wojlj oura t- V-. I r:i truly s.i.-wiMi pip..T:fe, tie LcM'. !!', t'w siifT-riiu ironr ibe n,-n:c CiB.cultie. thut I Lnve.r Lpfii iimtr Pr U.tT.'J treatment notnP ii m. nu-: m (i i!i a tf w ni.ui. I l;l auti. i;a!e'l t!iit I M...ji .t( tetfiye i l.niit tte f.rie rotuine r.f 2rnft:ii.i n I i inrivi'l :roii 1 trer j Lyt-icjiin ; but ui tte"io:i : iy. te ae me r. mu-:eot$ metfecinc or v i ts- i t.s. li p wli..!e I'OaiCKr.t frua the le .uuni: - : veiy p.p. SJiit wi.. 3i'rtci''!o. I 1.. p innl a fi pat many rea'ODs rrtV u ' p. trpi n.iT.t h hax e b. fi enre-i u aaI of oi.o t i; hpe.kofU.e iriPib:o n :o if t.-?fmcu. T 1 s hii un i-i i.f. fi. n ir j;iie-'s work a-Swrtii Ir. i tr.' m. nt r i'U'.M'fcn 1 f 4mease. He pro: e '. 1, tlxo'l iti-t e I r-t.liiiho! j r:i rr.aiii, r-t a toiav. NWrli i " If .' unit fiy M ii e f an-l V,,lr eviil iii- 1 t t: , j: 1: 1 f 1 1 : : t ' J imm tfP f-n- ;l' III '1 Cirifidl Iv rxfii,. l P. ti, V J' t.vr t ;ir t on: p cn 1 i'i'' 01 p.i-p- ot ye s i (! u. U'ju t-. 'v otni 11 .1 1 .I i" 1 h . -1 ti' Z S U 1 )V r. S.-v : t' u .Mri- 1 t, Am I-i :f:r.3 sn! ? 0.1 oeff Twr'.vs T.iouand i u j: if.Vf!j l'ik TliPrp N a I palin r p' er niim sn-; a pf.v- li is vi.r (I t' !..:- i 1 t! i-i 'i y a a ' I . t 1 IPhK Ii i p t i-pii I X'i.ii - H'l : I Iy :..u vl... i i.r.l fniihcr 1 li 1 : I in self ior;.iej t.c.n !.- . lii.:'i bavp li'Df.l Hp ; k 1 . 1 it I.i.i.i'i v i.iPH i 1 all 1 a t a-'i.'-. an I vpti 1 J. ' tl ii e " cm prarti p I it:w', '.....! iy, t.'icte a h, : ii. . f.u i' 1 1 n ' I p t . V 1 I I 1 r I pro.iii'.p nnN . f Ip.t.m'-i I 01 li.e n. ! iniln'f'tM!i i tliis Jty .. . l-ewli re. wb- b j o:f vc !y pern ai pir uri il af u. ill !. 1 niPni--itt ur it e n:' "t 1 ti ii nt ir.p :.-ii r.m i.a 1 pit y.?s. vr i.t ! ti.:. i-i.js.-t. tt i Vr r.-- j luttrniary H oi iiel -;i -b oii.i-rot 'f i d a. i .n Nt. I. ii-. I) I; . t we u . y 1. ' : .1 1 ' .1 re '.!.: 1 i i .1 -' : f " : ' ' 11 j, . ,;. i,.-n ; l i:.f 1. c c.;. 1. pnctloeit thoir p.-if?.-io'i lier. f'r tioe :i-e Milken & .-re .'lalilic. iiz: 1 i 1-4 - rl V e Kv..r.. Luhh. Tn.-o;it. Heal ana C ttarrti. " 1m e t a rut lui.k hUe l-a-jniiit?. b it, never. t.ia s. ii i tua. anl if ' yon il MilI It.c nu:t a fiw or iLc m: ny f er-e:i w'jc pciti!icj:pi In Ui!lyn..p! i- aro to t-3 I u A iu tie c..!-iifitn-i of tliU p-p-.- tor :h? e -! . h-innuay. --'. Louis VaUj i iia't'i A'.v n.t Ulb 1-53. .1..1 i., Tfcn wary wonJoiful nsre I'frf rrrrtby Dr. Bit nn (Il ca-Ci iii 11 ctfy. c:oJ in nu-ny in starce when all hupe o recjvei i:i, l;y ihe iiiP3su hwl been ilP'.p :ire I of, st i.j; h.ia ui :u the first phy nii'i..:;. a-i'l mrse in. Dr iort4 I illrmarv m l .-.n-f r.lMti n r.jooi-aro ioz tjl k tha oiht of " ifia Tliii-l ao't Vina trlpt. wpe f he c 1 t 1 c 01 . 1 i'ol daily, - of. Louis Vuifj lie; uiicm, Aujtt.t j DR. BOUT'S J-y r' . 1 1 , L'Alt & LU.0 IXFIIiMART- IS LOCATED OS THE CU?.X7. O? hird and Vine Ltrcct St L:tii, Mo. wi.e e ?'l i lettp:i iJ.on'd 1 ml.! cotfjioirj ta; e t mt ip urn p ni;ti;. 2Ir, 1 mr T ITVTTC1 1 unit for females; Vrc Ihe 1 i,.y tVu::';e a.:d u cu -ap ar r :. I.d til 1 V tl l . I i l L ' K' r. r Iii,ot tr L'e ii!i jour b al' o. .1 ihmT'Trtu :,('!iciii". liii'h dnil-. ( 11?:. v h ive bon hf. and wii! ro in r.Tnd to y-u.. iHi.jr i,r or-nt t-f thir qualiti- f. S5' M.V?ti's V,:U are tiild in t're.r oj.ent'or.s : at; irri jru'-iritic'ian l painfal a3arra;i'.: " :i!l ob-trutti.,n.. v.nth'.T l.-'-m col 1 t r ! !:'' l Tr, ,-n,.r., tM ,i;rrPf l,.n. and wekno'l ..... M.. ,f. . . Tr-. iSn. ihAnLl Ka withoilt 1! the result ill bo as d.rf iret'. Ai-k for Mrs. in Iow'j Jlysth- T'i'.ls. lake cone other. Trice c-.04 per "t". rr three boxes for 5 d ;!Iar3. For fale b5 al' drujztst. Peter E. Blow, Q ,-n. A-eat, St.Louu. March 22Jf bo 2o'1 THE HANDLEY FARM XEAR CR0VrNVILLE FOR SALE. In pursuance cf an order of the Probate Court, ofSiwaha County, Nebraska Territory, I will cr ier for sal - at public Auction, On i2U day cf July, A" D. lSG6. a: one o'clock 1. M., at' the front entrance of be I'1 Offioein Cn wtivi.le'i-i sai l Coun'r of .Nemaha, the following de-rib..'d real estate Mtu.i'fd iu m.!i i C-unty. Nebnuka Territory ; to-wit : Vthairof the North Fa?t quarter oct.on thiriy in ?..wc:.ip Ave, NTth '-r K'5 ,.,:c:, Jf Ea.r.ct.ntainir.-Eighty rcre ; the South half cl the .N, r:h East tpWr, if Section t i'ty " AoWa jdiip vj 5orth of llan-e i:x?een Ear., cxc?p tract it' lard rfifcrili as lollow tu-wit : toui-neu-rinr at Ihz Soa-Ji Eait coraor of th r til" " rou cx rodj, thence East IQ rods tiicnee outa oji lbccMVfctlOrodiifcoat:-i.tios 13 ' ..o '... trrnt f ni in ni ! 11 T t t ,!.r-.. rods' icx- Wwl ,f th-3 land formerly earned " eora;r o lucLCjrunawn .ii. V""vw ' . jii f..t.lben tiCLCsNtrlh U feet, t'aence :h ;i .South 15 feet to the p!a-i beginomj r. i. n propertj k.3. a, the, Ilanah-y i 0f ted on the bottom aooiU I K n . Brownvill. CALA A i . - "linisoVcftU.EsUJ-ofArea S2-"t $10,50 iUu l.Td." K-i.t n'nrtiT nf ?". ,1 Seetien. runm I j3 rod-, ther..v3 rth 4Zi nd. Eit l-- a fa., a traot co umea-tn,' at ta .V j.Tr... I r n m AW . i.TIil'l. I , l - - - - - m