Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 14, 1866, Image 1
wiwe ti hi ii ii CTwwuwwm hebrAskajidvertiser " tCjuart-'tea Site crI-;',;i:o iaiiuiccal ititrtka :l!aiiniiPirJi.di lir.el t r Ic I C 1 9 7 ff 13 ! GEO. V7, HILLS: CO,, Advertiser IJ.oci.IIain S't Between 1st & d, nrowxtvlllo, INT. ri Cccb i!f couDin creyr Oua lourthl coliittccfi jea? Ons ei;htL column cr.e jcsr Obj colaEniii -One half colnn-n t lx laontls Oacfoarth cciun-u giin rt'. s Oco eighth co'.r.r.n ".. One column ttr. e u. ci-ti. One hilfcclunn tlrce c-ctti OoefcnrtL cclur.n; three ccd-i One eighth c.utrr? thrf rcib ft - n r. i r r . . 1. 1 1 c .f Cr C C C 10 gi i'J t-i :i c J iU S3 20 0 3 21 i 15 I i'j 1 1 11 Cs is ce 1 ft d CI r r i x n m 3 Ft f f .. 1 i i 1 ? ' M f 1 t ' TEH . e r t : I rtr Todt. ene Tf ir. l adrance. .. . ti is ilUUUtltlVl. v-- tf J AlUrassientiircrilieoecti xaaitbtfi.J ia w 3 1 C C ' Year!TajTcrti? arterltin alMtce. AlUinJiof Job.i'.ctinraCirJrrialiif.ineU t.bcsiitt'ion tbortfict:cer.dre?tso1tirx I BtJ Work, aal PUla nl Fancy Job Work j Jjotte bet style. anJcn ort notice. . " LIBERTY "AND UNION,; ON E ANDv,J1I;SEpMi;V,B.LE NOW ;AND, FOREVER. 1 ;r. i.iv ,TCI ?;..-." ! - - r VOL. X. BROWN VILLE, NEBRASKA, ! THUESDAY, ;; OTNE, I41B66 : . 4 .-:-: -'r-'; r, - ' CO - i '-' 1 k I 4 4k. - 40 I ' A t' I 'KIP ii- i isf 'K .-' .-ft'. rv j r'' BUSINESS CARDS. . CHAIILES HELLMEU, 4 -A. ..... LT4-Jr-L' , ; Jlaia Et, 2 doors jbtlow rro-wiTiHe JIou, . ijHOWNTlLiLE II. T- - IIc cn hand faprrior Btoc'ic cf Boots and Sires mni 0e bet material nnd al.ility for dolns . : CUSTGK-WORK Repairing done with ritntnesx anil dispatch t'.My TormD CaBll. fnnn FRANZ HELL1ER, OPPOSITE DEUSER'S TIN-SHOP, BRO Ti'X Tll-I-t:, ,1VEC R A S It A . TTAOONSrrUGGIE3. PLOWS, CUIiTI VITORS, c., Kcpait c l'u sbort uotice, at low rated, aad warranted lo p:re 8iii-!ac:ion. s-13-fn nn O.F.STEWRT. M. D. SuutiT'Eait - corner n f ??ain and First. Streets ! xinori 'xvir-r-i:, c n n asila JIoCW Jto 9 .. X. and 1 to 2 and to p.m. ; BrownvilVi, Nebraska, Maj 5th, 18C5 No 34, 1 j: EDWARD W. THOMAS, ; ATTORNEY ATv LAW, "solicitor-' inoiiancery, Offlre rrnr of Wain b1 First Streeta. brownville; Nebraska. iHrs.iH.ln.licmett, " Millinery & Fancy Goods DTORE. ITain Street one door west ot iiie'Po'st niWWlVIL,I.E, XCIIKASILA. A eapcrior etcck of ia!l ann Wiater Goods just received. Ererything in the Millinery lint Kf pt eonotanlly on band. Dress-Making, liannct tlearhing and Trimming done to order. 0;tober,'23 1865. - v9-n--2Sly G. 21. XIC!VDERSOlii CO., ! DE4U.EKI IS CEKEKAL MERCHANDISE, Slain Street, '2 Doers alove Pest .Office, Urownvill, rCo1or.lx.c. May, 14:h 1863 ne ZS Cm . J B. JOHNSON, OfUce one Door West of Carson's Bant, . JBRoir.vii4r.t:, jverrasUa. MARSH & CO., . SDCCESSORS TO MARSrj & ?Q0K, . .. General News Agents ; anti Slaiioners, Post Office RuiWInsr RROWNVILLli. NEBRASKA He have on Land and are constantly receiving fresh ruppiies of Books, Periodica!, Stationary, 'hotoni(h Alburns, School Books; also Confec tionary, Cigars, Taba:eo, and a choice Bloetion of . Fwy Groceries generally, to which they invito the attention cf tha citiunrvf Neuiaba cocty, nnd tUeybopeby strict attention to business, and lah deaiinr. to merit a tbaro of the publie r.atronajre. A.D.MAliSII, : nI5-ly J. W. ULIaS. 0. W. WHEELER, ' 0 AB IN ET r MA KEB AND 1 : CARPENTER.-, rjavUig rpened dp permanently eft-' -., , 2Itt,ixx Gtrcot, ! Onedoorabove the Bultimoro Clothing Store, . prepared to do all kinds cf work in Vis lino in the very beft and style. Particular attentione given t Contracts. v-n m p'd BROWHVILLE ' HOUSE, COR. MAIN AND 2ND STS., , . . . , i 1. . 1 RroAvnvillc. XcbrasUa. G. V7. PEDICORD, Propiietcr. Thi Iljuse has been refurnished and ncwljr fitted p aud refurnUhcd under its present entcrpnsing proprietor, who gaarrantees satief action to all who pay pa.tronite bis House. x-&-ly G R A N I' S , CAEAP CASH STORE. Main Street beiyecen First qn Second. BROWiWILLE; N. T. V bare la store a large ana well selected stock of , Boots and Shoes, . Finest Quality of .Spring Stock,' ' WniCU UK OFFERS FOR 8 ALB CHEAPFOR GASH Allspice, Pepper, Candles, Tobacco, . ; Matches, Starch, &.c, Sic.', Sec. All I wbicb be oCers at tbe lowcrt prices, deter Minea not to be undersold. ' ' GRANT. rwtTtL, Ktb., . ? : x-39.ta.7,60 bVocenejr' of 5 JJvery Kihd, rarao, lionsc-SIgn & Ornamental , Glazier, Gilder, Grainer,;" ; PApERIIAITGEIl etc. " All work dono fa a workman like manner, and on etrickly ,. TERMS. If fc'J tt .C A VI 4DV Hill t--a- d UJA RICILIUD F. 1) ARRET, , mmm hit, am) rj.EAtrn iit' LAND WARRANTS i tAND SCRIPT, Pertonal attention given to mating Location!.' 0Hce in J. lu Carson's Hanking House. IIU)WNVILLE, NEBRASKA. ly Ir-nn RESTAURANT AND .... , OYSTER SALOON. WILLIAM ItOSSELL takes this method cf inf-rm!nx the public' that ho has just opocc J,on Main street, between lt and 2nd, BIieWKriLLC, NEBRASKA. a Restaurant and Oyster Saloon. AI?o, Confectionaries, Canned Fruit, Dried Fruit, Sjiccs of all kind?. Tea, '.Coffee, Sugar. Tobacco, Potatoes, fweet Potatoes and everything usnajly kept ia a retain grocery store. j5TrEALs Served at 'all Ttocr .Tj j N s. FRESH OYSTERS- cToflfffcll", AW D JT J3 33 Ha BL ""ST 2 ! JOSEPH SHUTZ . Has just received and will constantly keep on Land a large nnd well selected stock of genuine ar ticles in is line. One Door west of Grant's Store, JJroun ville, Nth r ask a. Of Clocks; Witchea and Jewelry Uund on tbe short est Notice. WORK WARRANTED. . BroTnville, Neb.. March 15th. 1SG6. 10-25-ly . t) V The undersigned keep on band a largo assortment t SATTINET&CASSi'tlERE SUITS For Men and Boy's wear. . Also, a large stock of "" HATS AND CAPS LIB k WILI1STS BOOTS "AND ' SHOES' Rubber Cots, LcgslnS Blankets,' UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS; Gent's FnrnisMng Goods ! - :Of all kinds which we'wiHsell , . C lI I'l A P FO'll' C A S llJ' , We purchased . qur, roods since. the di clfne in the Marlets"and will sell at W fibres. ' . ATKINSON Sc CO. f April 13th, 1S5S. 8-30-ly :.:: jacor ai akoiin, ' MERC H.ANT; MAIN STREET, BROWN VILLE, NEBRASKA, Ila? just received the largest supply cf SPRIXG AXI SIGUIER in m sir swisb. ' Ever brought to this market, and is prepared to make tbem up ia . THE VERY LATEST STYLES. Work Warranted- S-Terms Casn! January lst!865p'd to Oct. 15th ISo5 - Evan Worthing:, Wholesale & Retail Dealer ia Choice Liquors, Wines, Ale, Bear, PITTS RITFALO TIXRASIII1VQ IIACIIIXE, KEW TORXt RA KIXG REAPER. qUAILlR 3XOW ER and EXTOL EYE CXJLTIYA TOR. TFXIITXEY?S .Main Street,.. Brownville, May, 17ib 1S:S lo -3 tlr frna . '. ilyers Clierry Pectoral; AMEBIOAN HOUSE; LI D. RGBIHSON, feopkieidb, Front Street, between Main and-Water XJROTIXYIl4l4E, XERRASXLA. .r--.t-. ' ;' ' : -f May,0th ISCGrrlO 36 ly Vl ; ; TJA1UE3 MEDFOUD,; ;t; ! CABINET-MAKER AMD Corner tind and Main Streets, 1 BBOWNVILCE. TT". : T- Is prepared to do all kinds of work in bis fine $n r: hort notice andTcasonublorterms. . l.-rijari- PIict6?rai)Ii Gallery. For good picturesr Photographs or Ambrotypes, call atjSc M..Sta'fil)rdIlpops above the Post Oitice: -We are -prepared to do IhVbesf cf .work in the shortest possible time, and on as reasonable terms as-any in H'AVe'sf. - Give tisa call. Examine; our work. " We Insure satisfaction, " - 'Of every style of faces,'" 1 Both Photographs and Ambrotypei, p' ' " In plain or fancy cases. ;' . A. & M. STAFFORD, L - 31-tf Brownviile, JVeb- A. ROBINS N, !0I? B Ml Diia llaia'Bctween 1st St 2d Street XJrownvillo TJToloi'o.slx.c Takes this method of informing the public that ho has on hand a splendid a?!.rtnjnt cf uent s and Ladie'e Hiiscs'ana Cblldrens's. 3300TS AND SHOES 53Cnston work done with neatness and dieparch3j Kcpatring done on short notice. - lU-aU tuna TIPTON & HEWETT, C4,ttovncii5 at Call), BROWN VILLE, NEBRASKA. ( Slatlb 1st, '68." ly. ' " ; ---- ! lectin? of Scliool Examiners. Xr.ticn i hrrphr eiven that the Board of Schoo Rtnminprs of Nemaha Countv. Nebraska, will hold meetings for the Examination of Teachers for said County, at the cfiice of E. W. Thomas, in Brownviile, on the 1st ftaturaay in every nunm, hplvr.n thn hnnra (if fine and 3 I'. M. AlinlicantS for certifleafes are required to be present at ono ... . .. ... . . o clock, precisely, or tDey win not De examinca, No person need apply at any other time. Jiy order ot tne if nam, E.W. THOMAS, Clerk. April 1st, -yly HOLLADAY & CO., '. Successors to J. F. Morris. TVnnlil resnpetTnllv announce to the Citiiers of Brownviile and vicinity, that ihey have purchased he lirje anl well-selectel stock of ' ; A SB r rr IHct)triuc0, JJatnt And the entire stock fromerly kept by F. Morris. Aad'they will keep constantly on hand everything usually kept in a . FIRST CLJSS DRUG STOREi and are detormiued not to bo undcrsso'd for cafb... DR. nOLLIUAl will g.Te bis personal and ijar divided attention t the business. : j OY(J. Prescriptions and orders carefully filled ataJJ.hoJirs. ; '" 'wniTKETS BLOBK, MAIN STREET5' BR 0 )VH VILLE. NEBRASKA- x-23 ly fd,nn . i . .. i, B3 C3 O It! II 153 , .- J" O v. e W . CO: a" 7-4 W - OQ Pi W PI - g- S O - - ess aa K S 9 c C3 o 5 c a. o o (- H u o -3 - a 5: u , r 5.;" . r Ci 4K -1 3 H il 0 0 o P H -S c s 5.3 rr 3 c o o 0 !!0 K o K V o C- ' g t 0c 1 3 a 43 NOTICE ' ' i! i ne crown viJiw vn j vouocu , cu i "I'l of Eqaatisation to eqnaliza tha a$essaient for, !ae . i . . i i. : r l i . -4 - year i-oo, on iua cvouhi ui r luuuaj k xuuwt.j 1v ?ct. 90th ra 2Cib '&ttV Office of the Mayor, over Carson's Bank. : -i Ky order of the conncii, il. B. Johnsons Citj RJeV.1' ' mm 43 t --v : j 4v. J ..!-. - THE IRON VAULT,; 1 A .riYSTERY.J OE THR s PAST, j 1 ' 2 f- '- J ' f 1 ; i A STPttTr A SAX rRARCISCO LOCKSMITH 'Iram aLocksmith by trade. --My call lag is 'a! ttrange one, and possesses acer-i tain fascination Tendering it one ol.ths rnT)slfgreeabIe of pursuits. Many,-vhd follow 'it, see nothing in it but labor think of nothing p is -returns -in -gold and silver. To nef it has other, charms than the moneyJt.produoes,. lj rncalled upon, almos daily, to opep 4oora and peer jciq 'lop inpgiecled apartments; tt) spring .the .sfuLbora locks cf- tafes, and gloat upon .the.treasbre. piled'tviihinto gqietly .'fe-nter: the a pahnyeiTtsyof,; ladies with more, beauty . than discretion; and pick the locks tf drawrs containing peace destroying, musives, that the"da"rgerou3 evidences ''of IWardering affection may not reach ihe eye -of a husband,icr father in possession of. the missing key, to force the fastening, of .Cash boxes'arid'-deposi- lories'oreccrfi,:.:tellin2: ofrneri-niade suddenly rich iff cx)rporatin' plundered cf orphans fobbed of hopes crushed, of families .ruined, is there-: na .caarm in all this ? no (ood for speculation V'-T; '110 scope for' the range of pleasam'fancy' Then, who would not be a.-locksmith though his face is tegrimmed. with the oot, of the forge, and his hands ale stain ed with rust. : . ; - 11 1. ; i But I'have a ' story to telj noiiactiy story, either for a storyimplies the completion as wellas the heginnibg of a narrative acd n.ifae. is scarcely more 4 ....... , than the introduction to one. Let him who deals ia. : lhicgs-sf-faacy,.. write me rest., ln,tne fpricg ot lSob l tninu-u was in1 April I -cpened a'liule shop 'on Kerocy StwfciiidHori. 9kji) myself into a fair business C.LaTer,one evening, a JJdy, closely veired,rtehter'ed niy shop, and pulliDg from beneath a cloak a small apanned box, requested me. to .open it: The lock was curiously constructed, and I was all of an hour in fitting-it.wiih a :ey. The lady seemed nervous at the delay, and at length requested me to close the door.' I was a little surprised at the suggestion, but of' course' complied. ishutiing the- door ana returning to my work, the lady withdrew her veildisclos- ing;as sweet a face as can-well be imagin ed. There was a restlessness in the eye and '"a? pallor in the cheek, however 'wtich plainly told of a heart . ill at ease and in a moment every emotion for her had giv en place to that hi pity. ; " j "Terhars ycu are riot well, madam and the night air is tod chilly ?'.aid I 'rash-- er inquisitively. I felt a rebuke in Tier reply : ' In re- questirg you to close the doof I had cp other object than to escape the attention of persons." ' " " ' i aiu not,repiy. dui; tnougnuuuy cot inued my wprk. She-resumed : 'That itile box' coh'tafhs' "valuable papers pri- w . i . a vate papers and i cave -lost the kty, or X has "be'eri sfclen: rkhcuid not wish' to1 have ycu remember that l ever came here cH $gcXJ -with s;crrje' hisiiation and rg'jving'V me 'a ', took' which it was no diftcult 'rcat:er:to under stand, r f 5 c: i '. - " 'T "Certainly, madam,, if yvti desire; it." f 1 cannot forget your 'face, 'I will -at easlattempt Id idte .: lhe. reco'le'ctidn of ever seeing jrhere..'.: The lady lowed rather coldly at what otidrrd a fine, compliment, and I proceeded with my work, satisfied that a sudden discovered partiality for me bad nothing to with the visit. ' Having'suc- ceeded, after much filing and : fitting,- in turning the loclf, I was seized with a cu riosity to get a glimpse nt the precious contents of the bqx, and suddenly raising the lid, discovered a bundle of lettersand a Daguerreotype, as I'slowly passed 'the box to its owner. She seized it hurried Iy, and placing the letters. and picture in her pocket, lock"ed'ihe;bojand' drawing the veil over her. face, pointed to the door. I opened it, and fhe passed into the street, he merely, whispered "Remem ber !" We met agaia. and 1 haverteen Ihus particular in describing her,. visit to the shop,vto render probable' a'subseqdent recoguttion. - c'.ti.- X J .ijJ. .1 .Ahoni 2 oMcckiin the the latter part of May folio wing", I was awoke by a gentle tap. upoa ihe 'window of ..the little room back7of the-shSp;jin which I lodged.-.,. Thinking ofluYgfars I - sprang put cf bed, and in' a1 moment was at ,;the window, with a heavy hammer ia' my handwhich I usually kepi at that time tvithirt 'conTenient reach of :rny.l;ed?i "Who's there?";. I inquired,, raising the hammer, -and peering out in the darksess for, it .was as darLaa Egypt, when under 'thecurse of Isra'el's'God t ."Hist !" exclaimed a figure, "stepptDg in iront or. tne window: "opeq tae aoor 4L uai uuiucoj yuw. ..Rather past business hours, , I sIich! say; but who are ydu?,r" , No one that would harm you,' returned the voice which I imagined? was" rather rejninine ior a nurgiar. , . " Nor no one that can !" I replied .t ' i 'tf.'Vrl '..' ..'': ra;ner empnaucaiiy oyyay ot 1 tightened my grip upon, the manner and proceeded t o the door.', I pushed back the dcor, and slowly opening it dis covered the stranger standing on the step'. "What do you'want ?" I brusk'y' in quired . I will tell you answered the"same scft- voice, "if ycu dare open the door wid$ enougu ior me 10 etiier. f ''Come in, said I, fesofutly, 'throwing the door ajar; proceeding to light-atahi dFe.:i Having-' succeeded I turnedito 'ex amine the Viiitbr.'IIe wai a . small - and neatly" 'dressed 'gentleman,1 with a heavy Raglan around hiJhouIders, and a blue! navy 1 cap drawn1 'suspiciously over the eyes.'-Asliadranced ioward hirh'j he seemed to hesitate a moment, then raiaid 1 the cap from 'his foiehead and looked me curiously in the face7'l did not drop the candle; but I acknotvledge'to a little nervousness as I hurriedly placed . ' the light upon a table, and silently proceeded to invest myself with two 'or three very necessary articles of clothing.' Asthe Lord liveth, my visitot 1 was h, lady;-and the'same for Uhoifti I had ppened lhe-' lit tie box cooci ittr-'month'' before'-! Having tompleted my Hasty toileue, I- ktterhpted to stammer an apology -for . 'my rudeness, out utterly tailed ihe lact is, 1 was canfoucded. , .....Smibng' flt-ixy.l4ioomfiturer.&ha--said : Disguise is useless; I presume you recognise me ?'' "I beliava-Ictold yotf, madam, I should not. soon forget your face.; (-Ia: what way can I serv Arou ?" 1 : ' , i By, doing half an hdurs, work .befote daylight to morrow; and. -receiving -five hundred dollasr for your labor." was the "It is uot ordinary . work,", eaid I in quiringly, 'hat commands so munificent a compensation, i v V'lt is a labor'commcn to your calling",'' returned the'lady. . "Th8 price is not so much for the labor, as the condition uh der which it must be performed. '''-1 "And what is the condition I"! inqui red.:.; j : '1 I.e.? !!'. V ; ""i-T f.'.'l That you will submit to being convey ed from, and returned to your own door blindfolded.":- : , - : : :r Ideas of murder, burglary, and almost every other crime to villainly, hurriedly presented themselves in succession, as I politely bowed, and said: "I -must un derstand something more of the charac ter of the employment, as well as the con dition, to accept your offer." ."Will not five hundred dollarsaaswer in lieu of an explaniticrnl" she inquired. '.'No nor five thousand.' '.. v.: ' ' She patted her foot nervousiyon the floor."-'! could see she had tl&eed-entire ly too low an 'estimate' 'on-"my "honesty, and I: felt some gratification ' in1 being able 'to convince her of the fact."'! "!; : "Well, theiif it is absolutely neces eseary for me to-explain," "she feplied "I muM lelfyou that you'are required to pick the lock of a vault- "You have gone quite" far encugh! madiim, with the explanation," I inter rupted; "I am not at your service." "You are," she continued, "to pick the lock of a vault and rescue from, death a man who has been buried 'tn'ere for three days." " : : " ; '.' ': t I1 "To whom does the vault belong," I inquired.- - '-'My iiu3band,"-was the somewhat re luctant reply. - ; " ("Theri, why sd much necrecyVor rath er, how came' a man confined in such a -:.;-'-!' . "I secreted him there,, ta escape the observation of my . husband. . He suspec ted as much,, and closed die door upon h:m., .Presuming he had left .'the , vault, andj quitted the house, by the 1 hack door, I. did not dream, until, today,. that, he was connnea mere, uertaiu suspicious .acts offray husband , this afternoon .convince me that the man is there,-beycndhuraan hearing," andwill be starved to death, by my barbarous husband, unless immediate- lrescued. Tor threeayshehas'cot left the, house. . I, drugged? him. less than an hour, ago, and he is now so com Ipletelyjstupefied, that the lock may be picked .withovi his interference. I have searched his. pockets,, but cannot find the key; hecco my application to you. .Npw yoa know all; will tn?" ' '" --"5 you. accompany in.; ,eTd'the end of the world, madam, cn such, and errand." ; Thea prepare yourself ; there is a cab waiting ui the. doer." ; ' i' ii I wasav little Burprised, fcr I had not heard " the : sound :of wheels. Hastily drawing'on a coat and providing myself with the required implements, ..I was son at;the door. , .There ture enough, was the cab, with the .driver in his seat, for the. mysterious journey.' I entered the vehicle, followed by the lady. . As soon as I was,. seated, she produced heavy. handkerchief,--which, by the faint light of aa adjacent street lamp, she care fully bound round my . eyes. . Ihe lady seated herself, besidef me, arid the cab started!.' .In half" . aa hour the vehicle stopped ia what part of the city .1 cm ehtirelyt.ignoranu as it wa3 evidently driyon in anything but a direct course the point of starting. - , ' Examining the, bandage, to S29 that my vision was completely obscured, the lady harid.ed. me the bundle of tools with which I was provided, thea taking me by arm, led me. through a gate into a housewhich Lknew was of brick, and after, taking ,. me along a passage-way which could not have beenles3 than fifty feet ia length, .and down - a night of stairs into what "was evideaily. a under ground basement, stepped beside a vault, and. removed the handkerchief from my eyes- v; -,j ;: : , r . ; Here is the vault open it," said she, springing the doer of a dark lan tern, and throwing a - ray cf light upoa the lock. . , : I seized a bunch of skeleton keys, and with a few trials which the lady seemed seemed to catch with" the most painful anxietysprang the' bolt. The door swung upon its hiogs, and my compaanioa tell ing me not to cloce it as it is self locking. sprang into the vault. .1 did not follow. I heard the murmur of low voices within and the next moment the lady re appear ed', "and leaning upen her arm a man, with . face . so pale and hagard, that I started at the sight. How he must have suffered, daring the three long days cf his confinement in the vault ! t , ' , f ' r "Remaia here," she said, handing me the lantern; "I will be back ia a mo ment. , " . The two slowly ascended the stairs ,and I heard them enter a room immediately above where ,1 was standing. In less a minute, the. lady returned. . . , "Shall I. close it,, madam?" said I, placing my hand upoa tha door cf the vault- 'No .! no i" , she. . .exclaimed, hastily seizing my arm ; "tt awaits anotner oc cupant : .' t ; Madam, yea certainly do pot intend to- 9 1 Are you ready ?" ; she interrupted, impatiently, holding the handkerchief before my eyes.- The thought flashed across my mind that she Intended to push me into'ibs vault, and burry me and my secrertogether.-'' She seemed to read the suepicioa, iarid ' continued "Do not be alarmed. Yon are not the man !" "I 'could 'not mistake the truth or the fearful meaning of the remark, and I shuddered as I bent by head to the hand kerchieft My eye3 were as carefully bandaged as before, and I was led to the caband thence driven home by a more circuitous route, if possible, thaa tha one by which we came - Arriving in froat of the house, the handkerchief was removed, and I stepped from the vehicle. A purse of fivehuLdr;d, dollars was placed in my hind, and ia a moment the cab aud its mysterious occupant had turned the corn er, and were out of sight. I entered the shep, and the purse of gold was the only, evidence I could um mon'in my bewilderment, that all I had jast done nnd witnessed was not a dream. A month after that, I saw the lady, and gentleman taken from the vault, leisurely walking along Montgomery Street. I do not know, but I believe the sleeping husband awoke within the vault, and hi3 bones are there to-day I The wife is stiU a resident of San Francis'qo - ".Sir, ".said th8 Doctor to tha judge 4i the conduct of . England towards our Government is. infamous, airi will never be.forgjverv.j.She;hi3 completely de stroyed all affections for cur mother coun tryshe has cut the. umbilical cord. " True, ".said the Judge, " and there by lost her ratal supremacy, ' m( art cf tb. Commcicial give3 tan lished anecdote cf A A: hiihrrto v: V Once, when conversing v.-i;h A. Bris. the Ohio State , TT . w ltvJ V far said: vWbyf.Er:2g,Uili2T8 unrow even a system cf femalo krskeraga ia cfTices herein Washicgica, fcr I atu constantly bcet by wemea c 1 ed scrt. bich low. pretty nid cgiy, mcacst and ihe other iort.; Here, yesterui. a UniimK vnnr" woman C2i;ca ; s;:3 would not take' a denial, was auaii'.'Vi, and went straight to work solicit: a certain office for somebody rafpciCu u be her husband. She-plead t3 causa dextercuily, eloquently, and at times wa3 almost- successful by her importunate entreaties. Ey degrees she came c2s er and closer to me, as I sat in my chair, until really her face cama to near my own that I thought she wanted ma tokiss her; when my indignation cams tj relf, and, drawing myself back and- straight eting myself up, I gave bar" ih3 proper sort of a look and said: Mrs. , yoil are very pretty, aal it' very temptis j ECT I WOS'T." In a little towa ia Ohio a lady teacher was exercising a class cf juveniles ia mental arithmetic. She commenced tha question, " When yoabuy a cow for tsa dollars " when up came a Hula hand. What .3 it, johnny?" "Why, you can't buy no kind cf a cow fur 12a dol lars: 'father sold ono fcr sixty dollar the other day, and she was a regular c!i scrub, at that !" MAitniED, At Oil Spring?, April 1, 1S6G, by tho Rev. Mr. Rodger, of Ap pletcn, Wisconsin, J. Q. Black, Esq., and Mis3 Masy J FouQUEa.ljthcf Detroit, Mich. 1 hcvgh he vis ZlacJ:,tla'l bo Us tI.'j ; And in her very lest Lib and 'tucktr, Eho was bound to D'.acli for lifo, .nd Elack was loan 1 to Fccquer. G. F. Train. There ia a crack-brained, glib-tcngued egotist, named George Francis Train, who had played cut evarywhere except with the forlorn rebels af Nebraska ; and they employed him. to do wid.wcrk i3 the recent canvass expecting him lite rally to take things by storm. lit) went the rounds, advocating a State Govern ment, ond the election cf the Copperhead ticket. His speeches were of thestyb so familiar to the country which has Leea so thoroughly bored by hitn three fourths self-glorification, and the balance a compound cf froth, wind, and disjoint ed, nonsensical patch-work. Wherever he spoke, he would write out a lengthy despatch, after the same crazy "styhVcf his speeches, ia' which the tremenijuj achievements of Train .were conspicuous ly set forth ; these despatches he; would have some of hi3 enthusiastic Democratic "suckers" telegraph,, at their own ex- psense, to ihi n-ebraska City "and Omaha Copperhead papers. At ville,' Train ave a glowing .accour.J of the manner in wich he had "cleaned out" Judge Mnsoi at Nebrask.i City. The Judge, who haJ entered the room on the sly, ani listened to Train'j brag, then aro3e ard fairly skinned L;m alive, until poor Get r je Fr.mci3 b at a precipitate retreat 'J.r .igh thn back dsp. Nevertheless, Traiu sut cu his uual bombastic despatch, ia th-3 umm ar.i' at the expense of som tlj "anJ uiy Democrat. At.Arago. we ua-i-rstinJ. the Germans "went for" - Trala. arA compelled him to seek .refuse cn th3 opposite ride of the Missouri River. Still, Train's in?vitab!3 despitc'i, ro caunting hi3 wonderful prfrinanctj among the Germans of Arago, went ortr the wires, at the expense of aa ad:n;ria Democrat! lis must have cast the poT devils quite a large amount of nu.ijr, fcr this item abne. Their carnpiiga with Train has proven an utter failure, and they are left to cipher up whether th investment paid or not. We liiingiue that he 13 about as well played out in Nebraska as ia erery othery place where he has been. But ht was in clover, while he lasted. ' The last seen of him. he. was on his way down the riv?r- probably bound for the Fenian seat cf war, to capture Canada, solitary cal alone. Ei?tTAPn " Whoa, January !" The Gettslurrr monument will cost 850,000 Clerical costumes have yitUed to the supremacy of farhicn, ar;d the clergy very imch like other Christians. One white per;on and fi live negroes were lurnud to death ia New on Saturday night. Orii ans Santa Ansa has taken a house ia Fifth avenue, New Yook. They call "false calve" ia New York: bob veal" Ths Gernt.nn labor movement- in Vir ginia, so far, has been a failure. A case cf miscegenation has shscked th? hutr:2r.itarian3 cf Sandgate, Vt. - The hil novelty for gentlemen's wsj ii the "Hard Rubber Crarat." A ccrresp