Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 31, 1866, Image 4
I CTW mum a mra' 7 A J V KOFI'ICIALJ LAVOF THE UNITED STATES 6 Ttssed s.t the First Session of lie TLirty- Klntb Congress 41.) AN ACT to exUtd (.ufcjUTicticn t tbjB Court f Cittiais. ' Ee in enacted ly the Senate vnd TJome of Reprt-t-ntativct nf th Unittd State of Amtriea in ihn 4jre atn.lUd, That tLe Court of Claims f-h&Il lave juritcicAco to hear and rftttiruice theilujm of any j-ojniusu-r, quarttimsur, commissary cf subtifUnce, r otter dif turfirg t Cctr cf tbo Uni ted Stati e,cr cf Lis cdmirJraio.-s or executor?, for rclif lum iep.nibIity on f-ccount of lcscs by capture cr c!Lrwite, wLiioin the line cf Lis IuihIs, vouchers, records, atd papers in Lis tbarge, and f-,-r fcich ruch cticer was and is held rtiponsille : Provided, That an at-pcaJ may Le taken lo lie Supreme L'uurt, as in other Kcc.2. Jndle itfurther enacted, Thai whenever (aid court La..l i.uvc jucirmiiitd tbo fcU cf any tutb lots lo lave Lctn wilUut fault cr cqrleci oa the ) art cf sry tech cEccr, it thai! make a decree sotting fcitb the amr vtl thtrrcf, utcu utija the prr per occcuntirg cErcrs cf the treasury thai al low lo tuch tbe amount fo decreed at a cred it is the r-it!ment of big accounts. Approved, May IT, 1S53. 4' (Public, jvb.v'45 ) . ... EN-ACT cn'.aiging .Ihe powers cf ihe levy court (f tbe county ct Washington, in the District of Columbia. - lit it enacted ly tht Stnzte and II jus -of Rcprc en lot tree cf the United Statct of America in Con crete atttmUled, Tb-t the livy court of the county cf, Wasbiota: , in the District f Columbia, in bcrtby empowered to uec'strc t.nd lortite as public tjgbwaj euch rcudj known, ai.d used as mi.itary roads in sid district duYirg t-yr? .' str.l court mnyieeui nJrif : ' ' . . f d-ioiages I r-!: ' fcoii r r r 1 -- . . .:dS U.Ic. ' v of Coi:gross j u t. " . and tweive, ckiitlcd A ;r.",r i- :t;.'. Lwtr oa (be k-vj court ttr the tcuui-ct Yi"aU iagtoa,ia the Ihttrictcf Cu'uUilia." Ar'ftvcd, iia 'J, lSCtJ, ( PwlZc Resolution, Xe'ZOJ) ' f JOINT UESOLUTION to j.rovida far the exemp tion cf crude jo rclcuui frcm intcri-al tax cr duty, ecd fir other purpose?. - i JJtil renolved lytJte Senate and Houu of Repre itntalict of the United Sialei of Amtriea in C'o grtM citcthLled, That r.'iraGne cii, not exceed. ng a fjcci to gravity thirty-six degrees Uauuio by dr (UiCttr, tbe induct cl a rctiduum cf distilla tion ; crudo j ctrokuui ; and crude oil, the product cf the rtt aid tirgle distiration of coal, ibalc, tpbaltuin, f iat, or other bituminous fubtacce, cball, troui arid after the parage of this jolat reso lution, Le extujit fictn iuternal tax or duty. ApproTcd, May 9, 1BG6- w (Public Xo 46.) AN ACT to"iac'jrrc-rato the Natiuuat Theological Institute. Lt it cnacttd ly the Senate an! Hovie of Itrpre $entutipc of the United Siatit of ArnricainlCon grcii itfitn.Ued, That Atratu D. Gillette, Edgar Ut Gray, LJmuiid Turney, Z&linan likbarda, Uolrer. J. howtll, AYilIiamT.Joht8on,Ucnry Beard, Cbar lei II. More e, Jcycph C. Lewis, John S. l'oler, David Ilcts, D. A . Andcruon, Daniel C. Eddy, Leonard A. Grimes, J uttice D. Fulton, William li. WjlHaius.liaao V cstco;t, Howard Jdalcolnl, Joseph II. licnuurJ, Newton Urown. T. Dwight AL Her and all persons who i hall cr may Le associated with ) thea, and thtir successors, are hereby created and declared a body corporate and politic, indeed and in law, ty the name cf "Tbe 2atioEaJ TheoJorical In stitufc," and by that tame shall fcare t txcesfion. and be capable in law to su ani be f ued , plead and . be impleaded, axswer and be answered, defend and I be dticLiltd, in all courts cf law ana equity and elsewhere ; to make and use a common fcal, and --he 6ame to alter or renew at picas ure ; and gene . idlly to do and perform all things rclatire to the ( Lje.'i of this corporation which is now and shall bslavrsl for any iadiridual or body politic or ' r write d do. J.d le it further enacted, That the ob ur, e cf iLi3 corpcration bhall be ft,r ' -i i.f persons for the christian ministry '"" w th as assistants, in c c f t . ical and general studies an . i i r: , 'Tor, ihat purpose; and fjr iiLcre f pthirizei ta !est cr ap--.! us n.. ba deemed te:e?sary or r.trclot .'.1 afairs ; to adopt such ' j-isv i fv: itsgorcrnnjent as may irj, rot inconsistent witti tls .- nt-:s in force in t" n Diitru I i; or ripea.1 theai .: : r :. 1 .'v M ar.j Ucds, tenexenti, Ii, cuattcis, or other rroD- wnica s!ia:j be given, -.i:-cd t. t , or t9 otherwise ao. 7 ' vurrvinj out the object r exceeding fifty thousand r .'. i r. . ..tacyone time; and the i J of in such manner as may . r .i.o purpeso aforesaid: Provided, . ;,ny j n r rty so acquired, or toe proceeds . rcuf. or u-.y money received as a gift,sball not . tuni f r -yiy other than uch educational pur- ,szst-..-'.1' provided, alio, That no person thall f Lo es pied from the edvantnges f fdncation af U'.UXty the inUtutioa on account cf theological ,,-V.ief. - - . ' Sec. 3. And le itfurthcr enacted,. That this act xa.y at any time be altered, amended or rcpouloj. , Approvcd.M-J' 1C,IS65. ) ' " - ( AN ACT iuroing a duty on live animilt lit it enacted ly the Senate and lioun Y llcvret- tnative$ of Vneted Siatet of America in Ctfje ciiemUal . That on an after of this act, therehall be IcveJ, collected, and p.iid, 'i.n all korse, mules. cat t'.e, sheep, hna and other an imalsiinported froa fortinlCcuntrie?, a duty of tweaty per ccut per ccn'uu: t.d valorem: Provi ded, any tuch aniuiajs n-w bona Cda owned by resident citizens of the 'United States and cttw ia any of the provinces cf British America, miy ta imported into the L'uit d SuiUtfree cf duty until the expiration cf ten days next &fir the passage cf this act. Aj proved, Hay. 16th IS51. " J . roblic No' 50. " AN ACT to change the place of holding the ceurts . -of tbe United btates iui the northern district of Misi.sf ippi. lie it macted ly tlie S'nTfa and IToutt of Hep T. tenia i c ofte Uaiud S atet of America in Cou rjreti annulled, TLtt Iho d'sjiet ct urts of United States lor tht northern district of Misissippi,now required to bo held at tbo town of Pontotoc, shall bereaf;cr be bold at tho town of Oxford, in sdid State. .. Apprcved May.lf th 1SC3. ' SHERIFF SALE.' Notice is hereby given that I will offer for sale at public Auction, at the front door of R. B. Pri son's I) we ling, in Tecnmseb, Johnson County. Ne- . braska Territory, (tb at being tno placeof holding Tthe last term cf the District Court for snid County, On the llihday cf June D., t one o'clock, P. M..nfpnl " Mto to-wit : I t ' 'i-itoii No.' flange N inc, -.(.d in Johnson CiiUiii..v- ....r as the property of B. LauiD.Vn a . ; ; ;t, ,'vor of A. Fall, issued by the District Couttcf John xn County, and to me directed as Sheriff of said Couaty. Given ttnder my band tnis the 7th day cf ilay; A. D. 1S63 ,?.3-4to,na S. S. ROGERS. Sheriff: C O L L EG E. CONDUCTED on the basis of actual business ty an experienced Accouutant and Snperir Pen, man, whoso connection with the most populdrCon incrcial Colleges ensures thoroughness and repata . tion to every graduate. w . . ' Special instruction giien in all styles cf Pen manship; specimens cf which may be teen at the College.. Full particulars sect tannv address. . TIlOilAS J. BRYANT, 2-tf St. Joseph, i!o. Look hero Boys! ' Full instructions by which a prson can "master tbo art ef Ventriloquism in a f w hou". Saty'tffac trfm piven or money refunded in every case. I'nce by m iil e nn do'.I ir. -Scr.d jour money ajid I-ike a world of fun r.nd a fortune-. ..Address, M.A.J AGGERS. rnrch 15 Smcuths Cui'uoun Ills. - "Advcrtircr OC::." A- 7- ' . ' Ten AXD PAIsi.;- ( . rWoainenil U :f to every household in . tba land. e one bottle and '"J" kpcP Jt OD hard ogainsttbetiu.eofiifed. ItscCoctsaro wcnderfuL It TOOTJJACIIE IS THBXC 3uI3tnXS CEAHP COLIO ITEUEALQIA IS TIH XXSCTI3. EAE ACHE IS IE5 JIETCTE3. DIPHTHERIA is i rtw H0CBS. - Sore T h i-'o at . ' Tt ft 'e m at I r m , . - T a --a o JJcU, Ccnis, linntoi. : tulsr? , ScaloT, Ci-ti, Sprain., V Jt iispa' - fi t '.Imt crerj r k labj l j . - ' ", i uil injury Lj . i euch cw a i-::..y is nt-ccss.y iLitucr-iuie a ro d rem $3 H ti o only or.o worth bavine", and ta- - ' wei-it f tile luciViao is tf Tarcreatertmportanc; tbdii tlmpjii-o.- l cwa:eof Clieap nied ciDes. Tbo ' lo'.vQvt J rin-J rT'." ''f" we nec-arily nr0e of tbe purest fruity c drnpc, ant are ot it y tiller! ; U'-e'css but arc positively injuri es toiLehuraaa fy-tcta Therefore alwavn eet tbe Ust prepara- " . lLtis. C-te HAMLIN'S VIZARD OIL, and a fair ri:.l Vitl coueiiico jou.ibat it is the preaUst iUm KilUr in the world. Si.d it au. Dttcoisrs. , rniCE. 50 send 75 cent per bottle. Traveling JffenU TTanttd, tend Stamp for Circular, j J. A. HAMLIN & EEO .Tioprletors, : ; '73 r.AX3Ci.ra Sititx, Chicaoo.. , ' , x S-lv-frjna' - s ' . ; '? ! UIIITBB-'STATSS STS1L ffiJ WORKS . 1 factory, CAMDEN, IT. J. R. ESTERBEOOK & CO- . STEEL PEN MANUFACTURERS, 7 WAREHOU SE, , . , 403 Arch 'JS'tJJ Philadelphia ; 42: - J OIIN STREET, j7EF YORK. These Celebrate Fens are of Genuine American Manufacture, End comprise every leading style in the Market, and are equal ii finish, elasticity and fineneet of point to the bett imported.. They arC, therefore, sure to gain the confidence of the Amer ican public. , ' : Sam jjks mid -prices on A pplicalipn', . ftilrctl. - - ! J Lids facta rer's -' ::l by all Sta ,'. i in the C. S. tier: i: a co. OSD.ORII'G JAVA COFFE. Tho; most delicious and hdihful - bevarago known, , ' . . . ( . . - ' . . I . It is preyarel from tho "best' JAVA COFFEE, and while it has all the pavor of CnO Old' Govern ment Java,sell3 for lc3 than balfthe price. 1 - " - - ,-" ; Osborn's Java Coffee s Ils Seen stea ls f nssd for years -bt Atousands of persons in ail pirl. of the Country, and is oni ver3illy acknowledged to ba at once nut'ious, de licious, healthful and economical. Tbe flame quan tity will inako a ric'aer and stronger cup cf Coffe than any other known. . r.- r Osbprn'sjjava I --- . r i . " i ! Is Tarticularly.TCccmmended as 3 healthfulbev 'er.150 and is most beneficially U5cd Vy those who "suffer with Hcadiche Nervousness, and otherinja rious effects from tae use "of other Coffee. " - It is prepared with the greatest care, and con tains no ingredient which-4s sot mare haroilc?s and "bcneGaial N tho bumn organism -tba putty Coflfoe, to which- fact tbo-tawst kilfull PJiysicTaiiSnd Chemists testify. " ' j ' ji?.' 1.7 r . ft? TA?;-r,i :? : rr 1 1 'V OSB ORNS " J A irA " C0FFE& Has been extensively osed at numerous Sftuita ry Fairs throughout the Union, and received cer tiScatcs of tho highest reeomendatlon'. v It has also boantharouhTy tested, and received the d plonA of tho Amiricaa Institute and other, prominent institutions. - - ' Put up in 000 piund packages bearing the fac similoSignaturo if Ijcwis A. iJjOcira ani in boxes of 30 and 50 its. and . Sll by' Groct rs generally. Wholesale. Depot, ahd Trade SnpPlica by ; , . - THOS. REID & CO. GLOBE MILLS, Impc rJcrs and Wholesale Dealers, in Tea, Coffee, and Spices. - ' : - J -- r . Kos. IQ3 & 105 Warren ana 209 TTnv Illusion ? -rccts Xexv Yorls. " 1 - . il ,20 th. 6ms rfi;:i . " . Office Citt Coir.o op EDvcinexJ ' irownvuie,zd, lsoo. SEALED PROPOSALS for the following Work .and Material for tho New School House In Brown vilie will be received by tho Board of Education to the 1st day cf Jnne,lSfi6, when they will be open ed and the work. ia whole or part, awarded to the "lowest responsiblo bidder, (reserving the right to reject bids at their discretion )0 , ' . ' ' . . " ... r or i urnishing Sand aud Laying Brick ? 1000. . h urnisbing t loorinjf aljd Sheeting ? 1009 For Joists and Frame timber 9 1C00 feet. : For Carpenter and Jo7ner Work as per plan and specifications in Clerk's OEee'."- . - . ' V; , , , Size of Building 4SX60 feet, two stories' algli above basement, with Vestibule 12X20. By order of the Board. ' 32-4t-o,nn -J. B. JOHNSON, Clerk. ' SALE OF STRAY STOCK. On Saturday , the fth day of Jnne, A. D. 1S63 at ono o'clock 1. I will oler for sale to the highest bidder "for cash in tH, in the City of Iirownville, Nemaha County, Xtraska Territory, Tro Straj Cows und Ca!ves,also,on yearling heif er,described as follows: 1 ., $ ! '" One pale red Cow and Calf, no marks "or brands perceivable, supposed to be six years old, apprais ed at TwentjcSve dollars.. : , , One, white, Cow and Calf vith red neck.scar or brand on the left shoulderupposed to be ?e jears old, and appraised at Twenty-fire dollars. - One white Yeariin Ueifer.appraised at Eight dollars. Taken up tj Georjjo V, Alexander, and now in his possession. - SI-4te,nn ,' It. Y. HUG HE S, J.P... . Llaxriase and Celibacy. - An Et-ay or Warning- and instruction for Yor.vo Mrs. Also, D':cases tvnd Abuses which prematurely I'rostiato ih Vital low Crstrith lure meits cfrtlicft btrtlrcy of Charge, in fcaled ie-icr rr.velcps u AdJres-?, Dr. J. SlllLLIN! IIUL'CIITON, LTowsT-d Arsociation, rhilaielrhia Pjnnsylv&cia. 12 : Z I ; w e,2n 1 i i ul ki IN ' se wivi g.; liacl i: z:z, empire shuttle!:::3 Patented retniary,14tli, li SJLESROO M, 536 BROAD V,: Y.252 WASHING TON, St. BOSi THIS MACBINE is constfucted on entirely - principles of mechanism, possessing many, rare valuable improvements, having been ex3mitDJ Ij th wrss pn,fond experts,. Dd-pronounced to ba Bjmpiielty ;acd Pefectioa oombineci.-- It hns a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither RIP or RAVEL, and i3 alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather to the t Nansook Muslin, with cottoulinen or siilt thret'i, from the coarest to tho finest number. Ilavirg nei ther CAXI nor COGT Y7flEEL,'and ll least posiitle" friction. It" runs as smooth as glass, and is Emphatically a TJifieless Machine. It requires FltTY.Pfcti OIINT less power to drive it than any other Machine in the market. A girl twelve jears of age can work it sUadily, with out fatigue or injury to health. Its strength, and .Wonderful Simplicity of.con struction renders it almost Impossible ti get out of order, and is GUARANTEE by the cempany to give entire satisfaction. Ve respectfully iavit- all. those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to come and examine this Unrivalled Vacbine. f But in a more especial manner do wo solicit' tV: c patron.ago'or TCerchanrTailors, Coach Makers. Coet Make Gaiter Fitter?, Mioebindf : , Vest and I ' Maker , Dress Ttittitutioits t. If oCv Skirt Manttfae- o'chII with. . j - r' ;s al' :.iac!ine Coat; s 'o. l, Family Machine, With Ilemmcf, i cl. , - andBraidsr, '..';:',' , ; . . ''; No. ;Small ManufactTiring, with Extension 1 Table .-, v 75 Koi'i IrgoSlanufactorinwitht Exlcnsioa-. Tible . .'.. 85 'J-Ni). 4, Largo ; ManufactuTingy SoC . Leather, ' "with RotliBg Fool and Oil Cbj.Ii wv.c t jlOO Vne half Xouff mjfioientti enable any persontouork thit JJachineto their eutirt :,-'.o 1 . . ';.( ' tatisf actio. ! r v A :l '" Agents Wanted for all towns in the United States, where Agents are not already established. ., Also for Cobu, Jhsxico, Central l and Soaih. America, to whom a liberal discoua-t will be givenl . . , . ' Terms invariably Cash on dclivory.. t"5 f . ; ,i ' ; ri t. J. JIcArtliar & Co.,.' ; 533 Broadway, New York.- 'A.'&Coj 552 Wiishington, St., Boston, . , 70 Chestnut St., -Fhila.-: . tJEO. FRANZ, Agent, .; : ' 'i.r..- : 102, 4th, St. Louis, Mo. : : ' ' i Gb. :th-18oy.' JO 13 ly ' A & C. V- " 1 : HORTH M ISSO UB IRA1L ROAD At'. .f ,-...T- Ci5riKECTS with the Hannibal 4 St. Jo. R. - t Rt at Mac n City, 133 EastofSt Joseph and form the ONLY ALL RAILROAD ROUTE To Si. Louis and ALL POINTS-EAST, NORTH and SOUTH via St Louis . L ' s . Baggage Checked Through, and . hauled free c' fibarga." Ticket Agents of II & St. Joe. Railroni will nofc.discriminate, and passengers will bare t thooe theirwn route. Fare by this route is th game to New York, Philadttlphja, .Boston, Lulti mnre, Cincinnati, and all point East a3 by way cf Chicago or any other route., l, . .- . v Passengers purchasing tickets . via. North Mis souri Railroad have this advantage over tho Keok uk Packets.' They, will avoid 150 mile of River Navigation by night, the unavoidable delays inci-' d&nt to Steamboat Navigation i be '.ies the Norh Mo. B. rit. Tra:: Await Delays on the LT. & St. Jo. E.iilrc '. " king passengers a certain 'connection ir possibility of losing connection with J 1, ' nibal and Quiucy wjfj trr:-'. Inc passengers , -,J" via the North Jl-'youri Rai'r route. Another cdvantn: tain connection with the1 lantio & Groat Western, ; and St Louis &. Chicago 1 C-cd ctcst Enperbly equipe 1 Passengers bave tbe-n : tion with ihe North Mi above nanKd Exiads TA".. Tickets cn -bo tad ot 1 LTaonibal Jt St. Jiserli A. .. As-i for tioir's by nay , Road,vanp see ?hat your .' Through. v ISAAC President ail Cen'i Sa , 1 '.; ' " I " - I u 111..- Gen tTcoket Agent St . LSI DUNN Gen'l Western. Pr;H.EARLY,x5i Joseph .0. r : r 7 : - Hannibal &:;St. Joseph AMD .1 r.l 1 T" r'7::-i i 3 m- r ON MIS SO UBIS RIVER. TrI-weekTy" Tackets (Hannibal and St. Joseph R. R. Line) leave Omaha, Council Bluffs, Platts moutb, Nebraska City, Brownvilie and intermedi ate points for St. Jo?cph, connecting at St Joseph with trains on Hannibal and, leav ing St Joseph a 11.30 P. M., arriving at i QUINCT. CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS ; On and after May ii)th,.-daily and close wLnec- tionsfromvt Joseph to Atchison, Wcaton. Leaves- worth, Wyandotte, Kansas City, Lawrence, Topeka, f-c.,via Platte Country R. R. and steamer Emilie (H. & St- JoR.R. Line l Leave St. Joseph 5.55 A. M. .Leavenworth 8,0ltAj., Wyand.atte 10.00 A M- Jvansasejity 100 A.M.. Lawrence at 5 00 T. II. THROUGH TICKETS E02 SALE ! . by Porter & Deuel, Omaha, D. W. Hi tehcock, Coun cil Bnffa,JE.C. Lewis, Plattsmouth, E. S. Hawley, Nebraska city. iuy tbroga tickets and save money. Extensive repairs on tho Hakkibal & St. Jo- srrn Railroad, new iron, ties and additional roU-i J ing stack epable them to offer these important chan ges to facilitate TRAVEL by THIS ROUTS. ' I. W. Mead, General Superintendent. P. B. Gcoat. General Tickot A peat. r II II. CorKTKIGHT, GenTFreighfcAgent." - "' f-J ' CAPT.'RcrC3'F0RD,1 Superintendent .Pa:' -THJ:o HILL, AgV Bronvri!!-. . .."IlITwTON&SO. J MANUFACTTRES REVOLVERS, RIFLES I For the Unstri States Service. Als, , Pocket and Belt Revolvers, - ' REPEATING PlSTOLSk , --i, j ItlFLD CANES REVOLYINO RIFLES, TUCe and Shot Gun Barrels, and Qua Materials sold by Gun Dealers and the Trade generally. - In these days of Housebreaking and Robbing, every House, Store, Bank, and Office should have one of ' - V '' ' - ' ' ' ' - r Parties desiricz to avail themselves of tbe lata late j improvements in .Pistols, and superior worKman thip and form, Kill d all couibincd (9 the New HEIIIITGT0IT ' Ciirula?g containing cuts and description tf c-. Anns will ba furnished upen application.. ,E. REMINGTON L SONS Ilioa N.Y, - -' . ' MOORE & KICnOLAS Agenrs, Ko; 40 Courtlaad SUN'"' Lcrk. April, 15h UC& ly 10 59 mum ii FLUID.; EXTRACT OF AT THE CAPE OF - GOOD HOPE THE E0TTEIIT0T3 - Haying Ion? used r . I : - I t : Eor ii r " let y-o f P 1 s c a s csfc c ers by On whc?3 rc?or:r.'-:iJitK a it tss employed in'IJu.' xore aci.iii.1 aow soie int j reoeral use'.' , 'H ITtS GIVEN CHIEFLY, IN ' ( U : k i GraTel, Chronic Catarrh of ; Bladder, the MORBID IRRITATION i I LJTJ v 'i " ' MHTi r - )'p,lTHEJJUlJDER,AND URETHRAr: i I i -J . .VVar.'A TJ1. -tij FOR FfejIM TFEaKKESS and debility; ( For Prolapsus nd BearlL.; Down, 0i Uteri, Diseases of Tai: Posiate Ot.KDs, r.STEXTiCN, t.t Ixco? "M di32ases requiring th -' ; " froiA.a loss of tor ' 0 cons ALTeclIo:: . j cura uisea; : -jles which ; ns. To negli : 5 we must Ir;: enfged in ti.'? uaem, however s! tae -jen- attack, 'i3 sure, to aiect lh boldly L-a.: tal powers., V are supported i i '. .. . PERSONS Gj ;'.'. T' i : - . , - ' - '-- 53 sourctJ. . ' . "' v EVERY PERIOD OF LIFE-. From Infancy to 01 a X and In every state cf health, are liable to be sub jects of these diseases.- " ' ; l : , : V O " : " The Cause in ilany Instances are Unknown Tha patiet has, however, an admirable remedy in i r.zrr.z.tnvi) : v' II r I ft? n ni nr Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Editorial, ; -'Sjept. 15. 1865. HiELMSot''"! v v " r Genuine i . ... V Prcpa r a tlons. Hi3"olid end FIuH Extracts emSody the full strength cf- the ingredients of "hi irr.oJ. areMeft '? and i!i be . u,, -. : ; . i in the pensatory. ..Taess, rem- ! ( nrp .1 tiV ti. 1. HP mhn d n druggist cf sii.:?ayeaesV experience in this city," arid we believe them to be re liable ; ' in fact, we have never known an article lacking merit to meet with a per manent success,., and Mr. Helmbold's success is certainly prima facie evidente. His Drug and jShemical Warehouse, in the city of New York, is not excelled, if eqhaled, by any iu the country, and we would advise ear readers, when visiting that city, to give him a call, and judge or themselves. s Ust r act of Buclin. -T E LM-B O L D. J0:iNF. z rr" TniS Agent for ihe NeE3A2A. "cr. ly. 1J-7-I1-7 en ra. o 23- ilj. Oji.- klj , e. & n. 'X.iNT:::::v i co., f JItifastarcr of rti'.rgrsri.ts L'stcrtoj Q1 E2CABVAY, IT. f, .or matsk-i-in-. PM?r-)tia JkPUtC KA- TiR'ALS. wear, kmrfitasru. tr ib " '" r tereoscc?es ariStJrccicrr'-s isyrs. . VIEWS CJ?,TILS WAA - 4 rwoTocaAruio aiaiunv otiisoj.4I csma co.-ms Call Ln, T I . . n Yorktowa, Gettysburg!!, Tair Gaks, i I;?"i5 Station, . ' rairf.ii, . Richmond,' Deep Bottos, . ITonitors. Fcntooa Trains. ITasovcr Jcsstiaa I cokout llauntiis, C!-.icksi?7:ir.7i -CiryPcir., - iruiivt".?, rstersli rg2i . SelloFIin, Ch.attanMTi, Fort llorgar, , Charleston, ' Florida. , AtUnta Hohil-3, Strawberry Plaias, 17, At, A& A!mi H..olur SimoiCTpa, for ptll or prvv hH.iao Oai Ctai'8" i ill ml lo mjt lui-iiaw a item .-Phctosraplus Albans. , W. war tit 8rt lo intrvKioc tbn into th Oottd 3Ul sad ir mftnvi'actnnr tuimtiM qu.:il:i)M in r-t mritr. nuiff trf lu pnc. fn M n-iru t Onr ALriL' i 3 - in W - IUqj) of Win; a.ri',r m t-ttv d durbi(:ty t aay oOac 1 Mjr - Mitt by u&n, KKi-ii. oa raotpl at pric. rn.N mb'jio to osoks.1 Tho Trada will f ad oar Albums taa cost 8aioabla thay can bay. J "CARD PnOTOGRAP'-IS. - ; t y Our Cntalorvc m-w mhrn r Fi Tnopit iStnw.i . KibjecM (la wiiick ! htioo. ucmuI! r-" Dl1c i &aSf . ml AtMrito, Ac, rix : abml " " ) Mij-l.a. lix) Llenl-Col (.'A.Stnlnia, 100 Brij " JiO ,ht 0:i-T, lan Lim, . ,tUColoU, . 1S Ntt Ulic.ri, Jv Aatao, " S 4U Ani.U V.SSUj, SO Prowisnt WaaKev . S,0y C'i:Mf Work of Art, T-idtsy r..h:iio-i of Ih. mct rc.hrt4 Enf " - Vtiatini, ;tuOT. - Ac - Cnl&ifx t1' on retpi i 8'-no. "Aa erow for Oh IXxvn ft iwa from Mr Cntai., 6. t-ld a roetipt f (I ik), utd ttt bj mail, rnit. i-boU'crpii.r uJ oibui onlnuf foo.t, C. O. will pltata tm t tvrrnty-tir r out of th nai'Hinl Hth tb r rdr. t"Tkyr uxliwulj) r (od kuboI iil U Uttiif Oct. r.tV1893 ' 16-3-1 1-5fd,na. 1..' ! -Where axboice selection ofjthe lowing article can"alvay"be found, " .fol- Fine Dress Goods, Consisting of goood beautiful and cUeap, Balmoralls Skarts, -Nubias, Hoods, Shawls, Hosiery, Fine and! Coarso Shoes Ladies Dress Goods too numerous to mention. Also Gents Fine Hats , anj , and every quality of Boota and Shoes. Cellars, Fine Shirts, Uadcr Shirts, Ac.,. rc, .,..'.'.,.. Cannot dovbetter than' lo trade wjth the undersigned-- G. M. HENDERSON. Oct. 25th 1865. 9 36-ly rdnn. . OF THE UNEQUALED BRAND;? CG. D. H." .TYEOE LVtL ASSORTMENT AT THE GO iRON'STOSt -6S North Second Street, 3T LOUIS MO. Partica-tYan'ine our Brands of Iron ' will bear in mind that we Lave no agencies, but confine sates ia St. Lotis Mo., to out own House. Our stock in store is alwjs very larg and em iraees all manner of size common to he use of Kail Uoad Companies, Machinists, Miner?,. "Wagon-Makers,. Plow -Makers and Blacksu iths. lMso,-constantly on hand : full supf lies of -Cast, BliVtza and Gehman Steels ; Hlow and.Spjiis Steels; . HoBsr, Mule and Oxh-oes ; . Hobse Nails Steam-Hammered" and "G."' ' .'. . I:., i . Files and Rasps; Screw Plates; Carriage Tire and Plow Uolt3; s ' Springs and Axles ; . VVagow Tuimbles, Sseists and Eolts Anvils, Vises and Chains; 4 ' ; Tire'Benders and. Drills ; , '.... JHAjirfAKS, Wacon Boxes, 4 , '. I Malleabre Castimgs, &c, &c, &c.,! In addition, we can oTerof best quality, SARVEN'S PATENT WHEELS ; WAGON AND OTHER WHEELS; HUBS, LPOKES &, FELLOES ; . ISHAF.TSof various PATTERNS . PDOW HANDLES, Oval Shape, &c;' Together with all manner of .WOOD-WOKS MA TEKIALS used in Wagons and Plows.' " " Orders by mail solicited and faithfully executed. ; SLIGO IKON STOKE 26S N. Seeond Street, St. Louis Mo -r' "' - " - s Ge6vD Hall;:-" ; ('Siicces5brs to Lyon; Short' & Co. PIA1T0S! PIAITOS! $350 to $1,400. tar . -7 ' ! .'-' H. H.. :SAST0U & CO., t '-037. XiO"cri3, 3iro." HAVE Constantly on bani tbe Largest Assortr ment of FIRST-CLASS PIANOS kept by an one House in the West. They keep the KELIABL INSTRUMENTS made by , Wm. J3. Bradbury, j. ; V Chambers Gablen - " . Hew York Pianoforte Company. - - . - - ..... . James w. Vase. . Hason & Ha ml I n's Cal) In e t Organs, ' " ' $UO to $180 E ch. ; v . .' Alio, cn hand. - ' t , Second-liarid Pianos, Melodeans, - AeAc, Ae. r . ."'. l"" .Which are sold at Bargains. Send for - Circi&ir" and " Price-Hit. " " V7rerooms: Cor. yifth & "Walnut . . . (TJnder Southern Eotel) . . r ' j!S;W - '10-5-Iy, 1 - 'ST. LOUIS ;iIO. ' !!.! li r- vTtd . ' " 5 , . -5 la J VI I g - ryr .-t.. Ui. -J .-K..LMU ,... ' GROVESTEEN & CO: PI A N O FORTH MANU F AC T TJ n p Tho atUntk.a of the Public 'and the trad. ia invited to our New Scule T Uctare k,- - . Fortei, which tor volume and purity cf tone are unrivaled tv any LithcrT oered ia tb:, ;ontain all th ciodam improvement, French, Grand actien, Harp Fed d!, Iron Frtme, Orr.v Ac, and cjehiB'trusent Mng uiade.under the. personal jf ervisioo cf Mr. J. FJ. C:L tl bad a practical experience of oy-3 yu-rs ia their manufacture, is fully warraated in trefj j" ' liic 4GrovcUcnI2aiio Forte? received tlie highest aiTaricf 1 ; ' .'...'; orcr all .oilier at tJic Celebrated Yorltrs Talrl n iicd instruments frcm tbe b?:-t '. Vew York? nnJ a!- at iv : A:, - Uih of whi.'i :-' r of-im; r ...;ly cash sys ... -' C. iuiore,Bo: -silver ir.. ' . Hy t, ; largely, v : all compel U; PRICES No Seven Octave, rcucn.""- - No, . even Octave, round-rners. .w. a lieavy motiidir:; - .. , ' Ni. Ssven Octave, round comers, Rosewood Louis XIV style $ ,afacimi!eof ,v Term m s 1ST oft Caala, DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SENT FREE. - ' - - : V r- ( k 1 : V i j J L-i i i' ' i ' 1 f ' K 0..-.22 THIRD STREET, I would resrecttully Invite the attention of Farmers t icy Urge and well selected ,u,j ,f Airkm. Implements, consUting in part of ' J ''- ' ' '' " ' -: : ' Jloline Rock island and bang -.1 JJrcun s end - ' ; Revolving -and Sulky Hay Rakes. Ci'hr Mills, Cane iVills, Fanning .Wj, , I ,:: . - Johnson's Union Washing Machines.- . . .. . Also aent for FJU's and Cases Tin ashing Jlachlacs, BUCKEYE Ecaper and JJoTzer wi :. Self IDro'O'Der. ; Osage Orange tfeed wmiitcd irrrn nru genuine, at' $1,2; lb or $25 per bushel with directions firsplantin . i:.. - : TRAINING , Also Field and Garden Seed fci Sale at all Tinea Sligo and Tyrone Iron, Steel and Heavy Hastfe ToVhichI Invitthe attentia of Blacknih' and Dealers., if stock of Blacksmith's T-juis i, ; compiet consUtin; In part of -.t . ,. , Anvils', Vices, Eellows, Raspsuyere iron, Horse and I.Tub i Wagon and Buggy Wood-work; Of - Every Dos- w 7 ' r-. Grcver and Jlakerk Celebrated jXT-OrJer, frum a distance ly-ms time . re-ente-i on r ed witti , j-.rj .'r. '- r.eral utiN . .' ii predecesrors, . 1.1 oas pru-iuced an in . a;yant'(M for wbich v jv-i.i'iry every defect which j , 1 by the most f i.-stittious critic. i a marvelous eou-.bination of . v an 1 pnrect workfcip, betng dnra . 1 ,'ny i ?ct out ot oriier, noiseless twon. It meet 311 leal dntrtTnce is :- ti'jiii;y, freeJom from accident, and tr. ?l - :an t-e n bie, free i an i easy r 1 bucty as ti st' accuracy as ta worknijinsliip. Uy Wie use cf the pat- 'ented shuttieand btr-ilsnt necoia It makes a stitcb. which can neittier rip nor ravel whi, at the fame time, It can operate perfectly upon eveiy specie of materia! from leather t cubricit,wji!i threaps if cot ton, ltnea cr siikfroru tUe finest to t$ co3r3t sum' ber. ' . '"" ' ' As the .Empire Xacbinel grsdaatlysapplautin tts more antique rivals, no one ii want of a uscfei intrn ment of this inscription, te he or she tailor, ecaefc ma ke, dressmaker or seamstress can do otherwisl thaa secure one of these. econtnica! aiid lnimliable maohioes Silted alike for farci'y and niar;nfaoturii)a purposes. Thij vfflc t!ie Ktnpire Meutifactnrins Co. is at So. 638 Broa..oy, 5ew York tVy, where they are now supplying these Kcupire Jlactiines at prices far below tbe real value, ot the last) ameuts. New Yurk llerali ' eh. 6th Ies5 13 13 , A A-C ' iTEW SKIRT. FOR ? I860; . . . ..- . - . . , . , "Tlie Great Invention ..of . the A 1 rro a . -s - - -. '. J..W. CEASLKY'siN'eiv 1 at sit DrrLEi Elliptic (or doiltle) Spking Skikt. This Investios cJnits of DrFtKX (or .two) Elliptic Steel Spring, ingeniously Draided Tightly and Firmly tcpether. ede to 'cde, jrakir. the toughest, most flexible-EhwtiiJ' and Durrtble JSj ring ever used. Th"y seldom Bend or Break like rhe SinIo Spring, and conscqnenflr Preserve their Perfect &n I DeautL'nl Shape TTioea Lryaaany other Skirts ; ; , , , ; .. . , , ;' The Wonderful Flexibility and Greit Com fort ao'S pleasure t. any Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced' 'particularly in all Crowded A?euil.Ue?, Opcr a, Ca'ria'.'s,' TJail roadCar., Clipri-h Pews,f'r Promenade and ll(ia.-e Dress, as the Skirt ean be folded, when ia uw, to occupy a small place as easily 83 a . Silk or Uu-rtin Dre?s . . A. Lady bavir enjoyed th pleasure, comfVrt and great conrcnien -c'of wearing theDnplx-EllfpTi Steel Sprin r -.irt"' Tor a ninzle -Tiy, wi',1 r v-r afterward ' .- dispense wtn th-r " - Children V,,- , i Tonng Luiu?, tLt-y , . porior to a.S r,: .. . The Hoops are c-.vered with 2 ply doubla tiated, thread and will wear twice as lon as the Single vara cverins Rhich in used on all sinjla Steel Hoop Skirts. Tho thrjo boti rs on every Skirt are also Donbia Wtecl, ar.J twice or double covered to prevent the covering fnra wexricg oJ the w jen drairiog down stairs, stone steps, etc rods which tb y arc constantly sur ject to when in use All moda of the new and clf f ir.t Corded Tape, and are the best quality in evi;ry part, pmng to the wearer the most graccf ul and strlcet bhape possi bly the 11,5a test, most cesiraUie, coiatortaole and economical Skirt ever mado. Wests' jJrapley & Cokt, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, V4Lbamber3 and 1 3 and SI Reade Street. New York ,.rwr sale in all first-class Store? in this Citv; add throughout tbe Ln-.ted 8tat M l Canada. Hauan na, de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and theVd,t Indies. tl Inquire for'.ths Buplss el liptic (cr donblo) Spring Gliir. .10.27:3m - A&l C. 1 "Agents vaiited! 510 ,A DAY EASY MADE 010 liy' selling L;riviijg-, C-ird rhotgraphs and Stationary OurStationary Paekofs cxcells all oth er; each Package, -lins Ptp;r, Envelope. Pens enetls, c, ana jeweiry worth d(.!Iarat retail. Price only SO Cents . we will ena jigeats 100 stationary Packages and a silver atca wartJ fju We also pullLh . splendid?' Steel Engraving and orfraits, Liths gnph 1 rir,t3, &c, very popular ana alcable. Will send a Cne aJ5f.r:ruen.t of 1C9 FOR $15,00 that will realize fifty dollars, cr a tea dollar lot that will sell for Thirty'DoiUrs or ever. Will send a sample lot for Five Dollars thai will eil for fifteen Dollars. - 1" . . Send Stawn f( rCat;'!ogne, Term. &c. I ... H ASK INS & CO eb. itl'i I j C De-:kia.B Street, 2T. T- n - r r": k eW J W4 ' - - iii.i 1 t er3 of London, Farh, Germany, FBil-i' - ' -'itute for fire soccejslte jer. t Flano r"c?te,and b---tsatajihttwh-.. . . -4ca?e$ ixi. Current "Hzxacla -AUt & Co. ' "XoVlIAISSj Va U --';- , . ; , . V "1 i 1 riovs, -auin-y cultivators, nhtdl Drills oticr Lorn rianitrs. solicited nf prompt' A. G. 2 !CHxVSr ? i ho Bos: v.i : , ' : . fr giving f-.o ;'-:t : is oalr fuc i i : r , Freckle. Pi-:': ;, !owne., t'rn; ' n . i- ; . kindly fcci; , '. Lnd clear as a!. ',.r. :.j ted by the closet - . rferariticn is peti - siJcred by the Pariiaa .1 : toilet Upwards of 30.C ) I tbe past year, a suScii-iit guarai' Prico only 7i cents. Hent tj m.' . . ; receipt of an order, by 1 , DEitai:t,sacTT.s 4 ex. ( :. --, ENOW THY DEST1N MADAME E. F.TnOKSTO.f, th great I Atrolojiat, Clairrcyao, and'Psycbomc'ui'." hasastonihod tha scientiSo classes of ' has now located bertelf at Hudson, N. Y. Thornton possesses rfaclt wonderfal p,?" end to enable her to impart I: of tb greatest ImporUncs to the iing! w of either sex. :Whila ia a state of traacs, H lineates tbe very features of the pcrwa marry, and by tb aid of aa Jnstrnnial ut n power, kniwn as the l'.jchoiootrope,gnari: pn-duco a lLre-!ikfl picrure of the fttnre hws wifa ot the appIl?anr,tosetlTcr. with rriage, position in life, leading tiaits of tMjv Ae. Tbts 13 no hnaibrr, " tboujacdj f Dials can sert,rSiia 80 'JIl-n it!h'. certified ccrtiS.'a'.e', or wriUea guarante,- p'utareis tfhatit purport to bo. ;Vj amall lock of hair, and stating placeof trJJ f dbpoi.;3n and complexion, and eocssi-'o . . and stampei envelope siwreisea w j--. will receive the pioiureand desired Icfuranu return mail.'. Al coram uakaiicBs sacred .- ti-U. d.lres-, ir 'confidence, MADAW , TAORNTON, P O. Cox -5, Uni"Di TO r CONSUJIPTIH The advertiser, baring been restcrel a fewverk by a very simple wacdy, -f'. , u.Trd for seTenl yesrs with a severe n-HS tion, and that dread disease, ConsomF";" lous to make known io his feliow-sujri means efeure. ' , - ,Ji Toallwboderei'.bewillsend ei-rr prescription u.'td(freo cf fhnrg?J.wi " .. tins for preparog and u-iog toe same, will End a sore cure-fr-r Con-ip?".B- '"r eh:t's Cou-h... Cold-, and all Throat a.-.J L f The only object of the adverir - . , - r r tion H to benefit th- J --L. Jh which hf ?ucti ! he hopes every 3Te"i '' " .' a i. .i will cost them nottinj, Cr F. , L!?sing 1,'-- Parties wishing the prescription, rs2 mail.will please addres .Vi iiEV. -D Ai.u a. Williamjburg, Kings Co., t ' TREE TO EVERYBODY! GUIDE TO JIEALTH AHD EE.'-T' . - .- )ast Published . It teaches how to remove Tan, FrWjV; Blotches, Jlotb Paeb, Sanonss, tr"tl j allimcuritiesof the skin ; how to w, l-TtnV it whita and tlear as "' Ji j produc tne laii (as practiced by the fullest development of t" l' : iced by tne fieach, cae'0 j crow rouna ana inn, by padding, lac. a? or ;b nd i more tnan its ongioai nmi r.h t 1. ....v.. ro.tna the SiSO 01 a" lb fcCdCUC UWW v . - , tarn crodoceeorpuieu'-' ' sanerfl'uoui hair . Cure Corns, W ort-S 5 rrew your nt3 - . fwU ciJ" pensi Nervous ueoiiuy.., - - .i -kin tha love and affection of -"flV.iJa' ohoo- together with other useiu-- formation. young ij J : rr,;! J k .I.!r tO ti r ,.t, iciir. 10 icnu - ,Lj, ftn9 ceire by return mail a copy si . , Jrjjs. ia sealed' envelope free of "hfS?U rheC , ESTRAY HORSE TV.-r. on bv the undersign' '. 1 w thia bis enclose V"r- Sur w' oid. . .kitsf' 4 - . . .1 .uniit. fiD u w . ! One Ran Stud coi w r"'-' - TiEN-IlTM, April j ISM "'T " m H nr T i n' n ore i r '1 (i