Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 31, 1866, Image 3
! AFP June, AIS 1 ' ILLS n r f ' i i !! X, OCAL. ..' n c'eds. i' gee , Lx ec u t io n , Kc r 1 e t i n 9, - rjfVc.c. Ae. Ac for sale at this OE:e. vr Ijq is tbe authot - T WIIIA-HS, 1 in St. Louis ,or tD'- Farcr' wU1 attend to pciiutii and pcrcbafes In tUt City. QJ'rt tStrtrt.X. r.eor.lth. rHE, THURSDAY, MAY; 50, U -J 1 (ucec-rsor3 to lie.: f" 5 w r. n ) , ) sacks XXX SL Louis Flour! Itrectid. rer Sieamer Kale Kear j ; THEO. HILL fc CO. r - ile it. flour I lot cf Hagnjbal Flcur, for SWAN & BRO'S. fcr W, A-. PolecV. i tfa. H. McCrecry, oM&c City Store, bas Yet larSe stock cf VaI1 r and Window ' Shades ct tvery i. V.e'cr W.G.'GlaOvV ; -' .. O The Brownvil! e ) -a freib rpring of Hojr c . j's and Family use, aqd will Vcte for C. W. Fairti other. irii. II. McCrecry, has jtm received ud Citjr-Dms Store :a large assort Cect of School Books,.emt racing every irietj.taci in this country :j: ' j JEjlbatll School FIC KlC There titg general, alesire rtiauifeEi over '.hii County to tiave a Countj'Sahbath 5cbool Pic-Nic. All the friend of the VrpjectTeachers and Superintendants- f ihe whole. County are requested, to tet London, in this County, on Satur -rJune, 9.h at 10 o'clccfc, P..M. ruretnents'will then be" njade' for 'a r.eral Cocny Sabbath School Pic Nic :e for D. C, tyiiAers. ' we rcq Lctfall' annouLC3 to the Public lint they have norh store, a Acw aud Larffc clock of attention To, which they invite th of purchiscrs. h n YOU tOTLL FIND THE BEST - Sugars, Teas, P.Io and Java Cof fef, Pcrc Ciaer TIncgc: and Coal 1. HtDRED THOUSAND ! J ! :. s. ; .. All can be eulLcd a th Jast received tt tbs Mala Street," BrcrsTiile, Nebraska'. ZLt ! LlniCl! 1 have-now and will :aui!y keep oii hand enough Lime to ' r-r, 1 1 ; " . . Kiln" on the ui&h at Long'e iindge.- ' - : if IIENIIY HARMON. the News i Depot, aye f ' -;'hny Book, Magazine rt ' Publishers price?, t-.V, . 'mh or ycr P. -!!. ' 3-G2 Just received IIevett,in ot of T 'Trc . 1 1 k iro I Canned Fruits in great vajricty "and of ihe bht quality ' Catsup, pickles. Oysters. Sardine, Clams, ' French Mustard, Worcestershire Sauce and Western Reserve Cheese at . ' ' SWAN & BEGS; ' &WAXL and Brother, desire to call particular -attention -to their large and varied' Stock of i ' Tobacco, consisting of Natural Leaf and Nectarine and other favorite brands of Plug Tobacco and best qualities of Fine cut aid. Smoking Tobacco. 1 r , .. , . ; . ""- ' ... . . .- - , Wroucht and Cut Nails, of all size, Spades, Shovels. Brooin3,Setvin Twine, and Scoop Shovels at ' ' : i ' SWAN.& BRO'S. Tlic highest price paid forBulter, EkroS and country produce" at r ' : sw!4isr & bro. Consult yoyr intent ing Swan & Bro';?. r beloio -LuyirT (1 exannn- a prices 4 4 'ft ft f; J yet j . r . ! t ers in a Hp arts to be going into . .r ihe wonderful med. : :u o cfJ Coes Cough Balsam d Dyrpepsia cure. We are glad 1; v ihai these reliable remedies are v' every Druggist in the land. 'Mar-h Si Co.', at ihe 1 Post-)fiice,hare . ........ - 'received a full stock of cchool Bpcks fvry vari-iy, suitable for fcchool,1 in Tarts of the Territory, and Missouri, ew supply of Copy Books, sihxJ Rec rdsfor Teacher,SIates, Pencils, Pens, en-holders tic.,' in fact every thing in he School Book and Stationery liae. low lovnfoT CASH., 3G2 : ' : ; Fest Office Honn;. L Opens, 7.30, a: ra.; closes 9, p. ra. E&sttrn Mail dotes at 5 o'clock, p. m. Northern JIailcb'ses 6:30, p. m. Western Mail clcxws, Monday ,730, a.m i A, D. Marsh, P. M.. ! 3Yno AVants One? , J. H. Manny's Combined Reaper and Slower; "Eagle Mower;'' Aultman & Co's Sweepstakes Thrashing Machine ; H. Smith k Co's Pekin Wagons; ;KeoQ$ha Batavia Wagons; John fee C-eUALed Moline, Shovel and ftkiDg. Plows; can be Uad at - - r -THEO. HILL': III ti.CC : .6250,000-- ' ;" .' woarnci' Walclxcs, cioclis " niond Ulr;?, VI tin dcons,Scvin - 4 Hr. McKInlj's Great .y . M ;Vnow for sale, at the Post Office. : Ir. Cummins, . who : has pdrchased ' the oie right for this Territory, has just Tast through our City and Jtares only a botiles" here for sale to interduce it 2t cuxes Ne,ufatgia, Eore-throat, rheuraa. ra, cholic andsick headacheke. It; is tew hut cornea well recommended, j Call get i iotde and giye it a taial.. cndenliairs Patent Hand Looms! 'The'o. Hill Si Co. deserve the thanks .&d Jiatrocage of ali tor their untiring ffforis io place within the reach of all heEt afid most popular labor savrcg ffflements. Tbev are now a-.-ents for JtnhaWs Improved Patent &ij -.let 'I Hand Loom J This is ar superior to ecw IJand Loom ever invented ; sim r '-ef durahla,"casiiy wprj.e(j end nct'llable gniiitfif repair ; any rhildxan work 'at can'turn a crackv Llessrjs. Jheo. J,'l.Co; wiUbe happy to give all in.' ratiou a? to prices, e:c. ; ' ' A W5 Sars,apariIIa ins, IJla-.,Z52clo- ; Silver are, 'cc. , ,; . ALL TO EE DISPOSED OF AT ," ": ; Onb XJoXlzvr- mr-clx ; Without regart to value 1 And not to be paid fcr until ypu know what V.' are to receive. . . 3 After receiving the article, if it does not please you, you can return it and your mon- ey well be re- , ' funded. - : Tie Stock Comprise! tmocget nrticles, Splendid Clocks, (o5d and t?i!rer Rratchf?, Rings tet with Diaiurndi, Uubies, Pearlg, Garnet and ofher Stones (eolitairo nnd in clutcrsj , Ladiej eeta of Jewelrj, comprising Pins and Ear Rings of tbe.most fashion, i able styles, sel in Precious Stones of every variety, together with a Urge as.ortment of Gold and En amelled and Pearl Seta . Gold Studs ar.d fc-leere Jtuttons of the beautiful pattern, Gects Cosota and arf Pins, and an endless variety of Dracelctts, Chains ,MusicaIDcxes.lIead Dres?.Corubi,ch&rms.A.c In cotitequeneo of the preat jtanation of trade in the Manafao luring districts of i'ranoQ and Eng land, alferge quantity of valuable Jewelry, origin ally intended for the European market, has been sect off for sale in country, and must be sold at any sacrifice ? Under thcue cSrcamstances the "WATCH & GOLD JEWELRY CO." hare resolv ed upon,, - , f . AN APPORTIONMENT !! v , gubjecttflthe followin;; resalations : Certificates tiamis fch article and its VALUE are placed i SEALKD ENVKL0PK3, which are well mixed. One of tbe?e Envcrtope, eoatainine tbe Cer tificate or Order for ai'roe Article, will be delivered at our 1'fHre, or rent ! mall to any address, without repafd to clioiie, on receipt ot 25 Cents. On receiving ), Certificate the purchaser will see nat Article it draw, and its valne, andean then send One,Dolir and receive tte A rtiete nsrael, or can iK--e an y other ana ArtipJe tu ov r List of the same "r.TIFICATE. o bl. all charjre for fcrarJing the eertificatos, tm; i::.- postage arddo- 11:5 the busmoRS 25 cents ear., w iiicn nmsi be en closed when the certificate i pent." Fve eertificatos for $lj eleven J2 39 for $b, lb for $ 10 and . ICO for .. . , Agent?. We want ajeatsia every town and county in the rountry, and. those acting as such will be alloTcd ten ccDts on every Certificate or dered ly Lheni proviJuJ thrir reoittence cniounU to$l. Agmta will cwllect 25 cents for every cer tif.cate.and remit Id tents to cs, either in cash or postage ttanpf " Agents rcipiLIjc at oncef30,wilt be entitled to a beautiful iivor Watch, and also 20C certificates. . . Please wri to your'aino, Tcwn, County and State plainly, and addrers all order to ii :s ... . a iu ii irtinfaciuT.a Dy ci.oi l0-22-6m rd,nn. l j Liberty St., Sew York. Evan worthing, : . . .... . t Wholesale & Eetail Dealer in Choice . v , . - ............ , Liquors, Wincs,Ale, Bear, 00 . PITTS CJXrATO THRASHING IIACIIIXE, ?,TiV ITOIIII srLF R.A- iiir;G kcapi:h. quaili:r?ioii. EH and IJICII Ere CtJLTIl'A- ' 11TIITXETPS llJuOCli, : ' ' ' i Main Street, Prcwnville y, )7th HS9 io 3 ' t:.rr - . . ; , . All Kinds, Patternsand Styles., Everything in the ''" , ; Line -beet quality- y J . ' .' ' . - i . i Boots; Slioesf ooeh and 4 ; WiUoV-T!are. 1 ! Best brands. Dried aijd Cannd ; i a- Nails, Glass, Sash, Queens ware- - . i l.r':'.V'I.! fit ..'.3,t s!.e in La.r. 1, ta the re-.- ' : o ne ar.d "se-ka'.f it: from Broct".2. t.-'ctri. des3ribed aj fvi!owj ; . " Read Ro Stser, witntal. ear, about tbree years oJl iathr Thirty-fe dollars :? f..r t-. . tn'.j . r -Jen' , 1. prais i a . And dow in bis tosseasion. - r. v. hughes, j. r. SALE OF A Pr RAISED. STOCK. OnSaturiay Joa Sib- 2 o'clockP.M. I will offer for eaie 10 the highertbiddtr. for casi in hand, on the premise 'pf Joseph Thompson Sea., livin" five miles west from Brownvllle, lnNerasha County, Nebraska, One stray Co wlesc Yih'A ai fal lows : One red and white euw.crop off of the right nnierbit in Atil ear.-o:b miw 4u 10 I ' - 1 GAN u HEYETT. Supposed to b ftre years ld. Taken up by Joseph Thompson, and noV in bis ion alaed! Twenty-five dollars. 33 R. T; ilLGIIEa, J.F. SALE OF APPRAISED STOCK. On Friday, Jnne, 6th lSfiB.iai 10 o'clock A.M., I.wUVefferior,! to the t.igbeit bidJer for cah in hand, on tho premises tfS. U. OlayUn, living io tLe tlufj, 4 1-2 North West from Brownvilte, in Nemaha Gountv Nobraska.ote Stray S:eer, de scribed 11 s f'ihiwsY Svme whiu on the flanks low e- portion af the.Uil wti e ijars old appraised at Twenty-ffve dollars. Taken op by S. h Clayton, and now ia his possession. 33 il v. llLUUbd, Refp-cctfally announce la the publie that they r; r.uiacturiag lea IELVLH & KIDDES EID1XQ PLOW 03 CORN cultivator; aLSO A 5D Hi', TRENCH PLOWS. , and ; LliALJlCATIM Will ; DYSPElIi, .. , any HUMOU ia tLel'LC PnRTPYlN(i the SYS I ; ' all TRACES Or" L'IrEAS ". tL;i rcmodj bas no equal, and for Eliding p lt ;.Vm, and .giving new Strength and Vigor. . Its unparalled iucicii since its introduction, and the wonderful estres it has and is daily performing are its best guarrantee and we earnestly desire that every sufferer shall give it a trial Sold by all Dnggist: Price one dollar a bottle. ''STJLOOISO - 'ili) .nprtpritQrj; SALT RHEUM! ITGHt! r.iTCHn SALT RHEUM! J - e - S t--9 t i ' I lbAU'l I.AOt)UrB JOoklB, Flaxen, and 3 Silken CURLS produced t by the use of Prof. Dk-' I'llTITr'o VTMl.'!? TP JCHEVEUX. OceaublL ' cateon warranted to curl '6"yV;i the most straight and stubborn of either sex i& wavy. ringlets or . heavy massive, curl?," Has been used by the fabhionables of Paris and Luadon with the most gratifying results'. Does 'no injure to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid $1 Descriptive circulars mailed ;fre.' Address, MER GER, SHUTS & CO., No. 2S5 River Street. .Troy N. YT, Sole Agents for the United Staesi 'f . " -T7-niSKERS.iad YV MUSTACHES, iiCt'J forced to grow upon tb h 3 . Fmoothct face in from 3 f ;; to 5 week by usin ir. - r - S . SEVI X G X K'rf R V, S- -4 TACRATUER ; CA L'lL- 4 LAUIK, the inoft won derful cisioVery in modern science, act; p 7 ' Rcard end hair in an nlmot lairaoiloi s. : It has besn used "bjthe delite of l'n with the. most fettering Fnccs3P, N. purchasers will i9 registered, and if 1 .1 if! n. I s t. vh'on ia i"ir,ryint ' . v .t'l be. ct'-erfully rctuiidvd fn. i . end postraid, $1.- Discriptive circu' . irsonials nailed free. 'Address BERG! k CO., Chemists, No- 2S5 River St re-;: Sola Age jt for the Unuci Status ii . -ct e lb hereby given, that oe the 3J i.y ' A.' it. h,Ci, partnership heretofore ?xifUns. u- r ; ityla .EE"Ajf jt E3KLICH, was c.rjoivp ; t v l... clnscnt. f -J- v . v.. ' il.' B. KUJt LICIT ret ainirg nd doing bnsines at th c!d stand, returns thanks lurp;t favcts, and will do r utniosllto tnarit future p.-itronaze. All debts due tLe old firm wi;i be ejected : by M. B EHRLirn who requests thiae indebted te "wlkupto ti Clerk's Petk" as toon as possible. ( 8- SSEMN'. Will Curt th9 ITCH ot- SdZT HHEU2I. ! 1 'in a few appHcations; It also mires prams Sratcn: es Chilblains, Ulcers and all Eruptions of the skin, where other remedies have beeHj tried in vain, cures speedily, and thoroughly. Prici 50 cents a box.-? Sold by all dreeelstH. By jjebding (ft) cents in a letter' to COLLINi BROTHERS'. S: VvT.'ftor. 2nd & Yinoisti., St. Louis, Mo., it will be sent by ma:' free of postage. I . , x-P.0-l-rn.nn.TSW3 - I f ERRORS ' OE-.YOUT B A Gentleman who snffered ' yoars frcm,Ncrv ous Debility, Pfernature-D- I ajl the1 effects of youthful indiscretion, v ' 3 sake of suffer ing huraaniry,' send free to s. aeedit, the ro ceipe and direction for mak. ;'ue simple reraody by which he was cured. SuL-rs wishing to prof it by iho advertiser's experience, can do so by ad-Jre- ;: T- . ' -' 1 JOHN B.OGDEN, ' No 13 Chc-'Tiut St., New York. ' A;jent.;,sMnle : . i Female,att ?7o 1'.:. to ? ;U the celebrated Scire Fa:ni!-j Sewing Machine S18.00 1 do all kinds of v.' ': theexclmive rirht t-ib-i r - " "S-r hese plows in t 1 duties f Mia's.v-ri; : I3 so far as p.acti . . . i c needed by all who Lave tested t ; -r.i :icr Cultivator, that it ia suprir,.tiif oiis, in the followlnt respects : 1st. The plowman can rida easier and plor with less labor. , -2nd. Any person wfcboaa drive ft team can man ge it. 3d. Crooked rown of corn are plowed as easily and thoroughly as straight ones, the plowman sit ting so as to obsorye the corn, aui see u tne work is well done. 4th. It is guided by a perfectly natural and easy foot motioT, and duos not cramp or tire the plow man. : - - . - " ' 5th. The plow, while in motion, is moved with perfect ease. 6th. The shovels may be adjusted to any dopth, and any desired, epace between them is easily ob tained. . ... ' . 7tb. It has adjustable shields to prevent young corn from being covered. 8th, It is admirably adapted to plowingln small grain. - . - ' , Every cultivator is well made, of good material, and warranted to do good work. P Wj refer to-the following named persons, who last year bought and used the cultivator manufac tured by Morgan & Mead, in Atchison county, Mis souri, to-witi. S . - Ai. J.' Richardson, Nemaha connt, Nebraska. r i Sedoraa, do,; ;: .(io --j do W W Tate, 5 do do- , . do , T J Robinson, -do do do ' : Mr Biggiby, -dai.' do' i d A Shoenheit, Richardson do ' . do : Shoemaker & Co ' do -' do . j do .' Jcssee Crook ' . do : -do ' do ' . J B WatinzlT Gaga do do ; V r. ZZ ! U u "J tw ri J t r i 1 1 r O V - 1 L-i J -i -i On'tanfl cA Ills Store Dooms, llIn St., Brownylile, Ne He hi. and will Coas'.atitly l;?p on bind, a m?5ete assortment of Dry Good., Gr-j;-:rio, Pov' a I Shoea, Hats and Caps, Cutlery, Glaiswarf, Qne!?r,are, JUrd-irw. Cr-vRery V ra. Wooden are. Yillow Ware, and all kinds of wire uiualiy kept ia fcA-i'.ns Rouii SUr?, tLit will out rear ray Ware that can be bought anywhere. :: TLIIIIS : LOV7 DOWI7 Ton C-13H I J II Parker, . Atc'i iaon cpwnty, Missoari. John Yan Meter do do -do U J Porter do A S Campbell do WH Yanloven do . John Barder do David Bertram! do ' J2ob Jaliawnny do Andrew BdcJ ; dor Mr Cristy. . - da . Morgan - "do May . Robinson ' Tibbats'. iy cf April, A. td an order cf attitcbiu .... f .r the sum of t n dollars. , .T; v C':0RG2 BUYA. do; do do 1 do i i do Jo uo do . i d do 1- do-, do do i dor . - do do,., , do do r do do" I do ; d(r do r- do ... do do i do ' do do do ' do do d. ' ' '' 33 31 1. da '' ' 31ASTEUS SALE Ok' LAM). Notico is hereby given that I will effef for tale at public auction, at ihe frunt door1 of noad- ley'e Hall in the City of BrownvilIe,Nemahaon ty Nebraska. . , - . On the 2Sih "day, : of May, A. DJ1S66 at one o'clock p.' at. tbe 1 following real estate' to- t Wlti Tbe?Tortli Wcit hiarter orSection if in "Town ship 6JTorth of Rang 14 East., containing ICO Acres situated in theaid Connfy of Nemah. The ..... j. ' above win oe soia ny virtue 01 a uecroe una an or der of said from the. chanecy cf .th Diitriot Court of Nemaha Couuty , Nebraska Territory) and to me directed as special Master -in the -case; -wherein Ilenry Hammonwlininistrator of the Estate of John B. Laurent is plaintiJand the Unknown heirs of Francis JPutignst, Jasper A. .Ware, and Barbara A. ymamire are defendants. , . Given under my hand thif 12th day of April, 1866. .... 11'. GLAGOW., fT,nn "9at , Sheriff and Special master. I , . . 1 , . J ' - ' I l Reliable Ilestpmtivc lFERFECT: HAiniDHESSI! Th"?'adrr!'rsbfe Preparation Is a 'most efHc - "t remeJ;' 1 -f ' Baldfieps. - It pre venti Ihe hair .from fa.'Iinj otf or' turning gray, and. cjysss K tQtrow.Juxuriantiy, making it very soft, glossy and beautiful, restoring it to its natural colr, , It also frees the head from dandruff and cures all diseases pf the scalp. . A few appli-. cations will convince tne "raost 'skeptical cf the truth of th above statements.- ' - Should be used. by-every one who would preserve a beaatiful head of Hair. Should be used-by every .one who would" Improve the ecior and texture of theirs Hair.. Should be used by every one who would restore their Hair to more than its origi nal beauty and luxuriance. . ,, ;, : 1 imicEi.oO run bottle. . -7 ft -.T , ... ; l; jaiMTAcrrnr.D by SEWARD; 'BEliTIsST, CHEET3 A5D DEtJGQISTS, ISO Jfciui St:; Buffalo, X. Y. BurnliarQs & Van Schack BunlapC: Co.' AgcntsiV'-ciiIcago. Shore: or; Wbolcsalc ' do I'.vhvaj ) do t iziror.z r vsVTf) " I.AhlKS. r: FOR FE2t ALiES iff! " iro the ODly tafe hnd tri ' '-circe medicine for Females extant. Do not ith your htalth, and use c'aeapirnd danger -ine, which drug gists may Lave bought, an . icjoramend to you, being irriorant of theifu... y,Mie, JWioslow's Mystic Pi'.ls are mild in their operations' cone t all irregularities and pairiful menstruation; rem 3 all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwi . No maiden, wife or mother fbnld be without the Try them use according to difectUnKaB'i we kn ; the result v ill be as dosircc. Ask for Mm: Wins low's Mystic Bill'- Take no do ,other, ..Price 2,C0 per box , or three boxes, for 5 dollars.' For sale by all druggists. . . -vt.j ;.t:..- Peter E. Blow, Gen. Ageat. St. Louis., r March 22d, 1858 . jZZ sh ::. n'O 2o-ly . From WILWAMS' ADVEHHSING AND PATEX1 rAGENCT, 97 CUeatnut St., St. Leuia, Mo. ; Every Lady and Gentleman should use' roKTEir J HA TFLElS 1 roata I T?eth,DENTAL CREAMS Breathr It not only purifies and perfumes the breath btij renders the teeth sound and of a pearly whiteness and the gums healthy and strong, and is tbe most elegant and agreeable of all toilet aipendagoj. Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents 'k package "Hn sent by mail postage psid by COLLINS BROTd ERS, S. W. Cor 2d & Yine Streets, St. Louis, Mo. on receipt of 35 Jan. ftb. 1S66 6m 10-15 J. S. W. c,nn. Lyon's Periodical Drops.t ,TTHE.. GREAT FEMALE ,REMf , DT FOR IRhEGULARITIESr j ----- - r .Thse Drrns a?e a scieutin-ally componnded Coid IT - Casey :: , Hchuiler' .f i. B.a-iford L A Rogers T J Rogers? .J H Walker' J SBasford Mr Crocker ,J D Enock M Fisher John Tidgen Wm Hickman f. D Thompson . do . 4 do do do do do do do Uolt xdo ; do do i do do ' do;- - do 1 do do do -do . do do do do - do . 1 . do do do -. do ' dO ' " -do . j .: do -. i do ' do i do do ; do , do 'do ,. do . do do do ; do , . ! do r- do do . do , : do ' do do .. , .do do do dO ; " do 1 - do do 'I do . . - do do do do do do do do i THE 'GAITG;, TRENCH, . - i A.ND ' ' r-jghtont t'--o ?-. 're e stall ' v 1 1.4 I bo. v u- notico t til;. Awh,lS'5, w..; -; piaei ia t'- January lslt 13G3. ly ' ' v RY. f bJ vr HI i ri r In, 7,1 V O Hi E S : DEALERS LY A. I. IS AND I ni j n M' ( sH5""t - S-- o'S-o'-o 33 'Would call the attention of DEALEH3 to their'iminenso'stucL cf ' r Drugs and 3Ied!clneV ' School Books, Patent Medicines, Blnli Books, Glass and" Glassware, Virinuj; P(ierw , P Ints nd Oils, Envelopes, - - Sptces and Dje-stnCi, Coal 011 nd a ps , . . Pcre Wines, Liquors, dc, c., M'hicK were bought for cah of llanufacture-s. Iinpcrters and Publisher!, and tt i'.l hi at tV farcrable prices. Buying in large qaaatitiw from baaJa, they ara caallel to cZer n' mnta to the trade.. . . They ara tho North-wc?trrn Wholesale Agents of Dr. D. Jayr.e 1 ? , v '. . f ' C. Ayr A Co., and eta furnish their Medicina in any qu,int.iti.. I imp or JOSEPH, -MO. ; ...j..!o and HetairD::-' AGRICc IL i V all . fc '.. - . . and Plow Wcfidworks. ...i'URAL IMPLEMEKTl. V : Sprines, Axes, Ax!, r 1 -jV's aai Spades,Fi!.'S and Ra?r,., ChuiaJ, Carri.ic i;. Tawhen, Kaila, Hcrse nail', irrse & 5lul Shoes, Sawp, etc. etc. ... " Ca&tina and ixollcv varo, bugar Kittles Audiruiis, b,:.. Stew potsJJake oven3, Fruit kettles and Sad Irons. " Blacksmiths' TOOlS, Anvils, Strcks and Die?, Be.'lows.SIeJffe and'IIii mers. Vises, Pincers, Raif s, Farriers' Knives, Tuyere Irons, Wrehej,iv;. . . . , Oxi'iSBL"fei23Lgrj Greeds? Ox Yokes, Axle Urease, Ox chains, Wogcn' Jacks, Ox Shoe nail., Suovois nnl Pit !;,Gu!d Pan, tit. J 1,000 CELEBRATED MOLIISrE:J?JLOVrS ! J ' ,' ' ' Just patented, and superier Co tny yet icsenfel : anJ McCormlcU's !1Iosvcis and Reapers, liallcrs llotso Corn I'lanlcr Salky Corn Cultir&tors, Hand Corn Planter, Corn tjLclltrs, Fay Rakea, etc, etj Cav v 35r,-3JS?lD2s.,o -aStX23LC2.2'i ' Scales . : Buying my goods direct from tbo muuacturer, I.oITcr great iudacemoaia . L TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse . ' ST. JOSEPH, MO. ! f and tetter lusr. f'in? li.-nid, V '.:.z V - rTepartrv; Krsticrsis. posit; tain f T res ry es i : .. of tLeir - uerits. V. place i! t . ry ctbc 'pkio ered by a.l Lo l;r ivr n-bt ttHl ar4 raost h ;liia,!e ; for the fall female cu all'obttrucUena of nature Pewder?, or is !:-- ' . ...e s ia tLe Vi.,nd, i.,; ... the removal tof : e prcnictinn tf fcealtri reeularity aod atrengtti. , lji:icU diiectioiis stating when they ma be used, and esplatr; wneaaul wby tcey soojild not, nor could not be teed without produ cing effecta contrary t nature's chosen lawf, will be found carefully folded around each Jbottle,, with the written signature ot Johx L. LTOK, Witiout. wtkb none are genuine. , ' Prepared by Dr, JOHN L.&T03T, 135 Chapel Street, Xew Haven, Cnu., who can be consulted either per sonally, or by maiV, (eacloakigatamtf )f cof erninjc all private diseases and. female veakuess. Price $l,o perbottls. ' ' ' ,,o:u i.i . , Sold by Pruggtsts everywhere- ..,.,, r. ; ' "' -' C. O.CI.AHS itCO.v ; r- , .... GeuM J cents for C S. and Canada . , Jo tints ros. St. Louis. ' ' ' '- - ' t' Wnclesale- -T."i.tER,yixcH&-PtJtx:ii, Chlcapn, .'.tsenti Decea.tar 7tU 1665.' ly. lo-12-H-lZ I3,tla, Jsw 1 JACOBMAROHN,; MERCHANT, r ? r'-a .rS VS crr I ilia kLse-j rj . VxE-ja;iqf MAlJf STnEET,:BOW'lVLf oKEBR AS K, Has just received the largest supply of SPKIXG-ASD SUJOIEU osiiisirst". Ever brouglto this marketj and i r: make them up in !'" . , '.t -v THE VERY Have been DcSIfftied Especially to 3Ieet tbe ITants of Farmers. 1 tSOne'man and for horses eandi mor Work, and do it better, with fhis plow than two mon with two disconnected plows. ' " ... . . -.. ' . ; . : : -; . ! r - The following are some of the advantages thcee Flows have over others : ,1st. They are so arranged that fhey eanno rise out'iof the ground when striking .sod or hard t injuring thorough work. . Ir r. They are the ttsrht' draft pryTlo-v, :r angle or double, ; -ling ' : CwUraittcfl of Trial ,l;e:v. - , i I., eptemver, 1833. "'""v Zl. They are more easily managedpj etafc boy ton years old can manage them. th. They are mvre compact and and simple, therefore not so liable to get out of ordtr. Hieso riovrs . baTc. taken Five rirst Premiums at tbe KUinoIs State Fairs, and Four at i-tXc: -3 Iowa, State Fairs. r . , ... The Trench Plows are used for breaking Prairie cr'Uedow land, with Sod Plow in front, catting the sod in a thin slice, and turning it down into a deep frrrew, and the rear plow raising the snb-aoil to the surface, covers the sod completely, so that it is out of the way of after culture. tSJ-We will j ruojptlj fill ail orders fcr the above named plows at this plae. " -' .- We are atfo "prepared to do Custom Werlt is Wood and Iron, a ony thing pertaining to the nHEELWBIGHT's; ' T HZ GREAT FaMB which Mflguire's Hair Balm has acquired In restoring tbetiattjral color, (not 3' e-4 lug ) gTowthaodheaUby condition of the Lair, taereuy aofteulug and btautlf)lnz it, ha reuJarep its tale tir-wecetieiiteU. Read the following from well known ci'iiens : fr. Magr: VTebavt tested yonr invaluable 11 AIR BALM, and it baa retor4 taecolurand grwta cf our hair to out entire atifaction. ard we can cheerfully recommend it to the pasiis. (Signed,) - L. A. BENOIST, Banker ; TVM 11. BAisCOCa. tcretary and Librarian O'FalS .n ?v!yt j h- .' nic Institute; J03C. CARLOW, Vice President vrar P.!ief Fun. I C'jm:n:ttee. Prepared only by i.h C. MAGC1RE, Chewitsla and Druggist, nonthwest orner 2n l aui O'.iv Straets aai Sold by all-Druggists Price 81.00 rer Bdtle. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, &c., &c. V 3XAGlTIflEr'S Compound Extract of KWE II.1T. ' , .:';- WESTIK SAKITAUT COMMISSION, 5,0. 19 tf. 5ih Ht. I, n,3 . S,r H, ISSt. Mestrt. J. If C. Sfaguirt, Drvggitt : Genr'emen : TheA?entscf the C orati.'.-slun tav Czu iutel iarc'r la tho AratV yuur axtract of Benue Plaut, for tbe cure cf Durrbe and lye.'iiery. anri teeir reports te.u.'y so lia cxteiicu ijiumiti, sum ta ui.cas wiia iuiu it ua use i iu in ire uiCMt ut tue-5 ctj jUi-li. " " . i'OailaN, Secretary WeUcm StnUinj Conmitsion.' VTar Rititr Fcko or St. Locis Cocstt, PjiziiDEWT's Oi fcs, 3 Sr?.ccz St., St. Luii. j.. J iiinarv 3rt: t Zfesen. J.i-C. Maguire, Drvyglstt : VTt have u! -v-;t C . . ? -ifract cf. Conne Plant amuegman- the soldiers families rt-t-lin l.ete, with it. f ' ' ' ?ih::itatin!y rec!umnU i:-" t-e best Diarrhea Medicine i use and hope r - - r irpniviy ujru , Jhz Great Remedy for Coughs, (Xlls, i -. . - ; ;3,fi:.illitg of Biost u . , - - . ALL DISEASES OF-TUE LVXGS, Has been tisei most success lul1 and to a grekt estect la St. Louis and vicinity for more lhan It j and pr(notmcvtbyall who have tjken it to be tbe n.oM wnderful rettedy Ijx CbtU Corupljisu cvtrliC-vo--ed. It R enflrpiy vegetable, andean be csd tie utui t sa.'oir. Try it ai I stii !). t MIGUIKIS'S ALTER A.TIV.13 ELIXER. Will Cure Scrofula, PJieumatisi.i. .JVtvrzlgia, Goil, .Vercurial and Sunliuuvl Affections, Goilrr, Swellings of the Joints, Caries of tze Jhnc3, Ulcers, dteous Eruptions, Blctchis, Pimples, Enlargements of the Gland. Constitutional Diiordtrs' and all diseases arising from Impurity of the Blood. Pr!"C 82 piT BotHC. J.4.C. aIaGCIRS, ChemUu and Drieiits, Svle pro,r!ere, St'. ItLs. Ifj. Tjey ara sold ty Oif-iiU everywhere. 3Sen4 for a of our Almanac for further Chills and Fever, Bilious and Internii! tent Fever- ' ' Dumb Acrae. etc., etc. t;. maguire's agui; mix Jcis llcdicire is undoubvei'.y tti most cfectual remedy ever eaereJ for t flainu. It has been thorougV.y tcs'el this sean, owing to the s-ircitv if J TE. tf ihe aiiove C3' rc; ifali n.j a i J h l li '.; n. v .r I" e.i f-T : il e "e. t c t '.L-i knowa to fail and is warranted to cure in evtry irittanc;. J.tviicice b'i aLiVer tbi. thi, it is a aapfcrior Tonic'fn deKtlity Price SI.5Q per fcotllo tvery youn laly si, i seMlen, iu tae I. n.:ed OR January let 1 c J 5 7 ST STYL ES. Blaclismith'a KlICiTincfrj rrorapt attention girea to Castemers 10 tbfs line at tbB JShops fronting .. . . CO GSWELL LIi:ilY STABLE, : VI 5 ' 0. TEE LEVEE. . Worthy the attention cf b-th and Pk u ales, who are ia want x( hai3e. The wcil Inown Hoaseof 3. M. WarlA Cu.. Manof.ioturin'i Jewelren , 2I3 Broadway, N. Y wi"h to,estebli ja an AGK.vcVin orery town in the United States, and inerder that tbe Agent enn have a eitmj.le to ti- j hi bit to their customers, they will s ci aa sale j on tho receipt of 2,00, a geritine ih'ii Pi n (var- mntea;, wi:n jmi tr e.;.ension -ae o? j-cncil, to- 1'aten np t-y the un-ier.-saed liv;n fir cui : gother i;h a AVhclesalj Circular to .Agents, ar.d ot As;.riw:in,:s-M.'a?!4 c"u:r, .-' t c a tt-i ' eleven eerti&cates, or a ir pie Cert'.f.-,ate'f.)r 25 cts. j rot Det.-en.ter n e rtd and h;te .4'pow-t Thereij no Agent bat what can ciak(S d.ju i 9 ? w4h cr;p uir ih; ift eri eait c:.p x the r-.i i'T and nftanSii) ." n , ear supposed U be 3 year o!.l. qy.anq 01 ten $tj. ..s- , -rtlliaM K ivjic?:.t. States cju h'tar rcmethiag trv muL-ti ! thir a yanwge ry rrtiirn lua.l Ireo i f char--.- i.ty au-j.-efs. ing tlia un iei-i".cd. Ihuse Luring fdncf tern- ' b-utiibos;. J w ill , bligs by cot nut'e n r t'uij card All ci-i'-Ts il f Ifiw avi'lre.'s thvir ii j-l.'. n mf. " ' Tlli. P. CL'AI'MAX, 31 DrcaJ-vay, cw iorkT" M. r. -.-ly ilyer's" Ague Cure.- . Ayers Cherry A V V V v r