. i i Nebraska Sidualtsct IS JOHN Lt COLHAPP, EDITOR. BKOWXTILLE THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1S6C. Union State Ticket. Tor Consresa, T. SI. MARQUETTE. For Governor, DA YID BUTLER. Tor Secretary of State, T. P. KENNARD. For State Auditor, JOHN GILLESPIE. Tor State Treasurer, AUGUSTUS KOUNTZ. Tm Chief Justice, OLIVER P. MASON. For Afsociate Justices, L. CROUNSE, GEO. B. LAKE. Union Parly Platform. Resolved, That we, the delegates to this Convention, representing the Union Party of Nebraska, are in favor of immediate State organization, for the reasons : lirst That in ourjudgement, it will tend to promote the speedy settlement of the Territory, and to develop its material growth and prosperity. Second That it will place under the control of the people our School Lands, and thereby largely contribute to reduce taxation for the support of our Common School system. 1 . Third That it will enable Nebraska to select the Public Lands which the General Government has proposed to grant to her fora State University, Agri cultural College, State Buildings, and for tho developement of cur mineral resour ces, before all the valuable lands within our limits shall have been absotbed by foreign speculators, and by the location of Agricultural College Scrp issued to other States. Fourth That the increased revenue which may be derived from the taxation of the property of foreign corporations, from which no revenues have heretofore been received would more than compen sate for the increased expenses incident to State Government Resolved, That while we are in favor of this measure for the reasons above assign ed, and for many others which we might mention, we' do Dot regard the question cf State organization as in any proper sense a party issue, but on the contrary, as a question to be decided by each individual citizen in accordance with his best judge ment:. Submitted as it was by the joint action cf Republicans and Democrats, we regard it as purely a question of local po licy, which every voter must deside for himself, without regard" to his political antecedents or attachments. - Resolved, That the party which ha-s triumphantly sustained and vindicated the Government of the United States, aud carried it safely through four years of panguiDary war, waged by the enemies of civil and religious liberty owes it to itself, to its cherished principles and to humani ty t secure liberty and equality before the law, to all men. Resolved, That we hereby pledge our selves to render a hearty and earnest sup port to the nominees of this Convention. PUBLIC HMKIBEHI . HON. DAVID BUTLER, Union Nominee for Governor will ad dress the citizens of Brownville and vici nity at 7 12 o'clock, p. mM this evening, at McPHERSON'S HALL. Hon T. M. Marquette, Union can didate for Congress, and Gen. John M. Thateb, will address the citizens of Ne maha, Richardson and Tawnee counties at the following limes and places : Brownville, 1 o'clock, P. M., May 22d. Aswinpall, 7 Arago, 1 Rulo, 7 Falls City, 10 Salem, 3 Pawnee City 2 Tecuraseb, 2 23d. 24th. 41 25th. 26ih. A. M., " P. M , " GOV. SAUNDERS, Hod. Jolin Taffe and J. . Chapman, Will address the ..citizens of Brown ville and vicinity, on the political issues of the day, at M'Pherson's Hall, to-morrow evening, May lSih, at 7 12 o'clock, T.M. S. M. RICH, Union nominee for State Senator, and T W BEDFORD, : -"Democratic nominee for State Senator, will discuss the political issues cf the day, at the School House in St. Deroin, Monday evening next, at 7. o'clock, P.M. District Court Fcr thfe Judicial District, will open in tLis City on the 23 J. County Union Candidates. Sam'i. 31. Rich is the Union Candi date for State Senator from this county. He is an able lawyer, a good speaker and a perfect gentleman, as all wnocome in contact with bin must acknowledge. He came to this place about cne year ago, and was last fall elected Prosecuting Attorney Ly an overwhelming majority. The opposition, we opine,' will ad;nit all the above, and further, that he is more than a match for their champion on the stump, before the day cf election. , The Candidates for Representative are all well known as men of firmneis, alii ity and integrity. Two of them Messrs Polock and Faibbrotheh have nobly served their country against the rebels, and are still in the field ! They have both served in the Territorial Legisla ture, and served with honor to themselves and benefit to their constituency. Wm. G. Glasgow has been twice elected by large majorities as Sheriff of this county. His popularity is aptly illustrated by the fact that last fall no copperhead could be found who dared to run acrainst him. - w D. C. Sanders has filled several impor tant positions in this county with credit to himself and his constituency, but for the past two years has mixed very little in politics. He tan demonstrated bi3 ability and integrity. All of these can didates are sound Union men, and right on National issues. Let us say to all: Ed up and doing, let not grass grow under your feet, but be at work for the Union ticket ! A belter ticket County and Territorial was never offered before in this county ! They are all men capable of filling im portant Legislative positions, and will command respect wherever they go! A severe cross-fre may bo expected, but our men are Veterans in the Union ranks, and will not suffer defeat at this late date, though a thousand snakes should raise the glittering crests and fill the air with their poisonous breath. The Tornado. Quite a tornado swept over this City last Friday evening, about 7 o'clock, p. m. Considerable rain had fallen previ- ous to the heavy blow, and the sky in the north west and west seemed clearing up, with the exception of two detached clouds, the cne moving from the south west and moving toward the Northeast, the other coming from north of north west, or nearly in and opposite direction, while wind was blowing steadily from m - ma west of. nonnwest. inesp two clouds must have met just below this city, for in an instant the wind change completely to south of southwest and blew a hurri cane, bo sudden, and witn sucn iorce that it was with great difficulty that doors and windows could be closed, and many of our business men were com pelled to remain from their families the rain, hail and wind making it almost certain death to venture out and trem ble with apprehension lest they should find their loved ones buried amid the ruins of their homes. The storm seem ed to increase for about fitfeen minutes, rain and small hail-stones fell in torrents, and then it gradually let up in about half an hour. Our streets were completely flooded, and on the bottom next the river the water rushed along to the depth of two feet. Few thought of damages done, ex cept that which pertained immediately to themselves, until next morning. The amount of damage done in this city is about as follows : Christian Church, corner of 4th and Atlantic streets, unroofed and south and west walls blown down : loss SI ,500. Loveless house, just above culvert on Main street, partly "unroffed, loss S50. Theo. Hill &, Co's Warehouse on the evee, unroffed, loss 200. Den's ware house, demolished, 100. L. S.. V. G. Mills, slightly damaged, Ios3 about SJO. First Presbyterian Church blown from its foundation, the plastering damaged, loss S300. I'olock's Brick-kiln wa? con siderably damaged, Foster's residence, unrooffed, the end of one of the old buildings on the levee blown out, and the others very Lear, yet, unlnckily, not quite blown over. Muca other damage was done which cannot be estimated. The total loss will not fall far short ci $5,000. Seme notion of the storm can be had when it is remembered that all this damage was done within a distance of half mile.. Considerable damaged was done in the country to crops and fences. We have heard of no loss of life. A Democratic Sleeting Was held in the First Presbyterian Church in this city last Tuesday even ing. It was proposed at first to have it on Monday night, but they knew January would draw a bigger house than Morton, and it was postponed. J. Sterling Morton was introduced by the man who advocated the right of se cession in 1S61 ; and proceeded to de liver an original eulogy on the late Hon. Sam'l G. Daily. He opposed the Con stitution because it was framed by the Legislature, in defiance of the fact that in 1S64 he opposed the framing of a Constitution by a Convention because it would cost tkepeople $20,000! How are ye, 'economy in public expenses that labor nay be lightly burdened"! He said he approved of the Constitution "because it was a copperhead Constitution." This was intended to sicken our impartial suf frage friends ! He didn't cars to be Gov ernor but hoped fora Democratic Legis lature ! He soured terribly on Gov. Saunder?, Gen. Thayer and fat offices, and fendiy caressed Audy Johrson, and thought Andy should remove all officials that did not endorse his policy! Seem in' to forget the fact, known to most of his audience, that he held office under f Bufchanan at the lime of the Lecompton outrage, and when Old Back vetoed the Homestead Bill, (for which Andy de nounced him.) and didn't resign ! That he held effice order Buchanan at the time, and did yrge him," to bring on the Land Sides, which set the Territory back at least ten years ! No, he endorsed Bu chanan ! ! ! Spoke of the lamented Lin coln, (see his speech at Council Bluffs in 1563.) Said some very pertinent (?) things, and subsided amid a feeble cheer. Geo. F. Train was then called for, but suggested Miller ; Miller said his coming here was not for political purpos es, merely to protect Train, wh'o. he said paid his bills, (lucky for the landlord,) but finally consented. Opened by con gratulating himself that he supported the President suppose he'd like to have it reversed. Eulogized this district on his defeat two years since' Wanted rebel States admitted immediately; and for hia opposition to Stale reffL-rred to hs conscience (the title page cf Satan's record of sin in Nebraska) and mention ed its scruples ! He gave thanks because he could t-peak in Nemaha county without fear (of Col. Presson,) and retired amid loud cheers for Train, which from Mil ler's complacent loqJ he appropriated to himself. 1 ram arose amid gieat expectations from the audience. He shot so scatter ins that it was impossible tor us to re- port him entire. He said that his re markable copperhead sumersault oa first comwjr to this country alter tne re bellion was at the request of Lincoln and Seward ! He shot in occasional remarks for Slate, all of which eudinsr in the idea of electing a conservative Legisla ture, as he said "to sustain President Johnson in saving the couutry from be ing crucified between two thieves, Sumner and Stevens!1 He plead for mercy to the South, and went in pathetically on the Sermon on the Mount ! He de- nouced politics, but prayed for the South ! He denounced politicians, but urged con servative action! He seemed opposed to everything but Morton, Miller, Andy Johnson and George Francis Train ! The whole thing wa3 no doubt planed beforehand. Morton was to make a weak anti-State speech ; Miller was to splutter a little, then they knew George Francis Train would be calle'd for, from curiosity if nothing else, and would de liver a State speech and urge conservative action! We have been tolerable on Andy Johnson, but such political huck stering as was done by these three oen tlemen coupled with Johnson's Colora do and Civil Rights Veto has nearly "soured" us on Andy. Two weeks since, the Nebraska City News edited by Morton, who framed the Democratic Platform pitched into cur criticism on the same not denying the points we urged as its intent and claimed that the Preamble and first Res- clution were copied "verbatim" (that' his word) from tlie first inaugural ad dress of President Thoma3 Jefferson." We had not then the address refferred to, but'tbanks to copperhead leader No. 2, the Omaha Herald, Which al way augUwl,cn Korton grins, And greets when Morton's bowels move, Dems it the greatest earthly Kia To io what Morton disapproves. ue are enabled to give the "document" alluded to from a democratic source. Premiseing that, as it is so easy to copy, when a Convention like the late Demo cratic sore which gathered at Nebraska City have not brains to wr'te for them selves, that which they leave, in the same paragraph, thtv are opvosed to ! Here is the paragraph copied from, we italicise that portion which the Democracy have adopted : Apout to enter, teiiow-citizens, on the exercise of duties which comprehend everything dear and valuable o you, it is proper you should understand what I deem the essential principles cf our Gov ernment, and consequently those which ought to shape its administration. I will compress them within the narrowest compass they will bear, but not all its limitations. Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever State or persuasion, religious or political; peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with nonj ; the sup port of the State governments in all their rights, as the most competent administra tion of our domestic concerns, and the surest bulwarks against ani-REPUBLicAN tendencies j the preservation of the Gene ral Government in its whole constitution' al vigor, as the sheet-anchor of our peace at home, and safety abroad ; a jeal ous care of the right of election by the people; a mild and safe corrective of abuses which are lopped by the sword of revolution, where peaceable remedies are unprovided ; absolute acquiescence injhe decisions of the majority, the vital principle of Republics, from which there is no appeal but to force, the vital prin ciple and immediate parent of despotism; a well disciplined militia, our best reli ance in peace, and for the first moments of war, till regulars may relieve them; the supremacy of the civil over the military authority economy ' in the public expensts. thai tabor may he lightly burdened ; the honest payment of our just debts, and sac red preservation of public faith ; encour agement of agriculture, and cf commerce as ils handmaid ; the diffusion of inform ation, end arraignment of all abuses at the bar of public reason ; freedom of re ligion, jrecdom of the pres's and freedom cj person, under the protection cf the ha- 1 f j 1 ocas corpus ana iriai oy juries xmpar tially selected. The italics show what. Morton and the Democratic Conventioners deem a verba tim copy of the nrincinles of Thomas Jefferson. This is not astonishing when we remember Morton's verbatim delivery in 1SG0 of a portion Lippard V work en titled '-Incidents at Bnena Vista." and hi3 attempt to pam it off as original ! All should read the above carefully to understand the Democratic Thomas Jeff erson (?) Platform, for by it must their candidates local and at large be judged. , "Equal and exact justice to ail men," is entirely ignored! "Absolute acquies ence in the decisions of the majority, the vital principle of Republics," is swept aside, as useless in their verbatim Jtffer sonian Platform ! "Encouragement of agriculture," is passed aside with. con tempt by the party whose Gubernatorial Candidate urged the bringing on of the Land Sales, and when requested refused to sign a remonstrance !! The bringing on of which sales, at that time, forced the farmers of Nemaha. county to borrow money at 50 and 60 per cent, and mort gage to the amount of 613,130, of Rich ardson county to the amount of 825,960, of Pawnee County to the amount of 810,103- The terrible interest on which has Lot amounted to much less than S100.C00, which has kept the farmer's "nose down to the grindstone" ever since! Is it to le wonder'd at that such a man and his party ignore the "encouragement of agriculture" ? Let not Morion "pu!i wool over your eye?," by telling you that he has kept a blooded Jack, for it was not consanguinity with your inte rest but with the Jack that made him keep him! Let them shift as they please, the Democratic ship has so many Jonas' aboard that she is bound to founder. Look at the garbled insult to the memory of the founder cf pure Democracy ! Look at the men on their ticket, men who have reviled the Union cause ; men like Morton, who had to keep their knavish tongues silent in the presence of a Provost Marshal for fear their treasonable thoughts if uttered would carry them to fort Lafayette! Men who, like their Congressional Candidate, lamented that a sen of theirs should have enlisted in the Union instead of the rebel army ! Will you vote for such men to govern and ruin the fair prospects of our new State ? "Governor" Morton in 1363. In order that our readers may com pare the Morton of to-day with tho Mor ton of 1863, we give the following ex tracts from' a speech which he delivered before the democratic Club of Council Bluffs, May 9th. 1S63 : ' So to an uupracticed speaker who at tempts to-day the investigation of the policies of the present Administration, and endeavors to collect and put upon exhibition some of the political monstros ities of AbolitioD is at once lost am dumb-founded amidst the magnificence of the imbecility and thegrandure of the knavery which has liueu that great curiosity-shop of corruption at Washing ton citv. over which Mr. A. Lincoln iu- imitable anecdoter of Illinois presides, with a mirth, and merriment as potent for side-splitting as his arm and axe were ccce for rail spiittng, or his present con duct of rubile affairs is fcr Union splitting." In order that the men whose support this candidate now asks, may know whom he charges wi'.h the responsibility of the war we make another extrtct from the same speech. "That questiou to my mind is only capable of one solution.- ihey chose war because "through it they saw, or thougt they saw, the abolition of slavery in all the States. We have observed from the speeches of Mr. Douglas that they deliberstly voted for war, both in the House and in the benate. JNow came the manner of its inauguration, it must be ostensibly commenced by the South. Seward and Lincoln must provoke them to fire upon the flag, and so rouse Northern ire. we will not receive their peace commissioners we will goad them to desperate acts. And thus fanutiimat Washigton knew well how to energize fanatacism at Charleston; and by a "coup d' etat''Hdrvey (see his letter, page 432, Congressional Globe, first session 37th Congress,) the U. S. Iinisier to-day in Portugal, being cow the self acknowledged accomplice of Cameron, Seward and Lincoln, therein;! the first fire was drawn fFom the rebels. and the North in honest indigaation arose as one man to avenge the outrage." Hear hira plead for slavery and the slave-holder's rebellion. Here is shown spirit that caused him to be made Grand Commander of. the Knight's of the Gol den Circle in Nebraska. Read this ex tract, and reflect, fellow-democrats, ere you commit your new State Government to a man who thus argued for secession. The Southern States were ruled by just such Gcvrcors when they"plunged into the vortex of rebellion. And remember ye Union men that every vote withdrawn rom our Union Legislative ticket helps o ensure Morton's chances for the U. S. Senate : "But abolish slavery and you aboliih cottou raising; abolish cotton raisin",' and the South will produce ner own k corn, wheat and pork as she - is endenvoring to do to day, and the Northwest will find no market for its surplus productions, except ihat offered by rail read tranpor- tation to the East.which wiil cousutni the commodity it conveys, by rates cf freight. A bushel cf grain seut to New York by rail from Council Bluffi, will be consumed in it3 transpiration, but the same bottom that takes it oa board at your levee, may land it at New Orbanj at a trifling cost. In the first market you compete" with all the, 'middle grain raising States in the Union, in the second you compete with portions of Wisconsin, Illinois Ohio, Indiana, and "Missouri, and you have the entire populatiou of the seven Cotton Sates as your customers." Read! Reflect ! And do not disgrace Nebraska' with even the thought of send ing this churlish copperhead to preside over you as Governor, or to the Senate ! TUe Consecration Of St. John's Church at Nemaha City on May 6ih, was indeed 'a high day" for the church men of Nemaha City and vicinity. At the hcur appointed 10 o'clock, A. M., Bishop Clarkson and the clergy present the Rev. Mr. Davi? the Missionary in charge of the Pari-h the Rev. Mr. Betts, of Piattsmouth and the Rev. Mr. Gcodale. of Peru met the Wardens and Vestry of the church at the door, according to the usual cu loin, and pieceeded up the isle, repeat ing, alternately, the 21th Psalm of David On arriving- at the chr.ncel the Bishop and Clergy entered. The request to con secrate the Church to the Worship o Almighty God, was made by the Rector Wardens and Vestry and the paper read by. the Rev. Mr. p.avis, aftei which the regular services proceeded. Morning prayer was said by the Rev Messrs. Belts and Goodale, as far as the Creed, and finished by the Rev. Mr Davis. The Bishop then preached a powerful and eloquent senncnen the great- necessity of establishing ihe Lords house in all lands, that all Nations might flow into it. which was listened lo with marked attention by the crowded con gregation that filled the Church. The Church building is a beautifu Gothic structure, with portch, nave and chancel. The entire length is 50 feet. Length of nave,43X22. The Architect was Bishop Ttlbot ; bujr, Judge Wheeler, of isrownville. Ihe stained glass windows, whicli add so much to the beauty of the interior of the church, were a gift to the Parish from Doremus, the celebrated glass stainer of New Jer sey, a friend of. the Rector. As a whol the Church is considered, by all who see it, as an ornament to the country, whose upintea cross paints tne passer-oy to a "better country" and teaches him that Christ has died that man might live. ua tne aiternoon cr tne same aay six adults received the Apostolic Rile of Con firmation, in the laying- on of the hands cf the Bishop, the Rev. Mr. Betts preach iug. On the Monday following the Rev. Mr. Davis, Missionary in charge, was advanced' to the holy order, of the Priest hood, the Rev. Mr. Goodale, preaching. At all these services the chantinir was antiphonal, under the direction of Mrs. Davis, assisted by the choir from Brovn- ville. The furniture of the Church was man ufactured by Mr. Ritson, one of ' the Vestry of the Parish. From the laying of the corner-stone up to the finishing cf the Church, no accident has occurred to mar the pleasure of those engaged in this pious under taking, in erecting a temple to the honor and glory of the ever blessed Trinity. May God bless them in their work, is the earnest prayer of one who was pres ent. M. rocccuii 2S of tne Nenialia Coun ty Union ConTcntian. BitowK ville, May 12th. Union Convention met pursuant to adjournment. On motion, S. W. Kennedy was chosen President and Geo. Vandeventer, Sec retary, On motion, H. M. Atkinson and D. C. Sanders were appointed a Committee on Credsniials ; whereupon. W. G. Glas gow, W. L. Wright, F. L. Prouty, Sam'l Peiit, A K. Farnham, Chas. Alley and Wm. Tate, presented their credentials and, were admitted as Delegates from Peru Precinct" On motion, delegates present were authorized to cast the vote of absentees. Selection of Candidates being next in order, the following gentlemen were unanimously chosen as the Union Candi dates : For State Senator: Samuel M. Rich. For Jlcmbers of ihe, House of Repre sentatives : m. G. Glasgow, D. L. Sanders, W. A. PcIocL, Geo. W. Fair brother. On motion, anew Union Central Com mittee wa3 elected, consisting of Wm. H. Hoover and G. W. Fairbroth- r 'mi r err .brownviiie rrecinci. D. C. Sanders, Nemaha City Precinct. J. Jtf. Paulin, Aspinwall Precinct. Wm. B. Phillips, Glen Rock Precinct. Wm. H. Hawley, Lafayette Precinct. II. Utecht, Washington Precinct. Amos Hughes, Bedford Precinct. G. W. Glasgow, Preciuct. The following resolution was unani mously adopted. Resolved, That we cemmend, reaffirm and and will stand by the principles and policy laid down in the Platform adopted by the Union Territorial Convention. On motion, Convention adjourned. S. W. KENNEDY, Pres. Geo. Vasdeventer, Sec. Democratic 11 r Content! sn Mrt nurstnnt to adjournment at Phersoa's Hall, Saturday, May i2th. On rncibn. G. V Bra; ten was chosen Chairman, and J. B. Johnson. Secretary. On motion, H. C. Lett, W. MwCleary, Jessie Col?, S. A. Chambers and An drew Hig'gins were appointed a commit tee to draft resolutions expressive of th sense of the meeting, who reported as follows : Whereas, The unity cf Gcvernmnnt which constitutes as one people, is the main pillar in the edifica of our in de pendence tie support of our tranquility at heme and our peace abroad ; an J, re gardinz it as essential that permanent inveterate antipathies against particular States and a passionate attachment for others should be excluded, and that just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated ; therefore Resolved, That we fully en-iorse the policy of Andrew Johnson, the President of the United States, in his legitimate endeavors to restore to the several States of this Union their original position under the Constitution. Adopted. Mr. Bedford then presented the fol lowing Resolution, which was. unani raously adopted : Resolved, That we regard the effort to bring Nebraska in as u Stale at this time as untimely and premature, calcu lated to retard our prosperity and as op posed to our material interests. The Convention ihen proceeded to nominate Candidates for the Legislature as follows : Senate: T. W. Bedford. House : Samuel Btnnet, E. II. Wilcox, W. Wilson, W. M'Cleary. On motion, of Mr. Bedford the Con vention proceeded to the selection cf a Corresponding Committee consisting of cne member from each Precinct. Adjourred. G. W. BRATTON, Ch'm. J. B Jouxscy, SecV On the 20th, ult., cur Delegate in Con gress, P, W. Hitchcock, cn leave intro duced, the following : '.'A BILL, appropriating certain of ihe proceeds of Internal Revenne in the Territory of Nebraska for the paropse of erecting a Penitentiary and complet ing the capitol in sail Territory, Be il enacted by the Senate aud House of Representatives ct the United States cf America in Congress assernpled. That the net proceeds of the interna! revenue of ihe Territory of Nebraska or the fiscal years severally er.din? on ihe thirtieth day of June, 15G6. the thirtieth day June, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and the thirtieth day of June eighteen hundred an 1 sixiy eight, be, and the same hereby are. appropriated to ar.d for the purpose of erecting,Junder the direction cf the Secre tary of the Interior a Penitentiary ai Bellevue in said Territory of Nebraska: Provided, That if, in the Judgment of the Secretary of the Interior, the sum so set apart and appropriated shall amount to more than sufficient to com plete a suitable and proper penitentiary, tho balance over and above the amount requisite for such purpose shall, at his discretion and under his direction as atoresaiu, be used tor the purpose ( completing the capitol building at Omaha , in said Territo ry Evan Worthing, Wholesale Sc Ketail Dealer in Choice Liquors, Wines, Alo, Bear, PITTS BUFFALO THRASHING ISACHIXE, SCit lORItsELFRA- RI.IG SlEAPli. QUAKER 31 OTT ER and DUCK -EYE CVX.TITA- TOR. TT2riT.EY-S BLOCIS, Main Srreet, Brownville 17 h 13;? It 31 Iy fr.m Mir. "DAl'T Y. Auburu f: A lUoIJn, Flasec, ar.d l- i C t;y Milken CL'Ufi.S prnutl :fcd tf" caieon Trarraniea 10 curl W J 'J tbe most straight and stubborn bir cf ekhcr s.x into wavy rin'rleti or bpary iua?jive carls. Jlas been used by tho fasbior.able? of I'aris nnd Lundon wita tho most gratifying result.. Dues no injure t tho hair. I'rice by mail, 5eHl:d and postpaid SI Uiscriptivn cir. ul'.rH Li.iilc I freo. Addros, BER GEFl. SHUTS & CO., .W 2Si U;rer Street. Trey, N. Y. bole Acnt3fcr the UnUcd Sues. ( ?) w - 1 r ... WHISKERS srvl XI UitT. cues to TGW o.n tho lest fae ia lr( m 3 7 to b wcc'Ki b u.sinj Dr. TAUKATUEli C.-1PIL- '..ivV" derful discovery ia mad .'rn science, actirj upon the Beard aod b air in iui ulaw.t tuira-'uiocs manner. It ha3 bosa u-f-I l.y thi d?:ite of Paris aad London with tae uiiirt S.iitcrir, su?ce, Names of a!I purjhayers wil bo rcisier.' 1, aud if entire s.itij fact i n ii not givoa in every int.in"9. the money will be cheerfully refunded- Pri-jo by mail, sealed end postpaid, $1. l)i-?crip'ive cir u!.:r an 1 tta'i Lir.ni..'8 mailed fr?r. Ad ire-a LEU(JER SUUTTS & CO., CheiDist.x. Xo 2'?.j River street, Troy, Zf.V. Sole A -rents for the L'nitod Stitos. 3 l-t'ia r. WHITE LIQUID EittKSL . For Insprovin' end Loautifyiug the Comp'jxlcri. The most valuable and perfctt prcparati n in use for givicg the skiu a beautiful pearl-like that, that is oi'iy found ia yju h. It quickly removes Tan ircckles, Pimplej, Blotches, iloth Patches, Sal- lownes, truptioas, aad al. impurities of tba skin, kindly healing tha fame, leaving tho skin white and clear a3 alabaster. Its use cannot be detec ted by the closest scrutiny, and teing a vegetable preparation is perfectly hirm'.e.s. It is the only artkla of tho kiud used by tho Frecch, and con sidered by the Parisian as indispensille to a perfect toilet Upwards of C3,Cti0 bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient guarantee of its cCcacy. Price only 75 cents. Sent bj mail, post-paid, cn receipt of an ord;r, bv PEKGEP.,SilCTT3& CO., Cheni.-ts. 3i-Cra 13j Rirtr St. Troy, N.T. ESTRAY 'HORSES. Tiiken up by the under?;gcod, near Xeinaha City within bis enclced prctnases, on the 16tb day cf April, IS65. One l!ac-k taare, Star ia the forc tead, branded "3" ca left Shoulder, nino years o!d. One Koan Stud C. ronyarhitc face, white hind foot. two years old. April 23th ISS5 IiCXRY II. GILLESPIE. TliC GUIDE TO HEALTH AJJD E-- U t-iaciej how to rt-rt Tin F-. , an.,r.iur.titJ of tbe rkia ; h, V' r"K le:,n it whi'.o a.-i cl'r till'"?1 thu! noticed th, f.-h, cva f ' by I'..U.vr.Ian- cr a.attn.;-r" r'3. If i.K,ra than 1-s .H - n.i r.-i .- S ' -'-nz-- chuusr t.t;'jir with tfl I T urt I'rmiUoa. So To:m? r.! , 11 1 T . : V fail t mo-.A .h.rVT i.I ... . ' r 'raaa hi icua to natco known men) r f cure.. To ill wbo desiro it. be sen.i r . . 1 - : ' . . v. 4 v ua. 1 wri wi'l r.n 1 a cure tare L t Occt)- ii,,, jvyj. .M' fcLids Coa?hs,CoH-,Stti alt Throat aai' ' a,. : tc-.-twUJ. VuO only object of tb a i verti -r 5 I d.. tb,, Prescription ii to tcr.cSt f-a Y ' s-jnaJ icfurxnatioa whL-b be cmeires tj'u : ' uul'.e, an ! ha hopes every iujrer will try ' eott them uutbicj, nj vain"' J'artie3 wishing tho precr);-tion,5 Vtm' -mai!,wi;i please a Mr? Jrs-i: .. ! r 1 ii- 'ina; a 1 u-uri''' t:.i a i V JL. NOW THY DES'H.Vp MADAMS E. F.Tuohntos, ths p. , haeas'.oiiishoi the gcientiSc eta.-iesof theO: i ' 'i - ' " - - WH .4 I ..JI 1(1. T ! or..i Mhr.,as tr.tnaole her to impart kc"w't!- of ti e greatest importance to tho ui'.s cr nrr t of i-itLerfex. While in a utafs cf tr.ineo, ehi'i' I lir-oates the Ttry features of the pr?ua too a-- I carry, anJ by the aid of an instrument of i0.."l ; power, Urown 83 t!.e rsyebt-motro je, jaanetwni. 'l pr dace a lifo-Uks pieruro of tho frlta.-e hu.-ba-j i wife ol the applicant, together wi:h dat 0r m, rringr, position in life, leading trrsitj tf chin- ' io. .Thi3 Uno Lumbu, ai thoasasJj cf ic, C ' ! mr.ia cimajwri, ouo se a, a;n desire certiileJ certificate, orwri'terj gv.ar.iate?, h: (JJ1UII,5 ir.JM. J'ur"l'.J K) HO. 15y rH'!.)ji". J amU K-ck of hair, a 1, 1 jtatin plaeo cf bir.b, a disposition aad c-jinpiexion. and encl'ij bir-i anisteuiivci earvlop a.iJroU-;d to y.iur-elf V. 1 pi j tare ii nnai is purporu 10 l. Ur "in receive oe pieiure a.a aesi.-ei a:Vrsi;.i. . return Piiil. All corcnia'ii?atiJns s:icrc 1 s,ru- 'II : at - - . m . . . " m tiaj. -ijjres?, m TAORN'TON, i' O, iu le nee, :.1AUAM2 E. i'. Do : 223, Hudson, Ji.Y. H ATiliill ! rrosulIicSJchcol UOardca (he NEW SCHOOL HOUSE. ESTIMATES E3tim-ttl cost of BuiMiii? coniple'e I, .Amount ievieil fur 16o4, $i.C37 69 ii i!o do l&iij, 3. 274 IS d- cf Subscription. I,J0 00 2.tiraa:eJ vueof oM School f 19 .1 CO W - Total Deficit. 7,211 :s Prol'able am mnt on tax I i 1 3 of s :i '6i-"6o wLichcauaotbe Cv:iJcteJ $333 CO Probjljle aoiour.t of gab-criptioui vliica cadnot be collected, 300 00 Tctal probatle loss T.'tal amount cf Deficit $3.3:9 24 T hereby certify ttat the tax levi ab-,v( fivj trt correct V'M.Ii. Iloo VU, Cj. T.-Cii. RECEIPTS fcri;.tiv.n fro-n J. E. Crow, $ 23 00 d do J,bu Mi; Ph erven, 10 xi lo dj Lu;hr Ilodpley, I o- 1 ! The.. Hi i I S'J ! d' f".o Wm. T. Den 10 ot do (to J. C Den r 1:3 oa da d'i lit. I;ar.i Blown 23 ik io do J U?rry Co. XC'J ci dj do J O t iron Hf) rio " c Kvan WertMn? 2i 0 ' fit Bn Hirers IJ C do Wcj. H. lioovfr 12 Dl d do Chas. i' S(ert !0 d, do 11. F. Ln-li') ui'a 0 o. do do T!.o;i;3i J. V. C:t C 25 do do J . W. Midi 'ett-n 8 25 do do I). E. liewe-t 25 h do do II. at. Atfcin n 2) oo di do arjt W. (iibsoa 1'J oo do do Wm. II. IToover 5) oo dj do Iljuicr Jctins in 25 oo Total rercivel oa subscripti m Sctool llouhe Tax teceivca Ironi Cuiiaty Trcaourrr to date Tjtal aeccifs to dale t .U3 M i3 c;j For E.Tcaritins for Basemcat $ IU 51 S.o:e ii Bricfcorii,n Bastuient 1,133 45 " li, j S. r.ir BaaeDicat l'J oo 'Priuiiuj n in " Ww-.dow frame and Lanbcr 2H 75 ' wb, toy Unci of Saraiuors ti4 10 ' Scuool Ilon.-e l5h.ci 6 J'i 0O " J.st for Uv aua 2d Stories to Tctl ExienJitnres to cV.e Excdss of Eqpeaitarej! over Itcccipti $7J rt WM. II lloovta. Trei3 rtr. By order of the Card of K !::t .i..u City of B-.1 vilia. JCUL'3 JOHNSOM. Lerk of 1-- CONTRACTORS and BUILDRU Proposals will be recioJ at the Cun7 c:'i'i OS -, in Drowimlle, until 2 o'clock P. M, day,.lune 7th IS Jo, for furni.-hin up-w? t'v a-1- iirivK,Mone, Ij:u;o, .Sir.d, I.uniter, bhizz u a- all t)thtr uccesvtry iu itrij.1 Tor the coastructi n u buibtiii,! tor Cou.:fr p Ui-.H;3C3.accoriin to ? d p.tcijcatioB3 cu : ia tho County tlerl li.'e. ProporaJa w ill rLo be rcceircd at Ihe siae tlx for t'iO Storn wrL, ints.tarv ,aad C'iri,ect.r and such otucr wrk ax Amli ba uccs.-sary I t t- corstructioo ofyaid building. Py .rd?r f the PoarJ t C nity ComTiMi i4Mii,18;h IS'W. WILLIAjI U.KOOVC 3l-4to.nn CouayC'-!". liissolallon cf Ccpsrtscrslilp. Xotice Uberebv Kiven, that cb tie 3d Cay ofXv . A. D. lSi6. irtner.-h.p heretofore ?xit.ar. un'!f 1 , f'Tle SESAX fc. EUKlICII, was di ,!ve-i IT S3i i:;eo?. k it. 11. I:HL!Cre!ainir8n.loic;b"i: old Mt-iOfJ, returns th;.!!1 (or put fiv.r, ' WI !1, ' bis ntnjst lo rusrit future patr&nze. AH Jeb'' . the o!J f.rr.1 wiil bee icted b.- X. B. EilSL.f Bi bo rej c ls tluee n ( -i Hid to i!i op to tl De.-k' ad ool ii tK;Siit!e. M. B EnTTI-I. 333ti.da S- Ei:Mi- SALE OF STRAY STOCK- Oa Saturday ,the I2ih day rf May, A at nr r nVti-lf V lorilli. f, r .0 hihc-t bidder for cash in Land, in t-e -l!.f.r,;il. Vm.ilir,,iinfT. !.ru.-i;a Trr Two Stray Cows and Calves-alioLc jcarlicj be;: cr.dtt.icribed follows : i, Oaa pale red Cw and Calf, no mirk cr tnn. pii-suivatl-', supposed to be six years old, l-" cd at-Tweuty-five dollars. . -One, white. Cow and Calf with red aecS.K" oracd on tha lelt suou!aer.bupiot!i to oo old ,and appra;?cd at Twenty-ire dollars. .jt One white Yearling Ileifjr.ippraiied ai 1 dollar. T.:kon up by U.'orgo W. AleiiJjr' - now in his pojc-ision. 31 dto-.na R. T. SEALED PKOPOSAli- Oriicr Citt Dokdo? Earcin !"'. iirownviile,2d. IS.;. , SEALED Pr.OI'OSALS for the Mlow-a? and Material for the Xew School House ia W reject bids at taeir uiscreti n,). ; , poj. For FurniihiDg Sand and Laying ""'ta l-eU Fcrnis'uiug Flooring and Sheeting t For Joists and Frame timber V 10 J J feeL For Cartcnter and Joiner WorH as per p.aa sp?ti2jations in Clerk's 05ic. . Siza of UaiiuLv 4SX63 feet, two ston.s above baaotneaf, with Vestibcle 12.J. rlyer's Cathartic Pills , furanoaihajr , Cur, C-rn,, Wcru Val" T 5 r. jour ni- car I'rBsin- Va'-. 'J i g-i.n ua I.;vear J affocti . r ... ' . r",a2- .- i t v, . - i)L in l a i u E-Wl., oilTTTS A CO., Chat , 1 TO CONSUMPTIVE .. c " I vilio wiii oo received oy iae utuiuui . : -.3-the 1st day of Juno, !So3, when they will bec. ed ana th work, in whole or part, rT-,;J? -1- w lowest responsible bidder. ( r?.-erviag the n ... .... . . 1 11. - J .