( X... X- x xx ' r' ' i II I I I HI II III -STEEL pdu mm. factry, CAIIDE1I, IT. J. R. ESTE11BK00K & CO. STEEL PO MANUFACTURERS, WARE.H OUSE, 4.03 Arch St Philadelphia 42 JOHN STREET, NEW JOEK. Tbeje Celebrated Pens are of Genuine American Manufacture, and comprise every leading style in the Market, and are equal ii finish, elasticity and Cnenest of point to the best Imported, jfcey are, therefore, sure to gain the confidence of the Amer ican public. Sample and Prices on Application, Lots made to Ordc, of any pat tern or Stamp required. For Sale to the Trade at the Manufacturer's Warehouses, as above ; and at rafail by all Sta tioners, Booksellers and Xewi Dealers In the U. S. R. FSTERBROOK & CO. April, 25th 1855, 10-31-ly T?3 1-1 OSBORtl'S JAVA COFFE. The most delicious and hclthful beveraze known. Itisprsyared frnm the best JAVA COFFEE, and while it hs all the piror of fine Old Govern ment Jara,relli for Usi than half the price. Gsborn's Java Coflfee Has been stealily ns?d 'f r rears, by thousands of persons in ail parts of the Country, and is um- Tersally acknowled ed to te at ence nufiou, ae- Iicious.neal thful and cconamreal. I he same quan tity will make richer and stronger cap of Coffe tlaa any other known. . Osborn's Java vCoiTee. Is rarticularly rccomnjended as a hcalthfallbcv- rajre and isuiost beneficially n.-ed ry those iwho rusemth Headache JSerrousness, and other .mju- noas eadots Irom tue uso of other Co See. It is prepared with the greatest care, and con tains no ingredient which ts not more harmless and beneficial to tho humin organism than pure Coffee, to which tact the most skiaull rbrsicians and Chemists testify, OSBORWS JAVA COFFEE. Has been extensively nscd at numerous Sanita ry Fairs throughout the Union, and received cer tificates of the bijrhest rccomendation. It has also been thoroughly teste J, and received the d pious of t ho Amarivaa Institute and other prominent institutions. Put np in one pound packages bearing the fac simile Signature if Lewis A. OiOorn Jani in boxes of SO and 50 ibs. and Sold by Groctrs generally. Wholesale Depot, sua Trade SnpPIica by THOS. REID & CO. GLOBE MILLS, Imprrfers and Wholesalo Dealsrs, in Tea, Coffee, andbpicei. KOS.IC3&105 Tl arren and 2CD XVas-Iifngton streets Kcw Yorlt. April 25th 6ms rfin STATEMENT OY THE EIRE AND TORNADO Insurance Company, w or TTe, Tno3. J. Tcbneb, Prct't. and Chas. Sqcibes, Se'y., of the Fire and Tt rnado Insurancs Comrany.of Frecport, Illinois, hereby certify that aid Company is posFersed of a capital of at least ne nunarec tnousand dollars, secured by lean on rial estate worth at cash valuation at least five tbmes tbe amount of said capital, and not encum bered to moro than one-fourth of aid valuation." TilOS. J. TURNER, Pres't. CHAKLES SQUIRES, Secretary. STATE OP II.UVOIS. &TEPI1ESSOX caUSTT.K ss rcrsoanlly appeared before me, Clerk of the Coun ty Court ofgtd County, 1 J. Turner and Charles Squires tome known as Ithe President and Secretary of the Fire & Tornado n?uranco Compiny, who be injfiretdily wr.i .url'a; tliv , severally de pose and say "that tho above certificate subscribcxl i o by them respectively is true in substance and .n fct, as shown by the records of suii Company. 1 Subscribed aid sworn to before roe, this Gth. day o'January. A. D.1S65. CEQUGE TIIOMPS0N, County Cicrk. By K. II. I'tERsox, Porutv. CERTIFICATU of AUTHORITY To Eipire on tne 3Ut day of January. 18G5. Insurance Deptriment, Ofice of Ter ritorial Auditor, I OMAHA, NEB. Jan., 16ih, 1SG6 WHEREAS, J. T. Campbell, As.iitaut Gen. A cent, for the Fire and Tornado Ins. Co. located at Freeport,in tbe State of Illinois, has tied in this USk-ea copy of tho Act of Incorpora tion of said Company, and a Statement under .ath, bowing its Condition, as rcouired by the four teenth Section of a Law of the Territory of Nebras ka, entitled An act in Relation to Insurance Companies," Approved February, 1835 : Therefore, be in known, by theso presents. That in X'ursu?nco of the aforesaid Art, I, JOHN Oillcspie, auditor of tbe Territory of Nebraska, Do Hereby Certify that said Fire fr tornado Innurancc Company has full authority to transact busines-s of Insurance in the Territory of Nebraska, under the laws of tb i Territory, until tho 3lst deyof Janu ary, a. d.,1857. IX WITNESS WHEREOF, I hare pulscribed rcy came, and caused tho Seal of the Auditor's OJT.eo to be affiled, tbi Kth day f Junurry, a. d., IStlS. JUil UILLtbPIIi,Ter. Auditor. CEO. W. HILL & CO., Agents, BrcvnviUc JVtbraska. E.REMINGTON & SONS "O MANUFACTTRES o L REVOLVERS, RIFLES For the Ucslrl States Service. Als, Pcclict and Belt Revolvers, KEPEATINO P13T0IA, - ZIFLE CAXES REVOLVING RIFLES, lUfie and Shot Gun Earrelj.and Gun Materials fold by Gun Dealers and the Trade generally. In these days cf I.vst breaking and Rolbirtgf every Houst ttore, Uanu, and OClce should have cut cj III- i 1 I f U i ' 1 . Parties deslrirff to avail themclves of the late late -n nrnr pmntji in Pistolis. and su;?rior woiktnan- tL:p and form, will find ail combined in the New- I!IIIITGT0I7 Revolvers. - Citculars ccctainirg cuts and description of our Ars will be fercubed cpon an nation. Z. REMINGTON k SONS Iiion N.Y, HQQTX & NICHOLAS Agents, No. 4'J Crurtiatd SL New Cork. j;tL',i:.h liCJIyl3 23 f:. X2(j 77 A LZ.il u rou aches and tains. Tl.T. Inrslual-lfl prppnuu-.. ---- - " " recommend itir to .... v0 on hand Use oue botlio an; " "yj " ' ' " wondorftl, It tiAiwuuenuiuu""-""- TOOTHACHE IS THREE KI5HU. HEADACHE ix nvs kixcizs. CRAHP 00LI0 IX TIX WTT1S. ITEURALGIA EAR ACHE IS TM MIXriE DIPHTHEEIA ix a rrw bocks. For Throat, Rtieuroatlm Im Dnrk. forni, Cnnluiu, liruikca, cld, Cuts, hrnta Uurna.,cte. Tt is a pilpnblo f ft ttiat every person 1 more or lew liiiU'i to t:ia-", end injury ly nccident.ond la cuch isim" a remedy is uocessa.y furtherniore a CO d pii d V ii hc uly ono vurih b.ivlnp, nd tbe i,,.T.t tl'e iuk1;i isio i of far Greater importance thiiii tli)rt-. i:uuieof cUwp nipd cmes. Itio lvet l rii el renuxiie pre reeaiity nmJe of tbe fMv.n-st nruity of drvp, atJ ate cot tuly utterly um Icvs but aie paeitivily iujuri.m totUcliutuaa fv-trtn Tlwef'e ltivf t.et tho lx-t prcpara kn Uhb II AM LIN'S WIZARD OIL, and a fair t-',l viil omvince you that it U tht greatest Pain Killer t.t the iL-nrlJ. fcvio IX AU. l&ViCUT3. and cent per bottle. 7ratelir.g gen'-t TTjnUd,tend Stamp for Circular. J. A HAMLIN sTEkO , IYoprlctors, TO TAXDOLPn ElLtlT, Cjucaco. x-S-lv-fr.na WILLIAM'S Advertising At ency. iv A ,1 JilaonfactHFcrs Ucpot No. S3 North 5t Street, cor.iSt Charles, ST LOUIS, 3IO." Ilcre will bo found every variety of AMERICAN CLOCKS AND CLOCK MATER1ASS, with all the ndvantais of ibe Easterr market in rfganl to both selections and price. bend for Illustratej ;a.taiitgues. HENRY W. EDE3, v Proprietor. m. a. m. n.s. o. no 23-vol I0.b,nn' is m am This is tie only Machine In existence which combines all the requisites of a perfect Washer. It is a Squeezing Machine, operated byabalance Theel anl crank (geared to run three turns of the crank to one turn of the hand,) stronnty uisde. sim ple and easy iu its operation, and not linble to get out of order. It Is constructed on stiictly mecbanical principles, aid sole'.y with a viev to utility and dura bilitj. During the time tbe Nonpareil has been In use, since April, 1S61, it 1ms fetefdily grown in ptiDiic favor, and n demonstrated that, Two-hirda tho .Labor and Time required in washing by hand, and all tha Wear and Tear of the garments are (Saved by its use. A pirl or boy can work it and it may be railed on to cleanse clothing without any as sietance from Hand Rubbins. A liberat discount allowel to dealers. Send for free descriptive Circular to Oakley & Keating, 1S2 Waier Ptrppt, n NEW YORK CITY. Probate Judge. CO L L E CONDUCTED on the l asis of actual Luincss. by an experienced Accountant and Superior I 'en man. whoso connection with the most popular Com mcrcial Colleges ensures thoroughness and i-eputa tton to every graduate. Soccial instruction ci en in all styles cf Pen manship; specimens of which may bo seen at the Cotieze. Full particulars sent to any address. THOMAS J. BRYANT, 53-tf St. Joseph. Mo NEW SKIRT FOR 18GG. Tfcc Great Invention cf the Age in J. W. P.raplet'sNcw Patent Dcplex Elliptio for double) Spnixa Skikt. Inis Invention consists ot Dvri.xx tor twoi Elliptic SteefSprin";, ingeniously ISrauicd 1 llhtly and Firmly torctber. tdo to edp:e, making tbe toughest, most flexible Elastic and Durable Spring overused. They stlaom Lend or break like he SiDsIa Sprtnr?, and consequently Preserve their Perfect and Beautiful fahapo 1 wicc as Liocg as any other Skirt. The Wondeufcl Flexisilitt and Great Com furt aoi plcasur? to any Lady wearing the Duplex E'.Hntic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all Crowded Assemblies. Oscp p. CaTia'cs, Kail road Car?, Church Pews, for Promenade end Ilouse iTrcfs, as the 1-kirt can be folded, when in use, to i.eeurv a small t laco cs easily a3 a biit or juosun -.- -1 j t . . Dref. A Ladv bavin onloved tho r-leasuf ccrafort and rreat convenience of weorincr thcwDuplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt" for a finple day, ill never afterward willinLrlv dispenso with their use. For Children Misses, ad Yonng Ladies, they are Su ncrior to all others. The Hoons are covered with 2 p;y double twisted thread nnJ will wear twice ns loni aa tho J:nio yarn eovcrin? ubich is used on all single Steel Hoot) Skirts. Tho three bottom rods on every Skirt are also Double Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the covering fn m wearing oi tha rods wen drugging , down stairs, stone steps, etc., etc. which they are constantly subject to when in use. All rande of the new and elegant Corded lapeg, and are the best quality in every part, giving to tho wearer the most graceful and perfect nape pcsii- blythe lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever m ids. Wests' Lu apley & Coky, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, ?7Chambers and 79 and 61 Reade Streets. New York. For sale in all first-class Stores in this City, add throughout the United States and Canr ' t , iinuan na,de Cuba, Mexico, South America, ai.d tho Wdt Indies, ECTInqnire for tlio Duplex el liptic (or double) Spriii Sliirt. 10-27-3m A Si C. Looli here Eoys ! Full instructions ly x?hich a pnrson can master the art cf VcEtriloquism in a f whrs. Satisfiic tion given or money refunded iVevery case. Price by mail ono dollar. Send your money and make a world of fun and a fortune. Address, M. A. JAGGERS. H&reh 15 Smcnths CaJhoca Ills. t?t"tt "v r m m m I 1 " i i - i a m i r fc t v. X. WASII G E. EOG. A. P1UNCE & COS PATEN MTODiTE fl EACH f 39 Varieties, with Patent Basso Tenuto or bub Bass. ESTSchool Organs and Melotleons. Finished In Elegant Rosewood, TFalnut or OalL Cases. Js"o Charge for Baring or Shipping. T35,G00 Not in UseeSf All" ILIiTJSTRATED CATATjOOTJE, con taining fall description of style, and testimonials of tbe most eminent Musicians, as to tne superior excel lence of our instruments will be sent free to any address. TalC AUTOMATIC ORCAITS. In presenting the Automatic Organ, we boldly an nounce the Greatest triomrb in musical Instruments of tbe ace. Durio; tbe past half century, tbe French and Germans have manufactured reed instruments with double bellows, and two pedals for the feet to operate, but tbe want of tbe reversed or Exhaustion bellows, (which is tbe only bellows used in our iostiu- ments), made it impossible for them to produce the mellow, rich and musical tone for which our instiu- ants are celebrated. another objection to this method of blowing was thai, both feet being" occupied, no opportunity was of fered for the management of tbe sweil. Within the past two years, instruments constructed on this Kuro- pean piau or "double bio ors," bave been mannf ct- urca in this country, and to counteract thin difficulty (wnt of a swell) a lever bas been projected from the centre of tbe instrument, to act upon the swell, and operated by the knee. Tbe incoitvenienc and contor tion necessarr to effect this object are disagreeable etiuugh to a gentleman, but to a lady tbe use of seen an appendage is nearly impossible. Oi.r Automatic device obviates this difficulty entire ly, tbe simple act of blowiug with more or les force givins the desired increase or decrease lu tbe volume of tone. Tor seventeen years the superior excellence of our. I Uelodcons bas net t een questioned, and for two years past tbe enormous demand bas mado tt impossible for us to meet our orders promptly, w im our increased facilities, wc feel warranted in assuring our patrons that their orders will be promptly met, and solicit a coutinuauce of their patronase. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. y Caution to Purchasers. All our Instruments bavenpin i he name board, In full. "GEO. A. PR1NCK &CO." When a deaierrep resents any other instruments at "the same as ours," it is usually a mere attempt to sell an inferior instru ment, on which he can make a large profit. P. S A liberal discount to Churches, Clergymen and Schools. Addre8, JEO. A. PRINCE, &. CO., 89 Wishinston St, Or, Chicago, III. GEO. A. PRINCE &. CO.. Buffalo, N. T. May 1st. 1865. no33 v9-yly GREAT I31iROVE2IEXT IN SEWING MACHINES. EF.'PiRE SHUTTLE MAGHiN rill la I I I Patented February llth, I860. SALESR 0 0 V, 536 BR OAD JVA F, JV, Y. 252 WASHING TON, St. B OSTOJt TIIIS MACniNE is constructed on entirely new principles of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound expcitl, and pronounced to be Simplicity and Perfection Combined. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, mnkes tho LOUiv or SHU1J LE IS'ilTtJU, which will neither RIPcr ItAVEL, and is alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather to the finest Nansook Muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thread, from tbe conrest to tho finest number. Having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, ana is EmTjhatlcallT a Noiseless Machine. It requires Fir TY PrJK CliNT less power to drive it than any other Machine in tho market. A girl twelvo jears of ago can work it steadily,witb- out fatigue or injury to health. IU strength and Wonderful Simplicity of con. struction rtnders it almost impossible t get out of order, and is GUAUAM hho by tho cempany to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invito all thoso who may desire to supply themselves with n superior a: tide, to como and examine this Unrivalled 'achino. But in a more especial manner do we solicit the patronago of Merchant Tailors, Coach Makers, Hoop Skirt Manufac turers, Shit and boson Male ers. Coset Make Gaiter Fitters, shoe binders. Vest and Pantaloon Makers, Dress Makers. eliriioutand Charitable IiiHtitHtiouB tcillbelibe- rally dealt talk. Prices of Machine Complete: Nc. 1, Family Machine, with llcmmer, teller a-id Jiraider, $60 Io. ,hmill MinuTaeturing, with Extension Tablo 75 No. 3. Large Manufacturirg.with Extension T,blo 85 o. 4, Laro Mantifiicturinj, for Leather, with liolling Foot and Oil Cup 100 One half houraiuutruclion in mfficieitt to enille any pcrion to tcortc una Machine to Ifieir entire tatitfaction. Agents Wanted for all towns in tbe United State?, wnere Agents are not already established. Alio for Cub.i. Mexico, Central ' and South America, to wPotn a liberal discount will bo given. Terms invariably Cash on dclivory. T. J. McArthur & Co., i:j(l Broadway, New York. A. Si Co. 552 Washington, St.,Boston 70 Chestnut St., I'bila. GEO. FRAXZ, Agent, 102J., 4th. St.Lcui', Mo. FGb. th 1805. lOI'Jly A&C. PLANT & BROTHER, Established in IS45. Agricultural Machinery, GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, hose, rACKir? and pumps RUBBER 4 LEATHER Belting. C03I2XISSIOX MERCHANTS, Consignments of Grain, Seed, Tobacco and Cotton respectfully solicted. JCSTSign of tho GILT PLOW . ST. LOUIS, MO. Send 5 cents for postage far Illustrated Catalogue. January lth ISG6. 4 months 10-17 d.nnJSW LEGAL NOTICE. Pelcg Toupain will take notico that Clara Tou pain a complainant, di J on the 4th diy of April, a. d. ib'o, tilo a petition in the district (Joart of Nemaha County. Nebraska Territory, in cboncerv. against the said l'eleg Tcupain as dtfendant, the objcctnnd prayerof said pctitionis toobtain a de- crce in f avor ot paid Complainant, divorcin her I from tho bonds cf matrimony from the Faid defend- I ant, and alio giving siid Complainant custody and control of her infant Son. Upon the ground, that raid defendant bas uescrtea and abandoned said Complainant for moro than two years. That?a;d defendant bas and does neglect and rcfa.?o to pro vide a snitablo maintenance for said Cemplainant and said child, nnd extfemo eruclty of conduct towards comp'alnant by said defendant, and tbe said defendant is required ti answer said petition on or before Monday, the 2tth day of May a.d.lSSS. . TlrTON J: IiEWETT, 23 5t $11,00. Att'y' for Conplainant. Legal Notice. To All Whom it May Concern : Notico is hereby given .that John W. Dall, as Administrator, with the Will annexed of the Es tate cf William Wilson, deceased, bas fiicdin tha Offico of tho Frobatc Jude of Nemaha County, Nebrask.i Territory, his accounts for final settle ment of his Administration niuin : and that the faid Judje bas appointed tho 15th day of May, Ifcofi, at ten o clock, A. 21., as tho time for hearing and m.owing the tamo. JOHN W. HALL, Administrator. April 20th, 1S53. 2 t i,rd pd ISM 13 I LI B O L D FLUID EXTRACT OF 11EJOIHI1EJ AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE THE H0TTEIIT0TS Having long used Eor a Variety of Diseases. It wan borrowed from those rndo practitioners by THE Englisll and Dntca rnjslclans, On whose recommendation it was employed in Eu. rope and has now come into general use. IT IS GIVEN CHIEFLY IN Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of Hie Bladder, MORBID IRRITATION OF THE BLADDER AND URETHRA, FOR FE3IAEE WEaKIVESS and DEBILITY, For Prolapsus and Bearing Down, or Prolapsns Uteri, Diseases or The Postate Glands, Retention, ob Ikcontixekcb of Ukine. And all diseases requiring the aid of a diuretic arising from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation.. IT IS RECOMMENDED IN CASES OF CHRONIC RHEUMATIsM, Cutancoas Affections and Dropsy, To cora diseases we mast bring into action the muscles which are engaged in their various func tions. To neglect them, however slight may be the attack, is suro to affect th? boldly health and men ial powers. OUR PLESH AND BLOOD, are supported from these sources. PERSONS OF EVERY PERIOD OF LIFE From Infancy to Oh! Age. and in every state cf health, arc liable to be sub jects of theso diseases. The Cause in Many Instances are Unknown Tha patiet has, however, an admirable remedy in HELMB OLD'S Eluid Extract of Eucliu Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Editorial, Sept. 15. 1865. HEL M B 0 L? 1 Genuine Preparations. V His Solid and Fluid Extracts embody the full strength of the ingredients of which they are named. They are left to the inspection of all. A ready and conclusive lest of their properties will.be a comparison with those set forth in the Uniled State3 DisPensatory- These rem eaies are prepared oy n. i. neimuoiu.a drufrgist of sixteen yeaes experience in this city, and we believe them to be re liable ; in fact, we have never known an article lacking merit to meet with a per manent success, and Mr. Helmbold's success is certainly prima facie evidente. His Drug and Chemical Warehouse, in the Cl'lV of New York, is not excelled, if ... . equaiea, Dy any III tue country, and we u j J- i - 1 1 ! rf onpica Aiif rein q ro n.hfn i.i.-iiir. that city, to give him a call, and judge for themselves. elmbolc Estract of Buchu. HELMBOLD. JOHN F. MORRIS Agent for he above preparations. M 4. ' BaownviLLE, Nebraska. November . 1SC5, ly. 10-7-11-7 ea na. E. & H. T. A3TE33Y & CO.. 'Haasfictrirerj cf Photographic Ilatsn:, 31 E20ABTAY, X. Y. fa wt.mtoa Uxir miie kaiu-i ( rSH.T'JOaAPHlO KA Ytut ALS. nan buul(,aartr M 111. Unloving, Eieresscopcj sxi Stereoscopic tue-s. Lu.il Ban, Yorktown, Gettysburg!:, Fair Oaks, avao Sutioa. Fte.dericksbuxgh, Fairfax, Eichmond, Dee? Bottom, Monitors, Fort Horgaa, Charleston, Florida. Dutch Gap, Pontoon TraLas. Hanover Junction. Lockout Hou.atain, Ctickahosiiay, City Point. XashTiUa, Petersbnrgh, Pc'lo Plain, Chattanooga, Atlanta, llobib, Strawberry PiairiJ, co. cc. liMiririi nut For!fra CttlM .ml LjtndMspM, Grwpi, S'atui rj,tric Alto, Hvulvin)r SlcraacoM, tot public or ptit eiiiii:ba' Oih Cilo. will be unt to uy atiUrwaoa rteuft I SUuup. Photographic Albums. W. wv tK tni ts ialiwlnca Ihna Into th. Tnlt4 Sub ui Btannfitrtur. hnmriiM quaiitilie. In rnlt rarirlT, nirf. ' Id i lit (."" from iO nnU to Vj. Our A LKU Us hur. ih rrpu U'.inn nf bvtnea;miT in Ikviht m1 dursuilitv to may tir. Thar riil vnl b ii. h'HLivM reiof prir. tS"H ALHl'ilS MA.DI TO ORDKK.4j3 Tlia Iiaia will flad oar Albam.3 taj nost Saleable ttey caa bay. card nioTOGRArns. O'lr CUlr?o ik-w milinrM Ftru Tnovr 1Tfrt nihjertt (to winch ati.l'tiank v cnauaually big nU) of fcii Beiit A'lier'u-aui, Ac, viz : ImhH Iki M:ij-;n, li Lleiit Col. tV 3tnUmneti, liH) Brij Jill other U-S -r. tjl)ivia, t'&Ci'ioiielii, II Ny Otfcrt, Mi Autb.rK 4uArtut ll5SU;, W t'r.MMiimt W otnMb 8.0tK) Co)'k vf Work. ! Art. Inc!n.!;ng n-p t'"" ' "n( r!rtirstiHt Cnrntne Pmlitifv uiua. Jkr. CaUkloiriia. uut oo ript ui tiininpi An ,trdr (or On. Dim Pi-tur tia:a onr C.Aui,-u, will b. Cl!.l oa rit f 1 mJ tiy mnil. wz Pltotocrrplu-r. u-i thv jnlcr.int rwli C D . will piem lant't twrnty br. (hsrcv'iL of th. :irwlil 'lh Uicir r.lr. Jf 1!m i-rico. kuJ utlitf V ur tfU uuuwt Uil to aias Oct. 21th 1S95 10-6-11-6 fu,nn. - ! i or i as CO O CO in O o O O 0 is J CO 3 c3 o CJ Where a choice election of the fol- lowirjg article can alway be found, Fine Dress Goods. Consisting of poood beawtiful and cHeap, llalmoralls karts , Aub-.as, Hoed?, Shawli. Hosiery, Fino and' Coarse, bhoes Ladies Dre?a Gocds too numerous to mention. Also Gents Fino Hats, any, and every qualify of Boots and Shuc?. Collars, Fine bbirts, Under Shirts, &c, drc. Cannot do better than to trade with the undersigned. G.-M. HENDERSON. Oct.25ih 1865. 9 36-ly rdr.n. 3E ,3EL O 3r OF THE UNEQCALED BRANDS, "SLIGO,' G. D. H. 99 a TYRONE 99 IN LULL ASSORTMENT AT THE SL1G0 IRON STORE, 268 North Second Street, - ST. LOUIS MO. Parties Wanting our Brands of Iron will bear in mind that we have no nsencie., but confine sales in St. LotisM-j., to our own House. Our stock in storo is always very larg3, and em braces all manner of sizo common to the use of kail Uoad Coup nics, M.ichiuist, Miners, Wttgou-Ma- kers, Blow -Makers and Llacksin-itus. .Iso, constantly on hind full supplies of Cast, Blister and German Steels Hlow and Spkino Steels ; HBsr. .Mule ond Ox Shoe.?: Horse Nails "Steasi-IIammereo" and l4G." Files and Rasps; Screw Platts; Carriage Tire and Plow Bolts; Springs and Axles; Wagon Thimbles. Skeins and- Bolts; Anvils, Vie3 and Chains ; Tire Benders and Drills ; IIam.'jaks, Wagon Boxes, Malleabre Castings, &.C., &c, &C, In addition, we can offtr of best quality, SARVEN'S PATENT WHEELS ; WAGON AND OTHER WHEELS; HUBS, LPOKES & FELLOES; SHAFTS of various PATTERNS ; PDOW'HANDLES, Oval Shape, &c . Together with al; manner of WOOD-WOKS MA TERIALS u?ed in Wagons and Plows. Orders by mail solicited nnd faithfully executed. SLIGO IRON STORE 268 N. Seeond Street, St. Louis Mo. Geo. D. Hall, Successors o Lyon. Shorb & Co. PIANOS! PIAHOS! $350 to $1,400. H. H. SAZT0IT & CO., OT. XCTTIJ, MO. HAVE Constantly on hand ibe Largest Aort mentof FIKST-CLASS I'lANOS kei t by an nue House in the West. They ket-p the ULLIAUL IXSTUU.nESTS m;ide bv Wm. IJ. Bradbury, Chambers & G abler: , New York Fianoforta Company. James w. Vase. JIason & Haralln'3 Cabinet Organs, $110 to $1L?0 U ch. Al3o,on band Second-band Pianos, Slelodcans, 4c. 4c4 Which are sold at lUrffn ns. Sen.lfor" Circular" aud'Tnce-Li. Wreroomi: CorT Fifth & Walnut fUnder Souticrn Hotfcl) J.S.V7 10-My. 8I.wn3.SI0.' ? A c) twin lt ll , 4 44 L 4 li As the r:a:23 iz-Iiates, not only essxws white, whe.r'fr causcJ. dj osease, ziei cr 1 - cliaS?. It will certaL' y do what is coined for it, a fact to which mlrei3, ' thousand, who hare uawl it, rey and willia tc? testify. Where ose 1;tT i3 fairly nssd, in 'any comsiuuity, m j.'aiauuu -'wuj like TTiiii tre," i . ' ''iAthe test adrertise- nent and recct" ienda in wo desire. In tbEastcrnSf" ;3, niiCfCin iif.'"""" flnVirtiicd. 'fa T0U2Z laao s use it as & -- ' , - 1 Lair dres', jt: it u foun. on the toilet tables o'; nien, (aho at Vieir tirters), whileider men and women ho desire a Tfm rr and Restorative fcr tei.-Vrrey lOCiS ari bald heads will not t bo w'Out thia trticle, which gives in every instjJ C3- tixc setisfaction. Don't lot any dmist cr leulor urge upon yon a different article, us t!itro ii no preparation in the worlj !iko this, lki;iro of any article purporting to l tho same. Try IIALL'3 II A lit nBXITVVEIt accordics to Iireo tions.anJ y-u ill uso no other. If not sol. I at dru3?;ist, ia ycr town, a trial botfu will be sent yen bv evpress, upon receipt cfeno dollar by m.iL thu nivin yon nn opportunity at once ol twtirv it excellent yn!itie Orilors fjr trial faciei must be aJJrsed to C. A. CODK, Chicn-o. Can'! Aja.it for fJa.-thwsslera Statii, JL P. HALL 1 CO, Propi iotors, Kashna, N. II. Sold at WIIOLrSALE, In Chlcio, by FtTLLETt, ITNTa "A FULLEIt, BUKXIIAM3 & A'AX SCTIAACK, LCr.D k SMITII, SMITH k D'lTYEIt, J. U. KEED CO. OlAS. 0. SMITII, DIETZSOI, EL0CEI & CO., II , tCOYTL, TT. D. IIARRI3 CO, POST t BAD EAT, a&4 drusjists an J doalers generally. lu-1 i tfui. Ir,nu. c. e. & Co. isu2iiia tiouniiisnso dtf .loj Jiti.iinbito dsn otf liq iinojia opvvi o.tu tw.t i.ittiitoo ayt .t'j.io qj ss.tj.) ns it.J.tp -uo.il isom &m mia V2oli uuijq o.iy SU31H0 r;Giini!is::QD ipiiuofS 9fU JO VtUfS p,.tDp.tou V -itnhf (n.r')iq-.iv,jr m.va' '''tU-l dr losstyi .? mow fftifo tnipPV onOy ptto upjtj(Ifi(X uoj HOOO 193d83d V ft-tpttioJ 011 in ftuvpisfnicj jvsv).,?;.v pito iHJitmio.td -jso tn .tin Jo imtttt OIQ1!2KG03H A1E0III 9 Burnliam'& Van SchacI; Shores, 3)uiiiap& Co. Wholesale Agents, Clilcago. 10-H-firn. fr.r.n. ' c. c. A en. NOTICE. THE MODEL SEWIXfi MAriHNE. (Krom ttie New Yirk IleratJ) Prominent a:iiuiiJ the tip clunka! tri'um h- if this mo.-t lnj-'enii-us use. coniniiin h..ne.siy compels vs to n- - tice the Enit-irc Sewins ilnchine, cmiiioiKie-t h- juMty strley prrifctti-n itseii is-crui a l.ave t.-ecu ttic v- riom hewin? rucliin'. fn.iu time t. iidio ii eeotti to the piibiii". eai-h one of them tin rcen riirsfti w;th Home ratic li'cfeci, wliii-h detracts troni ,Trnerl u:i 1 1 jr. Warnel ty the rxoTience or iiis preueces-r!. Hie iiivi-nt.jr or ihe Erie Matliiiie lnn prod. ireJ mi iti- trnn;llt. Cuuibniiiu all tbe a-lvantases for which ollif rs are v;ni';te ! anil utjvi t'ioil every detect Mhii-li an be Htlnbtited t them by tli ui jst fjHti.iioi; critic The Kmpire M.irhiue i"a iuar elnus i-oiuhiiMtion r umplKii y, ecinemy anJ pi-sfccl Wirk-hiu bems ilu-a- lie, iree from li.il ilny t set out oi orlcr. n.isele.-! and easy-vf operation. Its mechanical contrivance Is suih as toyecute btability, fre'loin trom acci lt-nt,Hii'l accural y a to wurktu -bip. Bytiieuso of tho pat ented fliiutle ami uracil i needle it tnakcj ticr- winch can neither rip nor ravel while, at ire Mme time, it can nperato perfectly upon evpiy specie of material froni leather to catnhi ick, with threap of cut ton, Juicn cr silk from the ii:iest to the coarsest num ber. As the Empire Machine i-t gradually supplanting its more antiqiie rivals, no one i;i wantuf a userei intru- men i of this discri ptiun, bb bo or he tailor, cr ach ma ke, dressmaker or fOiimstrtss, can do otherwWi than secure one of these ecomitcal ainJ :uimitable naolii"e sailed alike for fami y ard niaiMifa-1 uno puiposes The ofilce of the Kmpire Menufucturlns Co. i at Ao. 635 Urjailwoy, New York Cur. wher tbey are t,ow 8tipplyin tliese Kmpire Machines at price far telow tbe real value of the iustrumeuti. New Virk Herald Feb. 6th lj;s5 10 19 A S.C Hannibal & St. Joseph H ON MISSOURI RIVER. Tri-wetklv Packets (Hannibal and St. J.ser,h II. Ii. Line) icnvc Omaha, Council UiuITj, rl.it' mr.utli. Nelnska City. Urowiivilie and interui-.-di- ate lmtiits fi r St. Ju.eih, connecting at StJ,iTi u .. ... . ..... . with tritr.. on ii.inn.i.ai and n.. Jitsepn u. u., ij..v- in-' St -ei h a 11.31)1. M., arriving at QUINSY, CHICAGO & ST. LOIIS t Im ni aftt-r Al4 , tJiii. daily aiolclosO iiL'c- i tion. from St JoNL- h to Au-hison. Wf ston, Lruvtr - worth. Wy tndotto, Kunsa City. Lawrence, T-r- Hi. via 1'l.irte Country K. K.anl fteamcr Etnilie III. A St. J.. K. K. Line l.e ive St -lo.-cr h 5..15 A. M.. Ja-m veuwi rth 8.0 i a II , Wyandotte 10. CO a M Karn'a Cut 10..10 a. si.. lreru-e af 5 09 K 31. '' 1IIS0UGH TICKETS LOIt SALE by Porter A Utuet,Om;li;i, l. W. Hiti h.-otk. Coun cil lHufTs, K.C. Leis ri.irt.-ux.ulh. E, S-Hiwlcy. Xcbn.ka City, iluy through tickets acd lave money. Extensive rrairs on the TTanxibal A St. Jo f FPU KAll-KO.n. new iroi,t:e and additional roll ing stack rnable them to Ger thei-e important chan ges to facilitate TRAt Et. BY this i:oi tk. C. W. Mead. (Joner.il Superint.-nl-nt. P. II. Croat. Central Tiekot Aent. II II. CorKTKiUHT, Gen'iFreight Agen. Ianuib.il, M, Capt. Hrfrs Fokd, Supcrintei.deni Packet Liae.Sf. Joseph. Mo. THEO. HILL, Ag't. Brcwnville. I.IarriaG and Celibacy. An say ot Warning and inMruction for Yor.va ilEK. AUo. Di"e!fcs and Abase which prematurely Prostrate tho ital J owcrs, with sure liiMDJ cf relief, tcrt Free of Ctarge, in t-ealcd ietier envelops Addres?, l;r. J. bivILLI.N HOUGHTON, Howard Aiociation, Pbila lelrhia rennsyltaci. 10-13 I year e,nn the growth of tho hair tvhea t:a tnl faia j c2, bu po3itiTel rentxt tU color crisl-al JiJa whea it is turning r; or (Succeascps to IIcLr:SL:in NimaU Ts'L-y Bunk Eu;:j:ny We respectfully aniiouueo b tt n.v Bo.via st Now and Large Stock cf 'A A i ;j '' -'I -fx 1 r - To which they invite the of purchasers. YOU WILL FIND THE BEST Sn?ars, Teas, Rio ana J2T3 ff f ! fe, Pure Cider Ylbcsnr srJtr Oil at k9 0. Canned Fruits in great variety c; J of the bent quality ; Catsup, pid. Oysters. Sardine, Claim, Fr?.$ jllustard, Worcestershire Scu:z jrj Western Reserve Cheesed I SWAN & BK0S.I Su.n nnd Brother, desire to c:J j particular attention to their hr and varied Stock of Tobacco. consisting cfNatur.il Lfif and Nectarine and cher favorite tr;i!;.' of PIu? Tolu co' tu.d test ;ualtii Fine cut and molin. ToLaa-o. Wrought and Cut N.uK, of all iz Spades. Shove's. Ikouins, Sewing Tv ire. and Scoop Shovels at SWAN & BUO'i Tlie Iiluliest hrlcccsld for Cc"crr 1 Lgs, anU country produce U i f Consult vour intcrst lv x.n':! ing Swan & Em's. Goodd and rric. j before huvinc: elcwlur:.'. ! v-lO-n-4 ly. i HCRTH MISSOURI FAIUOAi I CO.VXECT.S lue iTa-.wb.! A Sr..T. R. i. at.Mfl nCitjr,llS E.stof St J-v-rfi aulf nn ONLY ALL RAILROAD KOl'TC j To St. Lnui and A!. I. 1'OlNTS EA?T,'tuT3 j an SOUTH via St L u:j Jlaiijs Ciiei-ked 'lhrotih,ard b j'-1 ff" ! el.argtf. Ticket Agents of 11 A .-t. J. Uw'i j will ct-t di-erinii:.ite, ai;d i-a-.-cni.-r-i wiil L..vet' j chooe thc;r nwi riiurf . h .in; Ly tl..s rete : t. sa uie to Xew York, I'iiil i.ii'Ip.ii.t. Uojr.ftt, j more, Ciiicinnatti. ai.d all poiuU Lxt iibi' f Ch'iM"' or anv other rouu. i I'j's-curcri rur.baiD' tivket viX'u " i sot ri K;i;:ro;;d h.ive this ;i Ivan:.'zmr-r tl k' i uk Ru kot?; Thev will avoid I jf) w l-'4 '' ';' f Navi.-ition by niht, thi uti.iv -i I illi J T.y-i dt nt to S( a:u''jokt Xavivsiiu : Ue.-:d;-t" North Mo. R. K. Trains i Await Dtlijs ou the 11. A St. Jo. Ha iruua. Um pnsrci.cers atertawi ci nr.r ti n iu w ' ... ... . . - . . i i . .t f. po.-?;oii-.ty oi i(..-ing ci niic-tiii w.ta a no:u . i .. i .. .. i n.. ; . .. i i k ii.iii.j in j t:wct, V7ill Mate Quicker ..... ..... ... , t ii-. Alniitr lidvaolMrt is. llj lain cjnn.--tiin wilh t!;c uhio i j:,-;.i:.pi, hirt'i- X Croat Western, St L u:tTit:i,;;s, Si L liif A ('hie.i., i:'lr..:-d. 1 1 o and i. tt dm r: ly rqu-pC'l rw-ad ia t!i" 1 .i."st i;t;oi h .vb luo iint t il'sf. BC , i. to.n w:t!i Ihc ..rtii Jlis-!;un r:u r ai. anjw aboi e miui d Jihads-TAV.K Th K W.t- ,,. T c'i cm be Lai at I be t;ikct cm " - Hannibal A St. J..ieili A. II, in M-fe,B. .r , As fr ticket Ly way tf lorta '; u.' ,i Hoad, anp sco tlat your Pit;yce ,"''" Through. ISAAC .1 L '-y-. Frcaidentand Gm'l Su't.: II 11 WiiLKU:. Cm 'lTc ktt A?er.tStMutf . L 31 DIWN Glh'1 Western A? P. H. EARLY, Si Jopb 31 i W 1 d! 4 Li. i. w . l'l 510 r Uy ee Eii-rvin, Crl l'la-t Statt stationary Our Stationary iVcko'-5''1' .'.t., ra ; c:h !i l.i.k ij contains I'i p.r, End f I Vnei'H, f.c, nn.l jewelry w rtu doilarit & era i Price only '60 Cents a .11 . tt i- - 'V II .M..j i.r tif . lot mat Will eii lor J i .ij :i nerd a simple lot for isve UidUrs ir.ai" Eltecn I)ui!ar. . Scud Stamp for C-t'alinc, Term-.- . HASKIiNS&l'O-. Feb. 4 13 j I-y 31 UeekiDanJrjl- LEGAL NOTICE. S.mucl A. J. Bale wi:i take n v ' .Mary J-C. il?e a c.-mp! ilvi int bn f" JV ti. n in cft iR'-err li tiii Uitioi 1 - .P4 r,. ii iff .-hra,k.i itir'" .1 bnu as rwp.n lent : the object w-1 l. t. tl it I. : .. . 1.. . - - .! T. rein C' " r.ai-tJ' giving to be.- the cost dy f h. r ii.l it.1 ril e;; Said respondent is required to anjwtrl'7 day of May ISoV.. " ,E. 2-4t d,na LEGAL NOTICE. Jjn.cs Dice i:i iiike notice in."" " . t . t 4,' Lit' J been commenced in th Lonnfy, .fora'ii i erritory . wm-i. - rlaioiiJ, and Jamoa Uice i- dcJendtnf, rS ! ancrdcrof attaebmfot r been V !i 1 and :ho following Ileal K-ttte, to-wit : ia j f . half of the South west quarter ' f ',"D' (, -r- ( 1 4) in Townnhij, four ( 4 ) North, of ;-..,,.. teen (14.) East of tbe tith r"01,1!'1 ' ,,hA I Xemaba County, Xebrek:. bas bcei lfar j belonging to said Ja-a.: i.-e. 158 " .'J.'ji tion is t, obtain a jrj.Igm?ut of - ti terest from the l J:h Jay t Octi-V-r. uJ . ; money due said plaiati fra J. i9 ... , , .. .i ... j,.un . - r f.romi.".ry note miuj oy . x sjSr, T of Mid John Cri.u.datei Aprs ' j j also to cbtaia an tr-ler for tho "'V; " ' ed froprty, and the Ppik-4t.o-. o. . j.-.J tbeiaycentr-f said claim. Dcfnaaa si J; ; lj mister suiu j . . . cfiIay,a.d.lSod. cn,s.G.r0y ;.V5tff,ns Atfy f-Tfcrr ' we ii . a , i ;3tlo..:lry ruckag- i d .i!vi;r ,.J j W o a!. j.ublUJr s. l' tidid Steel fcn,T'ss- ; I'lTtMit Lithi.graj.1 rr.:.ts.fc-,v,ry pjj- f t I ii;i!otb!e. Wilt euJ a Cna a.-..r ist-u!- , .. j 3l5.0(j tht will retii:- fifty do l r.-. T 'a ; i 1 ! i ! ! I i ?