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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1866)
- LOO AL. "r'ink 1'erds, Mortzngcs, Executions, Replevins, Liccnsc.&c. Ac. Ac. for Fale at this Oflbe. tin . . I" - n-rTW T T A T.TC I, I m . i , AgPIit in St. Louis for this paper, will attend to . (Ustnut Street, X. E. cor. Ith. "sUOV. NVH.I.r, TIIUKSPAT, MAY, 3 , J8M. Tosl OClcc Hours. Opne, 7.30, a m. closes 9, p. m. Jistern Mail clones at 5 o'clock, p. ta. Northern Mail closes 0:30, p. m. Western Mail close s,Monday,7:30,a.rn A. D. Marsh, P. M. Worry not thy sweet soul for choice Goods, Henderson &, Co. have 'em. Summer Suit?, of all descriptions, rU !;;nscn & Co's. Sands CMcago Ale s In superabundance at Worthing's Saliva. Choice Brands of Totaaco.and Cigars tl Marsh &-Co's, . .Summer Hat?, of all descriptions, at A'kinon i Go's- Hour! Choice Jot of Hamhurg' Flour, just received at ' SWAN & BRO'S. Full stocVof Boots and Shoes at At- . Fine Cider Vinegar at Marsh & Co's. FotOmce Buildiong. District Court P r tlii .1 iidifinl District, will in this City on the 23d. Cassimere Suit?, full assortment at Atkinson & Co's. New Sicck of Thotographic Albums c r.d fancy Photographs at March & Cos. Gent's Furnishing Goods, full and cor.: lite stock at Atkinson & Co's. M;p!e Sjgar, Sassafrass Bark and Taitiit Medicines at Marsh &. Co's. 100 Sacks XXX St. Louts Flour! Ju.-t received, p r Steamer Kate Kear-n-y. T1IKO. HILL & CO. Atliiion 5c Co., tell low, you know, li tre's the place to jo, you bet ! A choices njpply of White Fish, Cod u h and Matkeral, jut received at SWAN cc BRO'S. As :i I.-;-) Fih H.toks and Lines. .'Yin. II, .IkCreerT, cr the City P.itr and Window Shades of tvery vr.ric " Fino Imp.ri ll Tea, Choice Rio Cof fee ar.d Genuine South Cifolina Rice at : ,.k v- r.v. i nr , t..,i and Lot tor Sale, on Main Mreet, in the City of Brownville, at a Iv rgain! Kivpire at this office. Jtf Ne-.vli.joks and Novels just received ".t Mar?h 5c Co's. News Depot.Subscrip t: ns reieivfd for all the principal News-p.-rers and Sprirgle Si ilcPhetson have had late ly thy best supply of Logs, and are turn i' g cut the best lumber. as well as the choicest supply of Flour in the Market. LlniC! LlRlCli I have now and will uiantly keep on hand enough Lime to S'.Tf'ly the market, at rny Kiln on the Nemaha at Long's Bridge. 3--tf HLNRY HARMON. For Sale I Eighty Acres of Valua- "ic a-uuu a. iii. oe qr, iii, o, ii wun in 10 miles of Brounville and near Glen Keck ; water, stene -arid timber on it. At a hargain ! Enquire at this office. tf Down Hllli Hie Trices! rcCreery, of the City Drug Store, has just received a large invoice of New Goidsin his line, which are going off rapidly on account of the . low rates at T-hLh he is selling". Farmers, Attention! Evan Wor- tbii?g is Agent for the Quaker Mower, Ntu- York Cohibincd Reaper and Mower Ik-tl.eye Cuhivator, -an'd "Prtfs Bufialo Thrashing JIachines. Samples can be fH-n jasi below Thil. Deusef's Variety Store. Spring and Summer Clcathlns. iripg iho past week the firm of At kinscn 5c Co., have received a large and extreme stock of Snrin? and Summer A-.uUv.rg. of the most fashionable make, flr.d xvhich thry will tell at prices which Steamboat Bnilctln.. Theo. Hill &. Co., Steamboat Agents ... a liiis city, are keeping regular tele grnphic bulletin of the time of depart ure of boats from above and below. This will be a great assistance to travellers and others. HcPZicrson's Hall. Thi Hall has just been' finished up in pplndid style by the Eph copal denomi nation of this city, as a place of worship. It is 22 feet wide by 70 feet long, with a-good high cealingl Fitted up with taste, and nicely seated, it is by far the finest Hall in the city. Swle Glass DIer For 5 cents a glas? at Worthing and Opelt's Saloons. Now and hereafier the soul .inspiring, ncn-intoxicating, health inspiring, and slightly exhilerating bev erage known as Lager Beer will be sold at the above named Saloon's at 5 cents class. On a Sand-Bar. Wc learn that steamer Nellie Rogers is high and dry on a sand-bar just above Rulo, waiting for the June rue. She grcunded during the highest stage of water, since which the river has fallen about eight feet. She was bound for the mountains- Marsh & Co.. has jest received a rplcdid Stock of Stationery, Pens, Pen holders, Arnotds writing Fluid, Donells Carmine Ink, American Playing Cards, Hair, Clothes and Tooth Brushes, Toilet Scaps, Perfumery, Pocket Cutlery etc., which they propose to sell cheap for cash. A Democratic Mass 'Convention will meet next Saturday, at 2 o'clock, at Mc Phe rson',3 Hall, in this city, to make Leg islative nominations and dispose of the Sfate question. We hope they will as sume no false colors, and nominate a good ticket ; for, in' the language oc. their candidate for Chief Justice, "it retches a fellow like h 11 to kick at nothing." An extended examination of Theo. Hill Sc Cc's stock of Goods, will convince all that it is ths most complete ever brought to this Market, comprising any and everything that could be called for. His Ladies' Dress Goods are trully su perb ; and the stock of Lades' Gaiters, etc., cannot be excelled in any eastern market. Go there if you want to buy anything, for hp has everything. We are pleased to announce that cur townfman A. W. Morgan is duinrr well under the circumstances. Hn affliction j ist at the'presert time kepping him from the management of his extensive Plow Factory during the busiest sp-aon of the year is aer one, loth finan cially and coiporially. We hope our farmers, who are most interested, will show a juit appreciation of Lis enter prise, and the excellence of his Riding and Gang Plows, by calling, examening and purchasing. The Circus. Din Castillo's Great Circus will ex hibit in this city next Monday afternoon and night. From all we can learn it is the finest Circus cn the Continent, hav ing the finest stock, and the troupe of Actors are all Stars. It has exhibited in all of the principal cities of the Lni on, drawing crowded house from" the people and compliments from the press wherever it went. The leading feature of the exhibition is the Cage of Wild Lions and Lionesses with whom Herr Lengell perforins feats unparallcd in history. Dan Castello has become famous for giving the people the worth of their money wherever he shows, and none should fail to witness the exhibition next Monday. See Advertisement. A mistaken notion seem3 to prevail to some extent as to the resignation of F. It. Amsden, County Commissioner from this District. He has not yet resigned. He voted for the submission to th people of the tax proposed for the Wagon Road and the purchase of the Toll Bridge at Nenvtha City. Mr. Arasden has been one of the Lett and most impartial Com missioner we have ever had. Sometime since under the impression that Mr. Amsden wculd resign immediately we, by request of many from the country and a few of the pleading men of this city, urged the appointment of Judge Rpnne dy, which, though not yef done, we are still better satisfied now would give most general satisfaction. Is the City of Brownville responsible for the nets of its Clerk? It seems not, as he gave U3 an election notice to pub lish fcur weeks before the April election without instruction ; we published until the election and handed in our bill, icAicA was cut tfo-u n one-half, not that the charge was exhcibitant, but on account of the negV-ct of ihexr Clerk (who is now a mem ber of the Council) to order it out I It serves us in this wise; we have to work at cash rates or Orders worth 75c cn the dollar, have our bill cut down one half to 37 1-2 on the dollar and then the Council delays allowing us that in time to pay our taxes, and subjects us to the penalty for not paying them ; which penalty deduct from the 37 1-2 cents and you l ave our pay for City Work I Just received at J. C. Deuser's Stove and Tin Store a large and well selected stock of Cook Stoves, viz; Charter Oak, Buck's Peerlos, and the Celebrated Hearth Stove ; also, a superior stock of elevated Oven Stoves, the most complete pitterns ever offered in this market. Also, cast Teaktltles, Washboilers, Skil lets and Lids. A choice lot of Indiana Wagon Timber, such as Yokes, Fellows. Axels, Toungs, Wagon Bows, Plow Handles. Sec , Sec. He also keeps on hand a superior stock of Sl'go and Tyrone Horse Shoes and Nails, Ox Shoes and Nails, Tlow Steel for large and small Plows; sett Springs, Buggy Axels, Iron and Wooden Pumps. All for sale cheap for cash. 32-2t dtf y competition. the City Brewery, l avirg bc n re cently rthucd and extended, is now pre pared to supply any and all demand for tr that may be made. This Beer is .winaing deserved fame wherever it is rfrank, and being sent for from abroad. SIIRINER oc BRIXGEL. If faith wnuld cure disease, ourphysi-io-ans' occuration would be ccne ; the j tifilicted need but read the advertisements in the papers to be "made whole;" but the nostrums prepared by these pseudo doctors does not often "back up" the faith inspired by these advertisements. We do not mean. to condemn all so-called pa tent medicines, for seme have been found to be very valuable. In this class we would include Cce's Cough Balsam, for ' coughs, croup, hoarseness, Sec, and Coe's j Dyspepsia Cure, for indigestion, dyspep I sia. and all troubles of the stomach or bowels -thay have been tested in thous . ands of cases. Our dealers all sell them. 1 For sale a: GocJ Samaritan Dreg Store Cholera. The following circular, with regard to the best means to prevent Cholera, wa3 issued by the Board of Health of the city of New York. The directions are so plain that all may understand, and in out-citizens following them impl c.t!y lies our chances to escape this scourge : Cholera is generally a prevenlible dis ease, and in its early stages can be pre vented, if the habits be good. Study, thertfor, temporance in fating and drink ing. Do not believe that alcoholc stimu lant? are useful :n guarding you against an attack Let the food be nutricious, and keep the digestive organs in a health ful condi'ion. Use no stale or uncooked vegetables. Let your meat pe fresh and your vegetables be well cooked, and all fruits be fresh and riperA Cleanliness of the body is of the first consideration. Keep the skin in a healthy state by bathing the whole body, with a free use of soap. Cold bathing is best used in the morning never before going to bed. Dry frictions or the warm bath may be more safely used ju it before going to bed. Cleanliness in your homes is of equal importance. Let your apartments be dry never damp. Suffer n-j decayed vege tables or stagnant water to remain in your cellars or yards. Any disagreeable smell from privies, cess-pools or sinks, is a proof of thtMr unhealihfulness. Remove them by ijectsr-nry repairs, limp, chloride of lime, or whitewashing Ventilate well your houses and apartments. Expose your bedding to the air and sun. Avoid exce.-sive fatigue-, k ep regular hours in eating and cdveping. Wear iU:?.nels next the suin. A g',od plan is, if the boweU are at nil disordered, to wear a broad band of flanne's (a fia.-iuel btlly-band) around, the b-;dy. re-iching from the hipi to tiie rib.-; main a in the niturral temper ature of the boiy by sufficient clothing; especially keep the feet warm. Never, whin heated, sit on the grass or stone seats, or sleep under an open window. If exposed to wet, change your boots and clothes as soon a9 possible. Take no purgative medciines, exept by direction of a physician By order of the Board of Health. Emmcns Clark, Secretary- The internal Revenue Commissioner has decided that a stamp must be affixed to every name attached to subscripiton papers unlss the signing is accompained by the immediate payment, of the amount subscribedif made at once the signature is regarded merely as a mem orandum. The amount of Stamps depends on the nature of the subscription. If it be simply a promise to pay the amount named, the stamp must be the sarrf as required on a promissor' note, namely, five cents, for every hundred or a con dition precedent to be performed by the person interested in obtaining the sub scriptions as, for instance, the delivery of a book, th-jn the transaction h in the nature of an agreement, and is subject to a duty of five cents. A captain of a passenger boat, on the Lak Pontchartrain, plying between New Orleans and Mobile, permitted a common Jena consumed it the la-nes of the ffnmWpr t inriIP a nnssener out of T1?. cf wh'm l!Lthe &750 by the ingenious contrivance known as th "sweat" cloth. Judge Busteed decided that the manager cf the vessel was bound to protect his passengers from fraud and imposition, by preventing such practices, aud directed a decree to be entered against the captain for the amount taken from the passenger. The decision involves a question of great importance, and is, we understand, to be taken to the Supreme Court. The Convention paid a deserved com pliment to a sound, cler headed and able Democrat, who knows what it costs to be such, in thai portion of the Territory, by selecting T. W. Bedford, of Nemaha, as its President. Mr. Bedford possesses excellent qualifications for presiding in such bodies. Intelligent, prompt.dignifi ed and courteous, he is a good parlia mentarian, and the choice of the Conven toin was doubtless aware of these merits cf Captain Bedford in selecting him to preside over its deliberations. Herald. 10 Acres of. Timber Land For Sale. I haue, for sale, at 830 an- Acres, ten acres of , Good Tirater Land, lying with in two miles of Brownviiie, and joining J. L. Stanton's farm, to whom or to Wm. H. Hoover I refer for further particulars. 32 3t C. ENGLEMAN. OSAGE ORANGE jEEI S3 23 G- Z Gr . I hTC located myself in tbis Territory Tor tbepsr pose of iriakitg Fecce for the Farmers of Keprssb. 1 will injie a fence in frcm 3 to 6 years and gie tte tamo time to pay for it ia, at a charge of mm S1.25 TO S2.00 PER ROD. To all who wish me to Co their Fenrinjr prep re yoa ground in tlie foliowir.? manner : If it li ?rairi e plow m strip one rod wiJe leaving a dead farrow la tie cen tre, plow from one and a h!f to two inches deep; la the Fall harrow it, then bids furrow it; aiia ia tho Sprius borrow and your ground W ready for the Plan'.s. Ia old ground back furrow in Aazasl b-'f are the weeds go to eed. I tball censmape to iet out next Sprit?, commenc ing below Nemaha and goin; np as far as possible, probab'.y beyond Omaha, tikia; a strip cf country from 25 to S3 mile from the Missouri river. To thos? who have lar?e tracts cf land to fence I will fence for thf ni and take my pay in Und if tie wish. Any one deinn any inforniitiin abjut nedi:i!r cia ad dres me at Brownviiie. To thje who have plar.t f their (j and woulJlike me to make them a be ljre fence I will take their plants in part par; or 1 win furnish tLeniwith iUftrtxti-ju for $1.00 tht will teii them bow to nifke a good fence and the jpeiJicst way to make it. I a!so furnih receipt for d.trcying ibteiiupher. Ageau wan ed to tell Fl jnts in Kausas Nebraska, Iowa and Hissctrri. 82-f P. O. Box 12, BrowaviUe, Nebraska. BLOOD ! HUMOR 7 rWivelj cure SCUOFrLA. ERYSIPELAS, DYSPEPSIA, IXDIGESTIOS, IIEARTBCKX, or any HUUOU in theF.LOOD or STOMACH, and fr PURIFY'.NG tho SYSTEM nnd ERADICATING all TRACES' OF DISEASE this remedy has no equal, ami for Building vp the Syttem, Risd giving new Strength od Vigor. Its unr-ara'.lcd ucce5 finee its introduction, and the wonderful cures it has and is daily performing are its best puarrantee and we earnestly desire that every sufferer shall pivo it a triivl. Sold by all Druggists. Ftico osc dollar a bottle. BROTHERS, ST. LGUIS, Proprietors. TGH! ITCEI! SALT ITCH SALT RHEUM! BKOWIVILLK Win cure Vie ITCH or SALT ItUEUZl. ina few applications. It also cures prairie Scratch es Chilblains, Ulcers and all Eruptions of tho-ekin, where other remedies have been tried in vain, cures speedily and thoroughly. Price 50 cents a box. Sold by all drurrtrits. ty sending f0 cents in a letter to COLLIXS liROTIIERS, S. W.cor. 2nd A Yiao bts., St. Louis, Mo., it will be sent by mail free cf postage, x 80-ly ro,miTSW3 EKROKS OF YOUTH. A (.Jentlernan who suSVred for yoirs from Ncrv on Debility, Premaiuro Decay, and all the eSVctf of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffer ing h, s-?ml fr?e to all who need it, the ro ( cipc and directions fir ranking the fimplo moody by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to prof it by tho advertiser's experience. canNta s by ad dressing JOHN 15. OGDEN, No 13 Chesnut St., New York. WANTED! Agents, Malo and Female, at $75 to $150 per month, to sell the celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Machine pnicE sis.oo This Machine will do all kinds of work equal to thi bih priced Machines, r.nd is the otily practic i! and ie liable Che ip Sowing Machine in the world. Addroi SEVOJIG d: CO., CbicPgo.Uls , or Clerclond, O. Principal OHco,No. 2 Custom Ilousi Plaoe Chicago 10-2tt ly C,nn Geonp PrrflJiL Plaintiff, Ileforo Frederick Al Vrilliatn Vi". Rnd.'ill Dcfcn- J bounty, Territory ol tliir.t j .Nebraska On the Gth day of April, A. D. 1SG6 said .lu.ti o issued tm order cf attachment in the nbove fiction for the sum often dollars. Fairvicv,N.T. GKOPJ'.K DHYANT. Jfr. IMPORTANT Myrtle rasioFsVTO LADIES. ) rau. for females; Are the only nafc and truly tfftcfi re medicine for Fcm.,',cs extant. I. not trifla with your btalth, ar.d nse cheap and dangerous medicine, which drug gists may have bcughf, and will roomniond to you, heir, g igr-orant of their qaalit;cs. Mjs. Wiaslow'f Mystic Pills are m;!d in their operations ; corre3 all irregularities and painful menstruation; remove all ob.-tructions, whether from cold or otherwise. No umden, wife or .mother should bo without them. Try th m use accord ng to directions, and we know the result v ill bo a; dt sirer. Ask for Mrs. Wins low's Mystic Pills. Take none other. Price 2.00 per box , or three boxes for 5 dollars. For sale by ill drugzlsts. Peter R!ow, Gen. Agaat, St. Louis.. March 22d, 1CM JL0.26"1 From WILLIAMS' ADVEUTISIN G AN F VTEN'i li AGENCY, 67 Che stnnt-E t., St. Louis, ilo. Every Lady and Gentleman should use FOK THS r HA WILEY'S " FOB TEX TeethDENTAL CREAM p' It not only purifies and perfumes the breath bui renders the testh sound and of a pearly whitencs? and the guai3 healthy and strong, and ia tho most elegant and agrecablo ot a'l toilet appendages. Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents a package alln sent by mail ostago paid by COLLINS DUOTd ERS, S. W. Cor. 2d 4 Yine Streets, St. Louis, Mo. on receipt of 35 Jan. 4th 1S66 6ra 10-15 J.S.W. c,nn. Lyon's Periodical Drops. THE GWAT FEMALE REME DY FOR IRREGULARITIES. HRG .K& HEVETT. Rcspectfally annonnce to the pubtlo that they are manufacturing the LEEPEft & KIDDEU RIDKG PLOW OR CORN CULTIVATOR. AISO KNACK'S GAXC2 TEENCH PLOWS. e hare theexclu3iT3 right to the manufaetare and fa!e of these plows in this Territory and ad joining counties cf Missouri, and intend to supply all demands so far as p.acticable. ' It is conceded by all who have tested the Leeper & Kidder Cultivator, that it is superior to ali others, in the following respects : 1st. Tbe plowman can ri le easier and plow with less labor. 2nd. Any person who can drive a team can man ge it. 3d. Crooked rown of corn are plowed as easily and thoroughly as straight ones, the plowmans'it ting so as to observe the corn, aud see it the work is well done. 4lh. It is guided by perfectly natural and easy foot inotios, and does uot cramp or tire the plow man. 5th. The plow, while in motion, is moved with perfect case. 6th. Tbe shovels may bo adjusted to any depth, and any desired space betwesu them is easily ob tained. 7th. It has adjustable ihields to prevent yoang corn from being covered. 8th, Itis aJmirably adapted to plowingln small rsin. Every cultivator is well made, of good material, and warranted to do good work. We rofer to the fallowing named persons, who last year bought and used the cultivator manufac tured by Morgan & Mead, in Atchison county, Mis souri, to-wit: A. J. Richardson, Nemaha county, Nebraska. Sedoras, W WTate, T J Robinson, Mr Uiggsby, A ShoLubeit, do do di do Richardson Shoemaker & Co do Jesdee Cr-,ok do J B Waliii-i'y Gaga do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do J II Parker, Ate; ison county, Missouri. John an Meter M J Porter AS Campbell W II Yanloven John Rsirder David Dertrand do do do do do do Jacob Jaliawcnny do Andrew Ruck do Mr Cristy do W C Morgan do Wm May do W T Robinson do Moses Tibb&trs do Stephen Clajton do G W Wo-Ley do Mr Terrell. do Mr McDonald do Mr Burnett do A Hillinan do Mr Turner do MrLargiey do Thomas Arnold do Rudolph Ritchie do '115451 Lanstctng"- do May Jt Lahuo Bennct King P Barnburst S C Woods G W Smith Phillip Walters II II Vanloven JC Miller A Morgan O V Halcr R C Ca? ey Mrs Sihujler J R B, ad lord L A Rogers T J Rogers . J II Walker - SDa.-'fori Mr Crocker J D Enock M Fisher John Tidgen Wm Hickman D Tuoinp son do do do do do do do do Nodoway do do do do do do do do do do Uolt do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do lo do do ao do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do da do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do" do do do THE GANG, TRENCH, y Thee Drops are a scientifically compounded fluid preparation, and tetter thar. any Pills, Powdeis, or Xnstjuuis. Being liqnid, their action hi direct an positive, renderi:;s them a reliable, speedy and cer tain speci flc for the cure of all obstrncicms and sup pressions of nature. Their popularity is indicate I by the fact that over 100 (10 tv uies are annaany soia United States, eve- Kcst terms of praise ( f their TK A i.I!v..taklU I i i ' place of every oil;e' rentals Kcrce-ly, and are consid ered hy ail who ki:ow auhtof f :'. u, us the surest sa fest, and nnst iafal-iahle pre;-raUoi in the world, f ir th6 enre of all female c.viu'. .::Us. the removal i t all obstructions of nature, and tl.e p-amotion ut beslt'.i resularity ai d strength. EttpUcH Uectiotia statin: when they may be u ,ed, and espia ning wUcn and why they should not, nor could not ts.e uert without proda-ci.-z elfectscuntrary to n.ittira's thoscn l;:ws, v ill be found carefully folded around cah boitle. with the written-sinature it Joks L. Lvon, without which none are penrine Prepared ty Dr. JOHN" L. LTON'. TOT Chapel Street, XewIlaven.Conn.. whocan te consulted either per sonally, or by mail, (enclo-ih? lmn ) concerning a!! private disease and female weakness. Price $l,6o per bottle. Sold by Druggists everywhere C. G. CLARK &CO., firVI pents fer U. Canada -'O tLiKs PRC'S. St. L'ii's. ) Wholesale 'LLER,Prxcii ic Fcller, Chicapo. $ Agents rfH:eml'r ?th 1pC5. ly lo-12 11-1? id.nn, jsw A'I5 13 MASTERS SALE OF LAND. Notice is hereby given tbet I will ffer for sale at public auction, a she front doer of Iload lcy's Hall in the City cf F.rownville,Neuiaha Coun ty Nebraska, On the 2Sth !.iy cf May. A. D 1S66 at ono o'clock p. m. tbe w;Lg real estate, to wit : " The North Wtst qnarter of Section 1? in Town ship 6 North of Ranga 14 Ea?t. containing ICO acres situ ted in the ai i County of Nemriha.j ;4The above will bes Id by virtue of a dicree and an or der of sale irm tho chancery of th District Court of Nemaha County .Nebraska Territory, directed as tpccial Masttr in the ease wheiein Henry Unm:non,nJr!;ir.istrat"T r f tli.j Estate of John B. Iiiirent is piainti'J and th utixaown heirs of Francis Fuiii.ct, Jasper A. Ware and Barbara A. SyD'r.mirc ate defendants. Given under icy Land 12:h day r.f April, 1866. H. O.GLAGOW. fi,nn 295t SheriiTar Spe-ial Master. &yers Cherry Pectoral PXiOWS, Have been Designed Especially lo Meet the Wants of Farmers. I57Ono man and four horses can do more Work, and do it better, with this plow, than two men with two disconnected plows. The following are some of the advantages these Plows have over others : Lit. They are so arrangad that they canno rise on? of the ground when striking a sod or hard place, insuring thorough woik. --ma. Tncy aro the lightest draft of any Piow, Cithrr r;;c ot , m . it a - T . - the Committee of Trial of Implements, at Decatur, M.. Seidcuivcr, 1 3. 21. They aro more easily managed ; any etoat boy ten years old can rcanngo tiam. 4th. lhey are more compact ana and simple, therefore not so liable to get out cf order. TSiesc riovs Iiare talten rive First E'remiuijjs at tlic illiaois State Fairs, and Four at Iowa State Fairs. Ths Trench Plows are used for breaking Prairie or Medow land, with a Sod Plow in front, cutting the sod in a thia slice, and tamiLg it dvwn into a deep firrow, and the rear plow raisitig tbe sub-soil to tbe surface, covers the sod completely, so that it is out of tha way of after culture. T""vVc will promptly fail ailoru-ersfor the above named plows at this place. We are lso prepared to do Custcm Work in Wood and Iron, n onything pertaining to tho WHEELWRIGHTS, OR Blaclisniith's , Business? P epairing Wagcns,Macliii:ery,?li3c ing,&c. Piompt attention given to Customers in this line at the Shops fronting COGSWELL'S LIVERY STABLE, x-15 ON TOE LEVEE. 11 li tla ii u a Li h . ! . . I i : t f : a.' n-n I . 1 I ( M M i t : Hi i r ; t. K km O F f I la 0a Iiand at Ills Store Rooms, Mala St., CroTvnYillc, Ke'jrasiia. lie has, and will cons tan tTv keep on hart-i, a complete assortment cf Dry G iod., Cncerio, Doo! ail Shoes, H its and Caps, Cutlery, Glassware, Qaeensware, Hardware, Cro-kery Vt'aro Wootien Ware. Willow Ware, and all kinds of ware usually kept in a Srt-cla;s IU;Uil Stcre, that will tut wear any Ware that can bo bought anywhere. LOW DOWN FOIl CASH I 7 t navin oil firm thel iving 'jnst bought out the entire establishment, it becomes neceary to! collect til il.'btj dao'tbe Irm ; to tbat end I hereby give noti co that all accounts duo the Erin of J. Berry A C., Vj ft day of March, 1ST), will hi placol in the hands of an oScer Tor collections. January 1st, ly JAMi, "WHOLESl-I-E de.1lersi.y AND fPT T TTN DT) ST o 2 22L 9 3MEo- Would call the attention of DEALERS to theirimmsn3e"'stock of Drags and Medicines, School Cooks, Patciit Medicines, BlvAi IJooks, Glass and Glassiran. Urltlnpr Ppcr i iuts nd Oils, LiiTelope?, Spices and Dje-stntTs, Coal Oil nu Tare Wines, Liquors, tic., &c., Which were bought for cash of Manufactures, rrorerttr3 and Publisher., and w!ll b?o!.l at the raist favorable prices. Duying in large quantities from tirat hm 1j, they ar enabled tv oucr exLr inJuou monts to the trade. They are the North-western Whole?a!o Agents of Dr.D. Jane ct Son, an! cf ftr. J. C. Ayre & Co., and can furnish their Medicines ia any qi.inities. (10 1-J 0 4 a ij J U 1 A iu jA '13 7 ST. JOSEPH, NIO. Importer antl JJliolesale and Betii scaler in Iron, STEEL and HEAVY HARDWARE. Wngrp, Currioqe, nn 1 Tlow Woodwork?. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ?1&' Springs, Axos, Axel--, Shvelsand SpaJcs.Files and Uasj.s, Chains, Cvr;ag3anj Tiro L'olts, Nu'U cnl Wa.-hers, Nails, Ilorso rail?, Ili-rse & Muh; Shoes, Saws, etc. cts. Castings and Hollow V7V.ref Susar Kittles Andirons, Skillets rtr.d LiJj, Stew pots. IJake ovens, Fruit kettlps and Sad Irons. t Blacksmiths' TOOlS. Anvil.?, Strcka and Dip?, Eellows.Slcdge and Hand Hain-' iaers, Vises, Pincers, Rasps, Farriers' Kr.irc3, Tuyere Iron?, Wrcuc-hes, &o. Ox Yokes, Axle Grcaso, Ox chain?, Woon Jacks, Ox Sboa nail, Shovel? end Pkk,GuId Pan.ietJ. II 13.13 a, S32polr.c3 nsicl 2ZToixt-Z2tTxfr. 1,000 CELEBRATED MOLINEiPLOWS 2 Jnst patented, 2nd superior to any yet. Inrcr.'c I ; and McCcrmicIi-'s Toivcrs and 2capcrs,Ini2$?r.s Jci sc Com Planters Sulky Corn Cultivators, lia:.d Corn Plar.tcr, Corn .Sheller?, Pay Rake, etc. eto tic Baying my gcoJo direct fr'.ai te maau.'dturer:', I ofTer great in;ncctueij! TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and. Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. tlL THE GREAT FaME wkirb IJczuiro'e IlRir Enlmfcas arquirf'! )n reftorlni; thenatnral color (not Jj ing.) crowthanlbealtby cor.ditjor. of ti e Lair, thereby softeniiig and teautifjin; lt.bas ren.iere'a ilu unprecedented. Re;nl the folluwir.s iruui weti known ci'iens : Messrs. Magnirc: We have te. tea invaluable nAl!. CAI.M, and ltbas restored thecolorand iraw'h of onr hair to our entire Mtisfactioti. ml wo can checnully re-:omnitnl it to the public (SisneJ,) L. A. BENOISr, I'-ai.k?r ; "Wil ii. BAbCOCR, Secretary and Librarian OTillon PIrtB h i.ic Institute; JOS C.linuy,Y, Ti.-ePre!lent War It3;ief Fund Om-n.tlce Prepared onbj by J . C. MAGL1RU, Chemists au'I Dxvzvx. sonthwest orner 2n: nJ O ive Streets and culd ly all Vrvggists Price 8 1C0 jcr Lcllk. ' ' Diarrhea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, &c.s &c. dlAGL'IKCS Cozsiisoisnd Kxtnict of IZltxiZ VsAT. ."WrsTrnw SAKiTAav t03iMtssios. X.j. 10 .5 u3t. St. Lni3. Xov. n !S5I Mesn. J. Sr C., ;-Gcnf Jcmcn : Tbe A sent. a the Ommijon l ave distribute! ur' in tho Army your Extract f l'.eniie Fiant, f.r t:e cure cf Diarriiei ar.l Uyseiitry, ar.1 their re,ra tiiy to its excellent qualities, and the success with wijic'a it i:a bean tue f ia the irenni-',:nr i i-j-s c .rno! : J,G. roitilrtN, Secrclarj I'cjUrn SaaUzry' Com.nissi'jn.' TABRriurFrsDorST. Loris Cocxty, Pr.EsiDE.VT'a Orrce, S3 5pnucE St I ,. - , . , St. iLi, H.) , Jar.rary 3. ta, l.V j. Meter. J 4" C. Maguire. Brur.nitl : We have .ie ! your Co-D.n..uri Ex-ract r.f Bf-nne P!ar,t .mon: mlnrr. tbe.::ers' Mmiiiei re-Wins M--,ith tl.e i:i(..-t tfsctory res-uts. Ve unheiittin3!r...aja,2Ba u.3-- 'fur;. t and MACs-UIRBB'S EXPE CTOB AM T SYRUP. Great Hcnadyfcr Coughs, OAdr.. Jldhna, Bionchttj?, Spilling cf Li JILL DISEASE OF TIIE LU.VGS, Ilalpcn n.e mf S t uccrEi-firy a tl to a pre at extent in St. LouU srnl vli ini-y for more thsn twer.r years . arid i.nnouniTdbya!! 'ti bave taken it ;.le te nif.-t T.(n:erf:!! reme-'r ' ' C!.-t Cp.;-l."icJ evir discover ed. It U c utirety ve;etsl'!e. an lean be used i's tho uta t satc'y. Try if . 1 1 aflli.t I MAG UI I CE'S ALTERATIVE ELTXER. (J til Cure iicrofi.ii i. llhcumatiin. J'tvrz?gia, Govt, JSlcrcvrial and Sjjpfiifjid Jiff ect ions, Goiirr, Streliings of the Joints, Caries of the Bones, Ulcers. Cutaneous Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, Enlargements of the Glands, Constitutional Disorders, and ail diseases arising from Lnpurify of Viz Elood. Price S'2 PIT SoltlC. J. &. C MaGl'lRK, Chemist and Dn"5is:. S-jle Pro rhn ;T. St. J.nni s, M.. TUey are A i I 7 Druiit everywhere. j Send for one of our Ai.-ninsct for further rmation.JT Oliills and Fever, Bilious and Intermittent" Fever- Dumb Ague, etc., etc- .MAGUIRE's AGUE MLXTUTE. -iedK-ine u urdouluity tt;o cfitctual ever outre.; f.,r the cure of th above ecra- . li ha3 lecr. tiiorju 'hiy t-:s:ci t.'iij SCd-:on. GSiri to thd ?C.r: itvrf r,:"r rrv,-,n ar i hi ,. - . - . ' - t 1 ' - succe-.aci ia cstatdHir lor it?ci:a l .r re; tr-iicn suita' rti that of any Medieinj. It Las never bcea tnowa to fail ?:A is vrrrrantcd to cure in every instance. i edicine has a more fowc rfjl e-Tcct cnth "SA Yd than tiii'. it ij a -urricr Tc-ni-j i:: dc-Mlity Prlre 7.53 per bottle. Zov.ZJ is-:: It. rir.r.n SPECIAL NOTICE. V.V-t'.iy the attention cf both Males and Y?.-malk.-5, who are in wait fbuiin';. The weil- kn.-wn IIouo rt .il. u a-d tj Co., Mjau'icturin This! Tla!E!: STRANGE. BUT TEUE. in in t'ae United Jewelrcn I'roadwaj, N. Y., wis'a to est.l;ih an A-tencv in every town in the Uailcd States, and ia" v-R-r tLuttl-e AgJLt can fcave a em jjp.le to ex-- 1. i I.: t. ?f t V. ci r f,n?!).!r'Fa tr1' 2-n-'l omt-';-. j on the rceeij t of $2.00, a -r.r.ine Go'.J Pen (war rattcd), with Silver Estcii.-"vsi Ca?e an? Ienei!, t I gcthcr wi.h Wholesalo C'irccliir to Ar.t. and eieven cert:ii':.ite?, t-crtiticAtcrjr.a cts. There is no A ;nil but what cm Ui.kc ea-ily 3 a any, and oiea Lvery Tour" lady ar. 1 j-'. r:''..L Mat.L-3 cm hear ff.tce'.l'.ii:; very nu-jh t their al var tie l y return mail lree of ci.are ioy rdJrej n the Bn-Ier.--igr!-J. T.oe Laving fearof teinj humlu;red will o'olige by rot noticing this card. All erier3 w.41 lease cd lre-s their obedient servant TIMS. P. CUAPiLAX, S- M. P. 23-1 y lj!te:i t p fcy lLe.i:ii ;er!;'.e.l four usi! Sooih of A: ; i;iva;i, Xeniah Countv, Netrh'- ii tie l0;i ljy ot Ueccmter lirlo, he red r.-i bite Sr-fteti Suer wit 'a crop cfT ihe left er and Halt crtp r,S tie rigit ear supposed to be 3 year? ;d. WIIXIaM K. T.AMSr?.T. flyer's Ague "Cure;' . Ayer-s Cathartic Pill