PUokI'di Mortpages, Executions, Reptevina, UrrUge Lirn.c-Ac- e for ,e la OEs. "jtB- J- 8- WILLIAMS, Wit li the antboiT Aftot la ft. Louis for tbls paper, will attend to eotrectiows and purchases Id that City. OJiet Street, V. E. cor. ia, B50W5VII.LE, THURSDAY, MAY, 3 , 1863. - Liceo Dusif-rs at Cincinnati lir&nch. . if you want glaa of nice Lager ter, guto ilie Gambricus. 1 1 1 - COOlSacaftflOCS X or tne bst go w HENDERSON & CO'S. Lioen Coau at CitcinnMe Branch. Gnilrinus was the inrentor of Beer ttid Christ Kraus is Lis prophet. Double Shovel Plows, Hny Hakes, and her Fanning Implements at Swan &. r' O'roceiy and Prumiou Store. tfn. II. McCrcerj, of the Cllj UrCS SlOre, ha.- yet a large Mock cf Wall Ptpti and Window Shades of tvery ariety. Baskets, Wooden Bowels. Tubs, etc., at . SWAN & BRO'S. Metfailles Pants a: Cincinnati Branch. Win. H. MtCreery sto.k of O.b, Leads md Pain's will be always kept up. The be.-t Groceries and Cutlery can be fouud -t Kaincy &. Co.'e Star Store. Liuu Pan1 hi LV.t uui;iti B. auch. Ci;... Mtckof Prints aul Tobuc at IIim) &. Cj." Siar Su.re. KeniCIllbtT.--C;has. Theuuerl kep ami lU none but th i. a. f l.ter li -cr, cue door wen of Br, i;vi ! Ho it. F ll stick Vests at Cit.ciut.au lkni,cU. 100 Sndis XXX St Loals Flour! Jut reived, per Steamer Kat Kr-ar i.y. THEO. HILL & CO. Frails i Du-ter- at the GOOD SA .MARITAN Home aril Lot lor Fale, Main t"i-ei. in'lit-Cnyot iitOAiiville, at h bargain! Fn'ju:re at thi.- otfioe. tf Latet S) !e l nt Cticiniiati Bnmc'i. . Spritij-le & MtPheison hav htd l;i'e a ly th best mpply of L g?. and are turn iug out the rsi louib-r as well a $ the choicest Mipply t Flour in the Market- Ttunk" an ! Ar.ilieh Cnu i. nati Branch. For 8alc ! Eigh'y Ar res of Vulua. 'ble Lund S. hf.Se. rjr,21.6. 14-nth in 10 n.iles of Brownville and near Glen Rck; water,' rt tie and tiiul tr on it. At a bargain ! Enquire t this i ffio . tt Gent's Fumis-huig Go. dsCiu. Branch. - CarabllKOUS. The genuine "For. est Cny Li2er Ber" alwayon hand at Chaales Theunert's Gainbrinu; this cBctr 'a knowu o be the best audt.eal'.h iet ever biouht to this town. Cassiiuere Suits nt Cincinnati Bianch. Farmers, Attention! Evan Wor- tbii4? i." Agni 1-r the Qukr Mower. New Y ik ii bined Reaper ai d Mwt r utki t ul ivaur, and Pmi- lb fl lo : ctii ju.-i I v. ri.;l. inu.M i r nr'vij St.-re. Jinn' 1Ut Srit.r.tu. the Go. d er. at t . ! .i .-- Gri er ie5 iuid h e J'ru Jt'i.vii r-. ii CV.' Ci.it &n.re. lit Tost OiSec llcj:irs Opns:, 7.30, a in., cb-es D, p. m Ktstern ZNXaii closes at 5 6o k. p u. Northern Mail duces 6:30, p. m W et-irn Mailcloses,Monday,7:30..m Ai D. MaasH, P. M. Tte Cllj BrCHCry, laving ben re cently ntitud and extended, is now pre jurtd to'M.ppiy any and all demand for lttr ihai may be made. This Beer is ' wuiuiiuz .Jtsrvetj fie wheFev. r it is hauk, and eintr ent for troiu abroad. - " b.HRINER BRIEGEL. -Xlnel LlCielt Hae now and w ill Coiutautly kep ou band enough Lune to supply the market, at n y Kiln on ih Nercaha at LongV Bridge. 32-tf HENRY HARMON. '.See the New Advrtieflent?, ?pee- "ly that of the Circus, which cume ' wiia a full troop of the beM ttaiu'd ani mal and actors luthe Union. Twenty.fire '.dollars for twery-five tents, one botcle of LiouV C meat will "pair anything broken. Try it en any a? To be Souni at the SAMARITAN. : EtdIIor3 tcea to be Tery.icarca ar. tide hereabouts, this sewoa. Last sea son at least thirty were eifermed in this county; this teasrvn, ea far, but one. A fortune is tr&inrf; here fcr the otrner cf fine, blocked animal, acsl our farmers are amicus to pay it crer.; Cense riht aloes ! ' ;. v'. ' ; ; ,. ; EcIiOCl NotlCC The Directors of me Brownville City District have road rransemnts with Mr. S. C. Danfcrth to open School for One; Quarter, corn rnericin oh Monday next, " it . Mr. Danforth has . employed , Miss Anna M. U'lmrsiJes and Mitv Eliza M. Rt-ade as Assistants. Terms of Tuition same as list quarter. half of tuition per Scholar to bs paid ou $ iVn Ta V1i a?nr.t4a f ST fftirWA Ka ! ftri r li J the DistricL ' . . ; , y Gentleman BoTlnc Many f our citizens are jti't now canvassing the pro priety of purc! a?ing a Beau : for : the Cows owned in this city.- We learn that R. A. StfWart. of Bedford Precinct, has a plena id blooded animal which he i diviroua of felling.- Somebody ttnrt a subscription ; we'll go $5 for that object. A Superb selection of Toilet Article? at the Good Samaritan riiotoprapli Callerr. For pood piniur.", Phtifoirraphs or Ambrotypes. call at A. & M. Stafford's Rooms above the Po.t Ofike. AVe are prepared to do the best rf wotk in the hortet pottitle time, and on a? reasonable tera.? ns any in th West. Givttus call. Examine ourwoik. We injure satisfaction We tateall rtif .ioture, Of evcrj itjle if farr. ; Iioih rtM.t.grnj hn ai.d Ambrotype, In 1ain tr fanj cares. A & M. STAFFORD. 3 l-tf Brovmviile, Jftb. Blsliop Clarkson's Visitation. Biftiop ClarkMm. the new Bhop of Ne bmka, will Ct-nsrcrate ', St. ; John" Cl.nrcb. Netnaba f 'ity. on Sunday. May Gib. to the Ur.rjl.ipof A'mebty God, nrccrdinp to the Rites of the Protetent Epcopal Church ; and will also. admin istr the Apostolic Rite of Confirmation. On Mnr day eveninfl following he will open, with appropriate services, the new Hall in thi City. A collection will be takn up at both places. Fire and Tornado Insurance Co. From the stel inent of the-Fire and Tornado Insurance Company in" another c Inmn. i"i will b seen th"! Geo. W. Hill & Co.. are A?en? for this county. W Jire now prepnred to injure again Fire. Iifi'ninJ" or Tornado, in city or coun'ry!" Our Company take only afe rik?. and th refnre ran inure t a verj 5inll per cent, r'f-fyirijr crmpetiiioi in tlris respect, or in th rnmpt pMiiPiiuf Vft !os.ps. A in the cae of 'Mr. C'r dill, you n ay be burnt cban tut. while but a f w ,lllar for a prl:y inthiCorii tpany will p'nee y u all iit:ht thould sm-h nn accid nt happen Just reci ivtd n J C DuerV Sove and Tin Su re a large at d w II ? Ietd tork of C)W Stove?, viz. Charier O-tk. Burk's Peerles, and ihe Celebrated Hearth Sove ; al.-o. a superior Mock of elevated Oven Stove, the most complete ptierns" ever offered in thi market Al.o. cast Ttakittles. Wahboilers. hkil Utnnd Lid.. A choice lot of Indiai a Wajron Timber, fuch an Yokes, Fellow?. Atels. Totinjr. MVagon Bos, Plow Handle. &' . &.C H- also keep on hand a mperior nock of SI'go ai.d Tyrone Hoe Shoe. and N I, Ox Sho." and N'l-. PlowSt-l for la'tre md mib1I Plows; ?eti Sprinj;.. Buccv AxtJ. Iron a - a All. ft mi.U Wocdtii 'oiip. All :or B ineap fr cah. S2-2t Fire. 'e learn th i. on last Sunday Mirl't, ihe reldlle of Uncle D.iti Cg- dill, lirinu Hrxu ibret- miles northwe.-! . i. j ol ii r !'V. w I. iiiki m me jri ui u V I I ; H i i 1:1- No li lt i hi and wearing Hp. lu ..I jjiven a? to how t mi ei ;catih fir. Ttux u luavy blow to the ..hi no,n. aid . r- p'eMd io fy ih:i j . wr t ;iz -n-. ?wU a- lii in iul.tT ! Ii:ive t one o.i.elhH'l? I.iw.lld." JlV..ir lillll - - - ' - a fre.-h start. NeiT Post C dee. Through the efforts of R. A. Stewart and others liv ing on il.e Big Muddy, in Betlfotd Bd fold PltcilCt, a l.fW pot i Hire Las le n eftbli!-hed tuder tbe-mm of Shttioaf. The want ot this' i filce he breii much felt in that ceitiou, whuh is rapidly set tling up. as they have heretofote had to go five miles flcros- the line in'O Rub ardton county for the r mail. Spring ana Summer Cloaihlns. S-eiiMii U Erhlich, of ihe Cincinnati Branch CleihuiiT Huuae, have just re ceived a fplendid stock of Spring and Summer Ch.ihii g. Hats-. Cap. Ikxs aod Sh(-s. Their tck of Genu's F.j rn i;h- ifg Good is the tet aorimtnt ever brought to this innrkeL Being a Branch Houe of the largei-t Manufacturng E tabllbments in Cincinnati, their facilities for eIUng pood cheap re unexcelled -All they ask to prove this is a fair trial. S 12mr.tr CIcthics.81 Cbcissati Ertnch Cllj Council Prccccito. Ccuccil met pursuant to adjournaeat Mead ty night, April SO.h. Present : C. G. Dorsey, Mayor. AHrrnen: John 3Iorrison. A. P. Cogswell, W. W. Hackney, Eli WfiIcox, D. Timers. ?Iarhal; Jot-hua Rogers. Oa uctioo. Clerk ordered to isa a City Order for tv dollars each to R. J. Whitney.' J. W. Pulock and T. C. Hack er. and J. M. Henderson and S P. Tut- tie fur services as Judges and Clerks of t a a vne April election. On motion of W. W. Hackney, the Marshall was instructed to order persons who hare dumped dirt on Main street between J. Berry's aui Btdford & Co' store, to level down the came forthwith, and if such order not complied with to arrest thttn and bring them before the Mayor. On motion Clerk ordered to issue Or ders for $2 each to R. T. Rainey,. Wm. H. MvCreerv and S. P. Tuttle for ser vices as Judges and Clerks of ptc;al elec. ion April 27ih ..'.I On motion, Geo. Wr. Hill & Go's bill wa returntd for correction. - Petition to permit E. Worthing to sell malt and rpuitou liquors and keep two billiard tables granted. Ou motion, the 1 cense on the Billiard Tatlei was fixed at 10 each. Ou motion, be iue tor the ?ale of Mali atd piMtuous Liquors was fixed tame a& iati year, S200; amended that ih. litetite be paid in cash. On motion, parties receiving a license to tell liquors are prohibited, uuder pen alty of forfeiting their license, from sell ing to persons under 18 years of age ; from Keeping opan after 10 o'clock at night or. on Sundays On motion. Clerk ordered to procure a Hank book in which to record the pro ceedings of the City Council to issue (6 00 in Orders for that purpose. On motion, Clerk ordered to furnish the Marshal a copy of the Ordinance on Slaughter Hces, etc., and the Marshal was instructed to enforce the same. Ou motion, the Marshal was ordered to examine every dwelling now occupied within the Cuy limits, taking the name of iaid occupiut. Also, that he make a thorotigu examination of all building? ou ?aul lot., notifying ihe p-trties ih-tuhe Mime must be perfectly cleun within one day after such examination and at the expiration of that ome he thail again make, examination, of ta d lot, and if he finds the party has not complied with tuch notice tl all arrest the same. Au-i, that the Marshal ie in.-irucied ut the came time to examine the Fiues lu&ee that the same are in accordance with lh ltws. On motion, the Cleik was ordered to prC'ir 24 copies of ine Ordinisc- al iiaiiy .passed by the Ci'y Cuunctl. Mr. VNfotnt y aek-d ttt privilege of erecting a wod-n luMug near th Lve for aBit Hu-. 1 A cominiitee ot nree was apj omted 10 consider ih.' matter and it port ut 'he ixt meeting. Mr. Mariott's resignation as.. Sneet C mmiiouer hauiei in and accepted. Ouiiiotiou, Jonua Roger? wa appoint ed Street Coiiimi?iouer. O.. in -non. t.'.e Mur&hal was teqi.ir o to li.iVe u Dt J'Uty, to la tipoitiled by the I i until. On motion, the Marshal si.all be al lovd S10 (iu Orders) jer month b" fci'Ies ns regular fees us Mar.-I.ul; and ihe same lee. as lsi year for S.reet Ci'inuii.-sioiier. Ihe Cl air aiii.ounced ihe follow it gas the Stiitil ug Coint;tiee i vr ci Messrs. Cogswell, lldckuy and Morn SOU. On moiiun, ihe Street Ci iiiuiiHOf.er wa instructed to rriiuve the Bridge m the c jruer ot M ini an I L-ve- treet.s; Gil op the excavation wit i dirt, huilJ l-ridge acro.-s the slouch hi itie c rner of Mmu treei, mid turn the' water now rtinniiitr ou the souihsuli of Mini street down the uet ride of Levee street to the Slough. ' "Ou motion, the Street Commissioner was oidered to at end to the gulliis a the upper end of Main -treei, after the bridg" n ait. n led to. and that he order o it a is. any immiitely as possible to woik on ihe aireets. including persons by wlioin work i due. On motion, S75 00 were allowed h-A-eMir lor in ikinij :he a--Miient. On motii'ti. it was agreed to let the Ferry ai the next meeting to the highest ie?poi,sihle bidder. On motion Mr. Coirswell was rerpiest ed 10 run the Ferry, free of charge, un til our next met tin?. On motion, the Marsha! w required o notify a 'I per on o.vnm lots aln; M:iiii Mreei 10 ci-a ut tue Gutters; and eiiforci the 0'dic.nce for ihe re moval of Imildinj mai-rnil, etc.. freni the irret; nod hU ;ht he.be rnuirl to ih.rtKiilily e'eiii Nlaiii -irei On in- lion, ifi Mjr-iiitit .v is i.iftru.-i d i ron.ve t!ie .'tmis I i acr.-i'i on Maui ni 1 Rtret. Tlie Council iheiipruieed.nl iociuvahv the vote for Marsh-il. cat at the prr4al election held Aprd 27th. with the fohow lug reult:, J obu Rogers. 47 vote?; Jeremiah Marlotte 3-5 vo'e; Phiueat Jon-s. 22 votes; R. T. Rainey. 1. On iHOlion. ihe Mar-halV bond a fixidMtSlOO. O motion, the Strati C.'nt-s'u'i r boi.d uui fixed at $100. Moved lhat we Ink ill"' consider' loa the removal f Mips uu Mir street in fringing on ihe. $ide-waU. On moiion, the Cny Etrg ner d -reeled to estubli.h the grde on Mmu street, from ihe Lvee io ib Co!e:t; hIm). First itreet. from Wrater to Ne btittkit tr-et; atso, Atlantic f tret t. from I.eveif to Six'h treet. The Clfik binsr called on for Report on Finances, asked funh-r tnu- gr.tut ed. On motion, adjourned to Mor.day. May 7ih. J. B. JOHNSON. Cleik See he corre?p"ndence on Hedsinz Our exchanges would do well to coyy it as it is cf reat interest to farmers gene Tilly, ' Got tbb BLT?rs'. -Havr often. do we hear this complaint made.- The reason generally ascribed is that something has gene wrong, but if you will question the patient in regard to health, habits, &c, you will very often find that indigestion li the prirnecaase, the intimacy cf the brain and stomach is very close, and nothing ro sours the feelings and disposition as dy spepsia. It is a singular fa ct tl at mcst suicide; are dyspeptics. If our nourishment is properly digested, the brain is free and unopresied, and will solve our trout les, pointing out sunshine ahead and inclining tt to look on the bright side of life ; thu? it is our duty to guard .against this : monster indigestion and we know of nothing so pi tent to assist digestion as Cue,? D.sp psia Cure. Ii hia n r d tome very bad ca:$ of dytpep it tf even tenor fifteen years standing. For sale at Got d Samaritan Drug Store The Ladles' Friend. Among the embtllii-hmefiis for May ate the fine ... i- tugge.-tive picture, "The Return of the Swallows, a chowy, picturesque and tattef jI Fes' i m Pla e, ctmprising cos tumes for riding aid outher lively, out door amu ements; the woodcut Clover bobs.11 illustrating the story., How Dr. Rounder bea: his Boy;" and The Bird-Lover," accompanied by a pleasing sketch. The p litems for dress are unusually captivating. 4 An Evening Bodice, a Promenade Jacket with Hood, a Morning Dress, an Evening Toilette, an Embroidered Apron,' Hals, Caps and Head-dresses, patterns for Knitting, Crochet, Sec. are among them. The stor ies are as usual varied and excellent. Una Loa contributes Brave Heart of a Wo man Emilie Lester Leigh "Life. s Saddest Los.;" Tracy Towne lite lively sketch "No Pains, No Gains," August Bell the quaint and charming . story "Behind a Sofa;" Mrs M. F. Ames "Why he Be came Governor;" and Emma B. Ripley the conclusion of th? interesting story of " Zillah." Then there are poems by Florence Percy. Phil H. Case, Mrs. Anne Sears Ficke, and in conclusion, editorials, bcok no i es receipts and fashions, Price $2.50 a year ; 2 copies !l 00; 8 copies (and one gratis) $16. IVheelerSf Wilson s cdtbrattd Stving machine are furnished4 as preniums. Single numbers fur sale by the news dealers. Addr-ss Ceacon & Peterson, .319 Wall u Street, Philadelphia. TO CONSUMPTIVE- 1 Ii C hUTCI -1-1 nut iii) vvvu ipioi w w ii ai m a. fevt we-W! by a verjr simple remedy, after baring ...n nnl tlmt ilrvail liaiKti f Vinumnti:n it Int ir.au to ra ik kouwa io hii felliw-ufferers tbe mcna f rur. To whu deflre it, b wt'1 cnd efy of iba prcwriptiou adlfiee cf 'brj. with llie direc tion fcr prennnn an I uin the gutne, which they win n.iii n saricuir ior uiiuiuihi.'ii.io'ui.iw, unw .-.htils l'us!s CoU ,n'l nil Tnr.t a.I Lunj? Af t'n..i..n Th nl nl.ira-t l th a iv(rtir in ik-n- tinjf h- Prvreription i t benefit th iifB ct-l, an H re;iil ii riiOHiiii whit-h he cin-cive t-j be inval- iaiif, and b h.! erery ruurer will try in ria H.ly. h it wilt cost Ihtui n. thing, and mi y (rve m Partie? w'sliin? the proscription', rBEB. by return . -.. .. i j i Ul;(ii,wiii picH-e niiure- WilllKH. t. .. -r I,". I,.. Nrw V.-V. Xfr. fiaii8T5T0 LADIES. ) niu foii females; Are tlie m o.a u jj ' -me f r Female. -ifit. I) not tr flo i'h jour h alth. a, ...I ue chp and dnneen.il-1 mediciue. whi.'h dru'-ji-tn m y hive bonghf. and will re-nin nend to yu, b-injc ig omni of ihir quittiti' i. M'S ial'-w Mvrtic are .mTM in ta r njrations ; cortex nli irrojru'ariticaiid pninful mn-itru tti-u: r.-m iill blruction, whi-thr from wM r therwise. X maiden, wife it mother b'.ul l be without thein. Try th.m ue ac-?ordingtrtdir!ti .n, und weknow tMer.-f.ult ill b a? doim'. Akfor Mrs. Win low Mysii Tills. 1 ake nme n br I'rice.f 2.0 por box.or thrcu bozea for 5 J-dlan. Fr eale by ail dra'ii'.ti. Peter E. Blow;Gen. Agent, St.Louii.. Man b 221. lStft no 2M.V rm WILLIAMS' ADVKaTlSING ASI PATKN AfiVNCT Mr.r.tnsi. 8t 4.-I. Mo Every Lady and Gentlemsn should uso roa Tax f' " II A W LEY'S rosraa Tecth.wDENTAL CREAMyBreath. It Don nly purititt ut Hrtuuia iu oraih iui renderi Ihe teeth i"und and ot parly whiteneef and the gutn bcaltby and tron. and is tha most Herant an.t agreeable o all toilet a ien Liges. S..M by all I)ru;gUlsat 2a cents a i. kae lln cent by mail ?e psid by COLLtX? UHOTd KRS. t. W". C.r. 2d A Vine Streeu, fit. Louis, Mo. on receipt of 3 Jan, 4th lS6fi 6m 10-15 J.S. W. e.nn. Lyon's Periodical Drops. THE GREAT FEMALE REME DY FOR IRREGULARITIES. g-fe - lbee Props ara a tlentiamlly-C'.mpmnded flnid rrtpri Ion. atwt bMr thai, any JiiN, Powders, .r K.Kiiuniii. Bcina iiqnid. i heir action I direct ana p.lt ve. rewUeTlnie l.em a- retiab'e. peedT and cer tain oweiflc inr ihe cn-e ail tirue in and rnp-p-el n .r im'ure Th.r p-martty t indicated by the !ct h over 10O HO b li leu are annually told ul ciuutimt ty tbe lalie r the United Mate, eve rr one .'f whm ipea in La atr vgt term of prats urtbeir irreat iue-K. -They are rpl!!y ukiuK the place of eT4ry ather Peniate'Reine.ly, and are o nniO. er i ,y a.l who k&bw atuBt of them, at tbef aret aa fei and most lnfal lable preparation in the world, for tb cure of all female CMnplaiota.' the removal of all obrnct:iaol naiur. and the promotion of health regularity and trentb. Kxp.iiit dl ectioun mating mlten they may he aed, and exp'a ninit when and why they sh--ttld nt nor cob Id not be used without produ runr ffiVrtan.il rary tona'aic' cboen law will be riutvi rrnl y folded around arh bo.t'e with the wiirtt-K Untnre ot ionn L. Loh. without which none a'e cenuine Prepnre.1 by Dr. JOIIV L. LTOM. 195 Chapel Street, New lltveu.O.Hin. who ran be eouhulied either per- MntliT, r -y mail, (eicl'infotamp ) conernin all p.iva e dieae aul feawie weaKne-. Price i,$o per but tit. . .. Sold by Drusglsta eve-y where C. O.CI.AKC tCO., GenM Atw lor D. S. and Canada " 14.1B Fjioa in i..ul. - I Wholesale ' ' LLim. Iisch K FvlleK. Chicago. Agrnta l e.ir-n.bjr 7th lo4V ly l-13 11 tJ id nn, sw MASTKRS SALE OF LVND. Nofiir ii. hmby given fbat I will Ber for tale at .uI h; aarti n, at he frm door f H.gid lejrV M ali in the C-t f rruwnvi!le.Xemha Coun ty N. bTMrka. On the US h day '? May. A. D 1SG6 at in itUtti p. Di. tl c foib w!i.g teal relate, to wit : The Norrh-Wtft qiarter of Section 17 in Twn ahip a Xrh ol Raoze ITEast. eoataining 160 acres firuttod in the rat i County of N'.mha.': -The above wi.l bdi.ld by irtoo of a decree and an or dr ..f ie lr m the ehaDcey of th li-trici Court of Nimaba Coooty '.bia?ka Territory, and tome direct. d aa fpeeial Maeter in the ease wherin lienry llmmondniiniiitraror i f ihe Entate of John It. Kturrnt i plaintiff ami tbe unknown heirs of FraiH-i I'tiijnat. Jarr A. Ware and Barbara A. rirDiaca're ata defendants. j liirtnnnJex try hand thi 12th da y of April, SfiM 2S5I ShanffaBd Sp9ial Matter. BHOWITV1LLE ORG 'AK & HEWETT. Re3pectfallr aDnoucce to tie public tit taej ara manafacturiiig tha LEEPEB li KIDDEu IIID1XG PLOW CORN CULTIVATOR. ALSO BLACK'S GAXG AKD TJEIENCH PLOWS. ' W hare theexclmire right to the manuf ietur and rale of these plow in tbu Territory and ad j. tning n.unties of Missouri, and intend to (ppl all demands o far as p.aeticable. It i ened d by all who have tested the Leeper k Kidder Cultivator, that it ii superior to all others, in the following rcspecU: lt. The plowman can ri is easier anl plov with leslab.-r. 2ud. Any person who can drive a team can man git. $l. Crooked rown of coin are plowed as easily and thoroughly as straight ones, the plowman sit ting so as tit obserr the corn, au J see it the work is well done. 4th. It is guided by a perfectly natural and eay foot molio:, and does uot cramp or lira the plow man. ' 5th. The plow, while la motion, is moved with perfect ease. . . . . , nth. Tbe shovels may bo adjusted to any depth, and any desired space between them is easily ob tained. 7th. It hat adjustable shields to prevent young corn from being covered. 8th, It is admirably adapted to plowing! a small grain. Every cultivator is well made, of good material, and warranted to do good work. We refer to tbe 1 Mowing named persons, who last year bought Ind used tbe cultivator manufac tured by Morgan & Mead, in Atchison county, Mis souri, to-wit: A. J. kichardson, Nemaha county, Nebraska. - Sedoras, do .-- .do do . W W Tate, do . . do . do T J Kobinon, do do ' do . blr liiggsby, do . do do A Shotnhcit, Richardson 4o do Shoemaker 3t Co do do do Jessee Crook - - do do . . do J B Watingly Cage " do do - J 11 Parker, Atc' Lion county, Missouri. John Van Meter do do do M J Porter da A S Campbell do W U Vauloven do John Harder do David licrtrand do J3ob Jailawenny do do do do do do do do da do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d) do d. do do do do do do do do do uO J, do au do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d.i do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do da do AudreW Uuck do Mr Criiity - do do do do do W C Morgan Wm May . W T kobinson Moses Tibbttts Stephen Claj ton O W WooUey Mr Terrell Mr McDonald Mi Kurnett A Ililluian Mr Turner MrLai.glry . Thomts Arnold Kodoloh Kitchie Ernst Inekiug ' May A Ijahue linnet King 1' Uarniiurst S t' W.hkI U W Smith Phillip Walters II li V anloveu JC Miller do do do do do do do do do d do do do do do do do do do Nodoway do do do do do do do do do do II .It do do do A Morten n t V ll tler li B Carey Mrs S. "bugler - J K It adtord L A Kogers - T J li. gers J II Walker J 8 IJ i-ford Mr i'rocker J I) Euock M r 'i."hr John Tidgen Wm llii-kuian D Thompson THE GANG, TRENCH, A3D Have been DcSlgrned SpcclaIIy to Sleet the Wants oITartutrs. K?"0ne man and four horses can do mrre Work, and di it better, with ibis plow, than two men with two disconnected plows. The followisg are some of the advantages these Plows hive over others : 1st. Tbev are s arranged that they canno rise out of tbe ground when striking a sod or hard place, injuring thorough wotk. 2nd They are the tightest draft of any Plow, either nge or double, aevtrding to tbe report of :he Committee of Trial of Implement, at iccalur, lU.. Septemver, 1803. 3d. They are more easily managed ; any stoat boy ten years old can manage them. 4th. Ibey are more compact and and simple, therefore not so liable to get out of crder. These rioYTR hare taken Fire First Premiums ut the Illinois Mate Faint, and Four at Iowa State Fairs, The Trench Plows tre used for breaking Prairie or Mcdnw land, with a Sod How in front, cutting the sod in a tbin l ire, and turning it d'jwa into a deep fi rrw. and the rear plow raising the sub-soil to tbe surface, covers the sod completely, so thai it is out of tha way of after culture. rWe wili promptly fill all orders for tha above named plows at this place. We are also prepared to do Custom Work in Wood and Iron, a onytbing pertaining to th WHEELWE IGHT'S, OR Blacksmith's Business, Kepairing WagonMachineryhoe iBg,&c Ptompt attention given to Customers in this line at tne a oops fronting COGSWELL'S LI7ECY STABLE, x 15 ON TBS LEVEE. a n i, IM'I llili'M:) .1,1111 , I : I n On band at his Store Rooms, lis h, and will constantly keep nn hand, a complete assortment ef Pry Co1, Knxzf.et, T ' i Shoe, Hats and Cap. Cutlery, C!ware, Queeoware. Hdw3re, Crkery Waro. H ohI on are. Willow Ware, and all kinds of ware usually kept in a first-class KcUil M-rc, tLat wi'.l tut wear auj Ware that can be bought anjwhere. TEIUMS : LOV7 L1L Flaving just bought nut the entire establishment, it becomes necessary to' collect all debts due .the old firm : to that cr.d I hereby give notice that all accounts du the fum pf J. Uerry A Co., unpaid by tbeltdiyof MirchTl-tlt, willbiplaced in tho hands of an o&cor fur coil. tins. Janmrv .MM. ly J.VMES UKRRV. WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Would call the attention of DEALERS to theirjmmense'stock of Drn?s and Medicines, School Books, Patent Medicines, B Ink Books, Glass and Glassware, Writing Pperv P Ints nd Oils. Envelopes. Spices and Djc-stnffs, Coal 011 nd n? ps Pure Wines, Liquors, dc., dc., Which were bought forca.h of Manufacture-s, Importers and Publishers, and will beoM at tbe moK favorable prices. Buying in large quantities from first hands, they ars , enabled to iff;r extr ioluco mnts to the trade. They are the North-western Wholesale Af-nts of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, and of Dr. J. C. Ajre A Co., and ean furnish their Medicines in any quantities. (Il) l-lj ST. JOSEPH, MO., Importer'and esa and Hetail Dealer In Iron, STEEL and HEAVY HARDWARE. Wngon, Cirrwge, an 1 I'lw Wo..dTk?. AGRICULTURAL 1 MPLEJJ ENTS. cfJi.r1 Spring'. Axe, AxeN, Sh'.velsand Sjde!,Fil and Umi-, Chiiins, Carries anJ Tiro bulls, Nutts and Wa-her, Nail.. 11 t nail-1. IL ive X Mule bliotf, Snwc, e'c. etc. Castings and Hollow Ware, Sulmt Kitties Andiron?, Skillets and Lid, Stw pot. Hake iv-im. Fruit kfitlf mid Sad Irtin.-. Blacksmiths' Tools. AnviN. Sui ami Di.. Il Iov?,S!edge and Hand Ham- uicRi Viees, Pincers lia.-pc, Farrier"' Knives, Tuyete Iron, Wrenche.. Ao. OuLtS-tizg- GrOOdS, Ox Yokes, Axle Create. Ox chain, Wo n .lacks, Ox Shos nail. Shovels an 1 IVkJ 1J Pan., etc. XT xx To 3. Gpolcca and XSoxLt-OtxifT. 1,000 CKCliBHTiilD MOLIK.IPILOWS ! Tut patented, and surior to any jet invented ; and McCormlck's 3Iovcrs and i:capcr.i,lallcrs Horse Corn Planters Sulky Corn Cultivator, ilai.d Cm P.autcr, Corn Shelters. Hay li-ikc. ttm. tie esc. JJ1l3?'f3llZJ'Z Ste23.C3L3rc3L Scale Buying my gyo-lj direct fr. ni tbe miiurctu.er, I offfer freat indncenieuta TO WHOLESALE rURCIIASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. Preserve THEGKICATPaMK whlrh Kaguire'a TJair Blnit afqnlrfd in reorira tie natural color, (not 1 e i.f ) rruwtbDd bea 11 by oi.riition .f tbe bair, tl erel y pollening and bcaotiijloj lr,baa reUereu lu ai unprert-denied. Bead ihe following from well known rl uen: Mtttrt. Maguirt: We have te.ted j-o.-r invaluaMe HA!K BALM, and it baa retorM tbe color an J rr,wth ot our liair 10 our entire patUraction. ard we ran tbeenollT recoainieo.l it to tbe p'lilic. taignea,i a., a. nr. uis r. cai.iei , 1. tiABiuiK. errtary anl Librarian O'Fallnn ?jtrte h nic Inatltute; JtS !. BtRI-Off, Vice Krenidant War Kjiter rm Committee. rreparti only by i. C AlAGl'IRB, Chen.lMi ani DrHpiMxU. ouihwet corner 3ni aui Oiivt Street! and Sold ly all Druggists Price SI 00 jer Dottle. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, &c, :c. 31 AG Lilts;' 3 Compound Cxlrnct ol IJ1.VC llV4Vr. , . , n" DAKiTAii iommissiox. K. 10 ii . 6(1) Si. St. Lou. Nor. IS. 1344. Metiri. J. V C. Alaffttire. Vruogitti : Uetu.emen : Ibe Aeutir ttit CuBimiuiun tr. . it,,,n.i i.r..i. In tho Army your axiract of Beuue Klant, for the cure to Itaexcelleut qualitie, aud tbe ucce witb wuicu it J.C.iUKJiAN, Stcrelarj JVtttern Sanitary Commission. WAftRELlxr rtKDOr St. LociiCocstt, Pxisidc-jt" orrcc. 3 Srncce St., 1 tr ' m t. l.f Mo.Jfauarya tb lbo. C M tier i. j. r C. Macnirt DtmmuIm : We have vour romn..nn.i Kur.-i ,.i u.nm ' tbe toldiera' families le-ldina teie. witb the niot tbe beat Diarrhea Mcdlclu la ue aud hope Ua medual . T BTtOCKl. Serreiary. MAGUIRER'S EXPECTORANT SYRUP. The Great Remedy for Coughs. Cold, Asthma. Bionchitus. Spilling of Diood and ALL DISEASE OF THE LUXGS, llaa been use? moatf oweaunl'T awl to a ercat extent In St. Luni n.i iri..n tnr and pronounced by all who have taken it tone tbe moat ed. It ia entiralv hi. n..r.n h n.. .tk h. HJK'S ALTJE rit wure cxrojuta. nneumaium. Jtvr&igiat Uoutt Mercurial and Syphiloid Afftctions, Goilrr, Swellings of ihe Joints. Caries of the Bones, Ulcers. Cvtaneovs Lrvptions. Blotches. Pimples, Enlargements of the Glands. Constitutional Disorders, and all diseases arising from Impurity of the Blood. Price $2 pgr Bottle everyabere. S3"aetfor one of our Almanac for unnis ana 'ever, iJinous and Intermittent Fever, Dumb Ague, etc., etc. MAGUIKE's AGUE MIXTUTE. Tbu UeaKtiia i. tiLdoubiedly tbe most efltctuai rttuely evei ertcieUlor t tie ear. r the ab-ve eoa. plaibM. It has been thoroughly tested thi season, owin to the scircity of other prepiritions and hat aueceded in t itabluhitg for tt-elf a fair ref nution sujeri -r to that of any Medic'.n-. it h is never been kn.wa to fail and fewananud to cure In every instance. N edicine haa a m-re twrrful effwt oath "LlVCr than thi. it in a ho pet ior Tonie in ilebilitv- Priee f f.50 .r b. tile .V.,v :' 13 It rn nn SPECIAL NOTICE. Worthy the attention t.f both Males an1 Ks- MALES, who are in wai.t of buine. Th wdl l il ...... r l m r ,i t. n.. ti r... Jewelren ,20i broad way, N. wih to enttllih J mn nub.v auvwij iu.u m met uiicu iai, a nl in'ird.r that ihe Agn.t can bavea im;le to i.t bibit to their euntomer, tl ey will s -nd as a rample on the receipt of $2.00, a g.-nuine !old IVn fwar ranted), with Silver KxtenMon Ca?o anp Pencil, to gether with Wholesale Circular to Agmt, and eleven certificate, or a S.iu jle Certificate for 25rt.. Therein no Ant but what can moke ca-ily Z a day, and often $ ID. 2 J-3.U Oyer's Ague Cure. -9 h n VU U v.y 'sJ "W . O F Mala St., BrownTillc, Nebraska. DOWN TOR CASH ! IMOCTCE! ! 2 2 AND i e. "Toizsr 3E5Ts, of Hiarrbe and lyelllery. and tbeir revria teurr iiai be-i uset i-i t 'reunii or ti e-n i unu atiofctorv leaulta. Wa uni)in.iiui,w.,..,...n.Hl quaiiuea will oou be m.re ex . n lTiy kn.wn witu-'erfu! remedy for Chtu ComuUiou etir discuver. .in .) ntu. ... -: .. . K A.TI. VIS KL1 XE R. further inft r-mtion STRANGE, UUT TRUE. Every youn lad ail freiitK'inin in tlje Ln:t-4 St&tos eun hear . methiii rtrj tco-bt . Ihe.r ad vattao by return iu.i;l iree of cha-).l y ad lre? in j the nn leri-igmd. Th"ic havirg f.r T beinj bwtuLiiCd will i.b! g) by not n t c r thira-d.-- All orders will j Ieai adJren tt.trir ..lfli' nt 'mot T110S. F. CilAi iiAN, 31 Ufv;arT..v,Nw Xorx. S- M. P. 21 It taken i v t J ibe co-iernj-..i living f.mr ttii les donit of Atpiiiwa',, Nrm.hi Count., Nefrjltn the I0:ti day ol December U6, i e fed ai'd atue ;-tiled Ait er with crop f(T lha tefl en's! I oalf crop vSt tSa rijlit ear supposed to be S j er .1. WILLI A if C tAMBtliT. iter's Catiiartic Pills, in