Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 26, 1866, Image 4
Agents T7anted! 10 A DAY EASY MADE $10 Bf ellinz EnrrvinM. Card PhotiKrrntia nn.i Stationary Onr Stationary Peckotiexcells all oth ers ; each Package contains Pi p sr, Envelope. Pens rencr!gf fc, and jewelry worth a dollar at retail. Price only 30 Cents we will end Agenu in Stationnry Packages and a Silver Wstch. wartb $17 We also publish fplendid Steel Engravings and .Portraits, Lithograph Prints, & c, very popular and tale.iblc. Will send a no assortment of 100 for 15,00 that will rcalito fifty dollars, or a ten dotlnr lot that will cell for Thirty Dollar or over . Will nond a sample lot for Five Dollars that will sell tjt fifteen Dollar. Send Stamp for Catalogue, Term' , Ac. IIASK1NS ic CO., Teh. 4. iSSg 1-y 25 Beck-roan Slrcet, X. Y. LEGAL K0TICE. A. J. B;i!o wi!I t.ako n. ice tbst Ba'e as c tniIai jant lias filed a neli- Samuel Mary J-O. ti.n in chancery in tie Dis'rict Court of Ne- ruaba Courty, Nebraska, Territory, ajinft htm as respondent; tho clj cct and prayer f which Is to e b'ain a decree d;voreirg her from the id refpondtnt fretn the boi.ds .f iratriniriy,nnd giving lo Lc thecusttdy ef htr infant ehiktnii. Said rep r.dnt is required to antftcrL-y the 23:h day of Jlry ISO. 2'J-U d,nn MARY J. C. BALE. ""masters sale of land. Notice is hereby given that 1 will offer for nle ' at pub'io audi ri, ut he front J nor F Hond ley' Hill in the C.ty e.f BrownvillcNemsla Coun ty XVebraka. On the 12th day of Ma v. A. D 1SCG at one o'clock p. m. the following real estate, to wit : The Norlh Wrt qnartcr of Section 17 in T-.wn bij 6 Jorib i.f Ilaiga 14 L'cst. centnioing ICO acres tituatod in the faid County of Nemaha.. jTh. above will be sold by virtue of n decree and in cr TVf ) fr m the chancer of tho District Court i ctnnca County . .Win?,- T.u.,4 t unkvinu o3.rjn.iii aicr hi loo case wr.ciein Henry IIammi)njidiDir.i$trator of the Et&tj i,f J..J.n li. Laurent ij plaintiff and the unknown beir of Francif I'utigt.zt, Jatjer A. Ware and Barbara A. ajmrmire are elefeoc ants. (ivtn under try Lai d thi 12th day of April, o"o. U. U. ULAUUW. ff.on rrit . SbciiiTand Special ilsstcr. E GAi NOTICE. Mary L. Kcal, Louis Ncal.Gcorco Ncal. Harriet Odtll. Clark Udell, and Elizileth Neal, next r,f tin to Juary Li. iseal, and all others interesti-d in the estate of said Mary L. Neat will take notice that on the 9th day of .April, 1SGG, the Probate Court of cmha County, r.ebraska foiritory, mn 19 the fol lowing order to-wit : This d y came O juries Foy as guardian of Mary L. Ncal ,r.nd filed" his petition doiy verified asking for tho ale of the real estate or a portion thereof of his said ward ; whereupon it appearing to the Court from such petition, th-t it is necessary tor would bo beneficial to the sni.i ward thatEuoh real cptatn or forne portion of it t-nouia De row, it is therefore ordered that Mary L ieal, Louis IUal,Ueorgc cnl.Ilaniet Odell, Clark Odoll and Elizabeth Neal, being the next ef kin of Eaid ward, and also all perrons interested in tho estate, appear before this court at the court room in the City of Iirownville on the 14ih day of May, 1665, at ten o'clock, a. xn.,to thoxr.. canto why a license should sot be granted for tho eale of such real cstcte. CUAIiLES FOY,Gunrdion of 29-3t-fn,dn MARY L. .NEAL. LEGAL KOTICE. James Rice will take notice that an action has been commenced in the District Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory , wherein John is plaintiff, and James Uico is defendant, and that an order of attachment has been issued therein, and the following Heal Estate, to-wit : the North half of the South west quarter of Section 1 ouiteen (14) in Township four (4) North, of Unrge four teen nJ,)Ea?tcf the 6th principal Metklian, in 'Nemaha County, Nebrcka, has been attached as belonging to said James Uice, the object of this ac tion is to obtain a jndgement of $04,20 wiih in terest from the 13th day of October, a.d. U62, as taoneT due said claJntiff from said dafendanL on a promissory note made by said Jam;. Iiioe in favor of eaid John Crim, dated April 22d a.d. 1S6I, and also to obtain an order for the salo of eaid attach ed property, and the application of the proceeds to the payment of faid claim. Defendant is required to answer said petition on or before the 21 st diy f May, a.d. crus.o. D0RSEY, 23-5t ff.nn Att'y. f..r Complaint iff LEGAL NOTICE. ' Tmlcg Toin wnlKaka notico tbntCla'"' m - X f at u tat - Jiam a omplninant, Ji i n tho 4t'a dir of April. a.d. IS'ltl, file a pstitian iu t'.e Jutn-jt. Court c-f Nemaha County. Nsbra-k v Territory, in chonccry, ngvinst ths said Pclcg Tiupin as l tfendunt tho objectand prayer of eaid petit Im i4Mbcfiin a de cree in favor of PiJ Couiitlrtinmt, divorcing her fro-n the boudi o inatriinnay from the iaid detend and. nN Com.-lainnntcusto.Sy and ..nirl of her iiXint Svn. Upon thoground, that swii defendant has deserted nnd ah and .tied said Coaiiil---,nt for ia ,rj than two years. That said defendant has and dies r.egloct and refao to pro vide a suitahla m.iintrmneo for said Ccfln'tnnnt and said child, nd extreme cruelty of conduct toward s cotnp'nln in by eaid defendant, an J the said defendant is required t answer ssid jetilion cn or before Monday, the 2ttli dav of May n.d.lSCS. Tipton & hewett, 2S5t $11,03. r Att'y'for Conplainant. . TV HIT. KfZTir.F. t iv v w . av m a vaji Julius Tyler and James W. Deputy will ta'ce notice that Joshua Deputy has filed a petition in chancery in tho District Count of the County f Pawnee in the Territory r.f Nebra.ka, against tl cm as defendants. The object of said petition is to forecloso a certain dcrd cftruet or tuortgago made by the said Julius Tyler July 13th IbaU on the irorth est quarter of section seventeen in Town ship two North of Ilan?o twelve East of the 6th principal meridian, situated in the said Countv of Pavrsee, in favor of tho said James W. Deputy, as trustee for tho said Jo.-hua Deputy to sec-u ro the payment of o promissory note of even date there with made by said Julius Tyler in favor of Joshua Deputy or bearer, for two hundred and forty-five dollars, with interest from maturity thereof at tho rate of fivo per c?nt per month, due one yen r after date. The prayer of said petition is that tho said premises be sold and the proceeds be applied in payment of said sum, and that the defendants bo deprived of all right or tit. o to the eamo. JJe fondants are required to appear and answer on tr beroro the 30th day of A pnl 1 8(15. CRANE & THOMAS, Attys for Plaint ff. ' 25 4t fi,da MASTERS SALE. Ifotieo Is hereby given that I will offer at public auction at the Trout door of u. li, rresson s Dwell ins, in Tecumseh, John?on County .NebraskaTerri- tory (that being the placo of holding tho last term of the District Co trt for fai l County.) On ihe Utk day of April, A. D. 1S66 at one o'clock P. MM of said day, thofdlowin Keal Estate to-wit. Ihe ?ouih uest quarter of Section number twenty-one 21 in Township nuiu bor five 5 North of Iianee tutuber eltyen 1 1 Ea-t cf the 6th principal meridian, situated in Johnson County.NebrH8ka territory, on an order oi sale is sued br the RejristT in Chancery of said Court of Jolrou County m favor of Jasper A. Ware and gainst William F. Walker, issued by tho District Court of Johnson County, and to mo directed as (rectal master in Chancery. Given under my hand this the 12th day March, A.D, 155 V.A. PKfcSSON, Special Master in Chancery, . - :25 It ff.nn t57EiTOR f thelrfrertiVr Dear Sir: With your peimission, I wish to say to the readers of your Paper, that ! will send, by mail, to all who wish!, treej a Kecipc, wirh full directions tor making and using a simplo Ycgetable Dal to, that will effectually remove, in ten days,Pimides,Llotch es, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, having the same soft, clear, smooth nnd beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Ha'd Head, or Bare Faces, simplo directions atd information that will enable them to start a full growth of Lux urant Hair, Whiskers, or a mustache, in lest than thirty days.- All applications answered by return mail with out charge. KcFpect fully Yours. rnOS. V. CHAPMAN, Chemist. 10 a. & c .3ujon. S.U Droadway, New-York. jr"The L'udereigned having been restored to Health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, af ter having sulfcrcd several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Cousuraption is anxious to mako known to his fc'!ewiuf:ercrs the pieansof cure. la all wbodefircif.he willsendacopyof thepre acription Ufcd (free of charge,) with the directions for rreparinTrd ufing the same, which they will CndaSL'ltECCKWOli CONSUMPTION, ASTH MA, DUONCIilTIS, Ac. Tho nly object of the 4vertuer in sendiegthe Prescription is tobcncCt the afiiicted, nnd spread information which be con tcives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer rill try hisremdy,as it will cost them nothing, and nay prove a Messing. 'arliwbhing the pr.cripticn will pleaseaddrcrs l;v. EDWARD A. WILSOX. Wi:iiasbcrg, hJCgsCo.. ftew jcrx. aJka.lft-iC' most. w IZARD1 TU2 OSFATEST KEMEDY KNOTS 10-.1 AOTES AND PAINS. ; l,,valTi1iV rrepnratlon only n-el a trial te Tina Ialni r r hoiwh.-U la tlyj land. TOOTHACHE JXTHKtXIMTtS. nuADACirn ITEUHALGIA is in jasrrts. EAE ACHE it tlx jiiscrrs. DIPHTEEEIA iv a nw Eocr.s. TEX 'tM;TLS. J Lame Uncle, criti IJuwloJis, liiuUcs, fec-lU, Cuts, Siralua, l!urn., etc. It u f plp"W Kv t that every pe'sm U more or Hal.'.M to ciM-a, ii u J liijiny by ncculcnr.anJ la eurli cast- a leiinvy U nci-sa-y furthermore a 10 l m-iiiu!v l tl ;lvc-n woi-fli litvii., nnd Cho un-t-t ft" l.-'.e iui.:: inu U ef KirRTrater iinportMme tl.Mii t!. yiWv. i:!vra:e of rluap nieil cin-s. The lowest I ri et irwieiliea i:re re-ot-Hoaiily m-ule of tbo p.v.nxt ejimlity of dnipx, m l are not utterly uiv but Hie Mwitivcly iujuriinia to the human rv-ti ri Ttiref'e lwnv4 -t the test. prepara ti..... Txj UaMLIN's) WIZARD Ollnml a fair tri.l roininco j-on lhattt it. grtolat ftiin KilU r in ' tiv-r.'J. BoLD IX ALL 1'ktGCls.M. riiICE 00 and 75 cent per fcottle. Tratthnj J.ytnU TVuitUd,tend Stamp for Circular. J. A. HAMLIN & lTp.O , Proprietors," 78 r.A.T90LPH BlXIXT, CHICAGO. x,nn WILLIAM'S Advertising Acency, tfb 9" Cnamter Street, Saint Louis, Mo Mannfactnrcrs Pepot No. 88 North 5t Street, cor. St Charles, ST LOUIS, MO. Ilcre will bo found every variety of AMERICAN CLOCKS AND CLOCK MATER1ASS, with all the ndvjntnges of the Eastern market in regard to both selections and price. Send for Illustrated Catalogues. HENRY V. EDE'S, Proprietor, m. a. m. a. s. o. co 23-vol 10. b,nn ISTO NPAREIL wiuiiE mm. This I the only Machine in rx 1st ence which combines all the reqalsltes of a perfect Washer. It lit a Squeezinc Machine, operated by a balance- whelant explain tared to run three turns of the cronLt? bneluru rf it:tahi. .tromrlv inii?. - pie bimI easr ti its operation, and not lii-hle to Bet out nr. orn . it la coustructca on Buictiy mecnantcai principles, aid sole'.y with a viev to utility and dura bilitj . During the time the Nonpareil has been in nse, since Apt! 1 . 1S61. it ha sieio'iiy iirown in mo!ic favor and h rteni-n-rated that Two-thirds the iabor and Time required in washiiic by hand- and all th3 Wear and Tear ot the garments are Savod br its Use. A cirl or by can work il ; ami it may he r3iiel u to cleans ciotbins without any as- tdotanc-c from Dand Kubbln.'. A liberal discount altuwc 1 to dealers. Seiid for fro" descripMve Cirwtar t' Oakley & Keating, 1S2 Wa er Street, m HEW YOIIK CITY. Probate Judirc COL L E G E. CONDUCTED on tho l asss of tictuai business, by an experienced Accountant nnd Snperir Pen man, whose connection with the most popular worn morcial Colleges ensures tlicroughncss and rfputa tion t cverv uraJdato. Special instruction pit en in all styles of Pf n manihip; specimens of which may bo eccn at the College. Full particulars sent to an v adJres. ' THOMAS J. BRYANT. 5:-tf St. .loch. Mo. NEW SKIRT FOR 18G6 The Great Invention of the Age in 3 J. W. Bradley's New Patent DcrLEX Elliptic for double ) Spking Skift. Tnta Ixtektiun consists of DrPl.KK (or two) Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously linudcd 1 igbtly and Firmly together, edge to edge, rraking tho toughest, most flexible Elastic and Durable Spring ever used. Ther 6i;ldoni Dend or Dreak like 'he Sinslo Snrinss. and consequently Preserve their Pcifectond Dcautiful Shape Twice as Long as any other Skirt. Tho Woxdekfcl Flexibility and Great Com fort nt?'i pleauro to any Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all Crowded Assemblies, Oper a, Carriages, Kail road Cars, Church Pews, for I'romenado and House Dress, as the Skirt can bo folded, when in use, to occupy a small place as easily as a Silk or Muslin Dress. A Lady having enjoyed thopleasure.comfertand great convenience of wearing the"Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt" for a single day, will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For Children Misses, and Yonng Ladies, they are Su perior to all others. Tho Hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the Single yarn covering which is used on all single Steel llaop Skirts. Tbo three bottom rods on eVcry Skirt ar also Doable Steel, and twice or douhlo covered to prevent the covering frr in wearing off tho rods wden dragging tdown stair, stone steps, etc., etc. which they are constantly subject to when in use. All made of the new and elegant Corded Tapo, and are the best quality in every part, giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect iShapo possi bly the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever m ide. Wests' Dkadley & Cory, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, f7Cbambcr and 79aud8l Reade Streets. New York. For sale in all f.r$t-clss Stores in this City, add throughout the United States and Canada, Hwnan Cuba, Mexico, South America, and theWdvt Indies DInquirc for the Duples el liptic (or double) Spring Sliirt. 10-27-3m A&C. Look hcio Boys ! Foil instructions by which a person can master tho art cf Yentrilnquismin a f w hours. Satisfac tion given or money refunded in every case. Prico by mail cna do' Send your money and make a wjjrld ol fun and a fortune. " Audreys, M. A. JAGGEK3, Msroh 15 3moBtha CaJboaa 111. rr yy 51 E0G. A. PHINCE & COS PATEN T- AnrnnnATP n iyiUMilllb Uii EACH f 30 Varieties, with Patent Basso Tenuto or Uub Das s. JKSTSchool Organs and MeloJeons. Finished In i Elegant Rosewood, Walnut or Oali. Cases. JN'o Charge far Baring or Shipping. 23,000 Now In Esc.s All ILTjUSTKATED CATALOGUE, e n. taiiiins ml I (tescripiion or .tj te. ar.d te&tiriiomaN of the most eminent Al ui Uns. as to the superior excel lence of our in&trumeutb will be sent free to any ad Iress. TlUi AUTOMATIC ORGAXS. In pre-cn.ins the Automatic Oan, wc boldly an ihe ureatct trinnii h in iiiumcmI intri!iueiita of the aic. " During the past half ceniu-y, the French and Germ!" have manufaotured reed instruments with iloub:e bellow, and two peJa Is for the feet to opeiate, but i he want of the reversed or K.xhau.-iin betlow-i, (jrhich is Hie only bellows ned incur in-tu-ment.-), iiiace; it imp-.f-fible tor them w produce the mellow, iicb and musical tone for wbicn our Instru ments are ce.cbriited. another object icn to this method of blowing was that, both feet teiiK occupied, no opportunity was of fered for the management of the swell. Wiibiu the pabt two years. inKtritiuents con.-tructed on this Kuro pea ii pi a u of "double bio vorK," have been niannf ct ure i in this couutry, and to counteract this o'illicul'y (want or as wet!) a lever has been projected from tbe tentie of ihe Iiifiriinient, in act upon the rwcil. and operated by the knee. Tho nicoiiveniencf and contor tion nccestar- to etfect this oljrct are disaareea'.' eanuah toa aeiuienian, but io a lady tbe u-cof fcich au appendage is neariv iupoibIe. Our Automatic device olniates this difflrr.lty entire ly, the simpte act if blowing with cure or less force giving the desired Increase or decrease iu the volume of tone. For seventeen years the superior excellence of our Melodeous has uut teen questioned, and for two years past the enormous demand baR made it impogAibie for us to meet our criers promptly. With our increased facilities, we feel warranted in assuring our patrons that their orders will be promptly met, and solicit a continuance of their patronage. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. Caution to Purchasers. All our instruments have upon tr e Dame board, in full. "GEO. A. PKIKCK &CO." When a dealer rep regents any other insti uments as "the same as ours,' it is usually a mere attempt to sell an inferior instru ment, on which be can make a large profit. P. S A liberal discount to Churches, Clergymen Addrc-s. GEO A.PRINCB, &CO ,89 Wishincton St, Or, Chicago, til. GEO. A. ?RI2CE & CO.. Buffalo, N. T. May 1st. lSti5. no33 v9-yly GREAT I?,irROV12JIl:5TT SEWING MACHINES. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE I! I Patented February 14th, 1S60. SALESR 0 O W 536 DR OAD JVA Y, JVf Y. 252 WASHING TOK St. B OSTOJt TIII3 MACHINE is constructed on entirely new principles of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuables improvements, having bocn examined by the most profound expeita, and pronounced to be Simplicity and Perfection Combined. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither KIPor KAVKL, and is alike on both sides; perforins perfect sewing on every descri, tioa of material, from Leather to the finest Nansook Muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thro id, from the coarest to the finest number. Having neither CAM nor COG WIIEEL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is Emphatically a Noiseless Machine. It requires Fit TY PElt CENT le.-s power to 'ti ivn it than auy ether Machine in the market. A uirl twelve yenrs of u d;l, rith- out fatigue or Injury i health, Itsstrergth and ondcrlul iMmpltcny of con struction r nder il nlntost impossible tt get out of order, and is tiUAUANl Lhii by the cempai y to give, entire .":itis:netion Wercspectlully invito all those who may desire to mj ply themselves with a Miperior a. tide, to come and examine this Unrivalled A'achioo. Lilt in a more especial manner do we solicit the patronage of Merchant Tailors, Coach Makers, Hoop fcikirt llanufac- turcrs, Shit and boson LXak Coset Msko Gnitei" i'ittera, shoe binders. Vest nnrt Jfantaloon XdaUers. eis. DresALIakera. tli'ijiott and Charit till? Institution Kill be lihe- rt'ii i fit tilt iciih. Prices of itlat.i.tic Complclc : No. 1, Family Machine, with llcmmor, reller nnd binder, J60 No. , Sm til Manufacturing, with Extension Table 75 No. 3, 1 argo Manufacturing, with Extension Table 8 No. 4, Largo Manufacturing, for Leather, with liolling Foot nnd Oil Cup 100 Vnehaff hour' a in ut met inn ii nrjpcieiit to enable any jmrnoH tx tcork thi Machine to their entire Mtf inact ion. Agents Wanted for alt towns in the United States, wnero Agents arc not alrendy e-stWihcd. Also for Cubit, Mexico, Central end SytTt h America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. Terms invariably Cash on delivory. T. J. McArtlmr & Co., 53 broadway, New York. A. & Co. 52 Washington, St.,15oston. 70 Chestnut St., Phila. GEO. FRANZ, Agent, 102J.'4th, Kt.Lcui, Mo. FGb. th 1S156. 10 l'J ly A&C. Mmnm TOR Families and Manufacturers SOJMETIIItVG SEW ASD VAEUA BLKFOIUAMILltSLV WE offer the public tho simplest, strongest and best Knitting Machine in tbe world. It occupies but little space is portable and can be attached to a stand or tabic, weighs about 401bs. It will knit a variety of Etitches Ihe brcakng of nctdhsis trifling the cost of needles isintig niGcant and the mo3t delicate material can be knie puro and spotless, as the needles ere not oiled. Orders for Machines may be sent through the American Advertising Agency. 389 Broadway, U". Y. Send for a Circular. . A cents Wanted. DALTON KNITTING MACH. CO., 5-ly 537 Broad way.N.Y. . PLANT &. BROTHER r Established in 1815. igricul tur al Maclii nery, GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, hose, packing and PUMPS RUBBER cj- LEATHER Belting. COJUIISSIO? MCRCHAftTS, Consignments of Grain, Seed, Tobacco and Cotton respectfully sojicted. garSign of tho GILT PLOW2 ST. LOUIS, MO. Send 5 cents forpostiga for Illustrated Catalogue. January TEOi 1863. i months 10-17 dn J SW TIP ft Flu I E L I! B OLD FLUID -EXTRACT Of AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE T f : ' : t - I i .-'.- a - , : THE H0TTEHT0TS Slaving long used UOHTJ Cor a Variety of Diseases. It wa borrowed from thoso rude practitioners by THE Enslisli ana Dctch Fnjslcians, On whose recoirmcndation il was employed in Eu. rope and has now como into general use. IT 13 GIVEN CHIEFLY IN Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the , Bladder, MORBID IRRITATION OF TILE BLADDER AND URETHRA, FOR FEMALE WEalXXES'S and DEBILITY, For Prolapsns and Bearing Down, or Prolapsus Uteri, Diseases oje. Tnr Postate Glands,, KeTKXTIOX, OB IXCOXTINEXCE OP UkIXE. And all diseases reauirin? tho aid of a diuretic arising fiom a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation.. IT IS RECOMMENDED IN CASES OF CHRONIC RIIEfJMATIsJI Cu tan cons Affections and Dropsy, To (U-j eliscsses we must bring into action the muscles which are crgnged in their various func tions. To neglect them, however slight may be the attack, is euro to affect th3 boldly health and men tal powers. OUR FLESH AND BLOOD, arc supported from these sources. PERSONS OF EVERY PERIOD OF LIFE From Infancy to Old Age. and in every state cf health, aro liable to be sub jects of theso diseases. Tho Cause in Many Instances are Cnkncvrn Tha patict has, however, an admirable remedy in KELMBOLD'S Eluid Extract of Buchu Philaddphid Evening Bulletin Editorial, Sept. 15. 1SC5. HELMBO L ' Genuine Preparations. His Solid and Fluid Extracts embody the full strength of the ingredients of which they are named. They are left to the inspection of al?. A ready and conclusive test of their properties will be a comparison with those set forth in the United States Dispensatory. These rem edies are prepared ty II. T. Helmbold.a druggist of sixteen yeaes' expeiience in this city, and we. believe them to be re liable ; in fact, we have never known an article lacking merit to meet with a per manent success, end Mr. Helmbold's success is certainly prima facie evident. His Drug and Chemical Warehouse, in the city of New York, is not excelled, if equaled, Ly any iu the country, and we would adrise our readers, when visiting that city, to give Lim a cell, and judge for themselves. Mcl m hold's Extract of Buchu. HE L MB OLD. JOHN F. M0ERIS Jgnt for ihe above preparations t Brown vi lle, Nebraska. KTBjber4. 1865, ly. 10-7-H-T ts.m. E. & K. T. AKTHOJIY & CO., Uanu!c:areri of Fhotographio Uateriab, C01 BSOADWAY, K. T. fa BArrtUa to enr maia badDM Plf 'TTlKiRA PHIC JtA- Siereoscop es and Stereoscopic Views. VIEWS OF THE WAS, 0ti4 at grmt zp.BM aaJ forniloj a ffnp' HJOTtHiitAeuic umoav ormccUAT lmos coxie Bull Ban, Datca Cap, Pontoon Traias. XJacover Jsnctiaa Lcokont Mountain, Chickahomiay, City Poiat. Kaih-ville, Fetersbargh, Eello Plain, Chattanooga, Atlanta. Hobil?. Strawberry Plains, Ycrktowt, Gettysburg!:, ' I e;r Oats, Ravage Station, FredericksbuTgh, Fairfax, Bichmoud, Deep Eottoa, lloiiitcrs. Fort aiorgan, Charleston, Ficrida. ce. &c. AmnWn wt For.'st Citl.t 4 LTtnpm, Gmnpa, Statuv rr Jc. aSm, Krvulving MtfwKors fur pubiic or ariTua xhiiii'.ina Cu. CaLtJugu W MO 1 1 any auklreat racaiat al auuujn Photographic Alhuns. V. m tk. tirot f Intrudar thM tola tb. Unttwl SlxUa tH w inin iliu-lHrr iinin.nM ijiutitilio. in rrwt, ranf I t ia pn.-r fr.n V trnU to t'-t O ir Al.HU MS bar. tb. ropa tnl.m f lHring;irri T in l-'.-utT anj l.inlili:v to but Xu.v oiil I cni br wail, KiitK. on receipt of price Cf"nsB ; Ai.iit'MS VAitc -ro osweiu 53 Ths Tiaia will find oar Albans tnj mast Ba'.eibla they can bay. CAK rUOTOGRAI'IlS. Onr Ca'Ji'r" Bv.w Kiiltrar. vt Firt TMoettia itl(TfTTil ttil,;.-n (t w-r.i '.i ..I.I'i'khu aia omUuualty bain; made) vt fc-ii-Bitit A iMirUau. Ac, ra : alxvit lij" M-'i-i.ii ' I'1 bi.ut -Crtta S.V) Stt!in, l(M. Hrij " iv otlirr O.H:-er, ISOUiriiK, S'i C-l;b 15 N.rr UiScmb, 15 Auth..rv 4a Anuia- 1. I Staja, SO Prouiiuaat W oaiamv S.i-k Cuj'irt cf Work. f Art, fafluJlnjf of tba mctt ralehratad EnerartBra, Painlint, jt.tuo. Ac. CnlalouM Mat on ncipl uf Sump. Aa urJsr for Uu. IVi Pictura. frii onr Catslugoa, will ba ClM w .-acipl of f l 40. Bii.1 wi.t br mil. mil. IitoUrrli.r aa.i iba ur.Wruf (ohU C X D . will pi Mat remit twrniv-f.r. (xrcri.t. of tb ui'MBt tb tNeir or. I sr. tiTTutt rVicot u4 i)uaiil qf aux gooiia csusvt Uii to aatiirjB Oct. 23th 1S95 10-6-11-6 fJ,nn. m o O O pH co O OQ c3 o Where a choice stlection of the lowing article can ahvay le found, fol- Fine Dress Goods. Consisting e.f eoocd bcnutiful and cTieap, Ihilmoralls Skarts , Nulis, Mood Shawls, Hosiery, rtno and' Course rsuoes Dress Goods too numerous to mention. LaJies Also Gents Fine ILits,any,Rnd every quality of Boots and Shoes. Collars, iinu Shirts, Under Shirts, Ac, de., Cannot do bt tier than to trade wiih the undersigned. G. M. HENDERSON. Oct. 25th 1S65. 9 36-ly rdnn. OF THE UNEQCALED BRANDS, SLIGO G. D. H." cc TKONE (C IN LULL ASSORTMENT AT THE SLIG0 IRON STO,lE, 2GS North Stctcd Street, ST. LOUIS MO. PaTfric.'Wnfing our Lrancl-S cf Iron tvIH bear in miixl th:it wo have no agencies, hut conliLOsa'ed in St. LotiMj., to our own tloue. Our ttock in stora is always very Iar23, and-em brace j all manner of size common to the use ot Kail Koiid Companies, Machiniit.-', .Miners, WagouOla- ker?, riow-.Mukei8anU blacksu itUs. Also, constantly on hand full supplies of Cast, Blister and .-German Steels Hlow and Sruixc Steels ; Horse, Mule and Ox Shoes; Horse Nails "Steam Hammered" and "(J." Files and Rasps; Screw Plates; Carriace Tire and Plow Bolts; Springs arid Axles; Wagon Thimbles. Skeins and Bolts Anvil?, Vi?es and Chains; Tire Benders and Drills ; Ham?:aes, Wagon Boxe, Malleabre Castimcs, &c, Sec, Sic, In r oMition, wo can offtr of best quality, SARVENS PATENT WHEELS; WAGON ANDOTHER WHEELS; HUBS, LPOKES & FELLOES; SHAFTS of various PATTERNS ; PDOW HANDLES, Oval Shape, &c Trsrclher with al: manner af WOOP-TTOKS MA TERIALS u-cd in Wjicons I'iows. Orders by mill solicited unJ luilhiully execute'. SLIGO IRON STOES 2GS N. Seeond Street, St. Louis Mo. Geo. D.Hall, Successors io Lyons Shorb Si, Co. PIANOS! PIANOS! $350 to $1,400. H. H. SAXT0H & CO., JEJT. liOTJIS, 3VTO. HA E Constantly on hand tho Target Assort ment FIUST-CLASS PIANOS kert by an uo iloue in the West. They keep tho KELIADL NSTItUjiENTS madd by Wm. B. Bradbury Chambers & Gabler: IJevr York Pianoforta Company. James "W. Va?e, 3Iason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, $110 to C160 E ch. Also, on band Scconclxliand Pianos, Ulclodcans. Ac. Ac, Art. Which are sold at IUrcptins. Send fur" Circular" aud"Price-Lit.n "Wrerooms: Cor. Fifth & Walnut (Under Southern Hotel) J.S.W 10-5-ly. ET..LOUIS ,M0, g i il rt Vegetable Sicilian - HAIR HEf'JEWEB, As the name indicates, not only KZ5xtrs the growth of the hair when thin fcnd filling eff, bu positiTelj rtnewt ths color tovts origiial aJe when it is turning gf or white, wheiSfr caused by diseaseYief or ell age. It will certaiW do what ia earned for it,, a fact to which Vmdred3, jj thousands, ' who have used it, 3jre reaf jr and willing to testify. Where one JtT is fairly used, ia any community, its. reputation "spread like wild fire," firjf itho best adjertise ment and recorTcndaVin we desire. In th- Eastern Staffs, whereVi "RESETTER" originated, ia young. laes use H as & hair dresag: it is founon the toilet 'tables ofoung men, (also atVtcir barbers), whilelder men and women Vho desire a Renjper and Restorative for theLs. ,rey locks aivi bald hcad3 will not bo wout this ti-ticlc. wLica pives xn eyery insuXe, en- tiro setisfaction. Don't let any drnsist or lcaler urge upon yow a diffuront article, as there ii no preparation in the world like this, Eowaro of any article, purporting to be tho tame. Try IIALL'3 HAITI HEX EWER according toDireo--tions,and you will nso no other. If not sold at druggists in your town, a trial botth will be sent yea by eipress, upon receipt of on oollar by m.tih thu giving yon n opportunity, at once cf testing its excellent rpri'iities. OruVirs fjr trial boUIe must be addressed to C. A. COOK, Chicago. Gen'l Ajent for Korih western States, E. P. TIALL t CO- Proprietors, Nashna, N. II. Sold at WTIOLESALE, In Chicusro, by FtTLlETt, TINCH FTJIXEIt, EUUXIIAM3 4 TAN SCIIAACK, LORD A EMITII, SMITII & CWTEn, J. II. REED A CO. chas. o. SMiTrr, pietzsct, elocki t co, il UOVIL, XT. D. HARRIS i CO, TOST A BADEAU.ani drussists and dealers generally. lo-tl C'u. fr,nn. c. ..'. r a w E.f s vi i c B lifts A" r The Best Tonic in the World. HIGHLY' OEGOMiVIEMDED Hi m ft tit; of th most prominent Iffit H t (. c ''y tl -M. country liysictttns at llie For Dispppsift, J'vcr nnd Ague, Acitlittj of the Stomttvh , Loss of Ap petite, Sattsea. lit art-burn, tfann rtiec, itmltill ti.etfses ttrisinff from (i Unordered yfitie of the SfomaeJi, . Lifer or Intestine CONSTITUTION BITTERS Are being .sold iviflt the most itm derfttl stieeess till over the cottntrt, ami t'crer fail to aire Mtfisfarfon. Delicate females ami ireak chi?H ren are made strong bt the ttse of these Hitters. In fart thetj should be kept in evertj house. USENOHs BUT THE BEST! l;f the best am only be laid by enquiring for the CO.-iSTITUTlOIf B!TTB3! ?iani; Acri ii:i by SHWAI1B tz BSHTL2iY, IS'J Jltrhi SI.. U tjjalo, X. V. Burnhams & Van Soliack Shores, Bunlap& Co. Wholesale Agents, Chicago. . I It-1 1 -Bin. I'r.r.n. c. c. A ro. N OTICB. THE MODEL SEWING MACHINE. (Kroni tbe New V.rk Ihrald) Prominent autuiix the nirhiii'al triiiuioh? of this mot inrenions aj;e. common honesty compels v& to nr tire tbo Empire bietvin; Alscbinc, cniniemle't a j:itly strley iiericiicn itc!r Utcful as t.avc been tliov.t-rioii.- tewini uurtiiut's. from time t tiuie pre.-entfl to lie pnbiic. e h one of theoi hcen riiinl with koko r:ntic I t'cteci, wliuh tletrai ta Ircui rt rn'ru I i ! -tty. Wairnc-I by llio experience of Jiis preueces-ors, ihe of ihe Erie Mniliine 1ns pn tiiire'l mi in strument. c.Miit'iniiu ail ttie aJvant.isf fr wlucli otheri ure vMinitel and obvMiiwr every-lfcet whieh :au be attribute) t- t tiem by them st fatnliui: eritio .The Enijure 31 " hine i a Ohva o'Uilv, nation of FlmpliciJy, ec .teniy am! parfeel wurk-bi bcn tu a hie, nec troMi liu'.iiiiy t yet xrit oi orier n isete- an.t easy of oier:ioii. Ii mechanical contrivance is such as toffcure htabili'yi fiee'ioni ironi acci l nr,an-i accural y as t. wo: kii)rtii-t.ii. By t;ie us.'! ( tl"? pa' cmel rbuitieaiMl ctruigbi neeills ir nuke. tt.xl' vvlncti can nenber rip ur rivel while at the anr lima ii ran oTerd'.e i.erieciiT upon eve y i-pones of ni.nerial froij te.tiher to cjnniic)lth ihreji-x o t- ton. linen or sik from the li lOxt to the coartet uuui her. As the Empire Machine N cra luaily Its more autiquo livain, ii.n.iio i i Mr.tnt of a meiei mtru nieiu of this "Iiscri it i.m . bt he or hA tailor, each ma ke, J; er-S maker or ednlvlr can ! othe wisl tha ere u i c ime or the-e ecoiioiical aui minutaLle Maotii"e sniteu alike lur fanii v i U n iiimfa t i.rii '-' p:ip'js Ttie tllco of the Empire Aletiuftcturins Co. is at No. 53j Briilwoy. New VorS Ci'v. wherj ibey are low Mipplyiiie ihee Kuioi.e Machines at price l etow tbe real value of the lusts ume'iC. New Jfrk Herald Feb. 6ih I(j35 10 19 A C Hannibal & St. Joseph I? 5 OJV MISSOURI RIVER. Tri-wceklv 1'ackets (Hannibal and St. Joei h R. li. Line) ;eavo Omaha, Council llluffs, Platry- moatb, Nctrus'r.a City, lirownvilie and intcrtmdi ate points for St. Jo.-eph, connecting at St Joseph with trains on Hannihal and S5. Joseph R. II., leav ing St Jo?eph a 1 1.30 P. M., arriving at QUIXCY, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS On and allrr .iay iyih, u nit aiolcloso acc- tion- fmra St Joceph to Atchison. Wt ston, fjeavet worth Wy indotte, Kansas City. Lawrence, Topek i. fr.,via PUtte Country U.K. and teamer Emiiie II, A St- Jo. li. H. Line Leave bt Joseph 5.3i A. l Lea venwortli s.Oj a m., Wyandatte I0.t0 a t, Kansa City 10J50 a. M.. Iwrence at 5 00 P.M. IIIEOUGH TiJKx.I5 iUK SALE by Porter A Deuel, Omaha, D. W. Hitchcock. Coun cil Bluffs, E.C, Lewis. Plattsmouth, E. S.lfawley, Nebnka City. JJuy tLryjj-ti tickets and save money. Extensive repairs on the IIakibal A St. Jo- SFrn Railroad, new iron,t:es and additional rollr in ' stack enable them to e;fTerthec important chan ges to facilitate TRAVEL BT THIS ROl'TE. V. w. mkad, ucneral rMipennteoJi-nt, P. B. Groat. Ccneral Ticket Ajrent. II II. Covetrigiit, Gen'IFreightgn-. Ilwnuihal, Mo, Catt. Tcfcs Tozv. SuTjcrintentlent Packet Lines. Sr. Jo$er.h.M. THEO. HILL, Ag't. Brownville. Mairiago and Celibacy. An E-;iy ot Warning and instruction fo Yocsg Men. -Also, Dicascs and Abuses which prematurely Prostrate th Vital Powers, with sure means tf relief, fc-cnt Free of Charge, in sealed letier envelops Add CJi, Or. J. Ch.lLLI3 II0CGI1T0N, LToward Ataociation, Phila '.elphi Pennsylvania. 10-13 J year e,no II il I ., j V (Successors to HcLau?v15a Xemaha VaUey Bank W, We respectfully announce to ' t' " 4W v"y Kowia store, a ! iYcw and Large Stock cf AND 1 & To which thev of purcliisvrs. liitiit; .'IT ft YOU WILL FIND THE BEST Sugars, -Teas, Mo and JaTarof- 1 fet, Tnre Ciacr Tlhcsar aniicT I uu in 5 Canned Fruits in great variety wj of the lent quality ; CaUup, pld'a. Oysters- Sardines, Clams Fit Mustard, Worcestershire Sauce ard Western Ecscrvc Checked SWAN & BROS- Sw.m and Brother, ihsirv t; t.'l pntieular attention to tkir I r- ant varied Stock of Tchicco. cousijttri cf ia!'ir i! Lai Slid Netiaririt and oiher favrr i e LranJ of l'luq; Tfci' co ar.d tet tjiui of Fine cut aiA Sniokm Twtau-o Wrought arJ Cut Nnils, of a!l Spades, SLovefs. Brooms, Sovvit.g Tai:.e, and Scooi Shove) at & uno's. Vac Iilglicsi price raW forBcfler, Esss. anil counln produce at Cousult your ictesst lj cxmiin- iii Su;in & L'ros. GooiTs anil rias before buying claewlkro. v-1 G-ii-4 ly. A CARD TO THE SUF?ni2;G Dj vou wiIi to Le Cured ? If s. s-,-ii.. Vr or ibreo hor.e.iuS of fcL!uchu." 'T nic bi-Ur, "ri.irs.'i.nrlll.i." 'XtrrourXutt d"'," A?., ... ind after vod ara satv-S.-d with th rcti:t. t!-..'a :.? b x iT OLD I'OfTOK hl-CHAN'S K.,;i" SpfC'fi? i'ills :nid tt rcs'ore I t hai;h and sor in K.-sthaii thirty davs. Thoy arj pure' v---'.z'j.t I.leas:int to tak.?. pron.j t and salutary in lUir ! leefson the Lri.ken-duwn and fhattcrcJ c i.-i::c-tion. Old and v u:i cm tak-s them wi:ii nir s-ta-o. J)H. DUC!l.S SV:x-Vii I'i! inlcss th in :J0 d.y?, the woutccs f M'.'ii"'"'' "Lof.V, Iui Otency, Tre-r ituro Ih-cay, Sia.-u- Wvakricsj. In-:tiiity, and all Uu' irj. - i 3' 1 ' Xcrcont affectsoris, no matter Tfh.a c.ti-c j. -ductd. IV'cc, One I). per bo. So-it, oAX by mail, on receipt of an order. Adlr: JAMES S. BUTLER. Xo.Z20 Broad ten y, Xno J orl-, tierenl Ajnt P. S. A box sent t.. any !Jrtss tn rttf.ittf price which is one doiiar--)l frco. Z-lJ" criptiva t'ircuhir t.t on application. EKXIOHS OF YOUTH. A jrenth min who suST red f.r v-Mrs frun X rr.i3f and Uu-nial Uebilirj, Nightly Eiii!!4ion. rd ..1 ft... r...nlt . f i-lii-'iTiiI in I-.- ret:. .a. J' I came near en jin hit days in horelc mi-'-ry, '- for tho s:ik) ef sulfcrinj m in, send to a'l ii' n'"r it.(frce of ch-ire,) tho rt-ida nnd d r enor i It innkin th- himple rem v!y used i;i u' e:i.'c. ." ferer wishing to 1 r lit by t!.c u lvci i-ef rienco.nnd "is-ess i suri and vati-ih'c r. tafl-1'-1 doS.i by '.ilu'r.-tn lilil! at oili-ts t hi-" placo ' f '''' .-ine.-. Tb lit ijican l full ii.r..r:n iti. n- f iinportiiLce will chti rlu'ly mm t l-y in"-'- A1"-'-4 JUIIN 1; Nr. fft Niri'1't..Nl'W I''8- P. S. Nervou huiTeri r.j ef loth ct- this informal ion ii.v.iluallc. x Fa 'A in litJ HEALTH AND BEAUTY chapman's Illctrattd ccirE- A beautiful little work of ili pn. s. tea. ! 'J-',t How to rem. ve Tan. Ireekh. liM i.c: n r.,1 .. !l ! .r.r;t ..r Sj .tlin tll.W I'l - f full trrowth r.f Whikrs- In.W to piodu : 'U1'" ant growth of Hair n the Ha d 11 ..v P...;r. tl.. 1 l..r:rir tho ;:i nil -care ini til. . in., s.-.t,,. i'.'.j v.. - .--- j and beautify tho Hair, remove !u;ua ; curtf Drunkenne.-1, cn'e X:rcni fy h..w to renew yoi.r age, and other u-1-!"1 able inform iti.n. A copy of !: woik wi "" cd free tf ehargo AJJre.- T!iOSF.n! ' ' u- 0 .... 1 91 ! I ; 1 Lil l....u.. .1'.' Do You Wish to tc Cursd Put nt-t the im ned ch ilico to .'3' JVor Veoth will l e tho fa'eoi h ia wh Vf But tak-J the he. ts in frc.-hn-ss fr tn iit '' !' And to iho potent root u"Sta;e will Ji--- 1'i cr. in le?.. tnan thir-y days the wr,r t c-c ot uen, Impotency, Premature Dte-ay. , ni, Insanity, ana i.nnarv, wi'mi j Atfections, no matter Price One Dollar rcr oa receipt of an order. P. S. Descriptive Circular icntfr aK. ir. . i- . w v- non. aare?9 as am i c LOVE AND IJATIIIMON Ladies and gentleman, if ya wi.-h Id "iir7ijgt dress tbe qnJerignel. wno wt.I sena you, money and without price, va'uab'.e uitoimitj' will enable you to marry hi pily nc! 'TZ'a resLective of age, weait n or cenuiy. -- KiT. tioa will cSt you totamg, ana u - ir.;.j- ry. I wiiicneeriui.v a?suii, jou. , , ly'ctnCdenti!. The desired i'?-' return mail, ad no questions asked- A ' ' , SARAH li. L.AAii!'" , vl ;n k-;n-rCo- No ur' Mill Property fcr fcajftrr.5T- : VEUY DEIUA!iLE WATtk.-t'JJ. nrriiT i:i:VF.k'. Atchison CJ"D-J THE MlI.Moa IIIOII CHEEK, Atchison ou' now offered fr talj. -oictsf!"1'1" Tbo mill is too well known io u tint. One run of four foot ' rf nLU . . Bj one t- r.. i . t. r.i tnaniifarturr, ., three and a half fjot common burr t-r J , 'J chinery all new except smutter. y feet diameter ; never All a fi New d: m,Ac..Ac. oiner at ia"'-"' For particulars enquire of G. h',D.BTj.." R. V.Muir at North SStar.Mor b'0!JE1 tS: Muiralso offers his Stsaia Saw li.ii i.- - , Brownville, for sale. Ii. nola-lmpd. AUhison C, Journal, f F? ' box. Sent P'"rr:,'J;.bTBfS .AdJressJAMESS.LlT--1 4 2'J L'r...adw;v. Xe U