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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1866)
Jf . Qtivtvtistv. 'ihik Deeds, Mortgages, Executions, Revering, ' Mniar Lteense. Ac. Ac. Ac. for sale at this Office. 'B. J. 3.' WIIiLIAMS, Wbais tbe autoo Agent In St. Louts for this paper, win attend to m.kiof collection and purchases In that City. 0lce BOWSVILLE, TIIUUSDATi APRIL 26, X8G6. Election Notice There will be an election held on " FriJay, the 27thday of April, lSGS.for " Maall for the City of Brownville. V. W. HACKNEY, :. , - City Clerk. Post Offlcc Hours. Open?, 7.30, a m., closes 9, p. m. Eastern Mail clones ai 5 o'clock, p. m. Northern Mail closes 0:30, p. m. Western Mail closes, Monday,7:30, a.m A. D. Mabsh, P. M. Coal Oil 90 cents per gallon, at SWAN'&'BUO'S. A new lot of Books arid Stationery at the News Depot. '. - ' Coots and Sboes J Forihe bet grr to. HENDERSON &! CO'S. ' i'resh Figs, Raisins and Dried Fruits "fcr sale cheap at Marsh &, Ca'a, Wm. H. McCreery' sto.k of Oil, Leads and Paints will be always kept up. Fresh Mackeral, Codfish and Da if j?alt at Marsh Sc. Co's. Bay your Drugs. Paints, Medicines, etc., at HOLLADAY & CO'S. Choice Refined Coal Oil at 90 cents per gallon at Marh Sc Co, P. O. Build- .lDg. .100 Sacks XXX St. Louis Flcar! Just received, per Steamer Kate Kear. .my. TIIEO. HILL & CO. Fine Rosewood, Walnut and Gilt Pic ture Frames at the News Depot. A Good Brlck-Ilonldcr Wanted. Apply to Wm. A. PolocV, in this City, rerscnaliy or by ;etter, immediately. Splendid assortment of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Fine Cut and Plug, at SWAN & BRO. Call in at the News Depot and take a look at, those splendid Lithographs. Wm. II. McCrcerj, of the City Drug Store, ha? yet large stock of Wall Paper and Window Shades of trery variety, . ILonsc and Lot for Sale, on Alain street, in the City of Brownville, at r largain! Enquire at this office. tf Jam6 Berry has now and will- con 8.aotly keep on hand a felt ttock of just such Dry Goods and Groceries as eTery one needs. Drop in. Mr. Flora intends erecting a large business house in front cf where O'Pelts Saloon tow stands. Quarterlj" Meeting. Services will beheldimhe M. E. Church ncx: Sat urday and Sund.y, April 2S:h and 29th ; C. W.Giddings.P. E. David Haht, P. E. Married. April 20th, ISCG. at the brides fathers, by Rev. D. Hart, Mr. Amos A. M'Ininch, of St. Joseph, and Lfda E. Crow, of this county. For SalC I Eighty Acres of Valua ble Land S. hf. Se. qr,21,6, 14 with in 10 miles of Brownville and near Glen Hock ; water, stone and limber on it. At bargain ! Enquire at this cflice. tf Cigars, Smoking and Chewing Tobac co of the choicest brands will be found t Marsh &. Cj.'s, P. O. Building. Dr. Crane is repairing the tuildmg cc rupied by Theo. Hill & Co., by putting in a heavy stone foundation, on which he .intends erecting a brick building as soon as brick can be had. The work now being done by Messrs. McCreery and Hoadley of setting out Shade Trees on 2d Street, it commenda ble and worthv of immitation. A few hitching posts ought to be set out to save the trees. Farmers, Attention I Evnn wTor thing is Agent for the Quaker Mower, New Ycrk Combined Reaper and Mower Buckeye Cultivator, and Pitt's Buffalo Thrashing Machines. Samples can be feen just below Phil. Deuser'a Variety Store. Springle St McPherson have had late ly the best supply of Xogs, and are turn- ' ing out the best pell as the choicest supply of Flour in the Market. McGee & Co. are still on hand with a large supply o! Dry Go ods and Groce ries, which they sell cheap, and th'nk it no trouble to show ;q customers. Choice Famiiv Groceries iust received and for Eale at low figures, at Marsh &. Co 3. Accident. Quite. a painful, yet not serious, accident, befell A. W. Morgan, of this city, last Tuesday. While he was walking ;cn top of some heavy oak timber, which was stacked up seasoning . tney gave way, precipitating hiin to the ground with them, and in the fall he had bis right thigh broken. Dr. Crane, who is tending on him, is a skillful physician, pronounces the case no! a dangerous ore. Bishop Clarkson's Visitation. Bishop Clarkson, the new Bishop f Ne braska, . will Consecrate St. John's Church, Nemaha City, on Sunday, May 6th, to the Worship of Almighty God, I according to the Rites of the Prctestent Episcopal Church; and will also, admin isier the Apostolic Rite of Confirmation. On Monday evening following he will open, with appropriate services, the new Hall in this City. A collection will be taken up at both places. - Photograph Gallery. For good pictures, ; Photographs or Ambrotypes, call at Ar i M." Stafford's Rooms above the Pu Office. We areprepared to do the best of work in the thortest possible time, and cn as roatouable terms as any in the West. Giretisa call. Examine our work. We insure satisfaction. Wo tale all torts cf pictures, Of every itjlc cf faces, Both Photographs and Ambrotypes, Jn plain or fancy ca les. A. M. STAFFORD, 31-tf Brownville, Ntb. New Advertisement J Look-at 'em, read 'era over carefully. Enough will foumi la interest every one. The notice to "Contractors and Build ers, -vili inter, st a larjre class. The "Nolict" fur a two mill tar vote on the 2nd of June, will interest every tax-payer. We thaJl fpeak mere at lengih hereafter. "Esiabrook's Steel Pens' we can re commend, from an actual trial of their rmrits, as th best Steel Pens we erer used. " OslorrCs Java Coffee" comes highly recommended as being cheaper and pos sessing all the qualities of the best Java Coffee. II. & St. Joe 1!. R. Packet Line. The Steamers composing this line are the Emihe, Denver, Colorado, St. Joseph, J. L. Lacrv and A. Majors. These loaL running in connection with the II. &, St. Joe R. R., afford the only r.ieans of sure connections and a quick trip Eist; and the Railroad having been thorough ly repaired-and new roJiimr-toc;k placed on. t, makes this also the most pleasant and the safest route. The above earned boats have all undergone ihcrough repairs, and hive been fated up and officers with the especial view to the tafety and comfort of passengers. Tiieo. Hill & Co., of this City, are Agents. M. U. Sydenham's Lecture. On ast Monday evening this gentleman de ivered a lecture on "The Saviors of our Country." to a highly gratified audience, n this City. It was in aid of the Lin coln Monument Fund. The Lecture was well sustained throughout. In dis cussion it was clear end pointed ; in man ner, positive and enthusiastic ; in spirit. oyal and philanthropic ; precisely such an effort as fans the flame of liberty and evokes a curse for oppression", and the infamous assumptions of a bloated aris tocracy. This Lecturer does his own thinking with a freedom and boldness that is very refreshing in these days of double-dealing and time-servin. e wish him all that success ta which his moral worth entitles him. A Family. Remedy. "Coe's Cough Balsam."' These have become household Words with very many families, and the merits of tbe article justly and completely entitle it to our confidence and Patronage. The originator does not claim to bu a ph)ician, but has evidently hit upon a prescription that meet3 the wants of a large class of sufferers. Some are testi fying that it has actually cured them of consumption, it is no doubt the comsump tve.s bct friend, while for coughs, hoarseness, and kindred troubles, we think Tt has no equal. We predict for it a world-wide reputation and extensive sale. For sale at Good Samaritan Drugstore Fix up the Puhllc Square. Would it not be well for our City Authorities to fence in the Publjc Square ? Then lay off, cut doyq the brush, trim up what trees it would be desirable to leave, and sow BJue Grass ? This could be done at a moderate expense, and if done, many of our ci'izens would subscribe liberally in the way of planting out shade trees, and assisting in otherwise beautifying an4 making it a pleasant resort during hot summer days. The Square is pleas antly situated, and we hope our Council will take hold of the matter and place it in such a shape that its benefits can be enjoyed. Sterling J. Morton has gone East, doubtless to consult Vallandingharn at tq $e ntit poye to rnike ia Nebraska. - gaTC .QCr soles. - Oae of the greatest bothers in buying goods in most western towns is the fact that one has to rca all over town to get an outfit ; this is net the case in this city as Theo. Hill k Co., have a complete stock of everything that may be called for. FlrC, FIre,--Wa3 the startling cry heard last Tuesday evening in our City for the first time in many months ; tbe cause was a chimney burning cut in the residence Chris. Deuser, on Water street. It was truly refreshing to see the agility with which numerous citizens got over ground ; and the Hook and Ladder Com pany, J. L.- Rcy forman, deserves espe cial commendation. City Council Proceedings. Council met pursuant to ao jourcmett Monday night, April 23d. Present : C. G. Dorsey, Mayor. Aldermen : John Morrison, A. P. CogsweJl, W. W. Hackney, Eli Wilcox, D. Plasters. George StevensMarshall. Moved that Mr. Marlotte be appoint ed City Assessor, to fill the vacancy oc casioned by the resignation of T. C. Hacker. - Moved that tbe Assessor's Bond be fixed at S100. Moved that Mr. Ferguson be employ ed to repair Town-Pump, Moved that the City appropriate $15 for that purpose. Mr. Plasters uras appointed to see that the Pump is repaired. . Moved that the City Marshall be in structed to enforce the Ordinance against the obstruction of Side-Walks ; the Mar shall to give three days police to remove such obstruction, and to remove such ob struction if the notice is not complied with. On motion, Mrs. Gates was exempt from this order. Petition of-John Flora presentented, atking privilege to erect a wooden addi tion 10 his house on Main street;. granted. Geo. W. Hill presented the claims of Mrs. Stout, asking that one-half of a judgment against the City be converted into orders. Mr. Cogswell was appoint ed a committee to make any arrangement he may see proper-in the matter. Moved that the Clerk be ordered to make an eihit it of the Debt and Credit of our City, and report at our next meet ing. Petition presented asking for the en forcement of Sanitary Law, etc; laid over. Abo. petition asking that stores be closed cn Sabbath, the tale of liquor re stricted, etc. ; laid over. , On motion, the Clerk was ordered to Turin slra xo;y-afr.hproceell i ngs bf e ach meeting to the Nebraska AJvcrtiszr for publication. On motion, adjourned laMonday, May 4th. J. B. JOHNSON, Clerk. Fain lew Farmer's CInl). April 4th, 1S66. Club met pursuant to adjournment. President in the chair. Minutes read and approved. A letter from" Edwin Smith, now at Ft. Kearney, was handed invby Mr. Swartz and read. On motion, the Corresponding Secre tary was instructed to answer Mr. Smith's letter and request him to give the Club the prices of produce at Ft. Kearney, weekly, with 'he thanks of the Club for the iast favor. B. F. M'Ininch : A good many of my fruit trees are winter killed; some have stood the past winter, these I think' will do to rely on. The following varieties are nol hurt : Raules Jennet, Winesaps, French Fippin. Carolina Red June, White Winter Pearmain, Northern Spy, Ranibo and Fall Strawberry. Those killed or badly damaged ; Baldwin, Sum mer Quen. Maiden's Blush, Little Red Roma nite, Ronnn Beauty. Geo. Bryant hava twenty-fcur varieties, which have fared as follows: Road IsJacd Greening, Gout of 7 killed; Red Russet, djmmgfcd ; Newtown Pippin damaged ; Maiden 's Blush, killed ; Jen net, damaged ; White, Winter Pearmain, badly damaged j Father Abraham, bad ly damaged ; Timber Living, badly dam aged ; Seadlings. killed. The following trees have stood this winter unhurt J Wagoners, W:inesaps, Fall Jennetts, Pennsylvania Red Streaks, Bellflower. Hocking Red Russet, Rambo, Sweet bough, Astrachan Red, Fall Queen, Golden Pippin, Yellow Bellfbwer, Ro man Beauty. One Pear iree "Fle'mish Beauty," killed. Peaches are all killed. Common Cherry, good.' I woild not recemmend the setting out of any variety of trees that have been winter killed this past winter, D. C. Bryant George Crow and others state that their apples irees are badly hurt, and a great many killed ; do not know the vaiieties damaged.' On motion, the thanks of the Club were unonimously, voted to the A'tbraska Advertiser for the , interest taken in the Fairview Farmer's Club, together with the farming interests generally. Subject for next meeting: Best mode of disposing cf our Corp, and of pur chasing of our goods. On motion adjourned to 1st Friday evening in Mav. " GEO, CROW, Prc?; F. E. All?, Sec. TO CONSUMPTIVE. The adrcrtuer, harin been xciterci to health ia few weeks bj a rery 6iaple renie jj, after liaring fnfftred for eerertl jears with a levrre fanj afTec tion.and that dread disease. Consumption ?s am icus to make known io hi fellow -saSforera the mna cf care. To I1 who desire it, be will fend a copy of the prescription used (fre cf rhre,, with tho direc tion for preparing and uing the iime, whioh tbej will Bad a jure eure fcr Con.-umptionksthma, Bron chitis, Cou?h, Co!d-,aad all Tbroat and Lang Af fection.. Tbe only object of th adrertifer in sen ding tha Prescription is to benefit the aT:cted, ani epread information which be conceives t be inTal nable, and be hopes ercry saSFercr will try bil rom ady, as it will cost them nothing, and mfj prove a ble.-;ioi$ ..... Parties wishing the prescription, rats, by retarn t!ea6 addres Bet. EDWARD A. WILSOJT, Willium'burg, Kings Co.. New York. mam V TO LADIES, imi. FOK females; Are the only and truly tffedice medicine for Females csUut. D cot tri2o with yoar health, aad use cheflp and dangeroo-i raedioine, which drug gists may have bonhf, and will recommend to you, being irornnt cf their quilitici. SIs. V inslow's Mystic are m'ld ia theT operations ; c-onejt al! irrcgu'aritiesand painful menstruation; rnvo all obstruction', whether from cold ct otherwise. No maidiii, wife or mother should be without them. Try them u?e according to direction, and we know the result ill be as deirec. Ask for Mrs. Wins low's Myutu- Pills. Take nne other. Price $2,00 per box , or three boxes for 5 djllarsr For eale by all dru;i?t3. Peter E. Bfcjr, Gea- Agoat, St. March 22d, tyl no 25-1 y GOLD &S1LYEB, FEJ AlICIMi CRISIS - -cosspcl sitotfeft : 'r In the course of Six-Months 250,OOOr 50,000 WORTH OF Watches, Clocks, Chains, Dia mond Kings, Piano,3Ic!o cleons, Sew In? machines, Silver 1Vare,&c. ALL TO BE DISPOSED OF AT Ono 3?ollar 33a.o1x Without regart to value ! And not to be paid for until you know what are to receive. After receiving the article, if it does not please you, you can return it and your mon ey well be re funded. The Ftock Comprises mongt articles, Splendid Clocks, Gold and Silver iratcbes, Kings get with Diamonds, Rabies, Pearls, Garnet and ofher Stones (solitaire and in clusters). Ladies sets of Jewelry, comprising Pins and Ear Kings of thomost fashion able styles, set in Precious Stones of every variety, together with a largo assortment of Gold and En amelled and Pearl Sets Gold Studs ar.l Sleeve Buttons of the beautiful patterns, Gents Bosom and Scarf Pins, and an endless variety of Braceletts, Chains .MusicalBoxes'.Head Drcss.Combs.charms.Ao In consequcnee of the great tagnation of trade in the Manufacturing districts of France and Eng land, a largq quantity of valuablo Jewelry, origin ally intended for the European market, ha3 been sent oS for s.ilo in this country, and must be soi l at any sacrifice? Under these circumstances the -WATCII & GOLD JEWELRY CO." havo resolv ed opon. AN APPORTIONMENT!! 8ulject to the following regulations : Certificates naminj? each article and its VALUE are plaeed in SEALED KNVELOPKS, which are well mixed. One of these Envalope, containing the Cer tificate or Order for some Article, will he delivered at our office, or sent h mail to any address, without regard to cbi'loe, on receipt ot 25 Cents. On receiving l e Certificate the purchaser will tee what Article it draw, and its value, andean then send One Dollar and receive the Article named, or can choose any other one Article on our List of the same va'ne. v SE'D 2ii CENTS FOR A CERTIFICATE. 'In all transactions by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the certificate, paying postage and do- closed when the certiQcateua sent. Fve certificates for $1 , eleven 52 30 for $5, 65 for $10 and 100 for $15. Agents. We want agents in every town and county in the country, and those acting as such j will be allo-vcd ten cents on evory Certificate or dered by them provided their remittence amounts toil. Agents will collect 25 cents lor every cer tificate, and remit loccr.tsto us, either in cash or postage Ftamps, Agents remitting at once $30,will be entitled to a beautiful Silvor Watch, and also 2t0 certificates. riease write your Name. Town, County and' State I'lainly, end address all order to WATCH AND GOLD JEWELRY CO. 38 Liberty St., New York. 10-2 2-6m rd,nn. From WlLTfAMS' ADVERTISING AND PATEN tftr AGENCY, 97 Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo. Every Lady and Gentleman should use roEim' IIAWLEY'S roaro TeethDENTAL CREAM It not only purifies and perfumes the breath ba) re n dors the teeth sound and of a pearly whitenesy and the gums healthy and strong, and is tbe most elegftht and agreeable ot nil toilet appendages. Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents a package aHn 5cnt by mail postage paid by COLLINS BROTd ERS, S. W. Cor. 2d & Vine Streets, St. Louis, llo. on receipt of 35 Jan. 4th 1S85 6m 10-15 J. S. W. o,nn. Lyon's Periodical Drops. THE GREAT FEMALE REME DY FOR IRREGULARITIES. These Drops rc a scientifically compounded fluid preparation, and better than any Pills, Powders, or Nostrums. Beii.g liquid, their action Is direct and positive, rendariB.i4m a reliable, speedy and cer tain srvciflc for the cure ot all obstructions and sup pressions of nature" Their popularity is indicated toj the fact that over 10O ICO bctiles sre annually sold aud consumed by the ladies of the United States, eve ry one of whom po in the utr ingest terms of praise of tbfiir Rreat merit. Tey are rapi-liy latin? the plare of every othe-Female Benieiy, and are ct.nsi'V. ercd by ail b know aucht of them, as the surest, sa fest, and moxt inUl iable prrparatioa in the world, for ths cure of all female complaints, the removal of all obstructions of nature, d the promotion of health regularity and Mrfnp'h. Ksplitit 01-ections statins mben they may be ueri, and unla ning when and why they should nut. norconld not housed without produ cing effects contrary f nature' rjwen. laws, will be found carefully folded around ea b boitle, ' with the written tlsnalure ot Jonx L. Lvos, without which none are Kenuiue.- - . Prepared by Drt JOXIS L. trOV, 105 Chapel Street, New lUvcn.Oonu., who can be ecnsulted either per sonallv. or tv mail, feaclosini stamp ) conernin? all private disease and female weakness. Price $l,5o per bottle. Sold by Druggists eveiywhere C. G. CLAUC it CO., Gen't 'sents for U. S. and Canada -Otlins Pros. St. Louis. Wholesale L'ller, Fixch a Fuller, Cbicaeo. S Agents Decerahar 7th 1865. ly. Io-13 1112 ld.nn, jsw NOTICE. The Creditors of Samuel G. Daily, decsas? 1, will take notice, that the Probate Court cf Nemaha County, Xcbiitska Territory, taa appointed the I2th day of November, . d. 1863, and the 10:hd.iy of Dei-ember, a. d. 1 335 as the times, and the Offico of the Probate Jcdge of said County, in Brownville in sail County, as the place for the hcaiingofall claims against said deceased. Unless the cUims ot crc li tor are presented, to the said Probate Court for allowance upon one of the dars ms&tionedjthey will not be entitled torjmeBt. April 18lh 1SC. CEO. W. FAIRBROTHER, 30 5t Probate Judgo. MASTERS SALE OF LAND. Notice is hereby given that I will offer for ralo at public auctirn, at (he front door cf Hoad ley'n flail in the City of Rrownvilleemaha Coun ty Nebraska, On the 2Sib day of May, A. D- 1S66 at one o'clock p. in. the following real estate, to wit : The North West qiartcr of Section 17 in Town ship 6 North of R4ige 14 East, containing 160 acres situated in the raid County of Nemba. The above will be sold by virtue of a decree and an or dr of faie frenithe chancery of th District Court of Nemaha County .Nebraska Territory, and to mo directed as special Master in the case wherein Henry Uamm on administrator of ths Estate of John B. Laurent is plaintiff and the unknown heirs cf Francis Putignt, Jofpcr A. Ware aEd liarbara A. Synsamire are defendants. Given under wy hand thi 12tb day of April, ISoS. 1K1 O.GL1GOW. ff,nn 235t Saeritfaal S.-lal JJiitor. BSOYNVILXiE ORG AH & HEVETT. Respectfully sinoiuce to the pubtic that they are ra.inufeturisg tbd . LEEPEK & KIDDER BIDIXG PLOW OR CORN CULTIVATOR. ALSO TRENCH PLOWS. We have theexclmive right to th manuf icture and 'Hie of these plows in this Territory and ad joining counties of Missouri, and intend to tnpply all demanda so far as p.acticab!o. - It is conceded by all who have tested ths Leepcr & Kidder Cultivator, that it is superior - to alt others, in tbe following respects i 1st. The plowman can riio easier and pb v with less labor. 2nd. Any person who can drive 4 team can man ge it. 3d. Crooked rown cf corn are plowed as easily and thoroughly as straight ones, the piowcaan sit ting so as to observe the corn, aad tee it the work is well d ,ne. 4th. It is guided bya perfectly natural and easy foot motior, and doos uot cramp or lire the plow man. 5th. The plow, while ia action, is moved with perfect case. 6th. The shovels may bo adjusted t-J any depth, and any desired space between them is e-uily ob tained. 7th. It has adjustable ihields to prevent young corn from being covered. 8th, It is admirably adapted to p'cwingt a small grain. Every cultivator is well made, of good material, and warranted to do good work. We refer to the fallowing nam-d persons, who last year bought and used tbe cultivator manufac tured by Morgan A Mead, ia Atchison couaty, Mis souri, to-wit: A. J. Richardson, Nemaha county, Nebraska. Sedoras, do do do W WTate, T J Robinson, Mr Biggsby, do do do Richardson do do do do do do do do do do do do do do A Snoenheit, Shoemaker A Co do Jesaee Crook do J B Watingly Gage J H Parker, Ato'iison county, Miisouri. John Van Meter do do do M J Porter do A S Campbell do W H Vanlovtn do John Barder do David Bcrtrand do Jacob Jallawcnny do Andrctr Buck do Mr Cristy do W C Morgan do Wm May do W T Robinson do Moses Tibbttts do Stephen Clayton do G W Woolsey do Mr Terrell do Mr McDonald do Mr Burnett do . A Dillman do Mr Turner do MrLacgley do " EoSol jiitclueTdo V J Erne?'. LanskiDg dD May A Lahue do Bcnnet King do P Barnhurst do S C Woods do G W Smith do ' Phillip Walters do HHVanloven do JC Miller r do A Morgan Nodoway O V Ilaler do R B Casey do Mr3 Schuyler do J R Bradford do L A Rogif do T J Rogers do J II Walker do J SBasford do Mr Crocker do J D Enock do M Fisher Uolt John Tidgen do . Wm Hickman do D Thompson do do - do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ' do do do 4o do do " do do do do do do do do do do da . do do da do do d.j do do do do do do do da do da . do do do " CO . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do THE GANG, TRENCH, Have been Designed Especially to Meet tlie TVants ofrarniers. t"One man and four horses can do more Work, and do it better, with this plow, than two men with two disconnected plows. Tho following are sums of the advantages these Plows hivo over others : 1st. They are so arranged that they eanno rite out cf the ground hu striking a sod or hard place, injuring thorough wok. 2nd, They are the lightest draft of any Plow, either r?je or double, nccordi.ig to tbe report cf the Committee of Trial of JuipleiDeuts, at Decatur, III., Se'ptemver, 1S?3. 3d. They are more easily managed ; any stoat boy ten years old caa manage them. 4th. lbey are more compact and ana simple, therefore not to liable to get oat of order. These Hows nave taken rive First Premiums at the Illinois State Fairs, and Four at lovra State Fairs. The Trench Plows are used for breaking Prairio cr Medow land, with a Sod Plow in front, cutting the sod in a thin slice, and turning it down into a deep fcrrow, and the rear plow raising tha sub-soil to the surface, covers tne sod completely, so tnat it is out of the war of after culture. tifW'e will promptly 11 all orders for the above named plows at this place. We are also prepared to do Custom Work in i ood and iron, & oytniog pertaining to us WHEELWRIGHT'S, OB Blacksmith's Business, Pepairicg Wagons, 3lacuinery,Shceto,&c. Prompt attention given to Customers in this line at the boops fronting COGSWELL'S LtTEBY STABLE, x-U ON THE LEVEE. 11 mm m 1 1 f j i r a 0 y d d r rr rw i 1 , ! j.f I I : . t f 1 t I ' : a i 1 It On hand at his Store I$ooas, Wara that can be bought anywhere Ho ha, and wi'I eonstantly keep on hand, a complete assortment of Dry Good, Grocer', Dc-ti at I Shoe, Hats and Caps, Cutlery, Glassware, Queensware, Hardware, Crockery Ware. t7v ij Vi"ar, Willow Ware, and all kinds of ware usually kept ia a first-clas Retail Store, that will wsf al PERILS : LOW TJOWIT FOR CASH ! navinj just boo3Tit cut the entire establishment, it becomes necessary to collect all debts dae:h old linn; to that end I hereby give noti ce that all accounts due the firm of J. Berry A Co., api4 9 J the lrt day of March, IS3J, will bs placed ia tho hands of an officer for Collections. January 1st, 1S63.- . ly - JAMtS i?E.vR1 . Of WHOLES A. X-E DEALERS IN AND ST osepii, Mo. You!d call the attention of DEALER5 o tbeirjmmensestock of Drags and 31edlclne3, School Eook, Patent Medicines, Blnk Dooks, Glass and Glassware, Wrltlns Pperv r Ints nd Oils, - Envelopes, Spices and Dje-stnCs, Coal 011 nd u Pure Wines, Liquors, &c., c, Which were bought for ca.h of Manufacturers, Importers and Publishers, and will be sold at the xsX favorable prices. Buying in largo quantities from first hanis, they aro ,enab!ed to ofcr atra iadoao ments to the trade. They are the North-western Wholesale Agent3of Dr. D. Jayne A Son, and of Dp. J C. Ayre A Co., and can furnish tboir Mcdieines in any qumtities. (10 l-Ij Ma h vv tl ST. JOSEPH, MO. Impbrter7and liblesalbnd'&ctailjDealcr in Iron, STEEL and HEAVY HAEBTvAEIi. ' " Wagon, Carriage, and How Woodworks. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Springs, Axes, Axels, Shovels end Spades,Filei and Rasps, Chains, .Carriage aal.Tire BJts, Xutts ia Washer?,-Nails, Horse nail., Horse A Mule Shoes, Saws, etc. cts. Castings and Hollow Ware, Sugar Kittles Andirons, Skil!et3 andLids, Stew pots. Bake ovens, Fruit kettles and Sad Irons. Blacksmiths' Tools. Anvih, Strcks and Dies, Bellows, Sledge and Hand Ilara. tners, Vises, Pincers, Rasps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyere Irons, Wrenches, Ao. OXj3L"tjB."fcL33.gT QrOOClSr O Yokes, Axle Grease, Ox chains, Wogon Jacks, Ox Shoe nails, Shovels and Pickj,GoId Fans,"t, 7 HuIosj, 3rol3ceEi audi 23oxxt-atxxlT. 1,000 CELEBRATED MOLHSrElPILOWS Just patented, and superior to any yet invented ; and McCormlck's Mowers and Reapers, Kallcrs Horse Corn Planters Sulky Corn Cultivator, Hand Corn Planter, Corn Shellcrs, I'ay Rakes, etc. etoeac. Bujing my goods direct from fue manufacturers, I ciTor great iottticetaen: TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT ConstaWe's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO, THE GREAT FAME which Maguire's Hair Eftlm has acquired In restoring tie natural color, (nottf 'Ins) growth and bealtbr condition of tbe balr, thereby softening and beaatifjiaj it, has reudere? It iaie unprecedented. Bead tbe following from well known ci!izns : Mettrt. Maguire: We bave tested your Invaluable FI AIR. BALf, and it has retorei tbe polorand zrowt of our balr to our entire put in fact ion. and we can cheerfully recommend It to ttQ pubt. (Signed,) I. A. BKNOIST, Banker ; WM R. BABCOCU, Secretary ani Librarian O.' Fallon Pulyte 1 nic Institute; J03. C. BARLOW, Vc. President War Relief Fund Commitie. Prepared only by J. C. MAGUIRE, Chemists and Druirgisu, southwest corner 2nd and OUve Streets, snd Sold by all Druggists Price SI. 00 per Bottle. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, &a, &c, DIAGilUL'S Compound Extract of nL.VC IJL.4rT. VIIIIH OAJI 1AU X lyUn.HI5IIVH. M). IU.H.01D31. a I. IJjtllt . 10. 17- Mestr$. . tr C. MdcUire, Druggitt -Genflemen : TfceAgeoUof tbe Commission bave distrlbated larceH In tho Artsy your fcxtnet of Beuue Flant, the cure to Its excellent qualities, aud tbe success with which u J,G. ToSSaS, Secretary Wettern Sanitary Commission. War fctLiri- .-.g or St. LocisCocxtt, Presi diet's Qrrcz, EJ 5?auer St., I St. aui. Mo., Jmoary 3'.ta. 1S;5. J Sleifrs. J. t- C. Maguire. DrvtjgUtt : We bave cued your Cmnd Jiv tract of Bnne Plant imoc'minr of the soldiers' lami lies re-t-iing Lei e, with the most tbe best Diarrhea Mediciue In use and hope Its u.edical K.T. BROCK. Srary. MAGUIRER'S EXPECTOBANT SYRUP. The Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Btonchitas, Spilling of Blood am ALL DISEASES OF THE LtNGS, Has been use mcstsceces&cl'y and to a great extent In St. Louis and vicinity for more than twrntvyears. and pronounced by all who bare taken it to be the most wcnJerfal remedy for Chst Complaint ever discover ed. It is entirely vegetable, anican be used wtm th utmt aafety. Try It all afii't). MAGUIKE'S ALTERATIVE ELIXER. Mill Cure Scrofula, Rheumatism Neuralgia, Gout, Jllercurtat and Syphiloid Afftctions, Goiirr, Swellings of the Joint?, Caries of the Bona, Ulcers. Cutaneous Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, Enlargements of the. Glands, Constitutional Disorder and all diseases arising from Impurity of the Blood. PrlCC 2 PCT Cottl?. J. & C. MaGTlSK, Chemists and Drsrcists, Sjle Proprietor, St. Lonig, Mi. They are sol i by Druggists everywhere. Jj-6'end Jor one of our Almanacs for further information J Chills and Fever, Bilious and Intermittent Fevo? Dumb Ague, etc., etc. Tv MAGUIRE'S A-OITK MIXTUTE. This iledicine is ncdoubtedly tbe most (Bictuat remedy ever elercdfor the cure of the above coS plainns. It has been thoroughly tested this season, owing to the scarcity of other preparations aid b.-M succeeded in establishing for itself a fair reputation supsrior to that of any Medicine. It hi never beea known to fail and is warranted to cure in evsry Instance. o Medicine has a more powerful effect n tie LlVCr than this, it is a superior Tonic in debility Price 31,50 per bottle. Nov. 30 13'iS ly. ro.nn SPECIAL NOTICE. ! Worthy the attention of both Maxz3 and Fe males, who are. in want of busines. Ths well known Houm of S. M.Ward k Co., Manufacturing Jewelren , 203 Broadway, N. wish to esteblUh an Acexct in every town in the United States, and in c rdcr that the gent can bave a sample to ex hibit to their customers, they will send as a sample on the receipt of $2,C0, a genaiae Gold Pen (war ranted), with SilTer Extension Casoann Pencil, to gether with a Wholesale Circular to Agents, and eleven certificates, or a Sample Certificate for 25 eta. There is no A scat but what can maze eauly $3 a day, and often $13. 23-3m Ayer's Ague Cure. - 1 ---1 !,n : P. j 1 1 O F V ilaln St., EroTinTlHe, SeSKsSa. Ti1 i ""Aisl our dzzLuc of Diarrhea and Dysentery, and their reports te.uf has been usel in tb treatmeiiof thec'atlir.t. atitfctory result. We unhj.,i tatinly recommeoii u aa qua.ities ill toon be more et'rn. tvely known STRANGE, BUT T11UE. Every young lady ana gentleman ia ho United Statos can hear something very much ti their ad vantage by return mail ( free of charge ),by address-r ing the undersigned. Thuse having fears of beinj bumbnged will oblige by sot noticing this card. All orders will please ddtes their oWd im t servant TH03. F. CHAPMAN, S31 2roaiw3y, New Xorx. S- 11. P. 2.l-1y Taken up by tee undersigned liicj (our Soot of Aspinwall, Nemha County, Neorakacn tne IO13 6z? of Decemfcr 1S65, one red and. white Sri Stees with crop o7 t&e ieft ear and aalt crop off the rixht ear supposed 14 it 2 years o!d. i WILLIAM K. LAMBIS7. Oyer's Cathartic' Pills ti' i i i on i IJ