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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1866)
i j r . n ia TAKE CAKE OF YOUR n E0. A. PHINCE & C'OS E. Bt H. T. ANTHC3Y tt C3., ; utfut3itrif Us togrs phis .ITj&jrfai, Ewreoscopes andSteraoicopie VieTi. ' Cf thin a lnifti wrf mwtt, SKladlnff VIEWS 02 IIIS WAS, rH'TTooaAiniic uiaTuav vr TiiaiAT oios co.vtk Verotabb Sicilian 'J ff PAtENT P jrJ r r i Z r t !. I' I :' " . !.i f ' Ay ' ijj ; DR. STRICKLAND'S ' I'cliflucu3 Cough Ealsaxn Is warranted to to tic ca'y prepsrat'on Yn wn to cure Coughs, Colli?, Ilrsene, Artbnj.' Whoop-jig-Coub, Chronic Cocghs, Conumftion. Dron rhiti. nd Croup. Lcir? rrcpartd fie:n Honey and Herbs it is healing, softening , and cxpectora t;B,and particularly suitable for all ouectiom of tee Throat ana. liUEgs. . jeoe sai cy Arugiiw e erwecre. DYSPEPSIA DR. STRICKLAND'S TONIC Is a concentrated preparation of roots and i hcrbj. with entiacids and carminatives to strengthen tbc ttcinach ana nervous tvsteiu. It is a certain remedy for Dyspepsia or jEdiccston, rcrvpuness, .Lobs of App-ite, Ac'.Jity of the Stomach; Flatu- (1 Deliiitr. It is not alcbolic. therefore ttartieular puitei for week. nervous and Dyfpeptio persons. For s:Oe by all Druggists every where at one dollar per bottie. Dr Strickland's Pile Remedy has a red thousands of the worst cases of Ulind ana Bleeding Files. It gives immediate reli?f and ef- . - - f. ; a; wtlr. It is warranted to cure. lr sale by all drujjiau cents per bottle. Myr A ttrcs., Wliolsa.! AgnU, St. Louie, Mo 23 Iy c. R. . v WILLIAM'S Advertising Acenc?, 87 Cnambtr Street, Saint Louis, Mo. Manufacturers Depot No. S3 North 5t Street, cor. St Charles, st tons, no. Here will be found every Tariety of AMERICAN CLOCKS AND CLOCK MATER1ASS, with all the advantages of the Casters market in regard to both 6oleetions and price, fcendfor Illustrated Catalogue. HENRY V. EDES, Proprietor. m. a. m. a. 8. o. no 23-vol 10. b,nn ADMINISTRATORS SALE Notice is hereby given that we will, on the 7th 4ay of April, A. J. ISfid, between the hours of sine o'clock A. M., and live o'clock P.M-, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash upon the premises hereinafter described, and in lots of from ten to twenty acres, the following Real Estate, to-wit : Lots one, two. three and four (1, 2, 3, 4 Uf Section No. Thirty (30) in Township No. Six (6) North, of Range No. Sixteen (18) East (except ten acres off of the cast side of lot 4), Sit uated ob Sonor Island, in Nemaha County, Ne braska Territory ; under and by vKueofan order .of Sale issued by the Trobate Court of Nemaha County. Netraskn-Territory, and to us directed. CHARLTON HALL SYLVESTER HALL, AdmfuistratoH of the Estate of John Hall deceased 24 3t c,nn , . . -. . a JJJ " milfnllnfrril MASTERS SALE Notice is hereby given that I will offei for pale at - public Auction, at the front door of Hoadley'a Hall in the City of Brown ville, in Nemaha County, Ne braska Territory, On the Wlh day af April, A. D. 1S66 at one o'cloek P. of said day, the following real tat TO-wit . th Xnrih -V n --. t -or (Wrthnr o. twoLty-six (28) in Township No. five (5)North of Range No. fourteen East in Nemaha County Ne traska Territory, pursuant to an order of p:i1j is sued by the register in Chancery of the D strict ' Court of Nemaha County Nebraska Territory, and to me directed as Special Mister in a case in raid Court, wherein Isaac Coe is complainant and John O. Aikin, Frederick Swarti, Administrator of ' t.:e ' cf Kcursij-Stephenson deceased Mary . ' S'ii.nS'n idowof Kennedy Stephens n , aud .lohn Frederick Stephenson, Kenedy E. Stephenson Children and heirs at law of Kenedy Stephenson deceased are defendants. Given under my band this the 11th day uf March A.D. 1858. . W. G. GLASGOW, Sheriff and Special Master. 24 4t fi,dn LEGAL NOTICE. John D. nurd and James W. Deputy will take notice that Joshua Deputy has filed his petition ia chancery, in the District Court of the County of Johnson, in the Territory of Nebraska, against them as defendants. The object of said petition is to foreclose a certain deed of trust or mortgage upon the South half of tbo South West quarter of Section No. five in Township No. four North of Ringe No. eleven East of the 6 th principal meridi an, situated in the said County of Johnson, made by said John D. Hurd , July ISih 1859, to the said James W. Deputy as trustee for said Joshua Dep uty in otder to secure the payment of a promissory note made by said John D. Hurd July 18th 1859, for one hundred and twenty-five dollars, with in terest at the rate of five per cnt per month from maturity, in favor cf said Joshua Deputy or bear er, due one year after date thereof. The prayer of said petition is that the said land be sold and the pioceeds thereof be applied in payment of said mm, aud that the defendants be debarred of all right or title to said premises. The said defend ants are required to appear and ansver said peti tion on or before the 30th day of April, 1866. CRANE & THOMAS, Attys. for plaintiff. 25 4t fi,dn. LEGAL JSGT1CE. Julius Tyler and James W. Dp ity will take netice that Joshua Deputy has filed a petition in chanccrj in the District Couat of the County of Pawnee in the Territory of Nebraska, ngainst them as defendants. The object of said petition is to foreclose a certain deed ef trust or mortgage made by the said Julius Tyler July 18th lS59on the North West quarter of section CTentecn in Town . ship two North of Range twelve Last of the 6th Jriccipal meridian, situatod in the said County of awnee.infavcr of the said James W. Deputy, as trustee for the said Joshua Deputy to secure the payment of a promissory note of even date there with made by said Julius Tyler in favor of Joshua Deputy or bearer, for two hundred and forty-five dellars, with interest from maturity the.-eof at the rate of five per cent per month, due one year after date. ' The prayer of said petition in that the said premises be sold and the proceeds be applied in payment of said turn, and. that the defendant be deprived of all right or title to t&e same. De fendants are required to appear aud answer on or before the 30th day of April I6f)6. CRANE & THOMAS, Attys for Plaintiff. 25 4t Cdn f -BLISTERS SALE. Notice is hereby given that I will offer at public auction at the front door of R. B, Presson's Dwell ing, in Tecumsch, Johnson County .Nebraska Terri . tory (that being the place of holding the last term of the District Cotrt for said County,) On the Ulh day of April, A. D. 1S66 at one o'clock P. M., of said day, the following Real Estate to-wit. The South West quarter of Section number twenty-one 21 ia Township cum bor five 5 North of Kacge cumber eleven 11 Ea&t of the Cth principal meridian, situated in Johnson . County .Nebraska Territory, on an order of sale is sued by the Register in Chancery of said Court of Johnson County m favor ef Jasper A. Ware and against Willitiui F. Walker, issued by th District iCourt of Johnson County, and to me directed as fpecial master in Chancery. Given under my hand this fie 12th day March, A. D.1S65 W. A. PRESSOX, Special Master ia Chancory, 25 St ff.nn . . Looli hero Boy3 ! Fu'l izFtracti'r'cs ty which a person can master tbe art ef VcMri'.oquijin in a f w hours. Satisfac tion " pirca tr ujosey refunded ia every caso. Pria by one dollar. Send your money and a'wrll of fun and a fortune. Adire", ;i. A. JAGCJLKS, 15 2r.or.tJiS - Calhoun Ills. rm-, fi WIZARD Till: GREATEST REMEDY EKOTVN TOIt ACHES AND PAINS. Tl.u lDlul'l" iveparatkw only nd s a trial ta iiiu ;Y sf t ;very houat-boW lu the. laud. ;iMttUti me Jneed. wopJerfuL It TOOTHACHE NJEUBALGIA . 15 THRI K KISUTtS. HEADACHE IS IZ5 KI5CTI1. EAR ACHE 15 H MISMTS. . DIPHTHERIA ix rive KI5CTZJ. CRAHP 00LI0 Jtore Throat, nhfumatUra, Lam - , Tt.r.k. Corn. liniilon, Bruiiet, - ScullXa, CiUI) O yl !) - !, It U n pntjxible tiu t tbat every peon U more or U--W li;.l.Ie to i!i.-e, nud injury by ccideDt.and in ucb c- ri-im-dy nK;eai y furthermore a CO 1 tndv It tlse only cue worth bavins, nd the unfit (if H-e mwl'iiueitof fiirprenter importance tliitn the price. JVwnre of clitup niftlicineu. Tiie Uiwetit i rii ol ri'mtxli- re rtwmriljr made of tle poifPKt qmilitv of U-'p. nJ re n,T utterly L, but te pitivi-ly icjurii to Hie Luman vrtiiu TtHiiff.iie lvrr et tt.e lt preiwra t.m. V-o lUMLlN rf VIZARD Oil fiir trill will cinvinro JfU tliat it U Ihr ffretitest llin J.ilUr in Hit tCoWJ. S-LD 1.V ALL DlUUGIbTJ. ritlCE. 50 ami 73 ceute per bottle TrticcUri Jlgmtt Wjtited, ir.nd Ftampfor Circular. J A. HAMLIN & r.RO , Proprietors, j 70 PASDOLra SraitT, Chicago. ! xS-lv-fr,nn Ameria Dodd. P'ff. J Before R. V. Hugos, J V P. of Nemaha County, William Johnson. D'ff.i Nebraska Territory. On the 8th day f February. A. D 1868, aaid Justice issued a& Orlerof Attachment in the above action for the sum of sixty-four dollars and fifty cents. AMfc.KlAUUuu. Brownville, N. T Feb. 12th, 1866. 21-3t-i4n THE WISHING fflCII This ia the only Machine In existence which combines all the requisites of a perfect Washer. It Isa SuueezinK Machine, operated by a balance wheel and crank (geared to run rAree turtu of the cran to one turn of tne nana,) strongly mace, sim pie and easy in ita operation, and not liable to get out of order. It la constructed on etiictly mechanical principles, and solely with a vie to utility and dura billt). During the time the Nonpareil has been In use, since April. 1861. it bas steadily rtowd in public favor. and has demonstrated that, Two-tJiirds the .Labor and Time required m washing: by nana, ana all the Wear and Tear of the garments are Saved by its use. A girl or boy can worr u; ana it may be relied on to cleanse clothing without any as sistance from Lland Rubbing. A liberal discount allowed to dealers. Send for free descriptive Circular to Oakley & Keating, 1S2 Water Street, m NEW YORK CITY. Probate Judge. C OI L E G E. CONDUCTED on the basis of actual business, bv an experienced Accountant and Superior Pen man, whose connection with the most popular Com mercial Colleges ensures thoroughness and reputa tion to every graduate Special instruction given in all styles of Pen manship; speoimens of which may be seen at the College. Full particulars sentto any address. THOMAS J. BRYANT, 52-tf St. Joseph, Mo. ITCH! ITCII! ITCH! Scratch! 8 cratch! Scratch! VHEATON'S OINTMENT will core the Itcn In 48 HOURS ! It cures the Prairie Itch, Wa bash Scratches, Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Erup tions of (he Skin PEICE 50 CENTS. Beware of Lotions and Washes whioh will not remove the disease. By sending 60cts to COLLINS BRO'S, (Agents for the South-West,) S.W Cor. 2d A Tine Streets, St. Louis, Mo., it will be for warded by mail, frfe of Postage, to any part of the country. WEEKS & POTTER, Boston. Mass., Proprietors 51-6m STRAY"- NOTICES STRAY HOGS. Taken up by the undersigned, living near Long's Bridge in Nemaha County, Nebraska, on the 5th day of February,1866 Two spotted nogs crop off the right ear, one white Boar and one spotted Boar with no marks, JJBrowcville March 1st 1866 23 B. L. BAWLDWIX O It nir 5 AXD - !j Taken up by the under engned living near Pent, Xemaha County, Nebraska, en the 3Qth day of January, 1806, one dark bay berse colt, 2 years old; 22-pd J.U.STITES. Taken up by the undersigned on his premises in Lafayette Precinct, Nemaha county, Nebraska, on the 20th day cf Dec. lS85,one light red seer,llne back with a white spot on each hind quarter, head and neck red, three years old. The owner of this property will please call, prove property, pay charges and take it away. JAMES MURPHY. no20-5t p f,da due $1.50. Taken up by the undersigned living one mile above Long's Bridge on the Nemaha, Nemaha county, Neb., on the 20th day of January, 1865, one deep red Steer, white on the belly, droop horns, crop off the right ear, bush of tail white, about three years old last Spring. JOHN SPIDLE. n29-5t duef,nn Taken up by the ocdorsigneJ, livirg one mile above Long s Bridge on the Nemahain Nemaha county, Neb., on the 20th day of January, 1865, One deep red Steer with whitu on the belly, droop horns, bish cf tail white, about three years old last Spring. JOHN SPIDLE. &29-5t-due f,nn Agents Wanted! 010 A DAY EASY MADE $10 By selling Engraving!", Card Photsgraphs and Stationary Our Stationary Psckots excells all oth ers ; each Package contains Pap er. Envelopes, Pens Pencils, A on and jewelry worti a dollar at retail. Price only SO Cents we win send Agents 10$ Stationary Packages and a Silver Watch warth $17 We also publish splendid Sel Enravings and Portraits, Lithograph Prints, tc, rery popular and saleable. Will send a fne assortment of 100 FOB $15,03 that will realize tfty dollars, or s tea dollar lot that will se!I for Thirty Dollars or over. WilJ send a sample lot for Five Dollars that will gelt fof fifteen Dollars. Send Stamp for Catalogue, Terr if, Ac. HASKlKS&CO., Ftb. 4 1S',5 l-y SI Eeekraaa Street, y. T. iraiiT ie mm EACH.' 23 Varieties, with. Pateat Basso Tenuto or OUD i as a. t3"School Organs and Melodcons. Finished la Elcsant Rosewood, Walnut or OalL Cases. No Charge for Bating or Shipping. 2r35,Q00 Now In lTse.2 a-kt tt.t.ttsttiaT'R'D CATAXO QUE. con taining full description of style, and testimonials of the most eminent Musicians, as to the superior excel lence of our instruments win ce aeui iree to any address. THE AUTOMATIC ORGANS. In sreseaiing the Automatic Organ, we boldly an nounce the greatest triumph in musical instruments of the age. During the past half century, the French and Germans have manufactured reed instrument with double bellows, and two pedals for the feet to nnftr&te. btWt the want of the reversed or Exhaustion Bellows, twnicn ts tne oniy oeuowi ueeumvur menu munul. made it Impossible for them to produce the mellow, rich and musical tone for which our lustra- mts are celebrated. .:'. ; : 4 T ' s i nothev objection to this method of Mowing was w , Uk mmt hi4 etjplpd, DO oprortOllItT WAS of- feredfor the managembfcf tne aweil. wltbin the past two years. Instrument constructed on this Euro pean plan of "double bloirorB," hT been manuf ct ured in this country, and to counteract this difficulty (want of a swell) a lever has beea projected from the centre of the instrument, to act upon the swell, and enerated by the knee. The Inconvenlencs and con tor tion necessary to effect this object are disagreeable ennugh to a gentleman, but to a lady the use of such an appendage is nearly impossible. Onr Automatic device obviates this difficulty entire ly, the simple act of blowing with more or less force giving the desired Increase or decrease in the volume of tone. For seventeen yeais the superior excellence of our Sfelodeons has not been questioned, and for two years past the enormous demand has made it impossible for us to meet our orders promptly, wltn our increased facilities, we feel warranted in assuring our patrons that their orders will be promptly met, and solicit coutinuance of their patronage. - GEO. A.; PE1NCK k. CO. Caution to Purchasers. All our instrument have upon the name board, In full. "GKO. A. PEINCK & CO." When a dealer rep- It Is usually a mere attempt to sell an inferior instru meat, os which he can make a large profit. P. S A liberal discount to Churches, Clergymen and Schools. Address, GEO. A. PRINCE, & CO., 89 Wisbington St, Or, Chicago, III. GEO. A. PRINCB & CO.. Buffalo, N. T. May 1st, 1865. no33-v-yly - GREAT IA1PROYE3IEXT sewing machines; EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE ! ! ! Patented February 14th, 1880. SALESR O 0 M 536 BR OAD WA Y, JV, Y. 252 WASHING TON, Si. B OSTOA 1 mmmmm THIS MACHINE is constructed on entirely new principles of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be Simplicity and Perfection Combined. It bas a straight needle, perpendicular action, make the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither RIP or RAVEL, and is alike on both sides ; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather to the finest Naasook Muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thread, from the coarest to the finest number, Having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, ana is t ExnchaticaUr a Noiseless Machine. It requires FIFTY PER CENT less power to drive it than any other Machine in the market. A girl twelve years of age can work it steadily, with out fatliru or injury to health. Its strength and Wonderful Simplicity of con struction renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and is uuakais ilutou by the cempany to give en lire aausiacuon. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to come and examine this Unrivalled Machine. But in a more especial manner do we solicit the patronage or Merchant Tailors, Coach Makers, Hoop Skirt Manufac turers, Shit and boson Mak Coset Make Gaiter Fitters. 8hoe binders. Vest and Pantaloon Xiaiers. era. Dress Makers. eliyious and Charit able Inttitutione Kill be libe rally dealt with. Prices of Machine Complete : No. 1, Family Machine, with Hemmer, Feller and Braider, $60 Ifo. , Small Manulact unng, with Extension Table 75 No. 3, Large Manufacturing, with Extension Table 85 No. 4, Large Manufacturing, for Leather, with Rollinz Foot and Oil Cud 100 One half hour'e instruction ittvficient to enable any . iii- ii ycrmu-H levre ti iuucnme to meir enure eatisfaetion. Agents Wanted for all towns in the United States, where Agents are not already established. Also for Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America, to wpom a liberal discount will be given. . Terms invariably Cash on delivory. T. J. BIcArthnr & Co.. 538 Broadway, New York. A. & Co. 552 Washington, St., Boston 70 Chestnut St., Phila. GEO. FRANZ, Agent, 102K, 4th, St. Louis, Mo. FGb. th 1865, 10 19 ly A A C. . MITTIM HAC11IHN FOR Families and Manufacturers S03IETHIKG KEW AND TAMA BLE FOR FA3XILY USE. WE offer the public the simplest, strongest and best Knitting Machine in the world.. It occupies bat little spaco is portable and can be attached to a stand or table, weighs about 401bs. It will knit a Taricfy of stitches the breakag ox neeaies is trifling tn cost of- ndle ia insig nificant and the most delicate material can be knie pure and spotless, as the needles are not oiled. - Ordersfor Machines may be sent through the American Advertising Agency. - 389 Broadway. U. Y, Send for a Circular. Agents Wanted. DALTON KNITTING MACH. CO., 5-ly ... 537 Broadway, N.Y. & PLANT & BROTHER Established in IS45. Agricultural Machinery, GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, , Eosr, packing &nd PUMPS . RUBBER Sf LEATHER Belting. ' C03I3IISSIOS MERCHANTS, Consignments of Grain, Seed, Tobacco and Cotton respectfully solicted.'- 33i3n of tbo GILT PLOW, $T. LOUIS, MO. 8s4 S eeaUforpcaefor llkstriui Catalogue'. JaauarlSth 186?. 4 months J?-17 do J S W FLUID EXTRACT OF AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE THE H0TTEIIT0T3 Having long used Eor a Variety of Diseases. It was borrowed from those rude practitioners 1y .-. ' THE ' '. ' English and Dutch Physicians, On whose recommendation it was employed in En. rope and has now come into general use. j f - " ' IT IS GIVEN CHIEFLY IN Graiel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, MORBID IRRITATION OF THE BLADDER AND URETHRA FOR FOIALE lYEaKXESS and DEBILITY, For Prolapsus and Bearing Down, of Prolapsns Uteri, Diseases of The Postate" Glasdv, RXTINTION, OR IKCOKTIKIKCB OF UbIXI. And all diseases requiring the aid of a diuretic arising from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation- IT IS RECOMMENDED IN CASES OP YSEPSIA,-' r CHRONIC RHEUMATIsM, Cutaneous Affections and Dropsy, To eura diseases we must bring into action the muscles which are engaged in their various func tions. To neglect them , however slight may be the attack, is sure to affect the boldly health and men tal powers. OTJJt 3fXBSKC AND BLOOD, are supported from those sources. " PERSONS OF EVERY PERIOD OF LIFE From Infancy to Old Age. and in every state of health, are liable to be sub jects of these diseases. The Cause In Many Instances are Unknown Tha patiet has, however, an admirable remedy in HELMD OLD'S Elnid Extract of Suchu Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Editorial, Sept. 15. 1865. HELM B O LD ' Genuine Preparations. His Solid and Fluid Extracts embody the full strength of the ingredients of which they are named. They are left to the inspection "of alL A ready and conclusive lest of their properties will be a "comparison "with those set forth in the United States Dispensatory. These rem edies are prepared by H. T. Helmbold,a druggist of sixteen yeaes' experience in this city, and we believe them to be re liable ; in fact, we have never known an article lacking merit to meet with a permanent- success, and Mr. Helmbold's success is certainly prima facie evidente. His Drug and Chemical Warehouse, in the city of New York, is not excelled, if equaled, by any in the country, and we would advise our readers, when visiting that city, to give him a call, and judge for themselves. lelmb old's Extract of Suchu. HELMKOLD. JOHN F. HORSIS Agent for the abavs Preparations, , BaowNviLLr, Eebkasxa. VcTcnberd. 18C5,ly. 10-tjl-7 en nn. Dutch Gar, PontooaTraias. EasoveT Juaf n Lookout Llcaut&iSt Chickahonia?, . CityToiut.. EashviUe, Petfishurgh, Eelle Plain, Chattanooga, Atlanta, llohiis strawberry Plaim, &c. sc. . Amrlrtl mni Forl?3 CIUm mi LuibcnfM, 7foap, S'atn rr, if., tc AIM, Relinp Stem0, lot ablie or prt. uhDutki Oul C.taiot;!., ui t MOl Is aj JurM, oa nwpl Uaip. - - . v - . . Photographic Albusis. V m lb trt to IntrwIiK. ikf nU th. Vaui State. aal . manofactur. lininaBM quantiii in imi nriatr, nnc ttr Trm fraa tmt f Oar ALBL, 113 bar. to. rrpa tatiH nf biogMpi- in bo-nty aad durability o any otlf. TbdT will )ni mdi by mail, FRt'E,oa recti pt of prica. i""nX ALBOUS MAD TO OBDBK.;Cl The Trade -will find our Alhums tae most ,8a!eahletb.ey can bay. -; CAUD PHOTOG RAPflS. Our Catalnerw n w ambraeM vrar Firm Tiocum dlSjrml nl.j u (tw wiuca UlitMM an coauoaaiiy Uiaj mmi) W kaJ D.iX Aaiw'caaa, Ac, Tit : about l.w M ti-C. l loll LliOtXl tMSiMamn, li. lir.r - oiW Urfiura, 130 DiTuma, t:it:W"He!a, 15 Sy OCcur, US Aothora, 40Artit mSUi-a, Uomaav 1,000 Cupie of Wocka Art, Inrlu.:injr iodjetioa of th. ami r!trUl lfT PaiotiniCa, iutiMa. Aft CtaiJit ait M rarmp of Si. ma. Aa otJmt for Ou. Poim Pirlare from our CataJojaa, will M fillet rmiiit of t SO, aaU ml br luail, . Pht'fT.pba aad oshws nrrf.rinr Q n . flw, Wrt iv.ri.ty-aT percaal. ot taa am-ant ordr. JT Tb pricM ad ualiiy ai mil joua caaatt iU to aaliify i Oct. 26th 1895 10-6-H-o fd,nn. ' 1 3 el i g CO, O CO OS- P5 CO ' 3 Where a choice selection of the lowing article can alway be found, fol- Fine Dress Goods, Consisting of goood beautiful and cheap, Balmoralls Skarts , Nubias, Hoods, Shawls. Ilosiery, Fine and Coarse Shoes Ladies Dress Goods too numerous to mention. Also Gents Fine Hats , any, and erery quality of Boots and Shoes. Collars, line bflirts, Lnder Shirts , Ac, to., Cannot do better than to trade with the undersigned. G.M.HENDERSON. Oct. 25th 1865. 9 26-ly rdnn. WM. HALL fe SON, 543 BROADWAY 1543 JSTEW YORK. AGENTS for the CELEBRATED ZBIFLX Gr O S? Niw -PfliftTit. "i PinTini F Which are creating the greatest sensation in the mu sical world, aud have received the highest testimoni als from all tha Kadiig artists In the country, among whom are : - t S. THALBERG, FRANCIS II. BROWN, L. M GOTTSCHALK, THEODORE EISFFLT, WM.HKNRTFRT, " MAX JtARETZBK, M. STRACKOSCH, WM. MASON. H5RMA0A WOLLENHAUPT. jj The late FAIH of the American Institute, held in New York City, October, 1S3, they were awarded the FIRST PREMIUM GOLD MEDAL ! For the . Best Piano-Fortfi nn TVsrrnhitinri I AGENTS FOR, GEO. A, PJIOCE & CO.'S Melodeons, Automatic and Sclioll ALI, INSTRUMENTS WARRANTED For Ave years Manufacturers and Importers of FLUTES, BANJOS, VIOLINS GUITARS, . VIOLIN STRNG3, ACCORD SONS, ana au kinds of BRASS and other MCSICal Instru ments. Special attention paid o furnishing BBASS Instru- mems ror PUBLISHERS OF SHEET MUSIC. Just published, 'THE VENITE' a naw collec tion of Chants for the Episcopal Service, for opening and closing Voluntaries, Musical Societies,' Classes, and for the Social Circle, by ViaGAL C. TAtlob Price Board. 85 cents. Cloth $1. BASSINFS 20 Melodic Exercises, In form of Solfeggio's for Soprano andMezse Doprano Yokes, intended as studies to acquire the. proper art of singing, by carlo Bassini, author. B&siiu's art of singing, and Baritone. In two books, Price, each $2,60. PIANO-FORTE Calisthenics, A collection of Five Finger, chord, and Scale passages for speedily developing the muscles of the flagsrs.aod acquiring that degree of flexibility, Independence and volubility, which are so indlspensible to a good per formance on the Piano-Forte, by F&aKcis K. Brown Price, $3,o9. New Edition, Pupil's First Primer, by Fbakcis n. Brows, Author of Pride, Minnehaha, & Hesitation Polkas, Ac, Price 60 cents. 'Cast tby Burden on the Lord,' with Sopors no, Contralto or Tenor Solos, and Quartette, adapted fiom Gottschalk, Slumber Sng, by W. K. Bassford. Price35cts. 'A Holy calm, A Peace Divine,' coropinion to 'Sweet Spirit hear my nryr byW. Vincent waiiace. . ..PriceaScts 'Jieru ; My uod, I Long to Know, 161st Dymn, as sung at Grace church, composed by Bralne Walsh Price 35 cts. 'My Bod in Heaven,' words toy Spencer W. . Cone, . Price 35 cts. M.j oui j oruiucrs,- ooug anu tnoru, oy at . Kelier. Price 35 cts 'Oh Write Me a song of my Father Song and chorus, as sung at Wood's Minstre!s, composed br C- Henry Price 35 cts 'A word of thine Ballad by j. J.FJtshugh Price K cts Give me th'se Moonlight Hours,' Duett,for two Sopranos, cr Soprano and Tenor, by 2. A.Parkhurst Price 35 cts Vesper Star,' Duett, for two Sopranos, or Tenrs by J. Daniel Price iO cts j Prayer at sea,' Romance In form of a Noo- turne, by J. de Jaslenske ' Price 60 cts 'Water-Kail, and Sea Breeze.' Gallons, bv Paul Steinnagen Price each 60 cts - - - 'Nordiag Dew,' Lancers, y A. Bernstein Price 40ds Wedding Lance,s,' by Paul Steinnagen Price 40 Its 'Angel, of Dream,' Ballad, by M. Keller price 35 ets 'Love.s Lamltation ballsn by E G B H odder 35 cts Triumphal March,' by Richard Hoffman Price fl.00 'Algerian Polka,' b Mrs. E A Harkhurst Prtc 36 cts 'Evening Shadows,' Nocturne J Fitsasirn 35 cts I'm Longing for thee,' Guards waits, as sang by L'dleParepa, - . : Price 85 ces 4 LIBERAL DISCOUNT givea to the Trade, Churches, Clergymen, Professors an Schools. Ma sic sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the marked price WILLIAM HALL A SON. January 10th 1S68 643 Broadway, New Tork. CASH BARGAINS ! I ! MYERS & JONES, Dealers in MATRASSES, STOVES, uueensware : uiassware. 201 Marliet bet. StlX &Olli Streets, CT T OTTTC1 IVrO O X - S-JJ VJ IO, iyj.Vr. p-CAJjLANDSfJpys.- x-13-bnn-p EailKun, Yorktown, Cettysburgh, TairOaks, ava Station, Frederickshurgh, Fairfax, Richmond, Deep Bottom, Honitors, Fort Morgan, Charleston, Florida, 5 g 1? id -J w ' A3 the name indicates, net cnlj iisnrs the growth of the hair when tlia ad fallia cJ, biiv positiTel renevi the color toys crigbal Tftca it i3 turaiag gjJ or white, wheiVT caused by discase'l-ief cr old age. X f It wiU certaiDy ia what is Jed for it, a fact to whici Vndreds, thousands, wha hate used it, re and billing to tesUfy. Where one VtVi b fairly used, ia any commuaaij, ,ii. . ct'lUJ . like wild fire," arx Lithe test adTerti3a- Tifl Tpeor- enda-r Tre cesire. -in the Eastern StrJs, whereae "BESEWIX originated, s jourg laes naa it aa a Kaii. it i3 fouaoa tha toilet . tables ofioung men, (also atyeir barters), whilejPder men and women Vho desire a Renper and Retloraiioe for theirey locks anf bald heads will not be wrout thi3 Article, whlca gives ia every instate, ea tire setisfactica, ! ' CTJ'TIOIT. Dont lot any druggist or 4oiUer ure upon jrod a difTerent uiicle, u there la no preparation In the world like this, Boware of any article purporting to be tha ame. " Try n.A.LL'3 IIA.TR REiETVXR ccording toTireo tiona.and yo will use no other. If tv4 tol l t druRRtsta In your town, a trial botth : will be ont you by express, upon receipt clone dollar by mail, thua piylng you an opportunity at once of tiJitin it exceliant quahtia. OrCUirs for trwl botilc mast be eddrewed to " C. A.C00S, Gen'I Ag6nt for K-uHstes States, R. P. HALL CO, Proprietor, Nashua, K. n. , Sold at TTnOLESALE, la Chfcago, by FCLLE2, FICH ' A ITLLEK, BUHXIIAS3 k VAX SCHAACE, LORD 4 EMITII, SMITH k DTVTER,- J. II. REED A CO cdas. a. sMmr, Dirrzscn, blocsi a ca, n. ' SCOVIL, TV. D. U1P.R23 k CO, POST k BADSAC, as JrujgUti an4 dealers generally. - 10-11-Sm. fr,nn. . . c. e. A eo. A Reliable Restorative : AND ' PEfiFECT IIAIH CnESSHlG! This admirable preparation is a most efficient remedy for Baldness. It pre vents the hair from falling off or turning gray, and causes it to grow luxuriantly, making it very soft, glossy and beautiful, restoring it to its natural color. It also frees the head from dandruff, and cures all diseases of the scalp. A few appli cations will convince the most skeptical of the truth of the above statements. Should be used by every one who would preserve a beautiful head of Hair. illalSLIil Should be used by every one who would improve the color and texture of their Hair. Should be used by every one who would restore their Hair to more than its origi nal beauty and luxuriance. PRICE $1.50 JPER BOTTLE. ' ' Vt AX UFA CTTJ il EI BY SEWARD z BZIa TLE1T, CaE24ISTS A5D DSUGGI3T3, . ISO Main St.. Buffalo, N. IV Burnliams & Van Schack AND !.. 7 Shores, Dunlap& Co. TFboIesale Agents, Chicago. l0-ll-6m. fr,nn. ' e. e. 4 eo. NOTICE. THE MODEL SEWING MACHINE. (From the New Tork Herald) Prominent among the mechanical triumphs of this most ingenious age, common honesty compels us to no tice the Empire Sewing Machine, commended as Justly strtey perfection itself Useful as have been the va rious sewing machines, from time to time presented to me pnoiic, each one of them has been cursed with some radic 1 1 erect, which Uetrwta from general util ity. warned by the experience of his predecessors, me inventor ot ine rie atacuine has produced an in strument. combining all the advantages for which otners are vaunted, and obviating every defect which can be attributed tuthem by the most fastidious critic. The Kmpire Machine is a marvelous combination of simphciiy, econemy and perfect workshjp, being dura ble, free from liability tj get oat o! order, noiseless ana easy or operation. Its mechanical contrivance Is such as to secure stability, freedom from accident, and accuracy u worKmansnip. Br the use of tha nit. mea tnuiueaoa siraigm needle it makes a stitcb wnicn can neither rip nor ravel while, at the same time, it can operat perfectly upon every species ef material rrom leather to cambrick,with threaps of cot- vou, imeu or sua rrom tue finest to the coarsest num ber. As the Empire Machine is gradually supplanting Its more antiqne rivals, no one in wantf a usefei Instru ment of this discription, be heor shetallor, coachm ke, dressmaker or seamstress, ran do' otherwlsl than secure one of thene econmical and inimitable maobloes suited alike for faml y and manufacturitia Durnoses. me otnee or tne Kmuire Menufacturlna Co. is at No. ooo aroa.jwor. Jnew lorn cur. wherauAhev ara now r n n . . supplying thee Empire Machines at prices far below the real value of the Instrument. New Turk Herald Feb. 6th 16S5 10 19 A 4.C Hannibal & St. Joseph . 7 ' ECu, n . ON MISSOURI RIVER. Tri-week!y Packets (Hannibal anil St. Joserh B. B.Line) Ieaye Opiaha, Council Blajs, Tiatts- mouth, Jiebraska City, Brownvihe and intermedi ate points for St. Joseph, connecting at St Joseph with trains cn Hannibal and St. Joseph R.R., leav ing St Joseph a 11.30 P. M.,arriTin at QUINCY, CHICAGO & ST. LQUIS On ao4ftr May irfth, daily and close Lneo- Uonstrora bt Joseph to Atchison, Weston, Leaves i ttc.,yia naueountry it. tt. ana steamer Emihe I I II 1 I J St. Jo. R. R. Line- Leave St Josenh 5 25 A. M., Leavenworth 8.00 a,., Wyandatte 10 CO a IT.ncU PttaTII 1 XT T awanos & Alt TiliiOUuIt TICXT3 EOS SALE by Porter A Deuel, Oiaaha.D. V. Hitchcock. Coun cil Bluffs, E.C. Lewi3,P!attsmouth, E, . Hawley, ecrasxa Litj. tsvj trougft Uikfiti and Te money. Extensive repairs on the Oanxibal & Sr. Jo- 8FPH Railroad, new iron, ties and additional roll ing stack enable them to offer these important chan ges to facilitate TRAVEL BT THIS BOCTE. L.Yi . SIiad, Genera Superintendent. P. B. Groat. General Tickot Asrcnt. H II. Cocbtsight, GeaT Freight Agent. Hannibal, Mo, Capt. Kefts Ford. Surerintendent Packet Lines , St. Joseph, Mo. THEO. HILL, Ag't, BrowuTiIIe. IZznizzz Celibacy. An Essay of Warning .and instruclicn f YyM. . Arni Abn3M ich means of relief. SentFree cf Charge' in sealed Metier envelops Address, Dr. J. SK.ILLIX UOUOUTON. Howard Association. Phiil!nhla Feca!TE.;. V i .a t T T J f (Successors to HcLanjhlia & a WErcspestfuUanr.ouEce lou Public that fcey.havc nowia store ! New and Large- Stock of ! Aa. XAAla.A,AU JJ. . .(KIEIOCSEIISS AND To which they invite 'the attenti of purchasers. ' i f you' will find the best- ' Sagars, Teas, EIo ana Janccf.- ! re, Pare Ciaer Vinegar izirJ' ( 011 at - V . i ! Canned Fruits in great variety & of the lest quality ; Cahfu j Oysters., Clams, Fra& Mustard, Worcestershire Saucs mi Western Reserve Cheese at SWAN & BROS, .S'.wn and Brother, desire to call particular attention to their large and varied Stock cf Tobacco, consisting- of Natural Leaf and Nectarine and other farorit brand! of Plug Tobacco and best qualities cf Fine cut aad Smoking Tobacco. I Wrought and Cut Nails, of all size, Spades. Shovels. Brooms .Sewing Twice, and Scoop Shovels at . SWAN & BROS. The highest "price paid for Butter, Esss, and country produce ai SWAN & BRO . Consult your interst by exam!;:- ing Swan & Bra's. Goods and prices before buying elsewhere. v-10-n;4 Iy. TO BE SOLD DURIKG i Worth of Merchandise Consisting of uai uuuuu, GROCERIES FURNITURE, CARrETIG, QUEENS WARE TIardware. Culery, WILLOW-WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLAS3WAILE, Jaat received and eyened at THEOD0EE HILL'S Wholesale and Betail Store Eooni oa Maia Street, Bromille,Ne!;nil'J. These Goodj tare been purahated wi:b pecial rlew to satisfying the demands of ket; and at piieei wbkhUI enable ni competition. . , i. (fr Fashionabl and Unfashionable; the Ciia Emijrrant or the Sovereign Squatter, tvi ,k . y his Store the very goods they need. A' ' welltoeall and exminehia U.5. X.La-W JSST200 LIOLIIIB PLOWS-1 PIAITOS! PIAII0S1 i 6350 to 31,400- n. n; saztoii & co. AVE CoD'tnatlyon hand the ..ftbT1 mentof FliwST-CLASS I'Ofjk one House in the West. Thej keep tn iXSTBUUESTrf made by wm. 2J. Bradbur7, Chamcers & OabIr: lTew York Pianoforte CoP,r" Jaraes Vase. Mason IJaplIa's CaSIcet CrP9 $110 to $160 EcS . Spcond-Iiand riaao, 3If ' a a., - Which are sul at Eirpt a. , -ular - Cireular" "mcr" IVrerooms: Cor: Tifti & Vlau Coder Suataera BJ J $y J.S.W 15-5 1 5 I